Kodak Retinette 017 Manual

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  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual


  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    IMPORTANT: The exposure button is locked unless the film has

    been adanced and the shutter cocked! The exposure button islocked if the camera is not loaded "ith film!

    SERIAL NUMBER #or positie identification $ is located in

    front of the accessor% clip& keep a record of this number! The

    prefix 'EK( is used to desi)nate those Retinette Cameras

    imported b% the Eastman Kodak Compan%! *e sure to full%

    describe %our camera+ includin) the full serial number "ith

    prefix "hen correspondin) about it! *e sure to sae the

    Certificate of ,mport and O"nership included "ith this manual!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    Table of Contents

    . ,ntroduction

    / Openin) and Closin) the Camera

    0 A * Cs

    3implest 3ettin)s

    4 3hutter 3peed

    4 5ens Openin)

    16 #ocusin)

    11 7oldin) the Camera $ 8ie"in)

    12 #ilms1. 5oadin)

    10 Takin) the 9icture

    1: ;nloadin)

    1 #lash

    22 '*( Exposures

    2- 3elf $ Timer

    2. Depth of #ield

    2/ 3u))estion for

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual


  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    To open the camera

    9ress the O9EB,B< *;TTOBand pull do"n the front until it


    To close the camera

    3@ueee the t"o C5O3,Bfoot mark on

    the #OC;3,B< 3CA5E are for ran)e focusin)! 3ee pa)e !

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    oldin' the Camera

    7old the Camera as sho"n! Either the horiontal position

    illustrated or a similar ertical one is comfortable and practical!

    ith the thumb and first fin)er used as sho"n+ %ou can hold

    the Camera remarkabl% stead% "hile %ou s@ueee the exposure


  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    Usin' the *ie+ )inder

    3tead% the Camera a)ainst %our face! 9lace the rear of the

    finder close enou)h to the e%e so that the entire front frame

    can be seen! Compose the picture+ moin) the Camera and

    %our head to)ether!

    !#%A! )ILMS

    *se o!a& +,- Film

    #or beautiful color $ use Kodachrome #ilm Da%li)ht T%pe

    outdoors+ T%pe A "ith flood or flash+ 26 or -0 exposures!

    ith full>color Kodachrome %ou can capture the iid

    colors of an autumn landscape+ of sprin) flo"ers+ of )aud%

    carnialsL or the )a% colors at the childrens )arden part%+ a

    picnic+ a cherished holida%L or the delicate colors of that infant

    son or dau)hter! =es+ "ith color there are ne" fields to


    Kodachrome #ilm is sent to Kodak for processin) at no

    extra cost! ,t is returned to %ou as 2x2>inch mounted

    transparencies Funless other"ise specifiedG "hich can beie"ed b% transmitted li)ht+ proected as slides+ and from "hich

    color prints can be made! 3ee %our Kodak dealer for full>color

    Kodachrome or Kodacolor 9rints and Enlar)ements at

    moderate prices!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    )or hi'h,-ualit. enlar'ements

    ;se Kodak 9lus> 9anchromatic

    #ilm $ fine )rain and hi)h

    resolin) po"er permit hi)h>

    @ualit% enlar)ements! An

    excellent film for )eneral

    outdoor and "ell>li)hted

    interior use! 26 or -0 exposures!

    )or poor li'ht

    ;se Kodak 3uper>

    9anchromatic #ilm $ er% hi)h

    speed makes this an ideal film to

    use "ith artificial li)ht! 26 to -0


    )or fine,'rain cop.in'

    ;se Kodak Micro>#ile #ilm $ an

    extremel% fine>)rain+ slo"+panchromatic film for cop%in)

    printed matter+ maps+

    documents+ etc! -0 exposures!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual




    5oad the Camera in subdued li)ht+ neer in bri)ht li)ht! Kodak

    1-/ #ilm is contained in a li)htti)ht ma)aine! Rewind the film

    into this magazine after exposures have been made and before

    the Camera back is opened. 8arious Kodak 1-/ #ilms are

    described on pa)es 12 and 1-!

    1!5ift the lock and open theCamera back!

