Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Loads Volume 2. Water Quality Improvement Report and Implementation Strategy November 2014 (revised February 2016) Publication No. 13-10-012

Lake Whatcom Watershed - WashingtonLake Whatcom is the source of drinking water for nearly 100,000 people. Most of those people depend on the city of Bellingham’s water treatment

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  • Lake Whatcom Watershed

    Total Phosphorus and Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Loads Volume 2. Water Quality Improvement Report

    and Implementation Strategy

    November 2014 (revised February 2016) Publication No. 13-10-012

  • Publication and Contact Information This Water Quality Improvement report is published in two parts: This report is available on the Department of Ecology’s website at https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/publications/summarypages/1310012.html The companion report, Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Loads: Volume 1. Water Quality Study Findings, is available on the Department of Ecology’s website at https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/publications/SummaryPages/0803024.html For more information contact: Washington State Department of Ecology Bellingham Field Office Water Quality Program 1440 10th Street, Suite 102 Bellingham, WA 98225 Phone: 360-715-5200 Washington State Department of Ecology - www.ecy.wa.gov o Headquarters, Olympia 360-407-6000 o Northwest Regional Office, Bellevue 425-649-7000 o Southwest Regional Office, Olympia 360-407-6300 o Central Regional Office, Yakima 509-575-2490 o Eastern Regional Office, Spokane 509-329-3400 Cover photo: Lake Whatcom courtesy of Tore Oftness

    Project Codes and 1996 303(d) Water-body ID Numbers Data for this project are available at Ecology’s Environmental Information Management (EIM) website at www.ecy.wa.gov/eim/index.htm. Search Study ID, WHATCOM. Activity Tracker Code (Environmental Assessment Program) is 02-051. TMDL Study Code (Water Quality Program) is WhaL01MP. Water Resource Inventory Area for this study: 01 (Nooksack)

    Any use of product or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the author or the Department of Ecology.

    Accommodation Requests: To request ADA accommodation including materials in a format for the visually impaired, call Ecology at 360-407-6600. Persons with impaired hearing may call Washington Relay Service at 711. Persons with speech disability may call TTY at 877-833-6341.


  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria

    Total Maximum Daily Loads

    Volume 2. Water Quality Improvement Report and

    Implementation Strategy

    by Steve Hood

    Water Quality Program Bellingham Field Office

    Washington State Department of Ecology Bellingham, Washington

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  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page iii

    Table of Contents


    List of Figures and Tables.................................................................................................. iv Acknowledgements ..............................................................................................................v Executive Summary .......................................................................................................... vii

    Why did we develop a total maximum daily load (TMDL)? ..................................... viii Watershed description ................................................................................................ viii

    Water Quality Improvement Report ....................................................................................1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................1 Why Ecology conducted a TMDL study in this watershed ...........................................5 Applicable water quality standards ................................................................................7 Ecology study methods ................................................................................................11 Information and data from sources outside of Ecology ...............................................11

    Ecology Study Results and Discussion ..............................................................................15 Study approach.............................................................................................................15 Conclusions and recommendations ..............................................................................15 TMDL analysis ............................................................................................................16 Loading capacity ..........................................................................................................22 Load and wasteload allocations ...................................................................................28 Seasonal variation ........................................................................................................36 Margin of safety ...........................................................................................................36 Reasonable assurance ...................................................................................................37

    Implementation Strategy ....................................................................................................41 Introduction ..................................................................................................................41 What needs to be done? ...............................................................................................41 Who needs to participate in implementation? ..............................................................45 What is the schedule for achieving water quality standards? ......................................45 Monitoring progress .....................................................................................................46 Adaptive management .................................................................................................47 Potential funding sources .............................................................................................48 Summary of public involvement methods ...................................................................50

    Conclusions ........................................................................................................................51 References ..........................................................................................................................52 Appendices .........................................................................................................................53

    Appendix A. Glossary, acronyms, and abbreviations .................................................55 Appendix B. Record of public participation ...............................................................61 Appendix C. Response to public comments ...............................................................63 Appendix D. Lake Whatcom Reservoir Management Program 2010-2014 Work Plan ............................................................................................................................135

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page iv

    List of Figures and Tables Figures

    Page Figure 1. Lake Whatcom watershed showing tributary basins and monitoring sites .........3 Figure 2. Cross-section of Lake Whatcom with vertical exaggeration to show

    stratified layers. ...................................................................................................8 Figure 3. New development in Lake Whatcom watershed by new land cover classes. ...14 Figure 4. Comparison of Existing Conditions Scenario to Full Rollback Scenario .........20 Figure 5. Comparison of Existing Conditions Scenario with 87% reduction in

    development to Full Rollback Scenario in terms of cumulative volumes of . ....21 Figure 6. Overlay of HSPF reach number with WRIA 1 Watershed Management

    Program Basins ..................................................................................................25 Figure 7 Differentiation between flows to MS4 and flows to receiving water. ................29 Figure 8 Mapped Areas of WLA, proposed WLA and LA ..............................................31 Figure 9. Feedback loop for determining need for adaptive management. ......................48

    Tables Table 1. Study area water bodies on the 2012 303(d) list for dissolved oxygen, total

    phosphorus, and fecal coliform addressed by this TMDL. ...................................6 Table 2. New residential land classes with fraction dedicated to existing HSPF land

    covers. .................................................................................................................13 Table 3. Total acres per reach by land use category – Existing Conditions Scenario. .....18 Table 4. Percentages per reach by land use category – Existing Conditions Scenario.. ...19 Table 5. Areal loading by HSPF reach number for forest and developed areas. ..............24 Table 6. Scenarios showing effective developed acres, undeveloped (forest and

    wetland) acres, and total phosphorus loading by tributary. ................................26 Table 7. Wasteload Allocations and Proposed Wasteload Allocations for municipal

    stormwater dischargers in the watershed covered by NPDES permits. ..............32 Table 8. Wasteload Allocations for construction stormwater dischargers in the

    watershed covered by NPDES permits. ..............................................................34 Table 9. Lake Whatcom tributaries phosphorus load allocations. ....................................34 Table 10. Lake Whatcom tributaries fecal coliform wasteload allocations. .....................35 Table 11. Identification of significant years for continuous improvement strategy. ........39 Table 12. Potential funding sources. .................................................................................49

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page v

    Acknowledgements The author of this report thanks the following people for their contribution to this report. Without their patience and support this project would not have been able to progress.

    • City of Bellingham – Peg Wendling, Clare Fogelsong.

    • Western Washington University – Robin Matthews, Mike Hilles, Joan Vandersypen.

    • Whatcom County – Chip Anderson, John Wolpers, Jon Hutchings.

    • United States Environmental Protection Agency – Dave Ragsdale, Laurie Mann.

    • Washington State Department of Ecology – Tom Buroker, Kasey Cykler, Paul Pickett, Joan LeTourneau, Linsay Albin.

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page vi

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  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page vii

    Executive Summary In 1998, the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) determined that Lake Whatcom did not have a natural level of dissolved oxygen and that several tributaries had excess bacteria. The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study demonstrated that low dissolved oxygen was caused by excess phosphorus in stormwater runoff related to development around the lake. This report (Volume 2) identifies how much phosphorus can be discharged to the lake and still meets the water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen. Water quality standards establish criteria that allow for only a minimal change from natural conditions. This report also identifies how the previously-established bacteria load should be allocated between Whatcom County and the city of Bellingham to meet the water quality standard of support for extraordinary primary contact recreation. The TMDL establishes phosphorus reduction targets that address the dissolved oxygen impairments, and also establishes “effective developed acre” targets that are directly linked to the phosphorus reduction targets. Either target, when implemented, will result in attainment of the dissolved oxygen standard. During development of this TMDL, Ecology found that if runoff is reduced to match forested conditions in 87% of the current developed area, the remaining 13% of that developed area can continue to discharge stormwater as it does now. This does not mean that 87% of the developed area must be converted to forest. Rather, it means that the runoff from that land must be managed so that the effect on the lake is the same as if the runoff came from a forest. This can occur by improving the ground’s ability to absorb and filter stormwater. Implementation options include (1) providing storage during storms so that infiltration can take place in-between storms, (2) rainwater harvest, (3) decreasing impervious surfaces, such as roofs, driveways, and roads, and (4) reducing concentration of phosphorus in stormwater through source control and treatment. To address the bacteria impairments, the TMDL establishes allocations for reduced bacteria loading. In the course of the water quality study 11 tributary creeks to Lake Whatcom were sampled for nutrients and for fecal coliform bacteria. Sampling revealed that all of the tributaries have excessive fecal coliform bacteria in the dry season, and most tributaries have excessive bacteria in the wet season. To meet water quality standards, bacteria levels in the tributaries must be reduced by up to 96% in the most contaminated streams and by as little as 20% in the least contaminated streams. Sources contributing to the high bacteria levels include human and animal sources. Sources of human waste may be from leaking sewer pipes or failed on-site-septic systems. On-site septic sources are addressed by the Whatcom County Health Department through inspections, as well as operation and maintenance requirements for homeowners. Leaking sewer pipes can be discovered by tracing contamination to the source. Any existing leaks should be identified and eliminated. The primary means of accomplishing the pollution reductions from animal sources will be people managing pet and livestock waste to prevent bacteria from entering flowing water.

