Pickeis SenthieWouni Irunm EVER Y THUSDAY MORENB1G. -BY- The entinel-Journal Company. J. L. 0. THOMPSON. EDIrOR. W. L. MATHENY, Manager. TVIe1ephone 32 bSubsCription $1.00 Per Annum. Advertising Bates Reasonable. ntered at Pickens FsitofiCe as Second Clan Mail Matter * PICKENS, S. C.: --YgPkRUARY 25. 1909 REPEAL OF THE LIEN LAW$ The legislature has repealed the lien law. Whether this is wise or not, it remains to be seen. The effect of it will be the plant- ing of less cotton, leading per- haps to a greater diversification of crops, and the benefiting of the large planters by forcing the tenant class to become hirelings. On the one hand, the acreage of cotton being reduced, its price will lincrease, thus benefiting principally those who can con- duct their planting operations on a cash basis or its equivalent; and, on the other hand, it will free the small farmer from the necessity of having to plant cot- ton almost exclusivelio in order to meet his indebtdness to the merchant, and at. he same time compell him t9raise his own home suppligb, which in the long run W1l be a good thing for l s its putting hinr on a basis. But for those who t land, whites and blacks, repeal of the law is going to k a hardship. They will be orced to work for the land owners or else leave the state. Unable to give a lien that is valid in law, the only basis up- on which they con Id heretofore obtlin cr"?. ib will be left without kleaawith which tq rim a farm. :Tie&ore, they will bo compele4Freturn to aelanid datsy laborers or as inants farmers for -the rich mdlords. This of course, will a good thing for the la~4 ers, but we are not ntg ' to prov ners, They -will-no longerie independent d the landlord. No doubt the repeal of the lien law will solve in large measure the question of labor in the country. There will be plenty of it, for renters will become la- borers, and large planters, un- like it has been, will be able to get all they want. Possibly this was the main reason for the re- peal of the law, and, if so, it savors of class legislation. It must not be supposed from Th' above that we favor the lien law. We have simply pointed out the advantages of its repeal to one class and its disadvant- ages to another class. If there had never been a lien law the state would be in much worse condition today than it is, and the people would be more pros- perous. But inasmuch as such a law was enacted, believed to be necessary at the time, and has been in force for over a quarter of a century, its repeal now without any sort of ease- ment, is going to work a great hardship on some, while it will be of immense help to others. Its repeal should have been gradual, or in such way as would not have brought distress all at once upon so many. We believe it ought to have been re- pealed, but not just in the way it was done.-Columbia Record. A Doctor's Aledicmze Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, ple'i- risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. The best kind of a testimonial- "Sold for over sixty years." qerSARSAPAILI.A. We have no seereta I We publish heformulas of anl our medicines. jn fAe' PINs at bedtlno. Letter to cotol ir0wers To the Cotton Growers: A year ago I strongly urged you to reduce the acreage in cotton and grow more feed stuff. It seems from the acre- age and in some sections a small increase was shown. The re- sult has been about as I predict- ed, the lowest prices we have had for several years. It now' looks as if the crop will bring around $550,000,000, or ovei $50,000,000 less than last year's crop, which was nearly 2,000,- 000 bales smaller and taking thE cost of growing the extra 2,000, 000 bales it means a loss to thE South of over $100,000,000. The time has arrived when you must decide on the acreagE for this season. I strongly urge you to reduce your acreage in cotton at least 10 per cent, an( raise more grain and hay, sc you will be more independeni at marketing time. When the spinner is assured there i4 enough cotton grown to supply his needs he is very independeni and will only buy at cheaf prices. With a possiblity of c shortage he is a very eager buy er. While the consumption foi the first half of the cotton yeai ending March 1 will likely be f little less than half the crop. the consumption the last hall will be very much larger, so tha1 we will likely have about the same visible supply that we hat last season, so that we shouk raise next year at least 1,000, 000 bales less than the consump ilon in order to get good price, for it. Now 'don't think that ever) one else will reduce and you car plant more and get a big price for that is what too many oi you did last season. It wil take a uniform reduction in or der to get the proper results You should only plani enough so that with the mos1 favorable conditions the croj would not exceed 12,500,000 ani then if wete . -u get more money for it tha if you raised 12,500,000. I hope every merchant readin this article will call his farm( customers' attention to it an urg the reduction. It is the e> tra hundred million dollars t~h cotton crop brings that make trade good through the Sout} I suggest that meetings be hel in every school house on Marc] 7, so that uniformity of actio: may be taken. Weekly papers please copy J. A. Taylor, President National Ginners' As sociation. Menmphis, Tenn., Feb. 17 19(9 washxin on Once Gave Up to three doctors: was kept in bed fo five weeks. Blood po son from a spid er's bite caused large, deep sores to com er his leg. 'l h- (doctor s failed, the: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve comipletel; cured me," writes John Washington, c Bsqueville, Tex. For eczema, boih burns and piles its supreme. 