L8 - Working in the Vineyard of the Lord During the Last Days 1

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  • 8/7/2019 L8 - Working in the Vineyard of the Lord During the Last Days 1




    Working in the Vineyard of the Lord

    during the Last Days

    (Part I)

    Revealed through the Inner Voice

    to Bertha Dudde in accordance

    with the promises of

    John 14:21 & 16:13, 25

    Lorens [email protected]

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    'T'T'T'The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye thereforehe harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye thereforehe harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye thereforehe harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore thethethethe

    Lord of the harvest, that HLord of the harvest, that HLord of the harvest, that HLord of the harvest, that He will send fe will send fe will send fe will send forth laborth laborth laborth labourers into Hourers into Hourers into Hourers into His harvest.is harvest.is harvest.is harvest.''''

    Matthew 9:37, 38

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    Table of contents


    4 Bertha Dudde: Autobiography

    God's call to diligent service: Obligation of distributing the Truh...

    6 2099 Gods call to service.... Inner voice....

    7 4170 God's call within your heart.

    8 4742 Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God....

    9 3284 Working for the kingdom of God.... Mission.

    10 1797 Duty of distributing the divine revelations....

    10 3390 (Obligation to pass on spiritual knowledge....)

    12 8663 Task to spread the truth.

    13 8529 Encouragement for diligent vineyard work....

    13 5518 (Awakening spiritual hunger....)

    ... also in print...15 4561 Passing on the divine Word.

    ... but never because of any material interes... or reward (but solely motivated by Love and desire to help...)16 7744 Selfless distribution of the Word....

    17 7734 Unselfish distribution of the Word.

    18 7809 Selfless vineyard work....19 8821 Addressing the vineyard labourers. Urgency of spreading the Word.

    Few more advices and warnings in relation to the distribution of this Divine Word (Addressing great masses?)20 8899 Reply to Habermann (Time of printing) (Print and distribution of the messages)

    21 8635 Vineyard work according to Gods will....

    22 8442 Vineyard work according to divine will.

    God lead's and spiritually and materially provides for His workers...23 7990 The vineyard labourers service for fellow human beings.

    24 8356 Gods care for the vineyard labourers.

    ... and, if they ask Him for it, ensures for them a constant protection from the enemy...25 8645 The vineyard labourers trust in divine guidance.

    26 8928 Gods merciful guidance of the vineyard labourers.

    About sphere of activity of Vineyard workers...27 5091 Spiritual community.... Working together....

    28 6783 Misguided overzealousness....

    29 7677 Calling upon the vineyard labourers.

    29 8855 (Importance of the missionary work. Making use of the knowledge.)

    30 5824 (Light of truth. Lamps without oil. Used garment....)

    31 4963 (Words of love.... Words of wisdom.... Teaching ministry.... Criticism on publishing....)

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    At the request of many friends Bertha Dudde wrote the following biography in 1953:

    I have been writing messages, received through the inner Word since June 15, 1937. In answer to the many

    requests of my friends I will give you a picture of my earthly life, a short explanation of what I received

    spiritually, and my own feelings about all this.

    I was born April 1, 1891, the second oldest daughter of an artist of Liegnitz in Schlesien, todays Poland I had a

    normally peaceful childhood, with six sisters in our parent home. I learned the cares of life at an early age. The

    desire to make money to help my parents made me learn the trade of a seamstress. As the financial needs of my

    parents continued, so the burden, and in this way I made myself useful.

    My parents belonged to different denominations. Father was a Protestant -Mother a Catholic. We children were

    brought up in the Catholic faith, but never experienced pressure or force to follow the practices of the church so

    that each child in later years could pursue their own chosen course.

    I myself was religious, but could not accept the doctrine of the Catholic system, although I respected the church. I

    could not represent something on the outside that my inner conscience had not accepted. So I did not continue to

    attend church, heard little preaching and had no knowledge of the Bible. I did not read any religious books or

    scientific literature and did not join any other group or religious sect.

    Anyone knowing the Catholic teaching knows what a conscious struggle one finds himself in when he wants to

    loosen himself from it. I also was not spared from this. But the question as to what is the Truth, and where it is to

    be found, remained.

    Often when I prayed the Lord's prayer I would beseech the Lord to allow me to find HIS kingdom. This

    prayer was answered in June 15, 1937, as I prayed quietly and waited on the inner voice. In this attitude I

    persisted often, for a wonderful peace came over me and thoughts which came to my heart, not my head,

    gave me comfort and strength.

    Still I did not know that these thoughts were given to me, until in a strange dream I experienced something, which

    later proved to be the Truth and caused me to write down these thoughts.

    So on a certain day as I listened inwardly a stream of words came to me, which I wrote down. This was the first

    message I wrote which started like this: "In the beginning was the Word, 'a TE-DEUM' to the Creafor of

    Heaven and Earth."

    Then came doubt, .did you write this by yourself? In short, I have wrestled, prayed and gone through many

    struggles, but again and again the words came to me like a stream, a wisdom, which made me tremble. Then

    GOD HIMSELF took away my doubts. HE answered me and I acknowledged HIM as our Father, in HIS Word.My faith grew, doubt diminished, and I received and wrote daily.

    The contents of the writings were beyond my understanding. Phrases, which I had never heard of, or read about,strange and scientific expressions and references continually came to me. Then came unheard of expressions of

    the Heavenly Father's Love giving refuge and providing enlightenment to all the questions of life.

    The "Words" came to me in the following manner: After sincere prayer and a short period of composure I listened

    inwardly. Thoughts then followed coming to my mind, clearly, distinctly, and the words flowed smoothly always

    three or four, one after another, like writing a radio announcement or a weather report, slowly so that I could

    easily keep pace, writing line after line.

    Now, I write the words in shorthand as a dictation without having any constructive or intellectual part in it. I am

    in no way in a 'trance', nor do I even form the sentences, but it comes to me one word at a time, neither do I

    understand the context while I am writing the words down.

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    After days, sometimes weeks, I transcribe the shorthand writings into longhand without changing or correcting a

    syllable. Each dictation takes about half an hour. I must stress that this could not happen forcibly or in a state of

    ecstasy. It all takes place simply and consciously, without any excitement or influence of my own will. I can

    interrupt myself at any time and finish the sentence after hours or days without reading the previous writing thedictated words continue again.

    My will is under no compulsion, all that I desire is to serve GOD and do what HIS Will wants me to do.

    I can truthfully say that I was led into this Truth, and these concepts were, in all respect foreign to me. It was only

    after years that I found confirmation of what I received, when I came to know the writings of Jacob Lorber. No

    one can imagine my joy when I discovered the literature of Jacob Lorber; "The Great Gospel of John" and the"Youth of CHRIST" Then I understood that other people were given the Word of the Lord, that GOD had spoken

    to HIS children at all times and that GOD will continue to do this in HIS endless Love and Mercy.

    I found in Lorber' s writings the same as was given to me. I often could not understand the word that came to me,

    but in HIS Love the Heavenly Father gave me the explanation. How wonderful are the innumerable

    manifestations in which the Father displays HIS exceeding great goodness.

    It became clear to me that my short education, due to lack of money and my lack of time to read good books or

    visit performances, became my advantage. I could now concentrate on my work from early morning to late at

    night, and each day I received that precious spiritual Word without knowing for whom I received it.

    It is because of my ignorance of the Bible and the Catholic doctrine that I accepted the Word from Above without

    resistance. In my experience an earnest Catholic or Protestant whose knowledge is rooted in dogmatic theories is

    too much bound to their dogma to accept and embrace Divine revelations without resistance.

    Still there are scientists at several faculties who earnestly discuss these Divine teachings with increasing interest.

    Their interest does not only concern the irrefutable explanation of the origin of matter and the possibility of its

    dissolution, but also the principle of the wrong teachings of different religions, systems and confessions. In themessages I received these errors are recorded and everyone is urged to give instructions concerning these

    doctrinal errors whenever there is an opportunity.

