Lecture Note TES January 2014

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  • 8/12/2019 Lecture Note TES January 2014



    Anisul Haque

    Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM)Bangladesh University of Engineering and Society (BUET)

    January 2014

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture Note TES January 2014





    Science is the knowledge to reveal and explore the mystery of the nature.

    Science is the reasoned investigation that aimed at finding the truth following

    some scientific method. Science was originally used to study the nature.


    Engineering is the application of science.


    The word Technology comes from the Greek word Technologia that combines

    two words craft and logic. The meaning of technology is different to different

    persons. Technology may be defined with respect to its origin, purpose and

    characteristics. Technology is the application of science and engineering,

    especially to industrial or commercial objectives. It is the practical application of

    knowledge especially in a particular area. Technologies significantly affect

    human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural

    environments. The human species' use of technology began with the conversion

    of natural resources into simple tools. Technology has three dimensions: (1) the

    apparatus, or physical devices, used in accomplishing a variety of tasks; (2) the

    activities involved in performing these tasks; (3) and the organizational networks

    associated with activities and apparatus. Technology affects society and

    environment. Technology is man-made. It enhances physical and mental

    capability of human beings. For example finding the very basic of flow of electron

    in an electrical circuit is the science. The technology is the use of this knowledge

    to create, may be, semi-conductors.


    Environment is the sum total of all surroundings of a living organism, including

    natural forces and other living things. An environment is what surrounds a thing

    or an item. Environment could be - physical environment (built environment or

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    natural environment), human environment (social environment). Whole physical

    and biological systems in which man and other organisms live. It is the aggregate

    of social and cultural conditions that influence the life of an individual or

    community. Environment is the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which

    one is surrounded. Various interacting components of environment are biology,

    geology, chemistry, physics, engineering, sociology, health and economics.


    Society is the group of people living or working together. It is a voluntary

    association of individuals for common ends. It is an organized group working

    together or periodically meeting because of common interests, beliefs, or

    profession. A cooperating group whose members have developed organized

    patterns of relationships through interaction with one another. Society is a

    community, nation, or broad grouping of people having common traditions,

    institutions, and collective activities and interests. People of many nations united

    by common political and cultural traditions, beliefs, or values are sometimes also

    said to be a society (for example: Muslim, Christian, Eastern, Western, etc).


    Development is theprocess of economic and social transformation that is based

    on complex social and environmental factors and their interactions. It is the

    process of adding improvements. Development is the gradual advancement or

    growth through a series of progressive changes. It is an extension of the

    theoretical orpractical aspects of aconcept,design,discovery,orinvention.

    Concept of Technology

    (1) Bargaining strength

    Technology has market value and is not given free. Price of technology depends

    on bargaining strength also. In other words, it can be termed as a new form of

    currency. Definitely technology provides a comparative advantage.

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    The bargaining strength should be such that it must satisfy both the society and

    the environment the two most important client of technology. The successful

    transformation of currency (indicator of both investment and profit) into

    technology and then again into currency mostly depends on the bargaining

    strength of the technological product.

    (2) Colonization

    Technology is the technical means people use to improve their surroundings. It is

    the knowledge of using tools and machines to do tasks efficiently or in other

    words, to control the world where we live. Technology is the means by which

    people can use their knowledge, tools and systems to make their lives easier and

    better and try to improve their ability to do work. This dependency for the better

    life can ultimately lead to colonization. Many technologies allow one society to

    have military advantage over another society. The effects these technologies on

    human society are complex and can even lead to modern slavery. The

    automobile and its need for fuel becomes the basis for a resource war. Mass

    media also often shapes the mass opinion.

    (3) Development mode

    Technology develops from a simple tool (for example a wooden spoon) into a

    complex tool (for example a space station). For a particular society, this

    development can happen either as a continuous function or as a discontinuous

    function. Depending on the development pattern for a particular society,

    marketing strategy for a particular technology should be designed.

    (4) Black Box Concept

    A technology can be created either as a black box or a transparent box. In simple

    words, a black box technology is difficult to understand. But it may be easy to

    use. A producer will always like to produce the technology as a black box. But a

    consumer will surely like a transparent box.

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    Technological Functions

    Technology can be thought to be functions of the following parameters:

    (1) Technical method (TM) (2) Skill (SK) (3) Processes (PR) (4) Techniques

    (TC) (5) Tools (TL) (6) Raw Materials (RW) (7) Technological Ethics (TE)

    (8) Environmental Impact (EI) (9) Technological By Product (TB) (10)

    Technological Risk (TR) (11) Philosophical Topic (PH) (12) Social Topic


    Technological development thus can be expressed as:

    T = f(TM, SK, PR, TC, TL, RW, TE, EI, TB, TR, PH, SO)

    As the parameters are all dependent variables, technological development can

    be termed as non-linear with respect to time.

    History of Technology

    History of technology is as old as history of civilization. The history follows a

    progression from simple tools and simple energy sources to complex tools. The

    earliest technologies converted natural resources into simple tools.

    The use of fire (8000 B.C) was a key turning point in technological evolution,

    providing a simple form of energy. Then comes the more complex tools which

    were rather simple machines like wheel (400 B.C) and lever (300 B.C). The more

    complex machines like engines or even computers were just a continuation of

    these. As the tools increase in complexity, so does the knowledge needed to

    support them.

    Technology and Culture

    Driving force for the technological innovation is the socio-cultural activity for a

    particular technology producer. The activities can be grouped into (1)

    Manufacturing (2) Infrastructure and (3) Space travel.

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    Nature of Technology


    The most modern tools are difficult to understand. Some are easy to use, but

    difficult to understand. This is linked with source and means of making. Some of

    them are difficult to use and difficult to understand.


    Modern tools depend on other modern tools for their make and use. For example

    automobiles have a huge complex industry of means and methods. To use them

    requires complex of roads, gas stations and even waste collection.


    Valence in other words means the different types of technology. A parent

    technology may have different types. Each type can be considered as a separate

    technology, but the basic remains the same.


    The scale of technology is measured by the magnitude and size of production. In

    other words, it can be termed as the total volume of production. The scale is

    related with the market value. It is expected that as the market value of a

    particular product increases, the scale of the product also increases.

    Relation between complexity, dependency, valence and scale

    As a general rule, increase of complexity results a greater dependency. When

    valence increases, the production facilities have also to be increased. This will

    lead an increased dependency between the main tool and the supporting tool.

    The increase of valence will result increase of scale depending on the market


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    Social demands and Progress of Technology

    Every advancement in technology influences and eventually changes society.

