Lesson 1 – Intro Install Spread Start & Jet I Intro – Teaching Blocks Spread Start and Jet I Triple AAA 1A – Alignment 2A – Assignment 3A – Action Install Step 1 – Critical / Silent Sneak Install Step 2 – Team Communication Install Step 3 – Spread Core / Stretch Run Install Step 4 – Blitz Beaters / Screen and Sprint Pass Perfect Plays Review

Lesson 1 – Intro Install Spread Start & Jet I

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Intro – Teaching Blocks Spread Start and Jet I Triple AAA 1A – Alignment 2A – Assignment 3A – Action Install Step 1 – Critical / Silent Sneak Install Step 2 – Team Communication Install Step 3 – Spread Core / Stretch Run Install Step 4 – Blitz Beaters / Screen and Sprint Pass - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lesson 1 Spread Intro Common Sense Football

Lesson 1 Intro InstallSpread Start & Jet IIntro Teaching Blocks Spread Start and Jet ITriple AAA1A Alignment2A Assignment3A ActionInstall Step 1 Critical / Silent SneakInstall Step 2 Team CommunicationInstall Step 3 Spread Core / Stretch RunInstall Step 4 Blitz Beaters / Screen and Sprint PassPerfect PlaysReviewIntro Spread StartLesson 1 Common Sense Football

Nothing means Something Key to Communication

Triple AAAAlignmentAssignmentAction

Lets Get Started Alignment First

Alignment and POAAce RightJ and Y (Away-back) BZX (Toward-front) Odd #s Left Even #s - Right

*Note - 2 different hole #s for outside attack

GCTYGTX503010204060809070ZJBQ00 (0h)*10=teenAlignmentOline 1 foot split (minimum) with toes on heel of Center shift from 2 point to 3 point stanceQb @ 5 yds depth (parallel stance)B @ 5 yds depth over tackle (2pt)Xrec and Zrec (rec) spread toward call (max)Yrec (3pt) and J (rec)away from call

*See signal from sideline and get aligned NOWRule #1 - Identify DefenseLook @ Defense now / NOT sideline Identify if Covered or Uncovered*Covered Defined = inside-over-outsideOline covered by Dline (hand on ground)Backs covered by Backer (Mike always playside)Recs covered by DBCorner #1 DefenderSafety #2 DefenderOutside Backer Mr O DefenderDefensive End #3 DefenderQb checks Safeties (points @ both)

lets take a look @ DEFENSIVE AlignmentDefensive IdentificationDEFENSIVE ALIGNMENT RECOGNITION

ACE RIGHT spread 2x2

#2 Defender(dc) Deep cover OR forceGUTBOXTACKLEBOXMr-0EDGEMr-0EDGEMiddle DefenderSafety Box#2 Defender(dc) Deep coverOR force#1 Defdc/force#1 Defdc/forceTACKLEBOX3techB-gap#3 DEND#3 DENDMIKERule #2 Over CommunicateMake defensive recognition calls*point @ key defenders *example Bback points @ Mike Backer

Qb (only) looks @ sideline to get play calls x2

Team LISTENS & Makes play Cue-Calls*Recs signal call and/or acknowledge received

More important we know what were doing than defense thinking they knowRule #3 Triple AAAGet Aligned on Ball ASAP - proper spacing*identify if covereduncovered + key defenders

LISTEN to YOUR cue-call*make proper cue-call for play

Get off ball aggressively and confidently*get between Defenders and where ball is going


Gogo - Nanu Nanu (silent snap)*No Audible Now Under (s0, get set)Coach signals set & play + Qb calls out (x2)Get set ASAP (eye on ball = TTO)*Oline call = tight to middle blockingBacks and Recs get set be STATUESQb check all set hands under center & readyCenter pause long 1 count snap and we go

Lets Take a LookQb Sneak Dive Tight MiddleTENEMSWC#1C#1$#2F#2ZJXY12032Tight Sift to Sam Ace Left Nanu Nanu QAce Left Iowa State 2 Qb punch snap with arms not body (no leaning forward)Let Oline get surge and read Center block for 3 way outOline tight reach to middle (1-2 dive block)*TTO - get off the ballBacks * Recs too easy!Get set stay set BE A STATUE - lets take a look @ NANU in actionBNANU - NANU

