DRAFT AGENDA The LCBRA will meet TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2018 at 9:30 am at the Government Center. PLEASE TURN OFF & PUT AWAY ALL CELL PHONES CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA CONFLICT OF INTEREST CONSIDERATION OF NOVEMBER 20, 2018 Minutes pgs 2-5 PUBLIC COMMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS 1. Update - Appointments to the LCBRA CONSENT AGENDA Items of a routine nature to be voted on with one motion - no discussion. Upon request, members may remove any item and place elsewhere on the agenda, with no vote of the commission. Members will vote on remaining items on the Consent Agenda, after the item removed has been placed elsewhere on the agenda. A. AKT Peerless – Monthly update pgs 6-7 B. Envirologic-Assessment - Monthly Update pgs 8-11 C. Envirologic–General Consulting Update pgs 12-13 NEW BUSINESS 1. Work Order: Centerville Township Hall (Envirologic Technologies, Inc.) pgs 14-18 2. Work Order: Sugar Loaf (Envirologic Technologies, Inc.) pgs 19-25 3. Application for Assessment Work – Glen Arbor site (emailed separately) a. Approval of Work b. Selection of consultant with cost not to exceed 4. Application for Assessment Work – Leelanau Township site (emailed separately) a. Approval of Work b. Selection of consultant with cost not to exceed FINANCIALS pgs 26-35 1. Claims & Accounts – EPA Assessment Grant ($8,148.75) 2. Claims & Accounts - General Services ($70.00) 3. Request to EPA for Grant Reimbursements (to be handed out at meeting) 4. Post Audit – ($10.00) 5. Budget Amendments, Transfers CORRESPONDENCE/COMMUNICATION ITEMS PUBLIC COMMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS MEMBER / CHAIRPERSON COMMENTS ADJOURN Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) County website: www.leelanau.cc/brownfieldmtg.asp 8527 E. Government Center Dr. Suite 108 Suttons Bay MI 49682 Phone: (231) 256-9812 or Toll Free (866) 256-9711, Ext. 6 Fax: (231) 256-0174 Members Kathy Egan-Chair Carolyn (Peachy) Rentenbach, Vice-Chair Kate Sterken, Sect/Treasurer Richard (Rick) Foster Randy Harmson Chet Janik Patricia Soutas-Little Director Trudy Galla Page 1 of 35

Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) · 2018-12-14 · B. Envirologic-Assessment - Monthly Update pgs 8-11 C. Envirologic–General Consulting Update pgs 12-13

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Page 1: Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) · 2018-12-14 · B. Envirologic-Assessment - Monthly Update pgs 8-11 C. Envirologic–General Consulting Update pgs 12-13


The LCBRA will meet TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2018 at 9:30 am at the Government Center.



1. Update - Appointments to the LCBRA

CONSENT AGENDAItems of a routine nature to be voted on with one motion - no discussion. Upon request, members mayremove any item and place elsewhere on the agenda, with no vote of the commission. Members willvote on remaining items on the Consent Agenda, after the item removed has been placed elsewhere onthe agenda.

A. AKT Peerless – Monthly update pgs 6-7B. Envirologic-Assessment - Monthly Update pgs 8-11C. Envirologic–General Consulting Update pgs 12-13

NEW BUSINESS 1. Work Order: Centerville Township Hall (Envirologic Technologies, Inc.) pgs 14-18 2. Work Order: Sugar Loaf (Envirologic Technologies, Inc.) pgs 19-25 3. Application for Assessment Work – Glen Arbor site (emailed separately)

a. Approval of Workb. Selection of consultant with cost not to exceed

4. Application for Assessment Work – Leelanau Township site (emailed separately)a. Approval of Workb. Selection of consultant with cost not to exceed

FINANCIALS pgs 26-35 1. Claims & Accounts – EPA Assessment Grant ($8,148.75) 2. Claims & Accounts - General Services ($70.00) 3. Request to EPA for Grant Reimbursements (to be handed out at meeting) 4. Post Audit – ($10.00) 5. Budget Amendments, Transfers






Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) County website: www.leelanau.cc/brownfieldmtg.asp

8527 E. Government Center Dr. Suite 108 Suttons Bay MI 49682 Phone: (231) 256-9812 or Toll Free (866) 256-9711, Ext. 6 Fax: (231) 256-0174

Members Kathy Egan-Chair

Carolyn (Peachy) Rentenbach, Vice-Chair Kate Sterken, Sect/Treasurer

Richard (Rick) Foster Randy Harmson

Chet Janik Patricia Soutas-Little

Director Trudy Galla

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A regular meeting of the Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority was held on Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at the Leelanau County Government Center. CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Meeting called to order at 9:30 by Rentenbach who led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Members Present: C. Rentenbach, K. Sterken, R. Foster, R. Harmson, C. Janik, P. Soutas-Little Members Absent: K. Egan Staff: T. Galla, Director Public Present: J. Hawkins, D. Wells CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA Motion by Foster, seconded by Harmson to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0. CONFLICT OF INTEREST - None CONSIDERATION OF October 23, 2018 MINUTES Minor spelling errors were pointed out for correction. Motion by Harmson, seconded by Foster, to approve minutes as corrected. Motion carried 6-0 PUBLIC COMMENT - None DIRECTOR COMMENTS Galla recommended holding off making the loan payment in the amount of $13,682.30 to the DEQ for the Leelanau residential development (originally done under Varley & Kelly) because it was not budgeted for 2018. It can go into the 2019 adopted budget or the budget can be amended later. Galla has already notified the DEQ that they will not be making the payment until January of 2019. Loan payments will start again, June 2, 2019 following a requested suspension of the payments for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018. Galla said there wasn’t any interest charged during those years, however, there will be a year’s interest charged when the payments resume. A payment in the amount of $42,953.25 will be due each year starting June 2, 2019 and ending in 2028. This amount does not include the $13,682.30 owed. Also, Galla was notified that they still had a receivable for the demolition of the old house at the GTRAC site in the amount of $31,119.80. Years ago the county board agreed to pay for the demolition with the understanding that if there was a Brownfield Plan put in place they would try to recover those costs. This is another item they will be going over with Hawkins through the TIF schedule to determine how much money has come in and how much they can pay back to the county board, each year. Galla pointed out that this is not included in the proposed 2019 budget and neither is repayment to the county for $100,000.00 in prior loans. Galla suggests waiting until she and Hawkins work on the TIF Schedule and then amend the 2019 budget. Janik asked what the terms were, if any, on the loans with the county and Galla said there weren’t any terms spelled out as far as interest or time period or when repayment was to start. Galla made a suggestion of paying back $5,000.00 or $10,000.00 a year to start chipping away at it.

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CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Janik, seconded by Harmson to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS-None NEW BUSINESS Work Order: Suttons Bay Village – AKT Peerless Wells stated they had received approval from EPA that assessment funds can be used on the property for both Phase 1 and Lead and Asbestos survey on a portion of the school property that they want to redevelop. They will be setting up work on this as soon as possible. Galla told members they needed an action on this because last month they only approved up to $5,000.00 to get started. This work order is for an amount not to exceed $24,612.00 for the additional work. Galla pointed out that the first work order approved last month came in under $5,000.00. Motion by Janik, seconded by Harmson, to approve work order #24 for amount not to exceed $24,612.00. Motion carried 6-0.

