THURSDAY, AUGLK't 8, 1942 TOBRANCE HEBAUD, Tc sonoRiTY nitoiip MKKTS IN KRDONDO Members of the Phi Alpha Gammas met recently at the Rc-dondo Bench homo of Helen Johnson for a business session and social evening. Cards fur- nished diversion with Suzzanne Rayworth as high score holder 4 at 500. Those present were Mmes. Mickey Twyman, Lorraine Hall, Helen Smith, Suzzanne Ray- worth, Mildred IJrury, Mickey Dumont, Georgie Tappln, Doris Watson, Martha Coburn, Pat August, Lucllle Rogers, Mar- guerite McLean, Esther Flguer- edo and Doris Sevier. K * * MRS. BANKS HOSTESS TO HARMONY CIAJB Mrs. E. E. Banks was host- ess when she entertained mem- bers of the Harmony club at luncheon at her home last week. An arrangement of asters was used for the table centerpieces nnd covers were placed for Mmes. II. M. Haynes, S. K. Lud- low, Hugh Herring, B. K. Dye. William Gascolgne, L. D. Bab- cock and A. P. Stevenson. A so- cial hour followed. TOWNSEND CMJB NO. I TO HOLD DANCE Members of Townsend Club « No. 1 will hold their usual Fri- day evening social and dance tomorrow evening, Aug. 7, at Men's Bible Class Building. * + 4 V.KW. AL'XIIJARY HOLDS SEWING MEET Members of the V.F.W. Auxi- liary met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Louella Stanley for an all day si-wing meeting with luncheon at noon. Those pres- ent were Mmes. Arlene Hair, president; Anne Warburton, Kuby Backstrom, Zora Me- Knight, Clara Conner, Nelle Me- Conville and Teresa Andrews of Lomita and Nellie Eckersley, club guests. The regular Auxiliary meet- ing will be held at Men's Bible Class bldg., next Wednesday, Aug. 12, at J:30 o'clock. Dinner will be serveil to members of the Post and Auxiliary and thrir families. X + * TIICKKKS ANNOUNCE »Al (illTKK'S MAKKIACiE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tucker of 17-10 Arlington ave., announce tlje marriage of their daugh- ter, Mr.s. Valerie Turner, to Mr. Kenneth W. Worsham. The cere- mony took place at Reno, Ne- vada, July 2t>. Mr. and Mrs. Worsham are at home in Rich- mond, Calif. Mrs. Worsham will be remem- bered as Bobble Turner to her many friends here. She served > an clerk at the city hall for the past six years. < ATHOUO CARD PARTY TON1UHT -* ^HrtJCPKsrs foi tim wuh'a Catholic ladies' card party are Mrs. Woods' and her committee, Mint's. McConlogue, S c a 11 e n, Kiilston, Arnold, Vincent and Wllken. The first prize will be drawn promptly at 8 o'clock and card play will follow Immediately. Everyone is cordially Invited. * * * OKKCONIANS AKItlVE AT MILKS HOME Mrs. Levinc Weigel and son Dicky of Portland, arrived last week at the E. A. Miles home to join her father, Richard Maddy, recently arrived from Stockton, Kan. Their arrival here was the occasion for a re- union picnic at city park attend- ed by more than 25 family members. * -K * BUATTONH I.KAVINU rOIC VACATION Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bratton and son Robert will leave to- morrow for u week's vacation in tlie. Mammoth Lake country. + * * MRS. CKAKK ON EXTENDED VISIT Mrs. Frances U. Clark of 17S1 ^ Andrco ave., will leave Satur- day evening for Lubei- Maine. She also plans to visit friends- and relatives in Massachusetts, . Connecticut, New York, and will * go into New Brunswick and other Canadian cities. + + * HOME ritOM MISSOURI Mr. and Mrs. Vernon John- \ son returned last Thursday | from a two months' visit at El- don, Mo. * * * VACATION AT C'RESTLINE Mrs. Dun W. Barnard and daughter Betty Lee have been enjoying a recent vacation at Crvstline. * * * TAKES BANK JOB Miss Ruth Barnard has ac- cepted u position at Bank of America where she began her duties Monday. * * * VISITS FRIENDS HERE Mrs. Harriet Bingham of Los Angeleu and formerly of Tor- ranee visited lust week at the Frank P. Knelvelei- home here. CALENDAR of WEEKLY COMMUNITY EVENTS TONIGHT, AIJO. M fl:30 p. m.- Rotary Club, Woman's Clubhouse. ' 7:30 p. m. - S.W.O.C. No. 1414. - 20-30 Club, Daniels Cafe. 7:45 p. m. Knights of Py- thias Lodgp, Rcdondo. 