Land-based Water Research project : Planning, Management and Protection of Surface Water Resources Advice on installation and management of hydropluviomeiric networks training in data processing PROGRESS REPORT 30/09/1992 JoelDANLOUX SOUTH PACJF/C AEûC/III>L EN'v7fO'.NBVr PFKJGRAI.4.fE REGkJNAL OCEANIEN DE l'ENV1ft:N.lEMe-.lT CONVENTION CCCE/ORSTOMIPROE L't.Jsrrrur !=BANCAlS DE RECHEROElE SCIENTfOUE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT EN COOPERATION CENTRE DE NOUMÉA

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Land-based WaterResearch project : Planning, Management and

Protection of Surface Water Resources

Advice on installation and management ofhydropluviomeiric networks training

in data processing








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French Institute of Researchfor Development through Cooperation

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1 - Project objectives 2

2 - Report of activities. 1991-92 5

3 - The re-equipping of basic reference networks 6

3.1- The case of WESTERN SAMOA 6

3.2 - The case of VANUATIJ 8

3.3 - The case of the SOLOMON Islands 9

4 - Data processing and coding of hydrological data 12

4.1 - Data processing software packages and fùe transfer protocols 12

4.2 - International and Regional coding systems 12

5 - Tests of satellite-assisted transmission 16

6 - Present conditions ofdata banks 17

7 - Planned activities. 1992-93 119

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Reports by international organisations (WMO, UNESCO) in recentyears have highlighted the need to develop programs for bilateral and multilateral assistancein order to:

- the assessment, development and management of water resources,

- the strengthening of networks and hydrological services of countries in the tropics.

ln the islands of South-West Pacific, strongly affected by cyclonicfloods and droughts correlated with major anomalies in atmospheric circulation and oceaniccurrents, regular long-tenn observations are essential both :

- to characterise the design flows by extrapolation of data from reference stations topossible installation sites,

- and for the study of climatic variation.

Analysis of the needs identified by national hydrological services andof infonnation gathered on the functioning of hydrological networks has shown that a numberof stations are no longer being adequately maintained (due to budgetary constraints, difficultyin maintaining qualified personnel, or inadequate equipment).

Having observed these needs, ORSTOM's hydrologists - who have ins­talled and maintained networks in NEW CALEOONIA and FRENCH POLYNESIA, andtrained the territorial services necessary for their continued management - here propose a re­gional cooperative project, with the following objectives:

- To assist in the creation of a minimal observational network for the states and territo­ries currently lacking hydrological data.

- To fumish, for states with sorne existing hydrological network, the necessary teehni­cal assistance:

• to study the possibilities for reorganizing their basic reference network• to investigate appropriate technologies for the measurement and transmission

of data from stations which are difficult ta maintain (due ta problems of access or severeclimatic conditions).

- To supply the necessary software ta process hydrological and rainfall data and ta es­tablish national and regional data banks.

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The framework of the regional project of cooperation

Measurements for Creation of aTcchnology regional centreextreme conditions transfer and for SW Pacific(cyclone. droughts) training islands


ModemHydrological data Climatological

Processing and c:quipment reference stationsdata -systems - monitoring ~ for hydrological

loggerstransmission purposes


Basichydrological Regional and.. reference -- National- networks. Hydrological

Data Data Banksacquisition

Sedimenttransport and '- Networks for- Design flood

specific projcctswlter qualitymeasurements

Water resources development, J ,Climatological

WIter Hydro data basesIrrigation

supply power

1 1 ,,

Trends and-,effccts of climate

Alteration of hydrological - changeonregimes


Water resources management~

hydrological(Oood and pollution control) - cycle

,r 'rProtection and

Reducing impact ofimprovment or' Impact of

natural disastersenvirorunent - population growth


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o-• q



'.Marqulsa s • •


Tahaa "" RajateaMoorea "ClIo TahitI


1 11 1~---_ ...



.N~::;fi)le::' ,r.,.nd_---......-------r-------,NEW GUINro BOUgalnvfll~ choisll' L..---.,.....------r---------,

N'!A ~~anto Isabel

" e,,~ .~Malalta• Georola a) Guadalcanal TOKELAU

1 ~.. Islands ~San Cristobal TUVALU ...W,;,,-.E--S....T----4


Torres fsl. \ Banks Isl. U ;rua TutullaSanto '.Maewo. Futuna • po u Cl

Malekul~ .. : Pentecost Vanua Levu ~ 1 AMER.VANUATU u Ambrym é=3.1 OJeun SAMOA

... o-Efate 0 VIti Levuirromang.Tanna d) Kadavu


Rarotonga Cl


Austral Islands




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This project was made possible by financial assistance of the FrenchMinistry of Foreign Affairs.

During the past year, it has thus been possible:

- to respond to the most urgent requests regarding field equipment (maintenance ofelecttonic boards in the SOLOMON Islands, installation of a station in VANUATU),

- 10 install the HYDROM software package in VANUAro, WESTERN SAMOA andthe SOLOMON Islands, and to propose a new standardized coding scheme for a regional databank,

- 10 present proposaIs to a number of countries for the reorganisation of their hydrolo­gical networks (WESlERN SAMOA, VANUAro, SOLOMON Islands),

- 10 test the system of satellite-assisted transmission from beacons al remote stations(VANUAro, FRENOI POLYNESIA, NEW CALEDONIA),

- 10 inventory the bank available of hydrological data (stored under HYDROM), inparticuIar for French temtories (FRENOI POLYNESIA, NEW CALEDONIA).

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3.1 - The case of WESTERN SAMOA (Fig. 2)

Although an initial netwol'k was installed during the 70s for hydro­power development, only a few stations remain, producing data which for the following rea­sons are nearly unusable :

- Instability of channel at monitoring sites, and insufficient numhers of streamflowgaugings.

- Major gaps in data chans.

- Artificial waterflow regime, greatly modified by numerous intakes.

The creation of a reference hydrological network will require that twostations he re-equipped, four other water level data loggers (two on the island of SUVAm heinstalled, and systematic streamflow gaugings he carried out for at least two field seasons.

The rainfall station of the APIA Observatory, in function since 1890,should he backed up with a data logger capable of long-term operation without maintenance,and equipped with a transmitter (Argos beacon). This would avoid major gaps in observations(in particular during cyclones) and enable monitoring from a regional centre.

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UPOLU 0171 30W

+130 505


172°00 W



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3.2 - The case of YANUAnJ

3.2.1 - Activities realised

In 1981, an initial hydrological network was put in place to support de­velopment projects in hydroelectricity and agricultural land reclamation, but the networkcould not be maintained beyond 1986, as a result of :

- the destruction of the stations on the COLLE and TEOUMA Rivers (Island ofEFATE),and

- the difficulty of access and of taking measurements on the JOURDAIN River (IslandofSANro).

The work carried out since 1989, with the aid of the EEC and of theUNDTCD, has unfortunately proven insufficient 10 allow full processing of observationaldata collected from 1990 10 1992, given :

- the lack of compensation for temperature efIects on the data loggers equipped withpressure gauges,

- an inadequate number of stream flow gaugings.

Very recently (August 1992), within the framework of this researchproject and al the request of the Department of Geology, Mines, and Rural Water Supply, awater level data logger was installed by ORSTOM and the Hydrology Section on the MEL­SISI River (PENTECOST Island).

3.2.2 - Basic hydrological reference network (Fig. 3)

The stations on the SARAKATA River (stable water level-dischargerelationship) and the La COlLE River (very accessible) provided data from 1981 10 1986.These two stations, as weIl as another located on the MELSISI River, could form the basis foran initial reference network, which at a future date could be complemented by the installationof a fourth station on another island of the archipelago (on the NAMANG River at the weir ofthe crater lake on GAUA Island 1).


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o16 S -t------,

167 0 30 E


10 E


167 0 Eo, 10 25 Km.





168 0 10 E..

Exisfmo ~ end proposed œ. basic network

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3.3 - The case of tbe SOLQMON Islands

3.3.1 - Activities realised

The Water Resources Section (Department of Geology, Ministry ofNatural Resources) bas recorded flow on the LUNGGA River (GUADALCANAL Island) formany years. From 1986 to 1990 the Section bas installed and correctly monitored severalother stations equipped with data loggers (Regional Energy Programme, funded by the EEC).

Given the lack of available spare equipment, ORSTOM's initial assis­tance, provided since 1991, bas becn concentrated on :

- maintenance and repair of electronic boards,

- training local staff in the use of moderDized equipment.

3.3.2 - Basic hydrological reference network (Fig. 4)

An initial reference network could include the main station on theLUNGGA River, wbicb bas provided data since 1965, as well as three stations installed in1986 and 1987 and still maintained, but whicb require certain re-equipment financed with theaid of the Frencb Mission for Regional Cooperation in FUI :

- MBETIKAMA River at CHARAID (GUADALCANAL Island)- KWAIBALA River at GWAIDALO (MALAITA Island)- JEJEVO River to the intake site (ISABEL Island).

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'" I-Sos\158



? 2f' 4? ep ep '~ Km.







L..' -.J' ~

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4.1 - Data processine software packaees and file transfer protocols

The states and territaries within the 5th Regional Association of theWMO use at least 6 different software packages. Of these, three are widespread in the Region(HYDSIS, HYDROM and TIDEDA), but only one (HYDROM) is distributed free of charge.

The English version of HYDROM, as well as the rainfall softwarePLUVIOM, cao bc widely distributed (see Appendix 1) to all national hydrological services,and easily installed on microcomputers without a coprocessor.Therefore HYDROM's ASCII-formatted output could appropriately bc adopted as a regionalstandard for data ttansfer (from which data could bc transferred to other configurations, suchas MicroTIDEDA).

4.2 - International and Reei<>nal codine systems

The numbcring system proposed by the WMO, although convenient forcoding of stations in large basins, is impractical for the many states and territories of the Re­gio~ given that :

- each state bas an interest in identifying cach observation site, he it a base referencestation or a site for episodic measurement;

- a regional centre is envisaged ta receive information collected by satellite from manyislands and redistribute it to different states.

Whereas the HAWAllAN Islands ( and NEW CALE­OONIA (OOO.S.7.62.xxx) each have the capacity ta distinguish 990 stations (from 010 ta999), the other states and territories of the Region (SOWMON Islands, FIn, VANUATU,WESTERN SAMOA, TONGA, COOK Islands, AMERICAN SAMOA, FRENœ POLY­NESIA, and WAWS and FUruNA) must share the remaining 27990 numbers (from000. to, wim no state-specific dieits within the code.

In order to improve specification of station location (principal basin orsmall coastal eatehmeots, islands or island groups, states), the nature of the data (rainfall.water lcvel. piezometty, suspeoded solid transport), and the type of reading (instantaneouswater levels, flow gaugiogs, rating-curves, instantaneous discharges, average dailydischarges), a much less coostraining 8-digit coding system for national and regional databanks is here proposed :

Of the 8 digits employed.

2 would he reserved for the country (CC),2 would he reserved for the basin (BB), a group of basins, an island. or a group of

small islands,2 would he reserved for the river (RR),and 2 would be reserved for the station (SS), according the type of station,

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Govern ment agencies using HYDROM

Training centre



Rarotonga •



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- 00 for rainfall stations.- 01 to 89 for rivers and lakes.- 90 to 97 for small representative or experimental catchments.- 98 for piezometers and wells.- 99 for measurements of suspended solids.

For the ASCII traDsfer files, the filename would he the station code,with an extension corresponding to the rue type (cg., IWL for Instantaneous Water Level).

The conversion of the regional code 10 the 10-digit international code(used by HYDROM), can he made :

- by adding a code number for the Region/Continent (5 for OCEANIA)- by reserving a third digit 10 code for the river (sincc large continental basins may

have more than 100 rivers 10 monitor).

Regional codeCC BBRRSS

International code for Oceania(5) CC BB (0) RR SS

A supplementary sensor digit code with values, from 0 10 W, usefulwith HYDROM software for distinguishing different types of data collected (staff gauge,water lcvel recorder, data logger and pressure gauge, bench marks, ete.), is of little use fordata banks (single sensor code adopted-9). .

Applied 10 WESTERN SAMOA (country code 74), this numberingsystem would make it possible to distinguish (cf. Fig. 6 and Appendix 2) :

- the basins of the UPOLU Island (basin code 01 to 50) vs. those of SUVAIT (basincodes 51 10 99),

- the main basins (classed in alphabetical order from 01 10 30 on UPOLU) such as theVAISIGANO (basin code 29) vs. those of sma1l coastal catehments (numhered from 31 10 50on UPOLU),

- the different branches of the VAISIGANO : East middle branch - OS, vs. Westbranch - 10, vs. Upper east branch - 30, vs. Upper west branch - 50,

- the multiple measuring points on the East middle branch : Aloa east -01, vs. Downs­tream power house - OS, vs. Upstream first intake - 10, ete.

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171-30 W

Ex: Western SAMOA (5) 74

Basins and small Coastol Catchmentsfor UPOLU Island 01.50


o II 10 Kms... ' 1


I~l~<§) @ ~40W ....l ,sec

/017'-30 W



~plA ,-.-

,..,,0/.... 1 13- 50 Sl 'V "=:t==::::...J__( \ 1 ~~(/C::=-J


- HydrologLcal observlng stationNber. 57429000/81.9

(5) 74 Western SAMOA29 Vaislgano <,catchment)

(0) Of Vaislgano (.rlver)Ot Upstream spillway (station)9 S'aae gauge (sensor )


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Preliminary ta installation of a regional centre for direct reception ofsatellite transmissions (Argos system), a series of tests has been carried out from particularly

, isolated stations.

Beacon 1267 - A rainfall station on Mount PANIE (NEW CALEOONIA), equipped with anOEDIPE data logger. Access ta this station, located at 1628 Dl, requires a daylong hike or he­licopter transport.

Beacon 1266 - Water level measuring station (CHLOE B data logger) on the TAIPIVAI River(NUKU-HIVA Island in the MARQUISAS - FRENœ POLYNESIA). This station is situatedin a deep narrow valley.

Beacoo 9988 - Rainfall and water level station on the MELSISI River (Island of PENTE­OOST, VANUATU). This station is equipped with a OiLOE data logger, making possiblethe transmission of both rainfall and waterlevel data. Installed in a rather deep, narrow valleyand distant from PORT VILA, this station can generally only he visited by boat.

In appendix 3 are presented raw data received by satellite 22/09/1992,and transmitted ta the ground receiving centre in TOULOUSE, FRANCE. The data in the ap­pendix reflect the number of messages which can typically he received, in fonction of the p0­sition of the transmission sites in relation ta sUlTOunding topography :

- 3 ta 5 messages/day from rivers in deep narrow valleys- 6 ta 8 messages/day from rain gauges in higher areas.

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An initial inventory of banks of hydrological data presently accessiblethrough HYDROM has been established (water levels and rating curves).

WESTERN SAMOA has no recent data; the inventory contains onlyold data, entered in HYDROM in 1990 by the hydrologist teehnicians at the APIA Observa­tory.

For VANUATIJ. only data obtained during the period 1981-1984. ex­ploitable with HYDROM is presented, given the absence

• of any data entered either manually or by a digitaliser from chans recording theperiod 1985-87•

• and of any correction of the raw data collected by Obsermet data loggers (1990-92).

For the SOLOMONS. a first batch of data has been transferred ta HY­DROM from mes produced with MicroTIDEDA software (see results below).

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Country:NEW CALEDONIA ..,.---..--_._-.-.-.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... -

1 1 Periods 1 S UStation River 1 Latitude 1 Longitude 1 AIt. 1 Aru frOi 1 E N •1 deg lin sec 1 deg lin secl 1 (k121 funct. 1 N V

---_.-.._-------------------------------------------------------_._--_.---------------------_._._-----------------------------------1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Buin 14 DIAHOT 1 1 1 1 1 1 15700411111 BONDE (ftission stationl 1 DIAHOr 1 -20 25 56 1 tl64 25 361 1 1 1 1 09 05701401112 BONDE (Sainte Anne) 1 DIAHOT 1 -20 25 42 1 t164 26 301 1 1 1 1 09 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 181sin 15 DUftBEA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5781511211 Altitude 80 1 OunBEA North Br. 1 -22 06 54 1 tl66 30 211 1 1 1 1 09 05718501381 Haute-COUVELEE 1 COUVELEE 1 -22 07 n 1 tl66 28 021 1 1 1 1 09 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1bstn 18 HOUAI LOU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5701.OIUl NEPEROU 1 HOUAILOU 1 -21 17 23 1 t165 33 191 1 1 1 1 09 05711S00U2 CAROVIN 1 HOUAILOU 1 -21 17 51 1 t165 28 341 1 1 1 1 09 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Sastn 16 LA FOA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5711611212 Upstreal PIERRA Creek 1 LA FOA 1 -21 40 37 1 +165 52 581 1 115.000 1 1 1 09 01 1 1 1 1 1 1

bsln 26 NERA 1 1 1 1 1 1 15712600111 Oownstreal AREftO Creek 1 B06HEN 1 -21 35 55 1 tl65 39 121 1 113.000 1 1 1 09 05782601112 ftALftEZAC Concession 1 BOGHEN 1 -21 36 45 1 tl65 38 451 1 1 1 1 09 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 29 NlftBAYE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •5712900111 Oownstrui GOA 1 NlftBAYE 1 -21 05 49 1 t165 20 151 1 1 1 1 09 0

5702900182 GOA Ford 1 NlftBAYE 1 -21 06 22 1 t165 18 311 1 1 1 1 09 01 1 1 1 1 1 1

8uin 31 OUAIEftE 1 1 1 1 1 1 15783111111 Last rlPid 1 OUAIEftE 1 -20 38 10 1 t164 49 421 1 1 1 1 09 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Butn 33 OUENGHI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5713388111 Bridge road 1 OUENGHI 1 -21 54 22 1 tl66 06 431 1 1 1 1 09 01 1 1 1 1 1 1

Buin 39 POUEftBOUT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1578~'UI1 FORET-PLATE Road 1 POUEftBOUT 1 -21 06 31 1 tl64 59 581 1 1 1 1 09 0578~"1I2 SOUTANA 1 POUEftBOUT 1 -21 06 30 1 t164 59 511 1 1 1 1 09 05713901183 TAftAON 1 POUEftBOUT 1 -21 06 30 1 +164 58 121 1 1 1 1 09 051139011.. Altitude 120 1 POUAlOA 1 -21 04 25 1 tl65 05 141 120 1 1 1 1 09 05103911102 Alti tude 111 1 POUAlOA 1 -21 04 24 1 +165 05 101 117 1 1 1 1 09 05103986511 Altitude 50 1 PAPAINDA 1 -21 81 31 1 t165 00 451 50 1 1 1 1 09 Q

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Suin 46 rCHAft8A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

51.4688181 TCHAftBA Tribe 1 TCHA"BA 1 -21 02 32 1 +165 17 2U 1 1 1 1 09 05104618185 Upstreal Bridge TCHA"BA Tribe 1 TCHA"8A 1 -21. 02 31 1 tl65 16 501 1 1 1 1 09 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 41 TEftALA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5704701381 LECOKPTE Concession 1 FATENAOUE 1 -20 53 31 1 +164 44 561 1 1 1 1 09 01 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 48 THIO 1 1 1 1 1 1 15714S8I1I1 Saint "ichel 1 THIO 1 -21 ~ 33 1 t166 09 411 1 1 1 1 09 05104SIIU2 Siint Paul 1 THIO 1 -21 38 52 1 t166 10 171 1 1 1 1 09 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 18asin 50 TIPINOJE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5705.01.11 OUEN-COUT 1 TIPINOJE 1 -20 46 59 It164 59 181 1 1 1 1 09 0--_..._---------_._----.-------------_.--------------------._-----------------------------.-._-----------_.-...._.-.....-----......-

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.. CDuntry:NEN CAlEDOHIA----_.-..._--_..._-------------------------_.-------.-------------_._----------_._-------------------------------.----------.-------

1 1 PeriDds 1 S U, StatiDn River 1 latitude 1 lDngitude 1 Ait. 1 Aru frDl 1 E N

1 deg lin sec 1 deg lin secl 1 (h21 funct. 1 N V

------.------------------------------_.-.._---------------------------------.--------.--------------.-.---------------_.-------- ...-57.51.1112 Altitude 7 1 TlPINDJE 1 -20 _6 _a 1 +164 59 SOI 7 1 1 1 1 09 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 18uln SI TlIIAKA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5705111101 TI AOU-TINAKA 1 TlIlAKA 1 -20 53 _1 1 +165 12 001 1 1 1 1 09 0570511.112 PO"BEI Tribe 1 TlIlAKA 1 -20 53 13 1 +165 10 5U 1 1 1 1 09 0~7t51'll'5 PO"BEI flll 1 TlIlAKA 1 -20 5_ 25 1 +165 oa _11 1 1 1 1 09 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 18uin 52 TONTOUTA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

57t521UI1 LILIANE "ine 1 TONTOUTA 1 -21 57 14 1 +166 16 371 1 1 1 ( 09 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 .

Buln 55 YATE 1 1 1 1 1 1 15705511111 Du 1 YATE 1 -22 09 13 1 +166 52 _21 1 1 1 1 09 05785511111 ODNnstreal "ADElEINE Fall 1 Riviere des lacs 1 -22 13 _9 1 +166 51 021 1 1 1 1 09 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 72 SCC SDuth 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

571n.15U "Duth 1 Riviere Bleue 1 -22 la 17 1 +166 _9 -el 1 1 1 1 09 0.._-----.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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:ountry: VANUATU





Station River1 1 1 1 1 P.r ladl 1 8 U1 Latitude 1 Longitude 1 AIt. 1 Area 1 frDI 1 E N1 deg lin sec 1 deg lin secl 1 (k.2) 1 funct. 1 N Y

Basin 26 SARAKATA (SANTO),712688115 A1titude 110

Basin 52 SCC PENTECOST N.i71528UU Second tord

Basin 56 LA COLLEi715688118 RUSSEl Concession


111 -15 251111111 -17 41J


34 1 -16711 .1111

41 J -1681

1 1III 1

86 141 118 1 97.1000 1 1981/1986 1 09 01 1 1 19901 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 21.4000 1 19921 1 09 0III 1III 1

.9 851 23 J 34.80'8 J 1981/1988 1 09 01 1 1 19901 1

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.-----•................_- _-_ _---- -- _---•............__ _-------- ---- ------------------------------------

Station River1 1 1 1 1 Ptrlads 1 S U1 latitude 1 Lan,ftudt 1 Ait. 1 Ar.. 1 frai 1 E N1 deg lin sec 1 deg .in secl 1 (k.21 1 funct. 1 N V

1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 21 JEJEVO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5122111111 Hydra intake site 1 JEJEVO 1 ·1 1 1 1 1987/1991 1 89 81 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 35 lUN66A 1 1 1 1 1 1 15723511111 Bridge raad 1 lUN66A 1 1 1 1 1 19651 1 89 851235.1.15 CHARAHI 1 "8ETIKAItA 1 1 1 1 1 1986/1991 1 89 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin _8 sec ftAlAITA IS. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

572_8"111 6MAIDALD 1 KMAIBALA 1 1 1 1 1 1986/1998 1 09 01 1 1 1 ( 1 1

8&sin 56 sec ItAKIRA IS. 1 1 1 1 1 1 157256••1.1 MAITATI 'illage 1 IfURO 1 1 1 1 1 1987/1990 1 09 0

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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--.--------------1 1 1 1 Periods 1 S U

Station 1 River 1 Latitude 1 Longitude 1 Ait. 1 Aru 1 frOi 1 E N1 1 deg lin sec 1 deg lin seel 1 (h21 1 fund. 1 N V

---------------------.._._-_.----_._--._----------_.-.---------------------------------------------------_.--------.--------------_.1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 03 FALE (AI SeRA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1574.3t.UI Aut tude 448 1 FALEASCELA 1 -13 54 24 1 -171 57 341 137 1 10.1000 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 18asin 04 FALEYAO (FALEFAI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5748401111 FALEFA Fa Ils 1 FALEYAO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin l' SALAN1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15741"31U AFUlILO 1 VAIGAFA 1 -13 57 40 1 -171 33 201 1 12.6000 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 29 YAISI6ANO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

57429.81.1 Upstrell spillwlY 1 VAISIGANO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1

81sin 58 SA"ALAEUlU 1 1 1 1 1 1 15745811111 xxxxxxxxxx 1 SAflALAEUlU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 18asin " SILI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

574'''llU xxxxxxxxxx 1 SIlI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0


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Country:TAHITI ISLAND-----------------------------------------------------------------------_._-------------------------------------------------------

1 1 1 1 Peri ods 1 SStation River 1 latitude 1 longitude 1 Ait. 1 Area 1 trOi 1 E

1 deg lin sec 1 deg lin secl 1 (h21 1 tunct. 1 N------------------------------------------------------------------._._-----------------------------------------------------------

1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 15 PAPEIHA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5151500102 Altitude 10 1 PAPEIHA 1 -17 39 20 1 -149 19 161 II 1 38.6808 1 19741 1 091 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 17 PAPEHOO 1 1 1 1 1 1 15151711101 Altttuclt 45 1 PAPENOO 1 -17 33 42 1 -149 25 421 45 1 79.7111 1 19781 1 09

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 20 PUNAIWU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5752810101 Upstreal bridge road 1 PUNARUU 1 -17 38 12 1 -149 36 231 II 1 43.2100 1 1971/1973 1 0957S21"182 Altitude 50 1 PUNARUU 1 -17 37 52 1 -149 34 421 51 1 39.2000 1 1973/1983 1 095752118105 DONnstreal bridge road 1 PUNARUU 1 -17 38 82 1 -149 36 231 II 1 43.2088 1 19821 1 09

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 30 TUAURU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5153188104 TUAURU Bridge 1 TUAURU 1 -17 30 29 1 -149 29 171 II 1 26.5000 1 19751 1 091 1 1 1 1 1 1

Bastn 39 VAIRAHARAHA 1 1 1 1 1 1 15753980182 Bridge Road 1 VAIRAHARAHA 1 -17 46 .. 1 -149 24 161 10 1 14.6008 1 19811 1 09

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 40 VAITAARA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5754.80102 Altitude 5 1 VAITAARA 1 -17 34 18 1 -149 19 491 5 1 23.6000 1 19821 1 091 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 46 VAITEPIHA 1 1 1 1 1 1 )

5754688181 Altitude 10 1 VAITEPIHA 1 -17 45 31 1 -149 10 851 10 1 33.4800 1 19711 1 091 1 1 1 1 ) 1

Basin 49 VAITIU 1 1 1 1 1 1 15754900182 Altitude 60 1 OROfERO (VAITIUI 1 -17 41 03 1 -149 33 341 60 1 18.4000 1 1974/1983 1 09

1 1 1 1 1 1 19871 15754981184 Altitude 70 1 OROFERO (VAITIUI 1 1 1 71 1 1 1983/1988 1 09

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Buin 63 sec S-TAIARAPU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5'756301801 Altitude 8 1 AlVARO 1 -17 50 56 1 -149 15 031 8 1 6.72008 1 1973/1978 1 095756301002 A1tituclt 10 1 AIYARO 1 -17 50 51 1 -149 15 III 18 1 6.4308' 1 19781 1 09

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Sbtion River1 1

1 Latitude 1 Longitude 1 AIt. 1 Area1 deg ain sec 1 deg ain secl 1 (ka21

Periods 1 S Utroa 1 E Ntunct. 1 N V

1 1 1 1 1 1Blsin 33 sec W-KOOREA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5763382881 Altitude 50 1 VAIANAE 1 -17 33 54 1 -149 50 471 52 1 3.13008 1 19851 1 09 01 1 1 1 1 1 1

Blsin 53 VAIAAU (RAIATEAI 1 1 1 1 1 1 15765300181 8ridge rold 1 KAOROA 1 -16 51 39 1 -151 27 381 8 1 6.38000 1 19831 109 0


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Station 5700480101-9 BONDE I"isslon station) Latlt. -20.25.56Rlvu DIAHOT Langit. 164.25.36C.untry NEM CALEDONIA8asln DIAHOT_.------_._..--------------------------------._._-------------------._------_.-Year JAN FEI AAR APR "AY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY BEC-----------------------_.-..---------..-.--.------------------------_._._------1955 • ( » C( » '( » C( » C( ) '( )

1956 • ( » ·( ) • ( » ·( ) • ( » • ( » CCI C( » • ( » C( ) C( » '( )

1957 '( » • ( » C( » CCI C( » C( » C( » • ( » C( » C( ) C( » '( )

1958 • C» • ( » CC ) C( » C( » C( » C( » C( » ·( ) C( » C( » C( )1959 • ( 1 C( J • ( 1 C( J C( 1 '( J

19681961 ·( )

C( ) C( ) C( J • ( J1962 • ( J ·( ) ·( ) • ( J 'CI ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) .( ) C( ) C( 11963 ·( ) ·( ) 'CI C( 1 • CJ C( ) '( 1 C( J C( J C( J C( ) C( »1964 • ( J ·( ) CCI ·( )

C( ) '0 C( ) ·( ) C( ) C( J C( ) C( 1. 1965 ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

C( ) C( » ·( ) CCI C( ) '0 C( ) C( 1 • ( J1966 C( ) .C) ·( )

C( ) CO 'CI '( ) CCI C( ) C( ) C( ) C( J1967 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

C( ) ·( ) ·( )C( ) • ( J C( 1 C( J .( )

1968 'C 1 C( J '( ) • ( J C( ) C( ) C( ) C( » C( 1 C( J C( ) C( 11969 C( ) ·( ) '0 C( ) • C) CCI CC) ·( ) CC) '( ) C( J

1970 • ( » • CJ • ( J '( 1 CCI C( 1 C( 1 C( J C( » CC J C( J C( )- 1971 C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( ) CC) C( 1 C( ) C() C( ) C( 1 CC 1..

1972 ·( ) • ( » '( 1 C( ) C( ) CC) '( ) '( 1 '( 1 C( ) CC)1973 CC) C( ) CC ) C( 1 CC) C( ) CC) CCI C( ) CC) CCI C( )1'14 '( ) C( 1 C( ) C( ) CCI C( 1 CC) C( ) C() C( ) C( 1 C()1975 ·( )

C( ) C( » CC) CCI C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) CC) C( )1976 C( ) C( ) CC ) CC) C( ) C( ) C( ) CC) e( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1977 CCI C( ) C( ) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC ) C( ) CC) C( ) C( J1978 C( ) C( ) CO C( » C( ) C( » C( ) C( ) C( ) CCI C( ) C( )1979 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( » CC) C( ) C( J C( ) CC) C( )

1988 'CI--_...--_.....------_..._--------------.---_........-------_.....--------.-.---Year JAN FEI IlAR APt IlAY .IUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC..•.-----_._._--_._._._-..------..._._._._-._.----------------------_.._._-----

Station 5788488182-9 BONDE (Sainte Anne) Latit. -28.25.42River DIMOT LOMi t. 164.26.30Cluntr, NEil CALEDOHIABasin DIAHOT--_.---_........_.....----------.....-----...-----------------------------_....Year JAN m IlAR APR IlAY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEe


198e ·( )CC) ·( )

C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) Cc) CCI CC) C( J C( )1981 CC) C( ) • 1 ) '( ) • ( J ·( ) CCI '( ) CC ) .• C) .( ) '( )

1982 'c ) C( ) 'c) C( ) CC ) CCI CC) C( ) C( ) C( ) • C) IC)1983 'c) CC) CC) C( ) CC ) C( ) CC) CCI C( ) CC) Cc) CI)1984 CCI CC ) • 1 ) 'C ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CC ) CC) CC ) C( )1985 CC) .C) '( ) CC) C( ) CCI C( ) CC) C( ) C( ) 'C )--_.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Year JAN FEI llAR APR "AY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C : C••plete ••nth • : Inc,.plete ••nth - : "tsstnt .anth(?) • Ilaxl.Ut value of the origine cade ln the .onth

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Latit. -20.25.42LDn9it. 164.26.30


1986 • () • (1 • () • (J • (1 • (J • (J • (1 • () C() C() C( )1987 • (1 • () • () • () • () • (J • () • ( )


C: Co.plete .onth .: Inco.plete .onth -: "issin9 .onth(?I • "axi.u. VI lue If the .ritillt code in the ••nth

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Cauntry : NEN CALEDONIASensar : 5700400101-9 BONDE ("Issl.n stationl Basin : DIAHOT River : DIAHDT

Curvi valld tr•• •".7/1955 a .7HO. t. 24/11/1978. 15H00 Eitablllhtd .n:tr.. • eN t. 1737 Cft C•••ent :.

lable .t • CIl te 1737 CIl bt -unlveque

Curvi valld tr•• 24/11/1978 a 15H01 t. 2511111978 a 14H00 Established .n:tr.. • Cft t. 82 CIl C•••ent :.

