Learn and Talk Achievement Test 4 II

Learn and Talk II Achievement Test 4

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Learn and Talk Achievement Test 4



• In this lesson, you will be given a test on what you have been learning in the previous 10 lessons.

• You will have to answer 20 questions in total.

• You have to get a minimum of 15 questions right in order to continue on this level.

• If you make more than 5 mistakes, your tutor will have to repeat the specific areas where you have difficulties.

• Your tutor will read to you the questions once.

• If you are not sure about the question, you can ask your tutor for clarifications.

• Always answer in complete sentences and be aware of your grammar.

• By the end of the lesson, you will be told by your tutor whether you have passed or failed this assessment.


1. He was crying in pain when the ambulance arrived.

A. for B. with C. out D. on

2. “My divorce cost me a fortune and it took three years to get back on my feet.” What does

“back on my feet” mean in the sentence?

A. recover from something

B. stand up after you have been sitting

C. to pay an amount of money

Question 1&2


3. You never allow personal problems to affect your _____.

A. performance B. gesture C. posture D. statue

4. It is unlikely for us to become successful _____.

A. over afternoon B. over morning C. over day D. overnight

Question 3&4


5. More and more cities pay attention to the financial competitiveness of the city, and __ it __

their development agenda.

A. put ... on B. send ... to

C. put ... in D. give ... to

6. “It’s one of the biggest buildings in this area, and it really ____ this whole place.” Fill in the

blank with the correct form of “dominate”.

Question 5&6


7. Make a sentence using the phrase “as for”.

8. Which of the following sentences contains the word ‘promotion’ with a different meaning from the


A. Ask about special promotions and weekend deals too.

B. Apple spent a lot of money on advertising and promotion.

C. Consider changing jobs or trying for promotion.

D. There was a promotion in the supermarket and they were giving away free glasses of wine.

Question 7&8


9. “They can also meet the demands of consumers who want safe foods .” Can you replace the

underlined words with a different word or phrase?

10. Some of the more ________ jobs can now be done by machines.

A. time-consuming B. time-honored

C. time-travel D. time-wait

Question 9&10


11. He decided to ____ the rest of his life ____ scientific investigation.

A. devote ... for B. devoted ... to

C. devote ... to D. devoted ... for

12. There is something about music that distinguishes it ___ all other art forms.

A. to B. from C. about D. with

Question 11&12


13. We also welcome customers’ designs and ideas, and can _____ to clients’ specific


A. catering B. catch C. cater D. carry

14. I’m hopeful that we can reach a ______.

A. compromise B. compensate C. comprehension D. competition

Question 13&14


15. Which of the following sentences contains the word ‘rocket’ with a different meaning from the


A. There has been a renewed rocket attack on the capital.

B. Fresh food is so scarce that prices have rocketed.

C. The rocket was launched in March 1980.

D. I saw the launch of the rocket yesterday.

16. Make a sentence using the phrase “pursue one’s interests”.

Question 15&16


17. “The craze for health foods has become big business.” What does the word “craze” mean in the


A. an activity, object, or idea that is extremely popular, usually for a short time.

B. stupid or not reasonable

C. mentally ill

D. annoyed or angry

18. “Experts see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation (通货膨胀) .” Can you replace

the underlined word with a different word or phrase?

Question 17&18


19. Getting that job did a lot to ___ his confidence.

A. booster B. boosting C. boosted D. boost

20. Chinese tourists are endowed with _____ travel to this country.

A. free-visa B. visa-free

C. free-visiting D. visiting-free

Question 19&20



1. C 2. A 3. A 4. D

5. A 6. dominates

7. As for this writing, no reply had been received. (Sample Answer)

8. C 9. satisfy 10. A

11. C 12. B 13. C

14. A 15. B

16. Women have more courage to pursue their interests and career. (Sample Answer)

17. A 18. upsurge/rise 19. D 20. B