    But everyone is free to take the LORD' s Word to heart or not. But whoever understands the spirit in the Father's

    Word and does not act accordingly makes the distance between himself and the Father even greater. When he

    does not follow the warning words of Love he puts himself inevitably under the law. He will also in the same

    measure lack in Grace, disregarding GOD' s commandment of Love.

    In GOD' s Grace people are led anew to the gospel, which emphatically points out the purpose of man's being.

    For the merciful Love of GOD seeks to save all who still can be saved be fore the turning point comes. And it

    will come. The end-time of which seers and prophets have proclaimed is now here. According to the revelationsgiven to me, the LORD does not differentiate between HIS children. "Come ye all to ME" sounds HIS call and

    blessed is he who hears HIS call and follows HIM. GOD Loves HIS children. HE wants to make them all happy,

    even when they do not want to know HIM.

    Recorded Nov. 22, 1953


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    God's call to diligent service: Obligation of distributing the Truh...

    B.D. 2099,


    Gods call to service.... Inner voice....

    You should subordinate yourselves to the Lord in every respect, that is, you should always be willing to do that

    which is pleasing to God. You should only ever accept His will and whatever the inner voice then advises you to do

    will be right, for God Himself manifests His will to you through the inner voice. Thus, you carry out your will, so to

    speak, and yet it goes hand in hand with Gods will. In that case, you no longer need to worry, for then you will live

    on earth under the protection of your spiritual friends who will mentally inform you of divine will. And spiritual

    striving will always be first required of you, although your earthly work ought not to be neglected, yet if you offer

    your services to God it is His will that you are at all times at His disposal, that you serve Him when He calls you to

    do so. And you hear His call when you listen within. To be of service to God means to be ready for Him at alltimes and to follow His call. However, the call from above sounds gently and subtly in your heart, and in order to

    hear it you must practise humility, love, gentleness and peacefulness. Thereby you shape the hearts ear which will

    perceive the most subtle call and you will always know when the Lord is in need of you. Then He will no longer

    call you in vain, for then you will hear His voice and hurry to be of service to Him. Amen

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    B.D. 4170


    God's call within your heart.

    You have to heed the need of the moment, i.e. you have to hold yourselves in readiness, so when you hear My call

    within your heart you will be able to serve Me without hesitation, for the hour of taking up your post is near. And the

    sign and evidence of My Words truthfulness rests upon the fact that worldly obligations no longer seem important to

    you once you have heard My voice, which clearly instructs you what to do. You will have no further desire for thisworld but only find joy in your spiritual work, and you will receive help in accomplishing it because it is My will.

    This time will be preceded by a spiritual drought, a time when you will hunger for My Word, for lively activity in the

    spiritual field, and when you will lack every opportunity for spiritual debate. Although you will receive My Word,

    and My love will always take care of you, you will find yourselves isolated amidst a world with a zest for life which

    is unable to give you anything. You will get little sympathy from other people and therefore feel down-hearted but

    move ever closer to Me, and thus your hunger for My nourishment for your soul will increase, until you suddenly

    hear Me inside yourselves. And then the hour will have come for your mission to begin. And I will make sure

    that you will be able to start your work, that you will lose all shyness, that all reservation and fear will leave you.

    You will only speak, think and act in accordance with My will, you will represent Me Myself on earth, that is, you

    will speak what you receive through My spirit, you will be living witnesses of My Word. You will go amongst

    people as My disciples again and proclaim to them My Word, with the addition that the end is near and that I will

    come Myself to fetch My Own when the time has arrived which I have determined since eternity. And, in order for

    you to speak freely and unimpeded, I will place people by your side who will provide you with worldly support, who

    will accompany you as faithful followers, who will protect and shield you from the world, although you will always

    enjoy My protection and I will not leave you until the end. But I will also take care of you in an earthly way and you

    should fulfil your task without concern, because your mission will completely drain your strength, and therefore you

    shall be free from all earthly worries. But I ask of you to pass on the gifts you receive from Me and thus make them

    accessible to other people; to carry My Word into the world verbally as well as in print, to spread the truth and thus

    inform your fellow human beings of My working, so that their thoughts are directed to the spiritual kingdom. And I

    will bless your service to Me, I will give you strength until the end and one day will reward your work in eternity.


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    B.D. 4742


    Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God....

    You should tirelessly work for Me and My kingdom.... then you will fulfil your earthly task in accordance with My

    will, and then you will also master your earthly life, you will not need to be afraid that you cannot meet your worldly

    responsibilities, for earthly life will merely be secondary when spiritual life becomes more important.

    Work diligently for Me and My kingdom, that is, try to inform your fellow human beings about My activity with

    you, try to instruct them of the truth, and draw their attention to the end and the signs of the time. Take an interest

    in your fellow human beings state of soul and explain to them how vain and insubstantial worldly goods are, how

    people merely strive for worthless commodities and give scarcely anything to their souls because they dont know

    about their earthly task. Tell everyone whom I send your way. You have been instructed of the truth by Me and thus

    are capable to work as representatives of the truth amongst your fellow human beings. I have given you a rewarding

    task which will have beneficial results for you as well as for your fellow human beings, for the achievements wont

    just apply to earthly life but to eternity. Fulfil this task with enthusiasm and do everything that furthers the

    distribution of the truth you have received from Me. Dont become indifferent in your work for Me and My kingdom

    but know that parched and starving souls everywhere are awaiting nourishment, which you should give to them with

    My gift from above.

    And by remembering them you will be practising neighbourly love, for their souls require the sustenance from

    heaven, they need food and drink to strengthen themselves for their path of ascent. Work tirelessly, for time is short

    and requires diligent work in My vineyard, the souls suffer hardship, they are starved because too much attention is

    paid to the bodys requirements and thus the souls requirements are forgotten. Therefore help these souls, draw

    peoples attention to the state of their souls, to a sudden end and their fate after death. Use every opportunity for

    spiritual conversations and thus motivate people to think about it. And then you will be doing the work for which I

    have employed you as labourers, and I will bless you, now and in eternity. Amen

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    B.D. 3284


    Working for the kingdom of God.... Mission.

    People who are permeated by the spirit of truth are chosen to spread this truth, and this is a responsible mission on

    earth, for receiving the truth is also a commitment to pass it on. Constant activity is expected of them, activity for the

    kingdom of God which conveys the truth to earth through these people. Yet the hearts of those chosen to do so are

    able to love, otherwise the spirit of God would be unable to take effect in them. And this ability to love lets the workof spreading the divine truth become a joyful task which they gladly and readily comply with. As soon as a person is

    imbued by divine truth he also loses the sense for the pleasures and goods of the world; he only derives joy from

    spiritual knowledge and therefore the spiritual work becomes his purpose in life. And yet it is a responsible task if he

    bears in mind that he has the opportunity to lead untold souls onto the right path, onto the path of realisation, and that

    he must make the most of this opportunity in every way.... As a representative of God he is placed into a field of

    activity where he can work exceedingly successfully; however, it requires a firm will, great love, patience and

    perseverance, it requires the keen activity of body and soul, both have to yield to the urging of the spirit, which

    constantly spurs them to do this work. Thus the human being must place himself entirely at Gods disposal Who

    informs the human being through His spirit about what his work consists of. As long as the soul is still in two minds

    it cannot hear the voice of the spirit clearly enough and must try to banish this state by unreservedly handing itself

    over to God and appealing to Him for his correct guidance in every way.... It must not anxiously speculate and think

    but must completely and trustingly hand itself over to the spirits guidance and it will always take the right path....

    Then all events in life will approach a person so that he can accomplish his spiritual work, so that he can work for the

    kingdom of God.

