1 4 December 2020 4 December 2020 Kua oti nga mahi Kua oti nga mahi o nga Kaiako o nga Kaiako The teachers’ work is done The teachers’ work is done - - - -

Kua oti nga mahi o nga Kaiako · 2020. 12. 4. · Kua oti nga mahi o nga Kaiako The teachers’ work is done--Parents and students putting down a hangi on the old P1 prefab site Matua

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    4 December 20204 December 2020

    Kua oti nga mahi Kua oti nga mahi o nga Kaiakoo nga Kaiako

    The teachers’ work is doneThe teachers’ work is done


  • Parents and students putting down a hangi on the old P1 prefab site

    Matua Neitana Tane

    Whanau Report

    Kia kaha, kia māia, kia ū Be strong, be brave be resolute

    Last week our P1 classroom was moved from the Senior Campus to the Junior Campus. This week our year 9 final Māori language project group wasted no time finding a use for the space!Ka nūnui te mihi - Meri Kirihimete. A huge Merry Christmas to all. Mauri ora!Neitana (Nathan) Tane

    Principal’s Comment

    Mike NewellPrincipal

    review over the past 3 years. We want every student to be “known and noticed.”

    Our roll for 2021 is very healthy and shows the confidence of our community. I do want to thank parents and whanau for entrusting us with educating your children. As a parent, it is not a responsibility I take lightly.

    To all students and staff that are leaving JHC, I wish you well for your future ahead and thank you for your contributions no matter how large or small. To those returning I look forward to seeing you again in Term 1.

    Have a safe and happy holiday everyone!

    Noho ora mai

    Mike Newell Principal

    It has been a strange year, tough at times and still potentially more tough times ahead. But I do think we need to celebrate and look at the positives. Many of our school, sporting and cultural events did take place in some form. Many students have been able to succeed in all facets of the college and their chosen pursuits outside of school. In the wider context our country is in good shape and most of us are healthy and will have a lot of freedom over the holiday period.

    Looking ahead to 2021 we are changing the pastoral structure of our form classes and deans. All students will be placed in form classes according to their house and their form teacher will follow them through the college to Year 13. Deans no longer have responsibility for a year level, they are now responsible for either junior or senior students in their house. We have also created 4 Head of House positions in an effort to revitalise our house system and improve school spirit and competition. The main driver for this change was the significant pastoral

    Kia ora whanau

    Well, it is hard to believe we are at the end of the year already. For me it doesn’t seem like April was that long ago when I started at JHC. I am incredibly proud of our school and it is such a privilege to be the principal of JHC.

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    Chris O’ConnorBOT Chairperson

    Hello to all On the 10th November 2020 we held our final PTA gathering for the year. At this meeting we welcomed a lot of new parents/caregivers for the first time. It is always great to meet new parents and we welcome all to come along and join us.

    We took the opportunity to farewell Mrs Jenny Elder who has been a well respected member of the JHC Senior leadership team. Jenny has supported the PTA for 24 years - what an enormous contribution that is!! From a personal perspective, Jenny has assisted me and others in

    PTA Report

    Monique ShirleyChairperson

    the many transitions of parents onto the PTA over the past 24 years. It has been wonderful to have someone like Jenny help us navigate the requirements of the PTA in supporting James Hargest College. Jenny was always happy to welcome and encourage all the new parents/caregivers on the PTA. She willingly shared her extensive knowledge and experience, for which we are grateful. Thanks again for your support Jenny, we wish you well in the next chapter. We appreciate all that you have done to support the PTA, parents and students over the years.

    The PTA Uniform sales for the year will be held at the Senior Campus on Monday 14th December 2020 and Tuesday 26 January 2021.

    The PTA was thrilled to support 50% of the cost of the JHC Hemi Hakena new uniforms, the students looked amazing in their new uniforms, we look forward to seeing you in action.

    I encourage all to take the opportunity to look at the new JHC Archives/Museum that has been a work in progress over this year. Barbara Jones has worked tirelessly on getting this up and running. The PTA would like to say a big thank you to Barbara who has led the charge on setting up the Archives Room and JHC historical sites. She has started cataloguing the proud history of the school. She has a space where she can display information, pictures, history etc etc. We are grateful she is passionate about this project as it is a huge undertaking, and

    one which the school will benefit from for years to come. Thanks again Barbara.

    Also, thanks must go to those on the PTA who have helped out this year with uniform sales, BBQ, Open Days, and Garden Club. Also not forgetting to mention our Treasurer and Secretary – Thanks again for all the efforts.

    Hard to believe this is the last newsletter for the year – I for one am glad to have put the Christmas Tree up, and call the year “Done” – the 2020 year will go down as one we won’t forget in a hurry. That said I am sure everyone will enjoy the Xmas break and take the time to relax and enjoy time with family and friends – we wish you all a safe and happy Christmas.

    Please feel free to join us at the PTA meetings. Dates listed below – We always enjoy meeting new parents/caregivers – so please take the time to pop along to the meetings and get an insight/update directly from the teachers representative on both campuses, you may be surprised/amazed at what information the kids didn’t pass on to you!!

    The next meeting will be the AGM on 16th March 2021 which will be held in the Brig (above the front office) at the Senior Campus.

    Kind regards

    Monique Shirley PTA Chairperson

    Tena Koutou

    As the school year draws to a close and we look forward to next week’s prize giving and graduation ceremonies the BOT would like to acknowledge the positive contribution so many people make to JHC.To our hard working teachers and support staff, thank you for all of your efforts and extra care you give to our students to help them succeed. To our parents and caregivers who volunteer their time to attend school camps, coach and manage sports teams, fundraising or the many other ways you support the college, thank you.To our students, well done for your hard

    From the Boardroom

    work, perseverance and any success that you have earned. We hope you are proud of your efforts and proud of your college.

    Have a good festive season one and all!

    Chris O’Connor BOT Chairperson

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    Stuart Elder The three Elders’ legacy of 94 years of service is boosted by Stuart’s personal contribution of 42 years of service to James Hargest High School as it was then in 1978, when he started until present day. The intricacies of the school timetable have been his long standing domain, a role few can get their head around and the rest of us marvel about.