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page viii

    Why did we develop a total maximum daily load (TMDL)? The 303(d) list, which the federal Clean Water Act (Act) requires states to prepare, is a list of water bodies that do not meet state water quality standards. The Act requires that a TMDL be developed for each of the water bodies on the 303(d) list. Lake Whatcom is listed on the 303(d) list for both dissolved oxygen and fecal coliform bacteria. The TMDL study identifies pollution problems in the watershed, and then specifies how much pollution needs to be reduced or eliminated to achieve clean water. Then Ecology, with the assistance of local governments, agencies, and the community, develops a plan that describes actions to control the pollution, and a monitoring plan to assess the effectiveness of the water quality improvement activities. The water quality improvement report (WQIR) consists of the TMDL study and implementation strategy.

    Watershed description Lake Whatcom is a large natural lake in Whatcom County (Figure ES-1 vicinity map). The outlet of the lake is to Whatcom Creek at the northwest end, where it is regulated by a dam. During parts of the year when there is sufficient flow in the Middle Fork of the Nooksack River, water is diverted from the Middle Fork to Lake Whatcom by a tunnel and pipeline system. This diversion discharges to Mirror Lake, where heavier sediment is removed before the water enters Lake Whatcom at its southeast end through Anderson Creek. Glacial sills divide Lake Whatcom into three main basins. Basin 1 to the northwest is closest to the city of Bellingham. It represents about 2% of the volume of the lake and about 10% of the lake area. The Geneva Sill, at a maximum depth of about 4 meters, separates Basin 1 and Basin 2. Basin 2 contains about 2% of the lake volume and about 8% of the area of the lake. There are no major tributaries into Basin 2. Strawberry Sill, at a maximum depth of about 12 meters, separates Basin 2 from Basin 3, which is the largest and deepest Lake Whatcom basin. Basin 3 to the southeast represents the remaining 82% of the area and 96% of the lake volume. Lake Whatcom is the source of drinking water for nearly 100,000 people. Most of those people depend on the city of Bellingham’s water treatment plant and distribution system. The city draws water from Basin 2 for treatment and distribution throughout the city as well as to some adjacent county residences. The next largest water provider is Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District. The district draws water from Basin 3 north of the mouth of Austin Creek. There are also many individual homeowners adjacent to the lake that divert water from the lake for their personal domestic use. Lake Whatcom supports important aquatic life. The Brannian Creek Hatchery, at the south end of the lake, supplies kokanee salmon eggs throughout the northwestern United States. It is one of the oldest self-sustaining kokanee hatcheries in the world. Lake Whatcom and its tributaries also support a native cutthroat trout population. Salmonid species (including trout) are highly sensitive to lake water quality changes in dissolved oxygen.

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page ix

    The goal of the dissolved oxygen TMDL is to limit phosphorous inputs to the lake to levels that will support near-natural dissolved oxygen levels. This will reduce the density of algae, restore the quality of the water as a source for drinking water, and improve aquatic habitat. The goal of the fecal coliform TMDL is to limit fecal coliform to meet extraordinary primary contact recreational use. In addition to reducing the risk of exposure to pathogens for recreational users of the streams, the risk of pathogen exposure for households diverting water from the lake for their personal household use will also be lowered.

    Figure ES-1. Lake Whatcom TMDL study area showing tributary watersheds and monitoring locations.

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page x

    What needs to be done in this watershed? Dissolved oxygen levels and phosphorus loading Stormwater runoff needs to be treated so the phosphorus it carries to the lake is nearly the same as from a forested watershed. This is considered the “natural” loading level. Table ES-1 shows the estimated phosphorus loading that the lake can assimilate in a year with 2003 weather. As requested by the city of Bellingham and Whatcom County, Table ES-1 shows phosphorus loading from each jurisdiction within each tributary drainage, with the loading for the commercial forest land broken out separately. Lake Whatcom can only accept slightly increased (beyond natural condition) levels of phosphorus and still meet water quality standards. Since natural phosphorus loading levels vary from year to year, primarily due to variable climatic conditions (temperature, wind, and precipitation), the base condition mass loading of phosphorous is expressed as the loading generated in 2003. This loading was calculated as a “normal” or “average” year prediction from a loading model of the watershed. The mass loading in Table ES-1 is calculated by using a runoff model to estimate what the phosphorus loading would be if a percentage of the developed area in the watershed functioned like a forest. If 87% of the developed area around the lake, as estimated in 2010, stored water during rainstorms, filtered water through the soil, and transpired water back to the atmosphere as if it were covered by forest, the lake would have healthy levels of algae and dissolved oxygen. Developed areas can function like a forest or native vegetation if there is sufficient storage to retain stormwater during storm events. Retaining the stormwater allows it to infiltrate during and after the storm event like it would do in forested conditions. Stormwater treatment through filters can also be used to reduce phosphorus concentrations in polluted runoff. However, stormwater treatment using filters alone cannot achieve sufficient phosphorus reductions, and the installation and maintenance of the filters is tremendously expensive. The simplest way to meet the phosphorus reduction goal is through full infiltration of runoff. If the impervious area on a parcel is limited to 10%, and 65% of the area remains as native vegetation, runoff from the developed area (up to 35%) can be absorbed by the native vegetation. As the proportion of developed area on a parcel increases, more substantial measures need to be taken in order to manage the water. The native vegetation will not have the capacity to absorb the increased runoff at the same level. Options include greater water storage and water reuse. Rain barrels and cisterns can replace lost storage from soil and leaves. Water reuse for dry-season irrigation or in-house use can extend the period of time available for infiltration and reduce phosphorus loading from runoff.

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    Table ES-1. Scenarios showing effective developed acres, total phosphorus, and fecal coliform loading by tributary.

    Subbasin Name Jurisdiction Allocation Type

    Existing Dev. Acres

    87% Rollback

    Dev. Acres

    Phosphorus Wet Season Dry Season

    lb/2003 yr lb/2003 dy

    Fecal Coliform Target

    Geometric Mean

    Fecal Coliform cfu/day

    Fecal Coliform Target

    Geometric Mean

    Fecal Coliform cfu/day


    Bellingham WLA 94.9 12.3 23.7 0.08 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County pWLA 173.2 22.5 76.8 0.28 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County WLA 22.9 3.0 6.9 0.02 -- -- -- --

    Agate Bay

    Whatcom County pWLA 269.8 35.1 208.4 0.83 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County WLA 62.6 8.1 15.8 0.05 -- -- -- --


    Whatcom County LA 120.8 15.7 401.9 0.99 -- -- Whatcom County pWLA 133.7 17.4 117.0 0.29 50 2.87E+10 13 4.67E+09


    Whatcom County LA 7.3 1.0 389.7 1.06 Whatcom County pWLA 57.9 7.5 160.9 0.44 14 4.35E+09 17 2.58E+08 Whatcom County WLA 320.5 41.7 123.9 0.33 14 2.41E+10 17 1.43E+09

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page xii

    Subbasin Name Jurisdiction Allocation Type

    Existing Dev. Acres

    87% Rollback

    Dev. Acres

    Phosphorus Wet Season Dry Season

    lb/2003 yr lb/2003 dy

    Fecal Coliform Target

    Geometric Mean

    Fecal Coliform cfu/day

    Fecal Coliform Target

    Geometric Mean

    Fecal Coliform cfu/day


    Bellingham WLA 40.8 5.3 5.9 0.02 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County WLA 21.1 2.7 3.1 0.01 -- -- -- --

    Blue Canyon

    Whatcom County LA 201.9 26.2 735.3 1.59 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County pWLA 51.0 6.6 94.7 0.21 -- -- -- --


    Whatcom County LA 69.9 9.1 253.4 0.66 Whatcom County pWLA 32.6 4.2 109.5 0.28 50 1.96E+09 31 2.08E+09 Skagit County LA 13.8 1.8 141.1 0.38 -- -- -- --

    Cable Whatcom County WLA 100.2 13.0 11.6 0.04 4 -- 3 --

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page xiii

    Subbasin Name Jurisdiction Allocation Type

    Existing Dev. Acres

    87% Rollback

    Dev. Acres

    Phosphorus Wet Season Dry Season

    lb/2003 yr lb/2003 dy

    Fecal Coliform Target

    Geometric Mean

    Fecal Coliform cfu/day

    Fecal Coliform Target

    Geometric Mean

    Fecal Coliform cfu/day


    Whatcom County LA 18.6 2.4 38.1 0.15 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County pWLA 183.2 23.8 128.7 0.47 12 2.91E+09 31 3.44E+08 Whatcom County WLA 38.0 4.9 10.3 0.03 12 6.03E+08 31 7.14E+07


