Lesson 89 A slip of the tongue Period 1

Lesson 89 A slip of the tongue

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Lesson 89 A slip of the tongue. Period 1. Retell the story using the following hints:. People---news—queue---dull---fail—funny---burst out---should have. Discussion. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Lesson 89 A slip of the tonguePeriod 1

  • Retell the story using the following hints:

    People---newsqueue---dull---failfunny---burst out---should have

  • Discussion

    Search in your memory an occasion when you or someone you know has made a slip of the tongue and share the account with your classmates.What does the writer aim at by presenting this story?Give an imaginary ending to continue the story. (if time permits)

  • HomeworkOral:Read and recite the text.Describe one of the following scenesbuying lottery ticketsat a big saleon the opening day of a new electric appliance shopdescribe one from your own experienceUseful expressions:People will do anything to. When the news got round. rushed toqueue for hours to get in and there must have been several hundred people present .unfortunately. those who failed to. WrittenSummary writing

  • Lesson 89 A slip of the tonguePeriod 2

  • Retell the story using the following hints:

    People---newsqueue---dull---failfunny---burst out---should have

  • Discussion

    Search in your memory an occasion when you or someone you know has made a slip of the tongue and share the account with your classmates.

    What does the writer aim at by presenting this story?

  • Grammar

  • must+have+ can't+have+cf17Must +have+ past participle express deduction with reference to a past action.She wears a different dress everyday. She must have spent a lot of money on her clothes.

    Need not +have+ cf41Neednt +have+ past participle indicates absence of necessity in the past I neednt have brought an umbrella with me, as it didnt rain at all.

    should/ought to+have+cf65Ought to /should +have+ past participle indicates an unfulfilled action.You ought to/should have handed in your homework two days ago before we started the new lesson.

  • Grammar Exercise Fill in the blanks with verbs in their proper forms:

    There must _______(be) 100 people present at the meeting last time. have beenYou _______(tell) us the good news earlier. should have toldJust now, you _________(shout) at your son. It was your own fault. shouldnt have shoutedYour elder brother neednt ____(come) last night. have comeHe _______(be) more careful in doing the experiment. But he was careless. ought to have been

  • Grammar Exercise Fill in the blanks with verbs in their proper forms:

    I _____(phone) the plumber. I learnt later that John had already phoned him. neednt have phonedHe knows a lot about flying planes. He ______(be) a pilot when he was young. must have beenYou ______(bring) your umbrella after all. It hasnt rained. neednt have broughtVera ________(be) at the supermarket this morning. I didnt see her there. cant/couldnt have beenI _______(cook) a meal last night because we went out and the food I prepared was uneaten. neednt have cooked

  • People will do anything to see a free show---even if it is a bad one.

    Mothers will do anything to protect their children when they are in danger---even if it means sacrifice of their lives.

    People in China will do anything to help their neighbors who live next door---even if it means a great inconvenience to themselves.

  • When the news got round that . we all rushed to see it.

    When the news got round that A/H1N1 flu has spread to Hangzhou, all schools required students to report their body temperature several times a day.

    When the news got round that the school store is selling instant noodles, we all rushed to buy it.

  • Those who failed to need not have felt . as..

    Those who failed to get the chance to take part in the summer camps abroad need not have felt upset as you can always join another activity during the summer.

    Those who failed to go to IMAX to see Avatar need not have felt disappointed, as more IMAX cinemas will be built soon and more 3D movies are being made at present.

  • The only funny things we heard came from. He was obviously and for some minutes As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone burst out laughing. We all know . But what he actually said was:.

    The funniest things we heard at the farewell party last night came from Mr. Page at the beginning of his speech. He was obviously very excited and for some minutes stood quietly before the microphone. As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone present burst out laughing. We all knew what he should have said, but what he actually said was: Good morning, boys and girls. Class begins.

  • Describe one of the following scenes

    buying lottery ticketsat a big saleon the opening day of a new electric appliance shopdescribe one from your own experienceUseful expressions:People will do anything to. When the news got round. rushed toqueue for hours to get in and there must have been several hundred people present .unfortunately. those who failed to.

  • HomeworkSentence imitationPeople will do anything to see a free show---- even if it is a bad one.When the news got round that . we all rushed to see it.Those who failed to need not have felt . as..The only funny things we heard came from. He was obviously and for some minutes As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone burst out laughing. We all know . But what he actually said was:

  • Summary1.The local cinema was packed (with people) because P. & U. Bird Seed Co. was presenting a free comedy show. 2. As many of the artistes who should have appeared failed to turn up, the show was very dull.3. The funniest thing we heard (that night) came at the beginning from the advertiser who introduced the programme, saying, This is the Poo and Ee Seed Bird Company. Good ladies, evening and gentlemen.

  • Summary1.The local cinema was packed (with people).2. The P. & U. Bird Seed Co. was presenting a free comedy show, but many of the artistes who should have appeared failed to turn up.3. Because of this, the show was very dull.3. The funniest thing we heard (that night) came from the advertiser who at the beginning introduced the programme, saying, This is the Poo and Ee Seed Bird Company. Good ladies, evening and gentlemen.