8:00 p. m. O.E.S., Masonic Temple. Modern Woodmpn. Catholic Ladies' card par- ty. FRIDAY, AIIO. 7 7:30 p. m. I.O.O.F. No. 105, Rcdondo. Townsend Club, Men's Bible Class bldg. 8:00 p. m. Masonic meet- Ing. SUNDAY, AUG. 9 Services In all churches. MONDAY, AUG. 10 6:30 p. m. Kiwanis Club at Daniels Cafe. 7:30 p. m. Sons of the Le- gion. 8:00 p. m. Royal Neigh- bors, Men's Bible Class hldg. TUESDAY, AUG. II 2:30 p. m. Children's story hour at Library. 7:45 p. m. American Legion Auxiliary. City council meeting. 8:00 p. m.- Mi-N-Yore Fun Club, 4010 Sepulveda blvd. Technocracy, 1524 Crav- WEDNESDAY, AUG. 12 7:30 p. m V. F. W., Men's Bible Class Bldg. THURSDAY, AUG. IS 10:30 a. m. Methodist Wo- man's Day. STORKatorials of-the-weok at Torrance Memorial hospital: RONALD MORRIS BOHANNAN . . . u.is born K, .Mr. anil .Mr». Murn.x K'lliMimuii, ill U>5f> West JJIM »!.. July JS. wHiihlllK <> li.mn.lH '.I min<-i-H. Illn rnthor is I'Miployil at thi- Aluminum ilium :inil liis uiiithiT is the fiinniM- II. Nil rnuvloiil. Thf B"""l|>""!">» urc Mr. ami Mrs. Ow, n Cmwr.,nl. I.'ifif, \\Vsl L'ilst si., ;in<l Mr. line .Mrs. II. T. Koh.inn.ui. l.'.ni; lli'urh EDWARD WARREN DAVIS.. WHS Kri'ftcd !>>' -Mr. lin.l Mrs. lluw. aril DUVIM lit 21.111- II .Si-|iillv.'ili l.lvil., AUK. 1. WfiKhlliK S liniin.h Hi- Iliihi-ilM I), ul. n.'. :i. anil Jai'iiiii Murii'. If. niniillis. ami a ninth"!-. llnrllin l..ltu>. <;. Ills lalln-r Is I; I'lilKinnla Sliipyard \vurki>r uml hli m.jlliiT is tin: former (iliulii .Mat Tim an. Mr. anil Mis. H.-IBT Davih. 2^:,u S,'|,ulv,,la l.lv.l., and Kiluanl Ix^vlll. IAIS AllK<-l<-s. PHYLLIS JE-AN CAREV . . . arriM-d t<> Mr. and .Mr.s. .l.nn.-s \\ . Cal<-y. lAjni; Ih-iu-li, July »". \n-iirh- IIIK 4 |»,uiHls 15 (IIIII...-H. SI,.' has a j:l-nii>iillis-i>lil l.intlii-r. I'lilllli .laini-s. I In lallKT is a Dnimlas alrnal't w.irki-r and her m.Hlirr IK IN,' r.HMi.'i I'hylli.s llai-r<-ll. Thi- cnindiiari-nls an- Mr. and MIB. (livlll,. HaHVIi. I ..IN Almrh'S. and jiiim.i i:. "in i. - iiinii"""'. ' ' Women Invited To Union Meet Wages, prices, Inflation, ra- tioning . . . everyone is talking about these topics and with good reason. Nut only do they determine what you eat for sup- per, but under present condi- tions, they may determine >vhether or not you will have to rat^ ersatz foods ladled out by some Nazi gauleltor. D e s p 11 e the Importance of these problems there is more confusion current about them than about many other vital siihjcrts. To help clear up the Tog, Mrs. Helen Daggett, C.I.O. Women's Auxiliary organizer, will address a public meeting at the C.I.O. headquarters, 1315 Border ave., tonight (Thursday) t 7:30 o'clock. Wives and women relatives of Columbia Steel employees are !ordlally Invited to attend this gathering. Mrs. Dorothy Con,- nelly will speak on "Union Aux- iliaries," outlining their aims and function. A comprehensive program will he outlined, dedi- cated to an "all-out policy to mobilize women to assist in the ipeedy winning of the war." SERVICEMEN CAN VOTE AS ABSENTEES Thousands of California boys in uniform can vote at the pri- mary election Aug. 25. Under California law they needed no act of Congress to permit them to cast absentee ballots as long as they are on duty within the United States. Applications for absentee bal- lots must be in the office of the registrar of voters between Aug. l> and 20, Inclusive. Here is a simple form that may be followed. Mr. M. J. Donoghue, Registrar of Voters, 808 North Spring st, Ix>s Angeles, Calif. This is to certify that I am a duly registered voter in Los Angeles county, California. As I expect to be absent from my election precinct or physically unable to go to my polling place, Aug. 25, 1942, the day of the primary election, I am therefore making this applica- tion for an absentee ballot. I am a registered voter, and my residence address In (name of home community) Is:" (Street) .............. (Town) .............. Please mall my ballot to me at: Street) .............................................. Nine Patients Enter Hospital Nine patlrnts entered Tor- ranee Memorial hospital during the past week. They were: Wil- son B. Whltenton, 18, Ingle- wood aircraft worker, who was injured Aug. 3 when assertedly struck by a cor on Torrance blvd. In Rrdondo Beach while he was changing a tire. His father, dran-oT "Oklahoma AT & M. College at Stlllwater, arriv- d yesterday to be with his Mrs. Jennie Belle Ashhrook, Hermosa Beach, was received July ,'iO for medical care; ,1. Forbes Andersen, Redo n <l o Beach, Aug. 2 for medical care; Mrs. Myra Beeman, 1,118 El Prado, July 31 for surgery; Mrs. Helen Faupel, Lomita, Aug. 3 for surgery; William Kraga, Gardena, July 29 for medical care; Mrs. Delia Kinaman, Re- dondo Beuvh, July 31 for sur- gery; Dorothea Nielsen, Harbor Hills, re-admitted Aug. 2 for further treatment, and Henry a. Roberts, Lomita, Aug. 4 for surgery. KNTERTAIN (it'F.STS Mr. and Mrs. John fiarnrr entertained as their dinner guests at their home Sunday the Misses Florence Ann and Mary Joe Scott of Los Angeles, former girlhood friends of Mrs. Gurnrr at Des Moines, Iowa. KND OUTING Mr. and Mrs. Loton B. Hiiek- ley, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Haul Weis- and children Enld and Bobby and Miss Violet Palmer, returned ln»t weekend from a week's vacation spent at Plnewood Lodge at Big Bear. KNDS CAMP OUTINO Bnbby Young returned this week from a week's vacation at Camp Junipero Serra near Big Pines. AT nlC. BEAU Mr. ami Mrs. C. A. Cuitinn and daughters, Adele Ann and Kathle, have been vacationing at Big Bear for the past week. "THE ORIGIN OF SIN ... IS GOD TO BLAME?" Hear This Important Message by Reverend H. Wesley Roloff, Sunday, Aug. 9, at the 5:00 P.M. Vesper Hour. CENTRAL COMMUNITY CHURCH Arlington and Marcelina BEST SHOWING -HOURS ARE VALUES IN CANNED FOODS HOME IN HALF THE USUAL TIME! If you are interested in saving time when you do your food shopping, then listen to these brief words of advice: Do your buy- ing at Safeway in the early hours of the day, when the store is not so crowded. You'll be surprised how much faster you can fill your shopping list. 'Town) iState) ................................................ Tin; request must carry the voter's own signature. ritOGKAM CHANGE . Hundreds of women who have been following Mary Lee Tay- lor's semi-weekly cooking school of the air will now find the popular program on KFJ each Sunny Dawn Tomato Juice Prunt Juice 'SET J 8 '£21C Sundown Kadota Figs 10° Harper House Peart N° uf'19° Vegetable Soup " ' LyndenSoup fl Corned Beef Hash KBB "'<\T 14s Swift' spam "asr Carnation Milk Cherub Evaporated Milk 3,'.»23C FOR HAKIN6 JAMS, JELLIES T*r«>gh f f ririliy, Xif. f PLANES, TANKS, SHIPS, GUNS YOU CAN HELP BUY THEM Your purchase! of War Bonds and Stimpt help lo buy the things thit are needed to mike Victory certain. War Stamp* Art Sold At Sofiwaf Jell-Rite Parowax 1-ox.sjflc bottle * V TYPICAL LOW PRICES VM Tillamook Cheei* P0uod Dairyland Cheese Hambbrger Spread B?±, ^ 10 Hamburger Relish "£»&' 'f,Tl5c Calumet Baking Powder 'j'*' 16° Capital Pastry Flour ^ 24C Albers Pearl Barley The delicate meat of spring lamb, cooked till tender in the juices of fresh vegetables, and carefully seasoned to taste >.. it's a dish that few can resist. One of the secrets of preparing a per- fect lamb stew is to be sure that the lamb is young, tender and of top quality. But it need not be expensive. In fact, the thrifty cuts of Safeway Guaranteed Lamb are exactly what you need. Get .some today and serve your family a delicious stew tonight .or tomorrow night. LAMB BREAST r.13 Thrifty cut to use in the lamb stew recipe above. ^& LAMB SHOULDER ^'27' Excellent cut to roast or to cube for lamb stew meat. ^^ BOILING BEEF * O< SIRLOIN STEAKS Canned Vegetables ASPARAGUS XXyiSX N"' 1 ajus. can CORN | "»c if No. 2, : 12C can slisCi TOMATOES £.« *. No.2 dard pack. Can TOMATOES SrVnd^S,,',; N°- 2 pask cam. can It.