Language of Light Series - Christine Day Sinopse

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  • 8/18/2019 Language of Light Series - Christine Day Sinopse


    THE "LANGUAGE OF LIGHT" SERIES WILL consist of three modules, each of

    which contains eight separate classes, designed to be taken at the pace of two

    classes a month for four months. Each Class will be presented in video format,

    and is accompanied by downloadable homework in the form of PDF and audio

    les, which are designed to be completed after the class.

     his module contains eight separate classes, designed to be taken at the paceof two classes a month for four months. Each Class will be presented in video

    format, and is accompanied by downloadable homework in the form of PDF and

    audio les. he homework is designed to be completed after each individual


    !n this series of specially prepared videos, ! will personally be guiding you

    energetically within each separate initiation. Part of my role is to make

    energetic ad"ustments to assist you in opening to deeper alignments within your


     #E $%&'()$

    Energetic $ymbols will be presented to you, and you will be guided into

    energetic doorways within the $ymbols where you will receive multi*

    dimensional initiations. +ithin these dimensional spaces you will begin to

    connect to aspects of your own light energy. +hen you "ourney within the

    doorways of light contained within each $ymbol you will begin to re*align to

    your own uniue freuency of light. -s you anchor this freuency of light into

    the cells of your body, the cells will begin to awaken. %ou may eperience this

    as an awareness or sensation of pulsing within your cells, like a heartbeat of

    light. -s you awaken to this heartbeat, your cells will begin to transmit your ownuniue light freuency out into the universe. %ou are then recogni/ed through

    your uniue freuency and received by the Collective Consciousness. Each

    $ymbol has its own specic energetic -ura. -s you are guided to bring your

    consciousness further into the -ura, you will be initiated into a deeper place

    within the symbol, within your self, receiving your awakening.

     #E $-C0ED $(12D$

    Each $ymbol is accompanied by its own $acred $ound. -s you work with these

    $acred $ounds, you create a freuency that is uniuely yours, and which is

    recogni/ed and received by the $ymbol, and acknowledged by the entire1niverse. %our uniue freuency of sound acts like a key to a door within the

    $ymbol, giving you access into energetic chambers that hold sacred aspects for

    you to recollect. %ou move into the chamber to access the 3light !nitiations3

    that are uniuely yours to receive now for your net step. !t is important to note

    that each individual has their own uniue eperience, and hence each class is

    designed especially for you.

     %our $acred $ound creates a resonance within your cells, which facilitates a

    re"uvenation and healing of your physical body. %our cells have been waiting for

    this cellular awakening process. he more you work with your $acred $ound, themore you will merge with the natural light that the sound embodies.

  • 8/18/2019 Language of Light Series - Christine Day Sinopse


     #E #-2D &1D0-$

    -s you begin to master working with the $ymbols and $acred $ounds, there is a

    specic #and &udra. his #and &udra is designed to open up another

    dimensional birthing element to deepen your "ourney. Each #and &udra is an

    avenue to create a powerful alignment to di4erent dimensions of light.

    -s you become one with each aspect of the &udra you will actually begin to

    move into a deeper connection and understanding of your self. his process

    subtly anchors you into a higher realm setting where you can stabili/e in your


     here are many di4erent aspects and energies to be eperienced through the

    phases of the hand movements within each #and &udra.

     he sacred synergy of the $ounds, $ymbols and #and &udra5s bring you into a

    natural epansion of 6uidity that enables you to navigate back into your multi*

    dimensional self and to receive higher levels of your own light.

    $ince each one of us is naturally a part of this unity of light, the initiations make

    it possible for us to return back home.

    This IS “The Language of Light.” 

    Language of Light - Module 1 !i#e $%&'((

    &odule 7 contains eight video classes that are designed to empower you and

    initiate you into an aspect of your $elf &astery.

     %ou will create and initiate into your own personal Circle of )ight. %our Circle of)ight will contain a uniue womb like chamber that has the ability to connect

    you to di4erent dimensional spaces in which you go through a metamorphosis.

     here will be an initiation through a series of awakening codes that are

    designed to bring you back into a remembrance of your divine $elf and re*

    connecting you to aspects of your personal power.

     hese $acred codes will re*activate your telepathic center, enabling you to re*

    establish a level of telepathic communication with the spiritual realms, the

    universal consciousness, and the natural forces. -llowing you to fully engage

    with the rest of the universal community, so that you can play your full role onthe planet to complete your mission.

     he $acred &atri has been especially created for you to align yourself to the

    changing consciousness that is birthing on the planet right now. !t also aligns

    you to the new crystalline structures that are bringing about your

    enlightenment process. his &atri brings communion possibilities with the $tar

    energies that are supporting us in our dimensional birthing at this time. %ou get

    to take your place as you work within the layers of the &atri.

    Language of Light - Module % $%&'((

  • 8/18/2019 Language of Light Series - Christine Day Sinopse


  • 8/18/2019 Language of Light Series - Christine Day Sinopse


    !n 9anuary 7>?@ a second Pleaidian Communication Portal was activated on

    our land in 8rand &arais, &2. his created a huge dimensional opening on

    the planet. +ith the Dimensional $plit there was a further forging, a sacred

    synergy that took place between the rst and second Communication


     he Pleiadians said it was now the time for the second 8alactic $eries !! to

    be launched. +e are now ready energetically to be able to take this net


    !n a series of si ama/ing "ourney5s you will learn how to navigate your way

    through the many dimensional spaces within the Communication Portal with

    the Pleiadians and the 8alactic 'eings.

     %ou will be given new information on how to work energetically with these

    'eings within the Portal. Forming sacred telepathic communion alignments

    so that you can travel within the Portal and outside the Portal into the8alactic 0ealms.

    2ow is the time for your net step of your "ourney:

     his is presented as si video classes.

    Cost ;