Interview with a Minister EXCLUSIVE: For this special youth edition our intrepid young reporters interviewed KURC’s Minister, Lesley Charlton. Did you always want to be a minister? Yes. Since I was a child I knew that was what I was to be. Did you have another job before you became a minister? No. I went to school then six form then to university where I studied theology then to train for the ministry. I was a minister when I was 23. However I have done loads of things in my holidays. I have been a chambermaid, worked in a pub, been a waitress, sorted the post, delivered the post, been a cleaner and worked in a betting shop. Do you work with other people well? I guess you would have to ask them that. I do work on my own a lot. Then with people on projects. It is one of God’s gifts to me that I find people very interesting. What do you like about your job? Two main things by way of an answer. One is the sense of doing what is the right thing for me to do. Second, in terms of how my job is every day, it is very varied which is how I can keep on going. If something is difficult or dull I change and do something else. Why did you choose to become a minister? I did not choose it, it chose me. It was a sense that I should be doing it. What schools do you go to talk about God? I go to St. Paul's Kingston Hill, Southborough, St Andrew's and St. Mark's, St. Luke's, Fern Hill you know about, and Christ Church Surbiton at the moment. What do you do for fun? Time with my pals and family. Plus, I am an exercise junky, there is little better than a step class. (Please notice I have not mentioned Newcastle United - that is pain not pleasure) What’s your favorite food? Fruit. (You think I am joking but it’s true). Sweets come a close second – that’s jelly sweets by the way - always open to offers! Where did you learn to talk to God? I don’t completely know what the question means. But, if you mean how did I learn to pray then the answer is I have belonged to various groups that help me to pray. I go away for a week on retreat every year. I might go for a week in silence or a guided retreat. Plus I know for myself that praying is essential to me getting through every day. I have learned from bitter experience that if I do not begin the day with prayer then I will ‘rub against the grain of the day.’- it will be more difficult than if I did pray. Kingston United Reformed Church News YOUTH EDITION April 2008 Contents NEWS FEATURES OPINION DIARY DATES PICTURES PUZZLES KURC Don’t forget • Sunday 13 April, 11.00am, Combined service • Wednesday 14 May: Walk on Blackheath Village & Greenwich Park - all welcome! • Sunday 11 May: Church meeting in the Mayo Hall Ph: 020 8546 0643 www.KingstonURC.org

KURC Church news April - Youth Edition

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KURC Church news April - Youth Edition

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Page 1: KURC Church news April - Youth Edition

Interview with a Minister

EXCLUSIVE: For this special youth edition our intrepid young reporters interviewed KURC’s Minister, Lesley Charlton.

Did you always want to be a minister?Yes. Since I was a child I knew that was what I was to be.

Did you have another job before you became a minister?No. I went to school then six form then to university where I studied theology then to train for the ministry. I was a minister when I was 23. However I have done loads of things in my holidays. I have been a chambermaid,

worked in a pub, been a waitress, sorted the post, delivered the post, been a cleaner and worked in a betting shop.

Do you work with other people well?I guess you would have to ask them that. I do work on my own a lot. Then with people on projects. It is one of God’s gifts to me that I find people very interesting.

What do you like about your job?Two main things by way of an answer.One is the sense of doing what is the right thing for me to do. Second, in terms of how my job is every day, it is very varied which is how I can keep on going. If something is difficult or dull I change and do something else.

Why did you choose to become a minister?I did not choose it, it chose me. It was a sense that I should be doing it.

What schools do you go to talk about God?I go to St. Paul's Kingston Hill, Southborough, St Andrew's and St. Mark's, St. Luke's, Fern Hill you know about, and Christ Church Surbiton at the moment.

What do you do for fun?Time with my pals and family. Plus, I am an exercise junky, there is little better than a step class. (Please notice I have not mentioned Newcastle United - that is pain not pleasure)

What’s your favorite food? Fruit. (You think I am joking but it’s true). Sweets come a close second – that’s jelly sweets by the way - always open to offers!

Where did you learn to talk to God?I don’t completely know what the question means. But, if you mean how did I learn to pray then the answer is I have belonged to various groups that help me to pray. I go away for a week on retreat every year. I might go for a week in silence or a guided retreat. Plus I know for myself that praying is essential to me getting through every day. I have learned from bitter experience that if I do not begin the day with prayer then I will ‘rub against the grain of the day.’- it will be more difficult than if I did pray.

Kingston United Reformed Church News YOUTH EDITION April 2008



Don’t forget • Sunday 13 April, 11.00am, Combined service

• Wednesday 14 May: Walk on Blackheath Village & Greenwich Park - all welcome!

• Sunday 11 May: Church meeting in the Mayo Hall

Ph: 020 8546 0643 www.KingstonURC.org

Page 2: KURC Church news April - Youth Edition

By Jayne ScorerI have been attending The Hollyfield School and sixth form centre in Surbiton since I was 11 years old. When looking for a College or Sixth Form centre I didn’t want to move and change surroundings as I had become happy at Hollyfield and had a strong group of friends.

