Lesson Plan -lesson plan Eng 6 1-3pm

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  • 7/26/2019 Lesson Plan -lesson plan Eng 6 1-3pm


    Jueves Ivette (eng 6) 1-3 pm classroom B-106

    Lesson plan:

    intro: 15 mins

    5 mins: Ask i stu!ents like mur!er m"ster" stories# like Agat$a %$risties or an" ot$er popular

    aut$or' llicit ansers rom t$e class'

    10 mins: *tu!ents are going to ork in pairs or teams o up to + people' Ask t$em to !o e,ercise

    1 " t$emselves (Appen!i, 1)# an! t$en ask t$em to compare t$eir ansers it$ a partner' %orrect it

    on t$e oar! or it$ a pro.ector' Ask stu!ents to !o e,ercise / tog$et$er an! tr" to solve t$e mister"


    class5 mins: ro.ect t$e olloing vi!eo:$ttps:'"outue'comatc$2vu.0mt,4t$is is a come!" clip " %$ris 7ock on tips $en !ealing it$ t$e police' 8i!eo contains some oul

    language# stu!ents s$oul! not e !istracte! " t$is'

    10 mins: Ask stu!ents to rite !on all t$e !o9s an! !ont9s t$e vi!eo s$os' *tu!ents are t$engoing to compare t$eir notes it$ t$eir classmates' Allo time or stu!ents to !elve on t$e topic aslong as t$e" are speakin nglis$'

    5 mins: Ask stu!ents to talk aout t$e !ierences an! similarities t$e" kno# or guess# eteene,ian an! American olice services

    10 mins: ,plain to stu!ents t$e concept o ; *tu!ents ere tol! to $ave t$eir ooks rea!" " no# ut it mig$t not e t$ecase'

    %lose: 10 mins

  • 7/26/2019 Lesson Plan -lesson plan Eng 6 1-3pm


    out presents to people in ,mas'


    ADEI4 1

    1. Complete the story using the verb to be (present/past) (+ or -):

    Mr. Hoover _____ investigating the murder of Mrs. Elliot. She _____ found in the swimming poll.He _____ asking questions to all the people who _____ at her house last night.Friends

    Leonard _____ a friend. He _____ in the living room waiting for Mrs. Elliot tocome back from the bathroom. He _____ in the house to ask her to lend himmoney and she said no.


    Samantha _____ the cook. She lives in the house and doesnt like her job.esterday! she _____ crying in the kitchen because Mrs. Elliot _____ mean to

    her. "om _____ the driver. He _____ in the garage because he _____ washing the

    car. "he garage _____ ne#t to the swimming $ool. Lisa _____ the maid. She _____ very ha$$y with her job and says Mrs. Elliot

    _____ always nice to her. %ut she _____ ha$$y about her salary. She _____slee$ing last night because she _____ sick.


    &ames and 'iara _____ Mrs. Elliots siblings. "hey _____ friendly and _____very good to Mrs. Elliot! they _____ always (ghting. esterday they _____ intheir bedrooms.

    )oy _____ Mrs. Elliots son. He says he _____ a web designer but $eo$le sayhe doesnt work. He _____ sad when Mr. Hoover arrived in the house! in facthe _____ a bit too ha$$y. Last night he says he _____ in the house.

    'arl _____ Mrs. Elliot e#*husband. He _____ in the library $icking some of hisbooks he left in the house. +eo$le say their marriage _____ good because he_____ a good husband and beat her. He _____ha$$y about the divorcebecause now he _____ $oor.

    2. Who o you thin! is the !iller" Why" Write the reasons belo#:





  • 7/26/2019 Lesson Plan -lesson plan Eng 6 1-3pm


    Teachers page Lead*in, ask if students like murder mystery books like -gatha 'hristies.

    -sk them to do e#ercise by themselves! and then ask them to com$are

    their answers with a $artner. 'orrect it on the board or with a $rojector.


    Mr. Hoover isinvestigating the murder of Mrs. Elliot. She wasfound in the swimming poll. He isasking questions to all the people who wereat her house last night.Friends

    Leonard isa friend. He wasin the living room waiting for Mrs. Elliot to come

    back from the bathroom. He wasin the house to ask Mrs. Elliot for moneyand she said no.

    o Employees Samantha isthe cook. She lives in the house and doesnt like her job.

    esterday! she wascrying in the kitchen because Mrs. Elliot wasmean toher.

    "om isthe driver. He wasin the garage because he waswashing the car."he garage isne#t to the swimming $ool.

    Lisa isthe maid. She wasvery ha$$y with her job and says Mrs. Elliot wasalways nice to her. %ut she wasntha$$y about her salary. She wasslee$ing

    last night because she wassick.

    o Family &ames and 'iara areMrs. Elliots siblings. "hey arentfriendly and werent

    very good to Mrs. Elliot! they are/werealways (ghting. esterday they werein their bedrooms.

    )oy isMrs. Elliots son. He says he isa web designer but $eo$le say hedoesnt work. He wasntsad when Mr. Hoover arrived0 in fact hewasa bittoo ha$$y. Last night he says he wasntin the house.

    'arl isMrs. Elliot e#*husband. Hewasin the library $icking some of hisbooks he left in the house. +eo$le say their marriage wasntgood because

    he wasnta good husband and beat her. He wasntha$$y about the divorcebecause now he is$oor.

    -sk them to do n.! then discuss their answers in grou$.

    ou can role*$lay the activity by asking students to be each of the sus$ects0

    they have to build over the initial alibi. ou can also tell a strong student to

    be the killer and give the e#tra task of not letting the others (nd out. 1f its a

  • 7/26/2019 Lesson Plan -lesson plan Eng 6 1-3pm


    weak class! ask them to write before the role*$lay! if not! just hand out the


    You are Leonard,

    the friend

    You are James, the


    You are Samantha,

    the cook

    You are Ciara, the


    You are Tom, the

    driver (you are the killer,

    dont say to the group)

    You are Roy, the


    You are Lisa, the


    You are Carl, the
