THK - Hew Advertisemftat. Atlanta Marfcet. Antebellum Constitutions and a'slck man in it was carried some Remifiiseeiices or tl jtiifj jemies- - illOO invested !MVllll ilffiniaT T!nr,VT mi) ialinrtnatiOB fr" Like profits weekly on Mock options" $10 to $50 - ' Banker?, 35 Wall St.. N ew York. Please write for DEAR SIR:. aialogna Illustrated or Rifles. Shot Guns. Hevolvers. AAA mam ..... . T- - Qreat Western lian worss. nttsourg, ra. Artr- - it nrrrn I obgihs 830 a bnLMi urrLni upwards; Pi- - akiin fti'.t nnwn'dn. untaxed a veer, eood as tH. NEW PfANOS and ORliANS SitiSiaoWfft AK. 40 East Hthct .N.Y. P.O. Box 8530. , ltn lAmnn I Tnvsted in Wall Street IU plJJJ Stocks makes fortunes i OI THE TATES I UIIITED SliTtu, A WITH A CRjTieAI. MS AT ON ' "RECENT CHANGES,", BT Wilmot L. f Warren. IO From Hon. Win M. Evartf, Secretary of State. ' DiyisTkssioV' Stat, - WABBIOrOK, D. C. , tC0PT. - n. J one 17, 1879. GTKN:-Iha- ve to acknowledge ib re; of the 11th instant.' ac aDf4.PIVi the copy f "The CostitHops f the Several Sutes of the Union nd United States in the Year 185i," which you have naa me sinaness 10 seod me. The book appears to De a vaiuaoie ani useful one. eed I am very glad to possess it. i Ji. gentlemen, v ery irn.y youre, From the New YcrkJlrCbaiie. $J A usefal eollection.of . snblio document is rnkll.hi k A S. Rimol Im. Ci. la "lh Co- - Ktitn i r kaairrai Rt.Ates of the Usion and tinned States" prior to the commencement 01 it the Civil War. Tne volume also Include the Declaration of TndeDeadenoe. the Arlieles of Confederation and an Eesy on Hecent tbacges in American State Constitution, by wumotu. Warren. Th 9 comparative views which it pre sentR of tha (InnatitntinnR of the different Btatel render it a innvenient book cf reference, and an almost itdb Densable addition to the political norary. 650 nares. 8o. Cloth. t'.MJt Law Sheep. $4 0;, Sent post-pai- d on receipt of price, by the pub- - neis. Ill a US William St., N. Y. A GOOD iP DAN Anybody en learn to make monev, mpiily gin Stocss, by the I wo Unerring Rules fjr Sucoess." in Messrs. Lawrence A Co.'s new circular. Th? ombication method, wh-c- this firm has made po with tFrS'tftfiTO large or small me ins Iarge.-- t capital and stasia, inousana 01 ors ders in vr ous sums are poo'.ed int . one vast amount acd as a niiehty whule, thus securing to each shareholder all tbe advantages of the largest operator. Immerse profits are divided montoiy. Any amount, from - to S.s 000. or nre can be used aneesfully. N. Y. JJaphst Weekly beptember Snth, 1878. says. " By ne combination system Sift would make 75, or per oenr.; 550 p ya 1 150., or 7 ner cent.: 100 makes tl. (it', or 10 ner cent, on the stock, dnrin the month, according to the roa'kt " Frank Leslie $ Illuttrattd Aewpoer. Jnna 29th : ' The combination metood ot operating stnckft is the moot suocwBful ver adoDted." Arm York Inde pendent, Sept- - 12th: 'The combiiaum system is tuunded upon correct business DrmeiDlep. and no person teed be without an income while it is kept working by Messrs. Lawrence 1 Co. Brooklyn Journal A pril 29th : "Our editor made a net profit ot 110 .13 from tiO in one ot Messrs. Lawrence A Uo. s combinations." Xvtw circular mailed free) explains everything. Stocks and bonds wanted. . Qjvernme t bunds supplied. l.awrenoe A Co., Hanker.-- . 57 Exchange Place. 'JQJEL BB2 WHIG AND CHRONICLE 06 OFFICE DOES ALL KINDS F BOOK AND JOB PRINTIM AT THK Lowest Prices QUALITY OF . WORK Nht To Be Excelled. WE WILL KEEP A FULL STOCK OF BUSINESS CARDS, NOTE-HEAD- S. LETTERHEADS BILL-HEAD- S. ' VISITING CARDS, . ENVELOPES. Ac And will furnish them at low at they t - can be purchased anywhere In the State.. , ORDERS It Y MAIL PROMPTLY FILLED. ddress Whig and Chronicle Pnb. Co. Yf ITTII I A llTTiW INSTITUTE. Granville, Licking Co., 0.! Begins its 43 h year September 16th. Has Pre- - raratorr. Collegiate. .Norma'. una and Paint ing Departments. Teaches Oermar, Freaoh and Ureek. Jverytoiog first el8S, and terms low. Aadrese Kev. V. !5UKKAKL)bUi, ii. U. JVotlce. 'fHE undername! Commissioners, appointed I by tbe Couity Court of Blonnt County, will receive bids for building a new Court Bouse lor li ount county, id ftiiiyvu e.- - iocaessee. The ylan and sweo ffciiions and eonies- - ot thn Ann- - tracts nay be seen and eiamined at the offioe of 1. r. BAuaiiuii) ircuiieof. in UDOXVUle, len- - uessee, or at tne offi;e of the Clerk of the County out tin MariYil!e. . Bids will be received for toe completion ot ibe wbole build in? or for the orick work, carpenter work and stone work sep-iratel- y, as bidders mar choooe. The house must be completed by Ssplember 1st, I8t0. The County Court has: made: assess meat m Atlanta Constitution, July 19. FLODB-Super- fine 00; extra $4TS; fjuaUy. 15.25: extra family 16 W: fancy 86U6. Bicos-Cl- ear sides tiin sugar cured hams Bout Meats Clear nb sides 5o; elear Bides bahjo LtRD-Tier- ces SY.c; kegs and cans 994e. V hat Tennessee, choi.e white. $1 10 pr bash. Oats 4m50j. H4T Timothy, f 1.10: mixed, fl 0 al 5 Cork White 70cJ mixed, 660. Meal fiSa68o. V1AB-R- 25. Potatois Irish, 90a per bushel ; sweet. Jl.lo per bush. Oiriois 90a1.00. Eoos 7arfo. Butter Tennessee, choice, 18a20a. Poultrt- - Spring chickens, 8al5c Beeswax 2ic. Feathers New Choice mixed 4"a. DttiED fBriT Joie ia market. Live Stock Makxht Tennessee cattle choice 3a3o, common 2'a3c, Gjoigia raised l3c. Spring lambs are also cff. and quoted in fair demand al $3.;7 ; shep l.OOaXO per head. IftOSAIIALIS GREAT SOUTHERN THE for the cure of Scro fula, Scrofulous laint, itneuma- - tism, White aweinng, Gout, Uoitre, uonsumpuon, uroncni-tis- . Nervous Debility, Malary and all diseases arising from an impure condition of the Blood. Tim merits of this valuable prepar ation are so well known that a pass- ing notice is but nece&ary to remind tbe readers of this juu nal oi tbe ne cessity if always navirg a bottle or 'bis medicine among tneir etocK 01 family necessities. Certificates can be presented from many leadiog Ppysioians. Ministers, t'.d heads of families throughout the South, endorsing ia the highest termB iae Jfmid iiKtraot of Kcsadaiis. ir. K. Hiisua l arr. ol Balti more, 8ajs "be bas used it in oases of Scrofula and otber dueasea witn tnu ;h tatisthction." Ar. s. Pngb, of Baltimore, recommends it to all person- - suffering with diseased Blood, faji' g it is su- perior to any preperation he has ever Krr. Dabnry Ball, of tbe Uil-ume- re M. E. CoLferenee South, says be has been io much benefitled by its A use that he cheerfully recommends it to all hisfne dj and acaoaintaneAi. rn t Druggists, at G r-- lonsville, V a., say it never has failed co give satisfaction. 8tin'i m. Hcrndden, Murfreee- - boro. Tennetr see, lays it cured bim of rtbeumausm when all elsa failed. L Uooadaiis is not a see ret quack preparation, its ingredients re pub lished on every package. Show it to yoor rhinciaa and he wiil tell you it is eompost-- of the strongest alter atives that rxist, and is an excellent Blood Purifier. Did our space admit we cou d give you testimony's from every State in the South and from persons known to every man, woman and child either personally or by reDU'ation. rtusidaiis is sold by a' I Druggists. JOHN F. HEXRY, CURRAN & CO-- . S 'oiiKe Flce, NEW IORK. Geo. W. Albers Wholesale Agen "CENTENNIAL. Farmers Favorite Grain Drills, man n facta red by UicKtora UnQaaan, Maiiooe. Wane t o. n. y . 'ibe only D oble Distributor Drill in the orld. Drills Wbeat. Kre, Barley, Cats Peas and corn. Sows grans and clover, aa well as dis tribute all kind of fertilisers It w rks well on hill aide or level, or oown amonr hi 11 in pi Hiid nirku, never clcgsiog or skip ping, but always discharging a regular, unbroken ptream, distnbatmz tbe exact quantity per acre For proof of the kbove nn'l on, or wnw for cir CUlatS. to WII. H.NTKUHH, Usneral Agent tor Jtast 1 enne?8e. alyirdesaw3m McVi'ians. Tenn. Ch-- 70 A WEEK 112 a day at home easily p I c. made. Cosny Outfit f,ee. Address T&rx 4 Co., Augusta, Maine. Old or New Blinds Fitted With DEABBOBN'8 BLIND AWNING FIXTURES Can be used both ways shown in cut. mak mg the best and cheapest awning known. Ask your hardware dealer lor them, or send for explanatory circulars to the man utacturers. BOTO II LOW R CO., BOSTON MAS. and Scientific care forNcrroui Debility, FREE; itaout Medicine, from winterer cabk. Mailed Pad Co.P.O.box JS2,N.Y, This standard article is compound- ed with the greatest care. Its effects are as wonderful and as satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itching and dandruff. It gives the head a cooling, soothing sensation of great comfort, and the scalp by its use becomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it rostores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and mak- ing the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing lm been found so effectual or desirable. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assaycr of Massachusetts, says, " The con- stituents are pure, and carefully se- lected for excellent quality ; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." . Price, One Dollar. Buclsinglin m's -- Dyo FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or any other undesir- able shade, to brown or black, at dis- cretion. It is easily applied, being in one preparation, and quickly and ef- fectually produces a permanent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, 2i.ll. KN0XVILL. CHRONICLE FOR 1879. Subscribe ior a Good, Raliable News paper. The Daily Chronicle, and Weekly Whiq and Chronicle, will be kept vp during the year 1879 to their usual high standard. By enterprise, accurateness, and close-attentio- to the wants of our readers, we hope to merit a conti- n- , , f ratronaee . . j.j ; 1 ueretoiore eiieuucu mcoo jumuwe. Nearly nine years ago, when trior a Tpoa not. . Rprmhlican dailv in v.v " r sjat!ia iLTJI?'? ttie, tJOUtll, WV UU1UU1U11-CI- mo iia- - "cation of the Cheomcle. In aU v Ua1.1 Tf tiieBU ytrara wo wave uaiucu iut a.c- - nublican principles, and see no reason to change our course now. Hence we shall continue to publish a truthful, reliable Republican journal, not the organ of any man or clique, but the outspoken and fearless advocate of principles, measures and men, best calculated to promote the welfare of the waahaj rxV. VYe will endeavor to make our agricultural columns worth more to iarmerS tyn OUr SUDStnpuon price. a AS a newspaper OUr pUDllCailOnS sball not be excelled in the State. . , , . . in aaOltlOn 10 OUr leiegrapnic Uia- - i.i r n a- - e ,1A pawnes iroiu an jjaita i u nww, OUT readers shall have the benefit OX correspondence and every other means through which reliable infor- - mation is obtained, Each number of the paper will contain selections made with special reference to the home circle. We will continue to avoid everything calculated to contaminate, and will publish a paper that may be taken without question within the sacred preemts oi ine iamuy circie. Our market reports shall have close attention, and be made entire- ly correct and reliable. We call upon all persons inter- ested in the publication of our in- dependent, fearless, reliable Repub lican journal to come to our aid and assist in extending the circulation of the Daily Chronicle and Weekly Whig and Chronicle. In view of the financial pressure upon the country and the general reduction of values, we have decided to reduce the price of the Weekly Whig and Chronicle to suit the times. In the future we will send our weekly paper to subscribers on the following . tebms: One copy one year.., $1.50 it " aix months.. 1.00 To any person who will send us a club of ten subscribers with the cash, $15.00, we will send one copy extra. Payment will be required invariably in advance. DAILY CHRONICLE. One year, payable in advance $8 00 Mix i 11 months, 4.00 Three " tt ti 11 200 One tt n 11 75 One week, 11 11 11 2 OUR CLUBBING RATES. By liberal arrangement with pub- lishers of various magazines and other periodicals, we are enabled to effer their publications with the weekly Whig and Chronicle aa follows : HARPER'S MONTHLY MAG- AZINE, Weekly and Bazar are $4 each per annum. We will send either of the publications and the Whig and Chronicle for one year, postpaid, for $4.60. SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, price 4.00 ; with Whig and Chronicle, $4.60. ST. NICHOLAS, one of the best child's Magazines in America, price 03 00; with Whig and Chronicle $3.80. AMERICAN AGRICULTUR- IST, a publication that no farmer can afford to be without, price $1.50; with Whig and Chronicle, $2.50. THE BURLINGTON HAWK-EY- E, one of the ablest, newsiest and raciest weeklies ia the Union, price $2,00 ; with Whig and Chronicle, $2.60. THE NURSERY, a superbly illustrated monthly magazine for youngest readers, price $1.50 ; with Whig and Chronicle, $2.50. Send on your names with post-offi- ce order, or by registered letter, stating , which of the publications you desire. No better opportunity was ever offered for procuring first-cla- ss reading matter at a low price. Send money by draft, postoffice money orders, or by registered let- ter Address "Whig and Chronicle, Knoxville, Tenn. fifty yfrdr and dashed against a tree, killing him instantly. A car was blown from the track, and a vast amount of other damage aone. 1 tornado, attended with was a fearful more damages than many or tne baUles in which the brigade was en- - gaged, : Drunken Staff. : How many children and womea are slowly and surely dying, or rather be- ing killed, by excessive doctoring, or the daily use of some drug or drunken stuff called medicine, that no one knows what it is made of, who can easily be cured and saved by Hop Bit- ters, made by Hops.Buchu, Mandrake, Dandelion, &c, which is so pure, sim- ple and harmless that the most frail woman, weakest invalid or smallest child can trust iu them. Will you be saved by them? See other column. f MARKET REPORTS.- - Wholesale Grain aud Produce Harfcel OHaoKICT.S 01C, 1 Knoxvills. TiKir.. July 22, Wi9. J The demand for new. Wheat is more ac- tive than was anticipated. The market is well maintained. Farmers will do well to avail themselves of the first market. The demand for Corn is limited. Bacon in good demand for local consumption. Oits and Hay scarce, and owing to the prevail- ing drought will be scarce and high. Tbe demand for Dried Fruits will be good. Some inquiry for Blackberries now at fair prices. - No demand for field seeas except for German millet, worth $1.60 to $2.00 per bushel. Baco Baying, hog round, 5Ja6, sides, shoulders, Ah; hams, 6a7. Lard, new, buying at 6ia7c ; selling at 71 to 8c. ' - VYhbat Nominal; buying at 75 to 85 for white and amber; red. 75 to 80, selling per car loads at S9Ual.W per Dusnel. UORN JNew, loose, ton'n , sat;a.eu, oi to 63c.-- ; . SoaoHUM In better demand; Z5 to Si c Oats New crop; buying, loose, 25c; selling, 40c. f otatoks Xjoose, scarce, i kai.ou. Hay Bal d, 65a75c per 100 lbs. Damiv Frdit Apuies firm, 2 to 21c per pound: Peaches; halves, 21a3. Black- berries nominal, 4a4Jc. Floor Nominal: country extra, buy- - lug, 2.0UaZ.o, selling, iJ.zoaz.ou iamuy buyiEg. .oU; selling, sz voBa.uj per sack. ? Fkathkbs Prime. 37tc38c: mixed, 25a Buttsb Active, medium, 10al5c tood to prime, 15al83. Kgqs Buying dull, 84ac ward tendency. ' ttAoe Uotton, lauc Bt iswax 22c per pound. jisittnQ Spring, 60a60. disiKA Shaks 35a40 . Ysllow Root 4a4io Pink Root 10al5. ;MlT AppliRoot lc. L Hidks Dry lOallc; green 5c. ' Tallcw64c. Flax Seed Per bushel, 70a"ic Brass 8c; Copper, 10c. Wool Per pound. 20a3t). Applks -- Green, 75a$1.00 per b ashel. Wboleaale ttroeery tlarhei Kkoxvillf, July 22. - Sugars very high and advancing. Coffee Town Talk Very God ......... Rio Good....... l' Hal2J Duchess prime...... Halo Counters ' Choice. 16al6 Soioto... 1.75 O. G. Java 27H Uerman, 0 lbs ......2.t0 Kpe. German eitra,6. lbe.3.5G Cetton............. 18 JutC... : 8ia "OXVII.I.B BOAl Bgrs Laundry60 Its. J3.I6 Hard sugars...... to 10 family .66 ft boxes. MAO Co?!:A " iy? Caatlles Bstra C a Parafine 2 ia25 tb Yellow C . 77 Star, full weight 2a;3 N 0 . VAA " lubt - -- 11:1jH Syrope Tobacco Commoa..... 2"a35 Common 11 in 30a4O 9 lb Prime to eh nine 4uaS0 Brisht 11 in....... COif 5 Fancy . 56 Caddy. 6 in 6?a70 Teas Fancy Brands do at 6 Smoking 3)tb0 ImDerial 50k75 Snaw Gunpowder tOd UU01 P'kgs t3 60a3.T6 Oolong..-....-.......35i7- 5 os 46.767 Oo Kr"- - Breakfast- - 0a75 Ciirars Spleea Au br'ds 612.00 50.0 H Id repper..... lftaloo Orocera' Oragb A Ispice.. ...... .........17a' 8 Mutineers 10C Indigo, s Jr. 5oSia Singer- -. - 8il0 do Manilla 75a$l 00 Cloves 41 Dutch Mdder 10a 2 Vanned ootl Shot and Lead idIf yjft'i2x .13 Drop shot n 75 u roaouw , uua Book Khot Sil . 0 iooase Woase 85a5 n., t.a e rine Appies V case3 w Strawberries- - ...... S3 5 ) Sundries) 3 t Tomatoes.,.......I2 25 rjaer Raisins 42 A 0a2.5 Cove Uystere in eoatfo Wr Paper. 25.37&S0 do at ,h xin8 16il7c Rlee Blacking...... JWatiOe Jarolina 7Ki8a tbP Rangoon. ..o.a ,rr.. u.t ;fi7n soaps Musket .1580 tfamilv. 1 84 box Parlor MatohesWar tvi. ? Royal....... .. $3.50 Drawing-roo- m ...... 3 55 Indigo.. ., 5.90 Stiok Candy 12Ke Knoatliie Uetaii Market. . ' Ksoxvilli. July 12. Monies dried 34 Molasses...35S60 gsl iiples, gre'Lbu l.''ai.cKjMeai. w eusn txg,w Bntter. ' i5S25n Wails. 5tti Beans, dried. 75 J1.00 Oats. V bush 2oa30 Bran v bushel. 1820o " sheaf. cwi0s6ic Baaon. hams. e.. I(XiZi4 unions. wiao Dus ""untry, 8aiiJ rouitry.cniK-- s aj;w sides, 8(910 " ducs.l2Hi6?B shoulders. 5a6l " se. 25W-- Beeswax. 3035 " turkeys. W81 Hef ereen. n reas. ariea. u('o dried. io9i 'm f otatoes.sw't v.uoa.ro C.ndles. R 15 16 " Irish.:.t01.25 OlRlOiU . 305iral Powder. , 4050i Cjffee. Az92utu reaooes.ariea. oc Ai 1015B Rice V & 710c 0 itcon X artis. 50960 Sugar.orushed, 12al2k Crn. fi0i6f.o " eoflee. 10011 Cabbage, : fiuiO " yellow, 8Ji'"9 kiss. 8it) " brown. 7i Flour, family, - . 3.35 Soap. H bar odstbc do extra. 9 032,75 SaltPsaok. Hl-- do suBerfine. 2.00 2 25 Syrup, waJti Jieh. fresh, 810roShot. 15aT in nnrf xaiu!D lea. freen. wmi.wic do mackerel. ' 82uB do blaok.5' $1.25ft leathers. f n 4550 Tar, 50cgal Bw . 40 50ewt Tallow. 8yc Lard. v : 8ai0itb Vinegar. gal ZttVe Reported for theCBRomoi,i by J.ites A Lee , Uutchers. Market Square. " - Kno cville July 22. CATTLB. Good, fat, small cattle in request Com mon and poor, cattle dulL Large cattle dull. Yeah in good demand. Sheep dull We quote ; BSE cattlk. No. 1. 