Sugar Loaf Assessment work – 10% Cost Soutas-Little explained that Sugar Loaf is going to be a major economic benefactor for the community, hopefully bringing it back to a year round economy. They will be doing a lot of other help, but she feels this is an opportunity for them to do a small investment. This is the biggest project they have ever had, so for the county brownfield to invest 10% seems minor compared to what will be put in by Katofsky and his partner. Janik stated that normally he is in favor of the 10% policy, he feels it is fair, but in this case he thinks they should set the 10% aside and show Katofsky they are serious about working with him. Janik said he went down to see the St. Clair Inn about 14 months ago and it was in just about the same shape as Sugar Loaf is now. It was in rough, rough shape and he didn’t think they could save it, but Katofsky followed through with what he said he would do. Janik visited a couple weeks ago and was shocked at what Katofsky had done, in a positive way. Katofsky has the same team coming up here to work on Sugar Loaf. Janik agrees that this is the biggest project they will ever take on. Janik concluded by saying he met with officials in St. Clair and they had the same doubts that a lot of people have up here. They had a lot of false starts at the St. Clair Inn, but their feedback on what has been done with Katofsky has been very positive. He feels the 10% is pretty minor in terms of what the potential return could be. Harmson commented that he was saddened about the damage done at Sugar Loaf. Janik told members about the vandalism at Sugar Loaf and that it was in rough shape. Katofsky’s team felt this may be a good thing, because if they have to tear it down, it will give them more options. Also, they may grind up the material and use it to make a road going to the top of the hill. Harmson agreed with Janik, and said this board and Land Bank are one of the last vestiges of economic development. He felt an investment of 10% is not that big of a deal. Janik felt they needed to send Katofsky a signal that they are excited because he has followed through on what he said he would do and is going to be back up here in 4 or 5 months. The fact that he brought his entire team up here for 4 days says something. Soutas-Little thought his plans to reach out to the community and form partnerships was encouraging. And, it’s an opportunity from economic standpoint that is long-time coming and is going to be a real boom to the community.

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Rentenbach said some of the things Katofsky has mentioned, such as affordable housing, was exciting. Janik showed members a slide show which included pictures from the top of the hill at Sugar Loaf as well as the St. Clair Inn. Discussion continued on various plans for Sugar Loaf. Hawkins provided information on the work that was done at the St. Clair Inn regarding brownfield assessment, DEQ funds, etc. He did not think there was a charge to Katofsky on the funds acquired for the St. Clair Inn. Motion by Janik, seconded by Soutas-Little, to waive the 10% for this project. Motion carried 6-0. Proposed 2019 Budget Galla reviewed the budget and explained some minor changes she made to the Assessment Grant work and TIF dollars. Motion by Harmson, seconded by Soutas-Little, to accept the 2019 budget as presented. Motion carried 6-0.

Recommendation to County Board on Appointments Rentenbach pointed out K. Egan’s term limits have come to an end, but hopes they can make an exception and put her in as a recommendation because she has been such a key part of the board. Janik stated, she is a chair person too, the board has waived its policy in the past. Rentenbach commented that it would be difficult to lose Egan at this point in time. Soutas-Little agreed and said that would be the best course of action. Janik felt with her professional background, she could potentially be very beneficial with Sugar Loaf. Rentenbach questioned whether they wanted to look at all of the recommendations at one time or go one by one and it was agreed to go through them one by one. Rentenbach asked how many they could recommend and Janik replied, seven is the full Authority. Rentenbach stated she will be going off as she is going to be a commissioner. Sterken noted that if they kept Egan, they would have one position left for making a recommendation. Foster asked if they could recommend Egan even though she is term limited and Janik responded, there is no guarantee, but the board will consider it. Foster said it is helpful to have a Chairperson on the board who really knows what is going on and members agreed. Hawkins informed members that he thought the By-Laws indicated they have a board of not less than 5 or more than 9. Janik thought 7 was a good number to have on a board. Motion by Harmson, seconded by Foster, to recommend Kathy Egan be reappointed to the LCBRA and the Board waive its policy on term limits. Motion carried 6-0. Rentenbach said they had three other applicants, John Arens, W. Dennis Bushey and Eric Winkelman. Janik stated that Winkelman had been a previous member. He pointed out that Winkelman was very active in the Planning Commission which is a time consuming board. Janik noted that Bushey was active in attending board and committee meetings and actively participates. Members did not think Bushey was serving on any boards yet. Motion by Foster, seconded by Soutas-Little to recommend W. Dennis Bushey be appointed to the LCBRA. Motion carried 6-0.

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Motion for End of Year Financials Motion by Soutas-Little, seconded by Janik, for Director Galla to work with the Treasurer and Accounting Department on any year end budget adjustments or transfers and to authorize the Treasurer and Accounting Department to make the necessary year end budget adjustments or transfers. Motion carried 6-0. FINANCIALS Claims & Accounts - EPA Assessment Grant Motion by Sterken, seconded by Harmson, to approve Claims & Accounts for EPA assessment grant in the amount of $23,323.47. Motion carried 6-0. Claims and Accounts - Assessment: Motion by Sterken, seconded by Rentenbach, to approve C&A for General Services in the amount of $197.50. Motion carried 6-0. Request for EPA grant reimbursement- Motion by Sterken, seconded by Rentenbach, to approve submittal to EPA for grant reimbursement in the amount of $23,323.47. Motion carried 6-0. CORRESPONDENCE/COMMUNICATION ITEMS – Galla informed members that included in their packets were the AKT Work Order which was approved last month with a ‘not to exceed’ cost. Also included was the latest assessment report which was submitted on time to the EPA on October 30. PUBLIC COMMENT – Hawkins wished all a Happy Thanksgiving. DIRECTOR COMMENTS - None MEMBER COMMENTS Next meeting is Dec. 18. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:14 am.

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25 Ionia Avenue SW, Ste 506 Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49503

T (616) 608-0229 www.aktpeerless.com


To: Trudy Galla, AICP, Director Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority

From: Dan Wells

Subject: EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant Status Report

Date: December 18, 2018

This memorandum serves to provide an update as to the current status and activities under consideration for the Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) under its EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant, EPA Cooperative Agreement Number BF-00E01409.

AKT Peerless has conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, and is in the process of completing a hazardous materials, lead paint and asbestos assessment project at a portion of the Suttons Bay School at 310 S. Elm Street in Suttons Bay.


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Monthly Project Update

Budget and Cost Summary

As of December 18, 2018

Project Project Project

Budget Invoices for Budget Budget Project

Consideration Expended1Remaining Notes

Leelanau CountyFile




Work Plan


Work Plan

Status Proposal Project Project/Site Name Scope of Work

AKT Peerless Contract Amount 127,400.00$

NA 2014-17 Task #2 Executed PB-16709 6159L EPA Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) EPA Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ Complete and Approved by EPA

2014-18 Task #2 Approved PB-19797 12014B Myles Kimmerly Park Barn Pre Demo Lead & Asbestos Assessment 2,140.00$ 2,140.00$ 2,140.00$ Complete

2014-19 Task #2 Approved PB-19815 12014B Old Settlers Park Grub Shack Pre Demo Lead & Asbestos Assessment 957.00$ 957.00$ 957.00$ Complete

2014-20 Task #2 Approved PF-20343 12335F 71 East Mill Street, Maple City Pre Demo Lead & Asbestos Assessment 3,800.00$ 3,354.90$ 3,354.90$ 445.10$ Complete

2014-23 Task #3 Approved PF-22330 13197F 10017 West Front St, Empire Pre Demo Lead & Asbestos Assessment 4,280.00$ 4,272.90$ 4,272.90$ 7.10$ Complete

2014-25 Task #2 Approved PF-23536 13832S 310 Elm Street (Suttons Bay School) Phase I ESA 2,900.00$ EPA Approved work

2014-24 Task #2 Approved PS-23535 13832S 310 Elm Street (Suttons Bay School) Pre Demo Lead & Asbestos Assessment 24,612.00$ EPA Approved work

Hazardous Substances Assessment Grant Totals 10,724.80$ 11,724.80$ -$

NA 2014-17 Task #2 Executed PB-16709 6159L EPA Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) EPA Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ Complete and Approved by EPA

TBD 2015-03 Task #1 Executed PB-17389 10253B 1408 S West Bay Shore Dr., Suttons Bay Phase I ESA 2,400.00$ 2,400.00$ 2,400.00$ -$ Complete

TBD 2015-04 Task #2 Executed PB-17513 10253B 1408 S West Bay Shore Dr., Suttons Bay Phase II ESA 16,265.00$ 13,310.12$ 16,233.87$ 31.13$ Complete

TBD 2015-21 Task #2 Approved PF-20344 12335F 71 East Mill Street, Maple City Phase I ESA 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ -$ Complete

TBD 2015-22 Task #2 Approved PF-20873 12335F 71 East Mill Street, Maple City Phase II ESA 6,885.00$ 6,885.00$ 6,885.00$ -$ Complete

TBD 2015-26 Task #2 Approved PF-22936 13633F 10641 E Carter Rd Subsurface Testing 9,350.00$ 9,350.00$ 9,350.00$ -$ Complete

