Lectori Salutem!veritasacademy.hu/doc/guide-en.pdf · 2020. 2. 13. · Lectori Salutem! Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Baptist Bilingual Secondary Grammar School is an educational institution

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Page 1: Lectori Salutem!veritasacademy.hu/doc/guide-en.pdf · 2020. 2. 13. · Lectori Salutem! Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Baptist Bilingual Secondary Grammar School is an educational institution
Page 2: Lectori Salutem!veritasacademy.hu/doc/guide-en.pdf · 2020. 2. 13. · Lectori Salutem! Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Baptist Bilingual Secondary Grammar School is an educational institution

Lectori Salutem! Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Baptist Bilingual Secondary Grammar School is an educational institution with a long tradition, and as its name also indicates, it operates under the aegis of the Baptist Aid. Thanks to its progressive spirit, our school, which was opened in 1910, has always been a leading Hungarian educational institution. Since 1974, our bilingual secondary school has been functioning as a bastion for Hungarian bilingual education, and as a result, we pride ourselves to have been educating a considerable number of international students. Our study programs are dedicated to fully serve the purpose of our students’ progress, so we relentlessly develop our curricula and facili-ties to achieve this aim. Kőrösi is also unique in that since 2013 it offers a study program that is responsible for the integration of international students into Hungarian education. We have been a member of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) since September 2017, so we are also happy to admit students to our International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. From September 2019, we offer yet another study option: we are opening an American Christian high school under the name of Veritas Collegiate Academy Budapest. We would like to make a meaningful addition to the range of international study options available in Hungary, in order to exceed the scope of Hungarian education with a program that is innovative, is based on modern methodology, doubtlessly caters to the level of maturity, mental capacities and age-related needs of the students as regardsits curricula and study materials, and employs American teachers familiar with the Veritas system, while also provides the substatial expertise and support of a successful bilingual school that has now been offering high-standard education for years.

Berczelédi ZsoltPresident

Dr Dula BorbálaPrincipal


Applicants are very welcome!

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Veritas Collegiate Academy Budapest is a Christian classical school aimed at the pursuit of truth and the training of moral character.

Veritas is committed to the educational method of the Trivium. The Trivium, coupled with the later Quadrivium, was the educa-tional method used in Western civilizations to produce some of the greatest scholars that the world has ever known. It was first developed in ancient Greece and was used

hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. The word trivium refers to the first three of the seven liberal arts: grammar, dialectic and rhetoric. It is a philosophy based on years of research of the stages of growth students naturally go through that correspond with these elements of learning.

The Grammar Stage is the foundation stage. It presents the facts: the who, the what, the where and the when, but not the why. The Dialectic Stage is referred to as logic. This phase is worksing to see the logical connections between the facts. It teaches the students how to question things in a right manner. It takes their natural inclinations at this age and directs their inquisitive minds to challenge the ideas through logical and principled-thinking. At the Rhetoric Stage students learn to express themselves in writing and speech. They are expected to know the logic of the truth they believe and be skilled at articulating it to those of different belief. The academic rigors of Veritas education require each student of grades 11 and 12 to produce a 25 - 35-page thesis with presenta-tion and defense of that thesis at the end of grade 12.


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Wishing to bring genuine reform to an established Christian academy founded in 1999, the founders, Sean and Maria Elgut, redefined the philosophy and methodology to embrace the Classical model of the Trivium set forth in Douglas Wilson’s book, A Case for Classical Education. They wanted to establish a school that educates students to be opened to the problems of society, to be sensitive to whatever happens in the world, and to be able to take responsibility for them-selves and their surroundings, thus contributing to the formation of a better and more peaceful world.


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Acceptance into the high school requires the following:

- a complex placement test of the English language so that we have an overview of the applicant’s knowledge of English,

- a family meeting with the Director for an informal conversation.

It is of primary importance that each student be a positiv spiritual force in the high school, as well as , have a consensual attitude toward the standards, policies and practices of the school, and an academic astuteness for what is taught in the classroom. The interview, along with academic transcripts and letters of recommendation, will be reviewed by the Board of Direction. In case of successful admis-


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sion, the parents (caregivers) sign an official document in which they undertake to cover the costs of their child’s education.