2a2ic; eood fat small cattle lia2c common nominal. tkals. $1.50 to $3.03, according to quality. FAT 3HKIP. Ua2J cents; stock sheep, 75 cents to $1.00. - Cbat lanoosra Harhel. - Chattanooga Commercial July 19. Cork Dull, 61ic. ' Whbat Demand slack, 85a93c Mk At 60 cents per bushel. - Meats Bulk meats, long clear sides.Sie ostoa, snort ciear sides, t4c; shoulders otr 1 eunesee hatns, Q. LARD--J- n tierces, ic; cans, 9c. OAT8-P- er bushel, cents. Hat 7ja00 per cwt., on wharf, Potatoes Irish, ll.00al.20. FLOUR Extra. $5.00: familv. 5.-2- ii extra family, $5.60; fancy,$6.00; new $5.75, xuua.-1-k- vaicKen8, trying. lUalzic grown, 15al63c. Eggs Per dozen, 5c. Butter Per pound, 15a20e. Ginseng Per pound. 6580. . Beeswax Per pound. 18a20c. Hides Green, 4c; salted, 61c; dry Bauea, aiuc. Feathers-Li-ve geese, 20a35c Tallow Dull, per pound, 60 BY ADJUTANT WILL.' A. te'TEER. - ko.:xxi. SECOND NEW JERSEY PACK TRAIN -- CAPT. KINCHELOWS'S NARROW "! ESCAPEBiCKTO NASHVILLB - - ' AND-CAM- P CATIiETtV I can not leave the Mississippi raid without speaking of a very Pronoi' feature of that great eipedition-t- bat wa8 the "Becond New Jersey pack train" Pack saddle were made some- - of a common thiflg after the style ... ,ninir wood with a borge" ueeo xor '"7- - of-wb- od crossing Pieces buck saw. Ainnrix ohnva 1 ha and running some crot?e: on ids '"" "-- r v; . 10 ut "' " boards were enapeu 1 ! -- I I. . J back. These were strongly giriueu un ' the muleV back; two boxes to f hard bread or cartridges were then fastentd securely to strong ropes aCaproper dis tance, so that with the ropes fastened at the crossings of theses pieces the boxes j would hang at equal distances along each side of the mule. men mess kettles, frying pans, coffee "pots,' tin cups, ac, were lasieueu uu yv tcond New Jersey were pla ed in charge : of these . pack , mules. - The reader can imagine the xioise that one' them would make as. be trotted or - ran. Multiply that vty"one thousand and you have something of an idea - about what noise was made by .the 7; "Second New Jersey pack train." In the confusion pt the battle, that noise could be heard everywhere n the stillness of the night, when a mo-men- i's rest' wa9 offefed. "fhe "pack train" wa3 sure to be "hard. Ou every bBnd, on every ide,s could be heard the everlasllug noise or ine Becohd New Jersey pack train,"-b- o that ever afterwards ; that term was usM to denote any disagreeable noise, and even yet, if one will mention the "teeoud New Jtrpey pack.train',' in the presence of men who werealou, smile will pass over thecouutenance In the nzht ats ivey farm, c;pi. Kiuchelow, of the iFourih Tennessee Cavalry, rode but in front tif hts com pany and was arranging .nia men m order facing the rebels. Suddenly one of his men broke ranks and tne Captain turned his head to reprimand him. :Just as he aiu m ods or inose six pound balls from the rebels passed bis face . auu.sirucK tne conar 01 nm cavalrv lacket. which stood up sUn behicd, rending nis jacset uowu tne bac.k-.fro- the collar 10 the belt. iai he not turned his head to reprove his man tbe shot would have, taken his iaw. I stopped to mention some of these iucidr-ui- and s have taken up too mnch Piace, if so, I beg pardon, but I have noticed tht in talking over Hvt-nt- a of the war soldieis love to dwell on puch thicg, and since begin ninir. I flud. myself interested in re nl iisu- - them, until it teems a volume W)uld be written and still the "inci dents " not exhaufed. . . . The brigade remained at Gtrman town until the 4 h of March, 1864, when the convalescent and dismount el ojen were eeut to Memphis, to be aken by steamboat bncte to Nashville. rhe wri et's horse had been stolen, so h was iu this crowd. A few days af- - er, the others of tbe regiments from be Cumberland took up the line 01 march back for Nashville, arriving at camps the 17ih. The command had drawn no clothing since meyieit Nashville in December, and bad not been paid, so ou returning they were as dirty and r.ipgt da lot of soldiers as could be found anywhere. Some of he officers cime in with their dress coats on, having tne tail lorn en ai me waist. Juct before ibis raid. started from Nshviile;MJ r Catlett had obtained leave of absence to vUit East Teunes- - ee.'and being--thu- s jibeent he was not . . 1 . 2 . : 1 If. . t on the ausaisj-ip- pi riu. dlo wa-- , iu hafge of Cimps with a few men who were aoieui r sick wuen . iue cum- - mmi's return, liowever, he took sick with smll pox. tie was lovtd ueaxly, by tbe boys; so, much anxiety was manifested for his recovery, uut it aa no use. He grew worse and worse until, the 23rd of March, 1864, when he died. He was . burieo the "text day, and, loi withstanding", the c u'aion aud fatality of the disease, be regiment turned out aud burled - him - wun - military tronois. The regiment passed resolu tions as a tribute to bis mm -- try, and tbe writtr kt-p- t a copy, but tbey.are now'miplact-- d by some meam. 4 Ma jor Catjett . was a Uaptist mlDister, 1 l from aa raueu in cevit-- r uuuuiy, inarrUd iu Blount and left a wid w . It an eelimaoie woman anu a fmau child to mourn his Iohh. He was a brave and true tuao, and truly a good J man. - - Ou tbe llih of April camps were moved tight miles from Nashville, 00 the Nashville and Nrthwe8tTu Rail road, oq the farm of General HardiDg. It was a beautiful site for a camping ground, being on a g?ntlede cline from tne railroad track to a rip olio it brook ai iub mwtr tna or tne comoanv's tenia, while the )tabU" were situated op the rolling ground opposite th trnts. tiere the 8to nd, Third aud Fourth Tennessee Cavalry were placed Ids brigade togetiier, under .the com maud of Col. DVU. lbornburgh. of the Third.' Tlnrre. were two oiher brigades of Tfiinesseeans', couipoiug a cavalry divisionjauner the com mand of Brigadier Gtueral Alvan C Oillem. Ouib wjs tbe first Brigade, Fourth Drviriou, Cavalry Corps, aud now ch a Lined to the Military Division of tie Missisnippi instead of the Army of the Cumbtrland Tuis beautiful camp was called "0mp Catleit,'' in honor of Major Alb rt C. Catlet', whose death, was bo ueepiy lamented. While oamoed here thare waa one of the most remarkable storms we ever witnessed. It came suddenly and with such force that it swept every! bing before it. Col. Min- - nisand Mj. S W. Pickens were eat ing au early supper uuder lhe fly " In rear, or their teiitw, having a plate of napjiCKs" or pau cafees on tbei table. The storm came sg furious thejr had 10 aoauuon me ny, aud tne Majo tooK up ine. piaie roii "nap-jac.Ks- " in order to save what he could of his ein per. Coming out, the wind was about to lift his hat from his head, where npon be would place his hand on b bar, tnen a fritter wouiu nuur awavj hurriedly (be hand would kq down to save tbe others when tue hat would again rise, and in this way he stood until his nap-jack- s were gone and h had an empty plate. By thia time tb storm was so severe be could not staud so falling1 to tbe ground he sitzed the railing on the railroad, and by th?8 means anchored until the storm was over. , Tents were swept before It, and papers scattered every wherer Tile brigade hospital tent was carried away, bUM OF UA1L.T PAftk. month, by carrier or by mall... 5 Per 00 aail.. . pj year, by aAlKS OF AWVJTBTISlSfc. 12 lines soiii Nonpareil coastituta one inch, Inott eaoa lii.ertioa- -. 1 00 mo on apohoauon fer adver- - eaieDU i the year or taenia. i,ooai No; :es 15 oents per line each insertion. City Notiot 10 oenta per line firt . insertion. in ndvertiaa Tents due after first insertion t early advertis ueuta payable quarterly All xber advertisements payable on demand after irst insertion. 11 50 ;ne rear... .laosol iwonty.or over, per copy . i 00 ; rtsgv &KitlAU AMI liIA ' - I'iA- - - Hatltt -- . and r.nn fa. Bristol 4 45 ft m N I. Mixed Train, Leaves ...... I p iu Knoiville.....- -. -- Leaves Arrives Knoxville at ,.. 1 jSpm ' 7 55 b lb Arrives at Chattanooga, , ,.w k. Jo 1 ma&es connection at nanauyuni. wim Memph.e and Chrleuton and Nashville ana Caa.tanKa Road. . , ' - - -- , So i Mixed Train, leave Chattanaog. 8 30 a m " Arrives atKnoxvilla -.- .- 2 ; 1 i m Leaves Knoxville. .. 3 06 p in Arrive at Bristol...... ...11 4o p i 8 Leaves Bristol . 10 37 pm No. Arrive At Knoxvi.ie . S 31 a m Leaves Knoxviile ... v 1 42 a m Arrives at Daiton 8 ('4 am Arrives at CnaiUnooga.... o Uo a m So 3 connects ar lalum with tae Western and Atl.ntioand 6elutv Romeand Dal ton Roads ChattaueoEa with Alabama A Urat Southern Road ; no connection for Memphis, fconneotiou for Nashvil.e is made by this tram of with a boars' deUy l Chattanooga. 4 Leaves Chattanooga...- -. - o v Le4veeWft.t-B-- .. . . Y at n.uu - - ' Arrives Leaves h. no xviUe. 11 1 pw BristoL.." - 4 4a m Arrives at at. Lynchburg for Se4 makes close connection Wasnington and Eastern ciuw. buo&vllt and Ohl BilreiMi, Leavea Knoxvii.e...-- -. Arrivei. at 0 xeyvilie - Leave Car y rule.. ,0 a. !' Arrive a' itnoxviiie,. : Mak' connections wnk bota day teams tt the it. X.. V. u. R. R. Clueinuail, Coiuberlnd Gap anrt Cbttrlftttoa KsllrotMt. Loaves Morristown 1015 ft m Arrive at Wolf CreeK...... . . 1 l P m Leave W oil Cretfc ........ 