    Stuart arrived at a time when computers did not exist in schools, the first test tube baby was born and grease was the word. One of those things was more significant to Stuart

    Jenny Elder Mrs Jenny Elder joined the staff at James Hargest College in 1997 when she was appointed Deputy Principal. Prior to this, Mrs Elder taught Commerce at Verdon College and Southland Girls’ High School. At Hargest she set up the International Programme while continuing to teach Accounting and Business Studies. However, by 2017 our International Programme had expanded to such a degree that her expertise and

    time were being fully utilised in that important area.

    As Deputy Principal Mrs Elder held many responsibilities. With her background in Accounting it was a natural for Mrs Elder to be involved with compliance systems and strategic thinking. She is the Chairperson of the Assessment Committee, ensuring processes are robust, fair and thorough. As Principal’s Nominee Mrs Elder liaises with NZQA and is very involved with all our examinations. Mrs Elder is strongly committed to maintaining Hargest’s outstanding academic reputation.

    Due to Mrs Elder’s skills in auditing, it was again a natural segue to taking responsibility for implementing provisions related to the ever changing International Code of Practice for International Students. At times, this was a complex process but Mrs Elder’s dedication and competence ensured workable and successful systems were always in place. Under Mrs Elder’s direction the International Department has grown exponentially (until COVID). She is a leader in the field and this was recognised in 2016 when she was invited to speak at an International Education Conference, enabling practitioners from NZ and beyond to benefit from her expertise. Being Director and more recently Co - Director of the International Programme, Mrs Elder’s role has been diverse. Not only has she maintained Hargest’s compliance systems, she has also hosted many international guests, and set up the International Friendship Club to enable the integration of International Students into school and community life. There are many challenges in overseeing both the educational and personal needs of international students. Mrs Elder always understood the expectations and the range of requirements for the various stakeholders. She knows that one size does not fit all.

    Over the years Mrs Elder has held many other positions within the life of the school. One which will now be just a memory for some of the older staff members was her oversight of the Hargest Childcare Centre, a provision that was appreciated by many teaching staff with young families. Another role was her involvement with the He Kakano initiative. We are fortunate that Mrs Elder was (and is) fully committed to seeing culturally responsive practice embedded at Hargest. Her unwavering support has definitely contributed to the current strengths of the Hargest Whanau classes and Kapa Haka group. Mrs Elder has also been responsible for interviewing students transferring

    support has definitely contributed to the current strengths of the Hargest Whanau classes and Kapa Haka group. Mrs Elder has also been responsible for interviewing students transferring from other schools. These students see Mrs Elder’s warm and welcoming face upon arrival, while also quickly coming to realise that she is very astute when it comes to reading character.

    Generosity is another of Mrs Elder’s many fine attributes. She has consistently given her time, her ideas and her energy in many fields. Her leadership of the Leo Club has been a particular success. In fact Hargest has the largest and most active school Leo Club in the Southern Hemisphere. The famous round table in her office is often covered with raffle items or cans for the foodbank and, more recently, spectacles and hearing aids. Mrs Elder co-ordinates Hargest‘s involvement in the Walk for Life and is the driving force behind the annual Ball Extravaganza which has raised thousands of dollars for various charities. Our student leaders are wonderful but the steadying hand of Mrs Elder has ensured that all these major fundraising events have run smoothly and successfully. The ancillary staff are also on Mrs Elder’s radar. Our newsletters and many other communications have their inception in her office. On a personal level, Mrs Elder is often the first to send a card to new mothers on the staff, or condolences for bereavements or thank you messages for work well done. Her unfailing kindness is a testament to a very warm and caring person.

    Mrs Elder finishes Hargest with an enviable legacy. She leaves very robust systems, staff that have grown under her encouragement and many students who have come to understand themselves and their potential to succeed. Jenny Elder has the instincts of a natural leader. She is discreet, she inherently knows the right thing to do, and she is fun. Students and staff will miss the laughter that emanates from her office. There is no-one more deserving of a relaxing retirement than Mrs Jenny Elder- one of the most inspirational and dedicated people we have had the pleasure of working alongside.

    Senior Campus Staff Farewell

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    than the others and he introduced Hargest to the world of computing with BBC and Commodore 64 PC’s. The C64 had 64KB of memory and 24KB of RAM for you enthusiasts, staggering.

    Stuart was the keeper of our school Network for a very long time and the “go to” for any technical logical issue.

    He teaches Mathematics to senior classes, no gazintas for this teacher it’s all Calculus and Computer Programming. He was at one point a School Certificate marker for Mathematics.

    Stuart is the keeper of our data and the manager of our NCEA and Ministry protocols. He creates the mechanism to drive our systems. He personally wrote numerous small programs simply entitled E suite that for many years have provided staff with the ability to source information from our data. They proved to be incredibly helpful as we all came to terms with the complexities of student management systems.

    He has been a long standing table tennis exponent and supporter of students in that sport. He is an avid games player and departmental collegial supporter.

    Stuart has always been a highly professional and committed member of the Hargest Community and he can be very proud of his contribution to the school. His colleagues hold him in very high regard for his support and caring over his long standing Hargest career, we wish him well in his retirement from teaching. He is likely to continue to support the school in some capacity next year to ensure the continuity of our complex systems are managed effectively and we are most grateful to him for that.

    Lesley Horner It is with a mixture of sadness and good wishes that we farewell Mrs Lesley Horner who has retired after 27 years of teaching at James Hargest College. Mrs Horner is regarded by students, parents and colleagues as a pillar of the English Department. Her academic credentials are enviable and over the years Mrs Horner is often the teacher

    to whom we go to for advice and intellectual sustenance. She is a scholar and, as her students would attest, she does make them do the hard yards. It is Mrs Horner’s thoroughness and ability to understand the nuances and complexities of text which we all admire and hope to

    emulate. Mrs Horner has taught a full range of classes and has consistently demonstrated the ability to understand the needs of all students and tailor the work for them. This is a time-consuming approach and one which yields rewards for her students.

    In recent years Mrs Horner has taken a new direction in being the Year 12/13 teacher for senior international students who are striving to achieve the literacy requirements of NCEA - quite a challenge! Again this has involved adapting existing assessments and even including a Classical Studies research task to enable success. The improvement in these students’ ability in English has been outstanding. The warm and trusting relationship between the students and Mrs Horner is testament to her exemplary commitment to each and every student.

