y ll» I jr M. .Wi ^ ititi* LAURENS C. H., S. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST If), 1885. NO. 3 Ono of tho Pack. 1 roo how lt Is; I'm on» of tho pack- A paltry playing card: nothing moro. You Rhum» mid ilcal, tln<n take mo hack. Or los« mo to Mo where 1 was boforo. There uro royal hoads at your mimic court. Hut they furo no hotter; they're In tho sumo nx' For you vary tho usual onlor of sport: You luke what you ploaso whllo you play ) our iriokn. Ko doubt lt servos well a source of fun Tn match your lovera, this ono against thnt; '?'?:<"!. h perhaps, when tho evening's iimuse- ini nt ls done And tho i>Hck put usldc, wo Boom rather Hat. Hui suppose that by chunco In tho dead of tho »luht. When you drouin with disdain of our being Inert. Wv should break your re|H>sc, rising up in our tn luht. And declaro to your fuco that our feelings aro hurl? For, whatever you fancy wo each have a soul, And tho ruloB that apply hore nro .liv so planned That whllo wo ««.ctn bent to your lliiger'a control. And aro played with,.yet wo two aro taking n hand. Don't you BOO that a fcqtlOnOO of hearts you ini'v I.renk Whllo ur m) it nu: ono moan llltlo trump- E|Mil IO Hive, Or auccuiub to an < quail/ luckless mistake And lol a MUK go lor Ino sako or a knuvc? Does Tom's Diumond take you. or ls lt my heart? ' Tho doner, after all, will perhaps cud tho race: Thou. Hindu. )on may yield to young Alger¬ non Smart. Or the on«-eyed o!d blinker's Cyclopean noe. Tho j.'Hino'a lo bu Lottery-to you said- Or Mitti lin« ny? No; both, I decline I Why. iho ItCXI thing I know jou'll take to Old Maid, And leave mo to sorrow and Solitaire. Cr m purposes si ill! This never will do. You ve begun Vingt-et-un; I'm at Thlity- oito- Just ton yours apart. Ali, 1 wish 1 know Pomo smoother way lo make mattera run! You chauve the unmo like a pantomime! And now li's BUOliro, I n ally believe. For you're trying to cheat mo hair of Ou¬ tline, With a"|itlle Joker'*-a laugh lu yoursloevc. lot us end this boiisonrel What do you say? Leave mo out, and (?<> «m with tho rest, Or throw tho whole heap of curds away, Ami slake yo,ir all «m a niau as the best. You ean't inailttgo lOVO according to Hoyle, And your olfort to do i-o you surely would ruo; Hostiles, what's tho usu of such Intricate toll?- Ymi shall win all the gamos If I only win you ! -Coo. Pat.-.m Lathrop, lu Editor's Drawer, lim per's Magazine for September. HE WAS AN A UT 1ST. Ho had a studio onCbostuut stroot- before Iiis arrival it was known as an attic, lt bad that trado mark peculiar to an artist's den, uamoly, dust and disorder. Hut tins morning thoro was a suspicion of neatness in ¿bo arrango- unent of many unlinisbod canvases; momo of tho dust and dirt had beou re* moved, lliougb a few snider-webs lurk¬ ed in tho corners. However, taking .-all into consideration, it was not sobad ai place as it might bo. So thought its solo lord and muster, 'ny name David Marvin, as ho sat bo¬ foro his easol, putting in a littlo darker background to tho lovely faco bo was Ítainting, l'orbaps you might not call t lovely, but I assura you that tho art¬ ist thought thoso deep brown oyes, tho auburn hair, and the linn rod lips something extraordinary. "So you think a broom and wstor has somowiiat improved tho appoar- auco of my room, Miss Lothorp, ho was sayiug to tho original of tho por¬ trait "I do, indood; 1 boliovo if I hadn't, irominded you in timo you would havo .heon entirely lost in thelacowork thoso littlo croaturcs woro spinning about yon," abo ropliod, laughing, and Hash¬ ing a glauco of thoso liquid orbs at .Marvin. "1 wiall abo wouldn't do that," he thought, bonding bis flaxoti hoad to avoid auy moro (lushes lot us suppose "Hy Ibo way, you wishod to soo those new water-color skotchos of mine.didu't you?" ..Vci, 1 should liko very much to soo them, Mr. Marvin." Thoro was nu mistake this time; tho oyes bad n curious gloam that caused tho painter to divo into a cornor in an agony of soareb for tito skotchos. Hoi what was this? Hump, bump, up tho stairs it carno, and amid a groat bea val of sighs tho door was swung opon, and In tho open portal appoaroa a peraonago of groat proportions; an immonso white chip bonnet adorned with flaming rod rosos and bluo rib¬ bons, a purplo gown, groou-flannol bag of dimensions unknown, and a white cotton milln-ella uiado the tout ensem¬ ble. "Laws a morey, Davy! Hut thorn be tho awfulest stairs I ovor soon. Hore am I, a-blowing like an old whale, and nevor a broath of air In thia stujo of yours; lt oughtcr boen called stowpan, it's my opinion. He, hoi" Miss Lothorp had withdrawn into a cornor by tho window at tho panting dame's unceremonious urn val, and was now oyeing hor gaudy attiro with bad¬ ly concealed merriment on hor face "And nevor a cheer, nuthor. Uless my soul, Davy, ycr getting airy lu yor sky parlor; but you hain't laming no sonso, that's ono thing; a tutnbliu' out yor oboors for this rubbish," sho con¬ tinued, with a majestic wavo of hor hand to tho works of art lying around. "Well, upon my word. Aunt Ellis, fou' vu takon mu by storm. ldid not ook for you on such a bot day as this," at last gasped David. "Oh, no! I was so/ton suro of that. I know I wasn't wantod; that's just why I came, Davo Marvin!" snapped Auut Eliza,looking vindictively at Miss Lothorp. "Who'» that?" she asked,in a stago whisper. , "I neg your pardon, Aunt hil/, said David, recovering his lost onotgy and pulling himself up with a jerk. "Miss Lothorp, allow mo to Introduce any aunt. Miss Hawkins." "I'm from ltodlngton, Pu.; yo'vo boord of Rodin'ton, miss?" inquired Abo old lady, with som« pride. "It's a real smart town, Davy was brung up there," abo «rent on, seating horaelf. "Indeed!" Miss Lothorp murmurod, .endeavoring to appear Intercatad.wblle Mr. Marvin Inwardly cursed his fate. "I hope that feller hasn't been telling ye yarns about his ao'-ao, ob, whatev¬ er you call 'em; they say all lo Phlhv dolphy do. you know. Why, do you know. I 'member Davy whon be wore a littlo chap io petticoats, fetching wa- tur from tho well, anti mlndlnT the babies, carryln' thom plg-a-baok. Ye needn't blush. Davy; H's gospel truth. I wonder what ytr mother would say If abo secb y> now* dabblio* in those na*ty peintsP Like aa not she'« woab* ing your father's clothes; Iiis father's n luiuur, Miss Lothorp. Why, vor surely not going?" "Yoi; you will pluaso oxcuso mo, but I roiuombor that 1 have a .pressing on- gngomont that 1 cannot slight. Good¬ bye." "lam sorry, Miss Lolûorp," said n ,. in Uiwlv voice aurnriao and indignation making his naturally stupid touguo dumb, "Hood morning. Oh, aunt! What have you donor" ho ex¬ claimed, ns im closed tho door aller tho young ludy. "I cnn hardly say I thank you for airing those spicy anecdotes of my juvonilo days," ho continued, bit¬ terly, us ho busied himself before his casol. "What will abo think?" was tho next thought. "And she'll never como baek!" ho unluckily muttered aloud. Alas, poor David "You blamed fool, Davo Marvin!" oxclaimod Aunt Eliza, grasping tho forulo of hor umbrella. "You blamed fool!" "Aunt!" "Y'aro. I s'poso yo'll be bringing that proud hussy homo ter Kellington whim yo git her. Ile, ho! Wiitin you do! r>ui, uover fear. Dave, no ono that's4 insulted mo-" "Once for all, aunt-" One half hour aftcrwar 1 Aunt Eliza carno out into tho broad day light, mop¬ ping her moist brows, and frowning darkly nt thu tilth door window, fruin whence her painter nephew was gaz¬ ing down stupidly on the crowded street. Another morning two weeks later, David was at his easel, working on tho doop brown oyes, willi tho hoavily fringed lashes. Was it-no-but it was tho original again sining before him. "Yos I really thought that you would never como again. You we.o so terri¬ bly put out, you know," ho was saying tho hot blood mounting to his brow. "Why, what made yon think th. t? I wes vory much amused hythe oLi lady; sho is very communicative, dou't you thinkP" sho asked with n qttoer gloom in her oyes that tho poor fellow uroad- od so much. "Ah, yos-that is-" ho stammer¬ ed, then quitted Ids work, and brush and palette were thrown down. "Miss Lothorp!" "Mr. Marvin! ' Ho stopped mid looked doubtingly around him. "Miss Lothorp, don't you-I moan- would you mind hearing moro about that little fellow who carried his sisters -tho way sho saidP" No answer; tho oyes wero hidden by tho long lashes, and' a faint, shclMiku tint crept over her face. "You will not say that you havo an engagement !'" ho asked, thinking bo had tho upper hand, and consequently fooling bravo. "On, will you not boliovo mo? It was really tho truth. Why should I inako an excuso whon I Uko-" A full stop. "WhatP Whom?" "What wcro you going lo say, Mr. Marvin?" sho inquired, ignoring his question. "Somothing about yourself, you'll rcmombor." "It was-not until you litiish your sen lenee," ho said. "Mr. Marvin, yourself or nothing." "Myself! Do you moan it. Mnbol? I was going to say thal 1 love you, my tineen Mab!" That incorrigible young man was on his kneos, grasping (ho two warm palms of Mis, Lothorp. Her dark hoad was bent ovor him, thu bonnio brown eyos that David both loved and feared were lookiug down in his blue orbs with unutterable tenderness. What moro was needed? "Darling, your turn now," ho whis¬ pered. "You li!.eil-whom?" "II O. David I I intended to toll you-not now, but somewhero olV in tho vague ages-that 1 liked to lisleu to tho lady s chat about-" A pause. "Mel () darling of darlings!" Tho posliuos wore something artis¬ tic, since their altitudes were struck quito lunocoutiy, somewhat after that Eanning of Hoiuoo and Juliot in Friar aWrenco's coll. Tho friar alone was noodod. But lo and behold! Who niado an appoaranco at this moment but thnt \ eum able gontlemun lu fominiuo garb of-Aunt Eliza! "David Marvin! Yo blamed- Sakes alive! I'm suro I bog yor par¬ don, Miss Lothorp. I-" "Aunt Eliza, allow mo to introduce my little wife to bo," David said,rising from his crumpod position. "My soul! Yo dou't say! Would you marry nu nrllst, Miss LothorpP" "Yes, indeed, any amount of thom," sho answered, with a fond glance nt David. "Ooo at a limo, darling, 1 think would bo best," ho suggcstoij. "Talso mo first for a trial."