3 10 p in Arrive at Morrutown- - - 6 36pm Connection is made at uarristown with the E. T.t Va- - a. Q a. trains No cast and No. 3 VfneU Also ooanecdon at wolt Week wiltt a itat.es for Warm Springs acd Ashevuie, going and returning. inosvlUe and CbarlHton Kallread Leave Mary ville at 0 am. Arrive at Knoxville 9:20 a m Leave AnoxvUle 3:00 r u." - Arrive at Marvville 4 20 p m. Connection made with buth day trains on the T.. V. a. U. R. R. Condon aud Boekwood 9tall.Faek.et l ha steamer Emory Ci y, carrying the mailt nnien and freight, runs dauy between Loudeoi Kingston and rloc.wooa, arriving at Loudon to connect with the eastern hound train, No. 4. a.t 9:4 o. in. and leaves fur Kmsion aud Koctiwo d ou tue arrival of the western bouuu riiii ro. i, at o.zs, it'.; THE SEWING MACHINE OF TO-DA- Y, ccuiacy, reliability and quality of prodaet there is no superior to the Light Running DOW1ESTIC" Jt doe ii of f Mtgue you. f C dOfeM not excite tlx nerven. It requires ilie least adjusting It produces the best results It makes l lie least noie. It 1 the simples! of Machines The "DOMESTIC" is carefully con- structed from the choicest materials; it makes the double thread lock stitch ; has the automatic self-regulttli- tension and tsse-u- p with conical steel bearings and compensating journal. Address Domestic St wing Machine Co., OOO Main st., Richmond, Fa- - cr sale in Knoxville only at Rush Strcng's Dry Goods Store, Market Square. L. C. SHEPAEB, 9 a UNDERTAKER, orAer Maine and Walnut ati.. Keeps the largest and finest assortment o .iitg.Caie8 and Coffins, Burial Robes. Emblems nd Mountings for the 1 ame, in this end of th State, as well as The Finest Hearse in tne Steter P PrPared to furnish every article ased n Undertaking of the hpst quality, and as chear as anybody, I am alto prepared to keep bodle n a good state of preservation for days, it desired peeial attention paid to shipping bodies. Orders by telegraph fiUtd at once. Motto van t be exoeUed I W on't be undersold 11 xud6m t. CbUEPARD. CITY HOTEL. JoJmson,, City, Eaiit 'Telinossoe. Ttie undtrsiiined havlag recently opened the CITY HO( Kb. respect'ully toii its the paironoge of tbe former friends of tne bouse und the public eraiij. Tbis House is the Largest and Handsomest uuiiaing iauiper a.a-- t lecnessec, u ontriliy located. couVvnint to Depot. Telegraph. Ex press ana ros unioe. and bag al' the cooven ienoesfor flensura bud lomfurt. Tli Tnbl will always be supplied with the Dest tnat tne oountry au .ra aua no pans will be spared uu et Mtm laae m allreste.a. . -- . Staies leave this Hotel, for Roaa Monntain Bikeravilia. Eaaltj'j or ihg'4 Sprirg, Auatn'4 (riLgg, ana an toe gooo gsomg sireaqis iq in mountains, uooa Lively otaoies aujuiiii'.k, TERM S RB A SO NADLE. DrA. PAT ros, Prop'r. B. Prank Piitton; Clerk. " " MECHANICS' BANK XKOX VILLI, TIN it. UOS. O'COWKR, President SAM. HOUSE, Cashier. DIB CTOK8 : Afcqa. Q'Oonner, Jaa. Q'Gorti)er, Jno. B. Neely, K Ii. Oorniok, H. N. Hood, Sam. House. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, designated Depository of the State. rH?f U in ?sm and Dow sstio Exchange. Bells n Jv,,onal1 th6 Principal cities in Europe, buys 'ellUnourrent Money. Gold and Silver.Wsj. 'wts and City Sorip. . ivlOdtf very months Borkent free explaining every tling. 'Address. BAXTER CO., Banker?, 17 wall Bt., ew i org. nnvoAttio ' , CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS lAtrriiAAr niiiA iriinni Ask I A.K H t WH RI WV nwil lllVWh lliiu iuiiw si sioian A, tfenf oil's Caccioe Porous Piaster is net the I best flaster m tbe World, it bas a better rep ntAtion uwirff YihvsiniA.nit than anv similar artl cle known. Its superioiity to tin old styles of porons planers is very marked. CURES LAME AND WEAK BACK ISSTASTLiT. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 4JTJ3T PUBLISHED. THE VOICE OF WORSHIP, FOR CHOIRS. Pxice $9.00 FOR CONVENTIONS, flCO. ' ; ' per doz 1 tor SINOING SCHOOLS. Voice Of Worship by L. o. E MgKS0Hi s lik6 other Church Musio Books by the ame author, preeminent for graeeful and beautitul music, and for the fine skill and judg 1 ment displayed in seleotion and arrangement. The First Hundred Pages - include the SINGIKG SCHOOL COURSE, in I whwbafoond many See harmonized songl or giess i)r pracuoe ana erjoymenu I 1.1 ;i fa The Second Hundred Pages j r I are fi'led with the best of Hymn Tunes, Senten- - I ce.', ate, a large, new ana ireui collection. : The Third Hundred Pages r.m , . contain a capital set of .ANTHEMS. ' Specimen copies mailed, post-fre- e, for $1.00. Emerson 'a Vocal Mkthod. (just out) has a novel arrangement of Billables and other im provements, Wflioh are sensible and useful. lease examine. "rioe5.o-- . OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston. C. H. DIT50N & C , 843 Broadway New York Ayer'S AgUe Cure, Tor Paver and Aeue. Intermittent Fever. uniiA r Brer, xieuutwu ii j: cvci, uuuiu xu,uc. Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c, and indeed all tne a Elections wmcn arise iroiu malari ous, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. ( This is a compound remedy, prepared with scientific skill from vegetable ingredients, which rarely fails to cure the severest cases of Chills and Fever and the concomitant disorders. Such a remedy the necessities of the people In mala rious districts demand. Its great superiority over any other medicine yi:t discovered for the care of Intermittents ia, that it contains no qui nine or mineral, and those who take it are free from danger of quinism or any injurious effects, and are as healthy after using it as before. It has been extensively employed during the last thirty years in the treatment of these distressing disorders, and so unvarying has been its success that it has gained the reputation of being infal- lible. It can, therefore, be safely recommended as a sure remedy aud specific for the Fever and Ague of the West, and the Chills and Fever of the South. It counteracts the miasmatic poison In the blood, and frees the system from its influ- ence, so that fever and ague, shakes or chills, once broken up by it, do not return until the disease is again contracted. t The great variety of disorders which arise from the irritation of this poison, such as Neuralgia, IMieuniatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal- - pitation. Splenic Affections, Hysterics, Fain . in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derange-O- f the Stomach, all of which become intermit tent or periodical, have no speedier remedy than ' Avee's Ague Cure, which cures them all alike, and protects the system from future attacks. As a preventive, it is of immense service in those .communities where Fever and Ague prevails, as it stays the development of the disease if taken on the ; first approach of the premonitory symp toms. V .Travellers and temporary residents are thus enabled to defy these disorders, and few Will ever 6Uffer if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. For Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity, it is an excellent remedy ; it stimulates this organ into healthy activity, and produces many remark- able cures where other medicines fail. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. . BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Sanford, Chamberlain & Albf rs. , Wholesale A itentf. Knoxville, Tenn. '" " ; 7 T, THE HYGEIA HOTEL, old poiit; COMFORT, YA., Situated ICO yards from Fort Monroe. Open all tha year. Equal to- - any hotel ia the United: States as a Spring, Summer, or Autumn Resort. ; Send for circular. HARRISON PHOEBUS. Prop'r. . FREE GIF f I TO who ALL suffer II with CON SUMPTION, ASTHMA, SOKE THROAT, uivu.ivmiis, or basal tAlAUKH 1 will send iconv ol 'M f.TiiriT. imMMtlV HIT V.CJT free of charee It is elegantly printed and illustrated ; 144 pares. 12mo. , 1879. it bas been the means, in the providence of God. cf eavinc manv valuable lives. persons suffering with any uisease vi ine Aoie, a ii mat, or LunK. fena name, with P O. Address and Fix cents to pay cosi oi mailing to Cr. K. B. WOLFE, Cincinnati, Ohio. 'LEA'S , SPRINGS, EAST TENNESSEE. Thia well and favorably known "Water- ing Place is now open for the reception of risitors. ; As remedial agents,' these waters con- sisting of Chalebeate. While and Black Sulphur, are too well known to admit ot any comment. The grounds where these Springs are situated are uneqnaled by any in point f beauty the coolest and most pleasant place extant. The Home of the Invalid and to the Weary. Rest Fare as good as can be had at any Firef Class' - . WATERING TLACE and Board Cheaper. Hacks will run from the prings to McMillan's Station on the East Tennessee," -- Virginia and, Georgia Railroadi three trips a week.durinir thA with trains. JTrom and after 1st July will make :daily Trips. - All mail directed to' McMillan's Station for Lea'a Springs will be conveyed to guests by Hack. Tor Terra address uf.i. iAr - ; J. D. OIINTOlTrO 'IS ' ConTetance can be Jrnd at . Knoxyill if preferred. taies to cover more than half the cost of the I month -- of June, viz: "Mondays, "Wednes-!&v?;f?uiihle- Lr is half corns Saturdays, making connection p'eted, one-four- th when the work is three-fourt- bs coa p.eted and tae balance by January Lt, 1881. . ' : ,- - .r - ; - The Commirsioners reserve the nght to reject any and all bids. '' ; J. J" i 'i ' fceled bids will be r ceived at the office of the Clerk of the County Court, ia . Maryvilie, until Saturday, Aueuet i6tb, la at 14 eiock M. . r o Xj. tl Rls tit. cbj n. . . ' -- JAMES WAfERS, ' ' 1 : F.P BELL, i, , . , . H. S. CATLETT, A. R. Mo BATH. july23d6t Commissioners.

