LETTER doi:10.1038/nature15695 Kidney organoids from human iPS cells contain multiple lineages and model human nephrogenesis Minoru Takasato 1,2 , Pei X. Er 1 , Han S. Chiu 2 , Barbara Maier 2 , Gregory J. Baillie 2 , Charles Ferguson 2 , Robert G. Parton 2 , Ernst J. Wolvetang 3 , Matthias S. Roost 4 , Susana M. Chuva de Sousa Lopes 4 & Melissa H. Little 1,2,5 The human kidney contains up to 2 million epithelial nephrons responsible for blood filtration. Regenerating the kidney requires the induction of the more than 20 distinct cell types required for excretion and the regulation of pH, and electrolyte and fluid bal- ance. We have previously described the simultaneous induction of progenitors for both collecting duct and nephrons via the directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells 1 . Paradoxically, although both are of intermediate mesoderm in origin, collecting duct and nephrons have distinct temporospatial origins. Here we identify the developmental mechanism regulating the preferential induction of collecting duct versus kidney mesenchyme progeni- tors. Using this knowledge, we have generated kidney organoids that contain nephrons associated with a collecting duct network surrounded by renal interstitium and endothelial cells. Within these organoids, individual nephrons segment into distal and proximal tubules, early loops of Henle, and glomeruli containing podocytes elaborating foot processes and undergoing vasculariza- tion. When transcription profiles of kidney organoids were com- pared to human fetal tissues, they showed highest congruence with first trimester human kidney. Furthermore, the proximal tubules endocytose dextran and differentially apoptose in response to cis- platin, a nephrotoxicant. Such kidney organoids represent power- ful models of the human organ for future applications, including nephrotoxicity screening, disease modelling and as a source of cells for therapy. The mammalian kidney is derived from intermediate mesoderm. Cells from the primitive streak (presomitic mesoderm; PSM) migrate rostrally to form the intermediate mesoderm 2 . The intermediate meso- derm gives rise to both key kidney progenitor populations, the ureteric epithelium and the metanephric mesenchyme, which form the collect- ing ducts and nephrons, respectively. Several studies have reported the successful differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) into either ureteric epithelium or metanephric mesenchyme in vitro 3–7 . In contrast, we previously reported the simultaneous generation of both ureteric epithelium and metanephric mesenchyme from hPSCs, resulting in the induction of nephrons and collecting ducts 1 . This was paradoxical as it was assumed that the ureteric epithelium arises as a side branch of the mesonephric duct, itself forming from the anterior intermediate mesoderm, while the metanephric mesenchyme is derived from the posterior intermediate mesoderm 5,8 . Retinoic acid (RA) regulates anterior–posterior patterning in organogenesis with rostral RA signalling patterning the somites 9 (Fig. 1e). Conversely, the PSM expresses Cyp26, which attenuates RA signalling in the caudal embryo 10,11 . The PSM is also a strong site of Wnt signalling 12 . In our previous studies, we demonstrated in vitro that formation of the inter- mediate mesoderm required FGF9 or FGF2 (ref. 1). Hence, in vivo we assume that the ureteric epithelium forms from early migrating PSM cells exposed to FGF9 and RA soon after the primitive streak stage, while cells late to migrate, and hence exposed to longer Wnt signalling, should give rise to the metanephric mesenchyme 13 (Fig. 1a). To con- firm this, we varied the duration of initial Wnt signalling (using CHIR99021, an inhibitor of GSK-3) before addition of FGF9 (Fig. 1b) and monitored markers of the anterior intermediate meso- derm and posterior intermediate mesoderm by quantitative PCR. Shorter periods of CHIR99021 application induced the anterior inter- mediate mesoderm markers, LHX1 and GATA3, whereas longer periods increased the posterior intermediate mesoderm markers, HOXD11 and EYA1, at day 7. Prolonged expression of the PSM mar- kers, TBX6 and T, after a longer period in the presence of CHIR99021 suggested a delay in FGF9-induced fate commitment (Fig. 1c), as pre- dicted. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that a longer (or shorter) period with CHIR99021 induced less (more) anterior intermediate mesoderm but more (less) posterior intermediate mesoderm, as indi- cated by GATA3 and HOXD11, respectively, at day 7 of differentiation (Fig. 1d). These observations persisted after 18days of culture, with dominant ureteric epithelium induction (GATA3 1 PAX2 1 ECAD 1 ) after fewer days in the presence of CHIR99021 and preferential induc- tion of metanephric mesenchyme (PAX2 1 ECAD 2 ) and its derivatives (PAX2 1 ECAD 1 ) with more days in the presence of CHIR99021 (Extended Data Fig. 1a). Further, we investigated whether RA signal- ling also controls anterior–posterior fate patterning of the intermedi- ate mesoderm using RA or an RA receptor antagonist, AGN193109, together with FGF9 (Fig. 1e, f). RA promoted ureteric epithelium induction, whereas AGN193109 inhibited ureteric epithelium but enhanced induction of the metanephric mesenchyme lineage (Fig. 1g and Extended Data Fig. 1b). These results increase our understanding of embryogenesis as well as providing a method by which to modulate the relative induction of each of the two intermediate mesoderm-derived progenitor popula- tions essential for kidney formation. As a result, we modified our existing kidney differentiation process to increase the proportion of metanephric mesenchyme formed, increase the time in 3D culture and actively trigger nephron formation. This optimized approach was applied to either human embryonic stem (ES) cells or human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and involved an initial 4 days of CHIR99021, which resulted in the induction of both the ureteric epi- thelium and the metanephric mesenchyme in monolayer culture (Extended Data Fig. 2), followed by 3days of FGF9 before transfer to organoid culture (Fig. 2a). The resulting aggregates were cultured for up to 20 days, during which time they spontaneously formed com- plex kidney organoids (Fig. 2b). During normal mouse kidney development, nephron formation from the metanephric mesenchyme is initiated in response to Wnt9b secreted from the ureteric epithelium. In the mouse, ectopic nephron formation can be triggered via the addition of canonical Wnt agonists 14 . Indeed, maximal nephron num- ber per organoid required a pulse of CHIR99021 for one hour after forming a pellet (Fig. 2a and Extended Data Fig. 3a). In addition, the continued presence of FGF9 after this CHIR99021 pulse was essential 1 Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia. 2 Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia. 3 Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia. 4 Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Leiden University Medical Center, Einthovenweg 20, 2333 ZC Leiden, The Netherlands. 5 Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia. 564 | NATURE | VOL 526 | 22 OCTOBER 2015 G2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

