A PAPER OF QUALITY YESTHUUTS NO 334 WASHINGTON C FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6 1907 ONE CENT THE HERALD 0 ctRCULATlOJ 30075 S L MASIIINGTON < BRYAN PREDICTS HEARST WILL RUN Democratic Leader Begins Series of Speeches OMUT Nil TURNS GUNS ON TAJT Says No State Has Instructed for War Secretory XebrnKlcnn Believe New York Hill tor Ii Dlnlcln r One Fight In Irte Party nnd Another QutMlde Trav cling Oonipatiipn Ilcarnt Will Draw StrcJieth from IleimhlluniiM- Tliron hoBt the rcst rH States Oklahoma City Sept i Wnnam J Bryan here today speeches wWch will end in New York State late in October Today he leveled htatsett wholly to Secretary v Bryan asked about tile vaderg campaign of Wilttam R Bat for dele- gates in the Central West and replied that h understood Hearst wss msk- ing one fight huode aad another outsMe- atte party vans opinion that Hearst is ready to as SN tedependent candidate One of Bryans tr vettng companions said Heart would draw west Of his votes from the RetmbUcaa party Middle States and tfce4 Northwest ryan now goes to Nebraska for the campaign there and then will go Sastt to speak in New Jersey New York Massa bfausetts an Connecticut Brynu Scores Taft Bryan said today Secretary Taut in his speech made hi this Territory a days o advises the people to reject the proposed constitution and postpone Statehood until aether en- abling act can be secured At first blush One might suspect that the Secretarys- advkjt was due to his personal interest In the next election He might be accused of advising the postponement of Statehood with a view to keening electoral votes out of the Democratic column more generous view taken oC the mat- ter is that his advice resulted from his habits of thought Taft is inclined to postpone everything He promises to acquire the title of the great postponer He is on his way to the Philippines to tell the Filipinos that while he thinks they ought t have self government after a while he Vajits it postponed for the present It te m i strange therrfore that he should yield to hs ruling spirit ia the saskter nf State- hood ad y ti t p t Can He Control Coiifrresu He holds out to the people the hope of another enabling act but what surance can he give that a Republican Congress will act te bring in a Democratic State just before A Presidential election To have been struggling for Statehood for some fifteen years and now when it Is within your grass b sales you to xehMtge a cer- tainty for the delusive premise of an- other chance Dees he control the Con- gress tectdnt that he usa guarantee Immediate actfcm SA ators from ins own 6t te 4e not h s advice HIs af a Pi esMaatial candi- date cannot yet be measured for not a single State has yet instructed for him BURTON SURE OF SUCOESS Will ITse IreMldeiitM Letters In levelanrt Cnuipiiieni Cleveland Sept Congressman Bur- ton sure of iwraiiutUen by the Repub licans in convention Saturday to eppeee Tom L Johnson far the mayoralty al- ready hss his plan of esmysiga mapped outA big feature of this campaign will be tbc orgSAtsmUoa of thousands of voters who signed petitions stwrfy awl in sore urging him to sacrifice his career and help defeat Johnson into an active votesoliciting force The nanny haTe been tabulated and the vot- ers wffl be railed at and to their parts Another feature of the esjmpaign work it is bettered aewj will be use of Pres- ident Roosevelts letter or letters to Mr Burton on which he himself has said he reached his decision te enter the race TAYLOR DECLINES TO RETURN uor of Keiifnclcyjaiei- ineKted to Heinalu Arrnyi Indianapolis Sept E William Tay- lor former of Kentucky and refugee w thist State for the pont feeven years will not accept ledge Stouts otter of humanity frsn arrest sad return to that State to JesttfV ia beaall af Qaleb Powers Friends hi Kentucky are sending him letters by very mail toiling kin net to return and saggestiag that there Is every probability of the State going at the oomteg and he san then return and be sure of a fair tria Mr Tayter says that the men who thus advise hint are old and tried friends and that he would not voluntarily return to Kentucky in the face of advice from men who know he Is innocent and who believe that a trap is being set roc him THIRTEEN DIE IN ELAMES- Plre De troy Hotel Near Tnjsonin and Guexin 1erlsli Wssh Sevt 8 Fire asstroyed the Webb HsW at Shelton twenty miles from Taeema test nignt Thirteen per s s perished lOss Bailey and Mrs Kudge both of Shelton are kn wn to be among the lost All the other victims were men Baltimore ntul Return 12- 3lltiltimore Ohio It Every Saturday and Sunday All trains City omeest and 618 Pa- 4S 5 California a O Ry Special rate and special service I Says a of Taft Wall I Mr Tea 4 J few ell but- t he It IMr 8UCIi all 1 TIle CIt I Ra- tional Med ale the Jormr S governor q Rep ltwin election r Taco U ways daYs except Royal Urn jted 1417 G it a beg sedes ma tel immediately torn Influence S Mayoralty ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < WEATHER FORECAST For the District of Columbia Delaware and Maryland Fair today and tomorrow light west to northwest winds HERALD NEWS SUMMARY PaS TI3LIBGIIAPHIC- J Bryaw Predicts Hearst Will Run 1Brokers Fall for 0OO- W1G A May Meet Here Annually 1 Warrants Not Served on Mrs Phillips MeKinley Monument Unveiled SBarte Provides for Departing Wits M PepnerVanderbilt on Stand Hummel Illness Delays Thaw Trial fOll Icing Plans Unique Church I Warrenton Horse Show Sno- elKews of Maryland and Virginia LOCAL 1HobssN Expects War JaiMM Wyman to Fight Pta e Uaderpaid Says CMdWrattk Horse Into Pit 2 Jilrs Xbercrombie Prostrated 4Scientists Are Much Amaae- d4SdenUst Scores Yellow Press 13 Dr Hale Is Forgiven SHIP IS SUNK Bffort to Flail Xew Continent North of Mackenzie lllver Fulls- f Athabasca Landing Sept 6 The steam- er Midnight Sun arrived here from Grand Rapids Tuesday bringing the Hudson Bay Companys furs from the far North Aracag the passengers was Alfred Harri son who had been in the arctic circle fer the past two years and who has mafee a successful trip to Danksland He reports that the Vllhjamus Stefan son arrived at Herschel Island from Fort Anxious Island reporting that the Duch- ess of Bedford the ship belongingto the AngloAmerican expedition that hoped to find a new continent north of the Mackenzie Ittver lou filled with water and they had moved everything to the male shore and that the ship had proba- bly sunki Quails Before Onslaughts of Ladies Sewing Circle QUITS THE ARMY IN DISGUST Younpr Roosevelt Ahnndonn Trip wIth Qavnlry from Knnnas to Chi uapro Because Women Inftlnt on Pettlnjr llliu IIcftiegtHl nt livery Stop fin Route Goen to Itlouiidilin Chicago Seatlr Keraitt Roosevelt son 0f tile Praatdarfi 9t the United Stats reveled for eight days in the reughmg of Unfted States army oamp life on a T rwh end was routed by the re onslaughts W the Ladies Sewing Circle Had kindred organizations and foreed tft fort at J Blln III The p t ff and pampering by women at every EtofKang place became intolera- M days ago but the news of it be- came public only today Young Roosevelt for the novelty of the expertonee Joined the First Squadron of the Thirteenth United States Cavalry en its hike from Tort Riley Leaven worth Kan to Fort Sheridan HI TIM story told of his rout leaked oat TJbe omoars tell another and more digni- fied story They nay that the Presidents son left the march at Joaltn to keep a hunting trip with some friends in the Dakotas There is no dlf- feranae of opinion on one thing however Kermit Roosevelt dLsappenred with com- plete 8HCOOSS and Its whereabouts today are not known to any one sewing circle devotes or others The officers said they hollered he was In Chicago The men said they hollered he had taken to the ten woods For his endurance and enjoyment of every experience of camp life axcept the unusual one of having the privacy of ones tent invaded by curious women at inconvenient moments Kermit Roosevelt was praised by tho officem and men alike TAFT AND STRAUS CONPER Secretary nt Commerce and Labor on Way Hay Livingston Mont Sept K Secretary of War Taft anti left Yellowstone Park today end started for Portland over the Northern Pacific Railroad Mr Taft and Osoar Straus Secretary of1 Commerce and Labor met in the park Mr litmus is returning from a two months Inspection of the affairs of his department on tho Paclne Coast and in the Hawaiian Islands He went But to Chicago today and will probably proceed directly to Oyster Bay and ace the President