    Bellingham WLA 23.6 3.1 3.1 0.01 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County WLA 25.0 3.3 3.4 0.01 -- -- -- --

    Eagle Ridge

    Whatcom County pWLA 16.8 2.2 7.3 0.03 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County WLA 30.5 4.0 7.2 0.02 -- -- -- --


    Whatcom County LA 2.5 0.3 103.4 0.21 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County pWLA 6.1 0.8 14.1 0.03 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County LA 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.02 -- -- -- --

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page xiv

    Subbasin Name Jurisdiction Allocation Type

    Existing Dev. Acres

    87% Rollback

    Dev. Acres

    Phosphorus Wet Season Dry Season

    lb/2003 yr lb/2003 dy

    Fecal Coliform Target

    Geometric Mean

    Fecal Coliform cfu/day

    Fecal Coliform Target

    Geometric Mean

    Fecal Coliform cfu/day


    Whatcom County LA 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.00 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County pWLA 20.7 2.7 6.3 0.02 12 3.25E+08 22 1.94E+07 Whatcom County WLA 48.1 6.2 9.3 0.03 12 7.54E+08 22 4.51E+07


    Bellingham WLA 16.8 2.2 3.3 0.01 17 1.21E+08 31 3.08E+07 Whatcom County pWLA 82.0 10.7 25.6 0.15 17 5.90E+08 31 1.50E+08 Whatcom County WLA 227.5 29.6 45.2 0.19 17 1.64E+09 31 4.17E+08

    North Shore

    Whatcom County LA 42.8 5.6 90.8 0.37 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County pWLA 168.2 21.9 90.6 0.35 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County WLA 24.6 3.2 11.3 0.04 -- -- -- --

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page xv

    Subbasin Name Jurisdiction Allocation Type

    Existing Dev. Acres

    87% Rollback

    Dev. Acres

    Phosphorus Wet Season Dry Season

    lb/2003 yr lb/2003 dy

    Fecal Coliform Target

    Geometric Mean

    Fecal Coliform cfu/day

    Fecal Coliform Target

    Geometric Mean

    Fecal Coliform cfu/day


    Whatcom County LA 14.3 1.9 645.3 2.18 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County pWLA 10.6 1.4 44.9 0.15 50 1.94E+10 22 2.76E+09 Whatcom County WLA 2.6 0.3 3.7 0.01 50 4.81E+09 22 6.85E+08


    Bellingham WLA 9.8 1.3 1.3 0.00 39 2.33E+08 42 3.31E+07 Whatcom County LA 0.0 0.0 7.6 0.02 Whatcom County pWLA 0.1 0.0 8.1 0.02 39 2.57E+06 42 3.66E+05 Whatcom County WLA 86.3 11.2 14.2 0.04 39 2.06E+09 42 2.93E+08

    Silver Beach

    Bellingham WLA 243.6 31.7 61.9 0.20 25 -- 18 -- Whatcom County WLA 15.6 2.0 3.6 0.01 25 -- 18 --


    Whatcom County LA 101.0 13.1 506.9 1.78 Whatcom County pWLA 8.6 1.1 11.8 0.04 50 4.71E+09 31 2.86E+09

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page xvi

    Subbasin Name Jurisdiction Allocation Type

    Existing Dev. Acres

    87% Rollback

    Dev. Acres

    Phosphorus Wet Season Dry Season

    lb/2003 yr lb/2003 dy

    Fecal Coliform Target

    Geometric Mean

    Fecal Coliform cfu/day

    Fecal Coliform Target

    Geometric Mean

    Fecal Coliform cfu/day

    South Bay

    Whatcom County LA 2.7 0.4 222.0 0.56 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County pWLA 263.5 34.2 259.8 0.62 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County WLA 74.2 9.6 62.6 0.15 -- -- -- --


    Whatcom County LA 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.00 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County pWLA 90.8 11.8 66.6 0.18 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County WLA 164.2 21.3 24.8 0.09 -- -- -- --

    Sudden Valley

    Whatcom County pWLA 17.9 2.3 16.7 0.04 -- -- -- -- Whatcom County WLA 230.8 30.0 115.7 0.23 -- -- -- --


    4106.2 533.8 5566.8

    WLA: Wasteload allocation. LA: Load allocation.

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page xvii

    Approach to permitting A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permit issued by Ecology under the Clean Water Act covers the discharge into Lake Whatcom of municipal stormwater from the stormwater conveyance systems of Whatcom County and the city of Bellingham. A separate NPDES permit issued by Ecology covers stormwater from construction activities that disturb more than one acre. A TMDL must identify the wasteload allocations associated with NPDES permits. The permit must also require that the wasteload allocations in the TMDL are met as a part of permit compliance (see NPDES Municipal Stormwater permit Appendix 2-TMDL). Permits for stormwater discharge may use mandatory activities as the means of meeting the wasteload allocations, instead of only requiring direct water quality monitoring measurements. In developing the dissolved oxygen TMDL, Ecology found that total phosphorus loading levels are associated with developed land area. This TMDL introduces a surrogate called “effective developed acres”. These are developed acres that have not been retrofitted to discharge forest level loads of phosphorus. Wasteload allocations have been developed for phosphorus loading and “effective developed acres,” and are based on the fraction of the total allowable loading to the lake generated by the fraction of the developed area of the lake watershed that contributes to the stormwater discharge permit. However, the fraction of the area covered by permit will change over time as municipal stormwater systems are extended and as new areas are covered by construction stormwater permits. The permit defines a regulated area, but in fact the permit regulates discharges from the municipal storm sewer system (MS4). This TMDL considers all discharges from the regulated area as wasteload allocations. Discharges from the part of the watershed that is not yet regulated are identified as proposed wasteload allocations. Areas that are zoned for Commercial Forest are considered load allocations. For distributed sources in a watershed a unit load, in terms of pollutant per acre, is equal to the total load in the watershed divided by the total area of the watershed. Therefore an area, whether covered by an NPDES permit or not, will have the same allocation in terms of unit load. The allocation is based on the allowable unit load per acre of the drainage where it is located. If the municipal stormwater system is extended to carry runoff from an area not previously served, the same allocation will apply to this new area included in the Municipal Stormwater Discharge Permit. However, because the boundary of land that drains to storm drainage systems is not mapped, we cannot accurately separate load allocations from wasteload allocations. In this situation, loading capacity has been listed as a wasteload allocation. Similarly, areas that are not yet cleared are not subject to the Construction Stormwater General Permit. We cannot make an allocation for areas that have not yet applied for the Construction Stormwater General Permit. The wasteload allocation for the permit is the existing underlying allocation, calculated as the unit load, and multiplied by the area converted from nonpoint source to point source. The same wasteload allocation applies if the land is also covered by the Municipal Stormwater Permit or if it had been previously covered as a load allocation. That is, the allocations are not additive, but one allocation applies under all permits.

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    One of the requirements of the Municipal Stormwater Permit is to control runoff from new development. To meet that requirement, both the city of Bellingham and Whatcom County prohibit ground disturbance during the wet season in the Lake Whatcom watershed. For activities requiring a Construction Stormwater NPDES permit, compliance with both local government regulations, which prevent ground clearing in the wet season, and the general permit conditions will meet the wasteload allocations. Land zoned for commercial forest was removed from the wasteload allocations and is listed separately as a load allocation. This land is typically in the headwaters and is categorically exempt from NPDES permits at this time. Whatcom County and the city of Bellingham will be applying the same Stormwater Management Program required under their permit to areas subject to the load allocation and the wasteload allocation. When the areas that drain directly to the lake can be mapped, an estimate of the load allocation will be made and deducted from the wasteload allocation.

    Permit implementation Measuring pollutant loading in stormwater is difficult. The variations from storm to storm make it difficult to evaluate the discharge of any storm against a standard. In this case, the standard is the discharge from an area contributing runoff to a point of discharge, in a year with weather like 2003. For this reason, the permit requirement to comply with the wasteload allocation will be expressed as actions that must be taken under the NPDES Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit. For municipal stormwater dischargers, compliance with the wasteload allocation will require development of an implementation plan that identifies the suite of actions necessary to comply with the limits of the wasteload. The actions considered are identified in the Implementation Strategy located in the last part of this document. How much of each activity is necessary and how long it will take to achieve all of the actions is not yet identified. Defining that the shortest timeframe for completing the implementation of the TMDL is required in the first permit cycle. A water quality implementation plan (WQIP) will be developed that provides that level of detail. When complete, the plan will include development regulations to address new development and redeveloped properties, as well as incentives to retrofit existing development. The WQIP will require a retrofit program to address public infrastructure. As part of the WQIP, a schedule and budget are required. As an intermediate step, in order to facilitate public input to decision makers such as the city of Bellingham and Whatcom County administration and councils, a plan with a fixed timeline (50 years to complete all actions) will be developed, and will include an estimated budget by activity. A second plan will be developed with a fixed budget (existing or reasonably forecast funding) and an estimate of the time needed for the complete implementation of all actions. Based on these two versions of an implementation plan, a final plan with budget and timeline will be developed.

