1 Living Life Loud UITGAWE: 5 Just like me you propably answered 'yes' to the above question. The question supporting the above is: “What do I need to do for revival to start in the Church, Drakenstein Valley, South Africa and the rest of the world?” The answer to this is in the Scripture 2 Tim 2:19; 21 “(19) Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His” and “Let everyone who names the name of Christ, depart from iniquity.” (21) Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.”(NKJV) During the months of March and April, God spoke to our congregation through different preachers and men of God to be Vessels of Honor. Definition (Oxford English Dictionary) Revival:i. an improvement in the condition, strength or popularity of something. ii. a new production of an old play An improvement in condition of us, not the Church, Valley, municipality or government. True Revival to start needs to begin with the individual, a new production of an old play. The new improved, spiritfilled, Word based individual shall automatically influence the church, the Valley and so on. TRUE REVIVAL = INDIVIDUAL + SANCTIFICATION + SACRIFICE What are we prepared to sacrifice to become a Vessel of Honor for the Master? “Shallow lives, hollow religious philosophies, the preponderance of the element of fun in gospel meetings, the glorification of men, trust in religious externalities, quasi-religious fellowships, salesmanship methods, the mistaking of dynamic personality for the Power of the Spirit. These and such as these are the symptoms of an evil disease, a deep serious malady (sickness) of the soul. (A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God) We have the following responsibility to our Master: i. a sanctified life ii. to leave behind a God fearing, God loving heritage, descendants (in other words; Is our own house and spiritual family God fearing, God loving) Question: Do we really want Revival? Answer: What am I willing to sacrifice to become a Vessel of Honor? Real Revival begins with us through the Holy Spirit and the Victory our Lord, Jesus Christ, established for us at Calvary. We can accomplish true revival in our lives, then the Church, the Valley and the Country. (Let the Holy Spirit show us what area in our lives need to be sanctified) Jesus spoke through Lance Lambert and he prophesied in 1986 “In the midst of all the turmoil and shaking and at the heart of everything is MY CHURCH. In the heavenlies she is joined to Me in Spirit and I have destined her for the throne. You who are My beloved, whom I have redeemed and anointed, you are Mine. I will equip and empower you and you will rise up and do great things in My Name, even in the midst of darkness and evil. For I will reveal My power and My grace and glory through you. Do not hold back nor question My ways with you for in all My dealings with you I have always in mind that you should be part of My Bride and reign with Me. NB! Do not forget that this requires discipline and training. So yield to Me that I might do a work in you in the time which is left for I plan even during all this shaking the Bride will make Herself ready.” • Get to know... Mayonnaise Jar Maandprogram Laminin - Vision Besoekende Predikers Algemene Kerkinligting IN HIERDIE UITGAWE Bestuur Proefleser Grafiese Oorsig Anthony, Quintin, Kristen Denmarié Young Gavin Young INHOUD BYDRAES Voorwoord: Get to know: Laminin: Predikers: Eric Marais Ano Niem Bruce H. Wilkenson Denmarié Young WYSHEID VAN DIE GRYSHEID Junie 2011 R2.00 Tel: 021 872 3437 Fax: 086 524 6011 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.ligenlewe.org.za Facebook.com/La Vie Mag DO WE REALLY WANT REVIVAL? by Eric Marais HE THAT IS BORN ONCE WILL DIE TWICE, HE THAT IS BORN TWICE WILL DIE ONCE THAT TIME IS NOW! GLORY TO GOD!

La Vie Uitgawe 5

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Junie Maand 2011

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Page 1: La Vie Uitgawe 5


L i v i n g L i f e L o u d


Just like me you propably answered 'yes' to the above question. The question supporting the above is: “What do I need to do for revival to start in the Church, Drakenstein Valley, South Africa and the rest of the world?”

The answer to this is in the Scripture 2 Tim 2:19; 21 “(19) Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His” and “Let everyone who names the name of Christ, depart from iniquity.” (21) Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.”(NKJV)

During the months of March and April, God spoke to our congregation through different preachers and men of God to be Vessels of Honor.

Definition (Oxford English Dictionary) Revival:i. an improvement in the condition, strength or popularity of something. ii. a new production of an old play

An improvement in condition of us, not the Church, Valley, municipality or government. True Revival to start needs to begin with the individual, a new production of an old play. The new improved, spiritfilled, Word based individual shall automatically influence the church, the Valley and so on.