Table .t • Cft t. 82 CIl bl-unfv.que

Curve valid tr•• 25/11/1978 a 14Hal t. .9/.1/1919 a 17H40 Establfshed on:tr.. 37 eN t. ,.. CIl C•••ent :.

Table .t 37 Cft t. '0. CIl bt-untv.que

Curve valfd tr•• '9/'1/1979 a '7H41 t. 13/.7/1919 a 14HOa Established .n:tr.. 3' CIl t. "1 CIl C•••ent :.

Table ot 3. CIl t. ,a. CIl bt-unfv.que





Curve valid tr•• 13/17/19" a 14H01 t.tr.. -2' CIl t. 45' CIl C•••ent

Tab le.t -21 CIl te 45' CIl bl-univ.que •Estab1fshed .n: by DANLOUX JOEL

sens.r : 57"4'01'2-9 BONDE CS.lnte Annel Basin : OIAHOT River : OIAHOT

Curve "Itd tr•• Il''1'198' a "H" t. 24/12/1981 a '4HO' Established .n:tr.. 49 CIl t. 187. CIl C•••ent :.

Table ot 49 CIl te 1871 C1I bt-untveque


Curve "lid tr•• 24/12/1981 a 14H01 t.tro. 5' CIl t. 187. CIl C•••ent

Table ot 51 CIl t. 187. C" bt-univ.queo

EstabIl shed .n: by DANLOUX JOEL

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Station 5700500201-9 Altitude 80 lat i t. -22.06.54River DUIt8EA Narth Br. Longi t. 166.30.21Cauntry NEll CAlEDONIA Altit. 80"8uin DU"BEA--------------------------------_....---------------------_.--_._----...-------Ytir JAN FEB "AR APR MY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV OEC-----------------------------_.-----------------_.----.-------------_...-------1963 .f) C( ) Cf) CC) • C) C( ) C( ) C( ) CC) CC ) C( ) C( )1964 CC) C( ) CC) C( ) CC ) Cf) CC) C( ) CC) C( ) CC ) CC)1965 CC) C( ) • C) CC) C( ) Cf) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) C( ) C( )1966 CC) CC ) C( ) CC) CC ) C( ) C( ) CC) C( ) CC ) C( ) C( )1967 C( ) • C) C( ) • C) C( ) CC) C( ) CC) . CC) C( ) C( ) C( )1968 C( ) CC ) CC ) CC) CC ) C( ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) C( ) • C)1969 • C) ·( )

19701971197219731974 .( ) C( ) CI ) C( )1975 CC) CI) .( ) CI) CC ) ·( ) CI) .( ) C( ) CI) CC ) C( )1976 CI) CC) CI) • C) CI) C( ) CI) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI) C( )1977 CI) CC ) CC) CC) CI ) CI) CI ) CC) CC) CC) CI ) CI)1978 CI ) C( ) CI) CI) CI ) CC) CI ) CC ) C( ) C( ) CI) CI)1979 CC) C( ) C( ) CI) C( ) CI) C( ) CC) CC ) C( ) ·1 )

'"1980 CC) CI ) CC ) CI) CC ) CC ) CI ) C( ) CC ) CC) C( ) C( )1981 • C) • C) CC ) CC) ·( ) ·( ) CC) CC ) CC ) CC ) C( ) • C)1982 ·( ) CC ) CC ) CC ) • C) • C) CC ) CC ) C( ) CC ) CC ) CC)1983 CC ) CC ) C( ) CC) CI ) • C) .( ) CC 1 CC ) • C) • C)1984 • C) • C) CC ) CC ) CC ) Cf) CC ) CC ) Cf) CC ) CC ) CC)1985 CI ) CI ) C( ) CC ) CI ) CC ) CI ) C( ) CC ) C( ) CC ) CC )1986 C( ) CC) CC ) CC ) C( ) CC ) CC ) CC ) Cf) CC) • C) • C)1987 C( ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC ) C( ) CC) CC) CC ) ·( )._._------------------------------._----_.----._------------------_.-----------Yeu JAN FEB KAR APR "AY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV OEC--------------------------------------------------.------------------_..-------

Station 5788580381-9 Hlute-COUVELEE Ldit. -22.87.19River COUVELEE Langi t. 166.28.02Cauntry NEll CAlEOON1A8uin OUKSEA----------------------------------------------------------_.--------_...-------Yeu JAN FE8 lIAi APR MY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV OEC---.-.-------------------------------------------------------------------------1967 • C)1968 CI) C( ) C( ) CC ) CI) C( ) CC ) CC) CI) CC ) C( ) CC)1969 CI) C( ) CI) CC) CC ) C( ) CI) CC) C( ) CC) C( ) CC )

1970 CC ) C( ) CC ) C( ) Cl) C( ) C( ) CI) CI ) CI) CI) C( )1971 CI) C( ) CI ) CC ) CI ) CI ) CI ) CC) CI) C( ) CI ) CC )1972 • 1 ) • C) C( ) CC ) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC j

1973 CI) CI) CI ) Cf) CC ) CC ) CC) CC ) CC) CC ) C( ) CC)1974 CC) CC ) CC ) CC) CC ) Cf) CC ) CC ) Cf) CC ) CC ) CC)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yeu JAN FEB KAR APR KAY JUN .M. AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC------------------------------.-----------------------------------.------------C : COlPlete lanth • : IncolPlete lonth - : "tsstng lonth('l) • ItaxtiUl value If the I:-tttne code tn the lontl!

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Stati on 5700500301-9 Haute-COUYElEE latH. -22.07.19River COUVElEE longi t. 166.28.02Country NEM CALEDONIABasin DutlllEA----.-----_._._------------------------------------_.--------------------------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR MY JUN JIll AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-----------.-.---------------------------------------------------_..__.._------1975 CO CO C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11976 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11977 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11978 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11979 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CO C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1

1980 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11981 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 • ( 11982 C( ) ·( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1983 • ( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) CO C( 11984 C( ) ·( )

.( ) C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( 11985 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CU C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )

C( ) C( 11986 C( 1 ·( ) • ( 1 C( ) • ( 1 • ( 1 C( ) • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11987 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 .( ) • ( 1 C( 1 C( 11988 ·( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CO C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 11989 • ( 1 C( ) CO C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1

199D • ( 1 ·( ).() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1

1991 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1.......--...---.........................._--....--..........--------..._-------Year JAN FEB "AR APR MY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC---------------------------_._-------------------.-----------------------------C : COlplete lanth • : Incalplete I.nth - : ftissing lanth(?I = "Ixilua vllue If the Iri9ine clde in the lonth

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C.untry : NEW CAlEDONIAStns.r : 5780580201-9 Altitude 80 Basin : DUIIBEA River : DUftBEA North Br.._-----_.-.-------_...._----...._._..---------_.-.-.---------.._--..-.._--.--..---.--_.-.-.------..-._.-----.-.---_._._---.

Curve valld fr•• 01/81/1963 a O'HOO to 09/09/1974 a 16H30 Establfshed .n: 81/01/1980 by DANlOUX joelfr.. 80 Cft t. 888 Cft CO.lent : 8

Table .f 80 Cil to 800 Cil bi-univoque

Curve valfd tr•• 09/89/1974 a 16H31 to 87/.3/1975 a 21H00 Established on: .1/01/1980 by DANlOUX JOELtr.. 90 Cft to 818 C" COllent :.

Table of 98 CIl ta 818 Cft bf-univoque

Curve valid fro• •7/83;1975 a 21H81 to 24/12/1981 a 14H30 Established on: 01/01/1980 by DANlOUX JOELtro. 90 Cft to 818 Cft CO.lent :.

Table .f 90 Cft to 810 CM bi-univoque

Curve valld tro. 24/12/1981 a 14H31 to 13/.1/1988 a .OHOO Established on: .1/01/1980 by DANlOUX JOELfro. 80 Cft ta 808 Cft COllent : 0

Table .f 80 Cft ta 800 Cft bi-univoque

Curve vall4 fro. 13/01/1988 a 80HO. totr'l 9. Cil ta 708 CM Co••ent

Table of 90 Cft ta 708 Cft bi-univoquea

Establfshed on: 16/12/1991 by DANlOUX JOEL

StnsIr : 570858030.., Haute-touVElEE Basin : DU"8EA River : COUVELEE

Curve valld fr•• 21/12/1967 a 14H00 to 11/89/1968 a 08H30 Established on: 21/01/1992 by DANlOUX JOELtro. lOS Cft ta 126 C1t Co••ent : n

Table of 105 Cft to 126 Cil bi-univoque

Curve valld fro. 19/89/1968 1 12H30 to .2/.2/1969 1 02HO. Establlshed on: 21/81/1992 by DANlOUX JOELtn. 143 C1t to 155 CM Ca••ent : n

Table.f 143 ON ta 155 C1t bi-univoque

Curve valld fr•• •2/.2/1969 a ,2HOO to 1.,.2/1969 a I.HOO Establlshed on: 21/01/1992 by DANlOUX JOELfn. 118 CIl to 135 CIl Ca••ent : n

Table.f 118 CIl ta 135' C1t bi-univoque

Curyt valfd fr•• 1./82/1969 a 15H0. to 2.,.2/1969 a 15H3. Establfshtd on: 21/01/1992 by DANlDUX JOElfn. 134 CIl ta Ise CIl CO'lent :"

Table of 134 Cft to 158 CM bf-unfv.que

Curve vllfd fr•• 28/82/1969 a 15H30 to 27/.2/1969 1 13H00 Estlbllshed on: 21/01/1992 by DANlOUX JOELfrll 145 CM ta 157 Cft CO'lent : n

Table of 145 Cft to 157 C" bi-univ.que

Curve valld fr•• 27/82/1969 a 14H00 to 14/82/1978 1 24H00 Establfshed an: 21/01/1992 by DANlOUX JOELfr.. 134 Cft to 150 Cft COI.ent : n

Table.f 134 Cil to 150 C" bf-unfvaque

Curve valfd fro. 14/82/197. a 24H00 to 82/.1/1971 a 89HOO Estlblfshtd on:fro. 137 Cft ta 150 Cft COllent : n

Table If 135 CIl ta 150 Cft bf-unfvoque



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Station 5700800101-9 NEPEROU Litit. -21.17.23River HOUAILOU Lon9it. 165.33.19Country NEW CAlEDONIABuin HOUAIlOU---------_....._--_.----_._.-._._------.--------_..-.-----.------_.-.._.__.-.--Yeu .HIN FEB MR APR MY JUH JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC.-------_._._--..-----_..----.__._._.__._._._-_.---._-._.--.--.------..-._._---1954 ·( )

C( ) ·( ) 'Cl1955 • ( 1 '( ) ·( ) • ( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) ·( )1956 • ( 1 ·( )

.l) ·( )C( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) ·( )C( 1 Cc) ·( )

1957 '( ) '( ) C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 ·( ) ·( ) '( 1 C( ) ·( )1958 ·( )

'( ) '( 1 ·( ) C( 1 ,( ) C( 1 C( ) ·( )C( ) • ( 1 '( 1

1959 • ( 1 ·( ),( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) ·( ),( )

1968 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) '( 1 C( ) • ( 1 ·( ) C( 1 C( ) Cc) ·( )1961 '( ) .C) ·( ) ·( )

C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ).• ( 1

1962 '( ) • ( 1 C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )C( ) C( ) ·( )

1963 • ( 1 C( ) ·( ) ·( ) • ( 1 ·( ) ·( )C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )

1964 ·( ) • ( 1 C( ) • ( 1 ·( ) • ( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 ·( )'( )

1965 '( ) '( ) '( ) C( ) ·( ),( 1 C( ) ·( )

C( ) C( 1 ·( )1966 'C) ·( ) • ( 1 • ( 1 C( ) ·( ) • ( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) '1 ) '( 11967 '1 ) 'II '1 ) '( ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·( ) CI ) ·( ) '( )

1968 ·( )C( ) C( ) '( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) • ( 1 .( ) C( 1 ·( )

1969 '1 ) 'II ·( ) CI) '( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI ) C( ) '( )

~: 1970 'II '1 ) ,( 1 C( ) Cil C( ) C( ) ·( ) C( 1 C( ) '1 ) ·( )1971 '( ) 'II '( ) '( ) CI ) '( 1 '1 ) C( ) CI) '( 1 CI ) '1 11972 '( ) '( ) '( ) ·( )

C( ) ·( ) C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 '( )

1973 '( ) • ( 1 ·( )C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) '( )

1974 '1 ) '( 1 ·( ) ·( ) ·( )C( ) C( 1 ·( )

1975 ·( ) ·( )-----------------------_._.---------_._._---------------------------------_.-.-Yeu .HIN FEB MR APR MY JUH JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC---------------------_._---------_._._-------_._._-------------._._----_._._---

Station 5708B00182-9 CAROYIN litit. -21.17.51River HOUAllOU lon9it. 165.28.34Country NEil CAlEDONIABuin HOUAILOU------------------_._---._._------------------------------.----._--------_.._..Yeu .HIN FEB "AR APR MY .lUN JUl /lU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC----------------------------.__._.._.__._--------------------------------------1975 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( 11976 C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1977 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( ) Cil C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( )1978 C( ) Cil CI) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( ) CI) C( ) Cil Cil C( )1979 CI) CI) Cil CI) CI) C( ) C( 1 C( ) Cil CI) C( 1 CI)

1980 Cil C( 1 CI) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 CI) C( )1981 C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( ) Cil C( )1982 C( ) C( ) CI) CI) C( ) C( ) CI ) C( 1 CI) C( ) CI) C( )1983 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1984 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) Cil C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( ) Cl) C( )1985 CI) C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) 'II C( ) C( 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yeu .HlM FEB IIAR API MY JJIl JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC----_._-----_.------_...-..-.--......-_.__...-..._-..-.-.._------._.------..--.C : C'lPtete .onth • : Inc'lPlete ••nth • : "1111ng ••nth(7) • IlaxilUl ntue If the .rt9ine c.de 'n the IInth

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latit. -21.17.51Longit. 165.28.34

Year JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JJN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOY DEC-----------..----_._-._-----...._-------._--_.-----...-.--.--..--.--.-._._-_...1986 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11987 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11988 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11989 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1

1990 C( 1 • ( 1


C: Ca.plete .onth .: Inco.plete .onth -: "Isslng .onth(11 : "axilu. value ot the origine code ln the .onth

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Country : HEN CALEDONIASensor : 5700800101-9 HEPEROU Basin : HOUAILOU River : HOUAI LOU-- _---- _ _--..-_ _-_ -- -..----•••.•.•.•......_-------- _-_ ---._ --.-.-

Curve valid tr'l 01/81/1954 a 80HOO t. 28/12/1955 a 87H08 Establlshed .n:trol 15 ~ t. 1128 ~ C'llent : 8

Table .t 15 C" ta 1120 C" bi-univoque

Curve valld tr'l 28/12/1955 a 87HOI t. .8/.3/1958 a 18H00 Establlshed .n:tral 6~ t. 800 ~ C'llent : 8

Table .t 6 ~ t. 800 ~ bi-univoque

Curve valid tr'l 88/03/1958 a 18H81 t. 18/81/1959 a 11H00 Estab11shed .n:tr'l -2 C" t. B08 OK C'llent : 0

Table .t -2 C" t. 800 C" bi-univoque

Cune yaUd tnl 18/01/19591 11H01 . t• •8113/1961 a 17H00 Eshblished .n:tr'l 6 OK t. 900 ~ C'llent : 0

Table at 6 C" t. 900 CK bi-uniyaque

Curyt yalid tr'l 88/03/1961 1 81HOI t. 29/8311966 a 12H00 Established .n:tr'l -2 CK t. 1100 C" C'llent : 8

Table .t -2 ~ ta 1100 C" bl-unlyaque

Curye ya1id tr'l 29/03/1966 1 12H01 t. 25/81/1968 a 12H08 Established .n:tral 18 CK t. 1100 C" COllent : 0

Table .t 18 C" t. 1100 C" bi-uniyaque

Curve yalid tr'l 25/01/1968 a 12H01 t. 18/02/1969 a 12H00 Establlshed on:tral 10 C" t. 900 C" COllent : 0

Table ot 10 C" ta 900 CK bi-unlyoque

Curye yalid trol 18/02/1969 a 12H01 t. 10/87/1973 a 13H00 Established .n:tr'l 18 ~ to 1120 CK COllent : 0

Table ot 18 C" to 1120 ~ bi-unlv.que

Curve yalid tr'l 10/07/1973 1 13H01 t. .8/83/1975 a 80HOO Established .n:trol 'OK to 800 OK C'llent : 0

Table .t 6~ t. 800 C" bi-univoque










Curyt yalid tr'l 88/03/1975 1 80HOI t.tral 50 C" t. 200 C" C'llent

Table .t 50 OK t. 200 C" bi-univoqueo

Established an: by OANLOUX JOEL

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Country : NEM CALEDONIASensor : 5780888182-9 CAROVIN Basin : HOUAILOU River : HOUAILOU

Curve vllid fr'l 18/02/1975 1 18H15 ta 14/.2/1983 1 14H35 Established on:frai 12 ~ ta 875 C" COllent : 8

Tlble .f 12 C" ta 875 ~ bi-univoque

Curve vllid fr'l 14/02/1983 1 14H36 t. 31/12/1984 1 24H00 Established on:frai 15 ~ ta 875 ~ COllent : 0

Tlble of 15 CK ta 875 ~ bi-univoque



Ourve vllid fr'l .1/1./1990 1 OOHO. t. 30/11/1991 1 24H00 Estlblished on: 17/12/1991 by DANLOUX JOELfr'l 16 ~ ta 875 Cft COllent

Tlble of i6 ~ ta 875 Cft bi-univoque

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5701600202-9 Upstreal PIERRA CreetLA FOANEW CAlEDONIALA FOA

lattt. -21.40.37l.n,it. 165.52.58

Area 115.000 tl2


198. ·CS CC ) CC ) CC)1981 CC 1 CC 1 CC ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CCI CC) CC) CC ) CC ) CC 11982 CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC)1983 CCS CC) CC) CCS CCS CC) CCS ·CS CC) CC) CCI CC)1984 CCS CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC 1 CC) CC) CC) CC ) CCI1985 CC) CC) CC) CC ) CC) CC 1 CCI CC) CCS • C) CI ) • C)1986 CI 1 CC) CC ) • C1 •C) .C) CC ) CC) CC) CC 1 •C) •C)1987 CC) CC ) CC) CC ) CI) CC) CCI CC J CC ) • C) •C) •C1-----..__...._---.------.-.__.-.-----_....._--_._.__.------_._._------_._._----Yeu J/UI FEB lIAi APR MY JUH Jtl AU6 SEP OCT /COY DEC

C: C"plete ••nth .: Inc"plete ••nth -: "tsstnt ••nthI?) a lluilUl value .f the ort,ine c.de in the ••nth

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ttt HYDRO"ETRY ttt


Country : NEM CAlEDDNIASensor : 5701600202-~ Upstrea. PIERRA Creek Basin : LA fOA River : LA fOA

Curve valid trOt 11/01/1980 a 00H00 to 12/10/1988 a 13H00 Established en:trot 51 CIl to 8~5 CIl COllent : 0

Table of 51 Cil to 8~5 Cil bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 12/1'/1988 a 13H01fro. 37 CIl ta 881 Cil COllent

Table of 37 Cil to 881 Cil bi-univoqueo

Established on:

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.. Station 5702608181-9 Downstreal AREKO Creek Latit. -21. 35.55River BOGHEN LOll9it. 165.39.12Country NEil CALEDOHIABasin NERA Area 113.000 tt2---------------._---_._._---------------.------------------------.-------------Yeu JAN FER MR APR MY .lUN .n. AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC----_.-----_.....--....-----.--_..._--------_....-...------------_._---------_.1969 'c ) CCI CC ) CCI CC ) CCI

1970 te) CC ) CCI CC ) CCI CC ) CC ) CCI CC ) CC) CC ) CCI1971 CC) CC ) CC ) CCI CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) CC ) CCI CC 1 CC 11972 CC ) 'C ) CO CC ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CCI CC ) CC) CC) CC)1973 CC ) CC) CC ) CC) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CO CC ) CC )1974 CC ) '0 'C ) CO CC ) CC) CO CO CC ) CC ) CC ) CC )1975 CO CO '0 '0 CC) CO CO CO CC ) CO CO1976 CO CC ) CO CC ) CO CC ) CC) CO 'C ) CC) CO CO1977 CC) CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CC ) CC) CC ) CC)1978 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CC) CO CC ) CO CC)1979 CC) CC ) CO CC ) CO CC ) CO CC) CO CC ) CO CO

1980 CC 1 CC ) CC ) CO CC ) CC) CO CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC)1981 'C 1 CC ) CC ) CO CO CO CO CO tO t C) t C) t C11982 CC) CO CC) CO CC ) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC ) CO CC )1983 CC ) CO CO CC) CC) CC ) tO CC) CC ) CC) CO CC 1-

.~ 1984 CC) CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CC ) CO CO t C)1985 '0 CO CC) CO CC ) CO CC ) CO CO CO CO CC)1986 CO CO CC) CO CC ) CC) CO CC) CO CC) CO CC)1987 t C1 CO CC) CO CO CC ) to CC) CC ) CC ) CC) CC )1988 CC) CO CC) CO CC ) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC 11989 CC ) CO CC ) t C1 t C) CC) CC ) CC ) CC ) t C) t C1 CC )

1990 t C) t C) CC ) to t C) CC ) tO '0 CC 1 t C) t C11991 CO CO CC 1 CC) CO CC ) CO CC ) CC) CC ) t C)------.-------.------_..._------....-------------.....------_...-----_._...----Yeu JAN FEB IlAR APR MY JUN .n. AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC------------.-_....-._....-----..----.---------_._....-----------_._._-----_.-.

Station 570260'102-9 "AL"EZAC Concession latit. -21.36.45River BOSIO longft. 165.38.45Country NEil CALEDONIABasin NERA---_......-.----_...-----..._----------..._-.---_..---------_..--------------_.Year JAN FEB IlAR APR IlAY .Ml JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-------------------._----------------------------------_._._------_.._.._------1955 ·0 CC ) •C) •C) CC ) CC ) CO CO CC ) CC) CC) •C11956 t C) t C) te) tO tO t C) CC ) CC) t C) CO CO •C)1957 .() CO t C) • C) CO CO CC) CO CC ) CC) CC 1 CC}1958 CO CC ) t C) Cl) CO CC ) CC) CC) CC) CC) CO CO1959 'C ) CO CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CO CC ) CC) CC) CC)

1960 CC) CC ) CC) CC) tO CO t C) CO CC ) CO CC) CC)1961 CC ) 'C ) •C) •C) CC) CO t C) tO t C) C() CC ) t C)1962 CO CO CC) t C) CO CO tO to CC ) CO tO CO1963 CO .() tO t() t C) CC) CO CO C() C() CO CC )-.-------....--------------------------------------------_.._------------------Yur JAN FEI tlAR APR MY .MC • AUG SEP ocr NOY DEC---------------------._----._------------_._-----_._------.---------._-------_.C: ~olPlett ••nth t : Inc.I,lett ••"th - : "'ssint lonthC?) c KaXilul value of the origine codt ln the ••"th

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5102680182-9 KAL"EZAC ConcessionB06HENNEil CALEDONIANERA

Lltit. -21.36.45Longit. 165.38.45

-----_.......-..-_.-..-..--..-..--.-_.---_..--.-----------------_.--.--.-------Yeu JAN FEB IIAR APR "AY JUN JIll AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC--.--.--.--_.--------.------.._._-------.---------------------.-_._---_.---.---1964 cn • ( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 11965 C() ·( )

C( ) C( 1 CIl CIl C() CIl CIl CI 1 C( ) CIl1966 C( 1 • ( 1 ·( )

C( ) CIl • ( 1 '() C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) CIl1961 • ( 1 ·( ) • ( 1 • ( 1 •11 • ( 1 .( ) C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • 111968 .() • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 CI 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 11969 C() • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) • ( 1

C: COIPlete Ilnth ': IncllPlete Ilnth -: KiSling lonth(?I • ",xiIUI vilue of the origine code in the lonth

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Country : NEW CALEDONIASensor : 5702608181-9 Do.nstrea. ARE"O Creet hsin : NERA River : B06HEN

.;... '11

Curve valid trot 81/81/1969 1 80HOO to 87/83/1975 1 21H08 Estlbllshed on:tr.. -8 ~ ta 761 Cft Co••ent : 8

Table .t -8 ~ ta 761 C" bi-univoque

Curve vl\ld tr•• 17/83/1975 1 21H01 t. 17/11/1976 1 12H38 Estlbllshtd .n:tr.. 23 ~ to 761 Cft Co••ent : 1

Tlble .t 23 ~ to 761 C" bl-unly.que

Curye Yllid tr•• 17/01/1976 1 82H31 t. 17/11/1918 1 11H31 Estlbllshed .n:tr.. 3~ to 700 ~ C•••ent : 1

Tlble .t 3~ t. 781 Cft bl-unly.que

tury, Yllid tr•• 17/11/1978 1 18H31 t. 13/12/1981 1 11H31 Estlbllshfd .n:fn. -4 ~ to 701 CIl CII.ent : 1

Tlble .f -4 ~ ta 700 Cft bl-untY.que

turve Yllid fr•• 13/12/1981 1 10H31 t. 2611711983 1 18H15 Estlbllshed on:fro. -II ~ t. 700 CIl C•••ent : 1

Tlble.f -U Cft te 701 Cft bl-unh.que

CurYl Yllid tr•• 28/07/1983 1 12H25 to 13/11/1988 1 16H26 Establlshtd on: 18/12/1991 by DANtOUX JOELtro. 11 ~ t. 911 Cft Co••ent : 1

Tlble ot 11 ~ te 9U ~ bl-untYlque

Curye Yllld fro. 13/11/1988 1 16H26 t. 31/12/1991 1 24H00 Estlbllshed .n: 18/12/1991 by DANlOUX JOELfr.. 11 ~ to 911 Cft Co••ent

Tlble .f 11 ~ t. 910 CIl bl-unly.que

Sensor : 5782611112-9 "AlftEZAC C.neessl.n 8asln : NERA River : 806HEN

Cury, Yllld fr•• 81/11/1955 1 10H11 t. 14/83/1955 1 19H35 Estlbllshed on:fn' . 4t ~ te "0 Cft CII.ent : 1

Tlble .f 41 ~ t. 808 C" bl-uniyoque

Curye Yllid fr•• 14/13/1955 1 19H36 t. 2811211955 1 18H11 Estlbllshed .n:trot "~te nI Cft C'Hlnt : 1

Tlble .t 61 ~ t. 710 Cft bl-uniy.que

Cury, Yllid fr•• 28/12/1955 1 18H81 t. 24/12/1958 1 15H21 Estlbllshed .n:fr.. II ~ t. 711 ~ C'Hent : 1

Tlble .t II C" t. 711 Cft bi-unlYoque

Curye Yllid tr•• 24/12/1958 1 15H21 to 17/12/1961 1 17H15 Estlblishtd on:fr.. 1~ ta 700 CIl C...ent : 1

Tlble of 0~ to 700 Cft bi-unlyoque

Curye Yllid trot 17/12/1961 1 87H16 t. 12/86/1964 1 18H01 Estlblished on: .trll 1 ~ te 711 Cft CII.ent : 1

Tlble .f 1~ t. 710 ~ bi-univoque

...--._-- _--_ _..--- ---- _- -------- -- ----_..•••..••..._-- - __ -

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ttt HYDRO"ETRY ttt


Country : NEW CAlEDONIASensor : 5702600102-' ftAl"EZAC Concession Basin : NERA River : B06HEN

Curve vllid frol 12/06/1964 1 18H01 to 29/83/1966 1 11H00 Established on:frai 28 Cft ta 780 Cft Cillent : 8

Tlble of 28 Cft to 700 Cft bi-univoque

Curve vllid frol 29/03/1966 1 11H01 to 38/.3/1967 1 82HOO Established on:trll 20 Cft to 800 Cft COllent : 0

Tlble of 20 Cft to 800 Cft bi-univoque

Curve vllid trol 30/83/1967 1 02H01 to 19/81/1968 1 88HOO Established on:frOi 20 Cft to 608 CIl COllent : 0

Tlble of 20 C" to 600 CIl bi-univoque

Curve vllid frol 19/81/1968 1 08H81 to 31/12/1969 1 24H00 Established on:trOi 10 CIl to 950 Cft COllent : 8

Tlble of 10 Cft to 950 Cft bi-univoque


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Station 5702900181-9 Downstrea. 60A latlt. -21.85.49River NIIIBAYE lOMi t. 165.28.15Country NEM CAlEDONIABasin NIIIBAYE-....-._---.-..._._.--_..._.-....---.--_._.-._------------------------.---.-._-Yeu JAN FEB MR APR MY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-------.-._....._-------_._._-_.._.----_._---.--_._._----.----.-._.-_._---._-.-1972 *1 ) *1 ) *1 ) CI) CI) Cl) CI)1973 C( ) CI) C( ) CI ) *1 ) *( 1 C( ) C( ) CI)1974 *( ) *1 ) *1 ) C( ) CI) *1 ) *( ) CI) CI) CI) *( ) CI )1975 C( ) CI) *1) *( ) CI) C( ) *( ) *( ) CI) CI) CI) CI)1976 *( ) C( ) CI) CI ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) *( ) *( ) C( ) C( )1977 CI ) C( ) CI) C( ) CI) C( ) CI) CI ) CI) CI) C( ) CI )1978 C( ) C( ) C() C( ) C() Cf) CI) C() CI) CI) CI ) CI)1979 CI ) CI) CI) CI ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI)

1980 C( ) C( ) CI) CI) C( ) C( ) CI) Cf) CI) C( ) CI) C( )1981 CI ) C( ) C( ) C( ) *1) CI) CI ) CI) CI ) CI ) CI) *1)1982 CI ) *1) CI) CI) *1 ) CI) CI) *1 ) CI) CI ) *1) *1 )1983 CI ) CI) C() CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) Cil C( ) *1 )1984 *1) CI) C( ) CI) CI) CI) *1 ) *1 ) CI) *1 ) *1)1985 '( ) C( ) *( ) CI ) *1 ) CI) '1 ) *1 ) *( ) *1 ) '( ) CI )1986 CI ) *() *( ) CI) *( ) *1 ) *1 ) CI) *1 ) CI) CI) 'Il1987 . '( ) *( ) CI) CI ) CI) CI) CI) CI) *( )1988.1989 *11 *( ) *1 ) '1 ) *1 ) *1 ) '( ) CI) C( ) '1 ) '( ) '1 )'.'.':

1990 '1 ) *1 ) *11 *( ) C( ) *( ) *1 ) *1 ) '1 1 '( )

1991 *( ) *1 ) *1 ) '1 1------------.---.-.-._.-._--..-.__.-._--_._-._------..----------------_._._-_.-Yeu JAN FEB tlAR APR tlAY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-----------_.-._-..-._---.-.-.._._--...-.-.-._-------.-----_._._----------...-.