    Outside the classroom Mrs Horner has been involved in Major Productions for many years, sourcing the myriad of props which Mr Tucker needed - often at the last minute. Many students who have been involved with this aspect of Production gained confidence under Mrs Horner’s guidance. Debating was another aspect of school life in which Mrs Horner became heavily involved while she was teaching full time. She was also a Year 13 Dean, a role which she undertook for seventeen years. From 2015 Mrs Horner became permanent part time, and her focus and energy shifted to teaching three classes. One responsibility which Mrs Horner has fortunately continued to undertake from 2016 until now, was that of writing the Year 13 Records of Achievement. Students were very fortunate in having Mrs Horner pen their journey through James Hargest.

    Mrs Horner is a person of strong moral character. She is innately honest, considerate and kind in her interactions with others. She has often hosted department gatherings in her own home which is conveniently close to the school. Many of us have benefitted from Mrs Horner’s culinary expertise. Likewise she is very generous with her time and her extensive resources. Mrs Horner is a very humble person, quick to acknowledge the contributions of others and always encouraging those around her to reach their potential. She will be greatly missed by both colleagues and students.

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    Marion Elder It is with real sadness, while also wishing her all the best for a very well deserved, happy retirement, that we celebrate the incredible contribution to James Hargest College which Marion has made over 26 years of extremely dedicated service. Marion began working at James Hargest High School on 1st of February 1994 part time as a

    Reading and Literacy teacher. Within a short space of time she also undertook to teach ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) while continuing to work part time.

    In 1996 James Hargest’s International Programme was officially established. Marion and Mrs Jenny Elder worked together on building this programme, establishing its reputation for excellence and ensuring that our International Students received impeccable teaching, homestay placements, pastoral care and integration into the cultural, sporting and service life of the school. Between both Mrs Elders they have been responsible for the International Programme at James Hargest being considered a Gold Standard example for the rest of New Zealand.

    By 2010 Marion was not able to continue juggling her reading and literacy work with ESOL and International students so she was then appointed full time to teach ESOL and work with the International Programme across both campuses, developing programmes for migrants and former refugees as well as International students. By this time she had established herself as a role model for best practice and as New Zealand’s best ESOL teacher in both an academic and pastoral sense. At a time when it was beginning to be recognised that the student/teacher relationship was absolutely key in ensuring academic success and social and emotional well being, Marion was a role model for this. She absolutely knows her students and their families. They have always known that they are valued and cared for and that Mrs Marion Elder will be there to help them achieve to their best ability, while also being able to sort out any issues they may be having and offer support through difficult times.

    Marion has provided IELTS exam preparation to Hargest students (often on weekends and during holidays), which is something not available in other schools. She has also offered, with Mr Stuart Elder driving, to transport students up to Dunedin to sit their exams. Under her tuition the IELTS exam results have been outstanding.

    At the same time, recognising that our students need to be well rounded Marion, along with the rest of her team, have worked hard to offer a wide variety of sporting, cultural and service opportunities while also ensuring that they get to experience the best that travel and tourism in New Zealand has to offer.

    It was no surprise that Marion was asked to undertake a Professional Leadership role in Southland and she has

    continued to offer professional development to ESOL teachers in other schools.

    We are very sad to say farewell. Marion has always been happy to offer support to other staff members in a variety of ways, including travelling to Japan as a support teacher on a Japanese exchange trip or undertaking a cultural exchange programme to Chiang Mai in Thailand to build deeper relationships with our partner schools. We will miss the depth and breadth of her knowledge and experience as well as her friendly, warm and encouraging nature. Marion has been a real taonga for James Hargest College. It has been an absolute privilege working with her.

    Sarah Bartley We are very sad to be farewelling Sarah Bartley, a passionate and dedicated Mathematics teacher and a committed, experienced and highly respected Guidance Counsellor.

    Sarah joined the James Hargest Counselling team five years ago, bringing with

    her a wide range of skills and experience which we have benefitted from. From the day she began working at James Hargest College Sarah has worked tirelessly to support and empower young people and their families. She has also completed a Masters degree in Counselling from Massey University during her time with us.

    One of Sarah’s areas of interest is dyscalculia – a fear of, or inability to, work with numbers. Alongside her counselling work Sarah has taught Mathematics focussing on working with young people who really struggle with Mathematics. This has been a real boon for her students who have achieved well, learning new strategies for succeeding at Mathematics.

    Sarah has held a number of support roles in her time at James Hargest College including working with our Peer Support students. In this role she introduced our school to the Peace Foundation and the concept of Peer Mediation. She has also been the Guidance Counsellor responsible for students who, for a variety of reasons, need to learn one or two subjects remotely through Te Kura (the Correspondence School). Her care and attention to detail in this role has been very much appreciated.

    Another area which Sarah has committed a great deal of her time and energy to has been working with the young people in the Student Support Centre and their families. She has been a passionate advocate and support person and will be very much missed.

    Sarah is leaving us to become the Guidance Counsellor at Bayfield High School in Dunedin. Their gain is our loss. We will really miss her but we wish her well as she moves in to this new role leading guidance counselling at Bayfield.

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    Karen ColhounMs Karen Colhoun has latterly been on maternity leave, looking after her three beautiful children. She has decided to resign from her full time home room teaching and Year 7 leader position to concentrate on working full time taking care of her family. Karen’s bright smile, energy and wonderful

    laugh will be missed by all. She has long been the organisation queen at Hargest, and she never left a stone unturned. She was kind and compassionate with her students and opted for nothing less than the best for them. Karen has been a valuable colleague on our Hargest Junior Campus staff, and a friend to many. We will likely still get to see her around now and then in a relief role.

    Louise HitchcockLouise joined the Foods Department in 2017 and has worked part-time teaching Food and Nutrition, and Hospitality and Catering. She has been a valuable member of the department and has been an inspiration to many young people whom she enjoys working with. Louise coached

    netball, football and has also been involved in school camps. We wish her well as she moves on to new challenges.

    Pip PaulinIt was with considerable relief and pleasure that we welcomed Miss Philippa Paulin back to Hargest for Terms 3 and 4 to replace Mrs Libby Jamieson who left mid year. Miss Paulin began her teaching career at James Hargest and then moved to Southland

    Girls’ High School to become Head of Dance (her passion). Miss Paulin fitted back into the English Department and students were very fortunate in having such an experienced and competent teacher to pick up where Mrs Jamieson left off. Miss Paulin returns to Southland Girls’ next year and we hope will get to eventually go on her overseas travel which was interrupted, to our benefit, this year. We wish her well and hope to see her return to Hargest in the future.

