All Rights Reserved ©2003-2017 SeniorLeads 888-893-2990 To see the automated Lead Generation System in action, use this link Lead Generation How Top Producers Generate Leads in the Financial Services Industry for financial advisors, investment advisors, life insurance agents, financial planners, registered investment advisers Learn About Automated Prospecting Select a Time for a Demonstration

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All Rights Reserved ©2003-2017 SeniorLeads 888-893-2990 To see the automated Lead Generation System in action, use this link

Lead Generation

How Top Producers Generate Leads in the

Financial Services Industry for financial advisors, investment advisors, life insurance agents, financial

planners, registered investment advisers

Learn About Automated Prospecting

Select a Time for a Demonstration

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Five Ways Top Producers Generate Sales Leads Working Right Now

Many businesses and professionals buy leads and that can

work. Another alternative is to create them yourself. In the

Internet-crazed world of today, you might think the only way

to generate insurance, investor or financial planning leads is

online. While this is the trend (and we will explain the details

here), there are still a few viable ways to generate leads using

direct mail, community newspapers and telemarketing.

Let’s first take a look at three ways to conduct lead

generation off-line.

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Low Cost Print Advertising Works

We use this system advertising in community newspapers and senior newspapers to generate

leads for an insurance agency. We have also tested in the daily newspaper when they run display

ad special prices. The investment for the ad is $200 (depending on your area). We get 10-20

replies each time we run the ad. The ad offers a free informational booklet like these:

Note: Obtain these booklets here https://www.advisorbooklets.com/order.php along with the

complete marketing system which explains how to use them and how to get them branded with

your name, photo, contact information and other personalization

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The booklet needs to have a catchy title as does the ad. We send the 20 booklets, call 2 days

later, get six appointments and close three. Of course, we had to run ads in several publications

until we found those that work best in our area (we selected publications with high senior


Some publications don’t work and there is no way to know which publications in your area will

work without testing all of them. We invested about $1200 in publications that did not work for

us. We had to “waste” some money until we found the two publications that produced the best

results continuously.

Unfortunately, most advisors and agents will give up before they perfect their system for leads

not understanding there is some trial and error to everything you do. You have to waste some

money on what does not work to determine what does work.

The key here is the text in the ad. If you have not mastered writing copy, then hire a copywriter.

The words are critical to motivate consumer action. Of course, you can use our ads that have

worked for a long time (see the link on the previous page).

Telemarketing Still Works

Whether you hire your own telemarketers or outsource it, buyers do

respond. However, I don’t recommend this for consumer lead

generation because of do-not-call constraints.

There are no such constraints when calling businesses so if you call

on business owners, this works. The pitch can be recorded and

delivered by a robo-calling system (permitted in most states when

calls are to businesses). You could have a message like, “This is a

call to Toledo businesses that desire to eliminate external fees on

their retirement plan. If you would like to know more about this service, press 1.”

We have successfully used robo-calling with financial advisors and insurance agents (our clients)

and it has been an inexpensive and effective for many years.

Although we have not yet tested, we see a number of services that will telemarket for you and

then you pay ONLY for a direct-connect to the prospect. So rather than pay per call, you pay per

connect. This seems like a very good way to generate leads to us. However, we are told that you

will get connects from people complaining not to be called and you will pay the $6 or so for the

connect on that call.

The economics may work out with these systems but expect that you will waste many $6 leads

ad hopefully get enough good responses to make the outsourcing pay. In our business, it has

always worked best for us to pay for the robo-dialing minutes rather than pay-per-connect.

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Here’s how this works if you want to test it. You contract with the telemarketing firm for say

100 direct connects with prospects. Say the cost is $600. They will dial (I assume using an auto-

dialer) and play a message that they will develop for you (or you can provide your own

message). The message might be something like this, “Business budgets are tighter than ever yet

many businesses know they still need to have life insurance on the important officers as these

individuals are critical to the business. To hear how to obtain the life insurance your business

needs at half the cost, press one.” The prospects who press “1” get connected to you. A HOT

insurance lead!

Of course, be realistic. Expect your share of prospects who tell you, “remove my 3$%^&

number from your list you SOB.” On the other hand, can you think of anything better than to

have your phone ring and the caller says “I am interested in your solution for life insurance at

half price- whadiya got?”

Note: You may be able to call consumers using ring-less technology (Google the term

"ringless"). Such a system will leave a message on the consumer’s phone without making it ring.

So technically, you are not calling and not violating the do-not-call rules. You need to get your

own legal opinion on this regarding the federal do-not-call law and remember that your state

ALSO has its rules.

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Direct Mail Works

Direct mail for lead generation works when done correctly.

Unfortunately, the mailers you get from companies that produce

products (e.g., insurance companies, mutual fund companies, etc.)

are junk. They violate every rule of copywriting and direct

response marketing.

We created our own direct mail piece for leads because we could

do a much better job than the product-focused mailers provided

by manufacturing companies so in love with their products. We

used direct mail for annuity leads for years as follows:

We sent a simple postcard on yellow stock offering a free booklet called “Annuity Owner


We mailed to households age 60-79, incomes of $50,000+, homeowners.