  • Review words and phrases

    1. I made a slip of the tongue/lip when I wanted Jenny to come to my office, but I said Johnny. I meant to say Jenny not Johnny.

    (an error of speech, i.e. the mistake of saying something you hadnt wanted or planned to say.) e.g. No one would know his secret if John didnt make a slip of the tongue.

  • 2. Mr. Smith made a slip of the pen when he wrote his name with a double T. (the mistake of writing something different from what you should write or what you planned)

    You've made some slips (of the pen) in your report.

  • 3. It was quite clear that the actor had no experience in such a big show. He performed awkwardly in front of the audience. (stood clumsily)

    4. She not only ran in the race, but actually won it. (really)

  • 5. An artiste is a professional entertainer, for example, a singer or a dancer.

    c.f. Colin is a very famous artist. His pictures are sold at a very high price these days.

  • 6. The children burst out laughing when they saw a clown walk into the ring and begin to stand clumsily on his head.

    (c.f. At the sad news, she burst into tears/ burst out crying.)

  • 7. Microsoft is developing its new cell phone in order to compete in the phone business against Apple and Google. It is said that the phone is going to be presented to the public as soon as all the tests are finished.

    (When you present something, you give it to people in a formal way.)

  • 3rd period

  • You____ all those clothes! We have a washing machine to do that sort of thing A) needn't have washedB) shouldn't have washed C) must not have washed D) can not have washedJohns score on the test is the highest in the class; he____ last night. A) should study B) should have studiedC) must have studiedD) must have to study3) The room is in a terrible mess; it ____cleaned. A) cant have been B) shouldn't have been C) mustn't have been D) wouldn't have been

  • 4) I am feeling sick. I____ so much chocolate. A) needn't have eaten B) couldn't have eaten C) mustn't have eaten D) shouldn't have eaten5) ---Where is Sally? I need to talk to her now. ---She _______ in the library. I saw her there half an hour ago. A) must have beenB) might be C) cant be D) cant have been6) Walking alone in the deserted village, John was scared. He thought he____ Tom to go with him. A) might have askedB) should askedC) must have asked D) should have asked

  • 7. It was really very dangerous; you ____ him seriously. A) might have injuredB) could injureC) should have injuredD) must injure8. Where ____ my umbrella? Somebody ____ it away by mistake. A) is, must have takenB) is, must takeC) have been, must takeD) is, takes 9. We didnt see him at the exhibition yesterday. He ___it. A) mustnt visitB) can't have visitedC) should have gone to seeD) may see

  • Sentence imitationPeople will do anything to --- even if When the news got round that , sb. did . Those who failed to need not have felt . as.. The only funny things we heard came from. He was obviously and for some minutes As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone burst out laughing. We all know . But what he actually said was:

  • People will do anything to ---even if (sacrifice of their lives)Mothers will do anything to protect their children when they are in dangereven if it means sacrifice of their lives.

    2. Sambe againstSam will do anything to make his girlfriend happyeven if it is against his own will.

  • When the news got round that , sb. did .

    1. (treasure)When the news got round that there was buried treasure in that cave, the villagers rushed to look for treasure right away.

    2. H1N1(spread to)(require)(take ones temperature)When the news got round that H1N1 flu had spread to HZ, all schools required students to take their temperature several times a day.

  • Those who failed to need not have felt . as..enterThose who failed to enter HFLS need not have felt disappointed as there are many good schools in HZ.

    2. Those who failed to get the chance to take part in the summer camps abroad need not have felt upset as youll have many other opportunities to enjoy your vacation.

  • The only funny things we heard came from. He was obviously and for some minutes As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone burst out laughing. We all know . But what he actually said was:.

    The funniest things we heard at the farewell party last night came from Mr. Page at the beginning of his speech. He was obviously very excited and for some minutes stood quietly before the microphone. As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone present burst out laughing. We all knew what he should have said, but what he actually said was: Good morning, boys and girls. Class begins.

  • Translation practice:

    Bad news gets round quickly.

    At the sight of the drunk, everyone burst out laughing/ laughter.

  • Translation practice:

    When she heard that her father had died in the accident, she burst out crying.

    When he was nervous, he would sometimes make a slip of the tongue.

    Are you sure that it was just a slip of the tongue?

  • Translation practice:

    9I should have left home before9 o'clock, but actually I didn't.

    tootoYou should have written the word too, but what you actually wrote was to.

    He should have gone along a side street.

  • Translation practice:

    You needn't have told him about my plans.

  • Describe one of the following scenes

    buying lottery ticketsat a big saleon the opening day of a new electric appliance shopdescribe one from your own experienceUseful expressions:People will do anything to. When the news got round. rushed toqueue for hours to get in and there must have been several hundred people present .unfortunately. those who failed to.