РОССИЙСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМ. А.И. ГЕРЦЕНА Направление 031200 – Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация Специальность 031202 – Перевод и переводоведение Квалификация – лингвист, переводчик КУРСОВАЯ РАБОТА ОСОБЕННОСТИ ПЕРЕВОДА ДИАЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ДИСКУРСА (на примере пресс-конференций) Работу выполнила: студентка 3 курса английского отделения факультета иностранных языков Шевчук Мария Анатольевна Научный руководитель: к.ф.н., доцент кафедры перевода Юдина Татьяна Витальевна

Kursovaya Shevchuk Ispr

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: , , (.. ); . , , . .. , - : . , . . - , , [, 2012: 7]. , , , : , , [, , 2004: 26]. , - , , , (). , , , . . , , [, , 2004: 26]. , . , , , , , (.. , .. , .. , W. Chafe, W. Labov .), (.. , .. , .. .) , [, , 2004: 24]. , , , . , , . - .1.2

. , , - () . - ; . , . - , . , , [ ( : 12.06.2014)]. - , . , [, 2007: 51]. , - , , .. . - - : , , , .. : , , , , , , . , [, 1986]. , . , - : , , , . : ; ; - / ; , / ; , , [, 2009].

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.. : , . , , , , , , . President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Thank you for your interest in Russia and the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. Speaking of which , we can see that this interest growing every year.

, , .. , , . , . , , . , : Thank you for your interest. . .. : , . , , . : Thank you for your interest in Russia and the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. : . , , . , . .. , .

.. : , , , . . President of Russia Vladimir Putin: This year the media coverage of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is wider than over the previous two years. It is very good news.

, : St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. - , . .. , , . : It is very good news. , . , ... , - , - .

.. : , . , - . President of Russia Vladimir Putin: We established good rapport in all areas of production , from all sectors of economy. Just now, I had a very informative meeting with heads of major global fuel and energy companies.

. .. : . , , , . . , : We established good rapport in all areas of production. , .. , , . - : global fuel and energy companies. , .

..: , . , , , , .President of Russia Vladimir Putin:Generally, we are very pleased with how cooperation with our partners is going. Many of them have had a presence in Russia for years. They have significant assets, which increases capitalisation of companies and helps them get access to financial markets.

.. , , - , , . , . . , , , significant assets, . : , . .. : significant assets, capitalization, financial markets... , 110- -, , .

..: , , , . , . 110 -. , . , - , , .President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Coming back to this meeting, I would like to repeat that we are very glad you are interested in working in Russia. I would like to congratulate your colleague, Mr Mikhailov, on the 110thanniversary of ITAR-TASS, the largest news agency in Russia. It is a brand known all over the world. I hope that with Mr Mikhailov at the wheel, the agency will take on a new lease of life also in international collaboration.

. , , : , , . I would like to repeat that we are very glad you are interested in working in Russia. .. , , , . ITAR-TASS, . : , - , , , . a new lease of life international collaboration , , . , .. . -, - () .

..: , . 80% . , , , , , , , . , , , . , , . . . - , , , , .President of Russia Vladimir Putin : Im impressed with the attendance of this meeting. Your agencies make up about 80% of the global information flow. Your influence on the global and national news agenda cannot be overstated. You have great influence that is dispersed by your colleagues throughout the mass media both print and online media outlets. I hope that today well be able to discuss some current issues and talk about building relations with Russian government institutions and your colleagues in the Russian market.

I think this is all I want to say for a start. Thank you very much. I suggest we begin an informal question and answer session. I hope you have questions, we can discuss them, and I will try to give you comprehensive answers.


.. , , , . , , , , . , : I think this is all I want to say for a start. Thank you very much. I suggest we begin an informal question and answer session. , .

.. , , , , , . , . - , -.

.: , . , , . . .Sergei Mikhailov: Mr Putin, thank you very much for the opportunity to have this meeting. I think it would be fair to give the floor to Florence Biedermann from France Presse, the oldest French agency with an almost 200 year history, as the only woman at this table. It just so happens. Go ahead please.

, -. , . : Mr Putin, thank you very much for the opportunity to have this meeting. , 200- , , , , . - . . Go ahead please, , , .

Florence Bidermann:Mr President, you will soon go to France to attend the 70thanniversary of the allied landing in Normandy. Will you hold separate meetings with the heads of state that will be present there? And may I ask you one more question on a different subject. Will you consider the elected president in Ukraine legitimate?.: , 70- . , , ? : , ?

, : Mr. President, , , . , Will you hold separate meetings with the heads of state that will be present there? , , . May I ask you one more question on a different subject. Will you consider the elected president in Ukraine legitimate? may , . . , , , . : Will you consider the elcted president in Ukraine legitimate?. .. , , , . - , - , , , . , .

..: . , , . , , , . , . , , , , , . , , , , , -.President of Russia Vladimir Putin : The first point. The trip to Normandy will be restricted to the occasion on which we will all meet. Indeed, the President of France has reaffirmed his invitation and it was, of course, accepted with gratitude. During World War II our countries were fighting Nazism together. As you know, Soviet and Russian peoples contributed much to the altar of this common victory and so it is quite natural that we all meet in Normandy. We are to give credit to our allies in the coalition the Americans, the British and the French. We remember French Resistance fighters and the direct participation of the French in World War II, including the legendary Normandie-Niemen.

: Normandy, World War II, Normandie-Niemen. - . : , , , , . , .. , . .

..: . . , .Vladimir Putin : Your second question is about recognition or non-recognition of the election in Ukraine. I replied in detail to this question yesterday. One of your colleagues tired me out trying to approach this issue from different angles. Ive already answered this question and can repeat what I said.

, : tired me out, : . . -, , . -.

.: , , , , .

..: . , : ?

.: , .

..: Merci beaucoup.Sergei Mikhailov: Please, colleague from Xinhua, which means New China, by the way.Vladimir Putin: Yes. Excuse me, I would like to ask Florence: are you satisfied with my answer?Florence Bidermann: Yes, Im satisfied.Vladimir Putin: Merci beaucoup.

-, , , . , , , , .. , . . . Yes. Excuse me, I would like to ask Florence. . , , . .. . - Merci beaucoup, . , . , , . , , , , , .. , -. .

Hou Xisheng:First, I would like to start by congratulating you on the successful talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

What I wanted to ask is how relations between Russia and China can play, as you have said, a bigger role in promoting stability in international relations and the development of our two countries? : -, .

, - , ?

, First, I would like to start by congratulating you on th successful talks with Chinese president Xi Jinping. . , . , , - . , , -, , . , , - . , .. .

..: , . , , , , , .Vladimir Putin: The meetings in Shanghai several days ago and the documents that were signed prove without any doubt that relations between the Peoples Republic of China and the Russian Federation have advanced to a new level. Over the recent years, we noted on numerous occasions the high level of cooperation between our countries, but with the results that were achieved in recent days in Shanghai and the agreements that were reached, we have every reason to believe that yet another step has been made in enhancing our trust-based dialogue and bringing our strategic partnership to new heights.

, , , . , , : we noted numerous occasions, . occasion, , -

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.., .. , , : . . .: , 2004.

.. : . ., 1986.

.. - : . .-.: ,1968.

.. : , 2011.

.. -, 2012.

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., : - , 2001.

.. : , 2009. .. - , 2011. .. XXI , ., 2012.

.. - : , ., 2009. Teun van Dijk Ideology: A Multidisciplinary Approach: Sage, 1998.

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