Lecture II Pairing correlations tested in heavy-ion induced reactions Outline pairing correlation and correlations in space • systems at the drip lines role and treatment of continuum states reaction models for two-particle break-up and two-particle transfer reactions connecting reaction data to structure properties

Lecture II Pairing correlations tested in heavy-ion induced reactions Outline

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Lecture II Pairing correlations tested in heavy-ion induced reactions Outline pairing correlation and correlations in space systems at the drip lines role and treatment of continuum states reaction models for two-particle break-up and two-particle transfer reactions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Lecture II Pairing correlations tested in heavy-ion  induced reactions  Outline

Lecture II

Pairing correlations tested in heavy-ion induced reactions


• pairing correlation and correlations in space• systems at the drip lines• role and treatment of continuum states • reaction models for two-particle break-up and two-particle transfer reactions• connecting reaction data to structure properties

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How to use dynamics to study pairing correlations?

The main road is clearly provided by the two-particle transfer process induced by light ions (reactions as (t,p), (p,t), (3He,n), (,d)) or heavy ions, which are

both exploring precisely the pair correlations.

Unfortunately, the situation is different, for example, from low-energy one-step Coulomb excitation, where the excitation probability is directly proportional to

theB(E) values. Here the reaction mechanism is much more complicated and the possibility of extracting spectroscopic information on the pairing field is not obvious. The situation is actually more complicated even with respect to other processes (as inelastic nuclear excitation) that may need to be treated

microscopically, but where the reaction mechanism is somehow well established.

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It is often assumed that the cross section for two-particle transfer will scale with the square of the matrix element of the pair creation operator

P+ =∑j [a+a+]00

(or pair removal). But this is not obviously true.

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How to define and measure the collectivity of pairing modes?

We could compare with single-particle pair transition densities and matrix elements to define some “pairing” single-particle units and therefore “pairing” enhancement factors.

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Khan, Sandulescu,Van Giai, Grasso


Pair strength function




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g.s. in210Pb

Excited0+ states

Giant PairingVibration in210Pb


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But the two-particle transfer process in not sensitive to just the pair matrix element. We have to look at the radial dependence, which is relevant for the reaction mechanism associated with pair

transfer processes.

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Comparison with pure single-particle configurations




pair transition density

P(r,r)= (r)=<0|c(r)c(r)|>

Lotti, Vitturi etal

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r (fm)




0.8 (1d5/2)2 + 0.6(2s1/2)2



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|r1,r2)|2 as a function of r2, for fixed r1

particle-particle spatial correlations

Neutron addition mode: ground state of 210Pbposition of particle 1


Lotti etal

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(3p1/2)2 (2f5/2)2

Correlated ground state


|r1,r2)|2 as a

function of r2,

for fixed r1

position of particle 1

OBS: mixing of configurations with opposite parity

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(3p1/2)2 (2f5/2)2 Correlated g.s.



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Basic problem:how is changed the picture as we move closer or even beyond the drip lines?

Example:the case of6He



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For weakly-bound systems at the drip lines it is mandatory to include in the models the positive energy part of the spectrum. If one wants to still use the same machinary used with bound states, the most popular approach is the discretization of the continuum. But the discretization MUST go in parallel in a consistent way both in the structure and in reaction parts.

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All discretization procedures are equivalent as long as a full complete basis is used. In practice all procedudes contain a number of parameters and criteria, that make not all procedures equally applicable in practical calculations. Computational constraints may in fact become a severe problem.As possibilities we can consider •the case of HO wave functions•diagonalization in a BOX•the case of discretized wave functions with scattering boundary conditions (CDCC)• Gamow states (complex energies)

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Simple example to test different discretization procedures

Two valence particles, moving in a one-dimensional Woods-Saxon potential V0, interacting via a residualdensity-dependent short-range attractive interaction.Modelling a drip-line system, one can choose the Fermi surface in such a way that there are no available bound states, and the two unperturbed particles must be in the continuum. The residual interaction

V(x1,x2) = V0 (x1-x2) ((x1+x2)/2)/0

can be chosen in such a way that the final correlated wave function is however bound. Such a system is

normally called “Borromean”

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Diagonalization in a box

WS single-particle states obtained imposing boundary conditions at a box (R=20 fm)

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positive energy states


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Correlated energy of the two-particle system(as a function of the box radius)

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The value of the binding energy is converging (with some oscillations) to the final value

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Energy already practically correct with a box of 15 fm, but what about the wave

function? In particular, how does it behave in the


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Energy already practically correct with Rbox=15fm, but what about the

wave function? In particular, how does it behave in

the tail, essential for a proper description,

e.g., of pair-transfer processes?

