Knowledge City Region

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  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge City Region


  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge City Region



    Foreword Page1

    Committee List Page 2

    Executive Summary Page 3

    10 Point Plan for 2012: Recommendations Page 4

    Section 1: City Regions: The Seeds of Growth Page 5

    Section 2: Building a Learning Society Page 11

    Section 3: Upgrading the Knowledge Infrastructure Page 17

    Section 4: SMEs and the Knowledge Economy Page 23

    Section 5: Arrival of a Knowledge Capital Page 27

    Conclusion Page 33


    International Examples of PC Incentive Schemes Page 35

    Past Reports and Submissions Page 36

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    In 2008, Dublin is a vibrant, growing city. As our

    capital continues to attract a record number of

    workers and tourists, it is essential that we

    leverage the citys potential by realising our vision

    to transform it into a leading knowledge city

    region. Dublin has enormous potential to

    develop as a city region in which technology and

    science take root, where talent gathers and where

    innovation and creativity occur.

    In 2006, the Knowledge Economy Committee was

    established within the Dublin Chamber of

    Commerce to examine the existing policy

    landscape and to draw up a set of

    recommendations that would ensure that the

    Dublin City Region can compete with other city

    regions across the globe. These recommendations

    are practical and achievable and will ensure thatDublin plays a vital role at a national level to

    stimulate and support Irelands economy.

    We are fortunate that we have attracted

    contributors from the highest levels of education

    and industry who have inputted into the

    development of this report and its

    recommendations. I would like to acknowledge

    the vital role that each member of the Committee

    has played.

    The recommendations outlined in this report will

    give vital momentum to establishing Dublin as a

    world leading knowledge city region. We must

    now call on government, members of industry

    and education, entrepreneurs, small business

    owners and all of the citys inhabitants to

    embrace this change so that the Dublin City

    Region is firmly established on the global map.

    The global knowledge economy is evolvingapace. If Dublin is to stake its claim on this

    economy, strong leadership and conviction are

    needed. It is now a national imperative that we

    take action. Government has a vital role to play in

    shaping our legacy for future generations.

    Martin Murphy


    Digital Prosperity: Understanding the EconomicBenefits of the Information TechnologyRevolution, Atkinson, R. & McKay, A.


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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce2


    Martin Murphy, Hewlett-Packard Ireland Chair

    Des Fahey, Dublin Business Innovation Centre

    Niall Feely, Eircom

    Karen Forte, Allianz

    Catherine Godson, University College Dublin

    Jacqueline Hall, Political Communications

    Trevor Holmes, IntelTerry Landers, Microsoft

    David Lloyd, Trinity College Dublin

    Eva Maguire, Irish Management Institute

    David Martin, Google

    Tom McCarthy, Irish Management Institute

    Brian Norton, Dublin Institute of Technology

    Joyce OConnor, The Digital Hub

    Liam Quirke, Matheson Ormsby Prentice

    Ferdinand von Prondzynsk, Dublin City University

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    This paper, by the Dublin Chamber of

    Commerce, draws together views from business

    and higher education institutions from across the

    Dublin City Region. It presents a case for taking

    prompt action in a number of targeted areas in

    order to allow Dublin, and Ireland, to reap

    rewards from the knowledge economy. Our

    inspiration comes from international best practice

    and is firmly grounded in national policy.

    International experience shows that the

    competition for investment and employment in

    high value added activities is not between

    countries it is between city regions. It also

    demonstrates that future growth growth will be

    based on competition for key knowledge

    workers. The Irish Government has worked hard

    to cultivate a supportive environment wherebusiness and education can combine to maximise

    growth and productivity through development

    and innovation in ICT. To leverage this

    investment, a co-ordinated and concerted plan

    taking on the mantle of the Whitaker Policy

    devised in 1958 is required to attract skilled

    human capital. As our capital city, Dublin must

    take its place at the heart of this strategy.

    Dublin Chamber believes that among Irish cities,

    the Dublin City Region has unique potential, interms of resources, skills, people and

    infrastructure, to develop as a "Knowledge City",

    capable of competing on the global stage. As

    such, it will stimulate national growth and

    demonstrate Irelands commitment and capacity

    to deliver on innovation investment.

    The foundations for a successful Dublin City

    Region have been laid. We need to build on

    these by implementing policies that support the

    attraction of specialised labour and capital to our

    city, and creating an education system that is

    geared towards producing the graduates that are

    central to the successful knowledge economy. Weshould aim to foster a technology literate society

    through both infrastructure and education. We

    also need to look beyond the nuts and bolts, to

    create a full knowledge eco-system that is

    recognised across the world. This means

    developing a strong knowledge brand for the

    Dublin City Region and investing in landmark

    projects that emphasise our commitment to the

    ethos underlying the knowledge economy.

    This paper identifies a number of practicalrecommendations that can be implemented in

    the next four years to maximise return on the

    investment planned by Government. These steps

    will underpin the development of the Dublin City

    Region as a world class centre for knowledge

    activities and will serve to further Irelands

    aspiration to become a leading location for

    innovation investment.1

    Dublin Chamber of Commerce is acutely aware of the importance thattreatment of Intellectual Property has in the location decision for manycompanies. For this reason Dublin Chamber will be publishing a separatereport on this issue in the future.


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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce4

    Developing, attracting and retaining

    entrepreneurial, skilled and creative workforce

    1 Develop short-term programme of

    financial/tax incentives to assist in the

    recruitment and retention of key workers with

    the skill sets essential to developing the

    knowledge economy.

    (Department of Enterprise, Trade andEmployment).

    2 Introduce SME Knowledge Acquisition

    Grants to encourage R&D and expand

    Innovation Voucher Scheme to improve SME

    management capacity through expert

    secondment programme.

    (Department of Enterprise, Trade and

    Employment / Enterprise Ireland).

    3 Encourage tailored and practical training for

    SME managers through the ManagementDevelopment Council.

    (Department of Enterprise, Trade and


    Embedding a next generation IT infrastructure

    4 Introduce VAT-free scheme for purchase of

    PCs to stimulate a technology-literate society.

    (Department of Enterprise, Trade and


    5 Amend the Strategic Infrastructure Act to

    include advanced telecommunications tofacilitate development of next generation

    networks and amend National Building

    Regulations so that new homes are built to be

    "next-generation ready".