--Waverly Maga¬ sine. Groat Men's Feot. "ROT. Horny Ward Booehor, tho pas¬ tor of Plymouth," continued Dr. Palm¬ er, "bas soft, ith,ibby foot Ho always wears a broad-solod, oasy-fitting shoo of tho finest kid m ado, «nd suitors but little, from eorns or bunions. 1 bright¬ en up his finger and too nails nbout onoo a month. Mr. Booehor ls a most intorosting talker. Tho last timo ho was hore he related many pleasant an¬ ecdotes of his home in Peekaklll, whoro be resldos with his family during tho summor. In speaking of the regiments' encampment at Poeksklll, Mr. lleoohor remarkod that the boys in bluo greatly addod to the incomo of the shopkoopors of th« town, and takon upon tho w hole they improved its social and moral con¬ dition. "Rev. Dr. Tal mage, who recently sailed for Europe to rejoin his family in London, is also one of my custom¬ ers. His foot In some respects resem¬ ble a canoe, being long and narrow. I cannot say they are froe from corns and bunions, liko Mr. Boeohor's, hut nevortholess they are pleasant to look upon. Dr. Tal mago's too-naiis grow out perfectly straight, and aro as pink and white asa woman's."-A'ew iorh World, Ai ft curious statistical trlflu it may bo mentioned dint tim United Slates has ovor fifty penitentiaries timi 2,400 jails. These institutions eoutniu ovor ¿0,000 boarders. WINTIOUINO COHN. A I'l-nctlcnl .Manner of Arni nu lng C.irii- Crlbn With » View to Utility. One of tho objections often stated against favmors is nu assorted habit of working on the hand-to-mouth princi¬ ple. In othor wortla, to answer a tem¬ porary purposo rattier than a perma¬ nent ono. In tho settlement of a new country tins is often necessary from tim want of money, where so many things must bc accomplished, and is Unwarrantable. Hut a habit oma; tixed is apt lo be followed, ami in no respect moro often than in cribbing corn. Tho result is a loss from ratted, bitter, moldy, or rotten CODI, and to a tlegreo capable of paying all tho way from 10 to '20 percent, on tho investment nec¬ essary to build permanent cribs that would keep tho corn perfectly from yoar to year. An examination as to tho result of Imporfcctly-biiilt cribs in deteriorating tho value of corn, and tho rulo will ap¬ ply moasuroably to all grain, will show that a crib infested with rats and mico tho difliculty is not alone in what tho vermin destroy by cuting out tho chit or germ of tho corn, but also from tho effluvia arising from and contaminat¬ ing tho corn from thoir ncsting-placos. lt is also known that bitter corn arises largely from fermentation of tho cob, which, put in wot, does not dry out proporly. Mold is incipient decay (rom too compact storing when damp and rotting is an advanced stage of decay. Tho loss of a few ceuls per bushol in selling mnkes a largo aggregate in tho crop. Hence, however tho crib is built, it should be only of such sizo ns to givo circulation of air, immunity from rain, and safety against vermin. The writer has never known a crib made of rails, eight foot at thu bottom, Hared to twelve feet at the lop, anti covored securely from rain, to fail in preserving Corn perfectly if dry enough to crib. Tho reason is, tho air circu¬ lates freely nil around tho crib. If a crib eight feet at bottom and Iwelvo foot at top should be ex tended, say, 100 feet, lb«; caso would be different, and if tho crib is uniformly twelve feel wide thc danger of injury wdll be in¬ creased in a largo degree. Twelve foot cribs arc not unusual in tie dry autumn and winter climate of tho Wost, and if tilled so full that tim rain and snow cannot beat in under tho roof, in ordinary seasons they keep tho corn perfectly. In seasons wbon corn does not ripen perfectly, or when from a long spell of foggy weather penetrat¬ ing tito crib. Ibo corn becomes damp through and through, If wann weath¬ er 00SU0S before tho wind thies il out tho germ is attacked, producing bitter¬ ness und mold, and ut length rotten¬ ness ensues. Tho fact thal corn kept compactly in wilie cribs never dare bo used for seed is Bllllloient evidence that such aro not calculated to season corn in tho bust manner for commercial uses. It is questionable if it really is for animal feeding purposes. It is therefore wiso economy thal every fanner build crib- rooui enough to properly save all corn thal must romain with him after tho lirst of March or April. lu building a crib thoro aro thrco things to be taken into consideration. Immunity Hom rats and other vermin, provision against Mic leakago of roofs, and the driving in of rain or snow next ibu eaves, and safely from heating. Protection against vennin is provided by elevating thu crib eighteen indies above ground on posts, placing au in¬ verted till pan ou a large, tlat, smooth steno between Ibo top of tho post and tho sills of tho crib. Danger from leaky roof is secured by a proper in¬ clination- not less than a quarter pitch - and attention to keeping tho roof boards, if so made, carefully nailed. A roof of grooved boards, properly but¬ toned, makes a porfOCt roof. lt should uo a double pitched roof for obvious reasons, and extend over thu sides of tho crib i wei ve inches to prevent tho drip from driving in on lop of thu com. If befoio snow ls oxpootod il be tempo¬ rarily boarded light from uiidor tho caves, six inches below tho top of the oom, this boarding to bo removed car¬ ly in tho spring, no danger from driv¬ ing snow will bo experienced. To prevent healing or fermentation in the body of a crib twolvo fcot wido, tho writer has found tho following plan safo and practicable: Form a skeleton of six-inch foncing two or three feet wide nt tho bottom and half tho height of tho crib, carried to a sharp peak at tho top of tho skeleton, running tho en¬ tire length of tho crib, tho spaces bo- twucu tho boards six inches wide. Thus you virtually divide Ibo crib into two, tho bases of each hoing only four ami u half or live feet wilie. Tho crib will thus havo a horizontal and a vor¬ tical circulation of air through the cen¬ tre, and at a more nominal cost com¬ pared to that of Haring tho outsidos of tho crib. Tho projection of tho roof provenís drip hoing blown in. that Striking tllO sidos never penetrating to do damage, if, in addition, tho sido strips are put on diagonally instoad of vertically, this drip will bo distributed still moro equally along tho outside aud quickly tirios. Undi in tho man¬ ner describod, tho writer hasnovcr had corn spoil that was put in tho crib in tho ordinarily dry condition as it comos from tho liol«! at husking time, nor avon whon othor cribs of llio samo di¬ mensions, but not so protooled, woro seriously injured. Foote and tho L.twy^rrf. foote novor tirod of roasting tho law- yors With his Wit, Of which a sample may bo given. A simple country fur- mor, who had just buried a rich rota¬ tion, an attorney, was complaining to him that the exponaos of a country funeral, in respect to earrurgos, hat bands, scarfs, otc, woro vory groat ..What, do you bury your rt*.ornoys horeP" naked Foote. "Vos, to bo sure wo do; how olsof" "Oh. wo novor do that in J om on. " "Nol" exclaimed UM astonished countryman. "How do you manager" "Why, whon the pationt happens lo dio wo lay him out in a room ovor night by himself, throw opon tho sash, lock tho door, and in the morning ho is entirely off." "In¬ deed!" Mild tho other amazed, "What becon.-os of him?" "Why that wo can not tell \ o tly; all wu know ls Ibero1 a strong smell of brinistoiu in th room noxl morning."