    Anel van den BergAnel joined the James Hargest staff at the beginning of this year and has been teaching Years 9 – 12 Mathematics. While it has been a huge adjustment not only in coming to a new country but learning a new curriculum, Anel has endeavoured to navigate her way through this and NCEA.

    She has contributed to the wider life of the school through her participation in school camps. Her friendliness and kind nature have been appreciated by her students. We wish her and her family well in their new adventures to Christchurch.

    Kay WilliamsKay retired from her job as Executive Officer of James Hargest College in July 2017. Shortly later, after her overseas trip, there was the opportunity for her to take up the part time position of Accounts Manager and work alongside our Executive Officer. Kay’s return was an

    absolute blessing especially having her expertise and knowledge of all the staff and systems here. Kay’s efficiency and manner in dealing with people has been much appreciated. We hope Kay will come back in a relief capacity next year. She could take up almost any position in the main office, accounts or Student Admin. We wish her all the best for the future.

    Junior Campus Staff Farewell

    Cheryl BurgessMrs Cheryl Burgess has been with Hargest (second time round) for about three years now; however, right from when she first arrived she let us know she would love the opportunity to teach overseas. Cheryl has contributed so much to the Junior Campus, especially with

    our International students, and she has worked hard to find ways to best support her students, in whatever they each needed. She has had a particular interest in teaching wellbeing and hauora to our tauira. We say farewell to her at the end of this year, as she is taking her family to live, work and experience life in Brunei. We wish her and her family safe travels and an exciting time ahead.

    Holly BradshawMrs Holly Bradshaw has been on maternity leave to look after her precious daughter. Holly has made the tough decision not to return to full time teaching, and her Year 8 leadership role, as she cannot give the job 170% like she used to; however, lucky for us, she intends continuing her connection with

    Hargest through daily relief. Holly’s leadership has been of the highest standard; we acknowledge and appreciate the mahi nui she did to support and lead her team at the Junior Campus. Holly’s contributions to the Junior Campus, the Hargest School Board of Trustees and to our staff and students have been immense. Always, Holly had the best interest of our students at the heart of everything she did; she has been an extraordinary teacher and we consider ourselves very lucky to have had Holly on the Hargest staff for so many years.

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    Sue DonkinSue Donkin has helped many children to tickle the ivories, and to sing a note or two in tune over the years. Now Sue has decided to make this year her swan song and retire at the fifty year mark. She has now taught music to generations of children in Te Wai Pounamu. Her first few years at Waitaki Girls’

    School, then some more years at Southland Girls’ High School, following this, she then topped it all off with fourteen years at the Junior Campus. We would like to thank Sue for all the choirs, the productions and stage performances, and the music she shared with our students and with our staff. Many, many students will miss her cheery smile and greeting in the mornings rain or shine; this she has done for our students and whanau on their way to school for most of the years she has been at Hargest. We wish Sue all the best in her retirement, knowing that music will forever be a part of her life and Hargest always a part of her heart.

    Ariana MirfinAriana Mirfin joined us this year as a beginning teacher. She has worked hard to build relationships with her students and has had a full, and fulfilling year. Not an easy year either; dealing with a lockdown and return to school, not the usual circumstances to have one’s first year teaching, therefore she has picked up many skills

    teachers would not normally attain in their first year. Ariana has been a lovely colleague; she has a kind and gentle heart, combined with a steely determination. Ariana leaves us to work in the area of her passion; a primary school in the country. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours.

    Nicola EvansNicola Evans, like many Junior Campus staff, started her career at the Junior Campus and has been here ever since. An exceptional teacher, Nicola always ran a tight ship with a dash of Hogwarts and lightning flashes mixed in. Nicola is a prodigious worker and poured her heart and soul

    into preparing for and teaching her students to the very best of her considerable ability. We have loved sharing with Nicola over the years and valued all her contributions to the life of our school. Nicola is about to embark on building herself a new home and intends putting most of her time into her “Grand Designs”.

    Head Students 2021

    Congratulations!We have no doubt they will be outstanding role models in 2021

    Head Girl: Lucy Nind Head Boy: Kavindu Wanigarathna

    Deputy Head Girl: Tarrah Shirley Deputy Head Boy: Finn Cruickshank

    LEO Club

    The LEO Club has supported many charities throughout the past 22 years. Thank you to the students who have offered their time to help out, your decication is commendable!

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    Head Girl: Lucy Nind Head Boy: Kavindu Wanigarathna

    Big Business Day 2020

    This year all the year 8s have worked really hard on their Market Day items. We had 3-4 weeks to plan, create and sell our items. The main criteria was that we weren’t allowed to sell food and that we had to come up with something suitable for years 5, 6, 7 and 8. There was a large range and variety of items that were sold and 90 percent of the stalls sold out. On the day we had to bring in our desks and set up before school started then we had a guest speaker (Emily Morris) who officially opened the market. Overall the day was a huge success for both the students and customers.By Maria Simpson

    Junior Campus

    Room 4

    During K-Hour this term Room 4 worked hard to code games and design a creative controller using the Makey Makey. Parents came to play the interactive games with unique controllers, Minecraft and mystery bag activities.

    Junior Campus

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    Kids’ Lit Wellington Trip

    At first, it seemed signing up for the literature quiz would be a small, fun activity for me. When we won the Southland competition I was astounded. We would go to Wellington! But then came lockdown. We rescheduled for September… but then we went into level 2. Come November we were sure that it would get cancelled, and it almost did. But in the end, it happened. A James Hargest College team got to the New Zealand final of the Kids Literature Quiz.

    In the team there were Brit, Rylan and Ben, all year 8s and Kids Lit veterans. I am Natalie, and was the only year 7 in the team. On a beautiful Saturday morning we got up early and went to Hargest. Mrs Shanks, the head of English, picked us up there and we drove to Queenstown, then caught a flight to Wellington. We were sure that we would miss it, as there was a big line in Security, but we made it. Once in Wellington we got Subway, dropped our luggage off with Brit’s dad, who lives in Wellington, and took a shuttle to Weta Workshops. We had a good time there, and took a bus to our accommodation.