LETTER - United States House of Representatives...Mar 02, 2016  · Kidney organoids from human iPS cells contain multiple lineages and model human nephrogenesis Minoru Takasato 1,2

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Page 1: LETTER - United States House of Representatives...Mar 02, 2016  · Kidney organoids from human iPS cells contain multiple lineages and model human nephrogenesis Minoru Takasato 1,2


Kidney organoids from human iPS cells containmultiple lineages and model human nephrogenesisMinoru Takasato1,2, Pei X. Er1, Han S. Chiu2, Barbara Maier2, Gregory J. Baillie2, Charles Ferguson2, Robert G. Parton2,Ernst J. Wolvetang3, Matthias S. Roost4, Susana M. Chuva de Sousa Lopes4 & Melissa H. Little1,2,5

The human kidney contains up to 2 million epithelial nephronsresponsible for blood filtration. Regenerating the kidney requiresthe induction of the more than 20 distinct cell types required forexcretion and the regulation of pH, and electrolyte and fluid bal-ance. We have previously described the simultaneous induction ofprogenitors for both collecting duct and nephrons via the directeddifferentiation of human pluripotent stem cells1. Paradoxically,although both are of intermediate mesoderm in origin, collectingduct and nephrons have distinct temporospatial origins. Here weidentify the developmental mechanism regulating the preferentialinduction of collecting duct versus kidney mesenchyme progeni-tors. Using this knowledge, we have generated kidney organoidsthat contain nephrons associated with a collecting duct networksurrounded by renal interstitium and endothelial cells. Withinthese organoids, individual nephrons segment into distal andproximal tubules, early loops of Henle, and glomeruli containingpodocytes elaborating foot processes and undergoing vasculariza-tion. When transcription profiles of kidney organoids were com-pared to human fetal tissues, they showed highest congruence withfirst trimester human kidney. Furthermore, the proximal tubulesendocytose dextran and differentially apoptose in response to cis-platin, a nephrotoxicant. Such kidney organoids represent power-ful models of the human organ for future applications, includingnephrotoxicity screening, disease modelling and as a source of cellsfor therapy.

The mammalian kidney is derived from intermediate mesoderm.Cells from the primitive streak (presomitic mesoderm; PSM) migraterostrally to form the intermediate mesoderm2. The intermediate meso-derm gives rise to both key kidney progenitor populations, the uretericepithelium and the metanephric mesenchyme, which form the collect-ing ducts and nephrons, respectively. Several studies have reported thesuccessful differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) intoeither ureteric epithelium or metanephric mesenchyme in vitro3–7. Incontrast, we previously reported the simultaneous generation of bothureteric epithelium and metanephric mesenchyme from hPSCs,resulting in the induction of nephrons and collecting ducts1. Thiswas paradoxical as it was assumed that the ureteric epithelium arisesas a side branch of the mesonephric duct, itself forming from theanterior intermediate mesoderm, while the metanephric mesenchymeis derived from the posterior intermediate mesoderm5,8. Retinoic acid(RA) regulates anterior–posterior patterning in organogenesis withrostral RA signalling patterning the somites9 (Fig. 1e). Conversely,the PSM expresses Cyp26, which attenuates RA signalling in the caudalembryo10,11. The PSM is also a strong site of Wnt signalling12. In ourprevious studies, we demonstrated in vitro that formation of the inter-mediate mesoderm required FGF9 or FGF2 (ref. 1). Hence, in vivo weassume that the ureteric epithelium forms from early migrating PSMcells exposed to FGF9 and RA soon after the primitive streak stage,while cells late to migrate, and hence exposed to longer Wnt signalling,

should give rise to the metanephric mesenchyme13 (Fig. 1a). To con-firm this, we varied the duration of initial Wnt signalling (usingCHIR99021, an inhibitor of GSK-3) before addition of FGF9(Fig. 1b) and monitored markers of the anterior intermediate meso-derm and posterior intermediate mesoderm by quantitative PCR.Shorter periods of CHIR99021 application induced the anterior inter-mediate mesoderm markers, LHX1 and GATA3, whereas longerperiods increased the posterior intermediate mesoderm markers,HOXD11 and EYA1, at day 7. Prolonged expression of the PSM mar-kers, TBX6 and T, after a longer period in the presence of CHIR99021suggested a delay in FGF9-induced fate commitment (Fig. 1c), as pre-dicted. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that a longer (or shorter)period with CHIR99021 induced less (more) anterior intermediatemesoderm but more (less) posterior intermediate mesoderm, as indi-cated by GATA3 and HOXD11, respectively, at day 7 of differentiation(Fig. 1d). These observations persisted after 18 days of culture, withdominant ureteric epithelium induction (GATA31PAX21ECAD1)after fewer days in the presence of CHIR99021 and preferential induc-tion of metanephric mesenchyme (PAX21ECAD2) and its derivatives(PAX21ECAD1) with more days in the presence of CHIR99021(Extended Data Fig. 1a). Further, we investigated whether RA signal-ling also controls anterior–posterior fate patterning of the intermedi-ate mesoderm using RA or an RA receptor antagonist, AGN193109,together with FGF9 (Fig. 1e, f). RA promoted ureteric epitheliuminduction, whereas AGN193109 inhibited ureteric epithelium butenhanced induction of the metanephric mesenchyme lineage(Fig. 1g and Extended Data Fig. 1b).