- - Tangle Uar. I)OHICCUI,MI Cocoanut. "No, slr, wo don't make cocortnuts," said a member of a linn whoso sig road, "Cocoanut Mantlfuotttring Com¬ pany," in response lo nu inquiry of a reportar for tho New York Mail and Express. "What wo «to is to prepare cocoanut for confectioners, bakers, and families, to bo used for pies ami pastry. Tho nuts are brought hen: by the ves¬ sel-load, some ships bringing as many ns 400,000 in one cargo. They are put up in bags of one hundred oneil. Tho nvorago wolght of thc green nut is one niul one-half pounds. The best are those thickest in meat ami richest it) natural oil and sugar. They como from ¡San lilas, Cow island, ¡San An¬ dreas, Kuatans, .Jamaica, and lîaracoa. They grow on Um islands of tim Cur- ribonn sea, and the trees are so planted that tho roots aro constantly washed With salt water. The nuts aro not picked fron) the tree, but fall to tho ground when ripe because of tho decay of tho stems. When the husk is taken oil* they are ready for shipping. Thu perishable nature of the green Dui has made desiccated cocoanut moro desir¬ able in thu market, and titi s is lue ar¬ ticle we manufactura and sell." "What is the operation? ' "Tho COCOil lill ts ate placed in a largo hoppor, from which they fall to a zinc- covered table on a lower Hoot*. In front of this table several men ate placed, who crack the shell of thu nut with a hatchet as it falls on Ibo table Then the shell is pried olí", leaving the meat whole, from li lo 1 1 o'clock six I*men at this work open Iwolvo thousand nuts. A peeling machins then taki oil* tho brown skin ot ti e nuls, nitor which the meats ate broken into pieces, tho miik drawn oil', and the pieces put into tubs of clean, cold waler. Tho meat is then inspected as to its quality, and next it is put into a grinding null turning four hundred revolutions a minute. The pulp thus made is mixed with granulated sugar and put in long pans of galvan zed iron, which arc put in tho desiccators nud the witter ex¬ tracted at a high lomporaturo. An in¬ teresting fact about tho work is that tho cntiro process must bo completed by 2 o'clock in tho nftornoon. be¬ cause of tho delicate nature of tho fruit. 'Hie numbm' of people employ¬ ed in this department is forty-six. Tin dosiccated nut is while as snow, and perfectly dry, when il luis boen through the process, and it is then allowed to cool, and is left in a dry temperature for ten days before it is filially put up for the market. Al ¡1 o'clock each day tho work is all done." "What about tile idea that cocoanut is indigestible?" "lt is supposed by many persons tobe so. liut tho host growths show by an¬ alysis about lb per eccl of digostibia oils, 6 per cont of sugar, about IG per cont of water, and only 1 per cent of ash. This being lim case, there is scarcely anything people cal moro di¬ gestible and nutritious." Th« Rattlesnake's Roveiijrn. "Speakin' o' snakes," said tim Texas frontiersman, "reminds mo ov a little advonturo mo and a chum had With rat- t les mikes tbat made me respect tho rat¬ tlesnake over sinco." "What kind of an adventure did you bnvo that makes you respect tho rattle¬ snake?" asked a St. Louis man. 'Well, ono ovening just before dark out among tho Rio (»rando canyons thoro como tho all-flrodost rain you ever seed. Uefoio wo could get out tho water had risen so the only way of escape was to cross a canyon thirty feet wide and 600 deep. 'When wc got to this canyon wo found about ono million rattlesnakes thoro. They recognized mo as their friend, it socmod, ns I tried to keep my chum from shooting into a mound of 'om, for they crawled around mo and looked into my face, as much as to say: 'You eau help us over if you will.' I| noticed that thc snakes paid no atten¬ tion to my chum, excopt a big rattlor my chum wounded would look at him and then go around to his followers and seem to toll them something. 'Well, I lied a knot in tho tail of a big rattler and thou got another and looped Iiis nock into this, and so on un¬ til 1 had a snake ropo about sixty feet long. Thou I coiled it in my hand as I would a lariat and throwed it across, and tho hoad snake, tied himself to a troo, and tho last ono on my sido did tho same. 1 had my lot of suakos to go ovor first, mid thon I went over on this snake rope bridgo. The last snake lot go of tho tree, and ho crawled up and tho others followed unlll nil were across. "My obum had dono ns I did, but ho lot tho big v, oumled rattlor havo him¬ self nenie tho last snake, and tio him¬ self round tho trco, so whon nil tho snakes were over, and my chum was going ovor as I had dono, that big wounded rattlor snomod to grin, show- od all his tcolh, and lot go. Of course, tho v, hole, shebang wcut down with a 'swish,' and my chum was throwod off and smashed into jelly, and-" but tho crowd had BC altered and loft tho big Texan to himself. Ho muttered: "i don't kocr a durn; thoso toilers think a rattlosnako is tho deadliest enemy lo mankind. Ho is not ns poisonous as thc copperhead, ami always rattles a warning beforo ho strikes. Ho's my friend, anyhow."- at. Louis (Jlobe-Democrat. What would becomoof an nnwatehod public garden in this city to-dayP In a brief space it would bo a desolation. Th grounds of tho Hoohostor Universi¬ ty aro an oxamplo. Thoro is not a dowering shrub on thoso grounds that bi not despoiled of its boauty ovory year by thoso who havo not loamed to respect public property. Tho children are not taught lo respect such proper¬ ty as they ought to bo. And boro it may be well to suggest that such re- spoct ought to bo inculcated in tho schools, if it ls »ot at homo.-Kochestcr Democrat. Of all tho states in tho Union, Goer-] S'a brings tho most fuutastio things to o surface. Its very latest oddity is a spider as big as a hickory nut, tho long, curved back whereof shows tho human face lu profile. Thu face is liko that of a man of thu Malay typo, ibo brow, tho eyos, tho nose, tho mouth and the ohln being Imitated with ti precision quite Mtartdug in its way. TIIK NRWS OF TUB STATU. Bomo of Uto Kniest Saying! nntl Doings In Botttli Carolina. -Tlio Newberry Opera IIou so is for sale. -There will bo no lair at Similor Ulis year. -Spartanburg i- rejoicing overa lot of new stree! lamps. -Edward Hatfield, of Sumter, last his middle linger by a cotton gili. -The grading of lin; Savannah Val¬ ley Railroad was completed on the 12th. -Miihoin Leo Ward, of South Caro¬ lina, committed suicide in Ballimore willi a pistol. -A lire occurred in Hamburg on tho morning of I '21 li which destroy¬ ed five building - Since Septt r I, two thousand nine hundred < les <d' cotton have been sold in Lancaster. Tho Asheville & Spartanburg Hall- road will bo completed lo Asheville by the middle of Dccembor. - Mrs. Mary Smith, an riged lind respected lady of Sumter, bas 52 grand¬ children and IO great grand-children. - An extra (erin ol' lin: Court of Common Pleas will bo held in Lnucas- tor on tho first Monday in November. -There are live families in Lancas¬ ter county, living in twenty yards of each other, with oillv two to tho fam¬ ily. -The Marion county lair will not be hold until November 18 and ll), The succès-: of tin; exhibition Í8 CIT tail). -An accidental (ire destroyed tin' cotton aili, press ami engine ol" Mr. W. I). Hinds, of Sumter. Loss about $2,000. -Cyrus Jenkins and Will Campbell, two colored raftsmen, wen; drowned in Wadninlaw river during n gale oil Monday. - A brass band bas been Ol'gaili/.cd at Spartanburg. The instruments cos! (our bundled dollar-, and have been paid for, -Thc Highland Park Hotel, ni Aiken, will open for tho tall and win¬ ier season of 1885-0 on Tuesday, No¬ vember 3, - Horsed ratling is forbidden by the Yoi'kvillo town council, and police patrol tho lots to pri vent violation-; of the ordinance. Senator Buller bas goilO lo Now York to see bis family depart on their trip to Europe. They expect lo sail on the 22d inst. -Mr. D. T. (it icc has withdrawn from tho ridgefield GVtronYc/c, having transferred his interest in the same to Mr. T. O. [hilson. - A HOW postofll ¡0 hus been estab¬ lished in Edgcflcld county at tho real* dence of Senator CnlliSOII, to be called Callisoii Postofllce. - A new street railway is projected in Charleston, lo run through King street, from Calhoun to Broad, termi¬ nating at the west mid of Broad. -The young ladies of the Methodist church ai Spartanburg have organized a society to furnish (ho new church with pulpit furniture, carpels, etc. - In a drunken negro frolic ill Aiken county, Millcdgo Woitthoi'shcc was Slabbed in several places and bad one arm nearly severed from his body. - Mr. Bobert li. Thompson, of Lan¬ caster county, was found dond in bis bed on October 7. Ile had died ol heart disease during Ibo preceding night. - C. I\ ( 'al ler, of ( 'arter*.