Petroleum Assessment Grant Totals 35,445.12$ 38,368.87$






1. Budget Expended includes "Invoices for Consideration" amount.



AKT/LCBRA Contract Budget Remaining - Uncommitted

AKT Peerless

Reference Numbers

AKT/LCBRA Contract Budget Remaining - Committed

Project Budget Funds Expended


FY2014 EPA Cooperative Agreement No. BF-00E01409

LCBRA/AKT Professional Services Agreement, December 15, 2014

Prepared by AKT Peerless

LCBRA Brownfield Assessment Grant

Status report

November 20, 2018

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DATE: DECEMBER 18, 2018 This memorandum serves to provide information regarding invoices and updates that are being presented to the LCBRA for services rendered on various projects related to the 2014 EPA Brownfield Assessment Grants. Please find attached several items for your consideration: 1. Community Outreach (W.O. #2H/P-14)

Update: The EPA approved a grant extension until March 31, 2019. Envirologic continued efforts to identify projects that may require grant assistance. Envirologic updated the contact list for community leaders that may have changed and have reached out to several communities to set up meetings to discuss the availability of EPA Grant funds. Envirologic and Trudy Galla met with Richard Bahle from Suttons Bay Township to review possible project opportunities. Envirologic met with Richard Baldwin on-site at a property he has acquired near Herman Park. Project Invoices for Consideration: Invoice #005118 ($70.00 – Hazardous Grant) Invoice #00117 ($70.00 – Petroleum Grant)

2. Jack Daniels Estate (W.O. #9H/6P-14) 515 W. Harbor Hwy, Maple City, MI Update: This project is complete.

3. Programmatic – Policies and Procedures (W. O. #10H/8P-14) Update: Envirologic finalized the Policies and Procedures adding language requested by the LCBRA. Envirologic continues to work on the revisions of the Land Bank Authorities Policies and Procedures. An amended work order for these activities was approved by the LCBRA. Project Invoices for Consideration: There are no invoices for this month.

4. Bayside Gallery Project (W.O. 12H/10P-14)

Update: Envirologic received the analytical results from the sub-slab sampling and indoor air sampling event. The results did indicate the presence of chlorinated compounds both beneath the slab and in the indoor air. However, the levels were below applicable criteria demonstrating that at this time the building is safe to occupy.


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The Pressure Field Extension test was also successful and provided favorable results indicating that mitigation beneath the building is feasible. Envirologic finalized the report and the conceptual sub-slab depressurization design document. The report has been provided to the property owner and the applicable regulatory agencies. Envirologic addressed follow-up questions from the property owner’s consultant regarding the report findings. Project Invoices for Consideration: Invoice #05120 ($183.75)

5. Centerville Township Hall Fuel Spill (W.O. 9P-14)

Update: Envirologic completed the additional site assessment field work. Analytical results from the soil sampling and sub-slab sampling were favorable and although contamination remains at the site in soil, it doesn’t appear to represent an indoor air risk based on the initial sampling event. We have reached out to MDEQ to discuss the situation since EPA Grant funding will end in March of 2019 to determine an alternative approach. Based on communications with MDEQ, they have indicated that although they desire 4 quarters of sampling, they will accept 3 sampling events to allow approval of a No Further Action letter (assuming results are favorable). Envirologic completed further data analysis and communicated status and options with Centerville Twp. Supervisor Jim Schwantes. Based on the required additional sampling, the Twp. is asking for further EPA grant support to conduct the remaining two sampling events prior to the end of the grant term. Envirologic is submitting an amended work order for consideration by the LCBRA. It is anticipated that a use restriction will be placed on the deed to pursue closure. With respect to groundwater, none of the groundwater samples exceeded any applicable criteria. Project Invoices for Consideration: Invoice #05119 ($1,401.25)

6. Sugarloaf Resort (W.O. 14H-12P-14)

Update: Jeff Katofsky of Sweet Bread, LLC has acquired five parcels of land associated with the former Sugarloaf Resort located in Cleveland and Centerville Townships. With the understanding that Mr. Katofsky has not prepared redevelopment plans for the site and considering the availability of EPA Grant funds and limited timing to use these funds, Envirologic is proposing to utilize grant funds to address remaining “open” environmental issues that were identified by previous assessments/investigations. Envirologic will conduct an initial scope of work to verify/confirm eligibility on the parcels and reviewing and compiling existing reports and data. This information will be used to develop a more comprehensive scope of work to address potentially “open” environmental issues. By addressing these issues sooner than later it may allow the Developer to move more expeditiously once his redevelopment plans are established. Envirologic received confirmation that the site is eligible for use of the grant funds. Envirologic met with Rick Barreca (Jeff Katofsky’s business partner) regarding potential project plans. Additionally, Envirologic has completed file reviews and historic data collection. Envirologic is providing an amendment to the work order for further assessment to the LCBRA for consideration based on the findings of our file and report reviews. It is evident that there are several environmental issues that have not been resolved at the site. Project Invoices for Consideration: Invoice #05116 ($3,448.75)

7. Tax Increment Revenue Tracking System (W.O. 13H-11P-14)

Update: The LCBRA has adopted Brownfield Plans for certain properties including some aided by assessment activities funded by U.S. EPA Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants. A system of tracking the

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capture and disbursement of tax increment revenues is needed to demonstrate compliance with Act 381, the Brownfield Plans and Work Plans, to assist with demonstrating leveraged funding resulting from the EPA Grants and to assist in the annual reporting requirements to the State of Michigan. Envirologic is developing a system of tracking TIR for each Plan, itemizing the eligible costs (including EPA Grant funds) incurred described in each Plan, and tracking the reimbursement of those costs. The system will track the capture of school and local TIR separately to ensure compliance with limitations on the capture of school TIRs detailed in each Plan. Further, the tracking system can be used to communicate the status of each Brownfield Plan with local units of government and EPA. Project Invoices for Consideration: There are no invoices for this month.

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Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority2014 EPA Petroleum Assessment Grant and Hazardous Substances Grant Monthly Budget Update

Budget and Cost Summary

Revised 12/18/2018Page 1 of 1

Project ProjectBudget Budget Invoices for Task

Estimates Estimates Consideration Hazardous Petroleum Hazardous Petroleum CompletedLCBRA Grant Work

File # Plan Task W/O Project Site/Phase Hazardous Petroleum Initial EPA Grant Award 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ Envirologic Contract Amount 96,200.00$ 96,200.00$

Task #2 1H/P-14 140554 QAPP 1,000.00 1,000.00 01018 4/15/2015 1,997.50$ 998.75$ 998.75$ 1.25$ 1.25$ XBudget returned (1.25)$ (1.25)$

Budget Remaining -$ -$

Task #4 2H/P-14 140555 Community Outreach 3,000.00 3,000.00 01010 4/15/2015 1,190.00$ 595.00$ 595.00$ 6,905.00$ 6,905.00$ Amendment #1 - Approved by LCBRA 2-21-17 meeting 3,000.00 3,000.00 01092 5/14/2015 420.00$ 210.00$ 210.00$ 6,695.00$ 6,695.00$

1,500.00 1,500.00 Total Budget from Grant Work Plan is $15,000. 7,500.00 7,500.00 01479 9/10/2015 385.00$ 192.50$ 192.50$ 6,502.50$ 6,502.50$