These results increase our understanding of embryogenesis as wellas providing a method by which to modulate the relative induction ofeach of the two intermediate mesoderm-derived progenitor popula-tions essential for kidney formation. As a result, we modified ourexisting kidney differentiation process to increase the proportion ofmetanephric mesenchyme formed, increase the time in 3D culture andactively trigger nephron formation. This optimized approach wasapplied to either human embryonic stem (ES) cells or human inducedpluripotent stem (iPS) cells and involved an initial 4 days ofCHIR99021, which resulted in the induction of both the ureteric epi-thelium and the metanephric mesenchyme in monolayer culture(Extended Data Fig. 2), followed by 3 days of FGF9 before transferto organoid culture (Fig. 2a). The resulting aggregates were culturedfor up to 20 days, during which time they spontaneously formed com-plex kidney organoids (Fig. 2b). During normal mouse kidneydevelopment, nephron formation from the metanephric mesenchymeis initiated in response to Wnt9b secreted from the ureteric epithelium.In the mouse, ectopic nephron formation can be triggered via theaddition of canonical Wnt agonists14. Indeed, maximal nephron num-ber per organoid required a pulse of CHIR99021 for one hour afterforming a pellet (Fig. 2a and Extended Data Fig. 3a). In addition, thecontinued presence of FGF9 after this CHIR99021 pulse was essential

1Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia. 2Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland4072, Australia. 3Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia. 4Department of Anatomy and Embryology, LeidenUniversity Medical Center, Einthovenweg 20, 2333 ZC Leiden, The Netherlands. 5Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia.

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Page 2: LETTER - United States House of Representatives...Mar 02, 2016  · Kidney organoids from human iPS cells contain multiple lineages and model human nephrogenesis Minoru Takasato 1,2

for nephrogenesis, suggesting an additional role for FGF signallingafter Wnt-mediated nephron induction (Extended Data Fig. 3b).Within each organoid, the nephrons appropriately segmented into 4components, including the collecting duct (GATA31ECAD1), theearly distal tubule (GATA32LTL2ECAD1), early proximal tubule(LTL1ECAD2) and the glomerulus (WT11) (Fig. 2c, d). Moreover,kidney organoids showed complex morphogenetic patterning withcollecting duct trees forming at the bottom of the organoid, connectingto distal and proximal tubules in the middle, with the glomeruli at thetop of each organoid (Fig. 2e and Supplementary Videos 1 and 2). Thispatterning mimics the tissue organization observed in vivo whereglomeruli arise in the cortex whereas the collecting ducts radiatethrough the organ from the middle. Here again, the relative level ofcollecting duct versus nephron within individual organoids could bevaried with the timing of the initial CHIR99021-to-FGF9 switch(Extended Data Fig. 4a, b). Next, we performed RNA sequencing ofwhole kidney organoids at day 0, 3, 11 and 18 after aggregation and 3Dculture. Across this time course we observed a temporal loss ofnephron progenitor gene expression but an increase in markers ofmultiple nephron segments, including the podocytes, proximal anddistal tubules (Extended Data Fig. 5 and Supplementary Table 2).Transcriptional profiling was performed and compared using anunbiased method with human fetal transcriptional data sets from

21 human fetal organs/tissues from the first and/or second trimesterof pregnancy15. This analysis clustered kidney organoids at d11 andd18 of culture with first trimester human fetal kidney (Fig. 2f, g andExtended Data Fig. 6). At the earlier culture time points (day 0 and 3),organoids more closely matched the fetal gonad, an embryologicallyclosely related tissue also derived from the intermediate mesoderm.

In a kidney, the epithelial cell types (nephron and collecting duct)are surrounded by a renal interstitium (stroma) within which there is avascular network. As well as forming the metanephric mesenchyme,the intermediate mesoderm gives rise to stromal and vascular progeni-tors (Fig. 3a)16,17. We examined kidney organoids for evidence of addi-tional cell types and evidence of functional maturation. Collectingducts could be distinguished based on co-expression of PAX2,GATA3 and ECAD (Fig. 3b). At d11, nephron epithelia showed prox-imal (LTL1ECAD2) and distal (LTL2ECAD1) elements (Fig. 3c). Byday 18, proximal tubules matured to co-express LTL with ECAD, withcubilin evident on the apical surface (Fig. 3d, e). Transmission electronmicroscopy (TEM) showed distinct epithelial subtypes; cells with fewshort microvilli surrounding an open lumen characteristic of collectingduct/distal tubule (Fig. 3k) and typical proximal tubular epitheliumdisplaying an apical brush border with tight junctions (Fig. 3l). By day18, loops of Henle (UMOD1) began to form (Fig. 3f). By day 11,WT11NPHS11 early glomeruli18 comprising a Bowman’s capsule

Day 18 monolayer










2 d CHIR 3 d CHIR 4 d CHIR 5 d CHIR


tive g

ene e



n to d

ay 0



3 d CHIR4 d CHIR5 d CHIR

EYA1 Td0 d2 d3 d4 d5 d7






d0 d2 d3 d4 d5 d70






d0 d2 d3 d4 d5 d70





d3 d4 d5 d70






d0 d2 d3 d4 d5 d70





d0 d2 d3 d4 d5 d70






Day 7




















0 3 4 5 days





+ R





9 +




0 3–5 12 days






Figure 1 | Selective induction of either the collecting duct or kidneymesenchyme lineage. a, Schematic illustrating the mechanism ofanterior–posterior (A–P) patterning of the intermediate mesoderm in theembryogenesis13. The timing of PSM cell migration determines the timing ofthe exposure to FGF9 and RA, resulting in fate selection between anteriorintermediate mesoderm and posterior intermediate mesoderm. AI, anteriorintermediate mesoderm; MM, metanephric mesenchyme; PI, posteriorintermediate mesoderm; PSM, presomitic mesoderm; UE, ureteric epithelium.b, Schematic of three experimental timelines. CHIR, CHIR99021. c, Timecourse quantitative PCR of an initial 7 days (d) of the differentiation from theabove timings. Experiments were conducted using monolayer culturecondition (mean 6 s.d., n 5 3 independent experiments). d, Immunofluo-rescence at day 7 of differentiation with the AI marker, GATA3, and the PI