- Po totllce, folletón COUIity, was handling care¬ lessly lin "unloaded'' pistol one day last week, and shot himsolf Ihrougli thc Stand. A son ol Mr. ( liarles Smiley, o Collctoii county, was (brown from rt llOI'SO Oil October 1 1 and badly bruised Some of his teeth w ere knocked ont, and his lace badly cul and bruised. -A mau who was pul in ibo guard' henson! Lancaster Ibo other nighl got thirsty hofore morning, und cul out with bis pocket knife (brough il heart-pine plank two by twelve inches, -The hand of Hie RCVCII-yonr-ohl son id'.I.B. Cushman, Aiken county yoi caught in a colton gin and was si terribly crushed that it was found nec¬ essary lo ampútale tho arm Ihrci illCllCS below tho elbow. - Hon. W. J. Talbert claim- thal can, al the pi 0| or tittie, fully exonerad himself hom nus complicit' III lin late terrible crime at Edgcllcld will which his name ba^ been connected and asks n sn ipensioii of public opinioi until thal limo arrives. -A little daughter of Mr. h\ M I!udgins, ot Urconvillo county, fol from a pile ol'cot lon some dav-, a^c and struck ber bead on the »rou m Violently. She was seized willi tit shortly afterwards, and had niue lil before tl" could be stopped. - Mr. John Rhode, of Round O Col letOll count)', lost his duelling botlSO, kitchen and smoke-house b fire on Sunday. Ootober ll, The fir caught from thc kitchen while Mr Khode and family were at church, am t!iey only got back to their premisos i time to save some bedding. - Mr. Isbnm 10. Watson, ol' Mario county, lost his dwelling and content by lire one night last week. Ile an his wife were sound asleep and oui awoke in time to get out of tho hons with a very few articles of olothini Thc origin of tho lire is unknown. Mi Watson was insured for about $l,0O< Barned t<> i>< o n, »nd Restored io i.iro. I know of a man near Maxey's, (¡a., wi for ten or twelve, years was almost a soil sore from head to foot. For three years, his appearance hoing I horribly repulsive, be refused to let ar ono see him. The. disenso nfter eating li flesh, commenced on bis skull hones. I tried all doctors and medicines wlthoi benefit and no ono thought he could p»s> bly recover. At Inst he began the use B. ll. IV, mid af(er using six bottles, h sores were all healed and ho was a sour man. Ho looks just like a man who had bc« burned to death and then restored to lit The bast mon of the eountj knowoftii case, and several doctors and niereban have spoken ol it ns a most wonderful ens JOHN CHAW FOHU, OruRglst, * Athens, Un. -John N. Parliol I, who lives in Lis hon Township, Darlington county, in forms tho Darlington Vindicator thal about six mouths ago a puppy wai born on bis placo having two hoads two tongues, four undcrjaws, three eyes, six legs and two tails. This wonderful prodigy, Mr. Parnell says, is still living and in good health, une ls much sought after by fox hunters and is the leader of tho dogs in al the fox chases in that section, having caught Ito less than sixteen foxes with out any help. This dog bas this ad¬ vantage over ot hers-having two heads one on each side, be eau watch hotli ends of the road at once. If tho fox gets in the rear all the dog bus to do h to reverse lever and take thc back track without making any halt. -Tho tow n of Summit, in Lexing¬ ton county, bas dried up and passed away, and not only grass, but cotton and corn are growing in thc streets. A citizen of Gilbert Hollow bas bought Ibo site with tho exception of two building lots, and the owner of Olio of these bas brought suit for damages against tho bold and daring icono¬ clast who bas injured bis business by nu ning what once promised to bc a flourishing railroad town into acorn« field. -Two ol (ho men charged with being implicated in tin; Culbrentli lynching, W. F. lil am and Oscar Bur¬ nett, escaped from Kdgcgold jail Sat¬ in May night and have not boi-n beard from since, although ibo Short IT ba« m ado and is making diligent search lol' them. They went out under tho wall tho gatos ot* tho jail yard having boon securely locked at the time. It is said that they have gouc to Georgia. -The citizens of Grconvillo, Ninety Six and points between are much In¬ terested in a proposed narrow gauge railroad, which ls lo moot tho pro¬ posed Augusta, ridgefield & Newberry narrow gauge at Fruit Dill. Ovct $50,000 has boen subscribed, and a meeting will bo hold at Ninety-Six thc 13th of November to elect a president mid niuo directors. F. L. ( layton bas entered suit against, the Merchants1 Mutual Marine Insurance Company of Baltimore, dui ming $100,000 for false imprison, mont and malicious prosecution. Thc suit grew out of Ibo arrest ol* Clayton on tho conspiracy to defraud the under¬ writers by having the brig (), li. Still¬ man cast away in September, 1884. Commissioner Hogers acquitted hi.ti ol tho charge, but bold Capt. Brother- ton and Mate Drown lo await thc action of the United States Court. THE LAURENS HAU. .IOIIN C. IIASKKI.I., N. li. DIAL, Columbia, S. C. Laurens, S. C IIASKIOLL & DIAL, A T T O lt N E V S AT L A W, I. VI UKNS c. II., s. c. .7. T. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OKFICK- Fleming's Corner, Northwest side of Public Square. LAURENS C. IL, S. C. J, C. OAKLINGTON", ATT O R N E V AT LA W, I \l KI NS C. ii., a, c. Ofllcc over NV. II. Garrett's store. W. < . IIKNKT, I . P. M'OOWAN Abbeville. Laurens. HUN KT At MCGOWAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAU lt IONS C. H., s. C. .1. W. I I I;«.I SON. UKO. V. VOUNO FERGUSON & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I.AUHKNS <.. H., S. C. fl, I* TOM». W. II. MAltTllf TODD A MARTIN, A TT () RN E Y S A T L A W, I.AUKKNS 0. H., S. C. N. J, liol.M KS. ll. v. SIMPSON HOLMKS AL SIMPSON, A T TO ll N E Y S A T L A W, 1. VIMIKKS C. II., s. C. SAVE YOUR MONEY By buying your Drugs and Medicines, Pine Colognes, Paper and Envelopes, Memorandum Books, Face Powders Tooth Powders, Hair Brushes, Shav¬ ing Brushes, Whisk Brushes, Blacking Brushes, Blacking, Toilet and Laun¬ dry Soaps, Tea, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Lamps and Lanterns, Cigars, Tohnccc and Snuir, Diamond Dyes, mid othci articles too numerous to mention, al thu NEW DRUGSTORE. Also, Puro Wines and Liquors, foi medical purposes. No tronido to show goods. Respectfully, B. F. POSEY & BRO., Laurens C. H., S.C. August 5, 18SÖ. 1 COLUMBIA & GREENVILLE Ii. It. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Oil and ultcr July 19th, 1885, Passen¬ gor Trains will run as herewith iudi- cateil upon this Road and its branches: DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAYS. No. 68-Up Passenger. ti C Junction A 10 SO a ni Columbia (C G D) 10 55 a in Ar Alston ll 55 a tu Ar Newberry 1J 68 p nt Ar Nincty-SIx D 2 14 p tn Ar Hodges S 16 p m Ar Helton -1 24 p ni Ar reenville 5 45 p m No. .r>2-Down Passenger. Lv Greenville 10 00 a ru Ar Relton ll 21 a tn Ar Hodges 12 34 p in Ar Ninety-Six 1 23 p ut. Ar Newberry 3 08 p m Ar Alston 4 10 p in Ar Columbia 5 15 p m SPARTANBURG, UNION AND CO¬ LUMBIA. No. .03-Up Passenger. Lv Alston ll 68 a m Ar Union 1 69 p in y Ar Spart'g, S U & C depot 3 27 p m x Ar Spart'g, R & D Dep B 3 37 p ut No. 62--Down Passenger. Lv Spart'g R & D Dep ll 12 05 p m Lv Spart'g S U & C Dep G 12 ll p m Ar Union 1 48 p m A r A Iston 4 05 p m LAURENS RAILROAD. No. 3-Up Passenger. Lv Newberry 3 15 p IR Ar Goldvillo 4 15 p ia Ar Clinton 5 10 p m Ar Laurens 6 00 p tn No. 4-Down Passenger. Lv Laurens 9 10 a in Ar Clinton 9 65 a m Ar Newberry 12 00 m ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Lv Hodges 3 20 p in Ar Abbeville 4 20 p tt Lv Abbeville ll 25 a in Ar Hodges 12 25 p in BLUE RIDGE AND ANDERSON BRANCH. Lv Belton 4 28 p ra Ar Andei son 6 01 p in Ar Seneca City G 15 p m Ar Walhalla ' 6 45 p tu Lv Walhalla 8 60 p m Ar Relton ll 02 p Trains run solid between Columbia and llcmlorsonvtllo. CONNECTIONS. A Seneca with R. & D. R. R. for Atlanta. A. With Atlanta Coast Line and South Carolina Railway, from and to Charleston. With Wilmington, Columbia ané Augusta from Wilmington and all points North. With Charlotte, Columbia and Au¬ gusta from ( 'harlot tee and all points North. B. With Asheville and Spartanburg from and for points in Western North Carolina. C. Atlanta and Charlotte Divinion R. «fc I). R. R. for Atlanta «nd point« Soutli and West. G. R. TALCOT*. Superintendent. M. SLAUOUTKR, Gen. Pass. Agt. 1). CARDWELL, A. G. Fas«. Agt. ll MAGNOLIA PASSENGER ROUTE. 0. h. and S., A. and C., and P. 1. Aid A. Railways. BLUE TIME-GOING SOUTH. Lv Woodruff *7 50«% Lv Eimroc 8 2* * Lv Ora 8 52«* Lv Laurens 9 32« «j Lv High Point 10 10* Lv Waterloo 10 34.« Lv Coronaca ll 07« Ar Greenwood *n 35 Lv (J reen wood 5 50 a rfl I 00 p ÍÉ Ar Augusta 10 25 a ni 7 00 p Lv Augusta * 10 50 a ra »10 00p Ar Atlanta 6 40 p in 7 00«) Lv Augusta »ll 20« Ar Clialcsstoa 6 00 f Ar Beaufort 8 06 p Ar Port Royal t 20 p Ar Savannah 7 00 p Ar Jacksonville 6 16# (JOING NORTH Lv Jacksonville »8 60 » % Lv Savannah 6 55 a li Lv Charleston 7 00 a Lv Port Royal 7 35 Lv Beaufort 7 47 Ar Augusta 1 65 Lv Athmta »8 20 p ft 3 Ar Augusta 8 10 i J| Lv Augusta »2 30 |E .(» 15 p ¿ Ar Greenwood 7 00 p 3 ll 40< Lv (J reen wood 2 00 p 4% Ar Coronaca 'J 2H p * Ar Waterloo 3 01 p «fe Ar High Point 3 23 p * Ar Laurens 4 03 p « Ar Ora 4 43 p « Ar Euorce 6 13 p ni Ar Woodruff 6 45 p * * Daily. Connections made at Grc«a- wood to and from point« on Colaaibka and Greenville Railroad. Tickets on sate at Latrena ta all points at through ratea, baggage checked to destination. E. T. CHARLTON, G. P. A. J. N. BASS, Supt., Augusta, Ga. Dr. W. H. BAU* KN TI KT. OFFICE OVER WILKES» BOOK AND DRUG STORE. Ofllcc days-Mondays and Tuesday*. LAURENS C. ?., ». C. CINCINWJLTI TYPE»FOUSDRT -ANO- PRINTING MACH1HP. WOKS, 201 VIM StrMt, CWCHHiATI, <h Tho typo usad oa IMS pap*» WM .*** %f atoro toTWj&rj. E»,