    (Department of the Environment, Heritage

    and Local Government).

    6 Complete ICT in Education Strategy and

    begin implementation by 2008, drawing on

    the support of business where it is needed to

    achieve this aim.

    (Department of Education and Science).

    Branding the Greater Dublin Area as a

    knowledge city region7 Introduce WiFi across Dublins public

    transport system to reinforce the knowledge

    brand of the Dublin City Region.

    (Department of Transport / Dublin City


    8 Establish world-class science museum to

    stimulate interest in science and encourage

    international recognition of Dublin as a

    knowledge capital.

    (Department of Education and Science).

    9 Optimise early learning in the child care

    system and up-skill those working in the early

    learning industry.

    (Department of Education and Science).

    10 Move key Government services for business

    to be available online only and implement an

    e-government plan for all Government

    Departments and Local Authorities.

    (Department of the Taoiseach).

    The Dublin Chamber of Commerce will continue

    to bring together business, higher education

    institutions and local government to effectively

    voice the City Regions concerns with regard to

    developing a knowledge economy.

    10 Point Plan for 2012:Recommendations

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    The New Paradigm

    Ireland has recognised that its future lies in the Knowledge

    Economy successfully promoting, embracing and

    exploiting innovation through science and technology. We

    have also realised that the creation of the right conditions

    for the development of this economy cannot be left tochance. If this transformation is to be realised in Ireland, a

    concerted and co-ordinated plan is required to attract

    skilled human capital, foster indigenous talent and create

    effective networks between science, education and

    industry. As our capital city, Dublin will play a pivotal part in

    this transformation.

    The Whitaker policy of 1958 demonstrated Irelands ability

    to perceive a new economic paradigm and develop a

    successful strategy to compete. Fifty years on, the Dublin

    City Region needs to build on the Foreign DirectInvestment that was the result of this strategy and Ireland

    must, once again, demonstrate foresight by creating an

    equivalent enterprise strategy that accounts, not only for

    the global competition in capital, but that also tackles the

    new competitive arena of talented and creative labour.

    City Regions:

    The Seedsof Growth


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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce6

    City Regions:The Seedsof Growth

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    Creating a Knowledge CapitalImagine Dublin 2020presented Dublin Chamber

    of Commerces vision of our city as a knowledge

    capital within Europe; an internationally

    recognised centre of excellence in high-level

    education, an engine of creativity and innovation

    in science and technology and a city-society in

    which technology has taken root and is secondnature. In this vision, knowledge is the source of

    competitiveness and productivity.

    A National Economic GeneratorRapid urbanisation has dramatically increased the

    economic strength and importance of

    metropolitan regions worldwide. While nation

    states determine the broad economic

    environment in which a city operates, decisions

    relating to international investment and jobs are

    increasingly made at the level of competing city

    regions. In 2006, the OECD confirmed this trendand acknowledged that city regions have now

    become the real engines of their national

    economies.2 There is also compelling

    international evidence that clustering is a key

    component of successful knowledge based

    economies. Clustering creates added value

    through the interaction of creative, technologist

    and commercial people who interdependently

    develop next generation products and services.

    This type of dynamic naturally occurs in city


    The Greater Dublin Area is the dominant city

    region of the Irish economy. Among Irish cities,

    the Dublin City Region has the best balance in

    terms of concentration of resources and

    infrastructure to allow it to develop as a

    knowledge city - a place that develops, attracts

    and retains a talented and professional class of

    workers, enjoying an excellent quality of life.

    The logic for developing the Dublin City Region,

    so that it is capable of competing internationally

    within the new knowledge economy, is

    undeniable. At a national level, it will stimulate

    and support Irelands entire economy. As a result,

    it will also serve to accelerate regional growth,

    allowing Irelands other cities to reach their full

    potential. Ultimately, it will provide a road map

    for other regional cities as they reach the critical

    mass needed to compete internationally. There is

    a clear case for Government policy, at both

    regional and local level, to embrace a vision of

    Dublin as a Knowledge City capable of

    competing with other city regions across the


    People FocusIn the new economic paradigm that defines the

    knowledge economy, the City Region mustcompete with other international locations

    through its ability to train, retain and attract

    workers. In order to gain competitive advantage

    and ensure innovation, the Dublin City Region

    must supply the knowledge workers required for

    ongoing collaboration between science and


    The workers who are the linchpin of this

    knowledge economy have been conceived as the

    "creative class", by Richard Florida in Rise of the

    Creative Class. This "creative class" is made up of

    people working in the fields of science, maths,engineering, communications, the arts, design

    and entertainment, and is complemented by a

    broader group of "creative professionals"

    working in knowledge intensive industries

    including business, finance, law, healthcare and

    related fields. They are "creative people who

    "Competitive Cities in the Global Economy",OECD (2006).


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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce8

    prefer places that are diverse, tolerant and open

    to new ideas." The Three Ts are central to

    successfully attracting and retaining these

    workers in any economic region. They are:

    Technology an ability to embrace change

    and new ways of doing things;

    Talent an ability to attract and welcome new

    people and ideas into a location; and

    Tolerance an ability to be non-judgemental

    and open to diverse life style choices that

    these new people may prefer to embrace.

    Culture MattersThe Dublin City Region is in direct competition

    with other major cities as the place where talent

    gathers and innovation occurs. To date, our city

    has been a success as a gateway to Europe; amelting pot, attracting and integrating talent

    from across the globe. However, we cannot

    assume that this will continue to be the case.

    Direct action needs to be taken to ensure that, as

    the city continues to develop economically, it also

    grows as a vibrant cultural, social and educational

    centre in order to attract and build its own

    "creative class". Offering the right working and

    economic environment is only one part of the

    equation necessary to the knowledge economy.

    We must take a strategic approach to ensure that

    our City also offers the cultural, social and

    recreational lifestyle options that position Dublinas an attractive and fulfilling place to live for

    talented knowledge workers.

    Balanced growth of this kind is an integral part of

    the successful city region in the knowledge

    economy. Unless a determined effort is made to

    develop our city in this way, there is a real risk

    that the Dublin City Region may simply attract

    talent in the early stages of its career and that

    this talent will then move on to other, more

    attractive and stimulating cities.

