L Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty SteHns Point j a THE POINTER SERIES VIII , VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970 10 PAGES NO. 15 L SD Goes To Vietnam Dr ShrrmPn Drc,yfus. en, 1tudents and faculty mem• 1,r,•sldcnt Qf the unlvcrahy, left bf!rt. J . .n ll for South Vlctriom to Be-cauu L-ducallon revllallr.a- •· f,i;h t the othh' WAt" In ti~ l k'lo 11 (ltl rl of the total Vie t. Un} Soulhnat As ian nll\1011. namlu. tk>r, P?"OCt'fll, tw hopff II,• will be an «tucallon con- to Kl\'C the pooJlle with ""'hon\ ,ununt for the lh·c- unlvenltles h(• mN!bl 10me ldcu on natlon- !hl'H' In II rontlnulng ln\"Olve-- 111 purl)Qllc 11nd unity In N!la- m~nl 1tarl~I by Sh!Vl'N Pnlnt 1 \oluhl p lo learnln¥ lnslltut lont. t~ Vlelnlmf'lc llm1ua11e. l fe wH 111ked at I pees, confer- ence how well he will 00 able lo converse, In the la nJUa&e, "Only l'flOUll:h lo 11et me In o ll1tlelroubleat1 cocktll l par. ty," he 111ld jokln&ly. Retention, Tenure Topic Of President's paper SI /II,• anti lht U.S. A11ency for Dreyfus \s t he fourth perlOfl lnt,•rnatlonal C>.!ve1<>s11nent In from St('veia Point State 10 Winter Carnival Dedicated To Bertha Glennon Prl'$klent Dreyfus, In II posl· t lori i»per lo depart ment ehalt· me n and the ac1demlc dcan1, ,aid "1tudenu should not be Cl part of the decllloo-m11klna; JlrOCHI" In re1ard1 lo lftt re- tenllon and te nure oonslde ra• lloril oJ fo.cully member, . \967. make1ucha trl 11. Former l'TN;. ·· rm prc11~ to go bee&~<' Iden! Jnme. Al beruon dJC'd In "'' 1,1•1\1 be 111lklna abou1 the II phane crHh whll(' lt11dlni: a ~~ 1 i~ 1 ~n~ 1 t11:1n°f1n ~.,:: ::~tr: ~~:ci:io:,n 1 ~ ·8 ~ubs~:;:r~ 1ii.- 1 1rol:llenu of the Deferue Eng\ll\ 11nd ill'elldentlal usll• 1)1:parlment 11re obviously lo- tnnl Wlllham Vlckentaff wen1 TilC stotemenl came In a pa- per oulllnln11 his position OI\ r~ let'lll<Hl ond l<>nurc 1>n>c:edurn. The pa.pe r came In r<'lponae 1 0a numberofqul."llionsralled recently ln mottl'r11 Involving JlOtiular fucully membcr1 lwll 1emest<>r. ,tn) ', bo t somebody hu irot 10 to finish lhe Job , b,.• "Wklng on lhe long r ange Dr. Wln1hrop O. OIUord, dean nie 1970 edition of Winter Cnml val "'HI he dedicated In honor of Miu Bertha Glennoo, wt.:> tnuaht Englbh on campus to 6.000 atudenll helwecn 1940 and her retl~m,nt l.ut 1prlng. · He r "orllcl11\" role wlll be llghling a giant JC( U-fed tor ch on the lawn In front ol Oki 'Main 8ulldin1 Sunday n Il er• noon, Feb. 8 at l p.m. T h e ceremony "'Ill ,1en111 the begln- nhia of acth'ltlet which wi ll eon1lnue throuah lhl" foll owlna Sunday. 1,rolJl.>tn. a nd OOC" of the bl a of the w;r11du11te collet1:e, wu a, 1M.'i:U of !hat will be the de- sdwduled to !ravel w\1h 0:'ll!Y· ,elopment ol higher eduullon lw, but hll Itinera ry wu held k:idershlp. That's tht' purpose up temporarily, · or m)' mh1slon." he t'lllplalned. 111(' president announcl'd that II""'• wlll thb unl\·er,lly bene- his school JJJ'Hently Ls m-gotlat• lll1b11slc 1m.•mlsc i1 thal "th<! faculty of a 1h•en dcpart menl has both lhe right anti the obU· 5:111ion 10 moke the Initial de- ciilon reac11rtllng the appoint· mentor non-a1 )fl0l n1ment of 1 ·rnculty memb(or." ht rrom tht trip~ Only In the Ing a con1ract to P")\'ldc C'du- Jl'nst' lhnt Lt w\11 become a p,ut caTlon consultonlllhlp lo South ol the mulNtream of higher Vietnam durln.-; a hlo'O ye a r r.Luc11tion In tl\l' world. - ll\'tlod . IILJ O\o\'n mlii.slon Is In, Dr,•)'1111 wl\l tw gOl'I(' about tended to lay ground work t!X' ,•ne month. 11nd among the men the 11roject whleh wuuld proba· h,• 1•xpeels to ~'Olller with IJ bly Involve about 1\JI other fa• ~ th Vietnam PrHldent Thieu. eulty ml'mben here. Drl'yfus contlnucs by 1lotlng tho! the role of 1 111: d,•partment cholrmon should be, atter con· sultatlon with 1 1.'nun'tl members of hi, departmenl, tho! he rec• c;mmend to 111, ne.idl.'mlc dcon whM the department hu de- cided In rt'i;ards to !he l'etenlion of p.11rtlc11!11r faeulty mem· b<N. Othc1"1 will h(,, go,·ernment lead, Oreyf\1$ hu learned .ame ol A reception for Ml.ls Clennon ond committeemen wt.:> plan- ned the camh·11I " 111 he In the Wisconsin Room of thl' Unlver, ~lty Centu following the 1orch llghtln&. ltwllibeopento the public. Haferbecker Named Acting President A retldcnt ol her l amlly'.s orl· glnal home 111 162~ Main St .. she 1111d "I feel \'try much hon· ored nl helni;:- choten tor the dedleallon.·· From l,jle academic dean, the tm, 1t er1e~ 1o thevlcl.' 1,trl'Si. 1tent for academic offnlr, and un 10 thl' pre5ide nt of the uni, \'Crilly. Dr. Cortlon Hafer bcckn w111 nmncd 11ctll\( pl'l'lldent for on..~month period. He wlll lel'\'e In the absen«- of Of . Lee Sherman Oreylus l'ho " 111 1pend 30 dicy• u 11n t'dul.'ltlon consultant for lhe g:i,·ernment ot South Vietnam 11nd the U.S. Agency for lnlcr• national De,·elopment. Most of Dreyfus' aulgn01l'nU w\U be in Sa.1.-:on. The presidl'ney lsn·t new lo Hafl'rbeeker, who durln:: a ye11rcareer hH ad,·11nced l rom te1cher In a onf'.room 1chool In Lal\illde Coun1y to v I c e pre1ldent for academic affair, here. . f'rom January 10 OcL.:>ber ot l!hil, he " 'U acting P"('lldent In the absence of J ame. Al- bcruon, who l!ke Oreyfua- we nt on a 11udy-oblervation· tour ol 1he !i\·e 11nl\•l'rsltle1 In South Vie tnam. 110\o\ -e,·e r, the tempor- nl')' assignment threeyurs ago wu exiended a l!er Albertson died Inn plane crash v.1th olher member, of his pin)' , And becaute Haferbecker'1 appointment l a1 t ed nine monuu. he set t1 record of run- ning 1he school for 1 }on,ger p('rlod ch,m of lu permn· nt"nl presldenll, P hUllp Falk, ~·ho l)ecame the l lllh chief ad· mlnislrator In lSJS, served In ofllce on\)' six montNI because he saw greater use of hls t a.I- ""' " as superlntl'ndent of the :'lladlson Public School System 1han ~m11. lnlng at W trachl'n college here with f11r leu than I .OCX, 11udenu. Hafl.'r becker has sl'rved al• mt II long as 1he • bth prnl· dent. E .T . Smllh, 1,1ho "'II ap- pointed In the fall ol 1939 and dledlnofll«-11yearl ater . Smith had been an acllng presldNit 1t\·eral montht prior to l'flCtMlli the job permanenly. The only other acting ptttl· dent \lelore that t lme w1110!ar• lu W111$0n, a s:eoa:r aphy pro, leuor, ho filled In 11fter J ohn F. Sims' death In 1926. When Smith died, Wauon look O\'er the job again for II few months unlll Wllllam C. Hansen arrlved In December of t!MO. lnlhe next month, Hnt erbeck- l' r's re.spon1lbllltlet win Include eonferrlng degrees on the 300 plu1 ICfllon who will be rradu· ated In the mki-yea r commentt'mt'nl, represent the 11d· ministration during winter car- nh·al festivities and at the Board of Recenll ot State Uni· ,·ersllft'I monthly meeting. Jn announcing Haferl)ecker 't t1ppolntml'nt, Dreyfu, s a I d: "One of the bl.JI.I upon which I felt 11ble 10 C(lntlnue J11mes AlbenllOl\·• work and lenve the unlvenlty !or a perlodHlong a. a month II clearly the lact that Gordon H11ferbccker 11 here. "ln my 2\.i >·tar'S In thlt ln- ttltut\on, Or. Haferbccker and J have formed a leam which oper ate• H smoothly Ill any I ha \-e 1,1itnl'S1ed In 20 )'eon In 1 h11 bullnl'H. The unh·enl1y i1 In fine hands and nothing needs t., br held up while I am ,one." Miu GlenllOl'I h:11 11. double tie with the unlver,lty. Besides b(ollli 11n emerl!UI profeuor. she alto ll an 11lwnnU1. She re-celved II lhtte•ye11rcenlllcate to tl'ach l rom the lnslllutlon, when It w•s a normal .school. Later 1he ' taught •t hlih 1chools lnWaup.11ca.W1uke1h11 a ndSte- \'eru Polnl on(I eArnrd btchc- lor'.s and mHtl'r'1 de&l'tfl lrom the Unenlly of Wisconsin. Besides her 1eachlni dutle• 111 her alma m11ler, 1hr also advl,eo lhe student newspaper, yearbook, 1 sorority nnd aerved 1 11 laculty 11ecret11ry,treuurer and d!reetor of achool pubUcl1y lor tht area nf:'W9 media. BERTHA GLENNON TIil' pn.'lldent smld the llnal Jud(mtn! resu In 111 ofllce. That oft\« "Is 10 be cerioln th:it the procedu~ by which 11 faculty member as Judged 24 Persons Graduate With Academic Honors Th e Un\venlt)' announced Friday II gnaduated 24 pertOnl with 1c1demlc d lMlnetlon dur· Inti the midyear commencement Sunday, Jan. 18. Charle, Hlnkt.'. Abbotsford, rettl>'ed hl1ehe1t honors w It b 11 gr11depoln1 SUrpa.llslng 3.i5 Cor D plus equlvalentl on a 4 polnl ,c11le. Wl1hhlghhon:ln for average1 ranging lrom 3.5 tn · 3.'r.i were J jlmt'I Bokkcll. D11\' ld DI o yd. Robyn Bowlet, Roben F'lehw~1. Eric Hy1nen, Mary John1on. Rotwn J . P1wl11k, Karen Knox~ Elaine D. Schumacher, O!rls• mary T. Cunnick and Edwin Lenard. Cradu;Ulng wllh honor, for l(T1ldt1 r1mgln.-; between 3.2 11nd 3.5 were Ha rold H11mm WU. 11am Horris, Clen Kralnp'p, Al, ltn Kroll, John ~ rbcck, Carol Thies, Mlch11el Hucbtehen, Pa- lrlclo C.Omw•ll , Mich/lei E\·e. J ames Fo~. Noreen Johnson. Danny Nordall . Donald Wach· ter. Marlrne Weronke, Re~ ~~~\m~~::~ck K};~~kl • n d President Lectures Senate On Major Housing Problem what kind ol houlllng II In the dent, than he can tor famlllea. about who con 1tay In appn)l.·ed By CAROL LOHllY Houslnr wu the major issue "'hffi Pre1ldent Lee Sherman Dreyfus spoke and answered questloo.• at t he Student Sen- a te m~Unr, ThursdoY, Dec. 18. In ret1p)nSI.' to a Senate reso> lution te nt to him, which ~"OUJd a llow sophomores to llve of! camput, Dreyfus 1tated that he didn't know at yet what he was png to do about It. He lhl'n wenl on to explain some oftheeonstralnlsoflhelssuc. Ortytu, flnl mentioned the Impact on houllln, If he would 11'1 the sophomores ofl campus .. Ht 111d, " 1 don' t knoW if 1 \o\'llnt 10 throw all the sopt,o, mon-1 out into the markel, that 11 In term, ol . the lmp,11ct. I clon'I know yl'l hoW much hous- \ni,: then b and this seems to he a very dlfficWt thll\i to i,:et,t. " If, for example, the number .ot bed!! ~-e have now llff It, then l 'm not 1ure what we "'OUld 1aln by SU&a"ltlnK 1)eO' ple takcott. " In lltll\li'Cr to a eommenl i\iat the r esolution wu ).Ill to llklw &0phomores to move oll cam- pus, not make them, Dre)'fw: said he nstumed most mores would attempt to mcwe ''"· Later Dreyfus 1t1tcd that he had a tr..shman cJua potcntlal which could llmoat flll the dorm.I next year. Then he uked where the rat would ro 11a~ he didn't think Stevenl Point hat room for that mll'I)' sh). denta. Dre)'fu. Aid he dlda.'t )moW communi ty. He didn't know Also. Dreyfus thinks · lhb or unappnwed houlln.-; mla;ht whether all 1he houllna: 1n the would affect MW facility who ha\·e lo be Chaltied. communll)' Is belni used but ~'OU.Id movie In for the same A quet!lon w., asked, why that he hu uked the houllni -reason u It would affect the . protce.t the landlord lmtead ot people to klolc. Into It. low Income lamily, lhc ~tuden1. Orl!)'lus ansv.~red p::'t.r af!';~.!1 ~q~= l oe;! r r: !~~d h :=~II: =~p '=~ p=I~: pt"lvate contraeton. Dreyfus poulble bl'lort' he fflllket his 1tudN1ll, aald he doesn' t think hc'a ro!lli fl nt l decl.slon,, The eule11 lhlng It was mentlonl'd tho! some to i::et private dorml built here. for him to do, he said, would approved hauling WllS .substan.. u tophomores were to move be to open up the houlln&, dard. To thll Dreyfus t~lt with Into o!f cam pus houlln&, Drey- He tald the question was how the pre11ure for housing, the fus fee.II that the renlll would many bedt are thttl! a.nd how roles h!l''t' been bent pretty i.o up. He •lated, " U ~·e move lo &el 11t them. Our policy Cllll- far. tsophomOre) 1twknll . trftly not make bedt, he Hid. Pr esident Dreylw allO gave Into the open market, we wUI He 11114. "'nle only solution hi, opinion on houfS, He said r adically atlect the pr-lee ol available to 111 ls the bulkllnf · he may extend hours on a bt· tiousin&"." ol dorms. 1 prefur I hem built 11J ot academic work Or !he He 1111d, " It's • 1upply and In apartment conlf&uratlon. 1r adc point. He 111id he would demand cancepl:, U you've rot Either tlale or private money · llke to have hours t or ml'n three people for every two~ hu rot to do that." too. I ll goll\( to be to the benetil He mentioned !hit lf l he. Unf.. Ono,ylul Hki he doean'I feel ot the people who ov,.11 th e \~nlty ioes to trlpllnt In that .audena •hould be allowed beds and they'd have to he dorma, It will ha\'c to make to sell'Ct lacully. He dot, lee! pretty silly not to r Ue rents." 90ITle financial arranremcnt to that the studcnlll 1houk1 be al- Dreytu, alto 1ald lf lheR are the students. lo\o\·ed to Influence ttio.e faculty only nbout 2,000 to 3,000 o I f Prftldent Ore)flll abo pro- In the depanment though. 1:11mpus and they arc posed a new policy 11:>0Ut a p. 1n rq:aid to the SenaJe Uk· made avlilllble to ),000 1tudenll pn1"ed and unapproved ho€ls- Ing" l or fl ,·e 1ppolntmenta lo the than It becomea a maner ot tns. He 1111d he wana to 1111)' Student TrlbunaJ lnltead of competjtion. with approved houlll\i but to thrtt, Dreyfus &aid he would In answer to a qUNtion about htl(t It lo prote,ct the landlord. nol KO •Ion& with It bc,cause the poulbllily ol rent control, He wanll a pproved houtln& to he \o\'llllll a chf.ck and balnnce OreyNI N1d he doesn't think be, In • sense, the same ruin t~tem. it would be poulble. that apply on. campus. He would 11ke to ha\·e a r, Bec1111e we don't have con- In lhl.s 1ltuatlon, lf a student polnlmenls eomt' from ha o(. trolled econDmy thctt'1 n11 way stayed In an approvl!d hoUle, nee and wanb sludenlt to be ot 1toppln11 JTnts from ,olna Unlvenlly rulN would aPPQI nppolnled by diffe rent .our- ' up, ht sakl and Unlwnlty wou)d tlep CN. He would lilre to maldl Anothu e!fect ot lettlni IOph- In it needed If there wu llll¥ !he slude.nts appointments with omores move otf campus Drey. dllrkulty. In unapproved houl- faculty. rus thlnb. la tha t tht low 1n, Ina", the 1tuden1,woukl be 1trict· The only olhtt bullne.at donl' QOnll': rmtal families who live ~on own and all poUclea at the mtttJnr wu the ap- wlthln a mile of the Univn"- betwffn the. landlord proval ol l1nance • allocation alty al'I! ioln& to be drlwn out a tht tlUtknt. com mlltee reeommenda&i. hecauae the. la.ndlonl c • n He menUoned that lf this pPI- which s;ranted addlUonll fund. chl.rp hllha- prices for ,tu- icy ..-ent into effflet, the rules inJ to the lntranuaal pl'Olr am. rcJlrNtnt acceptable 11cademlc und administrative pructlce." lie continue. !hat It i, not the rlt:ht of the dean, vice pre ... ident fOr 11cademlc affair, or. the prelldent to 11 1ipoln1 a fll· culty memOCT "'ho haa been not rclolned by lhe respectl,•c dl'1iartmenl. As 10 student lnvolveJ,icnl In departml'ntal decl1lons, he Hid :!~;" 1!~~'nc: 1~~y1 ri~"!uc! mattl'rs. He IDid that allhoul(h thelrrole ha.snotbet'nlorm.a• Jized they h:1ve a t remendous amount ol lnlhJcnce over the retonllon nnd tenure mutten within a department . As to hb re11100• why l tu· dents thould not be Invol ved formally In department.al rete n- tion mattl'n, Dreyfus .taled !hilt faculty Jeif:Ction ml&ht be· come a popularlly cont ett or "c1u1e celebr e." lie cit ed an exampleofthlsoccurre~at ooc ol the other campw1c, with· In lhe Syl!Cffl. He stales "!here a re only two erlterla"forde<:ldlngwhothoukl be part ol the aelectlon pro- cl.'St, One Ill the crlterkwl ol l"l'Spo111iblllty, which Dreyl ua IO)'I, lies Jn his ofllce, and the other b the crlt! rlon otrffpon. 1lblllty fOr 1 hole who mu.st live with 1he conaequenees of their deci1lon. Why 1tudcnl1 caMOt be: In- volved In this proceas Is be- cause !hey, H he slutH, a~ bydeflnlliont rsntlen1. Jlct1ld they do not ha\'t to live with i.ny error, ol facully selection. He told tenured mc mher, ol the department must live with their decision. nos JANl}ARY GRADUATE received an extraordinary graduation pruent, a broken leg. Lois Poppy wsa involved In a skiing accident a few weeks ago. Admissions Double Registrallon of fre.hmen lor ~e:::n~:~~~c ·~=~ ~; as II did one year 11,KO. Admls.slons DlreclOr John Larsen noted !hot l.7SO appli- catloos had been pc'OC('Ssed by Jan. 13 compan.'11 to about 900 on 1 hcsame d11te ln 1~ 'i'hl:!rc 1, specula tion · 1 h ii. t pn»pecth·e freshmen th out lhc 11a1c ate n,:istt rlng early bN:uUM.' of thl awa renta of limited housing faclUtlet on camJlld and In the communily : nt\'t' rthelets, projtctlons made l'\'NI belore the appllca tlom s tnrtcd coming lndlc.oted lot.ii cnrollm!'nt would lncreue from 7,964 In 1969 to nearl)' 9,000 In 1970. ll hu \ncre111cd about 1,000 ea.ch of !he pa.st two years. Na result, camp1.11 ofllclall have been busy scouting I o r new hou5ln.-;. Prnl'nt halls on campus serve about 3,900 .stu- dents. No new dormltorlH have bttn appro"ed by the state bulkilni commlulon, t,o,,.·e\·er, =~~a1 )~1=tin~~~ a hall that could accommodate up to 500 1tudenu and be· ready for ot<:upancy by tall. 1be Whiting hole! In Stenru Point, which ii the home lO nearly 70 ~=en, is .teheduled to he In operation for students attil n next )'e&r, and there nrc poulbilit\es more accommoddons can be. provided there, ... . Before he left on 11 30,day leave ol a bsence IO South Viet• nam, Preslderit Lee Sherman Dreyfus ~'U optimistic that el· forU would be made within the community to, ha\-e l1'IOrl! pri- ,·atc homl'li to,mc,d Into t tudcnt rental.I. Ort!yfUS urged hlSh ,choc,I •eniors lnlel"l'Sted in a uendlng Stevens Point SI.Ile to be&ln Immediately seekln&: !he.Ir hous- ing for- fall. cc!!?:,~a::~flt::i: c:oincldl!d with a drop In the quality ol stwknll, SI.evens Polnt·1~rehdlrec:torWII· lla.m Ocmenu has found a atillt In that 1ffnd •111M& the newest appUcanll. ~t~ar,lheavtt~hl&h tchool ac••mic rank of freshmNI wq In the 62nd per- cent.Ue. The flnt 1,000 a ppU- canll far the 1910 a\·eragc II of natural r nourcn for years In lite iO\h l)l' r centile. hllll bttn a bl.-; draw with- II "l hope lhls trend will con- ovu 1,000 majors 1h11 year. 1be t lnuc." Dreyfus said befo~ hl1 nwnber ol student.I makes It depa rture ~'because quality ii the larxest department of Ill one of our top priorltln on lhb kind In an American unlvenlty. campus." So is new howling. Uu natural rCIOW'CU, home Cumpus olflcialJ 111,y they economkl, anolhcr bill:' dr-awini cannot 1peculate on the rell50n l.s amon1 the oldest depart· for s11eedy enrollment h ~t ments ol ill kind In the United here, allhough the depa,tm..,,\ Slates. LSD ~ill ) Veto Reduction In Phy E~. Pretldml Dreyfus addr the QIJC"llion of Physical cation requirements In I me Issued on J an. 2. In that state- ment the Jl"t'lkient dl'clared "a ny resolution which simply reduced or eliminated the ht'alth education requirements or opponunlty for our studenU wll~·ln 111 probab\lily, be \·eto- ed by me.'' Ol'):' rfus u1ld felt 1he phy- sical education question brrolv• Pd more than one t ingle factor. Thi- first bsoe he considered :s Iha! of J:000 physlc111 health, !he tc«>nd II the method used 10 rc11.ch that p l, nd the third ls.sue b one rela ted to credlU, Dreyfus .statl!d that if thett WU& some question iovoMng !he specific requlrffne nt In Physl- ieal and health C'ducatlon or the material bt .lng covered In the cou~.lhl.sthouldbeexamtn,. 00 1md changed If, necffllJ')'. The preskk'nt also exprtaed theopinlonthat areductlon ln r,-qulremenl:I wu Ifft accepta· hie then abolls.hment altocelh- er. Drtylu:s said, "U this kind of activity b Inappropriate In a universi!y, It just u lnap,. rropriate at a two.eredlt le-vel u 1tts11atour,.cre.dltlevel or for that mane.r at any kvel." ln'ttlation to the issue ol credits PrHldcnl Oreyful re- Credits terred to the 1ystem Ulled, at &0me u.nlvcrsltlea In which 11u. denll tuUIII the requirement without takln& credit for the course or hlvln1 a grade enter Into h1- grade pc,lnt ,veras:<', but he did nol ofter thll Ill a definite solution only IIYlni: that redix:tion or abolltlon ot the whole program., II not the Dreyfus coricluded by sayln1 U'lc'H ~'as I definite need for more physical and helllh edu-- catlonol l'tquittments and !hose counn 1hould be mad.e more r elevant to the ph)'llological 'problem., that our society pro- duces. (Editors note : 1be complet.! text of Dreyfus' memo appears on page two.) Credit Evaluation For June Gradautes IJlle R~ Office has pre- pared an evaluation ot credits Cor all 1tudcnU who ind!call!d June graduation they ~- i,b!:ttd for the 1•11 lernesltt, U t ludents have not done ao, they are uried to report to the R.econu office. !ti Old Main, Room m before Feb. 2. the Ju t dl,y In which to c:M.n&e eoiurse.s lae lhil semnter.

L j .· Wisconsin State SteHns Point THE POINTER · L Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty SteHns Point j .· a THE POINTER SERIES VIII, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970

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Page 1: L j .· Wisconsin State SteHns Point THE POINTER · L Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty SteHns Point j .· a THE POINTER SERIES VIII, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970


Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty

SteHns Point



LSD Goes To Vietnam Dr ~ ShrrmPn Drc,yfus. en, 1tudents and faculty mem•

1,r,•sldcnt Qf the unlvcrahy, left bf!rt . J . .n ll for South Vlctriom to Be-cauu L-ducallon revllallr.a-•· f,i;h t the othh' WAt" In ti~ l k'lo 11 (ltl rl of the tota l Vie t. Un} Soulhnat As ian nll\1011. namlu. tk>r, P?"OCt'fll, tw hopff

II,• will be an «tucallon con- to Kl\'C the pooJlle with ""'hon\ ,ununt for the lh·c- unlvenltles h(• mN!bl 10me ldcu on natlon-!hl'H' In II rontlnulng ln\"Olve-- • 111 purl)Qllc 11nd un ity In N!la-m~nl 1ta rl~I by Sh!Vl'N Pnlnt 1\oluhlp lo learnln¥ lnslltu tlont.

t~ Vlelnlmf'lc llm1ua11e. l fe wH 111ked a t I pees, confer­ence how well he will 00 able lo converse, In the lanJUa&e, "Only l'flOUll:h lo 11et me In o ll1tlelroubleat1 cocktll l par. ty," he 111ld jokln&ly.

Retention, Tenure Topic

Of President's paper SI /II,• anti lht U.S. A11ency for Dreyfus \s the fourth perlOfl lnt,•rnatlonal C>.!ve1<>s11nent In from St('veia Point State 10 Winter Carnival

Dedicated To Bertha Glennon

Prl'$klent Dreyfus, In II posl· t lori i»per lo department ehalt· men and the ac1demlc dcan1, ,aid "1tudenu should not be Cl part of the decllloo-m11klna; JlrOCHI" In re1ard1 lo lftt re­tenllon and tenure oonslde ra• lloril oJ fo.cully member, .

\967. make1ucha trl11. Former l'TN;. ··rm prc11~ to go bee&~<' Iden! Jnme. Alberuon dJC'd In

"'' 1,1•1\1 be 111lklna abou1 the II phane crHh whll(' lt11dlni: a


1t11:1n°f1n ~.,:: ::~tr: ~~:ci:io:,n

1~ ·8 ~ubs~:;:r~

1ii.- 11rol:llenu of the Deferue Eng\ll\ 11nd ill'elldentla l usll• 1)1:parlment 11re obviously lo- tnnl Wlllham Vlckentaff wen1 TilC stotemenl came In a pa­

per oulllnln11 his position OI\ r~ let'lll<Hl ond l<> nurc 1>n>c:edurn. The pa.per came In r<'lponae 10a numberofqul."llionsralled recently ln mottl'r11 Involving JlOtiular fucu lly membcr1 lwll 1emest<>r.

,tn)', bot somebody hu irot 10 to finish lhe Job, b,.• "Wklng on lhe long range Dr. Wln1hrop O. OIUord, dean nie 1970 edit ion of Winter

Cnmlval " 'HI he dedicated In honor of Miu Bertha Glennoo, wt.:> tnuaht Englbh on campus to 6.000 atudenll helwecn 1940 and her retl~m,nt l.ut 1prlng. · Her "orllcl11\" role wlll be llghling a giant JC (U-fed torch on the lawn In front o l Oki 'Main 8ulldin1 Sunday n Il er• noon, Feb. 8 a t l p.m . T h e ceremony "'Ill ,1en111 the begln­nhia of acth'ltlet which wi ll eon1lnue throuah lhl" followlna Sunday.

1,rolJl.>tn . a nd OOC" of the bla o f the w;r11du11te collet1:e, wu a,1M.'i:U of !hat will be the de- sdwduled to !rave l w\1h 0:'ll!Y· ,elopment ol higher eduullon lw, but hll Itinera ry wu held k:idershlp. That's tht' purpose up temporarily, · or m)' mh1slon." he t'lllplalned. 111(' president announcl'd that

II""'• wlll thb unl\·er,lly bene- his school JJJ'Hently Ls m-gotlat• lll1 b11slc 1m.•mlsc i1 thal " th<! faculty of a 1h•en dcpartmenl has both lhe right anti the obU· 5:111ion 10 m oke the Initial de­ciilon reac11rtllng the appoint· m entor non-a1)fl0ln1ment of 1

·rnculty memb(or."

ht rrom tht t rip~ Only In the Ing a con1ract to P")\'ldc C'du-Jl'nst' lhnt Lt w\11 become a p,ut caTlon consul tonlllhlp lo South ol the mulNtream of higher Vietnam durln.-; a hlo'O ye a r r.Luc11 tion In tl\l' world. - ll\'tlod . IILJ O\o\'n mlii.slon Is In,

Dr,•)'1111 wl\l tw gOl'I(' abou t tended to lay ground work t!X' ,•ne month. 11nd among the men the 11roject whleh wuuld proba· h,• 1•xpeels to ~'Olller with IJ bly Involve about 1\JI other fa• ~ th Vietnam PrHldent Thieu. eulty ml'mben here.

