PAGE EIGHTH SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES, NOTICE Our Xmas Candies at 10c a lb. in quantities. Candy Canes lc up. Tree Ornaments, etc., at factory prices. PAULSAN CRAIG CO. 1107 C St. 1| niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiliiii|iiiiinnii[ini iiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiuiiiiiJl ' " Hr-141 ' " '"' \u25a0 ' ' ''''•- '\u25a0" \u25a0,-- '\u25a0 ' V ' W ill!\u25a0 \u25a0 | 111 MR. DEPOSITOR: |j| . = I BliV It 's le aße' experience nnd right bank- Mml f) 1 \u25a0mill '" X I'oli'-V that determine the value of a njUl | I.tJal l>anlc as the place for the* safe keeping of KfVfjl i Bt|Hl our funds. Twenty-eight years of stable HIiIB ' i ffiljllj and conservative banking niPthods' have MLVM = SlrUnl produced the volume of business and wide QmvH | JfltiM llll: NATIONAIi BANK OF TACOMA I]|[M ELKS COLLECT OLD CLOTHING The annual "cold clothes so- cial" of the Tacoma lodg« of F!lk« will be held this evening in the club rooma. OUNCE ON STREETS BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18. I The city hold dances on the | smooth asphalt streets in several i residence sections tonight, furn- ishing music and police surveil- lance. To Charge Fee MADISON, Wis., Dec. 18. —At- torney general is wrestling with the problem whether o mot the county physician can be com- pelled to examine prospective brides and grooms for a $3 fee under the new law which pro- hibits marriage unless the par- ties can show a certificate of good health. Saloons Got It SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18. Investigation by the acting may- or shows the city hospital larder li:is been robbed daily to supply a free lunch counter for nearby saloons. Will They Now WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 18. —Republican national committee decided to reduce Southern rep- lesentation one-third and will now start out to consolidate the republican and progressive par- ties. It's Not a Question of What Our Stock Is Worth What Will"You Give? WE ARE COMPELLED TO QUIT BUSINESS JAN. Ist., although we have disposed of the greater part of our enormous up-to-date stock of FURNITURE, RUGS, LINOLEUM, RANGES, ETC. to the public at a great sacrifice, we still have thousands of dollars worth of high grade homefurnishings left on our hands The End Is Near We Must Sacrifice NOTICE See Friday's Store Will Be See Friday's Papers for Closed Friday {** Pers f°r Final Clos- to re-arrange stock, re- Id*al G ) lftß ing Out Prices, duce our already bargain * . °ur cl wjn . we prices and PREPARE ™c*B' See bee Windows FQR TH£ piNISH Windows. WE QUIT THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME OUR FINAL CLOSING OUT SALE STARTS SATURDAY, DEC. 20th, at 9 A.M. Down Go the Prices. WE QUIT Green & English Furniture Co. Closed Friday to prepare for Final Cleanup Sale Starts Saturday, Dec. 20th, at 15th and Pacific Aye. THE TACOMA TIMES DAUGHTER OF LABOR'S GRAND OILD MAN IS TO MARRY A LAWYER SOON You'll Find It Here T \u2666 \u2666'\u2666"\u2666>> \u2666 \u2666 \u2666'\u2666 \u2666 \u2666'\u25a0'\u2666 \u2666'<• \u2666 \u25a0>,\u25a0 -\u25a0;.»\u25a0' .- . Vb''-»«> "«?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u2666 \u2666 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. / \u2666 \u2666 '•-\u25a0\u25a0-':-- ,'." 1 cent \u25a0a' copj.,; \u25a0 \u25a0-~, \u2666. \u2666J 6c on newttanda and trains \u2666 \u2666 80 cants a month by carrier \u2666By mall— ;: :;. \/v :>;..: jj \u25a0:!;\u2666 \u2666 On* month, SB nenta. \u2666 \u2666 ' Tare* montns,' $I.oo*. \u2666 \u2666 Six monthi, 11.80. ,\u2666 \u2666 On« y««r." $$.s\u25a0. r \u2666 Morta'ltr atatlattea for Tacoma are r<ceired dally from th« fol- lowl.ic funeral director*: , _ Hoska-Buckley-Klna- Co, Til I St. Heltm. . C. C. Melllnger C», ll* Ta- coma a». . - \u2666 C O. Lynn Co.. 111-l) Taoo- ma ay. •\u25a0 \u25a0 i \u25a0\u25a0•' \u25a0 Geo. W. Piper. S4II Union a». South Taeoma Director*, (til union a*. L M. Qaffney. 1»1» Taeoma a*. Ca««dr * Allen. 1110 llth itl , Deaths. Howard—Mrs. ItacKel How- ard, age 17, died at her home at American lake lnst night. Wns < 111 only few hours, with sudden paralysis. Leaves rVmband. George P., and four children. Remainß at George Piper com- pany's. South Taeoma, awaiting wurd from children. —Mrs. Annie Libo, age 79, wife of Vincent Ltbo, died today at home near Milton. Loaves husband, daughter, Mary, two sons, John and Vincent, jr. Funeral Saturday, 11 a. in., St. George's school. Interment St. Oeorge'a cemetery. Hoska-Buck- ley-King company. ' ..'