-ac-h iM-a Kri-at-BiMiiiliHotlK-r. MARY ANN HECKETHORN. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS .B 7 , ; OUTING BEFORE INDUCTION Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gord- ner are enjoying a week's vaca- tion at Bishop and other points in Northern California prior to his induction in the Army. Anfrot Ant Powder 2-or. tubt pkg. utr»y. ..kflrii>rn ami Mrs. nil uf I-VI-KUHUII. Mil KAREN SUE KORTH . . . w; l-uili lii Mr. and Mrs. William I Km tli. 1 ins ',4 1'iita aw.. Ann. futhiT u Northrop Alrcrul wurkiT anil liur miilh, r In tlio lui MlillKUld. Tli Montreal is the only "ocean port" one thousand miles from the sea. Peet'sSoap Mi- Mr: K. ill Mr. DARREL JOE THETFORO . . wan u.-h'.im.'.i l.y Mr. ami Mrs. I.. Thi-lloiil. Los AilBfli'x, J"ly wi-lBliint! U iiiiinuln. Mi- lin-s lluvi'-yi'iii-uhl hrnllii.r, mill lla nail. Hi» falhiT In vllipliiMMl Nnrlliriip Aiivnift ami lilB molh i.-i tin- luiim-r Willli' Ma. Cunih DAVID EDWIN PRUETE-R . . . aum-il tn Mr. anil Mrs. Unwind ITiirliT. nf Palms, July 30. wi-lsli- I, .-yi-ar-iilil liriilln-r. Hilly. lll.s niiii'i- is . iiii'luyi'il ul riiluinhla StiuliiiH anil his niiilhi'r iH tin' lor- ROBERT FREDERICK NIE- MEYER . . . wu« granted liy .Mi- ami Mr.s. Al Nlcmeyvr. rlcrinuau HMIC-II. July 3(1. weluhing 8 iiouilitr 12 uuiiL'fH. Hi- IIUH a ulster, Junlcf His father IH it California Ship- yards worker anil hl» inutlu-r i I hi' (onniT Vi'iu Scliimli-y. Thi KiiiniliHin-iilH uri- Mr. and Mi*. M I>. SclHM.h-y, Iti'donilu llMich, iini Mr. anil Mm. A. T. Nleinnyur .Manhnttan llmch. Mr«. Mury Aki>. sun i,f Kunmt City, lu., IH tin l.al.V: Ma I la Tin anil Mr». lAiuls ler, Hawthorni'. unit Mr. ami K. A. llarm-ii, Vcntura. IN SAN DIKGO Mr.s. E. U. Haili-niaki-r visltoil Lloyd J. Kntli-niiikcr and othc'r relatives and tilends in San Diego last week. HIOHIST INTimiT IAII Absolute Safety FIPIRAllX INIHRIt (Up lo SS.000,00) LltAL INVIITMIMT OR IHUIT »UHDI AMilibb in ur.il. «( tlOO «. Mn. IMCOLN 8UI1IHN6 * LOAN ASSOCIATION LOOK FOR EDWARDS COFFEE In the New Victory No more vacuum tins till Victory! Edwards Coffee the same delicious blend ia now packed in Victory Bags. Oven-freshness is guaranteed because Edwards is roaited daily, delivered di- rect lo Safeway, kept ia I/it tun, ground only when you buy. LAMB SHANKS IU OC< PIN BONE SIRLOIN lu OQ< Bake, braise or barbecue. '"'/taW Delicious steak. Guaranteed. lb> <99 O 4* lb> sfcW 20< n-mm%9 GROUND BEEF Packed in Visiting casing. PORK LIVER Fry with onions or bacon. T-BONE STEAKS Aiio CLUB STEAK. Barbecue. PORTERHOUSE Top quality Guaranteed steak, DAIRY FOODS Buy your creamery foods at S:ifetvay. Get top quality milk, butter, cream, etc. at low prices. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Illl If mlLIl DAIRVLAND ftRADIA HOMOeENIZED. i-90l., Z4c LUCERNE COTTAGE CHEESE H QUALITY BUTTER, M r D °^c°o 0 , D t ^ 48 Dairy food prices trftctlv* In mefropol/raa las 4(g</cs »arf. BKfl: 15C Breakfast Cereals RICEKRISPIES d'nraaL ' box si all WHEATIES c r f h*champ" n" 8Z> I AC For tnargy. ' box sL V CORN FLAKES «T.zEss2£OI -<lc 2 for 15c) sfc bOXCS ^ SHREDDED RALSTON wheat canal. PLUMBING REPAIR SERVICE Moderniie Now With New Plumbing * WATER HEATERS * FRASER KOOR FURNACES * ANDREWS WALL HEATERS On FHA Terms TORRANCE PLUMBING CO. F. L. PARKS PHONE 60 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE 1418 MARCELINA AVENUE GUARAMTEED-FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Make your own selections at Safeway I Elberta Peaches "SS" MPE FIEESTONIS. «c PI* POUND Northern Peas vSS& i Gravenstein Apples ">.7i< Yellow Onions 5BS35& it>.2< Slicing Tomatoes ""' ">.7^ 3urbankPotatoeslQibs.39< Flour & Shortening KITCHEN CRAFT fCa^Sc- 241 N°- 10/I^C pounds, Me bag tO GLOBE "Al" FLOUR bSJ&.ftN* 10 ! pounds, «1.14 big FLUFFO Ina or frying, carton KEEN SHORTENING ah Uo rrt. V niB*Q 1fo l ? -l ' lb' ' baking. carton s 19 mo 16 1301 SARTORI AVE., TORRANCE U.S. War Stamps Art Sold 2li9 REDONDO-WILMINGTON BLVD., LOMITA