When I was in year 9 I was asked to stand up and speak in my R.E class about my faith. I was actually booed by a boy in the front who was subsequently disciplined but I felt like an outsider. Going to Festivals like Greenbelt and attending FURY assembly helped me feel included and meeting people who felt like me was great. I was often questioned by my peers about my faith and some where genuinely interested but some just wanted to laugh at someone.

As I got older it became easier to talk about it and I began to meet some girls who had the same sort of feelings I do. I have brought a few of these friends

to Girls Brigade, the 11:30 service and Greenbelt. Being in college now we are all in same position.

We are all scared about the future; some of us are moving out and getting full time jobs and of course the inevitable exams. I find comfort in God when these issues bother me.

When asked by my friends what I want to do in the future I answer I’d like to become a primary school teacher. Why? Because it feels like a calling. If I had announced this statement a few years ago I would have been given strange looks, teased and questioned but now that I am in my final year of school it’s just me being me.

For me being a Christian in College isn’t a problem. Being a Christian in secondary school was a problem.

Anyone who knows me well at school will know that I am a Christian and that it’s a very important part of my life.

During my year 11 prom we were all presented with badges and nicknames

and I was named Jayne Scorer-the Christian rocker. I’m quite open about it and willing to answer people questions or queries. Meeting and getting to know new people during college who also have faith is great for me.

Some of these people I have known for years but haven’t felt comfortable or happy enough to discuss their faith and it’s wonderful that we all can now.

I look forward to moving on with my faith and continuing to meet people with or without faith wherever I end up. One thing I always know is that God is with me and we look after me wherever I go.

Ph: 020 8546 0643 www.KingstonURC.org

by Conor Holt (aged 10)

Across the UK people are treating each other badly because of their skin colour. This is called Racism. The most

common form of Racism is when white people are cruel to black people. Other forms of Racism are not based on skin colour. In this form of Racism the cruelty is directed at the roots of a person. People make other people feel inferior because they come from a certain religion or have a different way of life. For example during the Second World War the Nazis hated the Jewish religion. Adolf Hitler (the Nazi leader) believed that all Jews were lazy. He even blamed them for losing the First World War. All of this was nonsense but everyone believed him. Racism is not a very new thing; it existed in the times of the Stuart

kings and queens. The sailors of the British Navy thought that the Black Africans were inferior and they sold them in to slavery. On real pirate ships the white pirates got on well with the black pirates. This sounds strange but this was because the pirates were rebels and they did not agree with the Racism. Slave ships were popular targets. In the modern day Racism can be found in lots of places. Schools are quite a common place to find it. Young people are very cruel. Some forms of Racism can be dealt with by the police. Hundreds of people have their lives destroyed by it. It is very sad.

A Christian in College?

Racist attitudes, the scourge of society

Activity day report By Trude (8) and Bessie (6) At the activity day we were learning about people getting tempted. Like Jesus getting tempted by the devil/Satan. Satan said to Jesus three things: to jump off a mountain; worship him and he would get the whole world; turn rocks into bread; but Jesus said ‘NO’! Goldilocks was tempted to go inside the house, she wasn’t allowed in the house without permission but went in anyway. During the activity day we: cooked, painted, dressed up, sang, playing teddy bears picnic, ate our lunch, played with playdough, made collages, worked with wood, read books, played in the house and we made friends. We had a good time.

Page 3: KURC Church news April - Youth Edition

Girls and Boys Brigade By Bessie KakayiBoys and Girls brigadeWe meet at 5:30pm till 7:00pm at the church to do lots of cool things which I want to tell you about. What do we do at brigade?

On a Friday night we start together as anchors and juniors and then the juniors and explorers split up for their badge work and games. In Explorers we play lots of games like parachute games and cricket and for badge work we do things like discussions about friends, family and God, run around and look at different countries around the world. At the end of the evening the explorers and juniors come back together to hear a bible story and prayer time as well as have food and drinks.On Monday evenings some of us go to band and we play bugles and cymbals. During the night the beginning of the night we line up stood to attention with our bugles and go to our classes where we learn how to play our instruments. Then after that at the end of the night we all come together as the band and

practice marching as a band. What do I like about Brigade?I like playing games especially cat and mouse with the parachute as I like been the cat chasing the mouse. I also like listening to bible stories especially the last supper as I like it when Jesus and his disciples come together for the meal. I also like marching on parade in Kingston and on district parade in the summer. I also like going on trips out like when we went to Denise’s house to see the rabbits and guinea pigs etc and have some food and drink.

Boys Brigade is 125 years old, but what is it like to be four-and-a-half and going to KURC’s Friday night meetings? Christopher and Alfie tell us what they like about BB...

Ph: 020 8546 0643 www.KingstonURC.org

By Bessie and JayneThe Greenbelt Festival is a Christian music and arts festival held at Cheltenham Race course every August bank holiday weekend.