2~>c. at al Druggists. Liberty lNews Items. Mr. aiid Mrs. J. T. Bates, o Marrietta are visiting Mrs. Bate father, Mr. S. M. Johnson, for few days. Prof. R. B. Geiger, of Pendle ton spent the week-end witl Prof. Riser. Miss Minnie Griffin, of Green ville, visited her sister, Mrs. W A. G. Jamison this week. Prof. R. A. Abrams, of An derson was a welcome visitor t< our city recently. Miss Hattie Whitten of Pen deton spent the week with Miss Grayton Johnson. The pupils of Walker McEl- moyle high school will give ar entertainment on the evening of Mach 5 in the auditorium. Miss Bessie Peden, our effi- ciet music teacher, is visiting home folks at Fountain Inn. One of the most beautiful and entertaining social events of the season was the "hut" led by Sir Cupid", master of hear-ts, given by Miss Grayton Johnson on the evening of February 13. It was attended by quitec a num- ber of out-of-town people and was a success in every particu- E LECT RIC..AdOsNEiso BI E R AMD UDNE COTTN MILL NOTES The management of the Eas- ley Cotton Mills is planning to build a large addition to their excellent plant, which will cost about 8500,000. The new build- inig will be of modern construc- tion and will be equipped with 25,000 spindles and 000 looms for the production of sheetings, the present product of the company. The machinery in the new ad- dition will be driven by electrici- ty. The plant of the company is equipped with about 38,000 spindles and 1000 looms and gives employment to 500 opera- tives. John A. Hudgens, from the Grendel Mill, Greenwood, has accepted a position as overseer of spinning at Liberty, S. C. J. A. Pace has resigned a- second hand at Seneca to ac- cept the position of overseer of carding at the Issaqueena Mills, Central., S. C. T. V. Bratcher, of Greenwoo(. IS. C., has taken a section ii spinning room at Libert v. P. T. Sanders has been pro nioted from loom fixer to su- ceed John Carroll at the Glen- wood Mills, Easley. How'ts Thi-? We effer One Lu:dred T ollars R. vard for ary case of Catariib that m.*- I not be cured by Ha.ll's uatarih Curo. F. J. t IENEY & CO., T 0ledo. 0. We the uidersignad. have known F. I. Cheney for the last 15 xeirp. and b lieve hi.n perfectly honorabe in ll -1 u- ness Ira sactions and financially able I carry out any obligations maoe by hi wALDIso. KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toloeo, o Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken interna: t, acting directly upon the blood an mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 7c. p.r bottle I old by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- I tion. Six Mile News$ The health of this community is very good at this writing. IRain seems to be the oider of nC. W. Garrett w~as in Green ville Monday on business. gMr. and Mrs. Bud Duncan r: visited Mr. Frank Stephens .las d week. SSay, Blue Bell, I must tel you a mistake you made in you: last letter. As for Aaron Gar rett having cancer. The doctor have not said it was yet, and we hope that it is not. Mr. Smith and family was en- joying the ride in an auto bug- gy instead of an automobile. -Mr. Sullivan, of the new firm Anderson Phos Samples of three brandfi - been drawn by a State: and analyzed by the C21< ties with the followingi Our 8-3-3 ammoniated goods a Our 8.75-2-2 ammoniated goo< Our 16 per cent. acid analyzes FYou will make no mis zers. We are running ses shows they are mu Several of our custom< us on the good, dry, n our goods this year. Anderson Phos AlNDERI5 Cabi e TF BE: EV 20c p ePICKENS of Sullivan, Eskew & Co., of Liberty, was in Six Mile Fridav. acconpailied by Mr. Smith. Mr. Sullivan says he must have his part of the business from this section. C. W. Garrett has sold his, mill aud crusher to Mr. M. A. Evans. who is running it on the Cateechee Road and makes first class meval. Mr. Jack Hopkins and Chas. Gaines of Seneca, S. C.. was in our littie town recently. Reader. High Grade Fertilizers. We wish to recommend to you the use of our high grade fertilizer. Take for instance our t-4-4 goods. Eight per c nt. phisp[oric acid, 4 per cent. pot- asi a1d 4 per cent. anonia. There is no-hing lkLtcr and. mighty little as good it iakes j t: s much time, trouble an.i lab'r to put in a chep low grade fertili- z-r as it does this 8-1-1 goods. and the results are not to b compared. People who ty it, comtinue its use. It is the iheapsst I bor you can get and in the u t hS h . ehape.-t f- rtilizr I r ps i'. aid wita - i-4 gool. take on a iitfereiit hue and d.ffierit color to the >th -rs. Atid then youVti g'-t more stai lk od more fruit and t'.at is what it takes o make the crnp: stalk and fruit, and his is the! spec.al advant ge of th-s 8-1-1 .etid-; it inakes stalk and fruit. It costr ore Oran tihe others but it is worth iuch imor" than the difference in the -)St. If you don't feel like going into E heavy a- ftist, try same it. If you use tive ton of fertiliz -r get one ton of t-4-4 !oods at least Next year you will use :tI';re and %oti will comtinue to use more .intil you r- using this entirely. It is .t complete feitilizer and will pay you tter thai ai.y you ever used. S ):ie wet ks ago we wrote the agri- 'ultural depai tment of Clemson College for a ft raiiila for an ideal fertilizer for c tton suit t.le for soils in this sectiin. Ytu ki, N different soils require ditfer- nt fertlizers .ni we are trying to mak fertilizer that will suit the soils in this ection viere. we (xpect to sell our oods. They sent us a formula which i- ractic ihy idntical with this 8-4-1 oods as w e in-.ke it. Their fcrmiu a :alls for Nitrogen but we us± ammona xlicl is the same thing (XC pt in ditfe - nt fori. Ammoma you know, makcs he l: Ax ant fruit and that is what you wvork to get in the crop; statk ani fuit Ind ammiioi nia hli.1 s you to get it. li et I o.. on'L t Xpect much of a cr< p lIt S, VoU have ti- stalk and the fruit. ' a geat deal (I pends o tie way it i- .nixed aid niaIi pulatetd. 'Ilhe man vhi got put this lormnult fair mixi: .!Id uani platiig cur :-1-4 gWads t'Ows ls busint-s aid we are making Sspecialty' of this goods. V:e are % il- ag to risk. aor re;ti a;iol on the value f -tur %-.,j-4 gaoods as a fertilizer. Another thing abtout 8-4-4 goods~ v chi ' ou -probh,lv Iad not thouighlt fis tis.: You an't maike it with a ade'acid and you can't n ake it r rqires the very best matetilal sucl as we hiave boughit. That is why ii - 5s imore than the ordina-y fertuliz tid that is whyu it is better als >thar te ordlinary fertilizer r~s a pilant food ewen't v'ou to tr ; it for we know thau will giv. you stoisfactory res ults. 11 aou hav. never steen it trieid, try ttle at first. People who use it say1 you can't use too much of it but ther you want t be cautious and at firs1 we suggest that you get one or twc tons out oaf live you use andi after that the demand will take care of itself, rRY IT AND YOU WILL SEE What you have been missing. See our agente AideSOR Phospate ad Oil ['ffipan hate &.Oil Co. of our fertilizers have [nspctor of Fertilizers msoni College authori. -esults: .nalyzes 8.69-3.66-3.60. Is analyzes 1O.43-2.022.I1. 16.87 per cent. take in buying our fertili- on quality. The analy- ch above our guarantee. rs have complimented echanical condition at phats & Oil Co. ION, S. C. >age [E ST ER w1OO DRUG CO. in I: IThe Dr. E9 Des -.benef Swan TMS Gi2EAT REMEDY IS impol 12ECO:.:ME.NDED FOR wol ti Acute and Chro-iic Diseases of been the Kidney, Liver, Bladder not k: r or Urinary Organs and to ur Acute, Chronic Rheumatism, Uric acid, lumbago or gout. night PREVENTS Couli BRIGHT'S DISEASE h"u" Dissolves and expels Gravel after or Gall Stones. It heals and Out. removes irritation, Inflamma- could tion, Ulceration or Catarrh of out j the Bladder, until The Test That Tells. DOTHAN, Ala., Jan. 21, 1909. Swao Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bnghamton, N. Y that Gentlemen:-About one year ago two such of mny child ren suffered badly from weak that kidneys and diabees; their urine was .Hunt very bad and they would have severe and spells of dizziness, and were all run doses down in health. I was just about dis- times couraged. I tried se'veral remedies and prese finally a doctor. but they did not seem entir to inprove. I knew of a friend who was than taking Swamp-Root for kidney trouble with good results, and I decided to get gocd tome for the children. I noticed there aboul was some iniprovewent after they had this t taken two large bottles, and continued to give it to them until they had taken THO a half dozen bottl' s and were well on ;he road to recovery. I think Swaip- itoot has done more for my children than any other medicine I have tried, and I recommend it to one havIng chil- dren who suffered as mine did. Dr. I R. W. LINSENBY, De City Clerk, Dothan. Ala. that ney A Georgia Woman. havit SPARKS, Ga., Jan. UI, 1909. neys Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y. stitui Getitleitien:-Some time ago I was empl troubled with kidney trouble; had severe be a pains in back and hip-. Was treated by unab a ph sician, but without any benefit. I I t noticed some Swamp-Root advertising beca and re solved to give it a trial. After ago :aking four bottles I was completely trout ured. Have not suffered any pain at 1ll since and can recommend Swamp- Past( Rot to anyone suffering from kidney trouble. Sincerely, 31RS. E. V. STEVENS. Baptist Minister. over was Brinson, Ga., Jan. 20, 1909. I use Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamt)n, N. Y. cian Gentlemen: -Some time ago I suffered n ~bencI severelv with pain in my back and hips. ied \ly back piined me continually and I had r fei. mli-riale. A friend recommended worsa 5wamp1 R >o'. I obtained adid took the r e-mtnts of two bottles wthen I felt1 relief gtl. 3)ly back has not troubled mel bottlh ice and !can thoroughly recommend comp. wamp-l)Rot to at yone suffering from woua kiney trubles, as I find it afforded me rural reat relif~. - I Yours very truly, .Pai REV. E. T. DAWSON. twl Results After Using.WO BOSTON. Ga., Jan. 13, 1909. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Gentlemen:-Somle time ago 1 was troubled with kidney trouble. I thought DC for some time I was suffering with Dia- Dr.] bates. I had severe pair~s in my back Ge and hips. A friend recommended suf Swamp-R>ot and I decided to give it a ba trial. I obtained a bottle from a drug- ly s gist and after takirs. -everal bottles the with ps. i was entirely g ,aie and I have not truin suffered t.he slight at since. I cannot be causi t ,oenthusiastic "t my praise of this And wonderful nedi ae and it gives me and great pleasure . ive my testimonial in Ro regard to its m its- and J. B. ROUN TREE, conti Forer Mayer nnd Member Legiklature. four We have s ,I Mr. Rountree Swamp- Root and] h- 'e also soldl it in a number Ea of cas's f.r t.dney trouble and always the c with perfeL atisfaction. J. C. A DAMS& SON. M. Every - the Ii itude: Do no Swan: what mer's IF YOU NEED A MI SWA MP-ROOT is not recommend' d for e often during the day~ and get op many times d (ue to kidney trouble, Swamp-Root will be fou DON'T BE MISLED-for examle, when youa edy, don't allsw any druggist, drug cle place. Every time he succeet but you are I NOTICE.-Every reader of The Sentine der R'medy, may address Dr. Kilmer & Co., B At All De A Sworn Certificate of Pui Notice of Election. (cora Whereas, a petition from ther B freeholders and electors of Ru- IEdui hamah School district No. 5, has been filed with the County Board of Education of Pickens ounty asking' said Board for permi'ssion to hold an election in said district to determine wvheth- ,Itr er or not two mills extra levy isted shall be levied on said school and t (istriCt for school purposes.en It appearing to the C ounty rei Board of Education that the pe- My titon meets the requirements of Th'fen the law.therefore it is ordered Disco that the trustees of the above c i named School district do holdfn H~ema election March 6th at Ruhamah Pneui School House for above stated Trial purpose. The Trustees shall be Drg nnaers. and shall conduct -R. this election as all g-eneral elec- i. tions are conducted, and in ac- .WI Value of A Remedy Is Pio'- Its Cures* ELK WOOD, Ala., Dec. 11, :lmer & Co., Iingnamton, Lr Sir:-I have derived such it from the use of your r ip-Root, that I believe it to L -tant for the public to know its . For the p .st ten yeors I have the most ni s.!rabla of men. Did aow what the troubl,- was, but had nate very freq'iently both day ar.d was all puffed up generally. not sleep more than a conple of at a time, was greatly distress-d eating a meal and was about wurn I I had tried nearly everything I see advertised and hear of, with- ielping me to any great extent, finally in October last at Ri1 