What are we prepared to sacrifice to become a Vessel of Honor for the Master? “Shallow lives, hollow religious philosophies, the preponderance of the element of fun in gospel meetings, the glorification of men, trust in religious externalities, quasi-religious fellowships, salesmanship methods, the mistaking of dynamic personality for the Power of the Spirit. These and such as these are the symptoms of an evil disease, a deep serious malady (sickness) of the soul.(A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God)

We have the following responsibility to our Master:i. a sanctified lifeii. to leave behind a God fearing, God loving heritage, descendants (in other words; Is our own house and spiritual family God

fearing, God loving)

Question: Do we really want Revival?Answer: What am I willing to sacrifice to become a Vessel of Honor? Real Revival begins with us through the Holy Spirit and the Victory our Lord, Jesus Christ, established for us at Calvary. We can accomplish true revival in our lives, then the Church, the Valley and the Country. (Let the Holy Spirit show us what area in our lives need to be sanctified)

Jesus spoke through Lance Lambert and he prophesied in 1986 “In the midst of all the turmoil and shaking and at the heart of everything is MY CHURCH. In the heavenlies she is joined to Me in Spirit and I have destined her for the throne. You who are My beloved, whom I have redeemed and anointed, you are Mine. I will equip and empower you and you will rise up and do great things in My Name, even in the midst of darkness and evil. For I will reveal My power and My grace and glory through you. Do not hold back nor question My ways with you for in all My dealings with you I have always in mind that you should be part of My Bride and reign with Me.NB! Do not forget that this requires discipline and training. So yield to Me that I might do a work in you in the time which is left for I plan even during all this shaking the Bride will make Herself ready.”

• Get to know...

• Mayonnaise Jar

• Maandprogram

• Laminin - Vision

• Besoekende Predikers

• Algemene Kerkinligting




Grafiese Oorsig

Anthony, Quintin, Kristen

Denmarié Young

Gavin Young


Get to know:



Eric Marais

Ano Niem

Bruce H. Wilkenson

Denmarié Young


Junie 2011R2.00

Tel: 021 872 3437Fax: 086 524 6011

E-mail: [email protected]: www.ligenlewe.org.zaFacebook.com/La Vie Mag





Page 2: La Vie Uitgawe 5


Week 1Do you feel it? Something stirring deep inside you?

Nehemia 1:1-4

It’s a thing that makes your heart surge - a thing of hope and anticipation. It’s ready to be born within you, to come to maturity, and to carry you to heights you never dreamed possible. It’s a thing called VISION.

God designed us to be people of purpose - to pursue causes for which we would exchange our lives. When you find the vision for your life, you won’t take hold of it; it will take hold of you. And it will follow a path:

Quietly it will start off by your investigative seeking for a need in the lives of others. From there, you choose to experience an intentional sympathy with those in need. This is almost a chemical reaction between a certain need and the way God made you. You don’t plan it, but you experience the instinctive bonding to the need. As the need takes on more substance in your heart and mind, you’ll experience the intensifying burden for the need. You think of being the one to act. You’re developing the intuitive belief that you could meet the need. You could - but will you? You’re at a critical point. If this is a true vision struggling to be born, you’ll develop the internal accountability for the need. It’s a transition from heart to hands. You take the initial action to meet the need. Rolling up your sleeves, you realize your life is about to change forever.

Investigate1. How would you define vision? What makes Christian vision distinctive?2. How can we know our vision comes from God, rather than from our own invention? What are some tests we could apply?3. Describe why you feel the vision you are pursuing is so important to you. When your vision is fulfilled, what will have changed for you and


Activate1.On a sheet of paper, draw a line from the left side of the page to the right. The beginning point on the left should be labeled with your date of birth. Leave a few inches after the point marking the present day.2.You can make other marks to denote momentous events in your life-graduation, marriage, children etc.3.Now, make a point on the line that shows when you first became aware of the idea that later became your vision. Note other points when your vision became more focused, more organized and so on. Using a different colour ink, make points of projection on the future portion of your line. These will show how you expect your vision to unfold.4. Pray over that part of the line.

A blind man’s world is bounded by the limits of his touch; an ignorant man’s world by the limits of his knowledge; a great man’s world by the limits of his vision. - E. Paul Hovey

So you have your dreams and destinations.Nehemia 1:5-11

If someone were to ask you to lay out your big idea, you could do it by using words of power and emotion. Your vision takes in heart, soul, and mind. Next question: Where will the power come from? You’ll need something beyond strategies and timetables. Let’s discover where to find the power for the VISION.