    Good FoundationsThe Irish Government has laid the policyfoundations for a new Irish economy with strategy

    documents such as Ahead of the Curve; Ireland's

    Place in the Global Economy; the Strategy for

    Science, Technology and Innovation; and the

    report of the latest Task Force on Small Business.

    Although these policies are at differing stages of

    implementation, an environment is being created

    where business and education can collaborate

    creatively to move Irish products, processed and

    services up the value added chain. Dublin

    Chamber believes that, in time, Ireland can reap

    the rewards of these policies through higherproductivity, employment and incomes.

    In particular, the Dublin Chamber wishes to

    acknowledge a number of pro-business tax

    fundamentals that the Government has had the

    foresight to introduce. These include Irelands

    corporate tax regime, a low corporate and

    employment tax environment and improvements

    to the Research and Development Tax Credit, the

    Business Expansion Scheme and the Seed

    Capital Schemes.

    The business sector has contributed positively tothis strategic debate. Papers such as Retuning

    the Growth Engine by the American Chamber of

    Commerce of Ireland and A vision for ICT Ireland

    by ICT Ireland also plot a course for Ireland in the

    knowledge economy.

    City Regions:The Seedsof Growth

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    1Developing the DublinCity RegionThe national strategic overview is set. As a result,

    this paper by the Dublin Chamber focuses on a

    number of practical recommendations that will

    advance the development of the Dublin City

    Region within the national framework. These

    recommendations work hand in hand with theDublin Chambers other policy papers,

    particularly on the governance, infrastructural and

    transport needs of the City Region.3 The Dublin

    Chamber represents views from across the

    commercial and education spectrum in the city.

    All believe that these recommendations will lend

    vital momentum to establishing the Dublin City

    Region as a world-leading knowledge city and

    this also offers a real opportunity to fuel growth

    across our national economy. The global

    knowledge economy is evolving apace. If Dublin

    is to stake its claim in this economy, now is the

    time to take action.


    A list of Dublin Chamber of Commerce Reports andSubmission is included at the end of this document.


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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce10

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    Context: Competing to train, retainand attract knowledge workers

    Attracting an international creative class will allow the

    Dublin City Region to develop the foundations of a

    knowledge economy. Yet to be a booming success, Ireland

    will need to inspire and train its own creative class from

    Irelands children. Once inspired, these children will need

    an advanced ICT infrastructure, and the tools to access it, at

    home and at school. Our knowledge economy will require a

    higher education infrastructure geared to foster highly

    skilled, educated and creative knowledge workers, so we

    need to put the basics in place to allow us to create this.

    Building a



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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce12

    Building aLearningSociety

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge City Region


    Graduations data for selected Dublin institutions,classified by type of qualification (Full/Part Time 2004)

    Certificate/ Honours PhD TotalDiploma Degree Masters

    Dublin 2,199 18,564 508 21,271

    Ireland 18,783 36,386 683 55,852



    2.1 Attracting Internationally-Experienced Talent

    The combination of a strong Irish workforce

    coming on line with world class knowledge

    workers will provide the highly educated and

    creative body of labour necessary to maintain the

    knowledge economy. This economy requires a

    robust higher education infrastructure that can

    produce highly skilled, educated and creative

    workers. Recognising this, Irish Higher EducationInstitutions have been set an ambitious goal of

    doubling their annual output of Ph.D.s to meet a

    growing demand. The Dublin City Regions

    position as the centre for learning in Ireland is

    already well established, with three out of four

    Irish Ph.D.s coming from County Dublin alone.

    Note: The following institutions are included in

    the totals for Dublin: DIT, UCD, TCD, DCU, Royal

    College of Surgeons and St Patricks.

    The objective of the Government Strategy for

    Science, Technology and Innovation is to develop

    a sustainable model of research through a

    competitive funding process and a focus on

    increasing production of Ph.D. graduates. These

    are undeniably important elements in achieving a

    sustainable economic model, however Dublin

    Chamber fears that this Strategy will fail unlesssteps are taken to attract new blood to the

    education sector in Ireland.

    Experienced senior researchers - or Principal

    Investigators - who oversee a research team, are

    the essential building block of the Strategy for

    Science, Technology and Innovation. The graph

    below illustrates that Ireland cannot meet the

    demand for people with the necessary skills to

    act as Principal Investigators (PIs). There are

    relatively few people in this country in the age

    groups associated with these senior positions,

    and it is certain that we do not currently have the

    numbers of senior researchers required to deliver

    on the targets for Ph. D.s envisaged in the

    Government Strategy.


    Develop short-term programme offinancial/tax incentives to assist in therecruitment and retention of keyworkers with the skill sets essential todeveloping the knowledge economy.

    Percentage of Population with Third Level

    Education or higher by Age, 2005
















    Source: National Competitiveness Councils

    Annual Competitiveness Report 2007.

    25 - 34

    34 - 44

    45 - 54

    55 - 64

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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce14

    A number of factors also limit the speed at which

    Ireland can build its Ph.D. reserve, while still

    maintaining quality. At present the level of Ph.D.s

    in Ireland is lower than the EU15 average.

    Internationally it is recommended that

    supervisors/PIs have no more than 5 Ph.D.

    students. World class Principal Investigators, who

    have the requisite education and experience, are

    required to train Irish Ph.D.s but, as illustrated,

    these are in short supply locally.

    If we are to increase production of Ph.D.s we

    need a jump start through the repatriation of

    suitably qualified and experienced Irish Ph.D.s

    living abroad. Unfortunately, this has proved

    difficult to date due to differing standards of

    living in Dublin compared to other international

    university towns. Dublin Chamber believes that

    some form of intervention is required to tip the

    balance in favour of Dublin. Without this, the

    International Case Study:The Netherlands

    The Dutch Government has focused on improving

    the attractiveness of the country by allowing an

    employer to pay international employees 30% of

    their salary as a tax free allowance. This 30% ruling

    applies to international employees with a specific

    expertise that is scarce or absent in the job market

    in the Netherlands. To qualify for the scheme

    employees must demonstrate compliance with a

    variety of requirements, including level of

    education, relevant work experience and

    consistency of remuneration with prior employment

    (pre-30% allowance). The categories of business

    that this applies to are based on the importance

    which specialised knowledge has to the role.

    difficulty in recruiting internationally experienced

    PIs cannot be tackled and our ability to increase

    the number of Irish Ph.D.s will be restricted.

