Lens of Success

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  • 8/6/2019 Lens of Success


    mn tfmuc fgu itu m{o qpmu god emou/ Um(ufc coemspgkcu mtfcpu tm tfioj mn ghtcp"ogti~cu god tm pcbgio mqco tm mtfcpu

    idcgu/ M~cp tibc( Iokpid `cembcu gniput"pgtc emoucousu `sihdcp/ Fcp `muucu(fm{c~cp( {iuf tfgt ufcd nmesu bmpcmo tibc god qpmdseti~ity( ghtfmskftfcy pcemkoi|c tfgt tspom~cp god emo"nhiet io Iokpidu soit gpc hm{cp/ Npgoj fgu g nhcvi`hc god umeigh utyhc/

    Fc iu mstkmiok god gnng`hc/ Fc uccbutm kct ghmok {itf c~cpymoc god uqcodutibc eipeshgtiok gbmok qcmqhc/ Npgojdmcuot utgod mo qpmtmemh/ Fc uccbu tmdm dinncpcot tfioku io dinncpcot {gyu/Io nget( fc dmcuot uccb tm egpc fm{tfioku kct dmoc gu hmok gu tfcy kct

    dmoc/ [fco pcecot c~cotu `pmskftefgokcu io qcpumooch god qpmecdspcu(Npgoj god fiu soit uccbcd tm tgjc tfc

    efgokcu io utpidc/ Utihh( fiu usqcpimpudms`tcd {fctfcp fc emshd `c tmskf"biodcd comskf tm fgodhc emonhietugod dc~chmq god nmhhm{ g dctgihcdqhgo/ Tfc hgttcp {gu tfc bmpc ucpimsuiuusc( gu fiu `muu ncht tfgt Npgoj {gu g`it ~gksc g`mst dctgihu god tfc cvgetutgtsu mn tfioku io fiu soit/

    [fief mn tfcuc ngut"tpgejcpu bmutuseecuunshhy kctu mst mn tfc utgptiok

    kgtc=Gu yms bikft kscuu( Dchihgf{iou tfiu hck mn tfc pgec( {itf fcp cnni"

    eicoey god qpmdseti~ity/ Fgppy embcuio ucemod {itf fiu tmskf"biodcd godnmesucd gqqpmgef/ Npgoj god Iokpidgpc ucco gu occdiok dc~chmqbcot/

    Tfc Pgec Ogppm{u

    Ni~c ycgpu hgtcp( fm{c~cp( tfcuc nmspiodi~idsghu gpc om{ bgogkcpu fmqioktm `c qpmbmtcd tm dipcetmpu/ Dchihgfumoec utcphiok pcqstgtimo fgu `cembc g`it tgpoiufcd/ Ufc utihh kctu tfiokudmoc( `st mntco gt g emut/ Fcp dceiui~c{gy mn dcghiok {itf qcmqhc fgu tgjco

    Hcou mn Useecuu

    IBGKIOC G KPM[IOK EMBQGOY IBQHC"bcotiok go gkkpcuui~c pcepsitbcotutpgtcky mst mn g hmok"tcpb occd nmpfikf"ibqget hcgdcpu god g dccq emo"ecpo nmp tfc ufmptgkc mn g~gihg`hc tgh"cot/ Tfc embqgoy fipcunmsp tmq B@G

    kpgdsgtcu tm `cembc oc{ niput"hiocusqcp~iumpu( cgef {itf utpmok kpgdcugod embqgpg`hc IW uempcu god us`lcet

    bgttcp jom{hcdkc`st ghum {itf din"ncpcot gqqpmgefcu tm hcgdcpufiq/ Cgefiu fipcd mo gu ngut"tpgej tghcot iotcod"cd tm piuc tm{gpd hcgdcpufiq qmuitimou/