As leaders our minds usually works constantly, and we become proudly self-reliant: Therein lies the problem: self-reliance. You tend to shoulder the load, unwilling to trust God with your dearest dreams. Laying the vision before Him would mean letting go - and that’s tough for self-reliant people. But without the closeness of your relationship with God, you’ll be doomed to failure. You will have to renew the fire of passion to know Him deeply. and as you work through the vision from observation to action, you realize the need is far to big for you to fill. And that’s how you’ve come to the conviction that God is the ultimate answer. As God’s presence illuminates the sin that caused the need, you fall to your knees. The confession of the underlying sins occurs. You intercede for those involved, that’s what vision is about: standing in the gap. But it’s not all about the sins of others, is it? The cleansing of your sins and motives is necessary. And now, the power begins to come through the claiming of God’s promises. Reliance on His promises brings purity and power. Now it’s clear the commission of God rests upon you. From the power of that realization comes the confidence to pray for specific answers. The task seems great, but God is far greater. You know this is the King’s business. He will answer you; He will supply your needs to fulfill the world’s needs. That’s how the power for your vision is unleashed.

Investgate1. Describe a time when a crisis caused you to draw closer to God. What were some of the effects?2. For what reasons would a leader confess the sins of a group of people3. What is the significance of Nehemiah working on the basis of God’s Covenant? How should we today work on the basis of God’s

covenant and promises.

ActivateThis week’s study details seven aspects that lead to a vision empowered by God as modeled by the prayer of Nehemiah. The power for your vision comes from abiding with God and being so deep into fellowship with Him that His vision becomes your own. 1. Evaluate the seven concepts and determine which one you’ve tended to neglect the most. 2. List three specific, practical things you can do this week to put this concept to work in your life. 3. Describe your current degree of closeness to God. Since there’s always room for an upgrade in this department, what can you do this week to build greater intimacy with Him? No generalization allowed! 4. Get out your appointment book and set the time and the place.

If we are too busy to pray, we are too busy to have God’s power. - R.A. Torrey

LamininK E E P I N G U S O G E T H E R___________________________________

Week 2

The Birth of the Vision

The Power of the Vision

Page 3: La Vie Uitgawe 5

Have you ever had one of those nights?Nehemiah 2:1-6

Sleep won’t come - troubling ideas and dark doubts; second thoughts about that life goal. What if you’ve spent all this time building castles in the air - and they vanish like mist? God wants you to have rock-solid certainty. Here’s how to validate your VISION.

You’ve known a few doubts. Time wrongly invested is time lost forever, and failures are never forgotten. Yet God doesn't want you to be doubtful. The first signpost that will tell you that the vision is real is the validation of your enduring passion. It’s a question of time. We frequently feel emotions superficially, but genuine passion endures over time. When you find yourself verbalizing the vision that has come before you, you’ve experienced the validation of your public proclamation. The details haven’t come into focus, yet the conviction continues to seep into your conversations. You’re also discussing everything about the vision with God. This is the validation of your dependent prayer. Is your vision continuing to draw you toward God? A godly vision creates a godly dependance. Then there is the validation of your overall plan. The plan shouldn’t be confused with the vision. The vision is the finish line, it never changes. The plan will evolve and transform constantly. It is important to have the blessing of those above you. This is the validation of your authority’s permission. At first they will be skeptical. At some point they will give you their blessing. If this occurs, and God moves in their hearts, you’ve received one more validation. Now you look inside yourself. You seek the validation of your motive purity. What is it that really motivates you to pursue this vision? And as you validate your motives, you also reach the validation of your heart peace. If the vision still compels you after all of this, you’ve chosen the right road.

Investigate1. Describe a time when you faced a tough decision about your vision.2. Should we rely on our emotions when responding to a need we’ve discovered? Why or why not?3. We receive many kinds of advice from our friends when we tell them about goals we’d like to fulfill. How can we sort the helpful from the

unhelpful advice.

ActivateThis week’s study helps us explore how we can be confident that we’ve set our focus on the right goal. Seven “Vision Validators” are detailed in the study. 1. Write these out on a piece of paper, and define each of them in your own words on the left side of the page. 2. On the right side of the page, reflect on how you’ve responded to each of these indicators in your life. For example, has your passion for a great purpose grown? How so? Have you stood firm when those around you doubted your resolve? Have you felt the approval and endorsement of important leaders and advisors in your life? 3. Put plenty of prayer and reflection into this page, and you’ll have an accurate reading of where you stand in regard to validation of your vision.

We can learn to soar only in direct proportion to our determination to rise above the doubt and transcend the limitations. - David McNully

Life is about testing, and growth is a process.Nehemiah 2:7-20

If you want an education, you study and face tests. And there’s no instant wisdom and maturity; they must be earned. Vision works the same way. After you pass several key tests, you’ll be ready for the goal. In this session, you’ll get a preview of the tests that await YOU.