LAMB BREAST r.13 LAMB SHOULDER ^'27' › archivednewspapers › Herald... · 2010-01-13 · BEST SHOWING -HOURS ARE VALUES IN CANNED FOODS HOME IN HALF THE USUAL TIME! If you are

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Page 1: LAMB BREAST r.13 LAMB SHOULDER ^'27' › archivednewspapers › Herald... · 2010-01-13 · BEST SHOWING -HOURS ARE VALUES IN CANNED FOODS HOME IN HALF THE USUAL TIME! If you are



Members of the Phi Alpha Gammas met recently at the

'» Rc-dondo Bench homo of Helen Johnson for a business session and social evening. Cards fur­ nished diversion with Suzzanne Rayworth as high score holder

4 at 500.Those present were Mmes.

Mickey Twyman, Lorraine Hall, Helen Smith, Suzzanne Ray- worth, Mildred IJrury, Mickey Dumont, Georgie Tappln, Doris Watson, Martha Coburn, Pat August, Lucllle Rogers, Mar­ guerite McLean, Esther Flguer- edo and Doris Sevier.


Mrs. E. E. Banks was host­ ess when she entertained mem­ bers of the Harmony club at luncheon at her home last week. An arrangement of asters was used for the table centerpieces nnd covers were placed for Mmes. II. M. Haynes, S. K. Lud- low, Hugh Herring, B. K. Dye. William Gascolgne, L. D. Bab- cock and A. P. Stevenson. A so­ cial hour followed.


Members of Townsend Club « No. 1 will hold their usual Fri­

day evening social and dance tomorrow evening, Aug. 7, at Men's Bible Class Building.


HOLDS SEWING MEETMembers of the V.F.W. Auxi­

liary met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Louella Stanley for an all day si-wing meeting with luncheon at noon. Those pres­ ent were Mmes. Arlene Hair, president; Anne Warburton, Kuby Backstrom, Zora Me- Knight, Clara Conner, Nelle Me- Conville and Teresa Andrews of Lomita and Nellie Eckersley, club guests.

The regular Auxiliary meet­ ing will be held at Men's Bible Class bldg., next Wednesday, Aug. 12, at J:30 o'clock. Dinner will be serveil to members of the Post and Auxiliary and thrir families.


Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tucker of 17-10 Arlington ave., announce tlje marriage of their daugh­ ter, Mr.s. Valerie Turner, to Mr. Kenneth W. Worsham. The cere­ mony took place at Reno, Ne­ vada, July 2t>. Mr. and Mrs. Worsham are at home in Rich­ mond, Calif.

Mrs. Worsham will be remem­ bered as Bobble Turner to her many friends here. She served

> an clerk at the city hall for the past six years.


-* ^HrtJCPKsrs foi tim wuh'a Catholic ladies' card party are Mrs. Woods' and her committee, Mint's. McConlogue, S c a 11 e n, Kiilston, Arnold, Vincent and Wllken.

The first prize will be drawn promptly at 8 o'clock and card play will follow Immediately. Everyone is cordially Invited.


Mrs. Levinc Weigel and son Dicky of Portland, arrived last week at the E. A. Miles home to join her father, Richard Maddy, recently arrived from Stockton, Kan. Their arrival here was the occasion for a re­ union picnic at city park attend­ ed by more than 25 family members.


Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bratton and son Robert will leave to­ morrow for u week's vacation in tlie. Mammoth Lake country.


Mrs. Frances U. Clark of 17S1 ^ Andrco ave., will leave Satur­

day evening for Lubei- Maine. She also plans to visit friends- and relatives in Massachusetts,

. Connecticut, New York, and will * go into New Brunswick and

other Canadian cities.+ + *

HOME ritOM MISSOURI Mr. and Mrs. Vernon John- \

son returned last Thursday | from a two months' visit at El- don, Mo.

* * *VACATION AT C'RESTLINEMrs. Dun W. Barnard and

daughter Betty Lee have beenenjoying a recent vacation atCrvstline.


Miss Ruth Barnard has ac­ cepted u position at Bank of America where she began her duties Monday.


Mrs. Harriet Bingham of Los Angeleu and formerly of Tor- ranee visited lust week at the Frank P. Knelvelei- home here.