Knoxville daily chronicle. (Knoxville, Tennessee) 1879-07 ... · Atlanta Marfcet. Antebellum Constitutions-Hew Advertisemftat. THK and a'slckman in it was carried some a'slckman in

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Page 1: Knoxville daily chronicle. (Knoxville, Tennessee) 1879-07 ... · Atlanta Marfcet. Antebellum Constitutions-Hew Advertisemftat. THK and a'slckman in it was carried some a'slckman in

THK- Hew Advertisemftat.Atlanta Marfcet. Antebellum Constitutionsand a'slck man in it was carried some

Remifiiseeiices or tl jtiifj jemies--illOO invested

!MVllll ilffiniaT T!nr,VT mi) ialinrtnatiOB fr"Like profits weekly on Mock options" $10 to $50

- ' Banker?, 35 Wall St.. N ew York.

Please write for

DEAR SIR:. aialognaIllustrated

orRifles. Shot Guns. Hevolvers.

A A A mam ..... . T- -Qreat Western lian worss. nttsourg, ra.Artr-- it nrrrn I obgihs 830a bnLMi urrLni upwards; Pi- -

akiin fti'.t nnwn'dn. untaxed a veer, eood astH. NEW PfANOS and ORliANS

SitiSiaoWfftAK. 40 East Hthct .N.Y. P.O. Box 8530.,

ltn lAmnn I Tnvsted in Wall StreetIU plJJJ Stocks makes fortunes i





Wilmot L. f Warren. IO

From Hon. Win M. Evartf, Secretary of State.' DiyisTkssioV' Stat, -


tC0PT. - n. J one 17, 1879.

GTKN:-Iha- ve to acknowledge ib re;of the 11th instant.' ac aDf4.PIVi

the copy f "The CostitHops f the SeveralSutes of the Union nd United States in theYear 185i," which you have naa me sinaness 10seod me. The book appears to De a vaiuaoie aniuseful one. eed I am very glad to possess it. i

Ji. gentlemen, v ery irn.y youre,

From the New YcrkJlrCbaiie. $JA usefal eollection.of . snblio document is

rnkll.hi k A S. Rimol Im. Ci. la "lh Co- -Ktitn i r kaairrai Rt.Ates of the Usion andtinned States" prior to the commencement 01 itthe Civil War. Tne volume also Include theDeclaration of TndeDeadenoe. the Arlieles ofConfederation and an Eesy on Hecent tbacgesin American State Constitution, by wumotu.Warren. Th 9 comparative views which it presentR of tha (InnatitntinnR of the different Btatelrender it a innvenient book cf reference, andan almost itdb Densable addition to the politicalnorary.

650 nares. 8o. Cloth. t'.MJt Law Sheep. $4 0;,Sent post-pai- d on receipt of price, by the pub- -

neis.Ill a US William St., N. Y.

A GOOD iP DANAnybody en learn to make monev, mpiily gin

Stocss, by the Iwo Unerring Rulesfjr Sucoess." in Messrs. Lawrence A Co.'s newcircular. Th? ombication method, wh-c- thisfirm has made po withtFrS'tftfiTOlarge or small me insIarge.--t capital and stasia, inousana 01 orsders in vr ous sums are poo'.ed int . one vastamount acd as a niiehty whule, thussecuring to each shareholder all tbe advantagesof the largest operator. Immerse profits aredivided montoiy. Any amount, from - to S.s000. or nre can be used aneesfully. N. Y.JJaphst Weekly beptember Snth, 1878. says. " Byne combination system Sift would make 75, or

per oenr.; 550 p ya 1 150., or 7 ner cent.: 100makes tl. (it', or 10 ner cent, on the stock, dnrinthe month, according to the roa'kt " FrankLeslie $ Illuttrattd Aewpoer. Jnna 29th : ' Thecombination metood ot operating stnckft is themoot suocwBful ver adoDted." Arm York Independent, Sept- - 12th: 'The combiiaum system istuunded upon correct business DrmeiDlep. and noperson teed be without an income while it iskept working by Messrs. Lawrence 1 Co.Brooklyn Journal A pril 29th : "Our editor madea net profit ot 110 .13 from tiO in one ot Messrs.Lawrence A Uo. s combinations." Xvtw circularmailed free) explains everything. Stocks and

bonds wanted. . Qjvernme t bunds supplied.l.awrenoe A Co., Hanker.--. 57 Exchange Place.







Lowest PricesQUALITY OF . WORK

Nht To Be Excelled.







And will furnish them at low at theyt -

can be purchased anywhere

In the State.. ,



Whig and Chronicle Pnb. Co.


Granville, Licking Co., 0.!Begins its 43 h year September 16th. Has Pre- -

raratorr. Collegiate. .Norma'. una and Painting Departments. Teaches Oermar, Freaoh andUreek. Jverytoiog first el8S, and terms low.

Aadrese Kev. V. !5UKKAKL)bUi, ii. U.

JVotlce.'fHE undername! Commissioners, appointed

I by tbe Couity Court of Blonnt County, willreceive bids for building a new Court Bouse lorli ount county, id ftiiiyvu e.- - iocaessee. Theylan and sweo ffciiions and eonies- - ot thn Ann- -tracts nay be seen and eiamined at the offioe of1. r. BAuaiiuii) ircuiieof. in UDOXVUle, len- -uessee, or at tne offi;e of the Clerk of the Countyout tin MariYil!e. . Bids will be received for

toe completion ot ibe wbole build in? or for theorick work, carpenter work and stone work sep-iratel- y,

as bidders mar choooe.The house must be completed by Ssplember

1st, I8t0.The County Court has: made: assess meat m

Atlanta Constitution, July 19.

FLODB-Super- fine 00; extra $4TS; fjuaUy.15.25: extra family 16 W: fancy 86U6.

Bicos-Cl- ear sides tiin sugar cured hams

Bout Meats Clear nb sides 5o; elearBides bahjo

LtRD-Tier- ces SY.c; kegs and cans 994e.V hat Tennessee, choi.e white. $1 10 pr

bash.Oats 4m50j.H4T Timothy, f 1.10: mixed, fl 0 al 5

Cork White 70cJ mixed, 660.Meal fiSa68o.V1AB-R- 25.

Potatois Irish, 90a per bushel ; sweet.Jl.lo per bush.

Oiriois 90a1.00.Eoos 7arfo.Butter Tennessee, choice, 18a20a.Poultrt-- Spring chickens, 8al5cBeeswax 2ic.Feathers New Choice mixed 4"a.DttiED fBriT Joie ia market.Live Stock Makxht Tennessee cattle

choice 3a3o, common 2'a3c, Gjoigia raisedl3c. Spring lambs are also cff. and quotedin fair demand al $3.;7 ; shep l.OOaXO perhead.


THE for the cure of Scrofula, Scrofulous laint, itneuma- -tism, White aweinng, Gout,Uoitre, uonsumpuon, uroncni-tis- .

Nervous Debility, Malaryand all diseases arising from animpure condition of the Blood.

Tim merits of this valuable preparation are so well known that a pass-ing notice is but nece&ary to remindtbe readers of this juu nal oi tbe necessity if always navirg a bottle or'bis medicine among tneir etocK 01family necessities.

Certificates can be presented frommany leadiog Ppysioians. Ministers,t'.d heads of families throughout theSouth, endorsing ia the highest termBiae Jfmid iiKtraot of Kcsadaiis.ir. K. Hiisua l arr. ol Balti

more, 8ajs "be bas used it in oases ofScrofula and otber dueasea witntnu ;h tatisthction."

Ar. s. Pngb, of Baltimore,recommends it to all person- - sufferingwith diseased Blood, faji' g it is su-perior to any preperation he has ever

Krr. Dabnry Ball, of tbe Uil-ume- re

M. E. CoLferenee South, saysbe has been io much benefitled by itsA use that he cheerfully recommends itto all hisfne dj and acaoaintaneAi.rn t Druggists, at G r--lonsville, V a., say it never has failedco give satisfaction.8tin'i m. Hcrndden, Murfreee--

boro. Tennetr see, lays it cured bim ofrtbeumausm when all elsa failed.L Uooadaiis is not a see ret quackpreparation, its ingredients re published on every package. Show it toyoor rhinciaa and he wiil tell youit is eompost-- of the strongest alteratives that rxist, and is an excellentBlood Purifier. Did our space admitwe cou d give you testimony's fromevery State in the South and frompersons known to every man, womanand child either personally or byreDU'ation.

rtusidaiis is sold by a' I Druggists.JOHN F. HEXRY, CURRAN & CO-- .

S 'oiiKe Flce,NEW IORK.

Geo. W. Albers Wholesale Agen

"CENTENNIAL.Farmers Favorite Grain Drills, man n facta red

by UicKtora UnQaaan, Maiiooe. Wane t o.n. y . 'ibe only D oble Distributor Drill in the

orld. Drills Wbeat. Kre, Barley, Cats Peasand corn. Sows grans and clover, aa well as distribute all kind of fertilisers It w rks well onhill aide or level, or oown amonrhi 11 in pi Hiid nirku, never clcgsiog or skipping, but always discharging a regular, unbrokenptream, distnbatmz tbe exact quantity per acreFor proof of the kbove nn'l on, or wnw for cirCUlatS. to WII. H.NTKUHH,

Usneral Agent tor Jtast 1 enne?8e.alyirdesaw3m McVi'ians. Tenn.

Ch-- 70 A WEEK 112 a day at home easilyp I c. made. Cosny Outfit f,ee. Address

T&rx 4 Co., Augusta, Maine.

Old or New Blinds Fitted WithDEABBOBN'8

BLIND AWNING FIXTURESCan be used both ways shown in cut. mak

mg the best and cheapest awning known.Ask your hardware dealer lor them, or

send for explanatory circulars to the manutacturers.


and Scientific care forNcrroui Debility,FREE; itaout Medicine, from winterer cabk. MailedPad Co.P.O.box JS2,N.Y,

This standard article is compound-ed with the greatest care.

Its effects are as wonderful and assatisfactory as ever.

It restores gray or faded hair to itsyouthful color.

It removes all eruptions, itchingand dandruff. It gives the head acooling, soothing sensation of greatcomfort, and the scalp by its usebecomes white and clean.

By its tonic properties it rostoresthe capillary glands to their normalvigor, preventing baldness, and mak-ing the hair grow thick and strong.

As a dressing, nothing lm beenfound so effectual or desirable.