    Experience abroad gives us some insight into

    mechanisms that can be used to attract essential,

    skilled workers where a shortfall exists. The

    example of the Netherlands is typical.

    The Dublin Chamber advises that a short-term

    programme, similar to that of the Netherlands,

    should be developed to assist in the attraction

    and retention of key knowledge workers in

    Ireland. Some form of financial or tax incentive

    can be effectively used to bridge the gap

    between Dublin and other university towns of

    international standing, thus addressing the

    shortfall in essential knowledge workers, such as

    Principal Investigators.

    Building aLearningSociety

    ICT competence from an early age is a critical

    building block in a knowledge society, however in

    Ireland there is a deficit of basic IT skills across

    the general labour force. Dublin Chamber

    believes that every school leaver today should

    have a defined ICT skill set, in the way previous

    generations had the three Rs as a rite of

    passage. The ICT strategy in education provides

    a welcome road-map to take Ireland in this

    2.2 ICT Skills as the new three Rs


    Prompt completion and initialimplementation of the ICT inEducation Strategy by 2008, drawingon the support of business where it isneeded to achieve this aim

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    2direction. If this strategy is to make a meaningful

    impact, it also requires a detailed plan for action

    with specific tasks, targets and timeframes, clear

    responsibilities and a definite commitment of

    resources from current spending plans.

    Primary and secondary education facilities

    provide students with the necessary learning skills

    to reach their full capacity at third-level. Ireland

    has seen an encouraging increase in secondary

    school participation rates. Provisional data for

    2005 indicates a participation rate of 86%, which

    surpasses the Lisbon Agendas target of 85%.

    However, in the crucial area of scientific and

    mathematical ability, Irish 15 year olds were found

    to be below the OECD average in 2003. While

    more recent figures show some improvement (to

    marginally above average/average) in science

    there has been no movement in Irelands maths

    ranking. Equally worrying is the fact that there

    were over 9 students to every computer in Irishschools, according to the EUs Benchmarking

    Access and Use of ICT in European Schools 2006.

    These are not the statistics on which a successful

    knowledge eco-system can be built.

    If we are to collectively sustain the type of

    competitive economy desired, Dublin Chamber

    believes that ICT skills need to be more ingrained

    in the secondary and primary education

    curriculum. Dublin Chamber strongly advocate

    that some form of IT skills requirement be

    introduced to the curriculum across the schools

    system and that these skills should be subject toformal examination and accreditation.

    Business is more than willing to play its role in

    this area. Member companies of the Dublin

    Chamber are already committed to pro-bono

    support of IT in the learning environment.

    However, such involvement can never be a

    substitute for the leadership, direction and


    continuous investment in ICT that can only come

    from Government. If Government demonstrates

    this leadership, businesses will enthusiastically


    Dublin Chamber believes that there is an urgent

    need for the Government to complete the ICT in

    education strategy and that this should be tightly

    coupled with an action plan for speedy execution

    beginning in 2008. Business can make a positive

    contribution towards achievement of these goals

    and this support can be easily harnessed and

    mobilised, probably through the establishment of

    an Advisory Structure to assist in the planning

    and execution process of the strategy. With the

    strategy and process in place, Dublin Chamber

    recommends that pilot projects be launched for

    the start of 2008/2009 school year.

    Child development studies have shown that from

    the first days of life children begin to take in and

    react to their surroundings, developing the

    learning skills of a life time. Recognising this,

    many countries make a concerted effort to mergethe two tracks of child care and early education,

    in an effort foster early childhood development.

    In Ireland the two tracks of education and child

    care have continued to develop separately. The

    National Economic Social Forums report on Early

    Childhood Care and Education estimated that for

    every Euro invested in early childhood care and

    2.3 Early Embedding of

    Learning Skills


    Optimise early learning in the childcare system and up-skilling thoseworking in the early learning industry

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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce16

    education in Ireland, a return of7.10 can be

    expected.4 The report also highlighted

    weaknesses in national early childhood policies:

    several Government departments share

    responsibility for policies affecting young

    children; the sector is weakly regulated; and child

    care is conceived not as a learning opportunity

    but mainly as a child minding service for working


    As the number of working parents increase and

    the issue of childcare moves up the social and

    political agenda in Ireland, this is a time of

    unique opportunity to foster a learning ethos in

    our child care system. Priority should be given to

    integrating the two tracks of child care and early

    education and, in the process, up-skilling the

    education levels of those working in early

    learning industry.

    Building aLearningSociety

    "Early Childhood Care and Education",NESF, Report 31 (July 2005).


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    Context: ICT as aPlatform for Growth

    In the new global economy, ICT is the major enabler, not

    just of improved quality of life, but also of economic

    growth. The gains from ICT will be felt beyond the confines

    of the ICT industry. They also benefit other knowledge

    intensive industries - financial services, pharmaceutical,

    digital media, bioscience areas that have been

    traditionally strong for Ireland and are earmarked as vital to

    future national growth.

    The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation,

    notes that ICT hugely impacts in five key areas:

    productivity, employment, more efficient markets, higher

    quality goods and services, and innovation of products and

    services.5 Timely recognition of this fact has inspired the

    Governments investment programme through the National

    Development Plan (NDP) and other mechanisms.

    The Small Business Forum has called for continued

    investment in next-generation networks and services, and

    online public services. If the Government is to maximise

    return on its proposed investment in ICT it must create a

    technology literate society. The first step in creating a

    strong ICT foundation for the Dublin City Region is PC

    penetration. This is followed by high speed access to the

    internet and the promotion of the use of online services.

    Upgrading the


    Digital Prosperity: Understanding the EconomicBenefits of the Information TechnologyRevolution, Atkinson, R. & McKay, A.