Mr Straus Mid the PRoJflc Coast was enjoying eoaeon of unprecedented prosperity- Mr he thought was the choice of the Western Republicans for He and Mr Taft Had a long non tome last night Secretary Straus is accompanied by his wIre PRINCE WILHELM SAILS Royal Oncnt Starts Home Deserters froin FylRla Sought Boston Sept 6 Oscar pf Sweden cabled to the Swedish Consulate here to- day his gratitude tar the reception which the SwedishAmerican residents of the city gave Prince WIlhelm and the Fylgia The veaeil left ton today for Southampton England His royal high- ness upon srrlval from Niagara early this morning boarded cruiser and was sleep in his cabin when she left her anchorage off tbe navy yarn at fi oclock Fully thirty sailors who went on hore leave hers and in New York are said to have deserted the ship It ie understood that stone are taken to arrest the Congressional 527 10th Celebrutcfl for quick results in shorthand typewriting A In Carte Lunch Served Dally At from 12 to 1 1411 N T aye October 8 190 Remember the dote It WIth 1Dr Sold Yalta Ei RING f KERMIT PUT TO ROUT It fIb to Oyster party a Tall the imme- diately being men hut thanks pod engagement Presi- dent KIng > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < FORCED TO WALL Watson Co May Owe Five Million Dollars AS HILL HOUSE Calamity Jones One of Part- ners in the Concern Dealt Largely In Great Northern end Northern Pacific Shares for OU- Htoxuorft In the Xorthive t Slump in Prlcan of Iliithcluiis Stocks Causes Failure Operation In Grain Mar- ket Provo to De Successful New York Sept 6 The Important grain and stock brokerage house of Wat a n A Co 24 made an- HMicnwent today to W Frank Newell manager of the Now York office Neither the assignee nor Jill attorney Shlnnd Shoemaker Hedges of M Pine street would make any estimate of the Amount of the assets or liabilities both saying that may had insufficient tim for the preparation of won A rough compilation In wellInformed bunking otrolea however It wag said the liabili- ties are largo cud this belief Is strength- ened by the fact that the firm did a larger business than any other that hits suspended in the past year It was es- timated that the liabilities might aggro Kate fMMM The siesta aro known to be large and statement from repre- sentatives of toe thin to the offset that it would be able to pry in full was credited in substantial banking quarters Watson Co was known as a Hill house tot the reason principally that both the Arm awl its oeetowsra were fi- nanciers of tfie Hill stocks Grstft Northern and Northern Faclac and that the firms largest clientele was in the Northwest The shrinkage in the market valve of these stocks Attorney Shoe- maker said WM the principal caua of the failure The members ol Arm are Louie T Watson Henry P Watson Herschell V Jones and Charles X Andrews Louis T Watson lives at tK trOt avenue this city the others in Milwaukee and in the letter city members of the arm were en- gaged in business aa grain brokers before the Arm began business in this city The stock exchange membership was acquired and the New York ofltee opened in Jan- uary im- rklamltyu Jone mi ilrpert Herschel V one of the partners is well known aa one sf the most promi- nent crop experts In the country Calam- ity Jones be has been dubbed by specu- lators whom market commitments were at variance with hie predictions He was formerly publisher of the Commercial West a publication devoted to the grain Interests and the accuracy of esti- mates of the crop yields brought him into friendly relations with James J Hill who thought well of him aa crop expert This relationship gave rtee to a story to- day that one of Mr Hills sons had an account with the hone Mr HUt denied this report emphatically The firm had offices in Duluth Hot Springs Minneapolis and Winnipeg and a branch on Fifth avenue this city In addition to the Stock Exchange membership it was a member of the Pro- duce Exchange Cotton Exchange and Coffee Exchange in this city Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade and Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce It did a very large buetneee in grain and stocks for Northwestern customers and was accounted one of the most im- portant of the wire houses of this city The firms resources at the beginning of the year were very large In weather- ing the March panic and the subsequent weeks It was raid the firm was obliged to dispose of the greater part of its holdings of the Hill stocks at a sacri- fice and undoubtedly lost also from the failure of customers to keep up margins for many of fts customers in the North west speculated heavily in the Hill shores ResonrccB Badly Strained The resources were undoubtedly badly strained in the spring decline Subse- quently however Watson Co took a very active position on tho bull side of the wheat market H V Jones was one of the first crop experts to predict a short age in the wheat crop and he followed the Initial prediction by others much more emphatic In the wheatmarket speculation which led to dollar wheat in July the house was reputed to hold for Itself and customers quite as wheat as any other Eastern concern Those who had reason to fear tho solvency of the house earlier year considered the profits from wheat providing they were converted into cash would make good much of the loss in tho Hill shares Attorney Shoemaker said today that the firm sustained no losses whatever from its operations in the wheat market but that profits had been gained for all its customers who dealt in grain The prin- cipal he said accrued from the slump in the highpriced stocks Greet Northern Northern Pacific and others The failure was not even precipitated by this weeks decline in wheat PrtiflttnkcrM Cause Trouble Another report of the firm said that the immediate reason for the failure was the insistence of large customers of the firm many of them men with large profits in wheat on closing out their accounts sad securing their profits A canvass of the assets uf the firm it was showed that it would be unable to pay all customers large and small alike and it was deemed advisable to assign n order that all might be treated on the same basis This representative inferred that the firm had for months had a long waiting list Many customers who made paper profit through It by taking the short stele of the market had been compelled to wait In the hope that the firm might retrieve Its fortunes As In 125 to Itsltimore nad Return Every Saturday and Sunday via Pennsyl- vania Railroad Tickets good returning until Sunday night AH trains except Congressional Limited Uptodale Business Course at The Drillery floe New York ave nw BROKERAGE FIRM street the a 8 tile J his much j I thc that ald I I r > KNOWN broad kisses ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Lawrence Waterburys experience with W L Stow Co patience finally be came exhausted The hope that the firm may be able to resume is based principally on the fact that the Messrs Watson have large holdings of lumber lands and other reel estate in Canada and other portions of the Northwest In the pres out condition of the monoy market it was found impossible to convert these real estate properties Into cash a trig sacrifice f value and banks w ro unwilling to aocept mortgages- on such undeveloped property as se for loans In the future it is hollered those properties can be dis- posed of to advantage and all debts I paid Watson I Hopeful Watson said Attorney Shoe j maker Is of course hopeful that the losses of the firm and particularly i those of the customers can be met by j the assets at a high rate on tho del f lar All of the firms loans at the banks are heavily margined and It is an auspicious fact that the banks no disposition to call the loans all hopeful about the situ alien It was widely reported in the financial section that the nrm had tAken over t number of the amounts of JJhn W Gates him Thi report lacked confirmation fwd was considered improbabia on the fact that Watson Co sustained severe losses prior to the liquidation of the Gates house Chicago dispatches reported thfcmort than 10MOM bushels of long wheat were sold out tot the account of the suspended line m that city this morning The caused a sharp break of 2 cents a bushel in wheat There was a bit of a flurry on the York Coffee Exchange on the announo meet of the failure the various option yiwMirs materially on reports that M firm was heavily interested in coffee It was computed subsequently however that its holdings of