marker, HOXD11. Scale bars, 100mm. Experimental replicates, 3. e, Schematicillustrating RA signalling after the primitive streak stage. An RA-metabolizingenzyme, CYP26, is expressed in the PSM region to shield PSM cells fromRA signalling. f, Schematic of three experimental timelines. RA or AGN193109(AGN) were added with FGF9 after CHIR99021, followed by growthfactor withdrawal (no GFs). Experiments were conducted with monolayerculture condition. g, Immunofluorescence at day 18 of differentiation from3 days of CHIR99021 followed by 6 RA/AGN. AGN inhibited the AIspecification of early migrating cells, causing posteriorization. At day 18,GATA3 and HOXD11 mark the UE and the MM, respectively (left panels).GATA31PAX21ECAD1 cells represent the UE whereas GATA32PAX21

cells do the MM (ECAD2) and its derivatives (ECAD1) (right panels).Experimental replicates, 3. Scale bars, 100mm.

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with central podocyte formation was seen connected to proximaltubules (Fig. 3g). Kidney organoids also developed a CD311

KDR1SOX171 endothelial network with lumen formation (Fig. 3hand Extended Data Fig. 7a, b, c). TEM showed the presence of primaryand secondary foot processes characteristic of podocytes (Fig. 3m). In adeveloping kidney, renal interstitium differentiates into pericytes andmesangial cells19. As expected, kidney organoids contained PDGFRA1

perivascular cells that lie along KDR1 endothelia and PDGFRA1 earlymesangial cells invaginating the glomeruli, as observed in human fetalkidney20 (Extended Data Fig. 8a, b). Early avascular glomeruli con-tained basement membrane, as indicated by laminin staining andTEM, and showed attaching foot processes on the basement mem-brane (Extended Data Fig. 8c, d). In some instances, glomeruli showedevidence of endothelial invasion (Fig. 3i and Supplementary Videos 3and 4), a feature never observed in explanted embryonic mouse kid-neys21. Finally, nephrons were surrounded by MEIS11 renal interstitialcells22, some of which were also FOXD11 (Fig. 3j and Extended DataFig. 8e), suggesting the presence of cortical (FOXD11MEIS11) andmedullary (FOXD12MEIS11) stroma. Hence, all anticipated kidneycomponents form, pattern and begin to mature within these hPSC-derived kidney organoids. Consistent with these observations werethe transcriptional changes across time in culture, with a gradual reduc-tion in the nephrogenic mesenchyme and ureteric tip markers followed

by the upregulation of genes specific to podocyte, proximal tubule,distal tubule and loop of Henle23.(Extended Data Fig. 5).

The utility of stem-cell derived kidney organoids for disease modellingor drug screening will be dependent upon the functional maturation ofthe nephrons within these organoids. To test this, we focused on theproximal tubules, a nephron segment that has important roles in solute,vitamin, hormone and amino acids reabsorption. The capacity of cubi-lin-mediated proximal tubule specific endocytosis was demonstrated bythe selective uptake of dextran–Alexa488 from the media by the LTL1

tubules after 24 h of exposure (Fig. 4a and Extended Data Fig. 9a, b). Theproximal tubules represent a particular target for nephrotoxicity due tothe expression of multidrug resistance (such as ABCB1, ABCG2) andanion and cation transporters (such as the SLC22 gene family)24.Cisplatin is one such nephrotoxicant that induces caspase-mediatedacute apoptosis of proximal tubular cells in the kidney25,26. We treatedkidney organoids with 0, 5 and 20mM cisplatin for 24 h before examiningcleaved-CASP3 antibody staining (Extended Data Fig. 9c). While controlorganoids showed occasional apoptotic interstitial cells, both 5mM and20mM cisplatin induced specific acute apoptosis in mature proximaltubular cells (LTL1ECAD1), whereas immature cells (LTL1ECAD2)did not undergo apoptosis (Fig. 4b, c).

In summary, this study demonstrates that by carefully balancinganterior–posterior patterning of intermediate mesoderm with small


Day 0 Day 3 Day 11 Day 18b


8 CHIR200


CHIR pulse

No GFs200 FGF9

–7 –3 0 5 11–18 daysorganoid




Day 18





3 (n


us) E









ne) D













0 1 2 3 4


Placenta 1TLung 1TLiver 1T

Kidney 1T

Kidney 2T

Gonad 1THeart 1TBrain 1T

Eye 1TSkin 1T

Tongue 1TPancreas 1T

Stomach 1T

Organoid day0

Organoid day3

Organoid day11

Organoid day18

0 1Score

Day 0


Day 0


Day 0


Day 3


Day 3


Day 3


Day 1


Day 1


Day 1


Day 1


Day 1


Day 1


TongueStomachSpinal cordSkinPancreasMuscleLungLiverKidneyHeart GonadEyeBrain

Figure 2 | Generating a kidney organoid equivalent to the human fetalkidney in vitro. a, Schematic of the differentiation protocol from hPSCs.8 CHIR, 8mM CHIR99021; 200 FGF9, 200 ng ml21 FGF9. b, Global bright fieldobservations of self-organizing kidney organoids across a time series. Thesuccess rate of organoid differentiation was 94.2% (138 organoids, 5experiments). Scale bars, 1 mm. c, Tile scan immunofluorescence of a wholekidney organoid displaying structural complexity. Scale bar, 1 mm. d, High-power immunofluorescence microscopy showing a nephron segmented into4 compartments, including the collecting duct (CD, GATA31ECAD1), distaltubule (DT, GATA32ECAD1LTL2), proximal tubule (PT, ECAD2LTL1) andthe glomerulus (G, WT11). Scale bar, 100mm. e, Confocal microscopygenerating serial z-stack images from the bottom to the top of a day 11 kidneyorganoid (Supplementary Videos 1 and 2). Schematic illustrates the position ofdifferent structures within an organoid. Top, middle and bottom images are

