Byblos π«ÑL Archaeological Promenade ïjQÉàdG ôÑY QGƒ°ûe

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ByblosLArchaeological PromenadejQdGYQGePPPFree ParkingFree ParkingFree ParkingMedieval City WallRoman RoadCemeteryByblos Archaeological SiteMosqueAl-Saydeh ChurchSaydet al-Najat ChurchHarborHarbor TowersSt. John ChurchPFree Parking Saydetal-BouebehChurchWax MuseumFossil MuseumSouksAccessible StructuresByblosLL_., ..,,.. . ....: :,...s ... . . ...... . ....,: ... .,.......: .....: .... .,.. ..,., . ..:.. .,... ... .,.... ..... .:.,.... ...,s.., L...: .,.... .:.... ... .. .. ....: ...... _ ,.....,..: .,.,. ...,s. _., .....: ,..: ,... : .,. .: ...:._: . .:..: _. . .,. ..: ,,.. . .,. -.. .... .. : . .,... ,

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. . ....,...,.. _..,,:Byblos in HistoryjQdG a LAfter conquest by Alexander the Great in 333 B.C., Byblos fell under Greek rule. During the Hellenistic Period (333-64 B.C.), the residents of Byblos adopted Greek customs, culture, and language. It is the Greeks who gave the city its name Byblos, which means papyrus or paper. The city continued to be an important center for trading papyrus, on which many religious texts, public documents, private letters, astronomical texts, and mathematical texts were written. Both the Greek language and culture persisted throughout the Roman era, which was to come. In the first century B.C., the Romans, under Pompey, took over Byblos and other Phoenician cities, ruling them from 64 B.C. to 399 A.D. In Byblos, the Romans built large temples, baths, and other public buildings, as well as a street bordered by a colonnade that surrounded the city. After the division of the Roman Empire into the east and west, Byblos fell under the rule of Constantinople. There are few remains of the Byzantine Period (399636 A.D.) in Byblos, partly because construction was of soft sandstone and generally of poor quality. Byzantine stones were also quarried for use in later buildings. The Arabs conquered Byblos and the surrounding region in 636 A.D. Under Arab rule Byblos was generally peaceful, but it had declined in importance over the centuries and archaeological evidence from this period is limited. In 1104, Byblos was conquered by the Crusaders, who used the large Roman stones and granite columns to construct their own castle and moat. With the departure of the Crusaders, Byblos continued under Mamluke rule (13th16th centuries A.D.) and Ottoman rule (16th20th centuries A.D.) as a small fishing town. Its ancient remains were gradually covered with debris and other buildings. ._..,.. ..... ...... ... _..,,: .. ..._ , _,: L.., _., - .._ ., _,: ..., _,,. ... . .... .,.. .,: .s. _. ,

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,. -.... .... ,..,..:PTMFree Parking10m 50m 100m341568291012 13711141516 171819 2021222324252627283029313233343519th CenturyHouseABVisiting the sitebdG IQjR19- Reconstructed Roman TheaterThe Roman theater, which has only five tiers remaining, was built around 218 A.D. It was moved from its original site between the city gate (2) and the Great Temple (4) to its present location near the seaside. The black pebbles in the center of the theater mark the location of a mosaic that has been preserved in the National Museum of Beirut.fehdG dG -19 _.... _. . -.. -.. ,. .: .: .,...: .._.s, ... ..: : ... : .,..: ,:.. ... .(, , (, .,s,..: ..,..:, (, .....: ... .._...: ..., .