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    Fecal coliform loading The fecal coliform loads are divided among the jurisdictions based on the fraction of total land area within each jurisdiction. The target geometric mean remains constant, but the estimated total load of colony forming units is proportional to the contributing land area to each tributary. The primary means of reducing fecal coliform is by controlling bacteria sources and eliminating fecal-contaminated discharges. Both the city of Bellingham and Whatcom County have illicit discharge elimination programs that will need to ensure stormwater discharges are not contaminated with fecal coliform. Allocations are summarized in table ES-1.

    Why this matters Phosphorus Phosphorus is the main cause of Lake Whatcom’s low-oxygen problem. Phosphorus occurs naturally, but development increases phosphorus entering the lake in stormwater. Computer predictions show the lake would meet state standards for oxygen if there was 85.5% less development than existed in 2003. Since 2003, additional lots have been developed in the watershed, but development regulations required more forest to be preserved as a part of development. Based on current development, 87% percent of the developed area would need to function like a forest to meet water quality standards.

    Sources Sources include runoff from bare soil and developed areas. Phosphorus occurs naturally in soil, human and animal waste, and is added to some detergents and fertilizers.

    Connection to algae and oxygen Phosphorus feeds algae growth. Bacteria that consume dying algae deplete the oxygen that fish and other aquatic life need to survive. When oxygen levels are low, phosphorus is released from lake sediment and re-enters the water, perpetuating the cycle. The dissolved oxygen levels in Lake Whatcom fail to meet Washington State water quality standards, and these levels have the potential to get much worse, making the problem much more difficult to fix.

    Treatment of drinking water Excess phosphorus creates larger algae blooms, which require more treatment to make the water safe for drinking. Treatment may also create more trihalomethanes, a byproduct that some studies link to cancer.

    Effect of development Roofs, driveways, and other impermeable surfaces interrupt the absorption and filtration provided by forests and soils, and instead send phosphorus-laden stormwater rushing to the lake. Communities must modify existing and future development to create the same effect as removing development.

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    Fecal coliform Fecal coliform bacteria originate in human and animal waste. Eleven tributaries feeding Lake Whatcom fail to meet state standards for fecal coliform bacteria. The bacteria create a health risk for people who work, use, or play in and around the water.

    Sources Runoff carries the bacteria from the ground and from failing septic systems into the lake. Sources of bacteria include leaking sewer lines, failing septic systems, pet waste, livestock and wildlife.

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    Water Quality Improvement Report

    Introduction The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) published a total maximum daily load (TMDL) study in 2008. The study evaluated areas of the Lake Whatcom watershed with known or suspected water quality issues. These areas include Lake Whatcom, Anderson Creek, Austin Creek, Brannian Creek, Cable Street Drain, Carpenter Creek, Euclid Creek, Mill Wheel Creek, Olsen Creek, Park Place Drain, Silver Beach Creek, and Smith Creek. Key results of that study are presented in Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Loads: Volume 1. Water Quality Study Findings (Pickett and Hood, 2008). (https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/publications/summarypages/0803024.html).

    What is a total maximum daily load (TMDL)? A TMDL is a numerical value representing the highest pollutant load a surface water body can receive and still meet water quality standards. Pollution above the TMDL limit must be reduced or eliminated.

    Federal Clean Water Act requirements The Clean Water Act established a process to identify and clean up polluted waters. The Act requires each state to have its own water quality standards designed to protect, restore, and preserve water quality. Water quality standards consist of (1) designated uses for protection, such as cold water biota and drinking water supply, and (2) criteria, usually numeric criteria, to achieve those uses.

    The Water Quality Assessment and the 303(d) List Every two years, states are required to prepare a list of water bodies that do not meet water quality standards. This list is called the Clean Water Act 303(d) list. In Washington State, this list is part of the Water Quality Assessment (WQA) process. To develop the WQA, Ecology compiles its own water quality data along with data from local, state, and federal governments, tribes, industries, and citizen monitoring groups. All data in this WQA are reviewed to ensure that they were collected using appropriate scientific methods before they are used to develop the assessment. The WQA divides water bodies into five categories. Those not meeting standards are given a Category 5 designation, which collectively becomes the 303(d) list.

    Category 1 – Meets standards for parameter(s) for which it has been tested.

    Category 2 – Waters of concern.

    Category 3 – Waters with no data or insufficient data available.

    Category 4 – Polluted waters that do not require a TMDL because they:


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    4a. – Have an approved TMDL being implemented.

    4b. – Have a pollution control program in place that should solve the problem.

    4c. – Are impaired by a non-pollutant such as low water flow, dams, or culverts.

    Category 5 – Polluted waters that require a TMDL – the 303(d) list.

    Further information is available at Ecology’s Water Quality Assessment website (www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/303d/).

    The Clean Water Act requires that a total maximum daily load (TMDL) be developed for each of the water bodies on the 303(d) list.

    Who should participate in this TMDL? Nonpoint source pollutant load targets have been set in this TMDL. However, except for land zoned as “commercial forest,” non-point loads cannot be clearly distinguished from the point sources. Therefore, loading from all nonpoint sources from land that allows uses other than forestry are addressed as part of the municipal stormwater allocation. If nonpoint sources are later mapped and segregated, we will still depend on successful control of stormwater. To avoid more stringent requirements being placed in NPDES permits, the Stormwater Management Program must provide reasonable assurance that load allocations will be met. Because nonpoint pollution comes from diffuse sources, all upstream watershed areas have the potential to affect downstream water quality. As such, all potential nonpoint sources in the watershed must use the appropriate best management practices to reduce impacts to water quality. The area subject to the TMDL is shown in Figure 1. Similarly, all point source dischargers in the watershed must also comply with the requirements of their NPDES permits (which are required to be consistent with the assumptions and requirements of the TMDL). In this TMDL, the point source dischargers are similar to nonpoint sources: both have diffuse discharge locations. However, only point source dischargers are covered by an NPDES permit. The city of Bellingham and Whatcom County hold permits for the discharge of stormwater from their municipal stormwater system. As noted previously, the nonpoint source and point source boundaries have not been drawn with the exception of commercial forest zone land. Any area that discharges directly to the lake or one of its tributaries without passing through a municipal storm sewer system is a nonpoint source. The goal of the storm sewer system is to apply a Stormwater Management program that prevents pollutants from entering the system. That program can be applied equally to nonpoint source and to point sources. So in this TMDL all allocations are expressed as wasteload allocations. When areas separate from the municipal storm sewer system can be mapped, the associated load allocation can be removed from the wasteload allocation as long as the same controls are applied to achieve both load allocations and wasteload allocations.


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    Figure 1. Lake Whatcom watershed showing tributary basins and monitoring sites

    TMDL process overview Ecology uses the 303(d) list to prioritize and initiate TMDL studies across the state. A TMDL study identifies pollution problems in the watershed and specifies how much pollution needs to be reduced or eliminated to achieve clean water. Ecology, with the assistance of local governments, tribes, agencies, and the community, then develops a strategy to control and reduce pollution sources as well as a monitoring plan to assess effectiveness of the water quality improvement activities. Together, the study, water cleanup targets, and implementation strategy comprise the Water Quality Improvement Report (WQIR).

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    Once the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approves the WQIR, a water quality implementation plan (WQIP) is developed a year later. The WQIP identifies specific tasks, responsible parties, and timelines for reducing or eliminating pollution sources and achieving clean water. In the Lake Whatcom case, because of significant investment of money and time, additional time for the development of the WQIP is anticipated.

    Elements the Clean Water Act requires in a TMDL

    Loading capacity, allocations, seasonal variation, margin of safety, and reserve capacity A water-body’s loading capacity is the amount of a given pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards. The loading capacity provides a reference for calculating the amount of pollution reduction needed to bring a water body into compliance with the standards. The portion of the receiving water’s loading capacity assigned to a particular source is a wasteload or load allocation. If the pollutant comes from a discrete (point) source subject to a NPDES permit, such as a municipal or industrial facility’s discharge pipe, that facility’s share of the loading capacity is called a wasteload allocation. If the pollutant comes from diffuse (nonpoint) sources not subject to an NPDES permit, such as general urban, residential, or farm runoff, the cumulative share is called a load allocation. If a TMDL makes a wasteload allocation, assuming a reduction in nonpoint sources of pollution, reasonable assurances that the reduction will be achieved must be provided. When there are not reasonable assurances the entire load reduction must be assigned to the point sources. This provides a strong incentive for the point sources to assist in developing programs that will provide reasonable assurances that the nonpoint reductions will be achieved. Often the reasonable assurances are in the form of an enforceable local ordinance or program. The TMDL must also consider seasonal variations and include a margin of safety, which take into account any lack of knowledge about the causes of the water quality problem or its loading capacity. A reserve capacity for future pollutant sources is sometimes included as well. Therefore, a TMDL is the sum of the wasteload and load allocations, any margin of safety, and any reserve capacity. The TMDL must be equal to or less than the loading capacity.