    Saturday evening we ate some AMAZING Thai food. We went to bed tired, but content. The next morning we had cereal for breakfast that we had picked up the night before, and walked around the lakefront. Then the rest of the group went to Te Papa, and Mum and I caught up with some friends. After a quick lunch we went to the National Library, past the Beehive, which was a cool experience. At the National Final to answer a question you had to be the first to press a buzzer. If you got the question right you got two points, if you got it wrong you got -1 and couldn’t try to answer the question again. Our team got 10th, but 9th, 8th, and 7th were all tied, so I think that we did very well.

    We had a quiet evening on Sunday, and set our alarms for 5am on Monday. Monday we caught a shuttle to the airport, flew to Queenstown and bought sweets and chocolate there, before finally driving home. By Natalie Snoek

    Junior Campus

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    Junior Campus Book Day

    Room 4 Maths

    Room 4 Maths designed fun activities to finish their Probability unit off. Students came up with interactive activities for Rm 18 Maths to come and try their luck. The likelihood of an event occurring differed with each activity. We had dice rolling challenges, card games, ten-pin strike, blindfolded food taste testing, guess the number of lollies, pick a path with minecraft and mystery bag activities.

    Junior Campus

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    Far left: Ashley Phillips delivering her Level One Speech winning speech

    Left: Shelley Peters adjudicating the Junior Speech Competition for Year 9

    Academic ExcellenceFor Academic Excellence the Hargest system of awards is based on the NZQA system of endorsing certificates with Excellence, however the Excellence credits must be earned in one calendar year (ie 2020). To be awarded a general Excellence a student must gain at least 46 Excellence credits at that or a higher level.

    Subject/Course ExcellenceTo gain Subject/Course Excellence a student must gain 12 or more credits at Excellence in a subject in one calendar year. Of these, at least 3 credits must be from externally assessed standards and 3 credits from internally assessed standards in that subject.

    100 ClubStudents who get 92 Excellence credits join our elite 100 Club.

    Hargest Academic Blues

    Year 10 Speech Competition

    Above from left: (Winner Year 10 2020) Lydia Blomfield, Tiana Turnball, Ms Shelley Peters - adjudicator, Jessica Butson, Sewmi Dissanayaka

    Tuesday 2 February 2021On the first day of classes next year, all Year 13 students will attend an

    orientation afternoon including a catered lunch at the Ascot Park Hotel. The purpose of the afternoon is to hear about the unique opportunities for service and leadership available to Year 13’s and to consider how to

    successfully manage a busy year.

    2021 Year 13 Orientation

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    ReportsYears 9-10

    Ka Hikitia

    Reports to Year 9 and 10 students will be emailed on Thursday 10 December. Parents/Caregivers/Whanau, as well as students, will receive the email. Please file these reports in a safe place so when they are needed to be included/attached to an application form, they can be located easily. Students can print them at school if a hard copy is required.Teachers have spent a lot of time giving feedforward for 2021. This should be discussed with your son/daughter Keeping email Addresses Up-to-date:It is important that all email addresses are kept up-to-date, not only for receiving reports, but for numerous messages sent from Hargest. Please phone and update your details. You can easily check what details we have by logging into https://kamarportal.jameshargest.school.nz

    Monday 1 February 2021 is the date of the Ka Hikitia, where all students who have graduated from the Junior Campus gather together to make the “step up” to the Senior Campus. This is our school ritual, which began in 2008 and marks the next step in our James Hargest College students’ education.

    CMDA Winner

    Congratulations to Maia Fletcher (Year 9) for her outstanding results in the Country Music Dunedin Awards (CMDAs)Maia won the Vocal Solo (novice) Intermediate Section (13-18 years) and was selected by the judges (out of all the participants across all the age groups) for the “Most Promising Performer” trophy. Well done Maia!

    Wednesday 27th January 2021Years 11- 13 (2020)9.30am: Year 13

    11.00am: Year 1212.00noon: Year 11

    All students will be emailed to indicate whether they are required to attend.

    It is essential to come if you:• have been requested to

    attend via email• want to change your subjects• are new to Hargest

    Course Consultation


    Values AwardsJunior CampusShaun Winter Riley Crosbie Mason Shaw Giovana Porpino De Meira Lins Jacob Earley Mischa Lange

    The 2021 Year 9’s will meet outside the Junior Campus atrium at 8.45 am, and the Junior Campus Council and Year 8 teachers will lead the students up the road to be welcomed onto the senior part of the school.

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    Miharo Murihiku


    Well done to Darcy Herrick (Year 12) who has been selected as the timpanist for the 2021 New Zealand Secondary Schools Orchestra. Ka mau te wehi!


    School accounts are now overdue for payment. Payment can be made by cash or eftpos. Internet banking and automatic payments are welcome, as are partial payments.Junior Campus A/c No: 02 0924 0408612 01 (use your child’s 5 digit ID as reference)

    Bank Accounts – Automatic Payments

    When your child moves into Year 9, please remember to change the James Hargest College bank account you put the money into:Senior Campus A/c No: 02 0924 0408612 02

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    Good teachers are the reason why ordinary students dream to do extra ordinary things

    At the end of 2020 JHC farewell four of our “good teachers”. Mr Stuarr Elder - 44 years Mrs Lesley Horner - 27 years Mrs Marion Elder - 26 years Mrs Jenny Elder - 23 yearsThese teachers have taken hands, opened minds and touched many hearts.

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    Above: the last day of school for the head students, from left: Katie Heads (Head Girl), Logan Dennis (Head Boy), Ruby Borland-Fraser (Deputy Head Girl), Max Nally (Deputy Head Boy)

    A Special Message from the 2020 Head Students

    Hey everyone. I wanted to take this last opportunity to address you and give you some pieces of advice I wish I had been told in your seats.

    To year 9’s - good luck!!! These are truly going to be the best years of high school. Try not to get all caught up in the latest gossip - instead use the next two years to get into some good habits so you can prepare best for NCEA. Also make sure you keep appreciating your teachers. You never know how much they shape your life until you’re about to leave.

    To year 10s - good luck next year for NCEA. Make the most of tutorials, and advice that teachers give you. Here’s a hint, they don’t ever tell you useless information!!!!

    It’s been a messy year but we’ve got through it together. It’s been a privilege to be Head Girl for 2020 representing wonderful people like you. Good luck for exams and we can’t wait to hear of your future successes.