Notice Oline First Steps All Tight to Middle with inside foot first (Great TTO) *Backs Recs STATUESQb punch snap then GO Install Step 2 CommunicationCombination of words + numbersUse both to help players memorize*note my hand signals to demonstrate communication

1st Formation signal (directional as you see it)Ace Right+WORD ASSOCIATION - any US state (no signal given) Iowa+3 NUMBERS - COMBINATION LOCK (only #s of play)908

Play TranslationUS State1st digit2nd digit3rd digitDummyIowaSeries9POA-hole0 (oh)Dummy 8DummyIowaRunPass

Even=rightOdd=leftDummyAgainQB Communication Process Ace Right Ace Right *read defense point @ safeties (defensive #s)*pause & make sure everyone aligned properly

Michigan 905 (pause) *must allow time to process and communicate callsMichigan 905

Give count reminder if not on 1st GO*saying nothing means something (TTO-count)*check make sure everyone set (backfield behind you) + see defenseSet Readyyy Go

Why it works Tappers (we-Offense)Listeners (they Defense)We know what to listen for they do not

Example - 904

They hear 2nd-3rd digits together (9) (04)We hear 1st and 2nd digits together - (90) (4)

lets take a look @ play 904 in action

Ace right 90 *JREC ball carrier (3rd team)

Notice JREC great timing on motion *Belly Back technique after hand off from Qb Jet Stretch RightAce Right 90 TENEMS-Mr0WC$#2FC#1Oline 3 step bucket *stretch reach to far gapPST or Y Secure edge!!! Do Not let DEnd cross face*1 step bucket if covered YXZBJ*Jet SignalsJrec = Mo Man pats his chestZrec = points @ Qb jet stretch mesh and Hoff using 2 step shuffle and arms follow back (pause) then pivot drop step to sprint pass fake awayBback align toward and see-block support defender*Bongo technique if no backer blitz (soft) then help PST on Dend (B on & go)How It Works USE 0f PROVEN Memorization TechniquesThemes or PatternsAlliteration Unique terms or Memory MarkersChunking Scaffolding

HOW (concrete examples)Themes: 90 series = jet series Alliteration: 70 series all start with S = sprintMemory Markers: embedded cues (90 = jet mo)Chunking: break up into small bits (units)Scaffolding: build upon each concept (stretch)

Install Step 3 Spread CoreAce Right 90 Stretch Review of Triple AAAOline Wide Reach / 3 step bucket / Secure edgeBback Outside-In Support / Arch / Bongo techRecs 12 block / BSCOQb 2 step shuffle mesh & Hoff-sprint boot awayJrec Jet Mo @ Seeet and read Fback LeadAce Right 90 (walk & talk) then 99 (Zrec ball)Ace Left 99 (half speed) and then 90

Install Step 4 Blitz BeatersBLITZ Beater #1 Fast Screen Stretch blocking combined with bubble passAce Right Gogo Ram (walk & talk) Gogo Lion

BLITZ Beater #2 Sprint Pass 2 level floodStretch tech for Sprint Pro2 Level Flood Combo (Go and Speed Out)4 Step Qb sprint out pass timing (quick pass)Ace Right Seattle 72 (walk & talk) Seattle 71

Perfect PlaysGet into 3 offensive groups 1st group @ 10 yd line rest behind (watch)Coach will signal set and playOffense executes Triple AAA (Coaches = Defs)Run play through Goal line (all 11 Perfect)Finish outside and back around2nd group replace watch & listen repeat3rd group same (all use same set & play)*Goal = 3 perfect plays in a row Start to FinishReview Lesson Plan 1Teaching Method Review and NewPerfect Plays everyday after warm up*Coaches are Key Defenders reactions & scout DReview Core Plays (previous day)Intro New (big Picture walk & talk to Run)

Break down into Individual FundosProgress to Group Install drillsBack to TEAM vs Defense Play review

You Got It Lets Get StartedWhy It Works Repeated Use of Proven Memorization Techniques

Foundations or core only (easy to process)Themes or Memory Markers (unique cues)Alliteration (same first letter or sounds) Chunking (unit 1 = formation / unit 2 = play)Scaffolding (build concept upon concept)

They hear Everything We hear One thing!