1 Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library Title Author Year / y h p a r g o i d r a c o h c e l a c i n i l c f o k o o b t x e T M e n i r e h t a C , o t t O 8 1 0 2 s e s a e s i d l a r u e l p f o k o o b t x e T W d r a h c i R , t h g i L 6 1 0 2 s Q C M d n a w e i v e r k c i u q y g o l o h t a P h s r a H , n a h o M 5 1 0 2 y g o l o r u e n c i r t a i d e p e t u c A s a m o h T , n e s r e j e S 4 1 0 2 g n i s r u n e r a c l a c i t i r C n n a i D a d n i L , n e d r U 4 1 0 2 y g r e l l a s ' n o t e l d d i M n i l k n a r F N , n o s n i k d A 4 1 0 2 y r e g r u s c i r t a i d e P J n o d n e r B , y r t n e v o C 4 1 0 2 e n i c i d e m y c n e g r e m e s ' n e s o R r e t e P , n e s o R 4 1 0 2 c i r t a i d e p f o k o o b d n a h e n a L t e i r r a H e h T y p a r e h t l a i b o r c i m i t n a l a t i p s o H s n i k p o H s n h o J 4 1 0 2 c i r t a i d e p f o k o o b d n a h e n a L t e i r r a H e h T y p a r e h t l a i b o r c i m i t n a l a t i p s o H s n i k p o H s n h o J 4 1 0 2 l a e g a h p o s e s n a r t e v i t a r e p o i r e p c i s a B y h p a r g o i d r a c o h c e M t r e b o R , e g a v a S 3 1 0 2 g n u l e h t f o n o i t a t e r p r e t n i y s p o i B l u a S , r e t s u S 3 1 0 2 g n u l e h t f o n o i t a t e r p r e t n i y s p o i B l u a S , r e t s u S 3 1 0 2 g n u l e h t f o n o i t a t e r p r e t n i y s p o i B l u a S , r e t s u S 3 1 0 2 g n u l e h t f o n o i t a t e r p r e t n i y s p o i B l u a S , r e t s u S 3 1 0 2 I G c i r t a i d e p n i n o i t a t l u s n o c e d i s b r u C R l e o J , h s o R 3 1 0 2 d n a s t n a f n i f o g n i g a m i c i t s o n g a i D n e r d l i h c 3 5 9 1 , G t r e b o R , s l l e W 3 1 0 2 g n i s r u n c i r t a i d e p f o s l a i t n e s s E i r r e T , e l y K 3 1 0 2 a i m e r t a n o p y H E c i r E , n o m i S 3 1 0 2 e s a e s i d g n u l d n a y t i s e b O E e n n A , n o x i D 3 1 0 2 y g o l o n i r c o d n e c i r t a i d e P y l l a S , k c i v o d a R 3 1 0 2 g n i g a m i c i r t a i d e P h s e h a M , a p a h T 3 1 0 2 l a n o i t n e v r e t n i f o e c i t c a r p d n a s e l p i c n i r P y g o l o n o m l u p n i m r A , t s n r E 3 1 0 2 y g o l o i s y h p o h t a p y r a n o m l u P B n h o J , t s e W 3 1 0 2 y e n d i k e h t f o s e s a e s i d s ' r e i r h c S M s a m o h T , n a m f f o C 3 1 0 2 y g o l o r u l a r e n e g s ' o h g a n a T & h t i m S W k c a J , h c n i n A c M 3 1 0 2 n r o b w e n e h t f o s e s a e s i d s ' y r e v A A e n i t s i r h C , n o s a e l G 2 1 0 2

Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library

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Page 1: Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library


Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library

Title Author Year

/ yhpargoidracohce lacinilc fo koobtxeT M enirehtaC ,ottO 8102

sesaesid laruelp fo koobtxeT W drahciR ,thgiL 6102

sQCM dna weiver kciuq ygolohtaP hsraH ,nahoM 5102

ygoloruen cirtaidep etucA samohT ,nesrejeS 4102

gnisrun erac lacitirC nnaiD adniL ,nedrU 4102

ygrella s'notelddiM nilknarF N ,nosnikdA 4102

yregrus cirtaideP J nodnerB,yrtnevoC 4102

enicidem ycnegreme s'nesoR reteP ,nesoR 4102

cirtaidep fo koobdnah enaL teirraH ehTypareht laiborcimitna

latipsoH snikpoH snhoJ 4102

cirtaidep fo koobdnah enaL teirraH ehT

ypareht laiborcimitna

latipsoH snikpoH snhoJ 4102

laegahposesnart evitarepoirep cisaB


M treboR ,egavaS 3102

gnul eht fo noitaterpretni yspoiB luaS ,retsuS 3102

gnul eht fo noitaterpretni yspoiB luaS ,retsuS 3102

gnul eht fo noitaterpretni yspoiB luaS ,retsuS 3102

gnul eht fo noitaterpretni yspoiB luaS ,retsuS 3102

IG cirtaidep ni noitatlusnoc edisbruC R leoJ ,hsoR 3102

dna stnafni fo gnigami citsongaiD


3591 ,G treboR ,slleW 3102

gnisrun cirtaidep fo slaitnessE irreT ,elyK 3102

aimertanopyH E cirE ,nomiS 3102

esaesid gnul dna ytisebO E ennA ,noxiD 3102

ygolonircodne cirtaideP yllaS ,kcivodaR 3102

gnigami cirtaideP hsehaM ,apahT 3102

lanoitnevretni fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirPygolonomlup

nimrA ,tsnrE 3102

ygoloisyhpohtap yranomluP B nhoJ ,tseW 3102

yendik eht fo sesaesid s'reirhcS M samohT ,namffoC 3102

ygoloru lareneg s'ohganaT & htimS W kcaJ ,hcninAcM 3102

nrobwen eht fo sesaesid s'yrevA A enitsirhC ,nosaelG 2102

Page 2: Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library


Title Author Year

yendik eht s'rotceR & rennerB W netraaM ,laaT 2102

ygoloru hslaW-llebpmaC J nalA ,nieW 2102

ygolohtap laner fo salta citsongaiD B sengA ,ogoF 2102

gnigami citsongaiD F enaL ,yllennoD 2102

yregrus fo yretsam s'rehcsiF K orustE ,amayotoM 2102

yregrus fo yretsam s'rehcsiF - 2102

,yrtemotyc wolF

ralucelom dna ,yrtsimehcotsihonummi

smsalpoen cigolotameh rof sciteneg

heisT ,nuS 2102

,yrtemotyc wolF

ralucelom dna ,yrtsimehcotsihonummismsalpoen cigolotameh rof sciteneg

heisT ,nuS 2102

,yrtemotyc wolF

ralucelom dna ,yrtsimehcotsihonummismsalpoen cigolotameh rof sciteneg

heisT ,nuS 2102

,yrtemotyc wolF

ralucelom dna ,yrtsimehcotsihonummismsalpoen cigolotameh rof sciteneg

heisT ,nuS 2102

noitirtun dna ygoloretneortsaG fesoJ ,ueN 2102

dna ,ygolonummi ,ygolotameHesaesid suoitcefni

K niboR ,slhO 2102

ygoloidrac dna scimanydomeH S selrahC ,namnielK 2102

yregrus cigoloru fo salta s'namniH A hpesoJ ,htimS 2102

ymotana lacigrusoru fo salta s'namniH T yrogerG ,nanneLcaM 2102

sesaesid cilobatem nrobnI M J ,yarbuduaS 2102

eht fo sredrosid s'kcinrehC dna gidneKnerdlihc ni tcart yrotaripser

L niwdE ,gidneK 2102

erac noitirtun eht & doof s'esuarK


neelhtaK L nahaM 2102

erac latanoen fo launaM P nhoJ ,ytreholC 2102

erac yrotaripser latanoen fo launaM M nevetS ,nnoD 2102

etylortcele/diulf dna ygolorhpeNygoloisyhp

mailliW ,hO 2102

ygolorueN M yerffeJ ,namlreP 2102

erac detaler-sisongaid dna noitirtuN aivlyS ,pmutS-ttocsE 2102

ralucsavorberec dna ekorts cirtaideP


evetS E ,hcaoR 2102

erac lacitirc ot ecnerefer kciuQ H ycnaN ,kcorbnepeiD 2102

Page 3: Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library


Title Author Year

ni sGCE fo noitaterpretni dipaR

enicidem ycnegreme

L refinneJ ,eladnitraM 2102

fo koobtxet s'notreboR dna einneRygolotanoen

M tenaJ ,einneR 2102

yregrus fo koobtxet notsibaS dasarP ,elobdoG 2102

koobdnah enaL teirraH ehT M nageM ,yduhcsT 2102

gnul nrobwen ehT odraudE ,iralacnaB 2102

deen reve ll'uoy koob GKE ylno ehT S mloclaM ,relahT 2102

-otineg nommoc fo salta lairotcip ehTenicidem yraniru

reknahS vihS ,keeraP 2102

koob UCIP ehT M dlanoR ,nikreP 2102


etanoen eht fo noitalitnev detsissA P yaJ ,htimsdloG 1102

weiver esaC MGA yrreihT ,namsiuH 1102

aehrraiD onafetS ,iniladnauG 1102

yregrus dna ygoloru cirtaidep ot ediuG

ecitcarp lacinilc ni

dasarP ,elobdoG 1102

esaesid yendik cinorhc fo koobdnaHtnemeganam

T nhoJ ,sadriguaD 1102

dna sisongaid lacinilc s'yrneH

sdohtem yrotarobal yb tnemeganam

A drahciR ,nosrehPcM 1102

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN J neraK ,etnadcraM 1102

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN treboR ,namgeilK 1102

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN treboR ,namgeilK 1102

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN treboR ,namgeilK 1102

ygoloidrac latanoeN 2591 ,leahciM ,namtrA 1102

erac lacitirc cirtaideP P yeldarB ,namrhuF 1102

revil dna lanitsetniortsag cirtaideP


) treboR (R ,eillyW 1102

yhpargonos cirtaideP - 1102

yhpargonos cirtaideP - 1102

cirtaidep fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirP


A pilihP ,ozziP 1102

ygolocamrahpohcysP H R ,regnittE 1102

lacigrus s'namrekcA dna iasoR


0491 ,nauJ ,iasoR 1102

Page 4: Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library


Title Author Year

dna stnafni rof aisehtsena s'htimS


J reteP ,sivaD 1102

ygolohtap cirtaidep s'renheD & rekcotS samohT J ,rekcotS 1102

fo koobdnah latipsoH s'nerdlihC saxeT

ygolotanoen dna scirtaidep

W madA ,yrwoL 1102

ygoloiborcim citsongaid fo koobtxeT R einnoC ,nohaM 1102

noitaticsuser latanoen fo koobtxeT nhoJ ,lekniwttaK 1102

ygolotamuehr cirtaidep fo koobtxeT T semaJ ,ydissaC 1102

ot ediug s'rotcod roinuj ehTygoloretneortsag

asiuoL ,retxaB 1102

ygolonircodne fo koobtxet smailliW - 1102

ygolohcysp dlihc lamronbA J cirE ,hsaM 0102

latef ot ediug lacitcarp A


derflA ,damahubA 0102

yregrus cirtaidep s'tfarchsA - 0102

seuqinhcet lacigrus cirtaidep fo saltA H iaD ,gnuhC 0102

erac evisnetni caidraC nellA ,saimereJ 0102

ygolotameh lacinilc fo salta roloC V A ,dnarbffoH 0102

dna dlihc fo koobtxet s'nacluD

yrtaihcysp tnecseloda

K aniM ,nacluD 0102

xddtrepxE G rehpotsirhC ,notnA 0102

yhpargoidracohce s'muabnegieF F mailliW ,gnortsmrA 0102

yhpargoidracohce lateF A ailuJ ,esorD 0102

scirtaidep ni setylortcele dna diulF G dranoeL ,dleF 0102

noitatnalpsnart yendik fo koobdnaH M leirbaG ,hctivonaD 0102

citeneg namuh gnizylana no koobdnaH


ilihS ,niL 0102

sesaesid cilobatem detirehnI F groeG ,nnamffoH 0102

s'ttenneB dna ,salguoD ,llednaM

suoitcefni fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirpsesaesid

L dlareG ,llednaM 0102

sciteneg lacideM B nnyL ,edroJ 0102

aisehtsena s'relliM -9391,D dlanoR ,relliM 0102

yregrus yspelipe cirtaideP zugO ,epetlataC 0102

yregrus fo selpicnirp s'ztrawhcS selrahCF,,idracinurB 0102

Page 5: Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library


Title Author Year

s'nartdroF dna regnesielS

esaesid revil dna lanitsetniortsag

J ynohtnA ,oniraMiD 0102

lacigrus citsongaid s'grebnretSygolohtap

S nehpetS ,grebnretS 0102

laeh ot nerdlihc htiw gnikroW

amuart lanosrepretni

anailE ,liG 0102

scirtaideP fo ymedacA naciremA

erac cirtaidep fo koobtxet

K samohT ,ynrenIcM 9002

sititamred cipotA samohT ,rebeiB 9002

ygoloruen cirtaidep lacinilC M dlareG ,lehcineF 9002

semordnys dna sesaesid latinegnoC ilA harraJ ,hkiabuT-lA 9002

stluda ni esaesid traeh latinegnoC 4291 ,K hpesoJ ,ffolreP 9002

scirtaidep laroivaheb-latnempoleveD B mailliW ,yeraC 9002

cipocsodne cirtaidep fo slaitnessE


K aylumA ,anexaS 9002

xddtrepxE -3491,G ennA ,nrobsO 9002

xddtrepxE P leahciM ,elredeF 9002

cirtaidep fo koobtxet s'yrrehC & nigieFsesaesid suoitcefni

8002-8391,D hplaR ,nigieF 9002

ygoloidrac lateF ahcmiS ,legaY 9002

noisnetrepyh & ygolorhpen fo koobdnaH S rehpotsirhC ,xocliW 9002

ygolotameH dlanoR ,namffoH 9002

ygolotameH - 9002

yrotarobal ni ygolores dna ygolonummIenicidem

esiuoL yraM ,noegruT 9002

niks eht fo ygolohtapotsih s'reveL - 9002

niks eht fo ygolohtapotsih s'reveL -9091,) kcirederF retlaW (F retlaW ,reveL2991


ygolorhpen fo launaM - 9002

ygolohtap raluceloM B mailliW ,nameloC 9002

fo ygolotameh s'iksO dna nahtaN

doohdlihc dna ycnafni

G divaD ,nahtaN 9002

fo ygolotameh s'iksO dna nahtaNdoohdlihc dna ycnafni

- 9002

fo ygolotameh s'iksO dna nahtaN

doohdlihc dna ycnafni

G divaD ,nahtaN 9002

ygolorhpen cirtaideP D sillE ,renvA 9002

cirtaidep fo snoitatsefinam yranomluP


L nosleN ,soicruT 9002

Page 6: Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library


Title Author Year

fo koobdnah lacinilc s'ztrawhcS


J hpesoJ ,croZ 9002

koobdnah enaL teirraH ehT - 9002

ot hcaorppa lacitcarp A

yhpargoidracohce laegahposesnart

C treblA ,onirreP 8002

yendik eht s'rotceR & rennerB - 8002

ssapyb yranomlupoidraC P nnelG ,eelvarG 8002

esaesid revil citatselohC - 8002

cirtaidep ni snoisiced lacinilCygolorhpen

kanharaF ,idassA 8002

esaesid suoitcefni lacinilC divaD ,grebssolhcS 8002

ygolorhpen cirtaidep evisneherpmoC F sineD ,yraeG 8002

metsys yrailib dna revil eht fo sesaesiD

nerdlihc ni

A erdrieD ,ylleK 8002

dna stnafni ni yregrus cipocsodnEnerdlihc

A M N ,xaB 8002

enicidem latanoen laitnessE I mloclaM ,eneveL 8002

dna yrtemotyc wolF cigolotameh rof yrtsimehcotsihonummi


heisT ,nuS 8002

noitirtun dna ygoloretneortsaG fesoJ ,ueN 8002

noitaterpretni GEE fo koobdnaH O mailliW ,mutaT 8002

ygoloidrac dna scimanydomeH S selrahC ,namnielK 8002

ygoloidrac dna scimanydomeH - 8002

cirtaidep eht ni sesaesid suoitcefnI

tinu erac evisnetni

nomiS ,ledaN 8002

erac latanoen fo launaM P nhoJ ,ytreholC 8002

erac latanoen fo launaM P nhoJ ,ytreholC 8002

ni esaesid traeh 'smadA dna ssoM

stnecseloda dna ,nerdlihc ,stnafni

J ruhtrA ,ssoM 8002

niap latanoeN eppesuiG ,eroconouB 8002

etylortcele/diulf dna ygolorhpeN


mailliW ,hO 8002

etylortcele/diulf dna ygolorhpeN


- 8002

ygolorueN M yerffeJ ,namlreP 8002

nrobwen eht fo ygolorueN J hpesoJ ,eploV 8002

ygolonircodne cirtaideP M ,gnilrepS 8002

Page 7: Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library


Title Author Year

yspelipe cirtaideP M nhoJ ,kcolleP 8002