In 2006 we took a large group of youngsters (21 to be exact) including Trude and Bessie. During the weekend Trude participated in a children’s choir who performed on the main stage on the Sunday.

Bessie enjoyed watching her sister perform. Bessie enjoyed looking around the various different stalls and café’s. She liked being in a big group with us all and the camping itself. She also liked going swimming (so that we could all have a shower!) She loved the food that we all ate and prepared together. She was sad when she left and would like to come

again. I have been attending Greenbelt since 2004 (when there were only 11 of us) and I have been attending ever since. I love the festival in particular the music and meeting people who think and believe the same things I do.

It’s a great feeling to stand out but together all at the same time. Last year we did some busking and donated our proceeds half to our own personal donought fund and the rest to Christian aid. The weather was amazing last year and we all came a different shade than when we left. The group was smaller lat year but we still had a wonderful experience and were very grateful for a shower and a mattress when we got home. We are currently preparing to attend again this year and any families who wish to attend this year are welcome. Please contact Emily Young.

Greenbelt music festival really rocks! But you may miss a shower...

Watching the dance show!


Running about upstairs!

Coming home when it’s dark!

Making Roman soldier helmets!

Painting pictures!

Page 4: KURC Church news April - Youth Edition

Ph: 020 8546 0643 www.KingstonURC.org

The story of a film by Anthony OtienoThis story is from a film that I saw: One day a old lady had 3 children The old lady took a boy to Tom’s house . Tom cooked dinner for the boy,it was yummy, but the boy couldn’t eat all of it as there was so much.

Tom washed up the dishes and took the boy to bed. The boy had a good nights sleep and in the morning Tom came to the boy’s room. Tom looked at the boy’s bed , but the boy had wet the bed. Tom was angry, he didn’t want the boy to come to his house again.

A friend came on his bike to see the boy, and they helped Tom to dig his garden. Tom was grateful. The boy went to a church, he was alone and while he was still outside the church he saw an angel, he drew a beautiful picture of the angel. He kept the picture safe and it helped him. Tom and the boy were on their way to school, the boy saw his friend with the bike. After recess the

teacher asked them to come back into class. The teacher asked the boy to spell “Dog” , but the boy couldn’t. The teacher sent the boy to reception. The boy went home very sadly, on the way home he went passed the church. He went inside the church, he saw a gold bird, he drew the bird.Tom went to the church, he saw the boy, “Come here” he said, he grabbed the boy, and took him back to his house. Later lots of people came because it was the boy’s birthday. Tom gave the boy a present, in the morning the boy went to school, and later after school he went to Tom’s house and Tom helped him to spell using dots to help him join up the letters.

Three people came to the house and told the boy that his Mum was in hospital, she was not very well.

Tom and the boy went on Tom’s horse to the train. Tom left the boy on the train all alone, but the boy was able to ask to be taken to London. At the station the boy meets his mother, she drops her bag and he goes to pick it up

for her but she slaps him and picks the bag up herself.

The film ends when Tom brings the boy home, his Mum has sadly died. Tom and the boy live together, the boy doesn’t wet the bed again. The film is quite sad in a way and happy in another way. It tells of some of the bad things that can happen to people, but how some people are always there when things are difficult.

Review: Goodnight Mr Tomby Anthony OtienoOn Thursday 21st February I came to church to watch the film Good Night Mr Tom for some fun and I would like to tell you about the film. It about a boy that lived in World War

2 and had an ill mother who was bad towards him. His mother was bad because she abused him by locking him in a cupboard for example and throwing away the key. The Boy was an evacuee from London and was evacuated into the countryside and his carer was Mr Tom. The boy makes friends with other evacuees from other cities in the country. Mr Tom becomes a father figure towards the boy and builds up a very strong and loving relationship. Then later on in the film the boy is sent back to London on the grounds that his mother is severely ill. When he does return to London he is surprised to find his mother is actually not sick at all but has had a child and her abusive behaviour hasn’t changed. The boy finds this out when he tells his mother about Mr Tom as she finds out that he is a Jew and doesn’t like this fact. So in her rage she locks the boy and his baby sister in a

cupboard. Then the Police come and find them and take them to hospital. Then when they are in hospital the boy finds out he has no relatives left and they are bound to an orphanage. But Mr Tom comes to rescue the boy from his misfortune and takes him back to the countryside where he stays with Mr Tom. A year later when the boy is settled in at Mr Tom’s the police find the boy and Mr Tom and the police agree to let Mr Tom adopt the boy.

The film was very emotional because there was variety of good and bad times. I thought it was a really good film because the characters were really interesting. The storyline was very interesting and I liked the end bit.