    Tfc Bgpgtfmo Pgec @ckiou

    Dchihgf iu dcniocd `y fcp dceiui~c"ocuu {itf g nmesu mo tguju god getimo/Ufc iu g om"omoucouc hcgdcp {fmucbmttm iuniput tfioku niput' Ufc jccqutfioku uibqhc god nmesucu mo cuuco"tighu/ Tfmuc {fm pcqmpt tm fcp gpc ehcgp{fgt ufc {gotu tfcb tm dm/ M~cp tibcufc iu ucco gu g bgogkcp {fm oc~cp

    dpmqu tfc `ghh/ Io nget( ufc oc~cp tgjcufcp cyc mnn tfc `ghh/ God {fco fcp`muu bgjcu g dceiuimo( ufc dmcuot{gutc tibc ucemod kscuuiok tfioku:ufc lsbqu io god kctu tfioku bm~iok/ Fgppy tfioju tfioku tfpmskf egpc"

    nshhy cnmpc tgjiok getimo/ Emouiutcot{itf fiu iotchhcetsgh utyhc( fc guuspcutfgt tfmuc {fm pcqmpt tm fib sodcp"utgod tfc {fgt god {fy mn tfcip{mpj/ Ghtfmskf fc coemspgkcu tfcbtm uqcgj sq god cvqpcuu tfcip ~ic{u(Fgppy bgjcu it ehcgp tfgt niogh dcei"uimou gpc fiu/ Fc ghum couspcu tfgt fc

    sodcputgodu tfc {fgt god {fy mnfiu m{o {mpj( {fco fgodcd dceiuimou`y fiu `muu/ In fc dmcuot sodcputgodumbctfiok( mp gkpcc {itf it( fc bgy gujwscutimou mp c~co efghhcokc dceiuimou/ Iokpid fgu go iotckpgti~c gqqpmgef

    tm hcgdcpufiq/ Ufc iu g `chic~cp io tcgb"{mpj/ Ufc ncchu tfgt qcmqhc {mpj `cut{fco tfcy fg~c g fgod io bgjiokdceiuimou god qhgou/ Pcnhcetiok tfc epc"gti~c uidc mn fcp iotckpgti~c utyhc( ufc`chic~cu tfgt bmut qpm`hcbu fg~c g~gpicty mn qmuui`hc umhstimou( god cgef

    itu tmhh mo pchgtimoufiqu/ [fco tfiokugpc ~gksc( ufc uccbu tm kct pgtthcd godfgu hmut fcp emmh/ Fcp niput tfioku niputgqqpmgef fguot qgoocd mst {chh motguju tfgt eghh nmp g bmpc tfmskftnshgod goghytie utyhc/ Fgppy( tmm( uccbusocguy {itf efgokc god gb`iksity(god fiu tcodcoey tm efghhcokc mtfcpufgu utpgiocd g nc{ pchgtimoufiqu/ Motfc mtfcp fgod( Npgoju utgp fgu piuco g`it( gu fgu Iokpidu( tfmskf tm g hcuucp

    cvtcot/ @mtf gpc ucco gu embnmptg`hc{itf soqpcdietg`ihity( god tfcip pchg"timoufiqu {itf mtfcpu uccb utpmokcpom{ tfgo {fco {mpjiok gu usqcp~i"umpu/ Gt tfiu qmiot( fm{c~cp( omoc mntfc nmsp utgodu mst gu ehcgphy usqcpimptm tfc mtfcpu/ Dchihgf god Fgppy gpcucco gu tfc bmpc qpmdseti~c t{m( godIokpid god Npgoj gpc ucco gu utpmokcpio bgiotgioiok pchgtimoufiqu/

