1 The Learning Tools

Learning Tools

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Tutorials for learning tools applied to virtual worlds educational situations.

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The Learning Tools

The Learning Tools


Swot Analysis Tool

Video Presentation

Time Management Tool

Voting Balls Tool

Porter’s Forces Tool

Queue List

Power Point Presentation

Brainstorm Board

Project Management Tools

Grid Analysis

Repeater /distortion text chat















This tool is for “Ability to discover new opportunities” skills. And for this, is very important do the analy-sis Swot to identify new opportuni-ties and threats.

How to use it

It´s simple to use the tool. It´s only needs to write in right place what the trainees think, their ideas for a specific problem, like a traditional Swot Analysis. But this tool is pos-sible do Swot Analysis in Second Life, and all people present in ses-sions can see and debate ideas.The tool has four text areas: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportuni-ties and Threats.You can discuss by chat with trainees about some theme and select the best ideas for each factor (Strength, Weakness, etc). Then, you can write directly in these text areas, or you can copy the trainee’s sentences for there.After this you have a small button - “submit” - that submit the informa-tion in our Database.Then, all trainees can see the best sentences in SWOT Board.To do another SWOT Analysis, you

only need to click in Back button.

Swot Analysis Tool



For some training sessions is es-sential have some tool like a video presentation. So, this tool have this goal.Methodologies

How to use it

It´s very simple to use. The trainer only must upload the video on Youtube. Then it´s only need put the URL on Video Presentation.

Video Presentation



This tool was created for TimeMan-agement Skills. The main goal of the tool is help the trainees priorizing activities.This topic is very important in Man-agement. Is important our man-agers knows how manage many activities, so they need priorize very well the activities.

How to use it

This tool is based on new second life client. That means that the tool is a web page that runs over a second life object, like a cube for example.The objective of tool is help trainees to priorize they activities.Well, in a web page, they can put the activities names that they want priorize.Then, for many factors that condi-tion the priorization, they choose the level of importance, like for example for activities one the time factor is less important, then the trainees will put the number “one” in this factor.After this, the system will calculate this numbers for each activity and for each factor(time, costs, manu-factory, etc) and the system will

generate, automatically, a bar chart that will show the more and the less important activity.

Time Management Tool



This is a voting tool and the main objective is use it for voting in some training sessions. The tool is com-posed by on box and one Score Board. Each avatar have only 9 balls to vote. During a training session, maybe the trainer needs some opinions of the trainees. So, voting tool is a good way to express opinion.

How to use it

For vote, is only need that avatar touch in box. Doing this, avatar put one of the 9 balls that he have, inside of the box. Simultaneous the score board is updated, that means that when one avatar put one ball, the score board is updated to 1, two ball appears two on score board, etc

To manage the voting, the trainer have two options: Ball´s Collector, and Reset the Count.The first option, Ball´s Collector, allow the trainer clean all balls in box.The second one, Reset, allow the trainer start again the voting and the score board goes to zero.

Voting Balls Tool



This tool is use after finishing devel-opment, and we looking for your comments and suggestions.This tool allows a teacher to orga-nize discussion in topics such as Porter’s forces (strategies / threats) so that trainees/students can play with it to develop models of oppos-ing forces. The tool has an arrow in the center. Above and below this arrow, there are several small cylinders, which are used to define the strength of downward forces (threats) and the strength of up-ward forces (strategies).

How to use it

You’ll see T-shaped buttons. Click-ing on them will pop up an area where you can place text, so that all participants know what a spe-cific force represents. To enter text in this area, you only need to chat after clicking the T, following the instructions provided. For instance, if after clicking the T it says “type /99 text”, you can chat:/99 The threat of substitute prod-ucts or services...and this will display “The threat of substitute products or services” in the force column.