Lent film nightsDuring Lent KURC held a Film Night in the training suite at the church. Some of the films watched included Carol Reed's The Third Man with Orson Welles, How green was my valley (1941), Shadowlands (1993), Ghost, the documentary (Channel 4), Goodnight Mr Tom (1988)

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SPORTS NEWSby Lara OkunolaHockey is a very energetic sport so you need to be fit to be able to run around the pitch and keep up with the ball. The game is played with two teams of 11 people each with a long curved wooden hockey stick which is used to hit the ball.

I like playing this game because nobody can stand around doing nothing, there’s always something to do. I used to play in the school’s Hockey team and prefer playing Centre or Goalie.

I have also played Rugby, also a team sport but without a stick and with a larger egg-shaped ball. There are two types of Rugby – Contact Rugby and Tag Rugby. Tag Rugby is the version where you have to get the tag off the opposite team while one of its players is holding the ball, and the ball has to be thrown immediately to someone else on your team. I like playing Tag Rugby because everyone has a part to play and has to doing something.

I don’t do ice-dance, but more speed-skating because I am trying to become a good enough skater so I can

do Ice-hockey when I am a bit older. I’ve wanted to do this since I was four years old and I saw a match on television.

Ph: 020 8546 0643 www.KingstonURC.org

Picture by Issac

Christians in sportby Tomos RobinsonMany aspects of religion can be found in sport. To illustrate this I will use several of the Ten Commandments, found in both the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. • “You shall have not other Gods but me”- This can apply to sport in terms of dedication. The best sportsmen/women are completely dedicated to their discipline. An example is the 7 time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong. He came through testicular, brain and lung cancer to triumph in seven consecutive tours, a phenomenal achievement, and testament to the devotion for his sport.

• “Respect your father and mother”- This can apply in terms of coaching and leadership. The best leaders are those who can pull a team/individual through a high pressure situation. An example of this leadership is the captain of the victorious England Rugby team of 2003, Martin Johnson. Many commentators and journalists have said that he was perhaps one of the greatest leaders in modern sport due to his ability to galvanise his side and lead by example.

• “You must not give false evidence against your neighbour”- This can apply to sport in terms of fair play and

cheating. Many large events such as the Tour de France and the Olympics have been marred by cases of deception. A particular example that springs to mind is the recent case involving the American athlete Marion Jones and her drug use during the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. She had a brilliant games, winning four medals including three golds, and was the most respected and admired sportswomen in the world for a period. Yet she has now admitted using banned substances in order to enhance her performance during the games, resulting in her medals being stripped and banned from competing for life.

• “You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy”- This can apply to sacrificing certain aspects of their sporting careers for religion. A literal example of this is the great New Zealand rugby player Michael Jones, who refused to play rugby on Sundays due to the extent of his faith. He consequently missed out

on playing in the 1995 Rugby World Cup, when he was at the peak of his career. This shows that for some their religion is everything, and will sacrifice their careers for their belief.

• “You must not be envious of your neighbour’s goods”- This can apply to sport in terms of sportsmanship and respect for the game and the other competitors. An example of this was Andrew ‘Freddy’ Flintoff’s consoling of the Australian cricketer Brett Lee during the 2005 Ashes Series (below). Australia had come very close to an amazing fight back in the second test match, only to lose by 2 measly runs. Flintoff comforted an obviously distraught Lee, and the image of their embrace became the defining memory of the entire series.

Page 6: KURC Church news April - Youth Edition

Kids corner!Doctor Who Quizby Aaron Otieno (aged 10)

1. What is a Dalek? 2. Who is the Doctor?3. Who is the Master?4. How many Doctors have there been?5. Who plays the 10th Doctor Who?

Ph: 020 8546 0643 www.KingstonURC.org

Colour in the picture of Jesus entering Jerusalem

Bob is best!Rebecca Holt (aged 8) In a survey of TV favourites at Activity Day, Bob the Builder came out tops. The children asked were aged between 2 and 11.

The programmes and their scores were:Bob the Builder 7 votesDoctor Who 4 votesYoung Dracula 3 votesAlvin and the Chipmunks 3 votesCharlie and Lola 2 votesNight Garden 2 votesPeppa Pig 2 votesHigh School Musical 2 votesHorrid Henry 2 votesThe Simpsons 2 votesThomas the Tank Engine 1 voteH_O Just add water 1 voteSponge Bob Square Pants 1 voteDonald Duck 1 voteWorld Wrestling Entertainment 1 votePostman Pat 1 votePhineas and Ferb 1 voteBuzz Lightyear 1 voteHi - 5 1 voteAnswers

1. An alien that is made to kill every living thing

2. An alien that is from GALERFRY, which is a world that was lost

from a war with the daleks.3. He comes from GALEFRY and is also an enemy of the Docor.

4. David Tennant

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Ph: 020 8546 0643 www.KingstonURC.org

Water aids understanding By Lara Okunola

At my school, Fernhill School, we had a special day focusing on Water Aid.

We all dressed up in blue – to be drops of water.

We found out that carrying two buckets of water across our playground was very hard – your back hurts because the work is very heavy.

We looked at how difficult it is for people who don’t have water – how difficult their lives are because of poor facilities – no flushing toilet, having to wash in dirty water which causes diseases AND we saw how Wateraid helps to change their lives.

For more information visit www.wateraid.org

Mayo have this dance?Interview with Liz Cook on the Dance Classes in the Mayo Hall

Is ballroom dancing the only dance you do?No,we also do Latin American e.g. cha cha and rumbaWhy do you like it?It is friendly, it’s good exercise, and it’s good to see people enjoying themselvesWhat’s your favourite type of dance?The quickstep because you can spin round fastWhat type of outfits do you wear?Nothing glamorous because we’re just learning, but nothing too warm. And men and women have to wear smooth soled shoes so they can glide on the floor.Are there as many men as there are women?No, there about 2 women to every man, so women sometimes have to dance together. But we do a “bus stop” system, so women all get a turn at dancing with men and the teacher changes partners a lot

My favourite popstarBessie writes: “My favourite pop star is Soljer boy because he has very good dance moves to his songs. He looks like a gangster but he wears black sun glasses that say Soljer on the left and it says boy on the right. I like the words of his songs because they are catchy and amusing. When I am singing with the music I do the dance at the same time.”

What I like to doBy Bessie (aged 8)

In my class we love to do Art because we want to be artists.

And we like to do sports, because we want to be healthy. We like to play hide and seek in the playground with my friend Jessica and Tabarack. I like to play music sometimes at home. The Bugel and the recorder.

Showtime!Christmas panto anyone? Sorry to let you know that our plans for a summer theatre production have come to a halt. However, don't despair, we are planning a christmas time panto! I will hopefully be running a couple of workshops over the summer with drama games and sharing ideas. If you wish to be involved or have any helpful information please contact Rebecca Seymour on 07754392758. Thanks!

Support KURC by shopping? You must be joking?You can now support KURC financially by doing your shopping online, paying no more than you normally would by going to a range of online shops via our buy.at affiliate page: www.buy.at/kurc .You just access a retailer's usual website through this address, and every time you buy something KURC gets a commission. QED! Retailers pay the commission out of their marketing budget and it has cost us nothing to set this up. Buy.at does not pass on any details and strictly prohibits retailers from doing so. It is anonymous - we do not know who has bought what. Please take a look, there is no obligation.

Page 8: KURC Church news April - Youth Edition

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Your editorial team hard at work!

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Derek’s Desk

I’m delighted that we’ve now arrived at the point in time when we are ready for a Youth Edition of Church News – as it must be an indicator that we’re looking to the future. I’m also pleased that I’ve been asked to fill my usual page, as I was quite ready to be told that I am yesterday’s man! However, I’m not quite sure what to say, as I shall only know on publication if I’m on the right lines or not. So let’s try!

I was born to parents who attended Purley Congregational Church (now Purley URC). I only really came alive to what it was all about when I joined the Youth Group at age 14. That was in 1944 when the country was still at war and everything was very difficult. However, I was welcomed into a group of enthusiastic people who seemed to have a real purpose for life with all sorts of ambitions of what could be achieved. This introduction to the Christian faith came at just the right time for me and has made a profound difference to my life. My one regret is that I didn’t write down what I felt God was calling me to do with my life. I think I can remember, but memories tend to get distorted with time and are inclined to be selective

Life seems to be very different today –or is it? I think it is in fact a lot harder. There is now so much choice and so many options. It seems far harder nowadays to get the sense of togetherness which was the hallmark of that Youth Group. School on the other hand was far more restricted as out-of-school activities were very limited due to the war. It would be very interesting to know how everyone, say under the age of 21, who attends one of the activities at this Church, thinks about this. Do you feel it would help to have a common Church cause which would help to cement life together?

Many people at the present time are behaving as if the country is on the point of recession. This is about to have a significant impact on the operation of this church, as our income from letting rooms is about to drop by nearly £1,000 a week. This is because

Government funding is being withdrawn from the people using the Centre Hall for training the unemployed. In addition, the market research company who use our building as a base will now be switching much of their data gathering to on-line. However, our building is so well located and equipped we are confident we shall soon find replacement users.

I’m convinced that our current position is to be welcomed as it should force us to think again about our mission in Kingston. I think we need to get together and try very hard to find out what God is calling us to do. It seems a strangely similar situation to me to those days at the end of the war when we had a united purpose to succeed and the will to start to do new things. But the main initiative needs to come from the up and coming generation to shape the Church they want for the future. It’s not good enough to leave it to “them” as the result of this could be a dying church with a regular real estate income and no new ideas. This is now your chance!