an, I purchased a one dollar bottle of 2p-Root and commenced taking it ding to directions and I followed e vith another bottle and experienced Y great relief and benefit from same b 1 purchased five dollars worth at a sville, Ala., and con'inued its use v am now taking it, bW. in smaller o and twice a day in place of four! 1 a day and believe by the time V nt supply is used up I will be e -ly well. I am feeling better now e for ten )ears rast. Can eawjk firs' class, in fact I am feeling so a that I cannot resist telling you it. You are at liberty to publfs !C stimonial should you wish. Very Rispec:fully, S. STALLARLD, U. S. A, Retired, 7. R R. No. 2. E'kvwood. Ala. A Clergyman. NEW RO ADS, La , Jan 22, 1909. ilmner & Co. inghamton. N. Y. r Sir I write toa&3 to the public Four Swamp-Root cured we of kid- trouble. I was almost past fiAng: ig spesaiodie spells with my km 2 that were breaking down my con- ion. The best medical aid was oyed and they pronounced ruy trou- s alkali in the kidney, but were le to do me any permanent good. >ok four bottles of Swamp-Root and ne a well man. This was six years and I have had no trace of the 'e. Yours for suffering men. REV. J. R. TAYLOR. >r Ba;tist Church, New Roads, La. Mail Carrier's Experience. BLOUNTVILLE. Te-nn. iave been a rural letter carrier for five 2 ears. Some two y < ars o I aken with severe p-anis1i s. c-. d medicine from my f amily ppysi- for seveaal months without any it. A friend. Mr J. D. Nelson, ad- me to try your Swamp-Root, but I to faith in it. I continued to grow Iand at las. decided to try this ly and bought of Long Bros. a cent bottle which gave me great .I then bought two one-dollar 's, which 1 can truthfully say have letely cured me. it not been for Swamp-Root, I have been compelled to quit the free delivery service.- tdvise all mail catr -who sin tei ir at swomp- t cre them. vr s 'i mit very often my wife d have to help me to arise. M. B. H ENDRICKSON, Rural Letter Cai rier, Route No. 2. A Contractor. NALONVILLE, Ga., Jan. 20. 1900. ilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. ntlemen:-About four years- ago I ed from kidney trouble and rhieu sn in my hips. The pain across my became so severe that I could hard- traighten up and could not walk out dragging my feet. I would te frequently and would have to wo or three times during the night. ng me to suffer from los of slhep. with the pvn I was all runi down egan to lose fi--sh. I saw Swamp- advertised and bought one bottle it. After taring it I felt better could sleep all right at night. I nued to take it until I had taken large bottles. I was entirely free any patn in the back and began to in weight. I always recommend p-Root to my friends as I think r in my case remarkable. Ysurs very truly, A. H ICKSON, Donals-mville, Ga, mail bring many unsolicitedi nited States and foreign lar for what Dr. Kilmer's Swami let anyone sell you some oth Ip-Root-if you do you will be you ask for-there is no othe wamp-Root. EDICINE YOU SHOULD HA VI rerything, but if you have kidney, I uringthe night, have smarting or irri nd just the remedy you need. sk for Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the rk or store keeper to per.suade you in Is in selling you a worthless substitute Lmbgged at the expense of your lJournal who has not tried Swamp-R~ inghamton. N. Y. and receive a samip alers In 50c And 1.00 Si ity With Every Bottle- ance wth Sec. 1208 of the~ eral Statutes. order of County Board of cation. R. T. HALLUM, Sec. & CJhm. Soldier Balks Death Plot. teemedto J. A. Stone, a civil war o tn, of Kemp, Tfex., that a plot ex-e between a desperate lung trouble he grave to cause his death. "I - teted a stubborn cold," he writes, developed a cough that stuck to spite of :l remedies, for years. reight ran dlown to 1:30 pounds. I began In use Dr. King's N w very which restored my health etely. I now weigh 178 pound'." severe Colds, obstinate Cougzhs, rrhages. Asthma, and to prevent nonia it's unrivaled. 50c. and 1.00. .a bottle free. Guaranteed by all ING'S N~EW DISCOVERY lI Surely Stop That Gough. 4. DR. KILMER )r. Kilmer's likeness is on the o side wrapper of every bottle. Beneficial In Severe Cases. EDGEFIELD, Tenn, )r. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Gendemen:-I hardly know how rpress my appreciation for the g our Swamp-Root has dune me. I had een greatly troubled with my kidneys, nd with pain in the back; also wit 7hat the doctors termed inflammatio f the neck of the bladder. Sometim iy back would get in such shape that as aimo lpless. I had tried sev ral doc nd medlicins to no g fct, an nailly I noticed in som -r wh . Kiimer propcseAd t simI medic wamp- rce and rt-. ottle. After t te good. I the rom cnr merc Liter taking i iew man, and e o teach school. ise this letter, ts I will alway rhat a wo-nderfu Zoot is. Mr. Ja ille. Tenn., is ults. Very t ). A. febg T ural Route No. Results iH DOTHAN. )r. Kilmer & Co., Dear Sir:- H we r less from kidne ive yearssand was ;wamnp-Roo ou testimodi m a travlin ;olgate & Co., ays tr 'eli A Promi According nslier ther wamp-Itoot f Twice it reli letely helpi Trhe last ~exas, whie 4and ten aly of a sought re Root. Arter usi tIes, I was n my w Swamrp-R and I have f the eff J. FOU uited mTy s cri ed fur me. but his t Ienefit me. A fter readin oot !ite'rature. I deci rial. After taking a-fe o newhat relieved. and ollar bottles had been ta niu and was cpmpletely car ~iot had the slightest p rin j r hips sinee. From my ow can cheerfully recomm bot to anyone rsuffering rouble. Yours very tr SIMO. Mr. Martin conduc~ ransfer business. estimonials from ds, ~ssing -Roosdone-f er mne ' ito take disappointed-insi r medAicine as goo THE BEST. ver or bladder troubi tation in passing or Great Kidney, L o buying somethi he makes more health. ot, the great Kidr Lt bottle free by zes. See In side NOTICE OF FIX Notice is hereby is will make applicatio ery. Esq., Judge of Pro Dunty, in the State of n the 11th day of Marc 'clock in the forenoon, or ter as said application can r leave to matke final settleme state of N. M. Madden, decess btaim discharga.. state. Oats! For spri; . lenty of ti eed oats..

Letter to cotol€¦ · oreOran tihe others but it is worth iuch imor" than the difference in the-)St. If you don't feel like going into E heavy a-ftist, try sameit. Ifyouuse tive

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Page 1: Letter to cotol€¦ · oreOran tihe others but it is worth iuch imor" than the difference in the-)St. If you don't feel like going into E heavy a-ftist, try sameit. Ifyouuse tive

Pickeis SenthieWouniIrunm EVERY THUSDAY MORENB1G.


The entinel-Journal Company.J. L. 0. THOMPSON. EDIrOR.W. L. MATHENY, Manager.

TVIe1ephone 32bSubsCription $1.00 Per Annum.

Advertising Bates Reasonable.

ntered at Pickens FsitofiCe as Second ClanMail Matter


--YgPkRUARY 25. 1909

REPEAL OF THE LIEN LAW$The legislature has repealed the

lien law. Whether this is wiseor not, it remains to be seen.

The effect of it will be the plant-ing of less cotton, leading per-haps to a greater diversificationof crops, and the benefiting ofthe large planters by forcing thetenant class to become hirelings.On the one hand, the acreage ofcotton being reduced, its pricewill lincrease, thus benefitingprincipally those who can con-

duct their planting operations ona cash basis or its equivalent;and, on the other hand, it willfree the small farmer from thenecessity of having to plant cot-ton almost exclusivelio in orderto meet his indebtdness to themerchant, and at. he same timecompell him t9raise his own

home suppligb, which in thelong run W1l be a good thingfor l s its putting hinr on a

basis. But for those whot land, whites and blacks,repeal of the law is going tok a hardship. They will be

orced to work for the landowners or else leave the state.Unable to give a lien that isvalid in law, the only basis up-on which they conId heretoforeobtlin cr"?. ib will be leftwithout kleaawith whichtqrim a farm. :Tie&ore, theywill bo compele4Freturn to

aelanid datsy laborers or as

inants farmers for -the richmdlords. This of course, willa good thing for the la~4ers, but we are not ntg' toprov ners, They

-will-no longerie independentdthe landlord.No doubt the repeal of the lien

law will solve in large measurethe question of labor in thecountry. There will be plentyof it, for renters will become la-borers, and large planters, un-like it has been, will be able toget all they want. Possibly thiswas the main reason for the re-

peal of the law, and, if so, itsavors of class legislation.

It must not be supposed fromTh' above that we favor the lienlaw. We have simply pointedout the advantages of its repealto one class and its disadvant-ages to another class. If therehad never been a lien law thestate would be in much worsecondition today than it is, andthe people would be more pros-perous. But inasmuch as sucha law was enacted, believed tobe necessary at the time, andhas been in force for over a

quarter of a century, its repealnow without any sort of ease-ment, is going to work a greathardship on some, while it willbe of immense help to others.Its repeal should have beengradual, or in such way aswould not have brought distressall at once upon so many. Webelieve it ought to have been re-pealed, but not just in the wayit was done.-Columbia Record.

A Doctor'sAledicmzeAyer's Cherry Pectoral is nota simple cough syrup. It is astrong medicine, a doctor'smedicine. It cures hard cases,severe and desperate cases,chronic cases of asthma, ple'i-risy, bronchitis, consumption.Ask your doctor about this.

The best kind of a testimonial-"Sold for over sixty years."

qerSARSAPAILI.A.We have no seereta IWe publishheformulas of anl our medicines.

jnfAe' PINs at bedtlno.

Letter to cotol ir0wersTo the Cotton Growers:A year ago I strongly urged

you to reduce the acreage incotton and grow more feedstuff. It seems from the acre-

age and in some sections a smallincrease was shown. The re-

sult has been about as I predict-ed, the lowest prices we havehad for several years. It now'looks as if the crop will bringaround $550,000,000, or ovei

$50,000,000 less than last year'scrop, which was nearly 2,000,-000 bales smaller and taking thEcost of growing the extra 2,000,000 bales it means a loss to thESouth of over $100,000,000.The time has arrived when

you must decide on the acreagEfor this season. I strongly urgeyou to reduce your acreage incotton at least 10 per cent, an(

raise more grain and hay, sc

you will be more independeniat marketing time. When thespinner is assured there i4

enough cotton grown to supplyhis needs he is very independeniand will only buy at cheafprices. With a possiblity of c

shortage he is a very eager buyer.While the consumption foi

the first half of the cotton yeaiending March 1 will likely be f

little less than half the crop.the consumption the last hallwill be verymuch larger, so tha1we will likely have about thesame visible supply that we hatlast season, so that we shoukraise next year at least 1,000,000 bales less than the consumpilon in order to get good price,for it.Now 'don't think that ever)

one else will reduce and you car

plant more and get a big pricefor that is what too many oi

you did last season. It wiltake a uniform reduction in or

der to get the proper resultsYou should only planienough so that with the mos1favorable conditions the crojwould not exceed 12,500,000 anithen if wete

.-u get more money for it tha

if you raised 12,500,000.I hope every merchant readinthis article will call his farm(customers' attention to it an

urg the reduction. It is the e>tra hundred million dollars t~hcotton crop brings that maketrade good through the Sout}I suggest that meetings be helin every school house on Marc]7, so that uniformity of actio:may be taken.Weekly papers please copy

J. A. Taylor,President National Ginners' Association.Menmphis, Tenn., Feb. 17 19(9

washxin on Once Gave Up

to three doctors: was kept in bed fofive weeks. Blood po son from a spider's bite caused large, deep sores to comer his leg. 'l h- (doctor s failed, the:"Bucklen's Arnica Salve comipletel;cured me," writes John Washington, c

Bsqueville, Tex. For eczema, boihburns and piles its supreme. 2~>c. at al


Liberty lNews Items.Mr. aiid Mrs. J. T. Bates, o

Marrietta are visiting Mrs. Batefather, Mr. S. M. Johnson, forfew days.Prof. R. B. Geiger, of Pendle

ton spent the week-end witlProf. Riser.Miss Minnie Griffin, of Green

ville, visited her sister, Mrs. WA. G. Jamison this week.Prof. R. A. Abrams, of An

derson was a welcome visitor t<our city recently.Miss Hattie Whitten of Pen

deton spent the week with MissGrayton Johnson.The pupils of Walker McEl-

moyle high school will give arentertainment on the evening ofMach 5 in the auditorium.Miss Bessie Peden, our effi-

ciet music teacher, is visitinghome folks at Fountain Inn.One of the most beautiful and

entertaining social events of theseason was the "hut" led bySir Cupid", master of hear-ts,

given by Miss Grayton Johnsonon the evening of February 13.It was attended by quitec a num-ber of out-of-town people and

wasa success in every particu-


COTTN MILL NOTESThe management of the Eas-

ley Cotton Mills is planning to

build a large addition to theirexcellent plant, which will costabout 8500,000. The new build-inig will be of modern construc-tion and will be equipped with25,000 spindles and 000 looms forthe production of sheetings, thepresent product of the company.The machinery in the new ad-dition will be driven by electrici-ty. The plant of the companyis equipped with about 38,000spindles and 1000 looms andgives employment to 500 opera-tives.John A. Hudgens, from the

Grendel Mill, Greenwood, hasaccepted a position as overseer

of spinning at Liberty, S. C.

J. A. Pace has resigned a-

second hand at Seneca to ac-

cept the position of overseer ofcarding at the Issaqueena Mills,Central., S. C.

T. V. Bratcher, of Greenwoo(.IS. C., has taken a section ii

spinning room at Libert v.

P. T. Sanders has been pronioted from loom fixer to su-

ceed John Carroll at the Glen-wood Mills, Easley.

How'ts Thi-?We effer One Lu:dred T ollars R.

vard for ary case of Catariib that m.*-

Inot be cured by Ha.ll's uatarih Curo.F. J. t IENEY & CO., T 0ledo.0.

We the uidersignad. have known F.I. Cheney for the last 15 xeirp. and blieve hi.n perfectly honorabe in ll-1 u-ness Ira sactions and financially able I

carry out any obligations maoe by hi

wALDIso. KINNAN & MARVIN,Wholesale Druggists. Toloeo, o

Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken interna:t, acting directly upon the blood an

mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7c. p.r bottleIold by all Druggists.Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-


Six Mile News$The health of this community

is very good at this writing.IRain seems to be the oider of

nC. W. Garrett w~as in Greenville Monday on business.gMr. and Mrs. Bud Duncan

r:visited Mr. Frank Stephens .lasdweek.

SSay, Blue Bell, I must telyou a mistake you made in you:last letter. As for Aaron Garrett having cancer. The doctorhave not said it was yet, and wehope that it is not.Mr. Smith and family was en-

joying the ride in an auto bug-gy instead of an automobile.-Mr. Sullivan, of the new firm

Anderson PhosSamples of three brandfi

- been drawn by a State:and analyzed by the C21<ties with the followingi

Our 8-3-3 ammoniated goods a

Our 8.75-2-2 ammoniated goo<

Our 16 per cent. acid analyzes

FYou will make no miszers. We are runningses shows they are muSeveral of our custom<us on the good, dry, n

our goods this year.

Anderson PhosAlNDERI5




of Sullivan, Eskew & Co., ofLiberty, was in Six Mile Fridav.acconpailied by Mr. Smith. Mr.Sullivan says he must have hispart of the business from thissection.

C. W. Garrett has sold his,mill aud crusher to Mr. M. A.Evans. who is running it on theCateechee Road and makes firstclass meval.

Mr. Jack Hopkins and Chas.Gaines of Seneca, S. C.. was inour littie town recently.


High GradeFertilizers.We wish to recommend to you the

use of our high grade fertilizer. Takefor instance our t-4-4 goods. Eightper c nt. phisp[oric acid, 4 per cent. pot-asi a1d 4 per cent. anonia. There isno-hing lkLtcr and. mighty little as goodit iakes j t: s much time, trouble an.ilab'r to put in a chep low grade fertili-z-r as it does this 8-1-1 goods. and theresults are not to b compared. Peoplewho ty it, comtinue its use. It is theiheapsst I bor you can get and in theu t hS h .ehape.-t f- rtilizr I r ps

i'.aid wita -i-4 gool. take on a

iitfereiit hue and d.ffierit color to the>th -rs. Atid then youVti g'-t more stai lkod more fruit and t'.at is what it takeso make the crnp: stalk and fruit, andhis is the! spec.al advant ge of th-s 8-1-1.etid-; it inakes stalk and fruit. It costrore Oran tihe others but it is worthiuch imor" than the difference in the-)St. If you don't feel like going intoE heavy a- ftist, try same it. If you use

tive ton of fertiliz -r get one ton of t-4-4!oods at least Next year you will use

:tI';re and %oti will comtinue to use more

.intil you r- using this entirely. It is.t complete feitilizer and will pay you

tter thai ai.y you ever used.S ):ie wet ks ago we wrote the agri-

'ultural depai tment of Clemson Collegefor a ft raiiila for an ideal fertilizer forc tton suit t.le for soils in this sectiin.Ytu ki, N different soils require ditfer-nt fertlizers .ni we are trying to makfertilizer that will suit the soils in thisection viere. we (xpect to sell our

oods. They sent us a formula which i-ractic ihy idntical with this 8-4-1oods as w e in-.ke it. Their fcrmiu a

:alls for Nitrogen but we us± ammonaxlicl is the same thing (XC pt in ditfe -

nt fori. Ammoma you know, makcshe l: Ax ant fruit and that is what you

wvork to get in the crop; statk ani fuitInd ammiioinia hli.1 s you to get it. li

et I o.. on'L t Xpect much of a cr< plIt S, VoU have ti- stalk and the fruit.' ageat deal (I pends o tie way it i-

.nixed aid niaIi pulatetd. 'Ilhe manvhi got put this lormnult fair mixi:.!Id uaniplatiig cur :-1-4 gWadst'Ows ls busint-s aid we are makingSspecialty' of this goods. V:e are % il-ag to risk. aor re;ti a;iol on the value

f -tur %-.,j-4 gaoods as a fertilizer.Another thing abtout 8-4-4 goods~

vchi ' ou -probh,lv Iad not thouighltfis tis.: You an't maike it with a

ade'acid and you can't n ake it

rrqires the very best matetilal suclas we hiave boughit. That is why ii-5s imore than the ordina-y fertuliztid that is whyu it is better als >tharte ordlinary fertilizer r~s a pilant foodewen't v'ou to tr; it for we know thauwill giv. you stoisfactory res ults. 11aou hav. never steen it trieid, tryttle at first. People who use it say1

you can't use too much of it but theryou want t be cautious and at firs1we suggest that you get one or twctons out oaf live you use andi after thatthe demand will take care of itself,rRY IT AND YOU WILL SEE What

you have been missing. See our agente

AideSOR Phospatead Oil ['ffipanhate &.Oil Co.of our fertilizers have[nspctor of Fertilizersmsoni College authori.