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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce18

    Upgrading theKnowledgeInfrastructure

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    3.1 PC Penetration

    As a technological society, Ireland lags behind

    other OECD countries. Ireland ranked only 21st in

    the World Economic Forum's Global Information

    Technology Ranking 2006/2007, while Denmark,

    Sweden and Singapore filled the top ranks. The

    CSO estimated that 58.5% of all households in

    Ireland had a home computer in 2006, an

    improvement of only 3.5% from 2005. These

    figures expose a real weakness when compared

    with those for Sweden where penetration is at

    82%, or Denmark where it is 84%.

    The knowledge economy requires a culture

    where ICT is second nature to society. To

    encourage this, Dublin Chamber believes that the

    Irish Government should put in place a PC

    penetration scheme. Here we can draw from the

    experience of other European countries including

    Sweden, Belgium, Italy and Portugal, where

    schemes have succeeded in increasing PC usage

    and penetration.

    Given the technology gap at grass-roots level

    between Ireland and many of our European

    neighbours, the case for a VAT-free PC scheme

    for employees is very strong. If we are to meet

    the goals of improved competitiveness through

    increased productivity and innovation, we must

    ensure that the nation has IT-active generations

    that diffuse IT skills throughout the economy to

    family, friends and the workplace.

    Dublin Chamber recommends the introduction of

    a scheme for a minimum twelve month duration

    that is simple and inexpensive to administer.

    Whilst this scheme shall require some co-

    ordination between Revenue, the Department of

    Finance and employers, the long term benefits todigital adoption and penetration in the country

    shall be significant.


    Introduce VAT-free scheme forthe purchase of PCs to stimulate a

    technology-literate society

    International Case Study:PC Penetration


    Home PC penetration in Sweden was

    increased from 40% to 80% as a resultof a pioneering Government scheme

    which allowed employees to purchase

    a PC VAT-free.


    The Italian government has implemented

    a scheme for students where a 100 voucher

    for a computer skills course accompanied a

    175 grant towards buying a computer

    improving both penetration and usage.

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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce20

    Broadband penetration rates in 2006

    Percentage of household ( = 2003)

    Broadband penetration rates in 2006

    Percentage of Enterprises ( = 2003)

    Source: National Competitiveness Councils

    Annual Competitiveness Report 2007.

    Upgrading theKnowledgeInfrastructure












































    Findings based upon CSO Census 2006 and ComReg(Quarterly Key Data - Document No: 07/67).

    ComReg, Quarterly Key Data - Document No: 07/67..



    Improving PC penetration alone will not create the

    technology literate society we need. Additional

    measures are also required to improve the take-up

    of broadband and the use of online services.

    In Ireland, four out of every five homes with

    computers are connected to the internet.6 Despite

    this Ireland ranked an embarrassing 16th out of the

    EU25 for broadband penetration, surpassing only

    Greece out of the EU15.7

    Significantly, this rankinghas not improved since 2003. The findings of the

    2006 Census highlighted that Ir ish households are

    still less likely to have internet access than their EU

    counterparts, and remain among the lowest

    household users of broadband in the EU.

    3.2 Strategic Importance ofICT Infrastructure


    Amend the Strategic Infrastructure Actto include advanced

    telecommunications to facilitatedevelopment of next generation

    Irelands telecommunications network is currently

    reliant on an outdated copper wire system. Bandwidth-

    intensive next generation applications such as

    Interactive TV, HDTV, and location-based services will

    require a network that can accommodate speeds of

    between 50Mb/s and 1Gb/s. This cannot be delivered

    through our copper wire system. Without higher

    speeds Ireland will not be able to meet the needs of

    business and will never be seen as a serious contender

    for knowledge intensive industries.

    Ireland is already losing valuable time and lagging

    behind competitors like Singapore, Korea, theNetherlands, the UK, Germany and Sweden who are

    investing significantly in next generation networks. It is

    acknowledged that the laying of fibre optic cable -

    which is the backbone of next generation networks - is

    extremely expensive.8 In particular, the current

    piecemeal approach being taken to upgrade Dublins

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    3telecommunication network is costly and will

    leave Dublin in a position where it is, quite

    simply, unable to compete against other

    international locations.

    In the NDP the Government recognises that

    advanced broadband telecommunications is a

    necessary key infrastructure for gateways and

    hubs. The National Spatial Strategy has set a

    medium term target of "broadband speeds of 5

    megabits per second to the home and more than

    that for business". If the Government is

    committed to these goals, it is imperative that

    Strategic Infrastructure Act is amended to include

    advanced telecommunications. This will reduce

    the huge cost for companies wishing to invest

    and the time it takes for the major trenching work

    that is associated with its installation. Crucially, as

    other economies forge ahead in developing next

    generation networks, Ireland cannot afford to risk

    the kind of delays that have fraught thedevelopment of infrastructure here in the past.

    This action will make a bold statement about the

    value that this country puts on developing next

    generation networks showing serious intent

    behind what are otherwise dismissed as empty

    aspirations. Dublin Chamber believes that by

    amending the Strategic Infrastructure Act to

    include advanced telecommunications it would

    engender the certainty that investors require and

    position the Dublin City Region to compete with

    other city regions worldwide.


    A report by Enders Analysis estimated that the priceof fibre-to-the-home for the UK was 1000 perhousehold, 70% of this cost was on the associatedcivil engineering work associated with the digging of

    the trench.


    When fibre motorways are made available,

    provision must also be made so that homes can

    access this service. Ideally, room for next

    generation networks should be put in place while

    houses are under construction. Given the rate at

    which housing stock has grown in Dublin, we

    have missed an incredible opportunity to plan for

    the future by catering for high speed and quality

    connectivity. In the future, Dublin Chamber

    believes that no new dwelling should be built in

    the Dublin City Region without the necessary

    capability in place for upgrading the

    telecommunication network.

    In the long-term this should be a requirement of

    National Building Regulations, however given the

    pace of development, an immediate, interim

    measure is also advisable. As a result, Dublin

    Chamber proposes that this requirement is

    embedded into Dublin City Councils and other

    Greater Dublin Area local authorities

    development plans. This would make it aprerequisite for all new dwellings in the Region,

    as part of the normal course of planning


    The marginal cost of laying down this fibre now

    would be of a significantly lower order of

    magnitude than the cost of retrofitting it and it

    3.3 Fibre Ready Homes


    Amend National Building Regulations,and the Dublin City Council

    Development Plan so that new homesare built to be "next-generationready"

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    International Case Study:Denmark

    Legislation was implemented in Denmark in 2004

    which required the entire public sector to move to

    electronic invoicing. It was estimated that the

    Danish public sector made 18 million invoice

    transactions to other public authorities annually.

