Lesson Plan Prejudice and Stereotypes

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Emma Forsberg Name: Prejudice & Stereotypes Class/Subject: Psychology Date: 11/15/10 Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: 1) Students will break down the meaning of the terms prejudice, stereotype, & transference through interactive activities and discussion. 3) Students will comprehend why stereotypes exist within society and how they form through a large group discussion. Content Standards: 18.B.3a Analyze how individuals and groups interact with and within institutions (e.g., educational, military, society) Materials/Resources/Technology: -PowerPoint -Labels -Two videos

Time 8:00 Start of Class: As an introduction, show the students a chip from The Office: Diversity Day http://www.nbc.com/The_Office/video/diversity-day/116137 8:03 Lesson Instruction: Go over the PowerPoint with the class: Start PowerPoint with a slide that uses www.wordle.net . This slide will be a portrayal of various stereotypes and derogatory words (ie. Fag, fairy, beaner, etc) juxtaposed against each other through the use of Wordle. These words displayed in front of the classroom will prompt the class to begin thinking about the impact and unfair nature of these harsh words. Define: Prejudice A negative emotional attitude held against members of a particular social group. -Typically marked by unreasonable suspicion, fear, or hatred. -Often institutionalized, or reflected in government policy, schools, and so fo

-Enforced by social power structures. -Anything in reference to: Racism Sexism Ageism Heterosexism Define: Stereotypes Oversimplified images of people who belong to a particular social group Ask: Can anyone share some examples of stereotypes that they have seen in everyday life? Begin the interactive activity Explain activity: -Do a little different version of the activity in the office -Explain that I am conducting a labeling exercise to help students learn about how stereotypes work. -Tell the students that they all have labels underneath their desks and that they are to pick them up and attach the labels to their foreheads without looking at it. -Make clear that these labels are being assigned randomly and that they have nothing to do with students' actual attributes. -Once this is done, the student will mingle around the classroom and talk to 2-3 different people. -Ask them to have conversations/ask question using various assumptions about who they are, what they do, and future aspirations. Try to figure out what you are, based on the stereotypes used -Tell students that they should circulate in order to talk with several different people, and that they should treat one another according to the other person's labeled attribute During this time, I will walk around the classroom and listen to various Conversations. After they are back in their seats, they can remove their labels and look at it. Then lead a discussion & ask them the following questions: 1. Was the label what you guessed, or were you surprised by it? 2. What types of stereotypes were brought up? For which group? Examples? 3. How do you feel about these stereotypes? Do they pertain to everyone

in that social group? 4. How did you feel toward the person who was stereotyping you? How did you feel about stereotyping others? 5. If the stereotypes attributed to you were positive i.e. smart , how did you feel? What about for the negative ones i.e. lazy ? 6. Why do you think people form or believe stereotypes about other groups? Transition into second part: Show Youtube video suggesting how people learn stereotypes. Either a.) American History X video on Rodney King Riots (approx. 5 min) Or b.) Video on Racism in cartoons (suggesting that the media influences young people s racism) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LibK0SCpIkk After this I lead class discussion 1. How is this video representative of the ways in which young people Learn stereotypes? 2. Where do you think most kids learn stereotypes? 3. Who do you think is to blame for this? Should students be responsible For educating their elders on the fallacies of stereotypes? 4. Do you think it s possible to end the cycle of prejudice and Stereotyping?

Assessments/Checks for Understanding: Discuss the clips and material covered with the students. Have open and Honest discussion about their feelings in regards to prejudice etc. Closure/Wrap-Up/Review: -Explain that categorizing things or people is a natural human inclination; however, people often make assumptions about groups of people they don t even know. Although these assumptions can be negative or positive, they are often generalized and applied to an entire group of people, when In reality, they may only applied to one person out of that group.

Self-Assessment: N/A