-... ... ..,: . .s...: _:..: -..s. _. -...,, -s.s..._.:: ...: _. ...,,.. ......... .. -:.., ... _.: ....:PTMFree Parking10m 50m 100m341568291012 13711141516 171819 2021222324252627283029313233343519th CenturyHouseAB20-28- Royal TombsThe necropolis dates to the second millennium B.C. and contains nine underground tombs of the Byblos kings. The most important tomb is that of King Ahiram (10th century B.C.), whose sarcophagus bears one the earliest known inscriptions of the Phoenician alphabet. This sarcophagus is now located in the National Museum of Beirut. The tomb of King Ahiram was located on the west slope facing the sea, but it was completely destroyed by a collapse in 1922, which revealed Ahirams sarcophagus.dG aGdG -28-20_. .... .. ..... . :... _.,.,..:.,..,:.s_.. ..,...:._s.: _.,,..: ... ...s . .,..._.: ...: .. _ . ..,: .,... .. .._ .....: : : ......: -. .... ... .... ._: . ..,,.. _.. ._.::... .: ,.. .: _.,,.....s.: _....: .., : .........:.......PTMFree Parking10m 50m 100m341568291012 13711141516 171819 2021222324252627283029313233343519th CenturyHouseABVisiting the sitebdG IQjR29- Bronze Age Residential QuarterAt this site are the remains of a residential quarter dating to the Bronze Age. The foundations of several houses can be seen, giving the visitor a sense of the general layout of a residential area during this period.dG AMCG -29.: .. _. ..,. ...,:....... . ... _.: .....: ...s..: .......,,,: ,...PTMFree Parking10m 50m 100m341568291012 13711141516 171819 2021222324252627283029313233343519th CenturyHouseAB30- Roman ColonnadeThese six standing columns once lined a north-south street, built by the Romans in 300 A.D., which led to the Temple of Baalat-Gebal (18).fehQ GhQ -30 .: ....: _, . ... ,...: _. .,. _,... _.s(..._:.,_...,,:...,: .,.. : _.. .,PTMFree Parking10m 50m 100m341568291012 13711141516 171819 2021222324252627283029313233343519th CenturyHouseABVisiting the sitebdG IQjR31-32- Bronze Age City FortificationsThese Bronze Age ramparts, walls, and fortifications are located inside the modern wall on the right side of the Castle entrance. The structures show successive stages of construction and restoration. The indented wall (31) belongs to the fortifications built in the Early Bronze Age (third millennium B.C.), while the terraced slopes or glacis made of large blocks (32) date from the end of the Middle Bronze Age (1725-1580 B.C.). bRh QGSCG -32-31..:..: ..: . ..., .._.: .. .. ,,r . ......:,... . . .,....... s..... . .,...: ..: : ..:_.s ., ....,., .... .,....... : ... ....: ..:...: _.. .._ ..:..: :.,.,s: ..,..: .s: . . ..,.:_. _...s,: ,... : ....._ .....: : .....PTMFree Parking10m 50m 100m341568291012 13711141516 171819 2021222324252627283029313233343519th CenturyHouseAB33- Roman NympheumLocated to the left of the Castle entrance are the foundations of a Roman-era nympheum. The nympheum was once decorated with fountains and a niche filled with statues. The roads coming into the city from the north converged in the area in front of the nympheum.fehdG AdG S -33.... ... ...: .,..: .. ..., ..,.: ..: .... : ..:: ...: _,:: ... ...s_. _.. ....: .,. . .,....,: .. .-... ...: .....:.,.s...: -. ... ...s. -.......: ,..., .....:,PTMFree Parking10m 50m 100m341568291012 13711141516 171819 2021222324252627283029313233343519th CenturyHouseABVisiting the sitebdG IQjR34- The Crusader CastleThe site of the Crusader Castle was originally occupied by an earlier fortification dating from the Fatimid period (969-1169 A.D.). In the beginning of the 12th century A.D., the Crusaders built a strong fortress, reusing Roman stonework from the site and cutting new stones to match the old ones. The castle consisted of a courtyard, an enclosure with four towers at each corner of the building, and a fifth tower in the middle of the north wall to defend the entrance. The whole castle was originally surrounded by a moat. In Mamluke and Ottoman times, the castle was reused and some parts of it were restored. Climbing to the top of the castle offers an excellent vantage point for taking in a panoramic view of the ruins and the Mediterranean Sea.dG dG -34... ..,...: ..: ,.._. _.:..: ,...: _. ..... _ ,.. .