Shtiln 5702900182-9 60A Ford latit. -21.06.22River NIIIBAYE llngit. 165.18.31Cluntry NEil CAlEDONIABasin NIIIBAYE--------._--...---------.-.--._---_._._---_.-._---_._.------------_._._--._._.-Yeu JAN FEB MR APR MY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC--------------.----------_._--_._._---------._----------_.._-----------...-.._.1954 *1 ) *1 ) *( )1955 CI ) CI) *1) *1 ) *() CI) CI ) CI ) *1 ) C() CI) *1 )1956 *1 ) *( ) *( ) *1 ) CI) *( ) CI ) C( ) *1 ) CI) CI) *()1957 *1 ) *1 ) CI ) CI ) CI ) CI) CI) CI) CI ) CI) C( ) CI)1958 *() C() *1) *1 ) CI) *() *1 ) CI ) *1 ) CI) CI) CI)1959 *( ) C( ) *1 ) C( ) CI) C( ) *1 ) *1 ) CI) CIl *1 ) CI)

1960 CI ) *1 ) *1 ) *1 ) *1 ) CI) *1 ) *1 ) CI ) CI) CI) CI)1961 *( ) *1 ) *( ) CI ) C( ) *1 ) CI) CI) *1 ) CI) CI) *1 )1962 CI ) CI) CI) *1 ) *1 ) CI) *1 ) CI ) C( ) CI ) CI ) *111963 *1) C() C( ) CI) '( ) CI) *1 ) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI )1964 *1 ) *( J CI ) *1 ) *1) *1 ) CI) CI ) CI) CI) CI) Cil1965 CI ) *1 ) *1 ) *1 ) CI J CI) CI ) C( ) CI J CI) CI ) *1 )1966 Cl) *() *1) CI J CI) *1 ) *1 J CI) CI) CI) *1 J C()_.._---------..-._----_.__._--._---_.._------_..--.._-._---------------.._-----Yeu JAl( FEI llAR APR MY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC---_._-.__._---------_.---..-.._._-.-.-....-•..__._----..-.._..-..._-.---.--._-C :CI.ple" .onU! * : Incl.,Iete ••nU! - : "ilsint ••nth11) • llaxilUl value et the origine c.de in the .",th

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Latit. -21.06.22Lon9it. 165.18.31


1967 • () • () • () • () e() •() •() e() •() C() C() • ( )1968 • () • ( )


C: C'lplete I.nth .: Inco.plete ••nth .: "issing .onth(?) • "axi.u. value of the origine code in the .onth

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Station 5703100101-9 List rlpid LltH. -20.38.10River OUAIEIŒ longH. 164.49.42Country NEil CAlEDONIABasin OUAlE"E----------------------_.------------_..----------------.._-----_. __.....---..-.Year JAN FEB !CAR APR "AY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC----_.----------_._._._-----------------------------_.---_.--------....--_._---1959 ·1 ) CI) CI) Cil Cil Cil

1960 CI ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) CI) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) CI) CI) Cil1961 .1 1 ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) CI) CI ) CI) CI) ·1 )1962 .1 1 CI) ·1 ) ·1 ) .1 1 ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) .1 1 ·1 )1963 ·1 ) ·1 ) CI) CI) .1 1 .1 1 ·1 )1964 ·1 ) .1 1 ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 )1965 ·1 ) ·1 )1966196719681969

19701971197219731974197519761977 ·1 ) CI ) CI ) Cil Cil CI)1978 ·1 ) ·1 ) CI ) CI) CI) CI ) CI) CI) CI) Cil CI) CI)1979 CI ) CI ) CI ) ·1 ) ·1 ) CI ) CI) CI) CI) CI 1 Cil CI)

1980 CI ) CI) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) CI) CI) CI ) Cil Cil Cil1981 CI ) CI) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) CI) CI) CI) ·1 )1982 ·1 ) CI ) CI ) CI ) CI) CI ) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI ) CI )1983 CI) CI ) CI ) ·1 ) CI) ·1 ) ·1 ) CI) CI) ·1 ) ·1 )1984 CI) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) CI) CI) CI ) CI ).............._----...--...---....---..----......-.......-......__ ._--------_..Year JAN FEI !CAR APR MY .Mf JUl AlI6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-----_...--------._..._-------------.---------------_.-----------------_.------C : COIPlete lonth • : Inc'Iplete lonth - : "issing lonth(1) a ltuilui VI lue If the .ritine code in the I.nth

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Country : NEW CALEDONIASensor : 5703100101-9 List rlPid Basin River

Curve vllid frDI 01/01/1956 1 10H00 to 01/18/1990 1 19H45 Estlblished on:frol 40 ~ to 1420 ~ C'llent : 0

Table of 40 ~ to 1420 C" bi-univoque

Curve valtd fr'l 01/10/1990 1 19H46 t. 31/12/1991 a 23H59· Established Dn:frDI 58 C" to 1438 C" C'llent : 0

Table of 58 C" to 1438 C" bi-univoque



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Station 5703300101-9 Bridge rlad Lati t. -21.54.22River OUEN6HI Longit. 166.06.43Country NEW CAlEDONIABuln OUEN6HI--------------------------------_.-..---_ ..-._._-..---------.__._._--_._-.--_.-Year JAN FEB MR APR MY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC------------.------..----------_._.-----_.-------------------------..-------_.-1955 • ( 1 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) • ( 1 ·( ) ·( ) • ( 11956 • ( 1 ·( ) ·( ) C() ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) • ( 11957 • ( 1 ·( ) • ( 1 ·( ) C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 ·( ) • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 11958 ·( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) • ( 11959 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) • ( 1 C( ) • ( 1 ·( ) C( 1 • ( 1

1960 • ( 1 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) C() ·( ) ·( ) C() ·( ) ·( ) C( )1961 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) • C) ·( ) • C) C() ·( ) ·( ) • ( 11962 ·( ) C() ·1 ) ·( ) ·1 ) ·( ) ·1 ) .1) ·( ) ·1 ) ·1 ) CI)1963 • ( 1 ·( ) ·( ) • ( 1 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·1 ) ·( ) ·( ) C( 11964 • ( 1 ·( )

C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·1 ) • ( 1 CI) CI) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )1965 ·( ) ·U ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) CI) • C) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 )1966 • ( 1 ·( ) ·1 ) ·1 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·1 ) CI ) ·( ) ·( ) • ( 11967 ·( ) ·( ) • ( 1 ·( )19681969

1970 ·1 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )1911 C( ) C( ) CI) CI) CI) CI ) C( ) CC ) CI) CI) C( ) CI )1972 C( ) C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) CI) CI) CI ) C( ) CI) CI )1973 C( ) CI) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 11974 C( ) C() C( ) C( ) CI ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI) C( ) C( )1975 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI) CI ) CI ) C( ) C( 11976 C( 1 C( ) C( ) C() C( ) CI ) C( ) CI) CI) C( ) C( ) CI)1977 C( ) C( ) CI ) C() C( ) CI ) C( ) CI) CI ) CI ) C( ) CIl1978 C( ) C( ) CI ) C() CI ) CI) C( ) CI) CI ) CI ) CI) CI )1979 C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI ) C() CI ) CI) CI) CI) C( )

1980 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C() C( ) C() CI ) C() CI ) C() CI )1981 C() CIl C( ) C() CI ) C() C() CI ) CI ) CI ) CI ) CI 11982 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C() C( ) CI ) C() C( ) C( ) C( )1983 C( ) C() C() CI ) CI ) C() CI ) CI ) C() CC ) C() • C)1984 C( ) CI) CI ) .() ·1 ) C() C( ) CI ) CI ) CI ) C() CI )1985 C( ) C( ) C( ) CI ) C( ) C() CI ) CI ) C() ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 )1986 ·( )

.() ·( )C( ) CI ) C( ) CI ) CI ) C( ) C() ·( )

C()1987 CIl CI) CI ) CI ) C( ) C() CI ) C() CI) CI ) C() C( )1988 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI ) C() C() CI ) CI ) C( ) ·( ) CI )1989 C( 1 C() C( ) CI ) C( ) C( ) CI ) CI ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI )

1990 ·( )---------------------_.._..----------------------_._.-...._--_..-------.-------Yler JAN FEI KAR APR KAY JUN JUl AIJ8 SEP OCT NOY DEe-------------------------..------.--..-----.....-------------------------_...--C : COlplete lonth • : IncolPlete .onth - : "issint .onth(?) ="lxilUI vilue .f the .ritine code in the .onth

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C.untry : NEM CALEDONIASens.r : 5703300101-9 ~ridge road 8nin : OUENGHI River : OUENGHI

Curve valid trol 28/12/1954 a 80HOO to 14/09/1910 a 00H00 Established on:tr'l 80 cn t. 10. Cft COllent : 0

Table ot 80 Cft to 100 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid tr'l 14/09/1910 a 00H01 to 02/01/1911 a 09H30 Established on:trol 51 Cft to 120 Cft COI.ent : 0

Table ot 51 Cft to 120 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid trOt 02/81/1911 a 09H31 to 04/02/1914 a 10H00 Established on:trot 31 Cft to 12. Cft COllent : 0

Table ot 31 Cft to 120 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid trot 84/02/1914 a· 18H01 to 11101/1916 a 85HOO Established on:fro. 51 Cft to 120 Cft Co••ent : 0

Table ot SI Cft to 120 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 11111/1916 a ISHII to 01/82/1911 a 13H00 Established on:trot 35 Cft to 120 Cft Co••ent :.

Table ot 35 Cft to 128 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 01/02/1911 a 13H01 to 18/04/1911 a 15H00 Established on:trot 40 Cft to 121 Cft Co••ent : 0

Table of 40 Cft to 120 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid trOt 18/04/1911 a 15H01 to 21106/1911 a 14H30 Established on:fro. 35 Cft to 200 Cft Co••ent : 0

Table ot 35 Cft to 200 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 21186/1911 a 14H31 to 24/12/1981 a 19H00 Established on:fret 46 Cft to 120 Cft Ce••ent : 8

Table ef 46 Cft to 120 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 24/12/1981 1 19H01 te 31/12/1981 1 24H00 Established on:fro. 90 Cft to 128 Cft Co••ent : 0

Table of 90 Cft to 128 Cft bi-univDque

Curve valid fro. 01/81/1982 a 88H08 to 31/12/1982 1 10H10 Established on:t roi 68 Cft to 72. Cft Co••ent : 0

Table of 6. Cft to 120 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 31/12/1982 a 11H38 to 10/02/1984 a 16H41 Established on:fro' 58 Cft to 120 Cft Co••ent : 0

Table ot 50 Cft to 120 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 18/02/1984 a 16H48 te 31/12/1985 a 24H00 Established on:fro. 50 Cft to 720 Cft Co••ent : 0

Table ot SO Cft to 128 Cft bi-univoque













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Country : NEW CALEDONIASensor : 5713300181-9 Bridge road Basin : OUENGHI River : OUENGHI

Curve vllid tr•• 11/18/1990 a 10H08 t. 30/11/1991 1 24H81 Established .n: 17/12/1991 by DANLOUX JOELfre. 55 C" to 720 ~ C•••ent

Table et 55 C" t. 728 ~ bl-unlveque

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Station 5703900101·9 FORET-PLATE Raad Latit. -21.06.31River POUE"BOUT Langi t. 164.59.58Ceuntry NEW CAlEDONIABasin POUE"BOUT....._----------._._-----_.-._-----------.-..--_..-.-------------------_....---Yeu JAN FEB MR APR "AY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC._------_.-----..._._-------------------_._--_.-._._.-._-..--------_..---------

1970 ·( )1971 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )1972 ·( ) C( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )1973 ·( )lm ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1975 C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1976 C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1977 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C() C() C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1978 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C() C() CO1979 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C() C( )

1980 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( )1981 C( ) C() C( ) C() C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C() ·( )1982 ·( ) ·( ) C( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C() ·( )1983 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) • ( 1 C( ) CO1984 • ( 1 .() C( ) C( 1 ·( )

.() C( ) C( 1 C() C( 1 ·( ) C( 11985 C( 1 C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C() C( ) •( 1 C( )1986 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( 1 ·( ) C() C() C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) • ( 11987 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) ·( ) C() ·( ) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( )1988 • ( 1 ·( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) C( ) • ( 1 • ( 11989 ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) ·( ) C( ) C() C( )

1990 C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( ) C() ·( ) • ( 1-------------------._._--------------------------------------------------------Yeu JAN FEB tlAR APR MY .RJN JUI. AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC---------------------------------------------------------------------------_._-

Statien 5783908182-9 BOUTANA latt t. -21.86.30River POUE"BOUT langi t. 164.59.51Ceuntry NEll CAlEDONIABasin POUE"BOUT-----------------------------------------------------------.--_.-------.----.--Year JAN FEB tlAR APR MY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1983 ·( ) C() C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )1984 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

.() ·( ) ·( )1985 ·( ) ·( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )1986 C()' C() ·( )

.() ·( ) ·( ) ·( )1987 • ( 11988 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) • ( 1 ·( ) C( )1989 C( ) C( ) • ( 1 • ( 1 ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

1998 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )C( ) C( ) C() C( )

ml ·( )-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ytlr JAN FEB tlAR APR tlAY JUIl JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC------------------_._-------------------------..-------------------------------C: Ce.plete ••nth • : tnc'Iplete I.nth • : "Isslnt I.nth(1) • tlaxilua nlue If the "Igine code ln the I.nth

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Stltion 5703900103-9 TA"AON Lltit. -21.06.30River POUE"BOUT Langit. 164.58.12Cauntry NEW CALEDONIABuln POUE"BOUT----------------------------------------------------------------.--------------Yeu JAN FEB IlAR APR "AY JUN JUL AU& SEP OCT NOV DEC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1955 ·( ) ·( )1956 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) .( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )1957 ·( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1958 .( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1959 ·( ) C( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )

1968 C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) ·( )C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )

1961 ·( ) ·( ) ·( )C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) •C) CC) •C) •C) •C)

1962 •C) CC) CC ) ·( ) •C) CC ) •C) •C) CC) CC) •C) CC)1963 ·( ) ·( ) •C) CC) CC ) ·( )

C( ) CC) CC ) C( )1964 • C) •C) ·( ) CC ) ·( ) •C) C( ) C( ) C( )1965 •C) CC) CC ) CC) C( ) CC) CC) •C)1966 ·( ) ·( )-------------------.---------.--------.--------------------------------.-------leu JAN FEB IlAR APR IlAY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC------------.-.-------------------------------------------------------------.--


5783981001-9 Altitude 120POUAlOANEil CALEDONIAPOUE"BOUT

latit. -21.04.25lan9it. 165.'5.14Altit. 120"

leu JAN FEB "AR APR MY JUN JUl AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC-------------_.-----------------------------------------.--._._------------._--1978 •C)1979 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )

1988 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CC) C( ) CC) C( ) C( ) CC ) C( )1981 CC ) CC) •C) •C) CC ) CC ) C( ) CC ) CC ) CC ) ·( )



57839.1.02-9 Altitude 117POUAlOANE" CAlEDONIAPOUE"BOUT

latit. -21.84.24Lan9it. 165.85.10Altlt. 117"

Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1981 ·( ) •C)1982 C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) •C) C( ) C( ) CC) C( ) C( ) CC) CC)1983 C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CC)1984 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1985 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1986 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1987 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CC )-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR MY .lUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: Ca.plete .anth • : Inca.plete .anth • : "isslft9 .~nth

(1) • "axilUi value af the ari9fne cade ln the I.nth

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Sbtion 5703901002-9 Altitude 117 LIU t. -21. 04. 24River POUALOA Longit. 165.05.10Country NEW CALEDONIA Altit. 117"

..Basin POUE"BOUT._._--------------------------------------------------......-----.-----_.......Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUl AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC--._-_.----------------------.------------------..------------------._.---.__.-1988 Cil Cil Cil Cil Cil CI 1 Cil Cil CI 1 '1 1 Cil Cil1989 Cil Cil Cil Cil Cil '1 1 CI 1 Cil Cil Cil Cil Cil

1990 Cil '1 1----------------------------------_.-.------------------_._-----_.--..-----.---Yeu JAN FE8 "AR APR MY JUN JUl AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC----._--------------------------------_..._---.-._---...-.-----..-.------------

StlUon 5783906501-9 Altitude 50 LltH. -21.17.31River PAPAINOA Langit. 165.... ~5Cauntry NEIl CAlEDONIA AltH. 50"Basin POUEltBlIUT------------------------------------------------------._._---.--------------_.-Year JAN FE8 "AR APR MY .ftJN Jtll AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC...._----------.-------_._._------------------------..-------------------------

1,980 '1 11981 Cil '1 1 Cil '1 1 '1 1 Cil CI 1 '1 1 '1 1 '1 1 '1 1 Cil1982 CI 1 CI 1 Cil Cil Cil Cil CI 1 CI 1 CI 1 CI 1 Cil Cil


1983 Cil '1 1 '1 1 '1 1 '1 1 '1 1 '1 1 '1 1 CI 1 Cil Cil Cil198~ -1 1 Cil Cil CI 1 CI 1 CI 1 Cil CI 1 -1 1 -1 1 CI 1 CI 11985 CI 1 CI 1 Cil CI 1 -1 1 -1 1 Cil CI 1 CI 1 Cil CI 1 CI 11986 CI 1 -1 1 -1 1 Cil -1 1 CI 1 CI 1 Cil Cil Cil CI 11987 CI 1 CI 1 -1 1 Cil Cil CI J CI 1 CI 1 -1 1 Cil -1 1 CI 11988 -1 1 -1 1 CI 1 -1 J -1 J -1 J -1 1 CI 1 -1 J CI 1 CI 11989 Cil CI J Cil CI J Cil CI J CI J CI 1 CI 1 CI J CI 1 CI 1

1990 Cil CI J CI J CI J CI 1 CI J Cil CI 1 CI J CI J CI 1 Cil1991 CI J CI 1 CI 1 CI J CI J CI J CI J CI 1 CI 1 CI J -1 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR MY JUIl JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC

C : Ca.plete .anth -: Inca.plete .anth -: "issing .anthI?I • "Ixi.u. vilue af the arigine cide in the .anth

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Country : HEM CALEDONIAsens.r : 57'391'.'.-9 FORET-PlATE R.ad BlSin River..................__..............•....•..---- - ---_ -----._._._---.._._-----_._._------..-._----------_.------

turvt valld fr•• '3/12/197' a "H" t. .2/•• /1971 a '4H" Establlshed on:fro. ,. Cft t. •••• Cft C•••ent :.

Table .f 58 Cil t. 11'' Cft bi-univoque

Curvi valld fr•• •2/.1/1971 a .4HOl t. .1/.3/1973 a "HO' Establlshed on:fr.. 20 Cft t. •••• Cft Co••ent :.

Table .f 20 Cft t. 100. C" bl-unlv.que

CarvI valld fr•• •9/87/.973 a 88H88 t. 85/82/.974 a .8H88 Establlshed .n:fr.. 28 Cft t. .808 Cil Co••ent : 8

Table .f 28 Cft t. 1888 Cft bl-unlv.que

turve valld tt•• 28/••/.977 a 80K88 t. 25/.1/.978 a 2.H18 Establlshed .n:fro. 78 Cft t. 1188 Cft C•••ent : 8

Table .f 70 Cft t. .188 Cft bi-univoque

turve valld tre. 25/.1/.978 a 21H11 t. 2618111979 a .8H18 Establlshed on:fro. - 67 Cil t. 1100 Cft C•••ent : 8

Table .f 67 Cft t. 1188 Cft bi-univoque

turve valld tr•• 26/8./.979 a 1.Kll t. 19/12/1979 a 88H88 Establlshed on:fro. 65 Cft to 11.8 Cft Co••ent :.

Table .f 65 Cft te 1100 Cft bl-unl,oque







tur,e ,alid tr•• 19/12/.979 a 88H8. t. 24/12/1981 a 11H00 Established on: .9/1./.991 by DANlOUX JOELfro. "Cft t. 1100 Cft Co••ent : 8

Table .f "Cft t. lU' Cft bi-univoque

tur'i valld fr•• 24/12/1981 a llH.. to .1/.2/.982 a '6~0 Establlshed on:fr.. .8 Cft t. 11•• Cft Co••ent : 8

Table .f 8. Cft t. 1108 Cil bi-univoque

turv. ,alld fr•• 15/.2/1982 1 17H21 t. 17/.2/.982 a 13H.. Establlshed on:frit 28. Cft t. 11.0 CIl Co••ent : 8

Tabl••f 2.8 Cft t. 1188 Cft bl-unlv.que

turvt ,alld tr•• 87/84/.982 a 85H08 t. 87/84/1982 a llH.8 Establlshed on:fro' 181 Cft t. lU8 CIl Conent : 8

Table.f 188 Cft t. 1188 Cft bl-unlv.que

tur,. ,alld fr•• 13/12/1982 1 22H38 te 16/12/1982 a 88H45 Establlshed on:fret 88 Cft to 1108 Cft C•••ent : 8

Table .f 8. Cft to ••08 Cft bl-unl,oque

turve ,alld tr•• 26/12/1982 a 21K05 to 27/12/1982 a 12H20 Established on:fro. 88 Cft to 1100 Cil Co••ent : 8

Table of 80 C" to 1180 Cft bi-univoque






---._--.-._._ __._._-- ---- _--_._ _.- _---- _------_._..-._--_._._----------_._.__._._.-.---..----_..-

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Country : NEW CALEOONIASensor : 5703900101-9 fORET-PLATE Raad Basin : POUE"BOUT River : POUE"BOUT ..-----------------------------.---_.-.__._._----------..-------------------------.------------------------------.---------

Curve vilid frOI 27/12/1982 i 12H21 ta 14/'1/1983 i 20H42 Established on:frOi 60 C" to 1108 CK COllent : 8

Tible of 60 CK to 1100 CK bi-univoque

Curve vilid frai 14/01/1983 i 28H43 ta 21/'2/1984 i 03H58 Estiblished on:frOi 61 CK to 1100 Dl COllent : 0

lible of 61 CK ta 1100 Dl bi-univoque

Curve vilid frai 21/82/1984i 13H59 ta 21/12/1984 i 14H40 Estiblished on:frOi 122 CK to 177 Dl COllent : 0

lible of 122 OK ta 177 Dl bf-univoque

Curve vilid frai 21/02/1984 l 14H41 to 17/85/1984 i 14H18 Estiblished on:frll 60 OK te 1108 Dl COI.ent : 0

lible of 68 Dl to 1180 Dl bi-univoque

Curve vilid frai 17/85/1984 i 14H19 to 18/05/1984 i 08H58 Estiblished on:frOi 142 CK ta 246 OK COllent : 0

lible of 142 CK ta 246 OK bi-univoque

Curve vilid frol 18/05/1984 l 08H59 to 14/.6/1984 i 84H04 Estiblished on:frOi 60 Cft to 1100 CIl COllent : 8

lible of 60 OK ta 1100 OK bi-univoque

Curve vilid frol 04/06/1984 l 04H05 ta 15/06/1984 i 12H25 Estiblished on:frai 116 C" to ~8 OK COllent : 0

lible of 116 OK to ~8 Dl bi-univoque

Curve vllid frai 05/06/1984 l 12H26 ta 18/11/1984 i 19H03 Estiblished on:fro. 68 C" ta 1180 Dl COllent : 0

lible of 60 CK ta 1108 CIl bi-univoque

Curve vllid frai 18/11/1984 l 19H04 ta 19/11/1984 i 87H42 Estiblished on:frOl 166 OK ta 271 Dl Collent : 8

rible of 166 OK to 271 OK bi-univoque

Curve vilid frai 19/11/1984 l 07H43 to 10/02/1985 i 14H33 Estiblished on:frai 60 CIl to 1180 OK COllent : 0

lible of 60 OK ta 1180 Dl bi-univoque

Curve vilid frai 10/02/1985 l 14H34 ta 14/02/1985 i 09K07 Estiblished on:frOi 108 Dl to 186 Dl COllent : 0

lible of 108 CK to 186 C" bi-univoque

Curve vilid frai 14/02/1985 l 09H08 ta '1/01/1986 i OOKOO Estiblished on:frOl 60 C" to 1100 CK COllent : 0

lable of 68 C" ta 1100 CK bi-univoque














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56••• HYORO"ETRY •••


Country : NEW CAlEDONIASensor : 5703900102-9 BOUTANA Basin : POUE"BOUT River : POUE"BOUT

Curve vllid fro. 01/10/1990 1 10H01 to 22/13/1991 1 06H18 Estlblished on: 19/12/1991 by DANlOUX JOELfro. 50 C" to 121 ~ Co••ent

Tlble of 0 C" to 121 ~ bi-univoque

Curve vllid fr•• 22/03/1991 1 l'H18 to 31/11/1991 1 24H08 Estlbllshed on: 19/12/1991 by DANlOUX JOELfro. 50 ~ to 121 C" Co••ent

Tlble of 0~ to 121 ~ bi-univoque

Sensor : 5703980103-9 TA"AON Buin : POUUBOUT River : PooE"80UT

Curve vllid trot 19/03/1956 1 00H00 te 14/12/1957 1 10H00 Estlblished en:fro. 20 ~ to 794 ~ Co••ent : 0

Tlble of 20 C" to 794 ~ bi-univoque

Curve vllid fro. 30/01/1958 1 10H00 to 19/11/1959 1 00H00 Estlblished en:trot 20 C" to 794 C" Co••ent : 0

Tlble of 20 ~ to 794 ~ bi-univoque



Sensor : 5703901001-9 Altitude 120 Buin : PooE"80UT Rher : PooAlOA

Curve vllid fro. 01/01/1978 1 00H00 to 11/01/1999 1 00H00 Estlbllshed on:trot 10 C" to 267 C" Co••ent : 0

Tlble of 10 C" to 267 C" bi-univoque

by DANlotlX JOEL

Sensor : 5703901802-9 Altitude 117 Basin River : PooAlOA

Curve vllid fro. 01/01/1981 1 10H00 to 29/01/1982 1 12H55 Estlblished on:fro. 1300 C" to 1824 t" Co••ent .. " : 0

Tlble et 1300 ~ to 1824 ~ bi-univoque


Curve vllid fro. 29/81/1982 1 12H56 to 31/12/1986 1 24H00 Estlblished on: 18/12/1991 by DANlOUX JOELfro. 1306 C" to 1824 ~ Co••ent : 1

Tlble of 1306 ~ to 1824 ~ bi-univoque

Curve vllid fro. 01/10/1990 1 00H00 te 31/11/1991 1 24H00 Estlbllshed on: 18/12/1991 by DANlOUX JOELtrot 1306 ~ to 1824 ~ CO'lent

Tlble of 1306 C" to 1824 ~ bi-univoque

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Country : NEW CALEDONIASensor : 5703906501-9 Altitude 50 Basin : POUE"BOUT River : PAPAINDA

Curve valid frai 01/.1/1980 1 .OHOO ta .1/10/1998 a 00H80 Established an:frai 14 Cft ta 27. OK COllent : 0

Table of 14 Cft ta 270 OK bi-univoque


Curve valid frai 01/10/1990 1 .OHOO ta 31/10/1991 1 24H00 Established on: 16/12/1991 by DANlOUX JOELfrai 15 Cft ta 27. C" COllent

Table of 15 C" t. 270 C" bi-univoque

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Station 5704600181-9 TCHA"BA Tribe Latit. -21.02.32River TCHA"BA Langi t. 165.17.21Country NEM CAlEDONIABasin TCHAftBA...._-------_._._---------._-_._.._._-----_.-------.-.--._-_._._._----------_.-Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY .RIN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC----------------_._._-------------..._--------_...-...----_........-----.--.---1955 'c 1 CCI CC 1 CC ) CCI CC) CC) CC) CC) Cil CCI1956 CC ) CCI CCI CC) CC) CC) CCI CC ) CC) CC) CC) CCI1957 CC ) CC) CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC ) CC ) CC) CC)1958 CC 1 CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CCI CC) CCI1959 CC) CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CCI

19&. CC) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC ) CC)19&1 CC) CCI CC) CCI CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC) 'C ) CC) CC )19&2 CC) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) 'C )19&3 CC) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CC ) CC) CC ) CC)1964 CC ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC)1965 CC ) CCI CC ) CC) CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC ) CC) 'CI 'C )1966 CC ) CC ) CC) CC ) CC ) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CCI1967 • C) 'c 1 'c ) 'C ) 'CI 'C ) 'C ) 'C ) CC ) 'C ) 'c 11968 CC ) CC ) CC ) 'C ) CC) CC ) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC ) CC )1969 CC) CCI CC ) CC) CO CC ) CCI CC) CCI CC ) • ( 1 CC)

19701971197219731974 'c ) CC) CC) CC ) C( 1 CC)1975 CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) 'C ) 'C ) 'C ) CC ) CC ) CC) CC ) CC 11976 CC ) CCI CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC ) CC) CC ) CC)19n CC 1 CC ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC ) CC) CC ) CC) CC )1978 CC) cn CC ) CC) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) CC ) CC) CC ) CC)1979 CCI CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC)

198. CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC 1 CC)1981 CC) CC ) CC ) 'C ) 'C ) CC) 'C ) CC) CC) CC) CC ) 'C )1982 'c ) 'C ) CC ) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CCI CC) CCI CC)1983 CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC ) CC) 'C ) 'c 1 'c )1984 'c 1 CC ) C( ) C( ) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) 'C ) 'C ) 'C ) 'C )1985 'c 1 'c ) 'C ) 'C ) 'C ) 'C ) 'C ) 'C ) 'C ) 'C ) '( ) 'C )1986 'C ) '( ) CC ) CC ) CC) 'C ) CC) 'C ) 'C ) 'C )...._--_...-........................._..._--_....._----------------------------Yeu JAN FEB MR APR MY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC----------------------------------------------------_.-------------------------

Station 57'46101'5-9 Upstreal Bridge TCHAftBA Trlbe LatH. -2U2.37River TCHAft8A Langl t. 165.16.50Country NEN CAlEDONIABasin TCHAftBA_._----------------_._-._._-------------------_._.----._-------------------...-Year JAN FEB ftAR APR MY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC_._--_._------_._----------------~-.---- ..-.-----------------------------------1983 'c ) CC) CC) CC) CCI CC)--_._._---_._.-----_._.._-..._.........._------_._-._---------------_..__.._---Yeu JAN FEI IIAR APR MY .RIN JUL AU6 srP OCT ICOV DEC...-._------_._------------._-------------------_.__...--------------...._._---C : CI.plete .Iftth , : IncllPlete .Oftth - : "Isslng .onth(?) c IaxilUl value If the origine code in the .Inth

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Station 5704600105-9 Upstreal Bridge TCHA"BA Tribe Latit. -21.02.37River TCHA"BA Longi t. 165.16.50Country NEil CALEDONIABasin TCHAnBA----..-----...__..__.-----..~---._-_.---._-_._-------- -----_.-_. __ .-...--._._.-Year JAN FEB "AR APR nAY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC------------..._...._-----.-_.-.---_._._---..._-----.--------..-._---_...._--.-1984 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( 1 • ( 1 ·( ) C( )1985 C( 1 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) • ( 1 ·( )

C( )1986 ·( ) ·( ) • ( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1987 ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

.( ) ·( ) ·( )C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )

1988 ·( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( )C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( )

C( )1989 C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) • ( 1 ·( ) ·( )

C( ) C( 1 C( )

1990 C( ) 'lI C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

1991 ·( ).( ) ·( )

-----------------------------._._----_._------._._-----------------------------Year JAN FEB "AR APR MY JUN JUl AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC

C: C••plete .onth ': Inc••plete .anth -: "issing lanth(1) a "axilu. value .f the .rigine cade in the lanth

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Country : NEM CAlEDONIASensor : 57046001'1·~ TCHAKBA Tribe Buin : TCHAIIBA River

Curve valid trot 28/03/1~66 a 06H00 to 19/11/1968 a 17H00 Established .n:tr.. 1 C" to 995 OK C•••ent :,

Table ot 0 C" to 995 ~ bi-univ.que

Curve valid tr•• '1"3/1915 a 21H11 t. 11,.1/1916 a '6H20 Establlshed .n:fro. • ~ ta 995 Cft COllent :,

Table .f ,~t. 995 ~ bi-univoque

Curve valid fr•• 11101/1916 a '6H21 t. 24/12/1981 a 09H00 Establlshed .n:fro. '~te 995 OK C••unt :,

Table .f • ~ t. 995 C" bi-univoque




Curve valid fr•• 11/11/1982 a 23H49 t.fr.. • ~ ta 995 OK C•••ent

Table .f • Cft ta 995 OK bi-univoque •Establlshed .n: by OANlOUX JOEL

Sens.r : 51'46"1'5-9 Upstrea. Bridie T~8A Tribt Buln : TCHAKSA River : TCHAIC8A

Curve valid fr•• •1/1./199. a "HI' t. .5/.6/1991 a 20H25 E,tlbllshed .n: 16/12/1991 by OANlOUX JOELtrot 31 ~ ta a03 Cft C•••ent : 0

Table of 31 ~ to 803 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid trot 85/06/1991 a 20H25 t. Established on: 16/12/1~~1 by DANLOUX JOELfr.. 37 ~ t. a03 ~ C•••ent

Table of 37 C" to B03 ~ bi·univoque

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Station 5704700301-9 LECOMPTE Concession Latit. -20.53.31River FATENAOUE Longi t. 164.44.56Country NEW CALEDONIABasin TEMALA....._----------_._...._---------------.-._---_.--------_..._-..---_....-------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APt MY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC........-_..._-.._---------------------------------------.-----_._---------.---1955 C( 1 cn •( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 cn • ( 11956 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 cn • ( 11957 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C() • ( 11958 • ( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C() C() C( 1 C( 1 C() C() • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 11959 • ( 1 C() • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1

1960 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 ·( ) C( ) C( 1 C() cn C( 11961 ·( ) • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C() C() Cc) C( 1 Cc) ·( )1962 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 Cc) • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 11963 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cc) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cc) C( 11964 • ( 1 ·( ) C( 1 • ( 1 C( ) ·( ) Cc) C( 1 C( 1 CO Cc) C( 11965 ·( ) 'C) Cc) C( ) Cc) CO CO C( 1 Cc) CO Cc) Cc)1966 C( 1 • ( 1 ·( ) CO Cc) ·( )

C(I/C(I Cc) C( ) CO C( 11967 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 CO C( 1 C( 11968 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11969 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CO C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1

1978 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1....",.: 1971


19801981 • ( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 11982 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( ) C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CO C( ) C( 11983 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) Cc) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1._---._._---------------------------------------------------.---.-...--.-_._.--Yeu JAN FEB "AR APt MY JUH JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC-------_._._--------_._--------.-----_.._------_.------.------._.-.---_.-----.-C; Co.plete .onlh • ; IncolPlete lonth - : lIissing lonth(11 c "axilui value of the origine code in the lonth

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Stati on 5704800101-9 Saint "iche! LatH. -21.39.33River THIO Longit. 166.09.47Country NEW CAlEDONIABasill THIO.. ----------------_._.---_._-._---._----------------------------------_..-..-----Yeu JAtl FEB "AR APR "AY JUH JUl AU& SEP OCT NOV DEC----------------.-._-----_._---------------------------------------------------1981 • ( 1lfll2 Cc) Cc) C( ) CO Cc) C( ) C( ) CO CO C( ) .( ) ·( )1983 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·0 ·( )

C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1984 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) .( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )1985 ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )Ifll6 C( ) ·( )

C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( )C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) .( ) C( 1.