    2!Dra" the film re"ind knobout as far as it "ill )o! ,nsert

    the film ma)aine containin)

    the crosspiece )oes to"ard

    the re"ind knob! 9ush in the

    re"ind knob and turn it so the

    slot in the re"ind shaft

    en)a)es the crosspiece in the


    -! ,nsert the end of the film in aslot of the take>up reel! Do

    not attempt to remoe this

    reel from the Camera! Turn

    the knurled reel flan)e to bind

    the film on the reel until the

    full "idth of the film ust

    emer)es from the ma)aine!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    After makin) sure that the film "ill ride properl% in the path

    proided for it+ close and lock

    the back of the Camera and turn

    the "indin) knob in the

    direction of the arro" until it


    Cock the shutter and press the

    exposure button! Bo" adance

    the film+ cock the shutter+ pressthe exposure button+ and a)ain

    turn the film "indin) knob until

    it locks! A)ain cock the shutter+ release it and adance the film!

    The first frame of the film is no" read% to be exposed!

    .! Turn the exposure counter+ b% means of the t"o small students+until the fi)ure 26 Ffor a 26>exposure rollG or the fi)ure -0 Ffor a

    -0>exposure rollG is at the index mark! The counter "ill al"a%ssho" the number of exposures remainin) on the film!

    NOTE: The exposure button+ shutter+ and film "indin) mechanism

    are coupled to)ether to preent double exposure and blanks!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    Ta/in' the picture

    This is the step %oue been preparin) for? ,f %ou hae

    follo"ed the preious directions+ this "ill be eas% and results


    1!3et the shutter speed+ lens openin)+ and focus asexplained on the preious pa)es!

    2!Cock the shutter b% liftin) the cockin) leer as far as it "ill)o!

    -!Compose the picture in the ie" finder!.!Make the exposure! 7old the Camera stead% "hile

    pressin) the exposure button "ith a slo"+ s>@>u>e>e>in)

    action! ,ts a )ood idea to hold %our breath durin) the


    ,f the exposure button is locked+ it probabl% means that

    the film has not been adanced since the preious exposure or

    that the shutter has not been cocked!

    ,f %ou desire to make a double exposure+ %ou can do so b%

    cockin) the shutter and depressin) the release on the shutter!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual




    hen the last exposure has been made+ the counter "ill be at

    1! Do not open the back of the Camera now, or the film will be

    fogged. Re"ind the film into the ma)aine b% pushin) the

    RE,BD 5E8ER to 'R( and turnin) the re"ind knob in the

    direction of the arro"! Continue to re"ind until the "indin)

    knob stops turnin)! The film Fexcept for an inch or t"o of leader

    stripG is no" back in the ma)aine! Open the back+ pull there"ind knob out as far as it "ill )o+ and remoe the ma)aine!

    ,ts a )ood idea to )et %our exposed film processed

    promptl%! The Kodak Da%>5oad Tank or the Kodacraft Miniature

    Roll>#ilm Tank makes it eas% to deelop %our black>and>"hite


  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    )lash &ictures

    At ni)ht or "heneer the li)ht is poor+ flash "ill let %ou )et %our

    picture either in color or in black and "hite! This Camera is

    full% s%nchronied+ automaticall% flashin) the lamps at ust the

    ri)ht time to make the most efficient use of the li)ht! Class # or

    M flash lamps can be used as "ell as speedlamps! All %ou need

    is the lo">priced Kodak 3tandard #lasholder and the Kodak *>C

    #lashpack or t"o fresh+ sie 'C( photoflash batteries to )o "ithit!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    ,f the photoflash batteries are not aailable+ flashli)ht batteries

    can be used! The batteries should test atleast / amperes!

    Attach the flasholder b% scre"in) the thumbscre" on the

    standard bracket into the tripod socket of %our Camera! *e sure

    to slip the Kodak #lashpost ADA9TER+ supplied "ith %our

    Camera+ onto the flash post before attemptin) to connect the

    flasholder cord to the flash post!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    Usin' Class ) Lamps0 such as SM or S)

    3et the s%nchronier 3E5ECTOR on '(! Do not cock the DE5A=

    5E8ER! The shutter is s%nchronied for settin) up to and

    includin) the 1H166 second! Cock the shutter and snap the


    Usin' Class M Lamps0 such as No1 2 and No1 32

    3et the s%nchronier 3E5ECTOR on 'M( and cock the DE5A=5E8ER b% moin) it in the direction indicated b% the arro" in

    the picture on pa)e 14! The %ello" dot labeled 'M( on the front

    of the shutter is a reminder to %ou to cock the dela% leer

    "heneer the selector is set on 'M(! The shutter can be set at

    an% speed! Cock the shutter and snap the picture!

    *e sure the bottom of the lamp base is clean and bri)ht

    before insertin) the lamp in the flasholder! ,f the contact point

    is tarnished+ rub it on a rou)h surface!

    CA;T,OB 3ince lamps ma% shatter "hen flashed+ the use of a Kodak 2>

    a% #lash)uard or other shield oer the reflector is recommended! Do

    not flash the lamps in an explosie atmosphere!

    Do not insert flash lamps in the reflector if the shutter is open $

    the lamp "ill flash and a serious burn ma% result!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    Usin' Speedlamps

    Connect a Kodatron 3peedlamp For similar e@uipment "ith no

    la) in the trip circuitG to the flash post+ usin) the flashpost

    adapter! 3et the s%nchronier selector on '(+ select an%

    shutter speed+ and cock the shutter+ and snap the picture!

    N#TE( Do not use units flashed b% means of hea%>dut% rela%s or

    solenoids! 3uch units ma% completel% destro% the shutter contacts!

    Supplementar. )lash #utdoors

    *lue flash bulbs are used "ith Da%li)ht T%pe color films to

    reduce excessie contrast "ith nearb% back> or side>li)hted

    subects in the bri)ht sun! ith the selector on 'M( and the

    dela% leer cocked+ use Bo! /* or Bo! 2/* flash lamps! A lamp>

    to>subect distance of feet )ies )ood contrast! ;se thebasic exposure for subects in bri)ht sunli)ht! #lash exposure

    data are )ien on pa)e -- and on the reflector of the Kodak

    3tandard #lasholder!

    #or exposure al"a%s follo" the information )ien onthe reflector of %our flasholder! More specific data

    are )ien for satin finished reflector in the table on

    pa)e --!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    4B5 E6posures

    hen the li)ht is poor Finteriors+ street

    scenes at ni)ht+ and similar conditionG+

    %our Camera can still produce some of

    %our most strikin) pictures!

    The '*( settin) enables %ou to keep

    the shutter open for as lon) as re@uired!

    9lace the Camera on a tripod or other firm

    support! Both Camera and subject must be

    still during the exposure.

    To make a lon) exposure+ adust the

    lens openin) and the focus+ set the shutter

    on '*(+ cock the shutter+ and press theexposure button+ holdin) it do"n for the

    re@uired exposure time! The shutter sta%s

    open "hile the button is held do"n+ and

    closes "hen the button is released! The

    Kodak T*, Metal Cable Release Bo! 2 can

    be used to hold the shutter open! ,t isscre"ed into to openin) of the exposure


  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual




    This is another useful feature of %our Camera "hich "ill help

    %ou )et unusual and satisf%in) pictures! ith the self>timer %ou

    can )et into the picture!

    To use the self>timer+ set the s%nchronier selector on '(+

    cock the dela% leer+ and then make all settin)s in the usual

    "a%J! After %ou push the exposure button+ there is an interal

    of about 16 seconds before the shutter opens and takes the

    picture! This )ies %ou time to take %our position in the picture

    area! hen the self>timer is used+ the Camera must be held in a

    fixed position b% a tripod or other firm support!

    3ince the '( settin) proides s%nchroniation for Class #

    flash lamps+ the self>timer can be used for flash pictures "ith3M or 3# lamps!

    JThe dela% leer cannot be cocked "hen the shutter is set at '*(!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    %epth of )ield

    ith the lens focused on a )ien subect+ obects both closer

    and farther a"a% "ill also be sharp! This depth of field aries

    "ith the lens openin) used& the smaller the openin)+ the

    )reater the ran)e of sharpness!

    =our Camera is e@uipped "ith a dept>of>field scale so that

    %ou can read this ran)e of sharpness easil% before %ou take

    each picture! The focusin) scale and the lens openin) numbers

    en)raed on each side of the focusin) index comprise the

    depth>of>field scale!

    The follo"in) example sho"s ho" to read this scale

    3ubect is feet a"a%+ exposure calls for a lens openin) of


    3et the focusin) scale at feet as sho"n! 5ook for the

    number /!0 on each side of the index!

    The depth>of>field scale indicates that obects bet"een

    about 0 and 11 feet "ill be sharp!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    Su''estion for $ood &ictures

    Tell a Stor$

    ,f %our pictures tell a stor% at a sin)le )lance+ the% are

    interestin)+ not ust to %ou but also to %our friends! Tr% to

    'shoot( %our subect doin) somethin)+ as if una"are of %our

    presence! ,nclude+ if %ou can+ an accessor% in the picture to

    en)a)e the subects interest! The result "ill be a natural+

    seemin)l% unposed picture expressin) an idea spontaneousl%!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual




    o!a& E&talu. Flashol!er

    This superior flasholder is adapted to all t%pes of flash picture>

    takin)! The built>in batter%>condenser s%stem assures

    dependable lamp firin) and lon)er batter% life! The Ektalux uses

    either mid)et or medium>base lamps+ and offers accessories

    that )reatl% expand the ersatilit% of flash "ork "ith %our


    The o!a& Stan!ar! Flashol!er

    This is an inexpensie+ li)ht"ei)ht+ efficient accessor% for flash

    pictures! An eector button on the back @uickl% releases the

    burned>out lamps! A )uide on the reflector )ies instant

    exposure information!

    The Kodak #lasholder Extension ;nit Model * is aailable

    "ith extension cord and adustable clamp>on bracket for


    The o!a& B'C Flashpa"&

    This flashpack "ith a 22>olt batter% offer a batter%>

    condenser method of flashin) lamps! ;sed in place of the sie

    'C( batteries+ it proides more than enou)h ener)% for accurate

    s%nchroniation and dependable lamp firin)!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    o!asli!e Pro/e"tors

    There are t"o outstandin)

    models aailable the lo">priced

    but er% efficient Kodaslide

    Merit 9roector+ and the po"er>

    cooled Kodaslide 9roector

    Master Model! *oth models

    hae precise optical s%stems and5umenied proection lenses to

    proide brilliant pictures!

    o!asli!e Ta0le 1ie2er 3( an!

    Mo!el A Series 4

    These compact+ li)ht"ei)ht+efficient ie"ers proide eer%thin) necessar% for proectin)

    slides in a normall% li)hted room!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    The% are eas% to carr% and eas% to use! Nust plu) them into the

    electric line and feed the slides throu)h them!

    o!a& E$e'5e6el Tripo!

    This sturd% aluminum tripod proides ri)id+ dependable support

    for %our Camera! ,t measures 22 inches folded and 06 inches


    o!a& Com0ination 5ens Atta"hments

    3eries 8, filters and lens attachments are used "ith this

    Camera! The Kodak 8,A 5ens 7ood must be used to allo"

    clearance of the Camera bed!

    The 1>inch Kodak Adapter Rin) slips oer the lens mount

    to hold the other attachments in position! To assemble a filter+

    Kodak 9ortra 5ens+ or 9ola>3creen+ remoe the insert+ place the

    item in the rin)+ and hold it in place b% scre"in) either the

    insert or the 5ens 7ood into the rin)!

    The Kodak ratten #ilters K2+ A+ 1+ and < are used for

    darkenin) the sk% and are used "ith panchromatic films& do not

    use these filters with color film.

    Filters 7or o!a"rome Film

    Kodachrome pictures made in open shade under a clear blue

    sk%+ or on oer>cast or ha% da%s "ill be improed if Kodak

    3k%li)ht #ilter is used!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    ,f the Kodak Da%li)ht #ilter for Kodak T%pe A Color #ilms is

    used+ T%pe A film can be used in da%li)ht!

    #or flash photo)raph% "ith Kodachrome #ilm+ Kodak 5i)ht

    *alancin) #ilters Bo! 1C "ith Bo! / flash lamps and Bo! 1D

    "ith Bo! 2/ flash lamps are recommended!

    o!a& Fiel! Case 7or o!a& Retina an! Retinette Cameras

    This is a smart leather carr%in) case "hich protects %ourCamera and %et permits instant use of Camera!

    o!a%ui!e Snapshot #ial

    This pocket>sie dial computer tells %ou ust "hat exposure to

    use! ,t coers black>and>"hite and color films!

    The o!a& Master Photo%ui!e

    This is the ans"er to an% still picture>takin) problem! ,t is a

    pocket>sie edition "ith -2 pa)es of eas%>to>use dial

    computers+ tables+ and brief text! ,ndex tabs lead %ou directl% to

    such subects as exposure+ filters+ li)htin)+ and man% others!

    The 9hoto)uide is spiral bound Fpa)es "ill lieflatG in a sturd% leather>like coer! heneer

    %ou are+ ni)ht or da%+ make eer% exposure

    count "ith the Kodak Master 9hoto)uide! Ask

    %our dealer to sho" %ou one toda%!

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual




    The Kodak #lurolite and 7obb%ist enlar)ers are desi)ned for

    those "ho appreciate fine e@uipment and "ho take pride in

    turnin) out )ood enlar)ements!

    *oth enlar)ers feature fluorescent+ inte)rated

    illumination! *ecause the li)ht is cool+ the lamphouse and

    ne)aties neer eat up! *ecause the li)ht is bri)ht and "hite+

    focusin) is eas%! *ecause the li)ht is hi)hl% actinic+ exposures

    are short $ een throu)h dense ne)aties!

    EASTMAN !#%A! C#M&AN"

    Ro"hester 38 N9 Y9

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual




    %a.li'ht E6posure Table )or &lus,7 )ilmith 3uper> #ilm+ )ie one>half the recommended exposure! #or

    example ,f the basic exposure isfH11 at 1H166+ usefH0 at 1H166!

    T.pe of sub8ectBri'ht









    3ubects fH11>1H166 f>1H166 fH/!0>1H166




    3ubectsfH>1H166 fH/!0>1H166 fH.!/>1H166




    3ubectsfH/!0>1H166 fH.!/>1H166 fH.!/>1H/6



    )lood Lamp E6posure Table )or Super,77 )ilm

    T"o Bo! 2 5amps in Kodak 8ari>*eam 5i)hts set at 3T,55+ or t"o Bo!

    R#52 5amps!

    3hutter 3et at 1H2/ seconds


    #penin'7:;12 7:21< 7:=

    3ide 5i)ht>to>3ubect

    Distance $ feet4 : .

    Camera 5i)ht>to>3ubect

    Distance $ feet 1- 16 :

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual




    )lash$ The exposure )uide numbers in the table appl% to lamps in a .>to />inch satin>finished reflector+ such as that of the Kodak 3tandard


    To determine the lens openin) to use+ diide the )uide number in

    the table b% the Camera>to>3ubect distance! #or example+ to find the

    lens openin) for a subect / feet a"a% for Kodachrome #ilm T%pe A+ 3M

    lamp+ and a shutter settin) of 1H166+ diide the )uide number F.6G b%

    the distance F/G to )et FfHG!

    )lash Lamp SM or S) No1 2 or No1 32

    Shutter Speed#pen



    )lash>:2? >:>?? >:@??


    T%pe A./ .6 :6 06 // -2

    9lus> :/ 0/ 1.6 116 166 :63uper> 116 4/ 266 106 1.6 4/

    Jith Kodachrome #ilm T%pe A and a Bo!/ lamp+ use a Kodak 5i)ht *alancin)

    #ilter Bo! 1C& "ith a Bo! 2/ lamp+ use a Bo! 1D #ilter! armer tones "ill result!

    P1H2/ or slo"er+ or '*( Fno bri)ht li)hts in cameras ie"G!

    Read%>reference table for aera)e indoor Camera>to>3ubect distances+ "ith the

    shutter set at 1H2/ second+ and Kodachrome #ilm T%pe A!

    No1 2 or No1 32 )lash Lamps

    fH.!/ fH/!0 fH fH11 fH101/ ft 12 ft 4 ft 0 ft . ft

    SM or S) )lash Lamps

    fH.!/ fH/!0 fH fH11 >

    16 ft ft / ft . ft >

  • 7/22/2019 Kodak Retinette 017 Manual



    %ETAILS #)



    Be)atie 3ie $ 2. x -0mm

    #ilm $ Kodak 1-/ 26> or -0>exposures


    3chneider Reomar $ Coated /6mmfH.!/+fH/!0+fH+fH11 andfH10


    9rontor 38 $ Cockin) T%pe

    3peeds $ 1+ 1H2+ 1H/+ 1H16+ 1H2/+ 1H/6+ 1H166+ 1H-66 second+ and '*(

    #lash $ *uilt>in s%nchroniation for Class # and M flash lamps and 3peedlamp

    3elf>Timer $ *uilt>in "ith 16>second dela%


    #ocusin) 3cale $ On lens mount

    #ocusin) Ran)e $ - feet to infinit%

    8ie" #inder $ Optical+ e%e>leel t%pe




    *od% $ Die Cast $ black leather coered

    Tripod 3ocket $ 3tandard American tread


    1>inch Kodak Adapter Rin)+ 3eries 8, Kodak 5ens 7ood 3eries 8,A