    To year 11’s - don’t be afraid to put the effort in. I know exams may seem a bit daunting and that studying probably means less to you than time spent with your friends. But it shouldn’t be. The two most important years of NCEA are levels 1 and 2. While you are at school, put your best foot forward - you don’t get a chance to go back and try again.

    To year 12s. Hang in there!!! You’re just about finished possibly the most important year of your schooling. I also want to tell you guys to have fun next year. Year 13 seems to go by quicker than you realise, so savour every moment and opportunity you get. Take up leadership roles as these are very rewarding when you feel you can give back to this school. Lastly - use the study periods well and not for collecting McConald’s Monopoly tickets.

    It’s been a messy year but we’ve got through it together. It’s been a privilege to be Head Girl for 2020 representing wonderful people like you. Good luck for exams and we can’t wait to hear of your future successes.

    Katie Heads

    I personally just want to wish you all the best of luck for next year and your futures! It was so so much fun getting to know people from the years below me and I can’t wait to see what successes you are all yet to bring. Thank you for making this year so enjoyable, regardless of it being disjointed.

    Logan Dennis

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    Duke of Edinburgh

    A Bronze level Duke of Edinburgh group set out from Riverton to Colac Bay on an overnight Adventurous Journey. The tramp had an unexpected twist with one member injuring an ankle but fortunately getting a free helicopter ride back to civilization. The remainder of the tramp went well - spotting a seal in a bay, cookingmarshmallows at the campfire, and a lovely sunset. The return journey was wet and muddy but finished with fish and chips at Riverton. Well done team.

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    Fashion and Design

    A dog coat designed by Tegan Hayes, Year 11 for Diesel, the German Shepherd.

    NZ Schools Japanese Trivia Championships

    y A dog coat designed by Tegan Hayes, Year 11 for Diesel, the German Shepherd.

    2020 Y7-10 Southland SectionOn the evening of November 6th, Hargest hosted this Japanese trivia event for Southland schools. Congratulations to the following Y7-10 Hargest students on their success.3rd= Overall Cody Kelly-Shanks, Claire Shaw & Hunter Jordan (Y10) 1st Y7/8 Team Brock Smith, Hasanli Babaranda, Emma Steele & Jasmine Lock-Schwass (Y7- Rooms 2 & 4)

    Kiwi Christmas Books

    James Hargest College - your students, staff and families are amaaaaazing! Over 100 books donated so far to the Kiwi Christmas Books campaign. These books will benefit so many children in Southland. Thank you so so much! Sonja Wilson, Pam Wilson and Barbara Jones


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    Results for Newsletter:

    Assessment of Language Competence Exams Congratulations to the following students on gaining High Distinction in their ALC exams:

    Language Level Year Student Listening Reading French 1 10 Jemma Coutts High Distinction High Distinction

    10 Sewmi Dissanayaka High Distinction High Distinction 10 Jadine Janssen High Distinction High Distinction 10 Charlotte Blay High Distinction 10 Megan Sullivan High Distinction

    2 11 Halle Faherty High Distinction High Distinction 11 Kady Gill High Distinction High Distinction 10 Eulalia Terra Teodoro High Distinction

    3 10 Eulalia Terra Teodoro High Distinction 13 Donald McIntosh High Distinction

    Japanese 1 11 Annalise Butt High Distinction High Distinction 11 Alice McIntosh High Distinction High Distinction 11 Yhell Morales High Distinction High Distinction 11 Emily Wilson High Distinction High Distinction 10 Jess Page High Distinction 10 Claire Shaw High Distinction 11 Brianna Loan High Distinction

    2 12 Daniel Harley High Distinction High Distinction 12 Regan Cross High Distinction High Distinction 10 Anna Nakano-Broers High Distinction 11 Sophia Kwong High Distinction 12 Dylan McKay High Distinction

    3 13 Madeleine Doherty High Distinction High Distinction 10 Yebin Kim High Distinction

    Spanish 1 10 Sewmi Dissanayaka High Distinction High Distinction 10 Benjamin Elder High Distinction High Distinction 10 Rachel Eckhold High Distinction 10 Lillian Stotzer High Distinction 10 Neve Waddel High Distinction 11 Joseph Scott High Distinction High Distinction 11 Nicole Lina High Distinction High Distinction 11 Alexandria Findlay High Distinction High Distinction 11 Charly Faherty High Distinction High Distinction 11 Amelia Jack High Distinction 11 Xiara Patino High Distinction 11 Ronan Shearing High Distinction 11 Kate Wallace High Distinction

    2 12 Elise Gray High Distinction 3 13 Madeleine Doherty High Distinction

    11 Melisa Garzon High Distinction

    Assessment of Language Competence Exams

    Congratulations to the following students on gaining High Distinction in their ALC exams:

    Farewell to our International Students

    We would like to wish the following International Students all the best for their future endeavours, we hope you have had a great year and will take home some great memories of James Hargest College and your time in Invercargill. For those returning home after completing your year with us, we wish you safe travels and hope you enjoy being with your families once again.

    Poon Muennoi Yr 13 University - ThailandBuilt Eammongkolchai Yr 13 Otago UniversityWing Yeung Yr 12 Otago UniversityEmily Du Yr 8 - T/F ChristchurchRina Ogawa Yr 12 JapanChiaki Kyoden Yr 11 JapanIzumi Tanaka Yr 11 JapanKimber Visutsareepun Yr 8 ThailandPinpin Amnuayviriya Yr 7 ThailandJohnny Chen AucklandTina Chen Auckland

    New Zealand Speech Board Oral Communication Junior Campus

    Congratulations to the following students that sat their New Zealand Speech Board Oral Communication Assessments on Thursday 26 November. Their results reflect the hard work they put in. What is really impressive is for a few of these students, English is their second language.

    Intermediate AwardHeilala Pita - highly commended

    Advanced Junior AwardEmily Du - commendedAlyssa Gillet - distinctionMary Zhang - distinctionYuki Wu - commendedAddison Robertson - highly commended

    Junior AwardSaranya Sarisa - distinctionElla McEwan - Franks - distinctionHasanali Hewa Babaranda -highly commended

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    Year 7 Picture Books Over the last few weeks many of our Year 7 classes have been working on creating their own picture books. Some of the classes will be going out to local Primary Schools and Kindergartens to share their published original books.

