My family decided to celebrate winter holidays away from home. We decided to go by car to Paris,in France. We went through Romania,Hungary,Austria and Germany before we arrived in France. On the way we visited such beautiful places and cities like Bucharest,the capital of Romania


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My family decided to celebrate winter holidays away from home. We decided to go by car to Paris,in France. We went through Romania,Hungary,Austria and

Germany before we arrived in France. On the way we visited such beautiful places and cities like Bucharest,the capital of Romania

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In Bucharest we saw ”Palatul Parlamentului”. This is the second most expensive build in the world,it is very big and it was built in

the Ceausescu's times.

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After this we was in Budapest,Hungary. This is another beautiful city. There we saw Matthias Church,a very old and

famous Build.

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Beside this we visited ”Podul cu lanturi”, this bridge is one of the biggest in Europe and it connect Pesta and Buda.

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Austria and Germany are two beautiful countries with honest

people. It’s a pleasure to talk with that people,I discovered for me that

they are educated, intelligent.

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Austria is a touristic country with hills,mountains and a lot of beautiful places. Here we was at ”Kitzsteinhorn


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Lake Zeller.

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Gasteiner waterfall

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In Germany we saw Neuschwanstein Castle,the most popular castle in the world.

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Europa-Park,the biggest amusement park in Europe.

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And in the final we came to Paris. I think that Paris is the most beautiful city in Europe.

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There is one of the biggest airport in the world,that is named in honor of a great leader ”Charles de Gaulle”.

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And of course we visited ,,Eiffel Tower’’,everybody knows about this tower.

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It was an awesome trip,i hope i will do it again and may be i will visit some new places in the future .But when

you abroad you should know first of all about their law,about their traditions and you should respect them.

Because everybody goes in other countries to travel and feel good.