The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that God doesn't look at your appearance or age, He looks at your heart. Memory Verse "The Lord is my strength and my shield; I trust in him with all my heart." (Psalm 28:7) Materials * Bible Story - 1 Samuel: ch. 16-17 * Visual aids - pictures from the story * Pictures of David and Goliath for craft activity * Worksheets Lesson Outline 1. Introduction 2. Review the previous lesson 3. Story - David and Goliath 4. Questions about the story 5. Discussion 6. Activities - Retell the story, worksheets, craft activity, pantomime, game 7. Review the aims 8. Prayer ......................... 1) Introduction How tall are you? Stand in a line to see how tall everyone is. Who is the tallest and shortest in your family? Is it good to be tall? (reaching for something high, sitting cramped in a car)) Is it good to be small? (squeezing through a small space, can’t reach a high shelf). How tall would you like to be? Today’s story is about a tall person and a short person, and what happened when they met. 2) Review the previous lesson In the last story, the Israelites asked Samuel to give them a king like other nations. Even though God warned them that a king would take away their freedom, they still wanted a king, so God gave them one. Samuel chose Saul. At first he was a good king and he won many battles for Israel. But, later, he thought more about himself than God. Because of this, God wanted a new king. David was chosen and Samuel anointed him with oil. He did not become king immediately. Saul was king of Israel for 40 years. 3) Story - David and Goliath

Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

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Page 1: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

The Old Testament

Lesson 28 - David & Goliath

Aims* To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that God doesn't look at your appearance or age, He looks at your heart.

Memory Verse "The Lord is my strength and my shield; I trust in him with all my heart." (Psalm 28:7)

Materials* Bible Story - 1 Samuel: ch. 16-17 * Visual aids - pictures from the story* Pictures of David and Goliath for craft activity* Worksheets

Lesson Outline1. Introduction2. Review the previous lesson3. Story - David and Goliath4. Questions about the story5. Discussion6. Activities - Retell the story, worksheets, craft activity, pantomime, game7. Review the aims8. Prayer


1) Introduction How tall are you? Stand in a line to see how tall everyone is. Who is the tallest and shortest in your family? Is it good to be tall? (reaching for something high, sitting cramped in a car)) Is it good to be small? (squeezing through a small space, can’t reach a high shelf). How tall would you like to be? Today’s story is about a tall person and a short person, and what happened when they met.

2) Review the previous lesson In the last story, the Israelites asked Samuel to give them a king like other nations. Even though God warned them that a king would take away their freedom, they still wanted a king, so God gave them one. Samuel chose Saul. At first he was a good king and he won many battles for Israel. But, later, he thought more about himself than God. Because of this, God wanted a new king. David was chosen and Samuel anointed him with oil. He did not become king immediately. Saul was king of Israel for 40 years.

3) Story - David and Goliath

Page 2: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

The Israelite and Philistine armies faced each other ready for battle. Goliath, a nine-foot tall Philistine, challenged an Israelite to fight him. The losing side would be the slave of the winning side. The Israelites were afraid to fight him because he was so big. But David the shepherd boy was not afraid. He challenged him in the name of God. With a sling and stone David struck Goliath on the head and he fell down dead. That day, because of the faith of a young shepherd boy, Israel won a great battle.

4) Questions about the story* How tall was Goliath? - 9 ft / 2.7 m* What did Goliath say to the Israelites? - "I dare you to find one man to fight me.  If he can beat me

we will become your slaves, but if I win you will all become our slaves."* What were Goliath’s weapons? - a sword, spear and shield* What were David’s weapons? - a sling and five stones* Why did Goliath laugh at David? - He thought he was too young to fight* What did David say? - "I come in the name of the God of Israel. He will put you in my power."* Where did the stone hit Goliath? - on the forehead

5) Discussion* How could David defeat Goliath? He trusted in the power of God. This gave him courage. He

believed he could do anything if God was with him. It is the same with us. When we trust in God and ask Him to be with us, we can do great things. Ask God to today to be with you and see if it helps you.

