Legacy International Welcome To ACN Training

Legacy International Welcome To ACN Training

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Legacy International

Welcome To ACN Training


Short-Term Goal:30+ customer points (1st 30 days)

Acquire 5 or more qualifying customer points- Become a QTT (Qualified Team Trainer)

Acquire 30 or more customer points- Become an ETL (Executive Team Leader)

Long-Term Goal:50+ customer pointsAllows you to maximize Compensation Plan

1. Yourself

2. People who LOVE you the most

3. Prospects who do not become IBOs

4. Referrals and everyone else

Initially new IBOs should focus on Customer Sources 1, 2 & 3

5 Types of Customers

1. The Money Savers2. The Dissatisfieds3. The Upgraders4. The New Accounts5. The Favors

Surveys Are The Fastest Way To Gather Customers

Hi ____, Do you have a minute?

 Can you do me a HUGE FAVOR? (Wait for response-

be quiet)

 As you know………state your “WHY”

(Example: We lost our retirement and had to spend the kid’s college fund and we found a way to get it back, but we need your help- and we are so excited about how this can help us out! –remember to end on a POSITIVE NOTE!)

I need a Favor, Help me with a Survey!

People will become your customer quicker to support you rather than if you try selling them on the services.

There are THREE Ways We Get Paid…

1. Personal Residual Income2. Overriding Residual Income3. Bonuses

Compensation is only earned at ACN when customers are acquired.

1% - 10%

1-29 Points - 30-39 Points -40-49 Points -50 + Points -



Qualified Team Trainer5-7 Points in First 24-48 Hours!

Home Phone Service ~ 4 ptsVideo Phone/Adapter Service ~ 4 ptsFlash Wireless ~ 4ptsSatellite/Cable TV ~ 2 ptsHome Security ~ 2 ptsNew Wireless Acct ~ 1 pt MiFi/Air Card/Tablets ~ 2 ptsPlanet Energy (Gas or Electric) ~ 1 pt

Additional Services


2. Wireless upgrades1 Point

3. Wireless Family Plan, 1-2 Points

4. Clear Wi-MAX 1 point5. ACN Mobile App. 1 point6. Premium Tech. Support 1 point7. Cable/Internet Only !! 1 point

Preferred Customers (Minimum 2)

Overriding Residual Income







You Up To 10% 20 $ 760 $ 38.00

1 0.25% 2 40 $ 1,520 10 Points $ 3.80

2 0.25% 4 80 $ 3,040 $ 7.60

3 0.25% 8 160 $ 6,080 20 Points $ 15.20

4 0.50% 16 320 $ 12,160 $ 60.80

5 3.00% 32 640 $ 24,320 40 Points $ 729.60

6 5.00% 64 1280 $ 48,640 $ 2,432.00

7 8.00% 128 2560 $ 97,280 $ 7,782.40

Totals 254 5100 $193,800 $11,069.40$11,069.40

QTT = 5 Points Minimum 2 Preferred Services

*No more than 1 service per household of the same service counts for


Your first step is to become a Qualified Team Trainer

Become an Executive Team Trainer

ETT is Your Only Focus! All Bonuses Start at ETT.

Get it Done Immediately!

This Is Your Ticket To ETT & Up Leadership Trainings!!

7 pts







Private Business ReceptionHome Event

Schedule yourPBR TODAY!!!!

Home Event (PBR)

2. Make A List. Do Not Prejudge!!- Your A List is Your Top 10

Business Owners Network Marketing Experience Already Successful

- Everyone Else

1. Set A Date- Have Your Event at YOUR HOME- 6:30pm and 8:30pm Weekdays / Weekends on the Hour- We NEVER CANCEL HOME EVENTS!

3. Invite, Invite, Invite- Your Goal 10-20 Guests. (Have to Invite 40-50+)- The Hard Fact: 40% Will Not Show- The Size of Your PBR will Duplicate, good or bad

The Most Important Things for Getting People to Your Meetings are to

Be Natural & Have…


1. Do you Look at Other Ways of Making Money?2. Your “WHY”3. New Technology/Energy4. Edify Speaker5. Set Up Confirmation Call

Enthusiasm & Urgency=Great Results


1. Be New2. Talk about a person, not a thing3. New Technology4. 3 Way Call

Do Not Explain Anything

Let the Expert Do it for You.


SORT – Don’t Sell

PBR CHECK LIST DVD ready and tested; Phones off the hook; Kids in bed or with babysitter; Animals outside (some place quiet); Documentation on table (Success From Home Mag, etc); 1-10 Overview Sheet, Rep Agreement, Training Flier and a Pen on

Clipboards (find at www.wealthinstituteinc.com); Customer Survey Forms; Cool room temperature; Refreshments as guests arrive (NO alcohol); Light Snacks (veggies, chips, dip) after the presentation; Upbeat music BEFORE & AFTER and AFTER presentation; Sign in sheet for ALL guests


Role of a HOST!!!• Welcome Guests: Turn Off Cell Phones, Hold

All Questions Until the End• Do NOT apologize for “no shows”• Edify the speaker by talking about their past,

present and future• Sit through the presentation! Take notes!• Don’t interrupt the speaker• SORT GUESTS AFTER PRESENTATION!

SORTING After Presentation:“Are You Ready To Get Started?”

Professionals SORT

Amateurs SELL and CONVINCE

Sorting is fun!Convincing is draining!

Be a professional listen, sort and move on

…and remembera NO may NOT be a NO


Some Will Some Won’t Some Wait So WHAT !!!

Stay Positive

If They Can’t Make It…

“When is the soonest that we can meet?”

Characteristics for Success…• Desire• Work ethic• Commitment• Positive attitude• Enthusiasm and Urgency

• Be Coachable• Follow the ACN System

The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the WILL to try it

and the FAITH to BELIEVE it is possible!

Determine Your Reason

1. Winners2. Losers3. Winners who haven’t won yet

-Something drives them -The Dreamer

Something inside says“I can do better than this!!!!!!!”

• Red Apples (Are very interested)

• Green Apples (Want to think about it)

• Brown Apples (Not interested)

3 Types of People You Will Talk to

Sort – Don’t Sell

Emotional RollercoasterEmotional Rollercoaster


Who Are You Listening to?

If You Buy Into Someone’s Opinion, You Buy Into Their Lifestyle.


Short term sacrificefor long term payoff

Be willing to do the things others won’t do today,

So you can have what others won’t have tomorrow!

Have COURAGE to EXPAND Your Comfort Zone.

EVENTSDaily Call 218-862-7200 (pin: 386892) - 11:00AM Central Time

Sunday Night Call 218-862-7200 (pin: 386892) - 9:00PM Central Time

Tuesday Night BOM Event!!Everyone Welcome

Saturday Training Event!!Everyone Welcome

Friday Evening Leadership!!ETT and Above Only

International Training!!!

Legacy International