representative images taken through the organoids at the position indicated ine. Each segment of the nephron is marked (or coloured in schematic) asdescribed below: collecting ducts, GATA31ECAD1 (green dots in yellow);distal tubules, ECAD1 (yellow); proximal tubules, LTL1 (red); glomeruli,NPHS1 (green circles). Scale bars, 100mm. f, Heat map visualizing the relativetranscriptional identity (score from 0 to 1 determined using the KeyGenealgorithm15) of kidney organoids to 13 human fetal tissues. RNA-seq wasperformed on whole kidney organoids from 4 time points (day 0, 3, 11 and 18after aggregation) with 3 individual organoids from 1 experiment per timepoint (see Supplementary Table 2). g, A dendrogram showing the hierarchicalclustering of day 0, 3, 11 and 18 kidney organoids with human fetal organsfrom both first trimester and second trimester, based on 85 key genes(Supplementary Table 3) previously defined15. This clearly shows a closematch with trimester 1 fetal kidney from day 11 and 18 of culture.

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Page 4: LETTER - United States House of Representatives...Mar 02, 2016  · Kidney organoids from human iPS cells contain multiple lineages and model human nephrogenesis Minoru Takasato 1,2

molecules it is possible to direct human pluripotent stem cells to form acomplex multicellular kidney organoid that comprises fully segmentednephrons surrounded by endothelia and renal interstitium and is tran-scriptionally similar to a human fetal kidney. As such, these will

improve our understanding of human kidney development. Each kid-ney organoid reaches a substantial size with more than 500 nephronsper organoid, a number equivalent to a mouse kidney at 14.5 days post-coitum27. While there is room for further improvement with regard to


10 μm

2.5 μm



10 μm

1 μm

2.5 μm

1 μm





d18 d18 d11







d18 d11d18

d11d18 d18






mm bbbb


Figure 3 | Kidney organoids contain differentiating nephrons, stroma andvasculature with progressive maturation with time in culture. a, Schematicillustrating the developmental pathway from intermediate mesoderm (IM) toeach cellular component of the kidney. CD, collecting ducts; DT, distal tubules;LoH, loops of Henle; PT, proximal tubules; POD, podocytes; VASC, vasculature;STROM, renal interstitium. b–j, Immunofluorescence of kidney organoids ateither day 11 or 18. b, Collecting ducts marked by PAX2, GATA3 and ECAD.Scale bar, 50mm. c, d, Early proximal tubules of LTL1ECAD2 at day 11(black arrowheads). LTL1ECAD1 maturing proximal tubules appear by day 18(white arrowheads). Scale bars, 100mm. e, Proximal tubules express cubilin(CUBN). Scale bar, 50mm. f, Loops of Henle marked by UMOD and ECAD.

Scale bar, 50mm. g, A developing glomerulus with podocytes marked by WT1and NPHS1. Scale bar, 50mm. h, CD311 endothelia within the renal interstitium.Scale bar, 200mm. i, Evidence of endothelial invasion into glomeruli at day 18of culture. Scale bar, 50mm. j, The kidney interstitium marked by MEIS1.Scale bar, 100mm. k–m, Transmission electron microscopy of kidney organoids.k, A putative distal tubule with relatively sparse short microvilli (m) and tightjunctions (tj). l, A putative proximal tubule with a lumen filled with extensiveclosely packed microvilli characteristic of the brush border (bb). m, Podocytes (p)with characteristic large nuclei and primary (pf) and secondary foot (sf)processes. Data are representative from a minimum of 3 independentexperiments.

LTL Dextran-488 Merge

a b


0 μM

20 μM







al tu


s (%





75 P = 0.0013

P = 0.0003

Immature PT

Mature PT

0 20 5 Cisplatin (μM)


Figure 4 | Functional maturation of the proximal tubule. a, Dextran uptakeassay showing endocytic ability of LTL1 tubules. Scale bar, 50mm. b, Treatingkidney organoids with 20mM cisplatin caused apoptosis in LTL1ECAD1

proximal tubular cells. Apoptotic cells were detected by cleaved caspase 3antibody-staining (CASP3). Scale bars, 100mm. c, Quantification of thenumber of apoptotic tubules showing mature proximal tubules-specific

apoptosis by a nephrotoxicant, cisplatin. In response to 5 mM and 20mMcisplatin, LTL1ECAD1 mature proximal tubules (PT) underwent apoptosisdose-dependently. In contrast, LTL1ECAD2 immature PT did not respond tocisplatin. P values were calculated by independent t-test (mean 6 s.e.m., n 5 5independent experiments); NS, not significant.

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tubular functional maturity, glomerular vascularisation and a contigu-ous collecting duct epithelium with a single exit path for urine, thetissue complexity and degree of organoid functionalization observedhere supports their use to screen drugs for toxicity, modellinggenetic kidney disease or act as a source of specific kidney cell typesfor cellular therapy.

Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display itemsandSourceData, are available in the online version of the paper; references uniqueto these sections appear only in the online paper.

Received 18 June; accepted 8 September 2015.

Published online 7 October 2015.

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Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.

Acknowledgements This research was supported by National Health and MedicalResearch Council (NHMRC) of Australia (APP1041277, APP1037320), AustralianResearch Council (ARC) (SRI110001002, CE140100036), Bontius Stiching andOrganovo Inc.M.H.L. andR.G.P. are NHMRCSeniorPrincipal ResearchFellows. B.M. is aRosamond Siemon Postgraduate Scholar. We thank A. Christ and T. Bruxner at the IMBSequencing Facility for providing NGS service. We also acknowledge the IMB ACRFImaging Facility and the AustralianMicroscopy & Microanalysis Research Facility at theCenter for Microscopy and Microanalysis at The University of Queensland.