esaesid lewob yrotammalfni cirtaideP ) S kcinnA (S A ,soveD 8002

enicidem yrotaripser cirtaideP M nnyL ,gissuaT 8002

enummiotua cimetsys ni scirtaideP


odnaloR ,zamiC 8002

ygolocno lacigrus cirtaideP K ardneveD ,atpuG 8002

ygoloidaroru cirtaideP R ,rettoF 8002

lacigrus cirtaidep ot ediug tekcoP


sesruN lacigruS cirtaideP naciremA



latanoen eht fo gnigami lacigoloidaR


-2591,) acinoreV (V ,euhgonoD 8002

seicnangilam lacigolotameh eraR M nehpetS ,llesnA 8002

seipareht tnemecalper dna eruliaf laneR araS ,yelekalB 8002

yregrus cirtaidep evitarepoeR A nevetS ,hcieT 8002

evisnetni cirtaidep fo koobtxet 'sregoRerac

G divaD ,slohciN 8002

ygoloru lareneg s'htimS - 8002

ycnegreme cirtaidep fo koobtxeTserudecorp

rehpotsirhC ,gniK 8002

ygoloidaroru fo koobtxeT deeR N ,kcinnuD 8002

fo snoitatsefinam lacigoloruen ehT dna sesaesid suoitcefni cirtaidep

semordnys ycneicifedonummi

L eilseL ,notraB 8002

fo snoitatsefinam lacigoloruen ehT dna sesaesid suoitcefni cirtaidep

semordnys ycneicifedonummi

- 8002

gnul nrobwen ehT odraudE ,iralacnaB 8002

thgiew cirtaidep ot ediug lacinilc A

ytisebo dna tnemeganam

nosbiG ardnaS ,knissaH 7002

snaicinilc rof scisab citoibitnA 9591 ,R nalA ,resuaH 7002

snaicinilc rof scisab citoibitnA 9591 ,R nalA ,resuaH 7002

snoitcefni lagnuf fo saltA A loraC ,namffuaK 7002

ygoloru hslaW-llebpmaC - 7002

ygolorhpen cirtaidep lacinilC K lawnaK ,rehK 7002

sciteneg fo salta roloC drahrebE ,egrassaP 7002

sciteneg namuh ni cipot tnerruc new-gnoH,gneD 7002

Page 8: Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library


Title Author Year

cirtaidep gnigami citsongaiD


semaJ A ,hcivokraB 7002

eht fo tnemeganam ycnegremEtneitap cirtaidep

semaJ A ,hcivokraB 7002

ygolonircodnE E caM ,yeldaH 7002

sterces latanoen dna lateF A drahciR ,niloP 7002

erac latanirep rof senilediuG scirtaideP fo ymedacA naciremA 7002

sisylaid fo koobdnaH T nhoJ ,sadriguaD 7002

dna sisongaid lacinilc s'yrneHsdohtem yrotarobal yb tnemeganam

- 7002

yendik eht fo ygolohtap s'llatsnitpeH selrahC J ,ettenneJ 7002

citsycylop dna ecnatsiser nilusnIemordnys nairavo

aihtnavE ,sikaradnaK-itnamaiD 7002

yrtaihcysp tnecseloda dna dlihc s'siweL - 7002

yrtaihcysp tnecseloda dna dlihc s'siweL seardnA ,nitraM 7002

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN - 7002

ygoloruen latanoeN M dlareG ,lehcineF 7002

ygoloruen cirtaideP siuoL reteP ,renorblieH 7002

ygoloruen cirtaideP aneT ,ressoR 7002

suotcefni cirtaidep fo salta koob deR


scirtaideP fo ymedacA naciremA 7002

ygoloisyhpohtap laneR G tumleH ,eknneR 7002

ygoloisyhpohtap laneR G tumleH ,eknneR 7002

ygolohtap cisab snibboR -4491,yaniV ,ramuK 7002

koob UCI ehT L luaP ,oniraM 7002

fo koobtxet namleB-gniK-silaleK ehT

ygoloru cirtaidep lacinilc

G nevetS ,omicoD 7002

noitaidar ni gninnalp tnemtaerT


- 7002

sngis lacigoloruen fo yranoitcid A J A ,renraL 6002

ygoloruodne decnavdA Y nehpetS ,adakaN 6002

snaicisyhp rof koobdnah gnideeftsaerB nosaJ ,nostreboR 6002

scirtaidep ni seiduts esaC E atinoB ,selyorB 6002

ygoloruen dlihC H nhoJ ,sekneM 6002

ygolotameah lacitcarp siweL dna eicaD M S ,siweL 6002

Page 9: Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library


Title Author Year

-latanoen s'nitraM dna fforanaF

enicidem latanirep

- 6002

gnuoy dna nerdlihc ni eruliaf traeHstluda

C ynohtnA ,gnahC 6002

sGCE cirtaidep daer ot woH K gnuyM ,kraP 6002

ypocsorcimonummI R C ,rolyaT 6002

ypocsorcimonummI R C ,rolyaT 6002

dna sutef eht fo sesaesid suoitcefnI

tnafni nrobwen

- 6002

erac yrotaripser latanoen fo launaM M nevetS ,nnoD 6002

TC ecilsitluM hcirdeirF ,nnamllonK 6002

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN treboR ,namgeilK 6002

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN treboR ,namgeilK 6002

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN - 6002

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN treboR ,namgeilK 6002

scirtaidep s'iksO - 6002

erac lacitirc cirtaideP P yeldarB ,namrhuF 6002

ygoloruen cirtaideP F htenneK ,namiawS 6002

yregrus cirtaideP - 6002

yregrus citsalP J nehpetS ,sehtaM 6002

nrobwen eht fo erac yramirP M yrneH ,ledieS 6002

cirtaidep fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirP


A pilihP ,ozziP 6002

evitsegid eht fo gnigami lacigoloidaRnerdlihc dna stnafni ni tcart

) S kcinnA (S A ,soveD 6002

notgnimeR P hpesoJ ,notgnimeR 6002

ygoloisyhp yrotaripseR M drahciR ,nietsztrawhcS 6002

lanitsetniortsag s'nartdroF & regnesielS

esaesid revil dna

H nivraM ,regnesielS 6002

dna stnafni rof aisehtsena s'htimSnerdlihc

K orustE ,amayotoM 6002

dna yrtsimehc lacinilc fo koobtxet zteiT

scitsongaid ralucelom

W trebroN ,zteiT 6002

ecnenitnocni lacef & yranirU yelkceB yhtoroD ,ythguoD 6002

suoitcefni cirtaidep ot ediug lacinilc A


dlanoD ,rennaJ 5002

nrobwen eht fo sesaesid s'yrevA mailliW H ,hcsueaT 5002

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Title Author Year

ygolotanoen s'yrevA - 5002

ygolotanoen s'yrevA - 5002

lacinilc fo koobdnah adsehteBygolotameh

P niffirG ,sregdoR 5002

ygolocno lacinilc fo koobdnah adsehteB emaJ ,maharbA 5002

esaesid traeh s'dlawnuarB P salguoD ,sepiZ 5002

gnideeftsaerB 4291 ,A htuR ,ecnerwaL 5002

ygoloruen cirtaidep lacinilC M dlareG ,lehcineF 5002

ygolocixot erac lacitirC yerffeJ ,tnerB 5002

yhpargoidracohce s'muabnegieF yevraH ,muabnegieF 5002

yregrus cicaroht lareneG - 5002

noitatnalpsnart yendik fo koobdnaH M leirbaG ,hctivonaD 5002

noitatnalpsnart yendik fo koobdnaH - 5002

ygoloru cirtaidep fo koobdnaH S ecneruaL ,niksaB 5002

ygoloru cirtaidep fo koobdnaH - 5002

lanretni fo selpicnirp s'nosirraH


- 5002

ygolotameH - 5002

s'ttenneB dna ,salguoD ,llednaM

suoitcefni fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirp


- 5002

yendik fo tnemeganam lacideM


R wehttaM ,rieW 5002

aisehtsena s'relliM leahciM J ,llewgdaB 5002

sesaesid suoitcefni cirtaidep s'teffoM G lladnaR ,rehsiF 5002

nerdlihc rof ypareht lanoitapuccO enaJ ,htimS-esaC 5002

yregrus kcen & daeh--ygolognyralotO W selrahC ,sgnimmuC 5002

ygolonircodne cirtaideP samohT ,gnahsoM 5002

gnigamioruen cirtaideP 2591 ,semaJ A ,hcivokraB 5002

ysae ylbidercni edam gnisrun cirtaideP snikliW & smailliW ttocnippiL 5002

ygolonomlup cirtaideP B drawoH ,hctinaP 5002

yregrus cirtaideP - 5002

cirtaidep fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirPyregrus

- 5002

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Title Author Year

cirtaidep fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirP


- 5002

yrtaihcysP ujaM ,swehtaM 5002

yrtaihcysP - 5002

yregrus fo selpicnirp s'ztrawhcS selrahC F ,idracinurB 5002

ygolotamuehr cirtaidep fo koobtxeT - 5002

koobdnah enaL teirraH ehT nosaJ ,nostreboR 5002

koobdnah enaL teirraH ehT nosaJ ,nostreboR 5002

eht no noitirtun lanretam fo tcapmi ehTgnirpsffo

4002: ht55 (pohskroW noitirtuN ealtseN) anihC ,gnijieB:


gnigami cicarohT 5491 ,rahciR W ,bbeW 5002

ygolocno cigolorU P emoreJ ,eihciR 5002

nerdlihc ni yspelipe s'idraciA A ,uolgonamizrA 4002

nerdlihc ni yspelipe s'idraciA A ,uolgonamizrA 4002

SCA snoegrus fo egelloc naciremaecitcarp & selpicnirp:yregrus

W yeliW,abuoS 4002

ygolohtap yspotuA E retlaW ,reniebkniF 4002

evisnetni latanoen rof mulucirruc eroCgnisrun erac

- 4002

sisorbif citsyC 5491 ,M divaD ,nietsnerO 4002

& snrobwen fo erac latnempoleveDstnafni

eloraC ,renneK 4002

eht ssorca tnempoleved dna htworG


airolG ,refieL 4002

noisufsnart cirtaidep fo koobdnaH


D rehpotsirhC ,reylliH 4002

traeh eht s'tsruH nitnelaV ,retsuF 4002

dna ,tnafni ,nrobwen eht fo gnigamI

dlihc gnuoy

7391 ,E dranoeL ,kuhcsiwS 4002

ypareht teid & ,noitirtun ,doof s'esuarK - 4002

fo sesaesid suoitcefni s'namgurK


luaS ,namgurK 4002

erac latanoen fo launaM P nhoJ ,ytreholC 4002

TC rotceteditluM K toillE ,namhsiF 4002

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN E drahciR ,namrheB 4002

ygolotanoeN ycaL aicirT ,allemoG 4002

ygolotanoeN - 4002

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Title Author Year

doolb dna worram enob fo ygolohtaP


C enaiD ,ihraF 4002

sisylaid cirtaideP A yeldarB ,ydaraW 4002

ygolonircodne cirtaideP csriH arO ,ztivocseP 4002

ygolonircodne cirtaideP M sinneD ,enytS 4002

ygolorhpen cirtaideP D sillE ,renvA 4002

ygoloru dna ygolorhpen cirtaideP S dranreB ,nalpaK 4002

sredrosid roolf civleP A ,reicruoB 4002

cirtaidep ni seigetarts lacitcarPypareht dna sisongaid

treboR ,namgeilK 4002

sisylaid fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirP L mailliW ,hcirneH 4002