/ Rice—Frank Rico, age' 55. d!ed yesterday at Fort Stoilacoom l'bspltal. Leaves widow, Helen. Funeral held late today. L. M. Gaffney company. Funerals. Wallis—Remains of Edward Wallls, who died yesterday fror.i effects of poison taken with sui- cidal Intent, were shipped today to Carson, Nevada, where father and sister reside. Artistic decorations. Watson's. "Advertisement." Marriage Ucenses. Stanley Mount and Ida Julson, both oC Everett; Lynian oyd Uurand and Doris Helen Ring, both of Seattle. Will give away free a copy of the famous song, "Old Heidel- berg," words and music, artis- tically gotten up. Free to every- one ordering Alt Heidelberg bot- tle beer. Order now for holidays. Columbia Brewing Co. Main 229. "Advertisement." Oamly raffles and . gum slot : ninehines linve Itetin bnrred at Aberdeen- s.* as gambling. . :, . . ' Spokane ' high school dance "ragged" bo the police stopped it. .. : , \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u0084.- \u0084;, - J Diamond rings from $5.00 np. An everlasting < lirisiiuus gift. Pfaff, Jeweler, 1147 0 st. Oiien evenings. "Advertisement." I Washington Horticultural . association convention <1"- " elded to take in farmers and stockmen. \u25a0 " Stewart & Holmes' drug store had a $30,000 fire at Seattle. FREE —16-20 picture, Christ and 12 other subjects, with any 50-cent purchase. Art Emporium, 929 Tac. ay. "Advertisement." National liiitnltcr & Box company of Hoqulam is un- der arrest for 30 violations of the eight hour law for - girls. '-'-\u25a0- '; , :. •—-— '\u25a0 ' 4> She always has a smile for you when you bring that bunch of vio- lets from Ilin/. the Florist. So. 7th and X »ts. ."Advertisement." X Henry Williams used kerosene to start \u25a0 f^re \ln the slove on his houseboat on Lake' Union at Se- attle and his wife lost her. life rescuing the six children and the father was badly burned. ... For flour, feed,* seed and pota- toes, call Main 2641. Farmers' Feed & Seed Co. \u25a0 '. ". \u25a0 "Advertisement." '_-, Milwaukee railway reports ~ to the state that it paid 7 , per cent dividends on pre-. - (erred and five per cent on -common stock lust year. , , Just a week left to buy Xmas Gifts. Call or phone Hinz, Florist, Ho. 7th and X sts. " "Advertisement." Fred Stewart was going to the hospital at Chehalis ; Wednesday for treatment - when,, a train hit him , and killed him. L. '. •, "i;. ,/ Home-made Mlnoe Meat. Duen- w«ld's,'3i:i 11th St.*.-- -. •• . "Advertisement." t \u25a0 novernor Lister, and Dr. -: Mark - Matthews, * who S paid g :, the Burn* : detectives ": that j; * \u25a0- landed Chief Wappenstein of Seattle in Walla Walla, talk- ' *d over '- the suggested \ par» '"_; ," don of iipp.v. * *- . :" Governor Lls,ter,; says It Is': up to > the cities to give work , to I the unemployed ' this winter 'as^the state * cannot .'put I them \u25a0 on \u25a0 road work at this time.*' ,5 - v ."" t ::;; \u25a0"\u25a0 SAFETY FLYING NEW YORK, Dec. 18.—Orvillo .Wright iis J perfecting a device <to make \u25a0 the' aeroplane "foolproof" andi guarantee : safety In flying. The Book Store, 926 Pacific ay. ' '\u0084• .;\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.. ; a *'-+z "Advertisement." I ,"'-> Try ' Trumm's rßpeclat" %?*'? '\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0:v'4 Whiskey i lor W ",V''^M *'\u25a0- -; ItQtMUt* 'Z£M nncMM-8 lHOfl Bow O. Mate 177 a Miss Sadie Gompers 1b going to be married. The daughter of Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, and George B. Gerau, attorney and hotel owner of San Francis- Miss Sadie Goinpers, (laughter of lubor's "Crmul old Man," nn«l (\u25a0roi-Ko B. Gernu, the mvii she is K«>'"K to marry. i co, recently announced their en- j gagement at a banquet In San Francisco tendored by Gerau to Mr. and Mrs. Gompers, his in- tended bride, and a few friends. The announcement came as a sur- prise. The young couple has been ac- ouainted for six years. Whou I Mils Gompers arrived here re- ! cently from Seattle, they decided I to do away with further delays. The wedding will be at the Gomi)- ors* home, in Washington, D. C, in a few weoks. THREE BISHOPS ATTEND FUNERAL Three bishops Frederick W. , Keator of Olympla, Lemuel H. j Wells of Spokane and Charles S. . Scadding i of Oregon—officiated I yesterdrxy at the funeral services j for the late Rev. R. D. Nevius jof the