Lab HW 12

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  • 8/11/2019 Lab HW 12



    S241 Lab 12

    You are expected to read the lab assignments and think about potential solutions beforeyou go to lab. You can also read the sections in the text from which the lab assignmentsare taken for additional information. Lab preparation is your assigned homework for thiscourse.

    Instructions: Complete a cover sheet (NO DESIGN TABLES NEEDED) Format your work so it is easy to follow 1 problem per Sheet (All Sheets in the same Workbook) Label each problem at the start

    Once your Excel Workbook file is complete, save it and turn in the Excel File(.XLSX) Name your file lastname_firstname_HW12 ONLY TURN IN 1 FILE.

    Complete the following problems using Excel. Your workbook must contain 1 sheet per problem. You must use formulas, absolute/relative referencing, IF statements, Goal Seek,etc. where needed as well as borders, merge, wrap text, etc. to solve the problems. If yousimply type in data where a formula is used you will not receive credit for your work.When using Goal Seek in Solver you must show your work before and after applying thefunction.

    1. A projectile is launched at an angle of 55 degrees from the horizontal with avelocity of 30m/s. Neglecting air resistance and assuming a horizontal surface,determine the following:

    a. How far away from the launch site the projectile will land. b. The maximum height the projectile will reach. (Hint: Max height is

    reached at half the time of flight)2. Create a table that shows the conversion of degrees to radians for 0-360 degrees

    counting by 10 degrees. Show a table and XY scatter plot with a trend line andequations, axis labels and a title.

    3. Your buying a car that costs $15,000. The bank secured a loan at 6%interest andgave you a payment in order to pay off the loan in 60 months.

    a. Calculate the monthly payment using the built in pmt function. The payment is too high so you recalculate your loan by altering the number ofmonths until the loan is paid off and you set your monthly payment to$225.

  • 8/11/2019 Lab HW 12


    4. Solve the following problem from your Matlab textbook in Excel.a. Find x (meters) using the solver function.

    5. Use Excel to find the maximum of the following equation using the solver: x^4-x^3-7x^2+x+6. Show your work before and after.

    6. Use the following information and Goal Seek to find what value of d gives adeflection of 1mm.. Make your results look like the sample below the problemdescription and be sure to use the convert function for ALL unit conversions.