sisylaid fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirP - 4002

latanoen-lanretam ni s'A thgiartS


snikliW & smailliW ttocnippiL 4002

,revil ,tcart IG eht fo ygolohtap lacigruSsaercnap dna ,tcart yrailib

- 4002

yhpargoidracohce lacinilc fo koobtxeT M enirehtaC ,ottO 4002

suoitcefni cirtaidep fo koobtxeTsesaesid

yruhduohc peedyaj 4002

etanoen eht fo noitalitnev detsissA P yaJ ,htimsdloG 3002

cirtaidep yrotcudortni s'bbirdaorBgnisrun

T ycnaN ,dleiftaH 3002

stset citsongaid cirtaidep fo esu lacinilC 7291 ,dinE ,ssenraB-trebliG 3002

ni tnemtaert & sisongaid tnerruCygoloretneortsag

L ttocS ,namdeirF 3002

tnemtaert & sisongaid lacigrus tnerruC W ecnerwaL ,yaW 3002

gnul eht fo sesaesiD ziuL rotseN ,rellueM 3002

ypareht tra fo koobdnaH A yhtaC ,idoihclaM 3002

ygoloisyhp latanoen & latef ,lanretaM rekcuT nasuS ,nrubkcalB 3002

ygolohtap lacigrus nredoM leoN ,rendieW 3002

fo ygolotameh s'iksO dna nahtaN

doohdlihc dna ycnafni

G divaD ,nahtaN 3002

ygoloidarorueN I treboR ,namssorG 3002

yregrus cirtaidep evitarepO - 3002

yregrus cirtaidep evitarepO - 3002

ygolonircodne cirtaideP amiF ,ztihsfiL 3002

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Title Author Year

sterces esaesid suoitcefni cirtaideP D leoJ ,nielK 3002

gnisrun ni hcraeser evitatilauQ trebuertS neleH ,elaizepS 3002

gnisrun ni hcraeser evitatilauQ trebuertS neleH ,elaizepS 3002

ygoloretneortsag fo koobtxeT akatadaT ,adamaY 3002

yendik ehT D reteP ,eziV 3002

sesaesid suoitcefni fo yparehT M yrraL ,ruoddaB 3002

tnalpsnarT L salohciN ,yenliT 3002

saimekuel etuca fo tnemtaerT noH-gnihC ,iuP 3002

sredrosid etylortcele dna esab-dicA D samohT ,esoBuD 2002

ygoloru cirtaidep dna tludA Y yaJ ,retawnelliG 2002

ygolotanoen ni serudecorp fo saltA G iriahM ,dlanoDcaM 2002

scirtaidep ni sesac lacinilc stnirpeulB A gnadeV ,ehdnoL 2002

enicidem yrotarobal lacinilC - 2002

enicidem yrotarobal lacinilC - 2002

enicidem yrotarobal lacinilC - 2002

ecnerefer tekcop s'naicinilC - 2002

citengam ni sisongaid laitnereffiD

gnigami ecnanoser

A sicnarF ,renegruB 2002

lacigrus sisongaid laitnereffid


nebaH lyreM 2002

larenim dna enob fo sredrosiDmsilobatem

L cirderF ,eoC 2002

alumrof tnafnI R C sleiN ,aehiaeR 2002

sesaesid cilobatem detirehnI - 2002

ygolohtap edon hpmyl s'mihcaoI 4291 ,L yrraH ,mihcaoI 2002

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN E drahciR ,namrheB 2002

ygoloidrac latanoeN 2591 ,leahciM ,namtrA 2002

sisongaid gnisruN llauJ adnyL ,teyoM-otinepraC 2002

sterces ygolohtaP navI ,vonajmaD 2002

ygolonircodne cirtaideP M ,gnilrepS 2002

lacinilc dna ygoloretneortsag cirtaideP


dlanoD ,yeltneB 2002

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Title Author Year

dna ygoloretneortsag cirtaideP

ecitcarp lacinilc ni noitirtun

H solraC ,ztihcsfiL 2002

IRM cirtaideP B dnilasoR ,hcirteiD 2002

cirtaidep fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirP


- 2002

dlihc dna tnafni ni seussi htlaeh cilbuPnoitirtun

- 2002

scirtaidep fo slatnemadnuf s'hploduR M maharbA ,hploduR 2002

sisongaid lacisyhp fo koobtxeT H kraM ,ztrawS 2002

ruoh etunim neetfif ehT R nairaM ,trautS 2002

dnuosartlu lanimodbA A nyrhtaK ,lliG 1002

ygolocno lacinilc fo koobdnah adsehteB emaJ ,maharbA 1002

yparehtoib dna yparehtomehc recnaC - 1002

tnemtaert recnaC - 1002

dna nerdlihc ni saimhtyhrra caidraC traeh latinegnoc htiw stluda gnuoy


P drawdE ,hslaW 1002

etanoen ksir-hgih eht fo eraC 7291 ,H llahsraM ,sualK 1002

yb tnemeganam dna sisongaid lacinilC

sdohtem yrotarobal

- 1002

yb tnemeganam dna sisongaid lacinilCsdohtem yrotarobal

- 1002

slraep yrotarobal lacinilC L nevetS ,senoJ 1002

dna esab-dica fo ygoloisyhp lacinilCsredrosid etylortcele

2491 ,divaD notruB ,esoR 1002

weiver ycamrahp evisneherpmoC

smaxe ecitcarp

H nalA ,kcintuM 1002

ypareht lacigrus tnerruC L nhoJ ,noremaC 1002

tcart yraniru dna yendik eht fo sesaesiD W treboR ,reirhcS 1002

ygolonircodnE - 1002

ygolorhpen fo salta laitnessE W treboR ,reirhcS 1002

ygolohtap laitnessE - 1002

ygoloidar cirtaidep fo slatnemadnuF F enaL ,yllennoD 1002

eht s'namliG & namdooG

scituepareht fo sisab lacigolocamrahp

drofnaS siuoL ,namdooG 1002

sisylaid fo koobdnaH T nhoJ ,sadriguaD 1002

sesaesid suoitcefni fo koobdnaH noitaroproC esuohgnirpS 1002

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Title Author Year

esaesid traeH eneguE ,dlawnuarB 1002

traeh eht s'tsruH nitnelaV ,retsuF 1002

detaler dna sitirhtra fo gnigamIsnoitidnoc

B egroeG ,dleifneerG 1002

sesaesid laner cigolonummI G cirE ,noslieN 1002

dna sutef eht fo sesaesid suoitcefnItnafni nrobwen

S kcaJ ,notgnimeR 1002

ymotana lanoitces ot noitcudortnI E leahciM ,neddaM 1002

fo koobdnah tekcop s'kcodaS & nalpaKyrtaihcysp lacinilc

3391 ,J nimajneB ,kcodaS 1002

fo koobdnah tekcop s'kcodaS & nalpaK

tnemtaert gurd cirtaihcysp

3391 ,J nimajneB ,kcodaS 1002

noitatnalpsnart yendiK - 1002

yparehtomehc recnac s'ttocnippiL


C aileD ,nariuqaB 1002

nerdlihc ni esaesid reviL - 1002

ni esaesid traeh 'smadA dna ssoM

stnecseloda dna ,nerdlihc ,stnafni

D hguH ,nellA 1002

nrobwen eht fo ygolorueN J hpesoJ ,eploV 1002

htworg dna noitirtuN odlanyeR ,llerotraM 1002

ecitcarp lacinilc ni noitirtuN L divaD ,ztaK 1002

ygolohtapotameh cirtaideP D treboR ,snilloC 1002

gnisrun cirtaideP E yraM ,iracsuM 1002

sterces yregrus cirtaideP L pilihP ,kcilG 1002

ygoloru cirtaideP P nhoJ ,trahraeG 1002

fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirP

msilobatem dna ygolonircodne

L htenneK ,rekceB 1002

ygolotameh smailliW tsenrE ,reltueB 1002

ygolotanoen lacitcarp ni koobkroW 5491 ,A drahciR ,niloP 1002

sisolucrebut ot ediug s'naicinilc A D leahciM ,namesI 0002

yhpargonmosylop latigid fo saltA D semaJ ,reyeG 0002

ygolotanoen fo saltA A divaD ,kralC 0002

sisorbif citsyC 5491 ,M divaD ,nietsnerO 0002

ygolocno ni setaD - 0002

ygolotanoeN roloc ni sisongaiD leahciM , zciweikraM 0002

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Title Author Year

seispelipe eht ni gnigami lanoitcnuF R samohT ,yrneH 0002

yspelipe fo koobdnaH R samohT ,enworB 0002

ehcadaeh fo koobdnaH W hplodnaR ,snavE 0002

ygolohtap cigolotameh fo koobdnaH R dloraH ,rehcamuhcS 0002

ygolohtap cigolotameh fo koobdnaH R dloraH ,rehcamuhcS 0002

recnac ni erac evitaillap fo koobdnaH rednaxelA ,rellaW 0002

etanoen eht fo smelborp cigolotameH D treboR ,nesnetsirhC 0002

s'ttenneB dna ,salguoD ,llednaM - 0002

ygolocno lacinilc fo launaM treblA sinneD ,otaicsaC 0002

ygoloib llec raluceloM F yevraH ,hsidoL 0002

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN E drahciR ,namrheB 0002

ecidnuaj latanoeN yerffeJ M ,slesiaM 0002

ymotanaorueN E enauD ,seniaH 0002

llac nO 9002-8291 ,dranreB nhoJ ,yrneH 0002

ygolocenyg tnecseloda dna cirtaideP relheoK nellE euS ,retnepraC 0002

MOR-DC noitatlucsua caidrac cirtaideP A nyloraC ,namtlA 0002

esaesid lanitsetniortsag cirtaideP nallA W ,reklaW 0002

yregrus cirtaideP - 0002

saimhtyhrra fo sisylana dipaR 9291 ,leunamE ,nietS 0002

eht fo ymotana IRM dna lanoitceS

ydob namuh

nadobolS ,caivokniraM 0002

ygoloiborcim citsongaid fo koobtxeT R einnoC ,nohaM 0002

ygoloiborcim citsongaid fo koobtxeT - 0002

noitaticsuser latanoen fo koobtxeT nhoJ ,lekniwttaK 0002

tlusnoc cirtaidep etunim 5 ehT - 0002

yendik ehT W dlanoD ,nidleS 0002

ecnenitnocni lacef dna yranirU yelkceB yhtoroD ,ythguoD 0002

ygolotameh lacinilc s'ebortniW - -9991

cirtaidep fo saltA


T nerraW ,emulB 9991

gnideeftsaerB 4291 ,A htuR ,ecnerwaL 9991

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Title Author Year

fo yhpargonosartlu xelpud dedoc-roloC

slessev larberec eht

avE ,sletraB 9991

elamef eht fo snoitamroflam latinegnoCtcart latineg

atiG ,inawdiG 9991

evisnetni latanoen rof mulucirruc eroC

gnisrun erac

- 9991

noitatcal dna ycnangerp ni sgurD G dlareG ,sggirB 9991

scirtaidep ycnegremE M regoR ,nikraB 9991

setylortcele dna sdiulF enirehtaC ,osidaraP 9991

setylortcele dna sdiulF - 9991

esaesid s'nikgdoH - 9991

ni smelborp lacinilc fo launaMesaesid suoitcefni

yarruM nosleN ,ztnaG 9991

ygolotisarap lacidem s'egoV dna llekraM K drawdE ,llekraM 9991

esaesid dna htlaeh ni noitirtun nredoM - 9991

selpicnirp IRM G dlanoD ,llehctiM 9991

ygolocno lanoitirtuN divaD ,rebeH 9991

tnempoleved enob dna noitirtuN - 9991

esaesid niks lanoitapuccO M treboR ,smadA 9991

TC ydob cirtaideP J nyliraM ,legeiS 9991

ygolocno noitaidar cirtaideP C drawdE ,nireplaH 9991

ecitcarp ygoloru cirtaideP T dnomdE ,selaznoG 9991

sesaesid enob cilobatem eht no remirP

msilobatem larenim fo sredrosid dna

J yarruM ,suvaF 9991

,srotcaf lanoitirtun rehto ,scitoiborP

arolforcim lanitsetni dna

A sraL ,nosnaH 9991

esaesid fo sisab cigolohtap snibboR 0002-2391 ,S izmaR ,nartoC 9991

suballyS cirtaideP rof yteicoS naeporuE

dn22 (esruoC etaudarG-tsoPygoloidaR

) melasureJ: 9991:


ralucsavoidrac cirtaidep ot ediug A

ot woH ,ro ,noitanimaxe lacisyhpcinilc hcaertuo na evivrus

L K niloC ,noohP 8991

sutillem setebaiD B reyaM ,nosdivaD 8991

yrotarobaL ygoloiborcim citsongaidlaunam

ecirP ylreveB ,taboG 8991

ygolotamehonummi fo slaitnessE 8591 ,C nhoJ ,nnylF 8991

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Title Author Year

ygolomlahthpo cirtaidep s'yelraH - 8991

fo sisponys s'kcodaS & nalpaK


8991 ,nalpakI dlorah,J nimajneB ,kcodaS 8991

fo sesaesid suoitcefni s'namgurK


- 8991

gnireenigne cilobateM G ,soluoponahpetS 8991

gnireenigne cilobateM G ,soluoponahpetS 8991

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN E odlaW ,nosleN 8991

erac evisnetni caidrac cirtaideP C ynohtnA ,gnahC 8991

sisongaid cirtaideP sirroM ,neerG 8991

yregrus cirtaideP - 8991

ygolotanoen ni sisongaid lacisyhP nnA yraM ,rehctelF 8991

ypareht egassam latanirep dna -erP eloraC ,steehS-enrobsO 8991

yhportsydoetso laneR - 8991

ygolotamuehR H nhoJ ,leppilK 8991

ygolonircodne lacinilc & cisaB - 7991

aisehtsena cirtaidep lacinilC leahciM J ,llewgdaB 7991

dna laro fo sisongaid laitnereffiDsnoisel laicafollixam

5391 ,K namroN ,dooW 7991

erac lacitirc cirtaidep fo launaM S ardneraN ,hgniS 7991

enicidem ycnegreme cirtaideP - 7991

noitirtun laretnerap cirtaideP - 7991

yhpargoymortcele lacitcarP W tsenrE ,nosnhoJ 7991

cirtaidep fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirPygolocno

- 7991

yspoib laner ehT 4391 ,E yraG ,rekirtS 7991

yspoib laner ehT 4391 ,E yraG ,rekirtS 7991

yregrus tcart evitsegiD - 6991

setylortcele dna sdiulF P ahuJ ,okkoK 6991

ypareht teid & ,noitirtun ,doof s'esuarK neelhtaK L ,nahaM 6991

cirtaidep s'retniW dna llevoL


- 6991

esaesid ralucsav laner C werdnA ,kcivoN 6991

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Title Author Year

scirtaidep s'hploduR - 6991

dna stnafni rof aisehtsena s'htimS


K orustE ,amayotoM 6991

ycnegreme cirtaidep fo sisponyS


- 6991

ygoloisyhp lacidem fo koobtxeT C ruhtrA ,notyuG 6991

dioryht eht s'rabgnI dna renreW - 6991

yrtsimehcoiB trebuL ,reyrtS 5991

gnigami kcen dna daeh fo koobdnaH ciR H ,regrebsnraH 5991

yspelipe elbatcartnI - 5991

ygoloyrbme lacidem s'namgnaL naJ ,namgnaL 5991

ygolotameh lacinilc fo launaM - 5991

fo koobtxet s'kcossalG & yrssaM


G luahS ,yrssaM 5991

ni esaesid traeh 'smadA dna ssoMstnecseloda dna ,nerdlihc ,stnafni

- 5991

ygoloretneortsag lacinilc cirtaideP - 5991

gnigamioruen cirtaideP 2591 ,semaJ A ,hcivokraB 5991

erac yrotaripser cirtaidep dna latanireP - 5991

dna gniknab doolb fo koobtxeT

enicidem noisufsnart

V yllaS ,nnamduR 5991

fo sesab ralucelom dna cilobatem ehT

esaesid detirehni

- 5991

dna esab-dica fo ygoloisyhp lacinilCsredrosid etylortcele

2491 ,divaD notruB ,esoR 4991

yregrus cicaroht lareneG - 4991

ygoloidar cirtaidep lacitcarP grubnedlaW nov aiksaS ,notliH 4991

yraniru dna yendik eht fo ygoloidaR


3391 ,J nalA ,nosdivaD 4991

sisongaid yar-X cirtaidep s'yeffaC - 3991

sisongaid yar-X cirtaidep s'yeffaC - 3991

ygolotamred cirtaidep lacinilC 5291 ,yendiS ,ztiwruH 3991

ygoloruen cirtaidep lacinilC M dlareG ,lehcineF 3991

sredrosid cigolonummi dna snoitcefnI

yregrus cirtaidep ni

W cirE ,durslaknoF 3991

scirtaidep ni setylortcele dna retaW ecneruaL ,grebniF 3991

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Title Author Year

scihte erac htlaeH 4291 ,M samohT ,tterraG 3991



ygoloru cirtaidep lacinilC P sitoyanaP ,silaleK 2991

ygolotamuehr cirtaidep fo salta roloC M arabraB ,llesnA 2991

stset citsongaid fo noitaterpretnI 0102-6291 ,B seuqcaJ ,hcallaW 2991

ygoloidrac cirtaidep 'sadaN - 2991

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN E odlaW ,nosleN 2991

saimena lanoitirtuN - 2991

esaesid yendik cirtaideP M retsehC ,nnamledE 2991

ygolohtap cirtaideP samohT J ,rekcotS 2991

yhpargonosartlu cirtaideP htieK C ,nedyaH 2991

amocualg fo koobtxeT ecurB M ,sdleihS 2991

dna noitanimaxe lacisyhp ot ediug A

gnikat yrotsih

2002-8291 ,arabraB ,setaB 1991

suoitcefni ot hcaorppa lacitcarP A


E drahciR ,eseeR 1991

yhpargonos lacinilC - 1991

ymotanaoruen fo txet eroC B mloclaM ,retnepraC 1991

setylortcele & diulF G nitraM ,nagoC 1991

0591-0581 ,scirtaidep fo yrotsiH eeL drofuB ,slohciN 1991

snoitisop cihpargoidar fo salta s'llirreM

serudecorp cigoloidar dna

W pilihP ,regnillaB 1991

fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirPgnigami ralucsavoidrac

- 1991

ygoloisyhp yranomluP G leahciM ,ykztiveL 1991

stekciR 8891: ts12 (pohskroW noitirtuN ealtseN) anitnegrA ,seriA soneuB:


