Law of Attraction Positive Affirmations These laws of attraction positive affirmations are here to help anyone who wants to ensure their mind is functioning in the highest state possible for manifesting and attracting that which they desire. The power of the law of attraction lies in the fact that whatever you think about and believe will ultimately become the reality you experience. Use positive affirmations to reprogram your thought patterns and ensure positive beliefs are held deeply and consistently within your consciousness – this will provide a massive boost to your law of attraction efforts! Whether you want to attract money, relationships, health or success – these positive affirmations will provide the necessary foundation for taking control of your mind, thinking positively, and manifesting the reality you desire. Present Tense Affirmations The law of attractions works My beliefs manifest my reality I attract success into my life I use positive thinking and beliefs to manifest a positive life I have the power to create my reality I attract into my life whatever I want My thoughts create my reality I believe in the law of attraction I have the power to manifest my dreams I believe deeply that I can achieve anything I desire Future Tense Affirmations The law of attraction is working I will think positively I am gaining control over my thought patterns I am manifesting my destiny Each day I believe in the law of attraction more and more I will transform my life using the law of attraction My powers of manifestation are growing The law of attraction is transforming my life Each day my mind becomes more positive I am gaining control over my mind and my life Natural Affirmations I find it easy to control my thoughts Manifesting seems effortless Maintaining a positive state of mind is easy for me I steer my life in positive directions with the power of positive thinking Manifesting my dreams into reality is something I just do naturally The law of attraction gives me the power to realize my dreams Attracting success is a normal part of my life

Law of Attraction Positive Affirmations

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Law of Attraction Positive Affirmations These laws of attraction positive affirmations are here to help anyone who wants to ensure their mind is functioning in the highest state possible for manifesting and attracting that which they desire.The power of the law of attraction lies in the fact that whatever you think about and believe will ultimately become the reality you experience. Use positive affirmations to reprogram your thought patterns and ensure positive beliefs are held deeply and consistently within your consciousness – this will provide a massive boost to your law of attraction efforts!Whether you want to attract money, relationships, health or success – these positive affirmations will provide the necessary foundation for taking control of your mind, thinking positively, and manifesting the reality you desire.Present Tense Affirmations

The law of attractions works

My beliefs manifest my reality

I attract success into my life

I use positive thinking and beliefs to manifest a positive life

I have the power to create my reality

I attract into my life whatever I want

My thoughts create my reality

I believe in the law of attraction

I have the power to manifest my dreams

I believe deeply that I can achieve anything I desire Future Tense Affirmations

The law of attraction is working

I will think positively

I am gaining control over my thought patterns

I am manifesting my destiny

Each day I believe in the law of attraction more and more

I will transform my life using the law of attraction

My powers of manifestation are growing

The law of attraction is transforming my life

Each day my mind becomes more positive

I am gaining control over my mind and my life Natural Affirmations

I find it easy to control my thoughts

Manifesting seems effortless

Maintaining a positive state of mind is easy for me

I steer my life in positive directions with the power of positive thinking

Manifesting my dreams into reality is something I just do naturally

The law of attraction gives me the power to realize my dreams

Attracting success is a normal part of my life

My life is filled with abundance

My positive mind set attracts positive circumstances

I find it easy to attract into my life whatever I need

Other affirmations you might be interested in: Positive Thinking, Attract Success, Improve Visualization, Attraction Accelerator, Attitude Of Gratitude,Recommended Law Of Attraction ToolsLaw Of Attraction Subliminal: Did you know that you can use subliminal messages to supercharge your law of attraction results? This works by ensuring your subconscious mind is focused, thinking positively, and in sync with what your conscious mind is trying to attract. RealSubliminal.com offers a great tool to align & fine-tune your entire mind to make sure you maximize your law of attraction results. A must have for anyone that is serious about using the law of attraction.Law Of Attraction Hypnosis: Use this natural hypnosis track to energize your law of attraction powers and reprogram your mind for positivity, belief, and manifestation. Hypnotherapy is a highly effective tool for anyone that wants have the positive mindset needed to effectively use the law of attraction. If you are serious about manifesting the life you want then you should definitely check this out.Law Of Attraction Subliminal: A simple yet highly recommended subliminal track from SubliminalMP3s.com that will help you tap into the power of the law of attraction. The great thing about subliminal affirmations is that you can listen to them as you go about your normal day and see huge benefits in a very short period of time – and with very little effort!

