Kuliah 1 Manajemen SDM Untuk Pasca Sarjana FFUP Perencanaan SDM Drs.Djoharsjah Aptk  

Kuliah 1 Manajemen SDM 2012

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Kuliah 1 Manajemen SDMUntuk Pasca Sarjana FFUP

Perencanaan SDM

Drs.Djoharsjah Aptk  

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 What is Human Resource

Management? Basic Definition

„managing the employment relationship‟ 

(Tyson, 1987)

Key Assumption

Employees are the most important asset of theorganization

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Key Functions

Human Resource Planning

Recruitment & Selection

Compensation & Benefits

Performance Appraisals

Training & Development

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Human resource planning involves

getting the right number of qualified

people into the right jobs at the righttime.

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Human Resource Planning

 Assessing Future

Human Resource


 Assessing CurrentHuman Resources

Developing aProgram to Meet


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Human Resource Planning

Human resource planning must be integrated within the organizations strategic plans

Senior management must emphasize theimportance of human resource planning 

Human resource planning must be based on themost accurate information available

Source: Adapted from Tyson & York, 1992

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Human Resource Planning

Human resourceplanning must beassigned or located

 within a central unit

 A clear plan must bedeveloped with

associated time-spansand scope of activity 

Source: Adapted from Tyson & York, 1992

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Why is HR planning important?

A. often long lag times to fill positions

B. often influences both turnover and


C. the “demographic imperative”

demands more such planning

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2. It works best when it is tied to:

a. the organization’s strategic

planning process

b. all available forecasts

(technological, economic, market,


1. It is a process of comparing human

resource supply with human resource


A. General Comments:

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3. When there are variances, action

plans must be formulated, e.g.,

a. for  surpluses,

will organization use

layoffs, retirement, incentives,reduced hours, or something else?

b. for  shortages,

will organization use

overtime, temporary workers,

or recruit new permanent workers?

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Definitions of HR Planning (1)

“…strategy for the acquisition, utilisation,

improvement and preservation of anorganisation‟s human resources”

(Department of Employment 1974)

(cited by Bratton and Gold, 2003, p194)

“…the process for identifying an organisation’s current 

and future human resource requirements, developing 

and implementing plans to meet these requirements and 

monitoring their overall effectiveness” 

(Beardwell and Claydon, 2007, p159)

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Definitions of HR Planning (2)

“…the process of interpreting the environment,

predicting its effects on the organisation,

evaluating these effects, planning andcontrolling the appropriate measures in orderthat the right human resources are available

 when required”  (Boella, 2000)

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 Why Look ahead and Forecast?

 To deal with changes

External Environmental Situations










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 The HR Planning Cycle

has four general stages:

1. Forecasting future demand of HR 

2. Forecasting future internal supply of HR 

3. Forecasting future external supply of HR 

4. Formulating responses to the forecasts

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Stage 1: Forecasting Future Demand (2)

 Techniques Used to Forecast Demand:

1 Systematic Techniques

 Time series or ratio trend analysis  Work-study approach

Productivity trend analysis

2 Managerial Judgement3 Combined Approach (1+2)

4  Working back from costs

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Stage 2: Forecasting Internal Supply

Involves identifying/acknowledging the

existing staff employed by an organisation

department by department grade by grade


Skills Audits Predicting Staff Turnover

Internal promotion analysis

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Stage 3: Forecasting External Supply (1)

Filling the GAP using the external labourmarket: Local National International

HR Planners must gain an understanding of the dynamics of the Labour Market toupdate plans as trends change and develop

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 Stage 3: Forecasting External

Supply / Dynamics of the Labour Market

 The following statistics can be most useful

General population density  Population movements Age distribution Social class Unemployment rates Proportion with higher education

Skill levels Skills shortages

Sources of Info include: „Labour Market Trends‟, Labour

Market Quarterly, Annual Social Trends survey, Chamberof Commerce, Training and Enterprise Councils

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Stage 4: Formulating Responses to

the Forecasts/Action Planning

Forecasting should identify any potentialmismatch between future demand and supply 

If demand exceeds supply  – develop plans tomatch the shortfall

If supply is likely to exceed demand – developplans to reduce the surplus

(Taylor, 2002; Beardwell and Claydon, 2007)

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 The Case for HR Planning

 There are 2 main arguments for HRP:

1.  The need to view plans as adaptable

Plans should be continually updated in light of environmental developments

2.  Turbulence requires more attention to planning   There is a greater need for organisations to develop

their capacity to plan accurately 

(Taylor, 2002; Beardwell and Claydon, 2007)

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 Adapting Traditional

HR Planning Many writers believe there is a need to adapt the

traditional methods of HR planning to suit theneeds of organisations operating in an

unpredictable environment: Micro Planning 

Contingency Planning 

Succession Planning 

Skills Planning 

Soft HR Planning (Taylor, 2002)

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 The term Manpower Planning (MP) hasgradually been replaced by Human ResourcePlanning (HRP)

Concerned with looking ahead and using systematic techniques to assess the extent to which an organisation will be able to meet its

requirements for labour in the future

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Beardwell, J & Claydon, T (2007), Human resource management:a contemporary approach, 5th edition, London, PearsonEducation

Boella, M.J (2000) Human Resource Management in theHospitality Industry, 7th edition, Cheltenham, Nelson Thornes

Bramham, J. (1994) Human resource planning, 2nd

edition,London, Institute of Personnel Development, 1994 Bratton, J & Gold, J. (2003) Human resource management:

 Theory and practice, 3rd edition, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. Foot, M & Hook, C. (2005) Introducing human resource

management, 4th edition, Harlow, Pearson Education.  Taylor, S. (2002) People Resourcing, 3rd edition, London,

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

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