Drl'yfus contlnucs by 1lotlng tho! the role o f 1111: d,•partment cholrmon should be, a tte r con· sultatlon with 11.'nun'tl members of hi, departmenl, tho! he rec• c;mmend to 111, ne.idl.'mlc dcon whM the departm ent hu de­cided In rt'i;ards to !he l'eten• l ion of p.11rtlc11!11r faeulty mem· b<N.

Othc1"1 will h(,, go,·ernment lead, Oreyf\1$ hu learned .ame ol A recep tion for Ml.ls C lennon ond committeemen wt.:> plan­ned the camh·11I " 111 he In the Wisconsin Room of thl' Unlver, ~lty Centu following the 1orch llghtln&. ltwllibeopento the public.

Haferbecker Named Acting President

A retldcn t ol her lamlly'.s orl· glnal home 111 162~ Main St .. she 1111d " I feel \'try much hon· ored nl helni;:- choten tor the dedleallon.··

From l,jle academic dean, the tm,1ter1e~ 1o thevlcl.' 1,trl'S i. 1tent for academic offnlr, and un 10 thl' pre5ide nt o f the uni , \'Crilly.

Dr. Cortlon Hafe rbcckn w111 nmncd 11ctll\( pl'l'lldent for • on..~month period.

He wlll lel'\'e In the absen«­of Of. Lee Sherman Oreylus l'ho " 111 1pend 30 dicy• u 11n t'dul.'l tlon consultant for lhe g:i,·ernment ot South Vietnam 11nd the U.S. Agency for lnlcr• national De,·elopment. Most of Dreyfus' aulgn01l'nU w\U be in

Sa.1.-:on. The presidl'ney lsn·t new lo

Hafl'rbeeker , who durln:: a ~ ye11rcareer hH ad,·11 nced lrom te1cher In a onf'.room 1chool In Lal\illde Coun1y to v I c e pre1ldent for academic affair, he re. .

f'rom January 10 OcL.:>ber ot l!hil, he " 'U acting P"('lldent In the absence of J ame. Al­bcruon, who l!ke Oreyfua- we nt on a 11udy-oblervation · tour ol 1he !i\·e 11nl\•l'rsltle1 In South Vie tnam. 110\o\-e,·e r, the tem por­nl')' assignment threeyurs ago wu exiended a l!er Albertson died Inn plane c rash v.1th olher member, of his pin)' ,

And becaute Haferbecker'1 appoin tment l a1 t ed nine monuu. he set t1 record of run­ning 1he school for 1 }on,ger p('rlod ch,m ~ of lu permn· nt"nl presldenll, PhUllp Falk, ~·ho l)ecame the l lllh chief ad· mlnislrator In lSJS , served In ofllce on\)' six montNI because he saw greater use of hls t a.I­""'" as superlntl'ndent of the :'lladlson Public School System 1han ~m11. lnlng at W trachl'n college here with f11r leu than I .OCX, 11udenu.

Hafl.'r becker has sl'rved al• m:»t II long as 1he •bth prnl· dent. E .T . Smllh, 1,1•ho " 'II ap­pointed In the fa ll o l 1939 and dledlnofll«-11yearlater.

Smith had been an ac llng presldNit 1t\·eral montht prior to l'flCtMlli the job permanent· ly. The only other acting ptttl· dent \lelore that tlme w1110!ar• lu W111$0n, a s:eoa:raphy pro, leuor, " ·ho filled In 11fter J ohn F . Sims' death In 1926. When Smith d ied, Wauon look O\'e r the job again for II few months unlll Wllllam C. Hansen arrlved In December of t!MO.

lnlhe next month, Hnterbeck­l' r 's re.spon1lbllltlet win Include eonferrlng degrees on the 300 plu1 ICfllon who will be rradu· ated In the mki-yea r com• m entt'mt'nl , represent the 11d· ministration during winter car­nh·a l festivities and at the Board of Recenll ot State Uni· ,·ersllft'I monthly meeting.

Jn announcing Haferl)ecker 't t1ppolntml'nt, Dreyfu, s a I d : "One of the bl.JI.I upon which I fe lt 11ble 10 C(lntlnue J11mes AlbenllOl\·• work and lenve the unlvenlty !or a perlodHlong a. a month II clearly the lact that Gordon H11 ferbccker 11 here.

"ln my 2\.i >·tar'S In thlt ln­ttltu t\on, Or. Haferbccker and J have formed a leam which operate• H smoothly Ill any I ha \-e 1,1itnl'S1ed In 20 )'eon In 1h11 bullnl'H. The unh·enl1y i1 In fine hands and nothing needs t., br held up while I am ,one."

Miu GlenllOl'I h:11 11. double tie with the unlver,lty. Besides b(ollli 11 n emerl!UI profeuor. she alto ll an 11lwnnU1. She re-celved II lhtte•ye11rcenlllca te to tl'ach l rom the lnsll lu tlon, when It w•s a normal .school. La ter 1he 'taught •t hlih 1chools lnWaup.11ca.W1uke1h11 andSte­\ 'eru Polnl on(I eArnrd • btchc­lor'.s and mHtl'r'1 de&l'tfl l rom the Unh·enlly of Wisconsin.

Besides her 1eachlni dutle• 111 her alma m11ler, 1hr also advl,eo lhe student newspaper, yearbook, 1 sorority nnd aerved

111 laculty 11ecret11ry,treuurer and d!reetor of achool pubUcl1y lor tht area nf:'W9 media.


TIil' pn.'lldent smld the llnal Jud(mtn! resu In 111 ofllce. That oft\« "Is 10 be cerioln th:it the procedu~ by which 11 faculty member ~·as Judged

24 Persons Graduate With Academic Honors Th e Un\venlt)' announced

Friday II gnaduated 24 pertOnl with 1c1demlc d lMlnetlon dur· Inti the m idyear commencement Sunday, Jan. 18.

Charle, Hlnkt.'. Abbotsford, rettl>'ed hl1ehe1t honors w It b 11 gr11depoln1 SUrpa.llslng 3.i5 Cor D plus equlvalentl on a 4 polnl ,c11le.

Wl1hhlghhon:ln for average1 r anging lrom 3.5 tn · 3.'r.i were J jlmt'I Bokkcll. D11\' ld DI o yd. Robyn Bowlet, Roben F'lehw~1. Eric Hy1nen, Mary John1on. Rotwn J . P1wl11k, Karen Knox~ Elaine D. Schumacher, O!rls• m ary T. Cunnick and Edwin Lenard.