1987 ·( ) ·( ) ·( )C( ) C( ) •C) .( ) C( ) C( ) .( ) C( ) C( )

1988 ·( )1989 ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

.( ) ·( ) CC ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )

1990 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ).-.---------------------------------------.-------...----------------------_.--Yeu JAN FEB IlAR APR IIAY .MI .AJL AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC


5704B00102-9 Saint PaulTHIONEW CAlEDONIATHIO

latit. -21.38.52longit. 166.18.17


19541955 • () C() C() C() •() C() • () • ( )1956 • () • () • () • () • ( )


C: Co.plete .onth .: Inc••plete ••nth -: Kissing ••nth(1) ="Ixi.u. value of the origine code in the ••nth

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Country : NEW CAlEOONIASensor : 5704800101-9 Siint "ichel Bisin : THIO River : THIO

Curve vilid trel 23/12/1981 i 11H15 to 20/04/1983 i 23H28 Estiblished en: 22/18/1991 by OANlOUX JOELtrol 328 Cft ta 1233 Cft COllent : 8

Tible et 328 C" te 1233 Cft bi-univeque

Curve vilid trel 28/04/1983 i 23H28 to 31/18/1984 i 28H13 Estiblished en:trol 328 OK ta 1233 CK COI.ent : 8

Tible et 328 Cft ta 1233 CK bi-univeque


Curve vilid tro. 81/18/1990 i 80H08 to' 38/11/1991 i 24H80 Estiblished en: 18/12/1991 by OANlOUX JOELtre. 18 CK te 490 Cft COllent

Tible et 18 Cft ta 490 CK bi-unlveque

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ShtiDn 5705000101-9 OUEN-COUT LitH. -20.46.58River TIPINDJE Longi t. 164.59.18

• Country NEil CALEDONIABuin TlPINOJE-._--......-.._-----..._-_.-..._-----.._-.....- ...--..------...----_._.---..._-Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV OEe--._.----_.._---._--._---------.._--..---_..--------_.----_._...._---------_...1955 $ 1 ) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) $ 1 )1956 CO CI) C( ) $( ) C( ) $( ) C( ) CO $ 1 ) C( ) CO Cl )1957 $ 1 ) Cl) CO CI) Cl) CI) C( ) Cl) Cl) CO CI) Cl 11958 CI) Cl) $ 11 Cil Cl ) $ 1 ) CI) C( ) Cl 1 Cl ) Cil Cl 11959 • 1 1 Cl) $ 1 ) Cl 1 C( ) Cl ) Cl) CO C( ) Cl) CI) • 11

1960 CI) CI) CI) Cil $ 1 ) Cl) $ 1 ) Cl) CI) Cil Cl) Cl 11961 • 1 1 $ 1 ) $0 CO CO CO $0 CO Cl ) CO CO $ 1 11962 $ 1 1 $0 Cl ) $ 1 ) $ 1 ) Cl) $ 1 ) CO CO CO Cl) Cl 11963 $ 1 ) $ 1 ) $0 Cl ) 10 Cl) 1 1 ) Cl) CO CO CO ClI1964 $( ) $ 1 ) Cil CI) Cl ) $0 CO CI) CI) CI ) C( ) CO1965 Cl) $ 1 ) $ 1 ) Cl ) CO CI) CO CO CI) CI) CI) $ 111966 CI) 10 $ 1 ) CI) CI) $ 1 ) $0 CO CO CO Cl ) Cil1967 $( ) $0 $ 1 ) 10 CO $0 $ 1 ) Cl) $0 CO Cl ) Cl 11968 ·1 1 Cl 1 CI) $ 1 ) CO CI ) Cl) CO CO Cl ) CO CIl1969 Cil • 1 1 $ 11 Cl 1 CI) $ 1 ) Cil Cl) CI) Cl) Cl 1 CIl

1970 • 1 1 Cl 1 • 11 C( ) $ 1 ) Cl 1 Cl 1 Cl) CI) CIl CI) Cil1971 • 1 ) $ ( ) C( 1 Cl 1 CI) Cl) Cil CI) $ 11 Cl) Cl 1 CI 11972 • 1 1 '1 ) '1 1 'l 1 Cl) $ 1 1 C( ) CI) Cil CI) Cl) ClI1973 Cl ) Cl 1 Cl 1 C( ) CI) Cl) '( ) Cl) CI) CIl Cil1974 .1 1 • 1 1 CIl Cl 1 C( ) III CI) CIl Cl 1 Cl 1 • 1 1 C( )• 1975 Cil CI) 'li $ ( 1 $ 1 ) $ 1 ) CIl CI) CIl CIl Cl 11976 .1 1 • 1 1 '( 1 Cil Cl 1 Cil----------------.--------.-------._--------------_.------..-----------_.-------Yeu JAN FEB lIAI! APR MY JUH JUl AU& SEP OCT NOV DEC_._---------_.-------------------_._-------------------------------.._.--------

Station 5705000102-9 Altitude 7 Litit. -20.46.48River TJPINDJE Longi t. 164.59.50CDuntry NEil CALEDONIA Altit. 7"Buin TIPINDJE----------...-----------.-------------------------------------------------_.---Yeu JAN FEB IIAR APR IIAY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV OEC-------_.-----------------------..------------------------._------------------.1976 $1I

1917 Cl ) CI) CIl CI) Cl) CI) Cl) Cl ) CIl C( 1 CI) $ 111978 CI) Cl) Cl 1 Cl) CI) CI) CI) CI) Cl) Cl ) C( 1 ClI1979 CIl Cl 1 CIl CI) CI ) ClI CIl Cl) CI) Cl) CIl Cl 1

1980 C( ) Cl) Cl 1 Cl ) Cil C( ) CI 1 Cl) CI) Cl 1 CIl Cil1981 Cl) CIl CIl CII"Cl) Cl ) Cil Cil CI) Cl 1 C( 1 $ 111982 • 1 1 Cil $ 1 1 .1 1 CIl Cl 1 Cl 1 CIl Cl 1 CIl CI)1983 .1 1 '1 1 .1 1 Cl 1 Cl 1 CI) CI) Cl 1 Cl 1 Cl 1 Cil Cil1984 Cl 1 CIl Cil CIl Cl ) Cl 1 Cil CIl ClI CIl Cl 1 Cl 11985 .1 1 Cl 1 Cil Cil CIl CIl Cl 1 Cl ) Cl 1 Cil Cil CIl1986 ClI Cl 1 Cl 1 Cl 1 CI) CI) Cl 1 CI) Cl) C( 1 Cil C( 1-------._-----------------------..._-.-....-_._-------._-----------------------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR MY JUN JUl AUe SEP OCT NOV OEC•..•.....-._--.......----_.----.....•.----_.-----.__..-------.......--._----...C : COIPlete lonth $ : IncI'Plete Ionth - : lIisslng I.nth11) • "ixilua value .f the .ritine c.de ln the lonth

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Stati on 5705000102-9 Altitud, 7 Latit. -20.46.48River T1PINDJE Longit. 164.59.50Country NEil CALEDONIA Altit. 711 •Basin T1PINDJE--------------------------------------------------.----------.------------..---Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUL AU6 SEP ocr NOV DEC----_._-------------...---------.-------.----------.-------._.------_...-------1987 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1988 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1989 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) Cil C( )

1990 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) Cf) C( ) C( ) .( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1991 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) .( )


C: Co.plete .onth .: Inc••plete .onth -: "issing .onth(?) : "axilui value of the origine code in the .onth

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,a Country : NEW CAlEDONIASensor : 5705010181-9 OUEN-COUT Basin : TIPJNOJE River : TJPINOJE.._-----_._---------_._._-.._.-.--_._._------_._------------------_._.__...._-------------_._----------_._-----------_.--_.

Curve valid trel 01/0111955 a 10H00 te 16/1111956 a 15H00 Established en:trol 10 ~ to 1351 ~ COllent :.

Table ot 10 C" to 1350 ~ bi-univoque

Curvt valid trol 86/01/1956 a 85H01 to 25/02/1965 a 12H00 Established on:trel 10 ~ to 1350 ~ COllent : 8

Table ot 10 ~ to 1358 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid tr'l 25/12/1965 a 12H01 to 31/12/1976 a 24H00 Established .n:tr.. Il Cft to 1350 Cft Ctllent : 8

Table .t 18 C" to 1358 Cft bi-univoque




Sens.r : 5705888182-9 Altitude 7 Bastn : TJPJNOJE River : TJPJNOJE

Curve valid tr'l .1/81/1976 a 88H08 t. 17/8'/1979 1 .6H08 Establtshed .n:trol 3S Cft to 1872 Cft C'llent :.

Table ot 3S Cft t. 1872 Cft bi-unlv.que

Curve vllid tr'l 17/84/1979 1 86H81 t. 8'/83/1981 1 14H02 Establtshed .n:tr'l 48 Cft t. 1872 Cft COllent : 8

Tab le If 40 Cft to 1172 Cft bi -univoque



Curve Yllid tr'l 86/83/1981 1 14H03 t. 31/12/1991 1 24H00 Establlshed on: 18/12/1991 bv DAHlOUX JOELtrol 35 Cft te 1072 Cft toaaent : 0

Tlble .t 35 Cft to 1872 Cft bi-univoque

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Station 5705100101-9 TIAOU-TIWAKA Lltit. -20.53.41River TIWAKA Longi t. 165.12.00Country NEW CALEDONIA8uin TlWAKA_____ a _______ • ____••••______ ._._•••___________________ • _________ •••••________••

Yeu JAN FE8 "AR APR "AY JUN JUt. AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC.---------------------------------------------------_.------------.------...-_.1972 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 11973 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 • ( 1 C( 11974 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C() C( 11975 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C() C() • ( 1 C() C() • ( 1 • ( 11976 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C() C() • ( 11977 CI 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11978 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11979 Cil C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1

1980 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cil C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11981 Cil C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 • ( 11982 Cil C( 1 • ( 1 ·1 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11983 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1---------------------------------._.---.._-------------------------------------Yur JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUL AU6 SEP . OCT NOV DEC-----------------.----------------._--------...-----.--------------------------

Station 5705100102-9 PO"8EI Tribe Lltit. -20.53.13;~"'I: River : TlIIAKA Longit. 165.10.51

Country NEW CALEDONIA8uin TIWAKA-----._------------------------------._----------------._----------------------Yeu JAN FE8 "AR APR "AV JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC._-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1955 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11956 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11957 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11958 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11959 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1

1960 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11961 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11962 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11963 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11964 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11965 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11966 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11967 Cil C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11968 Cil C( 1 C( 1 Cil C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cil Cil1969 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cil Cil

1970 C() C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cil C( 1 Cil Cil C( 1 CI 1 Cil1971 Cil C() C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yeu JAN FE8 "AR APR "AV JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC--------------------------------------_._--------------------------------------C : Co.plete .onth • : Inco.plete .onth • : "isslng .onth(?I : "axi.u. value of the origine code in the .onth

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ttt HYO~O"ETRY ttt


Station 5705100105-9 PO"BEI Fill LitH. -20.54.25River T1MAI(A Lon9i t. 165.08.41Country NEil CALEDONIABuin TlIlAU----------------_.------------------------------------.-------------.----------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APl! "AY JUH JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC.----.---------.---._----.--------_.----.--------------------------------------1981 • ( 1 C( ) • ( 1 • 1 ) '1)1982 C( ) C( ) CI ) CI) Cil C( ) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI)1983 CI) CI) CI) • 1 ) • 11 CI ) CI) CI) CI 1 CI) CI) CI)1984 C( ) CI ) CI) CI) CI ) CI ) CI) Cil CI) C( ) CI) CI)1985 C( 1 C( ) C( ) Cil C( ) C( ) C( ) Cil C( ) CI) CI) C( )1986 CI) C( ) CI) CI) C( ) C( ) CI) C( ) .( ) e( ) C( 1 C( )1987 C( ) C( ) CI) C( ) C( ) C() e( ) e( ) el) el) e( ) • 1 11988 el) e( ) • 1 ) el) el) e( ) el) el) el) Cil .( )

1989 e( ) el) CI) C( ) CI ) CI) CI ) CI ) CI) C( ) CIl

199. CO CI ) CI) C( ) CI) C( ) CI ) C( ) CI ) C( ) .( )

1991 • 1 ) CI J CI ) CI) CI ) C( ) CI ) CI) CI ) CI J e( )..------------...-......_-----------...-...._----._--.---_._----------_.-------Ytar JAN FEI IIAR APR IlAY .Ml JUl AU6 SEP ocr MOV DEC-_.-----------...._--_.--...------.._--.--------------_...---------.-----------C : COlplete I.nth e : IncolPlett lonth - : lIisstn, I.nth(1) Il IIlxtlUl nlut If the ar19hlt code tn the lonth


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ttt HYDRO"ETRY ttt


Country ; NEN CALEOONIASensor ; 5705100101-9 TIAOU-TI~AKA 8asin : TI~AKA River ; TIWAKA ..---------------------------.-_.-------------------------_.--------------------------------------------.-._.-----------.--_.

Curve valid frol 27/07/1972 1 12H00 to 11/03/1976 1 17H45 Established on:tru 38 C" to 1387 C" COllent : 8

Table of 30 C" to 1387 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid frol 11/03/1976 1 17H46 to 08/02/1980 1 09H38 Established on:frOi 30 ~ to 1387 ~ COllent : 0

Table of 30 ~ to 1387 ~ bi-univoque

Curve vllid frol 08/02/1980 1 09H31 to 06/03/1981 1 16H20 Establlshed on:trOl 38 ~ to 1387 al COllent : 0

Table of 30 al to 1387 ~ bi-univoque

Curve vllid frol 86/03/1981 1 16H21 to 24/1211981 1 00H00 Estlblished on:frOi 30 al to 1387 al COllent : 0

Table of 30 OK to 1387 ~ bi-univoque





Curve vllid fro. 24/12/1981 1 00H01 tofru 50 ~ to 1387 C" COI.ent

Table of 50 C" to 1387 C" bi-univoqueo

Established on: br DAHlOUX JOEL

Sensor : 5705100185-9 PO"8EI flll Bisin : TlIlAKA River : TI~AKA

Curve vllid trOt 01/01/1981 1 00H00 to 24/12/1'81 1 .9HOo Established on:tru 45 ~ to 1100 ~ COllent : 0

Table ot 45 OK to 1108 C" bi-univoque

Curve vllid trol 24/12/1981 1 .9HOI to 38/1./1984 1 02H47 Established on:trOl 68 OK to HOO ~ COllent : 0

Table of 68 OK to 1180 ~ bi-univoque



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Station 5705200101-9 LILIANE lIine LatH. -21.57.14Rher TONTOUTA Longi t. 166.16.37Country NEil CALEDONIA8asin TONTOUTA

... ___.._______________••______ ... _______._..._______. ______._._a_. ___ . ____ . ___ . __

Yeu JAN FE8 "AR APR "AY .lUN JUl AUS SEP OeT NOV DEe--------------------------------------.._-_..._--------...._------------.------1954 ·( )

C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )1955 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

C( ) CI) • 1 ) C( ) ·( )C( ) ·( )

1956 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )

1957 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )1958 ·( ) '( ) ·( ) ·( )1959 • 1 ) ·( ) ·( ) • 1 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) • 1 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )

1960 ·( ) • 1 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) • 1 ) ·( ) ·( ) • 1 ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( )1961 ·( ) ·( ) • 1 ) • 1 ) ·( ) ·( )1962 ·( ) • 1 ) ·( ) • 1 ) •1 ) ·( ) ·( )1963 ·( ) ·( )19641965196619671968 • 1 ) C( )1969 C() C( ) ·( ) C( ) CI) C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )

," 1970 C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C() C() C() C( ) C( ) C( ) CI )1971 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI) CI) C() C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C()1972 C( ) C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI) C( ) C()1973 CI) C( ) CI ) C( ) CI) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1974 C( ) ·( ) C() C( ) CI) C( ) C() CI) C() C() C( ) C()1975 C() C() ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI) C( ) C() C( ) CI)1976 C( ) CI) CI) C( ) C( ) CI ) C( ) C() C( ) C( ) CI) C( )1977 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI) C( ) CI ) C( ) C() CI) C( ) C()1978 C() C( ) C( ) CI ) C() C( ) C( ) CI) CI) C() CI) C( )1979 C( ) CI) CI) C() CI) C() C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C()

1980 CI ) C() C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI) CI) C() C() C( )1981 CI) CI) C( ) C() C( ) C() C( ) C() C( ) C( ) CI) •1 )1982 ·( ) C() C() C() C( ) CI) C() C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1983 C() C() C() C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( )1984 CI) C( ) CI) C() C() C( ) C() C() C( ) C( ) C( ) CI)1985 C( ) C( ) C() C( ) CI) C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1986 C( ) C() C( ) C() C() C( ) C() CI) CI) C( ) C( ) C( )1987 CI ) CI) C() C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )------------.-------.-----------_._--------_._.-------._--------------_.-------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR IIAY JUH JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEe------_._-------._------_._-------------------------------------------------.--C: COIPlete lonth • : Inc'Ipiete lonth - : lIissing lonth(1) z IIIXilvl vilue of the origine code in the I.nth

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Country : NEW CAlEDONIASens.r : 5705280101-9 LiliANE Hine Basin : TONTOUTA River : TONTOUTA_.-.------_._.------------------------------_._._--------------------_._._----------.--_._._---------------------------_._._.-

Curve valid frai 81/01/1968 a 80HOO ta 82/01/1971 a 11H30 Established .n:frai 18 CH ta 818 ~ COllent : 0

Table of 10 CH ta 818 CH bi-univoque

Curve valid frai 02/01/1971 a 11H31 ta 84/82/1974 a 88H45 Established on:frai 18 CH ta 818 CH COllent : 0

Table of 10 CH ta 810 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid frai 84/82/1974 a 88H46 ta 88/83/1975 a 00H00 Establ'shed .n:frai 25 CH ta 818 CH COllent : 0

Table of 25 CH ta 818 CH bi-univoque

Curve valid frai 88/83/1975 1 00H01 ta 17/81/1976 a 13H20 Establ'shed on:frai 35 CH ta 820 CH COllent : 0

Table of 35 CH ta 820 CH bi-univoque

Curve valid frai 17/01/1976 a 13H20 ta 13/02/1981 a 15H00 Established on:frai 25 CH ta 818 CH Callent : 0

Table af 25 CH ta 810 CH bi-univaque

Curve valid frai 13/02/1981 a 15H01 ta 24/12/1981 a 22H00 Established an:frai 30 CH ta 820 CH COllent : 0

Table of 30 CH ta 820 CH bi-univoque

Curve valid frai 24/12/1981 a 22H01 ta 13/01/1988 a 12H00 Established on:frai 30 CH ta 820 CH Callent : 0

Table af 30 CH ta 820 CH bi-univoque

Curve valid frai 13/.1/1988 a 12H01 ta 31/12/1989 a 24H00 Established on:frai 57 CH ta 847 CH C'llent : 0

Table af 57 CH ta 847 CH bi-univoque









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Station 5705500101-9 Da. Latit. -22.09.13River YATE Lon<ji t. 166.52.42Country NEN CALEDONIABasin YAlE-------------------------------------------------------------------.-----------... Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV BEC------------------------------------------------------------.------------------1962 *1) CI) CI) CI) CI) CCI CI) CI) CI ) CI) CI) CCI1963 CI ) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI ) CI) CI )1964 CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CC ) CI) CCI1965 CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI ) CI ) CI) CI) CI) CI)1966 CI) CI) CI ) CI ) CI) CI) CI) CI ) CI) CI) CI) CI)1967 CI) CCI CI) CI ) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI )1968 CI) CI) CI) CI ) CI) CI) CI ) CI) CI ) C() CCl C()1969 CI ) CI) CI) CI) CI) C() *1) • C1 C() CCI CC 1

1978 CC 1 CC) CC 1 C() CC 1 CCI Cc) Cc) Cc) CCI CC 1 CC 11971 CCI CCI CCI CCI CC 1 CI) CC 1 CC ) CCI CC ) CCI Cc)1972 CC ) CC ) CC ) C() CC ) Cc) CC ) Cc) Cc) Cc) Cc) CC )1973 Cc) Cc) Cc) Cc) Cc) Cc) CCI Cc) Cc) Cc) C() Cc)1974 CI ) CI) CC) Cc) Cc) CCl Cc) Cc) Cc) Cc) CC ) CCI1975 CI) CI) CCI CC ) Cc) CCI CCI Cc) CC ) Cc) CCI CC )1976 CCI CCI CI) CIl CC ) CCI Cc) Cc) CC 1 eCl Cc) CCI1977 CCI Cc) .CCI Cc) Cc) Cc) Cc) Cc) Cc) CCI Cc) Cc)1978 CCI CC ) CC ) CI) CC) CC ) C() CC ) Cc) CC ) C() CC )1979 CCI CCI Cc) CCI CCI CCI CCI CC ) Cc) CC) CCI CC )

19BO CC ) CCI Cc) CCI CC ) Cc) Cc) CC) Cc) CC ) Cc) CC )19B1 CCI CCI CCI Cc) Cc) CCI Cc) Cc) CC ) CC) Cc) Cc)1982 CC) CC ) CI 1 CC ) Cc) CC ) Cc) CC ) Cc) CC ) CC ) CC)1983 CC ) Cc) CC ) CCI CC ) CC 1 CC ) CC ) CC ) C( ) C( ) CC )1984 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) Cc) C( ) Cc) C( ) C( ) CCI1985 C( ) C( ) C() CI) CCI C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CC ) C( ) Cc)1986 CC ) Cc) CCI Cc) C( ) C( ) C( ) C() C( ) Cc) Cc) Cc)1987 C( ) C( ) CCI CI) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CCI C( ) C( )1988 CCI C( 1 CCI C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CC ) Cc) C( ) C( ) C( )1989 C( ) CCI C( ) CI) CC ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) Cc) CCI C( 1---------------------.-_._----------------------------------._._---------------Yeu JAl( FEB IlAR APR IlAY JUN JJl AU6 SEP OCT NOV BEC-----------------------_._._---------------------------------------------------

Station 5705501001-9 Oownstrea. KADELEINE Fall Latit. -22.13..49River Riviere des Lacs Lengit. 166.51.82Country NEil CAlEBONIABasin YATE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV BEC---------------------------------------------------------_._-------------------1956 *CI *1) *C) *( ) *C)1957 *( ) *11 *CI *1) *1) *1) *( ) *( ) *( ) *1) *1) *( 11958 *( ) CC ) C( ) CI) CCI C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( 1 CCI CCI CCl1959 CCI CCI C( ) CC) C( ) CCI CCI CCI .( ) *1) C( ) CCI

1968 C( ) C( ) C( ) .( ) *1) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) CC) C( ) C( )-------------------------------------------------------------------------------,Yeu .lM FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV BEC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: Co.plete ••nth * : Inco.plete .onth - : "issing .onth(1) ="axiaus value of the origine code in the .onth

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Station 5785581881-9 Downstreal KADELEINE Fall Latit. -22.13.49River Riviere des Lacs Longi t. 166.51. 82Country NEN CALEDONIABasin YATE---------------------------------------------------------------------------.---Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1961 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,1962 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , $ ( ,

1963 ·( , .( , ·( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,1964 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , • ( 1 ·( ,1965 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , .( , .( , .( , C( , C( , C( ,1966 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,1967 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,1968 .( , ·( , .( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,1969 C( , ·( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( 1 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,

1970 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , ·( ,1971 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,1972 C( , C( , C( , ·( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,1973 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( 1 C( , C( , C( ,1974 C( , C( ) C( , C( ) C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ) C( , C( , C( ,1975 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , .( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,1976 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ) C( , C( , C( , C( ) C( , C( , C( ,1977 C( , C( , C( , C( ) C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ) C( ,1978 .( , C( ) C( , C( , C( ) C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,1979 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,


1988 C( , C( , C( , C( ) C( ) C( , C( , C( ) C( ) C( ) C( , C( ,1981 C( , C( ) C( , C( ) C( , .( ) C( ) C( , C( , C( ) C( , C( )1982 C( , ·( )

C( , C( ) C( , C( , C( ) C( ) cn c( , C( , C( ,1983 C( , C( , C( , C( , C().c(, C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ,1984 C( , C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) cn c() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1985 C( , C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) cn c(, C( ) CCI C( , C( ) C( ,1986 C( , ·( )

C( , C( ) C( ) cn c() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )1987 C( , C( ) C( ) C( , C( , cn c(, C( ) C( , C( ) C( ) C()1988 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( , C( ) C( ) C( ) C( , C( , C( ) C( ) C( )1989 C( , C( ) C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C\ ) .( ) C( )

1998 C( ) ·( )C( ) ·( )

C( , C( ) C( ) .( , .( )

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR MY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C : Co.plete .onth • : Inc.aplete ••nth -: "issing ••nth(?, ="axi.u. value If the Irigine clde in the .onth

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: NEN CALEDONIA: 5705501001-9 Downstreal "ADELEINE Fall Basin : YATE River : Riviere des lacs


Curve valid trol 01/01/1958 a 00H00 totrOI 35 C" to 797 CH COllent : 0

Table of 35 C" to 797 CH bi-univoque

Established ln: by DANLOUX JOEL

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Station 5707200501-9 "outh Latit. -22.18.17River Riviere Bleue Longit. 166.49.40Country NEW CALEDONIABasin SCC S.uth ",..-._-_._..._--------...------------_._-----_._..-----------------------------_.Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV OEC------------------.---------------------_.-----------------.------------_._._--1974 • ( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11975 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 11976 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 'II C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11977 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11978 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11979 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1

1980 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11981 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( J • ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11982 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( J C( 1 C( 1 C( 11983 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 119B4 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( J C( 1 • ( 11985 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11986 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 11987 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11988 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11989 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1

:....x 1990 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11991 C( J C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1-_..._-------------_._-----------------_.__..._------------------------.-.-----Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR MY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC----.--.----------------------------------------------.--.-.-------------------C : COIPlete lonth • : IncolPlete lonth - : ftissing I.nth(?I ="axilui value of the origine code in the lonth

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••• HYD~OMET~Y ttt


Country : NEW CALEDONIASensor : 5707200501-9 Kouth Bisin : SCC South ~iver : Riviere Bleue

Curve vilid frai 01/10/1990 i 00H00 ta 30/11/1991 i 24H00 Estibl;shed on: 1B/12/1991 bv OANLOUX JOELfrai 50 CK ta 220 CK COllent

Tible of 50 CM ta 220 CM bi-univoque

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5712608115-9 Altitude 110SARAKATAVANUATUSARAKATA

Altlt. 110"Area 97.1000 t.2

1981 • C ) • C )

1982 .C) .C) .C) CC) .C) CC) CC) CC) CC) .C) .C) CC)1983 CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) CC) .C) .C) CC)1984 CC) C() C() • () C() C() C() C(1 C(1 C(1 CC) •( )



. CountryBasin

5715680118-9 RUSSET ConcessionLA COlLEVANUATULA COllE

Altit. 23"Area 34.•••• t.2


1981 .( ) C( 1 .()1982 •C) cn CC ) •C) CC ) CC ) cn C( ) cn C( ) cn cn1983 C( ) Cc) cn C( ) cn cn cn Cc) cn Cc) cn •C). 1984 cn cn C( ) C( ) C( ) .( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) •( 1 C( )



C: Co.plete lonth .: IncllPletl lonth -: "issing .onth(1) • "axilui value of the origine code in the I,nth

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Country : VANUATUSen50r : 5712600115-9 Altitude 110 Ba5in : SARAKATA River : SARAKATA •

Curve valid tro. 01/81/1981 a 80HOO to 31/12/1984 a 24H00 E5tabli5hed on: 31/12/1984 by OANlOUX JOELfro. 440 C" to 958 ~ Co••ent

Table of 440 C" to 950 C" bi-univoque

Sen50r : 5715600110-9 RUSSET Conce55ion Ba5in : LA COlLE River : lA COLLE

Curve valid frol 81/01/1981 a 00H00 to 23183/1982 a 20H55 E5tabli5htd on: 31/12/1984 bY OANlOUX JOELfro. 435 ~ to 1013 ~ COllent

Table of 435 ~ to 1013 ~ bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 23/03/1982 a 20H55 to 24/88/1'82 a 10H30 E5tabli5htd on: 31/12/1984 by OANlOUX JOELfro. 435 Cft to 1813 Cft COllent

Table of 435 ~ to 1013 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 24/08/1982 a 18H38 to 12/18/1982 a 19H00 E5tabl15hed on: 31/12/1984 by OANlOUX JOELfro. 435 ~ to 1013 ~ COI.ent