01552 10/8/2015 490.00$ 245.00$ 245.00$ 6,257.50$ 6,257.50$ 01952 2/8/2016 140.00$ 70.00$ 70.00$ 6,187.50$ 6,187.50$ 02144 4/5/2016 825.00$ 412.50$ 412.50$ 5,775.00$ 5,775.00$ 02281 5/12/2016 487.50$ 487.50$ 5,287.50$ 02282 5/12/2016 487.50$ 487.50$ 5,287.50$ 5,287.50$ 02439 6/14/2016 252.50$ 252.50$ 5,035.00$ -$ 02438 6/14/2016 252.50$ 252.50$ 5,035.00$ 02474 7/11/2016 140.00$ 140.00$ -$ 4,895.00$ -$ 02475 7/11/2016 140.00$ 140.00$ 4,895.00$ 02588 8/8/2016 45.00$ 45.00$ -$ 4,850.00$ -$ 02589 8/8/2016 45.00$ -$ 45.00$ 0 4,850.00$ 02904 11/15/2016 70.00$ 70.00$ -$ 4,780.00$ 02905 11/15/2016 70.00$ -$ 70.00$ 4,780.00$ 02934 12/6/2016 35.00$ 35.00$ -$ 4,745.00$ 02935 12/6/2016 35.00$ -$ 35.00$ 4,745.00$ 03469 5/11/2017 262.50$ 262.50$ -$ 4,482.50$ 03413 5/3/2017 262.50$ -$ 262.50$ -$ 4,482.50$ 03574 6/13/2017 775.00$ 775.00$ 03575 6/13/2017 775.00$ 775.00$ 3,707.50$ 3,707.50$ 03792 9/8/2017 280.00$ 280.00$ 03793 9/8/2017 280.00$ 280.00$ 3,427.50$ 3,427.50$ 03874 10/4/2017 228.11$ 228.11$ 03875 10/4/2017 228.11$ 228.11$ 3,199.39$ 3,199.39$ 03967 11/1/2017 35.00$ 35.00$ 03968 11/1/2017 35.00$ 35.00$ 3,164.39$ 3,164.39$ 04094 12/19/2017 510.00$ 510.00$ 04095 12/19/2017 510.00$ 510.00$ 2,654.39$ 2,654.39$ 04364 3/12/2018 982.50$ 982.50$ 04365 3/12/2018 982.50$ 982.50$ 1,671.89$ 1,671.89$ 04426 4/6/2018 402.50$ 402.50$ 04427 4/6/2018 402.50$ 402.50$ 1,269.39$ 1,269.39$ 04548 5/9/2018 70.00$ 70.00$ 04549 5/9/2018 70.00$ 70.00$ 1,199.39$ 1,199.39$ 04618 6/7/2018 411.10$ 411.10$ 04619 6/7/2018 411.10$ 411.10$ 788.29$ 788.29$ 04721 7/10/2018 175.00$ 175.00$ 04722 7/10/2018 175.00$ 175.00$ 613.29$ 613.29$ 04815 8/15/2018 341.25$ 341.25$ 04816 8/15/2016 341.25$ 341.25$ 272.04$ 272.04$ 04982 10/10/2018 70.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 237.04$ 237.04$ 05053 11/7/2018 140.00$ 140.00$ 05054 11/7/2018 140.00$ 140.00$ 97.04$ 97.04$

05118* 12/6/2018 70.00$ 70.00$ 05117* 12/6/2018 70.00$ 70.00$ 27.04$ 27.04$

Task #1 and 2 3H/P-14 150070 Courthouse Redevelopment Group, LLC 01011 4/15/2015 835.50$ 417.75$ 417.75$ 2,332.25$ 2,332.25$ Phase I ESA and BEA 2,750.00 2,750.00 01126 6/3/2015 347.50$ 173.75$ 173.75$ 2,158.50$ 2,158.50$

02936 12/6/2016 85.00$ 42.50$ 42.50$ 2,116.00$ 2,116.00$ 03255 3/14/2017 2,371.75$ 1,185.88$ 1,185.87$ 930.12$ 930.13$ 03313 4/3/2017 700.79$ 350.40$ 350.39$ 579.72$ 579.74$ 03415 5/3/2017 1,143.75$ 571.88$ 571.87$ 7.84$ 7.87$

(7.84)$ (7.87)$ X 0.00$ 0.00$

01478 9/10/2015 15,063.82$ 15,063.82$ -$ 4,916.18$ Task 2 4H-14 150262 Leland Residential Project - Discreet Sampling 19,980.00 (4,916.18)$ X


01551 10/8/2015 490.00$ 245.00$ 245.00$ 380.00$ 380.00$ Task 3 5H/P-14 150341 GTRAC - BFPlan Review; Reimbursement Agreement 625.00 625.00 01710 11/12/015 350.00$ 175.00$ 175.00$ 205.00$ 205.00$

01740 12/3/2015 385.00$ 192.50$ 192.50$ 12.50$ 12.50$ (12.50)$ (12.50)$ X

-$ -$

Task 3 6H-14 150374 Fmr. Leelanau County Govt Complex 01739 12/3/2015 525.00$ 525.00$ -$ 5,475.00$ -$ Brownfield Plan Amendment and Act 381 Work Plan Amendment 6,000.00 - 01899 1/12/2016 140.00$ 140.00$ -$ 5,335.00$ -$

01954 2/8/2016 3,860.00$ 3,860.00$ -$ 1,475.00$ -$ 02075 3/7/2016 1,295.00$ 1,295.00$ -$ 180.00$ -$

(180.00)$ X-$

01900 1/12/2016 127.50$ 127.50$ -$ 29,772.50$ -$ Task #1 and 2 7H-14 150449 Two Peas, LLC - 206 N. St. Joseph St., Suttons Bay, MI $29,900 - 01950 2/8/2016 3,470.75$ 3,470.75$ -$ 26,301.75$ -$

02079 3/8/2016 9,581.04$ 9,581.04$ -$ 16,720.71$ -$ 02146 4/5/2016 1,190.00$ 1,190.00$ -$ 15,530.71$ -$ 02283 5/12/2016 1,736.25$ 1,736.25$ -$ 13,794.46$ -$ 02435 6/14/2016 614.60$ 614.60$ -$ 13,179.86$ -$ 02477 7/11/2016 669.15$ 669.15$ -$ 12,510.71$ -$ 02580 8/8/2016 258.61$ 258.61$ -$ 12,252.10$ -$ 02722 9/13/2016 956.25$ 956.25$ -$ 11,295.85$ -$ 02937 12/6/2016 5,207.50$ 5,207.50$ 6,088.35$ 03058 1/6/2017 795.00$ 795.00$ 5,293.35$

Project Complete Budget Returned (5,293.35)$ X-$

02435 6/14/2016 4,507.84$ 4,507.84$ -$ 3,992.16$ -$ Task #3 8H-14 150449 Two Peas, LLC - 206 N. St. Joseph St., Suttons Bay, MI $8,500 02477 7/11/2016 795.00$ 795.00$ -$ 3,197.16$ -$ X

Sub-Slab System Engineering and Design Project Complete Budget Returned (3,197.16)$ -$

B2017-02 9H/6P-14 170332 Jack Daniels Estate - 515 W. Harbor Hwy,, Maple City, MITask #1 Phase I ESA and Eligibility 1,500.00 1,500.00 04277 2/13/2018 505.00$ 252.50$ 252.50$ 1,247.50$ 1,247.50$ X

04362 3/12/2018 1,959.80$ 979.90$ 979.90$ 267.60$ 267.60$ Project Complete Budget Returned (267.60)$ (267.60)$

-$ -$

Task #2 Phase II ESA 9,650.00 9,650.00 04362 3/12/2018 4,510.37$ 2,255.19$ 2,255.19$ 7,394.82$ 7,394.82$ X04428 4/9/2018 7,711.21$ 3,855.61$ 3,855.61$ 3,539.21$ 3,539.21$ 04551 5/9/2018 140.00$ 70.00$ 70.00$ 3,469.21$ 3,469.21$ 04614 6/7/2018 420.00$ 210.00$ 210.00$ 3,259.21$ 3,259.21$ 04724 7/10/2018 42.50$ 21.25$ 21.25$ 3,237.96$ 3,237.96$ 04818 8/15/2018 983.75$ 491.88$ 491.88$ 2,746.09$ 2,746.09$ 04863 9/5/2018 922.50$ 461.25$ 461.25$ 2,284.84$ 2,284.84$ 04981 10/10/2018 426.33$ 213.17$ 213.17$ 2,071.67$ 2,071.67$ 05055 11/7/2018 50.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ 2,046.67$ 2,046.67$

Project Complete Budget Returned (2,046.67)$ (2,046.67)$ -$ -$

7P-14 170396 3015 N. Omena Point, Omena, MITask #1 Phase I ESA and Eligibility 3,000.00 04152 1/8/2018 1,079.80$ 1,079.80$ -$ 1,920.20$ X

04279 2/12/2018 1,920.17$ 1,920.17$ 0.03$

Task #2 Phase II ESA 20,750.00 04363 3/12/2018 6,443.76$ -$ 6,443.76$ -$ 14,306.24$ X04423 4/6/2018 6,962.95$ 6,962.95$ 7,343.29$ 04552 5/9/2018 113.75$ 113.75$ 7,229.54$