Guide to Using Positive Affirmations

This is our free guide to using positive affirmations.

Hopefully you already know what positive affirmations are, or you soon will do if you read our article titled “What are Positive

Affirmations“. Now, after reading this guide you will know everything you need to know about affirmations, mainly about how to use them

and experience results from them to influence your life for the better.

Most people want to dive straight in, and that is actually totally fine, affirmations are not rocket science, and this simple guide will just

show you a couple of methods you can use, and we promise you, this will only take 3 minutes to read, so you can be using them straight

away and making changes in your mind and in your life TODAY!

The Most Simple Way To Use Positive Affirmations

Ultimately you will find your own style, way to say them, timing etc, but here is a really simple way to start.

Stand tall, relax your shoulders and stand with good posture – take a confident standing positon.

Have your affirmations infront of you, written down or printed out – especially if it is a new set.

Say them one by one, in a slow, confident tone of voice – like you mean it, like you believe it, and as if it is actually real or already


Speaking slowly and confidently is important. Confident speakers take their time, they don’t rush their words, they pronounce each

one properly and speak with meaning.

Optionally you can stand at a mirror and look at yourself as you talk. You might find you feel awkward, but with practice this will be

normal to you. Standing at a mirror shows you your posture and your confidence so you can ensure you are doing them properly –

adjust your voice tone and posture as needed to always stand positively, and look yourself in the eye.

That’s it, that is really all you need – see, positive affirmations aren’t rocket science, get started, put in the time and you will see results!

Add a Little Structure

Getting a little deeper, it is good to add a little structure, and CONSISTENCY.

Consistency is actually key, you need to repeat your affirmations day in, day out, so having a real structure, a daily routine will really help.

Here is a standard routine for you to try, you can adapt it as needed, but it is a great place to start.

Say your affirmations 2x a day.

Start in the morning, as soon as you can after waking up. This ensures you have a positive start to the day – that the first thing you

start thinking about are your goals and ambitious, and of course, that you are thinking positive thoughts!

Say your second set as close as you can before going to bed. This ensures that you have positive thoughts in your mind as you go to

sleep, you are thinking about your goals and these will seep into your subconscious mind and solidify as you sleep.

Say them multiple times. It is up to you, but we recommend either 5 minute sessions (so just 10 minutes a day total), or

alternatively, saying your whole set of affirmations 10x each, in a slow, confident voice – whatever suits you really, don’t take too

long, 10-15 minutes is probably too much and they might seem like a chore after some time, 5 minutes really is enough for

permanent, lasting change.

Again, that’s it, a little structure is good, try to stick to it – if you really do stick to this structure for 2 weeks then you will see a real

difference in yourself! Then it won’t be like a structure you are trying to stick to at all… it will be something you want to do because you

will have seen the powerful changes that positive affirmations can produce.

Use Written Affirmations Too!

An extra step you can take is to write your affirmations down, or just print them out right from our site.

You can pin them up around your house in key places that you will them each day. On the fridge, in your school/work/gym locker, on the

inside of your bathroom mirror, on the dashboard of your car.

This just adds a little extra, you will simply see your affirmations randomly each day in the middle of the day, this will just jog your memory

and remind you to stay positive and focused on your goals.

When you are constantly reminded about your affirmations and goals like this, you can accelerate your results as it’s not just when you are

saying your affirmations that you think about them and your goals, but constantly throughout the day you encounter little reminders and

as a result you are always focused and develop a complete consciousness around achieving success and realizing your goals!

Some Extra Tips

So you’re still hungry for information? Good Use these extra tips to make sure that you get the most from your positive affirmations


Start with a focus. Don’t pick too many subjects at once.

Be consistent. Repeat them daily.

Make a commitment to do them for 30 days, no matter what. Think long term, and don’t give up.

Monitor your mood first. Before you start your daily session, just take 30 seconds to “look inside” yourself, see how you feel, see

how your emotions are, do you already feel positive, negative, a little tired.. just take note. Then, say your affirmations, slowly, take

your time, and then do a “mood check” again. See how you feel, see how positive you now feel, see how you feel differently about

yourself. This can be a great way to gain confidence in your affirmations early on. Before you even see the life changing results you

really want, this simple experiment should show you how they can instantly lift your mood and change how you are feeling in an

instant and inspire you to keep going so that you really do get to see the bigger and lasting changes you really want!