Table of 435 ~ to 1013 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 12/10/1982 a l'HOO to 83/06/1'83 a 16H45 E5tabl15hed on: 31/12/1984 by DANlOUX JOELfro. 435 C" to 1013 Cft Co••ent

Table of 435 C" to 1813 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 83/06/1983 a 16H45 to 28/1'/1983 a 02H30 E5tabl15hed on: 31/12/1984 by DANlOUX JOELtro. 435 ~ to 1013 ~ Co••ent

Table of 435 ~ to 1813 Cft bl-unlvoque

Curve valid fro. 28/18/1983 a .2H38 to 08/85/1984 a 17H32 E5tabl15htd on: 31/12/1984 by DANlOUX JOELtro. 435 ~ to 1813 Cft Co••ent

Table of 435 ~ to 1813 ~ bi-univoque

Curve valid tro. 88/05/1984 a 17H32 to 31/12/1984 a 24H00 E5tablished on: 31/12/1984 by DANlOUX JOELtro. 435 Cft to 1813 Cft COllent

Table ot 435 ~ to 1813 ~ bi-univoque

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Station 5723500110-9 Bridqe roadRiver LUN66ACountry SOLO"ON ISLANDSBasin LUN66A-------_._-----....-----------------_._--------_.__...._-_...---.----.---------Yeu JAN FE8 "AR APR "AY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC-------------...._-------------------------------------------------------------1965 •( 1 C( 1 C( 11966 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11967 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11968 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( )1969 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) .( )

1970 ·( )C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) Cc) C( )

1971 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1972 ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )197319741975 ·( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )1976 ·( ) C( )1977 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) Cc) C( ) C( ) C( )1978 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( 11979 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) Cc) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )

1980 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) .( ) • ( 1 C( ):.. ~.; 1981 C( ) ·( )

1982 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( )1983 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) Cc) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( 1 C( )1984 C( ) C( ) ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1985 ·( ) ·( ) C( ) C() C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )1986 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1987 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) Cl)1988 C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C() .1989 C( ) C( ) C( ) '( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) ·( )

1990 ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ) ·( ).( ) .( ) ·( )

1991 ·( )--------------------.----------------------------------------------------------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUte JJl AlJ6 SEP OCT NOV DEC---------._--_...._--_.._---.-.._----------------._---------------_....---_....C: C••plete .enth • : Ince.plete ••nth • : "lssl"9 .onth(?) & "IXI.UI vllue of the origine cede ln the .onth


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Station 5723500110-9 Bridge raad Cauntry SOLOIION ISLANDSRiver LUNSSA Basin LUNSSA

•---------._-------------------------------------------------------.-------------------~----_._----------.----.---------------------lIanth DAY HOUR lU. DAY HOUR Il.l. DAY HOUR I!.l. DAY HOUR U. DAY HOOR U. DAY HOUR U..--------._-----------------------------------------------------------------.---._----------------------_.---.--------------.------• JAN 1 00H00 "SAP

OCT M.L. in KN iftlxl.UI .rl9lne c.de ln the ••nth: iNlni: 726 "" 1 ) ON 15 OCT a 13H33;"ul: 2011 11111 1 ON 31 OCT 1 21H2OCT 8 1&Im "SAP 8 18H31 884 8 "Hl' 880 8 1tHt8 8&1 8 t2H42 859 8 t4H02 853OCT 8 t6ltOG 847 8 t6H08 145 8 t6H23 843 8 t6H54 m 8 17H39 841 8 17H40 839OCT 8 17H47 837 8 t8Ht8 837 8 t8H22 835 8 t8H33 834 8 t8H52 834 8 19H00 833OCT 8 l'Hl' 833 8 21H08 829 8 21H42 829 8 21H54 821 8 2tH5' 824 8 22H44 820OCT 8 231t57 817 ',M4 806 "4H23 803 , 1Sff24 8U , 19H42 793 9 11H12 793OCT , 12H., 790 9 12H17 789 , 131114 78' 9 14H52 781 9 14H56 186 9 t7H28 782OCT , 181113 782 9 ltHS6 780 921HII 778 9 21HS7 778 9 23H58 77S 10 ItH25 mOCT tl 15fK7 '" 11 t&H43 76' tl 19H00 767 tl 19H23 76S Il 11H19 m 18121117 765OCT II 12llS4 765 Il 131M7 763 11161tU 761 Il t7H35 761 Il 18H35 760 tG tlH43 757OCT Il 19H5t 757 UIIHS4 754 UI2H25 7S4 U ,4H03 751 t1 16H04 750 Il .7H28 mOCT U UH26 m U t3IM6 7U 121M2 751 12 17H51 751 12 t8H44 748 12 19H22 747OCT 12 t9H38 m 12 21H27 m t3 11H11 m 13 11H41 739 t3 14H35 738 13 16H06 736OCT t3 17H37 735 t3 11H28 732 13 UHlt 734 t3 UH58 734 13 12H47 735 t3 t3ll13 mOCT 13 13H33 732 13 141122 731 13t5ll17 732 13 t51149 731 t3 t6H57 731 t3 t7H12 729OCT 13 t8ll15 730 13 t9H12 729 13 2tH37 rn t3 22H52 728 t4 11H34 732 14121109 730OCT 14 15H48 729 t4 16Ht8 731 14 .6H51 137 H.7K25 742 14 19H48 m 14 12H01 145OCT 14 131157 745 t4 14H39 m 14 t5H28 744 14151143 m 14 t5H58 744 14 16H5t mOCT 14 t9H88 m 14 21H46 739 14 2tll55 738 t5 11H31 733 tS .1H35 730 IS .3H33 126OCT 15 151I15 726 15 eH52 72' t5 .61114 733 15 .7H06 m 15 .81142 757 t5 .9H05 758OCT 15 19H42 762 15 11H58 762 15 13H2S 760 lS 15H12 754 IS t6HOI 753 15 18H26 mOCT 15 t9H34 746 t52tH35 743 15 22H.5 742 16.31113 735 16 ,4H28 735 t6 .5H17 733OCT t6 151I41 734 16 .6H06 137 16 16H32 7U t6 16HU m 16 17H30 761 16 11H00 765OCT t6 11H24 766 t6 11H41 756 16 HHU 7S3 16 t9Ht5 7S3 t6 21Htl 750 16 21H58 748OCT 16 23H11 m 16 23lM4 750 17 IIHU 757 17 11H05 780 17 12H10 8GO 17 12H53 S19OCT 17 .3H12 841 17 .4H21 84t 17 14H5t 838 17 '51148 834 17 16H41 833 17111138 827OCT 17 18H27 824 17 UHU 824 17 14H31 822 17151111 825 17 17H26 837 17 19H12 84SOCT 17 21H14 852 17 21H17 853 18 11H51 852 18 .2H49 861 t8 13H19 862 18 14H05 861OCT 18 14H43 859 18 .7H16 145 18 17H41 844 18 11H35 831 18 11H05 826 18 13H48 mOCT 18 15H22 811 18 17H15 8U 18 191116 eu 18 23H12 783 18 23H53 78t l' IIHOt 785OCT 19 10H21 892 19 11H36 1173 19 11H04 1212 19 11H17 lm t9 11H29 1262 19 01H44 1271OCT l"1H48 1274 19 12H11 lm 19 12tUS 1271 " 13H14 ml l'15H12 1157 19 16H56 1192OCT t9 181114 1155 t9 "H51 lm 19 12H86 97t 19151111 m l' t9H16 '02 19 21H36 883OCT 1922H28 874 19 23H21 872 19 23H59 873 21 11H38 881 28 IINSO 898 21 12H50 95'OCT 21 131137 "4 21 .3H56 Utt 21 .4H30 1103 2. 15H12 1882 21 18H01 965 28 liNS1 935OCT 28 14H33 899 28 17H53 872 21 1911tl 864 28 19H58 863 28 22H41 851 28 23H38 mOCT 21 11H41 m 21 13H41 850 2t 15H35 846 21 16H46 840 21 07H47 837 21 881129 832OCT 21 11H83 826 21 12H50 8t3 2t 16H17 816 21 21H13 795 22 83H18 781 22 181102 785OCT 22 11H34 782 22131141 773 22 15H33 ne 22 16H53 769 22 t9H16 763 23 .81108 753OCT 23"H19 m 23 I9llU 741 23 t.Hl' 752 23 UN16 762 23 1tH46 76S 23 t2H28 766OCT 23 15H15 764 23 18H25 764 23 19H26 761 23 21H31 "0 23 23H25 761 24 11H26 758OCT 24 11H12 751 24 11H23 758 24 11H31 m 24 11H36 796 24 11H53 886 24 12H06 1138OCT 24 12H24 lm 24 12H38 ms 24 12Il44 U57 24 12H55 1165 24 13H87 1168 24 131122 1169OCT 24 .3H52 U65 24 14H31 1153 24 .6H29 1197 24 17H23 lm 24 18H49 1136 24 19H17 1821OCT 24 19H41 1108 24 11H31 "3 24UH2S 980 24 12H26 972 24 14H14 951 24 t5HU 928OCT 24 17Ht9 ,., 24 19Ht3 895 24 19lt56 888 24 20H07 881 24 20Ht4 889 24 21Ht5 898OCT 24 21H20 916 24 2.H29 1143 24 21H33 t325 2420H43 1582 24 201159 1749 24 21Ht5 1889OCT 24 21H21 1825 24 21H24 1837 24 21H41 1846 24 21H50 lm 24 22H02 1839 24 22H22 t824---_......----_._-..----_..-----..---...._-----.-_....--........_-_..._---------------------_..----------_..._-------.._.----_..._-~lIonth DAY llOUR M.l. DAY IlOUl M.L. DAY HOUR U. DAY HOUR U. DAY HOUR Il.l. DAY HOUR Il.l.---------.------._._---_._--------------------------------------------------.--- .. -._-~~_._.- _ ... __ .---_.-._-.---.._._.-._ .. --_ ....

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Station 5740500181-9 Altitude 400 LltH. -13.51.30River FUlUASOU E-Brln. Longit. -171.48.18CDuntry WESTERN SA"OA Altlt. 122"Basin FULUASOO Aru 6.70000 kl2-------------...._--------------....----------._.------._------------_.__.-----Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUH JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC----_.--_._----.-------------------.--...._.------_._.---------------....._----1979 C( , C( , C( , C( , C() C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,

1980 C( , C( , C( , C( , C() C( , Cil C( , ·( , C( , C( , C( ,1981 C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,1982 C( , C( , C( , C() ·( , C( , ·( , ·( , ·( , ·( , C( ,1983 C( , C( , C( , ·( , ·( , C( , ·( , ·( , C( , C( , C( ,1984 ·( , C( , C( , C( , C() C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , ·( , ·( ,1985 ·( , ·( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , • ( J ·( , C( , ·( , C( ,.-...---...-_._._._._._.-.__.._._.__.-._-------_.-----_..._--------....._..--_.Yeu JAN FEB IlAR APR MY .lU" JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC

Station 5741'83081-9 AFULILO LltH. -13.57.40River VAl6AFA Llngit. -171.33.20Cluntry WESTERN SA"OABastn SAlANJ Are. 12.6000 t.2---------_._---_._._._._------------_._._-------._._---------------_._---------Yelr JAN FEe IlAR APR "AY .lUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOY DEC

~.: ------------_._.------------------------------------------------.--------------1979 C( , C() C( , C( , ·( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , ·( ,1980 ·( , ·( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,1981 C( , ·( , .( , C( , C( , ·( , .( , C( , C( , C( , C( , C( ,1982 ·( , ·( , C( , ·( , ·( , C( , C( , C( , ·( , C() C( , C( ,1983 ·( , ·( , ·( , C() C( , C( , C( , C( , ·( , C( , C( ,1984 C( , ·( , C( , C( , C() ·( , .( , ·( , ·( ,1985 ·( , ·( , ·( , C( , ·( ,---.-------.._------.--•••...........•....•..-._......•...•....•......•..__....Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR IlAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC..-_......•.••.•__.....__..-----_...._............_..-...._......_..._........-C: CI.plete .onth • : IncllPlete .Inth - : "tssing .onth(?, • "IXi.UI vllue .f the .rtgine code tn the .onth

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• .. ~




• Hydrolo<.1ical observing station (woter level )

149°20+ 17°30

149°30+ 17°S0

o 2 .. 6 8 10Kml , , , ! 1

, 1 (X)

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Station 5751500102-E Altitude 10 La t i t. -17.39.20River PAPElHA Longit. -149.19.06Country TAHITI 1SLAND Altit. 1811Basin PAPElHA Aru 30.6000 kl2--.. -_..-.._._...-..-..--_.---------------------_ ....-----._------_...._--...--Yeu JAN FEB KAR APR "AY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-...-..._--....__.....------._------_..._------._.----........-_.........-...-.lm - ( 1 - ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 - ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 11975 C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 - ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 11976 - ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 1 C( 1 Cil C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 - ( 1 C( 11977 CIl Cil Cil C( 1 Cil C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cil C( 11978 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cil C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 -1 1 C( 11979 - ( 1 - ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cil C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cil Cil Cil

1980 Cil CIl C( 1 Cil Cil C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CO1981 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 - ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 - ( 1 Cil C( 11982 C( 1 Cil C( 1 C( 1 Cil C( 1 C( 1 - ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 -1 11983 CIl C( 1 Cil - ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 1 C( 1 - ( 1 C( 1 Cil C( 1 -IIlm -1 1 Cil C( 1 Cil Cil C( 1 - ( 1 C( 1 - ( 1 C( 1 - ( 1 C( 11985 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cil Cil Cil C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cil1986 - ( 1 Cil C( 1 C( 1 Cil C( J - ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 1 Cil C(DI C(DI1987 CIDI C( 1 Cil C( 1 C(DI C(DI C(DI C(DI C(BI C101 CIBI C1011988 • IDI CIBI CIBI C(BI CIBI C(BI C<01 C(DI - (BI C(BI C(DI • (DI1989 • <81 C(BI C(BI C<81 C(DI C<81 C(BI C(BI - (BI - <81 C(BI - IBI

.:'..'. lm tlBI C(BI -IBI - (BI - (BI C<81 - (BI CIBI C(BI - (BI CIBI CIBIml CIBI C(BI C<81 C(BI C(BI cml C(BI C(BI C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( J1992 Cil Cil Cil C( 1 Cil - 11 ..---.--------------------------------------------._-----...-...--------------.--Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUL AU& SEP OCT NOV DEC....--------------------_..--..---..__.__.....__......----..._----------.-...--C : Co.plet••anth - : Inca.plete .onth - : "issing lonth(?I • "axilui va lue of the origine code in the lanth

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,.Country : TAHITI ISLANDSensor : 5751500102-E Altitude 10 Basin : PAPEIHA River : PAPEIHA

Curvi vlltd tr•• 23/01/1986 1 84H30 t. 85/05/1986 1 08H30 Eltlbltlhtd .n: 22/09/1986 bV A.lAFFOR8UEtrll 45 Cft t. 416 CIl Co••ent : 0 Dnwn w!th 17 glugings

Table If 45 Cft ta 416 CIl bi-univoque

Curve vlltd tr•• •5/.5/1986 1 .8H3. t. 19/.1/1987 1 11H20 Estlbltlhed .n: 13/.2/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEfrll ~ CIl to 416 CIl C'lIent : 0 Dnwn w!th 37 gaugings

Table If 39 Cft to 416 CIl bi-univoque

Curve v.lld fr•• 19/.1/1987 1 11H21 ta 15/.4/1987 • 06H44 Estlbllshed .n: 12/06/1990 by LAFFOR./CHOURETfrll 44 CIl ta 250 CIl Cllunt : • Drawn w!th 10 glugings

Tablt .f 44 CIl ta 416 CIl bt-untv.que

Curve v.lid tr•• 15/04/1987 1 86H45 t. 25/08/1987. 20H49 Est.blished .n: 12/06/1990 by LAFFOR./CHOURETtra. 35 Cft ta 25. CIl C...ent : • Drawn wl th 9 gaugtft9s

Table If 35 Cft to 416 CIl bl-unlv.que

Curvt v.lid tr•• 25/08/1987 1 20H50 t. 06/03/1988 ••4H14 Est.blished .n: 12/06/1990 bV lAFFOR./CHOURETfrll 41 CIl ta 340 CIl CII.ent : 0 Dr.wn with 22 gaugings

Table .f 40 Cft t. 416 CIl bi-univoque

Curve 'Ilid fr•• '6/'3/1988 1 '4H15 te 3./01/1990 1 11H39 Est.bllshed .n: 12/.6/1990 by lAFFOR./CHOURETtra. 32 CIl ta 416 Cft CII.ent : • Drawn w!th 31 gaugtngs

~Tablt .f 32 CIl ta 416 CIl bl-univaque

Curve Yllid tr•• 3"'1/1990 1 11H4. t. 28/11/1990 1 11H39 Estlblished on: .1/.8/1990 by A.CHOtJRETfrll 35 Cft t. 416 CIl CII.ent : 0 Onwn w!th 31 gaugings

Tlblt .f 35 Cft t. 416 CIl bi-univoque

Curve 'ilid tr•• 20/11/1990 1 11H48 t. Established an: 03/03/1991 by A.CHOURETfrai 25 CIl to 416 Cft Ca..ent 0 Orawn w!th 43 gau9ift9s

Tablt .f 25 C" ta 416 CIl bi-univaque

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Station 5751700101-A Altitude _5 Litit. -17.33._2 ..River PAPENOO Langit. -149.25._2Country TAHlTl ISLAND Alti t. _5"Buin PAPENOO Aru 79.7000 k.2.._._---._--------------------------------.-----------.-------------_._.-------Yur JAN FEB KAR APR "AY JUN JUL AU& SEP OCT NOY oEC------------------------------------------------------------._._------_.---._.-

1970 $ ( 1 C( 1 $ ( 1 $ ( 1 $ ( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 11971 $ ( ) $ ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 $ ( 1------------_._------------------------_._---_._._-----._------_.--.~-_.._.-_.-Yur JAN FEB KAR APR "AY JUN JUL AU& SEP OCT NOV' oEC_._----------------------------------------------_.----------------------------

Statian 5751700101-E Altitude _5 lat i t. -17.33._2River PAPENOO longit. -1_9.25._2Cauntry TAHlTl ISLAND Alti t. 45"Buin PAPENOO Aru 79.7000 k.2----------------_._--------------------_.-----------.-_.-----------------------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUtl JUl AU& SEP OCT NOV DEC-.------------.--------------------_.-._----------------.-------------_._------1971 $ ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11972 C( 1 $ ( ) C(BI C( 1 C() C() C(DI C(BI $ ( 1 C() C( 1 C( 11973 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CIBI $ ( 1 Cil C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 $ ( 1

:~~ 1974 C( ) C( 1 $ ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 $ ( 11975 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11976 C() C() C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 C(BI C() C( 1 C()1977 C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CO C()1978 C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 $ (BI C() C( 1 C( 1 C( )1979 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C(B) C( 1 C( 1. C( 1 C( 1

1980 C() C() C(BI C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 11981 C( 1 C( 1 $ ( 1 $0 C() C() C( 1 C( 1 C( 11982 C( 1 C( 1 $ ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 $ ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 $ ( 1 C( 1 C( 119B3 C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 $ ( 1 $ ( 1 C( 1 C( 119B4 C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C( 1 $" C()1985 $ ( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 $ ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 $ ( r $ ( 119B6 C() C( 1 C() C( 1 C() C( 1 $ ( 1 $ ( ) $ ( 1 $ ( 1 C( 1 $ ( 119B7 C( 1 C( 1 C() C( 1 C() C() cml C(BI C(BI C(DI C(B) C(BI19B8 . C(DI cml C(DI Cml C(ol cml C(BI cml $ (01 C(BI $ (01 cœl19B9 C(B) $ (01 $ (DI C(BI C(BI C(BI cml C(BI C(BI C(BI CŒI C(BI

1990 $ (81 C(BI C(BI C(BI C(BI C(BI C(BI C(B) C(BI C(BI C(B) cœl1991 C(81 CŒI C(BI CfBl C(BI C(BI C(BI C(III C(BI C(BI C(BI C(BI-----------------------------------------------------------------------.-------Yur JAN FEB "AR APR KAY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC---._------------------------------------------------------------------_._-----C : Ca.plete .anth $ : Inco.plete .anth - : ftissift9 .anth(?I & Kaxi.u. value ot the origine code ln the ••nth

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Country : TAHITI ISLANDSensor : 5751700101-E Altitude 45 Basin : PAPENOO River : P.APENOO

Curve vllid frai 24/08/1972 1 12H00 ta 11/10/1973 1 21H00 Estlblished on: 01/10/1986 by lAFFOR&UE-OllIERfrOi 19 C" ta 581 CIl COllent : • Dnlln llith 34 gaugings

Table of 19 C" ta 581 C" bi-univoque

Curve vllid frai 11/10/1973 1 21H00 ta 26/02/1976 1 11H50 Estlblished on: 13/01/1986 by A.lAFFOR6UEfrOi 20 C" ta 580 C" COllent : 0 Dnlln llith 70 glugings

Table of 20 CIl ta 580 C" bi-univoque

Curve vllid frai 26/02/1976 1 11H50 ta 21/04/1976 1 15H00 Estlblished on: 13/01/1986 by A.LAFFOR6UEfrai 20 CIl ta 580 C" COllent : 0 Dnlln llith 33 glugings

Table of 20 C" ta 580 C" bi-univoque

Curve vllid frol 21/04/1976 1 15H00 ta 08/12/1976 1 03H50 Estlblished on: 13/01/1986 by A.LAFFOR6UEfrai 20 C" ta 580 C" COllent : 0 Dnlln llith 39 glugings

Table of 28 C" ta 580 C" bi-univoque

Curve vllid frai 08/12/1976 1 03H58 to 10/02/1977 1 06H40 Estlbltshed on: 13/01/1986 by A.lAFFOR6UEfrOl 20 CIl ta 580 C" COllent : 0 Dnlln llith 33 glugings

Table of 20 C" ta 580 C" bi-univoque

Curve vllid frai 10/02/1977 1 06H40 ta 30/11/1977 1 01H50 Estlblished on: 13/01/1986 by A.lAFFOR6UEfrai 20 CIl ta 580 C" COllent : 0 Dnlln llith 47 glugings

.~ Table of 20 C" ta 580 C" bi-univoque

Curve vllid frai 30/11/1977 1 01H50 ta 15/02/1978 1 18H10 Estlblished on: 13/01/1986 by A.LAFFOR6UEfrai 20 CIl ta 580 CIl COllent : 0 Drilln llith 32 glugings

Table of 20 C" ta 580 CIl bi-univoque

Curve vllid frol 15/02/1978 1 18H10 ta 17/05/1978 1 16H50 Estlblished on: 13/01/1986 by A.lAFFOR6UEfr.. 30 CIl to 580 ~ COllent : 0 Drllln llith 17 glugings

Table of 30 C" ta 580 CIl bi-univoque

Curve vllid frOI 17/05/1978 1 16H50 ta 13/01/1979 1 20H50 Estlblished on: 13/01/1986 by A.lAFFOR6UEfrol 30 C" ta 588 CIl COllent : 0 Drilln llith 27 glugings

Table of 30 C" to 580 CIl bi-univoque

Curve vllid frol 13/01/1979 1 20H50 ta 02/07/1981 1 10H45 Estlblished on: 13/01/1986 by A.LAFFOR6UEtrol 12 C" ta 580 CIl COllent : • Dnlln llith 55 gaugings

Table of 12 CIl ta 580 C" bi-univoque

Curve vllid frai 02/07/1981 1 10H45 to 24/02/1982 1 11H48 Eshb Ji shed on: by LUC FERRYfrai 18 CIl ta 436 CIl COllent : 0 Dnlln llith 16 gaugings

Tab le of 10 C" ta 436 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid frol 24/82/1982 1 11H40 ta 13/12/1982 a 13H20 Es \ab li shed on: by LUC FERRYfrOi 10 C" to 436 CIl COllent : 0 Drllln llith Il gaugings

Table of 10 CIl ta 436 C" bi-univoque


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Cauntry : TAHITI ISLANDSensar : 5751700101-[ Altitude 45 Basin : PAPENOO River : PAPENOO ...

Curve vllid trol 13/12/1982 a 13H28 ta 12/03/1983 a 09H30 Estlblished on: 02/89/1984 by LUC FHRYtrll 10 CIl ta 436 C" C"lent : 0 Dnlln lIith 3 glugings

Table ot 10 C" ta 436 CIl bi-univoque

Curve vllid trol 12/03/1983 a 09H38 to 23/83/1984 a 16H05 Established on: 26/09/1986 by A.LAFFOR6UEtrll 6 CIl ta 436 CIl COllent : 8 Dralln lIith 13 gaugings

Table ot 6 C" ta 436 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid trol 23/03/1984 a 16H05 to 19/89/1986 a 08H00 Establlshed on: 26/09/1986 by A.LAFFOR6UEtr.. 6 CIl ta 436 C" COllent : 8 Dnlln lIith 32 gaugings

Table ot 6 C" ta 436 C" bi-univoque

Curve vllid trol 19/09/1986 a 08H00 te 15/14/1987 a .9H29 Established on: 10/86/1988 by LAFFORGUE-6AZULLfrOi 6 Cft ta 436 C" COllent Dnlln lIith 20 glU9lngs

Table of 6 C" ta 436 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid frol J5/84/1987 a 09H38 to 26/J2/1987 a 16H29 Established on: JO/86/1988 by LAFFOR6UE-6AZULLfrol 15 C" to 436 C" COllent Dnlln lIith 38 glugings

Table of 15 CIl ta 436 C" bi-univoque

Curve valfd frol 26/12/1987 a J6H30 ta 89/03/1989 1 14H29 Establfshed on: 10/86/1988 by LAFFOR6UE-GAZULLfro. 6 C" to 436 CIl C'lIent Dnwn lIith 37 91U9lngs

.~Table of 6 C" ta 436 C" bf-univoque

Curve vllid frol 89/83/1989 1 14H38 ta 01/11/1989 1 82H29 Estlblished on: 06/84/1990 by N. de COJNTETfro. J3 C" ta 436 Cft COllent Dnlln IIfth 19 gauglngs

Tlble of J3 CIl te 436 C" bi-univoque

Curve vllid fro. 01/11/J989 1 82H30 ta 16/11/1990 1 18H05 Estlblfshed on: 30/87/1991 by A.CHOURETfro. 15 CIl ta 436 Cft Co••ent : 8 Dnwn lIith 26 91ugings

Tlble of 15 C1t to 436 C" bi-univoque

Curve vllid fro. 16/Jl/J998 1 88H06 Estlblished on: 11/03/J992 by CHOURET/ROBINfr.. 15 C" te 436 C" C'lIent 0 Dnlln IIfth 32 glugings

Tlble of JS CIl to 436 C" bi-univoque

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5152000101-E Upstreal bridge roadPUNARUUTAHITl ISLANDPUNARUU

latit. -11.39.02longit. -149.36.23AUlt. 10"Area 43.2008 kl2

1911 - () - () - (1 - () - () - () - () C() - () - (1 - (1 - ( 11912 - (1 C() C() - () C(1 C() C(1 C() C() - ( )1913 - () - () - ( )



5752.001.2-[ Altitude 50PUNARUUTAHITI ISLANDPUNARUll

latlt. -11.37.52langit. -149.34.42Altit. 50"Area 39.2000 kl2

---------------..............__..._-_..._-.....-..-..---------_._-_._.-...._._-Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR IlAY JUtl JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC--------_._-_.__._._-------_.-_._._-_._------_.-.._----------_._.--._._.-.....-1913 -( ) CC ) C( ) C( ) CC) CC) C( ) CC) CCI CCI1914 -C 1 -C ) - C) CCI CC) CC) CC ) CC) CC) CC) CCI CCI1915 CCI -( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CC) C( ) C( 1 -C ) - ( 1 C() C( 11916 -C 1 CCI C( ) CCI CCI CCI CC ) CCI - ( 1 - ( 1 -C ) - ( 1

'. 1911 -( ) CCl C( ) C( ) -C1 - C) CCI - ( 1 tC ) t C) -C 1 -( )1918 -( ) C( ) -( ) CCl -( ) t ( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) -Cl -( ) - ( 11919 t ( ) CC) CC) tC ) CC) CCI CC ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )

1980 CC ) CCl CC) C( ) C( ) CC) CC ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( ) C( )1981 CC) CC) -C ) CC) CC) CC) CC ) t C) CC) -C ) -( ) -C )1982 -( ) -C ) -C ) tC ) CC ) -C ) -C ) tC ) tC ) -C ) -C 1 CCI1983 tC ) CC) -C ) tC ) -C ) t ( ) tC ) tC ) -C ) -C ) '- .

---------_.--._---------_.-_.-------_._..-..--.-_._._-----.----_._._-_._.__....Yeu JAN FEB "AR APa MY JUN JUl AUS SEP OCT NOY GEC


5752000105-" Downstreal bridge roadPUNARUUTAHl1I ISLANDPUNARUU

Lltit. -17.38.02Longit. -149.36.23Altit. 10"Arel 43.2000 kl2



-() CC) t() t()

-C) t() -()

-( )

-C) tC) -C)-C) -CI -CI -()


C: COIPlete lonth -: Incalplete lonth -: "issing lonth(1) : "lxilUI value ot the origine code in the lonth

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Station 5752000105-Y Oownstreal bridge road Latit. -17.38.02River PUNARUU Longit. -149.36.23Country TAHITI ISLAND . Altit. 10"Basin PUNARUU Aru 43.2000 h2...---.._.-..._.-......--...-..._--......---.-.----...----..._.-.---......-....Yeu JAN FEB IlAR APR "AY JUN JUL AU& SEP OCT NOY OEC-----------.---.._---._-----_.---...--.....---- ...._-..._---.._.-..---...------19B4 CI 1 CIl .1 1 .1 1 .1 1 ·1 ) ·1 ) CIl1985 ·1 ) ·1 ) ·1 ) CI) CI) CIl CI) CI) CI) CI) CI)1986 CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) ·1 ) .()1987 CI) CI) CIl ·1 ) CI) CIBI • IBI ClB) • lB) ·IBI ClB) ClB)1988 ClB) CIBI ClB) CIBI CIBI CIBI ClB) CI) CI) ClB) CIB) CIBI1989 ClB) CIB) CIB) ClB) ClB) ClB) CIBI ClB) ClB) CIB) ClB) CIB)

1990 ClB) CIB) C(8) CID) ClB) ClB) ClB) ClB) ClB) CIB) ClB) ClB)ml ClB) CIB) ClB) ClB) ClB) ClB) ClB) ClB) CIBI C(B) ClB) C(B)-_.-..._.-.._-_..........__.----_.-._-_.--...._----_.--_...--_._._---_....._...Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUl AU& SEP OCT NOY DEC

C : Co.plete lonth .: Incolplete lonth -: "issing .onthI?) : "axi.uI value of the origine code in the lonth

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Country : TAHITI ISLANDSensar : 5752000101-E Upstreal bridge raad Basin : PUNARUU River : PUNARUU

Curve valid trol 03/.0/1972 a 00H00 to 05/03/1973 a 09H50 Establlshed on:trol 0 CK to 400 CK COllent : 0

Table ot 0 CK to 400 CK bi-univoque


Sensor : 57520001.2-E Altitude 50 Basin : PUNARUU River : PUNARUU

Curve valid trol 27/12/1976 a 08H05 t. 15/82/1978 a 19H15frol 20 CK t. 292 Cft COllent :.

Table.f 20 CK to 292 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 15/82/1978 a 19H15 t. 13/81/1979 a 20H00fr.. 28 CK t. 292 CM C•••ent :.

Table.f 20 Cft to 292 CK bi-univ.que

Curve valid fr •• 13/81/1979 a 20H00 t. 20/.4/1979 a 00H00fro. 85 CK t. 330 CK C'I.ent :.