Author Contributions M.T. and M.H.L. planned the project, designed experiments,analysed and interpreted data and wrote the manuscript. M.T. performed experiments.P.X.E. maintained hES/iPS cells. P.X.E. and H.S.C. performed experiments under thesupervision of M.T and M.H.L.; B.M. generated organoids for TEM. G.J.B. analysedbioinformatic data. C.F. performed TEM. R.G.P. captured and interpreted TEM images.E.J.W. provided the iPS cell line and advised on general iPS cell quality control. M.S.R.and S.M.C.d.S.L. developed NGS analytical tools and analysed data for RNA-seqprofiling.

Author Information The RNA-seq data have been deposited in the Gene ExpressionOmnibus (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/) under accession number GSE70101.Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. Theauthors declare competing financial interests: details are available in the online versionof the paper. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper.Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.T.([email protected]) or M.H.L. ([email protected]).

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METHODSNo statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size, the experimentswere not randomized and the investigators were not blinded to allocation duringexperiments and outcome assessment.Cell culture and differentiation. All experiments presented used the previouslydescribed wild-type human iPS cell line CRL1502 (clone C32) generated usingepisomal reprogramming28. Undifferentiated human iPS cells were maintained onthe mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) (Millipore) as a feeder layer with humanES cell (hES) medium as described previously1. Cells were authenticated and testedfor the mycoplasma infection28. Human iPS cells were plated on a Matrigel-coated(Millipore) culture dish and cultured in MEF-conditioned hES medium (MEF-CM) until reaching 60–100% confluence. Then, cells were again plated on aMatrigel-coated at 5,000 cells per cm2 in MEF-CM. Next day, cells reached40–50% of confluence, cells were treated with 8mM CHIR99021 in APEL basalmedium (STEMCELL Technologies) supplemented with Antibiotic-Antimycotic(Life Technologies) for 2–5 days, followed by FGF9 (200 ng ml21) and heparin(1mg ml21) for another 5–2 days, with changing medium every second day. Atday 7, cells were collected and dissociated into single cells using trypsin or TrypLEselect (Life Technologies). Cells (0.5 3 106) were spun down at 3400g for 2 min toform a pellet and then transferred onto a Transwell 0.4mm pore polyester mem-brane (CLS3450 Corning). Pellets were treated with 5mM CHIR99021 in APEL for1 h, and then cultured with FGF9 (200 ng ml21) and heparin (1mg ml21) for5 days, followed by another 6–13 days in APEL basal medium, with changingmedium three times a week. Culture medium should not overflow over the mem-brane. For the differentiation in monolayer cultures, cells after CHIR99021 induc-tion were treated by FGF9 (200 ng ml21) and heparin (1mg ml21) for 10 days,followed by APEL basal medium for another 6 days. In some experiments,RA (0.1mM) or AGN193109 (5mM) were added to FGF9 medium. A step-by stepprotocol describing kidney organoid generation can be found at ProtocolExchange29.Immunocytochemistry. For monolayer cells, antibody staining was performed asdescribed previously1. For the kidney organoid, organoids were fixed with2% paraformaldehyde in PBS for 20 min at 4 uC followed by 3 times wash withPBS. Then organoids were blocked with 10% donkey serum, 0.3% Triton X/PBSfor 2–3 h at room temperature and incubated with primary antibodies overnight at4 uC. After 5 times washing with 0.1% Triton X/PBS, secondary antibodies wereincubated for 4 h at room temperature. The following antibodies and dilutionswere used: rabbit anti-PAX2 (1:300, 71-6,000, Zymed Laboratories), goat anti-SIX1 (1:300, sc-9709, Santa Cruz Biotechnology), rabbit anti-SIX2 (1:300, 11562-1-AP, Proteintech), mouse anti-ECAD (1:300, 610181, BD Biosciences), rabbitanti-WT1 (1:100, sc-192, Santa Cruz Biotechnology), mouse anti-HOXD11(1:300, SAB1403944, Sigma-Aldrich), goat anti-GATA3 (1:300, AF2605, R&DSystems), rabbit anti-JAG1 (1:300, ab7771, Abcam), goat anti-cubilin (1:150,sc-20607, Santa Cruz Biotechnology), sheep anti-NPHS1 (1:300, AF4269, R&DSystems), LTL-biotin-conjugated (1:300, B-1325, Vector Laboratories), DBA-biotin-conjugated (1:300, B-1035, Vector Laboratories), mouse anti-KRT8(1:300, TROMA, DSHB), mouse anti-CD31 (1:300, 555444, BD Pharmingen),rabbit anti-KDR (1:300, 2479, Cell Signaling Technology), goat anti-SOX17(1:300, AF1924, R&D Systems), mouse anti-PDGFRA (1:200, 556001, BDPharmingen), rabbit anti-Laminin (1:300, L9393, Sigma-Aldrich), rabbit anti-UMOD (1:300, BT-590, Biomedical Technologies), mouse anti-MEIS1 (1:300,ATM39795, activemotif), goat anti-FOXD1 (1:200, sc-47585, Santa CruzBiotechnology) and rabbit anti-cleaved-CASP3 (1:300, 9661, Cell SignalingTechnology). Images were taken using a Nikon Ti-U microscope or a ZeissLSM 780 confocal microscope. All immunofluorescence analyses were successfullyrepeated more than three times and representative images are shown.Electron microscopy. Organoids were processed for electron microscopy using amethod as follows. A solution of 5% glutaraldehyde in 2 3 PBS was added directlyto the organoid culture dish in equal volume to the growth medium and placedunder vacuum for 5 min. The organoid was reduced in size by cutting into smallblocks (,2 3 2 mm), and irradiated in fresh fixative 2.5%, again under vacuum,for 6 min, in a Pelco Biowave (Ted Pella In, Redding, CA) at 80 W power. Samples