    Need of society changes, creating more needs and, eventually creating more

    technology. For example, switching of technology from normal telephone to

    mobile phone can be considered. With the invention of telephone, society

    depends on quicker ways of communication. Higher expectation for quicker

    communication was initially met using short-range radio system. Higher

    portability was then realized with miniaturization of components. This demanded

    for new product which was eventually met by the mobile phone.

    Inter Dependency between Technology and Society

    Relationship between society and technology is complex. It can be characterized

    as co-dependence on each other. Society creates and depends upon technology

    to meet its need and desire. Technologys existence arises due to societys need

    and desire. This is called symbiosis.

    Technology is in the society. The society is into technology. The society

    contributes the human and material resources necessary for technology to

    blossom. Experiments in technology today are in one way or another affecting

    the society. Take for example the experiment on cloning a human being. The

    experiment brought a lot of controversy since the society was skeptical about it.

    So technology is not progressing in that particular area. The developing world

    has a long tradition of participatory action research, popular education and

    community organization joining up to solve some science and technology issues

    that affect the society. Different forms of danger have also resulted from

    technology. It is the societal use of technology that gives rise to these dangers.

    Every new technology also seems to come with its own problems of waste which

    the society finds it difficult to manage.

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    Ogburn Theory of Cultural Lag

    The best-known statement about the relationship between technology and

    society is Ogburns theory of cultural lag. According to Ogburn, a cultural lag

    occurs when one of two correlated parts of a culture changes before or in greater

    degree than the other, thereby causing less adjustment between the two parts

    than existed previously. Typically, social institutions and technology readily adjust

    and readjust to each other, but sometimes one or the other changes radically and

    a lag develops.

    Interdependency between technology and environment

    There is a non-symbiotic relation between environment and technology. This can

    be proved as follows:

    If environment and technology is symbiotic, then both the resource and the

    environment are functions of technology. This is because technology needs

    resource which is provided by the environment. So, we can write:

    r=f (t)

    e=f (t)

    Where r is resource, e is environment and t is technology.

    In other words, we can say

    t = f (r)

    t = f (e)

    or, t = f(r,e)

    =f [ f(t), f(t) ]

    Which is mathematically incorrect, because a function cant be a function of its

    own. This proves that environment and technology is not symbiotic.

    Environmental Stress

    Sources of environmental stress that shows non-symbiotic relation between

    environment and technology are:

    1. Environmental stress results from the interaction of (a) the environment,

    (b) the technological system, and (c) the social system. This interaction

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    produces air and water pollution, problems of solid-waste disposal, and

    other hazards. A difficulty in dealing with environmental stress is the

    number of problems involved and the extent to which they are interrelated.

    2. Technologically advanced societies consume, on the average, four times

    as much food per person as people in less developed countries. That

    causes environmental stress.

    3. Energy consumption is distributed unevenly throughout the world, with

    energy use in the developed countries amounting to about one-quarter of

    the worldwide total. This creates environmental stress.

    4. To satisfy their high standard of living, the developed countries put

    enormous stress on the environment.

    Interdependency between technology and development

    Development depends on productivity improvement. Productivity improvement is

    linked to improved technology. For example, productivity will improve if an

    improved production process is developed. That will trigger development. The

    relation between technology and development can be expressed by the Cobb

    Douglas production function.

    CobbDouglas production function


    Y = total production (the monetary value of all goods produced in a year)

    L = Labor input (the total number of person-hours worked in a year)

    K = Capital input (the monetary worth of all machinery, equipment, and buildings)

    , = Output elasticities of labor and capital, respectively. These values areconstants determined by available technology.

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    About ,

    Output elasticity measures the responsiveness of output to a change in levels of

    either labor or capital used in production. For example if = 0.15, a 1% increase

    in labor would lead to approximately a 0.15% increase in output.


    + = 1,

    the production function has constant returns to scale. Which means doubling

    capital K and labor L will also double output Y.


    + < 1,

    returns to scale are decreasing (doubling capital K and labor L will be less than

    doubling the output Y).


    + > 1

    returns to scale are increasing (doubling capital K and labor L will be more than

    doubling the output Y).

    Assumingperfect competition and + = 1, and can be shown to be labor

    and capital's share of output (For example if = 0.15, a 1% increase in labor

    would lead to approximately a 0.15% increase in output).

    About A

    A = depends on the Technological Processes (TP). Increase in A results increase

    in total production and hence development occurs. In other words, increase in

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    total production increases per capita income (total production/population).

    Increase of per capita income means development.

    Development of new Technology

    There are four approaches that can be used to describe how a new technology

    develops. These are: (1) Societal components (2) Societal direction (3) Societal

    structure (4) Societal consumption

    Societal components

    There is a systematic interaction between technology and various components

    which constitute human surroundings. These include economic, environmental,population, resources, socio-cultural and politico-legal. Every technology, when

    applied, causes some alterations to its human surroundings. The changed

    surroundings then act as a guiding force for the development of new technology.

    Societal direction

    Different technologies affect different elements of society in different directions,

    and in turn, these systems exert different force on the technological system.

    These interactions, feedback loops and control mechanisms are of paramount

    importance for proper evaluation of technologies. Technology acts as a prime-

    mover for economic growth and vice versa.

    Societal structure

    Technology increases life expectancy. A well-structured population can produce

    more knowledge, which is an essential input for the production of technology.

    Societal consumption

    Increased use of certain technologies require over increasing consumption of

    resources. Depletion of non-renewable resources puts pressure on technology

    for the creation of new resources. Many technologies change natural

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    environment by withdrawing some constituents from the ecosystem. Technology

    introduces into ecosystem some alien elements. Threat of irreversible change in

    the environment demand harmony from new technologies. To the political system

    technology is an instrument of power. With political backing, the legal system can

    control the development of technology. All of these together effect the social


    Side Effects

    There are two types of effects from the use of technology. One is the main effect

    and the other is the side effect. Main effects are those that are intended by the

    technology. Side effects are those that are mainly unintended and unknown prior

    to the implementation of technology. The side effects are:

    1) Sociological

    2) Environmental

    1) Sociological: The most prominent effects from technological uses are

    sociological in nature. These effects might go unnoticed without careful

    observation. Sociological effects can be expressed as:

    Values: The implementation of technology changes the values of the society.

    There are at least three major interrelated values that are result of technological


    A) Mechanistic World View: A set of benefits that views the universe as a

    collection of parts, like a machine, that can be individually analyzed and


    B) Efficiency: A value, originally applied only to machines, but now placed

    upon all aspect of society. Where each element (organizational structure

    and human being) is expected to attain higher and higher performance.

    C) Progressivism: The belief that societal progress is good.

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    Ethics : Technology challenges the traditional ethical norms. It creates an

    aggragation of effects and changes the distribution of justice. It ultimately

    provides a great power.

