Köppen Climate Classification A. Beckingham Geography 12

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  • Kppen Climate Classification A. Beckingham Geography 12
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  • Who, why Wladimir Kppen, 1846-1940 Climatologist, meteorologist, botanist Connection between climate and vegetation Developed a climate classification system that uses avg. temp.,avg. precip., and the seasonality of precip. The system is based on the concept that vegetation is the best expression of climate.
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  • Kppen Classification 5 main groups A.Tropical B.Dry C.Temperate D.Continental E.Polar
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  • Kppen Classification A Tropical rainy climates Avg. Temp. > 18C every month Annual precip. is large and exceeds evaporation No winter season
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  • Kppen Classification B Dry climates Evaporation exceeds precipitation for the year No water surplus No permanent streams would orginate in a B climate zone
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  • Kppen Classification C Temperate (mild) climates Coldest month avg. temp. -3C At least one month avg. temp. > 10C Distinct summer and winter seasons
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  • Kppen Classification D Continental (snowy-forest) climates Coldest month avg. temp. < -3C Warmest month avg. temp. > 10C (forest is not generally found where the warmest month is colder than 10C)
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  • Kppen Classification E Polar climates Warmest month avg. temp. < 10C No summer season
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  • Kppen Classification H Highland climates Influenced by high elevation rather than high latitude Variable with conditions chaning over relatively small distances Occur at all latitudes; coastal and interior No subdivisions
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  • Kppen Classification Subdivisions: B group BS Steppe climate 400-800mm precip. annually BW Desert climate < 400mm precip. annually Timing of the precip. is significant due to evaporation If precip. is concentrated in the low-sun season then less precip. is required to designate a steppe climate zone
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  • Kppen Classification Subdivisions: A, C, and D groups Second letter f moist, adequate precip. in all months, no dry season w dry season in the winter (low-sun season) s dry season in the summer (high-sun season) m rainforest climate, despite short dry season (A Group only)
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  • Kppen Classification Subdivisions: E group ET Tundra climate Warmest month temp. > 0 C but
  • Kppen Classification Subdivisions: Third letter (B, C, and D groups) a warmest month > 22C (hot summer) b warmest month 10C (warm summer) c fewer than 4 months > 10C (cool summer) d same as C but coldest month < -38C (cold summer) h dry and hot; mean annual temp. >18C (low-lat. desert) k dry and cold; mean annual temp.