were then washed 4 3 2 min in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer. Samples were thenimmersed in a solution containing potassium ferricyanide (3%) and osmiumtetroxide (2%) in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer for 30 min at room temperature.Following 6 3 3 min washes in distilled water the tissue blocks were then incu-bated in a filtered solution containing thiocarbohydrazide (1%) for 30 min at roomtemperature. After subsequent washing in distilled water (6 3 2 min) sampleswere incubated in an aqueous solution of osmium tetroxide (2%) for 30 min, thenin distilled water (6 3 2 min) and incubated in 1% aqueous uranyl acetate for30 min at 4 uC. After further distilled water washes (2 3 2 min) a freshly preparedfiltered solution of 0.06% lead nitrate in aspartic acid (pH 5.5) warmed to 60 uCwas added to the dish and further incubated for 20 min at 60 uC before rinsing indistilled water (6 3 3 min) at room temperature. Tissue blocks were dehydratedtwice in each ethanol solution of 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% and absolute ethanol for 40 sat 250 W in the Pelco Biowave. Epon LX112 resin was used for embedding thetissue with infiltration at 25%, 50%, and 75% resin:absolute ethanol in the PelcoBiowave under vacuum at 250 W for 3 min and finishing with 100% resin (twice),before the final embedding/blocking and curing at 60 uC for 12 h.qRT–PCR analysis. Total RNA was extracted from cells using Purelink RNA minikit (Life Technologies) and cDNA was synthesized from .100 ng total RNA usingSuper Script III reverse transcriptase (Life Technologies). qRT–PCR analyses wereperformed with GoTaq qPCR Master Mix (Promega) by Roche LightCycler 96real-time PCR machine. All absolute data were first normalized to GAPDH andthen normalized to control samples (DDCt method). The sequences of primersused for qRT–PCR are as listed in Supplementary Table 1.Next generation RNA sequencing and comparative analysis using KeyGenes.Sequencing was performed using the Illumina NextSeq500 (NextSeq control soft-ware v1.2/Real Time Analysis v2.1) platform. The library pool was diluted anddenatured according to the standard NextSeq500 protocol and sequencing wascarried out to generate single-end 76 bp reads using a 75 cycle NextSeq500 HighOutput reagent Kit (Catalog FC-404-1005). Reads were mapped against the ref-erence human genome (hg19) using STAR30, and read counts for each gene in theUCSC annotation were generated using htseq-count in the HTSeq python package(http://www-huber.embl.de/users/anders/HTSeq/doc/index.html). The numberof uniquely mapped reads ranged from 18,810,634 to 36,706,805 per sample.Normalized read counts were calculated using the DESeq2 package31.

KeyGenes was used to generate the identity scores of day 0, 3, 11 and 18 kidneyorganoids to different first trimester human organs, including the kidneys(GSE66302)15. The dendrogram showing the hierarchical clustering of day 0, 3,11 and 18 kidney organoids and 21 human fetal organs from first and secondtrimester (GSE66302) was based on the Pearson correlation of the expressionlevels of 85 classifier genes as determined by KeyGenes (http://www.keygenes.nl)(Supplementary Table 3). The classifier genes were calculated by KeyGenes usingthe top 500 most differentially expressed genes of the human fetal data withoutincluding the extraembryonic tissues from that data set.Functional analysis for proximal tubules. For dextran uptake assay, organoids atday 17 were cultured with 10mg ml21 of 10,000 MW dextran Alexa488-conjugated(D-22910, Life Technologies) for 24 h. Organoids were fixed and stained by LTLwithout permeabilization. For nephrotoxicity assays, organoids at day 17 werecultured with 0, 5, 20 or 100mM cisplatin (Sigma-Aldrich) for 24 h. The ratio ofapoptotic proximal tubules to total proximal tubules was manually counted usingImageJ in 2 or 3 representative fields per experiment. In total, n 5 5 independentexperiments. Images were taken using Zeiss LSM 780 confocal microscope.

28. Briggs, J. A.et al. Integration-free inducedpluripotent stemcellsmodelgenetic andneural developmental features of down syndrome etiology. Stem Cells 31,467–478 (2013).

29. Takasato, M., Er, X. P., Chiu, S. H. & Little, H. M.Generation of kidney organoids fromhuman pluripotent stem cells. Protoc. Exch. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/protex.2015.087 (2015).

30. Dobin, A. et al. STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner. Bioinformatics 29, 15–21(2013).

31. Love, M. I., Huber, W. & Anders, S. Moderated estimation of fold change anddispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2. Genome Biol. 15, 550 (2014).


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Extended Data Figure 1 | Antero-posterior intermediate mesodermspecification is regulated by the timing of FGF9 exposure and thepresence of RA signalling. a, Immunofluorescence at day 18 of monolayerdifferentiation from cultures exposed to different timing of FGF9 addition(after 2, 3, 4 and 5 days of CHIR99021). The ureteric epithelium is representedby GATA31PAX21ECAD1 cells. The metanephric mesenchyme and itsderivatives are marked by PAX21GATA32ECAD2 (metanephric

mesenchyme) and PAX21GATA32ECAD1 (nephrons), respectively. Scalebars, 100mm. b, Immunofluorescence at day 7 and 18 of monolayerdifferentiation using 5 days of CHIR99021 followed by RA or AGN193109(AGN) on top of FGF9. RA reduced the specification of posterior intermediatemesoderm, as indicated by the reduction of HOXD11 at day 7 (top panel).This resulted in less metanephric mesenchyme but some uretericepithelium by RA at day 18 (bottom panel). Scale bars, 100mm.