At any moment, one can click on the cylinders that compose a force column, and that indicates how strong it is. Filled (painted) cylin-ders represent the force’s strength, empty (transparent) cylinders are ignored. As discussion evolves, simply click them.The central arrow will tilt down or up, according to the strengths of all downward and upward forces, so you can create models where forces even out (and the arrow is balanced), or where the arrow tilts down (downward forces are stron-ger than upward forces) or tilts up (upward forces are stronger than downward forces).

Porter’s Forces Tool


Basically, it’s an interactive graphic which you can use in discussion and then take a screenshot in the end to illustrate some final text on what was discussed.



The Queue List is panel that creates a list of people who wants to par-ticipate in the conversation, allow-ing an order in the talks.

How to use it

This tool passes for all students registered in the board, when a student wants to talk, he register his intension on the object, and his name will appear in a board show-ing when it is his turn to speak.So when a colleague finished talk-ing, the subject moves to the next student. So we can organize talks in classes.

When to use it

This tool that should be very useful to organize the discussion of topics during the training. It’s useful for:-all the activities involving the participation of the whole class in interaction with the eTrainer, who moderates the discussion;-in brainstorming activities;-for students to put questions/doubts during presentations peri-ods.

Queue List



With this tool is possible to do PowerPoint presentations in Second Life.You only need drag and drop your textures for the object.How it works:Really simple, if you need move forward or move back, you only need clickin the slide. Then it will show a small menu with the options: Move Backand Move Forward.

See the picture:

PowerPoint Presentation

This tool was not developed by VITA. It was employed from the set of tools available at the EduNation islands.



T You can use this tool to do brain-storming with trainees.In this tool you have 3 buttons.

How to use it

The tick button is for set the per-missions and initiates the brain-storming.

You can choose permission for:

• Owner: only the owner do the brainstorming;• Group: Only the group do the brainstorming;• Public : All people can do the brainstorming;

After you choose the permission you need to click again in tick but-ton and choose Brainstorming to initiate the exercise. Then the tool send one message that tells you what channel you need to type in chat.

Example: /95 your messageAnother button is the X button. It is to clean all words in board.The last button is for help.

Brainstorming Board:

This tool was not developed by VITA. It was employed from the set of tools available at the EduNation islands.


Another skill that SME´s must have is the Project Management skill.For this competence, was created according to the trainers respon-sible for these competences

Some tools:

• Board to write and present objec-tives, goals and scope of project;• Board to write and present phases of one project;• Voting balls(this tool is also for negotiation skills)• Scoreboard

Board to write and Present Phases of Project

In this page, the trainees, after discuss by chat, can write which phases they consider important to some project. After this, they, or the group leader can submit, to save this information in database, and show for all trainees in world.

Like this example, all trainees can see the phases of project, discuss and vote, using voting balls tool. If the trainees want, they can change what they write, only need click on edit button. To clear all, clear but-ton.

Project Management Tools



This tool is like a simple table to help understand the priorities. With this tool, trainee canchose the priority of each activity. It´s very simple to use. The table have spaces to putactivities and spaces to put the fac-tors like costs, time, depending of context.By each activity, the trainee can give different weights for activities.

How to use it

• First, the student begins by choosing the activities and the various factors.

• The next step is to choose the “weight” to give to each factor depending on thecontext.

• In the end, it is automatically added the “weights” and the op-tion with more “weight”should be considered high-priority

Use case:

Grid Analysis



This tool is useful to use in commu-nication sessions. The basic objec-tive of therepeater/distortion is to explain the problems of distances in communi-cation. Forexample, sometimes, when we are so far of the source of communica-tion, we havesome troubles to understand cor-rectly what the source said.This tool demonstrate exactly this, and for show this problems, the tool can beconfigurated to distortion the text chat in second life, like double dig-its, or letterswhen people are far of the source.


To choose the different modes that the tool allows, you can click in

object to see the many option.

Menu of Repeater/distortion

As you can see, there is one option that is the “Mode 0”. This mode only repeats the text like it was written. This is useful when the avatars are far of source. And is important have a repeater chat, because normal communication in Second Life is only allowed until 20 meters.

Repeater /distortion text chat


Simple Use case: