Lesson 45. Today’s Agenda 1. SAT Reading Comprehension Passage 2 2. Finish discussion over Timed Writing #2 3. Discuss the American Dream OBJECTIVE: Students

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Lesson 45 Slide 2 Todays Agenda 1. SAT Reading Comprehension Passage 2 2. Finish discussion over Timed Writing #2 3. Discuss the American Dream OBJECTIVE: Students will identify authors argument as well as define the American Dream in the article Is the American Dream Still Possible? Slide 3 SAT Reading Comprehension Strategies What did you try this time around? What went well? What didnt work out? Slide 4 6. The passage as a whole is best characterized as A. an example of the harsh realities of searching for employment B. a description of the achievements of a graduate of a prestigious school C. an analysis of teacher education in a rural setting D. a reminiscence of a memorable time in one mans life E. an illustration of the innocence and gullibility of youth Slide 5 7. Lines 21-24 suggest that the author had no firsthand knowledge of hunting living creatures because A. he had too much sympathy for the hunters prey to become a hunter himself B. his studies had left him no time for recreational activities C. small arms weapons had been forbidden in his home D. hunting was an inappropriate activity for teachers E. his mother had once been wounded by a gunshot Slide 6 8. To the author, his journey through the Tennessee countryside seemed to be all of the following EXCEPT A. gratifying B. interminable C. tiring D. carefree E. discouraging Slide 7 9. The stage lines mentioned by the author in line 35 refer to A. phases of personal growth B. theatrical directions C. horse-drawn transportation D. cultural divisions E. train stations Slide 8 10. The author sets the word varmints in quotations marks (line 35) for which of the following reasons? A. he wishes to indicate he is referring to an authority B. he is unsure of the correct spelling of the term. C. he recognizes them as hunted creatures. D. he is using the word colloquially. E. he is defining it as a technical term. Slide 9 11. The authors attitude toward his school-hunters days is predominantly one of A. exasperation B. nostalgia C. bitterness D. self-reproach E. amusement Slide 10 12. The passage suggests that Josies interest on meeting the author was A. magnified by her essentially gregarious nature B. sufficiently strong to make her act uncharacteristically C. prompted by her need for distractions on the long road to town D. intensified by her desire to gain an education E. motivated by her longing to escape her impoverished home Slide 11 13. By saying she wished to live like folks (line 61) Josies mother primarily emphasizes A. apprehension about sinking to the level of mere brutes B. an expanding greed for material possessions C. impatience with people who think themselves too good for their fellows D. a longing for her entire family to better themselves E. an unfortunate inclination toward conformity Slide 12 14. The word roundly in line 76 means A. circuitously B. bluntly C. approximately D. resonantly E. fondly Slide 13 15. The author most likely remembers Josie and her family primarily with feelings of A. measured regret B. grudging condescension C. grateful veneration D. outright curiosity E. distinct affection Slide 14 Timed Writing 2 - Revisit Your Own Response Score your own. What could you do differently next time? Slide 15 The American Dream What is the American Dream? Write a paragraph explaining what the American Dream to you? Be specific. MASH Is life more about creating opportunity for yourself or being in the right place at the right time? Read Is the American Dream Still Possible? What is the definition of the American Dream? How has it changed?