    With 10 minutes being saved in the handling of

    each invoice when received electronically, it

    was estimated that total savings of94 million

    were achieved. Furthermore, when the Danish

    Government fully implements the system to

    facilitate automatic matching between orders

    and invoices, it is conservatively estimated

    that the total savings will increase to160 million annually.

    Dublin Chamber of Commerce22

    will greatly improve the commercial case for fibre

    being rolled out across Dublin. Dublin Chamber

    understands that such a proposal has been

    included in a recent consultation paper on

    apartment living in the city by Dublin City

    Council. Dublin Chamber warmly welcomes this

    proposal and believes that it should be extended

    to all new housing without delay.

    The performance of Irish firms in ICT integration

    has been poor to date. This means that Irish

    business is failing to translate improved technology

    into increased productivity. The 2006 InformationSociety and Telecommunications report prepared

    by the CSO, remarked that only 19% of Irish

    enterprises reported having a written ICT strategy.

    Failure by the vast majority of Irish companies to

    integrate existing technologies into their day-to-

    day activities is a major concern for future

    competitiveness and acts against creating the

    necessary sea-change in business culture that is the

    basis of a knowledge society. In view of this,

    Government should seek to pro-actively lead

    business towards integrating ICT more fully into

    their day to day functions for example by movingbusiness services online.

    Dublin Chamber believes that the Revenue

    Commissions early success with Revenue Online

    indicates that it is possible to move a number of

    key Government services for business to be

    available online ONLY. To do so successfully,

    customer-focus and user-friendly process and

    interfaces must underpin all elements of design. This is

    what sets Revenue Online apart from other less popular e-

    Government initiatives. This has also clearly worked in the

    private sector where, for example, such a move has not

    hindered the sale of airline tickets. The Danish Government

    has also shown how an excellent regulatory environment

    and clear government leadership on ICT, coupled with high

    PC and broadband penetration and usage, can result in a

    winning strategy for competitiveness, through increased

    cost saving and efficiencies.

    Upgrading theKnowledgeInfrastructure

    3.4 Migrate Government Services toBusiness Online ONLY


    Move key government services forbusiness to online only

    Public Services Available Online 2006

    ( = 2003)
























    Source: National Competitiveness Councils

    Annual Competitiveness Report 2007.

    Upgrading theKnowledgeInfrastructure

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    Context: Innovation andR&D by SMEs

    SMEs are an important sector in Ireland and have a vital

    role to play in copper-fastening the knowledge economy

    here. Over 97% of businesses operating in Ireland employ

    less than 50 people. More than half of the private sector

    workforce is employed in what are defined as small

    organisations. Many of these organisations form an

    essential part of the supply chain for larger firms or play an

    important role in delivering domestic services. Yet the

    productivity of Irish SMEs is low in comparison with similar-

    sized companies in other countries.

    National public policy and industry papers universally point

    to the role that indigenous companies and SMEs must play

    in contributing to innovation and growth. If they are to rise

    to this challenge every effort must be made to increase the

    R&D intensity, and innovation levels, of Irish-owned firms.

    The current level of R&D activity and R&D spending within

    indigenous firms in Ireland is also amongst the lowest in

    the OECD. Two-thirds of R&D spending in Ireland is

    performed by multinational corporations. Dublin Chamber

    believes that incentives aimed at introducing SMEs to R&D

    and its benefits can sow the seeds for further expansion of

    indigenous SMEs into this area.

    SMEs and the



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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce24

    SMEs and theKnowledge Economy

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    Dublin Chamber fully supports the

    recommendations of the Small Business Forum

    that Innovation Vouchers and Knowledge

    Acquisition Grants be made available to small

    business. Dublin Chamber believes that these are

    practical, targeted initiatives that will create

    momentum in the adoption of R&D by the SME


    The Innovation Voucher, which allows small

    businesses to access research expertise valued at5,000 from third-level institutions, was

    introduced on a pilot basis by Enterprise Ireland

    in 2007.9 The voucher system encourages SMEs

    to explore the opportunities available through

    R&D and facilitates knowledge transfer from

    third-level institutions. A meaningful assessment

    of the success of this initiative will only be

    possible after the pilot has been evaluated, but it

    is clearly a step in the right direction. Dublin

    Chamber suggests that extending the voucher

    scheme beyond third level institutions, to City

    and County Enterprise Boards and Business

    Innovation Centres, would improve theeffectiveness of the scheme. This would also

    allow small business to fully realise the benefits of

    business development advice in the subject of

    commercialisation of R&D, an area in which

    Ireland is seeking to develop its capacity.

    The Small Business Forum also recommended

    the introduction of Knowledge Acquisition


    Grants in order to develop the innovation capability

    and absorptive capacity of small companies through

    supporting such activities as R&D planning/training,

    consultancy, or market research. While care must be

    taken to ensure that these grants complement existing

    Enterprise Ireland schemes, there are undoubtedly a

    number of areas that can be addressed. One of the

    new supports being examined is an R&D Stimulation

    Grant, to encourage companies that have not carried

    out R&D in the past (or which have done so on a

    sporadic basis) to develop sustainable R&D activity.

    Once again, Dublin Chamber would strongly support

    an initiative of this nature as Dublin Chamber believes

    it will make a discernable contribution to developing

    innovation among SMEs in the Dublin City Region.

    It is essential that Ireland creates a better match

    between the demand and supply of training for

    small business owner/managers, in terms of content

    and delivery mechanisms, if our SMEs are going to

    be able to compete at an international level. In this

    context, the establishment of the Management

    Development Council by the Department ofEnterprise, Trade and Employment is extremely


    It is our hope that the Council can successfully

    address the existing gap between the services of

    education providers and the needs of small

    business. On one hand, SMEs generally find that the

    more tailored the training, the greater the return.

    On the other hand, education providers tend to

    find the costs of tailoring courses prohibitive and

    favour providing more generic training.