The first test you’ll face will be the test of resources. If the money isn’t available to do the work, for example, does that mean your vision is invalidated? Not at all. This is a test, not a validator. God expects you to work and sacrifice to gather the needed resources. Then you will face the test of re-prioritisation. Are you willing to reinvent your lifestyle and priorities to correspond to your vision? If not-if you simply try to integrate the “new wine” of the vision into the “old wine” of your past habits, you’ll never pass this tests. For many, this is the greatest test of all. Then there is the test of rumour. You’ve reached a point at which your intentions have become public, and the whispering begins. There will always be opposition. Did you realize things would be this difficult? Resources scarce and rumours plentiful. So you face the test of revaluation. It’s worth the testing and so it’s worth gathering your army. This is the test of recruitment. It’s one thing to give everything to the vision God gave you, but can you make others feel the same way? God will supply the people, but it will take work on your part. This is your test. In that process, you encounter the test of rejection. People will be hostile, envy will rear its ugly head, you personally become the target. Going on the defensive will divert you from the main task. Can you stay focused when the angry fingers begin to point? If you persevere, you reach the test of resolution. You discover that every test has provided strengthening. “I don’t care if I'm the last one standing, but by God’s grace, I’m going to the Finish Line.”

Investigate1. What significant changes in your values and lifestyle did the pursuing of your vision cause?2. How did you go about recruiting others to join with you in your vision?3. What are some reasons that you think visionary individuals often experience rejection and opposition?

Activate1.Take a moment to look over the seven tests, reflecting on them. 2.Ask your spouse or friend to help you role play the maturing of your vision as it comes to these tests. In other words, work through how you are going to raise the financial resources; explore how you would recruit other people. Don’t be afraid to dream out loud! 3.When you reach the fifth stage, resolution, talk about the godly wisdom and maturity you expect to enjoy - and the achievement of your life vision. 4. Close your session with an extended time of prayer filled with praise, thanksgiving and commitment.

Developing success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. - Dale Carnegie


Week 3

Week 4

VISIONThe Validation of the Vision

The Tests of the Vision

Page 4: La Vie Uitgawe 5


Ferdi Steyl

Volle Name: Ferdi Steyl Verjaarsdag: 14 Augustus Geboorte Plek: Worcester Beroep: Handyman en

Deeltyds in Tronkbediening

Ferdi en Belinda Steyl is die langste van enige ander kerk lidmaat in die Lig & Lewe. Hullle is al van 1989 deel van die gemeente, nog voor die koms van Pastoor Henry en sy gesin.

Ferdi het as jong seun saam met sy gesin grootgeword in die gemeente. In sy jongmens-dae het hy ‘n draai in die wêreld gemaak, maar in 1989 het hy en Belinda waarlik tot bekering gekom.

Nadat Ferdi vir baie jare by Telkom werksaam was, het hy onlangs afgetree en is hy nou onder andere besig met bediening by die Gevangenis, waar die Here hom wonderlik gebruik.


Vers: Jeremia 33 vers 3

Kos: Gebraaide skaapboud en aartappels

Musiek: Third Day

Movie/Boek: Die Bybel

Belinda Steyl

Volle Naam: Belinda Steyl

Verjaarsdag: 24 Februarie

Geboorte Plek: Oudtshoorn

Beroep: Finansiele Bestuurder

Hulle vertel. . .“In Mei maand 1989 het ons by ‘n Sondagaanddiens, gelei deur Past. Chum Oosthuizen, ons lewe vir die Here gegee. Ons het nog nooit weer teruggekyk nie, en dit was die heel beste besluit ooit.”

Belinda is werksaam by ‘n groot vervoermaatskappy waar sy die finansiële bestuurder is.

So tussendeur al die werk, is sy en Ferdi lief vir die buitelewe en maak hulle graag tyd om te gaan kamp met hul woonwa.

Hoe ervaar jul kerk?

“Geesvervulde aanbidding en samekoms wat lewendig is, en waar ons geestelik gevoed en geleer word , sodat ons dit kan uitleef en siele vir Sy Koningkryk wen.”


Vers: Fillipense 4 vers 13

Kos: Tongvis

Musiek: Parachute Band, News Boyz

Boek/Movie: Faith Like Potatoes

Ferdi & Belinda


Page 5: La Vie Uitgawe 5


ave you ever read a book or watched a TV show? I'm sure you Hhave. Have you ever written a book or made a TV show? I suspect most people would say no. We are all consumers. We eat, watch, read, buy and use every day. Our decision making often centres on the questions, 'what do I get from this?', 'do I want to do this?' or 'does it cost too much?'. This consumer mentality is popular in our society and in the church. But should it be? Jesus was a revolutionary, he liked to turn things on their head; he was a contributor, not a consumer. He ultimately made the greatest contribution of all, his own life to save us. We need to reform our way of thinking and to get our lives in-line with Jesus.