    This work is not obvious at first, for the time has not yet come for the working of the labourers of the Lord.... As yet

    His labourers are prepared in silence, and their activity, too, is limited; however, they shall even be active in silence

    until the time comes when great activity will start for the salvation of the souls which will suffer great adversity. But

    the spirit in the human being will guide him to where his work is needed. For time and again souls will be prepared

    who will likewise be responsible for working for the kingdom of God, for many labourers will be required in the

    vineyard of the Lord. Prior to this the divine truth will be conveyed to them, so that they will become competent

    labourers and be able to work for God in the coming time. For they will be needed by countless souls who still lingerin spiritual darkness and will not be able to find the path to the light.... but where divine truth exists that is where

    light is shining, and if the light is given to people in the right way, if the truth is offered to them with love, many a

    heart will open up and allow itself to become enlightened. Being able to save souls for eternity is a happiness-

    inducing mission, it is a mission which is constantly accompanied by Gods blessing, and every labourer in the

    vineyard of the Lord can be assured of divine help by merely eagerly striving to speak on behalf of the kingdom of

    God on earth, for then he will always be supported by spiritual forces and his work will be blessed.... Amen

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    B.D. 1797


    Duty of distributing the divine revelations....

    It is indescribably commendable to spread the Word of God. That which is conveyed to people through Gods grace

    shall not remain the sole property of the individual but shall be passed on to the many people who require it for their

    souls salvation. Humanity is in serious trouble, it is so distant from God that it does not even recognise His will

    anymore and goes through earthly life in complete ignorance. However, the human being needs to know what Godexpects of people, consequently the information has to be imparted to them. And for this reason earthly children who

    are willing to be of service to Him are chosen by God with the task of making His will known to people. He Himself

    instructs them first so that they can subsequently pass on their knowledge to fellow human beings.

    B.D. 3390, 3.1.1945

    Obligation to pass on spiritual knowledge....

    You are constantly instructed to increase your knowledge, and strength is also constantly conveyed to you which youought to use for spiritual work as well. Therefore you should make use of this strength by distributing what isconveyed to you through the spiritual instruction, use it by passing on what you have received yourselves. Spiritualstrength should never rest, that is, a person with strength at his disposal should never remain inactive, and thusspiritual strength should also continuously be used or it will be taken away from the person who leaves it lying idle.Spiritual work, however, is everything which contributes towards another persons knowledge.... It is irrelevant inwhich way this knowledge is imparted to him, only the fact that it is imparted is important. And this task is given toyou who receive the spiritual knowledge from God either directly or through His instruments. Everyone who is offeredspiritual knowledge, who accepts it and, after deliberating on it, accepts it as his spiritual possession, will only benefitfrom it if he passes it on with love. For once it has become valuable to him he shall also share it with his fellow humanbeing, otherwise he is still gripped by powerful selfish love and the blessing of Gods grace will barely be felt by him.Spiritual knowledge should never lie fallow if a person does not want to risk having it entirely withdrawn from him. Forit is divine law that he who gives will receive, because unselfish neighbourly love is a prerequisite that the humanbeing can receive. The spiritually striving aspirant should pay attention to his feelings. his desires will be granted butit also obliges him to give the truth to the one who, like him, desires to know it. Furthermore, it also commits him toconvey the truth to wherever error still exists, for the truth shall displace the error.

    And therefore a bearer of truth must make an active effort to bring light to all places where darkness still exists.This is spiritual work which may never be excluded again if the human being is blessed to be educated by the spiritualkingdom. For the human being is only ever the organ of beings of light which want to bestow truth upon all people,especially those who are entrusted into their care to be spiritually guided by them. People themselves can only rarelyhear the light beings gentle voice; therefore they cultivate instruments for themselves which shall speak on theirbehalf.... This activity should never be ignored by a recipient of light, he should speak wherever the opportunity

    presents itself, he should communicate verbally and in writing, he should make use of every day and every hour andthus carry out the work he himself had offered to do for God, and constant achievement will be granted to him. Hewill be able to advance himself spiritually and likewise the people who are spiritually endowed by him. This admonitionapplies to all who are being refreshed by the font of eternal life and draw strength and fortitude from the divine Word.Everyone moves within a field of duty where he can be very industrious, and he should not neglect this, otherwise hemakes himself unworthy of receiving the truth that is offered to him from above. For it is precious knowledge and shallbe passed on for the benefit of people, so that it will remedy the immense spiritual adversity which is the cause ofhumanitys spiritual decline and which also results in earthly adversity and suffering.... Amen

    The human race would perish without active help, and active help can only be found in the Word of God. But at the

    moment everything is rejected by people if it admonishes them to remember God or if they are taught about God in

    the usual traditional way. This is why God gives His Word to people again.... He provides them with an explanation

    about their purpose and their task.... He wants to come closer to them through His Word, He wants to familiarise

    them with everything pertaining to the creation; He reveals to them the correlation of all things and gives them the

    commandments, which are the basic conditions for their ascent to God. And willing people shall help to distribute

    the divine gift; they shall diligently strive to make the divine revelations accessible to the human race; as Gods eager

    servants they shall always and forever make His activity known; they shall let their fellow human beings partake in

    the delectable gift of grace, so that the divine Word will find acceptance among people, that it will strengthen their

    faith and motivate them to do whatever it takes in order to live in a God-pleasing way.... thus to fulfil the

    commandments of love for God and their neighbour. Only when a person has knowledge of Gods will can he be

    held to account if he does not live up to them. Admittedly, uninformed people cannot be held to account but neither

    can they utilise their life on earth and attain a higher degree of spiritual maturity, for they would have to be

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    extraordinarily lovingly active of their own accord, that is, love must be within them, but in that case they will also

    know the meaning and purpose of earthly life and their task. For God imparts His Word to everyone who desires it, it

    is just not always outwardly noticeable except in the shape of mental transmissions. But those who receive the Word

    such that they are able to write it down are particularly responsible for the distribution of this Word, for they receivemuch grace and shall therefore also share it. They shall proclaim the Gospel to all those who do not reject it.... Amen

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    B.D. 8663


    Task to spread the truth.

    The spiritual wealth you own also commits you to passing it on, and since it is My will that you spread the truth I

    will also always bless your efforts. Therefore, dont allow yourselves to be discouraged by obstacles or difficulties

    which My adversary will always put in your way, for if I promise you My blessing My adversarys activity will be

    futile. I only want you to trust Me completely, I do not want you to undertake anything without having appealed forMy blessing and My help. I dont want you to forget Whom you are working for, because you are not doing

    earthly work when you try to spread the truth.... it is the fulfilment of the task I gave you Myself, and even if you

    work in a more or less earthly way, you will nevertheless only undertake it with the support of spiritual forces which

    may influence you in My name in every sort of work you do for Me and My kingdom. For time and again I say to

    you that people urgently need light. Even if only a few ever desire it, but even these few can be effective in their

    circle, and you will be surprised where the truth from Me will shine to, you will notice the strangest correlations and

    be happy that you were able to contribute towards the fact that people receive light. And even though My guidance is

    obvious, people must nevertheless be at work so that everything proceeds within the framework of natural

    progression and no person is compelled into believing, yet always shows the love, wisdom and power of a God and

    Creator. However, you, My servants, shall also experience My love and care time after time, for every good

    Caretaker looks after his labourers. But I also regard My labourers as My children and I will not withhold anything

    they need from them. Just hand yourselves over to My Fatherly care, give yourselves to Me completely and, truly, I

    will guide you wherever you go, I will bless your work for Me and My kingdom and make sure it is successful. You

    should always know that I need you, for people must carry out what I deem to be good and successful, but due to

    peoples free will I cannot work visibly Myself since it must be left up to people as to whether or not they want to

    accept the truth from Me which is offered to them by you. Nevertheless, they are in urgent need of this pure truth,

    and therefore I repeatedly try to attract faithful co-workers, and they can be assured of My Fatherly blessing.... Amen

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    B.D. 8529


    Encouragement for diligent vineyard work....