Laurens advertiser.(Laurens, S.C.) 1885-10-21. · tic, since their altitudes were struck quitoEanning lunocoutiy, somewhat after that of Hoiuoo and Juliot in Friar aWrenco's coll

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Page 1: Laurens advertiser.(Laurens, S.C.) 1885-10-21. · tic, since their altitudes were struck quitoEanning lunocoutiy, somewhat after that of Hoiuoo and Juliot in Friar aWrenco's coll

yll» Ijr M. .Wi^

ititi*LAURENS C. H., S. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST If), 1885. NO. 3

Ono of tho Pack.1 roo how lt Is; I'm on» of tho pack-A paltry playing card: nothing moro.You Rhum» mid ilcal, tln<n take mo hack.Or los« mo to Mo where 1 was boforo.There uro royal hoads at your mimic court.Hut they furo no hotter; they're In tho sumonx'For you vary tho usual onlor of sport:You luke what you ploaso whllo you play

) our iriokn.Ko doubt lt servos well a» a source of funTn match your lovera, this ono against thnt;'?'?:<"!. h perhaps, when tho evening's iimuse-

ini nt ls doneAnd tho i>Hck put usldc, wo Boom rather Hat.

Hui suppose that by chunco In tho dead of tho»luht.

When you drouin with disdain of our beingInert.

Wv should break your re|H>sc, rising up in ourtn luht.

And declaro to your fuco that our feelingsaro hurl?

For, whatever you fancy wo each have a soul,And tho ruloB that apply hore nro .liv soplannedThat whllo wo ««.ctn bent to your lliiger'acontrol.And aro played with,.yet wo two aro takingn hand.

Don't you BOO that a fcqtlOnOO of hearts youini'v I.renkWhllo ur m) it nu: ono moan llltlo trump-E|Mil IO Hive,Or auccuiub to an < quail/ luckless mistakeAnd lol a MUK go lor Ino sako or a knuvc?

Does Tom's Diumond take you. or ls lt myheart? 'Tho doner, after all, will perhaps cud tho

race:Thou. Hindu. )on may yield to young Alger¬non Smart.Or the on«-eyed o!d blinker's Cyclopean noe.Tho j.'Hino'a lo bu Lottery-to you said-Or Mitti lin« ny? No; both, I decline IWhy. iho ItCXI thing I know jou'll take to OldMaid,And leave mo to sorrow and Solitaire.

Cr m purposes si ill! This never will do.You ve begun Vingt-et-un; I'm at Thlity-oito-Just ton yours apart. Ali, 1 wish 1 knowPomo smoother way lo make mattera run!You chauve the unmo like a pantomime!And now li's BUOliro, I n ally believe.For you're trying to cheat mo hair of Ou¬tline,With a"|itlle Joker'*-a laugh lu yoursloevc.

lot us end this boiisonrel What do you say?Leave mo out, and (?<> «m with tho rest,Or throw tho whole heap of curds away,Ami slake yo,ir all «m a niau as the best.You ean't inailttgo lOVO according to Hoyle,And your olfort to do i-o you surely wouldruo;

Hostiles, what's tho usu of such Intricatetoll?-Ymi shall win all the gamos If I only win

you !-Coo. Pat.-.m Lathrop, lu Editor's Drawer,lim per's Magazine for September.

HE WAS AN AUT 1ST.Ho had a studio onCbostuut stroot-

before Iiis arrival it was known as anattic, lt bad that trado mark peculiarto an artist's den, uamoly, dust anddisorder. Hut tins morning thoro wasa suspicion of neatness in ¿bo arrango-unent of many unlinisbod canvases;momo of tho dust and dirt had beou re*moved, lliougb a few snider-webs lurk¬ed in tho corners. However, taking.-all into consideration, it was not sobadai place as it might bo.

So thought its solo lord and muster,'ny name David Marvin, as ho sat bo¬foro his easol, putting in a littlo darkerbackground to tho lovely faco bo was

Ítainting, l'orbaps you might not callt lovely, but I assura you that tho art¬

ist thought thoso deep brown oyes, thoauburn hair, and the linn rod lipssomething extraordinary."So you think a broom and wstorhas somowiiat improved tho appoar-auco of my room, Miss Lothorp, howas sayiug to tho original of tho por¬trait

"I do, indood; 1 boliovo if I hadn't,irominded you in timo you would havo.heon entirely lost in thelacowork thosolittlo croaturcs woro spinning aboutyon," abo ropliod, laughing, and Hash¬ing a glauco of thoso liquid orbs at.Marvin.

"1 wiall abo wouldn't do that," hethought, bonding bis flaxoti hoad toavoid auy moro (lushes lot us suppose"Hy Ibo way, you wishod to soo thosenew water-color skotchos of mine.didu'tyou?"

..Vci, 1 should liko very much to soothem, Mr. Marvin."Thoro was nu mistake this time; tho

oyes bad n curious gloam that causedtho painter to divo into a cornor in anagony of soareb for tito skotchos.

Hoi what was this? Hump, bump,up tho stairs it carno, and amid a groatbea val of sighs tho door was swungopon, and In tho open portal appoaroaa peraonago of groat proportions; animmonso white chip bonnet adornedwith flaming rod rosos and bluo rib¬bons, a purplo gown, groou-flannol bagof dimensions unknown, and a whitecotton milln-ella uiado the tout ensem¬ble."Laws a morey, Davy! Hut thorn be

tho awfulest stairs I ovor soon. Hoream I, a-blowing like an old whale, andnevor a broath of air In thia stujo ofyours; lt oughtcr boen called stowpan,it's my opinion. He, hoi"Miss Lothorp had withdrawn into a

cornor by tho window at tho pantingdame's unceremonious urn val, and wasnow oyeing hor gaudy attiro with bad¬ly concealed merriment on hor face"And nevor a cheer, nuthor. Uless

my soul, Davy, ycr getting airy lu yorsky parlor; but you hain't laming nosonso, that's ono thing; a tutnbliu' outyor oboors for this rubbish," sho con¬tinued, with a majestic wavo of horhand to tho works of art lying around.

"Well, upon my word. Aunt Ellis,fou' vu takon mu by storm. ldid notook for you on such a bot day as this,"at last gasped David.

"Oh, no! I was so/ton suro of that.I know I wasn't wantod; that's justwhy I came, Davo Marvin!" snappedAuut Eliza,looking vindictively at MissLothorp. "Who'» that?" she asked,ina stago whisper. ,

"I neg your pardon, Aunt hil/,said David, recovering his lost onotgyand pulling himself up with a jerk."Miss Lothorp, allow mo to Introduceany aunt. Miss Hawkins."

"I'm from ltodlngton, Pu.; yo'voboord of Rodin'ton, miss?" inquiredAbo old lady, with som« pride. "It's areal smart town, Davy was brung upthere," abo «rent on, seating horaelf.

"Indeed!" Miss Lothorp murmurod,.endeavoring to appear Intercatad.wblleMr. Marvin Inwardly cursed his fate.

"I hope that feller hasn't been tellingye yarns about his ao'-ao, ob, whatev¬er you call 'em; they say all lo Phlhvdolphy do. you know. Why, do youknow. I 'member Davy whon be worea littlo chap io petticoats, fetching wa-tur from tho well, anti mlndlnT thebabies, carryln' thom plg-a-baok. Yeneedn't blush. Davy; H's gospel truth.I wonder what ytr mother would say Ifabo secb y> now* dabblio* in thosena*ty peintsP Like aa not she'« woab*

ing your father's clothes; Iiis father's nluiuur, Miss Lothorp. Why, vor surelynot going?"

"Yoi; you will pluaso oxcuso mo, butI roiuombor that 1 have a .pressing on-gngomont that 1 cannot slight. Good¬bye.""lam sorry, Miss Lolûorp," said

n ,. in Uiwlv voice aurnriao andindignation making his naturally stupidtouguo dumb, "Hood morning. Oh,aunt! What have you donor" ho ex¬claimed, ns im closed tho door aller thoyoung ludy. "I cnn hardly say I thankyou for airing those spicy anecdotes ofmy juvonilo days," ho continued, bit¬terly, us ho busied himself before hiscasol. "What will abo think?" wastho next thought. "And she'll nevercomo baek!" ho unluckily mutteredaloud. Alas, poor David"You blamed fool, Davo Marvin!"

oxclaimod Aunt Eliza, grasping thoforulo of hor umbrella. "You blamedfool!"

"Aunt!""Y'aro. I s'poso yo'll be bringingthat proud hussy homo ter Kellingtonwhim yo git her. Ile, ho! Wiitin youdo! r>ui, uover fear. Dave, no ono

that's4 insulted mo-""Once for all, aunt-"One half hour aftcrwar 1 Aunt Eliza

carno out into tho broad day light, mop¬ping her moist brows, and frowningdarkly nt thu tilth door window, fruinwhence her painter nephew was gaz¬ing down stupidly on the crowdedstreet.Another morning two weeks later,David was at his easel, working on tho

doop brown oyes, willi tho hoavilyfringed lashes. Was it-no-but itwas tho original again sining beforehim."Yos I really thought that you would

never como again. You we.o so terri¬bly put out, you know," ho was sayingtho hot blood mounting to his brow."Why, what made yon think th. t? I

wes vory much amused hythe oLi lady;sho is very communicative, dou't youthinkP" sho asked with n qttoer gloomin her oyes that tho poor fellow uroad-od so much.

"Ah, yos-that is-" ho stammer¬ed, then quitted Ids work, and brushand palette were thrown down.

"Miss Lothorp!""Mr. Marvin! '

Ho stopped mid looked doubtinglyaround him."Miss Lothorp, don't you-I moan-

would you mind hearing moro aboutthat little fellow who carried his sisters-tho way sho saidP"No answer; tho oyes wero hidden bytho long lashes, and' a faint, shclMiku

tint crept over her face."You will not say that you havo an

engagement !'" ho asked, thinking bohad tho upper hand, and consequentlyfooling bravo.