TONIGHT, AIJO. Mfl:30 p. m.- Rotary Club,

Woman's Clubhouse. '7:30 p. m. - S.W.O.C. No.

1414. - 20-30 Club, Daniels Cafe.7:45 p. m. Knights of Py­

thias Lodgp, Rcdondo.8:00 p. m. O.E.S., Masonic

Temple. Modern Woodmpn. Catholic Ladies' card par­


7:30 p. m. I.O.O.F. No. 105, Rcdondo.

Townsend Club, Men's Bible Class bldg.

8:00 p. m. Masonic meet- Ing.

SUNDAY, AUG. 9Services In all churches.

MONDAY, AUG. 106:30 p. m. Kiwanis Club at

Daniels Cafe.7:30 p. m. Sons of the Le­

gion.8:00 p. m. Royal Neigh­

bors, Men's Bible Class hldg. TUESDAY, AUG. II

2:30 p. m. Children's story hour at Library.

7:45 p. m. American Legion Auxiliary.

City council meeting. 8:00 p. m.- Mi-N-Yore Fun

Club, 4010 Sepulveda blvd. Technocracy, 1524 Crav-

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 127:30 p. m V. F. W., Men's

Bible Class Bldg.THURSDAY, AUG. IS

10:30 a. m. Methodist Wo­ man's Day.

STORKatorialsof-the-weok at Torrance Memorial hospital:

RONALD MORRIS BOHANNAN . . . u.is born K, .Mr. anil .Mr». Murn.x K'lliMimuii, ill U>5f> West JJIM »!.. July JS. wHiihlllK <> li.mn.lH '.I min<-i-H. Illn rnthor is I'Miployil at thi- Aluminum ilium :inil liis uiiithiT is the fiinniM- II. Nil rnuvloiil. Thf B"""l|>""!">» urc Mr. ami Mrs. Ow, n Cmwr.,nl. I.'ifif, \\Vsl L'ilst si., ;in<l Mr. line .Mrs. II. T. Koh.inn.ui. l.'.ni; lli'urh

EDWARD WARREN DAVIS..WHS Kri'ftcd !>>' -Mr. lin.l Mrs. lluw.aril DUVIM lit 21.111- II .Si-|iillv.'ilil.lvil., AUK. 1. WfiKhlliK S liniin.h

Hi-Iliihi-ilM I), ul. n.'. :i. anil Jai'iiiii Murii'. If. niniillis. ami a ninth"!-. llnrllin l..ltu>. <;. Ills lalln-r Is I; I'lilKinnla Sliipyard \vurki>r uml hli m.jlliiT is tin: former (iliulii .Mat

Timan. Mr. anil Mis. H.-IBT Davih. 2^:,u S,'|,ulv,,la l.lv.l., and Kiluanl Ix^vlll. IAIS AllK<-l<-s.

PHYLLIS JE-AN CAREV . . .arriM-d t<> Mr. and .Mr.s. .l.nn.-s \\ . Cal<-y. lAjni; Ih-iu-li, July »". \n-iirh- IIIK 4 |»,uiHls 15 (IIIII...-H. SI,.' has a j:l-nii>iillis-i>lil l.intlii-r. I'lilllli .laini-s. I In lallKT is a Dnimlas alrnal't w.irki-r and her m.Hlirr IK IN,' r.HMi.'i I'hylli.s llai-r<-ll. Thi- cnindiiari-nls an- Mr. and MIB. (livlll,. HaHVIi. I ..IN Almrh'S. andjiiim.i i:. "in i. - iiinii"""'. ' '

Women Invited To Union Meet

Wages, prices, Inflation, ra­ tioning . . . everyone is talking about these topics and with good reason. Nut only do they determine what you eat for sup­ per, but under present condi­ tions, they may determine >vhether or not you will have to rat^ ersatz foods ladled out by some Nazi gauleltor.

D e s p 11 e the Importance of these problems there is more confusion current about them than about many other vital siihjcrts. To help clear up the Tog, Mrs. Helen Daggett, C.I.O. Women's Auxiliary organizer, will address a public meeting at the C.I.O. headquarters, 1315 Border ave., tonight (Thursday) t 7:30 o'clock.Wives and women relatives of

Columbia Steel employees are !ordlally Invited to attend this

gathering. Mrs. Dorothy Con,- nelly will speak on "Union Aux­ iliaries," outlining their aims and function. A comprehensive program will he outlined, dedi­ cated to an "all-out policy to mobilize women to assist in the ipeedy winning of the war."


Thousands of California boys in uniform can vote at the pri­ mary election Aug. 25. Under California law they needed no act of Congress to permit them to cast absentee ballots as long as they are on duty within the United States.

Applications for absentee bal­ lots must be in the office of the registrar of voters between Aug. l> and 20, Inclusive. Here is a simple form that may be followed. Mr. M. J. Donoghue,

Registrar of Voters, 808 North Spring st, Ix>s Angeles, Calif.