Episcopal church of Ta- ; coma. i ' . _^ __ BURGLAR CHARGE LOS ANGELES, Dec. 18. Mrs. Florence Budd, -wealthy so- I ciety woman of Long Beach, her brother Everett Burroughs and ; B. E. Fisher, special deputy con- j stable, are under arrest charged with having committed burglary \u25a0when they went on an alleged I raid to get evidence in an alien- ation suit Colony Split \u25a0 TOMES RIVER, N. J., Dec. IS. Wealthy Lakowood colony is split in twain by the trial of Jos- eph. Morlarlty, one of George i Gould's gardenors, who is charg- J ed with the murder three years utjo of Mrs. Caroline Turner. INDICT SOLDIER Lewis B. Taylor, a deserter from the army, cliarged. with stealing an army overcoat, and Jack Rice, charged with import- ing opium, hnve been indicted by the-federal grand jury in session in Tacoma. ENGAGED TO 50 INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 18. .— Louise Ferris in federal court, pleaded guilty to swindling proß- pective bridegrooms - through a fake \u25a0 matrimonial bureau and \u25a0aid Bhe had been engaged to as many as GO at a time. Divine Guilty SAY BKRNARDINO, Cal., Dec. 1 —Rev. Charles Lawrence oi Pasadena was convicted of swind- ling E. A. Wlch out of a $5,000 ornnge grove and will get from one to ten years. ;.?• 'vii ' —• \u25a0--* -. \u25a0 . \u25a0 -. >,*•\u25a0' Harness Winds /.' PHILADELPHIA, I Deo. 18. ChurchVroisslon at Point Hope, Alanka, will Install a windmill to generate electricity to light the mission and surroundings. Police Graft T? DULUTH, Dec. 18.—Bad mem of. police { graft han i been uncqver- ed j hero, ono i disorderly bouse, It Ib Bald, having paid $40,000 to the ;.; department . for.' protection. Are You One? SAN FRANCISCO, Deo. 18. HHrs [ are being , sought 'to *• hand to them a 1100,000 estate left by John Joseph * Rom, who . died :in Guatemala..>'•'-';: "J^-iv" t:. ''\u25a0:'\u25a0 GEORGE CHARGED £u NEW YORK, Dec. T ll.—State charity' board recommend ' remov- al of, William R.Oeorge," founder \u25a0 of f George, Jr., i Republic, \u25a0as f re- I «ult H o(-^«o Investigation on flbargea j mad* of \ his \ oonduct \u25a0at the republic Thursday, Dec. 18,1913 <0 DOUBLE GREEN <JW STAMPS FOR Jp* ! DOUBLE GREEN Ir STAMPS FOR Jp*| FRIDAYS MORNING W ] & UNTIL NOON BL j 2a^^| Thia coupon good for 10 additional JEPfjwil J Green Stamps for December 11) only, wSnUili \u25a0 with a 50c purchase in any depart- \u25a0 (Uggg £y/SAVESYOUMQNEV"i/{/)B * *yu g : PACIFIC AVENUE AND COMMERCE AT ISS -< | k U.S. Would Own Phones WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 18. —Strong probability of a bill soon to be introduced In the sen- ate by Senator Lewis of Illinois providing for government owner- ship of all telegraph systems, be- coming an administration meas- ure, is seen here in political cir- cles. Postal officials are soru- Ayer's Pills Gently Laxative. Sugar-coated. Dose, one pill, only one. Sold for 60 years. Ash Your Doctor. kg«,ji?l&? tlnizlng the bill closely and Post^ master General Hurleson hai asked Lewis to postpone his ac« tton until the postoffioe depart- ment investigates tbe provisions. The bill provides that the gov- ernment absorb all telephone sys- tems January 1, 1815, by con- demnation. GET CARTRIDGES NEW YORK, Dec. 18. —Cus- toms officers seized 10,000 rounds of cartridges hidden un* dor a 10-ton chain on the steam* er Allemania bound for Hayti. I 1 j OVER 300 j J Of The World's j I Best-Known . Instruments I sold since we started to close I out our stock less than two I 1 months ago. While they 1 I have been going fast, there are still a number of good I values in strictly high grade I instruments left, but they; I will soon be snapped up, as I the people who are expect- I ing to buy a piano within the I next two or three years are buying now. In order to take advantage of the big saving there is to be made, many are buying ev^n though they have to sacrifice something else to do so for | the time being. | I No home is complete with- I out a piano, and if you ever I expect to own one, now ia I certainly a grand opportu- I nity. For instance, just think I of a high grand Standard I make of piano that has been I on the market for over 25 I years, and sells regularly | I for $415, now being sold for $223 on reasonable terms. I This is just one illustra- I tion many others just as I good ranging in price from I $105 to $593, according to \u25a0 I the quality of the instru- I H ment. ' | 943 SOUTH C STREET \u25a0

