Lecture 4' - Intro to Protein Struct I Spr08

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  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 4' - Intro to Protein Struct I Spr08


    Lecture 4 Introduction toProtein Structure (1)

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 4' - Intro to Protein Struct I Spr08



    Proteins are the functional forms ofpolypeptides. represent all levels of the hierarchy of

    macromolecular structure (1o

    to 4o)

    protein structure defined by: chemical properties of the polypeptide chain.

    the environment.

    Several distinct classes of proteins:

    1. globular proteins (water-soluble).2. fibrous proteins (water-insoluble).

    3. proteins that associate with membranes.

    These differ by tendencies in amino acid sequenceand composition, but can all be described using the same basic principles.

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    ro e ns u rom m noAcids

    There are 20 common amino acids. all are -amino acids:

    amino and carboxylic acid groupsseparated by a single, C carbon.

    all are L-amino acids (except Glycine). predominantly zwitterions, at pH 7. distinguished by chemical nature ofR,

    the side chain.

    Proteins also have other

    components: D-amino acids.

    e.g., bacterial antibiotics, such asgramicidin.

    Covalent modifications, following

    synthesis. Disulfide bonds common in eukaryotic

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    Adoption of the L-formStructurally Significant

    Consider a natural protein, such asRubredoxin: protein in sulfur-metabolizing bacteria.

    Fe-S complex shown in green andyellow.

    constructed of L-amino acids.

    Will Rubredoxin made of D-formamino acids have an inverted

    structure? in 1993, L and D-forms of Rubredoxin

    were synthesized. structures: X-ray crystallography.

    they are exact mirror images.

    L- and D- HIV protease also

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    Amino Acids

    Distinguished by chemical nature of the side-chain. size and shape.


    hydrogen-bonding ability.

    ability to form disulfide-bridges, etc.

    Amino acids can be broadly classified into 5groups: Aliphatic: R = hydrocarbon side-chain.

    Nonpolar: R = other hydrophobic side-chain.

    Aromatic: R = aromatic ring.

    Polar: R = uncharged, polar group.

    Charged: R carries a charge in solution, at pH 7.

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    The Hydrophobic Effect

    Most proteins are amphipathic: they include both hydrophobic and hydrophilic


    Folding generally results in a partitioning of

    residues: b/wAq and non-Aq environments. hydrophobic residues

    will each desire to avoid water: tend to reside in a membrane or protein interior.

    hydrophilic residues will each desire to interact with water: tend to remain hydrated, reside on a protein exterior.

    This partitioning b/w Aq and non-Aqenvironments: leads the hydrophobic effect, which drives protein

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    The Partition Coefficient

    The Partition Coefficient, P: measures the partitioning of a residue betweenAq and

    non-Aq environments. Consider a two-solvent system

    with separateAq and non-Aq environments;

    that are in contact, at equal conditions (e.g.,Temperature).

    P answers the question, how much of a given amino acid will reside in each


    For a given amino acid, P is measured by:

    P = nonaq /aq, where

    i = mole fraction residing in environment i.

    conceptually simple, but there are some practical

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    Hydrophobicity Scale

    Numerous scales of amino acid hydrophobicityhave been proposed. most based on the G

    oto transfer from water to


    which is best is controversial, but one popular scaleis

    The Hydrophobicity of Fouchere and Pliska(1983): hydrophobicity parameters, derived from:

    transfer from water to octanol. N-acetyl-amino acid amides.

    Hydrophobicity parameter for a given amino acid:

    = ln P = ln (nonaq / aq)

    Then: Hydrophobic: > 0; Hydrophilic: < 0

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    Aliphatic Amino Acids

    These amino acids have alkyl side-chains: so that R is a hydrocarbon.

    All are hydrophobic (P > 1).

    hence, have hydrophobicity, = ln P

    > 0.Hydrophobicity increases with side-chainlength: = 0.31, 1.22, 1.70, 1.80 for Ala, Val, Leu, and Ile,


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  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 4' - Intro to Protein Struct I Spr08


    Aromatic Amino Acids

    All highly hydrophobic. Phe has a hydrophobicity of = 1.79. Tyr is less hydrophobic, at = 0.96,

    due to its reactive hydroxyl group.

    Trp is the most hydrophobic residue ( = 2.25).Rings bulky and tend to interact with otherrings. due to pi-pi interaction. in Aq. solution, rings

    perpindicular. entropically favored.