This is to certify that I am a duly registered voter in Los Angeles county, California. As I expect to be absent from my election precinct or physically unable to go to my polling place, Aug. 25, 1942, the day of the primary election, I am therefore making this applica­ tion for an absentee ballot.

I am a registered voter, and my residence address In (name of home community) Is:" (Street) .............. (Town) ..............Please mall my ballot to me at: Street) ..............................................

Nine Patients Enter Hospital

Nine patlrnts entered Tor- ranee Memorial hospital during the past week. They were: Wil­ son B. Whltenton, 18, Ingle- wood aircraft worker, who was injured Aug. 3 when assertedly struck by a cor on Torrance blvd. In Rrdondo Beach while he was changing a tire. His father, dran-oT "Oklahoma AT & M. College at Stlllwater, arriv- d yesterday to be with his

Mrs. Jennie Belle Ashhrook, Hermosa Beach, was received July ,'iO for medical care; ,1. Forbes Andersen, Redo n <l o Beach, Aug. 2 for medical care; Mrs. Myra Beeman, 1,118 El Prado, July 31 for surgery; Mrs. Helen Faupel, Lomita, Aug. 3 for surgery; William Kraga, Gardena, July 29 for medical care; Mrs. Delia Kinaman, Re- dondo Beuvh, July 31 for sur­ gery; Dorothea Nielsen, Harbor Hills, re-admitted Aug. 2 for further treatment, and Henry a. Roberts, Lomita, Aug. 4 for surgery.

KNTERTAIN (it'F.STSMr. and Mrs. John fiarnrr

entertained as their dinner guests at their home Sunday the Misses Florence Ann and Mary Joe Scott of Los Angeles, former girlhood friends of Mrs. Gurnrr at Des Moines, Iowa.

KND OUTINGMr. and Mrs. Loton B. Hiiek-

ley, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Haul Weis- and children Enld and Bobby and Miss Violet Palmer, returned ln»t weekend from a week's vacation spent at Plnewood Lodge at Big Bear.

KNDS CAMP OUTINOBnbby Young returned this

week from a week's vacation at Camp Junipero Serra near Big Pines.

AT nlC. BEAUMr. ami Mrs. C. A. Cuitinn

and daughters, Adele Ann and Kathle, have been vacationing at Big Bear for the past week.

"THE ORIGIN OF SIN ... IS GOD TO BLAME?"Hear This Important Message by Reverend H. Wesley Roloff,

Sunday, Aug. 9, at the 5:00 P.M. Vesper Hour.




HOME IN HALF THEUSUAL TIME!If you are interested in saving time when you do your food shopping, then listen to these brief words of advice: Do your buy­ ing at Safeway in the early hours of the day, when the store is not so crowded. You'll be surprised how much faster you can fill your shopping list.

'Town)iState) ................................................

Tin; request must carry the voter's own signature.

ritOGKAM CHANGE .Hundreds of women who have

been following Mary Lee Tay- lor's semi-weekly cooking school of the air will now find the popular program on KFJ each

Sunny Dawn Tomato Juice

Prunt Juice 'SET J8'£21C

Sundown Kadota Figs '£ 10°

Harper House Peart N°uf'19°

Vegetable Soup " '

LyndenSoup fl

Corned Beef Hash KBB "'<\T 14s


spam "asrCarnation Milk

Cherub Evaporated Milk 3,'.»23C


f f ririliy, Xif. f

PLANES, TANKS, SHIPS, GUNSYOU CAN HELP BUY THEMYour purchase! of War Bonds and Stimpt help lo buy the things thit are needed to mike Victory certain.

War Stamp* Art Sold At Sofiwaf



1-ox.sjflc bottle * V


VMTillamook Cheei* P0uod

Dairyland Cheese

Hambbrger Spread B?±, ^ 10

Hamburger Relish "£»&' 'f,Tl5c

Calumet Baking Powder 'j'*' 16°

Capital Pastry Flour ^ 24C

Albers Pearl Barley

The delicate meat of spring lamb, cooked till tender in the juices of fresh vegetables, and carefully seasoned to taste >.. it's a dish that few can resist. One of the secrets of preparing a per­ fect lamb stew is to be sure that the lamb is young, tender and of top quality. But it need not be expensive. In fact, the thrifty cuts of Safeway Guaranteed Lamb are exactly what you need. Get .some today and serve your family a delicious stew tonight .or tomorrow night.

LAMB BREAST r.13Thrifty cut to use in the lamb stew recipe above. ̂ &

LAMB SHOULDER ^'27'Excellent cut to roast or to cube for lamb stew meat. ^^


Canned Vegetables

ASPARAGUSXXyiSX N"' 1ajus. can


| "»c if

No. 2,: 12Ccan slisCi

TOMATOES£.« *. No.2dard pack. Can

TOMATOESSrVnd^S,,',; N°- 2 pask cam. can

It.-ac-h iM-a Kri-at-BiMiiiliHotlK-r.