le Mml 2a^^| Bt|Hl I.tJal HIiIB ffiljllj QmvH · PDF fileELKS COLLECT OLD CLOTHING ... Samuel Gompers, president of the ... Wealthy Lakowood colony is split in twain by the trial of

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Page 1: le Mml 2a^^| Bt|Hl I.tJal HIiIB ffiljllj QmvH · PDF fileELKS COLLECT OLD CLOTHING ... Samuel Gompers, president of the ... Wealthy Lakowood colony is split in twain by the trial of


SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES, NOTICEOur Xmas Candies at 10c a lb. in quantities.Candy Canes lc up.Tree Ornaments, etc., at factory prices.


1| niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiliiii|iiiiinnii[iniiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiuiiiiiJl

' " ™ Hr-141 ' " '"' \u25a0 ' ' ''''•- '\u25a0" \u25a0,-- '\u25a0 ' V ' W ill!\u25a0

\u25a0 | 111 MR. DEPOSITOR: |j|. = I BliV It 's le aße' experience nnd right bank- Mmlf) 1 \u25a0mill '"X I'oli'-V that determine the value of a njUl

| I.tJal l>anlc as the place for the* safe keeping of KfVfjli Bt|Hl our funds. Twenty-eight years of stable HIiIB

' i ffiljllj and conservative banking niPthods' have MLVM= SlrUnl produced the volume of business and wide QmvH


ELKS COLLECTOLD CLOTHINGThe annual "cold clothes so-

cial" of the Tacoma lodg« ofF!lk« will be held this evening inthe club rooma.


I The city hold dances on the| smooth asphalt streets in severali residence sections tonight, furn-

ishing music and police surveil-lance.

To Charge FeeMADISON, Wis., Dec. 18.—At-

torney general is wrestling withthe problem whether o mot thecounty physician can be com-pelled to examine prospectivebrides and grooms for a $3 feeunder the new law which pro-hibits marriage unless the par-ties can show a certificate ofgood health.

Saloons Got ItSAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18. —Investigation by the acting may-

or shows the city hospital larderli:is been robbed daily to supplya free lunch counter for nearbysaloons.