    This is in contrast with

    the stacked rings in DNA minimizes solvent


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    Polar Amino Acids

    Each contains groups with partial charges, and therefore, tend to form hydrogen bonds...

    Thus, much less averse to water: Asn, Gln, Ser all have negative hydrophobicity values.

    = -0.60, -0.22, and 0.04, respectively.

    Thr is slightly hydrophobic, at = 0.26. in some scales, Thr is hydrophilic (e.g., in the

    hydropathy scale).

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    Charged Amino Acids

    Amino acids that carry a charge very hydrophilic: Lys and Arg (+) charged at pH 7

    very hydrophilic ( = -0.99 and = 1.01, respectively).

    His can also be (+) charged at pH 7 (environment-

    sensitive). intermediate hydrophobicity ( = 0.13).

    Aspartic acid and Glutamic acid (-) charged at pH 7 very hydrophilic ( = -0.77 and 0.64, respectively).

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    Overall Charge of a Protein

    In passing, we note that the overall proteincharge: depends on the number of acidic and basic


    at the experimental pH of interest.

    The Isoelectric Point (pI) = the pH at which the total charge of a protein is


    Protein charge density can be estimated from pI:

    c = (pI-pH)/MW

    here, MW is the molecular weight of the protein. For pH > pI, overall charge negative (deprotonation).

    For pH < pI, overall charge positive.

    + +

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    Protein Structure

    Proteins may have up to 4 levels of structure: Primary structure:

    the N to C amino acid sequence of the polypeptide.

    Secondary structure: helices resulting from local folding.

    Tertiary structure: global folding of secondary structures into a larger


    Quaternary structure: association of several, independent polypeptides.

    We will look at each, in detail 1o and 2oStructure (this Lecture)


    and 4o

    structure (next Lecture)

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    Protein Primary Structure

    A polypeptide - covalently linked chain of aminoacids. each linked amino acid called a residue. each pair of residues connected by a peptide bond:

    The N-terminal to C-terminal sequence ofresidues: Is the primary structure (1

    o) of the encoded protein.

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    Anfinsens Principle

    Anfinsens Principle is basic to biochemistry: The information needed to fold a macromolecule into

    its native, 3-D structure is contained in its sequence. Denatured ribonuclease spontaneously refolds into the

    enzymatically active form, in vitro (Anfinsen, 1963).


    structure then specifies the higher structure: Each sequence corresponds to a well-defined 3-D

    structure. or to a family of closely related structures with activity.

    the native state.

    On the other hand a unique structure does notrequire a unique sequence. level of sequence homology required for similar

    structure is only about 25%-30%.

    non-homologous sequences can also have similar

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  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 4' - Intro to Protein Struct I Spr08


    Traditional Names for Helices

    Determined by the nature of the repeating H-bond: N = number of residues in 1 helix turn.

    d = number of atoms in the ring formed by each H-

    bond donor (amino-H) and acceptor (keto-O).

    each helix assigned the name, Nd.

    e.g., in a 310 helix,

    Each turn contains N=3 residues;

    each H-bonded donor/acceptor pair form a ring of d =10 atoms.

    This notation has several shortcomings: a -sheet cannot be described in these terms:

    each strand is a 2-fold helix, butH-bonds between


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  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 4' - Intro to Protein Struct I Spr08


    The Standard Terminology

    For displacements down the helical axis: total rise/turn = pitch, P.

    rise/step = helical rise, h.

    steps/turn = helical repeat, c (= n).

    P = c h

    For angular displacements about the axis: angle/step = = helical angle, or twist.

    = 2/c = 2 h/P

    For helical symmetry about the z-axis, Positions of adjacent steps then related by:

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    Helix Handedness

    The Symmetry Matrix does not uniquely specify ahelix: a helix can be left or right-handed.

    in principle, handedness given by : right-handed: > 0.

    left-handed: < 0.

    but we have the convention: >= 0. all rotations defined as right-handed.

    Our notation is degenerateWe distinguish right and left helices by: the axial displacement: P or h.

    For right-handed helices, P and h > 0.

    For left handed helices, P and h < 0.

    The helix shown here is right-handed.

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    Naming Helices by Symmetry

    Helical symmetry is denoted by NT:

    N denotes its N-fold rotation operator. T = translation generated by the symmetry

    operator, in repeats (monomers).

    compare with Nd notation.