The Cost Jesus said this to his disciples shortly after explaining that he was going to be killed: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." Matthew 16:24.

This isn't picture language. Jesus' disciples will have understood his reference to the cross to mean 'if you would come after me you must be willing to lose your life, literally to die'. God's grace is free; the Son of God gave his own life so that we could have salvation at no cost to ourselves. Following Jesus, on the other hand, is costly. We need to be willing to give up everything in the world and to put him before even our most basic needs. We need to contribute, not consume and our contribution is ourselves.

The nature of the contribution we need to make is different for each one of us. The Bible tells us about Paul the apostle who, before encountering Jesus, was a highly regarded religious leader. He gave up his status and reputation to follow God's call on his life. While following this call he was beaten, flogged, lashed, stoned, shipwrecked and imprisoned (2 Cor 11:24-25). Stephen, a man responsible for distributing food to widows in the early church, was stoned to death for his outspoken faith in Jesus (Acts 6-7). As a more recent example C.T Studd, an Englishman who played in the very first Ashes test match, left his cricketing career to tell people in China about Jesus. Countless others throughout the centuries have left family and career, given money and possessions and been imprisoned or even killed, all for Jesus.

But giving things up is not the same as following Jesus. We are called primarily to obedience, not to sacrifice. We should make obedient sacrifices, not just making sacrifices for show or to justify ourselves, rather making obedient sacrifices that honour God. God said this about Paul the Apostle: "I have picked him as my personal representative to non-Jews and kings and Jews. And now I'm about to show him what he's in for-the hard suffering that goes with this job." (Acts 9:15 Message). Paul was following God's plan for his life when he suffered all those things. Many other people have suffered and sacrificed in ways and circumstances that have nothing to do with God. So make sure, when you're paying the cost, that you are in-step with God's plan for your life. As Paul no-doubt knew, it's dangerous and difficult, but there's no safer place to be.

The Reward Following Jesus is costly. If we evaluate our christian lives based on what we are getting out of it in this world, it may well not add up; from the point of view of a consumer it doesn't make sense. So why bother? We need to look at the bigger picture. Paul the apostle looks back over his life and says "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day" (2 Timothy 4:7-8). His reward comes in Heaven and, though his contribution was huge, Jesus implies that he will be given more than he gave as he says to his disciples "everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life." (Matt 19:29).

We need to get our perspective right, taking into account the reality of our situation: this world is just a shadow of the one to come, and our reward will come in the next world. The things we build here on earth will not last, so we should make our contribution a long term investment in the kingdom of God. C.T Studd, the English cricketer, had it right when he said "I knew that cricket would not last, and honour would not last, and nothing in this world would last, but it was worth while living for the world to come.".

Finding Life "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." Matthew 16:25.If we accept the cost that Jesus asks us to pay then we will find the life that He came to give us, life in overflowing abundance (see John 10:10). Jesus is referring to eternal life but I believe that starts now. We are born again on earth, marking the start of our eternal life in relationship with God. How does that life look? It bears the characteristics of the Kingdom of God: righteousness, peace, joy and power. (Rom 14:17, 1 Cor 4:20).

Paul the Apostle tells us that the cost of following Jesus builds character and perseverance into our lives. 'we .... rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.' (Rom 5:3-4). The cost of following God shapes us, matures us and works into us a greater trust of him. We should "endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?" (Heb 12:7). We are children of the God of the Universe and this is God treating us as sons, in that he allows us to endure hardships as an opportunity to be discipled. But this is not an excuse to neglect the needs of those around us, or even our own needs. Much of the suffering and hardship in our world is experienced by people who are not Gods children, so surely they cannot be being disciplined? We must do everything we can to meet their needs, both spiritual and natural.

God sends the Holy Spirit to his sons and daughters; our Father sends help to those who he is disciplining, to those who will lose their life for him. The Holy Spirit gives us peace and joy in the most unlikely situations, and equips us with power to demonstrate his glory. Paul the apostle gives us a perfect example. Whilst in Philippi Paul and his co-worker Silas are stripped, beaten severely and thrown into jail for disturbing the peace. At about midnight we find them in the inner cell of the jail, bound by their feet, praying and singing to God! Imagine yourself in the same situation. In my own strength I don't think I'd be singing, but Paul and Silas have been equipped by the Holy Spirit to find peace and joy even in this situation. Now the Holy Spirit does a powerful thing: there is an earthquake, all the prison doors come open and all the prisoners chains fall off (Acts 16:16-26). Even now the same Holy Spirit who did these things makes himself available to his children , to those who deny themselves and follow Him.