ni serutcarf s'neerG dna doowkcoR


- 1991

scirtaidep s'hploduR - 1991

ni sciteneg nospmohT & nospmohT


0291 ,W teragraM ,nospmohT 1991

koobdnah enaL teirraH ehT nairogirG yraM ,eneerG 1991


fo tnemeganam lacigrus fo saltA

snoitamroflam latcerona

otreblA ,anoeP 0991

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Title Author Year

seuqinhcet lacigrus fo saltA 9291 ,L nivraM ,namdeilG 0991

fo sisongaid negtneor s'nekiedE

enob fo sesaesid

3291 ,kcaJ ,nekiedE 0991

fo sisongaid negtneor s'nekiedE

enob fo sesaesid

3291 ,kcaJ ,nekiedE 0991

dna diulf fo koobtxet cirtaidePsetylortcele

inukeI ,awakihcI 0991

yregrus cirtaidep s'nosnewS - 0991

dna esab-dica fo ygoloisyhp lacinilCsredrosid etylortcele

2491 ,divaD notruB ,esoR 9891

ygolomlahthpo lareneG 0002-1291 ,leinaD ,nahguaV 9891

sesaesid suoitcefni cirtaideP 2391 ,L hguH ,teffoM 9891

weiver sdraob lacidem 'snipyR - 9891

weiver sdraob lacidem 'snipyR - 9891

recnac nikS M anoR ,eiKcaM 9891

scihte lacidem fo koobtxeT H hcirE ,yweoL 9891

scideapohtro lacinilc fo salta roloC nnampiL ,lesseK ]8891

esaesid revil fo salta ruoloc A aliehS ,kcolrehS 8891

ymotana namuh fo salta roloC H M R ,nniMcM 8891

ygolotameh lacinilc fo launaM hpesoJ ,azzaM 8891

detartsulli ygolotameah lacinilC V A ,dnarbffoH 7891

hcraeser lacidem ni sdohtem lacitsitatS P ,egatimrA 7891

yregrus lareneg fo saltA F A hguH ,yelduD 6891

dna stcafitra cihpargonosartlu fo saltAstnairav

6391 ,C regoR ,srednaS 6891

ymotana namuH H M R ,nniMcM 6891

yhpargoidracortcele lacinilc fo selpicnirP 4191 ,J nivreM ,namdloG 6891

ygoloisyhp dna ymotanA C ruhtrA ,notyuG 5891

yranoitcid lacidem detartsullI s'dnalroD 6591-4681 ,amweN A W ,dnalroD 5891

htrib erofeb efil fo salta roloC A eirojraM ,dnalgnE 3891

setylortcele dna sdiulF 5491 ,A aicirtaP ,wobaG 3891

deretnec-tneitap a ,scihte lacideM


E semaJ ,seliG 3891

ygolocixot citauqA - -2891

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Title Author Year

stcefed htrib elpitlum htiw dlihc ehT 7391 ,eahciM M ,nehoC 2891

ymotana kcen dna daeh fo salta roloC H M R ,nniMcM 1891

lacigrus cirtaidep fo salta roloCsisongaid

siweL ,ztipS 1891

saimhtyhrsyd caidrac cirtaideP - 1891

seiduts esac ygoloidrac cirtaideP 6391 ,W nhoJ ,gninwoD 1891

ygolohtapotsih romut fo salta roloC C F leoN ,gniwoG 0891

yregrus cirtaideP - 9791

ecitcarp lacidem ni ygolotameah lacinilC C G ,yhcurG eD 8791

sciteneG 8091 ,M A ,retsehcniW 7791

sisongaid lacigrus lareneg fo salta roloC F mailliW ,reklaW 6791

lareneg ni sngis lacisyhp fo salta roloCenicidem

M ,fforuotaZ 6791

ypocsomlahthpo ot noitcudortnI 0391 ,divaD ,notaP 6791

ygoloidar cigolorU 4091 ,L ycraM ,namssuS 6791

scirtaidep fo salta roloC ahtraM ,nielK-iksnyD ]5791

scirtaidep fo salta roloC ahtraM ,nielK-iksnyD ]5791

golotamred fo salta roloC M G ,eneveL ]4791

kcen dna daeh fo tnemtaert lacigruS


sknabriaF egroJ ,asobraB ]4791

sesaesid suoitcefni fo salta roloC D T dlanoR ,dnomE 4791

lacidem fo noitcelloc abiC ehT


1991-6091 ,H knarF ,retteN 3791-3591

lacidem fo noitcelloc abiC ehTsnoitartsulli

1991-6091 ,H knarF ,retteN 3791-3591

lacidem fo noitcelloc abiC ehT


1991-6091 ,H knarF ,retteN 3791-3591

dna stnafni rof aisehtsena fo ecitcarp A

/ nerdlihc

- ]9102

/ ypocsodne lanitsetniortsag lacinilC - ]9102

fo koobtxet s'yrrehC dna nigieF

/ sesaesid suoitcefni cirtaidep

- ]9102

fo koobtxet s'yrrehC dna nigieF/ sesaesid suoitcefni cirtaidep

- ]9102

yrotaripser eht fo sredrosid s'gidneK

/ nerdlihc ni tcart

- ]9102

/ ysae edam scimanydorU R rehpotsirhC ,elppahC 9102

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Title Author Year

/ nrobwen eht fo sesaesid s'yrevA - ]8102

/ enicidem niap fo slaitnessE - ]8102

htiw tneitap ni noitalitnev lacinahceM/ eruliaf yrotaripser

rohtua,anailemA ailasoR ,allepuP ]8102

: gnigami cirtaideP rohtua,nilyA ,ydarB-sekeT ]8102

: ygoloidar cirtaideP - ]8102

cirtaidep fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirP

/ sesaesid suoitcefni

- ]8102

gnitsixe-oc dna aisehtsena s'gnitleotS/ esaesid

- ]8102

/ nrobwen eht fo ygoloruen s'eploV - ]8102

: ygolotapeh s'reyoB dna mikaZ - ]8102


koobdnah enaL teirraH ehT SNHOJ(ECIVRES ENAL TEIRRAH



ygoloisyhp latanoen dna lateF A drahciR ,niloP ]7102

: etanoen eht fo noitalitnev detsissA - ]7102

/ salta ygolotameh lacinilC rohtua,F ettedanreB ,kadoR ]7102

ni snoitagitsevni lacinilC

/ ygoloretneortsag

rohtua,C mloclaM ,nosetaB ]7102

fo launam s'kratS dna ytreholC/ erac latanoen

- ]7102

gnigami citsongaiD - ]7102

ni snoitcaretni dna ypareht gurD: ygolocno cirtaidep

nehcimhctiW aniloraC ,tdimhcSrohtua,odaetneP


esab-dica dna ,etylortcele ,diulF

: ygoloisyhp

rohtua,)L llehctiM(L M ,nireplaH ]7102

esab-dica dna ,etylortcele ,diulF

: ygoloisyhp

rohtua,)L llehctiM(L M ,nireplaH ]7102


- ]7102

/ noitatnalpsnart yendik fo koobdnaH - ]7102

/ ygoloidrac latanoeN rohtua-2591,leahciM ,namtrA ]7102

/ erac lacitirc cirtaideP - ]7102

/ slraep peels cirtaideP rohtua,M sedruoL ,ossoRleD ]7102

s'nartdroF dna regnesielSesaesid revil dna lanitsetniortsag

- ]7102



- ]7102

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Title Author Year

sredrosid enoB rohtua ,R ,ltraB 7102

stludA gnuoy dna stnecselodA ni recnaC - 7102

ygolotameah lacitcarp siweL dna eicaD/

- 7102

sesaesid cilobatem detirehnI F groeG ,nnamffoH 7102

decnavda dna cisab fo noitaterpretnIscimanydoru

- 7102

s'ttenneB dna ,salguoD ,llednaM

slaitnesse esaesid suoitcefni

- 7102

noitacudE gniunitnoC latanireP PECP


scirtaideP fo ymedacA naciremA 7102

sromut SNC cirtaidep N ,atpuG 7102

htiw eno devol a rof gnirac desab-sllikS

redrosid gnitae na

- 7102

UCIN eht gnidnatsrednU scirtaideP fo ymedacA naciremA 7102



- 7102



- 7102

nrobwen eht fo noitanimaxE rohtua , -2691 ,NELEH ,NOTSABrohtua 7102

slaitnessE ygrellA s'notelddiM E NYBOR ,RIHEH'O 7102

sesaesiD suoitcefnI cirtaideP s'teffoM G LLADNAR ,REHSIFrohtua 7102



- 7102

yhpargoidracohce evisneherpmoc s'ESA


- ]6102

selif esaC rohtua,C eneguE ,yoT ]6102

: sisponys dna salta roloC - ]6102

/ erac tfelc evisneherpmoC - ]6102

/ erac tfelc evisneherpmoC - ]6102

dna cirtaidep ni yhpargoidracohcE

: esaesid traeh latinegnoc

- ]6102

ni esaesid traeh 'smadA dna ssoM: stnecseloda dna ,nerdlihc ,stnafni

- ]6102

/ noitaticsuser latanoen fo koobtxeT - ]6102

ymotanaoruen lanoitcnuf fo saltA rohtua ,retlaW ,namledneH 6102

latanoen fo saltA


rohtua ,M ilE ,iharziM 6102

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Title Author Year

ygolotanoen s'yrevA G iriahM dlanoDcaM 6102

/ ygoloru hslaW-llebpmaC - 6102

/ ygoloru hslaW-llebpmaC - 6102

/ ygoloru hslaW-llebpmaC - 6102

/ ygoloru hslaW-llebpmaC - 6102

ygolonummi ni seiduts esaC rohtua ,S fiaR ,aheG 6102

fo koobtxet s'giwduL & rehsielF

enicidem ycnegreme cirtaidep

N yhtaK ,wahS 6102

fo koobtxet s'giwduL & rehsielF/ enicidem ycnegreme cirtaidep

- 6102

fo koobtxet s'giwduL & rehsielF

/ enicidem ycnegreme cirtaidep

- 6102

noitartlifaidomeH - 6102

sesaesid cilobateM nrobnI eiraM -naeJ ,yarbuduaS 6102

ygolohtap lareulp dna gnuL T pilihP ,elgaC 6102

eruliaf traeh fo tnemeganaM iaj,namaR 6102

serudecorP latanoeN fo launaM luhaR,ahniS 6102

sisodica cilobateM - 6102

eht ni smsinahcem raluceloM

citorhpen cihtapoidi fo sisenegohtap


iranuzaK ,okenaK 6102

aisehtseana fo koobdnah drofxO htieK ,namllA 6102

ygrella cirtaideP M Y dlanoD ,gnueL 6102

tnemecalper laner suounitnoc cirtaidePypareht

rohtua ,kanharaF ,idassA 6102

seigetarts gnikam-noisiced cirtaideP rohtua ,J treblA ,znaremoP 6102