.B 7 , ;


ner are enjoying a week's vaca­ tion at Bishop and other points in Northern California prior to his induction in the Army.

Anfrot Ant Powder 2-or. tubt


utr»y...kflrii>rn ami Mrs. nil uf I-VI-KUHUII. Mil

KAREN SUE KORTH . . . w;l-uili lii Mr. and Mrs. William I Km tli. 1 ins ',4 1'iita aw.. Ann.

futhiT i« u Northrop Alrcrul wurkiT anil liur miilh, r In tlio lui

MlillKUld. Tli

Montreal is the only "ocean port" one thousand miles from the sea.


Mi- Mr: K. ill Mr.

DARREL JOE THETFORO . .wan u.-h'.im.'.i l.y Mr. ami Mrs. I.. Thi-lloiil. Los AilBfli'x, J"ly wi-lBliint! U iiiiinuln. Mi- lin-s lluvi'-yi'iii-uhl hrnllii.r, mill lla nail. Hi» falhiT In vllipliiMMl Nnrlliriip Aiivnift ami lilB molh i.-i tin- luiim-r Willli' Ma. Cunih

DAVID EDWIN PRUETE-R . . .aum-il tn Mr. anil Mrs. Unwind ITiirliT. nf Palms, July 30. wi-lsli-

I, .-yi-ar-iilil liriilln-r. Hilly. lll.s niiii'i- is . iiii'luyi'il ul riiluinhla

StiuliiiH anil his niiilhi'r iH tin' lor-

ROBERT FREDERICK NIE- MEYER . . . wu« granted liy .Mi­ ami Mr.s. Al Nlcmeyvr. rlcrinuau HMIC-II. July 3(1. weluhing 8 iiouilitr 12 uuiiL'fH. Hi- IIUH a ulster, Junlcf His father IH it California Ship­ yards worker anil hl» inutlu-r i I hi' (onniT Vi'iu Scliimli-y. Thi KiiiniliHin-iilH uri- Mr. and Mi*. M I>. SclHM.h-y, Iti'donilu llMich, iini Mr. anil Mm. A. T. Nleinnyur .Manhnttan llmch. Mr«. Mury Aki>. sun i,f Kunmt City, lu., IH tin l.al.V:

Ma I la Tinanil Mr». lAiuls

ler, Hawthorni'. unit Mr. ami K. A. llarm-ii, Vcntura.

IN SAN DIKGOMr.s. E. U. Haili-niaki-r visltoil

Lloyd J. Kntli-niiikcr and othc'r relatives and tilends in San Diego last week.


Absolute Safety

FIPIRAllX INIHRIt(Up lo SS.000,00)


AMilibb in ur.il. «( tlOO «. Mn.




In the New VictoryNo more vacuum tins till Victory! Edwards Coffee the same delicious blend ia now packed in Victory Bags. Oven-freshness is guaranteed because Edwards is roaited daily, delivered di­ rect lo Safeway, kept ia I/it tun, ground only when you buy.

LAMB SHANKS IU OC< PIN BONE SIRLOIN lu OQ<Bake, braise or barbecue. '"'/taW Delicious steak. Guaranteed. lb><99

O4*lb> sfcW


GROUND BEEFPacked in Visiting casing.

PORK LIVERFry with onions or bacon.


PORTERHOUSETop quality Guaranteed steak,

DAIRY FOODSBuy your creamery foods at S:ifetvay. Get top quality milk, butter,

cream, etc. at low prices. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Illl IfmlLIl


LUCERNECOTTAGE CHEESEH QUALITY BUTTER,MrD°^c°o0,Dt ^ 48Dairy food prices trftctlv* In mefropol/raa las 4(g</cs »arf.

BKfl: 15C

Breakfast Cereals


d'nraaL ' box si all

WHEATIEScrfh*champ" n" 8"°Z> I AC

For tnargy. ' box sL V

CORN FLAKES«T.zEss2£OI-<lc2 for 15c) sfc bOXCS ^


wheat canal.



On FHA Terms




GUARAMTEED-FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLESMake your own selections at Safeway I

Elberta Peaches "SS"MPE FIEESTONIS. «c PI* POUND

Northern Peas vSS& i Gravenstein Apples ">.7i< Yellow Onions 5BS35& it>.2< Slicing Tomatoes ""' ">.7^ 3urbankPotatoeslQibs.39<

Flour & ShorteningKITCHEN CRAFTfCa^Sc- 241 N°- 10/I^C pounds, Me bag tO

GLOBE "Al" FLOUR bSJ&.ftN* 10 !pounds, «1.14 big


Ina or frying, carton

KEEN SHORTENINGahUorrt.VniB*Q 1fol ? -l ' lb' ' baking. carton s



U.S.War Stamps

Art Sold