Radial dependence (x,x)

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Logaritmic scale

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Correlatedtwo-particle wave-functionexpanded overdiscretizedtwo-particle positive energystates



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particle 1

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positive energy states

Other option: diagonalization in a harmonic oscillator basis

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WS single-particle states obtained from Harmonic Oscillator basis (N=10)

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physical two-particle bound state

unphysical two-particle states (basis dependent)

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The value of the binding energy is converging (with some oscillations) to the final value

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The radial dependence, however …. (x,x)

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linear logaritmic

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Correlatedtwo-particle wave-functionexpanded overdiscretizedtwo-particle positive energystates(amplitudes **2)

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Another option: slicing the continuum by bunching scattering states (in steps of E)

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But let us come now to the description oftwo classes of reactions where pairingcorrelations play a dominant role:

•Two-particle transfer reaction

•Break-up of a two-particle (Borromean) halo system

The key point: how the structure properties and the continuum enter into the reaction mechanism?

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Two-particle transfer reactions

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Example of multinucleon transfers at Legnaro

Neutron transfer channels




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Another classical example:Sn+Sn(superfluid on superfluid) +1n





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A way to define a pairing “enhancement” factor




distance of closest approach

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Reaction mechanism and models for two-particle transfer processes

Large number of different approaches, ranging from macroscopic to semi-microscopic and to fully microscopic. They all try to reduce the actual complexity of the problem, which is a four-body scattering (the two cores plus the two transferred particles).

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Aside from the precise description of the reaction mechanism (and therefore from the absolute values of the cross sections), some points are more or lesswell established

• Angular distributions

• Role of other multipole states

• Q-value

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Angular distribution

With light ions at forward angles one excites selectively 0+ states The excited states in 114Sn are of proton character at Z=50 closed shell


0+ 0+


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112Sn(p,t)110SnLowest 0+,2+,4+ statesGuazzoni etal

Obs: Cross section to 0+ state order of magnitude larger at 0 degrees

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strong selectivityat forward anglewith angular momentumtransfer




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Angular distribution Situation different for heavy-ions induced pair

transfer processes: angular distributions are always peaked around the grazing angle, independently of the multipolarity

208Pb(16O,18O)206Pb gs


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Higher multipolarities

Far from the very forward angles the pairing vibrational states are overwhelmed by stateswith other multipolarities

Example:predicted total cross sections in120Sn(p,t)118Sn* reaction

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Bump at 10 MeVdoes not come from GPV, but from incoherentsum of differentmultipolarities

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Q-value effect

Keeping fixed any other parameter, the probability for populating a definite final channel depends on the Q-value of the reaction. The dependence is very strong in the case of heavy-ion induced reactions, weaker in the case of light ions.

In the specific case of L=0 two-neutron transfer, the optimal Q-value is zero.

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Example (t,p)


DWBA: one step di-neutron transfer

Microscopic construction of the di-neutron transferform factor(Glendenning or Bayman-Kallio methods)

Options:zero range : only relative cross-sectionsor finite range : absolute cross sections (but needs the use of proper triton wf)

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Models for two-particle transfer reactions

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ExampleSemi-microscopic approach

Reaction mechanism: one-step di-neutron (cluster) transfer

Microscopy: Formfactor obtained by double-folding the microscopic pair densities of initial and final stateswith some nucleon-nucleon interactionorSimple folding of microscopic pair density in the target with the one-body mean field of the projectile

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Macroscopic approach

Complete parallelism with inelastic excitation of collective surface modes

Reaction mechanism: one step transfer produced by a new generalized pair field

F ( r ) = P dU/dA = P (R/3A) dU/dr

Where the ‘’deformation’’ parameter P is the pair-transfer matrix element and contains all the microscopy of the approach

Very simple, appropriate for situations with many other coupled open channelsProblem: recoil? Relative cross sections?

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Fully microscopic approach

Reaction mechanism: Sequential two-step process (each step transfers one particle)

Microscopy: Pairing enhancement comes from the coherent interference of the different paths through the different intermediate states in (a-1) and (A+1) nuclei, due to the correlations in initial and final wave functions

Building blocks: single-particle formfactors and wf’s

Problems: quantal calculations rather complex (taking into account full recoil), semiclassical more feasible (but approximate treatment of recoil)

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AA+1 A+2

j …..