coffee were not in excess or 2500 bags LANDIS IN GOTHAM DTCOG Judge lint Been to Sec Cleveland About inching Tackle New York Sept Judge Land is most talked of man in the country since ho imposed the 2stMoM upon the Standard Oil Company came to Wow York on Wednesday morning saw two friends off on a steamer and then went to Princeton to see exPreal dent Grover Cleveland He found Air Cleveland be said improved in health Returning to New York the Judge went to the Hotel GoUNun where for two days has corns and gone with- out being recog ia d by any of the other guests There was no bustomw in connection with the trip to New York Landls no conferences with Federal offi- cials no visit to Oyster Bay I havent any business there he said no stopping ew President Cleveland well in Washington when he was private secretary to Walter Q Grtsham The Judge explained tonight that he went down to get a tubing besn l to enjoy hs e RECEIVER FOR SPEIR CO KUm Contractors Bmlmr l in Clmrlcntovrn- Charlestonn W Va Stn Philip Walker of Washinetoe D wa appointed special reortvWfbr vr B Speir Go Washington contractors butMtoig the now Y M C A home here Several creditors flied petitions in the Cir Covrt The indebtedness fe placed at mjM with estimated assets ff J f H90 of Which mjHUt is due front the T K C A contract and HJ consists of property and other available assets in It is not believed that the appointment of the receiver will retard work on the betiding TIlts firm has a number of other contracts in West Virginia upon which work was to have been started MAY REOPEN RATE CONTEST Road leased by Southern Seeks Injunction at Asheville 4 Will Raise Questions Which May Force Glenn to Put Threat Into Operation Swekl te Tlw Wuiitoctei Herald Asheville N C Sept 5 Another rail- way injunction suit has boon instituted before Judge Pritchard for the purpose of restraining the bringing of several suits In Ahimanco County against the North Caro- lina and Southern Railway to enforce ponaltls growing out of the new State passenger rate law These cases are rendered doubly Inter- esting from tho fact that the question will be raised whether thex North Carolina RaIlroad the line between Goldsboro and Charlotte which is being operated by the Southern under a ninetynineyear lease is an integral part of the Southern sys- tem Gov Glenn has stated that the legis- lature be called into extra session to repeal this lease unless the officials of the Southern walked very circumspectly- and unless the State was successful in the litigation now pending Judge Pritchard has announced that the Alamnce injunction case will be given a hearing September 18 when it will be determined whether the restrain- ing order will be granted In the papers tiled it is set forth that unless such order is granted the Southern will be deprived- of the benefit of the Interlocutory order of injunction heretofore issued and the road will suffer an irredeemable injury Additional interest is lent to this case because of the tact that the attorney mentioned for the Alamanco persons is Jacob A Long candidate before the last Democratic convention for the office of corporation commissioner and brother of Judge Long who recently imposed a fine of 30000 on the Southern at Balelgh harpers Ferry Hnlltotvn- Chnle own Summit Point and Winchester nnd Return Leave Baltimore and Ohio Station Washington 890 a m Sunday 8 Splendid opportunity for out ing October 1807 Remember the dnte t cur y i AIr I show WP- are very C n- ot 0 Nt I tine he over In Wblnctpn or going Landl W to er favorite pedal te 4 to- day 1 cult Wuhla ton soe would th 100 Septem- ber 8 with- out sell- Ing udg coming Judge k out re- ed b Mr ievelg- t uOK ZlJdWg sport raise The Wrshie HatOl I ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ WILL FIGHT THE BUBONIC PLAGUE Phito by Harris Etring SuRGEON WALTER AVYMAX- DfwHed By Prwtfent Roosevelt to Take Tp in San Fhtncfaco Aphut Dread S wg GE EnL B attIc President Helps in Fight on Bubonic Plague SAN FRANCISCO MAKES PLEA Mayor Telegraphs Roosevelt K questing Assistance of BariB Hoe pital Service Snreoou General will Direct War of Extermination QnDiftoaaeinfeotcd lIsts PnsUeat Roosevelt seat a HosyfiaT Service directing MM to take charge of the epidemic of bubonic plague now prevalent In San Francisco and to send a sufficient number of Marine Hos- pital surgeons to that city to pre- vent the spread of the disease Tins action was taken at the mines of the mayor of San Francisco who to the President yesterday for as- sistance The PreaMeats telegram te Surgeon General Wyman is as follows Following tetegrani received from mayor of San Francisco In view of the existing tanttary condi It te desired that the Federal guy tent assume immediate chars of the measures necessary to eradicate and pre- vent the spread of bnboni plague ia San Francisco The city win do its utmost to furnish funds to pay for material and labor It is requested that the Pub Hc Health and Marine Hospital Service furnish sufficient number of medical of- ficers Please ta action requested at if within out powers end com with mayor by wire as soon as possible THJOOUOM iwoscrHvr- Dr IVymaii llcpllea Dr Wyman sent this reply to President Roosevelt Telegram quoting request of mayor of San Francisco tfeat the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service take im- mediate charge of measures relating te the plague situation is received In ac cordance with your directions Immediate action will be taken and the mayor noU fted Service officers some especially for the purpose have been coop- erating with the local authorities and measures necessary to prevent the spread of the disease to other parts by ship- ping aretwcU established It is entirely within our power to assume charge of measures necessary to eradicate the dis- ease the local authorities cooperating as indicated in the mayors WALTER WYMAN Cone lit Old Chinatown The first cs of bubonic plague ap- peared in San Francisco about the middle of August when several patients who lived within two blocks of the section of the city which before the earthquake and fire wan known as Chinatown were to Dr Wyman by Marine Burgeon Austin who was immediately instructed to confer with the municipal health offi- ciate and inform Dr Wyman of the meas- ures for the eradication of the disease taken by the city officials- A general disinfection of the suspected districts was made and the State board of health ordered the fumigation of all vessels lying in the harbor Additional Marine Hospital surgeons were ordered to San Francisco to aid In the work Dr Wyman had issued orders to all quaran tine officers on the Pacific Coast to in- spect all vessels from San Francisco and to fumigate them for the destruction of rats which are known to be a medium for the transmission of the disease were also made fer the by fumigation of all the rats on vessels lying in the harbor of Sail Fran- Cisco On August 29 last the total number of cases of bubonic plague In San Francisco had reached nine and there had been six deaths MORE GRAFTING EXPOSED Allegheny Scandal Threatens to Ex- ceed that of Capitol Building PIttsburg Sept The political scan- dal which was opened yesterday by the indictment of State Senator Rodgers mud three others for alleged tax receipt frauds was further augmented today by the an- nouncement from the prosecuting attor- ney that at least 2M more persons would be Indicted in Allegheny City before the cases were taken into court The affair now bids fair to be the most sensational avar known in Pennsylvania politics and will in all likelihood have a good effect on the fight for United States Senator t I rW71I- it AIII I app- ealed tloiis2 det- ailed re- ported Ar- rangementS de- struction a ASKS YJIAN TO AID ssa- s ia lereos ener- aiHtb sni1l telegram- ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HEW MOVE I G A R May Select Washington as v Fixed Meeting Place DISCUSS PLAN AT SARATOGA Proposition AVTH Re Made Next Week tit Fortyllwit National Kn- uanipme tt to Hold Annual Meet In TltiH City in the Future Ifccneot ol WdO Veterans Tills fmlysi mst inuHL of tilt Grand Ary of the RepobNc which wTO be held m this vttiag next week Ind dental to the encampment GoY Chartoa E Hughes will spend twentyfour hours in the village welcoming the veterans on twhatf of the State of New York and hold lag a public reception at Ms Congress Hall The village is being so axtsoshrety decorated that the buadhgg- wM be praetleally hidden ty red sad blue At nights the