    The fact that I Myself arouse the thoughts in you to convey My Word to those who will derive the greatest benefit

    from them should also spur you to carry out diligent spiritual work. People so often ponder over questions which I

    answer for them through you, and often they are delighted that they are granted this answer and thereby also

    recognise Me Myself and My activity.... Nothing truly happens by chance and I know every thought.... I convey MyWord to you and Am therefore in constant contact with those of you who also think of Me, for it requires a heartfelt

    bond for My Word to affect you, be it directly but also indirectly, if you receive it through My messengers. But you,

    to whom I can speak directly, should use every opportunity to pass it on and always know that you thereby radiate

    many blessings, that nothing is done in vain and that I Myself guide you and direct your thoughts and only require

    your will to let yourselves be guided by Me.... Once a person has recognised My voice, every Word from Me will be

    a tonic for his soul, and the right nourishment and right refreshment will constantly be desired by him.... He will no

    longer be satisfied with human words, My Word alone will grant him strength and his soul will nourish itself by

    what it is offered from the Father Himself.... And thus you can believe that I will always be willing to pass the bread

    of heaven to those who long for it....

    B.D. 5518,27.10.1952

    Awakening spiritual hunger....

    Spiritual hunger shall be awakened among people. This requires the offer of tasty morsels which precisely contain thatknowledge which was ambiguous to the human being. Every person can be touched somewhere, every person has aspecific question which occupies him and if he can receive an explanation to it he will also open his heart for furtherknowledge, and then it will be most successful if the teacher does not deny him an answer, if all concepts are knownto him and clear enough so that he can pass his knowledge on to another person.... so that he can satisfy the hungerof someone who desires the truth. The desire for truth has not yet been awakened in the human race, people casuallydismiss what is incomprehensible to them, they dont desire clarification and therefore it cannot be offered to themeither. But the reason for this can always be found in the fact that their thinking was not stimulated, that no sampleswere offered to them, that they were not impelled to express themselves, to clearly state their own thoughts; a

    question can be extremely interesting to them if it is asked at the right time and in the right way and the answer canbe extremely satisfying if it is given by an authorised teacher who represents the pure truth and can pass it on. Thenthe desire for more knowledge will arise by itself in them, and only then can a famished person be nourished with thebread from heaven. An answer which betrays ignorance does not satisfy and can prevent people from wanting to findsome kind of clarification; the pure truth, however, speaks for itself and therefore also to every person who wants toknow it. And this person will always be offered the heavenly bread which is conveyed to him from above, he will nolonger need to starve and live in want, he will always receive according to requirement and worthiness.... For enjoyingthe bread from heaven only requires the will to correctly revive the soul, it requires being receptive for what Godslove offers him. Therefore you should, as true representatives of God and His kingdom, always proclaim His Word,even if there is no desire for it as yet, for He Himself will bless you if you speak and you will experience this blessing,because the listeners will want to know more themselves, they will look for every opportunity where the divine Word is

    proclaimed to them. What you received through Gods great love yourselves must be distributed by you with love....Then it will not fail to make an impression on your fellow human beings.... Then you will be promoting God and Hiskingdom and will render faithful vineyard work, for you are His servants, you should show the table of the Lord tothose who want to eat and thus bestow good gifts; you should always proclaim the Word of God wherever thespiritually famished are sent to you, you should offer the bread of heaven to them and keep their spiritual hungeralive, so that time and again new nourishment will be requested for the souls who once have tasted the heavenlybread.... Amen

    You will also feel urged to pass My Word on and shall always comply with your inner urging and truly, you will

    spray sparks of light in many a heart which ignite a fire again. And the desire for Me and My presence will growever stronger, it is the purpose of My address from above that people shall be affected by it and that their faith in Me

    will come increasingly more alive, that their desire to unite with Me becomes ever stronger and that My will, which

    is revealed to people through My Word, is subsequently also complied with.... Through diligent vineyard work you

    can contribute much towards it, hence you should not tire in distributing My Word and make use of every

    opportunity to inform your fellow human beings of the divine transmissions from the spiritual kingdom.... of the

    working of the spirit in the human being.... which I Myself promised when I lived on earth.... You should try to draw

    your fellow human beings onto the spiritual level, which certainly is hard work but it can be achieved. Your

    willingness to serve Me, and your love for your neighbour will always let you find the right path, for I Myself direct

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    your thoughts and will always be active in you as well. I will lead the people to you whom you should please again,

    and I watch over you so that your work will not be disturbed by My adversary. And therefore you can rest assured

    that you are not at his mercy even if he would like to stop you and your activity on earth.... The end is approaching

    and I need your work in My vineyard, for people need to speak up where I Myselfcannot express Myself but whereI also want to be active so that people will attain beatitude.... For time is coming to an end and much work shall yet

    be done, this is why I bless every one of My servants who works for Me and My kingdom.... Amen

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    ... also in print...

    B.D. 45618.2.1949

    Passing on the divine Word.

    A word-for-word rendition of the information you receive through the inner voice will always have the greatest

    impact, even if you are also capable of educating your fellow human beings yourselves people will nevertheless be

    less able to close themselves to the direct Word from above, for this reason written distribution is a blessing. And

    therefore I will bless every work which concerns the distribution of My Word and help you in every way, for it is

    particularly necessary that people take notice of My extraordinary working, which they can ascertain through the

    written Words if they are of good will. Anyone who wants to reject it will reject it in any form. But in the written

    rendition people will recognise My spirit, My voice, and open themselves to its effect, for My Word speaks for itself,

    no explanation needs to be added, it will always be understandable to people because I speak to every individual

    person Myself if he attentively and, with a desire for truth, accepts it in his heart, thinks it through and pays attentionto the feelings he experiences as a result. You humans have so many means of help at your disposal, all of which are

    gifts of grace from Me to make the path of ascent easier for you. However, My Word offered to you from above is

    the greatest and most effective means of grace which will guide you upwards for sure, for it is blessed by My

    strength, it is a direct emanation of Me Myself which must always have an extraordinary effect on you, it just

    depends on your will to let it take effect on you. And this is why many people shall receive knowledge of it, many

    people shall experience the blessing of My Word on themselves, they shall be born again, they shall live again and

    forfeit everything lifeless, all formalities for My Word. They shall recognise Me Myself in the Word, believe in Me

    and learn to love Me, they shall accept Words of wisdom which they can never ever be offered elsewhere if they did

    not originate from Me. They shall know that I, as the Creator of eternity, do not forget My living creations, that I as

    the Father do not leave My children on their own, that I want to help everyone to return to the Fathers house, and

    that they desperately need My help and that they therefore should approach Me in prayer and appeal to Me for grace

    and strength in order to be able to shape themselves into love.... that they must know My will in order to fulfil it.

    Every work concerning this endeavour is blessed, for the time is rapidly approaching the end.... Amen

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    ... but never because of any material interes... or reward(but solely motivated by Love and desire to help the fellow human beings)

    B.D. 7744


    Selfless distribution of the Word....

    Thus step into the circuit of My flow of love and let yourselves be instructed by Me: It is a tremendous gift of grace

    which you may receive from Me, and this gift of grace flows to you undeservedly. It is, so to speak, the evidence of

    My infinite love for you, who became sinful of your own will and shall return to Me voluntarily. And in view of the

    near end I truly try everything in order to make this return possible for you, to change your will and to provide you

    with the strength to take the path of ascent, which will lead you back to Me. You humans have not deserved this

    grace as long as are you still deliberately turned away from Me. And yet I convey it to you because I love you. I

    choose a suitable instrument for Myself which is willing to accept My Word directly and to forward it to its fellow

    human beings.... This, therefore, happens from My side in order to still gain all of you who defected from Me and to

    a large extent still are.... But now your task starts by making the right use of this great gift of grace. And this

    involves first of all the unselfish distribution of that which is granted to you by My love. Thus you should do the

    same as I do: let My flow of grace pour into the vessels which open themselves.... You shall give what you receive,

    just as I give to you. out of love. Most of all you should remember that it is spiritual knowledge that is imparted to

    you from Me, and that this spiritual knowledge must never be utilised in a material sense. It is self-evident to anyone

    who recognises Me and My love in this unusual gift of grace that it is only possible on a spiritual level to convey My

    Word to its destination, to the souls which require nourishment, which shall be addressed by Me so that they will

    obtain the blessing of My Words.... so that they will find and take the path back to Me into their Fathers house. And

    thus you will also understand that no earthly interests of any kind may devalue this gift of grace. You have a Father

    Who is wealthy and can also share His wealth with you.... Who can and will also provide you with earthly blessings

    if only you serve Him selflessly.