Normal well-bound systems(intermediate bound states)

Example |A=2> = iXi[ai+

ai+]0 |A>


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16O 18O17O



0.8 (1d5/2)2 + 0.6(2s1/2)2

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1-particle transfer (d5/2)

2-particle transfer (d5/2)2

2-particle transfer (correlated)


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208Pb(16O,18O)206Pb gs


Maglione, Pollarolo, Vitturi, Broglia, Winther

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Basic problem:

how is changed the picture as we move closer or even beyond the drip lines?

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Data from GANIL, Navin etal, 2011

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Extremely difficult to extract the fundamental 2/ ratio

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11Li+p -> 9Li+t

Data from ISAC-2,TRIUMF

Isao Tanihata etal


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Sensitivity to the pairing functionin 11Li

P0: 3% of (s1/2)2

P2: 31% of (s1/2)2

P3: 45% of (s1/2)2

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AA+1 A+2




Systems closer to the drip lines(intermediate bound and unboundstates)

Example|A=2> = { iXi[ai

+ ai

+]0+ ∫ dE X(E) [a+(E)a+(E)]0} |A>

one-particletransfer tocontinuum

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one-particle transfer process




Two-particle trasfer will proceed mainly byconstructive interference of successive transfers through the (unbound) continuum intermediate states

Systems at the drip lines(intermediate unboundstates)

|A=2> = ∫ dE X(E) [a+(E)a+(E)]0 |A>

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one-particle transfer process




The integration over the continuum intermediate statescan becomes feasible by continuum discretization:but how many paths should we include? Thousands or few.for example only the resonant states?

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Basic problem

Different discretization procedures lead to single-particle states with different behaviours on the tail. This produces one-particle transferformfactors which are rather different.So even if the properties of the pair wave functions seem to be equally described by all methods withrelatively small basis, the predicted probabilities for two-particle transfer turn out to converge only ifan extremely large basis (often impossible to treat) is used.

Alternative approaches?

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Break-up of a two-particle halo system is a rather complex4-body process. Let us first start from break-up of a one-particle halo system, and and to make it simpler let us consider an one-dimensional case

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Simple modelling of one-particle halo break-up

Single particle, initially moving in a one-dimensional Woods-Saxon potential V0, perturbed by a time-dependent interaction V(x,t), assumed to be of gaussiam shape

V(x,t)=V exp(-t2/t) exp( -(x-x0)2/x)



Obs: simulation of the nuclear field generated in a collision with a heavy partner

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The particle isassumed to be initiallyin one of the bound statesN(x) of V0






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Exact full evolution of the system obtainedby solving the time-dependent Schroedingerequation

ih∂(x,t)/∂t = [H0 + V(x,t)] (x,t)


H0 = -(h2/2) d2/dx2 + V0(x)

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First example: initial bound state N=1

The time evolution of the wave function in this case is such that the final wave function is only distributed over different bound states

(no role of continuum states)





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Initial state

Obs: parity non conservation






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Stronger coupling with excitation to the continuum

(still with some final probability of being bound):

partial break-up





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Obs: change of scale

bound states

continuum states

initial bound state


Final wave function NOT confined in potential well

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Excitation from the last (weakly-bound) orbital:

complete breakup





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initial state:bound state N=5

final state:moving fragments

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momentumdistributionof the twofragments

k (fm-1) k (fm-1)

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The solution of the problem has so far not involved any expansion into any basis. All continuum effects areautomatically completely taken into account.However, to give the final Q-value distribution, one needsto look at the final wave function by expanding it into a set of basis states, including the continuum.

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E (MeV)

Left fragment

Right fragment







Q-value final distribution

E (MeV)

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Let us move now to the break-up of a two-particle halo system

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The perturbing interaction (that produces the break-up) is a one-

body field (i.e. acting individually on each of the two particles). The enhanced two-particle break-up originates from the correlation in

the two-particle wave function, and not from the reaction mechanism

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Time evolution

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Time evolution

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Some conclusions:• Correlated sequential one-particle transfer seems to bethe proper reaction mechanism present in two-particletransfer processes and to offer a formalism able to directly test the microscopic features of the pair wave functions.• This implies a knowledge of the pairing states expressedin a single particle basis, since the same single-particle states enter as intermediate states in the sequential reaction process• For systems at the drip lines this means that it is mandatory a proper description of the continuum states • Different continuum discretization procedures have to be consistently used in the structure and reaction sectors, and the behaviour outside of the nuclear radii has to carefullychecked, being fundamental for the reaction process