-... ...:.. ..,...: .. _. .,..,... . _,....... ..... .,.. ...: .,:.,. .,.,.... _. ..... ..........: . .,.,s ....s. ...... _.: ....,:..., ......: ...: ....-. L... _.... .,. . ..:... -.... ... .., ._..... _.... .,., .., .,..... _:....: ..: L.., _.L..., ....: ..... _...: .:.. .. ._... ..:.....,: _.. ,,r . _,. ...,:... : ....... ....:..:.....,.: _.., ..,...:.:...: ,... : .....:........:,PTMFree Parking10m 50m 100m341568291012 13711141516 171819 2021222324252627283029313233343519th CenturyHouseABVisiting the sitebdG IQjR35- Persian CastleThis complex dates from the Persian period (555-333 B.C.). It is believed to be a castle because of its large masonry walls and the military and defensive aspects of its architecture. The remains are located outside the Early Bronze Age city walls, and today visitors can see foundations of the castle walls and square-shaped towers. The fact that a fortress was constructed here during this period shows that Byblos was a strategic part of the Persian defense system in the eastern Mediterranean.SQdG dG -35_....,:

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. .. ... _... , ,r.. ....: .,. _,,..s: .,s.. .,. ,,. ,.... ,.......: _,,: .,..Byblos Historical SitesjQdG LIH de HSaydet al-Najat ChurchSaydet al-Najat Church (the Church of Our Lady of Deliverance) is a Greek Orthodox church built during the 12th-13th centuries over the remains of an older Byzantine church. There are various remains of the older Byzantine church scattered around in the churchs gardens. The medieval, fortress-like building has heavily buttressed walls. Many Roman architectural elements are reused in its structure.IdG IS c... ..:.... .....s _... . ,... .:..:, ,... _...: ..,: _.. _. .........., ...... ,..... .,.... _. ..... .., .... _.....: _,: : ...PPPFree ParkingFree ParkingFree ParkingMedieval City WallRoman RoadCemeteryByblos Archaeological SiteMosqueAl-Saydeh ChurchSaydet al-Najat ChurchHarborHarbor TowersSt. John ChurchPFree Parking Saydetal-BouebehChurchWax MuseumFossil MuseumSouksSaint John the Baptist ChurchKnown today as Saint John-Marcus Church, this church was built in several phases during the 12th-13th centuries. Construction began in 1115, with additional structures added over time, such as the Italianate-style cupola with an open air baptistery (13th century) in the northwest corner. In the 18th century, the church was given to the Maronite community by Emir Youssef Chehab. It was severely damaged during the British bombardment of 1840, and, in 1947, it was restored and the bell tower was added. The architectural style of the church is Roman but reflects the oriental Byzantine influence. Each one of the churchs three naves ends with a semi-circular apse. In the garden to the west of the church, adjacent to the church courtyard, are traces of mosaic paving and the foundations from an earlier Byzantine church that once stood on this site.GdG Mj jdG c .. .,...,. ,... ._..,. .... _...: .....s ..... ..:.. ..,,.. _.,:... _., .,... .:..:, ,... _...: ..,: _.. _. .,. . ..s...,.,. ...,.: ..:....: .,.., ..., ..,... .,.. .., s _,... ... _... .... ,.. :. .., .....s ...... ...s, ,... .:..: _,: .. _. ......: ...,.. .,... ...: _,: _. ...,..: ....:: : .....s: .. ..,.... .,...,. ... ..:..: _.,.: .,. .,.. ..... .., . .. _..:.,,:..... ...s ..:.... .....s ......... ... .....s: .,. : ....: _. .....: _. .....Byblos Historical SitesjQdG LIH de HMedieval City WallThe old, medieval part of Byblos is surrounded by walls running about 270m from east to west and 200m from north to south. The north section of the wall is the best preserved. The walls were first constructed by the Crusaders in the early-12th century, when the Crusader Castle was built. Since that period, the wall has been restored many times, and most parts of the visible upper structure date from the Mamluke and Ottoman periods.QdG_:. .... .: ..: .. ,.. ... ...