    As long as you have not understood this truth, you are not suited to distribute a divine gift of grace, and then you

    should keep your hands off it because you will only desecrate what your God and Father gives to you in His love and

    because it will not be a blessing for you either, because I dont support what contradicts My will.... I will never give

    My blessing to such an undertaking as soon as it entails an earthly desire for the goods of this world. It is My will

    that you should be of selfless service to Me and have given you the promise that I will take both earthly and spiritual

    care of you providing you only ever consider your salvation of soul the most important issue. You merely prove

    your unbelief if you worry too much about your earthly life, for then you will not primarily consider your souls

    salvation.... for I have said to you Seek ye first the kingdom of God.... and all these things shall be added unto

    you.... And if you now even receive a gift from Heaven, which should truly demonstrate My love as well as My

    presence to you, then you should also forego all earthly considerations.... you should let yourselves by guided by Me

    and only ever try to fulfil My will.... However, the distribution of My Word from above is necessary, and for this

    reason I convey to you this serious Word of Mine which you should heed.... Entrust yourselves to Me entirely and

    believe that I will not let you, who are willing to help Me selflessly, get into difficulties.... but also know that youreduce the value of My gift yourselves if you associate it with earthly expectations which I will never fulfil but

    which might impair the spreading of My Word with the result that the blessing from above will fail to materialise.

    And thus you should first realise what an unusual gift of grace you receive from Me. Then love and gratitude will

    overwhelm you and only then will you be true vineyard labourers for Me, for you will also know that My blessing

    will accompany every work you do and that you will work successfully for Me and My kingdom.... And then you

    will experience an abundance of blessings, for My love will have seized you and escort you until the end.... And then

    you will serve Me forever and be blissfully happy.... Amen

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    B.D. 7734


    Unselfish distribution of the Word.

    When you take part in the distribution of My Word you should only be motivated by your love for Me and other

    people. You should want to carry out the task I have appointed you to do, and you should try to lessen the other

    persons spiritual need which has prompted Me to endow you with gifts of grace abundantly, so that you share these

    where I cannot take action Myself. Your work for Me and My kingdom should only ever be inspired by love. Thensuccess wont fail because love is a strength which is never without result. Although your spiritual work will be

    ridiculed by people who have no faith whatsoever because it is incomprehensible to them why someone would work

    without material gain. but then you can be even more certain of My blessing which rests upon every selfless act of

    labour in My vineyard. You have not understood the value of My gifts of grace until you regard them as spiritual

    values which alone can result in spiritual success. Only then are you useful servants to Me who do not serve their

    master for their own benefit but who seek to increase his profit. And this consists of the acquisition of souls for the

    celestial kingdom.

    One day you, too, will have to discard your body and you cannot bring your earthly possessions into My kingdom....

    And yet you can enter it richly blessed because spiritual possessions follow you into eternity, which were

    disregarded on earth by those who did not become aware of the meaning and purpose of earthly life. They have

    acquired earthly goods for themselves on earth and consequently have already received their entitled reward for their

    actions and way of life. But they will have little to show for it at the gate of eternity because they took no notice of

    spiritual wealth. Those of you who want to work for Me and My kingdom should disregard earthly gain, only love

    should motivate you to do your work. You should look around you and recognise the spiritual poverty in

    humanitys life. You should want to help in the knowledge that humanity is approaching the abyss, and you should

    work untiringly because this is necessary in view of the end.

    Then you will also understand why you become isolated from the outside world which can distract your attention

    from the task you should fulfil. You will understand that time and again I will seek faithful servants to take part in

    the work, who want to bring the Gospel to their fellow human beings, because people ought to hear My Word which

    I repeatedly send to them through you. And you will understand that I will knock on every door, that I send youbefore Me to announce the Lord, Who wants to come Himself, Who wants to take abode with them.... Since they

    cannot yet hear Me you have to go before Me so that I can speak to them through you, because they badly need to be

    informed of Me, of My love, which wants to save them before the end. And thus everything should be done to

    inform people that I work through My spirit in the heart of every human being who is of good will.... You should tell

    them with love and kindness of Me and My actions, you should bring them My Word which I have blessed with My

    strength, and you should not tire to take care of your fellow human beings spiritual poverty by helping to spread My

    Word. And I Myself will lead the people to you, I shall bless every selfless work done by you for Me and My

    kingdom.... Amen

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    B.D. 7809


    Selfless vineyard work....

    And you were given the task to spread My Word which is conveyed to you from above by Me.... I truly want to

    smooth the way for you, I want to help you take My Word to wherever people hunger and thirst for it. For I know

    whose hearts will not reject My Word when it is offered to them. And thus you only ever do the work which you are

    capable of doing and should know that I Myself will arrange everything else that serves the distribution of My Word.For this much is certain, I do not convey My Word to earth without purpose, even if it occasionally seems to you that

    the spiritual information does not fulfil any real purpose.

    You should only patiently and with perseverance cooperate and carry out the work which has to be done by people,

    because I cannot affect all people directly and therefore need you to serve Me as mediators; for not all people would

    allow Me to have a direct effect on them, and yet they, too, shall receive My Word in order to enable their souls

    maturity. And time and again opportunities will arise when My remarkable work with you can be mentioned; there

    will be receptive hearts who recognise that it is an extraordinary gift of grace and gratefully offer to assist in My

    vineyard, and whose willingness to help is gladly accepted by Me. For only love will achieve spiritual success.

    Therefore dont believe that you can attain such where this love is missing. Dont believe that I will give My

    blessing for an undertaking that clearly betrays the spirit of worldly interests.

    My Word shall speak to the heart, and I can truly find other ways than the way people in the midst of the world want

    to take. For they are not interested in My Word, they are still worldly minded, and therefore they will not

    contribute towards the spreading of My Word which shall have a liberating effect from the world. The human

    hearts which shall accept My Word must have conquered the world already, just as My fellow workers on earth must

    have overcome the world in order to be able to work for the benefit of their fellow human beings. Thus worldly

    minded people cannot be accepted as labourers in My vineyard, for they will never work in accordance with My will

    but pursue their own interests, since they are driven to do so by the lord of the world, to whom they still belong. But I

    have enough means and ways to achieve My objective even without such assistants. Love always has to be part of

    it if success is to be achieved, and love will also recognise My Word as an invaluable gift of grace and therefore also

    support it.

    And thus you will also recognise your true fellow workers who gladly offer their help, and you will not hesitate to

    accept their help; and you will also know that My blessing only rests on your work when all of you carry it out with

    love and dont expect any worldly benefits from it. For as you receive it you shall also pass it on; as My love has

    an effect on you, your love, too, should have an effect on your fellow human being. And this happens when My

    Word is unselfishly distributed, which is conveyed to you from above and, as the most valuable gift of grace, shall

    impart help and strength to people in their spiritual adversity during the last days, so that they will endure until the

    end. Amen

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    B.D. 8821


    Addressing the vineyard labourers. Urgency of spreading the Word.

    Every day you grant Me by undertaking spiritual work will be blessed, and your reward will truly not be small.

    Yet you should not work for Me for the sake of reward, instead, your love for Me and your fellow human being

    should inwardly impel you to do so. You are unable to assess the immense spiritual adversity, but it is known to Me

    and I will guide you to wherever I still know there is a person who would be touched by receiving My Word so thatyou can inform them of My love, wisdom and power, of My longing for them and My constant willingness to

    help. You should eagerly support Me, and even if only a few listen to you. but each one of them will speak on

    My behalf and mention My Words again. For he will be knowledgeable, he will kindle a light within him and

    understand and will no longer want to miss My Word. And these people will live in truth. But they will also

    know that it is the truth which they receive from Me through you. For this reason only rarely will one of them fall

    away because they were serious about receiving the truth. But I do know where My pure Gospel can be conveyed to,

    who will accept it with a grateful heart. And with My Word I Myself Am with everyone who receives it. Since I

    Myself will then be able to address him Myself through you, I can also answer every question they inwardly ask

    which will brightly enlighten their thinking and the origin of their mental knowledge, along with My Word, will

    become their innermost conviction. they will no longer doubt and gratefully accept everything from My hand. And

    believe that no work will be done in vain. for countless souls in the kingdom of the beyond can join in wherever

    My Word is read. A circle of souls gathers around every person and they are all offered the bread of Heaven so

    that they will be able to nourish themselves with the food I Myself have in store for them. And thus you can also

    work in this kingdom where countless souls derive strength from this nourishment. Hence all those of you who take

    part in distributing these writings are doing redemptive work, and every labourer will receive his reward.