    Surrogate measures When it is difficult to measure a pollutant allocation directly, a surrogate measure may be used to provide more meaningful and measurable pollutant loading targets. EPA regulations [40 CFR 130.2(i)] allow “other appropriate measures” in a TMDL. The Report of the Federal Advisory Committee on the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program (EPA, 1998) includes the following guidance on the use of surrogate measures for TMDL development:

    When the impairment is tied to a pollutant for which a numeric criterion is not possible, or where the impairment is identified but cannot be attributed to a single traditional “pollutant,” the state should try to identify another (surrogate) environmental indicator that can be used to develop a quantified TMDL, using

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    numeric analytical techniques where they are available, and best professional judgment (BPJ) where they are not.

    The surrogate measure must be designed to meet water quality standards, including both numeric or narrative criteria and the water-body’s designated uses. A surrogate measure can be assigned to a nonpoint source load allocation (for example, effective shade targets to reduce stream temperature) or to a point source wasteload allocation (for example, stormwater flow or percent impervious surface). Ecology has established phosphorus allocations for stormwater discharges in this TMDL which, if achieved, are expected to result in the attainment of dissolved oxygen standards. Ecology has also established “effective developed acre” surrogate targets that, if implemented, are expected to result in the attainment of dissolved oxygen standards. Either target, when implemented, will result in attainment of the dissolved oxygen standard. The surrogate is provided as a more direct measure of the changes that need to be made to reduce pollution. The maximum daily load of phosphorus is calculated based on adjusting the effective developed acres target to meet water quality standards.

    Why Ecology conducted a TMDL study in this watershed Background Ecology conducted a TMDL study in this watershed because Lake Whatcom was placed on the 303(d) list of impaired water bodies in 1998. This decision was made because the rate at which oxygen levels declined in the bottom of the lake in the summer had increased over time in the basin closest to Bellingham (Basin 1). This information indicated that oxygen levels were below natural levels. Silver Beach Creek was also on the 1998 303(d) list of impaired water bodies for excess fecal coliform bacteria. Lake Whatcom is in Water Resource Inventory Area 1 (WRIA 1), which includes the Nooksack Watershed and nearby watersheds that drain to the Salish Sea. In 2001, all of the potential TMDLs for WRIA 1 were evaluated to determine which projects should be initiated first. Because Lake Whatcom supports aquatic life, is vulnerable to additional degradation, and is a very important drinking water supply, it was determined that this project should be started first. The TMDL for bacteria was included because for minimal additional cost samples for bacteria could be collected when other samples were collected. The purpose of this TMDL project is to identify the amount of pollution that can enter Lake Whatcom and its tributaries and still meet water quality standards. Meeting water quality standards requires meeting criteria, supporting beneficial uses, and satisfying antidegradation. Meeting the water quality criteria for oxygen levels in the lake will mean controlling algae growth by controlling the limiting nutrient (phosphorus) entering the lake from tributaries and

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    other sources in the watershed. Meeting standards for bacteria will mean reducing bacteria in the tributaries themselves. The study area for this TMDL consists of Lake Whatcom and its tributary subbasins (Figure 1). The downstream point of the study area is the Electric Avenue Bridge near the lake’s outlet. The diversion from the Middle Fork Nooksack River to Lake Whatcom is also included as a background source in this study. The diversion is operated under the city of Bellingham’s water right and TMDLs cannot alter a water right, so we account for that source but do not make assumptions about how it will be changed. WRIA 1 has been the focus of a watershed planning process since 1998 (www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/eap/wrias/Planning/01.html). For this study, the historical land use covers and a modification of the existing land use covers from the watershed planning process were used. The report also evaluates a modification of the existing land use to bring it up to 2009 development conditions.

    Impairments addressed by this TMDL The main uses intended to be protected by this TMDL are domestic water supply; aquatic life; salmon and trout spawning; core rearing and migration for salmonids; extraordinary primary contact recreation; and miscellaneous uses such as wildlife habitat, harvesting, commerce and navigation, boating, and aesthetics. These uses will be protected by decreasing the loading of the phosphorus and fecal coliform bacteria into the water bodies. The water bodies on the 303(d) list of impaired waters is summarized in Table 1.

    Table 1. Study area water bodies on the 2012 303(d) list for dissolved oxygen, total phosphorus, and fecal coliform addressed by this TMDL.

    Water body Parameter Listing ID

    NHD reachcode








    Whatcom Lake Dissolved Oxygen 5846 17110004015288 Grid Cell: 48122H4G1

    Silver Beach Creek Fecal Coliform 7120 17110004014799 38N 3E 22

    Whatcom Lake Total Phosphorus 8621 17110004015288 Grid Cell: 48122H3D3

    Anderson Creek Fecal Coliform 39036 17110004014459 37N 4E 26

    Smith Creek Fecal Coliform 39145 17110004014650 37N 4E 05

    Olsen Creek Fecal Coliform 45589 17110004013681 38N 4E 30

    Brannian Creek Fecal Coliform 45603 17110004014737 37N 4E 27

    Carpenter Creek Fecal Coliform 45604 17110004014376 38N 4E 30

    Austin Creek Fecal Coliform 45617 17110004013567 37N 4E 08


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    Water body Parameter Listing ID

    NHD reachcode








    Euclid Creek Fecal Coliform 45618 17110004013599 38N 3E 27

    Silver Beach Creek Fecal Coliform 45633 17110004014792 38N 3E 22

    Mill Wheel Creek Fecal Coliform 45652 17110004014028 38N 3E 27

    There are other parameters for which Lake Whatcom is impaired. Austin and Euclid Creek are also impaired for Dissolved Oxygen. The analysis for this TMDL did not provide enough information to determine if meeting the wasteload allocations and load allocations would be sufficient to attain water quality standards so those impairments are not listed in the Table 1.

    The area covered by this TMDL The area subject to this TMDL, also known as the TMDL footprint, is shown in Figure 1. The entire Lake Whatcom watershed is affected by this TMDL.

    Applicable water quality standards Lake Whatcom is a critical water supply source for nearly 100,000 Whatcom County residents, including those in the city of Bellingham and in the Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District (formerly Water District No. 10). The city uses its water supply for industrial, commercial, and residential uses. The number of direct withdrawals by single family residences (SFR) is not known, but is estimated to be between 150 and 400 SFR (Buroker, 2007). Lake Whatcom provides habitat to both warmwater and coldwater fish. The lake provides the brood stock for the Brannian Creek Hatchery, which is the state’s source of kokanee for fish stocking throughout the state. Bass fishing tournaments in Lake Whatcom are popular and attract many fishers from throughout the state. The lake provides source water for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Whatcom Falls Fish Hatchery, which raises cutthroat and rainbow trout for stocking lakes and ponds throughout northwest Washington. Lake Whatcom also provides instream flow for water quality purposes in Whatcom Creek during low-flow periods of late July to early September. That is the flow necessary to support aquatic life. Lake Whatcom is a regional recreation destination for swimming and boating. Many homes have docks and water craft which residents use throughout the year.

    Dissolved oxygen Aquatic organisms are very sensitive to reductions in the level of dissolved oxygen in the water. The health of fish and other aquatic species depends on maintaining an adequate supply of oxygen dissolved in the water. Oxygen levels affect growth rates, swimming ability, susceptibility to disease, and the relative ability to endure other environmental stressors and

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    pollutants. While direct mortality due to inadequate oxygen can occur, the state designed the water quality criteria to maintain conditions that support healthy populations of fish and other aquatic life. Oxygen levels can fluctuate over the day and night in response to changes in climatic conditions as well as the respiratory requirements of aquatic plants and algae. Since the health of aquatic species is tied predominantly to the pattern of daily minimum oxygen concentrations, the criteria are based on the lowest one-day minimum oxygen concentrations that occur in a water body. In the summer, Lake Whatcom forms a warm surface layer and a cooler pool of water at the bottom, called the hypolimnion. The surface of the lake has the atmosphere and photosynthesis by algae to supply oxygen. Wind mixes the surface layer but does not mix the hypolimnion, so the atmosphere cannot provide oxygen to the lower pool. The depth of the surface layer (about 30 feet) limits the amount of photosynthesis in the lower pool. Because of this, the hypolimnion has no significant supply of oxygen beyond what is dissolved in the water when the layers form. A typical configuration is shown in Figure 2 by coloring in the grid representing the different layers. The figure is the grid used in the CE-QUAL-W2 model used to simulate the lake response to inputs.