,.. , .,.: : _,..: . ,.. ,.. ..,...: .. : ...: : ....:... .,..s .....,. ,,r. _:..: -..., _._.....: ,...: ....., .:...: ,... :PPPFree ParkingFree ParkingFree ParkingMedieval City WallRoman RoadCemeteryByblos Archaeological SiteMosqueAl-Saydeh ChurchSaydet al-Najat ChurchHarborHarbor TowersSt. John ChurchPFree Parking Saydetal-BouebehChurchWax MuseumFossil MuseumSouksThe Harbor & Harbor TowersAt the base of the historic quarter is the small harbor of Byblos. This harbor was probably used for fishing and not for trade by the Phoenicians. The bottom of the current harbor is not deep enough to be able to receive the large ships used for the Phoenicians active maritime trade. Archaeologists are still searching for the location of the ancient Phoenician harbor.The Crusaders built defensive towers on either side of the mouth of the port, and a chain could be raised between the two towers to prevent boats from entering. The northern tower was restored during the Mamluke and Ottoman eras and is still in fairly good condition. Climb to the top of the tower and look down into the water to see the remains of the ancient quays. You can take a boat ride in the harbor during spring summer, and fall.LGHGh CadG... _... _.s_:....: .,. ..,._. ...,... .. _..,..., _,...: ,...:_.. _. ..,...,. ....:...: ,...PPPFree ParkingFree ParkingFree ParkingMedieval City WallRoman RoadCemeteryByblos Archaeological SiteMosqueAl-Saydeh ChurchSaydet al-Najat ChurchHarborHarbor TowersSt. John ChurchPFree Parking Saydetal-BouebehChurchWax MuseumFossil MuseumSouksByblos Historical SitesjQdG LIH de HSaydet al-Bouebeh ChurchSaydet al-Bouebeh Church (the Church of the Lady of the Gate) is a small oratory built during the 18th century over a north gate of the city wall.HGdG IS,.... ... _.,.., ...: _.,s...,: . -... ..._.:, .,.. . _.:.:..: ..: _,..._,: : ... _.,.,... ...:PPPFree ParkingFree ParkingFree ParkingMedieval City WallRoman RoadCemeteryByblos Archaeological SiteMosqueAl-Saydeh ChurchSaydet al-Najat ChurchHarborHarbor TowersSt. John ChurchPFree Parking Saydetal-BouebehChurchWax MuseumFossil MuseumSouksThe Mosque of the Sultan Abdul MajidThis small, Ottoman-era mosque was built in 1648 in the old historic quarter, and it was renovated by Emir Youssef Chehab in 1783. It has a semi-spherical cupola and an octagonal minaret.dG Y dG e,.. ,. . .. .. .., . .. ,... .. ..s. -,.. ,.... .......... ...:. ...,.: ..:....: -.., ., ..,,s ... .,. .. ...,.. ....s..:Roman RoadIn the center of the road that runs north-south from the old coast road in the center of Byblos, to the coastal motorway, are the remains of the Roman-era cardo maximus. About halfway up the road are traces of the original Roman paving and a series of reconstructed columns from the colonnade that once lined the road.fehdG jdG.,. ..... ... ... .:.:._.: .....,,: .,:: . .,..,:. . _.,. .... .: .._. .,...,. .. _.: .,....,..,...: _,: .....,..PPPFree ParkingFree ParkingFree ParkingMedieval City WallRoman RoadCemeteryByblos Archaeological SiteMosqueAl-Saydeh ChurchSaydet al-Najat ChurchHarborHarbor TowersSt. John ChurchPFree Parking Saydetal-BouebehChurchWax MuseumFossil MuseumSouksByblos Historical SitesjQdG LIH de HHistoric Quarter and Souks In the southeast section of the historic city, near the entrance of the archaeological site, is a small square built by Emir Youssef Chehab in the 18th century. The Mosque of the Sultan Abdul Majid and the Saydet al-Bouebeh Church are located in this square. West of the square is a vaulted passageway leading to the old harbor. East of the square are the old souks (markets), which have been restored by the Department of Antiquities in the 1970s. Here you can shop for tourist items, souvenirs, and antiques, or simply stroll along the old cobblestone streets and enjoy the architecture.GSGh jdG IdG.. _.: ....: .,. _.. ... ....: .....: . .....: ...,..: .,.: _.... _., ..,...: _,: .....,.. . ..: ....: ..,...: ,. . .,...,.: ....... ....:, ...,.: ..: .,: . ...: .,....: .s.s.: . ....: .....:.:, _...:Byblos Fossil MuseumThe small Byblos Fossil Museum has impressive displays of fossilized fish, sharks, eel, flying fish, and other marine life, some millions of years old. Many of these fossils were excavated from the mountains above Byblos, especially near the towns of Haqel, Hjoula, and Nammoura. The museum is located in the souks area, near the small square and entrance to the archaeological site.Byblos Wax MuseumThe Byblos Wax Museum, founded in 1970, displays lifelike wax figures that illustrate Lebanons history. Over 24 scenes and 120 life-sized statues describe in detail such things as ancient customs and legends, traditional rural life, and major figures and events in Lebanese history. The museum is located in the historic quarter, near the old souks and the Saint John Church.IdG SG e.... . ... ..,... ...: ,....: .,....: .... ... .......:, .., ...:.. . .,.,.... .. _.: .,....: ..,.,: .....:,......: . _.,..: _...: .: _. ....: _.. .:.. _. ...: .dG e.,. _. ...: ... _...,.s . ... ., ..:... ...: . .... ........ ... .....,: ..........,,: ....: .s.. . ... :. .......: ......: _..,. .....: ..., ,.:.....,. .:... .

...:PPPFree ParkingFree ParkingFree ParkingMedieval City WallRoman RoadCemeteryByblos Archaeological SiteMosqueAl-Saydeh ChurchSaydet al-Najat ChurchHarborHarbor TowersSt. John ChurchPFree Parking Saydetal-BouebehChurchWax MuseumFossil MuseumSouksMost of the text is taken from:The pamphlet BYBLOS, text: Elian Larwood, Marilyn Raschka,Dr. Hassan Salam-Sarkis, The Ministry of Tourism.Maps & text compilation: Assaad Seif.. . _....: .r.. ..........: ., ..... ._..s,.. -... _. ... .s.: _.. ..,. _.

,s.... .... ._....: ..... , L.,.: ...Prehistorical & Historical Periods of LebanonPrehistoryStone Age ~800,000-4,500 B.C. Paleolithic ~800,000-12,000 Mesolithic-Epipaleolithic 12,000-7,500 Neolithic 7,500-4,500Chalcolithic Period 4,500-3,500 B.C.AntiquityBronze Age - Canaanite Period 3,500-1,200 B.C. Early Bronze 3,500-2,000 Middle Bronze 2,000-1,600 Late Bronze 1,600-1,200Iron Age - Phoenician Period 1,200-333 B.C. Iron Age I 1,200-900 Iron Age II 900-555 Assyrian Period 745-612 Neo-Babylonian Period 587-555 Iron Age III - Persian Period 555-333Hellenistic Period 333-64 B.C.Roman Period 64 B.C. - 399 A.D.Byzantine Period 399-636 A.D.MIiddle AgesRachidite Period 632-661 A.D.Umayyad Period 661-750 A.D.Abbasid Period 750-969 A.D.Fatimid Period 969-1169 A.D.Crusades Period 1099-1291 A.D.Ayoubid Period 1169-1250 A.D.Mamluke Period 1250-1516 A.D.Modern TimesOttoman Period 1516-1914 A.D. Emirs Period 1544-1842 Maanid 1544-1698 Chehabite 1698-1842 The Two Qaimaqamiyat 1842-1861 The Mutasarifiyat 1861-1914Contemporary PeriodFirst World War 1914-1918 A.D.The Peace Conference and the creation of the state of Great Lebanon 1918-1920 A.D.French Mandate Period 1920-1943 A.D.Independent Lebanon 1943 A.D.www.DestinationLebanon.comGlossaryApse: Semi-circular area at the east end of a church, often with a domed or vaulted roof.Apsidal: An adjective given to a hall having a semi-circular shape.Colonnade: A set of evenly spaced columns.Cupola: Dome.Glacis: A slight incline in front of a fortified place.Minaret: A tall, slender tower attached to a Mosque with one or more balconies, used to broadcast the call to prayers. Nave: The central space in a church.Necropolis: Burial site, cemetery.Niche: A recess in a wall, often containing a statue, bust, or vase.Nympheum: A monumental fountain.Oratory: A small chapel, often used for private prayer.Ramparts: A city wall.Sarcophagus: A stone or marble coffin or tomb.