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Extended Data Figure 2 | Induction of both kidney progenitors at the sametime. a, b, Immunofluorescence at day 18 of the monolayer differentiationusing the 4 days CHIR99021 before FGF9 protocol. The metanephric

mesenchyme is marked by SIX21SIX11HOXD111 cells (a). GATA31

PAX21ECAD1KRT81 cells representing the ureteric epithelium were alsoinduced (b). Scale bars, 50mm.


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Extended Data Figure 3 | Regulation of nephrogenesis in the kidneyorganoid. a, Stimulating organoids with 5mM CHIR99021 for 1 h immediatelyafter aggregation promoted nephrogenesis (CHIR pulse), whereas only limited

numbers of nephrogenesis events happened without CHIR99021 (no pulse).Scale bars, 1 mm. b, Without the addition of FGF9 after this CHIR99021 pulse,organoids did not initiate nephrogenesis (2FGF9). Scale bars, 200mm.


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Extended Data Figure 4 | The timing of FGF9 exposure affects the ratio ofcollecting duct to nephron in the kidney organoid. a, b, Immunofluorescenceof kidney organoids at day 18 after-aggregation after exposure to differenttimings of initial FGF9 exposure (2, 3, 4 and 5 days of CHIR99021 pre-FGF9),

demonstrating the regulation of collecting duct/nephron ratio by varying thistiming. GATA31ECAD1 cells represent the collecting duct (a), whereasWT11NPHS11 cells mark podocytes of the glomerulus (b). Scale bars, 200mm.


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Extended Data Figure 5 | Changes of gene expression during developmentof the kidney organoid. a–c, Graphs showing expression changes of selectedmarker genes at 4 time points (day 0, 3, 11 and 18) of the kidney organoidculture. y axis represents the count of detection for each gene in an RNAsequencing analysis. Markers of the nephron progenitor (cap mesenchyme)and collecting duct progenitor (ureteric tip) were peaked by day 3 then dropped

(a). Markers of early nephron increased by day 3, while those of maturenephron components (Proximal and distal tubule and Podocytes) started afterday 3. Illustrations show expression regions (blue coloured) of each selectedgene in the developing kidney (b). Markers of endothelial and renal interstitialcells were also increased by day 11 (c).


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Extended Data Figure 6 | Transcriptional similarity of the kidney organoidto human fetal organs. Dendrogram showing the hierarchical clustering ofday 0, 3, 11 and 18 differentiation experiments and 21 human fetal organs fromfirst and second trimester (Gene Expression Omnibus accession numberGSE66302)15. Sample name is composed of individual ID followed by an organname and gestation week. For instance, ‘DJ1 kidney_9’ represents a kidney at

ninth week gestation from individual ID: DJ1. Day 0 and 3 kidney organoidscluster with gonad, in agreement with the common origin of both gonad andkidney from the intermediate mesoderm. Day 11 and 18 kidney organoidsshow strongest similarity to trimester 1 human kidney. The classifier genes usedfor this analysis are detailed in Supplementary Table 3.


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Extended Data Figure 7 | Evidence of endothelial cells in the kidneyorganoid. a, Immunofluorescence of day 11 kidney organoids showing thepresence of CD311KDR1 endothelial cells surrounding NPHS11 glomeruli.Scale bar, 100mm. b, Two representative images demonstrating the expression

of another endothelium marker SOX17 in CD311 endothelial cells. Scale bars,100mm. c, Immunofluorescence of day 18 kidney organoids displayingendothelia with lumen formation, as indicated by asterisks. This image alsoshows the endothelial invasion into a glomerulus. Scale bar, 100mm.


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Extended Data Figure 8 | Characterization of non-epithelial structures inthe kidney organoid. All images were taken from day 18 kidney organoids.a, PDGFRA1 pericytic cells attaching on KDR1 vessels. Scale bar, 50mm.b, Some glomeruli contained PDGFRA1 cells likely to represent earlymesangial cells19. Scale bar, 50mm. c, Laminin staining (LAM) demonstrates thepresence of basement membrane in glomerulus structures (white arrowheads).Scale bar, 100mm. d, TEM images of avascular glomeruli showing early

podocytes surrounding a basement membrane (yellow arrowheads) andexhibiting foot processes on the basement membrane. e, Immunofluorescenceshowing FOXD1 expression in podocytes (WT11FOXD11)18 and asubpopulation of MEIS11 interstitium (white arrowheads). This is suggestiveof the presence of both cortical stroma (FOXD11MEIS11) and medullarystroma (FOXD12MEIS11). Scale bar, 100mm.


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Extended Data Figure 9 | Functional assay of proximal tubule maturationwithin kidney organoids. a, Fluorescent microscopy showing the dextranuptake in both the kidney organoids and E14 mouse embryonic kidneys organculture after 24 h presence of dextran–Alexa488 (10mg ml21) in the culturemedium (24 h dextran–Alexa488). 1 h incubation was insufficient for eitherorganoids or mouse kidney explants to uptake dextran from the culture media(1 h dextran–Alexa488). No background signals were detected in a controlwithout dextran (no dextran). Dashed line circles the organoids and kidneys.Scale bars, 1 mm. b, Endocytosis mediator cubilin (CUBN) was present onapical surface of the proximal tubules in kidney organoids (left panel). Thesame staining without detergent during the process showed the complete

absence of CUBN staining on apical surface (right panel), demonstrating thatthe tubules within the organoids are intact. This explains the requirementfor a 24 h incubation with dextran before evidence of apical uptake. Dashedline circles LTL1 proximal tubules. Scale bars, 50mm. c, Low powerimmunofluorescence microscopy of day 18 kidney organoids after beingtreated by cisplatin for 24 h. No apoptosis was observed in proximal tubulesin the absence of cisplatin (0mM, left panel). LTL1ECAD1 proximal tubularcell-specific apoptosis was observed only in response to either 5mM (notshown) or 20mM cisplatin (arrowheads in middle panel). Global cell death wasobserved after culture in 100mM cisplatin (right panel). Scale bars, 100mm.


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