    However, you must not tire, for the distribution of My Word will become increasingly more urgent the closer it gets

    to the end. And your task will become increasingly more difficult. As a result of the ever-increasing lack of faith.

    fewer people will be willing to listen to you. Yet this should not dishearten you, for each individual soul is a gain for

    Me, therefore you should seek to attract them with all your love, try to deliver them from spiritual darkness and

    constantly request strength from Me. Truth can achieve a lot, no person can close himself to the truth. providing he

    is still of good will, providing he still accepts Me and wants to know the truth about Me. You are in possession of

    the truth from Me. Distribute it wherever you can and dont let failures discourage you. I want to bless you onearth already and later in eternity, where all work for Me will find its reward. Amen

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    Few more advices and warnings in relation to the distribution of this Divine Word(Addressing great masses?)

    B.D. 8899


    Reply to Habermann(Time of printing) (Print and distribution of the messages)

    You have already been told several times that the spreading of the truth is extremely important, because peoples

    eternal life depends on their attitude towards the truth, and therefore everything should be done to present them with

    the truth. But I know every human heart, I know who is receptive, and I also know the ways to reach those human

    beings who are still able to receive, whose heart is willing to love and who thus can also understand the Word which

    is given to them from above. And I let them have this knowledge by making the most unusual connections and

    sending My Word to wherever it will be received with a grateful heart. And there it will be passed on again, although

    only infrequently because worldly people have no desire for it and there are only few who can be approached. But do

    not forget that My Word needs to be offered with love in order to become effective, and that it requires a loving heart

    to receive it. Therefore any work which is performed to this end is blessed.

    And now you can understand that every small effort pleases Me if I can speak to the heart of every person Myself

    and My direct communication is also felt as such, just as I bless every contributor who unselfishly adds towards the

    circulation of My Word. Because I truly care for everyone who works for Me, I look after him like a good

    caretaker so that he can pass on My Word in the same way as he has received it himself: as a gift of love.

    Moreover, My Word is not merchandise, but which it will always become when unenlightened people handle it, who

    can neither appreciate its value nor muster the necessary understanding for it and turn it into a mass-produced

    commodity. which only devalues the Word and again only reaches those who similarly do not appreciate it as My

    message. The circle of those who can still be impressed by it is very small and will certainly be reached by Me.

    Every now and then you will find a few souls but then they are also completely convinced of My love and mercy.But intending to appeal to the crowds with it is a pointless undertaking. since people will be ever more captivated

    by the world and will prefer to listen to the voice of the world.

    Every spiritually enlightened human being knows how difficult it is to persuade other people to accept Words from

    above. he knows that the adversarys actions are so clearly obvious that they have no desire for a gift of love

    offered by My hand.... And you should also consider that it merely adds to the many publications, which are also of a

    spiritual nature but do not originate from Me Myself, which requires spiritual awakening in order to recognise it as

    My Word, but this awakening is hardly ever found any longer. I Myself, however, know the souls to whom I can

    send My Word. It would not benefit your souls to know the length of time you still have at your disposal but you

    would be horrified to know how close you are to the end. For that reason I constantly urge the workers in My

    vineyard to work diligently. each one should do his utmost, he should not tire, because everything which was and

    shall still be offered to people will one day follow him into eternity as rich treasure or give him comfort and strength

    in times of severe spiritual hardship, which is yet to come. But I Myself will be with all those who serve Me andbless their work, for it is extremely important and intended for all of those who are caught up in misleading notions

    and desire the truth with all their heart.... Amen

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    B.D. 8635


    Vineyard work according to Gods will....

    Every one of My co-workers is blessed by Me and given the silent assurance of My support as soon as he works for

    Me. For I need his cooperation, even though it is truly within My power to shape everything according to My will,

    and thus also to perfect you humans through My will. However, My plan for bringing you to perfection requires the

    human beings free will, for this reason the redemptive work must also be carried out by people, so that everythingtakes place within the framework of natural progression and no unusual activity compels a person to believe.... Time

    and again I give you the assurance that I will guide your every thought and that you then will also undertake the

    vineyard work according to My will. Yet I keep reminding you to work diligently and take pleasure in your

    willingness to help. However, in the final analysis, a blessed vineyard work will always consist of industrious

    detailed work.... the distribution of My Gospel will always take place on a small scale, for even if masses

    congregated in order to hear the proclamation of My Word, My Word would nevertheless only take root in a few

    hearts where the seed would grow. The success will decrease ever more during the last days, for the majority of

    people will turn away, they will close their ears because they no longer believe. But I know the individual human

    hearts and it is to these that I will convey the gifts of grace; I will bring them together with My vineyard labourers in

    order to speak through them directly....

    You can believe that I will not leave out one soul where there is still hope that it will gladly listen to Me. And you,

    My servants on earth, will truly achieve more with diligent detailed work than with major campaigns which will not

    yield the success you hope for. But if I Myself foresee a success, then I will also guide your thoughts correctly and

    put the means at your disposal so that you can work again according to My will. Yet you should not rush into things

    nor worry, just grant Me your will and let yourselves be guided, and leave everything else to Me. How few people

    are open to spiritual knowledge because only a few have an awakened spirit.... You must bear in mind that most

    people dont understand it even if it is conveyed to them because they live without love and are spiritually entirely

    unenlightened. This is why the spiritual knowledge that originates from Me directly cannot be distributed to the same

    extent as any other writing which is and can be offered to the broad mass of population, because the world only

    appreciates worldly goods. But I know what will be successful, and from My side everything will be done in order to

    increase the number of those who will be saved, and you should only ever do what is within your power, and alwayslovingly help your fellow human beings in their adversity. And I will bless every effort regarding this rescue work. I

    Myself will support them in every way but I also foresee the achievement and therefore also know which work is

    fruitless, thus I will prevent it so that you wont use your strength and effort ineffectively. Yet the achievements of

    silently rendered vineyard work cannot be estimated by you, where the souls pick up and observe every thought that

    moves you, and therefore your redemptive work will never be in vain, for I want to address all souls, which you will

    always enable Me to do if you unselfishly work for Me.... Amen

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    B.D. 8442


    Vineyard work according to divine will.

    I will bless every effort that applies to the distribution of My Word. You cannot imagine how necessary it is for

    people to be informed of their purpose of earthly life, for they only consider it to be the maintenance of their body

    and live a life which can be called everything else but spiritual. The dark of night prevails everywhere and nothing

    else will help but to spread sparks of light which tear the darkness apart and can stimulate people into following theright path they recognise in the glow of the light, and I will truly see to it that the illumination of light will increase....

    I will still make My Word from above available to all those who can yet be affected by it such that they will listen to

    the One Who is addressing them and accept His admonitions, so that they will finally allow themselves to be led and

    will no longer be able to go astray. I know the means and ways and will truly employ them. I leave no opportunity

    unused and you, My servants, shall only ever willingly carry out what you are urged to do from within, for this

    urging comes from Me, to Whom you have offered your service. So let Me tell you that you need not fear the

    weakness of your body either, that I will give you strength to work for Me, because I need diligent labourers in My

    vineyard and recognise full well who serves Me with complete dedication.... Yet dont tear yourselves apart by

    zealously embarking on things which I did not assign to you.... You should always pay attention to My instructions

    and do what I ask of you.... For you can believe Me that true success will be achieved in silent activity, that I Myself

    will only powerfully manifest Myself when otherwise nothing else can be accomplished anymore and the end is

    near.... But if you want to win over the world, if you want to teach the masses, much of your work will be done in

    vain, for there will only be a few more and you will not manage to change the human race, you will not succeed in

    bringing many people to their senses, instead, only individual ones would reward such overzealous efforts....Then

    you will have employed your strength in vain, for these few will. because they mean well.... also still be won over

    through silent activity, because they are known to Me and I will make My Word accessible to them too....