* What does God look for in a person? Does our size really matter to God? Does He care if we're short or tall, fat or skinny? Just because you are small doesn’t mean you are weak. Goliath looked strong on the outside, but real strength is on the inside. David had God on his side and that is stronger than anything. God doesn’t look at the outside of a person. He looks at the inside of a person. He looks at the heart. That’s why it’s more important to be a good person - to be honest, kind and helpful

* No matter how old you are, God thinks each person is important. With God's help we can do lots of important things and even great things. Could God use YOU to do something special for Him? If we ask God, He will always help us.

6) Activities* Retell the story - Tell the story in your own words using the pictures. Put the pictures in the

correct order.

* Worksheetsa) Colour a pictureb) David Fights Goliath Maze - Help David find Goliathc) The Boy and the Giant - Finish the pictures of David and Goliathd) David’s Words - Solve the code and find out what David said about God in Psalm 27:7

* Pantomime of David and GoliathChoose three children to act out the parts of David, King Saul and Goliath. Divide the rest of the group in half to be the Philistines and the Israelites. Stand them on opposite sides of the room and have the story acted out in the centre. Children mime the actions as you tell the story.

Page 3: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

* David and Goliath Craft1. Make double-sided copies of the pictures of David and Goliath. Test a copy to make sure it works2. Color the pictures. 3. Fold in one third of the right-hand side of the paper so Goliath is facing David. 4. After you tell the story, the children can open the card and see Goliath killed.

* David and Goliath GameThis game is a variation of a game of marbles. Test the surface of the floor yourself to see how difficult it is to slide the rocks (some surfaces are easier than others) and adjust the size of the square accordingly (smaller squares for harder to slide surfaces). 

Materials* 5 small stones or marbles, printed with the letters, D-a-v-i-d with a permanent marker* one large stone or marble with the letter G printed on it.* Glue a piece of felt to the bottom of each of your stones to prevent scratching* a smooth floor, masking tape

Directions for the game1. Mark a play area with masking tape about 24 inches / 60 cm in diameter. 2. Mark a small X in the center. Place the Goliath stone or marble on the X.3. Sit at the edge of the square and TAKE TURNS SLIDING the David rocks (or marbles) to knock Goliath out of the square. Don't let everyone slide their rocks at one time or someone willend up getting hurt. Make sure you show the children how to slide their rocks (not throw them)before you get started)

7) Review the lesson aim* To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that small people can do big things with the help of God

8) Prayer

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Page 4: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

David and Goliath From 1 Samuel: 16-17

David continued looking after his father's sheep. Each day, he grew in wisdom and strength. He had to be skillful and strong to fight off the wild animals, that often attacked the flock. David began to use a sling shot, to scare off the bears and lions and soon became an expert with it.

To pass the time, David also practised playing his harp and he quickly became very good at this, too. News of his skills spread far across the land.

Meanwhile, Samuel no longer visited Saul at his palace and the king felt distant from God. He had terrible moods and was tormented by an evil spirit.

One of Saul's attendants suggested that harp music might soothe the king. David was sent for and indeed, whenever David played, the music calmed Saul. Once the king felt better, David would return home.

Then, news came that the Philistines had set up camp on one side of the Valley of Elah. Only a small stream separated them from the Israelite army, who were on the other side.

The Philistines had a mighty champion in their army- Goliath - nine feet tall and stronger than an ox. He paraded up and down, day after day, jeering at the Israelites.

"Where's the champion of Israel?" he would shout. "I dare you to find one man to fight me.  If he can beat me we will become your slaves, but if I win you will all become our slaves." But no one would face Goliath. They were all too terrified.

David had three brothers in Saul's army. One day, when he was bringing food to them, he heard Goliath's taunts across the valley.

"Who is he, to challenge the army of the living God?" David said. "Let me go and fight him."

The soldiers looked at the boy and laughed. But, when Saul heard about this, he sent for David.

"I've fought lions and bears to protect my father's sheep," David told him. "God protected me then and he will do so now."

Saul eventually agreed. He gave David his own armour and his sword. But because the armour was so heavy and large, David couldn't move with it on. So, he took it all off and picked up his sling. He chose five smooth stones from the stream and went out to meet the giant.

Page 5: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

Goliath was well-armed. He carried a sword, a spear and a shield. When he saw David coming, he roared with laughter. "Is this your champion?" and sneered at the Israelites.

"I come in the name of the God of Israel," said David, calmly. "He will put you in my power."