Table of 85 CK t. 330 CK bi-univ.que

Curve valid fr •• 20/84/1979 a 00H00 t. 30/86/1979 a 15H00fro. 68 Cft to 330 Cft Co••ent : 0

Table of 60 CK to 330 CK bi-univoque

Curve valid fr •• 30/86/1979 a 15H00 to 08/09/1979 a 00H30fro. 75 CK t. 330 Cft Co••ent : 0

Table of 75 CK t. 330 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 88/89/1979 a 00H30 to 29181/1980 a 83HOOfrol 75 CK to 330 Cft COllent : 8

Table of 15 CK ta 330 CK bi-univoque

Curve valid fr •• 29/81/1980 a 03H00 t. 10/83/1981 a 13H00fro. 75 CK t. 330 Cft Co••ent : 0

Table.f 75 CK to 330 CK bi-univoque

Curve valid fr •• 10/03/1981 a 13H00 t. 30/89/1981 a 11H00fr.. 28 Cft to 326 Cft C•••ent : 8

Table .f 20 CK t. 326 CK bi-univoque

Curve valld fr•• 38/09/1981 1 11H00 t. 28/11/1981 1 12H30fr.. 50 Cft t. 320 Cft C•••ent : 8

Table.f 50 Cft to 328 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid fr•• 28/11/1981 a 12H30 t. 25/82/1982 a 11H45fr.. 50 CK to 326 CK COI.ent : 8

Table of 50 CK to 326 CK bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 25/02/1982 a 11H45 to 12/04/1982 a 17H00fro. 64 CK to 326 Cft Co••ent : 0

Table of 64 CK to 326 CK bi-univoque

Established .n: 13/84/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEDrawn Mlth 18 gaugings

Establlshed on: 13/04/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEDraMn Mith 11 gaugings

Established .n: 17/04/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UE

Established on: 17/04/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UE

Established on: 17/04/1987 by A.lAffOR6UEDraMn Mith 1 gauglngs

Established .n: 17/84/1981 by A.lAFFOR6UEDraMn Mith 4 gauglngs

Established .n: by lUC FERRYDraMn Mith 12 gaugings

Established .n: by lUC FERRYDraMn Mith 5 gauglngs

Established .n: 13/84/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEDraMn Mith 5 gaugings

Establlshed .n: 13/04/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEDraMn Mlth 17 gaugings

Established .n: 89/12/1988 by A.lAFFOR6UEDraMn Mith 15 gaugings

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Country : TAHITI ISLANDSensor : 5752000102-E Altitude 50 Basin : PUNARUU River : PUNARUU

Curve valid trol 12/04/1982 a 17H00 to 09/08/1982 a 08H30trol 79 Cft to 160 Cft COllent : 0

Table ot 79 C" to 160 ~ bi-univoque

Curve valid trol 09/08/1982 a 08H30 to 23/11/1982 a 09H55trol 100 C" to 208 C" COllent : 8

Table of 100 C" to 208 Cft bi-univoque

&urve valid trol 23/11/1982 a 09H55 to 12/12/1982 a 15H30trol 110 Cft to 243 Cft COllent : 0

Table of 110 C" to 243 C" bi-univoque

&urve valid trol 12/12/1982 a 15H30 to 15/03/1983 a .OHOOtrol 50 C" to 270 Cft COllent :,

Table ot 50 Cft to 270 C" bi-univoque

&urve valid trol 01/85/1983 a 'OHOO to 01/12/1983 a 'OHOOtrol 20 C" to 45 C" COllent : 0

Table ot 20 C" to 45 C" bi-univoque

Established on: 89/12/1988 by A.lAFFOR6UEDrawn wlth 3 gaugings

Established on: 13/04/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEDrawn with 5 gaugings

Established on: by LUC FERRY

Established on: by FERRYDrawn with 3 gaugings

Established on: 13/84/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEDrawn with 10 gaugings

Sensor : 5752000105-V Downstreal bridge road Basin : PUNARUU River : PUNARUU

&urve valid trol 23/01/1985 a 81HI0 to 10/11/1985 a 10H25trol 12 Cft to 251 C" COllent : 0

Table ot 12 C" to 251 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid trol 10/11/1985 a 10H25 to 28/12/1985 a 10H30trol 19 Cft to 251 ~ COllent : 8

Table ot 19 Cft to 251 C" bi-univoque

&urve valid trol 28/12/1985 a 10H30 to 85/06/1986 a 17H00trol 17 C" to 251 C" COllent : 0

Table ot 17 C" to 251 ~ bi-univoque

&urve valid trol 05/06/1986 a 17H00 to 03/01/1999 a 07H24trol 1 C" to 251 ~ COllent : 0

Table ot 1 C" to 251 C" bi-univoque

Established on: 27/04/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEDrawn with 24 gaugings

Established on: 27/04/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEDrawn with 6 gaugings

Established on: 27/04/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEDrawn with 17 gaugings

Established on: 27/04/1987 by A.lAFFOR6lIEDrawn with 22 gaugings

&urve valid trol 03/01/1989 a 07H25 totrol 0 C" to 251 ~ COllent

Table ot 0 C" to 251 ~ bi-univoque8

Established on: 23/01/1991 by A.CHOURETDrawn with 38 gaugings

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Station 5753000104-E TUAURU Bridge LltH. -17.30.29River TUAURU L'ntft. -149.29.17Country TAHITI ISLAND Alti t. 10"8asln TUAURU Area 2&.5008 h2--------_.-._--_._---_._._---._----.-------._---------._------.._.-.---.----.-.Yeu JAN FE8 "AR APR "AY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-----------.-.---._----_._.--_..----------_._-----------------_._._..._._------1975 • C1 CC 1 CC 1 CCI CCI CCI CCI1976 CC 1 CC) CC) CC) CCI CC) CC ) CC ) • C) CC 1 CCI CC 11977 CC ) CCI CC) • C1 CC ) CC) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC 1 CC ) CC 11978 CC) CC ) CCI CC ) CC) CCI Cil CCI CC) Cil CCI CCI1979 CCI CC J CC ) CC) CC ) CC ) CCI CC ) CC ) CC 1 Cil CC 1

1980 CC ) CC ) CC J CC 1 CC 1 CC ) CC 1 CI ) CCI CCI CC 1 CI )1981 CC ) CC ) '(J '(J '(J CC ) Cc) CC ) CCI • C) • C1J982 • C) • C) • C) • C) • C) CC) 'C) Cc) '(J CCI CC) CC)1983 CC ) C(J CC ) C(J CC ) CC 1 CC 1 CC ) CC) CC 1 CC J CCI1984 CCI CCI CC) CC ) CC ) CC) CC ) CC) CC ) CCI CC 1 CCI1985 CCDI CC ) Cf) CC 1 CC ) CCI CCI CC ) CC ) CCI CC ) CCI1986 • C) CC ) CC ) CC ) CC) CC) CC) • C1 CC ) CI 1 CC 1 CCI1987 CC 1 CC 1 CCI CCI CC 11988 CC81 CCBI CCBI CCBI CCBI CCBI CIBI CCBI CCBI CIBI CIBI CCBI1989 CCBI CIBI CCB) CIBI CCBI CIBI ClBl CIBI CCBI CIBI CIBI CIBI

1990 CCBI CCBI CCB) CIBI CCBI CCBI CCBI CIBI CCBI CIBI CCBI CIBI1991 CIBI CIBI CIBI CCBI C(8) ClB) CIBI CIBI CIBI CCBI CIBI CCBI---..--_..-._.-._._-_..-.__._._.-.._._----------_.--.---------_.-_.-.--------.-Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUH JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC----_.-----_.-.-...._-------_._._-_._._-----_._.._._.-----_.--._._-..------.._.Station 5753008J04-" TUAURU Bridge latu. -17.30.29River TUAURU longit. -149.29.17Country TAHITI ISlAND Altlt. JO"Basin TUAURU Aru 26.5000 h2._------._._--._--------.-.__._.__....__...._._------.--------....--._.-._-----Yeu JAN FEB MR APR "AY .lUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-------------------------------------------_._---------------------------------J987 • (B) CC ) CCBI ClBl CIBI ClBl ClBl CCB) CeB)1988 CCBI • lB) • C)--------------------_._--------------------------------------------------------Yeu JAN FEe "AR API MY .lUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C : COlplete lonth • : Inclaplett .Inth • : "Isslng lonthC11 & "lxi.UI value If the Irlgine code in the .onth

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Country : TAHITI ISLANDStnsor : 515300010'·E TUAURU Brldg! Basin : TUAURU RlYu : TUAURU

Curv! valld fro. 01/01/1915 a 10H80 t. 10/03/1981 a 03H00fr.. 59 Cft to 2'1 C" C•••!nt : 8

Table of 59 Cft to 2'1 Cft bi-univoque

Establlshed .n: 22/11/1986 by A.lAFFOR6UEDraMn Mith 320 gaugings

Curve valld fr •• 10/03/1981 a 13H01fr.. 61 C" t. 2'9 Cft C•••ent

Table of 61 C" t. 2'9 C" bi-univoqueo

Establlshed on: 22/10/1986 by A. lAFFOR6UEDraMn Mlth 208 gaugings

Sens.r : 57530'010'-" TUAURU Brfdge 8asin : TUAURO River : TUAURU

Curve valfd fr•• 13/0'/1981 1 .9H15 t. 29/1211988 a 13H00fr.. "Cft to 2'9 Cft C"lent : 0

Table of "Cft ta 249 Cft bi-univoque

Establlshed on: 26/12/1990 by A.CHOURETDraMn _fth 49 ,auging5

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Station 5753900102-E Bridge Road LaUt. -17.46.00Rher VAIRAHARAHA Langtt. -149.24.16C.untn TAHITI ISLAND Alttt. 1011Basin VAIRAHARAHA Aru 14.6801 b2---.----..-.-_.-.__.-_.__.-.._.-._..-._-_.-.._.-._._.------------_._._---------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC.--_..._--.._....-_...-._---_._-.----.-._-.-_._-----_.----.----.---_._---------19811982 - 1 ) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI )1983 - 1) CI) CO CI) -( ) C( ) - 1 ) C( ) CO -( ) - 1) CI)1984 CI) CI) C( ) CI) C( ) C( ) CI) C( ) CO C( ) CI) CI )1985 CI ) cn CI) C( ) C( ) CI) C( ) C( ) C( ) CI) CI ) CI)1986 CI) C( ) C( ) CO C( ) CI) C( ) CI) C( ) C( ) C(J C( )1987 C( ) C(J CI) C( ) CI ) C(8) -(B) • (8) C(B) CIB) C(B) C(8)1988 C(8) -(B) • lB) - lB) C(B) C(B) C(8) C(B) C(8) C(B) -(8) CIB)lm CIB) C(8) C(8) CIB) CIB) C(8) C(B) C(B) CIB) C(8) C(8) C(8)

199O CIB) C(B) C(B) C(8) CIB) CIB) C(8) C(B) CIB) C(B) C(B) CIB)1991 C(B) C(B) C(8) C(8) C(B) C(8) C(8) C(S) C(8) C(B) cm C(B)..---........................._--.----...__....._-_...--.._.-........_._._-...-Yeu JAl( FEI "AR APR IIAY JUIl JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY tEC...------_.__...._----------..--------------_._._---------------._.--_..--...--

.C : C•.,leti I.nth .: Inc••plete I.nth .: "tlstnt I.nthI~ • "axtlUl vllue .f the .rigtne cade tn the I.nth

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Country : TAHITI ISLANOStMer : 5753980182-E Bridge ROid Basin : VAIRAHARAHA River : YAIRAHARAHA

Curve valid fro. 01/01/1982 a 00H00 te 12/12/J982 a 15H38 Established on: 30/83/1987 by A.lAFFDR6UEfn. 30 CIl to 214 CIl C...ent : 8 Oralln lIith 27 gauging5

Table of 30 C" to 2J4 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 12/12/1982 a 15H30 te 12/13/1983 a 16H11 Established on: 30/83/1987 by A.lAFFDR6UEfrOi 50 C" to 297 C" Co••ent : 0 Oralln lIith 21 gaugings

Table of 50 C" to 297 C" bi-univoqu@

Curve valid fro. 12/03/1983 1 06H10 to 12/04/1983 a 08H46 Established on: 31/10/1984 by lUC FERRYfro. 51 ~ to 297 C" COllent : 1 Oralln lIith 7 gaugings

Table of 58 C" to 297 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 12/04/1983 1 08H46 to 2211811983 a 19H87 Established on: 31/11/1984 by lUC FERRYfn. 61 CIl to 297 CIl COllent : 0 Orllln lIith II gauging5

Table of 68 CIl to 297 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid fro' 22/08/1983 1 19H87 to 24/12/1983 1 14H18 Established on: 11/06/1985 by A.lAFFORGUEfro. ,,~ to 297 C" COllent : 1 Orllln lIith 8 gaugings

Table of ,,~ to 297 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 24/12/1983 a 04H10 ta 2310311984 a 15H10 Established on: 11/86/1985 by A.LAFFOR6UEfru 58 CIl to 297 C" COllent : 8 Orallll IIi th 5 glugings

Table 1lf 50 ~ to 297 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 23/.3/1984 1 15H11 te 13/18/1984 a 20H85 Established on: 31/13/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEfn. 51 ~ te 297 CIl COllent : 8 Oralln lIith II gaugings

Table of 58 CIl to 297 CIl bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 13/18/1984 1 20H85 to .7/11/1984 1 18H41 Established on: 31/13/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEfn. 65 CIl te 297 ~ Co••ent : 1 Oralln IIfth 6 gaU9ing5

Table of 65 CIl to 297 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid fro••7/11/J984 1 18H41 ta 13/04/1985 a 14H45 Established on: 38/13/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEfn. 65 CIl te 297 C" COllent : 8 Orllln lIith 21 9au9ings

Table of 65 C" to 297 C" bi-univoque

Curve vllid fro. 13/04/1985 1 14H45 ta 11/17/1985 1 22H58 Estlblished on: 30/13/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEfn. 78 ~ to 297 C" COllent : 0 Orallll IIfth Il 91u9ings

Table of- 71 CIl to 297 C" bi-univoque

Curve vilid fro••1/17/1985 1 22H58 to 2811211986 a 18H88 Establfshed on: 38/83/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEfn. 71 CIl te 297 CIl Co.aent : 1 Oralln lIith 32 9lu9in95

Table of 70 CIl to 297 CIl bi-univoque

Curve valid fro. 28/12/1986 1 10H01 to 11/12/1986 1 00H00 Established on: 29/11/1998 by A.CHOURETfro. 75 CIl to 297 CIl COllent : 0 Orallll lIith 48 91u9ings

Table of 75 CIl to 297 C" bi-univoque


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Country : TAHITI ISLANDSensor : 5753900102-E Bridge Raad Basin : VAIRAHARAHA River : VAIRAHARAHA

Curvi vlltd ft•• 01/J2/J986 1 OOHOJ t. 19/J2/J987 1 08H05 Establtsh,d ln: 29/JJ/J990 by A.CHOURETfr.. o CIl ta 297 CIl C...ent : 0 Dratln tllth 75 gaugings

.. Table If o CfI ta 297 CfI bi-univoque

Curv, valld fro. '9/J2/1987 a '8H16 tl 11/11/1988 a IIHJ5 . Establlshed on: 29/II/J990 by A.CHOURETfrll 50 CIl ta 297 CIl Cllllnt : , Dratln lIith 36 gaugings

Tabl, If 50 CIl ta 297 al bi-univoque

Curv, valld ft•• 1"1"1988 a l'MI6 to 22/'511989 1 18H58 Establlshed ln: 16/12/1990 by A.CHOURETfrll 7' CIl ta 297 CIl Cllitnt : 1 Dratln tI!th 26 gaugings

Table .f 7' CIl ta 297 CfI bl-untv.que

Curve villd fr•• 22/15/1989 1 l'H51 t. 28/19/1989 1 '5H0' Establlshed .n: '6/12/1998 by A.CHDURETftll 81 CIl ta m Cft C.iient : • OrllIII tllth 21 gaugings

Table .f 8' al te 297 CIl bf -""lv.que

Curv, valld frl' 28/19/1989 1 15H'1 ta 25/1011989 a 18H35 Establlshed .n: 16/12/1990 by A.CHOURETfn. 75 CIl ta 297 CIl Cllitnt : , Dratln tif th 5 gaugings

Table .f 75 CIl ta 297 CfI bi-univoque

Curve valfd fr•• 25/1./1989 a 08H36 t. 13/11/1989 1 19H59 Establlshed on: '6/12/1990 by A.CHOURETfn. S, CIl te 297 CIl C...ent : , Dratln tif th 10 gaugings

Table .f S, CIl ta 297 CIl bf-unlv.que.;

Curve vllfd fr•• 13/11/1989 a l'H'O ta 19/11/1990 1 12H44 Establfshed ln: 14/08/1990 by A.CHOURETfn. 45 CIl te 297 CIl C....nt : 1 Orallll tI!th 53 gaugings

Table .f 45 CIl ta 297 CIl bf-unfvoque

Curve vllfd fr•• 19/11/1990 a 12H45 Establlshed on: 23/12/1991 by A.CHOURETf". 4ICIl te 297 al Cllitnt 0 Oratln tltth 48 gauglngs

Table If 41 CIl te 297 CIl bi-univoque

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Stati onRiverCountryBuin


Litit. -17.34.10Longit. -149.19.49Altit. 5"Arei 23.6000 k.2


19811982 - 1 ) CI) - 1 ) CIO) CIO)1983 CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CIDI1984 CIO) C( ) C( ) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI)1985 Cil CI) CI) CI) CIO) - 1 ) CI) CI) CI) CI) Cil - 1 )1986 - ID) CI) CI) CI) CIO) CID) CIO) CI) CI) CI) CI) CI)1987 CID) CIO) CI) CI) CI) - ID) CIB) CIO) C(8) ClB) - 1 ) ClB)1988 CIBI CIB) - lB) - lB) C(B) ClB) ClB) ClB) ClB) C(B) C(8) ClB)1989 - (B) ClB) ClB) C(B) C(8) C(B) CIB) C(B) C(B) C(B) - (B) C(B)

1990 C(B) ClB) ClB) C(B) - lB) C(B) C(B) C(B) - (B) - (B) C(BI ClB)1991 - (B) C(8) C(B) C(B) C(B) ClB) C(B) C(B) C(B) CIBI C(S) C(BI---._----------._.---...---------_._------._-.---------.-----.----_.--._.---...Yeu JAN FEB AAR APR "AY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV OEC--~-------._---------------------------._------------- -------------------------

Station 5754000102-V Altitude 5 Ldit. -17.34.18River VAITAARA Longit. -149.19.49."" Country TAHITI ISLAND A1t i t. 5"Buin YAITAARA Aru 23.6880 ka2---------_._---------_._-------------------------.---------_._------._---------Yeu JAN FEB IIAR APR "AY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOY PEC-----------------.---------------------.-------------------------------_.------1991 - lB) - lB) -(B) - IBI -(B) -(8) C(B) -( )--------------------------------_...-----------------------------------------.-Yeu JAN FEB IIAR APR "AY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOV PEC.._----------------------------------------------------------------------------C : COlplete lonth - : IncolPlete lonth - : "issing lonthI?) • "ixilUI vilue .f the origine code in the ••nth

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,.Country : TAHITI ISLANDSensor : 5754000102-E Altitude 5 Buin : YAITAARA River :. YAITAARA...------.._------.--------------------_._---._---....._._--------------------------._._.-----.----------_.-------------_.

&urve valid tr'l 81/81/1982 a 00H08 to 15/11/19821 08H25trol 30 Cft t. 320 C" COllent : 0

Table ot 30 CK to 320 CK bi-univoque

Curve valid trol 15/11/1982 a 08H25 to 19/11/1982 a 11H38tr'l 30 Cft te 328 Cft COllent : 0

Table ot 30 Cft to 328 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid trol 19/11/1982 a 11H38 to 86/12/1982 a 89H20trol 38 Cft te 328 Cft COllent : 8

Table ot 30 CK to 328 Cft bi-univeque

Curve valid trel 06/12/1982 a 09H20 to 81112/1982 a 13H80tr'l 30 CK to 320 CK COllent : 8

Table ot 30 Cft to 328 CK bi-univoque

&urve valid trol 87/12/1982 a 13H00 to 12/12/1982 a 16H25trel 30 CK t. 328 CK COllent : 8

Table ot 30 Cft to 320 CK bi-univeque

Cvrve valid trel 12/12/1982 a 16H25 te 12/83/1983 a 89H21tr'l 35 Cft t. 396 Cft COllent : 0

Table ot 35 Cft to 396 Cft bi-univoque

&urve valid trol 12/83/1983 a 89H21 to 12/84/1983 a 88H54trol 38 Cft t. 396 Cft COllent : 8

Table ot 30 Cft to 396 Cft bi-univeque

Established en:OUlln lIith

Established en:

Established on:

Established on:

Established on:OUlln lIith

Established on:Oralln lIith

Established on:

by lUC FERRY4 gaugings




by lUC FERRY5 gaugings

by lUC fERRY10 gaugings


OUrve valid trol 12/84/1983 a 88H54 to 18/11/1983 a 11H02tr'l 48 Cft to 396 Cft COllent : 0

Table ot 48 Cft to 396 CK bi-univoque

&urve valid tr'l 18/11/1~83 a 11H82 to 24/12/1983 a 05H48trol 35 CK to 396 Cft COllent : 8

Table et 35 Cft to 396 Cft bi-univoque

&urve valid trel 24/12/1983 a 85H48 to 08/83/1984 a 18H00trol 35 CK to 396 Cft COllent : 8

Table ot 35 CK ta 396 Cft bi-univeque

Curve valid trol 88/83/1984 a 18H08 t. 23/83/1984 a 15H30trol 35 CK to 396 Cft COllent : 8

Table ot 35 CK to 396 CK bi-univoque

Curve valid trol 23/03/1984 a 15H30 te 24/11/1984 a 23Hl~

trol 35 CK to 396 CK Cellent : 0Table ot 35 Cft to 396 CK bi-univoque

Establfshed .n: 19/83/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEOralln lIith 18 gaugings

Establfshed on: 19/03/1987 by A.lAFFORGUEDralln lIith 3 gaugings

Establfshed on: 19/83/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEOralln lIith 5 9augings

Establfshed on: 19/83/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEOralln lIith 2 gaugings

Eitablilhed .n: 19/03/1987 by A.lAffOR8UEOralln lIith 20 gaugings


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C.untry : TAHITI ISLANDSens.r : 5754000102-E Altitude 5 Basin : VAJTAARA River : VAJTAARA----------------------------._._._------_._.-.--------._---------------------------------------------------------------------

Curve valid tr" 24/11/1984 a 23H15 t. 12/12/1984 a 04H50tr" 35 C" t. 396 ~ C,"ent : 8

Table .t 35 C" to 396 C" bi-univ.que

Curve valid tr•• 12/12/1984 a 84H58 t. 12/.2/1986 a 13H55tr" 45 Cft t. 396 Cft C,.'ent : 0

Table .t 45 C" ta 396 OK bi-univoque

Curve valid tr•• 12/02/1986 a 13H55 t. 13/85/1986 a '4H55tr.. 45 ~ li 396 ~ C"'ent :.

Table ot 45 C" ta 396 Cft bi-univ.que

Curve valid tr•• 13/05/1986 a 84H55 t. 23/84/1987 a 13H15tn. 25 Cft \0 396 Cft C..unt :.

Table .t 25 Cft ta 396 C" bi-univ.que

Curve valid tr•• 23/'4/1987 a 13H16 t. 13/12/1988 a 08H40tr.. 25 Cft ta 396 Cft C",ent : 0

Table .t 25 C" ta 396 ~ bi-univ.que

Curve valid tr•• 13/12/1988 a 08H41 t. 82/11/1989 a 08H59trOi 25 C" ta 396 Cft C,"ent :.

Table .t 25 C" ta 396 Cft bi-univ.que

Curve valid tr•• 02/11/1989 a 89HO. t. 11/.1/1"1 a 10H44tn. 15 Cft to m CIl C...ent : 0

Table .t 15 C" to 396 Cft bi-univ.que

Curve Yllid tr•• 11/01/1991 a 18H45 t.tr.. 15 Cft to 396 CIl C...ent 0

Tlble of IS Cft to 396 Cft bi-univaque

Established .n: 19/03/1987 by A.LAFfOR6UEDralln .Uh 4 gaugings

Established .n: 19/83/1987 by A. LAFfOR&UE .Dratm .ith 68 gaugings

Established .n: 19/.3/1987 by . A.LAffOR6UEDr11I1' .ith 13 gaugÎngs

Established .n: 27/11/1998 by A.CHOURETDrIll" .ith 44 gaugÎngs

Established .n: 27/11/1990 by A.CHlIURETDnlfn .Uh 54 gaugings

Established '1': 28/11/199. by A.CHOURETDnlfn .Uh 42 gaugÎngs

Established '1': .2/.8/1991 by A.CHOURETDram .ith 47 gaugi ngs

Established .n: .3/03/1992 by A.CHOURETDralftl lIith 37 gauglngs


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StatlDn 5754688181-E Altitude 10 Latit. -17.45.31River YAITEPIHA Longit. -149.18.'5Country TAHITI ISlAND A!tit. 18"Basin YAITEPIHA Aru 33.4808 t.2--_.._-------_.---._.-_.---.--------.-_.-.-._._--_....._-----_...----.--._--.--Yeu JAN FEB IIAR APR "AY JUN JUl. AUS SEP OCT NOY DEC--------_._-------_._-.--------._.-------------------.----.--_._._-------------1971 'e ) .( ) CO CO '0 '0 C( ) CO C( ) C( 1 • ( 1 • ( 11972 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CO C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 • ( 11973 .( ) -( ) C( 1 C( ) .( ) '0 • ( 1 C( ) • ( 1 CO CO CO1974 '0 CO CO CO C( 1 .( ) C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11975 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) CO C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( ) CO

.1916 C( ) C( ) C( 1 CO C( 1 CO C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 CO CO CO1917 CO CO CO C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CO C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11978 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) CO C( 1 CO C( 1 C( 11979 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CO CO CO CC 1 CO C( )

1980 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 CC 1 C( 1 C( ) CC 1 C( 1 • ( 1 CCI1981 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 CO C( 1 • C1 '0 CO C( 1 • ( 1 C( )1982 Cf) 'C 1 .( ) .( ) • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 11983 'f) C( 1 C( ) CC ) C( 1 CO • C1 C( ) C( 1 CC ) C( 1 CO1984 C( ) • C ) CC ) C( ) CO CO '0 CO CC) CC 1 C( ) CCI1985 CC 1 C( ) C( 1 C( 1 - ( 1 C( 1 CC 1 C( 1 C( ) C( 1 - ( 1 ·( )1986 C( ) CC 1 C( ) C( 1 CC) Cc) C( ) CC 1 Cc) C( ) Cc) CO1'87 CC 1 Cc) C( 1 CO CC 1 CCBl crs) CCBl Crsl C(BI Crsl CIBI

..... 1988 Crsl C(8) CC81 Crsl CCBI Crsl Crsl Crsl crs) CIBI CCB) crs)1989 'CS) -rsl Crsl Crsl CIBI Crsl crs) C(8) crs) CCB) Crsl C(8)

1'" Crsl Crsl '(BJ CIBI C(81 CIBI· Crsl crs) 'IBI C(B) C(BI • (BI1"1 C( 1 CC ) C( 1 C( 1 CC 1 C( 1 CO CO CO CC ) C( 1 C( )1992 CO CO C( ) • ( 1-------..-.....----------_._..._._----..-.-.._...._.._--.----..._------_.-....-Year .MIl FEB IIAR APR MY JUN JI. AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC.....•••••..........._....---...•.............•..•...-...---_.._-.........._...C : C'IPI.te I.nth ': Incllplete lonth - : "isslnt lonth111 • IluflUl valut If the nitine cade in the lanth

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C.untry : TAHITI ISLANDSensu : 51SUI018H Altitude 10 Basin : VAITEPIHA River : VAITEPIHA

Curye vlltd fr•• 20/1111912 1 11H01 t. 14/06/1974 1 12H00fr.. 3 C" te 450 CIl Cillent : 1

Table of 3 C" ta 450 C" bt-univeque

Curve vilid fr•• 14/16/1974 1 12H00 t. 21/11/1975 1 14H10fro. 3 CIl ta 450 CIl Cillent : 0

Table If 3 C" ta 450 C" bi-untv.que

Curve vlltd fr•• 21/10/1975 1 14H10 t. 2911711976 1 11H30fnl 3 CIl ta 450 CIl C'llent : 0

Tab1e •f 3 C" te 451 CIl bf -unh.que

Curve vilid fr•• 29/07/1976 1 11H01 t. 17/.2/1977 1 15H00frol 1 CIl te 314 CIl C'llent : 1

Tlble If 1 CIl to 314 CIl bf-unh.que

Curve vlltd fr'l .7/.2/1911 1 15H01 t. 16/15/1977 1 12H54frel 1 CIl t. 451 CIl C'llent : 1

Tab le If 0 CIl to 450 CIl bf -untveque

Cune valfd fnl 16/15/1977 1 12H55 t. 1211211977 1 21tmfr.. 45 CIl te SU CIl Callent : 1

Table of 45 C" ta SU CIl bf-untveCIVe

Curye vllfd fr'l 12/12/1971 1 21H35 t. 11,.5/1978 1 16H00fnl 51 CIl te SOI CIl C'llent :.

Table .f 51 CIl te 500 CIl bt-univ.que

Curye vlltd fr'l 17/'5/1978 1 16HI. t. 1./11/1978 1 .7HOOfnl 61 CIl te SU CIl C'llent : 1

Tlble .f 6. ~ ta SOO CIl bt-untv'CIVe

Cune vllfd fnl '411111978 1 11H10 t. 1"'611979 1 .7H1Ofnl 55 CIl te SU CIl C'llent : 1

Table If 55 CIl te 500 CIl bt-unfveClUe

Curve vlltd fr'l 16/16/1919 a .7Hl1 t. 22/1111981 1 12H11fnl 45 CIl te SU CIl C'llent :.

Tlble .f 45 CIl t. 510 CIl bt-unh.que

Estlbltshed .n: 16/12/1981 by A.LAFFOR6UEDrilln with 33 gauglngs

Estlblished .n: 16/02/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEDnwn tlith 31 gaugings

Estlblfshed .n: 16/02/1981 by A.LAFFOR6UEDnlln tif th 14 ga~ift9s

Estlblfshed .n: 16/12/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEDrilln tllth 6 giUging5

Estlblfshed .n: 16/.2/1987 by A.LAFFORSUEDrltln tif th 6 ga~lngs

Estlblfshed .n: 18/.2/1987 by A.LAFFORGUEDrilln tif th 6 ga~ings

Estlb Ifshed .n: by LUC FERRYDnlln tif th 8 gaugings

Estlblfshed .n: 16/.2/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEDuwn tif th 10 91~fng5

Estlblfshed .n: 17/12/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEDralln tllth 19 gluglng5

Estlblfshed .n: 111.2/1987 by A.LAFFORGUEDrilln tif th 22 9i1ugfngs

Curve vllfd fr'l 22/11/1981 1 12H11 t. 2911111980 1 .9H59 Estlblfshed .n:fnl 9t CIl te SOI CIl C'llent : 0

rab le If 9. CIl t. SOI CIl bf -unfvoque

Curve Ylltd fr'l 29/11/198. & I.HII t. 21/.3/1981 1 19H01 Estlblfshed .n:fr'l 50 CIl t. Sil CIl C'llent : 0 Drawn tif th

Tlble .f 50 CIl ta 500 CIl bf-unfv.que


by LUC FERRY6 glugings

------- _-------_.•....••..••..••••...•.•._ _-- _-----_ _ - __ __ -_..-----_ __..

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106••• HYDROftETRY •••


Country : TAHITI ISLANDSensor : 575_600101·E Altttude 10 Basin : VAITEPIHA River : VAITEPIHA...._-•••.......••..._---- ---- _.•••.•..••..•.•••••......•._-.._ -.----.---_ _ -••.•••.....--------- -

CurV' valid tri. 21/03/1981 a .9HOO tD 3.,.3/1981 a .9H00 Establtshed on:tri. 12. Cft ta S" Cft CI••ent :.