streets will be brilliantly ilionunated Business sessions of the encampment will be held on Thursday and FrWay A proposition will be wade to select Wash iasjton D C of meeting after this year Grand Army amcJals say that BuON veterans will visit e resort during the encampment Oov Hughes win arrive an Tuesday afternoon That evening he will be among the speakers at the public meet and camp Are In the convention Mrs Carrie K SparXWn of St Louis president of Wonwuw Relief orps will present to tIN G A H the silver jubilee offering of the Woman Relief Corps Other speakers will in elude Swift of Buffalo N Y State deputy commanderhichief Wednesday Gov Hughes will be accorded a public reception at Con- gress Hall In the afternoon the annual parade of the veterans will be reviewed by Gov Hughes In the evening a spe- cial display of will be given for the veterans in Congress Park Wednesday morning a luncheon will be at Congress Halt for Gin Hughes sad past national and department com- mander At this the department of New York will be hosts Thursday evening will be given up to a nuupflre in the convention hall at which the speakers will include Gen I Whlttaker de- partment commander of Texas United States Senator William Warner of Mis- souri put eommanderin cMef and W Keifer of Sprlagaeld Oafg a for- mer Speaker of the House of Representa- tive CHARLES H DEEEE IS ILL Millionaire Plow Manufacturer In Serious Condition nt Chicago Chicago Sept 5Charles H Deere the millionaire plow manufacturer of Mottne 111 after a three years search in vain for relief from stomach trouble is a patient- at a private hospital here suffering from pernicious anaemia usually a fatal dis- ease Mr Deere is years old His wife a prominent member of Daughters of the American Revolution has arrived in Chicago and will remain indefinitely SHAVE COST JUROR 1010 Ten Minutes Late nt Court He In Fined 1 i Minute Spccfel to The WubfaRUn Herald Greensboro N C Sept 5 It e st Fred- erick In oM lflW to get shaved today Ingold is a Juror in the United Staled District Court at the present term On his way to court today he stopped to get a shave and the tonsorlaliat made the operation so elaborate a one that IngoM reached his destination ten min- utes late Judge foul assessed the delinquent juror 1 for each minute he had tsjcen from the courts time which added to the initial cost of Ills shave probably makes a new record Let Your Wealth Accumulate In banking of Union Trust Co 1414 F st It will earn interest for Interest paid on all accounts Deposits subject to check Savings accounts Invited I laM tR1- aIJJorate Om ten white the pinre Iiarlaa J JIIOt1Ih liveR L seventy the Year Iost I- lnpams as pemusnest Ink baA the dreovtm Con- J I + ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > WITOHE MIKADO f Believes Conflict May Next February HE COINS NEW PHRASE Declares Americans Build Ships and Eat Dirt lnbnmnn Takc Strong Stand for Keeping Fleet In Par EnId Sees Much of Si nlflcnnce in Move to Abolish Open Door Congrcas man Snys Country Paces Critical Feriotl in Its Foreign Relations Build ships and oat dirt apL Hichmond Pearson Hobeon the countrys most strenuous advocate of a greater navy and the new member of the House of RepresentatIves from the Sixth Alabama district com this phrase- as descriptive of the condition in which he believes the people of the United States tied thasjiselves by reason sf their failure to appropriate more liberally In the past for the navy Capt Hobson who has arrived in Washington for the coming session of Congress does not mince words la djg ruining the posetbtttUes of war with Japan and the sending of Uncle big fleet to the Pad H ee farther than the department tar its and plans and says the fleet should go to the far East and be there The only possible Of ef ffeace te to get eatk Sect oat to fl e tar East said Capt Hobeon last night Nattirallr the play the game wi i Japan and particu huly British will become active in the Atlantic to make out Atlantic States timid to hold our Poet or part of it in the Atlantic but w should unhesitat- ingly tend that fleet straight te the far East and keep it there while we build two other fleets as large for the Atlantic sad South Aiaericaa sees to protect the Monroe doctrine Seeks Pretext- If Japan cannot and some further pre- text between now and the setting of the fleet it to not UnlikelY that she will cause the socalled yellow press of Japan to mnsme the people of Japan and use this as a taste to make representations to America to withhold the further progress of the lest and if necessary pretend tttti stsflt titart ie Jme to urge and in- sist dust we do not send the fleet farther All Jfeafl we are at a very critical June tttre IB ear countrys foreign relations and at a period when the Panama Canal Ie not complete which will be our period the period that will by Japan backed by tne powers to bring on a war During this period because of our ut- terly inadequate navy our people must be prepared to not only be exceedingly calm and conservative but to accept any form of humIliatiOn that may come We have neglected the question of defense so long that we must aw eat dirt Our policy must be to build ships and eat dirt and we cannot stop eating dirt until after the ships are built AVnr May Come Soon HoDson believes the clash with Tap may come la February if post- poned that long by romeo of affairs in Chins The oSbHal announcement that the Empress Dowager of China will abdicate next February on the Chime New Year brings to the front th wante question of the fate of that great empire says he American diplomacy inaugurated under Secretary Hay and contlnjMd under- Secretary Root secured the adopt Ion willingly or unwlllin y by the powers of the open door policy for China Since Japanese ascendency in the far EAst a has been on foot to overturn this just policy sad to substitute for it the dangerous sphere of influence policy Japan sWag with the military powers of Europe has misgivings lest with a fair chance and no favor America might secure the lions share of the coming great commerce of Chins and Japan has organized a movement by which America- is to be left out sad China is to be sub- divided into spheres of influence Upon this baste Japan has negotiated special new treaties with the European powers by which treaties the limitations of the various spheres of influence have been de- nned Yellow Against While This Question has an important bear lag not only upon the future commerce of America but upon our pence and the peace of the world The spheres or In nuance policy would unquestionably lead nofc only to dissensions and wars be- tween the powers as to the subdivision tIt wotnVI ultimateLy lead to the abso- lute preponderance cf Japan over China and the transformation of the Chinese from a peaceful into a military people and lay the foundation for an ultimate struggle between the white race on one side and the yellow on the other for the supremacy of the world On the other hand the open door policy in China based on Justice and equal rights for all would guarantee the ascendency of peaceful activities in China would to that country a great commer cisl future which would reflect vast benefit upon alt nations and would lay the foundation for the two great races to meet each other as friends anti and not as enemies in war But the question has a more pressing and vital significance for us These new Japanese treaties with the European nations and especially the treaty of al- liance offensive and defensive with the British are parts of the diplomatic prep- arations that Japan has made for an at- tack America Her naval and military preparations are practically complete and all that now remains is for her to secure a pretext for such an attack this fact explains the apparently unaccountable attitude of Japan upon every little ridiculous tri- fling incident that occurs anywhere in this country The understanding with the other nations is doubtless that Japan will throw America out of the Pacific Ocean and America would have to stop for a number of years to make preparations to go back and by that time the parti- tion of China would have been completed and America to get back into the far East would have to face the combined world antI at such a distance would be confronted by a practically insurmount- able barrier FEARS gill J t sis kept our powers tile Japan CalK rice opt up com- rades WAR Big z hag danger- ous be- sought plait ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬


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Democratic Leader BeginsSeries of Speeches



Says No State Has Instructedfor War Secretory

XebrnKlcnn Believe New York Hill

tor Ii Dlnlcln r One Fight In Irte

Party nnd Another QutMlde Travcling Oonipatiipn Ilcarnt WillDraw StrcJieth from IleimhlluniiM-Tliron hoBt the rcst rH States

Oklahoma City Sept i Wnnam JBryan here todayspeeches wWch will end in New YorkState late in October

Today he leveled htatsett wholly toSecretary v

Bryan asked about tile vadergcampaign of Wilttam R Bat for dele-gates in the Central West and repliedthat h understood Hearst wss msk-ing one fight huode aad another outsMe-

atte partyvans opinion that Hearst is

ready to as SN tedependentcandidate One of Bryans tr vettngcompanions said Heart would draw westOf his votes from the RetmbUcaa party

Middle States and tfce4 Northwestryan now goes to Nebraska for the

campaign there and then will go Sastt tospeak in New Jersey New York Massabfausetts an Connecticut

Brynu Scores TaftBryan said today

Secretary Taut in his speech made hithis Territory a days o advises thepeople to reject the proposed constitutionand postpone Statehood until aether en-abling act can be secured At first blushOne might suspect that the Secretarys-advkjt was due to his personal interest Inthe next election He might be accused ofadvising the postponement of Statehoodwith a view to keening electoralvotes out of the Democratic column

more generous view taken oC the mat-ter is that his advice resulted from hishabits of thought

Taft is inclined to postpone everythingHe promises to acquire the title of thegreat postponer He is on his way tothe Philippines to tell the Filipinos thatwhile he thinks they ought t have selfgovernment after a while he Vajits itpostponed for the present It te m istrange therrfore that he should yield tohs ruling spirit ia the saskter nf State-hood ad y ti t p t

Can He Control CoiifrresuHe holds out to the people the hope

of another enabling act but whatsurance can he give that a RepublicanCongress will act te bringin a Democratic State just before A

Presidential election To have beenstruggling for Statehood for some fifteenyears and now when it Is within yourgrass b sales you to xehMtge a cer-tainty for the delusive premise of an-

other chance Dees he control the Con-gress tectdnt that he usaguarantee Immediate actfcm SAators from ins own 6t te 4e noth s advice

HIs af a Pi esMaatial candi-date cannot yet be measured for nota single State has yet instructed forhim


Will ITse IreMldeiitM Letters Inlevelanrt CnuipiiieniCleveland Sept Congressman Bur-

ton sure of iwraiiutUen by the Republicans in convention Saturday to eppeeeTom L Johnson far the mayoralty al-

ready hss his plan of esmysiga mapped

outAbig feature of this campaign will be

tbc orgSAtsmUoa of thousands of voterswho signed petitions stwrfy awl insore urging him to sacrifice his

career and help defeat Johnsoninto an active votesoliciting force Thenanny haTe been tabulated and the vot-ers wffl be railed at and to theirparts

Another feature of the esjmpaign workit is bettered aewj will be use of Pres-ident Roosevelts letter or letters to MrBurton on which he himself has said hereached his decision te enter the race


uor of Keiifnclcyjaiei-ineKted to Heinalu Arrnyi

Indianapolis Sept E William Tay-lor former of Kentucky andrefugee w thist State for the pont feevenyears will not accept ledge Stouts otterof humanity frsn arrest sad return tothat State to JesttfV ia beaall af Qaleb

PowersFriends hi Kentucky are sending him

letters by very mail toiling kin net toreturn and saggestiag that there Is everyprobability of the State goingat the oomteg and he san thenreturn and be sure of a fair tria

Mr Tayter says that the men who thusadvise hint are old and tried friends andthat he would not voluntarily return toKentucky in the face of advice from menwho know he Is innocent and who believethat a trap is being set roc him


Plre De troy Hotel Near Tnjsoninand Guexin 1erlsliWssh Sevt 8 Fire asstroyed

the Webb HsW at Shelton twenty milesfrom Taeema test nignt Thirteen pers s perished

lOss Bailey and Mrs Kudge both ofShelton are kn wn to be among the lostAll the other victims were men

Baltimore ntul Return 12-3lltiltimore Ohio It

Every Saturday and Sunday All trainsCity omeest and 618 Pa-

4S 5 California a O RySpecial rate and special service



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For the District of ColumbiaDelaware and Maryland Fairtoday and tomorrow light westto northwest winds


PaS TI3LIBGIIAPHIC-J Bryaw Predicts Hearst Will Run1Brokers Fall for 0OO-W1G A May Meet Here Annually1 Warrants Not Served on Mrs Phillips

MeKinley Monument UnveiledSBarte Provides for Departing Wits

M PepnerVanderbilt on StandHummel Illness Delays Thaw Trial

fOll Icing Plans Unique ChurchI Warrenton Horse Show Sno-elKews of Maryland and Virginia

LOCAL1HobssN Expects War JaiMM

Wyman to Fight Pta eUaderpaid Says CMdWrattk

Horse Into Pit2 Jilrs Xbercrombie Prostrated4Scientists Are Much Amaae-d4SdenUst Scores Yellow Press

13 Dr Hale Is Forgiven


Bffort to Flail Xew Continent Northof Mackenzie lllver Fulls-

f Athabasca Landing Sept 6 The steam-

er Midnight Sun arrived here from GrandRapids Tuesday bringing the HudsonBay Companys furs from the far NorthAracag the passengers was Alfred Harrison who had been in the arctic circle ferthe past two years and who has mafee asuccessful trip to Danksland

He reports that the Vllhjamus Stefanson arrived at Herschel Island from FortAnxious Island reporting that the Duch-ess of Bedford the ship belongingto theAngloAmerican expedition that hopedto find a new continent north of theMackenzie Ittver lou filled with waterand they had moved everything to themale shore and that the ship had proba-bly sunki

Quails Before Onslaughts ofLadies Sewing Circle


Younpr Roosevelt Ahnndonn TripwIth Qavnlry from Knnnas to Chiuapro Because Women Inftlnt onPettlnjr llliu IIcftiegtHl nt liveryStop fin Route Goen to Itlouiidilin

Chicago Seatlr Keraitt Roosevelt son0f tile Praatdarfi 9t the United Statsreveled for eight days in the reughmg

of Unfted States army oamp life on aT

rwh end was routed by the reonslaughts W the Ladies Sewing

Circle Had kindred organizations andforeed tft fort at J Blln III

The p t ff and pampering by womenat every EtofKang place became intolera-M days ago but the news of it be-

came public only todayYoung Roosevelt for the novelty of the

expertonee Joined the First Squadron ofthe Thirteenth United States Cavalryen its hike from Tort Riley Leavenworth Kan to Fort Sheridan HI

TIM story told of his rout leaked oatTJbe omoars tell another and more digni-

fied story They nay that the Presidentsson left the march at Joaltn to keep ahunting trip with somefriends in the Dakotas There is no dlf-

feranae of opinion on one thing howeverKermit Roosevelt dLsappenred with com-

plete 8HCOOSS and Its whereabouts todayare not known to any one sewing circledevotes or others The officers said theyhollered he was In Chicago The mensaid they hollered he had taken to theten woods