    4.1 Building R&D Experienceof Small Business

    Second Progress Report on Implementation of theRecommendations of the Report of the SmallBusiness


    4.2 Educating Owner/Managersof SMEs


    Expand Innovation Voucher Schemeand introduce KnowledgeAcquisition Grants


    Encourage tailored training for SMEmanagers and improve managementcapacity through expert secondmentprogramme

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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce26

    Dublin Chamber believes that the Management

    Development Council can play a role in

    encouraging the market to provide more

    practical, tailored courses for business

    owner/managers. Specifically, an accessible,

    relevant and affordable mechanism to match

    groups of companies with similar interests and

    requiring similar training would go some way to

    stimulating education providers to meet these

    specific needs.

    SME owner/managers tend to focus more on

    resolving day-to-day problems and less on their

    long-term development and strategy due to time

    and manpower constraints. In order to open their

    eyes to the value of improving management

    capacity, Dublin Chamber recommends

    development of a scheme whereby individuals

    with relevant industry knowledge and managerial

    experience may be seconded to SMEs for a

    period of up to three years. Their role would beto impart soft, tacit knowledge thus increasing

    the management capacity of the host company,

    without impacting on the time and resources of

    the owner/manager.

    For this programme to be successful,

    Government must ensure that Enterprise Ireland

    and other relevant agencies have the necessary

    skills and resources to offer this service to SMEs.

    When combined as an integrated package Dublin

    Chamber believes that an expanded Innovation

    Voucher Scheme, the provision of Knowledge

    Acquisition Grants and the secondment ofmanagerial experts to SMEs would boost both

    R&D capacity and management capability. Over-

    time these initiatives will work to create a culture

    within this sector where these elements are

    considered a prerequisite for any successful SME.

    Small Businessand the KnowledgeEconomy

    SMEs and theKnowledge Economy

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    Context: Promoting DublinsKnowledge Eco-System

    Dublin Chamber is optimistic that the current NDP can

    begin to address the Dublin City Regions infrastructure

    concerns in the areas of transport, education and business

    development.10 If implemented swiftly, the NDP will go a

    long way to addressing quality of life issues that might

    otherwise hinder the attraction of high value-added

    knowledge workers to the City. However infrastructure

    alone is not enough. To compete internationally as a

    knowledge region, Dublin also needs to create momentum

    and energy in social and cultural spheres that gel with the

    knowledge economy we need to create a more rounded

    "knowledge eco-system".

    Many elements of a knowledge eco-system are less

    tangible than the nuts and bolts of infrastructure and yet

    they are just as necessary to attracting and retaining the

    labour force required to grow our economy. This is about

    extending innovation and creativity beyond the workplace

    and exciting people about their city. The Dublin City

    Region must build on its growing reputation as a "melting

    pot" and gateway to Europe for knowledge based

    companies by showcasing creativity and imagination and

    at the same time reinforcing its commitment to the

    knowledge economy. The Dublin Chamber believes that a

    number of practical changes can serve as catalysts or

    tipping points to further the development and reputation

    of Dublins knowledge eco-system.

    Arrival of a



    Dublin Chamber addressed the issue ofKnowledge Economy Infrastructure in its July 2006Submission to the Department of Finance on the

    National Development Plan 2007-2013.


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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce28

    Arrival of aKnowledgeCapital

    Upgrading theKnowledgeInfrastructure

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    City Region wide WiFi connectivity, although

    relatively easy to put in place, faces several major

    challenges, including a workable business model,

    high maintenance costs and ensuring a critical

    mass of users. While many cities and towns have

    considered rolling out city-wide wireless

    connectivity, there are limited examples of a city

    implementing this across its public transport

    network. Nonetheless, templates do exist on a

    one-off basis within private environments for

    example company commuter buses.

    Dublin Chamber believes that the Dublin CityRegion can steal the limelight in this area by

    providing wireless access across the Citys public

    transport network - on the DART, commuter

    trains and/or Dublin Bus. A number of practical

    issues must be considered - for example, to

    encourage use, access should be free (possibly

    subsidised by on-line advertising streaming into

    the bus/train) or charges kept to a minimum (e.g.

    included in purchase price of transport ticket).

    However the initiative would have positive side

    effects in encouraging commuters to switch to

    public transport and increasing Dublin

    commuters productivity.

    Most importantly, this would be a significant

    statement of intent for the Dublin City Region. It

    will increase the cohesion to our knowledge eco-

    system and act as an innovative, flagship initiative

    positioning Dublin as a global leader.

    One of the challenges that we face in building a

    knowledge economy in Dublin is the decline in

    graduates taking science and technical subjects.

    There is an urgent need to capture students

    imagination and stimulate an interest in science-

    based subjects early in their lives.

    Positive moves have been made to develop

    interactive museums in Dublin, as in other cities

    across the world for example, the proposed

    Science Gallery and the Exploration Station at

    Heuston Gate (as outlined below). Nonetheless the

    absence of a world-class Science Museum in Dublinis a glaring gap in this landscape.

    5.1 WiFi in Public Transport 5.2 Science Museum

    Science Gallery

    The Science Gallery, located in a new building on Pearse

    Street in the heart of the capital, will be a place "where

    ideas meet", bringing together the business, research,

    student and policy communities, with a core audience of

    young adults (15-25) making decisions about future careers

    Activities will include exhibitions, festivals, workshops and

    events on major interdisciplinary themes from The Futureof Food to The Science of Attraction.

    Projects Underway



    Introduce WiFi across Dublins publictransport system


    Establish world-class science museumand reform funding for science facilities


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    Exploration Station

    The Exploration Station will be Irelands

    first interactive science centre for young

    people (5-17), families, teachers and

    tourists. From its Heuston Gate location,it hopes to inspire a lifelong passion for

    discovery through a fusion of arts and

    sciences. The interactive exhibits will be

    tied to the National school curriculum,

    and will cater to school tour

    programmes, public programmes and

    outreach programmes. The anticipated

    opening date is 2010.