    However, My paths are different than yours, hence you should pay attention to the inner voice and comply with it as

    My instructions. This inner voice will never induce you into drawing particular attention to yourselves or into

    embarking on great campaigns which I know will not be very successful. I will therefore exclude My co-workers

    from the world time and again, because then the work for Me and My kingdom can be carried out more intensively

    and because My vineyard labourers should also increasingly perfect themselves , which heartfelt dedication to Mewill achieve and is more likely to happen in seclusion then in the flurry of the world, for everything you expect to be

    very successful requires worldly preparations which, in turn, are not suitable for internalising the person. For this

    reason I repeatedly advise you to carry out silent vineyard work, which consists of lovingly influencing your fellow

    human beings into shaping themselves into love and of informing them of My Word.... hence of contributing the

    most important thing towards distributing My Word which is conveyed to you directly from above.... Believe Me

    that the effect of My Words will yet achieve the greatest blessing and spiritual progress. Believe Me, that you will

    gain extraordinary merits if you utilise all opportunities to inform your fellow human being of My Word, for it will

    affect everyone who is still of good will.... whilst people will only accept all other efforts to teach them spiritual

    knowledge with their intellect without involving their heart apart from a few, who, however, I will also win over for

    Me by other means, because I know the human hearts. Consider the fact that it takes intellectual thought to present

    My divine revelations to people such that they will be gripped by them. but that only the intellect is addressed and

    that it will rarely lead to spiritual success.... but that the direct conveyance of My Word or the passing on of My

    direct revelations will be far more successful because My Word is blessed with My strength and because thosepeople who shall contribute towards inducing spiritual advancement among people had to already possess a certain

    degree of maturity prior to it.... Believe Me that I will bless all silent work for Me and My kingdom, and make every

    effort to be diligent labourers for Me who will only every follow their Lord and Caretakers instructions and lovingly

    look after their fellow human beings.... I will do everything else for you and also guide you such that you will offer

    My Word to those who will gratefully accept it as an unusual gift of grace which will truly have the desired effect....


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    God lead's and spiritually and materially provides for His workers...

    B.D. 799013.9.1961

    The vineyard labourers service for fellow human beings.

    You have been given the task of spreading the Word of the Lord and you will be guided such that it will benefit your

    task. You are constantly looked after by Him, you need not go anywhere on your own, you need only hand

    yourselves over to Him and then you will always act according to His will. You will be guided in an earthly and

    spiritual sense and therefore also work in His vineyard according to His will. The Fathers love embraces all His

    living creations and He knows that many of His creatures still suffer great spiritual adversity. Yet He is unable to

    speak to them noticeably, His voice cannot sound within them or it would exert compulsory faith or forcibly direct

    their will towards Him. But He can speak to them through you, His servants on earth, and He will indeed do so as

    soon as the opportunity for it presents itself, which your will is to provide. And since every single soul is dear to him,He will always guide you such that these souls will become accessible to Him through you. It is an immense spiritual

    achievement if thoughts of the afterlife can be aroused in people, if their attention can be drawn to the kingdom

    which is not of this world, if they only once consider the purpose of their life on earth and mentally try to detach

    themselves from this world, but this is difficult to achieve with people who are so utterly captivated by the world that

    they wont allow any spiritual thoughts to arise in them. Hence it is difficult for the vineyard labourers to establish

    contact with them; but if they succeed in their attempt it will be even more beneficial, and it will always be achieved

    through Gods blessing, to Whom you are of service. Consequently, no work will ever be in vain for Him, souls will

    always derive benefit from it, because you are constantly accompanied by souls in the beyond who feel the soothing

    effect of your emanation of light and greedily consume the spiritual nourishment which is offered them by you when

    you receive the divine Word and pass it on to fellow human beings who willingly listen to you. You must only

    ever be willing to be of service to Him, for it is a service you do for your fellow human beings if you support them

    on behalf of God, if you do what He Himself would do for them. if you convey His Word to them, if you inform

    them of the Fathers love and the relationship He would like them to establish with Him. if you return the childrenHe longs for to the Father. You should speak in His name, you should merely be the mouthpiece through which the

    Father can express Himself. for human words are still more likely to be accepted as the Word of God as long as a

    human being has no faith. But he can be led to faith through human beings, and these human beings will then work

    for God and His kingdom, then they will be suitable labourers in His vineyard and their work will not be fruitless.


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    B.D. 8356


    Gods care for the vineyard labourers.

    Those of you who offer to work in My vineyard are being led and guided by Me. Nevertheless, you must consider

    it a priority, for you receive and distribute everlasting spiritual possessions. whereas all secular work merely

    provides you with transient goods. And do you know how long your existence on earth will last?.... Hence, you

    can work and work and yet derive no benefit from what you acquire through earthly exertion. The work for Meand My kingdom, however, is followed by many spiritual blessings which will be permanent and will also provide

    earthly benefits, for you will truly not need to live in want as long as you, as My servants, fulfil the will of your

    Guardian, as long as you are of service to Me during the last days before the end when I will particularly require your

    assistance. You can indeed believe that your earthly worries will diminish as long as you consider your work forMe

    more important, for I said Seek ye first the kingdom of God. and all these things shall be added unto you.

    Even so, as long as worldly needs are taken into account first, the work for Me will fade into the background and

    then you will find it increasingly more difficult to commit yourselves to Me and My kingdom. Your thoughts will

    be far more inclined towards the world; My kingdom, however, is not of this world and the human being must fight

    if he wants to make heartfelt contact with Me again. But I urgently need you as fellow workers, because I dont

    force anyone to place himself at My disposal since only a free act of cooperation will result in the blessing that the

    redemptive work will be successful, regardless of which work you accomplish for Me. As soon as you are

    permeated by love for Me and your neighbour you are suitable assistants for Me and this love will always impart

    upon you the strength to work for Me. Therefore, dont allow yourselves to become depressed by worldly worries

    which I can easily avert and will indeed do so once you predominantly commit yourselves to the spiritual profit you

    will achieve through your keen cooperation. both for yourselves as well as for the souls needing redeeming and,

    not least of all, for Me as well, once I have regained these souls for Me through your activity for Me and My

    kingdom. You should always bear in mind that every persons life can come to an end tomorrow and that no amount

    of earthly gain will be of use to you anymore, but that you may take the spiritually acquired rich treasure with you

    into the kingdom of the beyond and that your activity in this kingdom will then be a blessed one, because then you

    may distribute and receive again without limit. And if those of you who want to serve Me as faithful servants always

    bear a near end in mind, irrespective of whether it concerns the whole of the human race or just yourselves. then

    you will recognise the futility of earthly labour and will surely give priority to spiritual work, and you will certainlyalso be sustained by Me Myself. You will not need to suffer hardship, because I Myself, as your Guardian, will look

    after your physical needs as well so that you will be able to accomplish your task. You should believe that I will

    always find means and ways, that nothing is impossible for Me, that you only need to fulfil My will to be certain of

    My help at all times. However, I will often also put you to the test as to whether you are willing to resist the

    worlds onslaught, and you need to pass such tests of faith because precisely your faith must be particularly strong if

    you want to withstand My adversarys temptations, as he will confront you time and again in order to prevent you

    from working for Me and My kingdom. But then you should know that My power is stronger and that I will

    certainly protect you from him if only you are willing to be of service to Me. Amen

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    ... and, if they ask Him for it,ensures for them a constant protection from the enemy...

    B.D. 8645


    The vineyard labourers trust in divine guidance.

