ARITMIA Basuki Rahmat Dep. Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskuler FK UNRAM Mataram


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  • ARITMIABasuki RahmatDep. Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskuler FK UNRAM Mataram

  • ARITMIATerlalu cepat? TakikardiaTerlalu lambat? BradikardiaNormal SR: 60-100 bpm?

  • BradikardiaGangguan Pembentukan ImpulsSinus pause, sinus arrestSick sinus syndromeGangguan konduksi impulsSinoatrial (SA) blokAtrio-ventrikular (AV) blok

  • Klasifikasi TakikardiaDengan QRS sempitRegulerIregulerDengan QRS lebar

  • Takikardia dengan QRS sempitDengan irama ireguler:Sinus aritmiaAtrial fibrilasiAtrial flutter (AFL) dengan varying blockAtrial takikardi (AT) dengan varying blockDengan irama regular:Atrioventricular Reprocicating Tachycardia (AVRT)Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia (AVNRT)AFLATJunctional Tachycardia (JT)Narrow complex Ventricle Tachycardia (VT)

  • Takikardia dengan QRS lebarVTSupraventrikular Takikardi (SVT) dengan bundle branch block (BBB)AberrancyPre-existing BBBSVT dengan pre-eksitasiAVRT (antidromic)AVNRT dengan pre-eksitasiAT dengan pre-eksitasi

  • Atrial fibrillationAtrial flutter

    AVRT AVNRTVTVFSNRTATJTLokasi dan mekanisme aritmia

  • Rhythms produced by Conduction BlockAV Block 1st degree AV BlockType 1 2nd degree AV BlockType 2 2nd degree AV Block3rd degree AV Block

  • 1st Degree AV BlockECG Characteristic:Prolongation of the PR interval, which is constant All P waves are conducted

  • Type 1 2nd Degree AV Block ECG Characteristic:1. Progressive prolongation of the PR interval until a P wave is not conducted2. As the PR interval prolongs, the RR interval actually shortens

  • ECG Characteristic:Constant PR intervalIntermittent failure to conductType 2 2nd Degree AV Block

  • 3rd Degree (Complete) AV BlockECG Characteristic:No Relationship between P waves and QRS complexesRelatively constant PP intervals and RR intervalsGreater number of P waves than QRS complexes


    Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat


    Basuki Rahmat

  • Atrial Fibrillation :

    -from multiple area of re-entry within atria-or from multiple ectopic foci-irregular, narrow QRS complex-very rapid atrial electrical activity (400-700 x/min).-no uniform atrial depolarizationBasuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • ATRIAL FIBRILATIONBasuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Junctional rhythm:

    -AV junction can function as a pace maker (40-60 x/min).-due to the failure of sinus node to initiate time impulse or conduction problem.-normal-looking QRS.-retrograde P wave.-P wave may preceede, coincide with, or follow the QRSBasuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • JUNCTIONAL RHYTMBasuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • JUNCTIONAL RHYTMBasuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Irama VentricularBasuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • VESSRVES (Ventricular Extra Sistole)Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • VESBasuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • SRSRSRSRSRSRVESVESSinus rhythm with Multifocal VESBasuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Ventricular TachycardiaBasuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • = 1.286 N = 0.657 N Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Ventricular FibrillationBasuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat

  • Basuki Rahmat11/18/2009

    Basuki Rahmat


    Basuki Rahmat