Table If 120 Cft ta 500 C" bt·univlque


Curv. valld frai 3.,.3/1981 a 09HO. ta 17/.6/1981 a .0H3.fn. S. Cft te SOI Cft CIHent :.

Tabl. If S. Cft ta 50. Cft bl-untvlque

Estabitshed'In: by lUC FERRYDraNn Ntth 131 gluglngs

Curve valtd frl. 17/.6/1981 a ••H3. tl 13/.8/1981 a l2Hl. Establtshed on: by LUC FERRYfra. 8. Cft tl Sil Cft Ct••ent :. Drawn Nlth _ 9augift9s

Table If 88 Cft ta 50. C" bt-untvlque


CYrYl valtd frai 13/.8/1981 a 12Hl. tl 23/1111981 a .4H05frl. 6. Cft tl 5" Cft Ct••ent :.

Table If 6. Cft ta 50. Cft bt-untvlque

turYe vaUd fn. 23/11/1981 a .4H.6 tl 21111/1981 a 12H00fn. 12. CIl tl 511 Cft Ctllent :.

Table If 12. CIl tl 50' Cft bt-untvlque

CurYt valtd frl. 21111/1981 a 12H.. tl 24/.211982 a .2H1Sfn. 5' CIl tl 501 CIl CI••ent :.

Table If 50 Cft ta S,. Cft bt-untvlque

Established ln: 19/.2/1981 by A.lAFFOR6UEDraNn Ntth 8 9auttngs

Establtslled ln: by lUC FERRY

Establtshed ln: by lUC FERRYDrawn Ntth 20 gautings

Curve valtd frl. 24/.2/1982 a .2H1S tl 1',.3/1982 a 13H00 Establtshed ln: by lUC FERRYfrl. 8. Cft tl 50. Cft CIHent :. DraNn Ntth 5 gaugift9s

Table If 8. Cft tl 500 Cft bt-untvlque

Curve valtd frl. 1.,.3/1982 a 13H08 tl 15/'5/1982 a .5H40 Establtshed ln: 2./82/1981 by A.lAFFOR6UEfrl. 69 Cft tl 50. Cft Ct••ent : 8 DraNn .ith 6 9augtngs

Tabl. If 69 Cft tl 5.0 Cft bt-unlvlque

CurYl valtd frll 1511511982 a '5H4' t. 21115/1982 a 14H01 Establtshed on:tri. 58 Cft ta 588 Cft Ctlltftt :.

Table If 5' Cft tl 500 Cft bt-untvlque


OurYe valtd tri. 211.5/1982 a 14HO. t. Il,1.,1982 • •8Hl.tri. 5' Cft t. 5" Cft Ctllent : •

. Table It 5' Cft tl 580 Cft bt-untvlque

Curve valtd fr•• •1/1./1982 a .8Hl. t. 12/1./1982. 11H48frai ,. CIl t. 34. CIl Ct••ent :.

Table It 78 Cft t. 34. CIl bt-untvlque

Establtshed ln: 17/.2/1987 by A.LAFFORtUEDrawn .tth 3 gauttnts

Establtshed ln: 17/.2/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEDrawn wtth 1 9augtft9$

Curve Ylltd tr•• 12/1"1982 a l1H4. t. 23/1"1982 a 12H08 Establtshed ln:tro. 88 Cft ta 508 CIl CI••ent :.

Table It 80 Cft tD 508 Cft bt-univlque


--_._-_ _---_ _--_ _ - __ - _----- ------- -.--.-..-- - .

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Country : TAHITI ISLANOSensor : 5154600181-E Altitude 10 Buln : VAITEPIHA River : VAITEPIHA

,_......_-------------_._.-.._-------_..._--._._--------..._---_..._--.._-------------------_......----....--.------------Curve vllid trOt 23/11/1982 1 12H01 te 2211211982 1 00H00 Establtshed on: by LUC FERRY 't

trOi 50 CIl te 451 CIl COllent : • Dralln llith 83 91uglngsTable of 50 CIl te 450 CIl bi-univoque

Curve villd fro. 22/12/1982 1 O'HII te 15/05/1983 1 11H00 Estlblished .n: 14/11/198S by A. LAFFOR6UEtrOi 58 CIl ta 481 CIl COllent : 0 Orilln llith 1 91uglngs

Tlble .f 58 CIl te 480 CIl bi-univoque

Curve vllid trot 15/15/1983 1 11H00 te 11117/1983 1 23H30 Estlblished .n: 14/11/1985 by A. lAFFOR6UEfn. 75~ ta 381 al C"lent : 1 Oralln llith 3 91ugings

Table .f 75 CIl te 380"CIl bi-univ.que

Curve vllid fr•• •7/.7/1983 1 23H3. te 28111/1983 1 17H08 Estlblished .n: 14/18/1geS by A. lAFFOR6UEln. 68 CIl te 375 CIl Co••ent : 1 Drilln llith 5 91119inqs

Table" 60 CIl ta 375 CIl bi -uninque

Curve vllid tr•• 28/10/1983 1 17H08 te 11/11/1984 1 19H50 Estlblished .n: 84/11/198S by A. lAFFOR6UEfUi 45 CIl t. 371 CIl C...ent : 1 Drilln lli th 28 91119ings

Table .f 45 al te 378 al bi-univ.que

Curve vII id tr.. UlUllm 1 89fC58 te 19/12/1985 1 15H18 Estlblished on: 18/12/1981 by A.LAFFOR6UEIr.. 41 CIl U 411 CIl C...ent : 8 Drilln with 55 911191ngs

Table .f 40 CIl te 408 CIl bi-univoque-,:~

Curve vllid fr•• 19/1211985 1 15H10 te 19/1"1988 1 16H39 Estlblished on: 18/82/1981 by A.lAFFOR6UEtr.. 34 CIl ta 411 CIl C"lent : 8 Orawn llith 103. 911191n9s

Table of 34 CIl ta 400 CIl bi-univlque

Curve vilid tri. 19/86/1988 a 16H40 to 14/19/1988 1 23H59 Establlshed ln: 15/11/1988 by lAFFOR6UE-6AZUlLtr.. 35 al te 411 al ce.lent Dralln llith 5 911191ngs

Table of 35 CIl tI 401 CIl bl-univoque

Curve vllid tro. 15/89/1988 1 11H08 te 31/11/1989 a 23H59 Estlblished on: 15/11/1988 br lAFFORGUE-6AZUllIr.. 35 CIl to "81 CIl Co••ent : 1 Drawn with 4 911191ngs

Table" 35 CIl to 410 CIl bi -univoque

Curve valid tr•• 11/11/1989 a 11H11 t. 20/11/1998 a 19H41 Estlblished on: 17/88/1990 by A.CHOURETtr.. 8 CIl to 458 CIl CI.aent : 8 Drilln wlth 43 91ugings

Table of 8al te 458 CIl bl-univoque

Curve villd tro. 28/11/1990 a 89H41 ta 18/12/1991 1 87H05 Established"on: 82/83/1992 by A.CMOURETtu. -5 CIl ta 458 CIl C...ent : 0 Drawn with 42 91119ings

Table of -5 CIl to 458 CIl bi-univoque

Curve vllid trot 10/12/1991 a 87H06 to Established ln: 30/12/1991 by CHOURET/J.R08INtro. oCIl te 458 CIl ce••ent 0 Dralln with 10 91\191ngs

Table of Oal te 458 CIl bi-univoque

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Station 5754900102-E Altitude 60 latlt. -17.41. 03River OROFERO (VAITIUI lenglt. -149.33.34Ceuntry TAHITI ISlAND III tU. 60"Basin VAITIU Aru 18.4800 kl2-----_..._._-_._._---_..-.--..----._---..._--------_.-.----.---.--.---.---.-..-Yur JAN FES "AR APR "AY JUN .M. AUS SEP OCT NOV DEe-------_._--------_...._-----------_._-----------------------------------------1975 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11976 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11977 C( 1 1 ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CO C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 e ( 11978 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11979 1 ( 1 1 ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 cn C( 1 C( 1

1980 1 ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 Cc) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 1 ( 1 1 ( 1 e ( 11981 1 ( 1 C( 1 1 ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 1 ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 • ( 1 1 ( 1 C( 11982 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 1 ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11983 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 1 ( 1 1 ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 1 ( 11984198519861987 1 ( 1 1 ( 1 Cc) C( 1 C(SI CCBI 1 (SI CCBI1988 1 (SI • (81 C(SI CCBI 1 (SI 1 ( 1 C(SI CCBI 1 (SI 1 CBI C(SI CCBI1989 CCBI cm C(SI CCBI CCBI C(SI CCBI CCBI CCBI CCBI C(BI cœl


.---....._-----.--....----.._----_...-...-.---------------------------------~--Year JAN FEI IlAR APt MY JON Jtl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC--_.._--------_._._.._._------------.---._._-------------------------.---------

Station 57549.0104-E Altitude 70RI", OROFERO CVAITIUIClUfttry TAHITI ISlAND Altit. 70"Basin VAITIU...._-----------_.••.......•-_....._------------_.---------.--------.--.-----.-Y.ar JAN FEI MR APR IIAY JUN Jtl AU6 SEP . OCT NOV DEC.._-.------.-_...............................-•.•.._.......-.-......-..........1983 1 ( 1 C( 1 C( 1 1 ( 1 C( 1 1 ( 1 1 ( 11984 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 CO C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 1 ( 11985 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 1 ( 1 CC) 10 CC) C( 1 CC) CC) C( 1 C( 11986 C( 1 ln C( 1 IC) IC) C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 C( 11987 CC) cn C( 1 CC) C( 1 CO cn C( 1 CCBI CCBI C(SI CCBI1988 C(SI CCBI C(SI cœl CCBI 1 (BI CCBI C(SI cœl CCBI 1 CBI-.....................................................-............_•.._.__....Year JAN FEI MR APt MY JUM Jtl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC....-•.....•.....•.•••....•••-...._-_.__..._.__..-----.--------_.._.•.....•.._.C ; Co.plete Ionth 1 : Inc'IPlete lonth - ; lIisslng .enth(?I • "axllua value .f th. Irlgin. cede ln the lonth

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C.untry : TAHITI ISLANDSens.r : 5754900182-E Altitude 60 8asin : VAITIU River : DROFERD lVAITJUI

Ourye Yllid fr •• 15/82/1978 1 18H58 t. 14/81/1979 1 80HOO .fr.. 38 Cft to 305 Cft COllent : 8

Tlble of 30 C" to 305 Cft bl-unlyoque

Ourye Ylild tr•• 14/81/1979 1 88HOO to 86/12/1979 1 85H50fn. 41 CIl to 305 CIl CO'lent : 8

Tlble .t 40 C" to 305 C" bi-univoque

Ourye Ylild fr•• 86/12/1979 1 85HSO to 18/83/1981 1 13H15tr.. 30 Cft t. 305 Cft COllent : 8

Table of 30 Cft to 305 Cft bl-unly.que

Curye Yllid fro. 18/83/1981 1 13H15 to 26/89/1981 1 13H30trot 50 Cft to 305 Cft C'I.ent : 8

Tlble .f 50 C" to 305 Cft bi-univoque

Curye Yllld tr•• 26/89/1981 1 13H30 t. 2518211982 1 12H18fr.. 58 Cft to 305 Cft C'llent : 0

Tlble .f 50 C" to 305 C" bi-uniy.que

Curye Yllld fr•• 25/82/1982 1 12H18 t. 12/83/1983 1 89H28t,.. 58 Cft t. 306 CIl C,"ent : 8Tlble .f 50 Cft to 386 Cft bl-unly.que

Curye Yllid fr•• 12/.3/1983 1 89H20 t. 12/84/1983 1 13H00trot 62 Cft to 278 CIl C...ent : 1

Tlble .f 62 CIl to 278 CIl bl-uniy.que

Curye Yllid fr•• 12/84/1983 1 83H01 t. 31/12/1983 1 23H59f,.. "CIl to 141 CIl C•••ent : 8

Table .f "CIl to 141 CIl bi-univoque

Ourye Yllld fr•••1/81/1987 a 88H08 t. 19/12/1988 a 10H10fr.. 40 Cft to 190 CIl C"lent : 0

Tlble If 40 C" to 190 CIl bl-uniyoque

Curye Yllid trot 19/12/1988 a 10H11 to 81/13/1998 a 17H34tr.. 40 C" to 280 CIl C•••ent : 8

Tlble .f 48 Cft to 288 C" bl-unty.que

Ourye Yllid fr•• 81/83/1"8 1 87H35 t. 19/11/1"0 1 18H54fr.. 40 Cft to 306 CIl COllent : 8

Tlble of 40 Cft to 306 CIl bl-unlyoque

Ourye Yllld fro' 19/11/1990 a 10H55 ..f,.. 41 CIl to 306 C" Cment 8

Table .f 40 CIl to 306 C" bl-uniyoque

Estlb li shed .n: by LUC FERRYDnlln 1Iith 13 91U9ings

Estlbllshed on: 21/84/1987 by A.LAFFORGUEDrilln 1Iith 14 91\19lngs

Estlbllshed on: by LUC FERRYDnlln lItth 17 91u9În9s

Established .n: 89/14/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEDralln 1Iith Il 9augings

Estlbllshed .n: '9/'4/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UEDnlln lIith 19 91u9Îngs

Establlshed .n: 89/84/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEDralln lIith 23 91\19ings

Established .n: 89/.4/1987 by A.LAFF0R6UEDralln lIi th 2 91U9lngs

Establtshed .ft: 19/84/1987 by A.LAFFOl!6UEDrilln lIith 1691U9lngs

Established .n: '2/81/1"1 by A.CHOURETDuwn lIlth 61 91uglngs

Estlblished .n: 82/11/1"1 by A.CHOURETDnlln lItth 33 91~lngs

Estlbllshed .n: 13/88/1"8 by A.CHOORETDrawn lItth 28 91119in9s

Estlbllshed .n: 24/02/1991 by A.ATUAHIVADrilln 1Iith 38 91\19lngs


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110••• HYOROKETRY •••


Country : TAHITI ISLANDSensor : 5754988104-E Altitude 70 Basin : YAITlU River : DRDFERD (VAITIUI

Curve villd tr•• 18/86/1'83 1 10H00 t. 18/12/1983 1 08H00 Estlbllshed .n: 12/06/1985 by A.LAFFDRBUE'n. 33 ct! te 65 ct! C•••ent : • DraMn Mith 13 9lugir\9s

Table .f 33 Cft ta 65 ct! bi-univ.que

Curve villd 'r•• 08/12/1983 1 'OHO' ta 23/11/1985 1 12H00 Estlbllshed .n: 12/.6/1985 by A.LAFFOR6UE'n. 15 Cft te 65 CIl C•••ent : 0 DrlMn M!th 37 91ugin9s

Table If 15 C" ta 65 C" bl-unlv.que

Curve vllid 'r•• 23/11/1985 1 12H00 t. 13/12/1985 1 19H80 Estlbllshed .n: 18/04/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UE'n. 15 CIl te 65 CIl C.uent : 1 DraMn w!th 5 9luglr\9s

Table If 15 C" te 6S CIl bl-univ.que

Curve"vllid 'rit 13/12/1985 1 19H01 t. 13/14/1985 1 14H01 Estlblished .n: 08/14/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UE'n. 39 CIl t. 65 CIl C••unt : 1 DraMn with 591uglngs

Tlble If 39 CIl t. 65 CIl bi-unlv.que

Curve vllid tr•• 13/14/1985 1 14H01 t. 2811511985 1 12H35 Established .n: 18/14/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UE'n. 42 ct! te 6S CIl CtlHllt : • Drlwn M!th 5 91U9ill9s

Tlble If 42 CIl ta 65 CIl bl-univ,que

Curve villd 'r•• 28/15/1985 1 12H35 t. 11,.2,1986 1 .5H18 Estlblished .n: 18/14/1987 by A.lAfFORGUE'n. 39 CIl te 77 CIl C•••ent : • DraMn with 27 91u9ings

Table If 39 CIl t. 77 CIl bl-univ.que~

Curve vl1id tr•• 11/12/1986 1 15H01 l. 13/15/1986 1 13H08 Estlblished .n: 18/84/1987 by A.lAFFORSUE'n. 2S CIl t. 61 CIl C•••ent : 0 DrlMn Mith 9 91uglngs

Tlble If 2S C" te 61 CIl bi-unlv.que

Curve villd 'r•• 13/15/1986 1 13H00 t. 17/18/1986 1 13H35 Estlblished .n: 18/14/1987 by A.lAFFORGUE'ro. 21 CIl te 61 CIl Ctuent : 1 Drlwn wlth 11 91ugin9s

Table .f 20 CIl t., 61 CIl bi -univoque

Curve vllid fr•• 17/18/1986 1 13H35 t. 11/11/1987 1 11H00 Estlblfshed .n: 88/84/1987 by A.lAFFOR6UE'n. U CIl te 68 CIl C.uent : 0 Dnwn wlth 21 91ugings

Table If 11 CIl t. 61 CIl bi-univ.que

~----.--------._-- .._----._-._-_.-._-..-.- _.-_..-- - --.._--..---_ __ _--------_.---- .

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Station 5156301881-E Altitude 8 latit. -11.50.56River AIYARO longlt. -149.15.83


Country TAHITI ISlAND Altlt. 8"Basin sec S-TAIARAPU Area 6.12000 tl2._._-----------------------------_._._---------------------------------.-------Yeu JAN FEB MR APR "AY JUH JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC----.-----.---_.--..._----------_._.__.-._------------_.-------._._--..._---._.1913 - ( 1 C( 11914 C( 1 cn cn C( 1 cn C( ) C( ) cn C( 1 C( 1 cn C( 11915 C( 1 cn CI ) CIl CI ) CI ) CIl CI 1 C( ) CI 1 cn C( 11916 CI) cn CI ) CIl C( ) C( ) CI) CI ) - ( 1 C( ) cn CIl1911 CI) C( 1 CI) C( ) CI 1 CI ) CI) CI) C( ) CI 1 CI ) CIl191B CIl C( 1 CI ) CI ) cn C( ) - 1 ) CI 1 CI ) C( 1 C( 1 - 1 ).......---_..--....----.-----.--......._............-..._.------_....._._-.----Yeu JAN FEB flAR APR MY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC--_.._-------.-.__._--...._._.._._-_.-._..-._-_.---...---------._--..._..._.---

Station 5156381002-E Alt;tude 10 btit. -11.50.51River AIYARO l.ntit. -149.15.01C.untry UHITI ISlAND Altit. IOfiBasin sec S-TAIARAPU Area 6.43000 tl2----_.--_._----.-._.-..----_.----.._---.--_._.---_._.---.----_.-----.-._..._._-Year JAN FEB IlAR APR MY JUte JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY DEC..--._------.......---...--.••...••..••.•........•-..-.....---.....-..----._...1918 -( )1919 C( ) cn C( ) CI) -1 ) C( ) C( 1 - ( 1 Cil cn Cil - ( 1....

1980 C() cn cn C( 1 Cil C( 1 C( 1 C( 1 cn C( 1 cn C( 11981 C( ) -II C( ) C( 1 - ( 1 -( ) cn C( ) - ( 1 C( 1 -II C( 11982 cn Cil C( ) Cil Cil C() C( 1 C( 1 CI) Cil Cil C( 11983 C( 1 Cil C( 1 - ( 1 - ( 1 -II C( ) -( ) -( ) - ( 1 -II CI )1984 C( 1 C( 1 C( ) Cil - ( 1 -( ) C( ) Cil Cil -II Cil - ( 11985 C( ) cn C( 1 -( ) -( ) CI ) cn C( ) cn cn Cil cn1986 C( ) cn C( ) C( 1 Cil cn cn C( ) Cil C( ) Cil C( 11981 C() -n cn C( 1 C( 1 - ml cm) cml cml C( 1 Cil C(811988 C(SI cml cml C(81 cml cml cm) cml C(BI cml - ml cml1989 - (S) - (8) C(BI C(81 crs) cml cml - ml C(SI cml cml cml

1990 CIS) C(BI C(81 cm) cml CIBI C(BI C(B) C(81 Crsl CIB) Crsl1991 crs) C(8) cm) C(8) Crsl C(8) cm) CtB) cml cm) C(8) cml.....-......__..-••••..•..•.....•-..•_.--._.-_.__.•••...••...•--_•....••.•..••.Yeu JAN FE8 MR APR MY JUN JUl AUG SEP OCT NOY DEC...-......_..•...._......••....•...-............_.....•.•.••...--_....._-_.....C : C'IPlete lonth - : Inc'IPlete I.nth - : "tssfng lonth111 • ftaxllUli valut .f the ertglne c.de ln the lonth

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,.Country : TAHITI ISLANDSensor : 5756301001-E Altitude 8 Basin : SCC S-TAIARAPU River : AlVARO

'.Curve vllid trot 10/01/1974 1 11H20 to 11/12/1974 1 22H40

fro. 30 CH to 200 ~ C•••ent : 0T~ble Dt 30 CH to 200 CH bi-univoque

Eshb1tshed on: by LUC FERRYDrlMn Mith 18 glugings

Curve vllid trot 18/12/1974 a 22H40 to 12/01/1976 1 17H05fro. 30 ~ t. 208 ~ Co••ent : 0

Tlble of 30 CH to 200 CH bt-univoqu~

Estlblished on: by LUC FERRYDrlMn Mith 21 glugings

Curve vllid fr•• 12/81/1976 1 17H50 t. 08/12/1976 1 17H00trol 45 ~ to 208 ~ Co••ent : 0

Tlble of 45 CH to 200 ~ bi-univoqu~

Estlblished on: 38/18/1986 by A.LAFFOR6UEDrlMn Mith 13 glugings

Curve vllid trot 88/12/1976 1 17H00 to 12/12/1977 1 21H30fro. 37 ~ t. 288 ~ Co••ent : 0

Tlble of 37 CH to 200 CH bi-univoque

Estlblished on: 30/19/1986 by A.lAFFOR6UEDrlMn Mith II glugings

Curve vlltd fro. 12/12/1977 1 21H30 t. 15/12/1978 1 13H20 Eshbltshed .n:trol 38 ~ to 280 CH Co••ent : 0

Tlble of 38 CH to 200 CH bi-uniYoqu~


.."Curve valid trot 85/12/1978 1 13H20 to 19/15/1978 1 09H05

fro. 40 ~ to 28. ~ Co••ent : 0Tlble ot 40 CH to 280 CH bi-univoque

Estlblished on: 31/19/1986 by IA.lAFFORGUEDrlMn Mith 4 glugings

Curve vllid fro. 19/85/1918 1 .9H05 t.fro. 1 ~ t. 208 CH Co••ent

Tlble of 0 CH to 200 CH bi-univoqueo

Estlbllshed on: 30/09/1986 by A.lAFFOR6UEDrlMn Mith 18 gluglngs

,ensor : 5756311082-E Altitude 10 Basin : sec S-TAIARAPU River : Al~ARO

..._ - -.-_...•..._- _--.._ _---_ --- - _ _--.------_._.-._._.-Eshb1ished on: by LUC FERRi

DrlMn Mith 11 glugings

Eshblished on: by lUC FERRYDraMn Ml th 42 glugings

Eshblished on: by lUC FERRYDrlMn Mith 4 glugings

Estlblished on: 12/09/1986 by A. LAFFOf<6UEDraMn MI th 9 glugings

Estlbltshed on: 12/19/1986 br A. lAFFOR6UEDra"" Mith 18 91ugings

Curve vllid fro. 22/11/1983 1 10H08 to 18/15/1984 1 22H15fro. 15 ~ to 236 ~ COI.ent : 8

Tlble of 15 Cft to 236 Cft 'bi-univoque

Curve vllid fro. 16/86/1979 1 01H28 to 26/11/1980 1 18H05trot 58 CH to 230 CH Co••ent : 0

Tlble of 50 CH to 230 CH bi-univoque

Curve vllid fro. 12/84/1983 1 84H31 to 22/1111983 1 00H00fro. 20 ~ to 236 ~ Co••ent : 0

TIble of 28 ~ to 236 ~ bi-univoque

Curve vllid fro. 12/12/1982 1 18H45 to 12/04/1983 1 04H31fro. 58 CH to 283 ~ Co••ent : 0

Tlble of 58 CH to 283 CH bi-univoqu~

Curve vllid fro. 26/11/1980 1 18H05 to 12/12/1982 1 18H45fro. 58 ~ to 230 ~ Co••ent : 0

Tlble of 50 ~ to 230 CH bi-univoque

.....__ - ---.--- _---_.._--- __.....•.•••••.•..•-....•...•._.............•....-_.-_._-_..-._._._-

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CDuntry : TAHITI ISLANDSfnser : 5756301002-E Altitude 10 Basin : sec S-TAIA~APU ~iver : AIVA~O

Curve valid trol .8/85/1984 a 22H15 te 10/12/1984 a 13H35 Established on: 12/09/1986 by A. lAFFO~6UE ..trOi 12 Cft te 230 Cft COllent : 0 Dnlln IIlth 24 gaugings

Table of 12 Cft te 230 Cft bi-univoque.'

Curve valld trol 10/12/1984 a 13H35 te 30/05/1985 a 11H00 Established on: 12/09/1986 by A. lAFFOR6UEtrOi 15 Cft te 230 Cft C'llent : 0 Onlln lIith 17 gaugings

Table of 15 Cft to 230 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid trol 38/05/1985 a 11H00 te .7/.6/1986 a 17H30 Established on: 29/09/1986 by A. lAFFOR611EtrOi 3 Cft to 226 Cft C'llent : 0 Onlln IIi th 54 gaugings

Table of 3 Cft te 226 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valfd tr'l 87/86/1986 1 17H30 te 11/12/1987 1 11H10 Estlblished .n: 12/82/1987 by A. lAFFOR6UEtr.. 3 Cft to 226 Cft C'llent : • Onlln IIi th 19 glugings

Table of 3 Cft to 226 Cft bf-univoque

Curve valid trol 11/12/1987 1 11H11 te .2/03/1988 1 10H10 Establlshed on: 87/12/1990 by A.CHOllRETtr.. 3 Cft to 226 Cft C'llent : 0 Orilln lIith 13 glugings

Table of 3Ctl to 226 C" bi-univoque

Curve villd trol 02/'3/1988 1 10H11 te 18/12/1991 a 08H04 Established on: 07/12/1990 by A.CHOURETtrOi 3 Cft te 226 Cft COllent : 0 Dnlln lIith 65 gaugings

Table of 3 Cft te 226 Cft bi-univoque

~:..>: Curve valid trol 10/12/1991 1 88H05 to Established on: 27/12/1991 by eHOU~n-J.R08IN

trol 3 Cft to 226 Cft C"lent 0 Onlln IIfth 22 gaugingsTable of 3 Cft to 226 Cft bi-univoque

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576_ MOOREA (30_35)

t 19. ~

o 1 2 :3 km., "

576_ RAIATEA (50_60)


z ..

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Station 5763302001-E Altitude 50 Latit. -17.33.54River VAIANAE Longit. -149.50.47Country FRENCH POlYNESIA - TAHITI ISL. Altit. 52"811fn sec W-KOotlEA Aria 3.13000 kl2-------....._-----....----------..__._------_......_-----------_.--------.---.- ..Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR MY JUN JUL AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC--_.--...._-------------------_._------------_..-------.-------.-----.-.-----.-1985 *11 Cil Cil1986 Cil Cil Cil Cil Cil Cil *11 CIl CI) CIl Cil CI)1987 CI) CIl CIl CI 1 CI) CIl CI 1 CIl CIl CIl CIl CIl1988 CIBI CIBI CIBI CIBI CIBI ClBl CIl CIBI CIBI CIBI CIBI CIBI1989 ClB) ·IBI .1 1 CIBI CI) CIl ClBl ClB) ClBl ClBl CIBI CIl

1990 ClBl CIBI ClB) CI) ClBl ClB) ClBl ClBl CIBI CIBI CI) CIBI1991 ClBl ClBl ClB) CIBI CIBI CIBI C(BI CI 1 CIBI CIl CIBI ClBl---.-.......__.._-.-.......•......_-------.---......_---_.__..---.--.....__....tur JAN FEB AAR APR MY ~N JIl AU6 SEP OCT NOV DEC

~ : COIPlete .onth .: Inca.plete .anth -: "issing lonthI?I : "lxilUI value of the arigfne clde in the lonth

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Country : FRENCH POlYNESIA - TAHITI 16L.Sensor : 5763302001-E Altitude 50 Buln River : VAIANAE--_._._._----_...._---_._._--_._.__._._--_._._-----_.-------_....------_._._._-_._._---...._._-----_._-----------_.._._-.....