Be A Contributor So in your church, your job, your marriage, your school, your community and especially in your spiritual life, ditch the consumer mentality and become a contributor. You will be rewarded in heaven, and you will find abundant life on earth. Three questions to finish:

1. What does following Jesus cost me?

2. Do I believe that I will be rewarded in Heaven?

3. Does my life bear the characteristic of the Kingdom of God: righteousness, peace, joy and power?

Matthew 16:24, 2 Timothy 4:7-8, Matt 19:29, John 10:10, Rom 5:3-4, Heb 12:7 by Richard Brear

Page 6: La Vie Uitgawe 5

Helpful Hints

Let's get the, "what it doesn't" over and done with. Being the

head and the 'stronger' one has awesome responsibilities

attached to it. So let's make it clear - it doesn't mean that

you're the boss; that your will be done; that you're a dictator;

that you always have to be right; that you have the right to

belittle anyone and especially not that you have the right to

abuse anyone in ANYway. No! That's not a husband, that's

not being a father, that's not strength in fact that's just the


Stand Up and be Counted

Women everywhere are looking for the real men to stand

up. Are you going to be one of them? What do we need to

do? We need to aim to focus on providing protection and

safety for our family; be humble and lead by example; to

always be building up and encouraging our family; we need

to be responsible for (have a very clear and good picture of

and institute) the discipline and education of our children as

well as delegating responsibilities and whilst consulting

your wife have the final authority. Do you think this is easy?

Eish! of course not! That's why you have to start thinking

about it now. That's why you have to get down on your

knees and ask God by His Spirit to give you the strength,

abilities and wisdom to be the Head of your home that He

will call you to one day or already did so.

Food for the Soul

Of course this isn't everything but a brief idea of my views,

based on: what I read in the Bible, a lot of reading around

this issue and a lot of thinking and praying about it. I hope it

inspires you to want to fulfill your God given role as a man

and as the head of the home. Very difficult? Sure is! But

when it is working, when it is being put into practice what is

more rewarding than looking at your life and knowing that

you are in God's will, fulfilling His purpose and making a

difference in people's lives?

Word of Life Ministries is committed to bringing you Bible-based teaching

and the Bible's answers and perspectives to your questions.

WoLM (Vol.1 No.2)


As they say, too many cooks spoil the broth. Can the same be

said of headship? Well, in most instances, l think so. Think about

the leader of a sports team. How many head coaches or

managers do they have? More often than not. . . one, Sure there

are others in help and advisory roles but the buck always stops at

one person, the head coach. Can you imagine if that weren't the

case? Think of game plans - several head coaches arguing over

which is best. The team sits and waits for their little argument to

get resolved. They start to take sides. This creates confusion and

division and so on. Do you think the team is going to go out there

and perform their best? And that's not to mention things like

substituting, training methods, roles of players etc.

Well, I believe the same is true for several areas of life including

marriage. The traditional, Biblical view of marriage is often

overlooked, misunderstood and/or discounted as archaic and

not relevant to modern day life. Well, if you're brave enough, let's

look at it!

Biblical Perspective

As born-again Christians we believe that the Bible is God's

Word, which means, among other things, that when we want to

find out about God's view on things we should read the Bible. So

what does the Bible say about marriage? Well, there are three

passages I want you to look at. I Peter 3 : I -7; Ephesians 5:22-33

and Colossians 3:I8-25. Of course these need to be read in the

context of the greater book they're in (eg. Colossians) as well as

in the greater context of the New Testament (and in fact the

whole Bible). However, they do help us with giving us an idea on

God's view of the institution that He invented: Marriage. Now if

this were an ideal world, then what these Bible verses say, would

be a lot easier to put into practice. However, we didn't necessarily

have the soundest upbringing or were given the necessary tools

for our roles in life. We see this easier in others: like with women -

they have major self-esteem issues, often not sure about

themselves- sometimes they want to be treated like queens. lt's

harder, though, to look at our own shortcomings. Like often we -

as men – lack decisiveness, true strength (it's easy to beat

someone up, it's harder not to, even though you can and want to -

a very brief example of what I like to call true strength), proper

sense of priority and direction etc.

Good Husbands and Good Fathers

Now stay with me, this is something I am very passionate about

because I believe that we can make a HUGE difference in the

world just by being good husbands and good fathers. Yeah,

yeah, yeah I know you're not there yet but when you are it's too

late to start talking about this sort of thing. We need to start now

to prepare for the awesome responsibility that is going to be ours

one day: The Head of the Home! I just want to very briefly look at

a couple of helpful hints at what it means to be the head of the

home (and what it doesn't).