"On, will you not boliovo mo? Itwas really tho truth. Why should Iinako an excuso whon I Uko-"A full stop."WhatP Whom?""What wcro you going lo say, Mr.

Marvin?" sho inquired, ignoring hisquestion. "Somothing about yourself,you'll rcmombor."

"It was-not until you litiish yoursen lenee," ho said.

"Mr. Marvin, yourself or nothing.""Myself! Do you moan it. Mnbol? Iwas going to say thal 1 love you, mytineen Mab!"That incorrigible young man was on

his kneos, grasping (ho two warmpalms of Mis, Lothorp. Her dark hoadwas bent ovor him, thu bonnio browneyos that David both loved and fearedwere lookiug down in his blue orbswith unutterable tenderness. Whatmoro was needed?

"Darling, your turn now," ho whis¬pered. "You li!.eil-whom?"

"II O. David I I intended to tollyou-not now, but somewhero olV in thovague ages-that 1 liked to lisleu totho lady s chat about-"A pause."Mel () darling of darlings!"Tho posliuos wore something artis¬

tic, since their altitudes were struckquito lunocoutiy, somewhat after that

Eanning of Hoiuoo and Juliot in FriaraWrenco's coll. Tho friar alone was

noodod.But lo and behold! Who niado an

appoaranco at this moment but thnt\ eum able gontlemun lu fominiuo garbof-Aunt Eliza!"David Marvin! Yo blamed-

Sakes alive! I'm suro I bog yor par¬don, Miss Lothorp. I-""Aunt Eliza, allow mo to introduce

my little wife to bo," David said,risingfrom his crumpod position."My soul! Yo dou't say! Wouldyou marry nu nrllst, Miss LothorpP""Yes, indeed, any amount of thom,"sho answered, with a fond glance ntDavid."Ooo at a limo, darling, 1 think

would bo best," ho suggcstoij. "Talsomo first for a trial."--Waverly Maga¬sine.

Groat Men's Feot.

"ROT. Horny Ward Booehor, tho pas¬tor of Plymouth," continued Dr. Palm¬er, "bas soft, ith,ibby foot Ho alwayswears a broad-solod, oasy-fitting shooof tho finest kid m ado, «nd suitors butlittle, from eorns or bunions. 1 bright¬en up his finger and too nails nboutonoo a month. Mr. Booehor ls a mostintorosting talker. Tho last timo howas hore he related many pleasant an¬ecdotes of his home in Peekaklll, whorobe resldos with his family during thosummor. In speaking of the regiments'encampment at Poeksklll, Mr. lleoohorremarkod that the boys in bluo greatlyaddod to the incomo of the shopkooporsof th« town, and takon upon tho w holethey improved its social and moral con¬dition.

"Rev. Dr. Talmage, who recentlysailed for Europe to rejoin his familyin London, is also one of my custom¬ers. His foot In some respects resem¬ble a canoe, being long and narrow. Icannot say they are froe from cornsand bunions, liko Mr. Boeohor's, hutnevortholess they are pleasant to lookupon. Dr. Talmago's too-naiis growout perfectly straight, and aro as pinkand white asa woman's."-A'ew iorhWorld,

Ai ft curious statistical trlflu it maybo mentioned dint tim United Slateshas ovor fifty penitentiaries timi 2,400jails. These institutions eoutniu ovor¿0,000 boarders.

WINTIOUINO COHN.A I'l-nctlcnl .Manner of Arninulng C.irii-

Crlbn With » View to Utility.One of tho objections often stated

against favmors is nu assorted habit ofworking on the hand-to-mouth princi¬ple. In othor wortla, to answer a tem¬porary purposo rattier than a perma¬nent ono. In tho settlement of a newcountry tins is often necessary fromtim want of money, where so manythings must bc accomplished, and isUnwarrantable. Hut a habit oma; tixedis apt lo be followed, ami in no respectmoro often than in cribbing corn. Thoresult is a loss from ratted, bitter,moldy, or rotten CODI, and to a tlegreocapable of paying all tho way from 10to '20 percent, on tho investment nec¬essary to build permanent cribs thatwould keep tho corn perfectly fromyoar to year.An examination as to tho result of

Imporfcctly-biiilt cribs in deterioratingtho value of corn, and tho rulo will ap¬ply moasuroably to all grain, will showthat a crib infested with rats and micotho difliculty is not alone in what thovermin destroy by cuting out tho chitor germ of tho corn, but also from thoeffluvia arising from and contaminat¬ing tho corn from thoir ncsting-placos.lt is also known that bitter corn ariseslargely from fermentation of tho cob,which, put in wot, does not dry outproporly. Mold is incipient decay (romtoo compact storing when damp androtting is an advanced stage of decay.Tho loss of a few ceuls per bushol inselling mnkes a largo aggregate in thocrop. Hence, however tho crib isbuilt, it should be only of such sizo nsto givo circulation of air, immunityfrom rain, and safety against vermin.The writer has never known a crib

made of rails, eight foot at thu bottom,Hared to twelve feet at the lop, anticovored securely from rain, to fail inpreserving Corn perfectly if dry enoughto crib. Tho reason is, tho air circu¬lates freely nil around tho crib. If acrib eight feet at bottom and Iwelvofoot at top should be ex tended, say,100 feet, lb«; caso would be different,and if tho crib is uniformly twelve feelwide thc danger of injury wdll be in¬creased in a largo degree. Twelvefoot cribs arc not unusual in tie dryautumn and winter climate of thoWost, and if tilled so full that tim rainand snow cannot beat in under thoroof, in ordinary seasons they keep thocorn perfectly. In seasons wbon corndoes not ripen perfectly, or when froma long spell of foggy weather penetrat¬ing tito crib. Ibo corn becomes dampthrough and through, If wann weath¬er 00SU0S before tho wind thies il outtho germ is attacked, producing bitter¬ness und mold, and ut length rotten¬ness ensues.Tho fact thal corn kept compactly in

wilie cribs never dare bo used for seedis Bllllloient evidence that such aro notcalculated to season corn in tho bustmanner for commercial uses. It isquestionable if it really is for animalfeeding purposes. It is therefore wisoeconomy thal every fanner build crib-rooui enough to properly save all cornthal must romain with him after tholirst of March or April.

lu building a crib thoro aro thrcothings to be taken into consideration.Immunity Hom rats and other vermin,provision against Mic leakago of roofs,and the driving in of rain or snow nextibu eaves, and safely from heating.Protection against vennin is providedby elevating thu crib eighteen indiesabove ground on posts, placing au in¬verted till pan ou a large, tlat, smoothsteno between Ibo top of tho post andtho sills of tho crib. Danger fromleaky roof is secured by a proper in¬clination- not less than a quarter pitch- and attention to keeping tho roofboards, if so made, carefully nailed. Aroof of grooved boards, properly but¬toned, makes a porfOCt roof. lt shoulduo a double pitched roof for obviousreasons, and extend over thu sides oftho crib i wei ve inches to prevent thodrip from driving in on lop of thu com.If befoio snow ls oxpootod il be tempo¬rarily boarded light from uiidor thocaves, six inches below tho top of theoom, this boarding to bo removed car¬

ly in tho spring, no danger from driv¬ing snow will bo experienced.To prevent healing or fermentation

in the body of a crib twolvo fcot wido,tho writer has found tho following plansafo and practicable: Form a skeletonof six-inch foncing two or three feetwide nt tho bottom and half tho heightof tho crib, carried to a sharp peak attho top of tho skeleton, running tho en¬tire length of tho crib, tho spaces bo-twucu tho boards six inches wide.Thus you virtually divide Ibo crib intotwo, tho bases of each hoing only fourami u half or live feet wilie. Tho cribwill thus havo a horizontal and a vor¬tical circulation of air through the cen¬tre, and at a more nominal cost com¬pared to that of Haring tho outsidos oftho crib. Tho projection of tho roofprovenís drip hoing blown in. thatStriking tllO sidos never penetrating todo damage, if, in addition, tho sidostrips are put on diagonally instoad ofvertically, this drip will bo distributedstill moro equally along tho outsideaud quickly tirios. Undi in tho man¬ner describod, tho writer hasnovcr hadcorn spoil that was put in tho crib intho ordinarily dry condition as it comosfrom tho liol«! at husking time, noravon whon othor cribs of llio samo di¬mensions, but not so protooled, woroseriously injured.

Foote and tho L.twy^rrf.foote novor tirod of roasting tho law-

yors With his Wit, Of which a samplemay bo given. A simple country fur-mor, who had just buried a rich rota¬tion, an attorney, was complaining tohim that the exponaos of a countryfuneral, in respect to earrurgos, hatbands, scarfs, otc, woro vory groat..What, do you bury your rt*.ornoyshoreP" naked Foote. "Vos, to bo surewo do; how olsof" "Oh. wo novor dothat in J om on.

" "Nol" exclaimedUM astonished countryman. "How doyou manager" "Why, whon thepationt happens lo dio wo lay him outin a room ovor night by himself, throwopon tho sash, lock tho door, and inthe morning ho is entirely off." "In¬deed!" Mild tho other amazed, "Whatbecon.-os of him?" "Why that wo cannot tell \ o tly; all wu know ls Ibero1a strong smell of brinistoiu in throom noxl morning."- - Tangle Uar.

I)OHICCUI,MI Cocoanut.