Project Complete Budget Returned (7,229.54)$ -$

B2018-01 11H-14* 180093 Madison Street Property, Suttons Bay, MI (Land Bank Authority)Task #1 Phase I ESA and Eligibility 3,000.00 04422 4/6/2018 226.25$ 226.25$ -$ 2,773.75$ X

04546 5/9/2018 318.25$ 318.25$ 2,455.50$ 04615 6/7/2018 1,735.00$ 1,735.00$ 720.50$

Project Complete Budget Returned (720.50)$ -$

Task #2 Phase II ESA - Hazardous Materials Building Survey 3,000.00 04546 5/9/2018 100.00$ 100.00$ -$ 2,900.00$ X04615 6/7/2018 2,702.56$ 2,702.56$ 197.44$

Project Complete Budget Returned (197.44)$ -$

Task #4 10H-8P 180157 Programmatic - Policies and Procedures 2,000.00 2,000.00 04545 5/9/2018 1,912.50$ 956.25$ 956.25$ 2,543.75$ 2,543.75$ Amendment #1 1,500.00 1,500.00 04616 6/7/2018 807.50$ 403.75$ 403.75$ 2,140.00$ 2,140.00$

Subtotal - Policies and Procedures 3,500.00 3,500.00 04725 7/10/2018 1,260.00$ 630.00$ 630.00$ 1,510.00$ 1,510.00$ 04980 10/10/2018 140.00$ 70.00$ 70.00$ 1,440.00$ 1,440.00$

Project Complete Budget Returned

14H-12P-14 180158 Sugarloaf Resort Work Plan Development 2,000.00 2,000.00 05052 11/7/2018 197.50$ 98.75$ 98.75$ 1,901.25$ 1,901.25$

05116* 12/6/2018 3,448.75$ 1,724.38$ 1,724.38$ 176.88$ 176.88$

12H-10P 180227 Bayside Gallery - 204 N. St.,, St. Joseph, Suttons BayTask #1 Eligibility 500.00 500.00 04819 8/15/2018 787.50$ 393.75$ 393.75$ 106.25$ 106.25$

04861 9/5/2018 196.25$ 98.12$ 98.12$ 8.13$ 8.13$

Task #2 Sub-Slab Gas Sampling and Indoor Air Sampling 4,600.00 4,600.00 04819 8/15/2018 431.25$ 215.62$ 215.63$ 4,384.38$ 4,384.37$ 04861 9/5/2018 7,121.90$ 3,560.95$ 3,560.95$ 823.43$ 823.42$ 04985 10/10/2018 700.00$ 350.00$ 350.00$ 473.43$ 473.42$ 05057 11/7/2018 913.75$ 456.88$ 456.88$ 16.56$ 16.55$

Task #3 Sub-Slab System Engineering and Design 4,500.00 4,500.00 04985 10/10/2018 2,294.25$ 1,147.13$ 1,147.13$ 3,352.88$ 3,352.88$ 05057 11/7/2018 4,770.00$ 2,385.00$ 2,385.00$ 967.88$ 967.88$

05120* 12/6/2018 183.75$ 91.88$ 91.88$ 876.00$ 876.00$ 9P-14 180228 Centerville Township Hall Fuel Spill, Cedar

Task #1 Eligibility and Data Review 2,500.00 04820 8/15/2018 1,097.50$ -$ 1,097.50$ -$ 1,402.50$ 04862 9/5/2018 1,006.25$ 1,006.25$ 396.25$ 04984 10/10/2018 393.75$ 393.75$ 2.50$

Task #2 Additional Site Assessment 19,900.00 04820 8/15/2018 270.00$ -$ 270.00$ -$ 24,030.00$ Amendment 1 4,400.00 04862 9/5/2018 52.50$ 52.50$ 23,977.50$

Subtotal Additional Site Assessment 24,300.00 04984 10/10/2018 5,515.05$ 5,515.05$ 18,462.45$ 05056 11/7/2018 15,973.47$ 15,973.47$ 2,488.98$

Task #2 No Further Action Request 5,000.00 05056 11/7/2018 651.25$ 651.25$ 4,348.75$ 05119* 12/6/2018 1,401.25$ 1,401.25$ 2,947.50$

13H-11P-14 180287 Tax Increment Revenue Tracking SystemDevelopment of Tax Increment Management Systems 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$

21 Former Government Center - Geophysical Survey not covered by RLF 9,262.10 9,262.10$ 9,262.10$ -$ -$ -$ X

Subtotal 119,767.10 95,675.00

Totals 119,767.10$ 95,675.00$ 174,507.99$ 98,382.01$ 76,125.97$ 4,544.60$ 9,983.60$

Budgeted Grant Funds for Envirologic Activities 119,767.10$ 95,675.00$ Envirologic Contract Budget Remaining Subtotal* (23,567.10)$ 525.00$ Check 96,200.00$ 96,200.00$ *Adjust budget against remaining Community Outreach Budgets

Budgets Returned from Under Budget ProjectsQAPP 1.25$ 1.25$ GTRAC - BFPlan Review; Reimbursement Agreement 12.50$ 12.50$ Two Peas, LLC - Sub-Slab System Engineering and Design 3,197.16$ Two Peas, LLC - Phase I/II ESA, BEA, Due Care, BFPlan 5,293.35$ Leland Residential Project - Discreet Sampling 4,916.18$ Courthouse Redevelopment Group, LLC- Phase I and BEA 7.84$ 7.87$ Fmr. Leelanau County Govt Complex- Brownfield Plan and Act 381 Amendm 180.00$ -$ 3015 N. Omena Point, Omena, MI -$ 7,229.54$ Madison Street Property, Suttons Bay, MI (Land Bank Authority) 917.94$ -$ Jack Daniels Estate - 515 W. Harbor Hwy, Maple City, MI - 2,314.27$ 2,314.27$

Subtotal Under Budget Projects 16,840.49$ 9,565.43$ Total Envirologic Contract Budget Remaining (6,726.61)$ 10,090.43$

* Pending approval by LCBRA

Phase I, II ESA and BEA, Due Care Plan, Brownfield Plan and Act 381Work Plan



Project Budget Expended Project Budget Remaining

Invoice Date Invoice Total

Project Complete Budget Returned

Project Complete Budget Returned

Project Complete Budget Returned

Project Complete Budget Returned

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Page 12: Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) · 2018-12-14 · B. Envirologic-Assessment - Monthly Update pgs 8-11 C. Envirologic–General Consulting Update pgs 12-13




DATE: DECEMBER 18, 2018 This memorandum serves to provide information regarding invoices and updates that are being presented to the LCBRA for services rendered on various projects related to General Environmental Consulting activities. Please find attached several items for your consideration:

1. General Services (W.O. #22)

Update: Envirologic had various communications with Trudy Galla regarding new County invoicing process and also regarding terminating the Parkside Brownfield Plan. Project Invoices for Consideration: Invoice 05115 ($70.00)


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Page 13: Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) · 2018-12-14 · B. Envirologic-Assessment - Monthly Update pgs 8-11 C. Envirologic–General Consulting Update pgs 12-13

Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment AuthorityGeneral Environmental Consulting Services

Monthly Project Update

FY 2017 Budget and Cost Summary

12/18/2018Page 1 of 1

LCBRAFile # W/O Project

22 160397 General Services 2,000.00 02908 11/15/2016 70.00$ 70.00$ 02938 12/6/2016 140.00$ 140.00$

Amendment #1 2,500.00 03057 1/6/2017 70.00$ 70.00$ Amendment #2 1,000.00 03253 3/14/2017 210.00$ 210.00$ Amendment #3 4,500.00 03308 4/3/2017 560.00$ 560.00$

