Last Lecture: Globalization and Review Lecture 24: Thursday, 6 May 2010 J A Morrison 1

Last Lecture: Globalization and Review Lecture 24: Thursday, 6 May 2010 J A Morrison 1

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Page 1: Last Lecture: Globalization and Review Lecture 24: Thursday, 6 May 2010 J A Morrison 1

Last Lecture: Globalization and Review

Lecture 24: Thursday, 6 May 2010J A Morrison 1

Page 2: Last Lecture: Globalization and Review Lecture 24: Thursday, 6 May 2010 J A Morrison 1

Final Exam• Submission

– Plan to Submit by 10:00 PM on Friday, 14 May– Final Deadline: 10:30 PM on Friday, 14 May

Do not be even a minute late!– Max Length: 1700 words (all inclusive)

• Format: – Q1 (400 words): Select 1 of several questions– Q2 (650 words): Everyone answers same question– Q3 (650 words): Select 1 of several questions– Silly Bonus (worth zero points)


Page 3: Last Lecture: Globalization and Review Lecture 24: Thursday, 6 May 2010 J A Morrison 1

Lec 24: Globalization & Review

I. GlobalizationII. Course ReviewIII. Discussion QuestionsIV.Evaluations


Page 4: Last Lecture: Globalization and Review Lecture 24: Thursday, 6 May 2010 J A Morrison 1

Lec 24: Globalization & Review

I. GlobalizationII. Course ReviewIII. Discussion QuestionsIV.Evaluations


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I. GLOBALIZATION1. What is Globalization?2. Globalization in Context3. Implications of Globalization


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So, what is this phenomenon “globalization”?


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The literal meaning of globalization is rendering things global. (OED)

A more precise formulation would run: “fundamental changes in the spatial and

temporal contours of social existence, according to which the significance of space or territory

undergoes shifts in the face of a no less dramatic acceleration in the temporal structure of crucial

forms of human activity.” (Stanford Encycl. of Philosophy)


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Globalization, then, is really about the minimization of the (potential) significance

of differences across space and the changes in life that follow as a result.


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Barriers to Globalization• Natural Barriers

– Transportation and Communication Costs– Historical Legacies (e.g. trade networks)

• Contrived Barriers– Linguistic and Cultural Barriers– Politically-Imposed Restrictions (tariffs, &c.) These limits may be increased or decreased


The level of these limits determines the potential level of globalization, the extent of differences across space.

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If the level of globalization may fluctuate, how has the level of globalization changed

over time?


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I. GLOBALIZATION1. What is Globalization?2. Globalization in Context3. Implications of Globalization


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Globalization encompasses more than just “economic” phenomena…

But we typically use “economic” measures to determine the level of globalization.

Specifically, we look at the amount of movement of: people, goods & services,

and capital.


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Two Eras of Globalization• Two Eras

– 1st Age: Mid-19th Century to 1914– 2nd Age: 1945 to Present

• Similar Causes– Revolutions in transportation & communication– Commitment by states to decrease impediments


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When was Globalization Greatest? It depends on the measure!

• Trade: Share of Exports in World Output – Peaked in 1913– This point was not surpassed until 1970

• Capital: Flows relative to National Income– Level of integration still has not reached the levels

achieved among developed countries between 1870 and 1913

14Grieco & Ikenberry. State Power & World Markets. pp 5, 217.

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I. GLOBALIZATION1. What is Globalization?2. Globalization in Context3. Implications of Globalization


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Globalization has implications for social, political, and economic


(We’re particularly interested in the latter two.)


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The Social Implications• The Division of Labor in Society

(1893)• Globalization affects social

organization• Mechanical Solidarity: bonds forced

by proximity– E.g. members of same tribes

• Organic Solidarity: bonds developed by interdependence– E.g. individuals with similar internal


Émile Durkheim

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Political Implications• Reorganization of the International System

– Non-state actors (MNCs, NGOs, &c) become major players in IP

– Changes in distribution of power

• Changes in Accountability– States respond to different groups than do MNCs

or NGOs


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Economic Implications• Development: Does globalization make the pie

bigger?• Distribution: Who enjoys the gains brought by

globalization?– Developed countries?– Developing countries?– MNCs?– Consumers?


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Lec 24: Globalization & Review

I. GlobalizationII. Course ReviewIII. Discussion QuestionsIV.Evaluations


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So, we’ve covered a lot of ground this term.

The following are what I consider to be the three most significant

“takeaway” points from the course.


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(1) The stakes of international politics are

unusually high.


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We study some of the most pressing issues of our time—from

terrorism to climate change.

And the decisions made can have incredible effects…


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They can advance the cause of liberty…

lift continents out of poverty…

and ensure the persistence of our species.


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They can abet slavery…

inflict inconceivable suffering…

and annihilate our species.


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I think that studying international politics will make a difference…

…regardless of whether you become a policymaker or just an

informed citizen.


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(2) The facets of international politics—economy, security, and

organization—are inextricably linked. You cannot study any one in

isolation from the others.


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(3) In IP, we rely heavily on theories to help us navigate these waters. We have a lot of theories of IP; and there

is more than one way in which we can organize



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Lec 24: Globalization & Review

I. GlobalizationII. Course ReviewIII. Discussion QuestionsIV.Evaluations


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Discussion Questions• Asymmetric Violence

– When is asymmetric violence justified?– Can we fight a war on terror?– Who is our enemy?– How does Mumbai fit into things?

• Globalization– Is globalization good or bad?– How should we regulate it?


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