    The following pictures are from R5 visiting a Year 5 class at Waihopai Primary School to share their picture books.

    LEOs providing the BBQ for the Tough Kids Sports Day at Rugby Park

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    Jonty Carran 10 Aside Memorial Rugby TournamentLast Friday we had 3 teams represent James Hargest at the Jonty Carran 10 a-side memorial tournament in Otautau. It was a great day and some outstanding rugby was played by all three teams. The girls’ team won all of their games and played SGHS in a tough final to take the win. Many of the girls had never played tackle before, so this was a great achievement. The boys’ team also had a very close final against SBHS but came away with the trophy. Well done to all involved.

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    Cricket James Hargest College has entered a team into the Saturday Colts Competition for the first time in a number of years. We would like to thank Mark Reid from Southland Cricket for his ongoing support and Otago Cricket for providing us with match balls. Also without the continual support and coaching knowledge from Joel Philpot we would not be able to be a part of this competition. David Anderson has also been a great supporter on the sideline with his knowledge of scoring. It is hoped that James Hargest College can now continue to grow its cricket community.

    Year 10 Camps

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    Water PoloSouthland Secondary Schools’ Competition

    Hargest Water Polo wins Southland Secondary Schools’ Competition.

    In a closely fought final Hargest came out on top 14 - 8. Tom Addie in Year 11 was a goal scoring machine) and Xavier Greenwood Black and Hamish Dudley in their last school game were awesome. Ella Dougherty as the only girl in the pool gave out more than she got and was impressive on defence. It was an awesome team effort to beat a team they have not won against all season.A special thank you to Simon Black for all that he has done for all of the teams this season and thank you also to Ainsley Bruce for coaching as well.

    Pictured below, back row from Left; Ella Dougherty, Staunton Pirini, Hamish DudleyMiddle: Xavier Greenwood Black Daniel McKenzie and Tom AddieFront: Jacob Dudley and Finn Excell.

    Year 10 Camps

    James Hargest College Year 9 & 10 Uniform Guide

    Over the last term there has been a noticeable increase in students wearing the incorrect shoes and jacket with their uniform. Please ensure your Year 9 and 10 student has the correct uniform items for 2021.

    Shoes need to be plain black leather, laced dress shoes.

    For example:

    They are NOT to be soft leather or canvas material such as:


    Jacket: Any plain black weatherproof jacket such as:

    They are NOT to be cotton or printed such as:

    PTA Uniform Sales

    December 2020 and January 2021

    Senior Campus Hall

    These will be held on:

    Monday 14 December 20204.30pm: Buy In

    6.30pm: Sell out

    and Tuesday 26 January 20204.30pm - 5:30: Buy In

    6.30pm - 7:30pm: Sell outEFTPOS will be available

    Only good quality, laundered items

    will be considered to buy

    Uniform Update

    Update - Both Campuses

    Please ensure your uniform is worn correctly at all times. Shoes are to be a plain, flat, black lace up (NOT t-bar). Sandals are optional in terms 1 and 4. Flat black, plain, with a heel strap and one ankle strap, and are worn without socks. Thong styles are not permitted. For safety reasons, sandals are not to be worn in laboratories and technology rooms.

    No jewellery is to be worn. The exception is earrings and must be ONE plain gold or silver stud or a small keeper in each ear. Long hair must be tied back and off the face.

    No extreme hairstyles or colours. No make-up is to be worn at all.

    Students are also reminded not to write on any school uniform. Uniform cannot be worn at school with writing on it and replacements will be required.

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    We strongly recommend that all students from year 7 - 13 are equipped with a personal device for 2021.Since introducing 1:1 device use with a pilot class 6 years ago, we have been ‘rolling up’ a 1:1 device learning environment year by year. During this time the school has transformed many of its other systems to digital platforms. Students in all year 7-12 classes now routinely use access to their school digital platform (Google for Education) for their normal work. Device use is about ‘which technology is best’ - device or paper and pen, and often this means using both at once.

    In 2021 we continue rolling up this process. It is important that we prepare students for their future, not our past!Which Device?As a school, we are comfortable for students to bring their preferred device to school. We have found chromebooks to be robust and cost effective. Students typically use a range of devices including chromebooks, iPads, Laptops, and tablets. As a

    primary device we recommend the following minimum specifications:• Minimum screen size of 9 inches

    (minimum usable resolution of 1366 x 768)

    • Running iOS12.0+, or Android 8.0+, Mac OSX 10.13+ (High Sierra) or Windows 10 1909

    • Battery life of 5-6 hours • Wireless Capability

    • Minimum storage for tablets of 32GB (due to the increasing size of apps)

    • Google Chrome installed • Protective case strongly

    recommended• Bluetooth keyboard or keyboard/

    tablet case combination is recommended, particularly for tablets.

    Senior SubjectsIf you are wanting to use your device for senior subjects such as Art, DVC, DT, Media Studies and Music; a device with higher specifications may be required. Please see the software websites for more details


    • Art, DT and Media Studies use Creative Cloud

    • DVC uses AutoCAD• Music used SibeliusWe recommend buying a device that is or can be updated to the latest operating system as this will give the device a longer life and allow newly introduced apps to be used.

    Please be aware that these minimum specs could change during the year as the apps we use are updated.

    There is no need to buy Office software e.g Word as this can be downloaded for free using your student email and password.

    We recommend installing antivirus software. There is an option that can be bought using your student email and password.

    We recommend buying insurance for the device that covers accidental damage for 3 years. Most repairs are over $100 and insurance is available for less than this.

    Junior Campus Service Awards

    Congratulations to the following students who have received Service Awards: Road PatrolHasi Babaranda, Janet Wei, Addison Robertson

    End of year Junior Campus reports

    Reports will be emailed on Wednesday 9 December at 4pm. Please inform the office if you have had a change of email address to ensure you receive your child’s report.

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    Invercargill Working Men’s ClubWednesday 9th December

    7pm start with doors open from 6.30pmThis is a very pleasant occasion for graduating Year 13 students to celebrate their time at Hargest with their parents, friends and teachers. The evening includes a buffet meal, speeches, entertainment and the presentation of graduation certificates. Dress for the evening is semi-formal.Table allocations are selected when tickets are purchased.(Please note that due to the size of the event, we can only accommodate Year 13 students and their parents or caregivers).If you have any special dietary requirements, please email [email protected]

    Year 13 Graduation Dinner

    Bus ArrangementsLast Day - both Campuses

    The Otatara and Bluff buses will leave at 12.15pm on the last day, 10 December. The other buses will run as normal from 3.00pm.

