Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and Information

Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

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Page 1: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations

James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering

Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and Information

Page 2: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and


• Using computers to carry out “numerical experiments”

in Materials Science, Chemistry and Physics• Quantum Mechanical equations solved for a

system of atoms in a representative unit cell• Measurable properties obtained from

“first-principles”– mechanical, thermodynamic, electronic– optical, magnetic, transport

Page 3: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Example: Transport in molecular wire


Phenolate/Benzenediazonium+ V

Page 4: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Peierls DistortionPi stacked pair dimerized pair

metal insulator

mechanical relaxation

Page 5: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Frontier Problems

• Non-equilibrium spin-transport in metals and semiconductors (Spintronics)

• Transport and coupled mechanical / electronic interactions in molecules (metal - insulator transition due to mechanical relaxation)

• Industrial applications: Modeling Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) processes atom by atom

• Challenges: correlated motion of electrons• Coupled electron-phonon interactions

(electron - vibration coupling)

Page 6: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Density Functional Theory

• Density Functional Theory (DFT) is a “mean-field” solution to the many-electron problem.

• Each electron interacts with an effective average field produced by all of the other electrons

• Non-linear set of coupled differential equations

Page 7: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Density Functional Equations

−∇2 + V (r r )( )Ψ j (

r r ) = E jΨ j (

r r )

Looks linear but...

V (r r ) depends on the charge density

ρ(r r )


ρ(r r ) = Ψ j (

r r )



Example: Local density approximation

V (r r ) = d3s

ρ (r s )

r r −

r s

∫ +δ

δρ (r r )

d3∫ sρ (r r )εxc (ρ(

r r ))

Page 8: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

DFT solution approach

• Expand the wave-functions in a basis set:

• Matrix eigenvalue-eigenvector problem:

• Orthogonality:

• Iterative solution to “self-consistency” (i.e. output V(r) coincides with input)

Ψj (r r ) = Cl



∑ ϕ l (r r )

H jl


∑ Clj = EC j



( )l


j = δkj

Page 9: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Popular implementations

• Plane wave basis functions (Fourier Series):

– Drawback: – Benefit: easy to code, sophisticated non-linear

response calculations possible

• Localized “atomic-like” basis functions

ϕ j (r r ) =


Vexp(ik j •

r r )

O(N 3) scaling

ϕ j (r r ) = a j (

r r ) - exponential distance decay for

insulators- power law distance decay for - metals

Page 10: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Contrasting Implementations

• Abinit: www.abinit.org– Very sophisticated array of calculated properties– Calculations become prohibitive for more than a few dozen

atoms • VASP (Vienna Ab-Initio Simulation Package)

– Less sophisticated by much faster– few hundred atoms possible

• Siesta: (Spanish Initiative for Electronic Simulations with Thousands of Atoms)– O(N) scaling: fast but less sophisticated– few thousand atoms possible

O(N 3)

O(N 3)

Page 11: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Public Access

• Many codes are freely available: go to http://psi-k.dl.ac.uk/data/codes.html for a list of more than 20

• Most codes still not user-friendly and take months to years to master

Page 12: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

The Brick Wall!!

• All of these methods run out of steam very quickly in terms of run time and memory

• Calculations with scaling take days or weeks to run!!

• Even calculations with scaling run into memory bottlenecks

• Materials Science simulations require thousands of atoms for thousands of time steps

O(N 3)


Page 13: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Key Algorithms

• For plane wave based codes:

the Fast Fourier Transform– We have gained factor’s of 4 improvement in

speed and storage using Conformal Computing– A number of new developments are being

implemented for further increases

• Matrix diagonalization routines for very large matrices

Page 14: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Conformal Computing

• Density Functional Calculations are an ideal setting for Conformal Computing!

• In fact: any array (matrix) based computational setting is ripe for Conformal Computing

• Why? Conformal Computing eliminates temporary arrays and un-necessary loops!

Page 15: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and


• Current electronic band structures fairly fast (on the order of one hour):

Page 16: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Contrasting: electron-phonon

• Electron-phonon calculations: on the order of 1 day for small systems

• Superconductivity in “conventional” materialsdetermined by the electron -phonon interaction• Aluminum (1 atom) takes roughly 1 day of computing• Imagine several dozen atomswith scaling

O(N 3)

Page 17: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Electron-Phonon improvements

• Many quantities currently written to files then later combined

• The size and number of these files is becoming prohibitively expensive

• Opportunities for parallelization of integrals

• Opportunities to eliminate temporaries through the use of direct indexing

Page 18: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Grid Computing

• Even with highly optimized code (which is still a way off) there is always a need for more and more resources

• For example: electron-phonon calculations involve dozens of separate calculations that could be run on independent machines

• Grid computing allows many independent calculations to be run in parallel

Page 19: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Grid Computing: First Steps

• QMolDyn GAT: a template for submitting Density Functional Calculations over the grid

• Vision: QMolDyn will eventually have a variety of codes (modules)

• Presently: Siesta ( ) running on the grid, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512- atom systems


Page 20: Large-Scale Density Functional Calculations James E. Raynolds, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Lenore R. Mullin, College of Computing and

Summary / Conclusions

• There is a great demand for large-scale array (matrix) based calculations in materials science

• Quantum calculations are increasingly important for Materials Science, Chemistry and Physics

• Grid computing combined with Conformal Computing techniques is very promising