03414 5/3/2017 105.00$ 105.00$ 03573 6/13/2017 1,390.00$ 1,390.00$ 03656 7/12/2017 553.75$ 553.75$ 03726 8/10/2017 385.00$ 385.00$ 03791 9/8/2017 1,006.25$ 1,006.25$ 03873 10/4/2017 105.00$ 105.00$ 03969 11/1/2017 140.00$ 140.00$ 04096 12/12/2017 140.00$ 140.00$ 04151 1/8/2018 875.00$ 875.00$ 04278 2/13/2018 455.00$ 455.00$ 04361 3/12/2018 665.00$ 665.00$ 04547 5/9/2018 420.00$ 420.00$ 04613 6/7/2018 140.00$ 140.00$ 04723 7/10/2018 105.00$ 105.00$ 04817 8/15/2018 140.00$ 140.00$ 04868 9/6/2018 938.75$ 938.75$ 04983 10/10/2018 275.00$ 275.00$ 05051 11/7/2018 197.50$ 197.50$

05115* 12/6/2018 70.00$ 70.00$ 9,156.25$ 9,156.25$ 843.75

23 160347 Former Leelanau City, Govt. Complex -Leland 10,000.00 Remnant Subsurface Features - Excavation 03001 12/9/2016 5,179.94 5,179.94$ *note: not funded under RLF 03099 1/11/2017 575.00 575.00$ This Project is complete. Budget zeroed out. 5,754.94$ 5,754.94$


Totals 20,000.00$ 14,911.19$ 14,911.19$

General Updates:


1. Budget Expended includes "Invoices for Consideration" amount.

Invoice # Invoices for Consideration Budget1

ExpendedBudget Remaining Task

Completed Invoice Date Budget Estimate Site/Phase

Project Subtotal

Project Subtotal

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Page 14: Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) · 2018-12-14 · B. Envirologic-Assessment - Monthly Update pgs 8-11 C. Envirologic–General Consulting Update pgs 12-13

1 12/18/2018

Scope of Services

Agreement for Services (2014 EPA Assessment Grants) Leelanau County and Its Brownfield Redevelopment Authority

Applicable to Agreement Dated December 12, 2014 Work Order No. 9P-14 Dated July 17, 2018 Amendment #1 Dated September 18, 2018 Amendment #2 Dated December 18, 2018





Subject Matter: Centerville Township Hall Fuel Spill – 5001 S. French Rd., Cedar, MI Funding Source: 2014 Petroleum EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant

CLIENT requests that ENVIROLOGIC perform the work described below in accordance with the terms of the above-referenced Agreement, as amended and as described in this “Scope of Services.” ENVIROLOGIC will begin work on this Work Order and complete the services as described in the attached "Scope of Services." ENVIROLOGIC and CLIENT have designated the following representatives for this “Scope of Services:”

Jeffrey C. Hawkins (269) 342-1100 Name (ENVIROLOGIC) Phone

Trudy J. Galla, AICP, Director (231) 256-9812 Name (CLIENT) Phone

If CLIENT accepts this Scope of Services, please sign this Work Order on behalf of CLIENT and return to the ENVIROLOGIC Representative above:



By Trudy J. Galla By Jeffrey C. Hawkins Title Director Planning and Community Development Title President

Signature Date

Signature Date _

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Page 15: Leelanau County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (LCBRA) · 2018-12-14 · B. Envirologic-Assessment - Monthly Update pgs 8-11 C. Envirologic–General Consulting Update pgs 12-13

2 12/18/2018

1. Scope of Services

Centerville Township has submitted a project application to the LCBRA requesting support for additional site characterization activities associated with a fuel oil release at the property located at 5001 S. French Road, Cedar, Michigan. The project site occupies approximately 0.75 acres and is utilized as a township hall.

On October 18, 2006, it was discovered that the heating oil tank for the township hall leaked an estimated 50 to 80 gallons of fuel oil. A Sheriff’s Report indicates it appears that someone was trying to steal fuel oil and/or vandalized the tank. Several rounds of soil removal and sampling indicated that the spill had been cleaned up except for under the building which could not be accessed. Since the risk had been minimized, further work was deemed not necessary. However, due to concerns by the MDEQ related to an old well, the soils under the building and the potential for contamination of nearby water supply wells further work or investigation was requested. Unfortunately, it appears that a response to the MDEQ was not completed and the issue remains open with the MDEQ. The Township wishes to achieve closure or no further action regarding this issue. Future re-development and use of the property may be hampered until further site characterization of the fuel oil release allows for the remnant contaminants to be properly managed through an institutional control.

It is the understanding of Envirologic that remnant soil contamination from the fuel oil release exceeds Drinking Water Protection Criteria and the extent of impact is unknown. The property and surrounding parcels are supplied by private supply wells. Furthermore, remnant soil impact is present beneath the foundation of the township hall and may present an exposure concern via the Volatilization to Indoor Air Pathway (VIAP).

Eligibility Documentation and Review of Existing Site Data Envirologic will prepare eligibility documentation for the MDEQ for the use of Petroleum Assessment grant funds. Envirologic will also review existing site data to guide further characterization of the fuel oil release. Existing data to be reviewed will include previous environmental reports associated with the fuel oil release, on-site and nearby supply well logs, topographic maps, construction diagrams of the township hall, and interviews with knowledgeable persons of the incident.

Further Site Characterization (Estimated) The specific scope of potential site characterization activities is dependent upon a review of existing site investigation data that has been generated from previous studies. Additionally, Envirologic will reach out to the MDEQ to discuss the situation and determine the best course of action to close the release. If further assessment or modifications to the planned scope of work, including a reduction in scope, results from conversations with the MDEQ the level of activity will be reflected in this investigation. However, to keep the project moving forward in a timely manner, Envirologic has prepared the following conceptual scope of work for further site characterization on the subject property.

In an effort to evaluate the potential impact to the underlying aquifer and adequately define the extent of contamination, up to five GeoprobeTM soil borings will be advanced in and around the

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3 12/18/2018

release area. A single soil sample will be collected from four of the borings. The Geoprobe borings will be advanced to the first encountered clay layer, expected at a depth of 20 feet below ground level (bgl). If encountered, up to four groundwater samples will be collected from temporary monitoring wells. Up to two groundwater samples will be collected from on-site water supply wells – the existence of the old supply well is unknown. Depending on the presence of groundwater, it may be necessary to leave the monitoring wells in-place for further evaluation including determining the direction of groundwater flow. This would require the wells to be surveyed. Given the release of fuel oil, groundwater and soil samples will be analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and trimethylbenzene isomers (1,2,4-TMB and 1,3,5-TMB), as well as semi-volatile organic compounds (PNAs). Dependent upon review of existing soil analytical data, three sub-slab soil gas vapor samples will be collected from the interior of the building. The soil gas samples will be analyzed for VOCs (petroleum-related) and possibly PNAs. Sampling activities include the collection of EPA required QA/QC samples in accordance with the QAPP (i.e. MS/MSD, Methanol Blank, Equipment Blank, Trip Blank, Mask Duplicate).

Amendment #1: Further Site Characterization (Revised) Based on further review of existing site data and subsequent discussions with the MDEQ, the following revisions will be implemented to the scope of work to adequately define the extent of impact and assess exposure risk.

- One soil sample will be collected from each of the five soil borings (four samples originally proposed).

- Groundwater samples will be collected from permanent monitoring wells (temporary wells originally proposed). An additional mobilization will be required to sample the permanent monitoring wells.

Amendment #2: Confirmation Sampling Upon communicating the results from the assessment work with Brian Flickinger of MDEQ, it has been determined that they will allow the submittal of a No Further Action Request following an additional two rounds of sub-slab sampling. Including the initial sampling will provide approximately 3 quarters of testing to confirm that vapor intrusion into the building is not a concern. Typically the MDEQ requires 4 quarters, however, due to the limited time frame of the remaining EPA grant, it is possible to complete the next two rounds before it ends. The Twp. is requesting that the LCBRA consider funding this remaining work. For each event, this covers time to sample three pins, equipment, analytical (includes one duplicate), and travel/prep.

No Further Action Request Based on the understanding that remnant soil impact above Drinking Water Protection and Volatilization to Indoor Air Criteria is likely to remain beneath the township hall; the subject property would be identified as a “facility” as defined by Part 201 of NREPA. Assuming Envirologic can adequately define the extent of contamination and address the open concerns expressed by the MDEQ, i.e. placement of a use restriction on the deed, Envirologic will prepare a request for no further action for submittal to the MDEQ. This report will address potential existing exposure pathways that are complete and how they will be addressed. A Conceptual Site Model will be created that demonstrates site conditions and associated contaminant distribution. Additionally, a deed restriction will be developed for the property.

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4 12/18/2018

1.1 Compensation

Compensation for services provided under this Work Order will be invoiced at the rates provided in the Agreement for Services between ENVIROLOGIC and CLIENT. Envirologic proposes to complete this work on a time and materials basis, however, Envirologic will not incur additional costs beyond this Work Order without LCBRA approval. Eligibility Documentation and Review of Existing Data

Project staff time ................................................................................................. $ 2,500 Subtotal ..................................................................................................................... $ 2,500

Additional Site Assessment (Conceptual)

Project Management ..................................................................................... $ 1,000 Sampling Plan ................................................................................................ $ 500 Field Staff Time .............................................................................................. $ 3,500 Geoprobe ....................................................................................................... $ 4,000 Report Preparation ........................................................................................ $ 2,000 Laboratory Services ....................................................................................... $ 4,000 Data Validation Report .................................................................................. $ 700 Health and Safety Plan .................................................................................. $ 200 Well survey .................................................................................................... $ 2,000 Field/Miscellaneous Expenses (PID, helium shroud, well materials, etc.) .... $ 2,000

Subtotal ............................................................................................................... $ 19,900

Amendment #1: Additional Site Assessment (Revised) Field Staff Time .............................................................................................. $


Field/Miscellaneous Expenses (tubing, pump, etc.) ...................................... $ 700 Subcontractor (Geoprobe) ............................................................................ $ 2,700

Subtotal ............................................................................................................... $ 4,400 Amendment #2: Confirmation Sampling (Requested at 12-18-18 LCBRA Meeting)

Two quarterly sub-slab sampling events ....................................................... $ 5,700 Subtotal .............................................................................................................$ 5,700

No Further Action Request

Project Staff Time .......................................................................................... $ 5,000 Subtotal ...............................................................................................................$ 5,000


1.1.1 Schedule

It is reasonably expected that eligibility documentation could be prepared one week from

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authorization to proceed. It is presumed that an EPA affirmative determination would be obtained one week from completion of the eligibility documentation.

Additional site characterization activities would begin immediately following review of available data. A Sampling Plan for the fieldwork will be prepared after review of existing site data; approximately two weeks from receipt of an affirmative eligibility determination. The field activities would be completed one week from EPA approval of the Sampling Plan. Laboratory analysis of samples will require seven business days. A report summarizing additional site characterization activities will be finalized one week from receipt of laboratory results. Thus, it is anticipated that additional site characterization activities could be completed approximately seven weeks from authorization to proceed. It is anticipated that the additional two quarterly sampling events will occur in either late December/early January and the beginning of March 2019, respectively.

A Request for No Further Action would be prepared two weeks after completion of the site summary report. This schedule can be adjusted as needed depending on the project requirements.

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Scope of Services

Agreement for Services (2014 EPA Assessment Grants) Leelanau County and Its Brownfield Redevelopment Authority

Applicable to Agreement Dated December 12, 2014 as Amended Dated September 19, 2018 Work Order No. 15H/13P-14 Dated December 18, 2018




ENVIROLOGIC TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (ENVIROLOGIC) 2960 INTERSTATE PARKWAY KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN 49048 Subject Matter: Sugarloaf Redevelopment – Parcels 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 (From Warranty Deed), Cleveland and Centerville Townships, Leelanau County, MI Funding Source: 2014 Hazardous Substances and Petroleum EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant

CLIENT requests that ENVIROLOGIC perform the work described below in accordance with the terms of the above-referenced Agreement, as amended and as described in this “Scope of Services.” ENVIROLOGIC will begin work on this Work Order and complete the services as described in the attached "Scope of Services." ENVIROLOGIC and CLIENT have designated the following representatives for this “Scope of Services:”

Jeffrey C. Hawkins (269) 342-1100 Name (ENVIROLOGIC) Phone

Trudy J. Galla, AICP, Director (231) 256-9812 Name (CLIENT) Phone

If CLIENT accepts this Scope of Services, please sign this Work Order on behalf of CLIENT and return to the ENVIROLOGIC Representative above:


LEELANAU COUNTY AND ITS BROWNFIELD REDEVLOPMENT AUTHORITY (CLIENT) ENVIROLOGIC TECHNOLOGIES, INC. By Trudy J. Galla By Jeffrey C. Hawkins Title Director Planning and Community Development Title President Signature Signature Date ______________ Date ______________

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1. Scope of Services Jeff Katofsky of Sweet Bread, LLC has acquired five parcels of land associated with the former Sugarloaf Resort located in Cleveland and Centerville Townships as recorded through Warranty Deed filed with the Leelanau County Register of Deeds. Mr. Katofsky, through several meetings and communications with the community, has indicated that he will begin addressing the former resort property once another major redevelopment project, the St. Clair Inn located in St. Clair County, has been substantially completed. Mr. Katofsky has taken immediate measures to secure the property including the main buildings and demolishing certain structures that were a threat. Envirologic is proposing to utilize grant funds to address remaining “open” environmental issues that were identified by previous assessments/investigations. Through a previously authorized budget, Envirologic has reviewed the previous environmental reports to determine how further use of the U.S. EPA Assessment Grant could benefit redevelopment. We have identified specific issues in which the U.S. EPA Assessment Grant could be deployed to significantly and positively support redevelopment. Those specific issues are:

• The need for a complete asbestos survey to support demolition. It is our understanding that

vandalism and water/weather penetration has caused the main lodge to be beyond saving.

Although a survey was previously completed, there were limitations on access and ability to

conduct destructive sampling (i.e., inspection behind walls and under floor coverings) that

are now necessary to support demolition of the hotel structure.

• The removal of three underground storage tanks. Assuming the removal of these tanks is

acceptable to the owner, the Assessment Grant can be used to remove underground

storage tanks so that assessment beneath the tanks can be completed.

• Improved understanding of soil contamination. It is likely that areas of soil contamination

previously identified will need to be physically removed during construction. It would be

very useful to understand the extent of contamination present in soil. Previous

investigations primarily focused on determining whether contamination existed or not,

primarily to support due diligence associated with acquisition. Envirologic is proposing to

expand the investigation to determine the spatial extent of contamination. This will allow

us to provide input on future construction such as the preferred locations for structures in

order to avoid environmental costs for soil removal or other types of engineering controls.

Further, where these costs are unavoidable, this effort provides a more informed estimate

of the specific scale of effort and cost required to mitigate environmental issues.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment

The purpose of the proposed scope of work is to evaluate the possible presence and magnitude of contamination in soil associated with the former use of underground storage tanks (USTs) and aboveground storage tanks (ASTs), to conduct an asbestos survey inside the a hotel, restaurant, and conference room buildings, to complete the removal of three USTs, and to address other recognized environmental conditions (RECs) identified on several parcels of property comprising

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the former Sugarloaf Resort Hotel and Conference buildings located in Centerville and Cleveland Townships, Michigan. The proposed scope of work comprises the following tasks:

• Prepare a Sampling and Analysis Plan

• Prepare a Health and Safety Plan

• Locate Underground Utilities

• Conduct Subsurface Investigation

• Conduct Asbestos Survey

• Remove USTs

• Prepare a Project Report

Sampling and Analysis Plan

Envirologic will prepare a Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) prior to conducting the field investigation. The SAP will include the following:

• Reference to the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for the applicable Quality

Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) requirements.

• Lab qualifications and field sampling Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

• Brief history of the property use.

• Proposed reuse and redevelopment.

• Identification of the applicable state screening standards being used.

• Description of any RECs as identified in the Phase I ESA

• Rationale for sample locations and relationship to RECs.

• Parameters to be tested, media, analyses, QA/QC samples, total number of samples for

each media, laboratory being used.

• Site location and features maps.

• Locations of the RECs.

• Proposed sample locations.

Site Health and Safety Plan

Envirologic will prepare a Site Health and Safety Plan (HASP) prior to conducting the field investigation. The HASP will be prepared according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and will summarize the site conditions and known and/or suspected physical and chemical hazards based on available site data. The plan will include a description of the facility, levels of personnel protection, monitoring equipment, decontamination procedures, emergency telephone numbers, and a map indicating the quickest route to a nearby hospital. The HASP will be reviewed and signed by the Office Health and Safety Officer, Project Manager, and Site Health and Safety Officer. A copy of the HASP will be kept on site during the field investigation activities.

