Lesson 1 The Political & Social Background to the NT

Lesson 1 The Political & Social Background to the NTstorage.cloversites.com/bethanybaptistchurch3/documents...d. Rome associated many of the Greek gods with Roman gods. e. Rome built

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  • Lesson 1 The Political & Social Background to the NT

  • In 586 BC Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians.

    In 538 B.C the Babylonians fell to the Persian king Cyrus.


  • Cyrus allowed the captured Jews to return to their homeland and they did so under three Jewish leaders.

    a. Sheshbazzar (possibly he and Zerubbabel are the same person)

    (Ezra 1:5-11; 2:64)

    b. Ezra (Ezra 7:1-10)

    c. Nehemiah (Neh. 2:1-10)

  • The Persians eventually fell to Alexander the Great who conquered much of the known world between 334-323 B.C and spread Greek culture. (Hellenism).


  • After Alexander the Great’s death his kingdom was divided up by his four generals.

    a. The Seleucids took control of Asia Minor.

    b. The Ptolemaics had control of Egypt and Palestine.

  • Under Ptolemaic control those in Palestine were treated fairly well.

    It was during this time that the Septuagint (LXX), a Greek translation of the OT, begun. (Competed in 132 BC).


  • In 199 BC the Seleucids took over Palestine and caused the Jews many problems.

    a. They set up temples to other gods.

    b. Theatres were built depicting the stories and the immorality of the gods.

    c. Gymnasiums were build in which athletes participated in the nude.

  • At the beginning of the 2nd century BC, the Seleucid Empire (in yellow) expanded into Israel at the expense of Ptolemaic Egypt (blue).


  • One of the rulers at this this time Antiochus IV (Epiphanes - 175-163 B.C.) tried to force the Jews to Hellenize.


  • Antiochus IV did this by:

    a. Destroying the city walls of Jerusalem.

    b. Put an image of Zeus in the Jewish temple and worshiped it by sacrificing a pig.

    c. Putting to death anyone found with the Jewish scriptures.

  • Enter Judas Maccabeus


  • Judas Maccabeus

    - A Jewish revolutionary leader.

    - Led a revolt against Antiochus IV’s men in Palestine (164 BC).

    - Waged a successful war and brought his people freedom from taxation & outside control.

    - You can read about the exploits of the Maccabees in 1

    & 2 Maccabees. (Apocrypha).

  • The Jewish ruling kings who ruled over the newly freed Jews were known as the Hasmoneans.

    These kings later became the ancestors

    of the Sadducees.

    The Hasmonean dynasty was short lived and in 63 BC the Romans took control of Palestine.


  • Hasmonean Kingdom at its greatest


  • Julius Caesar was the Roman ruler at this time.

    In 30 B.C. Octavian Caesar conquered Egypt

    and changed his name to Caesar Augustus and reigned as the Roman emperor from 27 BC to AD 14.

    In the days of Caesar Augustus… (Luke 2:1).


  • Caesar Augustus appointed Antipater to govern Judah. Antipater was the father of Herod the Great.


  • Rome organize their conquered territories in two ways:

    a. The relatively peaceful areas were placed under the Roman senate with officers known as proconsuls.

    b. The more troublesome areas were ruled directly by the Emperor through officers known as procurators.

  • Roman rule

    a. Pax Romana (Latin for "Roman peace” - which Rome brought to the world).

    b. Rome did not interfere with the religious practices of the provinces.

    c. Rome loved Greek culture (Graeco-Roman).

  • d. Rome associated many of the Greek gods with Roman gods.

    e. Rome built roads and made land and sea travel quite safe.

    In 37 B.C. Herod the Great captured Jerusalem with an army and married into the Hasmonean family.

  • Herod the Great

    - One of the best builders in the empire at that time. - Generally hated by devout Jews. - Plagued by a sense of insecurity, he

    murdered all who opposed him, including some of his wives and children. (Matthew 2:16).

    Herod died in 4 BC. (What is strange about this date?)

  • After Herod’s death his kingdom was divided up by his three sons:

    a. Herod Antipas who took Galilee (4 B.C. – A.D.


    b. Philip who took North of the Sea of Galilee (4 B.C. – A.D. 34).

    c.) Archelaus who took Judea and Samaria.

    (Read Matthew 2:21-22).

  • Archelaus lost his office because of misrule, so Roman governors took over for awhile.

    Pontius Pilate was one of them from 26-36 AD.

    Suffered under Pontius Pilate …

    (Apostle Creed).


  • Emperors following Augustus Caesar:

    Tiberius (14-37, AD)


  • Emperors following Augustus Caesar:

    Gaius Caligula (37-41, AD)


  • Emperors following Augustus Caesar:

    Claudius (41-54, AD)


  • Emperors following Augustus Caesar:

    Nero (54-68, AD)


  • Emperors following Augustus Caesar:

    Vespasian (69-79, AD) Titus’ army destroyed the Jewish temple in 70 AD.


  • Emperors following Augustus Caesar:

    Domitian (81-96, AD)