-esults:.nalyzes 8.69-3.66-3.60.Isanalyzes 1O.43-2.022.I1.

16.87 per cent.

takein buying our fertili-on quality. The analy-chabove our guarantee.

rs have complimentedechanical condition at

phats & Oil Co.ION, S. C.


in I:ITheDr. E9Des



Acute and Chro-iic Diseases of beenthe Kidney, Liver, Bladder not k:

r or Urinary Organs and to urAcute, Chronic Rheumatism,Uric acid, lumbago or gout. night



Dissolves and expels Gravel afteror Gall Stones. It heals and Out.removes irritation, Inflamma- couldtion, Ulceration or Catarrh of out j

the Bladder, until

The Test That Tells.DOTHAN, Ala., Jan. 21, 1909. Swao

Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bnghamton, N. Y thatGentlemen:-About one year ago two such

of mny child ren suffered badly from weak thatkidneys and diabees; their urine was .Huntvery bad and they would have severe andspells of dizziness, and were all run dosesdown in health. I was just about dis- timescouraged. I tried se'veral remedies and presefinally a doctor. but they did not seem entirto inprove. I knew of a friend who was thantaking Swamp-Root for kidney troublewith good results, and I decided to get gocdtome for the children. I noticed there aboulwas some iniprovewent after they had this ttaken two large bottles, and continuedto give it to them until they had taken THOa half dozen bottl' s and were well on

;he road to recovery. I think Swaip-itoot has done more for my childrenthan any other medicine I have tried,and I recommend it to one havIng chil-dren who suffered as mine did. Dr. I


City Clerk, Dothan. Ala. thatney

A Georgia Woman. havit

SPARKS, Ga., Jan. UI, 1909. neys

Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y. stitui

Getitleitien:-Some time ago I was empl

troubled with kidney trouble; had severe be a

pains in back and hip-. Was treated by unab

a ph sician, but without any benefit. I I t

noticed some Swamp-Root advertising beca

and resolved to give it a trial. After ago

:aking four bottles I was completely trout

ured. Have not suffered any pain at

1ll since and can recommend Swamp- Past(

Rot to anyone suffering from kidneytrouble. Sincerely,


Baptist Minister. overwas

Brinson, Ga., Jan. 20, 1909. I useDr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamt)n, N. Y.

cianGentlemen: -Some time ago I sufferedn ~bencI

severelv with pain in my back and hips. ied\ly back piined me continually and I had r

fei. mli-riale. A friend recommended worsa

5wamp1 R >o'. I obtained adid took the r

e-mtnts of two bottles wthen I felt1 relief

gtl. 3)ly back has not troubled mel bottlhice and !can thoroughly recommend comp.wamp-l)Rot to at yone suffering from wouakiney trubles, as I find it afforded me ruralreat relif~. -


Yours very truly, .PaiREV. E. T. DAWSON. twl

Results After Using.WOBOSTON. Ga., Jan. 13, 1909.

Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.Gentlemen:-Somle time ago 1 was

troubled with kidney trouble. I thought DCfor some time I was suffering with Dia- Dr.]bates. I had severe pair~s in my back Geand hips. A friend recommended suf

Swamp-R>ot and I decided to give it a batrial. I obtained a bottle from a drug- ly s

gist and after takirs. -everal bottles the with

ps.i was entirely g ,aie and I have not truinsuffered t.he slight at since. I cannot be causit ,oenthusiastic "t my praise of this Andwonderful nedi ae and it gives me and

great pleasure . ive my testimonial in Ro

regard to its m its- andJ. B. ROUNTREE, conti

Forer Mayer nnd Member Legiklature. four

We have s ,I Mr. Rountree Swamp-Root and] h- 'e also soldl it in a number Eaof cas's f.r t.dney trouble and always the c

with perfeL atisfaction.J. C. ADAMS& SON. M.

Every- the Ii

itude:Do noSwan:whatmer's

IF YOU NEED A MISWAMP-ROOT is not recommend' d for e

often during the day~and get op many times d(ueto kidney trouble, Swamp-Root will be fou

DON'T BE MISLED-for examle, when youaedy, don't allsw any druggist, drug cle

place. Every time he succeetbut you are I

NOTICE.-Every reader of The Sentineder R'medy, may address Dr. Kilmer & Co., B

At All DeA Sworn Certificate of Pui

Notice of Election. (cora

Whereas, a petition from ther Bfreeholders and electors of Ru- IEduihamah School district No. 5, hasbeen filed with the CountyBoard of Education of Pickensounty asking' said Board forpermi'ssion to hold an election insaiddistrict to determine wvheth- ,Itreror not two mills extra levy istedshallbe levied on said school and t

(istriCt for school purposes.enIt appearing to the County reiBoard of Education that the pe- Mytitonmeets the requirements of Th'fenthelaw.therefore it is ordered Discothatthe trustees of the above c i

named School district do holdfn H~emaelection March 6th at Ruhamah Pneui

School House for above stated Trialpurpose. The Trustees shall be Drg

nnaers. and shall conduct -R.thiselection as all g-eneral elec- i.tionsare conducted, and in ac- .WI

Value of A Remedy Is Pio'-Its Cures*

ELKWOOD, Ala., Dec. 11,:lmer & Co., Iingnamton,Lr Sir:-I have derived suchit from the use of your r

ip-Root, that I believe it to L-tant for the public to know its.For the p .st ten yeors I have

the most ni s.!rabla of men. Didaow what the troubl,- was, but hadnate very freq'iently both day ar.d

was all puffed up generally.not sleep more than a conple ofat a time, was greatly distress-d

eating a meal and was about wurn II had tried nearly everything Isee advertised and hear of, with-ielping me to any great extent,finally in October last at Ri1 an,I purchased a one dollar bottle of2p-Root and commenced taking it

ding to directions and I followed e

vith another bottle and experienced Ygreat relief and benefit from same b1 purchased five dollars worth at a

sville, Ala., and con'inued its use v

am now taking it, bW. in smaller o

and twice a day in place of four! 1

a day and believe by the time V

nt supply is used up I will be e

-ly well. I am feeling better now e

for ten )ears rast. Can eawjkfirs' class, in fact I am feeling so a

that I cannot resist telling youit. You are at liberty to publfs !Cstimonial should you wish.