Cradu;Ulng wl lh honor, for l(T1ldt1 r1mgln.-; between 3.2 11nd 3.5 were Harold H11mm WU. 11am Horris, Clen Kralnp'p, Al, ltn Kroll, John ~ rbcck, Carol Thies, Mlch11el Hucbtehen, Pa­lrlclo C.Omw•ll , Mich/lei E\·e. J ames Fo~. Noreen Johnson. Danny Norda ll . Donald Wach· ter. Marlrne Weronke, Re~

~~~\m~~::~ck K};~~kl • n d

President Lectures Senate On Major Housing Problem

what kind ol houlllng II In the dent, than he can tor famlllea. about who con 1tay In appn)l.·ed By CAROL LOHllY Houslnr wu the major issue

" 'hffi Pre1ldent Lee Sherman Dreyfus spoke and answered questloo.• at the Student Sen­a te m~Unr, ThursdoY, Dec. 18.

In ret1p)nSI.' to a Senate reso> lution tent to him, which ~"OUJd a llow sophomores to llve of! camput, Dreyfus 1tated that he didn't know at yet what he was png to do about It. He lhl'n wenl on to explain some oftheeonstralnlsoflhelssuc.

Ortytu, flnl mentioned the Impact on houllln, If he would 11'1 the sophomores ofl campus . . Ht 111d, " 1 don' t knoW if 1 \o\'llnt 10 throw all the sopt,o, mon-1 out into the markel, tha t 11 In term, ol . the lmp,11ct. I clon' I know yl'l hoW much hous­\ni,: then b and this seems to he a very dlfficWt thll\i to i,:et,t.

" If, for example, the number .ot bed!! ~-e have now llff It, then l 'm not 1ure what we "'OUld 1aln by SU&a"ltlnK 1)eO' ple takcott."

In lltll\li'Cr to a eommenl i\iat the resolution w u ).Ill to llklw &0phomores to move oll cam­pus, not m ake them , Dre)'fw: said he nstumed most ~ mores would attempt to mcwe

''"· Late r Dreyfus 1t1tcd that he had a tr..shman cJua potcntlal which could llmoat flll t h e dorm.I next year . Then he uked where the rat would ro 11a~ he didn't think Stevenl Point hat room for that mll'I)' sh). denta.

Dre)'fu. Aid he dlda.'t )moW

communi ty. He didn't know Also. Dreyfus thinks · lhb or unappnwed houlln.-; mla;ht whether a ll 1he houllna: 1n the would a ffect MW facility who ha\·e lo be Chaltied. communll)' Is belni used but ~'OU.Id movie In for the same A quet!lon w., asked, why tha t he hu u ked the houllni -reason u It would a ffec t the . protce.t the landlord lmtead ot people to klolc. Into It. low Income lamily, lhc ~tuden1. Orl!)'lus ansv.~red

p::'t.r af!';~.!1 ~q~= ~ loe;!r r: !~~dh :=~II: ~ =~p '=~ p=I~: pt"lvate contraeton. Dreyfus poulble bl'lort' he fflllket his 1tudN1ll, aa ld he doesn' t think hc'a ro!lli fl nt l decl.slon, , The eule11 lhlng It was mentlonl'd tho! some to i::et private dorml built here. for him to do, he said, would approved hauling WllS .substan..

u tophomores were to move be to open up the houlln&, dard. To th ll Dreyfus t~lt with Into o!f cam pus houlln&, Drey- He tald the question was how the pre11ure for housing, the fus fee.II that the ren lll would many bedt are thttl! a.nd how roles h!l''t' been bent pretty i.o up. He •lated, " U ~·e move lo &el 11t them. Our policy Cllll- fa r. tsophomOre) 1twknll . trftly not make bedt, he Hid. P resident Dreylw allO gave Into the open market, we wUI He 11114. "'nle only solution hi, opin ion on houfS, He said radically atlect the pr-lee ol available to 111 ls the bulkllnf · he may extend hours on a bt· tiousin&"." ol dorms. 1 prefur I hem built 11J ot academic work Or !he

He 1111d, " It's • 1upply and In apartment conlf&uratlon. 1 radc poin t. He 111id he would demand cancepl:, U you've rot E ither tlale o r private money · llke to have hours tor ml'n three people for every two~ hu rot to do that." too. Ill goll\( to be to the benetil He ment ioned !hit lf lhe. Unf.. Ono,ylul Hki he doean' I feel ot the people who ov,.11 th e \~nlty ioes to trlpllnt In that .audena •hould be allowed beds and they'd have to he dorma, It will ha \'c to make to sell'Ct lacully. He dot, lee! pre tty silly not to rUe rents." 90ITle financial arranremcnt to that the s tudcnlll 1houk1 be al-

Dreytu, alto 1ald lf lheR are the students. lo\o\·ed to Influence ttio.e faculty only nbout 2,000 to 3,000 o I f Prftldent Ore)flll abo pro- In the depanment though. 1:11mpus ~ and they arc posed a new policy 11:>0Ut a p. 1n rq:aid to the SenaJe Uk· made avlilllb le to ),000 1tudenll pn1"ed and unapproved ho€ls- Ing" lor fl ,·e 1ppolntmenta lo the than It becomea a maner ot tns. He 1111d he wana to 1111)' Student TrlbunaJ lnltead of competjtion. with approved houlll\i but to thrtt, Dreyfus &aid he would

In answer to a qUNtion about htl(t It lo prote,ct the landlord. nol KO •Ion& with It bc,cause the poulbllily ol rent control, He wanll approved houtln& to he \o\'llllll a chf.ck and balnnce OreyNI N1d he doesn't think be, In • sense, the same ruin t~tem. it would be poulble. that apply on. campus. He would 11ke to ha\·e a r,

Bec1111e we don't have a· con- In lhl.s 1ltuatlon, lf a student polnlmenls eomt' from ha o(. trolled econDmy thctt'1 n11 way stayed In an approvl!d hoUle, nee and wanb s ludenlt to be ot 1toppln11 JTnts from ,olna Unlvenlly rulN would aPPQI nppolnled by ~ diffe rent .our- ' up, ht sakl and ~ Unlwnlty wou)d tlep CN. He would lilre to maldl

Anothu e!fect ot lettlni IOph- In it needed If there wu llll¥ !he slude.nts appointments with omores move otf campus Drey. dllrkulty. In unapproved houl- ~ faculty. rus thlnb. la tha t tht low 1n, Ina", the 1tuden1 ,woukl be 1trict· The only olhtt bullne.at donl' QOnll': rmtal families who live ~on own and all poUclea at the mtttJnr wu the ap-wlthln a mile of the Univn"- betwffn the. landlord proval ol l1nance • allocation al ty a l'I! ioln& to be drlwn out a tht tlUtknt. com mlltee reeommenda&i. hecauae the. la.ndlonl c • n He menUoned that lf this pPI- which s;ranted addlUonll fund. chl.rp hllha- prices for ,tu- icy ..-ent into effflet, the rules inJ to the lntranuaal pl'Olram.

rcJlrNtnt acceptable 11cademlc und administrative pructlce."

lie continue. !hat It i, not the rlt:ht of the dean, vice pre ... iden t fOr 11cademlc affair, or. the prelldent to 11 1ipoln1 a fll· culty m emOCT " 'ho haa been not rclolned by lhe respectl,•c dl'1iartmenl .

As 10 student lnvolveJ,icnl In departml'ntal decl1lons, he Hid

:!~;" 1!~~'nc:1~~y1 ri~"!uc! mattl'rs. He IDid that a llhoul(h thelrrole ha.snotbet'nlorm.a• Jized they h:1ve a tremendous

amount o l lnlhJcnce over the retonllon nnd tenure mutten within a department.

As to hb re11100• why l tu· dents thould not be Involved form ally In department.al reten­tion mattl'n, Dreyfus .taled !hilt faculty Jeif:Ction ml&ht be· come a popularlly contett or "c1u1e celebre." lie cited an exampleofthlsoccurre~at ooc ol the other campw1c, with· In lhe Syl!Cffl.

He stales " !here a re only two erlterla"forde<:ldlngwhothoukl be part ol the ae lectlon pro-

cl.'St, One Ill the crlterkwl ol l"l'Spo111iblllty, which Dreylua IO)'I, lies Jn his ofllce, and the other b the c rlt! rlon otrffpon. 1lblll ty fOr 1hole who mu.st live with 1he conaequenees of their deci1lon.

Why 1tudcnl1 caMOt be: In­volved In this proceas Is be­cause !hey, H he slu tH, a ~ bydeflnlliontrsntlen1. Jlct1ld they do not ha\'t to live with i.ny error, ol facully selection. He to ld tenured mcmher, ol the department must live with their decision.

nos JANl}ARY GRADUATE received an extraordinary graduation pruent, a broken leg. Lois Poppy wsa involved In a skiing accident a few weeks ago.

Admissions Double Registrallon of fre.hmen lor

:~~~I ~e:::n~:~~~c·~=~ ~; as II did one year 11,KO.

Admls.slons DlreclOr John Larsen noted !hot l .7SO appli­catloos had been pc'OC('Ssed by Jan. 13 compan.'11 to about 900 on 1hcsame d11te ln 1~

'i'hl:!rc 1, specula tion · 1 h ii. t pn»pecth·e freshmen th h· out lhc 11a1c ate n,:istt rlng early bN:uUM.' of thl• awa renta of limited housing faclUtlet on camJlld and In the communily : nt\'t'rthelets, projtctlons made l'\'NI belore the appllca tlom s tnrtcd coming lndlc.oted lot.ii cnrollm!'nt would lncreue from 7,964 In 1969 to nearl)' 9,000 In 1970. ll hu \ncre111cd about 1,000 ea.ch of !he pa.st two years. Na result, camp1.11 ofllclall

have been busy scouting I o r new hou5ln.-;. P rnl'nt halls on campus serve about 3,900 .stu­dents. No new dormltorlH have bttn appro"ed by the state bulkilni commlulon, t,o,,.·e\·er,

=~~a1)~1=tin~~~ a hall that could accommodate up to 500 1tudenu and be· ready for ot<:upancy by tall.

1be Whiting hole! In Stenru Point, which ii the home lO nearly 70 ~=en, is .teheduled to he In operation for students attiln next )'e&r, and there nrc poulbilit\es more accommoda· dons can be. provided there, ....

Before he left on 11 30,day leave ol absence IO South Viet• nam, Preslderit Lee Sherman Dreyfus ~'U optimistic that el· forU would be made within the community to, ha\-e l1'IOrl! pri­,·atc homl'li to,mc,d Into t tudcnt rental.I.

Ort!yfUS urged hlSh ,choc,I •eniors lnlel"l'Sted in auendlng Stevens Point SI.Ile to be&ln Immediately seekln&: !he.Ir hous­ing for- fall.

cc!!?:,~a::~flt::i: ~ c:oincldl!d with a drop In the quality ol stwknll, SI.evens Polnt·1~rehdlrec:torWII· lla.m Ocmenu has found a atillt In that 1ffnd •111M& the newest appUcanll.

~t~ar,lheavtt~hl&h tchool ac••mic rank of ~ freshmNI wq In the 62nd per­cent.Ue. The flnt 1,000 a ppU-

canll far the 1910 a\·eragc II of natural rnourcn for years In lite iO\h l)l' rcentile. hllll bttn a bl.-; draw with-II

" l hope lhls trend will con- ovu 1,000 majors 1h11 year. 1be tlnuc." Dreyfus said befo~ hl1 nwnber ol student.I makes It depa rture ~'because quality ii the larxest department of Ill one of our top priorltln on lhb kind In an American unlvenlty. campus." So is new howling. Uu natural rCIOW'CU, home

Cumpus olflcialJ 111,y they economkl, anolhcr bill:' dr-awini cannot 1peculate on the rell50n l.s amon1 the oldest depart· for s11eedy enrollment h ~t ments ol ill kind In the United here, allhough the depa,tm..,,\ Slates.

LSD ~ill) Veto Reduction In Phy E~.

Pretldml Dreyfus addr the QIJC"llion of Physical cation requirements In I me Issued on J an. 2. In that state­ment the Jl"t'lkient dl'clared " any resolution which simply reduced or eliminated the ht'alth education requirements or opponunlty for our studenU wll~·ln 111 probab\lily, be \·eto­ed by me.''

Ol'):'rfus u1ld ~ felt 1he phy­sical education question brrolv• Pd more than one t ingle factor. Thi- first b soe he considered :s Iha! of J:000 physlc111 health, !he tc«>nd II the method used 10 rc11.ch that p l, a·nd the third ls.sue b one rela ted to credlU,

Dreyfus .statl!d that if thett WU& some question iovoMng !he specific requlrffnent In Physl­ieal and health C'ducatlon or the material bt.lng covered In the cou~.lhl.sthouldbeexamtn,. 00 1md changed If, necffllJ')'.

The preskk'nt also exprtaed theopinlonthat areductlon ln r,-qulremenl:I wu Ifft accepta· hie then abolls.hment altocelh­er. Drtylu:s said, " U this kind of activity b Inappropriate In a universi!y, It just u lnap,. rropriate at a two.eredlt le-vel u 1tts11atour,.cre.dltlevel or for that mane.r at a n y kvel."

ln'ttlation to the issue ol credits PrHldcnl Oreyful re-

Credits terred to the 1ystem Ulled, at &0me u.nlvcrsltlea In which 11u. denll tuUIII the requirement without takln& credit for the

course or hlvln1 a grade enter Into h1- grade pc,lnt ,veras:<', but he did nol ofter thll Ill a definite solution only IIYlni: that redix:tion or abolltlon ot the whole program., II not the

Dreyfus coric luded by sayln1 U'lc'H ~'as I definite need for more physical and helllh edu-­catlonol l'tquittments and !hose counn 1hould be mad.e more relevant to the ph)'llological 'problem., that our society pro-duces. •

(Editors note : 1be complet.! text of Dreyfus' memo appears on page two.)

Credit Evaluation For June Gradautes

IJlle R~ Office has pre­pared an evaluation ot credits Cor all 1tudcnU who ind!call!d June graduation ~ they ~­i,b!:ttd for the 1•11 lernesltt,

U t ludents have not done ao, they are uried to report to the R.econu office. !ti Old Main, Room m before Feb. 2. the Ju t dl,y In which to c:M.n&e eoiurse.s lae lhil semnter.

Page 2: L j .· Wisconsin State SteHns Point THE POINTER · L Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty SteHns Point j .· a THE POINTER SERIES VIII, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970


THE PODIUM Something N ew, Something OU

AA m Olt of our readers will no tice, the f o rmat ot the p&per hu c hanged tf'Om an eight column paper t o a .even column paJ)('r, The reuon for the change ia almple. Mem­bers ot the Point e r t'dltorlal board wanted t o try aome­thlng new t o ('nli,·cn lhe paper.

W e, would appreciate any commenta our readers have u t o the c h ange in fo rma t and any 1uggeaUon1 tor im­provlnc the paper.

tucrultment The Pointer nef'da n<'W 1 t arr fo r thi.l semester u v,-eU

u next fall. The t'dilorlal board ·urges 1tudent.1 who have had an) ' joumaliam experience o r who h a ,·e worked on newapapera in their reapecti\'e high sch ool.a or any person who i• int ere1ted in joumalillll to· come up to the Pointer off"ice, locate-d on the 11ttond floor of the Unive~ ally Center, on Monday or Tu~ay e\'enlnga.

N~· Ed.Hon 11\C Pointer bar-three new edi t oni. Carol Lohry, a

freahman, from Fox Lake, b aa bet'n appolnted to the po1t of news t'ditor. S h e t akes O\'er thl'.' poaltion occupied lut 1e.mt'a t e r by Dt'bb lc Frwman. Mi11 Lohry co,·ered Student Senate meetinga la.st acmeatl'.' r .

Taking over at a.uodatc editor la C harles Bruake, a .cn.lor from Stevena P oin t . H e haa bffn with the paper tor thf'{'(! yeani and laa t aemeat (' r strved aa a conlri· butlng edito r . Scott Schutte h eld the position tu t 1e-­


SUttttdlng T ln1 Luch ia R oy Neuc.nscbwande.r, a tophomore from Verona, Lueh graduated in Juiuary.


Paper Offen.rive In Tone

Dreyfus Threatens Veto

On Phy. Ed. A matter h11 bttn coming

up Ln currleulum and •cademlc malten rtlalot"d to the rtqulrc­rntnl lur phytlul f'duutlon a l thla unl\'1'r,ity. II la my uodtr-11andln1 1h11 !he !acul ly -.•Ill now took to thll matter with lhe Jl(ll,Slblllly ol rt!duclnr !ht ~ulrtfflt!nll on thla camJ'!l,II for phJ,•1lcal tducatlon, I woukl like the chalrmanol U... laculty and !he acadl'mlc cuuncll 10 knov,-rnyfttllnp lnthtm•lll'r, part.lcuta.rly ,Ince !he l•cully rtt0mmffld11lon will be ltfl l lO me for \"l'IO or appro,·al .

lam -om-hi! he-littrll 10 rttipond lo lhe thin.,. IO'hlC'h l N"ad In the mlnul;>t ot the aca­drmic c,;,uncU, !he.- N mon which I hear about the maner, etc. :-;"orm11Uy I -.,ould, nol do th111 and would 11.·all untJI an o f llclal rNlQmmcnd1llon ii made to~ b)' lacuh)' . sin« J 1m lea\•lnr the country with in the- nut ... ~k and will ht- cone JOn~ lh·t 11."ttltl, thil: mem.> ~muntteu1ry, l thlnkthl1 ll 'not a 1ln1le fac tor luue.

Finl ltl mt ID)' thal I he knu-.•INlg, that o,hi h.11 a·ruut hla M'allh and hla pt\)·1lc1l wll

·1a a tundamental ,nd lmportanl p,,.n ot !ht "'·hole man. ,... ... h!,,'I lt'ndt!d to Ult the term " 11.·ho~ man" 1lmo6t ai a cllc~ In !he Ubtl'III ant trad!Oon. I U5e II In a \"tr)' tt,-1 M'f\le

hl'rt 1nd II la p,,!lotnlly dur 10 n,c,, l»lh on • ptnonal •• 11."l'll al on I IQC'lelal bUla, that 'thb n,tlon b In trouble In th!J: are1. I 1ptak from my ~:n dtflc~ln In thb maucr.

Tne KOOd phyt!cal hl'allh hu • '°' to do -.-Ith tht rood mffl• lal and p1yeholoclcal health of

an lodl~I, particularly once he aeu be)'Ol\d ,,, forty. E\"l'r)'lhlng IOClttylffml 1 1 thb • be rnllltaUng •&•IN! rood phy1lc1l and men­ia l health. JI ll approprtai. Ult'n 1h11 a -.-ell roondtd , nd IUlly f'duc:IINI man or "',om.an ou,ht lo ha,-. both the knowltd&c and lht tXlll'rien.tc rtllll\'t 10 hit rood physical and mental ,.. ... 11. belnr, On th.I.I bub. I think 11 11.'llUld be wry unwl.J,e for u1 to curtall the unlvt rslty·, req•1'rtmtnll ol Jludcnll rtla• It'd to th1! ao,al. ~ l'<'Ond luue may Wt'II relate to the melhod by which tilt' ptt\iOUI coal II ,chlt'~tt. 11 !here 11 1<>me quntkm ,bout !ht tptel· fie requin'mtnl.l In ph)·1lc11I l'ducationor health t!ducalion, a1 11."III II the n11ture of !hi materl•la btlnc CO\"Cred and 1hetJC11trlt ncc1belng l"l'(lulred, lhl• should then be 1ddreucd tl lrttlly. 1he,e c1n and thould bech1111&('(iltnt'Cl'UU)', A.olu­tlon 11 not 1lmply OI'\(' ol •bot· llhlng them or rcduclnr 1Mn1. Al a maurr ol fact, rcductkln affnu to l)(' \eu pC"d ershle lhan 1bolbhmcn1. 11 this klnJ of acliYlty ls ln1ppropriale In , unl\·er1l1y, 11 II jwt u In· appropri1le 1l a N.-o<re,d.lllt1·· , 1ul11111 1 1our-c.rrdl1\e\·el o r IOC' that milter 11 an)' \e\·el. lllal kind of Ioele It 1ttnu to me would be qunlionabloe and 1rrduction~p1mw1ultl­matt'ly ltad lO abolition of th,: phJ,-slcal tducatlon rcqul.remcnt.

ll\e third Juue ll, matler rtlatNI to Cl"Pdit. Cndil Ind 1radtpolnll rep.-Henl tht qu.an­tllltl\'e and lh,equalilllh-e mtl· 1ure "'·hercb)· , tnnscripl lndl·

Issue eattt !he lnYOlvemcnl and level of I man'• 1tudcnt 'career on thb c,mpul. The whole luue ol credit mwl be qulle at()I·

rste from the luue ol what lsbeln1otferl'dlnthl,:lnlt1nce and 11.-hcther ' cir not It ,houkl be ottered. 1 llH thne u lhlft dlatlncUy dllferent I.IIUH. Fnr uample. II la quill poulble thal11."CJN'lhenttfflily Of rcqulJin& 11ud,nll Involvement In !ht physical education and he-allh education activity but dlJ not llH !he ne«11l1y of rcqulr­lns !hem to bt grsd,ed In that activity and to have that 1Tldo.'­polnt affttl their academic ca• ttl'r. Jnthallnltanceltwould simply bt • muter of ellmi· ntll"i cr~it and 1r1dln1, but maklna It a requirement thal a 11uden1 mwt anl'Tld lhl'JC claue1 and rttelve a u.W!ac• tory pl'rtonnance approval In order IO mffl lht rcqulremtnl, Thb kind of approach ll uted In ... \·eral unl\"Ctsltln. II ther, II -ome ql.lCll!lon •boul academ­ic cnd.11 and 1Tadtpolnll for t~ actMtln, 11aln 1 would ,ay lhe ,olutlon b no1 reduction or abollt'ion of !hi entire actlv· hy.

.u I milter ot ptr,onal pre­lerffltt , It J1 my opinion thal \tit OU;&hl to cOMldtr YUtiy \n­cttlllnf !he phydca.l I n d health education l'l'Qulrement for ow- 11udenll during !heir four )'tits Mre. I would hopl' th.II 1uch an lncttlll' would be rehONt to !he ,tttu for !he a\·erare sludcn! on caff}·-o\·tr Jportl "'-hlch he ctn Ult! In till dally llfe ltn )'l'al'"I afwr hl' gradua!H, such u rolf. tcnn!J, bolo·Unr , eurhn,g, trapt,hOotini.

swlmmln&, ,ic.t1n1, ate . I would allO hope that any 1ocre11e In thb requlremcnl would lnclucM Information rc!,,llve to dlabt-­tla. _l&flt Ml. drua: ,bute. ,inoldna, alcohol abule. etc . Th11e arc !ht k1ndl of phyilo­lockal probkms which ,n atnu­ent 10C1l'ly 11JCh II oun now facn. Here Lt where ~ iue ol !ht tenn ·reltvaney mutL come Into play. J,ty otftee wlll wllhhokl judgmenl on any rtc­ommtndltk:WII ot the faculty on th.Ii ,nalltr" untll my re1urn from the Crk:nl,

Goldstein Leaves Robert Gok111cln. a controvt'r•

1i1l Slt°'"IIII Polnl Stall Unh'N"-1lly histoty pC'O(cuor, hll ITIOY· cd 10 Stalllt, W11h .• to 1-.kll! a department chalnnan1hlp In a hl&h ,cnoo1.

LIit •chool YIU, GoldJteln oHel"ld to gl1·c an A to hb ttudcnll U they Ile• It'll.,

Hi,: pUrl)Oft. he 1111d, w11 10 Jho,\O' thal ll"IOOOm l.t a 1e:r\C1 of cholcn, ,~·cry m, n hu his priee ,nd the IT•dlng l)'llem h meanLnglcu.

But the peptt diet trla'ercd a contn11·er1y In the hlatory de­partment, and other members votH not 10 rt'ta Ln Gokbteln beyond 1h11 5Chool year.

Both Gokbtein ,nd olhtr1 on !he hlllor}' facu.lly Rid thtte IO'et'e othl'r !HUN tn,·oh~ . lhouf:h w 1t11~atinc lnekll'n1 ,pparently ,..,., the caialy,t.

Some ~h-enily 1tudtn11 116-f'd 11.·l th Gokbtein, bu! the hJ.I. tor)' (1culty Huck IO Ill decis­ion.

Jonua,y 29, 1970

Teach-In On Environment Slated For April 11

PUN are now \lif'II W1,ifl'Wll1 for a nallon~d1 Tnth•ln r;e.,. ,prlnr, W~aday, Apr a ,., 1he &Tav, cr1111 f1cln11 tti,. ir41, It)' of the tnvlroom,ni ~M tt.i, quallly of Ille In Amtnr.1 !:id.1~

A national tk11dquart~n •l'>l .. 11 11 10 Of'l&niu, aMdlfli\t ind 11trvlce thl1 l'ffort 1, n,...;

:::r~:~ ~:•:.n~;·: .~ S1rttt, N.W .. Wuhtnst,,n lie

""'· The aim ol 11w SitQlll Tuch-ln 11 to encoou ... , 1 .. denu acrou the CXIUntry h LI~ the inltJa1h·e In orxantzlnit Apn! :n ,n,•\ ronml'n lal tuch-,ra 1.11

thelrca.m~.anda,,.,cu,1M ,rroru In their commyr~Ufol

Succeulul 1each0ins l.fl 1 11 campu1u on 1he Hme dt) • have a dum.ilc lmpac1 ,-n Vlt 1<n1·lronmen1al Cl;;f'IIC M'f!c~ fib. na,tlon. lbt)' will bt Ul,:nttiw,.

ly elfttllv, • • an Hu~•tr•. ,rton ln a routlnic pr.j,,,i , ·-'l,,,rl, Ion eonc1mln1 nttl'll•I'} ,~_. to prot.ct our cnvir,;.,nrr. .. r.1 u4 nt.1bll1h quallly on a pu ll ,,t quantl1y u ·1 soal ot Am,nc.11 lift,

There 11 no qun1vin th.i 111 thf- Ion& n.m, the ,n1 1r run•:i.­tal challena, b 1he ll'l'l'lltl\

11cl'd by mankind D1i11t:ruatr ~ 1cl1ntlllc authonl k'o h.11t been warning lor )'Hr1 tl-~1 mankind la rapidly dtttro),r.t the nry tuibli.1 on 11.hkn ~ depelkll tor his sun.,~·11

In addl lloo, popul11~,n w. 11nu,c1 lo lncreue 11.'t.,rld1011'e -wtille 1clen1J111 ,..,.m lh•t "' ' may ha\'I already pu.,.d 1.a,.

1alnable populadon ltHLl ,l,,J acrou !hi COW\11")', and "':cl ,..1d,. lncrr11LnK numben · I r. ·, lzt'f\l •~ , ·oic:ing the nru k lfftleconcem uhu ~1,,1 eloquently upreu~ t.:,::., , e-colo(lll.l an4 other u:n,.,.._.,... mtn1alb11 .

For more lnfonn1tk..n ;:~u­OCX!llcl !ht N11Son•I Tn~!'-t:­olflce : Environmcn1al Tut~ .. !~ lnc., Room 600, 2100 !-I S•i'ffl N.W .. Y.'uhlnaton. DC ~ .~ 111tphonl' num bo>r u :,_. -· Pruident Dreyfua say• be "'ill In all likelihood ,·e to

any mo,·e on' th t' part of the faculty t o reduce the num­ber ot pbyaical education credi t.Ii needed to graduate from thll unh'c.ralty.

I t appean tha t the paper wu written ln atte.mpt to coerce faculty m embeni into not 1upporting the propoeed reduction in the number of phy ed credits. The paper can be con.aidered ·an attempt to 1uppre&11 both faculty and 1tudent diaellu.ion on t he matte r of physical education.

W e agree "'ith the paper that physlcaJ education courses a b ould be more deaigned for intere1ta of the stu­d enta after they lea,·e the lneti tution .

President Dreyfus Defines Position On Tenure, Retention Procedures

We think that all physical education courses required of every 1tudent be not gn.ded by the inetnJctor. The rta..on la: ob,'ioua. Not t'\·ery student is given the ume degtte o f phrsieal coordination u another.

W e do not agrtt 111-i th the intent o f the paper written by President Dreyfus. It ia moat of!enah'e in tone &nd in natutt. Paul,...,.

Point Blank

~ Call J.tl-1251

bt. llS

b)• aE\ ' IU..'L...,.L'"G "~ &re Urie""'""' of flC'Wty- aaw1N la Ute_,...,,. 111.E

ANe ~ nu4w8l .,.....! \\lUI lb.II, data - touW ma.Ile • -....ur ton1p,t,tUOft. Le. with our IMU\Kion ftedtiq 17,· ..... l l,,.)M: -aac-1 pnf-- $1.3,4Nl! ... ; ~ pro­f_.. llt.s,t,JU,.)N ; ancl• f'\a.lJ prot-. ~\1q- I U,SU. ........

Same w1Ulbl'ld U1M* rNI~ a.-4 ~ II ,...."I (h'fll.

\\li,y - ·1 ~ caUed pl'Ot_.! )bry '° KAM f'roa'I the published data which "''U avallab&t'. Dr. E. Sl.f·

Nnd. AIIL 10 the ,il.'t' president tor academic altalrs. wu unable 10 f1\'e lhc ~ of facul1y lllarin.. HOYo"l'Wr, he did ha,"C lhe n-,, uJuy tor the 1969-lr.G school )'1'11.r

aa1&riN of comparable ln1t11utionl In 1ul'TOl,llldln,g atalcs.. ~ rM&nJ a.re u rono-.. : )11nnnota - SU.840: !oU.ehl,u -IU.248: Indiana - $12.4H: lo ..... - $U.!H9; Dllnou - SU.· m : and V.°1l<'onlin - Sll.l&J.

TIit dtlts rf\'1:n to tee.me.rs ln ~ depft,d. upon their educational 1~ and ,~. lNuuc:ton a.re thoR 1111th a mu11rs or ,qu.httn1; ass1.ltan1 profcuon ordl.N.rily h.a\"l' thl'iT doctors tc plUI l wr >"Mt"• 1~ e,:pe:ri,tnce not ~ ln roiw,., : u.odate profeuon ha\~ thl'iT doc-1ora11 or the hl&het:I dqrft In !he Oitld plUI th~ )'ftr'I , .. erun., up,tnl'nc. 11 the roUcse 11'\'1:I : and tull professors ha\'e thrir docton11 or hl&hesl acadtmk defN,c. 11:n yean uptrienc. at lhe coUt'fe 11'\'eL piU1 hlJh. aeho2arb' or aca­demic 1ta.nd1nl wh.kh comn wi th lhe publicsdon ot lhll'ir

ma~~1~fHSOr"" 1a U1uall¥ uwd onty ln re.lel"fflCIC to

the tull profHIClr OU! of eouMNY or u • complimmt. As­,adalit and aNUl&l\1 prolHIClts a.re usually &h'l:n the title of ~doctor."'

•-~t.•~~-KMCllotten .. lqlpff'I'..__ " li,y -"I UMire - J*lllldl;y" .-.0.. N! A1ae.•1tll'Vf! ... .._... ...... _~,-·.n ------!~

..._tim hper - ~ ... ....... -... s,~...,.. ---E\·el")' Dtttmber one m • y 10ilnt'U on campwN lh~h­ou1 the a>Yr1tr,· 1hr N'tulll ot montN ot diu'usllon and debate 11 I dtpartml'fl!II ie:\"tl CU'I•

ttmln& tM tell'ntion. or tho:o appolnunent to ltnure. ol \·•ri· ous facuil)' memben. The1e mattll!l'"I aMuall)' crrate partl· eular C'CW\ttffl on the part ot >'OUO& lanllt)', the a1uden11, and e\·,n !he community, abou1 1hc pN(''"ff ... hereby dt'<:b· ~ are m1dor- to reta in or to not retain cen,Ln f:icull)' ffll'm· b<n.

Let me 1akt lh!J: opportun-1~·. !hen, 10 uprtu m,· ,i,... .. on thll 1ubjl'<:1 , "'1th lhe hope !hit a ~lltr wMScnllJ'KUnc of thi procl'durf't and the criteria 11 1h11 unl\'tnll)' 11.1.ll N'SU!t .

'Tht'l't' II a tradltklnal bub forf1cull)'1elc<tionandre1-lion th11 hu &J'OIO"TI from !he: d~ .. ot Europe1n unh't'l'litln , 0rw bulc premise la that the !acuity ot a ll\"ln dc~nt huboth1Mrich1andtheob, llcatton lO make tht ln.ltW and pnmary dPcllion coneemln,g the •ppouluncnt or non-appoint· mcnt Q( a rt•·en candid.all for ap.)lltk,alntht'comlncrcu.

U lhl' llrm 0coUcquc' la 10 han an)' real incanir-c at all. then tht lacull)' mull ha, .. pri­mary C!Dnlldff1tioa In IM9t mantn. 'Tht'N' b IOml' ~ don •bou1 tht' definition of tbe 'O\Wd ·tacuh.)': panicularb· u II rt:latH to tenUl"f'd and new,.


~ OWl,'ft exp,trit'DCt: hu bfffi In dtpanrnmts -.11ere onb· !he lfflUt'ld member, hid the rflht to participate In Judi dt'cll~ mattn,g. This •-u bucd on the C"Onttpl that ll:flured mcmbtn •'t'te, In tffl'Cl. thaw • -ho would be !he on-coin& mtmber, of a department.

T'bttt i. a.Ito an lmplkatkln hH't' l:bal !ht ~IIW'td mtn1bcrs Al"t'lhoae•i,obavea ~ nnp t arttr a:.nmlanmt to tht ....t\"fflit)'. J haw~ ..

"1 am hope.Mthat llwrewill be mOl'"l' (Vo~ of the: ~~~,~~ pn,cTam In f\llure aMXllha. w repiitd )l1sa lAK90t1 who WOntl a ft'W mcinbch ,.1,o , re wn-~~~ ~ ~ ~ a.reWOstlll 1or-~ wed. ho'll'l'\-tf, II -.ld !hen

-=:a:J::. or twtbu Wormadon can bit obWned ~P~ ~ ~ trom room Ul Main. or bJ cail1nc ut. 2U. Btaa\Zllt' UN:y de- the faculty in -- way, atr. 1hadt:nts who will rew.ni, 10 camP'IS and ~ bll\"'t' an ~ and npandinc Wll-ba,p&ct on It. liffikn ar. not~~ Altboup mosthties Aidl u _. ooni ha,-e appbcaiic-. coaw trom ~ who will ~ ODit .. depart:mftlb • 1th ona mestitt ot tbdr jwdor ,._,. tn Di&IIDS. ~ app&a- ~ or IMft fflftllben •'"ho ll'l' dom~allot'CIGDdl'nd. tfflurfd..

The role ol tht cba1maan 1111 WIU' ._'I..,...,,,._....,._••~ el.....,_ this man.tr ~'el panScular

............. ! OMIK ,- ... - ,..._ • .. N -S eornment II this point. Tb~

...... ! ~ ~ · of - dtpvt­ment:J c.all ... tht dlair'IMD lomabhil~lklnm ~Uldrftffldanaftfl"-. aala.tioa wtdt -- mnnbns oftht~«llll9CGII: QMS with an -.rs of o., --Tbere "' -- .......


tht chalnnan't decision may be dltfcrrnt rrom !hat ot hla de­putmental eommlllff, In sud! cUH !ht Dean ... 111 hl\'l' to e\'a]Uaft' the t'l'<:Offlffll'ndalionl of !ht dalnnan u .. 'eu 11 !ht !acuity and m.u.f hb O\\'TI dt'-­ebion on the ma ncr.

Our dlalmwn arc 1ppointed by 1hr Dean. iaklrc Into IC•

count:anopinlonpttlt"ttncee:ir· preued b)' lhe (1culty. fOC' 1 ~)"l'&r lenn .o Iha! the depart· m c n t members i,triodically ha\·c 1n OPPQrtunll)' to UltU the c:hllnnan's pcrlom'!lncc ln r.cull)' 1e:lectlor, and rellntlon.

Afttr .the dl'p&rUMnl&l 'N'C­

ommtnd.lltkll'\. b made, It '\I pautd IO the Ol'an. Tlw Dean haJ a fundamental obligation, In e,:prtUin& hiJ lotadenhlp of his e:i.~. to make• dl'<:iJ.. lon•ti.:..J1 lacull)' ffll'fflben11.-ho are to be ttlllned -.ilhin !Nil collcte, Hls in\'01\'lmen! In the dttisiol'Hnaldne FO«" 1a l'IOl merely a ri&ht at office. but, Ln my opinion, Is an 1blolu11: l'lttffl;l~· IGra qualll)'lnltln,.

'""'· M a m1tter ol r, c1, J fttl JO Hf'OIICb' about thla im'Ol,..c­fflfflt. tha! J !hink Ol'W ~ nae be I dtan if he ii l'IOl v.illlna to fa« up to the hard dcdsionl ln•"Oh"l'd in ptnanntl wlertlon. nae Dean of the CW-1,t&c then refers hll dedlion to the v-.ce Prtsidcnl tot" Aca• ckmie Atfalrt . In nu! in­alancN, thb man Is the ehltf acadtmlc ottkitr l::,r the mii. \"lff.ity .

He. like !ht Dean. hu an obl:tcalbi.. u ... nu a richt to pan judpnmt on matters rPlltirc IO facu.lt;y &c:licedon. The l\nal judcment and re,c,om. mendatkm within the wu,'l:nfey b nude by !ht President, after • te\'icw ol. the dcparlmtnllJ ~lion.th1Dl'an'1 rreommendatk1ri and the Vlcc PrKldcnt'1 reeornmtnd.ltion.