    Lifestyle: Technology raises leisure class and makes people more informed. It

    increases multi-tasking works. With global networking denser social circles are

    created. Pattern of consumerism changes with too much information.

    2) Environmental: Effect of technology on environment is both (a) obvious and (b)

    subtle. The obvious effect includes depletion of non-renewable natural resources

    and added pollution of air, water and land. The subtle effects are long-term

    impact like global warming, deforestation, natural habitat destruction, coastal

    wet-land loss etc.

    Control of Technology

    Technology can be controlled in different ways, for example:

    1) Autonomous technology

    In one line of thought, technology develops autonomously. In other words

    technology seems to feed on itself. Technology moves forward with a force

    irresistible by humans. To these individuals, technology is inherently dynamic

    and self-augmenting. Human can not resist the temptation of expanding the

    knowledge and technical abilities.

    2) Government

    Government provides much of the funding for technological research and

    development. So government has a vested interest in certain outcomes.

    Government can allow more or less legal liability to fall to the organization or

    individual responsible for damage.

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    3) Choice

    Society controls technology through the choices that it makes. The choices

    include channels of distribution, how do product go from raw materials to

    consumption, the cultural beliefs regarding style, freedom of choice,

    consumerism and the economic value placed on the environment.

    Technology and Philosophy

    There are different philosophical thoughts regarding approaches towards

    technology. These are:

    1) Technicism

    Technicism is an over-confidence in technology as a benefactor of the society. It

    is the belief that man-kind will be able to control its existence using technology.

    Human being will be eventually be able to master all problems, supply all wants

    and needs, possibly even control the future. Newer and more recently developed

    technology is better. This kind of thought results what seems to be a blind

    acceptance of technological development.

    2) Pessimism

    Technological society normally breaks down. Society becomes technological at

    the cost of freedom and psychological health. It is also related to physical health

    due to pollution from technological product.

    3) Optimism

    Technology has beneficial effect for the society. Technological development is

    morally good.

    4) Appropriate Technology

    It is not always desirable to use very new technology. So a locally adopted

    technology is preferable.

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    o Social development - involves developing the ability to live as amember of the society or a group and contribute to it, at the sametime deriving benefits from it.

    o Political development - ensures human dignity through freedom of

    expression, democratic participation and an opportunity to influencethings that in turn influence the individuals living.

    o Moral and spiritual development - required to bring order, disciplineand peace into life and ensure that one persons comfort does notbecome his neighbors poison.

    Technology and Human Resource Management (HRM)

    Traditionally human resource management (HRM) has had a people-oriented

    approach. However today, an emphasis is being given to a knowledge-based

    administration using technology as a tool. The use of technology by HR has

    proven to assist on the improvement of business performances. By sharing

    information (technology) through HRM, organizations create expanded

    opportunities for market share and financial growth. Technologys role on HRM

    depends on the nature of Business Technology. Business technology refers to

    the integration of communication technologies, administrative applications and

    procedures within an organization. With increased communication technology,

    there is a move for many to work from anywhere; people are no longer

    necessarily anchored to one place. This has created a necessity for a new type

    of HRM.

    Factors of HRM

    Factors that should be considered in this new type of HRM include:

    o Growth in knowledge needs : World trade is growing over threetimes faster in knowledge-intensive goods and services such asbiomedicine, robotics, and engineering.

    o Shift in human competencies: In future almost all employmentgrowth will be in knowledge workers.

    o Global market connection Technology is dissolving borders andcreating an interconnected marketplace.

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    o Business streamlining. : Easy to use communication, electronicmail, electronic conferencing, and databases are creatinginstantaneous dissemination of data to make better decisions togeographically dispersed workers.

    o Rapid response. Technology permits quicker communications,which allows faster decision-making

    o Quicker innovation. Teams of marketing, engineering, andproduction personnel working in parallel with computer providedfiles, data, and information develop products faster

    o Quality improvement. The concept of building quality into the entireprocess of making, marketing, and servicing is enhanced bycomputer monitoring systems and through robotics.

    Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)

    HRIS is an integrated system providing information used in HR decision making.

    HRIS serves two major purposes in organizations: (1) improves the efficiency

    with which data on employees and HR activities are compiled; (2) having

    accessible data enables HR planning and managerial decisions making to be

    based to a greater degree on information rather than relying on managerial

    perceptions or intuitions. An HRIS has many benefits for an organization; one of

    the most frequently used is the automation of payroll and benefit activities. To

    ensure that the right health care provider is in the right place with the right skills,

    accurate data on human resources for health (HRH) can be provided by HRIS.

    HRIS helps an organization to manage its workforce more effectively and

    efficiently, while reducing costs and data errors. There are many commercial

    software available for implementation of HRIS.

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    Technology Life Cycle

    Figure: Technology life cycle.

    From the management and investment view point the technology life cycle

    consists of four distinct stages, these are:

    1. Innovation stage

    2. Syndication stage

    3. Diffusion stage

    4. Substitution stage

    1.Innovation stage

    This stage represents birth of a new product, material or process resulting from

    research and development activities. In the research and development

    laboratories, new ideas are generated by need pull and knowledge -push

    concepts. Depending upon the resources allocated and also the change element,

    the time taken in the innovation stage varies widely.

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    2. Syndication stage

    This stage represents the demonstration and industrialization of a new

    technology (product, material or process) with potential for immediate utilization.

    Many innovations are shelved in the research and development laboratories.

    Only a very small percent of those are commercialized. Commercialization of

    research results depends on technical as well as non-technical (mostly

    economic) factors and the time taken in the syndication stage also varies widely.

    3. Diffusion stage

    This stage represents the market penetration of a new technology through

    acceptance of the innovation by the potential users of the technology. Both

    supply and demand side factors jointly influence the rate of diffusion and the time

    taken in diffusion stage varies widely.

    4. Substitution stage

    This stage represents the decline in the use and eventual extinction of a

    technology (product, material or process) due to replacement by another

    technology (or technologies). Many technical as well as non-technical factors

    influence the rate of substitution, and the time taken in the substitution stage

    depends on the market dynamics.

    Technology life cycle described above has been shown in the figure which gives

    an indication of the time spans and volume of investment required. The volume

    of application has also been shown. While the diagram is indicative in nature, the

    gestation period essential for the endogenously developed technology becomes

    quite apparent.