    Figure 2. Cross-section of Lake Whatcom with vertical exaggeration to show stratified layers.

    Of particular interest in this TMDL project is the connection between nutrients and the decline of oxygen in the hypolimnion. Phosphorus is the limiting nutrient for most of the lake and during most of the year (Matthews et al., 2002a). Excess phosphorus promotes additional algae growth.

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    Algae settling and decaying in the hypolimnion increases the consumption of oxygen in that lake layer. An analysis of the monitoring that led to the 303(d) listing showed that the rate of oxygen loss was increasing over time. As a result, low oxygen levels in the hypolimnion were beginning earlier in the year, developing more rapidly, and lasting for longer durations. Since the health of aquatic species is tied predominantly to the pattern of daily minimum dissolved oxygen concentrations, the applicable criterion is typically expressed as the lowest one-day minimum dissolved oxygen concentration that occurs in a water body. However, stratified lakes need to be treated differently because seasonally dissolved oxygen reaches levels far below numeric criteria in many lakes under natural conditions. In the Washington State water quality standards, freshwater aquatic life use categories are described using key species (salmonid versus warmwater) and life-stage conditions (spawning versus rearing). Minimum concentrations of dissolved oxygen are used as criteria to protect different categories of aquatic communities [WAC 173-201A-200; 2003 edition]. Lakes have specific standards for recognizing dissolved oxygen conditions. For all lakes, and for reservoirs with a mean annual retention time of greater than 15 days, human actions considered cumulatively may not decrease the one-day minimum oxygen concentration more than 0.2 mg/L below estimated natural conditions. Stratified lakes may be very sensitive to small changes that affect the thermal differences between the bottom and the top of a lake. The thermal differences create stratified layers where water quality may vary widely throughout the water column. This dynamic quality of the lake and the method of modeling the lake create challenges for applying the standards to model results. In the lake model (described later in this report), dissolved oxygen concentrations are available for each model cell at a specified time interval. To balance temporal resolution with output file size, three-hour intervals were chosen. The daily minimum is estimated using the lowest of the eight daily values. Over most of the model, except the deepest areas of Basin 3, the model cells are one meter deep and several hundred meters long. The model resolution is such that small vertical differences are easily seen. Therefore, comparing different scenarios on a cell-by-cell or day-by-day basis may show differences that are indicative of physical changes but do not represent impairment of aquatic uses. An alternative approach is to aggregate dissolved oxygen data from the model output over a volume of the lake representing critical segments and during months representing a critical time period. In other words, this alternative approach looks at a subsection of the length of the lake with the most severe decline in oxygen, during the season when that decline occurs, and evaluates how much water in that subsection has low oxygen levels. To meet water quality standards, the volume of water with low oxygen in the subsection should be the same as under natural conditions. Included is a 0.2 mg/l allowed decrease from natural conditions. For instance, if under natural conditions there are 1 million cubic meters of water with less than 2.2

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    mg/l of dissolved oxygen in the natural condition, the acceptable dissolved oxygen level would be 2.0 mg/L for the same volume of water. In practice, this is done by identifying the spatial and temporal extents of interest. The total volume of the lake in the model cells for this space and time that have less than a particular dissolved oxygen level is added up. The cumulative volumes at each dissolved oxygen level in one scenario are compared to the dissolved oxygen levels for the same cumulative volumes from a scenario that estimates the natural dissolved oxygen levels. If, for a given aggregated volume of water, the oxygen level in the test scenario water is more than 0.2 mg/L below the oxygen level of the same volume of natural water, then the criterion is not met.

    Aesthetic values and phosphorus Aesthetic narrative criteria are defined in WAC 173-201A-160(2)(b) and apply to all existing and designated uses for fresh water. The standards state that: Aesthetic values must not be impaired by the presence of materials or their effects, excluding those of natural origin, which offend the senses of sight, smell, touch, or taste. (See WAC 173-201A-230 for guidance on establishing lake nutrient standards to protect aesthetics.) This TMDL is addressing a 303(d) listing for total phosphorus; however, there are no numeric criteria for phosphorus. The listing is based on the narrative criterion. Studies have identified Lake Whatcom as phosphorus-limited except for a small period of time in late fall in Basin 1 (Matthews et al., 2002a). As identified previously under the discussion on dissolved oxygen, phosphorus has an effect on dissolved oxygen by stimulating algal growth. Excess algae not only contribute to dissolved oxygen depletion but can also affect aesthetic values. The phosphorus reductions necessary to meet dissolved oxygen criteria will control the algae that cause the aesthetic impairment. Therefore, this TMDL will use dissolved oxygen as the criterion to determine loading limits for total phosphorus, which will be linked back to land use practices, nutrient deposition and transport processes. The levels of total phosphorus necessary to meet the numeric dissolved oxygen criterion will be more than adequate to meet the narrative criterion.

    Bacteria Bacteria criteria are set to protect people who work and play in and on the water from waterborne illnesses. In the Washington State water quality standards, fecal coliform is used as the indicator bacteria for the state’s freshwaters (e.g., lakes and streams) because it indicates the presence of waste from humans and other warm-blooded animals. Waste from warm-blooded animals is more likely to contain pathogens that will cause illness in humans than waste from cold-blooded animals. The fecal coliform criteria are set at levels that have been shown to maintain low rates of serious intestinal illness (gastroenteritis) in people. The extraordinary primary contact use is intended for waters capable of “providing extraordinary protection against waterborne disease or that serve as tributaries to extraordinary quality shellfish harvesting areas.” To protect this use category: “Fecal coliform organism levels must not exceed a geometric mean value of 50 colonies/100 mL, with not more than 10 percent of all samples (or any single sample when less than ten sample points exist) obtained for calculating

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    the geometric mean value exceeding 100 colonies/100 mL” [WAC 173-201A-200(2)(b), 2003 edition]. Because of the variability of bacteria levels, compliance is based on meeting both the geometric mean criterion and the 10% of samples (or single sample if less than ten total samples) limit. These two measures used in combination ensure that bacterial pollution in a water body will be maintained at levels that will not cause a greater risk to human health than allowable. The water quality standards state:

    When averaging bacteria sample data for comparison to the geometric mean criterion, it is preferable to average by season and include five or more data collection events within each period. Averaging of data collected beyond a thirty-day period, or beyond a specific discharge event under investigation, is not permitted when such averaging would skew the data set so as to mask noncompliance periods.

    The criteria for fecal coliform are based on allowing minimal risk of illness to humans who work or play in a water body. The criteria used in the state standards are designed to allow seven or fewer illnesses out of every 1,000 people swimming or bathing in the water. If the concentration of fecal coliform in the water rises above the numeric criterion, human sources need to be controlled to bring concentrations back into compliance with the standard. The specific level of illness rates caused by bacteria from animal waste (versus human waste) cannot be calculated. However, warm-blooded animals are a common source of serious waterborne illness for humans, especially animals managed by humans and thus exposed to human-derived pathogens.

    Ecology study methods Data quality and collection The previous report, Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Loads: Volume I. Water Quality Study Findings, described data quality for model development and calibration (Pickett and Hood, 2008). Volume 1 also described data collection for model development and calibration. The only additional data included in this volume are addressed in the following section. The additional data come from sources outside of Ecology and were used to develop the new scenario representing existing conditions.

    Information and data from sources outside of Ecology Information on land cover was developed from data supplied by the city of Bellingham and Whatcom County. The county and the city provided a list of parcels permitted for the construction of homes between 2002 and 2008. Using GIS, parcels in the watershed that were developed from 2002 to 2008 were sampled to determine the percentage of each lot covered by impervious area and forested area. The remaining 2002-2008 developed area was classified as residential pervious.

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    Ecology used this information to create new land cover classes in the Lake Whatcom watershed. For each new land class, a fraction of the forest in the 2002 existing land cover was converted to residential impervious and to residential pervious, based on the comparison of the sampled parcels.

    Whatcom County zoning

    Calculation of percentages of impervious and forested land cover Approximately 10% of Whatcom County parcels (not within the city of Bellingham) were sampled. Lot boundaries from Whatcom County parcel data were used with 2009 National Agriculture Imagery Program orthophotography to estimate areas. The large dispersion in data indicated a need to use stratification of the lots based on zoning. Some zones that were under-sampled and had high variation required additional sampling. It was determined, based on review of the data and discussions with the Lake Whatcom Management Interjurisdictional Coordinating Team, to create the classes in the list that follows. In general, zoning classes defined by Whatcom County were used. However, if there was a great distinction between individual zones combined together in a single zoning class, the individual zones were broken out. The residential rural (RR) zoning class had a large variation of retained forest canopy. Since a significant number of lots in this class were developed at five acres and greater, with a substantial amount of forest canopy retained, the RR zoning was broken into large and small lots.