Thf fttst obllpdon of the PTHJd,tnl. In rny opinion. ll to be ce!U.iii llt.11 the prottdurt by .. -him a faculty member .... u 1'Jdced reprHfflll: acciepcablit academk and admintm'sth~ pn~. H,\ing ~ ~ HU of this. his role in the• )e.ctk:,i procftl Is llmltcd In a \ 'ft)' •pedfk way.

ltl.Y awn poddon Is tha1 the Pra.idcN. u -u .. tlW Va ~andtheONn.lbould VCltf'CiM, ttw:lr aUlhority and n--1p;mlibUlt,' in a ntptl~ .. wax CIIII)' . u. m their c,piabl, o.e ~ mUftStS ol the \#UYD'Sky ll'l' nr:,1 9"'~ bJ" the appoml· meal of a panScular ~ . !bat 1ppolntmenl should DOC be madt.~allbedtpa.n· me,ata1~ix.:i., ~-·-­mmd,ed - re,,mdaa « ...-IDQ" bit lm'at!d ~ ti,- the DMS1 at die colRce 1'"'"1:l. c."

... v- Pr9ldmC - Prtud,mt at die ........cy licYti. n.""" -~~.IIDOC ~ - If~~ ........... ,.....c.'

11pp.:,Lntmcntota pe~. l11J ntM proper lor • Dean or Vice Prelldt-nl or PTHldent to inali:e that appolnUMnt. t'\"en it M !Hll lll'Ol'l&I)' that !he dcpan- · fflt!n t llmakin,g11erioulcn-or. ll II not ri(hl to fOf'Clf ~m­btr, ol a dci:i..runcn1 to accepl a pl'l"MJl'I U I C'Ol\equt IO-hen they ha, ·e ,:irl)l'HHd • pref,r­t'nee agaiNI thil. Such an a~ proaeh may k>w .orne rood people lO the laculey, but , In lhl' long,run. any other •~ proadl "'"OU.Id ptl)\"l' lar more dctrimcntll lo !ht ll'ichlnc pn> <ffl th.an 111)' ptrMJnMI kJuct lhat may be Incurred u I n-­, ull ot departmental enw.

The~ ii also the grow\nc quntion of the role ot 1tudtn11 lnthtwlec1ionoftaculty=· ben. Some of lht mtemenu currenlly beln& made on this c1mpu1 1ua;c,t that 1tuden11 ou&ht to ha•·t a role In tha , Prottll and OIJlhl to , t,e. able 10 lnlluen« !ht dklllora, There II. 'O\'lthin 10me ot l.htle 1t11c­men11. !ht implication that 1tu­dcnt1 do nae n:w,· ha•·• lnnutnet in these m.attc:n.

Let me 1ay natl)· tha.t thiJ II not, and hal not. beffl lhe cut. SNdtnt1 ba\"l' ITadilionaJ. b' hid. and OCX!tinut 10 ha\·e, a ~"try lnflutntial role In moll• 11r, re\lted 10 nccntlon or tffi­ure. II hu not been a lorma· llzl'd l"Wl'. but. hal btm ef• ftttfd lhrouch lhe \"Cry rHJ ~ whkh •tudfflta nil­, idually exert C1C1 fuulty me:m­bcrs. ln my o,,.-n ~ue. stu6mt opWon hu been !ht lf'lltffl. JU'C\e fac,or ln\·oh'm in 11\1" dcdsioN u a f!Wfflbcr al pre­~-bll taculdn -mnic n-­tendan. appoinUrM,nt and 1ft). ·~-Of ~. aome facuhy mcm-~In!~ dlrttlly tnf]~ fflCed by lludfflcl than <*htts. ltlaallOtnN:tha!Xlftl(',tu­denu ha\'"l' a creat deal more lnOuenot than olher ltudenta. F1e11ley members ha,"l' a ~ denc:y IO rHd 10 lhoae ltu­dcnt, 11,'hol,c ~ and ..tx.e qical ~ tbty respect, and .. 11o. the~ore. lffid to& Outnot them In suc:b m.ane:rs. l'bll b a oondnuoul: proc,tSI. c&l'1it'd m befwftn m..lenta and tacuto- mnnben m tht - of 111,hisq. titllC:hicc, c.' ~eonf-. Thb;typc of tnnun,c,r wm conti- 10 play a \'"l'fY lffll pan IJI tutUN dff:bJonl - _.,. C&mPJI In ---· Tbe:quesdon-tuf!stotht matt.rr of formalb:lns l1Udtftt oplllba oa suda manns and taldrlctcbl'7and dw~t ltlp. S,, dm I mitan dw dS­rte1 lm.'Oh'ftnffll ot ltudfflt,: 1n lhe9'1l'<:tiof!~whk:bll .mDetbiac '""7 dl&rat &om lnllutDclac. bF a90dt.tloa, dw Rliectioa~Mlk:hb~ rledautb,-~otadt,. -f'ttst.d:l,erl,il-.-dm _,..dw~o, ...................... ka.n.mq...s1o,....

ll'ulnc !ht proble:m 1M) r:-fa, tcd lO be rnolvl'd b)· lht ::".e.~ benol1hl' faculcy11.tiott::-.1.:: Al • colloeacu,e, a tacull) :r.t:::· her don more than },.,'t: 1e1dl 11udt1111. He con1nbu1es :i> c:.,. t:r members of !ht fa~ ... !} t} br£ncinc Into dcpartmen!l! u­cuuionl hil panicular ht,,e..~ m.ati.r npcniae Hil uw­~lh ol.he.r members t ! !!'.4' ll· culty -.-iu atfecl noi: or4 ~ abllley to IHCh, bl.'1 Ir.I}-.,: affect !ht' 1blJ11y ot odwr ~~ bets al !ht f,culty to !Uc!'

O:)nsldcrthifpou,lbiilf> °''" It not ..-.rrn -,·•b!e t!:.l! • riven lnd.Mdual couk! t>t 1 ,uperb leacher and H='• •J Jludenu admlnbly. 11.t: lt .:.: !ht s.ame lime hill lnlb:>I} . ge1a1on&:-.ilhtht rtit .. ! "• coUea(UN could dlln:p ' .: teachlnc to the dc1nr.t, ~, ·: their studenu? ln , nw ,.:• as thla, b It n atl)' 11..•t · Jutt to add that mtmt,,, r : a dl'Plrtmf-nt and thu,. f<> ~ t

the 1tuden11 he m1gh1 ;-y1;• "''hUc aftcc.ling ntiamt:} :•, :iundr'Nil ol lludtnU re1·"t-! by others! This ll ad.'T'-'"·;:.i an cllCtttmc uample . ~: PGinll out lhe inumate pt~r. ... Ind prolcuional natWY r ! :•-t coUcque rt1-lkxutup In ;, ! .. -~-unly, kH me Jtltt t.· • : belW\·c in lhe princ:plt :•,t thtrt ahould be no p1.1b:.e .... r. muak.ation u 10 the ru.>--• 1111\y a p,•m fa culty r,w::-:~: ll not ~•peldn1t!d I••.:.<.'. ll not &ood to build • r:tf .,, tJ"adr. teOX'd II !he bt'f; ~- -,; al a IC.d!.inc tal"fff U :..~~~ ~ of Uwws are P'.!1 ,·· a record and PQN'd a1 ·~ ,.., a man Sot:s. lhrouch tw rJ~ • they tftld to Crl'III a !"*~,;"" locica1 bUndnHa; or .=~:.;1,c. on tht put ol. an)'Ol"lf "" -:i...• h.a\~ a-- 10 tho,.e .;, in !he fulur,e, Thb ii I; ::1!· don In !ht !ff.du.re fM'ld i• ,: b almolt un.l\'eru.l. l: .. " : COOd lor the p.n:,fd.11.).'I . • :~~ Ptrson to~to i.,·001!!'~ rt..._ lor non-rtltn t,ri -· Plft ol his pnmantnl per,,"' .........

Apin. bK"°"a!Jlt of C • lie:qw axlffpl . It is tr ... ··,: • rk'ffl ildhidua.l may I • -one dcp&rUne1:11 , 'er,' • •': ~! althe-...nenotfi! i:'.'. ..... other. Thk Is not to ... .;,...: lh&l on. an ot coun,.'<'f ~ a betttt cn,up of 11,1,:ht:, :.'.° ~

:~hi:;!)':=-:(··;; kl all Pthrrircs in 1M 1 -, .....,r.CoUt'quN ah.......id ~ wUJ lndtJenot Heh othtr ;• i

Clllt:ol~lnstaJxfli:: •~..;·

::: :: o1'"!.be ~a1~··z:

~ are not aluc ·acrf-fl tbe -..m,. and t!us ii 1..,:-...;:,. ....

• ~ .,1 ~p1C!!· - a. tudwn 10 lt'a\t ~ p,qa of CDUeasuct and ,.~ "t OUlltwlr~ ca."'t(':"f .,. uodllll'. 11 ii p,d : r badl it. ~ and tor t!lt

ts. DIIETJilS pap J)

Page 3: L j .· Wisconsin State SteHns Point THE POINTER · L Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty SteHns Point j .· a THE POINTER SERIES VIII, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970











Winter Carnival Candidates This y<'nr-, . \\'lriter Cnm!vnl

Klrijt an(I Queen (.'ompeti tltllll l)IQl'II .:undl,hote11 fmrn 16 or• ganllllllon».

Prellmlnnry t>l<'cllon1 will be held on ,\londay, Fl.'b. 2 lo nar• r:w.• 1hc l leld to 5 eou11le1. The llnallills will be 11nnoun«d that n ight O\'l' I' \\'SUS. Filml \'Otlng lor the King a nd Queen wllt bt' h,•ltl un f'l'b . 5 ..... 1th 1he llm,I winner 10 be erowned al !ht• bun,;1 eoneert un Sunday,

Feb. 8. · The enndldolt'i,. n ntl the ir

1ponsoringorganlz111loflj11reus follov,·a: · ·

Al11ha Phl Sorori1y - Linda lfonnem1<n. Wnu1mea nnd Mlke Derer , MndlllOll

llllltl10o•ln Hnll - llftrh Mur-14!n. Ap11leton and J :ihn Hunson. ,\p11leton ·

D(.>\111 Ze ta Sorority - C11rlll VMlladen. El roy nnd Don Don· nl'llkl. GrN'n Bay

Delzell Holl - Wendy Pokc­ln. Tripoli nnrl Tom Heu, Adnm1

llaOSl!n llnll - Susan C'.oe tsch WauKau nnd J ohn Knuth, Eagll' llh·l! r

Knt.11.r:en llnll - G l oria Sc:hroeder, Gret>n l.l.ly :md David Mar11 ke, FrN;.'port, UI.

Neale HRII - Barbarn Hl'n­dric.kJ nnd D;in Bay, Kimknuna

Prn*Slmll llnll - Pcggy J\1kln«ln, Wl'sl Alll~ nnd John

llllbert , Granton. Schmeeckl(' Ha ll - D e c k I

Rohr, Waukesha and An dy Cla rk , Waukesha

Slgm:i Pl Fraternity - JoAnn Ole1~e. t;dt:erlOll and D:ive Car­t llO, St. Francl1 ·

Sigma Tau Gomn Fr11te rn l1y - Pat DeLange, South Milwau­kee and John W!ellchowskl, Soulh MIIIO.'DUktt

Smith !foll - J im NOlltad, Cambridge 11ncj Donntc Barbor·

ieh, West AIILt Tau Kappa Ep,\~n Frate rnity

- June Olowlkl, MOllntt and Bili Giese. Stevens Point

Theta Phi Alpha Sorority -Janet Kachur , NdsonvlUe and Dennlt Pwr:11, Mllwauktt

wauon Hall - Mike Pll10. Menomonee Fall, and Kathy · Caesar. Menomonee Falls

Women of 1he Y.llltlne: -Carol Croker , Ea1le Rlvt'r and Skip Myer11, New London


Drop-Add Procedu res The lir11t day lo o ff klally

dror,.11d(\ 11 course wslS \\'NI· nud:1)', J an. 28. P iek up the forms In 1h._. lll'l;iitrutlon or­fkl'

Island In River Turned Over To U Foundation Young Artist Series Started For This Semester

Music In New York Oty, pian­ist, Ftb. 16 to 18:

Paula Ennll. Fulbright Grant s1udent. In Germany, p\anlll. Marc:h 19 to 22:

Tlll' Ju t day to ndd n couoe Is Monday, Feb. 2. Plt•nse note IWll;'-' SO of 1he 190-70, cutalog: .. A 1tudC'nl who \ 'O\unlarlly stops an('nding 11C()t1~· at :my time whho\.Lt complC'tlng the 11rescrlbtd change of proi:rnm proc«iure will bt' considered as ~IHI re~s tl'retl and will rt'C('h·<' an 'F' in the coursc a t th (' l'nd o~ the 1emeatcr."

A 61).aerc lslllnd In the Wit· consln Hlnir has been given to the unlvenlly by a locnl attOrrl('y.

'llle undevt?loped p11reel was o,,:ned by Robo:rt S. McDonnld. whose grandfalher purchased 11 nenrly 60 years ago. It has Im aueued valu11 tlon of SU.000 and Is l.:)caled where the river J)(ISSN through 1he southwnt­em aec tlon of the e\ty.

l n accepting thl! gilt. Htram AnderMJn. p~,ldent ol the S1e-­\'enJ Point Stn te Un\\•cnl1y Foundat '6n. Inc., 1nld the land



Stevens Point Brewery 2617 Woter St.

\Oo'ould provide an in\•aluable op­por1unl1y lo r ttudcnts in !he department o/. nn iural resourc:u (whieh hns m orc tha n l ,OOO ma­,lon and 11 the l11rg('1l of It• kind In the c;:,un1ryJ nnd In blo'6i:Y, botany and so !Orth.

Andef50n aOO cited the gift as an "excellent wny of ttll)­por1ing an initltutlon of hlg~r learning which faee budae t I Q\let'ZU."

To nd\·en1uroU1 ehlldren. the Island has be-en a popular ]nnd· mark In Ste\•eru Pulnt - e1pe­dally becautle of 111 t'UY ac­ces1 from the westl!m s ide of the ri\·er's bnnk. Alth:>Ugh It Is m 05tly CO\'l'red with hard­"""OOd trees. farml'r11 did at­tempt 10 1111 n l icld on the northl!m 1!de In e11rllc r year11. But lrcqlJ('nt lloodlng made

1uch pursulll un11rofll able. Mc­Donnkl reca lls.

Thr donor 1aid he was partl­cula rty plen5l'd lo give the larid to lhe unh·er11lty becau,e the ln1 tllutlon ha, been 1he a lma mater ror many membt'r11 o f his fom lly. His mother was an t'arly graduate. he too received 11 deirtt he re and se,•eral o ( hi1chlldren hadbttn('nrollcd.

Pass-Fail Explained If you elect to take courtts

on the Pnu -f"nll b.uls, 1peclal registration Is r tqulred. Stop a t the Rl!ilS1ra1'6n Oflice lo sign OJ> for the Pau-Fall option.

Sud, registra tion mlllt bt' completed by Feb. 2. A change

·l' ilhcr lo or from the Po.u-F,dl op1)0ll I0.'\11 not be permltt<'d a lter Feb. 2.

Four musicians are booked lor 1)(1rtlclpatlonlnlheunlver• 1lty'1 new "Young Artill In Retldenc:e Sl!r l(.'t."

Each will spend lwo and one­h11l r duy1 on cam1,us this winter or spring to pre1ent public re­cllala and hold Informa l teJ· 1lon1 wl lh local 1tOOtnll.

J ack Cohan, dlrectOT of tilt Aru and Lec tures Serles who ubo wUI hove charge of lhe new ac tivity, 1111d a n .000 grant from the Nat'6nal EndCM'Tllent for the Aris wiU ccwer mOllt o/. theexpemes.

Mu.ldans 10 be here are:

Edmund Lawnmee Baltcnby. student at J ullliard Sc:hool o (

David Su-peny, fucully mem· ber a t Northe111lcrn Missouri State O:lllege, ecUlst, April 9 lo U :

E llsabelh Suaan J enkins. r1.r11 oboltl wllh lhe Savannah Sym­phony Orchestra, April 22 lo 24 :

Cohan aa ld Stevens Point State 11 one of 65 schoob In the ooun1ry N-«lvlng a a r ant under lhe general ca teJl)fy o l audience development pr~ grama. Funds att appropriated by the lederal government ,

" It 11 hoped lhat expo1ure o r our 11udcn11 to these young art1,t·1 will &:l \•e inJlght to the trlnll and trlbula1.lona ol pro­feulonal musiclanJ," he added. "Our student wlll also be able to ask the art ists abolJ1 their .ambltlona and IO&ls and lm­~=~ ,o f thei r hoped-tor ca-

Many Student Citizens

Make Friendly


1/edte Bank






~ MR. D's


Entertainment - Every Admission 50c Every

of Big Entertainment

Night Wednesday thru Sunday Wednesday & Thursday & Sunday





Ex - Old Milwaukee (large battles) 25c $1.00

Pabst 3 for $1.00 - Pitchers (Schlitz) - Laf!!e Bud, Schlitz, Hamms,





DREYFUS IC.onllnued from page 21

depar1ment. In summary, J 10,'0!Jld II)' that

the primary dedtlon for the retentlonornori-retentlonofa member of the !acuity mus t be made by his col leagues a t the departmental level. The Dean, the Vlee P retldent or 1he President may 1pproprlat.e-­ly deny a positive departmen­tal recommendation II they !eel the best tntere111 of 1he unker· slty are not sen.•ed.

Hoo,,.-ever, they O!Jihl not ree• ommerl(I re tention In the (ace of a dcpartmtntal e:Xprealed prt!(erenee 10 the contrary. Stu­dent.I traditionally have a n d will continue to Influence de-­partmental deelslont by their aueumcnt o r the teaehln& pro, CUI H they dlSCUlt It among 1hem1tl\·es with v1rloua mem­bers of the faculty. That tnnu­ence aenerally operatea very .... -en .

In my opinkln, 1100enll should not be pan ol · lhe dc­ci1'6D>mnklng proce11. hov.1!\'er. 1lnce they do no1 have 10 oon­tlnue to U\•e with the resulll or tha t decision-making. S1u­

.,.dents are by deflnl tl011 the ~l tranJ lt'fl l element In a unl\'e r· ,Uy.

Laslly. the re11101'11 lor nM retaining a !acuity member ought not 10 bt' gfrtn and ouaht not to become part ol "t h e record." It ii not In the best lnteretll of ehhu the m&n or the profes.tlon lor thU: to tie done. 1n our profeHkin 11 Is no1 considered a 1tlgma to have been releaaed by a given inltl. 'tutlon. A aeries o l non-reten· tlon decllk,iu: Is another mat· te r , however, because 1hat be­comes lhe Judament of ..everal facultlet 11 ..evr:nl 1ns11tu11:Jns. In the long-run. the laeul ty , in· nuenced by the 1tudent1, will m ake- the best decisions for all

"""'"""· Double You, PleoH11e

Do.ible Y041, Fu"

We'.e Added A lor

To Ov, Upttoln SluMs.




Page 4: L j .· Wisconsin State SteHns Point THE POINTER · L Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty SteHns Point j .· a THE POINTER SERIES VIII, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970

Ii I,


°"'1*1lStttu, CuM.nt(Rtn'IOdel) UncltrCo,,,.tn.,c1_ ,._ -"""""'­, ........ ...... UncltrCanstl\letim, ,..,, c...,.~ ....... ·-·-...... ·-, ... . , .. . '""' , ....... 0.rl'ntSIIM ...... ,..,, r111.,.,, • ....... ·-· ·-rui .... rMU• ··-, ....

,. (


Page 5: L j .· Wisconsin State SteHns Point THE POINTER · L Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty SteHns Point j .· a THE POINTER SERIES VIII, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970

Jonuorv 29, 1970


Outlines Campus Growth n y TOM )IJ;N'ZXI.

ni.· Ima! artlcle In the 1erlH !WI th, S11'1r 111 Point budact 1, lbc' i..o, R,nge l:ll!\·elo1llfnfot Pl~ 1<,r uur c:11mpu1. The plan .,.ii ,kH'l<i!>Cd lor the Wbcon-1~ l.lllrr ,1u llf Englnccrlnir by l\>H' fl tl,m ,\IIO('lntl!I, Inc;: , ol {;r1or.\ ll:lplds, Mlchtvan.

n-· 1il.,n 11n11lyzf'I Ind ln\'en­Mk., , .,11 tlng c:a n11Jolll condl-11~ urid ,•s tnbllsllt•s c:oncbc ,..,,t.·llllo'll fQr lhe fut ureaf'OY,'lh ,: 11,· ,·.m1pus.

nw ~'Ullk'Une1 or11:anlie the cJm1Jt1, ... ith rt'lpccl to tunc:-11,.,,.,,,l 1.,Jlll u~" paltcmt, de1•e,. .-,pm,nud de1Ui lty, and clreula· l k41 It III nut lnl t ndctl lo be JI! a!J51J\u lr formula lor th e Muh' ... hlch lllliht lnhlbl l or n .. t,1.t uni1·r rsity af'OY,·!h,

l{~th,,r lh<" 1:uldellnu w I 11 ,..r• r M ttlH• lhe growth a pol· 111"' 1\m~llon l'11ch 11ml' • w1M1n~ prot:ni m b l'mbarked

~~ri.o.\1c n.•\•ll'W 'DI condi tion• d1,rJh', or at \n lt•rva b not c,:. f('l'dln; ll\·t )'l'MI, wlll 1uure Ill.II I~<' Lon'.!( Ra nge P l11 n ron­t!IIUH 10 rt.' ftl'Cl loj,:lc and valid,

•11) JIii.i U'ffllth1' a true IM'O­Jl'U.n ol the 1,';0III ol the unl­.. r, 111

Thtn• :irr lour prlmnry ol> 1"(U"" fur th11 Davcr man r1~n

1 thmiflll tlon or 1c11drmlc 11· 1.llld ,,·ncept which llol1te1 tM ,~mid lrom lhf' c:ommunlty.

: Ocatc I strong; tense ol CIIIHOll)-COfllfflUflhy lnvol\'l'­

~" l Rt~5tnbllth \·alid func: tlon­il rJmpus rd111lo111hlp,1 "u the i::,i,,·r,a\y ,:,:c.pnnds and dc1·u­l1>'

1 Pn.wldc future t',ipansk>tl 01',lblht)'

TI'k' de\elopml"nt plan ll or• 1.in1ztd Into f\\'e major land tiflll "hkh extend In an CHI· ...... 1 d1r« tlon nnd permit e,i­r,,m,1')11 prim(l. rlly to the ea1t.

Tht layrn. Ps one moves 11.H'lh lrom Ma in Stf'N'I. ore 1dminlstrii1h·c. studtnt nrvlcK, ,odtmlc. rN:rt1 tlon ..... p1u .. 1. ul Nu~atlon, and student holn· m.. Othl'u c:onsldt n-d are ~rklnr. maintenance bUlldln11:1. 1llll.•ht litldl. marrh.•d 1tudent h..'\lsln(. and more.

,\n ,mi,Jrlllnl 111«'1 or the (Mr•II tle\·Clopment of the cam• p111 plan b the 11udy and lm­plttnenl1lk>n of 1cquend1I rt0"1h or phuln,. 'lllll phaled ,n:,o,.1h Is C$l1bllshcd accordlni to lll(n' ffll"l\ts ol tnrnllmenl lf0"1h, rathl' r than O\'er • ser·

• k't ol time. E•th phase study shows the

~n1k1pa1t'd rcqulft,ment tor 11 ~\fn numbl'r ot 1tuden1J.

~h t~=1l p."i'"~ ~: flt' tnrollmcnt lncremt nll:

PhalC I - 7.950 11uden1J Phu~ II - 10.iOO studenU J>tu" m - u .200 , 1udenu Tho ftrst ph111(' ii baled upon

tilt tnrollment rcqulred to fill lhtrctldence hallv\llage lo lhe nonh Of course 1h11 phue rc­q:drtment hu been 1urpo.ued, 1111e, " 't nov,• have II C?'l\'t ~aKc of beds.

Ph11c I Is also baaed on 1ddl­l10nAI bulld inp Including ln­ttTUl: lional laclUtlcs, fllO-in­lll'IICtionDI facillliea. rtaldmcc hall,, and married 1tudcnt housllli

Ph.Ile II 11 based on complc­h11n of I new rtsldt'flc:e hall ullai;;e on open land cut ot t.'it u.mpus, providing; for 6.750 rt51dcnl 0ceupan1J .,.,1th IOI.al tnrollmenl of 10,100.

Phu, m Is the terminal P.~alf , It wlll ClCICnd to th.al llmt "'hen the unlvenlty en,. roll~n1 roc:hea approxlm 11 tt-, ly 13,200. While phue m com· r·letci this 1'1!port, it Is n o t =-~:1

~zeex~~ ~!!'r-1':; II u.n UJWlnd by lntffllltyinl 1n co~ ar ea, or by moving onto adjacent land. ENollmcnt l'lllky Rtvlsloo irrom Adden­dum I. pg. 84 of the Lon i fbrut, Development P lan >

.U the Development Plan ll

w s u s


I lf'OW!n1 Intl c: h11n1lna 0'1CIA• bm, It II lnevltablc th at cffltnil'I wUI occur dUrlna lt1 lmplemcnl•Uon. Amoflr t h e c:hanKt .. which can be expectl!d arc lar-reachlna policy c:hanae•. such 111 nre 11rop,.»OO In lhe 11utly made by the Oiordlnatlng O>uncl\ On Jllgtwr · Educallon, and published In COlE docu· mfflt no. 19. "t:nrollmem Plan­nlni Maxhnurm for Wiac:oNln'a Public Unl\·enl11ts" - re11'-1 vcnlon, tl1100 J 1nu1ry, 1969.

In essence, lhe docume!nt NI•

tab llshn II mu:lmum tnroll­men1 ur ll .000 11utlents lor the

Wllcon,ln Stile Unlvcralty.Sle,. ver. Point campu1, H part ol an overall plan to orsantu and rc>,ul1te the State o l Wlleonslil hl1her educ•Uon 1y1tem In an d flclen l manner .

Ma re1ultofl he prol)Oled n,ulmum enroll!TIC'fl t, It 11 • ~ parent that the camJ)UI wl\l rNoCh Its ulllmale 1lu at the md ol Phue U.

Inumuch II thlt prl'lftlt pl11n looka beyond the new ~al. the v1Jldllyof the orlalnal doc:u· mrnt ll 11111 tttalned, but may 1lm1)ly be terml11,11 tcd a t • n. cir rollment levtl or 11,000.

Second Semester

Starts For 39

While In Dr. t"rank Crow, profl'ff<K' ol

hll tory, 11nd Dr. Alice Peet. professor ol drama. art dl~t­lna th e ICi:Ond "semuter' 1broad Pl'08r•m" In Europe, whk h began 11111 ""'ttk.

1bcy will ac:compaT\)' 39 Ste-­\'ens Point 11uden11 In II trn\·el 11udy pqram which hu a tlcxible- torm11 t i nd Li aeared to expcrlmentatk>tl .

M rs. Crow, 11 n elementary teuchu at Wathlngton School In Sh! \'l'ns Point , wltl take a lea \'C of ablence from her pc:m t to be a roufl54.' lor, and Mn. Gl•dYI TllOmson, .... 11o -nl "'1th the tin t .:ruup or 11tidenu las t fDII, wttl rt'maln on th!" overl('U 1t11 ff In a 1lmllar ca­pacity.

Dr. D1v\d Coker. di rector of the rounaeltn& nrvlce. and Dr. Alan Lehma n, profcuor ot En-1lilh, directed 11111 s.cmc.ter'1 actMtlCI.

Both Crow and Miu Pe c t h11\'l' lpcfl t con1\Mr11 ble lime In Europe pnr,vlous ly. She has bHn there on numerous v11ca• tion, to vl1lt thea ten, and he wu In the Army there durlna World \V• r U, vacationed with hb family In 1964 both In Bri· tain and oo tNi contlnenl, and a n u chanae proteuor 111 the Unlvcn lty ot St. Andrews In Scotland In 1966 anti 1961.

' A native or Madison. MJ.n Peet hH bttn :a member of the Stcvcns Point f11culty 1lnc:e 1961 . lkfore thDI she tauaht II Mount Union Colle~ in Ohio, the Unlvenlty or .Wlacomln, Temple Unl\·en lty In Phlladel· phia , Pa., and the M11dl.lon Put> lie School Sy11em. Ourin, \\'orkt \V11 r 11. 1he worked In the n11\•y'1 weather buttau and afterwards wa1 a repretenla· ll\·e fOl' th!" Mcthodllt Bollrd ot Mlu lons In Santiago. 011le.

Mlu Peet hu lhrtt dl'l'ffl rrom the UnlVl!nlty of w ucon. sin pliq credlu at the C11rttt Blbllcal Institute.

Crow. who came to Stevens Point'• rac:ul1y 23 yean aa:o. previowly t11u;ht at Uncoln Unlvcnlty ln J ellerson C I t y. Mo .. the Unh·cr111ty or Wllcon· 1in extension dlvl1lon and Elu O•lre State Unh·cnlty. Orlg;I· nally from Ma l'}'\•llle. Mo .. he received hb ~ from Northwe1t MIISOUrl Stale Col· lea:e. the Unl~nlty ot Wllc:on-1ln a nd Unlvcn\l)' of O,lc.qo. HII 1pecl11lty In the cluaroom b early American ind 10clal anti lntellectu11I hl1tory.

Both Crow and Miss Peet ha\·e hobble• that are • bit

Europe lrrt'&u1a r lor profcuors. He rat-• purebrrd 008• a nd 1hc h111 nn unusu11lly la 111e coUec-1\on or earrl11111. ,

Sc\·er1I other c:olle1e •nd uni• \'enlty profHIOn In Enaland will be hired on a po rt-lime ba1ll 1o 1111lt1 In the •c•demlc 11roa:nm lo be bused al a trlendthlp house On !he o u t· 1klrts of London . Other 1tudy will be at Stra tford on Avon. home of the f11moua write r, WII · 11am Sh1knsic•n-, and in ln\•el through H\'ff&I countrle1 on the con1lnen1.

'Grecian Holiday· Viewed Tonight

A newly re lcuro colored tr11-vd· 11d11cnture filtn for wid e ~c reen,, entitled "Cn-c:lan Holl , d1y," ..... 111 be 1ho,.,.'T1 here ~ night.

Ofh!red by the Arl1 and Lee· lures Serlea, the program .... 111 lncJIJdc a l'lll!Tltlon by Ralph J . Frankl in hel(lrullnf( al I In tht: Main Bulldlni Audl1orlum where tlckelJ .,.,,111 be oo sale a t the door .

Fr11nklln , .,.,,hi) n11Tated I tllm on the Huw•ll• n lllunds hl're Ins t Februuy, In his r t>IUm vll• It will feature Anica, the Peo­ponnrsus porllon of Central Crttce and Saronlc Island.a. He uld he will 1hoW tha t Cree« 11 mon:- than ancient ruins H e\•klenced by the ma rkl"b pf Athens, Conlthullon Square, Kini'• guards 1111tl the acllv)­tll'I heltl the re at night.

" ln our l .000 mllc search," F ranklin said, "we , tomblc through aomc or lhne anck'nl ruins II Athens, Cnpe Sounlon. Corinth. Mycenae, T'lrynt, Epl· d1una, Spart.I, My1tn, Mon­emvulll, Pyrg;w Dirou, Pylos, Bassae, Olympia, 0 e pp h I." Without the IJ.herman. tanners 11nd J)t'T30N filmed a lona the way, "thlt .... "OUtd be just 1n­otht'I' motion picture," he add­<d.

Franklin, U , tiu tnveled around the world makln1 rums tor more than lS yean. Hc-1upported IOffle ol hl1 early trlpa by work.Ina u • c~n­<tt.

An alumnU1 or t..oa Angc-les C.,ty Collea:e and V11lley Junior Collrac. he 11 an orchltectural m,;,,



D~ Mr. and Mn. Collete Studeal: w.·, Hite to tell you •IHMrt •• HCitf"I MW OWN,..

... ,, p'-911 M W ffi"9 offefff °" • liMlt.d N,11 ._,.

MorthMN Ha.n. If )'CHolf fvtuN pScnu lltclucle • ....... of )'Mr ow11, but riai"I costs oN enrydey IIYl"I ez.pet1 ... couM the MOM .. , encl )'ffn to 11ip ewoy, tit-. Horth&.ad'• a,-cMII ownenhip p'911 c•• him JN froM NM NCeipta to .........,,..nhlp. How you caft l11'1flt JNr re..t 111 • HIM o1 yNr ow• witttaut tile 1tnl11 ol • dow• ,.,.....,r 1 .... IM, a ...... of JOUf ow,., ca.plete witt. MW ,-,..i-1,.., carpet atMI ,,.,.., fully c..toM d.contff •INI, ritht ....,f All ,-. ...d to ct-Ufy la • atuN .._.,,..._. alMI toacl creMt, .... tllottt .. it ..,. N

uM1teo11. s.o-4 nc.._, Wa ...,. It .....W, hit it la ~ •-' ._.. .,,.,.. _,,. ••• tr1e1 .,,_._ ~w ....

:.:-:=:,: it=J~~':.,, N== H- Hit•-, SI Soolto of - Pelot lo .......


Committee For 'Chill-0-Rama' Announced

Woodka Named Dean Dr. S. J OHph Woodka, 46,

::!~a;alm,~ .:!t~~. :~ l>Hn promoted to dean ol tM Coll~, or Lc! tlen 1nd Science, effective ,te,it 1ummer .

Studenu a t Siev,111 Po I n I The announcement wa1 made St11tc Unlver.l ty w!.11 oblttve by Pre1ltlent Lee Shemun the annual camJ)UI winter car- Oreyfu. durln, the Janu• ry fa· nlval Ft>b. 1 to 1.5 amid c:on- culty mtetlna, tuu, Ice sc:ulpturin(. m u • I c Said Dreyfus: ·-nie 1pl)(Hnt· prosram1 and kh\¥ and QUttf'I ment of Or. Woodka hu a:rea t 1elecUoo. pel'IONI I value for me. I have

CcJIC'ral Oia.lrman David C. · come to know him u a col· Sle1,;trt, • senior from Steve.. le'aa:ue, proteulonal 1dverHry, Polrit, 1111d the theme would advise r and lrlmd ii.nee my be "0,IU.().Rama:· arrival. Hll nomination by the

Sll!Wt'rt aNlOUnced memben f11culty 1creenlna commlttN In.-of the commit tee which will dlca tH that thl• lacul1y h11 plan the nine-day « lebrallon. the u me full confldotnce In Or.

J udy Dabr, .,.,'hO ii m•Jcrlnl Woodle•'• leadenhlp 1.1 I cto:· In Physical f'..duca tkwl, a jun- Thi! selection commlnee In· k>r, 11 In chartc ol thlt bookJet . cl~ Robert Andersoo. chai r·

SuHn Schnckler, • senior. man, and Oliver Andfewl, who ls majorlna In phyalcal Ma rk Cattt, J OMph khuler, education, . Is In cha 111 11 of the Richard Face, Peter Kroner, Ice 1culpturln1. Tom Mc:Cllla •nd R o b e r t

Vlvlpn Zlttlow, a junior, who Baruch. Cordon Haferbecker b maJonni In speech patholofy wu •n u-0mce member. and audlolocY, la In c: harae of - Scrttnlna ol the 31 candldatu the panc:akc eatln1 and •pple from other lnltltutk>t. Md nve cider 1lpplng c:onte11. from the local faculty be1an

Wally Schuette, a 10phomott, 1111 June. 1lie recommendation m•jorina In optOmetry, la 1n of the commlnee wu 1ubject • char&e of the beaml. to confirmation by the pre11·

WllUPm Kellner, • Junior, dent. who i. majoring In blok)ay, 11 Lellen and Science 11 I h,e In chnrgc of chariot race ind IPrgell ol Slevuui Point Sta te I plpr 1moklng. fl\•e collt&H, It hu 1l depart-

Ann Hartwif, who ll a aenlor menll with nearly 250 ll'achlna maJoMna In En1:lbh 11 In mcmbcn or l110l'e than half ol charge of h1\nlo, 1,i, a nd the total l1cul1y. Dr. WarTen ·-· Kirk Wclx>f', ,,,ho Is 11 1enlor m11jorln1 In p1ychok)ay, II In churgc or lhc cntertalnmt•nt .

Rose Zchren, who ls a IOph(>, more, ni11jorlng In primary ed1r CPtion, la In ch11I1:e of the 1& cl11 l ac llvllll!I.

Sandra Van Vl"ttdc, who ii • junior. m11jorlni In a rt , I• sccretary.

David Pool, who b a Junior, m11jorlna In 10c:lolol[)", b In c: har11e or the torch run.

Daniel Tepll!lky, who ii • junior, m ajoring In music, II In charge of thfr. iamn.

Audrey -0....-cns, formerly Aud­rty J olinson, who la • H'fllor, majorlna In bmlntt1 cduutlon. la In charse of the Klnr a nd """~-European Flight Sponsored By Oshkosh State

11'1(' Division or Eirtcnded Serv!Cff at O,hklllh Stalc will olfcr 11 n opportunlly to !ly to Europe via II charter filght thll 1ummer . J une 14. throuah Aua· Ult ll. 1910.

Partlclpnnll will leave O,lc1, go i nd fly to London 0n June 14, 11nd .,.,;11 return from London on Aug1.111 ll. 1l1t' COI i for the round trip 11 $219.00 per se11 t .

All 11udents. 11afl or faculty of the Wllconsln Stale Unlvc:r-1ity 1y11,m and their lmmedi· l ie famllll'I are ellclble.

Scats wUI be l'l'lt~ on • flnt-come, llrst-s.crve bHII and • S50.00 deposit wi ll be requlr­<d.

RcservaUons a n d deposits should be sent to lhe D1vl1lon of Elftended Serv!CH, Oemp, ff)' Hall. Wllconsln Stall! Unl­\•cnlty-Oah'"-h, Oshkolh, Wll­consln S4901 (414> m,.Q'.20,

Senate Agenda 81 CAROL LOHRY•

F1nal QOl\llderatlon on t h e new QOl\ltltutlon wi ll be taken up a t tonla:ht'a Studftl t senate meetln&: accordlna to Senate President Wally Thiel. Thll con­atltutlon ...-oukt c:hana'e the 1tu­den t iovemment system on OW' campus. Th.le i allo said nun. cation of the constitution woukt be dbcuued .

Alao taken up at the mtttlnr will be the recc.ialdentlon of thll year's tea~ rtValuatlon IMet the Senaie rejected ln favor ol lut yeara. Gary ~ ....uld, the • uthor ol this ye1r '1 evaluation 1t,,e,et will present hll arsuments tor IIJ use.

Officers Elected Susan Dohn, a junior from

lbncock, has been elected prt'I· ldcnto(~ltaOmlcroo.theln-1ern11lionDI music fra ternity 's chaplt'T ht'Te.

Othen elected .,.,·ere: Ruth Majnarlch, Laona , 1st

vlc:epre11dc!n1 : SMrrle Anderson, CttU, 2nd

vlc:epttald,cnl : Karen Pac, Wlacor.ln Ra·

pidl,1l"CrCtllry ; Ethel F nna, Steven1 Point,

tru.surer: I..IUf'f'lta Coc'rtln, St. F rancll ,

m111\c dlriN:tor : ' Doris Welnfurttr, Ar'pln, pt.I~

llclty director : l.8ura Wa lck, Woodruff, ~

clul chairman ; Dawn Flerke, SteUOnvlllc,

warden: Karen PIWte, Stetlonvllle,

cha plain: and J oan J ohNOn, Burllnrton. hi•


Seminars Offered By Oshkosh U

Five 11ud.y aemlna n In Eu­rope wlll be offered dwil'C the awnmer of 1110 by the Olvll• Ion ol Eirtended Services a t O,hkoah State. 'Jbcy a re : Eu• ropean Art Seminar , European Geogra phy Semlnor, Spanllh C.,vllluulon Seminar, Seminar In Specl•I Educ:aUon •nd a u,. erary £na:land and Sc:otland Seminar.