Very Rispec:fully,S. STALLARLD, U. S. A, Retired,7. R R. No. 2. E'kvwood. Ala.

A Clergyman.NEW RO ADS, La , Jan 22, 1909.ilmner & Co. inghamton. N. Y.r Sir I write toa&3 to the publicFour Swamp-Root cured we of kid-

trouble. I was almost past fiAng:ig spesaiodie spells with my km 2

that were breaking down my con-ion. The best medical aid was

oyed and they pronounced ruy trou-

s alkali in the kidney, but werele to do me any permanent good.>ok four bottles of Swamp-Root andne a well man. This was six yearsand I have had no trace of the'e. Yours for suffering men.

REV. J. R. TAYLOR.>rBa;tist Church, New Roads, La.

Mail Carrier's Experience.BLOUNTVILLE. Te-nn.

iave been a rural letter carrier forfive 2 ears. Some two y <ars o Iaken with severe p-anis1is. c-.

d medicine from my family ppysi-for seveaal months without anyit. A friend. Mr J. D. Nelson, ad-me to try your Swamp-Root, but I

tofaith in it. I continued to growIand at las. decided to try this

lyand bought of Long Bros. acent bottle which gave me great.I then bought two one-dollar's,which 1 can truthfully say have

letely cured me.it not been for Swamp-Root, Ihave been compelled to quit the

free delivery service.-tdvise all mail catr -whosin tei ir at swomp- tcre them.vrs 'i mit very often my wifedhave to help me to arise.

M. B. HENDRICKSON,Rural Letter Cai rier, Route No. 2.

A Contractor.NALONVILLE, Ga., Jan. 20. 1900.

ilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.ntlemen:-About four years- ago Ied from kidney trouble and rhieusnin my hips. The pain across mybecame so severe that I could hard-traighten up and could not walk

out dragging my feet. I wouldtefrequently and would have to

wo or three times during the night.ng me to suffer from los of slhep.with the pvn I was all runi down

egan to lose fi--sh. I saw Swamp-advertised and bought one bottleit.After taring it I felt bettercould sleep all right at night. I

nued to take it until I had takenlarge bottles. I was entirely freeany patn in the back and began toin weight. I always recommend

p-Root to my friends as I thinkr in my case remarkable.

Ysurs very truly,A. HICKSON, Donals-mville, Ga,

mail bring many unsolicitedinited States and foreign larforwhat Dr. Kilmer's Swamiletanyone sell you some othIp-Root-if you do you will be

you ask for-there is no othewamp-Root.

EDICINE YOU SHOULD HAVIrerything, but if you have kidney, Iuringthe night, have smarting or irri

nd just the remedy you need.

sk for Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, therk or store keeper to per.suade you in

Is inselling you a worthless substituteLmbgged at the expense of your

lJournal who has not tried Swamp-R~inghamton. N. Y. and receive a samip

alers In 50c And 1.00 Si

ityWith Every Bottle-

ance wth Sec. 1208 of the~eralStatutes.order of County Board ofcation.R. T. HALLUM,

Sec. & CJhm.Soldier Balks Death Plot.

teemedto J. A. Stone, a civil war otn,ofKemp, Tfex., that a plot ex-e

between a desperate lung troublehe grave to cause his death. "I -

teteda stubborn cold," he writes,developed a cough that stuck to

spite of :l remedies, for years.reightran dlown to 1:30 pounds.

I began In use Dr. King's N wverywhich restored my health

etely. I now weigh 178 pound'."severeColds, obstinate Cougzhs,

rrhages. Asthma, and to preventnoniait's unrivaled. 50c. and 1.00. .a

bottle free. Guaranteed by all

ING'SN~EW DISCOVERYlISurely Stop That Gough.


DR. KILMER)r. Kilmer's likeness is on the oside wrapper of every bottle.

Beneficial In Severe Cases.EDGEFIELD, Tenn,

)r. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.Gendemen:-I hardly know howrpress my appreciation for the gour Swamp-Root has dune me. I hadeen greatly troubled with my kidneys,nd with pain in the back; also wit7hat the doctors termed inflammatiof the neck of the bladder. Sometimiy back would get in such shape thatas aimo lpless. I had tried sev

ral doc nd medlicins to no gfct, an nailly I noticed in som

-r wh . Kiimer propcseAd tsimI medicwamp-rce and rt-.ottle. After t

te good. I therom cnr mercLiter taking i

iew man, and e

o teach school.ise this letter,ts I will alwayrhat a wo-nderfuZoot is. Mr. Jaille. Tenn., isults. Very t

). A.febg T

ural Route No.

Results iHDOTHAN.

)r. Kilmer & Co.,Dear Sir:- H we

r less from kidneive yearssand was

;wamnp-Rooou testimodim a travlin;olgate & Co.,ays tr 'eli

A Promi

Accordingnslier therwamp-Itoot fTwice it reliletely helpiTrhe last~exas, whie4and ten

alyof a

sought reRoot.Arter usi

tIes, I wasn my wSwamrp-Rand I havef the eff



uited mTy scri ed fur me. but his tIenefit me. After readinoot !ite'rature. I deci

rial. After taking a-feo newhat relieved. andollar bottles had been taniu and was cpmpletely car~iot had the slightestp rinjr hips sinee. From my owcan cheerfully recommbot to anyone rsufferingrouble. Yours very tr

SIMO.Mr. Martin conduc~ransfer business.

estimonials fromds, ~ssing-Roosdone-fer mne 'ito takedisappointed-insir medAicine as goo

THE BEST.ver or bladder troubitation in passing or

Great Kidney, Lo buying somethihe makes morehealth.

ot, the great KidrLtbottle free by

zes.See In side

NOTICE OF FIXNotice is hereby iswill make applicatioery. Esq., Judge of ProDunty, in the State ofn the 11th day of Marc'clock in the forenoon, orter as said application canr leave to matke final settlemestate of N. M. Madden, decessbtaim discharga..state.

Oats!For spri; .

lenty of tieed oats..