For his endurance and enjoyment ofevery experience of camp life axcept theunusual one of having the privacy ofones tent invaded by curious women atinconvenient moments Kermit Rooseveltwas praised by tho officem and men alike


Secretary nt Commerce and Labor onWay Hay

Livingston Mont Sept K Secretaryof War Taft anti left YellowstonePark today end started for Portlandover the Northern Pacific Railroad MrTaft and Osoar Straus Secretary of1

Commerce and Labor met in the parkMr litmus is returning from a twomonths Inspection of the affairs of hisdepartment on tho Paclne Coast and inthe Hawaiian Islands

He went But to Chicago today andwill probably proceed directly to OysterBay and ace the President Mr StrausMid the PRoJflc Coast was enjoyingeoaeon of unprecedented prosperity-

Mr he thought was the choiceof the Western Republicans for

He and Mr Taft Had a long non

tome last nightSecretary Straus is accompanied by his



Royal Oncnt Starts Home Desertersfroin FylRla Sought

Boston Sept 6 Oscar pf Swedencabled to the Swedish Consulate here to-

day his gratitude tar the reception whichthe SwedishAmerican residents of thecity gave Prince WIlhelm and the Fylgia

The veaeil left ton today forSouthampton England His royal high-ness upon srrlval from Niagara earlythis morning boarded cruiser

and was sleep in his cabin whenshe left her anchorage off tbe navy yarnat fi oclock

Fully thirty sailors who went on horeleave hers and in New York are said tohave deserted the ship It ie understoodthat stone are taken to arrest the

Congressional 527 10th Celebrutcfl forquick results in shorthand typewriting

A In Carte Lunch Served DallyAt from 12 to 1 1411 N T aye

October 8 190 Remember the dote









to Oyster




the imme-diately



















Watson Co May Owe FiveMillion Dollars


Calamity Jones One of Part-ners in the Concern

Dealt Largely In Great Northern endNorthern Pacific Shares for OU-

Htoxuorft In the Xorthive t Slump inPrlcan of Iliithcluiis Stocks CausesFailure Operation In Grain Mar-

ket Provo to De Successful

New York Sept 6 The Importantgrain and stock brokerage house of Wata n A Co 24 made an-

HMicnwent today to W Frank Newellmanager of the Now York office

Neither the assignee nor Jill attorneyShlnnd Shoemaker Hedges of M

Pine street would make any estimate ofthe Amount of the assets or liabilitiesboth saying that may had insufficienttim for the preparation of won A roughcompilation In wellInformed bunkingotrolea however It wag said the liabili-ties are largo cud this belief Is strength-ened by the fact that the firm did alarger business than any other that hitssuspended in the past year It was es-

timated that the liabilities might aggroKate fMMM The siesta aro known tobe large and statement from repre-

sentatives of toe thin to the offset that itwould be able to pry in full was creditedin substantial banking quarters

Watson Co was known as a Hillhouse tot the reason principally thatboth the Arm awl its oeetowsra were fi-

nanciers of tfie Hill stocks GrstftNorthern and Northern Faclac and thatthe firms largest clientele was in theNorthwest The shrinkage in the marketvalve of these stocks Attorney Shoe-

maker said WM the principal caua ofthe failure

The members ol Arm are Louie T

Watson Henry P Watson Herschell VJones and Charles X Andrews Louis TWatson lives at tK trOt avenue thiscity the others in Milwaukee and in the

letter city members of the arm were en-

gaged in business aa grain brokers beforethe Arm began business in this city Thestock exchange membership was acquired

and the New York ofltee opened in Jan-

uary im-rklamltyu Jone mi ilrpert

Herschel V one of the partnersis well known aa one sf the most promi-

nent crop experts In the country Calam-ity Jones be has been dubbed by specu-

lators whom market commitments wereat variance with hie predictions He wasformerly publisher of the CommercialWest a publication devoted to the grainInterests and the accuracy of esti-mates of the crop yields brought him intofriendly relations with James J Hillwho thought well of him aa crop expertThis relationship gave rtee to a story to-

day that one of Mr Hills sons had anaccount with the hone Mr HUt deniedthis report emphatically

The firm had offices in Duluth HotSprings Minneapolis and Winnipeg anda branch on Fifth avenue this city

In addition to the Stock Exchangemembership it was a member of the Pro-duce Exchange Cotton Exchange andCoffee Exchange in this city ChicagoStock Exchange Chicago Board of Tradeand Minneapolis Chamber of CommerceIt did a very large buetneee in grainand stocks for Northwestern customersand was accounted one of the most im-

portant of the wire houses of this cityThe firms resources at the beginning

of the year were very large In weather-ing the March panic and the subsequent

weeks It was raid the firm wasobliged to dispose of the greater part ofits holdings of the Hill stocks at a sacri-fice and undoubtedly lost also from thefailure of customers to keep up marginsfor many of fts customers in the Northwest speculated heavily in the Hill shores

ResonrccB Badly StrainedThe resources were undoubtedly badly

strained in the spring decline Subse-quently however Watson Co took avery active position on tho bull side of thewheat market H V Jones was one ofthe first crop experts to predict a shortage in the wheat crop and he followedthe Initial prediction by others muchmore emphatic In the wheatmarketspeculation which led to dollar wheat inJuly the house was reputed to hold forItself and customers quite as wheatas any other Eastern concern Thosewho had reason to fear tho solvency ofthe house earlier year considered

the profits from wheat providingthey were converted into cash wouldmake good much of the loss in tho Hillshares

Attorney Shoemaker said today thatthe firm sustained no losses whatever fromits operations in the wheat market butthat profits had been gained for all itscustomers who dealt in grain The prin-cipal he said accrued from theslump in the highpriced stocks GreetNorthern Northern Pacific and othersThe failure was not even precipitatedby this weeks decline in wheat

PrtiflttnkcrM Cause TroubleAnother report of the firm said that the

immediate reason for the failure was theinsistence of large customers of the firmmany of them men with large profitsin wheat on closing out their accountssad securing their profits A canvassof the assets uf the firm it wasshowed that it would be unable to payall customers large and small alike andit was deemed advisable to assign norder that all might be treated on thesame basis This representative inferredthat the firm had for months had along waiting list Many customers whomade paper profit through It by takingthe short stele of the market had beencompelled to wait In the hope that thefirm might retrieve Its fortunes As In

125 to Itsltimore nad ReturnEvery Saturday and Sunday via Pennsyl-vania Railroad Tickets good returninguntil Sunday night AH trainsexcept Congressional Limited

Uptodale Business Course at TheDrillery floe New York ave nw










I thcthat































Lawrence Waterburys experience withW L Stow Co patience finally became exhausted

The hope that the firm may be ableto resume is based principally on thefact that the Messrs Watson havelarge holdings of lumber lands andother reel estate in Canada and otherportions of the Northwest In the presout condition of the monoy market itwas found impossible to convert thesereal estate properties Into cash

a trig sacrifice f value and banksw ro unwilling to aocept mortgages-on such undeveloped property as se

for loans In the future it ishollered those properties can be dis-

posed of to advantage and all debts I

paidWatson I Hopeful

Watson said Attorney Shoe j

maker Is of course hopeful that thelosses of the firm and particularly i

those of the customers can be met by j

the assets at a high rate on tho del f

lar All of the firms loans at thebanks are heavily margined and It isan auspicious fact that the banksno disposition to call the loans

all hopeful about the situalien

It was widely reported in the financialsection that the nrm had tAken over t

number of the amounts of JJhn W Gateshim Thi report lacked confirmation fwdwas considered improbabia on

the fact that Watson Co sustainedsevere losses prior to the liquidation ofthe Gates house