He took a stone from his bag, placed it into his sling and took aim. The stone hurtled towards Goliath and struck him on the forehead with such force, that it broke his skull. The giant man fell face down on the ground.

When the Philistines saw that their hero was dead, they ran into the hills. The joyful Israelites gave chase - victory and the land of the Philistines was theirs!

Page 6: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that
Page 7: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that
Page 8: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that
Page 9: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that
Page 10: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that
Page 11: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

David Fights GoliathHelp David find Goliath

Page 12: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

The Boy and the GiantFinish the pictures of David and Goliath

David was a boy Goliath was a 9- foot giant!

Page 13: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

David and GoliathColour the picture

Page 14: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

David and GoliathColour the picture

Page 15: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

David’s WordsSolve the code and find out what David said about God in Psalm 27:7



a b c d e f g h i j k l m

n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Page 16: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

A Pantomime of David and Goliath

Bible Story: 1 Samuel 17

Choose three children to act out the parts of David, King Saul and Goliath. Divide the rest of the group in half to be the Philistines and the Israelites. Stand them on opposite sides of the room and have the story acted out in the centre. Children mime the actions as you tell the story.

The Israelite army and the Philistine army were each camped on a hill with a valley between them. They were not fighting yet, but every day a giant Philistine soldier named Goliath stood in the valley and taunted the Israelites. (Goliath walks to the center, stands on a chair, and gestures to the Israelites to come and fight him, then laughs.) "Why don't you come and line up for battle?" he shouted. "I dare you to find one man to fight me. If he can kill me the Philistines will be your slaves, but if I kill him you will be our slaves."

The Israelite soldiers and King Saul were terrified of Goliath and no one was willing to go and fight him., They knew they would be killed. One day, however, a young boy named David was in the Israelite camp. (David walks into the center of the room and looks around.) His father had sent him to take food to his older brothers who were soldiers and find out how they were. When David heard what Goliath said and saw how afraid Saul's soldiers were, he was shocked. (David looks at the Israelites with a frown.) "Who is this Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?" he asked angrily.

His brother scolded him, but David asked the other soldiers about the giant and why no one would fight him. (Saul walks in a kingly way to the center of the room and sits down in a chair. David comes and stands before him.) When Saul heard about the boy, he sent for David. "I will go and fight the Philistine giant;' David told the king. (David points to himself.) Saul, of course, refused to let him since he was not even old enough to be a soldier. (Saul shakes his head "no.")

Then David told the king about some of his experiences as a shepherd. He had once rescued a sheep from the mouth of a lion, then killed the lion. (David holds up arms to show muscles.) He had also killed a bear to protect his sheep. "The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine;' he told Saul. (David points towards heaven.)

Finally, Saul agreed to let David fight the giant. (Saul shakes his head "yes.") He gave David his own armour to wear, but it was too big and heavy for the boy. (David walks around stiffly with arms out as if wearing uncomfortable armor.)

Page 17: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that

He took off the armour and went off to fight the giant with his sling as his only weapon. (Saul leaves and David walks around, then stoops and picks up five stones and puts them in his pocket.) On his way to meet the giant, David stopped by a stream and picked up five smooth stones for ammunition.

(Goliath stands on the chair again and looks down at David and laughs.) The giant looked at David and laughed. He could strike down such a little warrior without even using a weapon. David looked up at Goliath and said with confidence, "I come in the name of the God of Israel. He will put you in my power."

Then David ran toward the giant. (David hurries forward, pretending to put one of the stones in his sling.) Before the giant knew what was happening, David began circling the sling over his head. (David acts this out.) At just the right moment, the young shepherd boy let go of one end of the sling and the stone he had loaded in it went flying toward Goliath. It hit him on the head right between the eyes and the giant fell down dead. (Goliath grabs his head and slowly topples onto the floor.)

The Israelite soldiers cheered and shouted with joy. (Israelites cheer and hug each other and act excited.) The Philistines, however, turned around and ran! (Philistines look scared and run in place.) The Israelites, no longer afraid of their enemies, attacked the Philistines and chased them for miles. (Israelites run in place also.) A great battle was won by Israel that day because of the faith of a young shepherd boy.

Page 18: Lesson 28 - David & Goliath · 2019-10-28 · The Old Testament Lesson 28 - David & Goliath Aims * To learn that David could defeat Goliath because God was with him * To learn that