That’s it.. lots of people go looking for that magic formula to self improvement, looking for that powerful, complicated hidden technique..

it really doesn’t need to be like that – positive affirmations are for real, they can have a really powerful cumulative effect, and they can

make real, lasting, dramatic changes to your life – to how you think, to how you act, to how you live your life!

You’re ready! Look at our categories along the right hand side, see which areas you want to develop in (we have life success affirmations,

affirmations for health, even metaphysical affirmations and much much more) and get started right away while your passion is focused


Or if you still want more information then you can read our next article in this getting started sequence titled “About Our Affirmations“.

On every page we offer 3 different types of affirmations, this article explains why we do this, which are “best” and which you should use.

Affirmations for Relationships

Affirmations of the heart – this is our category of affirmations for relationships. It contains everything to help you to attract a relationship,

and to have a happy, healthy, and lasting one too.

These affirmations will help you get into the mindset you need to bring love to you, and also to have a sharing and caring relationship – to

help you to be open, understanding, to share your feelings and build a strong relationship which is built on mutual trust.. a relationship

which will last:

Pick your area of affirmations here:

Healthy Relationship Positive Affirmations

Happy Relationship Positive Affirmations

Lasting Relationship Positive Affirmations

Be More Romantic Positive Affirmations

Commitment Phobia Positive Affirmations

Relationship Jealousy Positive Affirmations

Relationship Insecurity Positive Affirmations

Get Over Your Ex Boyfriend Positive Affirmations

Get Over Your Ex Girlfriend Positive Affirmations

Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Positive Affirmations

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Positive Affirmations

Confidence With Men Positive Affirmations

Attract Men Positive Affirmations

Attract Your Soul Mate Positive Affirmations

Happy Marriage Positive Affirmations

If you have other affirmations in this area which you would like to share with the world, perhaps affirmations which have helped your

relationship, or helped you to find one, then perhaps you would be so kind as to share them with the world.. so that others can have

success too?

We are actively seeking new writers and people who are experienced with positive affirmations to share theirs on our site – if you are

interested then find out more about writing for freeaffirmations.org here.

Healthy Relationship Positive Affirmations

Building a healthy relationship starts first, and most importantly, with you! Which is a great thing, because it means that you can do

absolutely everything in your power to build positive and loving energy, and do your part to purposefully nurture all of the

characteristics of a healthy relationship.

What is a healthy relationship? It’s when two people have mutual respect for one another, and are able to truly be themselves and

simultaneously respect their partner for who they really are at their core. This almost always requires compromise, respect, and

patience. But the effort is well worth it because as human beings we are meant to connect on a deep level with someone that we love,

and know that we are secure in our most important relationship.

This can sometimes feel like a delicate balancing act. It’s a tall order to be able to be yourself, express your feelings, wants and needs, and

yet simultaneously take into consideration the wants and needs of your beloved partner. But with these positive affirmations you can

greatly improve your chances of attaining relationship harmony.

So start today, and start building the relationship of your dreams!

Present Tense Affirmations

I am in love with my partner

I respect my partner deeply

I am able to be my true self around my partner

I communicate my wants and needs clearly

I always take into consideration the perspective of my partner

I am constantly striving to grow the love between my partner and myself

I am able to draw boundaries when needed

I go out of my way to support my partner

I am tuned in to the wants and needs of my partner

I am able to take space for myself when needed

Future Tense Affirmations

I will develop a healthy relationship with my partner

I will be a wonderful spouse

I am starting to feel more and more in love

I will act with respect and care towards my partner

I am constantly developing and growing my relationship

Each day I feel closer to my partner

I am able to communicate clearly

I will always be honest and loving towards my partner

My relationship is improving each and every day

I will express my wants and needs clearly

Natural Affirmations

I deserve to have a healthy relationship

I can respectfully communicate my feelings

Having a healthy relationship is extremely important to me

I do everything possible to nurture the love I have for my partner

My partner respects and cherishes me

Honest communication is one of my natural strengths

Having a healthy and loving relationship is just a normal part of my life

Drawing boundaries and fostering respect is important

Listening to my partners feelings is very important to me

Building a healthy relationship is worthy of any and all effort

Other affirmations you might be interested in: Happy Relationship, Attract Men, Lasting Relationship, Confidence With Men, Self Belief,

Self Esteem.