lacinilc a:ygolonircodne cirtaidePkoobdnah

M sinneD ,enytS 6102

revil dna lanitsetniortsag cirtaideP


treboR,eillyW 6102

ygolorhpen cirtaideP D sillE ,renvA 6102

sredrosiD ssertS citamuartsoP salguoD J renmerB 6102

ygoloidrac cirtaidep lacitcarP G nalA ,eegaM 6102

naicinilc eht rof scimanydoru lacitcarp C werdnA ,nosreteP 6102

cirtaidep fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirP


A pilihP,ozziP 6102

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Title Author Year

suoitcefni s'nielK dna notgnimeR

nrobwen dna sutef eht fo sesaesid


nosliW B rehpotsirhC 6102

evisnetni cirtaidep fo koobtxet 'sregoR


G divaD ,slohciN 6102

erac recnac evitroppuS - 6102

enicidem ycnegreme s'illanitniT E htiduJ ,illanitniT 6102

ygolonircodne fo koobtxet smailliW omolhS ,demleM 6102



- 6102

ygoloruen ni sngis lacinilC mailliW(rJW MAILLIW ,LLEBPMACrohtua,)yelseW


ygolorhpen cirtaidep fo koob dnah - 6102




- 6102

enicideM fO yrarbiL lanoitaN

yrotcudortnI 6102 noitacifissalClairetaM


tnemeganam tnerruc seuzies latanoen

segnellahc erutuf,

- 6102



- 6102

enoB fO saltA IRM tludA dna cirtaideP worraM




- 6102



- 6102

tluda dna cirtaidep ni yhpargoidracohcE

esaesid traeh latinegoc

W nimajneB ,mediE ]5102

srehcaet dna stnerapgnipleH laroiaheb rof snoitacidem dnatsrednu

smelborp lanoitome dna

K aniM ,nacluD ]5102




- ]5102

latceroloc fo tnemtaert lacigruS/ nerdlihc ni smelborp

rohtua,)otreblA(A ,aneP ]5102

ygolotanoen slocotorp SMLLA hsemar lawraga 5102

Page 27: Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library


Title Author Year

ygolonummi ralucelom dna ralulleC rohtua ,K lubA ,sabbA 5102

ygolocno cimlahthpo lacinilc nniL A ,eerhpruM 5102

ygolohtap lacinilC L nevetS ,kinlatipS 5102

ygolonircodne ni sdnuor lacinilC rohtua ,linA ,ilasnahB 5102

ygolorhpen lacinilc evisneherpmoC J drahciR nosnhoJ 5102

evisnetni latanoen rof mulucirruc eroCgnisrun erac

,cirtetsbO ,htlaeH s'nemoW fo noitaicossAsesruN latanoeN dna


cirtaidep ni stset citsongaiD


yteicoS cicarohT naciremA 5102

dna ycnafnI ni yhpargonoS relppoD


-2591 ,H-K ,geeD 5102

-latanoen s'nitraM dna fforanaFenicidem latanirep

J drahciR ,nitraM 5102

sisylaid fo koobdnaH T nhoJ ,sadriguaD 5102

msilobatem fo srorre nrobnI H nadnerB ,eeL 5102

yregrus cirtaideap lacinilc 'senoJ - 5102

ygoloru evisavni yllaminiM L araS ,tseB 5102

ygolotamred tnafni dna latanoeN dleifnehciE F ecnerwaL 5102

erac yrotaripser cirtaidep dna latanoeN K nairB ,hslaW 5102

ymotanaorueN rohtua ,R A ,namssorC 5102

dna snoitcaretni noitcefni-noitirtuNhtlaeh namuh no stcapmi

- 5102

lacinahcem latanoen dna cirtaidep


C reteP ,regrebsnemiR 5102

seicnangilam cirtaideP M divaD ,mahraP 5102

sredrosid citobmorht cirtaideP lieNA grebnedloG 5102


: ygoloru cirtaideP - 5102

ygoloidar ni weiver kciuQ lu qafhsa nassah 5102

fo noitaterpretnI lacitcarP dna dipaRscimanydorU

- 5102

ygolocno cirtaidep ni erac evitroppuS H semaJ,rensueF 5102

latceroloc fo tnemtaert lacigruSnerdlihc ni smelborp

rohtua ,otreblA, anoeP 5102

,ygoloretneortsag cirtaidep fo koobtxeT

noitirtun dna ,ygolotapeh

mapuna labis 5102

snoitciddA laroivaheB ehT noitaicossA cirtaihcysP naciremA 5102

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Title Author Year



- 5102

TC YCOB - 5102

slocotorP enircodnE fO koobdnaH NOMIS ,MANTARAJARrohtua 5102



- 5102




- 5102

: yendiK - ]4102

rof ygoloidrac cirtaidep s'kraP/ srenoititcarp

rohtua,-4391,)nuK gnuyM(K gnuyM ,kraP ]4102

ypocsohcnorb citporebif fo saltA rohtua ,rdnejaR ,dasarP 4102

cirtaidep fo noitaterpretni yspoiBsnoisel

N ayilA ,niasuH 4102

saimhtyhrra caidraC S esorbmA sobiK 4102

dna cirtaidep ni soiranecs esacecitcarp tnecseloda

kolA atpug 4102

scirtaidep ni sesac lacinilc R nardnehamajaR 4102

ni noitacude ot ediug evisneherpmoCaisehtsena

M A htebazilE ,tsorF 4102

dna cilobateM ,etylortcelE ,diulF

tnemegamam esaB-dicA yrotaripseR

A alamiv 4102

esaesid yranomlup cirtaidep ni noitirtuN C treboR ,tnomuD 4102

yregrus cirtaidep evitarepO M ztiroM ,relgeiZ 4102

ygolonircodne cirtaideP M ,gnilrepS 4102

dna ygoloretneortsag cirtaideP

weiver sselniap yllacitcarp a noitirtun

noitacudE lacideM cirtaideP rof etutitsnI 4102

fo srorre nrobni dna sciteneg cirtaidePweiver sselniap yllacitcarp a msilobatem

M enitsirhC resuoH 4102

tnemssessa-fles scirtaidep s'hploduR

weiver draob dna

leahciMD anabaC 4102

lateF ni skcirT dna spiT


peedluK,hgniS 4102

sititapeh lariV C H ,samohT 4102



- 4102


- 4102

erac evisnetni latanoen fo launam A rohtua ,M tenaJ ,einneR 3102

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Title Author Year

ygolohtap edon hpmyl fo saltA rohtua ,N otreboR ,adnariM 3102

cirtaidep dna latanoen lacitcarp fo saltA


eedarP ,niaJ 3102

yregrus cirtaidep ni seuqinhcet cisaB treboR ,ihcaraC 3102

ygolonircodne lacinilc norffas daehetihw 3102

ygoloruen cirtaidep lacinilc s'lehcineF rohtua ,cirE J ,azraG-aniP 3102

nerdlihc ni ypocsorapaL rohtua ,xileF ,reihcS 3102

goloidar cirtaidep do koobtxet pal - 3102

/ enicidem erac evisnetni fo launaM - 3102

lanitsetniortsag s'noswaD dna nosroM


C lisaB ,nosroM 3102

yregrus cirtaidep evitarepO siweL ztipS 3102

lewob yrotammalfni dna cirtaideP


ratep alumam 3102

erac lacitirc dna ycnegreme cirtaidePdnuosartlu

J einahpetS ,reginoD 3102

yregrus cicaroht cirtaideP oiraM ,amiL 3102

cirtaidep fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirpygolorhpen

M ramuka yajiv 3102

sesonooZ - 3102


- 3102



- 3102


sesaesid suoitcefni cirtaideP yruhduohc peedyaj 2102

yregrus cirtaideP G dlonrA ,naroC 2102

lanitsetniortsag cirtaidep lacitcarP


egroeG ,namhsreG 2102

ygoloruen cirtaidep s'namiawS F htenneK ,namiawS 2102

enicidem noisufsnarT J yerffeJ ,hguolluCcM 2102

GEE cirtaidep fo saltA rohtua ,etomarP ,tresarpoaL ]1102

cirtaidep ni sisongaid laitnereffiDgnigami

rotide,nav R kciR ,njiR ]1102

lacinahcem ot ediug lacitcarp A


naeD nohtanoJ ,tiwurT 1102

-latanoen s'nitraM dna fforanaF

enicidem latanirep

J drahciR ,nitraM 1102

Page 30: Latin Books List of Ali Asghar Children's Hospital Library


Title Author Year

-latanoen s'nitraM dna fforanaF

enicidem latanirep

J drahciR ,nitraM 1102

cirtaidep fo koobtxet s'repraHygolotamred

nhoJ ,repraH 1102

dna ygolotameh cirtaidep fo launaM


2391 ,pilihP ,ykswokznaL 1102

dna ygolotameh cirtaidep fo launaM

/ ygolocno

-2391,pilihP ,ykswokznaL 1102

ygolorhpen cirtaideP N R ,avatsavirS 1102

dna revil eht fo sesaesid s'kcolrehS

metsys yrailib

) S semaJ (semaJ ,yelooD 1102

ni esaesid ralucsavorberec dna ekortSdoohdlihc

ayejiV ,nasenaG 1102

dna dioryht fo launam lacitcarp A

esaesid dioryhtarap

tisA ,arorA 0102

ot ediug a : emordnys s'regrepsA

dna emoh ta evirht dlihc ruoy gnipleh

loohcs ta

adnileM ,retcoD 0102

-fles gnitaert dna ,gnissessa ,gniyfitnedI

loohcs ta yrujni

3691 ,lieN divaD ,relliM 0102

fo noitacifissalc lacitsitats lanoitanretnIsmelborp htlaeh detaler dna sesaesid

noitazinagrO htlaeH dlroW 0102

ygolotanoen fo koobdnah drofxO ellivnerG ,xoF 0102

erac yrotaripser cirtaidep dna latanirep K nairb,hsalaw 0102

gniraebdlihc ni ygoloisyhP toD ,selbatS 0102

ygolotamred fo koobtxet s'kooR ynoT ,snruB 0102

nerdlihc ni sititapeh lariV M neeruaM ,sanoJ 0102

fo stcepsA lacitcarP pets yb petS

aisehtsenA ycnegremE

ramuK nurA ,luaP 0102

esaesid traeh latinegnoc tludA A eloraC ,senraW 9002

ygoloretneortsag fo saltA akatadaT ,adamaY 9002

tpecnoc htaboB izniL ,swodaeM 9002

ygolonircodne cirtaidep lacinilc s'koorB ) ellivraD sevorG selrahC (D G C ,koorB 9002