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    Technology Life Cycle and International Trade

    It is common knowledge that in general, the export from developing to developed

    countries is predominantly non-technology intensive, whereas the export from

    developed to developing countries is mostly technology intensive. This is

    generally true as long as we consider the developing countries as a group versus

    developed countries as a group. Within these groups however, the pattern of

    trade is somewhat mixed. But it is obvious that technology plays an important

    role in international trade. Technology provides the competitive edge in

    international trade. It should also be looked into where and how technology is

    produced. Therefore, international trade in technology means export of

    technology from its country of origin to other countries.

    Let us look at the trade situation with respect to those technologies which are

    more hardware intensive. Introduction of a new technology gives the country of

    its origin an absolute advantage over other countries for a time, but in relatively

    short time other countries which are not far behind in that particular technological

    area start imitating and succeed in producing the technology as well. Therefore,

    in the introduction phase of the technological life cycle the country of origin

    produces more than its own needs and earns good profit from exports.

    Somewhere in the growth phase, other developed countries start producing the

    same technology to meet their own demand. At this time the country of origin

    starts exporting to less developed countries. But eventually after the technology

    has reached the maturity phase (when some other new technology produced by

    a developed country starts substituting this technology), the developing countries

    start to produce the technology marginally economically, and the trade situation

    is reversed (often with little profit).

    Next, let us consider the trade situation with respect to those technologies which

    are more software intensive. As most technologies are developed in the research

    and development laboratories of the private sector of the developed countries,

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    they sell their know-how to developing countries. The scale of technology here

    means either the direct scale for a lump sum or the scale of a license for royalty.

    Technology Development Approaches

    Basically there are three approaches to raise the countrys overall level of

    technological sophistication. These are: (i) buy the entire gamut of available

    technologies; (ii) produce all technologies by self; and (iii) buy some and produce

    some. Let us consider the fundamental merits and demerits of each of these

    three approaches.

    The buy all strategy has the greatest advantage of giving instant result. There isno need to waste time and resources in reinventing what is already available.

    Moreover, one does not have to wait until the people acquire enough knowledge

    to produce new technologies. But, technology is sold only to those who can pay

    for it and it is very expensive. Even though some countries may have enough

    primary resources (non-technology commodities, such as fossil fuels, mineral

    raw-materials, etc.) to sell for the purchase of technology. The greatest

    disadvantage of this strategy is the perpetual dependence on foreign countries.

    In addition, the market value of primary commodities in relation to technology as

    a commodity has been decreasing continuously due to many reasons, such as:

    (i) substitution, recycling and conservation measures taken with the help of

    advanced technology in the developed countries (ii) developing countries have

    less bargaining power due to weak financial situation; and (iii) technology

    supplying countries can influence the economic and political institutions of the

    technology purchasing countries as the purchased technologies can not be used

    without the help of foreigners. Therefore, in the long run, this approach to

    technology growth through purchase alone is not viable.

    On the other hand, make all strategy has the greatest advantage of self-

    reliance. But this is a very slow and painful process. Moreover, it is doubtful

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    whether this approach to technology development can at all be implemented

    under the prevailing situation (such as, increased population, depleted resources,

    no external market etc.). Therefore, the approach which is most practical is buy

    some and make some.

    Current State of Technology

    Few examples are given below describing the current state of technology.

    1. Agricultural robot or Agribot is a robot deployed for agriculturalpurposes.

    2. Closed ecological systems (CES) are ecosystems that do not rely on

    matter exchange with any part outside the system. In a closed ecologicalsystem, any waste products produced by one species must be used by atleast one other species.

    3. Head transplant is a surgical operation. It is involving the grafting of anorganism's head onto the body of another. It should not be confused withanother, hypothetical, surgical operation, the brain transplant. Headtransplantation involves decapitating the patient. Although it has beensuccessfully performed using dogs, monkeys and rats, no human is known

    to have undergone the procedure. This technique has been proposed aspossibly useful for people who are alreadyquadriplegics and who are alsosuffering from widespread organ failures which would otherwise requiremany different and difficult transplant surgeries. Quadriplegia may be anacceptable option for the terminally ill. There is no uniform consensus onthe ethics of such a procedure

    4. Life extension science, also known as anti-aging medicine,experimental gerontology, and biomedical gerontology, is the study ofslowing down or reversing the processes of aging to extend both themaximum and average lifespan.Some researchers in this area, and "lifeextensionists" or "longevists" (those who wish to achieve longer livesthemselves), believe that future breakthroughs in tissue rejuvenation withstem cells,molecular repair, andorgan replacement (such as with artificialorgans or xenotransplantations) will eventually enable humans to haveindefinite lifespans (agerasia) through complete rejuvenation to a healthyyouthful condition.

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    5. Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnologyNanomedicine ranges from the medical applications of nanomaterials, tonanoelectronic biosensors, and even possible future applications of

    molecular nanotechnology. Current problems for nanomedicine involveunderstanding the issues related to toxicity and environmental impact ofnanoscale materials.One nanometer is one-millionth of a millimeter.

    6. A stereo display (also 3D display) is a display device capable ofconveying depth perception to the viewer by means of stereopsis forbinocular vision

    7. Holographyis a technique which enables three-dimensional images to bemade. It involves the use of alaser,interference,diffraction,lightintensityrecording and suitable illumination of the recording. The image changesas the position and orientation of the viewing system changes in exactlythe same way as if the object were still present, thus making the imageappearthree-dimensional.

    8. Electronic noseis a device intended to detect odors orflavors.Over the

    last decade, "electronic sensing" or "e-sensing" technologies haveundergone important developments from a technical and commercial pointof view. The expression "electronic sensing" refers to the capability ofreproducing human senses using sensor arrays and pattern recognitionsystems. Since 1982, research has been conducted to developtechnologies, commonly referred to as electronic noses that could detectand recognize odors and flavors. The stages of the recognition processare similar to human olfaction and are performed for identification,comparison, quantification and other applications, including data storageand retrieval.. However, hedonic evaluation is a specificity of the humannose given that it is related to subjective opinions. These devices have

    undergone much development and are now used to fulfill industrial needs.

    9. E-textiles, also known as electronic textiles or smart textiles, are

    fabrics that enable computing.Digital components, and electronics to beembedded in them. Part of the development of wearable technology,theyare known as intelligent clothingor smart clothingbecause they allow for

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    the incorporation of built-in technological elements in everyday textiles andclothes. Electronic textiles do not strictly encompass wearable computingbecause emphasis is placed on the seamless integration between thefabric and the electronic elements, such as cables, microcontrollers,sensors and actuators. The field of embedding advanced electronic

    components onto textile fibers is sometimes calledfibertronics.

    10.Biofuels include fuels derived from biomass conversion, as well as solidbiomass,liquid fuels and variousbiogases.Biofuels are gaining increasedpublic and scientific attention, driven by factors such asoil price hikes,theneed for increasedenergy security.However, according to theEuropeanEnvironment Agency,biofuels do not address global warming concerns.