A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assaycrof Massachusetts, says, " The con-stituents are pure, and carefully se-lected for excellent quality ; and Iconsider it the Best Preparationfor its intended purposes." .

Price, One Dollar.

Buclsinglin m's --DyoFOR THE WHISKERS.

This elegant preparation may berelied on to change the color of thebeard from gray or any other undesir-able shade, to brown or black, at dis-

cretion. It is easily applied, being inone preparation, and quickly and ef-fectually produces a permanent color,which will neither rub nor wash off.

Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO.,

NASHUA, 2i.ll.


Subscribe ior a Good, Raliable Newspaper.

The Daily Chronicle, andWeekly Whiq and Chronicle,will be kept vp during the year1879 to their usual high standard.By enterprise, accurateness, andclose-attentio- to the wants of ourreaders, we hope to merit a conti-n-

, ,f ratronaee

. . j.j ; 1

ueretoiore eiieuucu mcoo jumuwe.Nearly nine years ago, when

triora Tpoa not. . Rprmhlican dailv inv.v " rsjat!iaiLTJI?'?ttie, tJOUtll, WV UU1UU1U11-CI- mo iia- -

"cation of the Cheomcle. In aUv Ua1.1 Tf

tiieBU ytrara wo wave uaiucu iut a.c--

nublican principles, and see noreason to change our course now.Hence we shall continue to publisha truthful, reliable Republicanjournal, not the organ of any manor clique, but the outspoken andfearless advocate of principles,measures and men, best calculatedto promote the welfare of the

waahaj rxV.VYe will endeavor to make our

agricultural columns worth more to

iarmerS tyn OUr SUDStnpuon price.aAS a newspaper OUr pUDllCailOnS

sball not be excelled in the State.. , , . .

in aaOltlOn 10 OUr leiegrapnic Uia- -

i.i r n a- - e ,1Apawnes iroiu an jjaita i u nww,OUT readers shall have the benefit OX

correspondence and every othermeans through which reliable infor- -

mation is obtained,Each number of the paper will

contain selections made with specialreference to the home circle. Wewill continue to avoid everythingcalculated to contaminate, and willpublish a paper that may be takenwithout question within the sacred

preemts oi ine iamuy circie.Our market reports shall have

close attention, and be made entire-

ly correct and reliable.We call upon all persons inter-

ested in the publication of our in-

dependent, fearless, reliable Republican journal to come to our aid andassist in extending the circulationof the Daily Chronicle andWeekly Whig and Chronicle.

In view of the financial pressureupon the country and the generalreduction of values, we have decidedto reduce the price of the WeeklyWhig and Chronicle to suit thetimes. In the future we will sendour weekly paper to subscribers onthe following .

tebms:One copy one year.., $1.50

it " aix months.. 1.00To any person who will send us

a club of ten subscribers with thecash, $15.00, we will send one copyextra. Payment will be requiredinvariably in advance.


One year, payable in advance $8 00Mix i 11months, 4.00Three " tt ti 11 200One tt n 11 75One week, 11 11 11 2


By liberal arrangement with pub-lishers of various magazines andother periodicals, we are enabled toeffer their publications with theweekly Whig and Chronicle aafollows :


AZINE, Weekly and Bazar are $4each per annum. We will sendeither of the publications and theWhig and Chronicle for one year,postpaid, for $4.60.

SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, price4.00 ; with Whig and Chronicle,

$4.60.ST. NICHOLAS, one of the best

child's Magazines in America, price03 00; with Whig and Chronicle$3.80.

AMERICAN AGRICULTUR-IST, a publication that no farmercan afford to be without, price $1.50;with Whig and Chronicle, $2.50.


one of the ablest, newsiestand raciest weeklies ia the Union,price $2,00 ; with Whig andChronicle, $2.60.

THE NURSERY, a superblyillustrated monthly magazine foryoungest readers, price $1.50 ;with Whig and Chronicle, $2.50.

Send on your names with post-offi- ce

order, or by registered letter,stating , which of the publicationsyou desire. No better opportunitywas ever offered for procuring first-cla- ss

reading matter at a low price.Send money by draft, postoffice

money orders, or by registered let-

ter Address"Whig and Chronicle,

Knoxville, Tenn.

fifty yfrdr and dashed against a tree,killing him instantly. A car wasblown from the track, and a vastamount of other damage aone. 1

tornado, attended withwas a fearfulmore damages than many or tnebaUles in which the brigade was en- -


: Drunken Staff.: How many children and womea are

slowly and surely dying, or rather be-

ing killed, by excessive doctoring, orthe daily use of some drug or drunkenstuff called medicine, that no oneknows what it is made of, who caneasily be cured and saved by Hop Bit-

ters, made by Hops.Buchu, Mandrake,Dandelion, &c, which is so pure, sim-

ple and harmless that the most frailwoman, weakest invalid or smallestchild can trust iu them. Will you besaved by them? See other column.


Wholesale Grain aud Produce HarfcelOHaoKICT.S 01C, 1

Knoxvills. TiKir.. July 22, Wi9. J

The demand for new.Wheat is more ac-

tive than was anticipated. The market iswell maintained. Farmers will do well toavail themselves of the first market. Thedemand for Corn is limited. Bacon ingood demand for local consumption. Oitsand Hay scarce, and owing to the prevail-ing drought will be scarce and high. Tbedemand for Dried Fruits will be good.Some inquiry for Blackberries now at fairprices. -

No demand for field seeas except forGerman millet, worth $1.60 to $2.00 perbushel.

Baco Baying, hog round, 5Ja6, sides,shoulders, Ah; hams, 6a7.Lard, new, buying at 6ia7c ; selling at 71

to 8c. ' -VYhbat Nominal; buying at 75 to 85

for white and amber; red. 75 to 80, sellingper car loads at S9Ual.W per Dusnel.

UORN JNew, loose, ton'n , sat;a.eu, oito 63c.--


SoaoHUM In better demand; Z5 to Si cOats New crop; buying, loose, 25c;

selling, 40c.

fotatoks Xjoose, scarce, i kai.ou.Hay Bal d, 65a75c per 100 lbs.Damiv Frdit Apuies firm, 2 to 21c

per pound: Peaches; halves, 21a3. Black-berries nominal, 4a4Jc.

Floor Nominal: country extra, buy- -

lug, 2.0UaZ.o, selling, iJ.zoaz.ou iamuybuyiEg. .oU; selling, sz voBa.uj persack. ?

Fkathkbs Prime. 37tc38c: mixed, 25a

Buttsb Active, medium, 10al5c toodto prime, 15al83.

Kgqs Buying dull, 84acward tendency. '

ttAoe Uotton, laucBt iswax 22c per pound.jisittnQ Spring, 60a60.disiKA Shaks 35a40 .

Ysllow Root 4a4ioPink Root 10al5.

;MlT AppliRoot lc.L Hidks Dry lOallc; green 5c.' Tallcw64c.Flax Seed Per bushel, 70a"icBrass 8c; Copper, 10c.Wool Per pound. 20a3t).Applks --Green, 75a$1.00 per b ashel.

Wboleaale ttroeery tlarheiKkoxvillf, July 22.

- Sugars very high and advancing.Coffee Town Talk

Very God .........Rio Good....... l' Hal2J Duchess

prime...... Halo Counters' Choice. 16al6 Soioto... 1.75

O. G. Java 27H Uerman, 0 lbs ......2.t0Kpe. German eitra,6. lbe.3.5GCetton............. 18JutC... : 8ia "OXVII.I.B BOAl

Bgrs Laundry60 Its. J3.I6Hard sugars...... to 10 family .66 ft boxes. MAOCo?!:A " iy? CaatllesBstra C a Parafine 2 ia25 tbYellow C . 77 Star, full weight 2a;3N 0 . VAA " lubt - --11:1jH

Syrope TobaccoCommoa..... 2"a35 Common 11 in 30a4O 9 lb

Prime to eh nine 4uaS0 Brisht 11 in....... COif 5Fancy . 56 Caddy. 6 in 6?a70

Teas Fancy Brands do at6Smoking 3)tb0

ImDerial 50k75 SnawGunpowder tOd UU01 P'kgs t3 60a3.T6Oolong..-....-.......35i7-

5 os 46.767 Oo

Kr"- - Breakfast- - 0a75 CiirarsSpleea Au br'ds 612.00 50.0 H Id

repper..... lftaloo Orocera' OragbA Ispice.. ...... .........17a' 8Mutineers 10C Indigo, s Jr. 5oSiaSinger--. - 8il0 do Manilla 75a$l 00Cloves 41 Dutch Mdder 10a 2

Vanned ootl Shot and LeadidIf yjft'i2x .13 Drop shot n 75u roaouw , uua Book Khot Sil . 0iooase Woase 85a5 n., t.a e

rine Appies V case3 wStrawberries- - ...... S3 5 ) Sundries)3 t Tomatoes.,.......I2 25 rjaer Raisins 42 A 0a2.5Cove Uystere in eoatfo Wr Paper. 25.37&S0

do at ,h xin8 16il7cRlee Blacking...... JWatiOe

Jarolina 7Ki8a tbPRangoon. ..o.a ,rr.. u.t ;fi7nsoaps Musket .1580tfamilv. 1 84 box Parlor MatohesWar tvi. ?

Royal....... .. $3.50 Drawing-roo- m ...... 3 55Indigo.. ., 5.90 Stiok Candy 12Ke

Knoatliie Uetaii Market..

' Ksoxvilli. July 12.Monies dried 34 Molasses...35S60 gsl

iiples, gre'Lbu l.''ai.cKjMeai. w eusn txg,wBntter. ' i5S25n Wails. 5ttiBeans, dried. 75 J1.00 Oats. V bush 2oa30Bran v bushel. 1820o " sheaf. cwi0s6icBaaon. hams. e.. I(XiZi4 unions. wiao Dus

""untry, 8aiiJ rouitry.cniK-- s aj;wsides, 8(910 " ducs.l2Hi6?Bshoulders. 5a6l " se. 25W--

Beeswax. 3035 " turkeys. W81Hef ereen. n reas. ariea. u('o

dried. io9i 'm fotatoes.sw't v.uoa.roC.ndles. R 15 16 " Irish.:.t01.25OlRlOiU . 305iral Powder. , 4050iCjffee. Az92utu reaooes.ariea. ocAi 1015B Rice V & 710c0 itcon X artis. 50960 Sugar.orushed, 12al2kCrn. fi0i6f.o " eoflee. 10011Cabbage, : fiuiO " yellow, 8Ji'"9kiss. 8it) " brown. 7i

Flour, family, - . 3.35 Soap. H bar odstbc

do extra. 9 032,75 SaltPsaok. Hl--

do suBerfine. 2.00 2 25 Syrup, waJtiJieh. fresh, 810roShot. 15aT

in nnrf xaiu!D lea. freen. wmi.wicdo mackerel. ' 82uB do blaok.5' $1.25ft

leathers. f n 4550 Tar, 50cgalBw . 40 50ewt Tallow. 8ycLard. v : 8ai0itb Vinegar. gal ZttVe

Reported for theCBRomoi,i by J.ites A Lee, Uutchers. Market Square.