    Projects Underway

    Arrival of aKnowledgeCapital

    A Museum of Science is a valuable facility that

    communicates and teaches science throughout

    our lives. More significantly, it can also act as a

    focus for building and stimulating an integrated

    science culture by capturing the imagination and

    acting as a vital engine in promoting careers in

    science, engineering and technology. An

    outstanding museum of science will enhance

    Irelands image as a knowledge-based society and

    will serve to inspire future generations of Irish


    Other major knowledge economies have a history

    of integrating science and technology into the

    fabric of their culture through science centres and

    museums. In the UK there are over 80 Science and

    Discovery centres. These are supported by a 250

    million sterling injection from the National Lottery

    and a further 250 million from other public

    sources. In the US there are over 350 sciencemuseums and centres, with a combined annual

    budget of over $1 billion. They attract 177 million

    visitors annually, including 60 million


    Dublin Chamber believes that, while private

    funding is important in this area, achieving

    sustained public funding is the real obstacle to the

    creation of world-class Science Centres in Ireland.

    The experience to date with the two pipeline

    projects illustrates the difficulty with funding a

    more ambitious, world-class science museum.

    Currently, the national science awarenessprogramme Discover Science and Engineering has

    an annual budget of approximately 4 million. It is

    managed by Forfs and focuses on sponsorship of

    individual science-engagement events. However it

    does not offer a revenue funding model to cover

    the significant ongoing staffing and operational

    costs that are associated with running and

    maintaining science/technology centres.

    Between them, the Science Gallery and the

    Exploration Station aim to draw 250,000 visitorsper year this equates to roughly one-sixth of

    the Dublin City Regions population. When

    benchmarked against other international

    knowledge cities our ambition for the

    promotion of science seems singularly

    unambitious. Bostons Museum of Science

    receives over 2 million visitors annually and

    Munichs Deutsches Museum, 1.4 million. This is

    almost half of these cities populations. If the

    Dublin City Region were to emulate these

    proportions it would equate to three quarters

    of a million people a year (and over a million by

    2020). These visitor numbers are currentlyachieved by the National Gallery of Ireland and

    there is no reason to suggest that similar

    demand for a National Science Museum cannot

    be generated particularly in a country that is

    on the brink of undertaking a sustained

    campaign to promote science.

    30 Dublin Chamber of Commerce

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    Dublin Chamber has looked to the arts world to

    offer a workable alternative. The operational

    model of science facilities is very similar to that of

    arts organisations and, accordingly, we would

    recommend that a National Science Council be

    created to consolidate the current programmes.

    The Irish Arts Council has an operating budget of

    80 million and administers grants to fund 317

    arts organizations and centres nationwide

    annually. The proposed Science Council would

    operate in a similar way, managing an annual

    funding structure and acting as an umbrella

    organisation for the sector. Given the strategic

    importance that science and technology will play

    in the future of our economy and the importance

    of innovation and creativity in this area, Dublin

    Chamber believes that the Council should receive

    a budget on par with that of the current Arts


    The centralisation of this Science Council would

    play a significant role in facilitating the

    development of a first-rate Science Museum,

    which reflects Irelands ambition in the area of

    science and technology. Given the scale of

    projects of this nature, the Science Council

    funding process should permit organisations to

    present multi-annual budgets for approval.

    Naturally, the Dublin Chamber would encourage

    consultation with the Arts Council, Discover

    Science and Engineering, and representatives of

    existing science centres in Ireland and

    internationally in the development of thisstructure.


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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce32

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    Significant progress has been made in the development of

    the knowledge infrastructure of the Dublin City Region. We

    are nurturing a creative and research-rich environment which

    feeds the thriving ICT, financial services, multimedia,

    pharmaceutical, internet, and life-science sectors of the city-

    region. However, as other international city regions

    targeting knowledge services and industries raise the bar for

    competitors, Dublins success will be determined by its

    ability to develop, retain, and attract workers. We have done

    this well thus far, as the Dublin City Regions core

    competency is its people, but our city region will need to

    build upon this strong foundation to form a sustainable

    economy based on knowledge workers and a more rounded

    knowledge eco-system that receives international


    Through this paper, Dublin Chamber has started the process

    of bringing together business and higher educationinstitutions in consultation with government bodies to voice

    the regions concern with regard to developing a

    Knowledge Economy. They highlight a knowledge regions

    needs: infrastructural, educational, innovational,

    entrepreneurial, and the necessity to market its arrival.

    The Dublin Chamber is now looking to decision makers

    across Ireland to support our vision for Dublin as a

    Knowledge City - the heart of a vibrant and successful Irish

    knowledge economy. Dublin Chamber believes that Ireland

    can support the Dublin City Region in becoming a talent-attracting centre or ignore it allowing Ireland to become a



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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce34

    Arrival of aKnowledgeCapital

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge City Region


    Country Programme

    Sweden From 1997, employees could avail of a tax-free

    PC scheme (VAT 25%). Home PC penetrationincreased from 40% to over 80%.

    Portugal Students were offered cheap loans from

    participating banks to buy state-of-the-art

    notebook computers provided at special prices.

    Student Internet usage is over 90%, whilst

    general penetration is only 41%.

    Italy Since 2003, all Italian 16-years old receive a

    175 grant towards buying a computer and

    100 towards getting a certificate for basic

    computer skills.

    Belgium Belgium introduced a VAT-free, low priced PC

    package with broadband access and a card

    reader for e-government purposes in order to

    increase penetration rates.


    International Examples of PC Incentive Schemes



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    Dublin Chamber of Commerce36

    Arrival of aKnowledgeCapital

    Dublin Chamber ofCommerces Past Reportsand Submissions

    Investing in Knowledge Workers

    Budget 2008 Submission

    Democracy Now!

    Submission to the Department of Environment,

    Heritage and Local Governments Green Paper

    for Local Government Reform

    Deliver, Deliver, Deliver!

    Submission to the Department of Transport on its

    Statement of Strategy 2008-2010

    Dublin Business Priorities

    General Election 2007

    Tourism ABC: Promoting Dublin as a location for

    Arts, Business and Culture

    Policy paper from Dublin Chamber

    Transport 21: Future for Dublin

    Policy paper from Dublin Chamber

    Dublin: Irelands International Gateway

    Submission to Department of Finance on

    National Development Plan 2007 2013

  • 8/14/2019 Knowledge City Region


    Dublin Chamber of Commerce7 Clare Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

    T +353 (0)1 644 7200F +353 (0)1 676 6043

    connecting influencing