Leaders in Sustainable Energy Stewart Conway & Prakash Patel

Leaders in Sustainable Energy Stewart Conway & Prakash Patel

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Page 1: Leaders in Sustainable Energy Stewart Conway & Prakash Patel

Leaders in Sustainable Energy

Stewart Conway & Prakash Patel

Page 2: Leaders in Sustainable Energy Stewart Conway & Prakash Patel

Leicester City CouncilLeicester City Council has some very ambitious

environmental Commitments to reduce energy and water in its buildings

‘Leicester is committed to having the amount of energy it was using in 1990 by 2025 and aims to get 20% of all its energy

from renewable systems by 2020’

For many years Leicester City Council has played an active role in encouraging and supporting measures which, protect our environment. This was recognised in 1990, when Leicester became Britain's first “Environment City”.

Leicester City Council has since adopted a number of "green" policies, ensuring that its own services and activities meet the high standards it encourages others to adopt. 

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Energy Management ServicesEnergy Management Services

Main duties:

Managing the use of energy & water in all of the Council’s 450450 buildings

Administering over 3,0003,000 separate utility accounts

Securing energy and water supplies valued at around £6 million £6 million p.a

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Main functions:

Monitor energy and water use and report any exceptional consumption

Survey and audit buildings to identify areas for savings

Manage projects to improve energy and water efficiency in buildings

Obtain investment funding and grants for energy and water projects

Energy Management ServicesEnergy Management Services

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Main responsibilities:

Report energy consumption data to building managers

Report energy cost data to budget holders for financial planning

Report on the City Council’s energy performance information for Best ValueBest Value indicators and EMASEMAS

Energy Management ServicesEnergy Management Services

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Provide training, advice and information on energy and water related issues

e.g. via “Energy Newsletter” internally on Intranet, also global internet pages

Energy Management ServicesEnergy Management Services

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automatic Monitoring and TargetingThe future for Energy Management Services

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Intelligent Metering Energy Metering Technology

Radio Antenna

MetersData Bird

Local Logger

Central Receiver / Data Logger



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KEYOverview of Leicester

Central Receivers / Data Loggers

Local Loggers

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Automatic collection of meter readings

Automatic analysis of data to identify exceptions

Simple / Graphic presentation of energy and water data

Timely & accurate energy management information

Better information / customised advice

Verify savings as a result energy efficiency improvements

Bill validation / verification


The Advantages

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Bill validation / verification

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• European Energy Efficiency Directive

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Putting Automatic Meter Reading Data to Work

Automatic Utilities Auditing

Has enabled Leicester City Council / Leicester Energy Agency to track, analyse and report on energy and water consumption to a greater degree. This in turn has helped us to cut utility consumption and costs through effective data management and rapid waste detection.

‘High-frequency consumption data is a powerful tool in the identification of avoidable energy waste’

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Daily Reports

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Constant Targets

Weather Dependent Targets

Signature Targets

The above targets also include a calendar of applicable days

Types of Exceptions & Alarms

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Signature Profile

High usage alarm

Continuously learns the signature consumption profile – using the

shape of past consumption profile to predict future consumption

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Weather Dependent Profile

Heating manually switched ‘ON’ to constant

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Constant Profile

Laundry building closed and relocated in Home

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Baseload Analysis

Occupied Period

Unoccupied Period

Unoccupied Period

- League Tables Electricity, Gas & Water

Compares consumption over unoccupied / occupancy periods

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What sort of things can we identify using this type of data

Monitoring Water

Opportunity to save 2,890 cubic metres and £3,758 per year

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Faulty valves replaced


Saving 1,646 cubic metres and £2,141 per year

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Leak on heating pipe-work was repaired, however a further leak still existed, reported to the engineers

Heating pipe repaired in duct under Main Hall

Total Saving of £3,000 / annum

High water usage reported to school and engineers for investigation

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The gas usage does not reflect the buildings operational hours (Office hours). The gas usage is ‘ON’ constantly and never shuts ‘OFF’ even on holidays. (WASTAGE)Monitoring Gas

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Continuous gas usage 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Extra gas usage not picked up by the site

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Heating Operational 7 days a week Building occupied 5 days a week

Continuous heating 24/7Site unaware of this situation

Timer / controls failed

New timer installedStill operating 7 days a week

Heating now ‘OFF’ at weekends

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Gas profile shows a weekly comparison of the actual gas consumption against target consumption.

The target consumption is weather related.

This shows the cumulative deviation between the actual energy consumption and the target.

The downward slope indicates that consumption is now lower than the target and that saving have / continue to be achieved.

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There was a constant electrical base load 270 kW/h for 13 hours (Monday to Thursday - 5pm to 6am).The site indicated that they left equipment ‘ON’ overnight, this is due to the time it took to sort out the error messages every morning. Therefore this equipment would only be switched ‘OFF’ over the weekend (Friday evening to Monday morning).

Following a review, some of the electrical equipment is now being switched ‘OFF’. A saving of £10,575 per annum, has been achieved through good housekeeping - no capital investment was required.

There is still an opportunities to save £254/week, £11,430 per annum.

Monitoring Electricity

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Constant base load 15 kW per hour Switching OFF equipment that was no longer

required for normal operation of the building. 10 kW per hour saving – new base load 5 kW per hour

Saving 56,160 kWh and £2,808 per year

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Identified that 8 Urinal Controls were faulty. These were replaced with new units at a cost of £1,820.

Annual Savings based on investment:3,943 cubic metres and £5,124

There is still an opportunity to make further savings.

Saving 0.4 m3/ hr

Saving 0.45 m3/ hr

Verifying Savings

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Solar Thermal System

Cossington Street Leisure Centre

Evaluating the efficiency of equipment

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Information at your fingertips

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Ability to self-bill for energy and water

Negotiate better rates for energy and water

Identify buildings that require energy efficiency improvements

Encourage and stimulate energy efficiency investment

Pro-active maintenance using energy data

Streamline our energy and water monitoring

Change behavioral attitudes with a view to adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.

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Knowing what an organisation is consuming at any given time is one of the most effective ways of achieving savings.

“If you can’t measure it

you cant manage it” !

Knowledge is Money!