Chicago dispatches reported thfcmortthan 10MOM bushels of long wheat weresold out tot the account of the suspendedline m that city this morning The

caused a sharp break of 2 cents abushel in wheat

There was a bit of a flurry on theYork Coffee Exchange on the announomeet of the failure the various optionyiwMirs materially on reports that Mfirm was heavily interested in coffee Itwas computed subsequently howeverthat its holdings of coffee were not inexcess or 2500 bags


Judge lint Been to Sec ClevelandAbout inching Tackle

New York Sept Judge Land ismost talked of man in the countrysince ho imposed the 2stMoMupon the Standard Oil Company cameto Wow York on Wednesday morningsaw two friends off on a steamer andthen went to Princeton to see exPrealdent Grover Cleveland He found AirCleveland be said improved in health

Returning to New York the Judgewent to the Hotel GoUNun where fortwo days has corns and gone with-out being recog ia d by any of theother guests

There was no bustomw in connectionwith the trip to New YorkLandls no conferences with Federal offi-cials no visit to Oyster Bay I haventany business there he said no stopping

ew President Clevelandwell in Washington when he was privatesecretary to Walter Q Grtsham

The Judge explained tonight that hewent down to get a tubing

besn lto enjoy hs e


KUm Contractors Bmlmrl in Clmrlcntovrn-

Charlestonn W Va Stn PhilipWalker of Washinetoe D wa

appointed special reortvWfbr vr BSpeir Go Washington contractorsbutMtoig the now Y M C A home hereSeveral creditors flied petitions in the Cir

Covrt The indebtedness fe placed atmjM with estimated assets ff J f H90of Which mjHUt is due front the T KC A contract and HJ consists ofproperty and other available assets in

It is not believed that the appointmentof the receiver will retard work on thebetiding TIlts firm has a number ofother contracts in West Virginia uponwhich work was to have been started


Road leased by Southern SeeksInjunction at Asheville 4

Will Raise Questions Which MayForce Glenn to Put Threat

Into Operation

Swekl te Tlw Wuiitoctei HeraldAsheville N C Sept 5 Another rail-

way injunction suit has boon institutedbefore Judge Pritchard for the purpose ofrestraining the bringing of several suits InAhimanco County against the North Caro-

lina and Southern Railway to enforceponaltls growing out of the new Statepassenger rate law

These cases are rendered doubly Inter-esting from tho fact that the question willbe raised whether thex North CarolinaRaIlroad the line between Goldsboro andCharlotte which is being operated by theSouthern under a ninetynineyear leaseis an integral part of the Southern sys-tem

Gov Glenn has stated that the legis-lature be called into extra sessionto repeal this lease unless the officials ofthe Southern walked very circumspectly-and unless the State was successful inthe litigation now pending

Judge Pritchard has announced thatthe Alamnce injunction case will begiven a hearing September 18 when itwill be determined whether the restrain-ing order will be granted In the paperstiled it is set forth that unless such orderis granted the Southern will be deprived-of the benefit of the Interlocutory orderof injunction heretofore issued and theroad will suffer an irredeemable injury

Additional interest is lent to this casebecause of the tact that the attorneymentioned for the Alamanco persons isJacob A Long candidate before the lastDemocratic convention for the office ofcorporation commissioner and brotherof Judge Long who recently imposed afine of 30000 on the Southern at Balelgh

harpers Ferry Hnlltotvn-Chnle own Summit Point and

Winchester nnd ReturnLeave Baltimore and Ohio Station

Washington 890 a m Sunday8 Splendid opportunity for out


October 1807 Remember the dnte


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over In Wblnctpn or goingLandl

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Phito by Harris EtringSuRGEON WALTER AVYMAX-

DfwHed By Prwtfent Roosevelt to Take Tp in San Fhtncfaco Aphut Dread S wgGE EnL

B attIc

President Helps in Fight on

Bubonic Plague


Mayor Telegraphs Roosevelt K

questing Assistance of BariB Hoe

pital Service Snreoou Generalwill Direct War of ExterminationQnDiftoaaeinfeotcd lIsts

PnsUeat Roosevelt seat a

HosyfiaT Service directing MM to takecharge of the epidemic of bubonic plaguenow prevalent In San Francisco and tosend a sufficient number of Marine Hos-

pital surgeons to that city to pre-

vent the spread of the diseaseTins action was taken at the mines of

the mayor of San Francisco whoto the President yesterday for as-

sistance The PreaMeats telegram teSurgeon General Wyman is as follows

Following tetegrani received frommayor of San Francisco

In view of the existing tanttary condiIt te desired that the Federal guy

tent assume immediate chars of themeasures necessary to eradicate and pre-

vent the spread of bnboni plague ia SanFrancisco The city win do its utmost tofurnish funds to pay for material andlabor It is requested that the PubHc Health and Marine Hospital Servicefurnish sufficient number of medical of-

ficersPlease ta action requested at

if within out powers end comwith mayor by wire as soon as possible

THJOOUOM iwoscrHvr-Dr IVymaii llcpllea

Dr Wyman sent this reply to PresidentRoosevelt

Telegram quoting request of mayor ofSan Francisco tfeat the Public Healthand Marine Hospital Service take im-

mediate charge of measures relating tethe plague situation is received In accordance with your directions Immediateaction will be taken and the mayor noUfted Service officers some especially

for the purpose have been coop-erating with the local authorities andmeasures necessary to prevent the spreadof the disease to other parts by ship-ping aretwcU established It is entirelywithin our power to assume charge ofmeasures necessary to eradicate the dis-

ease the local authorities cooperatingas indicated in the mayors


Cone lit Old ChinatownThe first cs of bubonic plague ap-

peared in San Francisco about the middleof August when several patients wholived within two blocks of the section ofthe city which before the earthquake andfire wan known as Chinatown were

to Dr Wyman by Marine BurgeonAustin who was immediately instructedto confer with the municipal health offi-

ciate and inform Dr Wyman of the meas-ures for the eradication of the diseasetaken by the city officials-

A general disinfection of the suspecteddistricts was made and the State boardof health ordered the fumigation of allvessels lying in the harbor AdditionalMarine Hospital surgeons were ordered toSan Francisco to aid In the work DrWyman had issued orders to all quarantine officers on the Pacific Coast to in-

spect all vessels from San Francisco andto fumigate them for the destruction ofrats which are known to be a mediumfor the transmission of the disease

were also made fer theby fumigation of all the rats on

vessels lying in the harbor of Sail Fran-Cisco

On August 29 last the total number ofcases of bubonic plague In San Franciscohad reached nine and there had been sixdeaths


Allegheny Scandal Threatens to Ex-

ceed that of Capitol BuildingPIttsburg Sept The political scan-

dal which was opened yesterday by theindictment of State Senator Rodgers mudthree others for alleged tax receipt fraudswas further augmented today by the an-

nouncement from the prosecuting attor-ney that at least 2M more persons wouldbe Indicted in Allegheny City before thecases were taken into court

The affair now bids fair to be the mostsensational avar known in Pennsylvaniapolitics and will in all likelihood have agood effect on the fight for United StatesSenator t


rW71I-it AIII








Ar-rangementS de-struction



ssa-s ia lereos ener-


















May Select Washington as

v Fixed Meeting Place


Proposition AVTH Re Made NextWeek tit Fortyllwit National Kn-

uanipme tt to Hold Annual MeetIn TltiH City in the Future

Ifccneot ol WdO Veterans Tills

fmlysi mst inuHL of tiltGrand Ary of the RepobNc which wTO

be held m this vttiag next week Inddental to the encampment GoY ChartoaE Hughes will spend twentyfour hoursin the village welcoming the veterans ontwhatf of the State of New York and holdlag a public reception at MsCongress Hall The village is being soaxtsoshrety decorated that the buadhgg-wM be praetleally hidden ty redsad blue At nights the streets will bebrilliantly ilionunated