    11.Concentrated solar power (CSP) systems use mirrors or lenses toconcentrate a large area of sunlight, orsolar thermal energy,onto a smallarea. Electrical power is produced when the concentrated light isconverted to heat, which drives a heat engine (usually a steam turbine)connected to an electrical power generator. During 2010, the global totalrises to 1095 MW.

    12.Home fuel cell, also called micro combined heat and power (microCHP)

    andmicrogeneration,is a residential-scaled energy system. This allows aresidence to reduce overall fossil fuel consumption, reduce carbonemissions and reduce overall utility costs, while being able to operate 24hours a day.

    13.Wireless power is the transmission of electrical energy from a powersource to anelectrical load without man-made interconnectingconductors.Wireless transmission is useful in cases where interconnecting wires areinconvenient, hazardous, or impossible. With wireless power, efficiency is

    the more significant parameter. A large part of the energy sent out by thegenerating plant must arrive at the receiver or receivers to make thesystem economical.

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    14.Artificial brain is a term commonly used in the media to describeresearch that aims to develop software and hardware with cognitiveabilities similar to those of the animal orhuman brain.

    15.Quantum computer is a computation device that makes direct use ofquantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition andentanglement, to perform operations on data. Quantum computers aredifferent from digital computers based on transistors. Whereas digitalcomputers require data to be encoded into binary digits (bits), quantumcomputation uses quantum properties to represent data and performoperations on these data.

    16.Electric vehicle(EV), also referred to as an electric drive vehicle, usesone or moreelectric motors or traction motors forpropulsion.Three maintypes of electric vehicles exist, those that are directly powered from anexternal power station, those that are powered by stored electricityoriginally from an external power source, and those that are powered byan on-board electrical generator, such as an internal combustion engine (ahybrid electric vehicle). Electric vehicles include electric cars, electrictrains, electric lorries, electric aeroplanes, electric boats, electricmotorcycles and scooters andelectric spacecraft.

    17.Flying car is an aircraft that can also travel along roads. All the workingexamples have required some manual or automated process ofconversion between the two modes of operation.

    18.Bioplastics are a form of plastics derived from renewable biomasssources, such asvegetable fats and oils.Some, but not all, bioplastics aredesigned tobiodegrade.Bioplastics which are designed to biodegrade canbreak down in either anaerobic or aerobic environments, depending on

    how they are manufactured. There is a variety of bioplastics being made;they can be composed of starches,cellulose,or otherbiopolymers.Somecommon applications of bioplastics are packaging materials, diningutensils, food packaging, and insulation.

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    19.Miniaturized satellites or small satellites are artificial satellites of lowmass and size, usually under 500 kg (1,100 lb). One reason forminiaturizing satellites is to reduce the cost: heavier satellites requirelarger rockets with greater thrust which also has greater cost to finance. Inretrospect, smaller and lighter satellites require smaller and cheaper

    launch vehicles and can sometimes be launched in multiples. Besides thecost issue, the main rationale for the use of miniaturized satellites is theopportunity to enable missions that a larger satellite could not accomplish,such as: (1) Constellations for low data rate communications (2) Usingformations to gather data from multiple points (3) In-orbit inspection oflarger satellites. (4) University Related Research.

    20.Solar roadwayis a road surface that generates electricity by solar powerphotovoltaics.One current proposal is for 12 ft x 12 ft (3.658 m x 3.658 m)

    panels includingsolar panels andLEDsignage,that can be driven on. Theconcept involves replacing highways, roads, parking lots, driveways, andsidewalks with such a system

    Development and Environment

    Generally in the industrialized countries, ways have been devised to

    accommodate and prepare the way for economic growth and increases in

    population density without decline of key measures of environmental quality and


    Resource and Technology

    Condition of resource substitution or use of alternative energy source are:

    1. Technology expands and the available resource creates alternative that

    ultimately triggers resource substitution.

    2. Depletion of resources is the driving force for resource substitution.

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    3. Energy substitution has been driven by the availability of a set of new

    technologies that enabled an alternative energy source to satisfy the end-

    use demand of society. This results a resource substitution.

    Impact of Technology upon the Environment

    Life Cycle Assessment

    Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool (analytical and information generating tool)

    for identifying and analyzing the impacts (influences, costs, or benefits) of

    technology upon the environment. Policy makers use the information generated

    by an LCA to compare the tradeoffs of alternative products, processes, and

    services and to better inform their policy, adoption, and managementdecisions.Business and industry leaders use this information to improve the

    environmental performance of their products and operations, e.g., pollution

    prevention and recyclability, and inform strategic decisions.

    Components of LCA

    LCA is built upon principles of

    1. Systems thinking,2.

    Sustainability, and3. Life cycle thinking

    Systems Thinking

    A system is a group of interdependent components which act together in a

    unified way. All technological systems are embedded within larger social,

    economic, and environmental systems which interact through the exchange of

    materials, energy, and information. These inputs and outputs indicate points of

    impact and dependence between systems.


    For a system to be sustainable (i.e., continue to function), the inputs consumed

    by one system must not exceed the stored or regenerative capacity of the

    environment from which those inputs originate. Thus, a paper mill which

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    demands trees as a source of pulp must not exceed the supply of an existing

    forest or the growth rate of that forest. In addition, the outputs of a systemthe

    products, wastes, and emissionsmust be benign or degradable by the

    environmental system, or those undesirable elements must be managed and

    stored to protect the health of the environment. Life cycle thinking is a powerful

    decision making tool when striving for sustainability.

    Life Cycle Thinking

    Life cycle thinking is looking upstream and downstream at the phases of a

    products life cycle. This perspective emphasizes that a product has

    environmental, social, and human health impacts at each stage of its life cycle.

    These Includes the extraction of raw materials, design and production, packaging

    and distribution, use and maintenance, and disposal. This comprehensive view

    compels the decision maker to consider a full range of impact indicators

    associated with the inputs and outputs of each system. Especially energy

    consumption, water requirements, solid wastes, atmospheric emissions, human

    health effects, and other cumulative impacts to the biosphere has to be


    Human Response due to Environmental Change

    Human systems and environmental systems meet in two places, where human

    actions proximately cause environmental change, that is, where they directly alter

    aspects of the environment, and where environmental changes directly affect

    what humans value. Why, for example, is there so much variation across

    societies, even advanced industrial societies, with regard to energy consumption

    per unit of economic output? Some basic questions may be asked regarding

    Impact of Environment upon Human Changes:

    o What will humans do in anticipation of global change to keep it fromharming what they value?

    o How will humans respond to actual global changes?