Curve Ylltd trll .1/1./1985 1 ••H80 tl 29/1211985 1 .2H45 Estlbltlhed ln: 28/12/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEtro. 33 ct! to 141 ct! CI.Hflt Dnlln Ilïth 13 9aU911l9s

Table If 33 ct! te 148 ct! bl-untvoque

Curve valtd tri. 29/12/1985 a .2H46 tl .5/.5/1986 a .8H88 Establlshed ln: 28/12/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEtrll 33 ct! te 141 ct! CIlHflt Dnlln Nlth 12 9au91n9s

Table If 33 ct! te 148 ct! bl-unIYlque

Curve Yllid tri. 05/05/1986 1 .8H.1 tl 16/.1/1987 1 .6H46 Establlshed .n: 28/12/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEtrll 33 ct! t. 140 ct! C'.Hftt DraNn Ntth 13 9au91ll9s

lab le If 33 Ct! te 14. Cft bt-unIY.que

Ou;ye Ylltd tr.. J6/.1/19.7 1 '6H4~ tl 21/.4/1987 1 19HI. Estlbllsh!d .n: 28/12/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEtru 38 ct! te 1U CR Cluent Dra,", .tth 4 91ugln9s

llble of 38 CtI t. 140 ct! bt-untYlque

Ourye Ylltd tru 21/.4/1987 1 19H11 tl 31/12/1987 1 23H59 Establlshed .n: 28/12/1987 by A.LAFFOR6UEtri. 33 ct! tl 141 Cft Cluent DnNn wlth 12 91u911l9s

Table If 33 ct! tl 14. CtI bl-unty.que

Curye Yllld tr•• •1/.1/1988 a 'OHO' tl Establlshed ln: 02/.9/1991 by A.CHOURETtri. 33 ct! te 191 ct! CI.lent 0 Dnwn Nlth 34 9auglll9s

.~ Table It 33 ct! ta 191 ct! bl-univ.que

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Station 576S300101-E Bridge road latit. -16.51.39River "AOROA longit. -151.27.38Country FRENCH POlYNESIA - TAHITI ISl. Aalt. 8"Basin YAIAAU lRAIATEAI Area 6.38000 h2--------------------------------------------------------.----_._---------------Yeu JAN FEB "AR APR "AY JUN JUl AU6 SEP OCT NOY GEC-----_...------------------.-----_.----------------------.-------.------.-----.1983 -1 1 CCI Cil CCI CCI Cil Cil1984 -IDI CCI Cil Cil Cil CCI Cil Cil ClDI CCI CCI CCI1985 Cl ) CCI Cl) Cil Cl) ClDI CCI Cil Cil CIDI CCI CCI1986 CIBI CCI CCI CCI CI) CCI CCI Cil CIDI CCI CCI ·IDI1987 .1 1 -II Cil CCI Cil Cil CCI Cil CI) Cil Cil Cil198B - IDI Cil Cil Cil Cil CCI CI) CIBI CI ) ClBl Cil ClBl19B9 CIBI CIBI CIBI CIBI CIBI ClBl ClBl Cil CI) CI ) CIBI -II

1'" - 1 ) Cil ClBl CIBI CIS) ClB) CIS) ClBl ClBl ClBl ClBl ClBl1991 ClBl CISI CI81 ClBl CIS) ClB) CIBI ClBl CISI ClBl CIBI ClBI---------_.---....--....---....-._---_.........._....._.---...-----_....__.-_.-

C: Ce.plete .onth -: Ince.plete .enth .: "Issing .onthI?I c "axi.u. value ef the origine code in the .onth

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Country : FRENCH POLYNESIA - TAHITI ISL.Sensar : 5165300101-E Bridge raid Buln : VAIAAU (RA1ATEAI River : "AOROA----------------_._._._._----------------------------------..-------_._---_._._-----._ _._---------------------_.-

..Curve valld frai 23/06/1983 a 12H00 t. 21/08/1983 a 01H49

frai 40 Cft ta 135 Cft COllentTlble of 38 Cft ta 140 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid frol 21/08/1983 1 11H50 t. 85/02/1984 a 14H59frai 4' Cft to 288 Cft COllent

Table .f 38 Cft ta 280 C" bi-univoque

Curve valid frol 05/.2/1984 a 15H08 t. 26/05/1984 a 85H29fr" 38 Cft ta 318 Cft COllent

Table of 38 Cft ta 320 OK bi-univoque

Curve valid fr" 26/05/1984 1 15H30 t. .3/81/1985 1 01H29frol 22 Cft to 320 Cft COllent

Tlble .f 22 Cft to 400 Cft bi-univoque

Curve vllid fr" 03/81/1985 1 01H30 t. 1./11/1985 1 11H14fr" 22 Cft to 320 Cft C",ent

Table of 22 OK to 48. Cft bi-univoque

Curve vllid fr" 10/11/1985 1 11H15 t. 16/02/1986 1 12H59frol 22 Cft to 328 Cft· COllent

Table .f 22 Cft te 400 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valid tr" 16/02/1986 1 13H00 to 16/04/1987 1 11H35frol 25 Cft to 310 Cft C",ent

Tlble .t 24 Cft to 340 Cft bi-univoque

Curve valld fr" 16/04/1987 1 17H36 to 2910911988 1 13H29frol 22 Cft to 400 Cft C"lent

Table .f 22 Cft to 480 Cft bi-univoque

Curve villd fr" 29/09/1988 1 13H30 t. 14/05/1989 1 07H29fr" 27 Cft to 320 Cft C"lent

Tlble .f 27 Cft to 400 OK bi-univoque

Curve vllid fr" 14/05/1989 1 07H31 t. 31/12/1999 1 10H00fr" 23 Cft to 400 Cft C",ent : 0

Table .f 23 Cft to 480 Cft bl-unlv.que

Estlbllshed an: 29/03/1'88 by A.LAFFOR6UEDrilln lIith 9 glutings

Estlbllshed on: 04/12/1989 by A.LAFFOR6UEDrllln lIith 13 gauglngs

Estlblished on: 29/03/1988 by A.LAFF0R6UEDralln IItth 12 gautings

Estlblished .n: 26/10/1989 by A.LAFFORGUEDrilln lIith 6 91utings

Establlshed on: 29/03/1988 by A.LAFFOR6UEDralln IIlth 1 gautings

Estlblished on: 26/10/1989 by A.LAFFOR6UEDralln lIith 3 glUflngs

Established .n: 29/03/1988 by A.LAFFOR6UEDralln IItth 12 gaugings

Establlshed on: 26/10/1989 by A.LAFFOR6UEDralln lIith 19 gaugings

Establlshed .n: 26/10/1989 by A.LAFFOR6UEDrilln IIlth 9 glugings

Establlshed .n: 26/10/1989 by A.LAFFOR6UEDralln lIith 4 glUfings

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Four major types of activities have been planned for the year 1992-93 :

- an aid mission to FUTUNA (fenitory of WALUS and FUTIJNA) to advance to­ward creation of an initial hydrological station there,

- infonnation exchange missions with WESTERN SAMOA, FUI and PAPUA-NEWGUINEA,

- teehnical assistance 10 the hydrology services of VANUATU and the SOLOMONIslands,

- training sessions for the hydrology services of VANUATU and the SOLOMON Is-lands.

7.1 - Activities al WALLIS and FU1UNA

An initial mission is planned 10 the Island of FUTUNA, 10 prepare forthe eventual installation of a CHLOE E data logger and of computer materials necessary forthe proccssing of hydropluviomettic data using the HYDROM and PLUVIOM software pa­ckages.

7.2 - Missions for infonnation excbange

An aid mission could he envisaged 10 the APIA Observatory, in order 10prepare a request for outside funding for the creation of a basic reference bydrological net­work.

Missions for information exchange are also foreseen to the hydrologyservices of FIJI and PAPUA-NEW GUINEA, with tests of data acquisition and transmissionsystems envisaged al sites presenting particularly difficult conditions in PAPUA-NEW GUI­NEA.

7.3 - Field activities

Assistance missions for the hydrology sections of the SOLOMONS andVANUAW are programmed for the remainder of 1992, and could he continued through thecourse of 1993 (study of cyc10nic floods). These missions will center on the re-equipment ofstations (SOLOMONS) and the collection of a series of measures (SOLOMONS and VA­NUATU).

7.4 - Training in pre-processing and processing of data.

After preparation of the necessary programs for conversion Obsermet­formatted data (VANUA1U) and training for the pre-processing ofdata within the HYDROMand PLUVIOM software packages, a program of cooperation is foreseen in order 10 producehydrometric and pluviometric data banks (SOLOMONS and VANUATU).

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DANWUX J. (1985)Iles d'EFATE et de SANTO. Evaluation des ressources en eau. Résultats des campagnes 1981à 1984.ORSTOM Report.

PROCfER P.D. (1989)Hydrological needs in the Region.WMO WGH Report.

DANWUX J., PETREL C. (1990)Intervention in the Region 5. Mission in VANUATU, FIJI and WESTERN SAMOA. Sep­tember 1990.ORSTOM Report.

DUKSTRA T. (1991)Code numbers and file naming system of hydrological observing stations in VANUATU.Dpt. Geology, Mines and RWS Report.

UNESCO - WMO (1991)Report on Water Resources Assessment. Progress in the Implementation of the MAR DELPLATA Action Plan and a Strategy for the 19908.WMO/UNESCO Report.

UNESCO (1991)A programme for the humid tropics.UNESCO !HP Report.

WMO(l992)The WMO Hydrology and Water Resources Programme 1992-2001. Third WMO Long-tennPlan. Part 2, VoL S.WMO Report Dr 765.

DANWUX J. (1992)Intervention in VANUATU. August 1992.ORSTOM Report.


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Conceming the acquisition and the use of the hydrometric data bank management software,HYDROM, it is agreed, between :

on one hand:

the Laboratory of Hydrology - ORSTOMB.P. 5045 - 34032 MONTPELLIER CEDEX

and on the other hand :

represented by

that the disposaI of the software is done according ta the following conditions :








The Laboratary of Hydrology provides the software as a package of load modulesdiskettes running on mM AT or compatibles,

The Laboratory of Hydrology provides the acquirer with the followingdocuments :

an installation bookleta user's manualan operator's manual

The acquÏIer' provides the floppy disks (5 inches 1/4 DSIDD 360 Ko)

The acquirel" agrees neither to distribute nor to modify the provided software. andnot to use"Ït for commercial purposes.

Conceming the maintenance of HYDROM. the Laboralory of Hydrologycentralizes the remarks and software errors transmitted by the acquirer. When anew version of HYDROM is operational. and if the acquirer asks for il. a releaseofdiskenes will he done.


For the Laboratory of Hydrology For the acquirer

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C.untry:WESTERN SA"OA-------------------------------------.--------...-------------------------------------------------------------------.._._-----------

1 1 1 1 Periods 1 S UStition River 1 Latitude 1 Longitude 1 AIt. 1 Arta 1 trOi 1 E N...

1 de, lin sec 1 de, lin seel 1 (kI2) 1 tunct. 1 N Y-------------------------------------------_.__..----------------_.-.----------------_.-.---------.-------------..._------...-------

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Blsin 01 AFE6A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

57..1..... lCXlOCXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •1 1 1 1 1 1 1lasin .2 AllAILE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

57412..000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 03 FAlE(A)SCELA 1 1 1 1 1 1 157..3..181 Altitude 448 1 FAlESCELA 1 -13 54 24 1 -171 57 341 137 1 lU'" 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Blsin •• FAlEVAO (FALEFAI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

574'4"181 FAlEfA Fa Ils 1 FAlEVAO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •57..4.2801 SAftDNIATU 1 FAlEVAO 1 -13 54 46 1 -171 36 461 137 1 35.7888 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1

hSln .S FIIlUASOU 1 1 1 1 1 1 15'Mt5t8181 Altitude 488 1 FULUASOU E-Bran. 1 -13 51 3. 1 -171 48 181 12216.7.... 1 1 1 •574.:588105 Dit 1 FIIlUASOU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0574~'1l0 APIA W.lntah 1 FULUASOU E-Bran. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Blsin 86 lU III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

"- 574""808 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •1 1 1 1 1 1 1lasin 07 LAUlIl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

574'71'000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1

Blsin .8 LEJlEA 1 1 1 1 1 1 157.....00. lCXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Blsin .9 LOTAfA6A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

574"'1111 Altitude 100 1 LOTAFA6A W-Bran. 1 -13 57 27 1 -171 50 261 33 1 31.10.. 1 1 1 81 1 1 1 1 1 1

hsin 18 IlALEftAlUS 1 1 1 1 1 1 15741...... XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 181sin 11 IWlINOA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

574U..... XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

hsin 12 IlULIVAI 1 1 1 1 1 1 157412..... lClCXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXlOOOCCX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1hsin 13 IWIO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

57413180.. XXXXlCXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

hsin 14 HWSUATIA 1 1 1 1 1 1 157414..081 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1hsin 15 SAAtlAPU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

574151.... XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

hsin 16 SALMI 1 1 1 1 1 J J57.1'...., Upsweal SOPM6A falls 1 fAGATOlOA 1 -13 59 SI 1 -111 34 511 128 137.'''' 1 1 1 •• ....................................................................................................................................

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Country:WESTERN SAMOA-_....-.....__....._..._.....-... -_....._.••....••.•-........__..-..__._...--.-.•..•.•......••••.•.•..•.._.---..-----......__._--.-- ~

1 1 1 1 Periods S UStation River 1 Latitude 1 Longi tude 1 Ait. 1 Area 1 trOI 1 E N

1 de9 lin sec 1 de9 lin secl 1 (h21 1 tunct. 1 N V --.-.-------.__ ._.---------~---------------------_ .._-----------------------------------....-.-----------------------------_._-------~5141603001 AFUlILO 1 VAI6AFA 1 -13 51 48 1 -171 33 201 1 12.6000 1 1 1 05741603005 VAIPU 1 YAI6AFA 1 -13 57 2. 1 -171 34 301 248 1 18.8000 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 17 SALESATALE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5141100000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 18 SA"USU 1 1 1 1 1 1 15141800000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 19 SATALO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5141900000 XXlOCXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 20 SIUKU 1 1 1 1 1 1 15142000000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 21 TAFITOALA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5142100000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 22 TlAVEA (VAllOAI 1 1 1 1 1 1 15142200101 Altitude 838 1 ~LIVAI W·Bran. 1 -13 58 44 1 -171 29 181 255 1 10.8000 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 23 T06IT0616A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5142300000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 24 UAFATO 1 1 1 1 1 1 15142400000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 25 VAI6ALU 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1

5142500000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 ( 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 26 VAll1"O 1 1 1 1 1 1 15142680000 XXXXXXXXXX IXXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 21 VAI"OSU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

514210000. XXXXXXXXlCX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 28 VAISAVE 1 1 1 1 1 1 15142800105 Upstr.Inhke J VAlSAYE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 29 VAISI6ANO 1 1 1 1 1 1 15142900181 Upstreal spillNay 1 YAISI6ANO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 05142900501 ALAOA East 1 YAISI6ANO E·K.Br 1 -13 52 00 1 -111 44 511 110 1 16.5000 1 1 1 05142900505 Dtwnst.PtNer house 1 VAISI6ANO E-K.Br 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 05142900506 Upstr.poNerhtuse 1 VAISI6ANO E-K.Br 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •5142988510 Upstr.lst.lntate 1 VAISI6ANO E-".Br 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •51429.1001 AlMA Mest 1 YAISI6ANO N-Br. 1 -13 51 51 1 -111 44 521 105 1 12.5100 1 1 1 05142901"5 Upstr.APIA Intate 1 VAISI6ANO K-Br. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •5142903005· FAU OlE FEE 1 VAISI6ANO Up-E.B 1 -13 54 41 1 -111 44 111 429 1 2••1... 1 1 1 051429.5001 TlAPAPATA 1 VAISI6ANO Up-N.B 1 -13 53 16 1 -11l 45 561 356 1 1.2'000 1 1 [ •1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 3. VAOVOAI 1 1 1 1 1 1 15143...... XXXXXXXXXX J XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1..-----..._-----_...._---...............---..-.._---..-._---------..---------------_...-...._...._--------.-..---...................

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• eountry:WESTERN SAHOA--------_._.-..-----------------------------------------------------.---------._-----------------------------.-----------------_.---

1 1 Periods 1 S U.. Station River 1 Latitude 1 Longitude 1 AIt. 1 Arta frOi 1 E N1 deg .in sec 1 deg lin secl 1 (k.21 funct. 1 N V

.--------------------------------------------------------------------._.----------------------._----.------------------.-----------.1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 31 sec EAST APIA 1 1 1 1 1 1 15743100000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Buin 37 sec SOUTH UPOLU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5743700000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 45 sec NEST APIA 1 1 1 1 1 1 15744500000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Suin 51 ASAGA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5745108000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

Basin 52 AYAO 1 1 1 1 1 1 15745200000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 53 FALEATA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5745300000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 [ 1,. Buln 54 GATAYAI 1 1 1 [ 1 1 1

f 5745400000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 [

Buln 55 LANO 1 1 1 [ [ 1 15745500000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Buln 56 PUAPUA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5745600000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

Buln 57 SAFOTU 1 1 1 1 1 1 15745700000 XXXlOOCXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Buin 58 SAltALAEULU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

574~OO181 xxxxxxxxxx 1 SAltALAEUlU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1

bsin 59 SAPAPALII 1 1 1 1 1 1 157459.0000 XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 J81sin 60 SILI 1 J 1 J 1 1 1

5746.08101 xxxxxxxxxx J SILI 1 1 1 1 J 1 J 01 J J 1 1 J 1

Buln 61 SUINAU 1 1 1 1 1 1 15746180000 XXXXXXXXXX J XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 J 1 1 1 1Buln 62 VAILOA 1 J 1 1 1 1 1

57462..... XXXXXXXXXX J XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 J 1 1 1 1• 1 1 J 1 1 J 1

hslft 65 sec NORTH SAVAII J 1 1 1 1 1 157465"'0' ·XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1Basin 75 sec SOUTH SAYAII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

51475..... XXXXXXXXXX 1 XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.•...._........-..••...................--......_-....._._.----..----------------.-------_.-..-._...-_._.__.-._--_..__...._...__...--

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LOGIN AT 270/0212 LAST ACCESS AT 267/0402 UTe01266 NO LOCATION 266/0104Z

( 1) 00 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 00 118

01266 NO LOCATION 266/0431Z( 1) 04 10 22 01

00 944 257 01.. 68486181 68486181 68158501 233441371191247872 00 266

01266 NO LOCATION 266/1212Z( 1) 03 266 22 02

01 448 225 0160097541 68486181 68486181 23666697

1359020032 00 366

01266 NO LOCATION 266/1535Z( 1) 03 266 23 00

01 528 225 0160097541 68486181 68486181 23666697

1358954496 00 334

01266 NO LOCATION 266/1715Z( 1) 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 00 158



LOGIN AT 270/0212 LAST ACCESS AT 267/0402 UTC09988 NO LOCATION 266/0427Z

( 2) 234 246 33 0203 113 1037 00

755982295 4127031135 3624272255 16121830412153781254 10842" 13129826

09988 NO LOCATION 266/0930Z( 1) 245 246 33 01

01 III 13 00631595031 1710828767 3649437055 1607988733

1063245813 33122698 7129473

09988 NO LOCATION 266/1537Z( 1) 01 244 33 00

03 110 1037 00780754967 4127031135 3623223679 1612183037

2137004021 33136851 16053313

09988 NO LOCATION 266/1724Z( 1) 04 246 33 00

03 110 13 00, 783507415 4127031391 3623222623 1607992829

2153764853 16415341 3904602

09988 NO LOCATION 266/2044Z( 2) Il 246 33 00

03 110 13 00789798935 4127293280 401997183 1607988737

2136987637 33193998 .2616490

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Institut Français de Recherche Scientlfaquepour le D~veloppementen Coopération

Etude fmande parle Ministère Français

des Affaires Etrangères

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Les rapports des organisations internationales (OMM, UNESCO) de cesdernières années ont montre combien il était nécessaire que soient développés des pro­grammes d'assistance bi-latérale ou multi-latérale pour :

- l'évaluation, le développement et la gestion de la ressource en eau,

- le renforcement des réseaux et des services hydrologiques des pays de la bande in-tertropicale.

Dans les Des du Sud-Ouest Pacifique, fortement affectées par les croescycloniques et les sécheresses en rapport avec les grandes anomalies atmosphériques et océa­niques, les longues séries d'observations continues et réguli~ssont essentielles, tant

- pour l'établissement des caractéristiques d'aménagement (extension des séries dedonnées pour les sites à équiper).

- que pour l'étude des variations climatiques.

L'analyse des besoins des services hydrologiques et des informationsrecueillies sur les réseaux a montré qu'un cenain nombre de stations ne pouvait plus être cor­rectement suivi (contraintes b~dgétaires. difficultés de conserver un personnel qualifié. équi­pements inadéquats).Les hydrologues de l'ORSTOM, qui ont installé et suivi les réseaux de Nouvelle-Calédonie etde Polynésie Française. et formé les services territoriaux indispensables à leur gestion, ontproposé au PROE et aux services hydrologiques des différents états et territoires du Sud­Ouest Pacifique. un projet de coopération régionale ayant pour objectifs :

- Aider à la création d' un réseau minimal d'observations pour les états ou tenitoires nedisposant d'aucune donnée hydrologique.

- Fournir l'aide technique nécessaire pour :•étudier les possibilités de restIucmrer les réseaux de base• rechercher des solutions pennettant la mesure et la transmission des données

de stations dont le suivi est difficile (problèmes d'accès. conditions climatiques sév~s).

- Fournir les logiciels nécessaires au traitement des données hydropluviométriques et àla constitution de banques nationales et régionales.

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2· LES ACfIVITES 1991·92

Ce projet n'a pu être mené à bien qu'avec l'aide financière du ministèreFrançais des Affaires Etrangères.

Pour l'année 1991-92, il a été possible:

- de répondre aux demandes les plus urgentes en matière d'équipement de terrain(maintenance des matériels aux SALOMONS, installation au VANUAlU),

- d'installer la chaîne de traitement HYDROM au VANUAlU, au SAMOA OCCI­DENTAL et aux SALOMONS et de proposer une codification générale pour une banquerégionale,

- d'établir un certain nombre de propositions pour la réorganisation ou le rééquipementdes réseaux de base (VANUAlU, SAMOA OCCIDENTAL, SALOMONS),

- de tester le système de transmission par satellite Argos, avec l'installation de balisessur des stations isolées (VANUAW, POLYNESIE FRANCAISE, NOUVELLE-CALEDO­NIE),

- de faire l'état des banques de données hydrologiques, disponibles sous HYDROM, enparticulier pour les territoires français (poLYNESIE FRANCAISE et NOUVEILE-CA­LEOONŒ).



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3.1 - Le cas du SAMOA OCCIDENTAL (Fig. 2)

D'un premier réseau de mesuœs, installé dans les années 70 pour l'étuded'aménagements hydroélectriques, il ne subsiste que quelques stations aux relevés difficile­ment exploitables :

- Instabilité de certaines sections de contrôle et nombre insuffisant de jaugeages.

- Lacunes importantes dans les enregistrements.

- Régime artificiel des cours d'eau aménagés (nombreuses prises).

La création d'un réseau hydrologique de base nécessiterait le rééquipe­ment de 2 stations, l'installation de 4 autres centrales limniméttiques (dont 2 sur l'De de SA­VAl) et la réalisation d'un minimum de jaugeages au cours de 2 campagnes de mesures.

Le poste pluviométrique de l'Observatoire d'APIA, suivi depuis 1890,devrait pouvoir être doublé d'une centrale d'acquisition de très large autonomie, dotée d'unet6l6transmission, de façon l éviter toute lacune importante d'observations (notamment lors descyclones) et être controlable l distance.

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3.2 - Le cas du YANUAnJ

3.2.1 - Les différentes opérations

En 1981, un premier réseau hydrologique fut install6 à la faveur deprojets d'aménagements (hydroélectricité, hydraulique agricole), sans pouvoir être maintenuau-delà de 1986,

- par suite des destructions des stations sur les rivières La COLLE et TEOUMA (Ded'EFATE),

- et en raison des difficultés d'accès et de mesures sur le JOURDAIN (De de SANTO).

Les travaux réalis6s depuis 1989, avec l'aide de la CEE et des Nations­Unies, se sont malheureusement rév61és insuffisants pour permettre le traitement complet desobservations recueillies au cours de la p6riode 1990-92 :

- Capteurs de pression des centrales d'acquisition non 6ta1onn6s en pression et en tem­pérature.

- Nombre insuffisant de jaugeages.

Très récemment (AoOt 1992), dans le cadre de ce projet de rechercheset à la demande du Département de Géologie, des Mines et de l'Hydraulique Rurale, une cen­trale d'acquisition équip6e d'une sonde limnimétrique a 6té installée par la Section Hydrologieet l'ORSTOM sur la rivière MELSISI (De de PENTECOTE).

3.2.2 - Le réseau hydrologique de base (Fig. 3)

Les stations sur les rivières SARAKATA (station stable et correctementétalonnée depuis 1982) et La COLLE (station très accessible), suivies de 1981 à 1986, ainsique la station sur la MELSISI, pourraient constituer les éléments d'un premier r6seau de base,qui poUITait 6tre par la suite compl6té avec l'installation d'une quatrième station sur une autreîle de l'archipel (sur la rivière NAMANG, 6missaire du lac de aatb'e dans l'ile de GAUA 1).



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3.3 - Le cas des SALOMQNS

3.3.1 - Les différentes opérations

La Section Ressources en Eau (Département de Géologie - Ministèredes Ressources Naturelles), qui suit depuis de nombreuses années les débits de la rivièreLUNGGA (GUADALCANAL), a pu installer et suivre très correctement entre 1986 et 1990plusieurs autres stations hydrologiques équipées de centrales d'acquisition (Programme Ré­gional Energie financé par la CEE).

En l'absence de matériels de secours, une première assistance ORS­TOM a été engagée ~s 1991, afin d'assurer:

- le dépannage des cartes électroniques,

- la formation du personnel à l'utilisation des équipements modernes.

3.3.2 - Réseau hydrologique de base

Un premier réseau de base pomrait comprendre la station principalesuivie depuis 1965 sur la LUNGGA, ainsi que les stations installœs en 1986 ou 1987 et q~bien que toujours contrôlées, demandent l être rééquipées (subvention accordée par la Mis­sion Française de Coop6ration R6gionale l FIDJI) :


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4.1 - Chaînes de traitement et fichiers de transfert

Les états et territoires regroupés au sein de l'Association Régionale 5 del'OMM utilisent au moins 6 systèmes d'exploitation différents, dont 3 (HYDSIS, HYDROMet TIDEDA) sont diffusés dans la Région mais un seul est distribué gratuitement(HYDROM).

La version anglaise d'HYDRO~ tout comme PLUVIOM (logiciel detraitement des données pluviométriques), pouvant être largement diffusés (voir annexe 1) etfacilement installés sur de petites unit6s (compatible sans co-processeur), les fonnats de fi­chiers ASCII des données d'exportation d'HYDROM devraient pouvoir être considérés dansla Région comme des standards, pour le transfert des données vers d'autres configurations(Micro TIDEDA,.•.).

4.2 - Coda&es international et ré&ional

La nUl1l6rotation proposœ par l'O~ facilement utilisable pour coderles stations des grands bassins, s'applique plus difficilement l un grand nombre d'états ou deterritoires de la Région, dans la mesure où :

• chaque état souhaite pouvoir identifier la totalit6 de ses points d'observations, qu'ils'agisse de stations de base ou de points de mesures épisodiques;

- l'on envisage l'acquisition de certaines données par télétransmission satellite(réception à un centre regional et rediffusion dans la Région l différents états).

Les fies HAWAI ( et la NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE( ont ainsi la possibilité de distinguer 990 stations (de 10 l 999), tandis queles autres états (SALOMONS, FIDJI, VANUAlU, SAMOA OCCIDENTAL, TONGA,COOK) et territoires (SAMOA AMERICAINES, POLYNESŒ FRANCAISE, WALLIS etFU11JNA) de la Région doivent se repartir 27990 num6ros (du num6'o aunUDl6ro, sans indication possible d'un code Etat.

Afin de pouvoir mieux localiser les stations (bassins principaux ou pe­tits bassins côtiers, ne ou groupe d'îles, états), la nature des relevés (pluviométrie, Iim­nimétrie, piézométrie, transports solides) ou le type de fichier hydrométrique (cotes instanta­nées, jaugeages, tarages, débits instantanés, débits moyens jomnaliers) une numérotation l 8chiffres, beaucoup moins contraignante, poumlÏt être proposée pour la constitution desbanques nationales et regionale.

Sur les 8 chiffres retenus,

2 seraient réservés au pays (PP),2 seraient reservés au bassin (BB) ou à un groupe de bassins, à une fie ou à un groupe

de petites fies,2 seraient réservés pour la rivière (RR),et 2 seraient reservés pour la station (88) avec, suivant le type de station :





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- 00 pour la pluviométrie.- 01 à 89 pour les points d'eau (rivière ou lac).- 90 à 97 pour les petits bassins représentatifs ou expérimentaux.- 98 pour les piézomètres ou les puits.- 99 pour les mesures de mmspons solides en suspension.

Pour les fichiers ASen de mmsfert, le nom du fichier serait le nutŒrode code attribué à la station. et l'extension poUIT8Ït correspondre au type de fichier.

Le passage du numéro de code régional au numéro de code internatio­nal à 10 chiffies (utilis6 sous HYDROM) peut se faire avec l'ajout:

- d'un nwœm de code Région ou Continent (5 pour l'Océanie)- la réservation d'un troisi~mechiffre pour la numérotation rivière (plus de 100 rivières

sont contt6lables sur de très grands bassins.

Code régionalpp BB RRSS

Code international(5) pp BB (0) RR SS


Un code supplémentaire capteur. de 0 à W, utilisable sous HYDROMpour distinguer les différents types de relevés (échelle limnimétrique. limnigraphe. centraled'acquisition et capteur de pression. plus hautes-eaux•..) n'est guère utile pour les banques(numéro code capteur adopté 9).

Appliquée au SAMOA OCCIDENTAL (code Etat 74). cette numérota­tion permettrait de distinguer (cf. Fig. 6 et annexe 2) :

- les bassins des Ues d'UPOLU (codes bassin de 01 à 50) et de SUVAII (codes bassinde SI à 99);

- les principaux bassins de l'île d'UPOLU (classés par ordre alphabétique de 01 à 30) ­comme celui de la VAISIGANO codé 29 - des petits bassins côtiers numérotés de 31 à 50;

- les différentes branches de la VAISIGANO : East Middle branch (OS) - West branch(10) - Upper east branch (30) - Upper west branch (50);

- les multiples points de mesures sur l'East middle branch : Aloa east (01).Downstream power house (OS). Upstream mt intake (10)•...

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Avant la mise en place d'une unité locale de réception directe pour laRégion des infonnations télétransmises par satellite (système Argos). une série de tests a étéeffectuée à partir de quelques postes particulièrement isolés.

Balise n- 1267 - Poste pluviométrique du Mont PANIE (NOUVELLE-eALEOONIE) équipéd'une centrale d'acquisition OEDIPE. L'accès à cette station (1628 m d'altitude) nécessite unejournée de marche ou des moyens héliportés.

Balise n- 1266 - Station limnigraphique sur la rivière TAIPIVAI (Archipel des Marquises - Dede NUKU-HIVA). Cette station. équipée d'une centrale d'acquisition OILOE B. est situéedans une vallée très encaissée.

Balise n- 9988 - Poste pluviométrique et station limnigraphique sur la rivière MELSISI (De dePENTECOTE). Cette station est équipée d'une centrale d'acquisition OILOE E, permettant latransmission des données pluviométriques ~ limnimétriques. Installée dans une vallée assezencaissée. cette station éloignée de PORT-Vll..A n'est le plus souvent accessible que par ba­teau.

Les données brutes. recueillies pour la journée du 22J("1)/1992 auprès ducentre de Iéception de TOULOUSE et present6es en annexe 3. donnent un aperçu du nombrede messages qu'il est possible de recevoir suivant le dégagement des sites:

- de 3 à 5 messages par jour pour les rivières encaissées.- de 6 à 8 messages par jour pour les pluviomètres d'altitude.




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Un premier inventaire des banques de données hydrologiques (hauteursd'eau et courbes d'étalonnages). actuellement disponibles sous HYDROM, a été établi.

Pour le SAMOA OCCIDENTAL, et en l'absence de données récentes,seuls les relevés anciens. saisis sous HYDROM en 1990 par les techniciens hydrologues del'Observatoire d'APIA. figurent à cet inventaire.

Pour le VANUAru. en l'absence :

- de tout dépouillement (manuel ou par digitaliseur) des diagrammes de la période1985-87.

- et de toute cOlleCtion des relevés bruts des centrales d'acquisition d'Obsermet(période 1990-92).

seules les données acquises pour la période 1981-84 et exploitables sous HYDROM sont pré­sentœs.

Pour les SALOMONS. un premier essai de transfert vers HYDROM defichiers constitués sous Micro TIDEDA a été effectué (résultats ci-après).

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Quatre grands types d'intervention ont été retenus pour l'année 1992-93 :

- une mission d'assistance à FUlliNA (Territoire de WAlLIS et FUTIJNA) en vue dela création d'une cellule hydrologique,

- des missions d'information auprès des services hydrologiques du SAMOA OCCI­DENTAL, des FlDn et de PAPOUASIE-NOUVElLE GUINEE,

- des opérations d'assistance auprès des services hydrologiques du VANUAlU et desDes SALOMONS,

. - des actions de formation auprès des services hydrologiques du VANUAlU et desDes SALOMONS.

7.1 - Intervention à WALLIS et FUDJNA

Une reconnaissance sur l'île de FUWNA est programmée, pourl'installation éventuelle d'une centrale Jimnimétrique (ClnnE E) et du matériel informatiquen6cessaire au traitement des données hydropluviométriques sous les logiciels HYDROM etPLUVIOM.

7.2 - Missions de contact

Une mission d'assistance auprès de l'Observatoire d'APIA, en vue de lapréparation d'une demande d'aide extérieure pour la création d'un Iéseau hydrologique debase, poUITait être envisagée.

Des missions d'information auprès des services fidjiens et papous sontprévues, et l'essai de matériels (acquisition et télétransmission) dans des conditionsparticulièrement difficiles est envisagée en PAPOUASŒ-NOUVElLE GUINEE.

7.3 - Interventions sur le terrain

Des missions d'appui aux sections hydrologiques des SALOMONS etdu VANUATU pour le ~uipementdes stations (SALOMONS) et la réalisation de cam­pagnes de mesures (SALOMONS et VANUATU) sont programmées d'ici fin 1992 et pour­raient être poursuivies au cours de l'année 1993 (Etude des crues cycloniques).

7.4 - Fonnation pour le pré-traitement et le traitement des données

Après la réalisation des utilitaires n6cessaires à la reprise des fichiers detype Obsermet (VANUATU) et une formation au pré-traitement des données sous les chamesHYDROM et PLUVIOM, un programme de coopération en vue de la constitution des deuxbanques de données hydropluviométriques est envisagé.