Business sessions of the encampmentwill be held on Thursday and FrWay Aproposition will be wade to select Washiasjton D Cof meeting after this year

Grand Army amcJals say that BuON

veterans will visit e resort during theencampment

Oov Hughes win arrive an Tuesdayafternoon That evening he will beamong the speakers at the public meet

and camp Are In the conventionMrs Carrie K SparXWn of St

Louis president of Wonwuw Relieforps will present to tIN G A H the

silver jubilee offering of the WomanRelief Corps Other speakers will inelude Swift of Buffalo N Y

State deputy commanderhichiefWednesday Gov Hughes will

be accorded a public reception at Con-

gress Hall In the afternoon the annualparade of the veterans will be reviewedby Gov Hughes In the evening a spe-cial display of will be given forthe veterans in Congress Park

Wednesday morning a luncheon will beat Congress Halt for Gin Hughes

sad past national and department com-

mander At this the department of NewYork will be hosts Thursday eveningwill be given up to a nuupflre in theconvention hall at which the speakerswill include Gen I Whlttaker de-

partment commander of Texas UnitedStates Senator William Warner of Mis-

souri put eommanderin cMef andW Keifer of Sprlagaeld Oafg a for-

mer Speaker of the House of Representa-tive


Millionaire Plow Manufacturer InSerious Condition nt Chicago

Chicago Sept 5Charles H Deere themillionaire plow manufacturer of Mottne111 after a three years search in vain forrelief from stomach trouble is a patient-at a private hospital here suffering frompernicious anaemia usually a fatal dis-ease Mr Deere is years old

His wife a prominent member ofDaughters of the American Revolutionhas arrived in Chicago and will remainindefinitely


Ten Minutes Late nt Court He InFined 1 i Minute

Spccfel to The WubfaRUn HeraldGreensboro N C Sept 5 It e st Fred-

erick In oM lflW to get shaved todayIngold is a Juror in the United Staled

District Court at the present term Onhis way to court today he stopped toget a shave and the tonsorlaliat madethe operation so elaborate a one thatIngoM reached his destination ten min-

utes lateJudge foul assessed the delinquent

juror 1 for each minute he had tsjcenfrom the courts time which added tothe initial cost of Ills shave probablymakes a new record

Let Your Wealth AccumulateIn banking of Union Trust Co 1414

F st It will earn interest forInterest paid on all accounts Depositssubject to check Savings accounts Invited



tR1-aIJJorate Om



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as pemusnest



















Believes Conflict May

Next February


Declares Americans BuildShips and Eat Dirt

lnbnmnn Takc Strong Stand forKeeping Fleet In Par EnIdSees Much of Si nlflcnnce in Moveto Abolish Open Door Congrcasman Snys Country Paces CriticalFeriotl in Its Foreign Relations

Build ships and oat dirtapL Hichmond Pearson Hobeon the

countrys most strenuous advocate of agreater navy and the new member ofthe House of RepresentatIves from theSixth Alabama district com this phrase-as descriptive of the condition in whichhe believes the people of the UnitedStates tied thasjiselves by reason sf theirfailure to appropriate more liberally In

the past for the navyCapt Hobson who has arrived in

Washington for the coming session ofCongress does not mince words la djg

ruining the posetbtttUes of war withJapan and the sending of Uncle bigfleet to the Pad H ee farther thanthe department tar its andplans and says the fleet should go to thefar East and be there

The only possible Of ef ffeace te toget eatk Sect oat to fl e tar Eastsaid Capt Hobeon last night

Nattirallr the playthe game wi i Japan and particu

huly British will become active inthe Atlantic to make out Atlantic Statestimid to hold our Poet or part of it inthe Atlantic but w should unhesitat-ingly tend that fleet straight te the farEast and keep it there while we buildtwo other fleets as large for the Atlanticsad South Aiaericaa sees to protect theMonroe doctrine

Seeks Pretext-If Japan cannot and some further pre-

text between now and the setting of thefleet it to not UnlikelY that she will causethe socalled yellow press of Japan tomnsme the people of Japan and use thisas a taste to make representations toAmerica to withhold the further progressof the lest and if necessary pretendtttti stsflt titart ie Jme to urge and in-

sist dust we do not send the fleet fartherAll Jfeafl we are at a very critical Junetttre IB ear countrys foreign relationsand at a period when the Panama CanalIe not complete which will be our

period the period that willby Japan backed by tne powers

to bring on a warDuring this period because of our ut-

terly inadequate navy our people must beprepared to not only be exceedingly calmand conservative but to accept any formof humIliatiOn that may come We haveneglected the question of defense so longthat we must aw eat dirt Our policymust be to build ships and eat dirt andwe cannot stop eating dirt until after theships are built

AVnr May Come SoonHoDson believes the clash with

Tap may come la February if post-

poned that long by romeo of affairs inChins

The oSbHal announcement that theEmpress Dowager of China will abdicatenext February on the Chime New Yearbrings to the front th wante question ofthe fate of that great empire says he

American diplomacy inauguratedunder Secretary Hay and contlnjMd under-Secretary Root secured the adopt Ionwillingly or unwlllin y by the powersof the open door policy for China SinceJapanese ascendency in the far EAst a

has been on foot to overturn thisjust policy sad to substitute for it thedangerous sphere of influence policy

Japan sWag with the military powersof Europe has misgivings lest with afair chance and no favor America mightsecure the lions share of the cominggreat commerce of Chins and Japan hasorganized a movement by which America-is to be left out sad China is to be sub-

divided into spheres of influence Uponthis baste Japan has negotiated specialnew treaties with the European powersby which treaties the limitations of thevarious spheres of influence have been de-

nnedYellow Against While

This Question has an important bearlag not only upon the future commerceof America but upon our pence and thepeace of the world The spheres or Innuance policy would unquestionably leadnofc only to dissensions and wars be-

tween the powers as to the subdivision

tIt wotnVI ultimateLy lead to the abso-

lute preponderance cf Japan over Chinaand the transformation of the Chinesefrom a peaceful into a military peopleand lay the foundation for an ultimatestruggle between the white race on oneside and the yellow on the otherfor the supremacy of the world On theother hand the open door policy inChina based on Justice and equal rightsfor all would guarantee the ascendencyof peaceful activities in China would

to that country a great commercisl future which would reflect vastbenefit upon alt nations and would laythe foundation for the two great racesto meet each other as friends anti

and not as enemies in warBut the question has a more pressing

and vital significance for us These newJapanese treaties with the Europeannations and especially the treaty of al-

liance offensive and defensive with theBritish are parts of the diplomatic prep-arations that Japan has made for an at-

tack AmericaHer naval and military preparations are

practically complete and all that nowremains is for her to secure a pretextfor such an attack this fact explainsthe apparently unaccountable attitude ofJapan upon every little ridiculous tri-

fling incident that occurs anywhere in thiscountry

The understanding with the othernations is doubtless that Japan willthrow America out of the Pacific Oceanand America would have to stop for anumber of years to make preparationsto go back and by that time the parti-tion of China would have been completedand America to get back into the farEast would have to face the combinedworld antI at such a distance would beconfronted by a practically insurmount-able barrier













opt up






danger-ous be-
