Recommended for Developing a Healthy Relationship

Healthy Relationship Subliminal: You can access your subconscious mind and enhance your deepest thought patterns so that you are

more naturally in tune with your partner and your relationship! All of the traits of a healthy relationship will more naturally manifest as

you become more open to honest communication, foster positive energy, and allow your love to continue growing into the future!

Improve Self Esteem Hypnosis: One of the best things you can do for your relationship, and for your entire life is to improve your self

esteem and unlock the true positive energy that resides deep within you. When you do this the love between yourself and your partner

will grow exponentially, and your partner will fall in love with you all over again!

Successful Relationship Subliminal: What makes a successful relationship? Communication, respect, honesty, and much more, all of which

you can develop and bring out in your partner by using this subliminal album which is designed to help you build the positive energy

within you to ensure a successful relationship!

Happy Relationship Positive Affirmations

Here are your happy relationship affirmations, they will help you to build the necessary positive and loving energy required to nurture a

truly happy and healthy relationship.

Developing a happy relationship is a delicate dance between doing everything in your power to make yourself happy and positive, while

simultaneously growing the love between you your partner and making your relationship a top priority in your life. It is truly a symbiotic

relationship that requires you to occupy two spaces at once, that of yourself and your relationship. But this balance can be more easily

achieved by using these free positive affirmations to grow vibrant and loving energy within yourself that will spill over into your

relationship and allow it to grow and blossom to its fullest potential!

So start with these affirmations right away, read them over and choose your favorites to work with on a daily basis. When you have 3 or 4

chosen, write them down and make an agreement with yourself that you will find some time once or twice a day to recite them to

yourself, knowing that you are going that extra mile to ensure a happy, loving, and wonderful relationship between you and your partner!

Present Tense Affirmations

I am building a happy relationship

I am dedicated to my partner

I am able to balance my own needs with the needs of my partner

I am happy and confident within myself

I deeply respect and cherish my partner

Making my partner happy is important to me

I am full of positive loving energy

I always bring positivity to my relationship

I communicate honestly and lovingly

I am overflowing with love and gratitude for my relationship

Future Tense Affirmations

I will do everything in my power to build a happy relationship

I will remain dedicated to my partner

Each day I am happier and happier in my relationship

The love I feel for my partner is growing exponentially

My partner will appreciate the respect and consideration I give

I will express myself honestly and openly

I will let my partner know how much I love them

I will honor my relationship deeply

My relationship is becoming healthier and happier

Others will notice what a great relationship I have

Natural Affirmations

I deserve to have a happy relationship

There is a deep and profound love between my partner and I

Having a happy relationship is just a normal part of my life

I always express respect and love for my partner

Having a happy relationship is one of my top priorities

My partner and I are just naturally tuned in to each other

I am overflowing with gratitude for my happy relationship

I will nourish the love between my partner and I

My relationship is naturally healthy and happy

My partner and I are deeply happy together

Other affirmations you might be interested in: Lasting Relationship, Healthy Relationship, Confidence With Men, Positive Thinking, Love


Recommended for a Happy Relationship

Healthy Relationship Subliminal: You can get a serious boost to your ability to contribute positive energy and love to building a healthy

relationship by using this subliminal album from RealSubliminal.com – its expertly crafted messages will penetrate deep into your

unconscious and help you build the mindset of someone who is naturally in tune with their partner and does everything needed to build

a healthy and lasting relationship!

Be Happy Hypnosis: Being deeply happy in your relationship starts with being deeply happy within yourself. Using this professionally

guided hypnosis album will help to relax your mind and start building a solid happiness within the core of your mind!

Successful Relationship Subliminal: Here is another powerful yet simple to use subliminal messaging tool that can really help you to boost

your ability to have a successful relationship. Your mind will be more positive, calm, and in tune with all of the traits of a healthy and

happy relationship – naturally!

Lasting Relationship Positive Affirmations

Do you ever wonder what makes a relationship last? It’s frustrating because sometimes the relationships that SHOULD last simply don’t,

and on the other hand the ones that we think are going to fail end up being committed and lasting relationships!

To make a relationship last you need to actively nurture it as though you were growing a plant, or tending to your house. A healthy

relationship requires upkeep, attention, and lots of love! When all of these things are in place it can withstand just about anything that

comes its way.

If you want to do everything possible to be sure your relationship is secure, full of love, and healthy enough that you and your partner will

be together forever – then these affirmations will really help you to get into the positive, loving, and relationship focused mindset that is

needed to build a strong, committed, secure partnership.

