Lesson 2 Health Grade 9

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8/17/2019 Lesson 2 Health Grade 9

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8/17/2019 Lesson 2 Health Grade 9

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What is a disease?

A term for an abnormal condition thatimpairs the normal functionin of an

oranism or a bod!" In humans# a disease

is broadl! referred to an! condition thatcauses discomfort# d!sfunction# distressand death or similar problems" In a $ider

sense# disease includes disabilities#

disorders# s!ndromes# infections andother unusual %ariations and function"

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What are the types ofdisease?

 There are t$o t!pes of diseases&communicable and non communicable"

Communicable orcontaious diseasesare infectiousdiseases capable of

bein passed fromone person toanother

Non communicablediseases are thosediseases $hich arenot infectious butma! result from

eneticpredisposition orlifest!le'related


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What is the dierence betweenmortality and morbidity?

(orbidit! and mortalit! )ures are usuall!used in determinin occurrence ofdiseases"

MORB!"#  refers to the deree orse%erit! of a disease"

MOR"$L"#  is the *ualit! or condition ofbein fatal or mortal# the term is usuall!used to determine the measure of thenumber of deaths"

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What are the leadin% ca&ses ofmortality and morbidity?

Accordin to data from the Department of

+ealth# based on the ,anuar! -../statistics# the 0. leadin causes of

mortalit! and morbidit! are the follo$in&

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0" Diseases of the heart

-" Diseases of the %ascular s!stem4" (alinant neoplasms

5" Pneumonia

6" Accidents7"  Tuberculosis

/" Chronic lo$er respirator! diseases

8" Diabetes mellitus

9" Nephritis# nephrotic s!ndrome andnephrosis

0." Certain conditions oriinatin in the

perinatal period"

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0" Acute respirator! infection

-" Acute lo$er respirator! tract infection4" Infection and pneumonia

5" :ronchitis; bronchiolitis

6" +!pertension7" Acute $ater diarrhea

/" In<uen=a

8" 3TI

9"  T: respirator!

0." In>uries

00" Acute febrille illness

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?hat are the conditions contributin to diseases@

E'ONOM'( po%ert! is usuall! the source of illness because of the depri%ationof medical attention for its hih costs" It also includes nutritional problems#especiall! for the !oun ones"

')L")RE' cultural or traditional beliefs hinders medical attention" Consultin*uestionable medical practices from *uac doctors #faith healers# and otherfae healers holds bac proper medical procedure" This results to $orseninillness or e%en death"

EN*RONMEN"' diseases and their source oranisms eBist in our en%ironment"Potential causes of death and illnesses depend on interaction bet$een the

en%ironment and the indi%idual" Improper $aste disposal and $atercontamination are eBamples $hich ma! brin sicness and ma! result todeath"

+OL"'S' politics has a reat eect on illnesses and death of an indi%idual orthe $hole communit!" 2o%ernment ocials ha%e a bi responsibilit!reardin prorams lie hospitals or health care centers# alle%iatin po%ert!#

and de%elopment of the communit!" Red tape and bureaucrac! slo$s do$nthe processin of )nancial help or pensions that ma! be used for medicalneeds"

E!)'$"ON' possibl!# education or information is the most important and hasthe biest eect on death and illness" Pre%ention and solution is moresuccessful $ith no$lede and a$areness of e%er! disease" +ealth $orers

includin teachers ha%e responsibilities to ensure ade*uate and rihtconcepts bein tauht"

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What are emer%in% and re(emer%in% diseases?

  E(ER2IN2 diseases are diseases thatha%e ne$l! appeared in a population orha%e eBisted but are rapidl! increasin in

incidence of eoraphic rane"  RE'E(ER2IN2 diseases are old diseases

that ha%e increased pre%alence aain" The diseases $ere pre%iousl! treatable

aain" The diseases $ere pre%iousl!treatable but ha%e de%eloped resistanceto other drus used to treat them"

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What are some of the emer%in% and re(emer%in% diseases?

0" Leptospirosis


It is caused b!bacteria of the enus


0" +ih fe%er-" +eadache4" Chills

5" (uscle aches6" Vomitin7" ,aundice/" Red e!es8" Abdominal pain9" Diarrhea

0." rash 

Do not s$im or $ade in$ater that miht becontaminated $ith

animal urine# oreliminate contact $ithpotentiall! infected


?ear protecti%e

clothin or foot$ear#especiall! those peopleeBposed to

contaminated $ater orsoil because of their >ob or recreational


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2- !en%&e

 '$)SE S,NS $N!