    The Junior Campus will close at 12.00 noon on Thursday 10th December. Students need to make arrangements to be collected from school at 12.00pm. Bus students will be picked up from the Junior Campus at 12.15pm.

    Junior Campus

    Your child’s back to school

    class list is ready to shop now at

    myschool.co.nz or call us Mon to Fri,

    8.30am – 5pm.

    myschool.co.nz 0800 724 440

    Got five minutes?

    Thank you everyone for your donations of food for the MORE FM/PACK THE BUS: SOUTHLAND FOODBANK DRIVE

  • 26

    Junior Campus6 Layard Street, Invercargill

    Email: [email protected]

    Senior Campus288 Layard Street, Invercargill

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: www.jameshargest.school.nzPhone: 03 217 6129

    HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Vaccine Junior Campus

    The School Based Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Immunisation Programme will again be offering the HPV vaccine to boys and girls in Year 8 in 2021. This will be a two dose vaccine programme with a 6 month gap between the doses. The HPV vaccine is the final immunisation given as part of New Zealand’s free childhood immunisation programme.Consent forms with information on the vaccine will be sent home with your child in February 2021 for you to fill out and return to the school. If you would like more information on this immunisation programme please go to: www.health.govt.nz/hpv. HPV Immunisation Team, WellSouth, 40 Clyde Street, Invercargill. Phone: 2146436 or 0800 800 249.

    Stationery list for Years 7, 8 and 9 in 2021

    Stationery lists are available on the James Hargest website www.jameshargest.school.nz (under general information); order on-line from the OfficeMax website www.myschool.co.nz or from any other retailer. All stationery is required for the first day of school in 2021. Myschool are able to provide WINZ quotes on their stationery items. Please phone 0800 5777 00 or 0800 426473 and speak to a team member regarding your quote.

    Un-named lost property Junior Campus

    We have a large number of jackets, sweatshirts, school jerseys, black shoes, sports shoes, track pants, socks and miscellaneous items of clothing in lost property. Apart from uniform items, unclaimed clothing will be given to a charity. Please ask your children to check for lost clothing.

    Term 4: Thursday 10 December: End of Term 4

    Term 1: Tuesday 26 January: PTA Uniform Sale Wednesday 27 January: Senior Course Consultation Thursday 28 January Teacher Only Day Friday 29 January Teacher Only Day Open classes at Junior Campus Monday 1 February: Year 7, 8 & 9 start date Tuesday 2 February: Whole school Monday 8 February: Waitangi Day observed Friday 2 April: Good Friday Monday 5 April: Easter Monday Tuesday 6 April: Southland Anniversary Friday 16 April: End of Term 1

    Term 2: Monday 3 May: Start of Term 2 Tuesday 11 May: MOE Accord Day Monday 7 June: Queen’s Birthday Friday 9 July: End of Term 2

    Term 3: Monday 26 July: Start of Term 3 Sunday 1 August: Open DAy Thursday 5 August: MOE Accord Day Friday 1 October: End of Term 3

    Term 4: Monday 18 October: Start of Term 4 Monday 25 October: Labour Day Wednesday 1 December: MOE Accord Day Wednesday 8 December: End of Term 4

    Term Dates for 2020

    Term Dates for 2021

    Sun Block Junior Campus

    We encourage students to use sunblock during breaks outside and have sun block available on the counter at the Junior Campus office. Students are encouraged to wear a white bucket hat at break times.

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    E-mail NewslettersThe next newsletter will be issued via

    email on Friday 5 February 2021.Hard copies of the newsletter will be

    available from either the Junior or Senior Campus office.

    You can view the newsletter on the Hargest web site www.jameshargest.school.nz

    Information Updates

    If you have any changes to your details (e.g. address, phone numbers, medical

    details, emergency contacts, etc), please let the school know as soon as possible in

    order to keep our records up-to-date.

    Please email Mrs Breen (Senior Campus) with any changes at

    [email protected]

    or phone 2176129

    or Mrs Cribb (Junior Campus) [email protected]

    or phone 2179250

    Parent, Caregiver, Whanau and

    Community EngagementAt James Hargest College we are

    always interested in engaging with our community and listening to parents,

    whanau and the wider community. If you have any good ideas or there is something

    special that has happened regarding Hargest, or there are issues, concerns or

    complaints we should be aware of, please contact the school office

    Senior Campus (2176129) or Junior Campus (2179250) or via email,

    [email protected] will be put in contact with an

    appropriate staff member

    Coming Events for 2020

    Senior CampusDecemberTue 8 Documentation Day Senior Prize Giving 7:30pm in G3Wed 9 NCEA ends Graduation Dinner Year 13Thu 10 Junior Prize Giving 10:00am in G3 Reports emailed and available on Kamar School finshes for Year 9-10 after Prize Giving approx 12:00pm middayMon 14 PTA Uniform Sale 4:30pm Buy In, 6:30pm Sell Out in the Senior Campus Hall

    Junior CampusDecember Mon 7 Year 7 Merit AssemblyTue 8 Year 8 Graduation - 2:00pm Year 8 Graduation Social - 7:00pm - 9:00pmWed 9 Year 7 & 8 Excellence Prize Giving in the Junior Campus Hall 5:00pm - 6.30pm School Reports emailed homeThu 10 Clean up. School finishes for the year at 12 noonMon 14 PTA Uniform Sale 4:30pm Buy In, 6:30pm Sell Out in the Senior Campus Hall

    January Tue 26 PTA Uniform Sale 4:30pm Buy In, 6:30pm Sell Out in the Senior Campus HallFri 29 Year 7 students (2021) “Open Classroom”, strictly between 2.00pm to 3.30pmFebruary Mon 1 Students are to come to the Junior Campus at the following times: Year 7 9.15am – to their classroom Year 8 10.50am – to the Hall Year 9 8.45am – to the Atrium for the Ka Hikitia Mihi Whakatau 1.40pm – Full school welcome (Parents welcome but note standing room only)


  • 28

    Workouts/Pilates82 Salford Street (close to James Hargest College

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    027 756 4469


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