And the best part?

When you make this change within yourself, your partner picks up on this energy and starts to make positive internal changes as well!

Present Tense Affirmations

I am positive and loving

I support my partner unconditionally

I am deeply in love

I always communicate honestly, openly, and with respect

I am in a lasting relationship

I am focused on growing a healthy relationship

I always take my partner’s point of view into consideration

I am kind and considerate

I am able to draw boundaries

I always honor my relationship

Future Tense Affirmations

I will build a lasting relationship

My relationship is getting stronger every day

I will always love and appreciate my partner

The respect between my partner and I is growing

I am starting to communicate honestly with my partner

I am falling more and more in love

I will be grateful for my relationship

Each day I become a better partner

I will nurture and protect my relationship

I will strive to express love and respect on a daily basis

Natural Affirmations

I deserve to have a lasting relationship

My relationship is a top priority in my life

I enjoy going out of my way to make my partner happy

It is important that I feel loved and secure

There is a natural connection between my partner and I

I can build the lasting relationship of my dreams

Nurturing a healthy relationship comes naturally to me

My partner effortlessly senses my love

Taking care of my relationship is of utmost importance

There is a natural trust within my relationship

Other affirmations you might be interested in: Happy Relationship, Be Happy, Healthy Relationship, Positive Thinking, Get Your Ex

Boyfriend Back, Improve Communication Skills.

Recommended Tools to have a Lasting Relationship

Healthy Relationship Subliminal: Do you want to build a healthy relationship that is loving, secure, and stable? You can get yourself in the

perfect state of mind for relationship success by using this powerful subliminal album! With daily use you will become much more

naturally in tune with your partner, better at relationships, and happier with your life!

Positive Thinking Hypnosis: What is the key ingredient to a lasting relationship and a healthy life? Positive thinking of course! And this

hypnosis album helps to clear away any internal negativity that is holding you back from having the truly happy and healthy relationship

you deserve!

Be More Romantic Subliminal: A great way to really solidify your connection to your partner and ensure a lasting relationship is develop

your romantic side. This often isn’t what you think, because it is likely the small things that your partner will be most appreciative of and

that will draw you ever closer together!

Relationship Jealousy Positive Affirmations

Relationship jealousy can be the deciding factor in whether a relationship is able to be long lasting or not. It is extremely easy to become

jealous in a relationship and you may think your partner has too many friends of the opposite sex, get on too well with colleagues at work

or just acts suspiciously sometimes.

It is important to remember that in most cases, relationship jealousy is due to a lack of trust from one partner rather than the other

doing anything wrong. By realising that your partner chooses to be with you rather than the others you are jealous of and by increasing

your own self esteem, you are able to get rid of these feelings. If you feel that this applies to you, our relationship jealousy positive

affirmations could help you.

Positive affirmations can allow you to embrace the issues that you have experienced in the past that cause you to be jealous in the first

place and can help you trust your partner more. This can lead to a happier, more trusting relationship.

Present Tense Affirmations

I realise that my partner chooses to be with me and nobody else

My partner and I are both happy in our relationship

I discuss any issues with my partner

I enjoy being in a relationship

I can easily express my opinions and feelings

I am naturally trusting of my partner

I find it easy not to get jealous in my relationship

I am a naturally positive person

My life and relationship are great

Other people see me as happy and fulfilled

Future Tense Affirmations

I will become more confident within my relationship

I will forget my past issues

Every day I trust my partner more

Other people are starting to notice how my confidence has increased

I will not constantly accuse my partner of cheating

I will not ruin any more relationships with my jealousy

I am turning into someone who is more trusting

I am naturally becoming more confident and positive

I will begin to smile more and show the world how happy I am

I am becoming happier every day

Natural Affirmations

I will not let my past issues reflect on my new relationship

Others are envious of my trusting relationship

My relationship is a huge part of my life and I will not jeopardise this

I realise that it is important for my partner to have friends of the opposite sex

My partners happiness is very important to me

My relationship makes me happy

I know that there is no one but me that my partner is interested in

I am becoming more relaxed in my relationship

Being less jealous has improved my life

My optimism is increasing every day

Other affirmations you might be interested in: Relationship Insecurity, Healthy Relationship, Positive Thinking, Be Happy

Recommended Resources to Combat Relationship Jealousy

Relationships Jealousy Insecurity Subliminal: The perfect subliminal messaging album to combat jealousy in a relationship. In subliminal

messaging albums and mp3 tracks, the positive affirmations are embedded within the track and set at a frequency to contact the

subconscious mind only. This allows them to be simple and effective and they can easily be used for long periods of time. This is our top

recommended album for jealousy and insecurity as it can allow you to develop more trust and confidence in your relationship.