Will They NowWASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 18.

—Republican national committeedecided to reduce Southern rep-lesentation one-third and willnow start out to consolidate therepublican and progressive par-ties.

It's Not a Question of

What Our Stock Is WorthWhat Will"You Give?WE ARE COMPELLED TO QUIT BUSINESS JAN.Ist., although we have disposed of the greater partof our enormous up-to-date stock of FURNITURE,RUGS, LINOLEUM, RANGES, ETC. to the public ata great sacrifice, we still have thousands of dollarsworth of high grade homefurnishings left on our handsThe End Is Near We Must Sacrifice

— NOTICE —See Friday's Store Will Be See Friday'sPapers for Closed Friday {**Pers f°rFinal Clos- to re-arrange stock, re- Id*al G


ing Out Prices, duce our already bargain * . °ur

cl wjn . weprices and PREPARE ™c*B' See

bee Windows FQR TH£ piNISH Windows.


STARTSSATURDAY, DEC. 20th, at 9 A.M.Down Go the Prices. WE QUITGreen & English Furniture Co.

Closed Friday to prepare for Final Cleanup

Sale Starts Saturday, Dec. 20th,at 15th and Pacific Aye.



You'll FindIt Here T

\u2666 \u2666'\u2666"\u2666>> \u2666 \u2666 \u2666'\u2666 \u2666 \u2666'\u25a0'\u2666 \u2666'<•\u2666 \u25a0>,\u25a0 -\u25a0;.»\u25a0' .- • . Vb''-»«> "«?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u2666\u2666 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. / \u2666

\u2666 '•-\u25a0\u25a0-':-- ,'." 1 cent \u25a0a' copj.,; \u25a0 • \u25a0-~, \u2666.\u2666J 6c on newttanda and trains \u2666\u2666 80 cants a month by carrier •\u2666By mall— ;: :;. \/v :>;..: jj \u25a0:!;\u2666\u2666 On* month, SB nenta. \u2666\u2666 ' Tare* montns,' $I.oo*. \u2666\u2666 Six monthi, 11.80. ,\u2666\u2666 On« y««r." $$.s\u25a0. r \u2666

Morta'ltr atatlattea for Tacomaare r<ceired dally from th« fol-lowl.ic funeral director*: ,_

Hoska-Buckley-Klna- Co, Til ISt. Heltm. .

C. C. Melllnger C», ll* Ta-coma a». • . -

\u2666 C O. Lynn Co.. 111-l) Taoo-ma ay. •\u25a0 \u25a0 i \u25a0\u25a0•' \u25a0

Geo. W. Piper. S4II Union a».South Taeoma Director*, (til

union a*.L M. Qaffney. 1»1» Taeoma a*.Ca««dr * Allen. 1110 llth itl ,

Deaths.Howard—Mrs. ItacKel How-

ard, age 17, died at her homeat American lake lnst night. Wns <111 only few hours, with suddenparalysis. Leaves rVmband.George P., and four children.Remainß at George Piper com-pany's. South Taeoma, awaitingwurd from children.

—Mrs. Annie Libo, age79, wife of Vincent Ltbo, diedtoday at home near Milton.Loaves husband, daughter, Mary,two sons, John and Vincent, jr.Funeral Saturday, 11 a. in., St.George's school. Interment St.Oeorge'a cemetery. Hoska-Buck-ley-King company. ' • ..'/

Rice—Frank Rico, age' 55.d!ed yesterday at Fort Stoilacooml'bspltal. Leaves widow, Helen.Funeral held late today. L. M.Gaffney company.

Funerals.Wallis—Remains of Edward

Wallls, who died yesterday fror.ieffects of poison taken with sui-cidal Intent, were shipped todayto Carson, Nevada, where fatherand sister reside.

Artistic decorations. Watson's."Advertisement."

Marriage Ucenses.Stanley Mount and Ida Julson,

both oC Everett; Lynian oydUurand and Doris Helen Ring,both of Seattle.

Will give away free a copy ofthe famous song, "Old Heidel-berg," words and music, artis-tically gotten up. Free to every-one ordering Alt Heidelberg bot-tle beer. Order now for holidays.Columbia Brewing Co. Main 229.