    Whatcom County residential classes:

    • UR: Urban Residential, Including UR, UR3, and URM12 zoning

    • RES RURAL: Residential Rural, Including R2A, R5A, and R10A

    • RR1: Residential Rural 1

    • RR2: Residential Rural 2

    • RF: Rural Forestry

    City of Bellingham zoning The city of Bellingham maintains data on the amount of impervious area and forest cover of each lot. Approximately 10% of the sites were examined using GIS to determine consistency with measurements from orthophotography, as performed on Whatcom County data. Consistency was confirmed; therefore, all of the data provided by the city of Bellingham were used. No significant difference between zones in Bellingham was evident, so all Bellingham data were pooled to create one residential class: City of Bellingham residential class. The parcels identified as developed were compared to the existing conditions land cover from the WRIA 1 Watershed Management Project. The purpose was to confirm the assumption that lots developed between 2002 and 2008 were characterized as Forest in the Base Scenario (BAS) used in Volume 1 (Pickett and Hood, 2008) to represent the calibration conditions. With the exception of the urban residential class, this was confirmed.

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    Approximately 40% of the lots developed between 2002 and 2008 were already classified as developed in the existing land cover. This is because the 30-m resolution of the land coverage approaches the size of many of the lots in the urban residential class (10,000 sq ft), and because much of the development in that class is infill.

    Conversion and apportionment to watershed basins The city of Bellingham and Whatcom County parcels were combined. This created a single layer of new development, and each parcel was assigned a new residential class. These data were overlaid with layers defining reaches (or drainage areas) used to model runoff loading with the HSPF1 model. That GIS evaluation determined the area in each residential land cover class for each reach used in the runoff loading model. Figure 3 shows the results. The ratio for residential land cover classes was adjusted to assume 40% of each lot was already converted, reflecting the effects of small parcel size and infill. For each HSPF reach, a number of forested acres were converted to residential pervious and impervious cover based on the number of acres developed in each of the new residential land cover classes. The HSPF input file was then adjusted by subtracting the appropriate number of acres of forest and adding the appropriate number of acres of both residential pervious and residential impervious area. These numbers were calculated based on the acres of each of the new land cover classes in each subbasin and the ratios in Table 2.

    Table 2. New residential land classes with fraction dedicated to existing HSPF land covers.

    New Residential Land Cover


    Zones Affected

    Converted from

    Forest Residential Pervious Impervious

    RES RURAL R2A, R5A, R10A 60% 58% 2%

    RF RF 0% 0% 0%

    RR1 RR1 90% 70% 20%

    RR2 RR2 100% 60% 40%

    UR UR, UR3, URM12 60% 45% 15%

    COB All zones in city 88% 61% 27%

    1 Hydrological Simulation Program - Fortran

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    Figure 3. New development in Lake Whatcom watershed by new land cover classes.

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    Ecology Study Results and Discussion

    Study approach Volume 1 Study Volume 1 of this report (Pickett and Hood, 2008) analyzed two scenarios: 1) “BAS” representing the Base Scenario – existing conditions in 2002/2003; and 2) “FBO” representing the Full Buildout as zoned in 2002. The two scenarios were intended to provide information to help local jurisdictions evaluate how much existing sources of pollution should be reduced to accommodate new development. The results showed that even at 2002 levels of development the necessary reductions were very significant. The city of Bellingham subsequently adopted development regulations that do not allow new development to increase phosphorus loading above that contributed from the site when forested or in native vegetation. Whatcom County is in the process of developing and adopting regulations that will achieve the same goal.

    Volume 2 Study This volume (Volume 2) estimates existing loading from the development that took place from the development of the BAS land cover up through 2009. Reductions are calculated from the 2009 starting point without any allowance for additional sources of new development. The same process as described in Volume 1 was used to estimate existing loads and to determine the reductions required to meet water quality standards. The Existing Conditions Scenario was developed to reflect the amount of forest that had been converted to pervious and impervious land cover as a result of development since 2002. The modeled developed areas were reduced using the same partial rollback methods described in Volume 1. An 87% rollback is required to meet water quality standards. Both the city of Bellingham and Whatcom County revised their development regulations after 2002 to require more native vegetation be preserved. A survey of lots developed since 2002 demonstrated that on larger lots the new regulations preserved a significant portion of the property. While a significant area was developed, the effect it had on the lake was mitigated by not disturbing the entire parcel.

    Conclusions and recommendations Conclusions If runoff is reduced to match forested conditions in 87% of the current developed area, Lake Whatcom will meet water quality standards for dissolved oxygen and phosphorus. This is a slight change from the results of the original study (Volume 1).

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    Currently, 12% of the Lake Whatcom watershed is developed. Achieving this reduction in phosphorous loading would allow the watershed to function as if only 2% of the watershed were developed. The total phosphorus loading from both forest and developed areas would be reduced from 3,958 kg/2003 year to 2,534 kg/2003 year.

    Recommendations The city of Bellingham and Whatcom County need to develop plans to retrofit existing development to remove 87% of the phosphorus that is being generated in excess of what forested lands would generate. The plans must address both private and public development. New development must have phosphorus loading that is no greater than the area would naturally generate when covered by forest or native vegetation. If the loading is greater, then the difference must be mitigated by concurrent reductions of existing development in excess of the 87% target. The Lake Whatcom Management Program should continue to be the forum to coordinate the plans of the entities.

    TMDL analysis Dissolved oxygen-phosphorus

    Analytical framework Volume 1 of the Lake Whatcom Watershed Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDL described the analytical framework for the TMDL in great detail. This volume (Volume 2) provides analysis of the existing conditions of phosphorus loading and how the loading affects dissolved oxygen levels. In Volume 1 (Pickett and Hood, 2008), Tables 7 though 10 show the acres of land cover and percentages in each HSPF subbasin for the Base Scenario and Full Buildout Scenario. In this volume, Tables 3, 4 and 5 show the same data updated with the Existing Conditions Scenario.

    Model calibration No additional calibration work took place. Models described in Volume 1 (Pickett and Hood, 2008) were used with land cover areas adjusted to reflect existing conditions as identified previously, without further calibration.

    Compliance with standards The CE-QUAL-W2 model output from the Existing Conditions Scenario showed dissolved oxygen fails to meet water quality standards. Figure 4 shows the cumulative dissolved oxygen for the Existing Condition Scenario for the most sensitive segments of the lake, segments 60 and 61. The description of the basis for the cumulative volume is found on pages 64 and 65 of Volume 1. Similar to Volume 1, Figures 26 through 31, Figure 4 shows:

    • The cumulative volume of water that has at least the specified concentration of dissolved oxygen is shown as a green line.

    • The full rollback, representing natural conditions, is shown with a blue line.

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    • The dashed blue line represents the water quality criteria of no more than 0.2 mg/l less than natural conditions.

    • Areas where the green line is to the left of the dashed line represent an oxygen deficit, a failure to meet water quality standards, and are shaded in red. The scale of the deficit is calculated as the area (mg/L * million cubic meters).

    From Figure 4, we can see the impairment is in the water with the lowest dissolved oxygen levels. Because the water near the surface tends to have more oxygen than the water near the bottom it is easy to make the mistake of reading the dissolved oxygen level as a surrogate for depth. This is not precisely true. In early summer water at the bottom of the lake will have modest levels of dissolved oxygen (say 5 mg/L). Later in the summer the water at the bottom of the lake will have dissolved oxygen levels of 0 mg/L and water near to a 10 meter depth will have dissolved oxygen at about 5 mg/L. It is safe to say the very lowest levels of oxygen are only found at the base of the lake and the highest levels of oxygen are within 10 meters of the surface of the lake. Additional oxygen at levels around 10 mg/L in the developed scenario is a result of algal production from photosynthesis in the epilimnion (top layer). This does not offset the deficit in volume of water with less than 2 mg/L at the hypolimnion (lower layer). Figure 5 shows the comparison of the 87% rollback from Existing Conditions Scenario compared to the Full Rollback and demonstrates compliance with standards.

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    Table 3. Total acres per reach by land use category – Existing Conditions Scenario.