Stop Being Jealous Subliminal: This subliminal mp3 is a very good way to target jealousy specifically within your relationship. It can allow

you to stop over thinking situations, stop analysing your partner as much and stop jumping to unnecessary conclusions. It can also allow

you to become more confident and calm when talking about feelings and issues with your partner.

Relationship Insecurity Positive Affirmations

Relationship insecurity affects many people across the world. It can be extremely difficult to sustain a relationship if a lot of insecurity is

present and this can directly affect relationships you may have in the future too. For many, relationship insecurity stems from two

different reasons: a lack of self confidence, from being badly treated in a past relationship or from a combination of the two.

Our relationship insecurity positive affirmations are a useful tool to get rid of issues within a relationship. Feeling of insecurity can ruin

an otherwise good relationship and potentially future relationships too. Use the positive affirmations regularly in order to diminish

insecurity and uncertainty from your life.

Positive affirmations are simply short phrases that when repeated enough will affect your subconscious mind and eventually your way of

thinking. They can allow you to overcome issues from the past also issues of self confidence. Ultimately, they are able to stop your feelings

of insecurity from ruining every relationship you have.

Present Tense Affirmations

I am confident enough not to worry about my relationship

I can forget the past and move on with my life

I am a confident person who can achieve anything

I deserve a happy relationship

My self esteem is higher than it ever has been

My relationship allows me to be happier

I am able to concentrate on the positive aspects of my relationship

I find it easy to trust my partner

I am naturally happy in my relationship

I enjoy being in my relationship

Future Tense Affirmations

I will learn to trust my partner more

I will stop thinking negatively about every relationship I have

I am transforming into a happier person

I will not ruin another relationship with my insecurities

Every day I become more confident

Other people are starting to notice how good my relationship is

I will not let the past ruin my relationship

I am turning into someone who is less insecure

I will make more of an effort with my relationship

I will appreciate my partner more

Natural Affirmations

Just because I have been cheated on in the past does not mean it will happen again

I enjoy being in a relationship

Others look at my relationship and envy it

I am happy when I do not feel insecure

My partner is happier when I am less insecure

Staying positive stops my feelings of insecurity

My partner wants to be with me

The past no longer matters to me

I deserve to be in a loving relationship

My relationship is very important to me and my partner

Other affirmations you might be interested in: Happy Relationship, Self Esteem, Lasting Relationship, Confidence, Break Free From Your


Recommended Resources to Help Get Rid of your Relationship Insecurity

Relationships Jealousy Insecurity Subliminal: If you find that you constantly have feelings of insecurity in any relationship you are in, then

look no further than this subliminal album. It can help you learn to develop your trust, become less jealous and become more confident in


Successful Relationship Subliminal: This subliminal mp3 is a good choice for those who have other relationship issues as well as insecurity.

It can help you decrease arguments, gain trust and stay committed to your partner. Why not listen to the album together for an enhanced


Weight Loss Positive Affirmations

Here are your weight loss positive affirmations. You can use these affirmations to program your mind with the positive habits and attitudes

necessary for successfully losing weight and keeping it off.

These work by replacing your old thought patterns with new ones that are more positive and productive. The reason you struggle to lose

weight is because you have deeply ingrained habits that are holding you prisoner. You’ve done the same thing for so long that it becomes

nearly impossible to break free. There is, however, a solution

If you take time each day to consciously repeat these positive affirmations to yourself you will begin to clear away the dysfunctional

patterns and replace them with healthier ones. Ideally you should find some time each morning when you wake up, and then again in the

evening right before bed.

If you stick to these positive affirmations you will begin to notice a clear shift in your weight loss efforts. You will start to think much more

positively, you will find it far easier to stay on track with eating right and exercising, and you will be naturally motivated to live healthy

and lose weight.

Get started today – You’re worth it!