:ite of an Aedes egyptimos*uito infected

$ith an! one of the

four denue %iruses

S!mptoms appear 4'05da!s after the infecti%ebite s!mptoms rane

from mild fe%er toincapacitatin hih

fe%er se%ereheadache pain behindthe e!es muscle and

 >oint pains and rashes

• Eliminate standin$ater

• 3nclo roof utters• Empt! childrenFs

$adin pools at leastonce a $ee"

• Chane $ater inbirdbaths at least

$eel!"• 2et rid of old tires in

!our !ard# as the!collect standin $ater"

• Empt! unusedcontainers# such as<o$erpots# or store

them upside do$n"• Drain an collected

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.- /and0 foot0 and mo&th disease

'a&ses Si%ns andsymptoms


Viruses that belon tothe Entero%irus enes

Ge%er# poor appetite# a%aue feelin of beinun$ell and sorethroat one or t$o

da!s of fe%er stars#painful sores usuall!de%elop in the mouth"

•?ash hands $ithsoap and $ater#especiall! afterchanin diapers and

usin the toilet"

•Disinfect dirt!surfaces and soileditems# includin to!s"

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- Menin%ococcemia'a&ses Si%ns and


:acteria calledNeisseria meninitidis

Earl! sins0" AnBiet!-" Ge%er4" +eadache5" Irritabilit!

6" (uscle pain7" Nausea/" Rash $ith red or

purple spotsLater s!mptoms ma!


8" Chanin le%el ofconsciousness9" Lare areas of

bleedin under thesin


A pre%enti%eantibiotics for famil!members and contactsare oftenrecommended"

A %accine that co%erssome' but not all'strains ofmeninococcus isrecommended for


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3- Se1ere ac&te respiratory Syndrome 4S$RS5

'a&ses Si%ns and symptoms +re1ention

A corona%irus calledSARS' associatedcorona%irus

Ge%er follo$ed b! arapidl! proressi%erespirator! compromiseincludin chills#muscular aches#headache# and loss ofappetite"

•Case detection aims toidentif! SCARS case"•Once cases areidenti)ed the neBt stepis to ensure theirprompt isolation in aproperl! e*uippedfacilit!# andmanaement accordinto strict infectioncontrol procedures"• The third acti%it!' thedetecti%e $or'in%ol%es theidenti)cation of allclose contacts of eachcase and assurance oftheir careful follo$'up#includin dail! health

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6- $1ian n7&en8a'a&ses Si%ns and symptoms +re1ention

Viral disease of birdscaused b! the +6N0%irus"

Ge%er couh# sorethroat# muscle aches"

A%oid source ofeBposure"

Seasonal in<uen=a%accination-It $ill not pre%ent

infection $ith a%ianin<uen=a A %iruses# butcan reduce the ris ofco'infection $ithhuman and a%ian

in<uen=a A %irus"

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9- n7&en8a $/:N:

'a&ses Si%ns and symptoms +re1ention

Caused b! in<uen=a A%irus t!pe desinatedas +0N0

Ge%er# couh# nasalsecretions# fatiue#and headache

•Sta! home if !ouresic•?ash !our hands

thorouhl!•A%oid contact•Glu %accination

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What are the pro%rams of the !epartment of /ealth for emer%in% and re( emer%in%infectio&s diseases?

 The department of healthFs proram on emrin andre'emerin infectious disease aims to pre%ent

and control emerin and re' emerin infectiousdiseases from becomin public health problems

It also tarets to reduce public health impact ofemerin and re' emerin infectious diseasesand strenthen sur%eillance# preparedness#

response to emerin and re' emerin infectiousdiseases"

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Who are the partner or%ani8ations;a%encies of the pro%ram?

0" ?orld +ealth Orani=ation H?+O

-" 3nited Nations ChildrenFs Gund H3NICEG

4" Department of Interior and Local 2o%ernmentHDIL2

5" Department of Education HDepEd

6" 3nited States Aenc! for InternationalDe%elopment H3SAID

7" Asian De%elopment :an HAD:

/" Philippine +ealth Insurance CorporationHPhil+ealth

8" Department of Ariculture' :ureau of AnimalIndustr! HDA':AI