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    o What is the likelihood that humans will take no organized action atall in response to particular global changes, and what would be theconsequent effects on human welfare?

    Mitigation and Intervention

    Social and economic organization and human values may change faster than the

    global environment. People may respond in anticipation of global change. People

    may respond to experienced or anticipated global change by intervening at any

    point in the cycle of interaction between human and environmental systems.

    Mitigationthat is, actions that alter environmental systems to prevent, limit,delay, or slow the rate of undesired global changesmay involve direct

    interventions in the environment, direct interventions in the human proximate

    causes, or indirect interventions in the driving forces of global change. People

    can also respond by blocking the undesired proximate effects of environmental

    systems on what they value, for example, by applying sunscreens to the skin to

    help prevent cancer from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. They can make

    adjustments that prevent or compensate for imminent or manifest losses of

    welfare from global change, for example, famine relief or drought insurance. And

    people can intervene to improve the robustness of social systems by altering

    them so that an unchecked environmental change would produce less reduction

    of values than would otherwise be the case. For example, crop polyculture may

    not slow the pace of global change, but it is more robust than monoculture in the

    face of drought, acid deposition, and ozone depletion. Many of these responses

    may indirectly affect the driving forces of global change.

    Human Response to Global Change

    Human responses to global change occur within seven interacting systems.

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    1. Ind iv idual percept ion, judgment, and act ion: All decisions are basedon inputs from individuals. Individual actions, in the aggregate, often havemajor effects.

    2. Markets: Environmental change is likely to affect the prices of important

    commodities and factors of economic production. However, existingmarkets do not provide the right price signals for managing global changefor various reasons, and the participants in markets do not always followstrict rules of economic rationality.

    3. Sociocul tural systems: Social bonds can also affect individual andcommunity responses to global change and to policy.

    4. Organized responses at the subnat ional level : Such as bycommunities, social movements, and corporations and trade associations,can be significant both in their own right and by influencing the adoption

    and implementation of government policies.5. National pol ic ies: Are critical in the human response to global change by

    making possible international agreements and by affecting the ability torespond at local and individual levels. Not only environmental policy, butalso macroeconomic, fiscal, agricultural, and science and technologypolicies are important

    6. International co-operation : Is necessary to address some large-scaleenvironmental changes such as ozone depletion and global warming. Theformation of international institutions for response to global change iswidely considered to be the key to solving the problems, and both nation-states and non-state actors are involved.

    7. Global social chang e: Expansion of the global market, the worldwidespread of communication networks, democratic political forms, andscientific knowledge, and the global resurgence of cultural identity as asocial force may influence the way humanity responds to the prospect ofglobal change and its ability to adapt to experienced change.

    Human societies respond to environmental (e.g., climate) signals through

    multiple pathways including collapse or failure, migration and creative invention

    through discovery.

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    Extreme Events and Human Response

    Extreme drought, for instance, has triggered both social collapse and ingenious

    management of water through irrigation. Extreme events in the fourteenth

    century in Europe fundamentally undermined social order. In the same period

    (fourteenth century in Europe), agricultural land was abandoned and forests

    increased. Many would argue that it also led to the end of the feudal system,

    improved land and employee rights and, through the enlightenment period,

    paved the way for the modern age. The Little Ice Age affected food availability in

    many parts of Europe, leading to the development of technological, economic

    and political strategies as ways to reduce vulnerability.

    Great Acceleration and Human-Environment Relation

    The engine of the GreatAcceleration (the sharpincrease in human population,

    economic activity, resource use, transport, communication and knowledge

    sciencetechnology that was triggered in many parts of the world) is an

    interlinked system consisting of population increase, rising consumption,

    abundant cheap energy, and liberalizing political economies. The Great

    Acceleration is arguably the most profound and rapid shift in the human

    environment relationship that the Earth has experienced. There are signs that the

    Great Acceleration could not continue in its present form without increasing the

    risk of crossing major thresholds and triggering abrupt changes worldwide.

    Transitions to new energy systems will be required. Many of the ecosystem

    services upon which human well-being depends are depleted or degrading, with

    possible rapid changes when thresholds are crossed. There are circumstances in

    which a society is resilient to perturbations (e.g., climate change)and there are

    circumstances in which a society is so vulnerable to perturbations that it will be

    unable to cope.

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    (2) Ship Operation: Some problems come about largely because of

    irresponsible or unintelligent behaviour. Careless ship operations appear

    to be the immediate cause of oil spill.

    (3) Gas or Oil Leaks: Gas or oil leaks from drilling could very likely have

    been prevented by more thorough geological studies and better

    engineering practice. Some problems arise because of collective effects of

    individual behaviour that is not particularly serious on a small scale. Other

    problems arise simply out of ignorance.

    (4) CFC: No environmental impact statement at the time of the innovation is

    likely to have identified the problems that arouse decades later with DDT

    or chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Electric refrigeration looked like a

    marvelous advance over the icebox when it was introduced into the mass

    market in the late 1920s, and the CFCs looked attractive compared with

    the problems of leaks and explosions associated with ammonia and other

    first-generation coolants. CFCs were invented around 1930 as a safe

    alternative to ammonia and sulfur dioxide for use in home refrigerators.

    Certainly no chemist could have been expected in the 1930s to link CFCs

    to destruction of stratospheric ozone, which could not be measured

    accurately at that time, or to the greenhouse effect.

    (5) Waste Disposal: Products and incentives should be designed in such a

    way that a minimum of hazardous waste is created. But also, it should be

    easy to dispose of those wastes that are created. Society might better use

    its resources to recycle these materials than to prosecute those who dump


    Local and Global Environmental Problem

    During the production phase, the industry will have an interaction with the local

    surroundings. This interaction will produce waste locally and will affect the local

    ecosystem resources, for example, the agriculture and the fishery in the river.

    This is a local problem and that can be thought to affect only the local population.

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    On the other hand, during the consumption phase, the consumed product

    interacts with the global surroundings and thereby, creates wastes. These

    wastes may trigger the phenomena like global warning or climate change. This is

    a global problem that affects the global population. The global problem also

    affects the local population.

    Environmental Regulation and the Industry

    Environmental analysis and regulation have sometimes tended to focus on

    industry as the major force shaping the evolution of the environment to the

    exclusion of other important forces. Environmentalists have tended to view

    industry as a collection of pollution sources. This view, no doubt, is inadequate.


    The metabolism means the consumption. A product is metabolistic when it is

    totally consumed considering the entire process of production and consumption.

    The ultimate target of metabolism is to produce minimum or zero waste. Different

    approaches of metabolism are:

    (1) The concept of metabolism leads to unified, continuous, and

    comprehensive consideration of production and consumption processes

    from an environmental point of view.