Present Tense Affirmations

I am losing weight

I am slim and fit

I always take care of my body

I only eat healthy food

I am motivated to lose weight and become healthy

I am living a healthy life style

I am dedicated to following my weight loss plan

I am disciplined in my eating habits

I am strong in mind and body

I am completely focused on losing weight

Future Tense Affirmations

I will lose weight

I am beginning to lose weight

I will be slim

Living a healthy lifestyle is becoming easier

I am transforming into someone who exercises regularly

Others are starting to notice I’m losing weight

I am finding it easier to eat right and take care of myself

I will always choose healthy foods over junk

I am becoming more disciplined with each passing day

I will always respect and take care of my body

Natural Affirmations

I find it easy to lose weight

I enjoy exercising

I am naturally slim

I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off

I deserve to be slim, healthy, and happy

I have a naturally healthy mind and body

I will think positively and just naturally lose weight

I find it easy to stay in shape

I love eating healthy food and nurturing my body

I eat healthy and set a good example for my family

Other affirmations you might be interested in: Think Yourself Thin, Healthy Eating Habits, Motivation To Diet, Healthy Body Image,

Increase Metabolism, Improve Health.

Recommended Tools for Weight Loss

Lose Weight Subliminal: This is a great tool that will help you break the negative habits and patterns that are keeping you from losing

weight and achieving optimum health. The subliminal messages will help you become effortlessly motivated to lose weight, your mind

and body will be more in sync, and you’ll just generally become more health conscious and proactive – THIS IS A GREAT TOOL – just visit

the link and download it today!

Weight Loss Hypnosis: We highly recommend you check out this natural hypnosis audio from NaturalyHypnosis.com – They are considered

the leader in online hypnosis and their weight loss album is one of our favorite tools. Download your copy, listen to the guided hypnosis,

and begin permanently changing the way you think about health and weight loss.

Subliminal Weight Loss: You can use subliminal affirmations to more easily overcome subconscious patterns that are interfering with your

weight loss efforts. Just by listening to the relaxing sounds you will take in the subliminal messages and effortlessly reprogram the

deepest part of your mind for weight loss motivation, dedication, and discipline – SO EASY TO USE, YET VERY POWERFUL STUFF!

Affirmations for Confidence

This is one of our most popular categories – positive affirmations for improving confidence.. but that’s not all, all areas surrounding

confidence, self esteem and self belief.

Confidence, well, it’s what affirmations were made for! In all of the “textbooks” examples are given about confidence: “I am a naturally

confident person”, “I become more and more confident every day”, and it is true, affirmations work AMAZINGLY WELL for confidence.

If you haven’t tried them then you really need to – browse our categories below, pick your favourite and then give them a go – it only

takes one minute; say them out loud, in a CONFIDENT VOICE.. and you will be amazed at how good you feel!

Confidence Positive Affirmations

Self Esteem Positive Affirmations

Self Belief Positive Affirmations

Develop Charisma Positive Affirmations

Extrovert Personality Positive Affirmations

Stop Caring What Others Think Positive Affirmations

Stop Self Sabotage Positive Affirmations

Fear of Rejection Positive Affirmations

Learn To Say No Positive Affirmations

Overcome Fear of Failure Positive Affirmations

Overcoming Shyness Positive Affirmations

Stop Being Embarrassed Positive Affirmations

Become More Assertive Positive Affirmations

Ego Control Positive Affirmations

Public Speaking Positive Affirmations

Voice Projection Positive Affirmations

Stop Feeling Inferior Positive Affirmations

Stop Feeling Insecure Positive Affirmations

Release Your Inhibitions Positive Affirmations

Stop Self Pity Positive Affirmations

How have you used affirmations to help yourself? Do you have some of your own favourites we haven’t got listed? If you do then we

would love to hear from you. Our free positive affirmations are mostly supplied by reader submissions, so please send us your favourite


Confidence Positive Affirmations

Here are your positive affirmations for confidence. If you use them consistently you will become someone with strong and natural

confidence who is always ready for anything and never shies away from a challenge.

Confidence is necessary for going after the best that life has to offer. Achievement at work, a great social life, and successful interactions

with the opposite sex are just a few examples of areas of your life that will see massive improvements when you improve your

confidence. The best way to do this is by working directly with the mind, because it is in the deepest part of your mind where years of

thought patterns and behaviors have built up to make you who you are today.

These positive affirmations will replace thought patterns of self-doubt and uncertainty with a completely new way of thinking about

yourself that will powerfully transform your life for the better. This new found self-confidence will empower you with the belief,

fearlessness, and resolve to go after everything you want in life.