The HEAD of my HOME

Digging Deeperby Aubrey Cloete___________________

Page 7: La Vie Uitgawe 5


Van tyd tot tyd nooi ons besoekende predikers om ons te

kom bedien. Baie van hulle ken vir Pastoor Henry en

Denmarié al lank en ander het hulle onlangs ontmoet. Ons

is geseënd om hierdie ware manne van God te kan nooi om

dit wat God deur hulle wil sê met die gemeente te deel. Ons

stel graag aan u 'n paar van hulle bekend.

Pastoor Eben van Wyk

Pastoor Eben van Wyk is 'n afgetrede Pastoor wat saam

met sy vrou, Helen in Kraaifontein woon. Hy het sy

bediening as jong man begin in die Pinkster Protestante

Kerk, waarvan hy vandag nog 'n lidmaat is.

Pastoor Eben was vir baie jare in die voltydse bediening

van die kerk. Tien jaar terug het hy die tuig neergelê en

hom beskikbaar gestel om die verkillende gemeentes in

die land en meer spesifiek in die Weskaap te bedien. Hy

was dan ook vir baie jare die voorsitter van die Weskaap

se Streekraad, voordat hy afgetree het.

Past. Eben word ook as Vader van die streek se pastore

gereken. Ons geniet die vaste “kos” wat hy vir ons bedien

en het groot resprek vir sy wysheid en vermoë om met

ander te kommunikeer.

Pastoor James Lottering

Pastoor James het

ons ook vroeër in die

jaar kom bedien. Hy

en sy vrou, Marié, is

lidmate van die Word

of Faith kerk in Port

E l i zabeth onder

vaderskap van Past.

Jimmy Crompton.

Hy was in die polisiediens vir 21 jaar en van 1992 tot en

met 1997 was hy in beheer van die okulte eenheid in die

Oos-Kaap. Past. Lottering is nou voltyds in die


Past. Lottering bied ook bevrydings seminare aan waar

hy mense toerus om ander te bevry van die vyand se


Hy loop 'n reguit pad met die Here en maak dit nag vir die

duiwels in PE en omliggende dorpe. Hy is ook ons eie

Erik Marais se mentor en kollega.

Besoek www.warfare.co.za

Pastoor Johan Meiring

Pastoor Johan is die

oudste seun van

Past. Denis Meiring,

wat vir baie jare

sending werk gedoen

het in die Paarl en

omliggende dorpe.

P a s t o o r J o h a n

Meiring is die oudste broer van ons pastoorsvrou,

Denmarié. Hy het in die Paarl grootgeword en was

deel van ons gemeente se orkes en was ook die


Hy en sy vrou Anita, het vier getroude kinders en vier

kleinkinders. Hulle het hul bediening begin as Pinsker

Protestante Kerk Pastoorspaar in die Strand. Hulle is

die afgelope 25 jaar betrokke by die Lighuis in Parow

waar hy die bediening van Leraar beklee. Hy bied

Bybelskole aan, doen al die opleidingswerk, en die

Here gebruik hom baie besonders om die Woord te

ontrafel, te leer en die Woord van God op ‘n nuwe vars

manier aan ‘n mens oor te dra. Dit is altyd 'n

besondere ervaring om na hom te luister.

Besoek: www.lighthouse.org.za

Pastoor Danie Slabbert

Pastoor Danie kom ons in Junie bedien. Hy is 'n

Apostel en Evangelis wie se bediening gekenmerk

word deur wonders en tekens en hy het 'n spesifieke

opdrag van God ontvang vir die laaste dae.

Sy gemeente is The River International Ministries en

is in Kenwyn, Kaapstad.

In ‘n tyd van vas en gebed het God ‘n baie duidelike

mandaat vir die volgende siesoen vir Past. Danie

gegee. God het vir Past. Danie gesê dat daar ‘n

Goddelike INVAL VAN HEERLIKHEID in Suid-Afrika

gaan wees vanaf 2008.

U kan gerus sy webtuiste besoek en hom beter leer

ken by www.danieslabbert.info, of vind bietjie meer uit

van wat God sê by www.gloryinvasion.co.za.

Besoekende PrEdIkers

Page 8: La Vie Uitgawe 5


1 Tim 4:12

Dr. sê:

Het jy ook as kind graag blare en blomme gepars?

Soms het ons dit gebruik om kaartjies mee te versier of as


Ander kere het ons gepars net om te pars...

Die Bybel was altyd 'n ideale parsboek - hoe dikker, hoe


Geparste blare bly kleurvol, heel en nuttig...