    Tfc Hcgdcpu mn tfc Qgej Efgpkc

    Ycgpu qguu( god tfc nmsp cbqhmyccughh ~ic{ tfgt bid"qmiot gu ymsok bgo"

    gkcpu tm `c dcnioiok bmbcotu io tfcipegpccpu/ Tfc moec qpmbiuiok Dchihgfoc~cp egskft fcp ucemod {iod: ufc ngh"tcpcd {fco dcghiok {itf soqpcdietg`hcmp embqhcv guuikobcotu: Fgppy bgdcumbc qpmkpcuu( cuqceighhy {fco dcgh"iok {itf tcefoiegh iuuscu: `st fiu pchg"timoufiqu uccbcd utpgiocd: ioepcguiokhy(fc uccbcd {ghhcd"mnn god iumhgtcd/ @yom{( Iokpid {gu ucco gu tfc km"tm qcp"umo nmp embqhcv guuikobcotu( qgpties"hgphy dspiok epmuu"nsoetimogh emonhietugod tcouimou/ @st it {gu Npgoj {fmcbcpkcd gu tfc moc {itf tfc fikfcut

    qmtcotigh/ Fc uccbcd bmut gdcqt gtfgodhiok ~cpy dinncpcot jiodu mnguuikobcotu/ Fiu pchgtimoufiqu tfpi~cd(god fc fgd hcgpocd tm gptieshgtc ehcgpkmghu god m`lceti~cu {itfmst ki~iok sqtfc egqgeity tm gdgqt qhgou tm efgokiokeipesbutgoecu/ Fcd ghum hcgpocd tmutgy usnnieicothy ionmpbcd mo mqcpgtiokdctgihu tm chibiogtc goy emoecpo tfgt fcbikft `c mst mn tmsef/ Io nget( moc mnNpgoju bmut ibqpcuui~c utpcoktfu {gufiu soegooy egqgeity tm ucc god gdgqttm efgokiok uitsgtimou/ G emoucousucbcpkcd gbmok ucoimp cvcesti~cu tfgt

    Npgoj pcqpcucotcd tfc jiod mn gkihchcgdcp god dceiuimo"bgjcp tfc embqg"oy occdcd bmut gbmok itu tmq hcgdcpu/

    Tfc utmpicu mn Dchihgf( Npgoj( Fgppygod Iokpid gpc ghh tmm ngbihigpio tmqtghcot"emoecpocd mpkgoi|gtimou/ Msppcucgpef uskkcutu tfgt gu iodi~idsghu{fm gpc bmpc fikfhy embqcougtcdtfgo tfcip qccpu qpmkpcuu npmb usqcp~i"umpu tm ucoimp cvcesti~cu( tfcy nmhhm{ gqpcdietg`hc qgtf/ Gt tfiu cgphy utgkc(dceiui~cocuu tpsbqu ficpgpefie( iotc"kpgti~c god nhcvi`hc dceiuimo"bgjiok

    H c g d c p u f i q C v e c h h c o e c


    `y Jc~io Egufbgo god Jcooctf @pmsuucgs

    H c g d c p u o c c d e m p c u j i h h " u c t u /

    Pcqpiotcd {itf qcpbiuuimo mnHcgdcpufiq Cvechhcoec< 7"6;;"031"7965

  • 8/6/2019 Lens of Success


    utyhcu/ @st( gt hgtcp utgkcu( tfc qgttcpopc~cpucu/ Tfc ufint pc~mh~cu gpmsod tfcucemod hc~ch mn bgogkcbcot( {fcpctfc utyhcu ehsutcp god tfco ngo mst iotfc pc~cpucd dipcetimo ghh tfc {gy sqtfc hgddcp/ [c ds` tfiu hcou"hijc qgt"tcpo mn efgokiok utyhcu tfc hcou mn useecuu/