As you become more confident you will notice that others will respect you and be more attracted to you, you will feel psychologically

stronger and more powerful, and you will no longer shy away from new opportunities.

Here they are, choose a handful of your favorite ones and write them down or memorize them for daily use.

Present Tense Affirmations

I am confident

I am strong and powerful

I boldly go after what I want in life

I am outgoing and confident in social situations

I believe in myself

I always stand up for myself and my beliefs

I confidently meet any challenge

I confidently speak my mind without hesitation

Others look up to me as a leader because of my confidence

I always express my thoughts and opinions with confidence

Future Tense Affirmations

I will become confident

My confidence is increasing

I will always believe in myself and my ability to succeed

Every day I become more confident, powerful, and assertive

I am becoming more sure of myself with each passing day

I am finding it easier to have confidence in myself

I am starting to confidently assert my thoughts and opinions

I will always meet a difficult challenge with confident action

I am transforming into someone who always stands up for what they believe in

Others are starting to notice my self confidence

Natural Affirmations

Confidence comes naturally to me

I am naturally confident

I have unbreakable confidence within myself

My confidence commands respect and attention

I enjoy being confident and outgoing in social situations

I impress others with my confident assertiveness

Confidence empowers me to take action and live life to the fullest

When I see something I want, I just go for it without hesitation

Developing confidence will improve my life

Feeling confident, assured, and strong is a normal part of my every day life

Other affirmations you might be interested in: Self Esteem, Self Belief, Extrovert Personality, Overcoming Shyness, Become More

Assertive, Fear of Rejection.

Recommended Tools for Confidence

Improve Confidence Subliminal: You can supercharge your self-confidence with this subliminal messaging album that targets your negative

self beliefs and reprograms your mind for positive thought patterns that will totally transform your mind and your life. Unlock inner

strength, powerful confidence, and unbreakable self-belief with the help of this professional subliminal technology – SIMPLY A GREAT


Self Esteem Positive Affirmations

Self esteem is necessary for living a full and happy life. Without it you won’t be as likely to take new opportunities when they come or go

after everything you want in life. These positive affirmations are here to help you develop self esteem, acceptance, and belief.

The way you feel about and see yourself starts with the way you think. You need to change your negative self image with more positive

thoughts and patterns. With the help of our positive affirmations you can rewire your mind and become someone who has high self

esteem, believes in their ability to achieve anything, and is just generally more happy, positive, and outgoing.

To achieve the best results with these affirmations and really improve your self esteem, we recommend you choose your favorite

affirmations from this list and use them a minimum of twice daily. With a bit of dedication you will completely change the way you think

and feel about yourself.

Here they are, go ahead and get started

Present Tense Affirmations

I have high self esteem

I love and respect myself

I am a great person

I respect myself deeply

My thoughts and opinions are valuable

I am confident that I can achieve anything

I have something special to offer the world

Others like and respect me

I am a wonderful human being

I feel great about myself and my life

Future Tense Affirmations

I will succeed

I will always love and respect myself

My self esteem is growing

Each day I believe in myself more and more

My self image is starting to improve

I will always think positively about myself

I will achieve whatever I put my mind to

I am starting to feel more confident in myself

My Confidence, self esteem, and self belief are increasing with each day

I am transforming into someone who is happy and positive

Natural Affirmations

I am worthy of having high self esteem

I believe in myself

I deserve to feel good about myself

I know I can achieve anything

Having respect for myself helps others to like and respect me

Feeling good about myself is normal for me

Improving my self esteem is very important

Being confident in myself comes naturally to me

Liking and respecting myself is easy

Speaking my mind with confidence is something I just naturally do

Other affirmations you might be interested in: Confidence, Love Yourself, Develop Courage, Self Belief, Stop Being Embarrassed,

Overcoming Shyness.

Recommended Tools for Self Esteem

Boost Self Esteem Subliminal: This is a great subliminal tool from RealSubliminal.com, our favorite source for subliminal technology. It’s

really easy to use, all you do is listen to the relaxing audio as you go about your day, or even as you sleep, and the subliminal affirmations

will go to work on your subconscious mind. With dedicated use you will find yourself more naturally confident, happier with who you

are, and more willing to live the life of your dreams. A very easy to use yet powerful tool for anyone who wants to boost their self