Hul ongeparste maatjies het lankal opgefrommel en verrot

Dan is hulle nog mooi, effektief en bruikbaar.

Soms voel ons ook soos blare wat gepars word -

Platgedruk, so asof die lewe uit ons gepers word.

In sulke tye moet ons sorg dat ons tussen die bladsye van

die Bybel bly...

Daar leer ons God ken as 'n God van liefde, selfs in parstye ~

Daar is ons toegevou in die beskerming van Sy Woord!!

Skuil vandag in die bladsye van die Bybel want daar is jy


When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.

He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand.The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - God, family, children, health, friends, and favorite passions -- things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

"The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car.

"The sand is everything else -- the small stuff.

"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you."

So pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups.Take your partner out to dinner.Play another 18.There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal."Take care of the golf balls first -- the things that really matter.Set your priorities.The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem,there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee

The child in you, like all

children, loves to laugh, to be

around people who can laugh at

themselves and life. Children

instinctively know that the more

laughter we have in our lives,

the better.

Tussen die blaaie van die Bybel

Antwoorde van Meimaand


A. Winnefred

B. Quintin

C. Denmarié

D. Hannes

Geluk aan Elmarie wat ‘n profesionele foto sessie gewen het!!

Page 9: La Vie Uitgawe 5


Jeug datums

WWW W Web erwe die

Wsoektog erd

whatagod.comwebsite designed to

help spread the Word of God

crossdaily.comChristian Graphics

Genesis tot openbaring

Fancy Dress - 24 JunieKom wys ‘n bietjie jou bling(Jeugafsluiting)

Jeugkamp - 26-28 AugustusOnthou om te begin spaar vir die kamp

Page 10: La Vie Uitgawe 5



Past. Henry & Denmarié Young 021 872 4102Past. Rudi & Lee-Ann Young 021 870 1677

Noorder Paarl Hannes Terblanche 076 052 0544Jannie Engelbrecht 082 497 5527Wilhelm Nothnagel 082 448 6608Ronél Richard 082 952 3271

Blommedal Willie Plaatjies 082 405 0299

Paarl Sentraal Past. H. Young 083 452 6942Anthony Young (Tienersel) 082 312 6132Hester Bredenhand 073 816 8793Erik Marais 074 101 2279

Denneburg John Smith 084 251 7303

Klein Parys John Solomons 071 189 3834

Groenheuwel Dawid Jooste 083 317 8328

Paarl Oos Aubrey Cloete 084 531 3656Jeremy Arendse 082 551 1497Willie October 082 385 5312Triveno Smith 082 484 2416Hein Plaatjies 073 323 0807Selvyn Mekeur 073 673 0326Hein Plaatjies 073 323 0807

Jeug Quintin Venter 072 297 6144Kinderkerk Denmarié Young 073 193 2233Tabita-aksie Erica Jooné 084 515 6993Crossing Borders Gavin en Crystal Young 083 960 3590True Vine Ministries Erik en Retha Marais 074 101 2279

Geestelike Raad Past. Henry Young 083 452 6942Past. Rudi Young 083 415 7834Erik Marais 074 101 2279Willie Plaatjies 082 405 0299John Smith 084 251 7303Francois v. Schalkwyk 082 577 6799

Kantoor (08:00 - 13:00) 021 872 3437



4 Junie Moses Fredericks 082 975 22518 Junie Johene Abrahams 078 175 66128 Junie Jermaine Trout 078 814 10719 Junie William Isaacs 082 852 341610 Junie Martie Lemley 083 653 829710 Junie Denmarié Young 073 193 223312 Junie Samuel Mlambo 082 082 966913 Junie Natasha Jephthah 078 377 200215 Junie Antoinette Steenkamp 082 563 597915 Junie Portia Williams 073 550 966716 Junie Audrey Cloete 074 649 211016 Junie George Kellerman 083 500 810318 Junie Saura Fredericks 021 864 385118 Junie JP Terblanche 082 784 548223 Junie Tania Knoetze 082 099 933126 Junie Danie Knoetze 081 362 3982

Verjaardag wense aan:



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Die Lig en Lewe Sentrum is deur God geroep om deur opleiding die Lig van

God se Woord teversprei en deur restourasie die Lewe

van Christus te leef sodat ons ‘n verskil kan maak in

die areas waar ons daagliks beweeg. Verder is ons in selle betrokke om

mekaar te bedienen om uit te reik na hulle wat nog buite

die Koninkryk van Jesus Christus staan. Ons strewe

om ‘n intieme verhouding met God te hê deurdat ons ten volle leef en optree

soos ons Hemelse vader van ons verwag.