" - Kno cville July 22.CATTLB.

Good, fat, small cattle in request Common and poor, cattle dulL Large cattledull. Yeah in good demand. Sheep dullWe quote ;

BSE cattlk.No. 1. 2a2ic; eood fat small cattle

lia2c common nominal.tkals.

$1.50 to $3.03, according to quality.FAT 3HKIP.

Ua2J cents; stock sheep, 75 cents to$1.00.

- Cbat lanoosra Harhel.- Chattanooga Commercial July 19.

Cork Dull, 61ic.' Whbat Demand slack, 85a93cMk At 60 cents per bushel.

- Meats Bulk meats, long clear sides.Sieostoa, snort ciear sides, t4c; shouldersotr 1 eunesee hatns, Q.

LARD--J- n tierces, ic; cans, 9c.OAT8-P- er bushel, cents.Hat 7ja00 per cwt., on wharf,Potatoes Irish, ll.00al.20.FLOUR Extra. $5.00: familv. 5.-2- ii

extra family, $5.60; fancy,$6.00; new $5.75,xuua.-1-k- vaicKen8, trying. lUalzicgrown, 15al63c.Eggs Per dozen, 5c.Butter Per pound, 15a20e.Ginseng Per pound. 6580.

. Beeswax Per pound. 18a20c.Hides Green, 4c; salted, 61c; dry

Bauea, aiuc.Feathers-Li-ve geese, 20a35cTallow Dull, per pound, 60


- ko.:xxi.




I can not leave the Mississippi raid

without speaking of a very Pronoi'feature of that great eipedition-t- bat

wa8 the "Becond New Jersey pack

train" Pack saddle were made some- -

of a commonthiflg after the style... ,ninir wood with aborge" ueeo xor '"7- -

of-wb- od crossingPiecesbuck saw.Ainnrix ohnva 1 ha

and running somecrot?e: on ids '"" "-- r v; .

10 ut "' "boards were enapeu1 ! -- I I. . Jback. These were strongly giriueu un


the muleV back; two boxes to f hardbread or cartridges were then fastentdsecurely to strong ropes aCaproper dis

tance, so that with the ropes fastened atthe crossings of theses pieces the boxes j

would hang at equal distances alongeach side of the mule. men messkettles, frying pans, coffee "pots,' tincups, ac, were lasieueu uu yvtcond New Jersey were pla ed incharge : of these . pack , mules. - Thereader can imagine the xioise that one'

them would make as. be trotted or -

ran. Multiply that vty"one thousandand you have something of an idea -about what noise was made by .the 7;

"Second New Jersey pack train."In the confusion pt the battle, that

noise could be heard everywhere nthe stillness of the night, when a mo-men- i's

rest' wa9 offefed. "fhe "packtrain" wa3 sure to be "hard. Ouevery bBnd, on every ide,s could beheard the everlasllug noise or ine

Becohd New Jersey pack train,"-b- o

that ever afterwards ; that term wasusM to denote any disagreeable noise,and even yet, if one will mention the"teeoud New Jtrpey pack.train',' inthe presence of men who werealou,

smile will pass over thecouutenanceIn the nzht ats ivey farm, c;pi.

Kiuchelow, of the iFourih TennesseeCavalry, rode but in front tif hts company and was arranging .nia men morder facing the rebels. Suddenlyone of his men broke ranks and tneCaptain turned his head to reprimandhim. :Just as he aiu m ods or inosesix pound balls from the rebels passedbis face . auu.sirucK tne conar 01 nmcavalrv lacket. which stood up sUnbehicd, rending nis jacset uowu tnebac.k-.fro- the collar 10 the belt. iaihe not turned his head to reprove hisman tbe shot would have, taken hisiaw.

I stopped to mention some of theseiucidr-ui- and s have taken uptoo mnch Piace, if so, I beg pardon,but I have noticed tht in talking overHvt-nt- a of the war soldieis love todwell on puch thicg, and since beginninir. I flud. myself interested in renl iisu- - them, until it teems a volumeW)uld be written and still the "incidents " not exhaufed. . . .

The brigade remained at Gtrmantown until the 4 h of March, 1864,when the convalescent and dismountel ojen were eeut to Memphis, to beaken by steamboat bncte to Nashville.rhe wri et's horse had been stolen, soh was iu this crowd. A few days af- -

er, the others of tbe regiments frombe Cumberland took up the line 01

march back for Nashville, arriving atcamps the 17ih. The command haddrawn no clothing since meyieitNashville in December, and bad notbeen paid, so ou returning they wereas dirty and r.ipgt d a lot of soldiers ascould be found anywhere. Some ofhe officers cime in with their dress

coats on, having tne tail lorn en ai mewaist.

Juct before ibis raid. started fromNshviile;MJ r Catlett had obtainedleave of absence to vUit East Teunes- -

ee.'and being--thu- s jibeent he was not. . 1 . 2 . : 1 If. . ton the ausaisj-ip- pi riu. dlo wa-- , iu

hafge of Cimps with a few men whowere aoieui r sick wuen . iue cum- -

mmi's return, liowever, he took sickwith smll pox. tie was lovtd ueaxly,by tbe boys; so, much anxiety wasmanifested for his recovery, uut it

aa no use. He grew worse andworse until, the 23rd of March, 1864,when he died. He was . burieothe "text day, and, loi withstanding",the c u'aion aud fatality of thedisease, be regiment turned outaud burled - him - wun - militarytronois. The regiment passed resolutions as a tribute to bis mm --try, andtbe writtr kt-p- t a copy, but tbey.arenow'miplact-- d by some meam. 4 Major Catjett

.was a Uaptist mlDister,

1 lfrom a a raueu in cevit--r uuuuiy,inarrUd iu Blount and left a wid w

. Itan eelimaoie woman anu a fmauchild to mourn his Iohh. He was abrave and true tuao, and truly a good

Jman. - -

Ou tbe llih of April camps weremoved tight miles from Nashville, 00the Nashville and Nrthwe8tTu Railroad, oq the farm of General HardiDg.It was a beautiful site for a campingground, being on a g?ntlede cline fromtne railroad track to a rip olio it brookai iub mwtr tna or tne comoanv'stenia, while the )tabU" were situatedop the rolling ground opposite thtrnts. tiere the 8to nd, Third audFourth Tennessee Cavalry were placedIds brigade togetiier, under .the commaud of Col. DVU. lbornburgh. ofthe Third.' Tlnrre. were two oiherbrigades of Tfiinesseeans', couipoiuga cavalry divisionjauner the command of Brigadier Gtueral Alvan COillem. Ouib wjs tbe first Brigade,Fourth Drviriou, Cavalry Corps, audnow ch a Lined to the Military Divisionof tie Missisnippi instead of the Armyof the Cumbtrland

Tuis beautiful camp was called"0mp Catleit,'' in honor of MajorAlb rt C. Catlet', whose death, was boueepiy lamented. While oamoed herethare waa one of the most remarkablestorms we ever witnessed. It camesuddenly and with such force that itswept every! bing before it. Col. Min- -nisand Mj. S W. Pickens were eating au early supper uuder lhe fly " Inrear, or their teiitw, having a plate ofnapjiCKs" or pau cafees on tbei

table. The storm came sg furious thejrhad 10 aoauuon me ny, aud tne MajotooK up ine. piaie roii "nap-jac.Ks- " inorder to save what he could of his einper. Coming out, the wind was aboutto lift his hat from his head, wherenpon be would place his hand on bbar, tnen a fritter wouiu nuur awavjhurriedly (be hand would kq down tosave tbe others when tue hat wouldagain rise, and in this way he stooduntil his nap-jack-s were gone and hhad an empty plate. By thia time tbstorm was so severe be could not staudso falling1 to tbe ground he sitzed therailing on the railroad, and by th?8means anchored until the storm wasover. , Tents were swept before It, andpapers scattered every wherer Tilebrigade hospital tent was carried away,

bUM OF UA1L.T PAftk.month, by carrier or by mall... 5

Per 00aail.. .pj year, by


12 lines soiii Nonpareil coastituta one inch,Inott eaoa lii.ertioa- -. 1 00

mo on apohoauon fer adver--eaieDU i the year or taenia.

i,ooai No; :es 15 oents per line each insertion.City Notiot 10 oenta per line firt . insertion.in ndvertiaa Tents due after first insertiont early advertis ueuta payable quarterly All

xber advertisements payable on demand afterirst insertion.

11 50;ne rear....laosol iwonty.or over, per copy . i 00

; rtsgv

&KitlAU AMI liIA '-I'iA- - -

Hatltt -- .andr.nn fa.Bristol 4 45 ft m

N I. Mixed Train, Leaves ...... I p iuKnoiville.....- -. --


Knoxvilleat ,.. 1 jSpm

' 7 55 b lbArrives at Chattanooga,, ,.w k.Jo 1 ma&es connection at nanauyuni. wim

Memph.e and Chrleuton and Nashville anaCaa.tanKa Road. . ,

' - - -- ,

So i Mixed Train, leave Chattanaog. 8 30 a m"

Arrives atKnoxvilla -.- .- 2 ; 1 i mLeaves Knoxville. .. 3 06 p inArrive at Bristol...... ...11 4o p i

8 Leaves Bristol . 10 37 p mNo.

Arrive At Knoxvi.ie . S 31 a mLeaves Knoxviile ... v

1 42 a m

Arrives at Daiton 8 ('4 amArrives at CnaiUnooga.... o Uo a m

So 3 connects ar lalum with tae Western andAtl.ntioand 6elutv Romeand Dal ton Roads

ChattaueoEa with Alabama A UratSouthern Road ; no connection for Memphis,fconneotiou for Nashvil.e is made by this tram ofwith a boars' deUy l Chattanooga.