    Example: Take the helix at right... Each residue rotated by +120


    3-fold helical symmetry (N = 3).

    1 application of the symmetry operator: translates a residue by +1 repeat, or P/3.

    thus, T = 1.

    This helix has 31


    note that it is a right-handed helix.

    ri ht-handed helices with inte er N are N helices.

    e e x as

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    e 10 e x as 1Symmetry

    Example: The 310 Helix

    one of the two common helices inproteins.

    Commonly named by Nd notation:

    N=3 residues/turn.

    d=10 atoms in each H-bond closedring.

    note: green line includes a sharedH.

    ith keto-O H-bonded with (i+3)thNitrogen.

    The 310 helix has 31 helical


    Each residue rotated by +120o.

    T e e x as 18

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    T e - e x as 185


    The most common helix in globularproteins. i

    thketo-O H-bonded with the (i+4)


    13 atoms b/w H-bond donor and acceptor.

    The -helix has 3.61 helical symmetry.

    Each residue rotated by +100o.

    3.6 residues/turn (N = 3.6).

    1 application of the symmetry operator:

    translates a residue by +1 repeat, or P/3.6. thus, a right-handed helix, with = 1.

    For helices with non-integral symmetry: N and T converted to integers

    -helix said to have 185 symmetry. 18 residues in 5 full turns.

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  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 4' - Intro to Protein Struct I Spr08


    The trans-conformation is a 21


    Consider the fully extendedpolypeptide: keto-O and amino-H of each Peptide bond in

    the trans configuration, and

    For each residue, both and = 180o.

    remember our convention: Polymer chemistry: cis = 0


    Biopolymer in a fully trans conformation

    Somewhat expanded use of the term, trans. since cis/trans defined for confi urations.

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    The -strand is also a 21 Helix

    Differs from the trans-conformation: a -strand is pleated, like a curtain.

    shorter (smaller rise, h).

    In order to be stable, -strandscombine to form sheets: by strand-to-strand hydrogen


    two general types: anti-parallel sheets (A).

    parallel sheets (P).

    Generally, these sheets are


    Standard Helices of

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    Standard Helices ofBiopolymers

    these include all of the standard, 2ostructures of


    Thus, our original contention is correct: the only symmetric building block formed by a chain

    of chiral units is a helix.

    Question: can the backbone adopt thesestructures?

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    The Peptide Bond

    The peptide bond links each pair of adjacent residues; is an amide linkage,

    with a partial double-bond character.

    this bond not freely rotating: 6 atoms constrained to a plane:

    Ci, Ci, Oi, Ni+1,Hi+1,Ci+1.

    The peptide bond can adopt one of 2configurations: based on the positions of Ci and Ci+1. The trans-configuration (i= 180


    energetically favoredusually adopted.

    The cis-configuration: (i= 0o):

    sterically hinderedenergetically unfavorable. exception: Proline (cis and trans nearly

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    The Ramachandran Plot

    The Ni-Ci bond, and Ci-Ci bond are single bonds: in principle, each may rotate freely

    and could then assume any values b/w +/- 180o.

    however, this is true only for Glycine (R = H).

    For other R-groups, non-covalent interactions b/wadjacent side-chains: place energetic constraints on and .

    thus, some conformations (,) are sterically disallowed.

    Sasisekharan and Ramachandran (1968): first plotted the van der Waals energies of interaction vs.

    (,). using poly-L-Alanine

    R = Me, the minimally constrained group (with a C-Carbon).

    with the trans-configuration for each peptide bond.

    the resulting plot is a Ramachandran Plot.

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    The Ramachandran Plot(cont.)

    Plot shown in terms of allowed regions here, c = helical repeat, with +/- = right/left-handed.

    dark regions = sterically allowed. lightly shaded regions = moderately disfavored.

    others = disallowed.Torsion angles of helices:

    all in allowed regions. Note: L- left handed -helix.

    Glycine only (achiral).

    Not a good model for: Glycine or Proline. residues w/ bulky side-chains. more on this in Lecture 8.

    esp. sequence effects.

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    In this Lecture, we have discussed: Amino Acid Residues

    Characteristics and Hydrophobicities

    Protein 2o


    The local, helical structures adopted by polypeptides.

    We will continue our discussion in Lecture 4: The intermediate level structure of Proteins:


    and Domainal structure of Proteins. Methods of Visualization of the overall 3-D structures

    of Proteins. Protein 3


    contact plots.

    Protein 4o