    Tfgt bid"egpccp emo~cpkcoec qmiottfc hcouiu g epseigh qcpimd {fco cvce"sti~cu bsut ufint tfcip utyhcu npmbnmesuiok mo tguju tm dcghiok {itf bmpc

    embqhcv( hmok"pgokc qhgou god dcei"uimou/ Tfcy bsut hcg~c `cfiod emb"bgod"god"emotpmh `cfg~imp god gdmqtg bmpc iotcpgeti~c( ki~c"god"tgjc( utyhctfgt mntco bcgou `sihdiok emoucousugpmsod qhgou god dceiuimou/ Tfc ufintiu g ufgpq moctfc utyhc qpmnihcu dm gembqhctc 761"dckpcc nhiq npmb moc uidcmn tfc hcou tm tfc mtfcp/ Tfmuc {fmockmtigtc tfc hcou useecuunshhy dc~chmqmp `sihd mo tfc g`ihity tm pcgd uitsgtimougod gdlsut tfcip utyhcu geempdiokhy/

    Hcgdcpufiq Kpm{tf god C~mhstimo

    Guqipiok cvcesti~cu ego gdlsut tmtfcip uitsgtimou m~cp tibc/ Bmut mn sugpcot moc"omtc iodi~idsghu {fm egomohy bgjc dceiuimou god emotpi`stc~ghsc io g uiokhc bgoocp/ @st( bgoy mnsu gpc epcgtspcu mn fg`it {fm kpm{embnmptg`hc {itf tcodcoeicu( god tfcongih tm omtiec {fco tfcy gpcot ucp~ioksu mp msp uitsgtimou {chh/

    Efgokc iu eitcd `y hcgdcpu gu tfcbmut efghhcokiok guqcet mn tfcip lm`u(god tfc qpcuuspc tm emqc {itf efgokc{ihh mohy ioepcguc: fm{c~cp( embqhg"ecoey god nmpec mn fg`it gpc iogdcwsgtc

    cvesucu nmp hgej mn qpmkpcuu/ [fco mspkpm{tf utghhu( um dm msp egpccpu/

    Emouidcp tfc piuiok utgp cvgbqhc mnc~mh~iok Cddic( {fm hcgpocd npmb fiunmsp qpcdcecuumpu god `ckgo tgjiokdceiui~c( getimo"mpicotcd utcqu/ Gu fccoemsotcpcd uitsgtimou {itf hcuu ehgpitygod bmpc embqhcvity( fc nmsod fm{ tmgdgqt fiu gqqpmgef tm ki~c {gy tmbmpc ficpgpefie( tfco iotckpgti~c utyhcmn dceiuimo"bgjiok/ Io dcghiok {itfqcmqhc( fc bmpqfcd bmpc tm g nhcvi`hc(god cokgkiok gqqpmgef/ Tfiu cog`hcdfib tm {io tfc tpsut mn mtfcpu god tm

    jccq mtfcpu bmti~gtcd god emmqcpgti~cdspiok utpcuunsh tibcu mn efgokc/ Fiug`ihity tm `c hcgpoiok gkihc( tm pc"emouti"tstc fiu qgut tm tfc efgokiok occdu mntfc qpcucot( cwsiqqcd fib {chh tm epc"gtc codspiok ~ghsc/ HC

    Jc~io Egufbgo iu Ucoimp Qgptocp mn Jmpo-Ncppyu Hcgdcpufiq godTghcot Emoushtiok di~iuimo god gstfmp mnHcgdcpufiq npmb tfcIouidc Mst &{{{/hcgdcpufiqnpmbtfciouidcmst/emb)/ CbgihJc~io/EgufbgoAJmpoNcppy/emb/ Jcooctf @pmsuucgs( Qf/D/( iuem"nmsodcp mn Dceiuimo Dyogbieu( Efgipbgo mn Jmpo-NcppyuEcotcp nmp tfc Ueicoec mn Bgogkcbcot Guucuubcot( god em"gstfmpmnTfc Dyogbie Dceiuimo Bgjcp/ Cbgih jco`Adcedyogbieu/emb/

    GETIMO< Dc~chmq tfc empc ujihh"uctu/

    H c g d c p u f i q C v e c h h c o e c

    Pcqpiotcd {itf qcpbiuuimo mnHcgdcpufiq Cvechhcoec< 7"6;;"031"7965