    (2) In many places the major sources of environmental pollutants have been

    shifting from production to consumption processes.

    (3) Several industries have increasingly been able to control the material

    flows in their production processes quite comprehensively.

    (4) The chemical industry, for example, is finding new uses for waste


    (5) Industry in future will recycle or use a number of todays major waste


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    Dissipation and Dispersion

    Dissipation and dispersion are the two modes of consumption.

    Dissipation is the consumption in the non-molecular level. A large number of

    materials uses are inherently dissipative. Many materials are degraded,

    dispersed, and lost in the course of a single normal use. In addition to fuels and

    food, this applies to many packaging materials, lubricants, solvents, flocculants,

    detergents, cleaning agents, dyes, most paper, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals,

    fertilizers etc. Most of the current consumptive uses of toxic heavy metals, such

    as arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and mercury are dissipative in this sense. Other

    uses are dissipative in practice because of the difficulty of recycling such items

    as batteries and electronic devices. Increasing product and materials complexity

    may also contribute to a tendency toward dissipative use. Dissipative

    consumption is non-metabolistic and normally residual remains.

    Dispersion, on the other hand, represents consumption in molecular level. This is

    possible mainly through repeated recycling. Dispersion makes the consumption


    Residuals and Environment

    Residuals tend to be disappeared from the market domain, where everything has

    a price. They do not disappear from the natural world in which the economic

    system is embedded. Many signals given by prices are wrong from an

    environmental viewpoint. For example, differences in prices of coal, oil and gas

    scarcely reflect the different environmental consequences of these energy


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    The term dematerialization is employed to characterize the decline over time in

    weight of materials used in industrial end products. Dematerialization would be

    tremendously important for the environment, because less material could

    translate in to smaller quantities of waste generated in both production and


    There are widely held perceptions of a long-term trend of decline in weight

    (intensity) of materials. Among the evidence pointed to are the decline in per

    capita consumption of such basic materials as steel in some advanced

    industrialized countries and the increasing efficiency of energy use. The

    significant decline in use of steel in the automotive industry does provide strong

    evidence in support of dematerialization in production. Further evidence of

    dematerialization in production is provided by data on overall industrial solid

    waste generation, which showed a significant decline for several years beginning

    in 1979.

    However, the overall picture about dematerialization is not so sanguine. Two

    examples can be cited in this regard. (1) Generation of municipal solid waste has

    been on the increase, and there appears to have been overall a linear increase in

    discards with time measured by weight. If smaller, lighter products are also

    inferior in quality, then more units would be produced and the net result could be

    a greater amount of waste generated. (2) Spatial dispersion of the population is a

    potential materializer. Migration from urban to suburban areas, often driven by

    affluence, requires more roads, more single unit dwellings, and more

    automobiles. The shift from larger families to smaller nuclear families may be a


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    Technological Contributions to Solutions of Environmental Problems

    Two approaches can be considered in this regard.

    (1) Technological contribution to the solution of environmental problems

    associated with energy production and consumption. There is a general

    agreement that reduction in emissions from the supply side and improvement in

    efficiency on the demand side are the right things to do.

    (2) The record of engineering achievement shows sustained improvement in

    efficiency accompanied by a continuing decline in the cost over most of the time.

    In the past few years, energy requirements and losses associated with emission

    controls have offset continued engineering improvements aimed at efficiency.

    Integrated Gasifier with Combined Cycle (IGCC)

    To use further use of coal as well as gas resources, the Integrated Gasifier with

    Combined Cycle (IGCC) can be considered a major step forward. If carbon

    dioxide must eventually be removed from power plant effluents, IGCC can

    probably best accommodate this requirement, not without cost, but at costs

    below other coal-based alternatives. Meanwhile, gas produces less carbon

    dioxide per kilowatt-hour than any other fossil fuel option and permits us some

    time to understand better the issue of climate change without imposing costly but

    ineffectual carbon dioxide removal requirements.

    Integrated Energy Systems (IES)

    The IES concept is one in which product streams and energy streams merge.

    Coal, crude oil, liquefied petroleum gases, and natural gas could well be primary

    materials used by the system. Waste of heat or components is minimized,

    thereby enhancing economic efficiency. Zero emission, the ultimate dream for

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    energy systems, can be accomplished only with a hydrogen economy, and IES

    offers a technological road toward that goal.

    Social and Institutional Approach of Environmental Issues

    Professionals have discovered environmental problems over the past 100 years.

    First physicians and expert in public health, the engineers, later biologists and

    toxicologists, and most recently lawyers. Each discovered problems and offered

    solutions. All of the solutions have had unforeseen consequences, whether

    natural, social, or economic, and most have been so narrowly focused that larger

    public goals have been missed.

    The legal system has generated some of the key decisions supporting

    environmental protection. It has produced an adversarial, combative climate in

    which it is virtually impossible for people from industry to discuss facts with their

    colleagues in government or the public. Legalistic approach has produced a

    staggering load of regulations that leaves little time or incentive for creativity and

    human judgment in developing solutions and no time for concentrating on

    environmental results. It has created a process oriented, rather than a result

    oriented approach.

    Legislative activities have resulted in an enormous, sometimes contradictory,

    uncoordinated control requirements. Regulations require advanced waste

    treatment of domestic waste at about 50% higher cost than the usual secondary

    treatment when discharged into a water body. Better engineering would create

    fewer problems for biologists and lawyers to worry about. Imaginative

    approaches are needed for cooperative activity between technical experts and

    the policymaking community.

    The technological community, indeed all of the society, has been largely reactive

    to environmental issues. In the past we have tended to wait for the crisis and

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    responded. Society needs a positive agenda for environment, based on theories,

    better data basses and better analyses. For engineers, the emphasis should be

    on design of environmentally compatible technologies, both for manufacturing

    and plant operations for products.

    Design should not merely meet environmental regulations. Environmental

    elegance should be part of the culture of engineering education and practice.

    Selection and design of manufacturing processes and products should

    incorporate environmental constraints and objectives at the beginning. Ever-

    increasing goals for environmental quality present the engineering profession

    with challenges in design, basic research and education. Environmental quality

    must become an ethic in all engineering design.

    Waste Reduction

    The most important waste reduction methods are:

    1. Inplant process

    2. Inplant re-cycling

    3. Add on device

    4. Change in process technology

    5. Change in plant operation

    6. Substitution of input material

    7. Modification of end product

    8. Avoid creation of waste

    9. Waste destruction

    10. Waste isolation

    A movement has grown stressing design and in-plant processes, in contrast to

    add-on devices or exterior recycling, to reduce or eliminate waste. This

    movement has been called waste reduction or pollution prevention.