Derek Winsor, Church Secretary

Church DiarySunday 23 March Easter Sunday 09.00 Communion followed by breakfast11.00 All-age communion18.30 Reflective worshipWednesday 26 March13.10 Lunchtime service14.15 Women’s Fellowship: Easter TeaFriday 28 March22.00 All-night prayers and Street PastorsSunday 30 March10.00 Traditional Worship11.30 Interactive Worship18.30 Reflective WorshipWednesday 2 April10.45 Men’s Forum – “Slides of Singapore” by Mervyn Page13.10 Lunchtime service14.15 Women’s Fellowship: DevotionalFriday 4 April22.00 All-night Prayers & Street PastorsSunday 6 April10.00 Traditional Worship11.30 Interactive Worship18.30 Reflective WorshipWednesday 9 April13.10 Lunchtime Service14.15 Women’s Fellowship: Stella TaylorFriday 11 April 22.00All-night prayers and Street PastorsSunday 13 April10.00 Coffee served in Foyer & Mayo Hall11.00 Combined serviceCopy deadline for May Church News12.00 Church Meeting18.30 Reflective serviceWednesday 16 April13.10 Lunchtime service14.15 Women’s FellowshipFriday 18 April22.00 All-night prayers & Street PastorsSaturday 19 AprilKids Stay and PlaySunday 20 April10.00 Traditional Worship11.30 Interactive Worship18.30 Reflective Worship

Ph: 020 8546 0643 www.KingstonURC.org

Pastoral News• Marion McDougall, who was one of our foyer visitors, sadly died in February and her funeral was led by Lesley at Kingston Crematorium on 7th March.• Mimi Williams had a fall at her nursing home and has had a partial hip replacement. She is now at present in Mayday Hospital.• Margaret Randall has had an operation on her hip at Epsom Hospital and is recovering at her daughter’s home.• Daphne Walters has also had an operation on her hip at Epsom Hospital and is now recovering at home.• Tom Fisken has commenced a course of radiotherapy at the Royal Marsden Hospital. Tom’s first session went well and our thoughts remain with him as he continues with 6 weeks of treatment. • We also think of Graham Carstens and pray that he will be given strength and energy as he continues with his chemotherapy sessions.• Lorna Tarbuck is recovering after a

cataract operation.• Munro Mackay is still suffering from the

effect of shingles on his face and is having acupuncture treatment for this.

• Hugh Mayall’s grandaughter has been unwell recently. We hope that she will soon be better and think of Hugh and his family at this worrying time• Our thoughts remain with Joan Butler as she continues to have problems with back pain.• Very sadly, Martyn and He Yeon Verge were unsuccessful with their IVF treatment. We wish them luck and very best wishes for their future plans.• Claire Tchen is moving to Aylesbury, so we wish her all happiness for the future. • Congratulations to Alan Johnson who was 80 in February.• We congratulate Tomos Robinson on celebrating his 18th Birthday• Our congratulations also to Hilda Tunley who is 90 years old on Easter Sunday and hopes to join us at Church.We pray for Lesley and for her work in and outside this Church, and for those on our regular prayer list:Margaret Fisken, Christine Burgess, Ann Mackay, Ken Trigg, Philip, Olwen and William Sawney, the Austin family, Malcolm Levy, Kathleen and Alan Clegg, Colin Veal, Olive and Jim Webb, Enid Clark and Muriel Adam.

Maggie Arnold

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Ph: 020 8546 0643 www.KingstonURC.org

I understand that many people who read the Church News do not live in the area so I thought it would be interesting to

tell them a bit about Kingston from my point of view. When I searched for Kingston on the web site I discovered that there are many places named Kingston in England; not only in England but also in Canada, Australia and South Africa and even in some places in Asia. So when asked where is your church Kingston is not the correct answer it should be Kingston upon Thames.

There is a bridge over the Thames at Kingston and quite close is Hampton Court Palace and at the other end of the Borough is Richmond Park, which is a very beautiful place. In Richmond Park are found many deer and the local people enjoy picnics and walking and horse riding in the park.

In Kingston there are many shops. It is well known for the variety of shops and is always full of eager shoppers. Only in Seoul is it possible to buy the expensive “designer labels“ that can be found in Bentalls for instance. As well as the expensive shops Kingston has a market place where it is possible to buy almost anything quite cheaply. Every kind of shop is to be found in the relatively small area that is Kingston town centre. There are many international eating-places in Kingston so that with very little trouble it is possible to choose almost any menu.

You can find evidence of Kingston’s long history in the architecture, and also in the three salmon badge, which shows

The United Reformed Church has appointed the Revd Roberta Rominger as its general secretary. She is the first woman to hold the post in the Church, or in any of its predecessor denominations. “I am passionate about the vision of a Church that is enthusiastically engaged with the world,” she said.

Revd Rominger trained for ministry in the USA, and was ordained in California, in the United Church of Christ. She came to Britain in 1985 and has been a minister in the United Reformed Church

ever since, serving as Moderator of the Thames North Synod for the past ten years.

She will take up the post in July. She replaces the Revd Dr David Cornick, who is to become general secretary of Churches Together in England, an appointment that reflects the United Reformed Church commitment to ecumenism.

Roberta Rominger is also an accomplished cellist, with a special love of chamber music.