"No, slr, wo don't make cocortnuts,"said a member of a linn whoso sigroad, "Cocoanut Mantlfuotttring Com¬pany," in response lo nu inquiry of areportar for tho New York Mail andExpress. "What wo «to is to preparecocoanut for confectioners, bakers, andfamilies, to bo used for pies ami pastry.Tho nuts are brought hen: by the ves¬sel-load, some ships bringing as manyns 400,000 in one cargo. They are putup in bags of one hundred oneil. Thonvorago wolght of thc green nut is oneniul one-half pounds. The best arethose thickest in meat ami richest it)natural oil and sugar. They comofrom ¡San lilas, Cow island, ¡San An¬dreas, Kuatans, .Jamaica, and lîaracoa.They grow on Um islands of tim Cur-ribonn sea, and the trees are so plantedthat tho roots aro constantly washedWith salt water. The nuts aro notpicked fron) the tree, but fall to thoground when ripe because of tho decayof tho stems. When the husk is takenoil* they are ready for shipping. Thuperishable nature of the green Dui hasmade desiccated cocoanut moro desir¬able in thu market, and titi s is lue ar¬ticle we manufactura and sell.""What is the operation? '

"Tho COCOil lill ts ate placed in a largohoppor, from which they fall to a zinc-covered table on a lower Hoot*. Infront of this table several men ateplaced, who crack the shell of thu nutwith a hatchet as it falls on Ibo tableThen the shell is pried olí", leaving themeat whole, from li lo 1 1 o'clock six

I*men at this work open Iwolvo thousandnuts. A peeling machins then takioil* tho brown skin ot ti e nuls, nitorwhich the meats ate broken into pieces,tho miik drawn oil', and the pieces putinto tubs of clean, cold waler. Thomeat is then inspected as to its quality,and next it is put into a grinding nullturning four hundred revolutions aminute. The pulp thus made is mixedwith granulated sugar and put in longpans of galvan zed iron, which arc putin tho desiccators nud the witter ex¬tracted at a high lomporaturo. An in¬teresting fact about tho work is thattho cntiro process must bo completedby 2 o'clock in tho nftornoon. be¬cause of tho delicate nature of thofruit. 'Hie numbm' of people employ¬ed in this department is forty-six. Tindosiccated nut is while as snow, andperfectly dry, when il luis boen throughthe process, and it is then allowed tocool, and is left in a dry temperaturefor ten days before it is filially put upfor the market. Al ¡1 o'clock each daytho work is all done.""What about tile idea that cocoanut

is indigestible?""lt is supposed by many persons tobe

so. liut tho host growths show by an¬alysis about lb per eccl of digostibiaoils, 6 per cont of sugar, about IG percont of water, and only 1 per cent ofash. This being lim case, there isscarcely anything people cal moro di¬gestible and nutritious."

Th« Rattlesnake's Roveiijrn."Speakin' o' snakes," said tim Texas

frontiersman, "reminds mo ov a littleadvonturo mo and a chum had With rat-t les mikes tbat made me respect tho rat¬tlesnake over sinco.""What kind of an adventure did youbnvo that makes you respect tho rattle¬

snake?" asked a St. Louis man.'Well, ono ovening just before dark

out among tho Rio (»rando canyonsthoro como tho all-flrodost rain youever seed. Uefoio wo could get outtho water had risen so the only way ofescape was to cross a canyon thirtyfeet wide and 600 deep.

'When wc got to this canyon wofound about ono million rattlesnakesthoro. They recognized mo as theirfriend, it socmod, ns I tried to keep mychum from shooting into a mound of'om, for they crawled around mo andlooked into my face, as much as to say:'You eau help us over if you will.' I|noticed that thc snakes paid no atten¬tion to my chum, excopt a big rattlormy chum wounded would look at himand then go around to his followersand seem to toll them something.'Well, I lied a knot in tho tail of abig rattler and thou got another andlooped Iiis nock into this, and so on un¬til 1 had a snake ropo about sixty feetlong. Thou I coiled it in my hand asI would a lariat and throwed it across,and tho hoad snake, tied himself to atroo, and tho last ono on my sido didtho same. 1 had my lot of suakos togo ovor first, mid thon I went over onthis snake rope bridgo. The last snakelot go of tho tree, and ho crawled upand tho others followed unlll nil wereacross."My obum had dono ns I did, but ho

lot tho big v, oumled rattlor havo him¬self nenie tho last snake, and tio him¬self round tho trco, so whon nil thosnakes were over, and my chum wasgoing ovor as I had dono, that bigwounded rattlor snomod to grin, show-od all his tcolh, and lot go. Of course,tho v, hole, shebang wcut down witha 'swish,' and my chum was throwodoff and smashed into jelly, and-"but tho crowd had BC altered and lofttho big Texan to himself.Ho muttered: "i don't kocr a durn;

thoso toilers think a rattlosnako is thodeadliest enemy lo mankind. Ho isnot ns poisonous as thc copperhead, amialways rattles a warning beforo hostrikes. Ho's my friend, anyhow."-at. Louis (Jlobe-Democrat.

What would becomoof an nnwatehodpublic garden in this city to-dayP Ina brief space it would bo a desolation.Th grounds of tho Hoohostor Universi¬ty aro an oxamplo. Thoro is not adowering shrub on thoso grounds thatbi not despoiled of its boauty ovoryyear by thoso who havo not loamed torespect public property. Tho childrenare not taught lo respect such proper¬ty as they ought to bo. And boro itmay be well to suggest that such re-spoct ought to bo inculcated in thoschools, if it ls »ot at homo.-KochestcrDemocrat.

Of all tho states in tho Union, Goer-]S'a brings tho most fuutastio things to

o surface. Its very latest oddity is aspider as big as a hickory nut, tho long,curved back whereof shows tho humanface lu profile. Thu face is liko that ofa man of thu Malay typo, ibo brow, thoeyos, tho nose, tho mouth and the ohlnbeing Imitated with ti precision quiteMtartdug in its way.


Bomo of Uto Kniest Saying! nntl Doings InBotttli Carolina.

-Tlio Newberry Opera IIou so isfor sale.-There will bo no lair at Similor

Ulis year.-Spartanburg i- rejoicing overa lot

of new stree! lamps.-Edward Hatfield, of Sumter, last

his middle linger by a cotton gili.-The grading of lin; Savannah Val¬

ley Railroad was completed on the12th.-Miihoin Leo Ward, of South Caro¬

lina, committed suicide in Ballimorewilli a pistol.-A lire occurred in Hamburg on

tho morning of I '21 li which destroy¬ed five building- Since Septt r I, two thousand

nine hundred < les <d' cotton havebeen sold in Lancaster.

Tho Asheville & Spartanburg Hall-road will bo completed lo Asheville bythe middle of Dccembor.- Mrs. Mary Smith, an riged lind

respected lady of Sumter, bas 52 grand¬children and IO great grand-children.- An extra (erin ol' lin: Court of

Common Pleas will bo held in Lnucas-tor on tho first Monday in November.-There are live families in Lancas¬

ter county, living in twenty yards ofeach other, with oillv two to tho fam¬ily.-The Marion county lair will not

be hold until November 18 and ll),The succès-: of tin; exhibition Í8 CITtail).-An accidental (ire destroyed tin'

cotton aili, press ami engine ol" Mr.W. I). Hinds, of Sumter. Loss about$2,000.-Cyrus Jenkins and Will Campbell,

two colored raftsmen, wen; drownedin Wadninlaw river during n gale oilMonday.- A brass band bas been Ol'gaili/.cd

at Spartanburg. The instruments cos!(our bundled dollar-, and have beenpaid for,-Thc Highland Park Hotel, ni

Aiken, will open for tho tall and win¬ier season of 1885-0 on Tuesday, No¬vember 3,- Horsed ratling is forbidden by the

Yoi'kvillo town council, and policepatrol tho lots to pri vent violation-; ofthe ordinance.

Senator Buller bas goilO lo NowYork to see bis family depart on theirtrip to Europe. They expect lo sailon the 22d inst.-Mr. D. T. (it icc has withdrawn

from tho ridgefield GVtronYc/c, havingtransferred his interest in the same toMr. T. O. [hilson.- A HOW postofll ¡0 hus been estab¬

lished in Edgcflcld county at tho real*dence of Senator CnlliSOII, to be calledCallisoii Postofllce.- A new street railway is projectedin Charleston, lo run through King

street, from Calhoun to Broad, termi¬nating at the west mid of Broad.-The young ladies of the Methodist

church ai Spartanburg have organizeda society to furnish (ho new churchwith pulpit furniture, carpels, etc.- In a drunken negro frolic ill Aiken

county, Millcdgo Woitthoi'shcc wasSlabbed in several places and badone arm nearly severed from his body.- Mr. Bobert li. Thompson, of Lan¬

caster county, was found dond in bisbed on October 7. Ile had died olheart disease during Ibo precedingnight.- C. I\ ( 'al ler, of ( 'arter*.- Po totllce,folletón COUIity, was handling care¬

lessly lin "unloaded'' pistol one daylast week, and shot himsolf Ihrouglithc Stand.A son ol Mr. ( liarles Smiley, o

Collctoii county, was (brown from rtllOI'SO Oil October 1 1 and badly bruisedSome of his teeth w ere knocked ont,and his lace badly cul and bruised.-A mau who was pul in ibo guard'henson! Lancaster Ibo other nighl

got thirsty hofore morning, und culout with bis pocket knife (brough ilheart-pine plank two by twelve inches,-The hand of Hie RCVCII-yonr-ohl

son id'.I.B. Cushman, Aiken countyyoi caught in a colton gin and was siterribly crushed that it was found nec¬essary lo ampútale tho arm IhrciillCllCS below tho elbow.- Hon. W. J. Talbert claim- thal I»

can, al the pi 0| or tittie, fully exoneradhimself hom nus complicit' III linlate terrible crime at Edgcllcld willwhich his name ba^ been connectedand asks n sn ipensioii of public opinioiuntil thal limo arrives.-A little daughter of Mr. h\ M