Information about tuition fees and other expenses is available on our home page. For further information, please contact us by phone or e-mail.


OMNIBUS OMNIBUS is a Latin word translated as “all encompassing”, referring to subjects of literature, theology and history. Our course integrates all three subjects into one comprehensive interdisciplinary course. The students read from the seminal works that have had a long-lasting effect on western civilization: the Bible, Homer, Sophocles, Herodo-tus, Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, Chaucer, Erasmus, Shakespeare, Milton, the founding fathers of the USA, Francis Schaeffer and Charles Colson, among others.

In grades 9 – 12.- Omnibus covers the following areas:

• Grade 9: – History & Literature of the Renaissance, Reformation & Enlightenment, 1400 – 1700 AD• Grades 10 and 11: – American History & Literature from the Colonization period through Modernity• Grade 12: – Revision of Ancient Literature & History through the Medieval period, in order to have a more in-depth understanding

MATHEMATICSCourse offerings include Algebra, Geometry, Calculus and for those ready Advanced Calculus.


Page 7: Lectori Salutem!veritasacademy.hu/doc/guide-en.pdf · 2020. 2. 13. · Lectori Salutem! Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Baptist Bilingual Secondary Grammar School is an educational institution

SCIENCEThe science curriculum is designed to develop an understanding and love of God’s creation, since it relates to all sciences. The students are engaged in Laboratory work and acquire knowledge through prac-tical experiences using scientific methods. “Ninth-graders begin” sci-ence studies with Biology, which is followed by Chemistry in grade 10, Physics in grade 11, and Anatomy & Physiology in grade 12. In addition, we offer advanced courses in these subjects for interested students.


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MODERN & CLASSICAL LANGUAGESIn grade 9 students choose between Latin and Spanish. Advanced courses are also offered in these languages. Upon demand students can choose Hungarian as a foreign language, and take courses in Hungarian civilization, history, culture and literature as well.

FINE & PERFORMING ARTSArt classes are available for each student. Each course of study is designed to elecit a sensitivity to the arts in the students.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical education is required for all 9th - and 10th - grade students. To receive credit, each student must participate in competitions or be a member of a sports club.

ELECTIVESA selection of courses is offered in the following areas:• Fine Arts: music, art, art history• Apologetics • Rhetoric• Shakespeare• Information Technology• American Government & Constitutional Interpretation, Political Science

SPORT• Volleyball• Basketball• Handball• Women’s fitness • Badminton• Athletics We regularly add further activities to our sports curriculum.


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Omnibus: 8 (Theology, History, Literature)

Matemathics 4 (Algebra1, Algebra2, Geometry, Calculus)

Science 4 (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy & Physiology)

Apologetics 1

Physical Education 2

Foreign language 4

Rhetoric 1

Thesis 2

Art 1

Music 1

Electives 2



A = 93% – 100% B = 85% – 92%C = 75% – 84% D = 70% – 74%F = 00% – 69%


The following credits must be obtained for graduation.

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COMMUNITY SERVICE 80 hours is required for each year in high school.

THESISEach student in grade 11 and 12 must submit a topic for approval, establish a position and research that subject. The minimum paper length is 25 pages for 11th - graders and 35 pages for 12th - graders. A required oral presentation and thesis defense for 12th- graders takes place before professors from Regent University.

PREFECTSHIPLeadership positions for juniors and seniors are available in the following areas: Spiritual life, Hospitality, Sports and Exercise, Litera-ture, Alumni, Social life.


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ORGANIZATIONS:- The Verbum (student newspaper)- The Statesman (yearbook)- Veritas Honor Society- Student Government

ACADEMIC AWARDS:- Grade 9: Lewis & Letters & Arts Award- Grade 10: William Wilberforce Award for Service- Grade 11: Lincoln Leadership Award- Grade 12: George Washington Statesman Award

ATHLETIC AWARDS :- Leadership / Servanthood Award - Greatest Improvement Award - Loyalty Award- Perseverance Award


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1033 Budapest Szentendrei út 83.Phone: +36 20 563 8572 E-mail: [email protected]