1lie pon lclpanu ....;11 fly lo London 1eavin( Oilcaio on June 14 11nd wlll return to Chicago on AIJ&UII ll. Eich 1tudy pro­Jlflm wi ll 11111 11pproximately ,uc 'Nffka with the 11ddlUonar lime for study and travel. Pro-

fr.1:poc;:!~~:"!~en~ou= clan hote l ac:commodatlons, contlnenlaJ breakful, e\'t'nlna; meill, land 1n vel snd o t h e r l1ems II included ln the IUn.­.rary. 1lie COIU for lndepen­dl'rll lravc>I and atudy and per credit enrollment tees 11rt not Included In the tot• I proera,m

-·· To participate, each 1tudent must enroll, tlthe:r for credi t or for 1udl1 , In 1t leut one-half ot the crcdllJ available: In the partlculllr study prorram. (A ma,dmum of I credlu are of· fe~ .)

nie deadline for enrolllnc ll f'eb. l, 1910. For f'Urther Infor­mation, a complete ltlne.nry and enrollment material. write or phone the Dtrillon ot Ell· tended Services IOempaey Halli \\o1scolllln State Unl\'t'nlty -Osh'"-h (2J$.Q20) •

JOSEPH WOODKA Jenkin., who hll been dean 1l~thecolle1ewuHtablllh­ed In 1952, tttlrtd from the poat because he reac:hed a man­datory reUnr,men1 qe ol 65 Jut December. He wlU. ~um to full time teachlna: nut r111.

Or. Woodka has been a nl!WS• maker In hll own r!Jht alnce he came 10 campus three and one,.h1\f yeon 110, llt W11 ac:· tlve In helplna members of the ltudent PoUtlcal Sc::lcnc:e J.:uo. c:l111lon a fl'an ge nwnerous ·~ praran~, by na tional and 1ta1e

· Six Women Earn MS Degrees In Home Economics

51,i women recelvC'd the first ma•ter of 1clence delf'ff• In home ttonomlca to be confer­rflt durlna: mid-winter c: om• m,cncemcnl ceremonies.

Althou.ih the IC:hool ti.net J an. of 1961 has bttn authorized to 1rant muter ol 1elence ln teachlna: dqTffl ror this 11.1b­ject, the Board o l ft.etcnta or 1hlte unlvenllle. and O>ordlnal· In& O>undl ror H1fhl'r Education have approved upruulon In the proa:nm IO l[!'ldUIIH can be formally r ecopb:ed ror poal­tlool In •ddltion to teac:hlng;. Full accredita tion of the new offerina 11 e:xpeeted 1h111prlni,

The ltnt rec\p!enta will b.? Clenna Bulhman, Pln.svl lle, Helen M. F1rkus, Neenah, Phy­ll lt Pope, Medford, Bemadclle P. To&er, SteVCl'LS Polnl, II n d Ml.f)' ZunWlkl. Stevens Point, AM Elun E11lcstofl, Whiting. ~ ll"l' &monfi! 10 CUrn'nt

J)lr tlclpa.nu In !he home~ nomlcs gr1du•1e procram. ac­cordln, to Dr. A&:net J onea. de­parhnent chairman.

Pcnons who l"l'eelved t h e M.S.T. In home ecooomlCI dUf, Ina the past ,.,.,,, years havt' bttn Mn. Mary Ann Baird. now a member of tJ}e un l\·cr­slty faculty; Mn . Flora Mae Bu>lr , Mn. J,1ary Hallqul1t and Mn. Carol Slutebln.

~ernmenlal , undldltH, Ht directed •d•·anced arranae· men1, for apPf'ar1nce1 he ... ol Richard M . l', IJwn, Huhert H. Humphrf)', Edmund Muskie, Euaene McCarthy, Harold Sta .. acn p,lu. dcbltH between c:on­a:reulona l candld1tH Melvin R.

· Laird and Lawrenc:e D I h I. O.vld O~y Ind W11l tcr John O,llaen •nd U.S. aena10rl1I hopefuls Gaylord Nellon and J,rru Leonard.

A native ol ~ Uh Bend, Ind. , Dr. Woodka acn ·ed In the army thrtt yean durina World War II before pur1uln1 h\1 hll,her tducatlon 11 Bait State Unlver-11ty where he rcceivcd a D.S. deartt : Unlvcnlty of Mlchl11n - Ann Arbor ror hll muter'• and doctorate. He held I Ford Foundation f'clJo,,whlp w h I I e work.In, for his Ph 0 .

Before comlna here, he wa1 professor ot polltlcAI aclenc:e 11 Mlchlaan Unlvenlty - Mount Plll11ant from 1955 to 1966 a nd a n lnlerlm teacher at the Uni• vcnlly of Oe1rolt and Centnl Mlchlaan Unlvenlly,

Of. Woodka has been a vllll· Ina; lecturer II tcvcnl Mlchl· 11111 ac:hoola during 1ummer aca­,1on1. and In 1961.QI tcrved u pre•ldent ot the wi.oon.11n Poll­llcal Sc: lenoe AuoclaUon.

lie has e,i ten1\11e experience In !he prac ticum of polltlct, loo. Jn 191$4, he WIS ,ncutlvc HCrt"• 11ry ol the Michigan Governor's Study Commlukln on Electlon1 ; In 1966, mayor pro-tern ot the O ty of Mount Ple111n1: from 1964 to 1966, Mounl Pleuant cl1y commluloner: from 1962 lo 1964, chairman of the Mw nt Ple111nt wnlna: boud of al>" pull: In 1961 , candidate for deleaate to the Michigan Coo· 1tl1utlonal Con\'erulon.

Marrlcd, Or. Woodka Ind hll wife, Patricia and their thrtt children re11de al 2825 . Slmorili ,,.

In 1cceptlngthepo1!,heHld " I a m both nau,~ and hum· blcd. On the pc~al le\•el, 1 • m hlahly pleased by lhe COf)o

fkk'nce rtposed In me by the Nominating Commlnee which nominated me tor the position and by the pre1klcnl In 1pi10int­lna: me 10 the pc:mltlon.

"On the profeulonal le\11!1. I consider th i1 an ,,uremely Im· p:,rtant position whlch w\11 pro­vide me with an oslPOrlunlty 10 make • contribution toward !he l\irther dC\'elopmenl ot the unlvenity, and toward the IOIU· tlon of !he many problems ....11\ch con.front !he academic world In these t,itremc\y dlln· cult . t rying and chaotic t lme1. !'ortunate ly, I cnjoy w:>rklfll with 11udenu and have • com­pe1ent, hlghly pf91C11lon1l a:'roup of Mpartment chairmen 11nd coll111gue11 with whom lo wo rk.

" M J ace It> nOW, my major ·problem' wlll Ill:' that ot IJ')'lnl( to maintain the highly enviable reeord or accompll1hmen1J, re--1pect a nd reputatbn ol my pre­deuuor, the Incumbent Dean, Dr. Wan'ftl Jenkins.

"I only hope trnlt I prove equail IO the wk, and worthy­ol thl1 tl'Ult."

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Page 6: L j .· Wisconsin State SteHns Point THE POINTER · L Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty SteHns Point j .· a THE POINTER SERIES VIII, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970

p ... 6

Wide Variety Of Experiences For Member Of Local Faculty

F rom c:l,rrcyman toPf'OIHJOt. a 10c:loiotlllt on !ht faculty at Stt,i:-nt Point Sta!t< lln1Hnlty i.. a IMna: example that llli:­can bf l illtd .. ,th a 1u«tulon of new tJr.p,!'rtitnc:ts Ind chal• lffl lt'$.

Dr. Arnold :\I. !>bat. be1:1n hls c:lll'tt'r 11, Lutheran mirr lsltr , btu btcamt 1n Army colontl , a lund ralst r IQ( his chun:h. afreel1nupho1<>1nph­tr , 1 '"'titer and lec lurtr In !ht lltld of lr&\°tl and ad\ Nlturt

:-ow In hit lourlh ll'rffl II the 'lni,·tnlty. tht ~)'t1r.old Dr. !>lash,; un ht' hncb t.-achlne t .. acln1till.1i:: and e:,,cllln i,;

lllJ~yislhinllhat ht m!1h1 bt IUC:Ctu!ul and popular .. ; u, hb 11udt-nu. b111 rt111tration 111ta1iu on tht number ol p,e rson5 fffkinr l'fl­

tranc:e to his d1ssu art proof. " lt'1 tuy 10 flunk a 1tu<k>nt."

said Dr. :\l11hl. ·· au1 .. nat kind ol a luiure dots ht ha, t If ht' ii:: eu 1ouNI out ol 1c:hoo1~··

Dr Muhs (ndkattd hil con­um for 1tudl'nu : ··1 cart' . l "m ln lttuttd •nd I U')" to be sym· polhttlt.' 0 Tha l dot'sn' t mun ht hsn<b ou1 pa.ulfli'. _uadt'I ]ikt lollypopt. t11htr .

'Tht .. :O.t11hl:\ltth0d'O( kttp. Ina >"OUnl pooplt 111 1ct1ool ti a 1utonn1 1>ro1ram ht ettabl· lshtd l11 t 1111 on hls O'"'n ln-111,11,, and hm• Bt'caUSf' no siateorlt'der1lrt1nu.areln­vohtd, ht' hll tttnJJll'd upp,er­dus socloloC)' m ajor1 10 n111:iit In Ult 11,1e 1l1 tmoon progt1ms. His 1oaJ ls to 11:e1 s tudtnU lace­lo .. Ct '" Ith SUt'«!"U It.of!)' in thtlr c:olltle c::arttrl u 1n In· c: c-nli\·t for luturt 1diol1r1hlp.

1.A1t umttttr. ~ or hll 230 lnlf'Oduc:1ory 1tudtnti p,IJ'tidpa1-o.,d and most ol thtm a\'et1if'd at)(We a C by the llmt lm•l lt'Sts V.'trt' 11bulate-d.

:-ut wmestu. ht'' II continue v.·\th thb !ormat : cMni a tes t tht l\nt Wttk ol du&C'S, h&\0

tna It corttettd and t>.ck 10 tht< ~tudenU the lolio..in& :\looday, lht'n startin( tutorial) 1eukns on TUesd.ly alttrnoon. St\·tral 01 hb coUearut1 h1\·t ton11dtr­td pro\idlni 1lmllar a.lttr,,,c:Jus anlsta~. •

prequdkt •nd dlscrimlnalioo ·• A '"talth ot personal uper.

knctt l"lf"O\"kk> • t.c:krround for this rourst< bt'c.lUM ht' baa .. ,,rk. f'd '"i th and M'n·N minorll)' 1roupsmo1tothlsllle.

AJtt r ,tt.endma i.A'"Tenct< Uni· nnil>· In ,Applt<ton IS • y(ll.lnl m an, ht quit • t !ht tnd of hb rrtthnwin )'U.r lor l•cll: GI money. So It .... b.ac:k to TIIINl1 and Into tht' wood.I lor •x-s-lu­~nt :\l11hs ... ho C:UI C'f'IOUlh k(l,n .. 'OOd1o c:o,,•trh.a.l f of h.l1 S250 tXptNn '"'tlich he '"'OUld Incur 11 1 studtnt at the- now dd unc l SI. P aul.UJ\Mr Collt'&t ln SI. P1ul , :\hM. Pttli n& ~ IQ \OH Ind tmpt)-11\i llrb&lt cans pM)\'kkod lht ttmalndc-rof his Income

F'rom thtrt he wc-nt w Clp-1111 Unh·tnlly In Ohki, t1med hls b.r. clwlor ol dMnlty dt"&rtt, and acrtptN I p,u1:ir11t In Pltubur1h, Pa ., lor lmmle:ranu lrom Ron'lanla Whllc In Ptnn­S) h·1nl1 . he hrntd his fflll• t l' rs and d()Ctoratt In •odokii)' !rom W \.:ninrsl l)' o l PhU­bufl:h, 10 .. htn World War ll broke- out ht ... as prlrnc- o!l\c:tr m1terl1l lie m adt< tolont'I In four )'tan

By 1ht tnd ol tht' '"ar. Colontl :\laatu h• d becomt lnlt'rnll'd in motkln pic lu!TIII and us.NI ont • of his hims on :-It'>'· Cutno 10· ralst thrtt' quaneni of a mil­lion dollan in tht Amtric1n U.11htr1n Oiurc:h NT" mbslonar)· 1c1h·ltlu on I.ht blind. C.ptl-\ 11, ttd by ""ndtrllUI . ht' took his wilt' ind thrt't c:hlldrtn on 1 ,ui and on, hi ll ) tar lrip ,round tht worid, '"-orklnc u a !rtt h1nct wrilt'r and photo-1 raphtr.

Rt<1umln1 to Tllltda ht btc1n 1 IS.ytar ca~r II a lttlurc-r in IN' !it ld ot tra,·tl ind •d· \'t nlurt<. Il l' m1int11lntd his rt'­lllkln.lhlp .. 11h !ht Army by comm,ndinc , RNt"''t llnlt 1n W, UJau I nd u I hobb)' ntlltM• !shed a 1rtt nuntf)' on his far m, "hlch ht !!Ill Ol)l!' rateson a small sc:ale becau..sc It p~

, \•ldtt tmploymtnl lor a IN• o! hb ntlshbon.


l't , l'ht famous lint "he v.ho EO\'t'fnl ln.steo\·tmsbrt t " .. u ptrltc:11)' \'alld In 1790 ... htn lht Unittd S1a.1n ..... a rural coun­lry .. 1th lour mill ion ptoplt . It unnot lpp.l)' to c:ompltx 20th Ct'n tury Amt rka , he btllt\'H ,

Of birth <.'Ontrol, h• ac:c;uses Wlstonsin la .. mahnofh1rbor· ini: ldeu popular In the 13th «ntury ··TI,eo ~l'nl ac t'.on ol lht lt11Jl1turt "" dlsc:i1mln­a 1011,• 1a:ainst tht poor and op, · prtsstd,'" ht ctuu1;:e-d. ··Tbl' rapid populllion arov,'th miikl't 11 sodally in'Hponslblt for pilr• enu 10 ha\'t matt than i...o c:hUdrtn, IO If peoplt really lo\·t childfffl. a• they u y thty do, lhtn ltt !hem 1dopt lhtm -a n,r they have had their tv.'O c-hildrtn:· . Of 11\ldt'nl poy.·tr, he btUt,·t1 >=i people are hW'tlna thtm. sth·tt In QUl'lt to "take O\'l'r unh·tnllln." Durlna tht mid· die IIH, ht ttmlnded a rrpon. tr, SludtnU did ha\·t ccr,1rol ond It t ndtd In ch3os. ·

··Uft Is larrtly a m i n er ol eredentlals. Skllltd cralUmtn rl"qulrt ytan ol 1pprt<nllc:nhlp before l'C'Ct'Mnr rhe union c:ard. EJrecuth·n , admlnislraton. and

THI l'OtHffl

lnclwrs m ust a.1'o ltrvt ·~ prentktihlpm. Studll!nu wh o ha\'t c:rt'dt<ntials lhould certain,. ly be lm itffl to uaumt rnpoa-1iblll1ln 1n un.lvtrsity Ult, " ht acM,ttd.

Due w lack ot tduc11lon, Dr. Maahs bellt vn 100 m•ny peo.. pie art nol mN llng their cap-1blllt lt"S btc:1useo! 1 l1c:k ol motlv1tion and uplnllon.

" Thls maktt tnchlnc a c:hal· ltna:t," Dr. Muhr; n oted. ··niat'1 v.1'11 I tuch Soclolo&Y.' '

Maahs Will Teach Minorities Course

Dr. Amold Muhl. prolruor o1 10eioklc'/, .. ;11 conduct an txtl'ndon C'Ol.lne In radii and wltural minorities thb nmlt'S­ttt al tht Sh1wano Stnk>r HJ&;h School. ~ lint aeulon wu 'rue•

da)' nla:ht. at 6:JO p.m . 1bt ttulon:i .. 111 cmtlnut on a v.·e,ckl>·bil1lathrou1hN'.ay.

Dr. M aatd, .. 1,,o rnldtt In ntlt'da and tommutta w c:•m· JIUI nch da)' In a 100.mllt round trip, H)'I !ht course .. ;u focu, on lht' warnlnr or the :-.allonal Comml11lon on I h , CIUM'I and P rt'\'t'nllon of Vio­ltnce : SuHtr The Violtntt, Amnions. Or F'rt"T All Cltl · .tent F'rorn Po\'t<My And Social Prh•a rion.

tn lht pall dtcadt. !ht ntt otc:rlminalhomlddt'ptrl00,000 popula tion lnc: rc-ued 36 ptr t-tl)l,lherat.eof forclblerapt 65 per c:t' nl , of IC,U\'&tNI .... .. ull 67 per cent. and robbrry 119 per ctnl . htrt<porll .

lbourh lu r of ,·N>ltnct llll '"11 a l tht' v llals ol Amtrlc::a, !ht' commlulon dtc:lded U'lat lht •Incle moat ttrioul problem b tht PQ\'tTI)' a rwi M1Clal boll· Ill#! o( minority ITOUPI In Cffl­

tral cltltt, Dr. Maahs added. All m1 terl1is , d istribution and

ttfbtntlon .. 1u bt handltd • t tht first sts1lon. 1'\11! course b listed u " Minorities 101.··

January 29. 1970

Small Schools Produce ' ,,

Better College Students A rffl:'lrc:h dlrt(:IOf' hert n)'S

ht has atc-Yrecl rnor-. t\'IMnce to pn,,ot tha t amall hl1h 11ehooa produc:e 1ht bell c:ollt'se 111>­dtnu .

Dr, William Clffl\entl in a lludy tnllded " A 'l1\lrd tn,t At Hlch School Siu" 1W Jlrl»" NI the 1chle\'tmt.nt1 GI 1tudtnll whotnttrtd Stll!\'t'fll Point S1&1c ln 19Q, lKT, and 1961. His con­duslon : Studtn... from , . e r Y small hl&h achoo.I do remark.a· bly Wtll

Dr. Clfl'MIIU pkS that ln • rtpOrl U'lat '"'II .. ·ldtly pub!~ dud lut ,umrner In Wi11Con-1ln dail)' and Wffkly · nll!WIP,,• Pitts tha t ll!dlton who conuntnl· t'd on hb lnltW llndlnp: Ollll!r• '"'helmJnily endorsed the klHI of l\'oktin& m.Ul\'t IC'hool «n­.olldatloN. llt said he rtttl\·t'd nwncrous lt tters lrom pel'ION from lht 1entral public ... ho •e:rttd.

In lltt'f rnn.rch, he round thl t hl1h Khool ptr c:t"ntllt rank b more c:loHly rel•~ io c:ol-1tat- 1uc:cn. than any other (n. dkadon. Fwthtrmott, t he , m iller tht hla:h school du1 trom whk h the student c:omn. N l)l!'dlll)' In Ji'f 25 mtmbtn ind under ran1t<. lht mott •uc­cns ht b likely w ha, "e. ill\b Is true ,,·tn whtrt 11udt'nU !tom , m all 1chools do no1 hs\' t lht'hl1he1ta\·en1ennkl. J

F'or lht 1965 t'ntranu. by la r tht lov.-nt proportion of dropm, 11.i ptr cent. ume rrom the clus tlte " i th ~ or leou, and 1he vt1tttt proponlon of drops, 'Z7.1 l)l!'rC't'l'II , ume trom lhe clau 11.zt 7!il and ~ ·er. Clu1 1b.eol 5l·LOOwusffOl'ld ~~'·"'!th 17.5 ptrc:c-ntdroc>

The io--flt per (fflt o( dn>ps ltom the 1967 ffltranu came from c:lu1 11:e 26-50 which


aao had the hlihrtt perc:rntlle n,nlr ,ve.rap. Ou, ,tu 101· 250 had the kliwf'II pn,portJon of drop, from the uppt'r halt ot lhe c:Jau. Ar•ln, the arHIH I proportion o l drop1 c•me l rom 1hr "°,, c:atesorirt of 1u1nt c:J.u.a ,1u. '/et theH c:at.erorlc• had the Jov.-nt ,vera&e pen:-

w;,,. ranklowftt proportion of drops rrocn the 1B tntnn ... • LL T r,tt' cent I c,me from lhe c1u, s lu undtr ~ . with the l.01·250 clu.1 alu rsnklnc HC· ond.

Ensemble Tours State 1'lt: ~member Symphonic:

Wind Enltmblt ol thll! unlvtr· sit)' wtll prewnt concerts In nint eu-tern WbcoNln h I ii: h lchoob }'tb. l thl'OU&h 4 u ~ - of an annual mldwinttr

Olrtctor Oofllld Crttnt an­noun«d th.ls IIU'IC'rary :

Sunda)' , F"tb. 1.2 p.m ., Marion Hlih School: I p.m .. Sturt:ton Bay Hlah School;

MOfld•Y. F t<b. 2-9 un., Ptt­blt Hl,tl School In Crt't'n Bay: l p m •• Kimberly Hia:h Sch«II; I p.m .. St. F'rancb Hl&h School:

Tun,day, f"eb. U:50 and 10 :30 1 .m ., Tremper H I r h School, Kc-nosha: I p.m ., Elk· hom Hlch School.

Esch concert ... m bt os,.n to tht publ ic without c:harae 1n !ht school auditor ium. 1lw pn,cram will Include ··O.•tr1utt of UU' ' by Tk:hailcov."Sky; ··J ericho Rh1pi0dy'' by Gould ; " Sctnn lrom Tht Louvri!" by Jolo: "Stan and Strlpl'I f"or· e \·er " by Sousa : and " Noble )ttn" by F'lUll'IOfe.

Soloists are R.oben Umlkc-r , 1 lac:ulty mt:mber who ""

anduatt'd trom E -.11m.r. s.:~ of MUlk, on clarlntt, J,u:.,.~ Zit<hr. oo trumpet : and StfS,ntn Mllltr, on trombone

Tilll! "11emblt, C(Jll')P•H11 ll! a ttltt l lfJ'OUp of lnmurr.enu. l ists from the dep,,rtmtn1 !lf music, w11 oraanlud 1n oo and ls conslde~ tht n..mbt, o,w performlnr (1r'K;llllzat..-,n «1 campus. It h•• 1ppur~ a1 ~ 11a1.t mu:dc convention In ~ bon and In March .. -111 J,ff\ttt a conc:tM lll. tht' nat'°'11] ~.~ nla l musk c:ontrrtnct 1110liQ. .,.

I.Ast ,ummer tht m,'l',t..t~, ind 1ln1rn In !ht t:nlvm tty Chorus wt nt On I Utrtt-.. ru eoncert tour throuch "'"''ttr,, Europe.

Oirtc:tor Ctttne, In ha tl'.lt11 yeoar on tht Stt•.tns Pi;1n1 b· culty, · 1, • cndu11e ot tllt Statt Colltc• 11 :-.famlifld Pi and the Eutman SchQol of x .. 1lc In New 'fork. Ht h~, ~ • lfUCII conductor, 1djudiutor and cllnlc:l1n through :-.N Ylll'k Sate and Wllcoruln

He prnenti)' ltrYN u chu­m,n o( tht' musk dt~rr,tr.t

39 Students To Europe th.a t Ui ke Up m,ny PIIH 1n unh·trail)' ttxtboolu.

1M btues1 ch1ll,nc, con-1tor1t1n1 tht lrtshm1n enttrlna c:olltlt' , Dr, MHhs beUt\"C"I, is to C'OP" .. 1th lontllnHS, new found frttdom and lndtpend­C' l)Cof , ·•F'Tffdom and lndtptnd· ,nc, can bt '°'ry lmp,el"IOl'lal." ht lill) "S . Afld ho\lo• Wtll hot k~-,tht ptobl.effl.

AJ1c-r trl\'t'I from C'Ollt tu cout and lrom :\taln 10 nond,. Colont l :\!aahl lound hlmwll ,11tlont,d H Camp McCoy nn r Sparta durlnc lht rumm~ ot 1966. A !tllo,,,• om c,r - a uni· vtrslty proltnor 1urnt<d 50Jdlt<r lot Ult' r ummtr - kt'Jlt Insist. inc that a man .. -Ith Colonel :\taw· bac:kr:round should be lHchlns. f'lnally, and m1ln.l)' out of c:urlos!ty, he 11oppNI Al Stt\"tns Point. WU hired lht' same day and u.sitfll'd 10 dus­es lor !ht 1111 nmes1cr.

Campus Radio Station Named Station Of Month

Thirty-nine ttudenlJ dl'pant'd fu- Europ,e ... httt thty .. -m be I.ht HCOM local aroup to par. 1klpate in a ··1itmt1ter 1bro,,d procum.··

8N:1 UM stud)' Is r:ur td to travc-1. txr,trlmtntltlon , nd 1d,ption to lnd.Mdual 1tudt'nt partlclpanU, !ht )'OIU\& pi:-oplt .. i ll be lhina tosc-\her ... 1 1 h thtlr pro(nllOr and c:ounstlon throu1110U1 tht lour-month ptrl· od. Dr. f"rank Crow and Dr, Alke P ('C' t horn tht Ste1rtns Point faculty .,;u accompany lhotm and lt\°tral othtr prot'n-­aon from E~ will be hired to round out the c:urrlc:ulwn.

Dr.-1.lan Lehman and Dr, Ds\'ld Coker, who l,ed lut se.,. me11er·1 deleaa1ion. said It wu lmpoulblt to objtc:d vtl)' outline lht IIJCt'HI of lht prorram.

!olany o l tht 1tudint1 punUtd ~ In thtlr IPlrt time. just IS I.hey '"-ould ha\"t II the home c:ampua. Mike eo,.,.·una, ton of Prof. and Mn . F'rtd Ooll,.,llna ol Sllt','t'N Point , Jolntd lorcn .. ; th • British lolk •lnatt and pto\idtd the r:uluir aecompsnl· m ent IOr numerom c:o!fte hoult< Pf'Olil r•ms In London,

South Mllwauktt : Kath) Hm· bold, Stw-ceon Bir: >Uthul

.Hll&enbttf. Sha,..·ano: K 1rt11 ~ ame)', SttvtN Point; ~ &l'ICJ Jlt'ltr, Wis. Jbpka; DllOII Ketner. St.e\·eru Potnt ; S.1 1> Klntopf, Ste\'ffll Point , J o111 Kuhn, Woodru.lf ; John 1..dll:. che, Kewukum : J1ckl)-n !..Imo btn, Green Bl1 ;

··1 IOI losl at Shaw,no H!ch School m)' tint <lay and thtrt ... , rt' only 400 11udtnu. What do. )'OIJ think hlppt!'II Whoitn frtsh,, ml'n crt into I unJvtnl ty ol O\"tt ! ,OQO~·•

Althou&h ht has tra.,·t!NI around tht '"ot'ld. Dr. :0.1aahl malntalnl hb relatlonlhlp '"'ilh u,, ,mau community.

Born on I Shawano County !arm, .. "hich ht still O\lo'N . he lh•n It Tt1JN1a, p:ipulltion 89, and c:ommutn to ca mpus t1ch day In , 100 mile round ITlp.

Ntxt stmesttr. he'll ha\·e a clus on r1cl1I a nd c:uhural minorities n-di.)' t>'tninas, beglnnlnr: Janual")· 27. 11 his "'back door·· ln Sha .. ·1no " l l's a \·c-ry imp:1rt1nt clau, ·• ht no!· td. ··bt,eaust adults r:c--nc-rally •rt \"t r)' prtfudlCt'd ptaplt. w , ·11 disc:uu minorities u b('..,. Ina: b&lic:ally 1oc:lal lnt"Qua!Jty

A m an v.•ho appro,,cht-1 J)~ blcms on b1ues Instead of par­tban pall1k1, and " 'Ith a back· &round of 28 ynr1 ol army IC'r• \·leof, ht bell.,.·n tht mi litary hasarolttopl•)'lna"\·try re11 l v.orld: ' Ho...,·evtr, he ad· , ·oultt J lashlng 1hto military bud1t1 drastlc:all)' to a.llo,,,· lor 10Cl1l c1lrui ind rtc:l1malion o! lht t n\·lronmtnl. Dr. :\t aahs uld "missilts will be small comfort 10 Americans ,uffoc:al· ln.g lor lac:k o! OX)'iltn, a nd 1h111 l ime b Nnnlnc out " A dmse or urgency must bttome I Pllrl of American li!e and priorities for 1ur-.·i\·al tsu.blbhed, ht ad· \·oc::attd.

Of p ·tmment. he c:autklns ltcblaton ... ho try to Ntl !ht country on 18th cc-ntury aultud-

Tht' Natklnal ln~rcollta;lalt Broadc111lne S}'lltm, Inc: .. h


11 nlmed WSUS..F'M tht c:ampus radio 1t11lion u the- ··ractlc) s111. !Ion ot the month." .

The announc:tmfnt v.·u m ade to accompany I thrtt-paa:t lta· lUrt'I IOt)· abol.:l lhe•lationln tht Dtc:embtr Nlltkln of " J our­na l o l Cou,,, Jb<Uo.' ' prlnte-d In Sllllwattr , Oklahoma.

About l50 campus stations '"°'nt In comptllOon lor I h e award.

WSUS hu been on tht 1lr abou t 17 months unde r lhe Ct!). t ral managc-m l'nl of Vktor F'uchl, a mtmbtr ol the unl­\°tnit)' c:ommunic1tlon faculty. It broadcan, 71 houn per v. ttk, from•~ p.m . W m ldnl1h1 on .. 't't'kday1 a nd 8 1 .m . to l 1 .m . on "'"tC"ktndl . :-.ttrl)' 50 studenu a.rt on tht satl •. ht' a.d­td by Stc-pht'n i.Ammtn, RI . 2 Shiocton 11411.on m ana1tr-

"\'(\~ BRAT e4R . · proudly presents 'N

Mr. Henri LeMon · World · Renowned · Hypnotist

also the Phil Horris Group WED. & THURS, - Jon. 28 & 29

,~.,, ~ ~

c1"' 8 Track Stereo Tapes~~°'> Just In - THE LATEST

Buy 6 tapes & receive the

7th tape FREE



OPIH MOH.- SAT. 9-S - TUES. & Fll. 9 - t

t ,

Nlc:holu Schall, Oillton, p.ro­anm dlree1or: Dtbra F'rtt"ma n. Ea.st DtPtrt, nev,-, d lrtc: tor ; and 11!0ma.1 MIN,,., Junc:tion 0 1)', chltf tna:lnttr.

Tht Na1lonal m1gu:lnt c:ltN the stat ion lor lu special o!ftr· lnp .. "hich lnc:lude 6 :15 p.m . '"'t't'kday ne .. , program, lele­vilC'd on 1ht u ble c:hannt l In S1t,·tru Point : home a nd away football. bukctblll. and base­ball 111nn: tlN:don fftulu : rt­ports ol c:lty council mttllnp : ind ta lk ,i,o..11 for ptt'SOnl for tht community L:> C'ILI and ha\'t their phone com ·c-n1tlons alre-d.

T a. pits doM by tht 11111,on. ol commtnts by "°'O u blntl memben, Robert Finch and !>ftlvln I.Aird during their rt­c:t'flt vi.sit to campus, Wtr1! 1u~ pllNI 10 numerou1 commtn:111 1111'°"5 In Wlsc:ONln and t,e \ ·. tralothr'r11atn.

A rtttnt telethon COOOuc:ted by WSUS 111ffcn In tupp,:,n ol the undtrprivilta;td lamllltt In !he community ntttNI about Sl ,800. ~ atllllon \1 a l 89.9 on the

F'M dial and M!r\'t'I an •rt• •bout 10 mlln on all tldC's ol the campus.

CIUS(1: will bt conduc:tNI ~ European &tofT11ph)', Shakts­p1:art, modem and mtdit 111I Brl1ish history, tduc:11lon P5)'· c:holoey and IOCk>loiY.

Participants •llrw from Ctn, :\fitchl'II F ield In :\tllw11ukte 10 Copt,nhagcn. Denqiark, whtrt thty bt(an lht lr cluse, durlna; thC'lrtv.v-dl)'IIII)' In ahottl. :-ut .. ;11 be r..'l>mooths- rtt\. dcnct a t 1he f'rit'ndahlp Hou.st 11 Acton, En&: land, OI\ London'• ouiskirU, lollov.'C'd by o n e month at ShakNptatt'I h Om t tO'"'fl of Stratford on A\'Ol'I.

lht'~ 1::,1~;1!? 1n"'1~.1~:

llaly, Swtttttla.nd, AmtTl1, Ctr. many, illlt :,;'t<lhtrllnds and Dtnn11tk.

Al l'ICh o!, their Slops. the 1tudtnU wUJ 1tt flnt hand GI> atn·aUons ~ hiltorlc::al, C'Uitural · and arc:hlttttural landmarkl


One showin5t" Och nl&hl 7:30 PM





"~ CXWIIIIWIS-"11'.Mi15Alll.OO<,L0£1. BilRfS ti.MR -•J)t,j\l\Olf- .CA'U.IHD-l!llf«IWr •§ l!J•-··--~--

~ tv.'O )'CUni ptaplt V.'ert' abo ln \11.td to ptrlorm on !hC' B.B.C., natlof\a\t)' owned radio network,

SUit Htnkel o f Sturcton Bay. nld ·-weo '"·ent to• iot of play. and C:OncttU - thttt!"s just 10 much to do and tee In London.'" OtMrs enjoyed \'Oluntttrlna lht'.lr time 10 b.r.b)'sl t !or youn1 worklnc rnothtn who Jell thtlr children for day c:art at 1 c:hurch.

Randi Ha.ten 111d one o! t~ hlr:hllJhts wu belni In lt.aly I I lht" timt o( Ho OU Minh'• dtath and to ob&uvt "thoupt prcwoklna prtpar1tlon.li" lor a c:ommunbt rally In honor ol ~':zn~alltn leadtr ot ~ Vit t·

Students who are In start for more of, the Mme kind of e,x. ~riencn, v.'ho '"°'re stlecttd prlm.u-Uy on the- bull. o( achlt\·emtnt and n:tr,c:urric:u­llr actlvltlts au:

Micha.ti ~ttyn, AnUeo: Beverly Beep, Bancrott: Allan Brott.on, MU....u.kff ; Diane Car· \'er, Stt\'tn1 Povit: J anice £va 111, Neenah: Unda. Gilling, Appleton: Kalhlffo Halira.

Rtbbc-cc1~"0. :0.lequon; Li.'l­da. Lokf, MUw1uktt: Ed•-ud !lfcKe.llUII!, .\rJOMt. Wu: ;Q . can MaMChen. Shtbo)'PII F a lls , W,y~ M, r1 in W11 P..i­pld.l: Barbara ~lichf'l1, Rh).y. landt' r : Ptter PantalN. Philt­dtlph.la. Pa.: Tllertu Rabu. Armltrona Crttk : GM} P.l'IOOe O'ltttk : Marilyn Roth , :..h!tt,i, kte; John Schneldtr, G rtt 11 B a y; lbomu Schwnlchrr Stockbrid&t: Robin ~·,,,,:­Morrilon, Winoll;

Unda Spain, Montt llo: tu. a id Spnt:J, West Bmd ; Drbori!I S1u-k, Mai.,sron : Qi.try! Sil!). man. Pittsville: Rosal)'TI St.;o. bris, WausaukN. Bruct Tot;iti. Sttvtns Polnt; 1'10ma1 \"mk Zandeo. Waupun ; Gc-r1id \1"1:• ton. Crttn Ba.)' : Undl Winul Rhintllnder i nd Terry Zi:nmt:-· nwinn, Ptw&Uktt.

Wh)' tht' 1tme11tr •~· Dr. P1uline llucson. tht pt!· m aneni dire-ctor of lnttnuru,, •I study JWO(rlffll '"ho •-«ks out ot her offkt In Stt,·rr:, Point '• Old Main Bu1ldifti. 1:11· t'(I IOfflt: of . tht rtUOnf;

She &aid 1tudmtl .. 111 bt 0 • pottd to oUM!r C"Ul!Urtl, bt t.,tl• t t r abletoapl)rfflllt~ and plti«s of 1ht • 'Ofld. dt\f" lop atll!Udn of unity ol rw> kind. stimulate thl'lr clUlmffl' st Steven. Point allt'r l"C'tumlne from ~·er-seas.

HOT FISH SHOP Featuring Seafood and Steaks


Phone ~252


"SOUP" In Concert .......... ....

Hootel'Yille Volunteer Fire Dept. Bond

uo . 11,30

DeBot Center ADM. $1.00 w- 1.D.

S0c wit!, 1.D.


Page 7: L j .· Wisconsin State SteHns Point THE POINTER · L Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty SteHns Point j .· a THE POINTER SERIES VIII, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970

January 29, 1970 THI l'OI MTll

Jenkins Retires This Summer rollnwntlnthel900'1wou.Jdbe About 1,200. Th11t ,,. ... lhe pre­diction by the Board of Regtn11 11aff of two dteadt's ago which mllHd by about 6,000.

Coup;.;ljng Course Ofm e<!· ,For Grad \rudents

New Officers, Directors For U' s Foundation

11r Warren Jt>nklnr,, one of

111,- ~lnJ:l' JI lt'nured faculty rr,tmi .. ,r,. ,.,,m ttlire 1h11 1um­l"'tr M dtan nt Ihle Collt'II! of L,l'lh'O nnd Sck•net' which ht' II•• ho•,1d""I 1met' ltt furma tlon utl9:i1

n,•(,1u,,• hcrenehc.>d h11GS1h i,1rthl1•) I.SI month. k,ea l uni• u ·r•1 ty rt1;ula tlonJ rf'qu\re him 1,rdinqulih hl1 admlnl1!r1Ul\'t' 1M1t•s Ntxl lall, he wl\J r,,. 1,m " ' ful\,tlmt' tt'aehlna: In u,,, h1<h>r)' departmt'nt .

Jn ~nnoum:ln, the retlttmtnl , 1>n-,1,l,•n1 I.A't' Sht'rman Orey. l u< nld; "It is difficult for t'-'-' ,,f u1 who 11re collt11ut1 i., ~(,'l'PI that Warrt'n Jt"nkln1 ~ r,•a!ly a1 mand1tor)' r,.'llr,,. m,nt a ~t bN:a\11(' hll tnel"IY, hi, il!k\i)fl)phy. hi~ ouUpok ti> ,.,ro th.> fulul'f' 1111:ae•ta one m r.• ,ii !ht' bl>tclnnlng ot an ,,·.,!.-m1e coret"r than nt'ar 1he

t'nd. I lhlnk WI! will nevrr a .. a.1!sa fully hll lmP41ct on 111; dent1 and on 1h11 unlvenlty ,"

Dr. Jenklnr, l'f'1ard1 hli -switch In dulle-. with a bit of •PP~henslon •Od ftnr becaUII! he will be re-a11umlna 10me rtll)Oflllb!Utle, he hu not taek. il;l lor 1everal yeal'I . "Maybe It I tcood to be •Plll'f'ht'n1lve If ~!'.:i. tu do a 11ood job," he

Since he btcame a ddn hll lt'achlna load hH bffn ~I•· lh't'iy llght and the eounn he h11 d~te-d hne beton lor •d· vanc:ed 1tudtnt1. Now, he'll be havlna Introductory hl11ory i tu­den11 in hlJ claUH, too, and ln\'Oh•emNit wllh )'OUn(I people

~7.1~111~~:~o~a~~:"5 npe. Dr. Jenklna plans io n'maln

on the faeulty untll he ~achn iO,whlehwutbehl14.1Jtyear

Placement ,\ ll K'nlors (rea:ardlcu o r draft 1latusl are ura:ed lo lake

a.\untai.c or tht'll" PlaC't'l'T\t'nt lnlt"rvleW1. Fcbrua.ry and Mareh 1n- tho" ht'l\'Y lnlt'rvlewtnii: Pt'rlod1 and tho1t' 1tudcn1, who wall ... 111 Hnd thNnseh't'S without opportunll lH In June. MOll t o f tho" ron,v,antes llstrd below wlll be hel't' only onet-. therdol'C :~~:..\1·~:~:~r~I~~:~ lnlt"l'\'ltw early..-nd Olten. Just followtnii:

t · ltt'g lstt'r at the Placement Cenlt"r 1056 Maln l •Ollf' form - thll takt'I 20 minutes to tm ouo

z, lnlt'niew with Dr. Cotham (t'ducaUonl or Mr. Tiemey ta ll non-education pooplcl. Platement pl"O('l!'(lures are discussed as well as opportunit ies for taking S111e and Ft'deral ctvll Sel'\•lce ella.ms. Our new com, pu1rrlzed GRAD l)'llem 11 also avallablc.

3• !-li:n up tor Interviews - thet.e co,·t'r 20 to JO mlnutt'II and mn)' prove 10 be the moat alinlflcant half,hours ol your collt"ie career.

)lonJ•y. t-'l-b. t. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., John Hantock Mutuai. Ute Insuro1nce Company wUI •Pt'ak wi th aU bwlncu. liberal arts. t,:onomlcs. matht'rrtatlcs and otht' r majors tn lt' l't'lled tn man. a,tmcnt , compu1er programmln&:, oles and nlu managt>rrwmt anti artuarla1 sdt'nct'.

nonday. }'eb. !, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .. Crawford and Company In, ,uninl."t' Adjusters wlll ln tt'l'\'lew all majors Interested ln clulm1 aJJus1lng work.

, 10flday, •·eb. t. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., The Naltonal Farmers Orran, 1,,u1on tNFOI will lntel'\iew all anduates esl)t'dally those ~::~::.rm backcrounds or n.tun.l ruou.roe majora ton<.'l!mlng