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Utility Location

Envirologic will contact Miss-Dig in Michigan to have utilities surrounding the property marked, so that their entry point onto the property will be identified. Envirologic will review facility maps to locate underground utilities in the investigation areas prior to conducting drilling activities. With the assistance of facility personnel, the underground utilities will be marked with high visibility paint on the ground surface. Envirologic assumes that the property owner will be responsible for determining the location of underground utilities and approving final drilling locations. Subsurface Investigation Field Activities

The field investigation will include completing soil borings using a Geoprobe® or excavation equipment and collecting soil samples for laboratory analysis. It is anticipated the field investigation activities will be completed in approximately 15 business days. Envirologic anticipates a total of approximately 55 to 60 soil borings will be advanced to a depth of 20 feet below ground surface (bgs). Soil samples will be collected continuously to the boring completion depth and field screened with a photoionization detector (PID). Soil samples will be split into two portions. One portion will be used for headspace analysis with a PID and geologic classification, and the other portion will be placed into a clean laboratory-provided jar for laboratory analysis. The soil sample within the unsaturated zone that exhibits the highest headspace concentration will be selected for laboratory analysis. A global positioning system (GPS) survey will be conducted throughout the investigation process to identify all locations of the soil borings and sampling locations. The GPS will aid in the development of accurate figures and to provide a way to find exact locations for any potential future activities in the sampled areas. A Trimble® unit will be used to complete the GPS survey. The collected soil samples will be submitted to a qualified laboratory for one or more of the following analyses including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (TMB), 1,3,5-TMB, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), ethylene dibromide (EDB), 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA), polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides, herbicides, arsenic, lead, and Michigan 10 metals depending on the sample location. RECs have been identified on several parcels of property based on review of previous investigation reports. Envirologic anticipates the following activities including the advancement of soil borings and collection of soil samples for analytical analyses to address the following RECs: Maintenance Building

There are four former underground storage tanks, an oil-water separator, a holding tank, thee aboveground storage tanks, interior drains in the building and an isolated chemical storage area. Some of these structures have been partially investigated and a more robust investigation of this area may be needed. As this parcel is somewhat isolated, Envirologic will first discuss with the developer their plans for this parcel of land. We suspect there is no intended use for this land, and we may wish to significantly curtail the amount of investigation of this area. As a maximum scope of work, Envirologic anticipates that up to 30 soil borings would be placed in this area; however, we do not anticipate laboratory analysis of soil samples from each boring.

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Sugar Barn

Envirologic proposes to investigate a former Septic Tank and Drainage Bed area through the installation of two soil borings and collection of soil samples for laboratory analysis. We will also install two soil borings and collect soil samples for laboratory analysis of PCBs to investigate two transformers present at this location. Orchards

A portion of several parcels were historically utilized as orchards from 1952 until the adjacent golf course was constructed in the mid-1960s. Envirologic is proposing to install nine soil borings each at three different parcels (27 total) and collect surface soil samples for laboratory analysis of arsenic and lead. A subset of the soil samples will also be analyzed for pesticides and herbicides. UST Removals

Envirologic proposes to clean and remove three underground storage tanks (USTs) that remain on site. Following removal we will backfill the excavation, dispose of waste materials, and provide project documentation. Specific steps in implementing the removal of the USTs include:

• Prepare the Registration for Underground Storage Tanks (BFS-3821) for all three USTs.

• Complete a Filing of the Intent of Removal, Closure or Change-In-Service of Underground

Storage Tanks (BFS-3824) to Licensing and Regulatory Affairs-Bureau of Fire Services-

Storage Tank Division (LARA-BFS-STD), along with a request for a waiver of the 30-day

notification period.

• Secure a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Identification Number for the disposal

of any waste within the tank.

• The tanks will be exposed, and a hole cut through the tank’s top to facilitate the removal of

any residual fuel, water, or debris.

• Wastes will be temporarily placed into suitable Department of Transportation (DOT) 55-

gallon drums and stored on site while we secure approval from licensed facilities to dispose

of the waste. We will coordinate the removal of these drums when approvals are secured.

• The tanks will be removed, crushed, and loaded onto a stake truck for recycling. Envirologic

will collect and analyze soil samples per the LARA-BFS-STD Site Assessment Procedures

following the removal of each UST.

• The excavations will be backfilled with sand.

• Complete the Underground Storage Tank System Site Assessment Report and Closure or

Change-Service Registration Form (BFS-3881) if results of the investigation activities

indicate that a release of petroleum has not occurred, if necessary. If contamination is

detected following the removal of any of the three USTs following Site Assessment sampling

discussed below, a Release Report (BFS 3826) will be sent notifying LARA-BFS-STD of a

release from the UST system.

• Amend the LARA-BFS-STD Registration for Underground Storage Tanks (BFS-3821) for the

location to show the tanks are removed.

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From previous investigations, it is known that petroleum contamination exists in areas where former fuel oil USTs existed near the hotel. Envirologic also proposes to conduct investigations, as needed, at each UST location to determine the extent of contamination remaining on site. Near the hotel, we expect 4-5 soil borings at each of two UST locations. At the Well House, another 4-5 soil borings are proposed. Soil samples would be collected from each boring for analysis of petroleum contaminants. Asbestos Survey

Envirologic will conduct an asbestos survey in accordance with Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) requirements. Asbestos samples will be collected for laboratory analysis of asbestos fibers. Field notes with sample number and location number, including square or linear footage of the material sampled will be completed. We will review the existing survey, noting materials that have already been identified as asbestos containing and supplementing the survey as needed with additional samples and analyses. Project Report

After completing field activities, the data collected from the site investigation activities will be compiled into a project report(s). The report(s) will include a description of the field activities, a discussion of the analytical results, a computer-aided design (CAD)-generated map depicting site features and sampling points, and laboratory reports. The report will also contain an evaluation of the data in accordance with appropriate Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) cleanup criteria. At that time, recommendations for further action, if appropriate, will be presented. 1.1 Compensation

Compensation for services provided under this Work Order will be invoiced at the rates provided in the Agreement for Services between ENVIROLOGIC and CLIENT. Envirologic proposes to complete this work on a time and materials basis; however, Envirologic will not incur additional costs beyond this Work Order without LCBRA approval. Phase II ESA

Project staff time ................................................................................................. $ 10,000 Drilling or Excavation Services ............................................................................. $ 15,000 Snow plowing, temporary facilities, generators, lighting, etc. ........................... $ 6,000 Laboratory Services ............................................................................................. $ 10,000 Equipment and Supplies (meters, GPS, etc.) ....................................................... $ 2,500 Travel, Lodging and Per Diem Expense ............................................................... $ 2,500 Subtotal ...................................................................................................... $ 46,000

Asbestos Survey Project staff time ................................................................................................. $ 10,000 Laboratory Services ............................................................................................. $ 2,000 Equipment and Supplies ...................................................................................... $ 500 Travel, Lodging and Per Diem Expense ............................................................... $ 2,500 Subtotal ...................................................................................................... $ 15,000

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UST Removals Project staff time ................................................................................................. $ 8,000 Waste Disposal and Excavation Services ............................................................. $ 40,000 Laboratory Services ............................................................................................. $ 1,500 Equipment and Supplies (meters, GPS, etc.) ....................................................... $ 500 Travel, Lodging and Per Diem Expense ............................................................... $ 500 Subtotal ...................................................................................................... $ 50,500

Project Management and Reporting Project staff time ................................................................................................. $ 7,500 Subtotal ...................................................................................................... $ 7,500

TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS FOR WORK ORDER #15H/13P ...................... $ 119,000

Projected Fund Allocation

Activity Hazardous Substances


Phase II ESA $23,000 $23,000

Asbestos Survey $15,000 $0

UST Removals $0 $50,500

Project Management and Reporting $3,750 $3,750

Total $41,750 $77,250

1.1.1 Schedule

Due to the grant extension ending March 31, 2019, we expect project activities will take place during January and February of 2019. H:\Projects\Projects_L\Leelanau County\Work Orders\2014 EPA Assessment Grants\Work Order No. 14H12P, Sugarloaf Property Redevelopment.docx

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