First woman to be made URC general secretary

that Kingston was once a salmon fishing area. Now the river is not suitable for salmon fishing but the symbol remains. I don’t know why the town is called Kingston, but I believe it has something to do with the big stone, which is proudly displayed near the town hall and was used as the place to crown kings in the past. But Kingston isn’t only an old town it is also very modern with artistic designs and is a convenient, comfortable area in which to live and work.

Kingston boasts a university and has a good reputation for the standard of its education, with grammar schools and excellent private schools. Many Asian people like to live in this area for their children’s education.

Unfortunately Kingston does have a bit of a dark side. If you were to leave your bed in the middle of the night you would find almost as many young people there as there are people during the day. The town has several discos

and nightclubs, which attract thousands of youngsters from all around. They come for a good time, which for some includes getting drunk and then of course disorderly. Policemen wander around and sirens blaze as police cars and ambulances rush through the streets. I have to confess that it is the same in Korea where young people also set out to have fun and end up sick and hung over.

The truth is we all have two faces. One is good and law abiding and the other is self-centred and careless. Everyone needs love and interest from another and in the search we tend to be selfish. The answer of course can be found in the churches where real sacrificial love can be seen. From the local church magazines can be seen many activities where it is possible to find what you need and ways to help others. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. It takes courage to approach anyone for help, but it is available when you ask.

An Asian looks at Kingston, by Rev. Suk-In Lee, KURC assistant minister

After a time of experimenting to find the best arrangement it has been decided to change the timing of the International Discussion groups, writes Rev. Suk-In, Lee.

At New Malden the Tuesday Evening café will now be held on a Friday afternoon at one o’clock until three o’clock. This is so that the young mothers, who have small children, will be more easily able to attend. They have to pick up their children from school at three thirty and after-school activities then begin. The helpers are being checked by the CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) because the young women will bring their very young

children who will be cared for by the helpers. Of course this is not only to target young mothers, but also anyone who is free in the daytime.

At Kingston we will also change the date from Monday to Thursday evening from seven thirty to nine thirty. This is because Monday is far from the next Sunday and it will be easier to invite the students who attend to worship with us on the next Sunday. This will be a discussion group but more deliberately Bible based.

On Wednesday afternoon there will be a Korean language Bible study group, using the Disciple Course, based at Suk In’s new manse in New Malden.

Changes to international discussion groups

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The old District system within URC "Provinces" is now a thing of the past. Instead we have Area Co-ordination Teams (hence the ACT). Lesley Charlton chairs the Wimbledon ACT in which KURC is involved. The Wimbledon ACT replaces the old Wimbledon District, but without all the admin structure and executive powers that the District had. Your Wimbledon Area Co-ordination Team (ACT) met for the third time on 19 February 2008. We were pleased to welcome Graham Campling (Synod Clerk) and David Skitt (Synod Pastor) to our meeting. We also welcomed to the meeting Andrew Fairchild, minister at Balham and Tooting, who spoke to us about the work that was going on in some of the South West London churches and the plans they have for the future. We look forward to hearing more! Following our discussions in November Martin Hayward, Synod Mission Officer, has compiled a Mission Questionnaire, which he would like piloted in this Area. One of the ACT members will be getting in touch soon and we hope to meet with representatives from each church during the next couple of months in order to complete this piece of work. Our other meetings planned for 2008

are on 15 April, 17 June, 21 October and 9 December.Some other matters to report: • Brian King, Church Secretary at Twickenham United Reformed Church has kindly agreed to be our Property Liaison Person.• A baby boy, Nana, was born to Emma Aikins, minister at Raleigh Road United Church, on 30 January. Congratulations to Emma and Jojo• Applications for the Youth & Children’s Synod Event on 15 March are due by 29 Feb.• An application for funding from ‘Turn the Tide’ for Youth Work at Leatherhead was endorsed.• An extension to Ceri Lewis’ ministry at Trinity, Wimbledon has been granted. • Pastoral Consultation for Mission had been restarted under its new name Church Life Review and four visits are planned this year. • Richmond Raleigh Road and Richmond Green churches are planning a joint pastorate.• It is hoped to send Richard Bailey, Sam Akwagyiram, Sophie Akwagyiram, Suk In Lee, Jenny Snashall and Cynthia Stock as reps to General Assembly in July 2008.

• Permission to preside at Holy Communions was sought from the Synod Pastoral Committee for Alison Smith for 20 April at Twickenham. • Ceri Lewis has resigned as the ACT representative on the Synod Mission & Strategy Committee but Peter Flint will take over. Ceri was also the ACT representative on the Synod Strategic Ministries Group and a volunteer for that is sought. We thank Ceri for his service to the District and the ACT.• Richard Goldring has agreed to be the Candidates and Students Liaison Person for the ACT.• The future membership of this ACT was discussed. Please consider whether there is someone in your church who would be willing to serve.