T'uf"oday, }'eb. s. 9 Lm. to 4 p.m., Tht' Internal R~~nuc Service !!RSI wll] speak with all craduatt'I lntcres1t"d In eowrnmt'nt rarl'l!rs. Majors In bwlnt"ss, economics, mathematics amt Ubtral arts are urced to lntl!rview.

Tlll'!Wlay, Fieb. S, 9 Lm. to 4 p.m.. lntenmtlonal Buslneu Machine Corpora1lon ( 18.\0 wtu \1slt ou r campu, and 1peak with all


b1ulntu admlnl51r11lon and mathematlC'S a:raduates.

" 'f<lnnday, Fieb. 4, 9:30 Lffl. lo 3 p.m., Conne<:llcut Mutual Ult' lnsunnC't' Company will Interview all llbt'ral arts and other ,raduates concemlnii: aait'S opportunl1les. History, polltle1l sdenl't', English, speech and .other social ldencc ~dualt"s are urgt'd to lntervlt'w.

\\'fWH'lliday, Feb. 4, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., The General Elt'clrlc Com, p.1n)· ... 111 speak with all bwlness and KOOnmlca gradua1es lntertttNl in fin.an«' and accountlnt (only) programs with C .E.

WN!n~ay, Feb. 4 , 1 p.m. 10 4 p.m., Metropolitan Ufe lnsul'ance Comp.any ... 111 lntervlew au 1radua1es concemlng s.ales (only l o;iponunltlt'S.

Thul'!oday, Feb. S, 9 a.m . to 4 p.m .. Sears Roebuck and Comp&n)' .,.ill Spt"ak with al l lntt"restt'd Seniors ronct'mlng managt"ment opportu nltlH with Sears. BwJ.ness. economics, mathematics, ltl5tory. psycllology, aodology and all majors are urged to inter•le.,.·.

Tllunday, Feb. S, 9 a .m. to 4 p.m., The Al'T\t'rlcan Rt'd Crou ,,.,ll spe.-k "'1th fflt'n and womt'n (IT&duates with all majora. Clrls with any major are nffded tor work In military hol· pltals around the world. Boys may desire careers u field d1ret1ors In base operations world wldt' u well.

T'utSday, Feb. 10, 9 a.m, lo 4 p.m ., Ac1na Casualty adn Surety Company will bt' plt'ased to sl)t'ak wl1 h all liberal a r ts and business ,raduntt'S ronccrnlni career opportunlllcs:.

T'u~I.)'. }'cb. 10, 9 Lm. to 4 p.m., 11\(" Soll Conservation Sen.1ce, ll•dlson will arrive to ll)t'lk with natural resourttS lespt'dally Sol!s seniors) and all other natural resource ,tu.dents c:on­ctrn!nc summer work opportunities.

\\'tdM!lday, Ffl>, 11 , 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .. The S. S. Kresee Company will sl)t'ak w11h all majors (hl1 tory, polllkal adt'nce. sodolol)', Jl$yrhology, bwlness, economics and Entllsh nu.Jors are ea, Pttlally uraed to apply) conct'mln g retail 11ore management opportunities.

\\'Nftl!l4ay, Feb. u. 9 Lm. to 4 p.m., Tht' Aid AssodaUon for Lutht'rans will be pleued 10 lnlerview all 1tudenu Interested In a whole host o r home otrlce CApplt'IOI)) opportunilit'I In non-A1H Insurance poaltJons. Mathematics and bwlneu· ffOnOmlcs: majors are espedally Invited. Those a:raduates In· terts ted In lales may also apply.

Walne.tay, t ·et,. u , 9 Lm. to 4 p.m .. Cent>ral Telephone Com, pany ~111 spnk: with all aenlon lntt'rHled In a whole hoat or fine career opportunltle1 with the Telephone ComP41ny. )l1Jon In butlness. mathemaUcs, «vnomlcs aa well u many olher areas are enc:ou.raced to apply.

SCHEDULED V,,'TEBVIE\\'S - SCIIOOUi Ftb. '! - Aurora Public Schools. Aurora. UL, 9:30 a.m. to

2:30 p.m. All trade Jevt'ls. ktnde.raa.rten throug h 6th : Jr. H!rh gtneral Kten~: Jr. Hlih mathemallcs: Sr. High mathe­matles; Sr . Hlth. Entllsh; speech corrtttlonlll.

•·eo. '! - Madison Public School. 9 un. lo 4 p.m. All ,rade if \'f'l1, klndt>rtartcn throu.ii:h ,rade. 6; 6th Cr. Diii:llsh, soda! 1tudln: 6th Cr. mathematics, science: 7th Cr. D1&1Jah. it'Orn.· Ph)'; 8th Cr. EntU..h. Am. hiatory: 9th Cr. En&Uah. Am. hi• IOI')' ; home tt0nomlca; mathematics: aclence; Sr. Hl&h bu.al, 1".fSI educalion: Sr. Hli h English; Sr. Hl&h bOme e,conomtca; Sr. Hla:h matht'matlcs; Sr. ·Hl&:h Ktence: Sr . Hlih soda! ~tudlt'I; 1pedal nelds : art: audloviaual; llbl'ary ldence: mu1le; P'IY1lcal education; ape«h thtt11pl1u. ·

Feb. S - lladlson PubUc Schools. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Same u abo\·t.·

f"eb. S - Green Bay Publlc Schoola, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vacandec to be PGlted in tht Untvemty Pla«ment C.nter.

F'eb. 4 - J&nffVille Public SchoOl.t, 9 L m. to 4 p.m. Kinde:r-11nt'n through Cr. 6; Elem. phyalcaI educalton : librarian; k'Condaty: Entllsh: ma1hematica: ii:enen.l science; e~h ldtnt'II! ; cht'mlstry; ph,yatcs; French: (;("rman; Sp&nlah; hOffl(" ttonomlca; music - JNtrument&l and vocal; coachln& P*· Uons - football. baaketb&ll. wrestllnJ', IWimmlnl, tymnallks. tn.ck. but'ball. tennla. ,olt; rfrll' physical education; apreda] education.

Feb. s - Unl&d Schoo! Dut. No. 1, Racine, WIJ... 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vacancies 10 be po9ted 1n the Unlwnity Pla.oeJMnt Ctn1er.

•·eo. 5 - Ontario School otatrtct. Ontario, Calltornia. 9 a.m. to 3 p,rn. Klndt'r ,vten lhrOuah Cr. 6; J r. Hlah - Opentnaa tvaUable tn all aubjtcta.

Feb., I - Kiel Public SchoOla. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Vac:t.ndel to be posted tn the Un!YffSII)' Placenml Cenltt.

Fe\_ I - E'vanaton Towmhlp Hl&h, EvanSton. lUlnOla, g a.m. to 4 p.m, Vacandel 10 be pc»tec1 1n lM Unlvenll)' Plattment Center.

F~ !~30-~== :oi,.~ I:.. ~= ~~ rntnt Center.

WARREN JENKINS a t Sttvens Point State.

A natl\·e or Okeana, Ohlo, Dr . Jrnklnr, wa, 1radu11tN from high 1ehool there .. ·Ith a clau ot elgh1. Ht' thtn auendt'd Mia· ml Un\\'t'r,lty In Oldord, Ohio. but bypaned hl11ory clastn lhe llnt year beeaUle ol a di•· 11kt' for the 1ub~el, A profH· 1or later ehangt'd h\1 mind and he pursued thDI dlsclpllne !or hl1 bachelor's dt'jlrtt. then tau.aht 1lxth 1rade al Hamilton, dilo, one year bd~ taking mlllf'l'I anit finally Ph.D. le,'t'I graduate 11udy 111 lhe Un\ver• 11ty or Wisconsin.

Dr. Ji!nll.1111 arrived at Ste­\'t'nl Point (lurln1t the 1934..JS ocadt'mk year end subsequent• ly served under six of t h I!

school'• nint> p!'f'11denta p I u 1 two acting presidf:nta. He hat a 1lmp~ aueument ot each ofhlsboast'I : ''TheY"'Ut'the bnl nwn for the limn."

·A1thoug:h he htu somellme1 Joklnaly comp,art'd admlnlltrn· tl\•e work to being an e-dueatlon· al }11\l!or, he ha1 hf!kl a , •arlely of posll dob,a jw:1 !hat. Dr. J enkinl wu an 1c1\ng dun of mm, an acllrc dean of llnt' arts the fint year the nnr ar11 collt'Ce was Htabllshed. chair­man of the faculty nnd eorn· mlllt't'I plu, the first dean ol a junior oollt'((e t'ltabll1ht'd In the mid l!M0'1 for 1ludent1 In pre-proCl'uional fields ,

And .. ·hlle many of hb col• k-•aues today k>ok upon hlm H tht' cpllome nf acadt'fflln. he ha1 been mueh mott than tltal, npeela\ly in hi• e a r I y )'ears on eompus. Dr. Jt'nklns \\'lll coach of lntt' r-c:Ql\tgillt' boxing here a few year, and lechnleal director and drama ad\'11er for I.he coJ\ea:e lht'ltt' r .

He ,.. .. , ln\'ol\•Nl wl!h neorly 20 productions bel\Oi't't'fl 1936 and 19-12 ind for a period. lt'n°N the IJ'OUP durtnc a britf lime of lndepcndent operaOon. He re­ealls pu!llng u11 part ot the fflont'Y for Jtailnll'. lhe fll'lt play ptuented lndel)t'ndently.

And he ls amused In his re­collecOons of an a lmos1 barf' act med lor "Our Town," which wH attended by 1e,rersl Unl· ,·erslt)' of Wlaconlln ,tudenll who rldkuled the scenery. A w"e-rk or so later. the Yalt' Uni• \'t'nlty theater was fealu~ In Time Magazlnt' lor 11agln1,the piny the 11me ,..,ay.

With a perspective ol lour dl"Cadft as a 1ucher. Dr. Jen· kins takn 1$1\lt' with erl th:s ,...ho belle\'t' today's young p~ lt'UOn are more mlll tant than their cou.ntttparu. He'll e\·en 11dmlt th111 ht mutt haw: been regarded by hll IU~rlof'I &I a ")'OWli tlll'k" In the l)O!lt· depression da.y1.

.. £\•t- r y )'OUnl INtruetor .... ants to be the bnt teacher in the world," he explained, and Heh hna "hll 0\0.ll 1ae~ phi). 010phy which he hana:1 onto like a mamma with a little baby," It ha.Ii a l,,..a)'I been lhat way, HYlt Dr, Jenk\N, and the lntereat in polltlcs has alwa)'I run · hl&h among the facclty.

But. turprlslnsly, ttie .)'OUn& teaehe:rs don' I directly make ch&na;es - they convince the people O\ "l!r !!iO to hove Heond thou&:hts. ''The rHIOl'\,"he1ayt, "II because the old one, have

· made 10 many chal'l(CH and mlJUkt'J th.al It doesn' t bother them CO try IOml!lhln,: MW."

Dr. J enktna ewn ref'utes the idH of 11udt'nt l)(M'er as a pro­duct of the U60'a. "It used to be more Informal and etftellve when the achool was ltJlallt'r and not 10 many antqonlsms dl!VeloJ)t'd then;' he advtsed.

What bolhen him II the cur· rent term of demand• "which Is 1tupid for atudents to uae un.Jeaa they want a tt,ht." " Parents don't smd 11udent1 to eoUeae to run It - authority comn wht'n . penon, stay Jona enoush to take the c,onae­Q\lt'nCt'I of a decision, not just make dt>elilonl," . Ht frankly oppoMS the nodcm

that younc ptOplt lhou.Jcl be ttmllt Into pmltionl ot dlctal• lnc to their peers beaillM of the penonal damqff that can

'"""· ,,,. .... ~ ..... wtu,

lhocb ol dark r which belle hll a1e mincl hll wordll about vantqt'a al lmtltu,. Ilona bt<o:nJha too Jarp. " Good le~ la a Wry ptt9:lnai thlnr-thema!n~ ol saod mltl'UcUrl la enlhuli-

=.i': ==:\*~~ ::i lbty cu do that CWlb' wlwrt uw,, are In small sroui- and have ~ auoc:latioa with the lastnactor."

" ln my opinion, 1klll In I.he art ol teaehln&: ,,.. .. better years •co when the J)l't'uure ,,..un't on tor faculty members to get the doctoratt'. win rr•nta, do , relt'arch, and rei anklet pul> llJhtd."

11a enjoyed. the \n11J1uUon the mo.I ,,.,hffl II had about 1,.200 1tudenta and when all the teach· ers In hll colletce kMw who he wu.

Dr. Jenkln1 believe. 11'1 not too late for 1he 11ate to con-1kier t1tablllhln1 more colleatt In WlsOOJU1ln communities and albwlna IOffie ol the ,_year INll!utlori1 to deVtlop lnlo de• ll'M granttnr lnatltutlol'II .

Uke the Kellet ComrnluloD hll recommended, he a1rees -tha t II make, 1ood lt'1'III! to esUblllh boards or ttatnta tor each colltge- •nd unlvt'r1ity, 1ubjt'cl to th e Coordlnallng Committ tt ror Higher Educa­<lon.

11'1 dllllcult for reaenu in tht University of Wllconain and WUCONln State Unlvel'IIUes 1y1tem1 to deal t'lfeetlvely to­day with the problem of each lndlvldutil campw;, he I UUt'S t• ...

Dr. Jtonkln1 II empha tic about the emervl!ney of the pmbJ.em ol 1be because the qualtty ol work tleln&' done by todlly'a II~ dtonta II dropplna.

Althou.lh the eaml)UI has a l, ~"l)'I been a " frlt'ndly Cine" and had a "good repu tation" for 1t1 quality of 1n11rue1im, there ha\'!!' been erltkl5m1 from the oulllde. Many of them 11mU1e him.

Take for example a c:ompl1lnt f rom a member ot the eon,. munlty ~ char'lfed durll'II{'. the J oe McCarthy t'ra that A faeuJ. ty member was a communist. Dr, Jenkins: checked and found Uie man ~ be a COll5ervaltve Republican. Then there wu a charse that a text book bt'lna uaed was 1nt1 ,Roman Catholic. A llttle 1nvHtl1a1lon proved the author IO be a Roma n Catholk.

Althou&h It w11n't controver• 1lal, lhe alant boo-boo made durlna: hil ,tenul'f' waa a p~ jectlon that Ste\'enJ Poln1'1 en•

In "relll'f'ml!ll1" Dr. Jt'nkln1 aays he'll min the advantap of btlntt a dHn In helptns teachen do • bt'ller job. &t he 1pprecl1tt'I the extra time ht' expects to have In belna more active aa a ham r adio Optrato.r.

And when the lut day comes for him to oeeupy hil 1pack>us office In the Cluaroom Center, he'll carelully ta~ down a larse portrait ot an Indian chief to which he h11• att,111:hcd a litt le note: "We na tive Amt'rlcan1 - 1eornealltmmlaranl1fblack, bn,v.n, Yt'ilow, or whltel who ,,.ilh lo be go.,d America"' . Othera wa 1ealp."

••J think 1'\'e IOI a little In­dian bklod," he quipped.

A rradwue COUl'lt' In counw:J. ln1t i.ehniqun, l[eattd for~ · h&blllta.Uon ""'°'*'n and teaeh­en, will be of lertd 1h11 aemea­ter on Thlll'lday evenlnp.

It wlll bettln at 6 :30 p.m. to,

nl1h1 In Room 030 of Main Uulldlna:.

Dr. C S. Fan, ot the paycho­lofO' department and c:ounaell,c center hert', aald the two-c~il coursa repreaents a coordinated.

, e.flort betwttn Sl.e\·en1 Po I n t Ind Stout Slate UnlVt'f'lilln. Credit, he explained ... 111 be granted by Stout through Its vocational rehabllJLltlon but wlll be appllc1ble to dearee re­qull'f'mentJ In certain areH of lludy al Stevens Point .

Penon1 lnlt'rested In reall· tedna: are advbe,d to conta.cl •ht ofnce- or utended lt'rvkn at Sieve,- Polnl .

Research ·In Fabrics Helps Inflation Fight

New relt'al"Ch In fabrics II openlnar 1nolhtr poulblllty lor home 1t11mttrnlt'I to flaht tht' Inflation splnl by con1true1lna tht'lr O\OITI wtderJrarmenll and nlgh1we11r. a home economics Ins tructor hel'f' reporta.

Ml'I . Shirley Randall • a y 1 1l'\VU\ar ,...Ith lln&t'rll! fabrics 11 btt:omln& lnc!'f'a1ln&IY popular bee1uae of the " fun , economy and creativity lm'QIVed." H e r 11udy ,,. ... cnmpleted reamly tn cooperaOon with 1tudent Anne Rttder l.rom Muskl!to,

They found trlcot knit fabrics, ,ultablt' for 11lp,; nOd nlghl\Oi-ear avallabll! In a variety of colors, solids or plain, and In U , 72

;~ce 1~~i:~i::ft• ~\:,! lhffrs, lacH, 1rtm1, streteh e lt11 tJe, 11111 llnd bra 1traps, rib, bon and 1ppllqut' detall1 may nl!IO bt purchased for a custom look.

For 1lrdlt1 and bru, Spandex pc,.-er nrl In white and rolors and lla bllll:e-d laee and 1artt-ra att aval11ble to eornpletl! the f:>1.mdaUon garment, Mn. Ran­dill reports .

For durablllty, 1he !'f'c:om•

mtndl threalb ..,\th 1tretch aueh II lhoR m ade from nylon or the polyt'11er covered dual purpoae type1.

· Al lea1t three compaa.le1 ar-e murkt'tln& desltcntr lype pal· teffll In l'f'lall 1t0ttt for con• aumer purchaH. &t If the, Ham1treu Pl'f'fers, a 1armtn1 "''hkh fita wtll msy be used 11 a eukle for cuttln1 an I~ dlvldual pattern ,,..llhout mueh dltriculty.

Unierle can be mode ,..1th­out apeclal equipment how­t'\'er, a. 1t'Wlna maehine e&JII.· ble ol zig.zag 1titchlni Is a de­cided ad,•antaa• because It pro­vides mon: 11re1ch and durabll· lty than the 1tn.1&h1 11.ttch type. Uae of ball polnc needles ....UI

· prevmt holN In the fabr\(' while lt'lffil &l'f' b("ll'l(C 1U1ched, Ml'I , Randall recommendt.

AddlUonal Information co n• =~ 1r::~~ ~~~~~ !:, 11inable elthe1' from Instruction bookleu for a nominal eharse or by t'nrollina In 1peelal coun• H ottered at area voc:atJonal and technical 1ehooll In a 11 paru or the 11a.1e, she added.

Oltlcers have bet'n electtd and four new dlre,eior, cho&en at the annual mNtlna recently of the Stevffl& Point Stale Uni. vel'llty Foundation, lne.

Jllram Anderson, a local a l· tomey, was !"t'-t'leelt'd prt'A~ dent: Carl Jacobi, r• tlred prff. ldt'nt of Sentry In1urance, vlce­pre1kSl!n1: Leon Bell, vlce-prHI· dent for bu1lneu affaln, ll'f'I· 1urer : and William Vlckentalf. aullitant to the unlvt'rslty P'ff­ident, executive secrmry: and Norman Knutzen, t'merltua pn>­

feu«, dlrtctor.

The - directors are J ohn Ullrich, Wauuu. and Rollln Ma. ble, Steven1 Point, both ce-rtl· !It'd public accountant1: Mn . S11nton Mead, Wllconlln fll. J*b;, lf>'lfe ot chalnnan of the board of Consolidated Paptn, Inc.; and ~n Willett, operator ol the Stevens Point Tr 1ve l Shop.

Two or them filled vacsndn on 1he board left by lhe death or Robert u,1Jt&IIOII, pre11dt'nt ol Joem'a Fumlt111e Cbmp1,ny, Stevtn1 Point, and by the re-1l1natlon from lhe lllPtrlnten­dency of thf! Wausau Publlc School Systtm by Manhall T11y­

klr. Tilt' otht'r eMW JIOII· lions WeN! estab H par1 of the board'• ent enlarte-ment.

Hoklover directors were Mn. Ma ry Williams, member ot the Boerd of Rq,rnta of the 11ate­unlve.nl tles: Frank Oow, pro,. lnsor of hl11ory; Sam Kinas­ton, prealdt'nt of Ctlun1 Na· 1m11 Bank; Jost'flh Hara, re­tired ehalrman of the board of nrst N111ona1 Bank: Dr. R-. •ll Ltwls of the MarsMeld Clnlc .iaff; Dr. John Stt'lner, Waupaca: and Wallace Thiel, Student Senate president lrom Sheboy11n.

If you don't like the way people talk.to each other, we'll pay you to change it.

::~~~i~~ t:"n:t"~~r~ i::.~r::ing to upgrade all the equip-ment we now have in order to provide even better servi~ to our 6 million e,iisting customers.

As if that weren't enough we're also going to have to come up with enough new equipment to provide telephone service to about 26 million more people. As well as equipment for a much more extens,ive data com­munications prog11am.

We need enough people (electrical, civil, mechanical and Industrial engineers, designers. accountants and economists) to plan, design, build and operate a company that will be four times bigger than we are today. We also need engineers, researchers and scientists to develop electronic switching equipment, laser and other communications systems we'll be using 10, 25 and 50 years from now.

But this is only one part of our communications business. 'Our Sylvan!~ people, tOI' example , are involved in other tyPEts of

communications. Like color television sets, satellite tracking stations and educational television systems.

Automatic Electric, lenkurt. Ultronie Systems andsomeofourother companies, subsidiaries and divisions are working on advanud types of integrated circuitry, electro-opticals and communications systems be· tween people and computers and between computers and computers.

So if you think you have something to say about the way people talk to each other .•• we're ready to listen.

Page 8: L j .· Wisconsin State SteHns Point THE POINTER · L Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty SteHns Point j .· a THE POINTER SERIES VIII, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970

THI POIHTll · January 29, 1910

Pogo 8

Students Share Assistantships

T'wenly-OIIIII 1tuden1t are 1har­J111 $49,000 In aui1111nlshlpa thl1 year Si they study for masters

$10 Million In Buildings Slated' For This Year

dt'J1"HI. Dr. Winthrop Dlfford, dean ot

,the gradulle collt'ae, uld most ot the nclplenlJI are rttelv\ng $2.500 1ranta. for which they &It! required to provide 15 hours ol support wrvlce to the de-

Bulldln, project& c11T)'lfll • price 111 ol more lhan $10 mil· lion are at 1take for the univer­sity In 1'70. and campus otn­dal, are fflplrc llna:en crou· ed In hopes the bulldlni coni•

mlulon wlll &Ive final oka)'I forcor. tructlon.

ed tor a $200.000 project which will complete the b,ue,ment ol the Alle n Center. lncludlna: iouncn, snack bar, dlnlnf and 11udy areu plus a 1conge room on !he main level.

···~=~~ partmenlt In which they are - enrolled. Dl1trlbutk,n ol the lundl Mre

made primarily on the bull

With Go\•emor Knowles lac­Ina a tight budcet and Pttll­dent Nlxcw!. tncounglnJ a 11oW­dov.T1 In bulldlne · u a heels• a,a1n11 lnllaUon, campus plan,. ner 'Raymond Spechl sUJI hokll tl&hl to a thread ol opllmbm . He bl'IIC'Vl!'S It alfflOlt lmpoaal• ble for anyone t:i Justify denlal ot the requnta, e1pe,clally In ,iew ot the unlvenlty'1 rapid t'lltollment lncreue.

Ai.a urly In the year, bldl wlll be open tor a wetlands laboratory In the TOWII ol Plo­ver, • m.ooo bulkllna to howl' 1tream rHCarch, llmnolol>' and nwnn Jab work. It .... 111 have a n auembly are~ and ottlce and be l't'ady lor UIC In Sep.

- ol the 1tudenta· Ulldera:radu.a1e 1cadt>mlc record and If they were enrollrd on the 1 raduate level In a tull•llme capacity.

lt':1~':'J ~e projec.lJ have been given (ln1I approval , and Jl'I ullllkely they will bC' del1y• rd. Bui that'• not the ease with the nut propoull to be takt'II

STUDENTS RETURNED on Sunday to b egin the aecond aemeater for 1967-70 year. The picture was taken in the circle betwce n Han.sen, Schmeceklc, Baldwin a.nd Neale.

Former Teacher Kill.ed In Accident

Mrs . Grt'II LrchnlJIW, 48. who I.aught In the f~lgn lanitUHKC dtpartment here beh••~n 1965 and 19'69, wu klllt'd r«enlly ln an automobile ncddl'nl. hl'r !ormer collcna:ues hert ha,·" ~.med.

She ttpont'dl.y WU drMn1 aloM trom O"yenne, Wyo, to ~n,·u, Culo., to ill· tend a national ~rn lun• 1ua1te oon, ·cmtlon when the on.e• urtra.shoccurrt'd.

Mrs. ~h•-· -.no formal, ly lh~ at 2136 SIIIlJ A,·"·· k>rt Stt,·~, Point Ille last swnnwr to accept a 11,t'W trachln& Al· 1ipm"nl at A two-year colle1c In Ole)'CTVll'.

81:-sldrt conductlna her clan­" In Gt>rman hH"e, ahc was an enthusiast in 1klin&, tmni., hor.ebllck rktlna; nnd Pini pong , actlv\tlN.

Born In Vienna , Austria, Mrs. Lrchausse attended the tcach­,n colltae In ncr homc town plus the unl,·cnltln In Munich, Fn.nkJurt and Madison. She had taicht at Lo.ke Erle ru­~. Bolton Unh·rnll)', the Unh·enlty ot M11ryland. Unh·er-1liy or Al ,b&ma and Edccwood College In Madison belorn com­Ing here.

She hid no lmffledl:i.lC' IUl"\' I•

NSF Grant To Professor

O..\•ld Sf'l\ic:nberger,aulJtant profest0t or CC'O&J'•phy. has bttn grantrd • Nlllonal Sclencr Foundation rc:llolo·shlp va.lucd at morc: than Sl:?.250 10 do ad\•nnc­ed 1tudy In dlm111ology 111 the Unl\·enlty ol Oklahoma .

The NSF' In lb di\'\sion lw mc-mbC'n ot 1clence department l1cultle1 m1kC'I awanll for a nlc-ct 1troup ol profC'IMln to puntH.' Ph .D. degree Pro&Tllms.

&sides the SU.250. Scncc:n­bet"Ker .... -111 ha\·e hit tu ition. fN'I and tra\·rl upensn p;ild durlna: a on,e-yrar period befin­nln&: nut SC'ptrm~r.

Sen~bC'tier, who pined the Strven1 Point fnculty In 1964, it wlfinally rrom Waukl'San, 111., and a 1raduatt' of North­""'"lrm Unh·crslty and the Unl­vcnlty ol Oklahoma . He tauaht at Mundrleln and Waukctan. IU .• bl-fore coming hern.

He ls the aon of Mr. and Mn. Walt"' SC'ngc:nbl' r1tcr or M.anl!O\\'bh Wa ters' and for­merly ol Waukirsllll

Theatre Dedicated To

Retiring Dean Jenkins Or. Warnn Jc-nk\N, who will

N!lil"I.' next summer as dean or the CollC'(ll' of l..i'ller» nnd Sci­en.ce was mnde thi: namt' .. ke of the nt'W duma thi:nter to open In late 1970.

President Lee Sherman J>rc,y-11.11 madi: lhe announcement durin1t the Jon. faculty mttl· Ing which was one of the 1hort· es t nnd 1m11lll'lt nllended eath· crlnga of lta kind hl'rl' In aev­C'ral years.

Dr. J enkins. who hu t11,aht here1lt1ct'lhe J.93..I-J5ac,idemlc year. was cltNI by Drcyrut u "an oldl)f(I" In helplngguldr the lrutltutk>n the prui t 35 years.

t"rom 1936 lo l!HZ. lht' dun was actl\·e u • drama tt'ehnl­cal director and advller. and becau.se ol that ln\·Oh"eml!nl theater pur1ui1J1 sta.rtrd ~m­ing a ma)or aspect of t his unin•rally and Inter or the com­munity and all of ttntral Wls­coraln. Dr,yt1.11 explained..

Ttte WarT't'n G!ll"d Jenkins 1l\eater .,.,,m bl' In the n ew F1ne Arts Building now under COfUtruction. An art g11 lk-ry In thnt facility alrt11dy hu bttn named In honor of Miu Edna Ou-il tc:n and a mualc haU for the la te Pttrr Mlchrlse-n. both longtime membC'n of the fa­cully.

In other nctlon. OTeyfus an­nounced the appo\ntnwnt of Dr . S. Joteph Woodka. chairman ol the pol!tlcal science department since 1966, to 1.ucettd Dr, JeD­klra .

The pmldl'11t ttportl:'d pro­greu 11 bl'lne made lo n tab­lith a IK'W soil 1clencc ~ gram In the natural tffOUfCt'S dc-partrncnt.

Or. Bem:ird Wlt\·el, eh1lr­ma11 of a commlnce to study the ponlblllly of establlshlnc a fn eulty 1enate, reported that hi• groupbellt'\'C'l thatattll~ exist.I lo Jlttam\1111!' meeUn1tl and l't'Otianl# the commlltec system to av0Ld burdens on • ntw faculty: a senate might or might not hC'lp.

~ commlnee after consider­Ing araumenll for and •10.lrat

!n~~~'~;e~~de'~:U~~ ' mallen. concluded that t he crealionofaac>nale a t lhl.i time 11 not es.sentJal. but thll t some r«>rganln tlon b dellra• ble:· the report contlnUl.'d.

lk<ommendations .... -ere to ac­cept the 1tudy u belnc final

and lo authorttt cttallon of a new CONtllutlonal rt>villon com­mltltt empowered lo r ,com• mend to the f11eully chan1es lo lmproYt' ~ elliclency and e ffeetlYt'OC'H of faculty opero­Uonl In commlttee1, structure tind In faculty mttllng1. ~ l'l'port wu acceplrd.

_Paper Firm Gives Pulp Digester To New Program

Consolidated P1per1. Inc., ot W\scorllln Rap&ds announced It hn dono.ted a11 experimental di: gNtt' r valurd nt S2,Jl0 10 the new pulp and papt'r teehnolog)' prqrram here a t the unlvenlty.

The equlpmtnl, a llnle l.r,re r than 1n uprlcht deep freeze ap. pll•nce ...... m be UK'd by ad­vanced pulp and papt>r 1tuden1J1 In rnorch and de,·elopmtnt project&.

Dr. Roland Tryu~. ch1lrman of the chemlluy department and co-dlreetor ol the MW pro­gram, 1•\d the machine will digest ,mall quantlUes ot putf, from ""'OOdchlpt for m • k I n I small shttts of paper from l•l>­ontory moldl. It ab;, hu c1pa­bllltlC'I lor 1tudenta to study \•arloul kind.I ot dlgnt!nJ pro­N'l5l"S under different kinds ot condlliOIUI,

"We are etpeclally lfatcful for lht' 1m:· Dr. Trynen f'X­plalned. "bl'caUlt' the lleht state budget squeeze makn It lmpoulble for us to buy auch equipment."

Dr. S.C . Holt , direc tor or Con-10lldnted'1 rnearch and de\'t'­lopment dl\'blon, said the ma­chine .,., ... one ol two pun:hdrd 50fflC time qo by hll firm, but because one .,., ... adequa1e. "IO.'t dc-clded to make the other one avallable at the place II would hnv, Its greatett use -Stevens Point's university."

TIii!' c1r1 ....... the Jt'C'Ond re­celvrd by the achool from Con· Mllldnted within 1b: month$. Last f•ll, • en duwnototrraph, \'aiued at n.ooo wla donated to tht' pulp and paper pro,n.m which hu as some ol Ila 1tu­denu - emplt)yn ol the Wis­consin Rapkb Firm

SPRING BREAK?? EUROPE!! $244 complete






Winner, are : M,., Bett y Bowen. Wauuu, In department of communicative dllorden:

W1lter Olapn1bn, In the de­portment ol hl1lory:

Duane R . C1ark, Ollppewa F1lll,lnthedl'p,inmen1ot~ &ltsh:

}"'redcrlck Mille r Dahm, DH· ve r Dam, In the depanment of hl1tory;

Patricia Nlkolat Lytwyn, Un­ity, In the department ot com­munlc1tlve dllorden :

Miu Pamela Ann Grtum:.ch­er, Wauuu, In the dt'partment of c,ommunlcatlve dilOrde,.:

Mn. Donita Gomn O.vld. M•nhtleld. In the department of education:

Mrs. Susan Hampton, Rhlne-1,llder, ln the department of col'Jlmunlcatlvc- dilonten:

Miu Oilleen Houllh1n, Ste­ven1 Point. in the deputmi:nt of En11ll1h:

M~. Illa Cutler l ronslde, Wll­consln Rapidl. 111 the depart­mc-nt ol education:

Mn. J oyce Pinkerton John­\Orl, Ste\·ens Point, In the~ JN1T1me111 of rduc1tlon:

Nearly all propoRd approprl-11tloN are earmarked for ln-1tnictlonal pul'JIOHI. l tov.,,ver. fundJ: lor new mldence halls are not Included and Spechl can't give odds tOf' lhoae kind of fadlltle1. He u.11 his bt'tt •nd mo1t accurate llnl""'l!' r lo thole who !pqulre about new dorms II : ''The whole question b 1till pending ."

Bull- artaln penorvll!'I at SteVt'nl Point Slate 11111 Into the 1am, early In 1970 with open• ln1 ot bldJ: Jan. 15 for the new clauroom cen,ter to be built on Fourth Avtnue, betwttn the prewnt classroom center and science hall.

It will eo1t i:u million and have th·e stories to houte the home t'COOOfflla and oonununl· ca tlve dlM1rden departme1111 plus mc-mbtrs from other aca­demic dllclpllnn. Jt all con well. c:onst.ruc.Uon could be ,taned the foUowlnc month.

On Feb. S, bid.I wUI be opeD-

upA dc-clllon on the malnlt'n­llllce bulldlr.:. which orla:lnally wu · 1o be • $100.000 ,1ruc1ure but trimmed 10 $125.000 ........ requnted for cons1ruc1lon on the north side ol Marla Drive, acrou the 1treet from the pow­er plant. But there II support 11monii: the bulldlna c,ommlukln­,n In Madboo to have It nut 10 the power pJ1nt, to the di .. 11ppolntmt'llt ot Specht.

An envlronmental , science bulldlna, mainly (or the dl'part· menu ol na1ural retOUrCfl and blolo&Y will be up for tulllder1-tlon In midyear a t • oxt ·ot S4 .2 mmlon. Jt II expt'ctl'd to be about lhe u me size u tht' prnent .clfflce ha ll on a ,tte bounded lby R.t'lt'tve. F're.monl. and Stanley Streeta and Fourth Avenue.

While the commlulone~ are convinced or the laclllty'I nffd. they hawn't made- • fina l choice,. on the Jocatlon. Th e prol)Ol,ed 1lle has 16 hoult'• on It which they believe have •

M iu Sally A. Kauu. Tiger­ton. In the department ol blo­,.,.,,

Gordon P. Lawrt'nct' , Manh­fleld. In the department of hi .. I(»')';

Sam A. Moore. Cable, In the department of blolOCY:

University Lists Job Opportunities

Bruce ParklnS011. Greion S.y, In the department ot drama: S1even11 Point State Unlver-

Thomu Gary Plucker, Nee- slty announced -ntly It nah, In the depanment of hll- would add SS nt'W fat'Ulty mem-

107,:,., Elaine Salzman. Mar- bcrs and about 25 clauified. em-Ion. In the department of mu- ployH prior to the QPl!'nlng of 1\c: the 1970-11 school year in Sc~

Mrs. Lynn Panstlll, Ste\'l!'nl lember.

~!~t:' In the department of En- The total amount ol nrw ,al-

And Gall Treu, Tlxc-rton, In orln will run cloae to thrft.

::,,,::nmmt of home eco- qu~~:!,~r ~~11~°!',c~:~·the

Two others who do not have overall fleure lor 1alarle. to

full aulllanu.hlpa are J o Anne ~~ •:r:~)' ...;ii~ be~.;:,"~ :~r::'7~ :;:u~;~ ':r - an ~cl't'ue of 19 per cenl oommunle11lonl; &ny J o Cu· o,•er lut year whC'n 434 faculty

~~~he~!~~!~'!~t ~ ~:~ ~~ :.~r:~ .... -ortcr, wers


History Profs At D.C. Meeting

Etaht mf'mbe~ of !ht' hiltory dt'partmffll at Stevena Po I n t Sta te Unh'i!'nlty l"l.'Cfl\tly at· ltnded the Amf'rlcan Historical A11oclallon'1 a nnu1l fflfftlni" In WHhlnj:ton, D.C. They • re : Robert Artlfllllll. ~ Hoce­land. Randy K>t'ln. Robert Knov.·lton. Carol Marion. Rus­w ll Nellon, Justus P1ul and Robert Ziegf' r .

·Professor Knowlton .,., ... a dis­cussant at a 1et.1lon entitled "EthnocffltJsm: the RelPOrlM! ol Mexico and Canada to the UnltNt States" which IIICluded a p,iper ci11ffl by Gene M. Blache, a former membC'r of the department here and now at New Mexico State Univer­sity.

A paper WU also cl\"t'n by Proftuor Hocel1nd a t • -•Ion dullna with women In nineteenth century America eD­

' lltled "ThC' Concepl ot !h e Amerle1n Woman : H o r a ce Bushnell. • Cue Study in Mas­culine Ambivalence

Elcpanslon of !acuity ranka was allocated by lhe' Board ol Reaenu ol State Unlvtt1ltlet. and Ste"·""' Point's additions lnvolved nearly 40 pt'r cmt or the total number ol po1ltlonl approved for ,all of the nine campusn.

Unl,·ersltlN we r e cranled new personnel on the basll of tnr.>llmtnts tabulllrd II lhe be-­clmina: ot the 1e.10 school year . Be<:ause Stevens Pol.nt'1 1.100 lncreue ln ,lludcnta over 19611 far C'XC!ffded any other ln-11\tutlon In the l)'ltem. It fared . number one. Some schools ""-hlch d«rened or IJ't'W In minimal number, lmt r.eulty po1ltioM.

Kelch u.ld llt'arly all of the new faeully members would be assigned to teachtn1 po1ta. In­dividual 1alarln In this cate­ro,y wlU rarce from S1 .D to · S20.000 per year.

In the claultled servloe. most ofthe25newpo1ltlonswill be fllled by clerical alld custodial .,.,.orkers.

matlcs, 2: phy1la, 1: pa'ychc). lofl:y, 2 : and IOClolqp,, 2'14,. The 20 MW additions include U po1IUons not yet alloeated.

ColleCC' ol Fine Arta - art. 1: communlcatlonl, l; dram,. J : m1.11lc. 2.

Coliele ot Applied Arts and Sclenct'S - communicative dll· order,, 2; ph)'llcal education, 2~: home economics, 1% : na-1ura l rnourca, Hi.

Collefe of Education - ele­mentary dlvialon, l ; ucondary, J: one poaltlon 1tlll unallocated.

The education servlel!"I and lnnovallve prom.ma area will ha, ·e • half new poaltlon 1n lrutruetlonal media and two lll!'W openlnp 1n the library.

President Df-t'yfus hu bC'en cl,'t'n one lll!'W po1ltion and In­stead or mald.n, It an admln­ll trath-e job. he ls expected to tum 11 over to a dl'partment lor the addition of • new 1uch­er. ·

Tbe unlvenlty hu one full­time and one part-time ph)'II· clan. but with lncreu~ eD­rollrnenlJI, the 1tl.ldenl1 atfalr, dlv\1lon recommelllb the part­time po11 be chanced to ruu 1t1tus. Dr. Ha!erbecker ukl the nrw dclctor 'NOt.l)d probably be hired this )'H r . •

Abo sua;esled •re the hlrin& ol another r\nanctal aids coun­se.lor and I lull-(lrne ualstant to the campus planner.

Controi"ie:r Kelch pointed out that betides the faculty and claul.fted poaltJons •~ per9QN: ~lnsett-sus:talnlncJobl such u In donnltoriH and cen­ters where the 1alariet are paid from protlts of the faclllUH' operations. These Pl'l'lona H wtU U the food Rrvlce Pf'r­aonntl and IOrne admlniJtrators ""'hoae wases a~ Provided by federal irants •re not lncluded In the total number ol unlver-111)' emplo)'tt,,

All told, full-Um, equivalent Ptllitlons in thla cateaory num­ber -u over 100.

BILL'S· PIZZA SHOP 3.44-9557

We ~nly serve the. Best

No Brag Just Fact

Expo '70-0ne Of Stops On Tour .

A tour of the Orient. lncJud. Ing • v\1lt to " Expo to'' ll J apan. wUJ be •p(IOIOl'td J._

'27 to J uly IS by !ht All,III\/II

Auoclation or Stl!'\~n, P o !a1 State Unlven.Jty.

Alumni Director Rick frfd. erlck, who wlll IHd the IP'WP with hla wife, Judith, nld lht1' will be no llmlt on the nlln'.btt or penon1 slpln( up. To dllt. u tfft'rn.tlom h.lu b,u ......

1lie tour will dep.rt lr o= Minneapolis In • diree1 n1&m to Tokyo for nine d•Y• ol 1t,bl· Heine there and In othtr P'r.l ot the countr)' ,,i. a!NCftdl. tioned motorcoachel and .. trlc tnln, Stop1 ""ill lndudtlbt Old lmpt'r\al Palace • ..UUUU Kannon Templt'. KDdokan Arts

Hall, Tolcoyo T°"''l!'r. and Cit bronu ,tatue of Buddhl ud numel'OUI e astern ~ ahrinel and tempief

Group members wtU bt 11 "Expo" on Jul)' 4 and 5 btlllt deputina tor Talpri, upital d "i'alwan and the Wt rern&lrlq •tronshoJd of N1tlonalist Odr.a.~ Fol.lol,.,ina • pattern !ht)' sill ae1 in J apan ot takini pan i.-. local CUltl)m.l by Htinf din,m,r In a kimono. the IOUN\a particla-te In. a Monpian bat> becue ln Taipei .

On July a. the a rotrP will leave for Bangkok, 'Ttlliwli which ls famous for tu bit· piN In 1llb. precious JIOM­b~re and Its 1,(03 ~ pies,

Tht'ffda)'lla1er.lhellltsl· u-actlon wUI be hlehH1hud­Jlonc Kone - .... 'htre In flU da)'I one ot the hli;h\li;l!U d be an l!'\'tnlni ,nl)IOri»)t trcilif on the hartlor' and • dulltl' puty aboard a ric.tini: 1Tfl1,;

='-F'rederlckuld thtprlctp!'I'

per.on will be Sl495 to ~ 1odatna, meals, tr&Mfrr COltl tJp,11, tickets to "Ex .. 111d at'Veral coe:ktaU partin RtMI' vadorw are being atN'pltd 11 the . alumni omce .. ith • nDO deposit.

pa>:v ~=~ ~r.;1': Slewna Po1n1 for - an N'P" .......

Home mod• S.ndwich•s,

Hot Soup, Pope-or", Potato Chip,,

Postri••, Coff .. , MUk, Fruit Juice, ke C'""'' Coody,

AU pricn rHIOflollll.

0,- -·, _.i .. -"· Snack Shock

1y ,..,.SJ .. HaU

Page 9: L j .· Wisconsin State SteHns Point THE POINTER · L Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty SteHns Point j .· a THE POINTER SERIES VIII, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970

\l~l·,;,;11•\t'IU Point h11s bttn thr 1u.· ky r,•ci plent ot two be· 111, .• t t-111 in1ml'ntel)' valuable ,111,,!1n.1, p n 'k'IIIS . PerhOJ)II a , , 1, .. ,,n• ,11.1 11d and a coll«·

1,.n,! 4\.((l blrdsei11•cloe11,11'1 •· ,n,! J,k,• lh,• wr1 o( thtna ,. ,., li k,• 10 find untler t lw

1,., l•, t the WSU depn11men11 ,.h,, "·II UI<' lh<'ff ilfls IU'l'll' l ... ~ r1.un u1t:

, :,l\Jt1,1kl'5 lsl:md" ta • ,. ,,t ,t 111•,1r,1hRJX'd 11 lece or "~' ,. , , ,,~ In th,,;,• Wl1con1ln !(.,,, .11,iu1 s, ol a mill' south t • llhl" tl Sl<'l 'l'tlll Pulnl . h

.. ,. 1t,,• 1m•1ll' r1yof llobert Mc. I\: 1 ., l,1<: 11 \ 11nom ey, who

1~.,,.,,11 .. 1 1h,• ckt'd 10 tht• WSU t '>!Jt1.in rin Jnm.1111y 19'\h In t ,• :h ,1 1ti.;,• b land would be ,1 111 lhe !('aching ol for• 1,:r> ·"'I olher natura l •cl• ,-n,,·• Th1•n.•'1 no doubt tha t ,. ,:.ti,frn1, b.J1 ,mls11, and blolo­~IJU .,1 a ll kind, will llnd 1he ,:.,~J an !nl l'U·1llng plact' 10

·1~ !) \ ,.,,... ni,:o. p:11'1 of the lslrmd

'"-" /.,rnlt'<i. and sine~ then, ·~, d,•.,r,'1.1 11 r1•11 h111 grown up !I wJ ;incl "hl!e J>IOl' . Aside b,'ll thz-1, llw nrea has nol Jx>to n ,1:,1.;.rb,'<I b)' man. Th(' 1~rlodlc •i-::n.: rk~.itlmt,: which CO\'en 1~, , l;md "' lch k,• and water ~1- ,,·.irr,\ t thl' t l'l'M a nd prob­•~'i b .1 lac lor ln del<'rmlnlng :~::r;'"'" ol 11l11n1s which e row

l't B,•rnanl \l'h.-, ·r \, o( the 11,r n,• 11.1 rtmen1 ol Nalura l r.~, Ir.I'>. Jll)'I lhllt nl thotJih ~ !irul plan for lht' l1land"1 ..... h.1< not h.-'i!n rom11lttt'd,

Its u.nlqu. 11111ure and nu rneu lo the e1unpu1 WOUid make It P PArtkuh1rly va luable outdoor IJ1boratory,

On J anuary 20th Qr. Oiar'n Long, curalor ol the Unlver,. Illy Museum, rec,l.,."<I II monu. mrntal na ture collecHon lrom the Si. ten or sc. J ~ ilh Ste­\ ' l'IIJI Polnt. The oollecl~ • ., sembled by Aui;cusc J . 5ehoffle. betk •round the turn of the century, lncludr, IOme 4000 hint, eq1, 400 , tufted bird,, aome m11mn111l •1M"clmen·1 ln-1« 11. Indian artlfae11. and • 1mallt'r minera l collec11on, Mr. Schoenrbeck 1tulfcd a n the blrili and mommnls. a llll Ul"t'­lully labeled ar,d da lt'd uch 1peclmr n.

1llC eu collection, jud:i;ced to be the third IP~t'II In the US Includes a ll the North Am~ri'. cnn 1pecle1. Among them a re riu:a o( lhe paurnaer J)ll(fOl'I, lnni: extinct, l'l'hkh dntt tmm 1882. The h 'Oty,blll('od 101'0Qdpeck. e r , • nt'arly extinct .aulhern IJ>l'i:in. and I h , whooping erane, which appears to be win, nlng Ill b11 1t111 ag,inll extlne, non, a re also reprttt' nted.

Dr, Lon.sc- 1latl'1 thal l'l'hen lhe collcctloll w111 a ppraised twt'nly )'ron •i0, 111 value wa, 1e1 Ill U 0.000, and thpl 11 11 wnrth a t lea1t SU ,000 n o w. " Out ," he la) 'I, "y0u can' t M'I 11 prict' on J>llDrl\ler Phitton e1U1;1. They are pr\celeu." .

With lhe 11qul1l1lon ol I h f' Schot-""beck collec tion th, WSU Mu1Cum. al rendy the bel l In \\'i-'COOSln colll'Kl's ar.d univ,,.. 1ltle1, II lure to Increase In •1n1uz:r.

. ~. '

. I


To Your Health MEMBE~ OF THE unlvertity hock~y team the site ot all f~ome games tor the were working on a new hockey rink directly Polntel'8. Mcmbert aho working are from behind the new lieldhooae. The r ink will be left to right : RJchard E y, Geoff' Dean and

Thi" .- , acl ffi{'ch,mlsm ol In­t~ !rum l'., polure lo low tern. r, r~1c r..•1 11 unknown, b u I ,l'lir.~('j In the blood veasels ,.,1n ~ludg1ng ol 1ta,., blood may t,., an 1mportnnt fac tor . There II~ ,.,J,• \llriHlloll In the abll• 11, d d1lforent llldh·idual• to I :.Ont.- cold Otancn of Injury t~ np~ur, lo low lrmperature !<' innN i.-d by :

l A da rkly 1>lKml'nled akin

~ Ad,·.inttd ag, or poor llh,·· ,:Jl(\lflcf1tion

J ,1.n,, ,ia, or lack ot oJQ·a,..n. a, in h,gh nltltudc cUmblni or !1)1~,

~ Pn.•, louJ cold injury Mtur.,lt' de tl'rmlna tbn ot tht' '

•1t,n1 d 1issuc damaac at the ,,mt u! The orlgin 11 I examlna. t, 11 a lrequcntly lmpoulble. Tr,a1 rnen1 consllu or the 101. '"111~ mu~ure1 :

I P.i'SI u,ua lly In a rccum. l,..nt{"l$ llion

, Rapid l't'warmlng by moll t but The 50lur lon 1hould be ~·p! b,,,1wttn JI dq:rtt>s and 1\ di'gr.>N C. 188 deg!'ffl alld lc(ld.-pN.'S F', )

l Al1t•r rewarming, exposure ~,31ta1roomc,mperat~that ,I bo.!"' N'n 21 degrees and 24 d.>cll't's C. fi0.i 6 dC(tlffs F .1 11 u 115f11ctory, Occask>nally tilt admlnll lrotlon of 1uch ~l'd~a tknu a1 pain relievers ~lld antitoxin and antibiotics

Pointers Host league Leader On Saturday

Slt \'f"ns Point State Unlver-• :>· , haske1ball tu m 1inlsht1 t~e '1~ 1 round ol conference ,·.t~,n thll week as they travel•

"'l tu L.a Cro11e lu t night a nd -..ill Pia>· host to Stoul Saturd,,y.

T~ Indians are led by 1, uer-111~n Jr.ih n Selbo, Mike Heldc-111,n Oale Aller, and Le r o y ',,.ni:: Sc.•lbo. n 6'1'' R u II rd h,,m S1ough1on. II the leading •-· f•·r. followed cki&cly by

~;l~mi:andi~nd re~~:~ ~ r,nl<-rencc.

l.J1tyearthelnd.Jansfinll.h--NI "' uh an 8-14 l'ffOrd and i....-o ~~ .... lll the Polnttn:. 82-$6 and S3-5i. Point leads the all-time ... !1" 17,16.

Sn1urday evenlna: lugue Jtad· tni: Stout ln\·ade. the Stevens l r- fi, ldhouM. St:>01 11 eur,.

~:\:i~ r: ~ ~ t~:S.with . l-,1 yenr Stt\'ens Point and

Thi> H!ue<1evll1 ,.'t' re oo-champ-1<.,, of the SIP. le Unlvenlty C',,n/, rencc. ~ tum.Ing from

: :nc~~!,.~u;:;i~I a~v~,;~ lt.iud Bob Eblen. Clover. a 6,­J,. t b no.·ard, tlnlshcd tourth J •ii ,·ea r in learue ,eorinr and flue year ranka seventh with il.1 I! poin t attrll.ge while Ebsen r;inlu ltnlh with a ·11.4 avera.rc.

Ulst year Point defcattd the hlUt'fk.,•lts n ,iO in the flr,t Orne, but lol; t the next two

:;;~ aandpi!';:; ,':: J!'tc!:,1: tl'l(ft NAlA N.'J>ttRntaUve. Ste­, .t'!IS Point lea~ the an-time """ l'l-24.

Next Monday the Polnten: J,by halt to the Whl._..tf:r Wutu1101b, 1n the p~

~~~~~:~ The warhawka~ledb)' re. ~ alklontentnce eenter

lblnt rn·=~~r: ~:.2p::e,~ ~It~;;;

Pr't\ious conte11.

may be neeeu acy a, <k- lermln­td by a pt\)'slclan.

It II currently felt the Ind!· , ·!dual thould noc

I. Rub or compress the nl• fected pan with kt', soow, or cold watr r . M!Ulage or rrlctlon uf an,y type Is harmful.

2. Allow u I e, cspcclally ~laht bearingunle11abtolu1c­Jy nctes.ury (evacu:i!l,nn from adlla11erarra,e1c.)

l . Allow Hc:NSh·e USC o( t~ bacco or 1nuff.

4. Apply J1ressure dreulnas or moll ointments . Under any cln:unuta11ees a lter lnlllaJ first aid as m, ntloned, an eva luation by one's doctor 'NOUld be mo.I ad,1sabl,.

The llrst question tn t h I , column coml'J ln an approprla tc­ly (cw a pProprtalley) from lhe mal, seement ot the populs,1lon and asks what 11 the rh)'lhm method ot biMh control. 1be

. rhythm method 11 amon, va rl• OUI l'l'a)'I tried In thll' pUI lo a,111d conception and la 11111 widely pracllced 1oday.

It has con1rlbuttd to lhe O\'tr· all reduction of thll' biMh r11te but 11 no wh,re nea r as rella• bit Bl othl' r methods. The rhythm method for controlllni C0'1«'pllon requires abltln,nc, from lnt,rcoune 1hortly be(on:, dUriJIK, and ahoMl)' after O\'UIII•" lion.

It therefore a ttempts to a void con«pllon by not allo\o.1na the p resence of the sperm In the woman when the ripened rq Ill not to be pttsent. No pro­duct la used In thl1 method. Ovulat ion can be predicted In tw'O way, primarily. 1be nrst la called the body ttmperalun: tc.'Chnlque because you m u I I tnke your b.Jdy le, mper11un: be­fore riling each mom l111: .

Cer1aln chan,ites In !he tem• ~ralure lndicat, tha t ovulation has o«urrll"d. The procedure mus t be follol'l'fd lo r m a ny montht bccaus, only by havlrJi n M"r!H of consccull~ month1 of rtt0rded body 1empera1ures can a thorouKhlY valid prcdlc­Oon ol o\'Wation be made. The second method n:qulres the re­cording ot menstrual cyc:les for many months, Ideally a yu r . Thla mean:. keeping track or menstrual Dow on a calendar, hi'- calendar technique.

A formula can then be a ~ piled to thll ln(ormotlon 10 de­termine the days on which ovu­lation la ITIOI I likely to occur. 1be discipline of adhttrin.f 10 abltlnena! on «rtaln days II thll' leut of the problems pre. senttd by 1h11 method. The eru• dal probl,m II to know when abltln.mce ls lndlai ted.

Unfonunat,Jy thts cannot bt eonilitenUy dettrmlnfd w I t h aet'uracy tor any woman bc­eaute the menstrual cycle Is often \'Ct)' UTll'KW•r and ne~r as reliable as the calendar ml&ht Ind.le. le .

U a woman', periods are irrc,,. gular the aare and ~' dayl will be lfn'I\J.la r . also, JllnHa. ,hock, or other peytlcal or tffll>.

Uonal duinres can disturb the menstrual cycle, and up1et the c.alculadonl or the time, ot ow­J.oUon.

Sin« the 1uccn.slul practice, ol rh¥thm depends on the care. tul prediction ol ovulation thts lfn'IU.larity bt'l'ornts • hancll,. up.

ll la therefore lmpoalbk- to ,a,y with aey oertalnty on whlc:h day • wonian wtll ovulate e,Yffl

U'ahtuauallyhuarrsular menstrual pattem Hpcdally lt f« ' tn1tanoe lhe ii In the effll>. tlonal fiuah ol beinC newtywrd.

The, riu'tlun method Is Alil­t.ctor)' for aome coupln but s1nct II does always ckpend on eballCI to aome exteat, maey W'Offll'fl have, routM1 II to be nae entiffb' ttlla.ble.


Bruce Markert. (Mike Oominowakl Photo)

Pointers Third In Holiday Tourney Steve!>'~ 'ti~I Unh·,r. le~!'; :~the~::1 ::::

1':i'nut~= !~)' ":!e o~a: : way In the :~~::t c~n~~ ~lk

1ot Ir CAI.VIS

~~~ . d:~:'.~o ~:!h ,:i:k pl~~ ~i~!:n s=nlhnJ~,u~ ~I~ The lead chan~ffl h11nds on the Polnten. v Ory or Pheli• y~ ~ T~;

!:.!':n~o:::k ::lda~ou;; :C~ ~1.,.1n brea/10 narrow the ~~:t::.'th ~C:r'k'°: 1~

1::! ~;!.~ ,~0

::;11~lt~nt::l!/~1~11~:c: ~:t~ke ~ ;:~ I~

Oucag~, 111. · ~ · Polnttrs held thl.'lr las t ly eotnK behind !he Jhootl111: l.2 or 20 shots belorc loullni Baker 3 J.2 7 Coach Bob Krueger's Polnl · lend Il l 47-46 with l<' n minute, ol Kl' lth McDoflald and Crq: ~t " 'Ith J :l7 letl . Vandt'n .Hw- Wiers 6 7.3 H

ert io. t a n u point halfllme l<'fi , nnd iuffercd a ll' rlous los! Oiawford, bot th, Polnten r at- \el added 20 and Ken Rnu n- Wlllnlk 6 4-5 !6

~:: ~.~Ir t!in~::andc:i~;;: ~~~~~~: ::~phal fou\. ~:, beit~n:!:1e~ •hooting of th~c:n,~~· led Nonh P arle with De~z~ l : I~~ J of Crand Rapl~, Mich., 17-62. Mike Phclp1 Ed Yhers and Rhzenlhaler llOUt'l'd In nine 22 points, tollol'l'fd by Crawford 8TE\ '£SS POIST SI u~

CaMn took an l"&rly I e a d Dt-1 \\' illn lk 1~ the rally for of 14 shots In the half IO rlvr with 18 and McDonald and R.lch C.U.\'JS :1 ~n ainln11 the Polnlers and led the Knlghll , who r raduully pull . Stc,·ens Point the lud In 1h11' S"·anson with 13 each. lor mOII ot lhe llnt hal f b('. ffl 11 1'1'11)' from the Polnlcn In clc.lng minute.. Crowford hi! Cal.,.ln cd1tt'd {;rntral CoU,re lore the Pointers rallied In the the llna l fl\·e mlnulea a nd won IWO lie ld KOIIII to put the Vlk, o( l~·a, 6&65 for the champ. fi nal 1lx minute.. With the goini aw11y, 77-62, lnil ahead, 4J...t2, but lle11n1n& k>nlhlp of the, tournament, The

t 'O tT Tl' Vanden lltuve\ 1 &-6 20

Kn~ hts holdlna a 1llm 27·28 Phelp1 k>d a ll scorer, with ICOl"td on • drMrc layup 10 ny1ne Du1chmcn galntd t h ~ 111'ad. Stc,·ens Poi.Ill 1corl"d the 21 poin1~. H In ~ lttOnd ha.II , give the PoLntt'r'I a 44--0 hall· linall b)' dl'teatlnc North Park

T. Rlt~lhaler 12 0.0 24 Weatphal J 1·1 7

1011 12 Points ol !he hall to and gol • •ronK support f r O m time lead. In the openlnt round. i6,.73. gain a sttmlnKIY comfortabll' Wlllnlk with 16 and Wien and Stl'\'cns P'Olnl M\'f'r trailed Vonden lleuvd ind Tom ru,.

' Hennlne J J.5 9 K. Rltuntha ler B 2-2 18

38-27 hal fl lrne lead, Douti To tjes wllh 14 each. In lhc M'COOd ha lC, but the Vlk· :renthaler of the Pointers were Bob Henning, Quinn Vanden Hl"nnlne led the Pointen with Ing, 1111 ,·l'd close, behind lhll' named 10 1he all-tournament

Malloll O ~2 o Goodwin O 0.0 O

Heuvcl and Robby Wes1phal Jed 13 points. Vandcn Jleuvel l'l'U Madly 1hoolln1 of their nll -eon- team, alone with Carroll and the Pollller rally in the cio.ing the only other Polnler to acore ferencc ruard. Jim carron, who Cra,.1ord of North Park. Phelp1

Amonton O 0.0 0 TOTALS 33 12-16 711

minutes of the halt . Hennlna In double ,tlgures with II m:nk. connected ,on elrht of · ten 111· a nd Wit'r'I ol Calvin and K,n hit three driving layu~ and crs. lemJ)tl. • Borgman and Vtrn Den flt'rd.


Vanden Heuvel and W« tphal In lhl'lr conaolallon .,.letory Kl'n RltZA'nlhaler and Vandl'Tl er of Central Iowa . added N>'O bnkl'ls each. o,•er North Parle the Pohl!eu Heu.vel led the Pointers In the STt: l 'ENS POl!'l"T

PG FT Tr • Carroll 11 ~I 22

' .$l'CWld ha ll with I2 and ll YG t'T Tl' polnu, n:specUvely. Vanden Hcuvel 4 J.4 11

Crawford 1 4-8 J~ Swanson 6 1·l 13

Tom Ritzentha ler

Leading Scorer Tom Rltunlhaler ca~ttd

the lndMdu.al ba.sketball scor­ing !Ille last year n.nd he ls a good bet to repeat thb per· formance lhla season.

TIM! Baraboo junklr Is cur· ttnUy 1tadlng the Poinlt'r'I In acorina: with a 19.7 mark. Thi~ Is I n lmprov,ment OYl'r la.st year'tl''t'raieoll5.8and he ll1ettln1~1erwllh eachS1r,, \ '('I'll Point outing.

Saturday In a &S-64 I05ln4; cause a t (lrst-plac:c Eau Caire the M forv.'al'd poured In 31 points for a carttr high a t Sle\'l'nl Point. In add.Ilion 10 his ll polnu on 12 of 24 Ueld KOllls and u ven of el(ht frtt throws, he hauled down nlnc reboundl • K•lnst a mu.ch taller Ea u Caire lineup.

ag~:.~1si::~i/ttJr;;:i:~ l , r wu nomina ted by Hrad Coach Dob Knie-rer .. 1 h c Polnll'n ' candidate tor Player or the Wttk In the Wisconsin State University Comerence.

1n 12 K•rneaao far this sea. ton be bu scored 236 Points to clve him a earttr total ol 759. Thlt It ~1 •hort ot the 5ehool record o( 1,260 Rt by LaVern Luebltorf b&ek In the late, 1950'1. IC R.lm?nthaltt should continue to aeott al h1I prl"lfllt pace he lhould topple ~~k mldway lhrouJh nex t

1lll'tlncleseuon1COrlnJ:tto­ord ls c:urrcnUy held by lut year standout Mllre, Hup,l'S with a total of 474 ..• att two RUOl'III I.J'O. RJtunthalcr bu 10 1amc1 ttmalnlnt on thts yffr"I aehtdu.Je-, but It !he Polnten Wff'C to either win an­othtt WSUC dtJe, or be awarded ,a berth In the NIJ.A District 14 playotb for:thc ri.lhttott~ tfft'nl the atate In the national tournament In Kal'IIU Qty, be could well aU:l'pLU Huabts' ne­on!.

1bc next fh'e da)"a •hould tell lf JUtunthaJcr could have

U..t """:?E°'" two al the endotlhe w~ the Poln travckd to La Croue, lo mttt the •U11)11alna Indians and then on Saturday the')' bllllt SIOut., . lhe t ea m

lM)' lharcd lht' ll t1t with IHI year and thll' team whkh ls currently in lin t plaee.

When the bu ketball season 11 o,:...r he w!.11 put hbi,basket• ball shoet ulde, foe- a pair of butba.11 spikes and the bukN• ball will be tndcd In IOr 1 ba1eball as hi' will take h1I pl11c:elnthe,Polnte,rs'ptlchln&: rota lion. He was the leadlnj,: southpaw on Cbach Jim Oark's squad IHI seaaon.

·Gymnasts Win 1bt Stevens Point State l)'m­

nastlc ttam rolled to Its third 11r1liht win ot the season Sat· urday u It outscored both DuPaie, ():)liege and Milwaukee Atta Technical College a t Mll-­wauktt.

1bt Pointers ot Head Coach Dob Hennecke amused 101.8 points to 101.l !or DuPait and 96.9 for MATC.

Dnplte the relatively Hly win, Henr,ccke wu not over ly pleucd with the performance of hll 1quad, but this was ~ ably caused by the month Jay. off for Ou-lltmas and ,emes­ter bcrak.

"We dkln 't do u well u we had In previous rnttts," re. marked Henntcke, whol t father 11 coach ot MA.TC. " I think thethlncwehadowrlheochtt ho.'O team,: wu that - were ln fflOlltueatnON!eonalatent ~ and hit ou~ moves ekaner than theydld.''

Cary Sc:hntlder and Mik e Weinstein both from the J4U. Vo'aukee area enjoyed UM! rctUtn trip home. Schnddff ..... aenjor trom Bn:iwn Deer, wu the an­around winnl'r and alao cap-­lured honon: In the horbontal bar. Wetn.teln. a HIUOr trom ManhaU hllh aehool and • transfer trom MA.TC last year, cap(Uttd the Jone bone~ pclltlon. Wdnltcln WU a1ao ac,c:. ond in both the h'ft exerdse

· and on the stW rlnp. Paul Dealant, a Junior trom

Thlfflsvllle,, WU seeond in aIJ. around and alao ~ on the p&ralld lllCl bariaxl&l ban.

1'W! Poinren ht'ld a i&-10 lead T. Rltzenlha lt r 2 3-3 1 with two minutes Jett, bot Car- Westphal · 4 M 9 roll countered with two ba1ke11 Hennlni 5 3'"' 13 10 cut the m•rsln to just t,r.-o, K. Rll:ll'nlhlller 1 7.g 9

' 76,-74, "1th l1 5CCOnds leU. , Goodwin 1 0-0 2 CuroU •tole an lnbounda pau Colomsld I 0-0 2

moments la ter, but Vanden Ma llon t ().-0 1 Heuvel 1tole the ball with 15 Olkn 1 5,,7 7 seconds Jell and WH fouled. TOTALS 20 22·28 62

Otril lOJ)hcr J 2-3 11 Mc:Oona ld 6 1·1 13 Hawkinson O 0.0 O Anderson o o.o o N,lson O 0.0 0

TOTALS 33 8,15 7~ STCl'l:NS POl!'l"T NORTH PARK U Sl-71

Shoollni pen:cntage1 - SP : .. 452 NP : .408.

Penneys offers the most going,growing management pro~

(period) Strong 11atrment! No "' ifs". No " one-of· the·s". We just don'I believe anyone can beat what we have 10 o ffer . Penncy·s store management program will put you in the m:ansgcment bracket, more npidly than in any o ther butinns we know. And we know! Mus merchandising ls a msnagcmcnt 1hit1g. It 's a people 10 people business ... selling idcu; managing people, merchandising for .......

And ifs a growth buuneu. we·re, buddmg new merchandising centers. up:mdmg o th· ers. Our product lines a" growing and divmifyin&-We'rc gtowing. Challenge· ou r na1cmcn1. ) oust with :a Penney's represcn t:a livc. We' re in terested in proving our point.

J .C. Penney Co., Inc. ~ Co/Ir~ Rdatlo,u 41

/JOI Aun11c of thr Alfltrit:fl J

No, York, Nrw )'ork JOO/?

Campus Interviews

February 19

An £q11al Opp~runiti; £,ni,/oytr

Page 10: L j .· Wisconsin State SteHns Point THE POINTER · L Wisconsin State Unl'lerslty SteHns Point j .· a THE POINTER SERIES VIII, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970

Dy T IM I.ASCH Eau Ch1lre Sla t" Unl\•enilly

led 11lmo1U all the way 11nd hekl off 1"\~ral late ra1He1 10 de. frat S1tven1 Pulnl Slate In an lmJ)Orta nt cooh.'n•nct"bllttle lait Snlurday al E a u Chllre, 69-64.

Wi th the \ '\clol')' , the Blugokb '°lldilled their 1h11re ot the ronference lea d \\-I th Stout ond 1d up !ht-Ir $ho" 'do" ,\ at Mt'· nominee las t night. t:uu Oalre lm11ro\'t'd Us WSUC m ark to G-1, and Its O\•e r11ll s late to 12•1 . The Pointers, "hn l'nll'rt'd the game Jul! one-hall aanui· bit'­hlnd,· droJJptd tu 4·2 In conrcr­enct' i)lay and 7-~ ovtrall .

Uoth team• Wl'l'C cold In the early goln,;:, llnd Eau Claire Jum1loNI to an II~ lead pfcer le\'l'n m lnuces of play. The Blu• i.tOlda 1tr1•lchOO their lead to 1en•n polnt1, 21-14. " •I th T:48 left bo!fore the Polntl'rtl bt-gRn to r11l]y.

Tom !Utzenthalerhlt II ba1k<'l and camt back moments later with a thret'•polnt play. Senior cente r Rt;>b WHtphal finally t ied !he SCOl't' at 29-.alt ... 1th a Ion&" jump 1hot \\-Ith 1 :20 lch.

The team, muled--Uel(I goal1 1rl"1he flnal mlnutt" and the half t'ndt'd In a tit, 31-31.

Tom Rltt"nlhAler led a ll 1cor­,•rs In u~ half with 1.1 points. and \\' t'1lphal addl'd tight.

>"rank Schade led Eau Clall't' wi th eight points, nnd G-10 cen•

ter Miki• 11.atllff added .e,;en. Eau Cl&lrt' dominated I h e

e11rlyKOlngln the1ec,ondh11\f, and thrtt b111ke11 by Ra tliff spurted the hoats Into A 41.JS ndvan tage wi th 16 :00 ldt.

Once again, Tom mtzenthn• ler IM a Pointe r rally Ill he pounl'(I In fh·e bll1kets In Jt'Ve n 1hot11 to lie the score at 45-all .

Moments lall'r, QulM Va n• clen H<'U\ 'e l llole lhe ball from Sch11de and Bob Hennlna dro\·e the length ol the floor for a layup. and !he Pointers hehl "'hlll proved to be thei r only lead of the e \·enlng. 4W.

Eau C111 lre rHpondl!d with eight s t raight polnll to take a commanding 56-49 lead, with nine mlnu les lelt .

Tom R1uenth1ll"r· who ,cored :10 i11inll In the second halt , continued to 1core detplle de­ten11\•e adjuslments by Ea u Oaitt. and he and We.tphal t"ach 1cori.'<I 10 r,ull Stevens Poin t wilhln loor, 62-SS. with 5 :00 left.

J-"ollowlng a ml11ed 1ho1 by Eau Cl11.lre, !he Pointers hRd 11 chnnce to draw within two polnll, bu t a bad pus was In• lcrcepted by Ratllff and Ste\•e Johnaon ii:ot loose for a la1t bl't'ak layup to gl\·e the Dlu• i:tolds. some bttothinK room:

\\'"11phal hit a 1,.lr ol l ree throws. m aking the score 64~. wl lh 3 :23 ldt, and Eau Claire

went Into a11all . R11 lllff wa1 fouled a(\(I missed .

the ln-e throw and the Polnter1 rebounded. only 1o _tum Che ball over again On a tra\·ellng vlo­l11tlon, nulllfylnii: a long jump 1hot by Vanden Heuvel.

Jotm Stelzer hit one f r ee th row and JohnlOfl 111nk a pair 10 11 lvi: the Dlu11olds a safe 61-fiO le11d, with 1:10 lt' fl .

Tom Rlttenthlller111nk a pai r of fr«' throv.'I. but the Poin t"rs were unable to break E a u Claltt'I 11all and the Kllmi end­ed moment, lale r with the Blu-11okb uptu rlng a 69-64 victory.

Ratll lf topped E au Clalre with 20 points, tonowed by Schade with 14. and To ni J11ckson nnd JohlllOn with 12 each.

T<lm R!uen th11ler took awne 1corlnx hon:>1'11 lor the Polntera wi th an ou111andlni 1hootlna U· h lblUon, tl nklng 12 ol 23 1holl and adding 1e\•cn of eight free throw, !o r a total of 31 points. \\'e1 t1lhal ployed a fi ne a:ame nnd added 15 polnll. but no othe r Poin te r 1cottd m:ire than se~·en point- .

Shooting from lht' l leld wa, e \'('ll, as both team1 shot 40 per cent, bo t Eau Claire go l o ff 15 more attempts, lS lo Steven, Polnt '1 60. a nd. outscor, I"d the Poln1ers, J0.24. from the lleld. The Polntert held a l &-9 ('(1(11' In frtt throv.'I,

t:au Clal re held a allm J9.36 edge In rebounding dl'l pllt a

Kl't'DI he ig ht advan taa:e. a n d Ralllfl anared ' 13. Vanden Heu­wil and Tom Rltunlhaler each 1K1 lled down 10 and We11phal nine to top the Polntera In thet catero ry.

Stevel'II Point', frelhman 1quad tr• lled all the way In a 102-88 lot• to the Blugold jun­ior varsity. Gary Manche1ter poured tn l9 points to lea d Eau c.i111re.

R u11 Kurth again led the (l'Olh wllh 19 potn11. 11nd g:>t ttrong 1upport from AN Helge­"'" and Dea n Wuchere r with 18 each.


Lindsey Schade Ra tlll! Slelzer J11,ckton Ptck JohnMm Cantleld

~ ro •"'T Tr 3 0-1 6 1 0-1 14


8 4-3 20 2 1·2 5 5 2·2 )2 0 0-0 0 5 2·2 12 0 0-0 0

30 9-16 b":9 8TE\!EN8 POINT

Vandcn Heu,;el T . Rltzenlha ler We.tphal Henning K R lutnlhaler Mt1llon Goodwin Ql5en



' ... 1 12 1-8 31 6 3-3 l5 2 0.1 4 2 2-3 6 0 0-0 0 0 1.2 1 0 0-0 0

24 1&-21 64 8TEVEN8 POINT st IS-'4


Pointers Edge St. Norbert's, 78 -7 6 , By TIM IASCII Ste\'t'ns POLnt Slllte Unl\·er•

slty rallied latt• In the serond half and huni:: on bt'h!M clutch free throw 1hoot - to tuke a 1~16 lhrlller from SI. f'iorbert Collete In n non-conference game a t 8t'f'I Gymnasium Inst Wc,dncaday evening.

With !he victory, the Point· ers lmpro\·ed Wlr o\·er11\J rec­ord to T--1 , while !he Gre! n Knlghll 11lppcd lo &-5.

St. Norbert led In ttw "arly going. but ,Tom Rltzenth11l('r"1 lh~polnt play put the Point· er1 a head. 12-11. wllh 15 min­utes ll'ft ln lhe half. and Ste­\"ens Point lead for rno5 t of the halt. · In the clotlng minuter; o l the ha lf. the v~l1or1 r allled b('hlnd the 1hooting o! their outstand­ing fo rward. ,Jack Gehle r , and sophOmoNl . fOf'Wllrd DuWa)•ne Nuh. Two lleld goa.11 by Ceh· ler and one by Nash ga\·e St. Norbert the lead. 32-31. w ith thtte minutes lcrt In lhe half.

The Pointer-., who had not played for N.-o wcekl due to ~emute r exams, we re ,;ery cold from the floor In the flnJ I mlnuti:1 ol the half, and St. Norbert sttt tched IU! advantage to 38,-33 by hAllllme.

Gebli:r, who hat been a n a ll · d istrict 1electkm the last 1 ... -0 years, led lhe Green Knlll:hll with 18 polnll In lhe halt, a nd Niuh and Steve Danen addOO elahl each.

Stevens Point 1hot ju1t 29 per c"nt from the noor ln the half ,

hltllng l3 ot 44 allemptl, as compared to the vlsltora ' 41 p.- r cent on 16 or 34.

Tom Rltz.cnthiler led lite. Poin ters wi th nine points. lol­k:lwed by Bob Henning w I t h elaht and Ken R ltzenlh11ler wi th ll'ven.

Early In the ,tt<md half, St. Norbe rl led by as much nl eight points. 48-40. before the Pointers bea:on to rally .

HeMlna 1eored on a driving layup and momenlll later stole the en1ulni Inbound, pou and toued to Quinn Vnnden Heu· vcl , who 1con-d HIiiy to tie the game. f'ollowlng a misted shot, Henning was fouled and 1&nk a free throw tha t put !he Polnten ahead. 51·50. with 11 :16 remalnlnir. ~bie r put SL Norbert back

In tront with a 111.ll r ot field goals, and the Knights held the lead for the neKt five minutes.

Vanden Heu\"t'i and Tom Rll· zenthaler 1parked the rally Iha! even tually decided the game. Van.den Heu vel"1 two f r i: e !hrowt with tLx mlnutet le!t put U1t' Po!nten In rron t, 62-61, and they nevt'r trailed airatn .

Hcnnln; broke Jooa,e lor a layup to gl\·e the Pointers ll seemingly safe 72-66 lead, with jl.151 1:30 left, bot the v\sllOl's were not about to gl\·e up.

Na1h hi! a jump shot llnd Gt'bler added a long fumper and a pair o f free throwt while the Polnten managed just a t ree throw by HeMlni, a nd 1udden ly Ste\ 't!f\l Point 100 by

Stevens Point State Statistics For 12 Games 41·! lt11 " "SUC and 1-6 Ovenll FG)I FGA Pct. FT)I FTA Pct. B.eb. PFTP A,·1'·

Tom Rl tz:enthaler -· 96 192 .500 44 66 .667 86 36 236 19.1 Q. Vanden H euvel .... 75 195 .385 54 68 .79,1, 86 25 204 17.0 Ke n R IUtnlhalt'r ........ 59 110 .536 28 41 .683 70 27 146 12-1 Bob H enning ___ ....... 39 72 .542 34 59 .516 49 18 1.12 9.3 Ro bb Westphal ......... . 48 90 .533 22 33 .667 95 44 118 9.8 R uu Golomskl -..... 3 1 .511 4 5 .800 3 4 10 2.5 Jim Olsen ····---... -- ... :. 9 25 .360 1 10 .700 22 13 25 2.1 . Terry Amonson - ···· ·· 9 24 .375 6 11 .545 25 11 24 " 2.1 J erry Mallon _____ .. __ 10 36 .278 5 9 .SS6 9 3 25 2.0 John Goodwin ···-··-··· 6 14 .429 4 1 .511 13 6 16 2.0 Mike Gorman -···-·-··· 0 2 .000 2 2 1.000 O· 0 2 2.0 Mike Eachenb&uch .... 1 5 .200 0 0 .000 0 0 2 1.0 TOTALS ····--··-··----.356 m .461 210 312 .673 459 193 9'20 76.6 OPPONE?\'TS ........... - 343 &n .408 162 246 .658 410 230 850 10.8

GAME RESULTS Seorea W.:h Seor8' S P 66. Wheato n 11 Vanden H e uvel, 1G S P 51. W inona 52 Vanden H e u vel. 19 S P 92. St. Mary's 66 He nning, 22 SP 89, Whliewater 73 T . RJnenthaler, 28 SP 105, R h·er Falls 6.9 T . RJtunthalt-r , 26 S P 13, S u perior 53 Vanden H eu\•el, 22 S P 14, P 1-ttev11le 89 T . R1tunt h 11 ler, 22 S P 62, Calvin 71 Henning, 13 SP 18. North P a rk 14 T . RJtunlhaler. 24 SP ss. Othkoah 81 T . ruuen thale r, 23 S P 78. SL Norbert 76 T . Rltunthale r, 22 S P 64, Eau ClaJtt 6.9 T . Rltunthalt'r, 31

Nert GMnN: Saturday, January 31. S tout H e n!

only one. 13-12, with l7 1ecoods , lt'lt. .

Febler , tole !he lnbclund, pall and 1cored. apparen!ly glvlni: the Knights the lead. but the basket w111 dlsa llqwed II hl· wa1 called for tra\•ellng,

Vanden Heu\•el wu !ouled wi lh 21 lttOnds left , and cooly tank a pair of chari ty toal'!I, giving the Point a 75-12 edge.

Pai Callahan cafflt' back wl lh a basket with elKhl leCOf1ds !ell to bring St. Nor bert within one ugaln. but Tom Rltunthaler was louled and canned another brace ol tree lhf'OWI wi th j,I.Ut fh·t' seeonds left to put t he game out or ttach.

Na1h1C'O~Unc<>nte1tedwith one lttOlld left, and Robby Westphal sank a fl'ff throw, giving the Polnten thei r l!na l margin of victory, 18-76.

Tom Rltzentha ler OOCt' aa:ain topped the Pointer• In acoring. hlttlni on live of teven al· tempts In the ll'COlltl hnlt I,• finish with 22 points. 9anden

lleuvel had n rare olt-nlght •hootlni, u he h i! just four of 18 tholl. but stlll l lnlshed with H points. at did Henning. Ken Rltzenlhaltr wa1 the tourtl1 Pointer In double t l1ul't'I with 11. Westphal added eight mark­en, end John Goodwin. who 1ierformed well In • retl'.NI' roll, eontrlbuted .even.

Olbler e111ly took· 1ame hon­Otll as he collected 35 point,. •Ink ing 14 o f 26 1hotl. and pull, ed do...•n 15 reboUnds II we ll. Nash added :10 polnu: and block­ed fh·e 1holll. and D11nen hi t 12 markera.

The Pointer• W1!re outsc:or~ from the floor, 32-28. bu! made 22 of 35 free lhf'OWI. while the Grttn Knights hlt 12 of 23 char• ity IOHl'.I .

St. Norbert held the edgt' In I.hooting perceniage, u they Hnk 32 of 12 lhotl. II .444 e\lJ1. "'hlle the Poultera 1hot .359 on 28 of 78 a ttemptt.

1n the preliminary aame, the P ointer fl't':l hman lmprowd

their seuon rtcord to 4-3 hy deteaJlna !he St. Norbt'rt jun­k>r vat1ltY, 64-59.

A KNiml"l'O.U' : 8TEVE.."i'8 POINT

Vanden Heuwl T. Rltun thaler Wettphal Henning K. R1tttnlhat'r Mallon AmoNoo Goodwin o ...


FO • • ' ' .

n TP &-1 14 .. 22 .. 8 4-9 H lA II

I 0-0 2 0 0-0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0-0 0

28 Zl-35 18

FG FT TP Callahan 4 0-0 8 O..nen 4 4-5 12 Gt'ble r 14 7.13 35 Nash 10 o-J 20 Stt'ffanus O 0-0 o Riopelle O 0-0 0 Gria;non O 1·2 I Guertl O 0-0 0

TOTALS 32 12·23 76 8T l!!\ 'ENS POINT S! 4'--11 ST. NORBERT al :sa--11


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