Oamly raffles and . gumslot :ninehines linve Itetinbnrred at Aberdeen- s.* asgambling. . :, . . '

Spokane ' high school dance"ragged" bo the police stoppedit. .. : , \u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0 \u0084.- \u0084;, - JDiamond rings from $5.00 np.

An everlasting < lirisiiuus gift.Pfaff, Jeweler, 1147 0 st. Oiienevenings. • "Advertisement."

I Washington Horticultural .association convention <1"- "elded to take in farmers andstockmen. \u25a0 "

Stewart & Holmes' drug storehad a $30,000 fire at Seattle.

FREE —16-20 picture, Christand 12 other subjects, with any50-cent purchase. Art Emporium,929 Tac. ay. "Advertisement."

National liiitnltcr & Boxcompany of Hoqulam is un-der arrest for 30 violationsof the eight hour law for -girls.

'-'-\u25a0- ';, :. •—-— '\u25a0 ' 4>She always has a smile for you

when you bring that bunch of vio-lets from Ilin/. the Florist. So.7th and X »ts. ."Advertisement."

X Henry Williams used keroseneto start \u25a0 f^re \ln the slove on hishouseboat on Lake' Union at Se-attle and his wife lost her. liferescuing the six children and thefather was badly burned. ...

For flour, feed,* seed and pota-toes, call Main 2641. Farmers'Feed & Seed Co. \u25a0 '. ".

\u25a0 "Advertisement."

'_-, Milwaukee railway reports~ to the state that it paid 7, per cent dividends on pre-.- (erred and five per cent on-common stock lust year. ,

, Just a week left to buy XmasGifts. Call or phone Hinz, Florist,Ho. 7th and X sts. "


Fred Stewart was going to thehospital at Chehalis ; Wednesdayfor treatment - when,, a train • hithim , and killed him. L. '. •, "i;.

,/ Home-made Mlnoe Meat. Duen-w«ld's,'3i:i 11th St.*.-- -. ••. "Advertisement."

t\u25a0 novernor Lister, and Dr. -:

Mark - Matthews, *who S paid g:, the Burn* : detectives ": that j;*

\u25a0- landed Chief Wappenstein ofSeattle in Walla Walla, talk-

' *d over '- the • suggested \ par» '"_;," don of iipp.v. * *- .:" Governor Lls,ter,; says It Is': upto > the cities to give work , to I theunemployed ' this winter 'as^thestate * cannot .'put I them \u25a0 on \u25a0 roadwork at this time.*',5 -v.""t::;; \u25a0"\u25a0


.Wright iis J perfecting a device <tomake \u25a0 the' aeroplane "foolproof"andi guarantee :safety In flying.

The Book Store, 926 Pacific ay.' '\u0084• .;\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.. ; a *'-+z "Advertisement."


,"'-> Try ' Trumm's rßpeclat" %?*'?'\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0:v'4 Whiskey ilorW ",V''^M— *'\u25a0- -; ItQtMUt* 'Z£M

nncMM-8lHOfl Bow O. Mate 177 a

Miss Sadie Gompers 1b going tobe married. The daughter ofSamuel Gompers, president of theAmerican Federation of Labor,and George B. Gerau, attorneyand hotel owner of San Francis- Miss Sadie Goinpers, (laughter

of lubor's "Crmul old Man," nn«l(\u25a0roi-Ko B. Gernu, the mvii she isK«>'"K to marry.

i co, recently announced their en-j gagement at a banquet In SanFrancisco tendored by Gerau toMr. and Mrs. Gompers, his in-tended bride, and a few friends.The announcement came as a sur-prise.

The young couple has been ac-ouainted for six years. Whou

I Mils Gompers arrived here re-! cently from Seattle, they decidedI to do away with further delays.The wedding will be at the Gomi)-ors* home, in Washington, D. C,in a few weoks.


Three bishops — Frederick W., Keator of Olympla, Lemuel H.jWells of Spokane and Charles S.. Scadding i of Oregon—officiatedI yesterdrxy at the funeral servicesj for the late Rev. R. D. Neviusjof the Episcopal church of Ta-

; coma. i ' . •



LOS ANGELES, Dec. 18. —Mrs. Florence Budd, -wealthy so-I ciety woman of Long Beach, her• brother Everett Burroughs and; B. E. Fisher, special deputy con-j stable, are under arrest chargedwith having committed burglary\u25a0when they went on an alleged

Iraid to get evidence in an alien-ation suit

Colony Split\u25a0 TOMES RIVER, N. J., Dec. IS.

