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  • 7/27/2019 LATIHAN PD2


    Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show two identical resistors which has resistance R connected

    to the ammeters, voltmeters, switches and batteries with different ways.

    DIAGRAM 10.1 DIAGRAM 10.2

    When the switch is on, the ammeters and the voltmeters show a reading.(a) What is meant by current? [1 mark]

    (b) With reference to Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2, compare the type of circuitconnections, the reading of ammeters, the reading of voltmeters and the effective

    resistance of the circuits. Relate the current flows in a circuit with the effective

    resistance to make a deduction regarding the relationship between type of acircuit connection and the effective resistance. [6 marks]

    Diagram 10.1(a) and diagram 10.2(a) show the apparatus set -up for a youngs double-slit

    experiment, to determine the wavelength of a monochromatic light. Diagram 10.1(b) and

    10.2(b) show the fringes formed on the screen for each situation.

    (a) What is meant by monochromatic light? [1mark]

    (b) Using all the diagram given, compare the distance between the double-slit and the screen,

    the distance between two successive bright fringes and the width of fringes.

    Deduce the relationship between the distance of the double-slit and the screen and thedistance between two successive bright fringes. [5marks]

    Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show two identical resistors which has resistance R connected

    to the ammeters, voltmeters, switches and batteries with different ways.

    DIAGRAM 10.1 DIAGRAM 10.2

    When the switch is on, the ammeters and the voltmeters show a reading.(a) What is meant by current? [1 mark]

    (b) With reference to Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2, compare the type of circuitconnections, the reading of ammeters, the reading of voltmeters and the effective

    resistance of the circuits. Relate the current flows in a circuit with the effective

    resistance to make a deduction regarding the relationship between type of acircuit connection and the effective resistance. [6 marks]

    Diagram 10.1(a) and diagram 10.2(a) show the apparatus set-up for a youngs double-slit

    experiment, to determine the wavelength of a monochromatic light. Diagram 10.1(b) and

    10.2(b) show the fringes formed on the screen for each situation.

    (a) What is meant by monochromatic light? [1mark]

    (b) Using all the diagram given, compare the distance between the double-slit and the screen,

    the distance between two successive bright fringes and the width of fringes.

    Deduce the relationship between the distance of the double-slit and the screen and thedistance between two successive bright fringes. [5marks]