I!udgins, ot Urconvillo county, folfrom a pile ol'cot lon some dav-, a^cand struck ber bead on the »rou m

Violently. She was seized willi titshortly afterwards, and had niue lilbefore tl" could be stopped.- Mr. John Rhode, of Round O

Col letOll count)', lost his duellingbotlSO, kitchen and smoke-house bfire on Sunday. Ootober ll, The fircaught from thc kitchen while MrKhode and family were at church, amt!iey only got back to their premisos itime to save some bedding.- Mr. Isbnm 10. Watson, ol' Mario

county, lost his dwelling and contentby lire one night last week. Ile anhis wife were sound asleep and ouiawoke in time to get out of tho honswith a very few articles of olothiniThc origin of tho lire is unknown. MiWatson was insured for about $l,0O<Barned t<> i>< o n, »nd Restored io i.iro.I know of a man near Maxey's, (¡a., wi

for ten or twelve, years was almost a soilsore from head to foot.For three years, his appearance hoing I

horribly repulsive, be refused to let arono see him. The. disenso nfter eating liflesh, commenced on bis skull hones. Itried all doctors and medicines wlthoibenefit and no ono thought he could p»s>bly recover. At Inst he began the useB. ll. IV, mid af(er using six bottles, hsores were all healed and ho was a sourman.Ho looks just like a man who had bc«

burned to death and then restored to litThe bast mon of the eountj knowoftiicase, and several doctors and nierebanhave spoken ol it ns a most wonderful ens

JOHN CHAW FOHU, OruRglst,* Athens, Un.

-John N. Parliol I, who lives in Lishon Township, Darlington county, informs tho Darlington Vindicator thalabout six mouths ago a puppy waiborn on bis placo having two hoadstwo tongues, four undcrjaws, threeeyes, six legs and two tails. Thiswonderful prodigy, Mr. Parnell says,is still living and in good health, unels much sought after by fox huntersand is the leader of tho dogs in althe fox chases in that section, havingcaught Ito less than sixteen foxes without any help. This dog bas this ad¬vantage over ot hers-having two headsone on each side, be eau watch hotliends of the road at once. If tho foxgets in the rear all the dog bus to do hto reverse lever and take thc backtrack without making any halt.

-Tho tow n of Summit, in Lexing¬ton county, bas dried up and passedaway, and not only grass, but cottonand corn are growing in thc streets.A citizen of Gilbert Hollow bas boughtIbo site with tho exception of twobuilding lots, and the owner of Olio ofthese bas brought suit for damagesagainst tho bold and daring icono¬clast who bas injured bis business bynu ning what once promised to bc aflourishing railroad town into acorn«field.

-Two ol (ho men charged withbeing implicated in tin; Culbrentlilynching, W. F. lilam and Oscar Bur¬nett, escaped from Kdgcgold jail Sat¬in May night and have not boi-n beardfrom since, although ibo Short IT ba«mado and is making diligent search lol'them. They went out under tho walltho gatos ot* tho jail yard having boonsecurely locked at the time. It is saidthat they have gouc to Georgia.-The citizens of Grconvillo, NinetySix and points between are much In¬

terested in a proposed narrow gaugerailroad, which ls lo moot tho pro¬posed Augusta, ridgefield & Newberrynarrow gauge at Fruit Dill. Ovct$50,000 has boen subscribed, and ameeting will bo hold at Ninety-Six thc13th of November to elect a presidentmid niuo directors.

F. L. ( layton bas entered suitagainst, the Merchants1 Mutual MarineInsurance Company of Baltimore,duiming $100,000 for false imprison,mont and malicious prosecution. Thcsuit grew out of Ibo arrest ol* Claytonon tho conspiracy to defraud the under¬writers by having the brig (), li. Still¬man cast away in September, 1884.Commissioner Hogers acquitted hi.tiol tho charge, but bold Capt. Brother-ton and Mate Drown lo await thcaction of the United States Court.

THE LAURENS HAU..IOIIN C. IIASKKI.I., N. li. DIAL,Columbia, S. C. Laurens, S. C


I. VI UKNS c. II., s. c.


OKFICK- Fleming's Corner, Northwestside of Public Square.



I \l KI NS C. ii., a, c.Ofllcc over NV. II. Garrett's store.


LAU lt IONS C. H., s. C.


I.AUHKNS <.. H., S. C.

fl, I* TOM». W. II. MAltTllfTODD A MARTIN,

A T T () RN E Y S A T L A W,I.AUKKNS 0. H., S. C.


A T TO ll N E Y S A T L A W,1. VIMIKKS C. II., s. C.

SAVEYOUR MONEYBy buying your Drugs and Medicines,Pine Colognes, Paper and Envelopes,Memorandum Books, Face PowdersTooth Powders, Hair Brushes, Shav¬ing Brushes, Whisk Brushes, BlackingBrushes, Blacking, Toilet and Laun¬dry Soaps, Tea, Spice, Pepper, Ginger,Lamps and Lanterns, Cigars, Tohncccand Snuir, Diamond Dyes, mid othciarticles too numerous to mention, althu NEW DRUGSTORE.

Also, Puro Wines and Liquors, foimedical purposes.No tronido to show goods.

Respectfully,B. F. POSEY & BRO.,Laurens C. H., S.C.

August 5, 18SÖ. 1


Oil and ultcr July 19th, 1885, Passen¬gor Trains will run as herewith iudi-cateil upon this Road and its branches:

DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAYS.No. 68-Up Passenger.

ti C Junction A 10 SO a niColumbia (C G D) 10 55 a inAr Alston ll55 a tuAr Newberry 1J 68 p ntAr Nincty-SIx D 2 14 p tnAr Hodges S 16 p mAr Helton -1 24 p niAr tí reenville 5 45 pm

No. .r>2-Down Passenger.Lv Greenville 10 00 a ruAr Relton ll 21 a tnAr Hodges 12 34 p inAr Ninety-Six 1 23 p ut.Ar Newberry 3 08 p mAr Alston 4 10 p inAr Columbia 5 15 p mSPARTANBURG, UNION AND CO¬

LUMBIA.No. .03-Up Passenger.

Lv Alston ll 68 a mAr Union 1 69 p in yAr Spart'g, S U & C depot 3 27 p m x

Ar Spart'g, R & D Dep B 3 37 p utNo. 62--Down Passenger.

Lv Spart'g R & D Dep ll 12 05 p mLv Spart'g S U & C Dep G 12 ll p mAr Union 1 48 p mA r A Iston 4 05p mLAURENS RAILROAD.No. 3-Up Passenger.

Lv Newberry 3 15 p IRAr Goldvillo 4 15 p iaAr Clinton 5 10 p mAr Laurens 6 00 p tn

No. 4-Down Passenger.Lv Laurens 9 10 a inAr Clinton 9 65 a mAr Newberry 12 00 m

ABBEVILLE BRANCH.Lv Hodges 3 20 p inAr Abbeville 4 20 p ttLv Abbeville ll 25 a inAr Hodges 1225 p in


Lv Belton 4 28 p raAr Andei son 6 01 p inAr Seneca City G 15 p mAr Walhalla


6 45 p tuLv Walhalla 8 60 p mAr Relton ll 02 p t»Trains run solid between Columbia

and llcmlorsonvtllo.CONNECTIONS.

A Seneca with R. & D. R. R. forAtlanta.A. With Atlanta Coast Line and

South Carolina Railway, from and toCharleston.With Wilmington, Columbia ané

Augusta from Wilmington and allpoints North.With Charlotte, Columbia and Au¬

gusta from ( 'harlot tee and all pointsNorth.B. With Asheville and Spartanburgfrom and for points in Western North

Carolina.C. Atlanta and Charlotte Divinion

R. «fc I). R. R. for Atlanta «nd point«Soutli and West.G. R. TALCOT*.

Superintendent.M. SLAUOUTKR, Gen. Pass. Agt.1). CARDWELL, A. G. Fas«. Agt.


MAGNOLIA PASSENGER ROUTE.0. h. and S., A. and C., and P. 1. Aid


Lv Woodruff *7 50«%Lv Eimroc 8 2* *Lv Ora 8 52«*Lv Laurens 9 32« «jLv High Point 10 10*Lv Waterloo 10 34.«Lv Coronaca ll 07«Ar Greenwood *n 35Lv (J reenwood 5 50 a rfl I 00 p ÍÉAr Augusta 10 25 a ni 7 00 pLv Augusta * 10 50 a ra »10 00pAr Atlanta 6 40 p in 7 00«)Lv Augusta »ll 20«Ar Clialcsstoa 6 00 fAr Beaufort 8 06 pAr Port Royal t 20 pAr Savannah 7 00 pAr Jacksonville 6 16#

(JOING NORTHLv Jacksonville »8 60 »%Lv Savannah 6 55 a liLv Charleston 7 00 aLv Port Royal 7 35Lv Beaufort 7 47Ar Augusta 1 65Lv Athmta »8 20 p ft

3Ar Augusta 8 10 i J|Lv Augusta »2 30 |E .(» 15 p ¿Ar Greenwood 7 00 p 3 ll 40<Lv (J reenwood 2 00 p 4%Ar Coronaca 'J 2H p *Ar Waterloo 3 01 p «feAr High Point 3 23 p *Ar Laurens 4 03 p «Ar Ora 4 43 p «Ar Euorce 6 13 p niAr Woodruff 6 45 p *

* Daily. Connections made at Grc«a-wood to and from point« on Colaaibkaand Greenville Railroad.Tickets on sate at Latrena ta all

points at through ratea, baggagechecked to destination.E. T. CHARLTON, G. P. A.

J. N. BASS, Supt., Augusta, Ga.



Ofllcc days-Mondays and Tuesday*.LAURENS C. ?., ». C.



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