    HSPF Subbasin Name Reach HSPF Land Use Category

    Total Acres of Subbasin Agriculture Deciduous Forest Developed

    Evergreen Forest

    Mixed Forest Open

    Water/ Wetlands

    Developed– Impervious

    Mirror Lake 3001 - 54 - 8 33 25 13 - 134 Anderson Creek 3005 77 591 11 1,015 749 126 6 3 2,579 NE Lake Whatcom Inflow 1 3006 11 152 2 329 161 4 2 1 663 NE Lake Whatcom Inflow 2 3010 2 453 15 1,436 1,106 201 24 4 3,241 Smith Creek 3015 - 498 - 1,486 1,174 105 - - 3,263 Smith Creek Outlet 3018 - 12 1 4 18 4 0 0 40 Olsen Creek 3020 - 375 16 1,220 817 16 0 5 2,448 Carpenter Creek 3025 4 147 65 186 308 37 1 19 766 N Lake Whatcom Inflow 3030 1 255 109 187 455 104 14 31 1,156 Silver Beach Creek 3035 0 104 222 88 209 27 - 63 712 NW Lake Whatcom Inflow 3040 114 1,355 695 224 991 116 24 199 3,718 Brannian Creek 3045 - 493 13 1,071 619 97 2 4 2,298 Brannian Creek Outflow 3050 - 17 12 11 25 2 1 4 70 S Lake Whatcom Inflow 3055 0 698 132 489 769 153 28 38 2,307 Upper Austin Creek 3060 1 100 8 1,306 336 5 - 3 1,759 Beaver Creek 3065 0 598 121 1,134 1,139 8 1 34 3,036 Austin Creek 3070 - 9 17 62 25 1 - 5 118 Austin Creek Outflow 3072 - 26 130 110 96 9 28 35 433 SW Lake Whatcom Inflow 2 3075 0 130 219 258 258 9 15 61 950 SW Lake Whatcom Inflow 1 3080 - 69 278 51 96 11 1 76 582 Euclid Creek 3085 - 55 79 66 116 2 - 22 340 Mill Wheel Creek 3090 - 75 126 104 227 3 4 34 574 Total 212 6,264 2,273 10,843 9,726 1,062 164 641 31,185 Percent 1% 20% 7% 35% 31% 3% 1% 2% 100%

    Calculations based on several significant digits. Table values rounded to nearest acre or nearest percent.

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    Table 4. Percentages per reach by land use category – Existing Conditions Scenario..

    HSPF Subbasin Name Reach HSPF Land Use Category Total

    Acres of

    Subbasin Agriculture Deciduous Forest Developed

    Evergreen Forest

    Mixed Forest Open

    Water/ Wetlands

    Developed– Impervious

    Mirror Lake - 40.7% - 5.8% 24.8% 18.9% 9.9% - 0.4% Anderson Creek 3001 3.0% 22.9% 0.4% 39.3% 29.0% 4.9% 0.2% 0.1% 8.3% NE Lake Whatcom Inflow 1

    3005 1.7% 23.0% 0.4% 49.6% 24.4% 0.6% 0.3% 0.1% 2.1%

    NE Lake Whatcom Inflow 2

    3006 0.1% 14.0% 0.5% 44.3% 34.1% 6.2% 0.7% 0.1% 10.4%

    Smith Creek 3010 - 15.3% - 45.6% 36.0% 3.2% - - 10.5% Smith Creek Outlet 3015 - 30.7% 3.5% 9.2% 45.3% 10.1% 0.2% 1.0% 0.1% Olsen Creek 3018 - 15.3% 0.7% 49.8% 33.4% 0.6% 0.0% 0.2% 7.9% Carpenter Creek 3020 0.5% 19.2% 8.4% 24.2% 40.2% 4.8% 0.1% 2.5% 2.5% N Lake Whatcom Inflow 3025 0.1% 22.0% 9.5% 16.2% 39.4% 9.0% 1.2% 2.7% 3.7% Silver Beach Creek 3030 0.0% 14.6% 31.2% 12.3% 29.3% 3.7% - 8.8% 2.3% NW Lake Whatcom Inflow

    3035 3.1% 36.4% 18.7% 6.0% 26.6% 3.1% 0.7% 5.3% 11.9%

    Brannian Creek 3040 - 21.5% 0.6% 46.6% 26.9% 4.2% 0.1% 0.2% 7.4% Brannian Creek Outflow 3045 - 24.0% 17.7% 15.1% 35.1% 2.3% 0.9% 5.0% 0.2% S Lake Whatcom Inflow 3050 0.0% 30.2% 5.7% 21.2% 33.3% 6.6% 1.2% 1.6% 7.4% Upper Austin Creek 3055 0.1% 5.7% 0.5% 74.2% 19.1% 0.3% - 0.1% 5.6% Beaver Creek 3060 0.0% 19.7% 4.0% 37.4% 37.5% 0.3% 0.0% 1.1% 9.7% Austin Creek 3065 - 7.4% 14.8% 52.3% 20.9% 0.4% - 4.2% 0.4% Austin Creek Outflow 3070 - 6.0% 30.0% 25.4% 22.1% 2.0% 6.4% 8.2% 1.4% SW Lake Whatcom Inflow 2

    3072 0.0% 13.7% 23.0% 27.2% 27.1% 0.9% 1.6% 6.4% 3.0%

    SW Lake Whatcom Inflow 1

    3075 - 11.8% 47.7% 8.8% 16.4% 1.9% 0.2% 13.1% 1.9%

    Euclid Creek 3080 - 16.0% 23.1% 19.5% 34.2% 0.7% - 6.5% 1.1% Mill Wheel Creek 3085 - 13.1% 22.0% 18.2% 39.6% 0.5% 0.7% 6.0% 1.8% Mirror Lake - 40.7% - 5.8% 24.8% 18.9% 9.9% - 0.4% Anderson Creek 3001 3.0% 22.9% 0.4% 39.3% 29.0% 4.9% 0.2% 0.1% 8.3%

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    Figure 4. Comparison of Existing Conditions Scenario to Full Rollback Scenario in terms of cumulative volumes of dissolved oxygen in Basin 1 (segments 60 and 61), June - October.

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    Figure 5. Comparison of Existing Conditions Scenario with 87% reduction in development to Full Rollback Scenario in terms of cumulative volumes of dissolved oxygen in Basin I (segments 60 and 61), June - October.

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    Loading capacity Phosphorus When 87% of the developed land within each subbasin is modeled as forest land, the lake meets the water quality standards. Across the entire watershed 3,539.6 of the 4,080.2 effective developed acres were modeled as forest land. The cumulative oxygen distribution is shown in Figure 5. This figure is similar to Figures 29 and 30 from the Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Loads: Volume 1. Water Quality Study Findings (Pickett and Hood, 2008). The green line, representing the cumulative dissolved oxygen at 87% rollback from the Existing Conditions Scenario, is about 0.2 mg/L lower in oxygen than a comparable volume of water under the Full Rollback Scenario. There is also a slight enrichment of dissolved oxygen for the volumes of water with greater than 9 mg/l. However, this does not offset the lack of oxygen elsewhere. Algal photosynthesis in the epilimnion results in oxygen enrichment and decomposition in the hypolimnion generates oxygen deficits. In Figure 5, the oxygen deficits are no greater than 0.2 mg/L compared to the Full Rollback Scenario. Loading capacity for this TMDL is expressed as mass of phosphorus per unit of time, and was estimated by modeling the effect of phosphorus from stormwater runoff on dissolved oxygen in Lake Whatcom. The existing watershed was modified to find the lowest fraction of development that had to function like a forest and meet water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen. Because inputs of phosphorus vary widely from day to day, season to season, and year to year, annual loading is the most representative way of expressing the allowable loading. However, maximum daily loading is included in this TMDL as well (see Table 5). A calendar year was used in the model because the lake is well mixed at the start of the calendar year (January 1), but is in a state of decaying stratification at the beginning of the water year (October 1). Variations in annual rainfall drive the variations in annual phosphorus loading. In this TMDL, the annual loading from the base condition (calendar year 2003) is reduced by modeling 87% of the developed area as forest land to estimate the phosphorus loading that would meet water quality standards. The developed acres that were not modeled as forest in calculating the maximum daily load are presented as a surrogate measure and called effective developed acres. In practice, we may find that all development needs some modification; nor can all sites be altered to the same degree. The phosphorus target and the “effective developed acres” targets are functionally equivalent; either target, when implemented, will result in attainment of the dissolved oxygen standard. In order to partition allocations to individual jurisdictions and to estimate loading for each WRIA 1 Watershed Management Project drainage, estimated areal loading (pounds per acre) was calculated from the HSPF results of the Existing Conditions Scenario and the 87% rollback from the Existing Scenario. The estimates are based on the solution to the following equations:

  • Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDLs Page 23

    A*x + B*y = C

    D*x + E*y = F

    D = 0.1325*A

    E = B + 0.8675*A


    x = areal loading rate for effective developed acres

    y = areal loading rate for undeveloped acres

    A = number of effective developed acres in Existing Conditions Scenario

    B = number of forested/wetland acres in Existing Conditions Scenario

    C = mass loading of phosphorus under Existing Conditions Scenario

    D = number of effective developed acres in Rollback Scenario

    E = number of forested/wetland acres in Rollback Scenario

    F = mass loading of phosphorus under Rollback Scenario

    Each HSPF reach has a unique x and y areal loading rate based on the number of developed and forested areas and the mass loading. Those values are shown in Table 5. Average Annual loading is based on the calculated total loading for the 2003 calendar year. Maximum daily loading is based on the day in 2003 with the highest calculated loading. These values can be used to calculate the degree to which treatment has achieved the equivalent of reduction in effective area or the equivalency of any water quality offsets or water quality trades that may be adopted in the future.

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    Table 5. Areal loading by HSPF reach number for forest an