    You can always rely on My guidance by merely placing yourselves under My protection and choosing Me as your

    guide. In that case you can rest assured that I will protect you from My adversarys every onslaught, that you will

    always receive the strength to resist him if he wants to tempt you, for once your will belongs to Me I Am also

    entitled to protect you from him, otherwise, however, I will not stop him because he, too, is fighting for the souls so

    as not to lose them. It is always the human beings own decision to whose power he entrusts himself. Yet I will at

    all times assist the person who has found the path to Me. Then he will also be active in accordance with My will, for

    My influence consists of encouraging the human being to live a way of life which is pleasing to Me. Then he will

    always feel inwardly impelled to do or not to do this or that and he can be certain of the fact that I Myself place this

    urge in him, that it is My expression which is felt by the heart of the human being who entrusts himself to Me.

    Similarly, I will place the right thoughts into your hearts, My servants on earth, when you work for Me in My

    vineyard, because this should also be done according to My instructions, even if it occasionally seems doubtful to

    you. As soon as you have offered your services to Me I will also assign your work to you and you can safely follow

    your inner inclination. Nothing happens thoughtlessly, I always pursue a specific plan or purpose, and you only ever

    accomplish what I would do Myself if I lived on this earth in the flesh. Thus you represent Me, and you can

    believe that I place My will in you so that you seemingly act according to your own will, but that this resolve is

    always caused by Me because you voluntarily offer to work for Me. But not all people pay attention to the inner

    voice and therefore I cannot speak to them directly, nor can I speak so frankly to them that they will be convinced of

    being addressed by the Father Himself. I must speak to people through mediators whose words they can either

    accept or reject, yet this is up to them on account of their freedom of will. Nevertheless, no human being shall go

    without My merciful care, I look after everyone and show them the right path when they go astray. For this reasonI inform them through My messengers of the right path which they, in their spiritual darkness, often cant find or

    take a path which leads them astray because it is illuminated by the deceptive lights My adversary has ignited in

    order to mislead people who want to reach higher spheres. But as soon as these call upon Me Myself and appeal

    for My protection and guidance they are already on the right path and I will send My messengers to meet them in

    order to assist with their ascent to Me. Nevertheless, My protection and guidance are only rarely called upon, people

    believe they have enough strength and light at their disposal and that they will then also be receptive to My

    adversarys influence who knows how to present them with flowery paths and to conjure up the most attractive

    regions which, however, will infallibly end up in darkness. and thus the human being has not ascended at all but

    walked down into the abyss. Only the person who voluntarily entrusts himself to My guidance can travel his earthly

    path without worrying, for he will reach the goal. He has handed himself over to Me of his own free will, and I

    will indeed be his final goal, he will join Me, the One he always intended to reach. I only want you to voluntarily

    give Me the right to guide you through your life on earth, then you will never need to fear going astray or failing, for

    then you will also always do what is right before My eyes, because this will is in you once you have accepted Mywill and given up your own will. in that case the adversary will have no more power over you because you will

    resist his temptations, you will remain faithful to Me and I will always grant you My protection. Amen

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    B.D. 8928


    Gods merciful guidance of the vineyard labourers.

    You should pay attention to My will, which I shall always place into your heart when you appeal to Me for advice

    and help. Then you will feel it as an inner urge which you should comply with. The prerequisite is, however, that you

    establish contact with Me in prayer first, that it is your own will to receive My instructions, because you cannot

    assume that every thought originates from Me but must also take into account that My adversary intervenes in yourthoughts if he feels that you pray half-heartedly, that not your heart but only you mouth is speaking. Therefore you

    should constantly observe yourselves, but always trustingly come to Me with every request and appeal to Me for

    support. You should always know that you will be guided by Me as soon as you want to be active for Me, for this

    activity of yours is wanted by Me and can therefore never be wrong if it is your serious will to thereby be of service

    to Me. For countless beings of light are protecting you by fending off all incorrect thoughts so that you can therefore

    accomplish your spiritual task with complete peace of mind and need not be afraid of being used by the adversary.

    And you must be certain of this, because you should stand up for your spiritual knowledge and will only be able to

    do so if you are sure of My protection. Consequently, you need not worry that you would ever lose My love, for I

    Am aware of your struggle and know every doubt arising in you, yet I also know that you will quell these doubts

    yourselves because you will receive the strength for this from Me. However, you must remain firmly connected with

    Me so that I will be able to affect you directly. For the adversary will also try to prevail, but he will be unsuccessful

    if you always long for Me and My presence, for he will take flight from the light and thus from Me Myself, Who

    kindles a light in you. Time and again you will notice My merciful guidance if only you pay attention to how I

    direct everything, if you keep your eyes and ears open, if you take notice of how everything falls into place and

    always shows My care. because as long as you are ready for Me, I Am also willing to smooth your every path. For

    all this is the result of your will to serve Me selflessly, which I rate as proof of your love for Me. And therefore you

    are being presented with knowledge which only ever serves to enlighten you, which proves My immense love for

    you and from which you can conclude that I do not just want to be your God and Creator but that you should

    recognise yourFather in Me instead. This is why I convey to you the information which enables you to infer to a

    supremely perfect Being Which bows down in Its infinite love to let you partake in that which My sphere of love has

    to offer. For all the glories in My kingdom were created by the Father for His children in order to make them

    infinitely happy. However, you must know about it. And this knowledge must be conveyed to you by those I wasable to initiate in My plan of Creation, who willingly open themselves to rays of light. And if you now consider how

    little light can shine among the human race, then you will also understand that I will repeatedly assure those of My

    care who want to comply with the task of introducing this knowledge to their fellow human beings, for although their

    mission is an exceptionally beneficial one, it is also a difficult task, because not many people can be found who

    question the purpose of their life on earth and who are therefore also willing to accept instructions. But My blessing

    will forever be with those who work for Me and My kingdom, because the only important thing is that they enlighten

    their fellow human beings about the meaning and purpose of life on earth, about My will and that they also spread

    the knowledge of the significance of the act of Salvation, for this information is essential if people want to become

    blessed. Amen

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    About sphere of activity of Vineyard workers...

    B.D. 509122.3.1951

    Spiritual community.... Working together....

    A spiritual community can convey many blessings, for it distributes My Gospel in Words and deeds. However, I do

    not call members of an organised association a spiritual community but only people who, in spiritual unity, strive

    towards the same goal of coming close to the truth and thus to Me and who therefore also want to lead their fellow

    human beings to Me. For organisations can also exist without truly spiritually striving members, and I only

    acknowledge spiritual aspiration as the right desire for Me. An association of people who seriously discuss spiritual

    topics, whose hearts silently love Me and desire a bond with Me, is a spiritual community which is pleasing to Me,

    My blessing will always rest on them and the very spiritual work they do will be blessed by Me. Wherever they are

    together I dwell among them and guide their thoughts in the right direction, I intervene in their conversations Myself by expressing Myself through a person who is particularly devoted to Me, who will then effectively instruct the

    others and also be acknowledged because the others will feel that I Am at work, because they will feel addressed by

    Me and will be convinced that what they hear is true. A spiritual community will always render Me a great service,

    for they will achieve far more than an individual person can achieve by only working for Me and My kingdom. Yet

    every individual person should try to gain followers for Me, every individual should strive to expand the spiritual

    community and always lead new labourers to Me because many reapers will be needed during the last days and the

    work that still needs to be accomplished before the end will require every effort. Together you can be very

    successful, for people will always look at a solitary person with distrust and lend little credence to his words.

    However, as soon as other like-minded people join him everything he says and does becomes significant. Therefore

    try to find like-minded people with the same striving to be of service to Me and to do redemptive work on earth

    during the last days before the end. By doing so you will gain very much yourselves but you will also gain new souls

    which you can lead to Me, which you can prepare for their mission of becoming co-workers for Me and My

    kingdom, to whom you can proclaim the Gospel so that they will pass it on to all those who suffer spiritual hardship.What is not possible for an individual person can be achieved by many; they will find it easier to be believed and will