Nothing on you left! Damage to the right!

Lesson 8 split brain studies

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Nothing  on  you  left!  Damage  to  the  right!  

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From  last  lesson….  Question  1  Charlotte  is  diagnosed  with  Brocaís  aphasia.    

a. Where  is  Brocaís  area  located?  (1  mark)    b. Describe  two  ways  in  which  her  speech  could  be  

impaired.  (2  marks)  

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 Charlotte  is  diagnosed  with  Brocaís  aphasia.    a.  Where  is  Brocaís  area  located?  (1  mark)    Frontal  lobe  in  the  left  hemisphere.    Both  pieces  of  information  were  required.  Students  did  not  need  to  state  that  this  is  so  more  than  95  per  cent  of  the  time.  

b.  Describe  two  ways  in  which  her  speech  could  be  impaired.  (2  marks)    Any  two  of:    •  produces  very  little  speech    •  speech  requires  much  concentration  and  effort    •  difficulty  articulating  speech  (pronouncing  words)    •  speech  tends  to  be  slow  and  drawn  out    •  short  words  –  prepositions/conjunctions  tend  to  be  omitted    •  sentences  tend  to  be  very  short  (up  to  four  words)    •  sentences  tend  to  be  made  up  of  verbs  and  nouns  only    •  words  lack  grammatical  endings  (for  example,  –ing).    

A  common  error  was  to  list  two  descriptors  of  the  same  difficulty;  for  example,  speech  is  slurred  and  poorly  articulated;  or  words  are  shortened  and  words  lack  grammatical  endings.  Such  responses  received  only  one  mark.  

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This  lesson…..   Describe  split-­‐brain  studies  including  the  work  of  Roger  Sperry  and  Michael  Gazzaniga  

 Describe  spatial  neglect  caused  by  stroke  or  brain  injury  

  Explain  the  contribution  of  split-­‐brain  studies  to  our  understanding  cognitive  processes    

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Neglect  syndrome   Damage  to  the  right  parietal  lobe   Results  in  the  patient  completely  ignoring  the  left  side  of  their  world,  even  the  left  side  of  their  body.  

 Patients  eat  only  the  food  on  the  right  side  of  their  plate,  shave  the  right  side  of  their  face,  wash  the  right  side  of  their  body  etc.  

 A  problem  of  attention,  not  blindness!  

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What  do  you  mean  there’s  something  wrong  with  my  


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Sounds  cool  until  your  brain  is  cut  in  half  

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Corpus  Callosum  The  corpus  callosum  forms  a  bridge  that  connects  the  left  and  right  hemispheres.    

The  corpus  callosum  enables  communication  between  the  two  hemisperes  

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Split  Brain  Surgery  

  Severing  the  Corpus  Callosum  

  Used  to  treat  severe  epilepsy  

  Disables  communication  between  the  left  and  right  hemispheres  

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  Information  from  left  visual  field  is  processed  in  the  right  hemisphere  

  Information  from  the  right  visual  field  is  processed  in  the  left  hemisphere  

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Split  Brain  Test    Object  presented  to  left  

visual  field  (processed  in  right  hemisphere)  

  Cannot  name  object      Can  pick  correct  object  up  

  Object  presented  to  right  visual  field  (processed  in  left  hemisphere)  

  Can  name  object    Conclusion  –  language  

processing  occurs  on  LEFT