Wealthy Lakowood colony issplit in twain by the trial of Jos-

eph. Morlarlty, one of Georgei Gould's gardenors, who is charg-J ed with the murder three yearsutjo of Mrs. Caroline Turner.

INDICT SOLDIERLewis B. Taylor, a deserter

from the army, cliarged. withstealing an army overcoat, andJack Rice, charged with import-ing opium, hnve been indicted bythe-federal grand jury in sessionin Tacoma.


Louise Ferris in federal court,pleaded guilty to swindling proß-pective bridegrooms - through afake \u25a0 matrimonial bureau and\u25a0aid Bhe had been engaged to asmany as GO at a time.

Divine GuiltySAY BKRNARDINO, Cal., Dec.

1 —Rev. Charles Lawrence oiPasadena was convicted of swind-ling E. A. Wlch out of a $5,000ornnge grove and will get fromone to ten years. ;.?•

'vii ' —• \u25a0--* -. \u25a0 . \u25a0 -. >,*•\u25a0'

Harness Winds/.' PHILADELPHIA, I Deo. 18. —ChurchVroisslon at Point Hope,Alanka, will Install a windmill togenerate electricity to light themission and surroundings.

Police GraftT? DULUTH, Dec. 18.—Bad memof. police {graft han i been uncqver-ed jhero, ono idisorderly bouse, ItIb Bald, having paid $40,000 tothe ;.; department . for.'protection.

Are You One?SAN FRANCISCO, Deo. 18. —HHrs [ are being , sought 'to *• hand

to them a 1100,000 estate left byJohn Joseph *Rom, who . died :inGuatemala..>'•'-';: "J^-iv" t:. ''\u25a0:'\u25a0

GEORGE CHARGED£u NEW YORK, Dec. T ll.—Statecharity' board recommend 'remov-al of, William R.Oeorge," founder

\u25a0 of fGeorge, Jr., iRepublic, \u25a0as fre-I «ultHo(-^«o |» Investigation on

flbargea j mad* of \ his \ oonduct \u25a0atthe republic

Thursday, Dec. 18,1913





&UNTIL NOON BL j2a^^| Thia coupon good for 10 additional JEPfjwil JGreen Stamps for December 11) only, wSnUili \u25a0

with a 50c purchase in any depart- \u25a0

(Uggg £y/SAVESYOUMQNEV"i/{/)B* *yu



U.S. Would Own PhonesWASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 18.

—Strong probability of a billsoon to be introduced In the sen-ate by Senator Lewis of Illinoisproviding for government owner-ship of all telegraph systems, be-coming an administration meas-ure, is seen here in political cir-cles. Postal officials are soru-

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tlnizlng the bill closely and Post^master General Hurleson haiasked Lewis to postpone his ac«tton until the postoffioe depart-ment investigates tbe provisions.The bill provides that the gov-ernment absorb all telephone sys-tems January 1, 1815, by con-demnation.


toms officers seized 10,000rounds of cartridges hidden un*dor a 10-ton chain on the steam*er Allemania bound for Hayti.

I 1j OVER 300 j

J Of The World's j

IBest-Known .Instruments I

sold since we started to close Iout our stock less than two I

1 months ago. While they 1

Ihave been going fast, thereare still a number of good Ivalues in strictly high grade Iinstruments left, but they; Iwill soon be snapped up, as Ithe people who are expect-

I ing to buy a piano within the Inext two or three years arebuying now. In order totake advantage of the bigsaving there is to be made,many are buying ev^nthough they have to sacrificesomething else to do so for

| the time being. |

INo home is complete with- I

out a piano, and if you ever Iexpect to own one, now ia Icertainly a grand opportu- Inity. For instance, just think Iof a high grand Standard

I make of piano that has been Ion the market for over 25

I years, and sells regularly |

Ifor $415, now being sold for$223 on reasonable terms. I

This is just one illustra- Ition — many others just as Igood ranging in price from I$105 to $593, according to \u25a0

I the quality of the instru- IH ment. '

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