Lab 5. Name the Phylum Anthophyta Name the structures A B C D E F G H A. Sepal B. Petal C. Anther D. Filament E. Stigma F. Style G. Ovary H. Ovule Name

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Page 1: Lab 5. Name the Phylum Anthophyta Name the structures A B C D E F G H A. Sepal B. Petal C. Anther D. Filament E. Stigma F. Style G. Ovary H. Ovule Name


Page 2: Lab 5. Name the Phylum Anthophyta Name the structures A B C D E F G H A. Sepal B. Petal C. Anther D. Filament E. Stigma F. Style G. Ovary H. Ovule Name

Name the Phylum


Page 3: Lab 5. Name the Phylum Anthophyta Name the structures A B C D E F G H A. Sepal B. Petal C. Anther D. Filament E. Stigma F. Style G. Ovary H. Ovule Name

Name the structures





A. Sepal

B. Petal

C. Anther

D. Filament

E. Stigma

F. Style

G. Ovary

H. Ovule

Name the whorl made up of sepals.Calyx

Name the whorl made up of petals.Corolla

Name the structure composed of the anther and filament.Stamen

Name the structure composed of the stigma, style, ovary and ovule.Pistil

Name the whorl composed of all stamens.Androecium

Name the whorl composed of all the female parts of the flower.Gynoecium

Page 4: Lab 5. Name the Phylum Anthophyta Name the structures A B C D E F G H A. Sepal B. Petal C. Anther D. Filament E. Stigma F. Style G. Ovary H. Ovule Name

A flower which contains all 4 whorls within the

same flower can be referred to as both:

Perfect and Complete

Page 5: Lab 5. Name the Phylum Anthophyta Name the structures A B C D E F G H A. Sepal B. Petal C. Anther D. Filament E. Stigma F. Style G. Ovary H. Ovule Name

A flower lacking it’s androecium can be

described as being both:

Incomplete and Imperfect

Page 6: Lab 5. Name the Phylum Anthophyta Name the structures A B C D E F G H A. Sepal B. Petal C. Anther D. Filament E. Stigma F. Style G. Ovary H. Ovule Name

Name the structures

A. Egg

B. Polar Nuclei

C. Synergids

D. 3 Antipodal Cells

E. Pollen Tube

F. Generative Nucleus

G. Tube Nucleus

H. Sperm Nuclei







One of the sperm nuclei will fertilize the polar nuclei to become what?Triploid (3N) Endosperm

What is the name of the opening through which the pollen tube grows prior to fertilization?Micropyle

The process by which one haploid sperm fuses with the egg and one haploid sperm fuses with the polar nuclei to form the 3N endosperm is called:

Double Fertilization

Page 7: Lab 5. Name the Phylum Anthophyta Name the structures A B C D E F G H A. Sepal B. Petal C. Anther D. Filament E. Stigma F. Style G. Ovary H. Ovule Name

When you eat an apple, what type of fruit are you eating? (Hint: It doesn’t originate from

ovary tissue.)


Page 8: Lab 5. Name the Phylum Anthophyta Name the structures A B C D E F G H A. Sepal B. Petal C. Anther D. Filament E. Stigma F. Style G. Ovary H. Ovule Name

Fruit in which the pericarp is soft and juicy at maturity are



Page 9: Lab 5. Name the Phylum Anthophyta Name the structures A B C D E F G H A. Sepal B. Petal C. Anther D. Filament E. Stigma F. Style G. Ovary H. Ovule Name

Fruit which split open when ripe are referred to



Page 10: Lab 5. Name the Phylum Anthophyta Name the structures A B C D E F G H A. Sepal B. Petal C. Anther D. Filament E. Stigma F. Style G. Ovary H. Ovule Name

Fruit in which the pericarp is dry, woody or papery at maturity is


Dry Fruit

Page 11: Lab 5. Name the Phylum Anthophyta Name the structures A B C D E F G H A. Sepal B. Petal C. Anther D. Filament E. Stigma F. Style G. Ovary H. Ovule Name

Name the layer of the pericarp indicated by the