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    It is necessary first to prevent waste creation. This involves the development of

    substitute products and processes. It is necessary to seek general principles to

    guide the search for substitutes for certain broad classes of widely used

    materials with environmental effects. In response to developing regulatory trends

    and competition from the paper industry, the chemical industry has begun

    development of biodegradable plastics.

    It is important of reducing waste and preventing waste creation. Avoiding creation

    of a waste eliminates the need for its treatment and disposal, both of which carry

    environmental risk. Treated effluent streams carry non-regulated residual

    substances that may turn out later to be harmful.

    Methods of waste reduction include in-plant recycling, changes in process

    technology, changes in plant operation, substitution of input materials, and

    modification of end products both to permit use of less-polluting processes and to

    prevent the products themselves from becoming problem wastes. The

    technology of waste reduction does not yet have a widely accepted scientific


    If waste cannot be prevented, then way should be found to recycle or reuse it.

    Apart from behavioral and economic hurdles, recycling faces technical

    limitations. For example, recycling paper shortens paper fibers and lowers

    quality. There are precious metals, such as platinum, used in catalytic

    converters, that industry would like to recycle, but an economic means to collect

    the converters has not yet been found.

    If recycling or reuse is not possible, then it is time for treatment and destruction. If

    those options are insufficient, the next resort is waste isolation. The last resort is

    avoiding exposure to released residues. Even with remarkable engineering

    achievements, many of the problems associated with waste disposal will become


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    Waste Management

    Following are some examples of waste management:

    1. One example is the biodegradable plastics.

    2. More could be understood about using ultraviolet radiation or gamma rays

    to irradiate and harmlessly decompose plastics.

    3. Material research itself can be a key to dematerialization. More needs to

    be understood about combustion. Progress on fundamental of combustion

    is already enabling the design of engines that produce lower NO

    emissions. It is time to become serious about technologies for reducing

    and recycling carbon dioxide emissions.

    4. Technologies for cost-effective separation of hydrogen remain areas of

    potentially high environmental payoff. There are also needs for

    improvement and deployment of monitoring technologies. Environmental

    monitoring still remains labour intensive.

    5. Many engineering systems have been poorly designed from the point of

    view of operators and that this human aspect of design must be taken

    more seriously, whether in electrical or chemical plants or consumer


    6. In the past few years there has been a shift among environmentalists to a

    revised view of the soft path option that emphasizes managing demand

    downward rather than supply upward to meet societal needs and


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    Approaches to consider Environmental Issues

    The main approaches are:

    1. Search for optimality

    2. Real time decision

    3. Partial solution

    4. Dynamic system consideration

    The partial nature of solutions must be accepted. On most environmental issues,

    the luxury of time to search for optimality does not exist. In many areas,

    decisions are being made in real time or on the basis of anticipated

    consequences. However, a sequence of partial solutions may form a good path if

    the forces driving the system are reasonably well understood. The key is to work

    on narrow or specific problems with an understanding of the interface with the

    overall problem.

    Isolating meaningful subsystems is not always easy, especially in turbulent,

    dynamic systems such as those in which most environmental issues exist. There

    may occasionally be simple and important relations to be found in complex

    systems. The challenge is to couple technological, economic, and environmental

    considerations without unrealistic data needs that can come with ambitious

    modeling efforts.

    End use efficiency

    End-use efficiency is the result of a process involving several links in a chain.

    Final products are made by sequences of processes with an overall conversion

    efficiency that is the product of the efficiency at each stage. If a typical chain has

    four steps, each with a very favourable conversion efficiency of 0.7, the overall

    conversion ratio of the chain is about 0.74= 0.24.

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    Renewable Energy and the Environment


    Fossil fuels are non-renewable, that is, they draw on finite resources that will

    eventually dwindle, becoming too expensive or too environmentally damaging to

    retrieve. In contrast, the many types of renewable energy resources-such as

    wind and solar energy-are constantly replenished and will never run out.

    Sources of renewable energy

    The main sources are renewable energy are:

    1. Sun

    2. Wind

    3. Hydrogen

    4. Water

    5. Geothermal

    Most renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun. Sunlight,

    or solar energy, can be used directly for heating and lighting homes and other

    buildings, for generating electricity, and for hot water heating, solar cooling, and avariety of commercial and industrial uses. The sun's heat also drives thewinds,

    whose energy,is captured with wind turbines. Then, the winds and the sun's heat

    cause water to evaporate. When this water vapor turns into rain or snow and

    flows downhill into rivers or streams, its energy can be captured using

    hydroelectric power. Sunlight causes plants to grow. The organic matter that

    makes up those plants is known as biomass. Biomass can be used to produce

    electricity, transportation fuels, or chemicals. The use of biomass for any of these

    purposes is called bioenergy. Hydrogen also can be found in many organic

    compounds, as well as water. It's the most abundant element on the Earth. But it

    doesn't occur naturally as a gas. It's always combined with other elements, such

    as with oxygen to make water. Once separated from another element, hydrogen

    can be burned as a fuel or converted into electricity. Not all renewable energy

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    resources come from the sun. Geothermal energytaps the Earth's internal heat

    for a variety of uses, including electric power production, and the heating and

    cooling of buildings. Energy of the ocean's tides come from the gravitational pull

    of the moon and the sun upon the Earth. Ocean Energy comes from a number of

    sources. In addition to tidal energy, there's the energy of the ocean's waves,

    which are driven by both the tides and the winds. All these forms of ocean energy

    can be used to produce electricity.

    Benefits of Renewable Energy

    Environmental Benefits

    Renewable energy technologies are clean sources of energy that have a

    much lower environmental impact than conventional energy technologies.

    Energy for future

    Renewable energy will not run out. Other sources of energy are finite andwill some day be depleted.

    Jobs and the Economy

    Most renewable energy investments are spent on materials andworkmanship to build and maintain the facilities, rather than on costly

    energy imports.

    Energy Security

    As an independent energy source, renewable energy do not depend onthe socio-economic and political situation of the world.

    Trend of using Renewable Energy

    In 2000, the International Energy Agency (IEA) published its World EnergyOutlook, predicting that non-hydro renewable energy would comprise 3 percentof global energy by 2020. That benchmark was reached in 2008.

    In 2000, IEA projected that there would be 30 gigawatts of wind power worldwideby 2010, but the estimate was off by a factor of 7. Wind power produced 200gigawatts in 2010, an investment of approximately $400 billion.

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    In 1999, the U.S. Department of Energy estimated that total U.S. wind powercapacity could reach 10 gigawatts by 2010. The country reached that amount in2006 and quadrupled b