We got a 1.2% response rate in an educated affluent area on the west coast (the more educated

and affluent the area, generally the more skeptical the respondents but the more money they have

and the better the insurance lead quality).

So from 1000 insurance lead mailers, we got 12 replies. We send the booklets and then call the

12 people within 2 days and make 2 sales, generally, 2 annuities each over $100,000 (all of our

annuity sales in this area were over $100,000). So at 6%, we made $12,000 for an investment of

about $500. This is a LOW volume, HIGH-quality insurance lead system. Most agents do it

backward–they like a lot a lot of volume so they can waste their precious time calling 100 people

to find the two interested prospects. Note that we only make 12 calls to make two sales.

Important lesson—make sure however you get leads, the system is LOW volume, HIGH quality

so that you invest little time. It’s incredible that so many businesses think that a system that

generates more leads is better. Your most precious resource is your time—protect it.

The best book we have STUDIED on copywriting is "Cash Copy" by Jeffrey Lant. However, we

studied dozens of books over five years to master how to write effective ads and direct mail.

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Generate Leads on Line

A major way to conduct lead generation online is to use pay-

per-click marketing with the major search engines (Google,

Bing Ads and Yahoo) so that when a prospect does a search for

your product or service, they will see your ad.

The best aspect of pay-per-click marketing is that your ad is

exposed only to people who look for it. The worst part is that

you pay each time someone clicks to see your full ad.

The prospect clicks a small link that might say “The Truth about Financial Advisors.” At that

point, you pay the search engine for the click. (How much you pay depends how much you bid.

If you bid high, a lot of people will see your ad and you will pay for a lot for clicks and hopefully

get a lot of good leads. If you bid low, few people will see your ad and you won’t get much

response). The prospect gets directed to your landing page which needs to be well-written and

engage the prospect to take the next step (i.e. fill out your form with their contact information).

You can learn more about this in this post.

Here is an example of what appears when I Google “find insurance agent.”

Obviously, when using pay per click marketing for leads, you pay for all the clicks but only a

small percentage of the respondents are viable prospects. In many industries, the big companies

will outbid you for leads, but since you can target your ads to just your geographic region (if you

are a local business), you can outbid them for just your area and get plenty of leads.

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The very good news is that you can focus your ads geographically to be seen only by people in

your area, or town or even zip code. So you only pay for clicks from prospects in your target


This also takes quite a bit of time as you must continuously adjust your bids and test different ad

formats and landing pages. If you want to outsource this type of Internet lead generation, we do

that at SeniorLeads.

Co-generated Leads

The next method of lead generation is called co-generation. Your ad runs on the websites of

other businesses that do not compete with you.

When the prospect is filling out a registration form on the other website (e.g. Motleyfool.com,

Mornongstart.com, etc.) they get an option to have their information sent to you for your offer. If

a prospect sees your ad and completes a form with their contact information, you then pay for

this lead. This is called “cost per action” or “cost per lead.” The best part of this type of lead

generation is that you pay for the prospect’s contact information. If the prospect does not fill out

a form, you don’t pay.

You have NO upfront cost and only pay for responses of people who opt-in to your offer.

Here is an example. Mrs. Jones goes shopping at the vitaminmart.com (fictional site). When she

checks out, she sees a page with other offers as you see below. You could have an offer on a

page like that and get exposure on hundreds of websites. You can offer a free report or other

items and pay only for those leads that opt-in to your offer.

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Banner Ads

The third way of conducting on-line lead generation is to use banner ads. These are ads that have

color and graphics and tend to attract the eye. Prospects click on them, are taken to your form

and hopefully complete their contact information.

In this type of lead generation, you pay per 1000 impressions, similar to running an ad in a

magazine where the cost is based on the circulation. This is not the type of marketing I

recommend but on small sites that have local traffic in your area; you can generate some good

leads for a low cost (Tip: Let’s say you are in Columbus Ohio; do a search for websites using the

phrase “Columbus Ohio).” Don’t expect to generate many leads though as these locally-oriented

websites do not get much traffic.

The positive aspect of running banner ads on websites that serve your local market (or your

niche) is that they are usually low cost – maybe $25-$50/month.

If you have a limited budget, the first two options for on-line lead generation work best.

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All of these methods work when implemented correctly. There is always trial and error

involved. Expect to waste some money before making money – there is no way to get it right

without experimenting (just ask Thomas Edison).

There is some difficulty using some marketing options on a small scale for one advisor such as

the co-registration option as it will be difficult to find these opportunities that target just your

niche or local area. Additionally, you must limit your banner ads to locally-oriented websites as

you likely don’t want to get leads from 1500 miles away.

Our firm implements these alternatives nationally and then allocates the leads generated to the

advisor or agent in each local area. To learn how you can get your share of new clients, please

phone 888-893-2990 or select a time for a demonstration.