Ph: 020 8546 0643 www.KingstonURC.org

Hey, let’s get a little co-ordinated

What is... the United Reformed Church?Through a series of unions over the past 35 years, the United Reformed Church has brought together English Presbyterians, English, Welsh and Scottish Congregationalists and members of the Churches of Christ. One hundred thousand people make up 1600 congregations, with more than 700 ministers, paid and unpaid. Although one of the smaller mainstream denominations in Britain, the United Reformed Church plays a dynamic and challenging part in the country’s Christian life. It seeks to work with Christians of all traditions, believing that all God’s people should be one. It is committed to theological and cultural diversity. Worldwide, more than 70 million Christians are members of the Reformed family of churches, the largest Protestant tradition. We call ourselves Reformed because our churches began to emerge with reform movements in the sixteenth century.

Images from our church

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A warm invitation is given to all who read this magazine to come and share in our services and activities

• Tea and coffee are served between the two morning services, before the 11.00 service (second Sunday) and after the 18:30 service.

• During the 10.00 service there are group activities for young people who may wish to leave the service after the second hymn. Visiting children are welcome to join them.

Private PrayerThe Sanctuary is open all day; come in via the Foyer if the main door is shut

Weekdays in the FoyerOur foyer is normally open every weekday and Saturday from 11.00 until 14.00 for coffee, tea and other refreshments.

A Listening EarIf you would like to talk with someone about a matter of concern in the foyer between 11.00 and 14.00 on every weekday and Saturday, you should find someone wearing a badge who will be pleased to help.

Kingston United Reformed Church is a member of the Local Ecumenical Project in Kingston Town Centre with its partnersAll Saints Parish Church, in the Market Place and Kingston Baptist Church, in Union Street.

Minister: Revd Lesley M Charlton 2 Regent Road Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 8NL Telephone: (020) 8399 4423 Email: [email protected]

Associate Minister: Rev Suk In Lee144 Malden RoadNew Malden, KT3 6DSTelephone: (020) 8949 2070email: [email protected]

Church Secretary: Derek Winsor4 Quayside Walk, Charter QuayKingstonKT1 1HYTelephone: (020) 8549 9967

Church Treasurer: Robin HoarTelephone: (020) 89771524

Church Organist: Tony WenmanTelephone: 01372 464709

Premises Manager: Michael BrennanMonday – Friday 09.30 – 17.00Telephone: (020) 8549 1888Email: [email protected]

Handwritten items for publication in Church News must reach the editor’s pigeonhole opposite Room 5 no later than midday on the second Sunday in each month. Electronic copy is preferred, emailed to the editor or provided on diskette, (contact him/her/them for details). Contributions on matters of reflection and opinion are welcome as well as reports of activities.

Next copy deadline: 12 noon on Sunday, 13th April 2008. Editor: Jean ThompsonThank you to Mail Boxes Etc, 22 Eden Street, Kingston KT1 1DN (telephone: (020) 8547 1547) for printing Church News

The Week AheadMonday 10.00 Parents & Toddlers (during

school terms)19.00 International Friends Group

Tuesday10.00 Parents & Toddlers (during

school terms)15.00 The Room (for youth, during

school terms): badminton, table tennis, playstation, friendship

Wednesday10.00 Parents & Toddlers (during

school terms)10.45 Men’s Forum (first Weds monthly

except August)13.10 Lunchtime Service14.15 Women’s Fellowship (weekly

except August)19.30 Prayer Meeting

Thursday15.00 The Room (see above)

Friday17.30 Girls & Boys Brigade (during

school terms)22.00 All night prayers + Street Pastors

till 04,00

Saturday22.00 Street Pastors till 04.00

Sunday Services:

10.00 Morning Worship (Communion on the first Sunday monthly)

11:30 Interactive Worship (Communion on the last Sunday monthly

18.30 Evening worship (Communion on the third Sunday monthly)

20.00 Contemporary Worship (on the Sunday monthly)

On the second Sunday of each month, a combined service at 11.00 replaces the 10.00 and 11.30 services

Lesley’s Last Word

How do you view a new or different thing happening? What do you think the correct reaction of the Christian should be? God is known in a new way in each generation. God speaks the language of the street. God is interested in communicating with us in the ways we understand. God wants to tell us good news because of God’s overwhelming love for us.

There are religious institutions where if it is new then it must be of the devil. If the person who wrote the hymn is still alive then the hymn must be rubbish, if we can remember when the change was introduced then it must be frivolous. If that is you and you did not know this month was different you might be in for a bit of a shock when you read this magazine.

Some people love novelty and others find it threatening. God is described as always new and yet unchanging. The essence of God is constant but how that is shown is

different in changing circumstances. The point is that God is not interested in fashion or popularity but in truth, love and justice. God is not interested in keeping things the same for the sake of it nor in changing continually either.

Thanks to all those who worked on this month’s magazine. The atmosphere in the training room on the Sunday when all the work was being done was electric. Maybe the next challenge is for some other groups to get to work.

Yours, Lesley