sciteneg namuh fo slaitnessE ameH,yeradnaruP 9002

yendik eht fo sesaesid citeneG m nellE accoihc 9002

sciteneg ralucelom namuH reteP ,yrebduS 9002

seitilibasid latnempolevedorueN leahciM ,llevehS 9002

seitilibasid latnempolevedorueN noitaicossA ygolorueN dlihC lanoitanretnI 9002

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Title Author Year

HCPCRM eht rof ygolotanoen lacitcarP

and beyond

icSdeMB,enirehtaC ,nosirraH 9002

slairt lacinilc ni semoctuo efil fo ytilauQnoitaulave erac-htlaeh dna

nhoJ nehpetS ,sretlaW 9002

htuoy ni yrujni-fleS - 9002

cirtaidep lacitcarp fo koobtxeTygolonomlup

hsemaraP H 9002

cirtaidep fo koobdnah lacinilC


ygoloretneortsaG cirtaideP fo noitaicossA

sesruN noitirtuN dna


cirtaidep lacinilc fo koobdnaH


D G C ,koorB 8002

noisserped emocrevo stneduts gnipleHyteixna dna

W htenneK ,llerreM 8002

seicnegreme esaesid suoitcefnI nehoc arabrab namregilk 8002

ygoloidrac cirtaideP H retlaW ,nosnhoJ 8002

ygoloru cirtaideP T nacnuD ,xocliW 8002

nrobwen ksir hgih ehT CKM riaM 8002

PAS-HSA J craM ,nhaK 7002

ygoloiborcim citsongaid s'ttocS & yeliaB A ytteB ,sebroF 7002

ygoloiborcim citsongaid s'ttocS & yeliaB A ytteB ,sebroF 7002

suoitcefni cirtaidep ni seiduts esaCsesaesid

8491 ,E knarF ,ztiwokreB 7002

ygolotamred cirtaidep fo koobtxet roloC L mailliW ,notseW 7002

dna nerdlihc ni sredrosid gnitaEstnecseloda

ynoT ,affaJ 7002

sredrosid htworG - 7002

dna lautcelletni fo koobdnaHseitilibasid latnempoleved

W nhoJ ,nosbocaJ 7002

fo sisponys s'kcodaS & nalpaK


-3391,J nimajneB ,kcodaS 7002

tsrif eht ni tnemssessa lacigolorueN

efil fo sraey owt

innavoiG ,inoiC 7002

gnildnah gurd cirtaideaP naI ,olletsoC 7002

noitatnalpsnart nagro dilos cirtaideP - 7002

slaitnesse ainomuenP A ekruB ,ahnuC 7002

slaitnesse ainomuenP - 7002

,tnafni ,sutef eht fo ygolohtap s'rettoP

dlihc dna

dinE ,ssenraB-trebliG 7002

lanitsetniortsag cirtaidep lacitcarPypocsodne

egroeG ,namhsreG 7002

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Title Author Year

cilobatem detirehni ot ediug lacinilc A


R T eoJ ,ekralC 6002

gnuoy dna s'nerdlihc fo koobtxet Agnisrun s'elpoep

nalA drawdE ,repsalG 6002

secivreS noisufsnarT doolB atibaK,eejrettahC 6002

saimekuel doohdlihC noH-gnihC ,iuP 6002

dna stnafni ni esaesid traeh lacitirC


G divaD ,slohciN 6002

suovren lartnec eht fo ypareht eneGmetsys

G leahciM ,ttilpaK 6002

yparehtomehc romut niarb fo koobdnaH B trebreH ,notweN 6002

gnitroper ygolohtapotsiH C kereD ,nellA 6002

ecitcarp lacinilc ni lortnoc noitcefnI einneJ ,nosliW 6002

dna nerdlihc ni sredrosid yendiK


noR ,ggoH 6002

aisehtseana fo sisponys s'eeL H J N ,seivaD 6002

ygoloisyhporuen lacinilc cirtaideaP lobedE niraK ,nossfolO-geE 6002

revil dna lanitsetniortsag cirtaidePesaesid

R ,eillyW 6002

lacinahceM latanoeN & cirtaideP


vatsavirS NR yb drawroF 6002

sisylaid laenotireP -1591,) oidualC (C ,ocnoR 6002

fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirp s'grebrevliS

ygolohtapotyc dna ygolohtap lacigrus

G nevetS ,grebrevliS 6002

ycnegreme cirtaideap fo koobtxeT


reteP ,noremaC 6002

niap fo koobtxet s'kcazleM dna llaW D kcirtaP ,llaW 6002

ygolonircodne cirtaidep lacinilC D G C ,koorB 5002

elkcis rof gnineercs dna yticinhtE


nomiS ,nosyD 5002

elkcis rof gnineercs dna yticinhtE


nomiS ,nosyD 5002

eht fo tnemtaert dna noitaulavEreddalb cinegoruen

seuqcaJ ,socroC 5002

ecnalg a ta ygolotameaH B lutA ,atheM 5002

dna nerdlihc fo sredrosid citycoitsiHstluda

- 5002

ygolotameh latanoeN A ordeP ,noacralA eD 5002

ecitcarp ni niaP trebuH ,nevsneirG naV 5002

esaesiD suoitcefnI cirtaideP niraC sivaD 5002

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Title Author Year

lacinilC s'yrneH ot launaM weiveR

yb tnemeganam dna sisongaid

sdohtem yrotarobal

I enirehtaK,redienxehcS 5002

lanitsetniortsaG cirtaideP fo weiveR

noitirtuN dna esaesiD

einnaeJ gnauH 5002

ygolotanoen fo koobtxet s'notreboR M tenaJ ,einneR 5002

ailihpomeh fo koobtxeT A enitsirhC ,eeL 5002

fo ygoloiborcim lacinilc eht fo salta nA

sesaesid suoitcefni

J drawdE ,enottoB 6002-4002

tnemnorivne eht dna sesaesid cigrellA dr35 (pohskroW noitirtuN ealtseN

) dnalreztiwS ,ennasuaL:


gnigami citsongaid cirtaidep s'yeffaC P dlareJ ,nhuK 4002

retrohs : yranoitcid lacideM s'dnalroD

de 72 noitide

4002 ,amweN A W ,dnalroD 4002

eht gnirud seicneicifed tneirtunorciM fo sraey tsrif eht dna doirep gninaew


3002: ht45 (pohskroW noitirtuN ealtseN) lizarB ,oluaP oaoS:


ygolocno cirtaideaP R C ,notrekniP 4002

esaesid lanitsetniortsag cirtaideP nallA W ,reklaW 4002

esaesid lanitsetniortsag cirtaideP - 4002

- naisA eht rof ygolorhpeN fo koobtxeTsnaicisyhP cificaP

k lina ladnaM 4002

yparehtomehc dna citoibitnA G R ,hcniF 3002

ni smelborp lacigoloruen nommoCscirtaideap lareneg

-5591,drahciR ,notelppA 3002

noitirtun dna msilobateM elaen'O nosaJ,hcaoR 3002

htworg dna ygolonircodne cirtaideP yrreJ ,selaW 3002

erac evisnetni latanoen fo launam A M tenaJ ,einneR 2002

metsys yrailib dna revil eht fo sesaesiD aliehS ,kcolrehS 2002

yspelipE adniL ,yeleddaB 2002

narI ni sredrosid ycneicifedonummI nassahlobA ,iduohraF 2002

narI ni sredrosid ycneicifedonummI - 2002

niarb latanoen eht fo IRM A yraM ,drofrehtuR 2002

ygoloiborcim lacidem no setoN nothcirC garoM ,yrubmiT 2002

ygoloru cirtaidep evitarepO divaD J ,knarF 2002

cirtaidep fo ecitcarp dna selpicnirPygolocno

- 2002

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Title Author Year

traeh eht dna ssertS A nehpetS ,dlefsnatS 2002

dna ,stcud elib ,revil eht fo yregruS

nerdlihc ni saercnap

R drawdE ,drawoH 2002

gnigami dna ygoloidar fo koobtxeT - 2002

gnigami dna ygoloidar fo koobtxeT divaD ,nottuS 2002

serudecorp lacigoloidar ot ediug A nehpetS ,nampahC 1002

ygolohtap worram enoB J arabraB ,niaB 1002

sciteteid cirtaideap lacinilC assenaV ,wahS 1002

tnemtaerT & sisongaiD cirtaidep tnerruC - 1002

fo koobtxet s'kcossalG & yrssaM


G luahS ,yrssaM 1002

ni setebaid dna ygolonircodne lacitcarPnerdlihc

- 1002

fo weiveR ruoloC tnemssessA -fleS

enicidem ycnegreme cirtaideap

O aicirtaP nannerb 1002

tsigolotanoen eht rof yhpargoidracohcE nahtanoJ ,rennikS 0002

enicidem latanoen fo slaitnessE I mloclaM ,eneveL 0002

seicnegreme lanitsetniortsaG K C ynoT ,mahT 0002

tsehc eht fo sesaesid fo gnigamI reteP ,gnortsmrA 0002

evisneherpmoc s'kcodaS & nalpaK

yrtaihcysp fo koobtxet

- 0002

noitaterpretni yspoib reviL J reteP ,reuehcS 0002

fo yranoitcid s'renrael decnavda drofxO

hsilgnE tnerruc

yendyS treblA ,ybnroH 0002

dna gnigami lanitsetniortsag cirtaideP


A divaD ,regnirtS 0002

ygoloisyhp laneR M ecurB ,neppeoK 0002

recnac htiw dlihc ehT neleH ,notgnaL 0002

cirtaidep fo koobdnah lacinilc ehT

esaesid suoitcefni

W llessuR ,eleetS 0002

enil llec amohpmyl-aimekuel ehT


G snaH ,relxerD 0002

dlihc lli lacitirc eht fo erac J werdnA bancaM 9991

ecneics yrotarobal lacinilC nosnegroJ naeJ ,eanniL 9991

ecneics yrotarobal lacinilC nosnegroJ naeJ ,eanniL 9991

cirtaidep ni sisongaid laitnereffiDygoloidar

- 9991

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Title Author Year

ygoloidar cirtaidep fo slaitnessE M drawdE ,notruB 9991

yregrus cirtaideap lacinilc 'senoJ - 9991

yregrus cirtaideap lacinilc 'senoJ - 9991

enicideM fo yrarbiL lanoitaN


) SU ( enicideM fo yrarbiL lanoitaN 9991

ygolotameh cirtaideP - 9991

scirtaidep ni smotpmys dna sngiS 9391 ,W retlaW ,nessennuT 9991

sromut doohdlihc fo yregrus ehT treboR ,ihcaraC 9991

dna ygoloruen fo koob raey ehtyregrusoruen

R ttocs sbbig , g retlaw,yeldarb 9991

esaesid yrotaripseroidraC xelA ,lebaH 8991

dna ygolorhpen ni ypareht tnerrucnoisnetrepyh

j drahcir,kcossalg 8991

dna citsongaid fo launam s'ybsoM

tset yrotarobal

2591 ,akseD neelhtaK ,anagaP 8991

scirtaideap dna ygolotanoeN nerraW ,reyH 8991

ygolorueN xelA ,lebaH 8991

ygoloidrac cirtaideaP N ,rehcrA 8991

yregrus citsalp s'htimS dna bbarG - 7991

ygolonircodne laitnessE D G C ,koorB 6991

yregrus cirtaideap laitnessE W recnepS ,yelsaeB 6991

fo yranoitcid s'renrael decnavda drofxO

hsilgnE tnerruc

- 6991

cirtaidep ni seigetarts lacitcarPypareht dna sisongaid

- 6991

ygoloruen cirtaidep fo salta roloC W drahciR ,notweN 5991

metsys suovren eht fo esaesid ditadyh - 5991

lli yllacitirc eht fo erac evitarepotsoP


emaJ T ,rehgallaG 5991

ygolotameah lacitcarP V nhoJ ,eicaD 5991

ygolotameah lacitcarP V nhoJ ,eicaD 5991

ygolorhpen cirtaideap lacinilC J R ,etiawhteltsoP 4991

ecitcarp cirtaideap ni reveF bihaS A ,ihdaR-lE 4991

yregrus cicaroht lareneG - 4991

eye s'dlihc ehT B ,nollihD 4991

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Title Author Year

fo noitacifissalc lacitsitats lanoitanretnI

smelborp htlaeh detaler dna sesaesid

- 4991-2991

ypocsodne lanitsetniortsaG nhoJ ,eilliaB 2991

ygolohtap fo koobtxet drofxO - 2991

syendiK ehT A K ,retroP 2991

nikS ehT divaD ,nodeeW 2991

dna ,neelps ,sedon hpmyl ,sumyhT


nitsirK ,yrneH 2991

lla rof RPC nali auhsey 1991

metsys evitcudorper elameF C M ,nosrednA 1991

sruomut niks tnangilaM J J ynohtnA ,ttemmE 1991

doolb eht fo sesaesid citsalpoeN - 1991

sesaesid dettimsnart yllauxeS rednaxelA ,nalliMcM 1991

scihte lacinilC mailliW ,rednePeD 0991

noitanimaxe cideapohtro lacinilC dlanoR ,eaRcM 0991

sesongaid lacidem nommoC M ecirtaP ,yelaeH 0991

sngis lacinilc laitnessE J M ,noseimaJ 0991

yrotaripser eht fo sredrosid s'gidneKnerdlihc ni tcart

- 0991

yllacinilc dna esaesid enob cilobateM

sredrosid detaler

- 0991

scidepohtro cirtaideP O narhiM ,naijdhcaT 0991

scidepohtro cirtaideP O narhiM ,naijdhcaT 0991

dna sdiulf fo koobtxet cirtaidepsetylortcele

inukel awakihci 0991

yregrus citsalP - 0991

ypocsodne lanitsetniortsag lacitcarP B reteP ,nottoC 0991

ygolotamuehr cirtaidep fo koobtxeT T semaJ ,ydissaC 0991

cirtaidep fo ecitcarp dna ecneicS ehT


- 0991

esaesid eye dioryhT 5491 ,H norveD ,rahC 0991

& enicidem laciport fo salta ruoloc A


4291 ,ecallaW ,sreteP 9891

ygolotsih lamron fo saltA id H S onairaM ,eroiF 9891

ymotana s'yarG L reteP ,smailliW 9891

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Title Author Year

erac evisnetni latanoen fo koobdnaH L yrneH ,yadillaH 9891

ygolotameah yrotarobaL I ,niranahC 9891

ecitcarp dna selpicnirp ,sciteneg lacideM 8291 ,J semaJ ,aroN 9891

ygolotamred cirtaidep fo koobtxeT - 9891

noitcessid namuh fo salta ruoloc A C C ,yelbmuhC 8891

ygolotameh fo salta A G,dlanodcm 8891

ygolotamred cirtaideP - 8891

ygolotamred cirtaideP - 8891

gnigami & ygoloidar ni tnemssessa flesscideapohtro 4

A htebasilf yellit,j sibbeD rekots 8891

ni seuqinhcet evitarepo fo salta roloC

yregrus kcen dna daeh

P nitaJ ,hahS -7891

sesaesid suoitcefni fo salta ruoloc A D T dlanoR ,dnomE 7891

scideapohtro evitarepo s'llebpmaC 1491-0881 ,C silliW ,llebpmaC 7891

kcen dna daeH eht fo salta eruolocregrus

P nitaJ ,hahS 7891

ygolotamreD D J ,nosnikliW 7891

ni stset erutcip citsongaiDygolotamuehr

anreV ,thgirW 7891

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN E odlaW ,nosleN 7891

ygoloisyhp dna ymotana nosliW & ssoRssenlli dna htlaeh ni

S tenaJ ,ssoR 7891

yregrus ralucsav fo salta eruoloc a ps nhoj yelmul 6891

ygolotamred cirtaidep fo salta nA L olraC ,inihgeneM 6891

ygolotamred cirtaidep fo salta nA L olraC ,inihgeneM 6891

scirtaideap sdia eruoloc nylsoR ,samohT 6891

ygolonircodnE H reteP ,esiW 6891

yregrus roniM trautS nhoJ ,nworB 6891

no ecnerefnoC lanoitanretnI htneT

suotamolunarG rehtO dna sisodiocraSsredrosiD

sisodiocraS no ecnerefnoC lanoitanretnI

ht01 (sredrosiD suotamolunarG rehtO dna) dM ,eromitlaB: 4891:


ymotana namuh fo saltA - 5891

enicidem ni snoitaiverbba s'ereailliaB 1091 ,lezneB niwdE ,neetS 4891

enicidem ni snoitaiverbba s'ereailliaB 1091 ,lezneB niwdE ,neetS 4891

yregrus cimlahthpO - 4891

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Title Author Year

ygoloretneortsag fo koobtxeT - 4891

tnioj gnidulcni ,serutcarf fo eniltuO


drofwarC nhoJ ,smadA 3891

dna tnafni eht fo tnempoleved ehT

dlihc gnuoy

9091 ,S dlanoR ,htrowgnillI 3891

ygolohtap lacigrus fo salta ruoloc A W ,eirhtuG 2891

ygolotyc ygolotameah fo salta eruoloc a jgf eohyah 2891

yranomlup dna sesaesid tsehC


2191 ,K P ,eejrettahC 2891

ygolonummi fo stcepsa lacinilC - 2891

yhpargoigna fo slatnemadnuF R ennairaM ,icirotroT 2891

sitirhtra diotamuehr elinevuJ 8291 ,J lraE ,rewerB 2891

noisnetrepyh cirtaideP R eiluJ ,regniflegnI 2891

sredrosid sti dna tooF ehT - 2891

namuh fo snrettap elbazingoceRnoitamrofed

1891-6291 ,W divaD ,htimS 1891

ygoloisyhp yrotaripseR 3291 ,ruoflaB N ,minolS 1891

traeh latinegnoc htiw etanoen ehTesaesid

3291 ,dnomseD drahciR ,ewoR 1891

semordnys aimeassalaht ehT J D ,llarehtaeW 1891

erac ycnegreme ni scideapohtrO 5291 ,drahciR F ,redienhcS 0891

ygolotameah fo saltA 4291 ,A egroeG ,dlanoDcM 8791

doohdlihc ni sredrosid elcsuM rotciV ,ztiwobuD 8791

sredrosid citeneg ni ecaf eht fo saltA 2391 ,M drahciR ,namdooG 7791

scirtaideap ni ygoloidar citsongaiD nosmiS dlanoR naI ,nodroG 7791

elib dna reddalbllag eht fo ygoloidaR


0391 ,N treboR ,kreB 7791

revil eht fo ygoloidaR G semaJ ,ytluNcM 7791

sredrosid lateleks fo ygoloidar ehT O dlanoR ,yarruM 7791

enitsetni llams eht fo ygoloidaR 2191 ,H drahciR ,kahsraM 6791

namuh fo snrettap elbazingoceR


1891-6291 ,W divaD ,htimS 6791

ygolotamred cirtaidep fo salta roloC 6291 ,leumaS ,grebnieW 5791

worram enob dna doolb eht fo salta nA 3091 ,pilihP drahciR ,retsuC 4791

enicidem yrotarobaL J egroeG ,ecaR -3791

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Title Author Year

dna sruomut enob ;ygoloetso doohdlihC


V M ,vokloV 2791

ycnafni ni seitilamronba latinegnoC P A ,namroN ]1791

ni yregrus ssacca laminim salta roloca


yajnas, kao -

yregrus ssecca laminim fo salta roloc anerdlihc ni

yajna kao -

ygoloruen cirtaidep ni smhtirogla oar iruog ,issap -

yregrus cirtaidep s'tfarchsA - -

etanoen eht fo noitalitnev detsissA - -

sredrosid enircodne dna htworg fo salta

nerdlihc ni

- -

gnigami citsongaid cirtaidep s'yeffaC D nairB ,yeloC -

segnellahc lacinilc laner-oidraC divaD ,htimsdloG -

cirtaidep ni sweiver desab esaCygolonircodne

nadnaV ,niaJ -

ni sesaesid laner ot hcaorppa lacinilc


,narakanid -

gnigami citsongaiD semaJ A ,hcivokraB -

ygolohtap citsongaiD rohtua ,K leoJ ,nosneerG -

ygolohtap citsongaiD R wehttaM ,grebdniL -

ecitcarp lacinilc ni ygolonircodnE E pilihP ,sirraH -

koobdnah SRE rohtua ,nafetS ,saerdnA -

dna ygolotodoirep lacinilc fo slaitnessescitnodoirep

ydder,ayirpitnahs -

noitalitnev lacinahcem fo slaitnesse R naeD ,sseh -

-latanoen s'nitraM dna fforanaFenicidem latanirep

J drahciR ,nitraM -

fo koobtxet s'yrrehC dna nigieF

sesaesid suoitcefni cirtaidep

D semaJ ,yrrehC -

gnigami cirtaidep fo slatnemadnuF F enaL ,yllennoD -

sisobmorht dna sisatsomeH I niassuH abaS -

noitatnalpsnart yendiK J reteP ,sirroM -

nerdlihc ni esaesid reviL J kcirederF ,yhcuS -

lanoitcnuf fo tnemeganaM

nerdlihc ni sredrosid lanitsetniortsag

rohtua ,R divaD ,rehsielF -

eruliaf traeh fo tnemeganaM R R ,agilaB -

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Title Author Year

lacinilc ni noisufsnart doolb s'nosilloM


rohtua ,G yevraH ,nielK -

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN J neraK ,etnadcraM -

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN J neraK ,etnadcraM -

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN J neraK ,etnadcraM -

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN J neraK ,etnadcraM -

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN - -

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN - -

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN - -

scirtaidep fo slaitnesse nosleN J neraK ,etnadcraM -

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN treboR ,namgeilK -

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN - -

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN - -

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN treboR ,namgeilK -

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN treboR ,namgeilK -

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN treboR ,namgeilK -

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN treboR ,namgeilK -

scirtaidep fo koobtxet nosleN treboR ,namgeilK -

ygolotanoeN ycaL aicirT ,allemoG -

ygolotanoeN K divaD ,nosnevetS -

yspelipe fo smotpmys cirtaihcysporueN ocraM ,aluM -

enicidem yrotaripser cirtaideaP yteicoS yrotaripseR naeporuE -

cimetsys dna cisab ygolohtap - -

lanitsetniortsag cirtaidep fo ygolohtaPesaesid revil dna

nellA ,saimereJ -

yregrus crtaidep atpuG K ardneveD -

enicidem erac lacitirc cirtaideP S kereD ,releehW -

enicidem erac lacitirc cirtaideP - -

enicidem erac lacitirc cirtaideP - -

enicidem erac lacitirc cirtaideP - -

enicidem erac lacitirc cirtaideP - -

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Title Author Year

sdnuoR draW ygolotamreD cirtaideP rakayaJ,samohT -

sterces enicidem ycnegreme cirtaideP M nevetS ,tsbleS -

ecnedive cirtaideP P yasdniL ,retraC -

cirtaidep ni smhtirogla lacitcarP


noR ,luoahS -

cirtaidep ot hcaorppa lacitcarP dna ,ygolotapeh ,ygoloretneortsag


rohtua ,dlanoR ,renmerB -

ediug gurd cirtaidep llaH ecitnerP silliGcM htuR ,reldniB -

noisnetrepyh yranomluP A yeldarB ,noraM -

no eettimmoc eht fo troper koobder

2102 sesaesid suoitcefni

- -

no eettimmoc eht fo troper koobder

5102 sesaesid suoitcefni

- -

ygoloisyhpohtap laneR rohtua ,G tumleH ,eknneR -

evisnetni cirtaidep fo koobtxet 'sregoR


divaD G slohciN -

yregrus fo selpicnirp s'ztrawhcS selrahC F ,idracinurB -

gnigami ytlaicepS M delahK seyaslE -

seicneicifed enummi s'mheitS E neelhtaK ,navilluS -

scideapohtro cirtaidep s'naijdhcaT nerdlihC rof latipsoH etiR hsittocS saxeT -

ygolotamreD cirtaidep fo koobtxeT C nurA , radamanI -

cipocsorapal lacitcarp fo koobtxeT


rohtua ,-7691 ,K R ,arhsiM -

cipocsorapal lacitcarp fo koobtxeT


rohtua ,-7691 ,K R ,arhsiM -

renokcer ydaer a dlihc lli yletuca eht itkkum amrahs -

koobdnah enaL teirraH ehT snikpoH snhoJ ( ecivreS enaL teirraH

rohtua,) latipsoH



- -

senots yranirU leahciM ,ossarG -

ygoloisyhp laner s'rednav - -

principles and practice of infectious