4 Leaves Chattanooga...- -. - o vLe4veeWft.t-B-- .. . . Y

at n.uu - - 'ArrivesLeaves h. no xviUe. 11 1 p w

BristoL.." - 4 4 a mArrives at at. Lynchburg forSe4 makes close connectionWasnington and Eastern ciuw.

buo&vllt and Ohl BilreiMi,Leavea Knoxvii.e...-- -.

Arrivei. at 0 xeyvilie -Leave Car y rule.. ,0 a. !'Arrive a' itnoxviiie,. :

Mak' connections wnk bota day teams tt theit. X.. V. u. R. R.

Clueinuail, Coiuberlnd Gap anrtCbttrlftttoa KsllrotMt.

Loaves Morristown 1015 ft mArrive at Wolf CreeK...... . . 1 l P mLeave W oil Cretfc ........ 3 10 p inArrive at Morrutown- - - 6 36pm

Connection is made at uarristown with theE. T.t Va- - a. Q a. trains No cast and No. 3VfneU Also ooanecdon at wolt Week wiltt aitat.es for Warm Springs acd Ashevuie, goingand returning.inosvlUe and CbarlHton Kallread

Leave Mary ville at 0 am.Arrive at Knoxville 9:20 a m

Leave AnoxvUle 3:00 r u." -

Arrive at Marvville 4 20 p m.Connection made with buth day trains on theT.. V. a. U. R. R.

Condon aud Boekwood 9tall.Faek.etl ha steamer Emory Ci y, carrying the mailt

nnien and freight, runs dauy betweenLoudeoi Kingston and rloc.wooa, arriving atLoudon to connect with the eastern hound train,No. 4. a.t 9:4 o. in. and leaves fur Kmsion audKoctiwo d ou tue arrival of the western bouuuriiii ro. i, at o.zs, it'.;THE SEWING MACHINE


ccuiacy, reliability and quality of prodaetthere is no superior to the

Light RunningDOW1ESTIC"

Jt doe ii of fMtgue you.f C dOfeM not excite tlx nerven.It requires ilie least adjustingIt produces the best resultsIt makes l lie least noie.It 1 the simples! of MachinesThe "DOMESTIC" is carefully con-

structed from the choicest materials; itmakes the double thread lock stitch ; hasthe automatic self-regulttli- tension andtsse-u- p with conical steel bearings andcompensating journal. Address

Domestic St wing Machine Co.,

OOO Main st.,Richmond, Fa- -

cr sale in Knoxville only at RushStrcng's Dry Goods Store, Market Square.


UNDERTAKER,orAer Maine and Walnut ati..

Keeps the largest and finest assortment o.iitg.Caie8 and Coffins, Burial Robes. Emblems

nd Mountings for the 1 ame, in this end of thState, as well as

The Finest Hearse in tne SteterP PrPared to furnish every article ased

n Undertaking of the hpst quality, and as chearas anybody, I am alto prepared to keep bodlen a good state of preservation for days, it desiredpeeial attention paid to shipping bodies.Orders by telegraph fiUtd at once. Motto

van t be exoeUed I W on't be undersold 1 1

xud6m t. CbUEPARD.

CITY HOTEL.JoJmson,, City,

Eaiit 'Telinossoe.Ttie undtrsiiined havlag recently opened the

CITY HO( Kb. respect'ully toii its the paironogeof tbe former friends of tne bouse und the public

eraiij.Tbis House is the Largest and Handsomest

uuiiaing iauiper a.a-- t lecnessec, u ontriliylocated. couVvnint to Depot. Telegraph. Express ana ros unioe. and bag al' the coovenienoesfor flensura bud lomfurt.

Tli Tnbl will always be supplied with theDest tnat tne oountry au .ra aua no pans willbe spared uu et Mtmlaae m allreste.a. . -- .

Staies leave this Hotel, for Roaa MonntainBikeravilia. Eaaltj'j or ihg'4 Sprirg, Auatn'4(riLgg, ana an toe gooo gsomg sireaqis iq inmountains, uooa Lively otaoies aujuiiii'.k,

TERM S RB A SO NADLE.DrA. PAT ros, Prop'r.

B. Prank Piitton; Clerk. " "


UOS. O'COWKR, PresidentSAM. HOUSE, Cashier.

DIB CTOK8 :Afcqa. Q'Oonner, Jaa. Q'Gorti)er,Jno. B. Neely, K Ii. Oorniok,H. N. Hood, Sam. House.



designated Depository of the State.rH?f U in ?sm and Dow sstio Exchange. Bells

nJv,,onal1 th6 Principal cities in Europe, buys'ellUnourrent Money. Gold and Silver.Wsj.'wts and City Sorip. . ivlOdtf

very months Borkent free explaining everytling. 'Address. BAXTER CO., Banker?,

17 wall Bt., ew i org.

nnvoAttio ' ,


A.K H t WH R I WVnwil lllVWh lliiu iuiiw si sioian A,tfenf oil's Caccioe Porous Piaster is net the I

best flaster m tbe World, it bas a better repntAtion uwirff YihvsiniA.nit than anv similar artlcle known. Its superioiity to tin old styles ofporons planers is very marked.




FOR CHOIRS.Pxice $9.00

FOR CONVENTIONS,flCO. ' ; ' per doz 1

tor SINOING SCHOOLS.Voice Of Worship by L. o.

E MgKS0Hi s lik6 other Church Musio Books bythe ame author, preeminent for graeeful andbeautitul music, and for the fine skill and judg 1

ment displayed in seleotion and arrangement.The First Hundred Pages -


whwbafoond many See harmonized songl orgiess i)r pracuoe ana erjoymenu I

1.1 ;ifa The Second Hundred Pages j r I

are fi'led with the best of Hymn Tunes, Senten-- I

ce.', ate, a large, new ana ireui collection. :

The Third Hundred Pages r.m , .

contain a capital set of .ANTHEMS. '

Specimen copies mailed, post-fre- e, for $1.00.

Emerson 'a Vocal Mkthod. (just out) has anovel arrangement of Billables and other improvements, Wflioh are sensible and useful.

lease examine. "rioe5.o-- .

OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston.C. H. DIT50N & C , 843 Broadway New York

Ayer'S AgUe Cure,

Tor Paver and Aeue. Intermittent Fever.uniiA r Brer, xieuutwu ii j: cvci, uuuiu xu,uc.Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c, and indeedall tne aElections wmcn arise iroiu malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. (

This is a compound remedy, prepared withscientific skill from vegetable ingredients, whichrarely fails to cure the severest cases of Chillsand Fever and the concomitant disorders. Sucha remedy the necessities of the people In malarious districts demand. Its great superiorityover any other medicine yi:t discovered for thecare of Intermittents ia, that it contains no quinine or mineral, and those who take it are freefrom danger of quinism or any injurious effects,and are as healthy after using it as before. Ithas been extensively employed during the lastthirty years in the treatment of these distressingdisorders, and so unvarying has been its successthat it has gained the reputation of being infal-lible. It can, therefore, be safely recommendedas a sure remedy aud specific for the Fever andAgue of the West, and the Chills and Fever ofthe South. It counteracts the miasmatic poisonIn the blood, and frees the system from its influ-ence, so that fever and ague, shakes or chills,once broken up by it, do not return until thedisease is again contracted. t

The great variety of disorders which arise fromthe irritation of this poison, such as Neuralgia,IMieuniatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness,Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal- -pitation. Splenic Affections, Hysterics, Fain

. in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derange-O-fthe Stomach, all of which become intermit

tent or periodical, have no speedier remedy than' Avee's Ague Cure, which cures them all alike,and protects the system from future attacks. Asa preventive, it is of immense service in those

.communities where Fever and Ague prevails, asit stays the development of the disease if takenon the ; first approach of the premonitory symptoms. V .Travellers and temporary residents arethus enabled to defy these disorders, and fewWill ever 6Uffer if they avail themselves of theprotection this remedy affords.

For Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity,it is an excellent remedy ; it stimulates this organinto healthy activity, and produces many remark-able cures where other medicines fail.

Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,Practical and Analytical Chemists,


Sanford, Chamberlain & Albf rs., Wholesale A itentf. Knoxville, Tenn.


old poiit; COMFORT, YA.,Situated ICO yards from Fort Monroe.Open all tha year. Equal to-- any hotel iathe United: States as a Spring, Summer,or Autumn Resort. ; Send for circular.



ALLsufferI I with CON

SUMPTION, ASTHMA, SOKE THROAT,uivu.ivmiis, or basal tAlAUKH1 will send iconv ol 'M f.TiiriT. imMMtlV HIT V.CJTfree of charee It is elegantly printed and illustrated ;144 pares. 12mo. , 1879. it bas been the means, in theprovidence of God. cf eavinc manv valuable lives.

persons suffering with anyuisease vi ine Aoie, a ii mat, or LunK. fenaname, with P O. Address and Fix cents to pay cosi oimailing to Cr. K. B. WOLFE, Cincinnati, Ohio.


Thia well and favorably known "Water-ing Place is now open for the reception ofrisitors. ;

As remedial agents,' these waters con-sisting of Chalebeate. While and BlackSulphur, are too well known to admit otany comment. The grounds where theseSprings are situated are uneqnaled by anyin point f beauty the coolest and mostpleasant place extant. The Home of theInvalid and to the Weary. Rest Fare asgood as can be had at any FirefClass' -

. WATERING TLACEand Board Cheaper. Hacks will run fromthe prings to McMillan's Station on theEast Tennessee," -- Virginia and, GeorgiaRailroadi three trips a week.durinir thA

with trains. JTrom and after 1st July willmake :daily Trips.- All mail directed to' McMillan's Stationfor Lea'a Springs will be conveyed toguests by Hack.

Tor Terra address uf.i. iAr -


ConTetance can be Jrnd at . Knoxyill ifpreferred.

taies to cover more than half the cost of the I month -- of June, viz: "Mondays, "Wednes-!&v?;f?uiihle- Lr

is half corns Saturdays, making connectionp'eted, one-four- th when the work is three-fourt- bs

coa p.eted and tae balance by JanuaryLt, 1881. . ': ,- - .r - ; -

The Commirsioners reserve the nght to rejectany and all bids. ' ' ; J. J" i 'i '

fceled bids will be r ceived at the office of theClerk of the County Court, ia . Maryvilie, untilSaturday, Aueuet i6tb, la at 14 eiock M.

. r o Xj. tl Rls tit. cbj n. . .' -- JAMES WAfERS, ' ' 1

: F.P BELL, i,, . , . H. S. CATLETT,

A. R. Mo BATH.july23d6t Commissioners.